Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 28, 1868, Image 1
ORSON PEACOCK. Editor V ( LUME XXII.-NO. 16. `THE EVENING BULLETIN 11/111.IfillED EVERY EVENING (Sundays excepted), AT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, (107 Chestillit Street, Phlladelphla., BT THE EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. raorsarrons. • .OIBSON PEACOCK, ERNEST V/ALLACE EL. FETBERSTONL THO J. WILLIAMSON, , CASBEE SOURER, FRANCIS WELLS. The BEIZETIN is served to subscribers in the city at 18 cents per week. , a able to the carriers, or S 8 , er annum. INVITATIONS FOR WEDDINGS, PARTIES, &C., executed in a superior manner, by DREKA. ura CH ES'I NUT STREET. felilf4) MAKItIEI . JONES—BAILEY.—On Monday morning, 27th instant, iby the Rev. Francis Ai !told, et Bt. John's Episcopal , Church. Lower Merlon, Richard T. Jones to Marie Louise, .daughter of the late Joseph T. Bailey. RUNS i.EY—LfALR.—ApriI 7, at trio Legation of the United States of America, at Madrid, by Rev. William A. Campbell, of IL B. M.'e Legation, Edward V. Kituiley. EN., of West Point. N Y., to Lizzie L.. eldr et daughter of 110[1. B John P. M lr a ;: ,United States Minister at the Court of er Oath oldajest.Y. 1)1ED. • lIDULDEN.—Suddenly. on the %Di lust.. in. Baltimore county. Md., Jane C. Bou!den, in her 67th year, relict of Davie I'. Bon!den. BURBOWS.—On the ',kith instant. Annie M. Burrows, wife of E. J.Alurrows. and darishter, of Francis Cooper. 'the relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of tier husband. No. 132.4 Pins street, on Wednesday morning. at J o'clock, without further notice. Funeral service at dt. John's(Thirtcenth Street)Cburch. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, CO7.2lliNS.—At West Point. on Sunday, April 2d, Jane, 'wife of the late Wm. B. Coz.zons. lIAILMEIL--On the 27th inst., John W. Harmer, in the -Of seventy first year of his age. Due notice of the funeral Nui he given. • HAI:PEW—On the 2.4 th inst.. ,John M. Harper. Into - went irate his late residence, r•o. d. Thirteenth street, today ((Tuesday ). the 28th lust.. at 3 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Woodlands Demeter). HAIIVEY.—On tlie2Bth inst., Mrs. Mary Harvey. relict . 0 1 the late Charier Harvey. in the 78th year of her age.' MALCOL3l.—Suddealy. this morning, at his residence. 11:77 Spruce street, W ut. J. Malcolm, In the 34th year of his age. Due notice will be given of the funeral. • SEI.Or- IL—On the 24th'insto kire. Ann Seeger. relict of the Into David Seeger, deceased, in the t9tli year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend the •Io nem!, f:em her late rs sidence. No la) North 'twelfth ocet, vl7l hursday morning, the 717th instant, at ten ' o'clock. Numeral services at Grace Church. at 11 o'clock pre •• dIIARKILY.--This morning Ethel, daughter of Bernard and the late Mary trharkey. aged eight nonths. RYIIE4: LANDELC i)rEN TO.t;AY TUE LIGHT Abodes of tiering Poplins for tho Fashionable Walking V.IitTA(V. dteel Colored Poplins. •dodo t,olored Fopilus. fibiontek Exact sihnde. 241"JEVI Al. :If WEAR:IES. • tom' to the tit ion Republican Party, Agreeably - to the new Rules of the Union Republican Part), the citizent of the several Wards throughout the city wig askemble (at such placer , as may be deeiguatcd the Ward Executive Committees), on MONDAY EVENING, May 4, at 1 o'clock, to form Ward Associations. WM. R. LEEDS, President Union Republican City Executive Committee. 18,tac bftißuttu,y becret Bl4 ,,," . ap2B2t Aor . iLADELPIIIA ATATORI AND I'M MCA L INSTITUTE. REOPENING OF TUE SWIMMING DEPART Dr. JANSEN respectfully announces to his friends and 'the patrons of the institution that ho 14111 open his exten• slue Bath for public inspection, next 111CIESDA1, April Seth. from 9A. M., till 9P. M. A: PM P. M. inaeguratlou of the season, by all the Gen tles. en Blit•Stribell4 FRIDAY_, May lat. thnHall will be open for all visitors, from 9A. M .. titil 6P. M. At ft a class of little girls will swim for their lady friends. Tickets of invitation can be procured at the OPFICB of the NATATORIUM, on the day previous. On SATURDAY. May the 2d. the Institution opens for instruction and its regular bushaesa at the usual hour. Temperature always the same—summer heat.. For particulars, aim circular. ap9A Mxp wir DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS.— OFFICE OF SIDE, BELOW FIFTH STREET. WEST SIDE, BELOW CHESTNUT. PHILADELPHIA, April 11th. IBHH. NOTICE--Citizen are hereby notified that in future a Look will be kept at each Police Station within the paved Bruits of the city, for the pm pose of registering complaints upon the condition of the streets not cleansed, or where Abe contractor neglects to remove ashen in accordance 'with the ordinance of Cautions. M aIiLON H. DICKINSON. ap2.s4trnl Chief Commissioner of IlighwaYo - HORTICULTURAL HALL. , • SELECT ENTERTAINMENT U. V. Mn(ULLY. Egg., • will sive READINGS AND IMPERSONATIONS From Shakespeare... Dickens. &c.. ON TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL At 8 o'clock. apSntro• o a r A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD. ere of the Mercantile Library Company will be held on TUESDAY EVESSIMI, the 118th instant. at 8 o'clock., for the purpoee of taking furtner action on the • Dendtng amendments to the chart J. JOHN LARDNEIt, apls-12t114 PENNSYLVANTA BOSPITA6—THE CON orw tributore to the Pennsylvania Hospital are hereby notified that the annual election for Managers and Trea surer will be held at the Hospital, Eighth street. below Opruce, on the 4th proglino.at 4 o'clock v. M. ap27 6trp WISTAR ME RU. Secretary. kourth.month 13th, 1868. POINT BREEZE PARK ASSOCIATION • 4 O r April 27th. laa The election for a Precident and Directors of the Associa tion will be held at the °Rice of the Arsociation. No. 144 South Fourth tdreet, on MONDAY, May 4th next, between the boom. of 10 A, M. and 2 P. M. ap2743trp; POSV OFFICE, PHILADRLPLILk. PIi.NN3YL• vaida.—Mail for Havana, por steamer Stara and 'tripes, will close at. this Wilco on W.P..DN ESDAY, April W. it A. M. H. 11. BINGHAM, lt§ Poituvniter. milm• PHILADELPHIA ORTHOPIEDEC HOSPITAL, No. 19 South Ninth etreet. Club.foot, hip and api. Ind diseases and bodily def , ,rnlities treated. Apply daily •st 19 o'clock. &pH', 3mrps ar HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND IGSC M • Lombard street, Dispensary Department,—Mediee%. treatment and medicines furnished gratuitously to the !poor. NEWBP&PERS. BOOKS, PAK ap2B-tf rp Jar paper, &a, bought by NEW PETEILICIATIONtio. N EW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS; NEW BOORS FItOM 'I HE PRESS OF T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. No. SW CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PRICE OF EACH, 4U 50 IN PAFER/OR, $2 IN CLOTH,. MY SON'S WIFE. By tho author of "Caste' ()EMMA. A Novel. By T. A. Trollopo. THE WIDOW'S SON. Ily Mrs. Southworth. THE FAMILY t3AV LL. One of tho best, if not tho best Cook Book ever printed LETTERS FROM EUROPE. By Col. J.W. Fraley, HAREM LIFE IN EGYPT AND CoNSTANTINOPLE, ' THE ItEtfl ORM WIFE ;Tho Valley of a Hundred Ares. THE OLD PATRou N. By James A. Maitland. THE RICH. HUSBAND. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell. WOODBURN GRANGE. By William *OHL • THE BRIDE OF LLEWELLY N. BY Mrs: Southworth. COUNTRY QUARTERS. By counters Bidssington. THE SOLDMR'S ORPHANS. By Mrs. Stephens. ,PRICE OF EACH $l. BO IN PAPER, OR $2 IN CLOTH. A FEW SETS OF FIELD CROQUET. THE BEST '.MADE. Price reduced from $2B to 61.8 a ear ' Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders. retell or wholesale, to , T. B. PETERCON & BROTHERS. 1306 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Books sent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEW BOOKS ARE AT PETERSONS . . ap2il.2t —lt was stated in the valedictory address of the late retiring mayor of Dubuque that he left $20,- 000 cash in the treasury. As no money can be found and there are several large unpaid bills on tle, the matter is to be looked into. —The Italia of Naples states that there has just been discovered at Pompeii the impression of a papyrus,the characters• of which are; perfectly legible. Thle result Ills of Importance, from the fact that no traces of any had been hitherto found in the excavations near Naples, although many Were discovered at Herculaneum. . . . . . . . . . . • , . - # ' ' , ::''1.., , * •••:'''':4',:i.,, '4o l ' le . -.,...,., . 4 . . ~ • ‘• I . . - ....• • . . ' ~• , ' 7 ' .1: • • .r.... . , ..., .Y.' :•''''k ....Y. ‘Y .. .7, ••'-' .. . r' . . • ~..... ~ c ' .. : . i t e .‘. ....„ . . !. ': i ' ' ': , :i .,,, ...:., ~,: . ' ' • r' . ' : 1 . .. *,. "\, l • ';', '.: • .: •• '`'."C...',;,!.. . . . . . • ~ . . . ~ , . . • . . . . . . . , . ... . . . : . . itecording Becre tary HUNTER. No. 613 Jayne street. 4 4 , EEITUElt DENOUNCING HAII lN. , ' We have examined Mr. Benson's picture with the above title, now erected in the place of honor in the penetralia of the Messrs. Earlea eget) .- lishment, to our considerable edification and in" struction. In its honest study, its conscientious investigation of the manners, dress, architecture and decoration of antique Persia, the painting stands forward pre-eminently among the very sparse efforts of a similar scholarly nature in our national art. We understand that Mr. Bensell has devoted to its preparation eight months of laborious study, a good part of which consisted in the perusal of the principal authorities upon Assyrian and Babylonian history. This was un doubtedly the right way to go to work, and ex plains the distinction with which the picture im presses the spectator, the sense of verisimilitude which the latter involuntarily receives. The court of the royal seraglio at Shushan, with its hangings of white, green and blue, "fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble;" its dinner beds of "gold and silver," upon a variegated pavement; the "drinking vessels of gold, the vessels being diverse one from another;" this atrium, with its oriental sumptuousness of falai_ lure, forms the scene; there are urns and gar. lands, and the debris of a festival, with "royal wine in abundance according to the state of the king." From the cool and shadowy pavement, whereon the feast is set, a stairway of imperial breadth recedes into the distance towards the upper chambers, its platform being crowned by the strange winged animals familiarized to us by Assyrian discovery; these imposing types of wisdom joined to force, stretch their wings of colored alabaster into the Persian blue, affording the artist his most successful contrast of broad and blended tints. Below, all is tumult: it is the moment when the magnificent Jewish odalisque, her oriental nature rebounding from the historic swooning-fit of. .an hour or two be fore, lifts her whole figure erect from the divan and declares to her patrOn, her victim, her court and her staves that "the adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman !" Hadassah, or Esther, the daughter of Abihail, beauty with olive cheeks, curved nose and deep black eyes and hair,stands in a momentarily statu esque attitude bathe centre, her long and sinuous figure hung with superb oriental linens and (.:ache tnirs. Her slaves wait upon the guests. Hege and another chamberlain stand behind the king with enormous fans. The queen's women tend the other feasters, and Haman, son of Hamme datha the Agagite, in his place of honor at the feet of the hostess, has just drunk from a golden born, which a maiden waits to receive upon her salver. Ignorant of the Hebrew birth of the sultana, her tremendous denunciation deprives him of his presence of mind, and he crouches toward the marble floor with the wine-cup clenched in his hand. and his insolence dissolved in a panic. While he bows his curled and per fumed head abjectly before the king's favorite, Ahasuerus himself, in the Persian bonnet wad weeds of state with which he honors the queen's entertainment, starts from his bed in a transport of tyrannic rage, his mouth as it were just working to form the •`word" at which, "while it went out of the king's month—they covered Varnan'e face." The install is so exactly caught that the more distant servants have not perceived that anything is amiss; they set theii queen's feast as they set Vasktits,a little before, upon the same tables,with sulky eastern submissiveness, and only those about the persons of the three principal actors in the scene appear to feel and bow before the coming whirlwind. The story of that swift hour, the hour that sealed the deliverance of the Asiatic jews, is told with great spirit, though somewhat theatrically, in Mr. Bensell's picture; while the historical de tails are represented with a minuteness that has scarcely been reached except in two or three fa mous historical "restorations" of the English painting school, or in such French work as Doni's Persian backgrounds for his illustrations of the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. EUROPEAN AFF,AIRS. LETTER FRODI P.A.11166 I (Correvpondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin PARIS. Tuesday, April 14, 1868.—Politics and business are still a dead blank, religions ceremo nies having been the chief occupation of the seeson. It. has been generally remarked that these latter have been made much more exter nally prominent and splendid this year than on previous occasions, the Emperor and Empress and the Court setting the example both of quiet retirement from all pleasure or business, and also in more constant attendance at the chapel of the Tuileries, where, too, the services were made very ornate and solemn. On the morning of Good Friday, the ceremony of the Adoration of the Cross was performed in the Chapel, the altar of which was brilliantly illuminated, and deco rated with the rarest flowers. Only the Imperial family and their immediate attendants were ad mitted to approach and kiss reverently the crucifix which was presented by the officiating clergy. • But in the evening of the same day, a small number of tickets were issued to a rtii favored persons, who were allowtyto attend the funeral services which then tool: place. The scene was very striking, every one 'present being required to be in deep ~ , ulotirning, and the entire Court and attendants Mitering in the same attire, and in a sort of . solemn procession. The Emperor and Empress and Prince Imperial walked first and abreast, the former in black evening dress with white cravat, the Prince in black velvet and-black Bilk stock ings;' the Empress in her native Spanish costume, entirely of black silk, with the mantilla as head dress, The group , ;looked very striking, as was indeed the whole ceremony and interior of the building, the latter being hung throughout with black. Prie- Dieux for the Emperor, the Prince and Empress were placed in the centre, immediately in front of the altar, and when they had knelt down a fine chorus burst forth,followed afterwards by a Arise rere of great sweetness and solemnity. The bear ing of the Empress on these occasions is marked by extreme devotion, and it is easy to perceive how anxious she seems to communicate the same impressions to her son. One would say that the Emperor also began to assume the gravity of one who is already cousin to a Cardinal, and may at any moment find himself cousin to a Popo. It is evident that the connection between the Tuile ries and the Vatican grows daily more and more intimate; and that the Imperial policy seeks to clothe the next heir to the throne with a religious as well as dynastic prestige, in the eyes of the French people,. The cere. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1868. Irony of / the first communion of the Prince Imperial; which is to take place on the 20th inst., will he made the most of for this purpose. The benediction of his god-father, Pius IX., will be conveyed to him by telegraph at the very mo ment when he kneels before the altar Of Notre Dame, and will be read to, or rather pronounced over him, by the officiating priest, who will no doubt be the Archbishop of Paris. It is evidently intended to re-invest the next ruler of France pe culiarly with the character and title of Eldest Son of the Clirch,and to render him airraffonctug , as the ancients say, under that designation. It is a perilous position for a modern sovereign to as sume, who has been elected by universal suffrage and on what are called revolutionary principles+. And the more especially so, because he is likely to find himself isolated in such a character, ned almost without a colleague, unless it be that vir tuous potentate, Queen Isabella, of Spain. The Emperor of Austria has evidently gone on the other tack, and as the Papal letter inferred, is making himself quite unworthy of the title o "Apostolic." The little Prince himself has just started on a tour into Brittany;—another significant fact, for Brittany lathe most Catholic and legilltnist por tion of the Empire. It is the first time that the heir apparent has traveled alone, and "on his own hook," as the saying is. thus making an other step towards the assumption of public character. I ought to mention that his mother is having prepared for him a magnificent illumi nated Prayer Book, for the ceremony of the 201 h, after the pattern of the ancient Missals of the fifteenth century. The Pope also intends sending bun a costly token of his affection, for the same occasion. The Munifrur of yesterday publishes a curious report to the Emperor by the Minister of the In-: tenor on the operation and effect of the new army bill. The Minister,. somewhat bitterly, accuses the "whole opposition" of uniting to frustrate and misrepresent the measure. Notwithstanding which. he adds, the patriotism of the people has triumphed ever every attempt to mislead it, and the new organization has been carried out with complete success. The sport asserts that the disturbances t Bordeaux and Toulouse were got up entirely by escaped convicts and ether val , , , abonds,and had in reality nothing to do withlissatisfaction at the nrollment of the National Guard. As a com ment upon the above representations, the Libert of yesterday declares that "hundreds of applica tions for naturalization have been sent in to the American Legation in Paris by French citizens., desiring to escape from the burden of the new military service." The Pal fie replies to this, patriotically and indignantly, by hoping that General Dix will grant all such applications, by which, it says. France will only lose citizens who arc unworthy of their country and seek to aban don it in the hour of danger. Of course, the re presentation of the Liberte about "hundreds" of pplications to General Dix is grossly exagger ated. But there have doubtless been some such applications, which could not, of course, be at tended to,without breach of diplomatic etiquette, by a resident ambassador. I myself am aware of several Freneh families of good position, who seriously contem plated emigrating to the United States when the new army bill was first promnigated. But its conditions have since been so much mod ified in form, and will be so mildly carried out (at least at first) in practice, that serious opposi tion to it may be almost said to have died away. The Paris spring races commenced yesterday at the Bois de Boulogne,and drew a large assemblage of fashionables, notwithstanding the cold north wind which has again visited us. The French Jockey Club has added three new prizee.the fact being that its finances are so flourishing that it does not know what to do with its money. Its in come now exceeds a million a year.- The show of prize horses, and of the Hippie Society, takes place this afternoon at the Palace of Industry, in the presence of the Emperor, and may perhaps afford subject for remark in my next letter. ENOL AN D. The Prince or Wales In Ireland [From the London Nowe, April 15.] The Prince and Princess of Wales set foot to day on Irish soil, and they are assured of a thou zand-fold welcome from the gallantry and courtesy of the nation,as well as from its loyalty. Even disaffection will respect the guests of a peo ple; and a nation of born courtiers will not vio late in any jot the code of politeness. The pear ~nd the 'peasant, rich and poor, Protestant .nd Catholic, Trojan and Tyrian, will know no discrimination in the cor diality of their welcome to a kind hearted and well-meaning prince, and to a lady chose grace, amiability and patient sufferings , lave won and touched all hearts. The royal emit is in one respect well timed. At the moment when the House if Commons has virtually pledged itself to a great act of national justice it is fitting that the reigning Jaunty should not be wanting in signs of good will toward Ireland. It might be well if royal visits had been earlier and more frequent. * The quay remedy for Irish disallec ,loll is justice. But the signs of good will have .heir value as pledges of good works. An appeal to the loyalty of the people is an Implied promise to fulfil the conditions on which loyalty depends. The task of necessary repression, has been firmly and judiciously performed. Its execution may defy censure and may even exact approval, bat it cannot win affection. For that other agencies must be used, and the visit of the Prince and Prin cess of Wales is an augury, we hope, of their em ployment. Except in the rarest instances,lrish dis affection to the English government has seldom in recent times grown into actual disloyalty to the person of the monarch or to the ruling dy nasty. On the contrary, almost the only feeling common to Irishmen of both creeds and all ranks has been a hearty allegiance to the throne,. in the ceremonial of which the venerable cathe dral will be the scene. Protestant and Catholic peers will find themselves side by side, =rod bled by controversies as to whether the saint who gives his name alike to the Church and their knightly order was a Catholic, or a Protestant, or a Primitive Christian, or, as Mr: Os borne, on learned authority contends, a myth, and but the shadow of a napae. They will meet as Irishmen and as loyal subjects. Faction, party and sect will for the time be absorbed in a common patriotism and allegiance. The less courtly crowd which will gather on an occasion probably as interesting to the royal visitors at the Punchestown race course will be animated by substantially the same feeling. In giving occa sion to them the Prince and Princess of Wales will render a real aid to the larger and wiser statesmanship of the future. It is to be hoped that euch help will be renewed from time to time. Death of Mrs. E. J. Morris—A=lerlean Condolence with the illtaluter. At a meeting of American citizens resiling at Constantinople, held at the United States tion sulate General, on Saturday, March 28, 1868, Rev. D. Hamlin was called to the chair, and J. H. Goodenow chosen secretary. The following pre amble and resolutions were unanimously _adop ted : • The American citizens of Constantinople, sym pathizing with the Ron. B. J. Morris, United OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. States Minister to Turkey, in the great and pecu liar bereavement which the Almighty Disposer of human life and Its interests has been pleased to ambit, do resolve: ilesoired, That we extend to Mr. Morris, as friends and fellow citizens, the expression of our deep sympathy in his affliction, made trebly severe by his responsible public duties, his mother less family and his residence in a foreign land, and to sustain this trial we implore for him that strength which cometh from above. kr.quired, That we retain sad yet grateful re membrance of the uniform kindness and courtesy which Mrs. Morris has manifested to us and our families, and we shall feel a lively interest for her bereaved children, whom we commend to the blessing of our common Father. Resolred, That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, be trans mitted to Mr. Morris. enninuttre nn Rejmintions—Rev. E. E. Bliss, Rev A. A. Long, J. H. Goodenow.. W.v-iiiNTos, D. C., April 20, 1868.—ilappenin to be in Washinton at the time Sergeant Bates, that noblest Roman uv all the Northern men who took up arms agin the Sunny South. wuz to ar rive, it okkured to me that it would he u payin investment of I Ehoodgo out to Pettusville, wich is a beautiful village containin one dry goods store and 13 ilooid groseries, sitooated about 60 miles from here,and witnes the, reception that should be given him. Vat transpired thrilled me; in fact, I never felt Bich a thrill uv joy In my life ez I did when I saw this battle scared veteran heave in sight. Re came,prondly bearin aloft the Flag wich, when the South hed her rites and owned the niggers body and soul.in fee simple, wuz reely and trooly thn•Flag uv the Free, but which now that, alars: there aint a slave under its Bhadder and all are permitted to do ez they please, is the symbol uv the most op pressive and grindin tyranny wich the world ever witnist. But, neverthelc,-,, the devoshun to the old flag, wich a site nv it stirred up in the breasts uv the people nv Pcttusville. reely surprised me. Never ehel I forgit the site that met thy eyes. The Ser geant was met three miles out uv town, by a per ceshun,wich accompanied him in, marchin:in the followin order: _ Band, playin "The Bonny 8100 Flag." Detachment of the Pettusville Avengers, made up uv soljens with formerly served in the 13th wich„wuz emnloyed for fourteen months a gnardin Andersonville. Detachment uv the Pettusville Cadets, madb up nv sons 11V COLlfedCrlt soljers who wuz killed in the servis, with black banners, onto with wuz inscribed, "We will avenge our slain sires." Quartermaster I Sergeant Bates I Commissary Four survivors uv the late onPie'asantnis,carryin each a battle flag capchered from Wisconsin re giments. Band playin "Dixie" molojuely. Citizens on foot and hossback and in carts. On strikin the corporation, the Mayor (Captin Badger, uv Forreet's cavalry), and the Town Clerk, late uv the lamentid John Morgan's-com mand, appeared, and the procession stopped, while the formalities wnz gone through with. The Mayor received the Sergeant in these words: "Serq,ant Bates, Sir: Unclerstandin ez we do, that yoo chivalrously made a wager (wich is a bet) with a Wisconsin ablishnist that yoo cood walk from Vixbure to Washinton carryin the Amerikin flag unfurled without heirs insulted nor nothin, and heven receeved testimony from leadin Democrats nv Wisconsin. wich is entirely satisfactory to us, that yon are not in no sense, nor never wnz at any time, in sympathy with the Ablishen, or ez they falsely style theireelves, the Republikin party, we extend to yoo the hos pitalities nv Petinsville. And ez there are re porters present, let me remark, sir, that yoor ex perience hez shoved how falsely we hey bin judged by the crooel persecutors uv the Northern States. Yoo hey bin met on evry hand with nuthha but kindness. Southern hospitality uv the"broadest kind hez bin extended to yoo. Yoo hey bed a thaw off uv evry plug—yoo hey—bed yoor suck out nv evry bottle, yoor nose-'shows that sence yoo entered the Sunny , South yoo hey not bin allowed to taste water. wich is our idee uv hospitable treatment. Wat. any deer sir, does this go to show ? Wat does this prove Ef Charles Sumner for instance, or Judge Kelley bed bin so presumnslins, or any other Republi kin, ez to attempt Bich a feet, the outraged Southern hart wood hey biled over and he wood hey bin toted to pieces. What does it prove? It proves that 'taint the flag we object to so much ez it is the men who hey bin in the habit uv car ryin it. In the hands uv a constitooshenel Dimocrat its the same old flag it alluz wnz. In snch hands. its rustle sounds in our eers like the crack uv the nigger whip, and the site thereof is soothin. For when the flag wuz in their hands, we hunted niggers under its folds in the streets uv Boston. Under that flag we shot Lovejoy in Alton, and sunk Bailey's press in the Ohio at Cincinnati. Under the shadow of that blessed flag we sold niggers at auction in Washinton, and that flag, that symbol uv Freedom, would have floated over the deck uv every slave ship wich sailed from Africa, but for the unjust and scoisidle laws which forced the philanthropists in the bizuis to sale under other penants. In your hands, and the hands uv each ez you, that flag is to us the old flag It wuz then, and its sacred to us beeoz under it we cood do all these things. That's why we love it, and that's shy we tolerate yoo with it. fled it remained rich we nevef wood he raised our hands agin it. When sieh ez Polk and Fillmore and Bookanon hed the control! uv it we wuz satisfied with it and reverenced every stripe and every star—the speer heel that surmounted it and the staff wich upheld it—for to us that flag meant suthin. It meant freedom for us—free trade in niggers—it meant suthern soopremacy—it meant the rite to buy niggers—sell niggers— import Diggers—export niggers—flog niggers —hunt niggers. So long ez the flag was Bich we loved it. But when the North dispooted our control, and put it in the hands uv A. Linkin. a Ablishunist, it wuz our flag no more. Then we felt It must come down—that its mission wnz ended and that to us it wuz nothin. I fired onto thattflag. I raised my hand agin it, and proud/II am. But borne by a Democrat—a old style Dem ocrat—a Democrat who stuck to us becoz he wuz afeered of nigger ekality, it is wunst more the same old flag and we reverence it. Why then, when yoo, a carrying , this emblem uv the nashun's grander, kin walk all over the South, where all is peece and so much affeckshun is manifested for the flag, why do they keep a army to overawe us? Why—" A interruption here occurred. A shot wuz ?nerd, and the crowd rushed to see wat it wuz. They returned presently. A funeral procession nv niggers wnz passin thro the next street a carryin to the nigger grave-yard a nigger Bolger who lied jest died nv injooris received doorin the late on pleasantnis, and ez they marched with a flag at at tiler head, the excited and insulted populis had cleaned em out. Two uv em wuz shot and the preecher with cm wuz left for dead. This over, they returned, and the Mayor went on. "Ser geant Bates, I welcome yoo and with yoo the - the flag, to Pettusville." Sergeant Bates replied briefly. Since ho come Into the South ho had bin treated kindly. In the rooral deestriks once or twice where the people in their deliteful unsoftstlcation don't read noos papers, and coneekently didn't jist know the °Neck inv his carryin the flag, he wuz went for rather tuff, but a few words conviust em that he wuz sound and it didn't incommode him. He shood go North and ehood report wat ho bed seen and experienced. He shoed aeshoor ,friends and neighbors that a Northern man cowl: live in perfect secoority in the South, without fear fly disturbance, and that—" Ther WUZ another rather unfortnit disturbance [From the Toledo Blade. I MASON. ;meant Bates in Pettnsville, Vir. Oaths-81r. busby is Present when he Arrives. _ in I proudly I in late C. S. A. 1 carryln the I late C. S. A. __l American flag. here. A man from Noo York State who had lived in Pettusville some time and wuz 6uspeeted uv Yoorionistri, wuz in the crowd, and he, lujoodi ehiosly for hlsself, dropped a copy uv the Noo York Tr boon he bed In his pocket. 15v courSe the eggsitod crowd went for him, and he wuz carried out in a minit. Sergeant Bates perceded: "The niggers in the rooral districks rather overwhelmed him with attenshuns; but he bed no dificulty in shakin em off. Stickin a copy av the Noo York il'odd in their faces did it. He rood sav be wuz delited with his experience." The ceremony being over, the Mayor mounted his boss and, one band playin Dixie and the teth er the Bonnie 8100 Flag, the percesshun moved to the town-hall, when the Sergeant WU?, inter doost to the principal citizens, incloodin tke offi cers nv the Kuk Klux Klan. The affecehun displayed for the flag is rather techin than otherwise. I notist soljers in the service uv the late Confederacy, wholdst it in the fervor of their devoshnn. One man, who ,had served four years In Forrest's command, wept, es his eyes lit onto it, and ho remarkt that it wuz the happiest moment uv his life; and a lady, the wife of an ex.kernel uv Lee's, whose buzzum wuz decorated with a pin made from a Federal pokier's skull, kist the corner nv it, pertestin that it wuz deerer to her than life." I left Pettusville entirely satisfied. Our stump Ppeekers hey now suthin to go on. Tho flag hoz gone thro the South, its folds hey kist the breeze in evry Southern State, and its carryer hezn't bin shot on the spot onct. We kin now appeel to the people. Bed a Ablishniat carried it he wood hey bin shot. Can't they bee in this the path to peace? - Can't they see how much more it wood . harmonize things of they wood let filch men early it all the time? Can't they see that, whereas, titer will be a eontinyooal hart burnin in the South of sich a man es Grant hes charge nv the nashnel emblem, that all will be lovely and sweet of it is given into the hands uv Pendleton? Sich is the lesson I extract from Sergeant Bates. PETROLEUM. V. ISASIII*, P. M., Yliss Fanny B. Price as “Leah. 97 Miss Fanny B. Price made her first appearance in this, her native city, at the Arch Street Theatre last night, in the drama of Lead the Forsaken. Her reception was cordial, and there was an evi dent determination on the part of the audience to treat her with liberality and to recognize what ever merit she might possess. Her personation was not in any great measure a success. Miss Price has a comely perscn,and a pleasant voice— albeit her enunciation is not so distinct, as we could wish. Her conception of the part was strictly in accordance with precedents, and she seemed fully imbued with the spirit of the text. She can, however, hardly lay claim to rank very high as a tragic actress. With all her natural advantages, she lacks force and intensity. There was not depth enough to her performance last evening. In the most thrilling passages of the play she displayed a very painfill want of the passionate power which establishes a bbnd of sympathy between artist and spectator. No one present felt deeply touched even by the most pathetic of the many sad episodes in the drama. At times, laced, this need was sogreat that the incongruity between the text and the impression made by the performance, produced anything but a serious effect. The boundary line between the serious and the absurd is so narrow, that a trifling deficiency will pass it. If that which is intended to be tragical is anything less than, the design, it will be farcical, and we are afraid some of the scenes lost evening partook of this latter quality. But it is hardly fair to judge of Miss Price's qualities by this single performance. She la bored under more than one disadvantage. In the first place she attempted a part which was not only entirely beyond her powers, but one in which the play-goers of this city have seen Ris tori, Janausehek, and other great artists. There is 'hardly room for any comparison in this case, but such as we can make is utterly ruinous to Miss Price. With the efforts of these actresses fresh in our memory, it is impossible to perceive any great merit in that of Miss Price. It would have been much better if she had chosen some other character in which to make her debut. In deed, wisdom will "mark her for its own" if she will determine to forsake "Leah the Forsaken" and attempt some less exalted part. She can never hope to acquire even moderate success in this one. Another difficulty last evening was the conduct of a portion of those who sustained the subordi nate characters in the piece. Some of the com pany performed their parts conscientiously and correctly, but there was a very evident determi nation on the part of most of them to do all in their power to binder and prevent the success of the play. - There was halting, hesitation, absurd and inexcusable forgetfulness of parts,and in some instances a plain intention to turn the whole thing into a broad burlesque. But, while this must have annoyed' the debutante, it does not in any degree account for her lack of ability. If she possessed genius she would have been great in spite of the malice or stupidity of her supporters. In all kindness to this young lady, and with a desire to deal as liberally with her as we can, in honesty to the public and to truth, we advise her to quit the constellation of histrionic stars and enter some good stock company where her tal ents will win for her at least a good local reputa tion. She may be assured that the people and the reputable press, ready as they are to recognize great and genuine ability, can never justly accord her any high degree of praise in her personation of such a character as "Leah." THEATRES, Etc. THE TR EATRES. —Mr. Edwin Booth will appear at the Walnut this evening in Romeo and Julie.. The Black Crook continues to draw large audi deuces at the Chestnut. Mlle's Diani, Sandia, and Loh are announced for this evening in bril liant dances. Miss Fanny B Price will repeat her personation of "Leah" at the Arch this evening. At the American a varied bill is offered. RICIHN4 :8 OPERA TROUPE.—Benallet's Grand Opera, The Lily of Killarney was presented at the Academy of Music last evening, to a large audience. The performance was in ' every re spect excellent. The beautiful music with which the opera is filled was interpreted with rare skill, all of the artists acquitting themselves in the most creditable manner. This - evening Gonnod's opera Faust will be given with a great cast, upon the occasion of the benefit of Mr. J. F. Zimmer man,' the treasurer of the company. The per formance promises to be a brilliant one, and we hope the house will be crowded. Buzz.—At the Town Hall, Germantown, the great, unsurpassable, incomparable Signor Blitz will give exhibitions of magic, ventriloquism and ledgetdemain, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and on Saturday afternoon. The Sig nor will soon retire from the stage, and all his friends should pay him a farewell visit. ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE.—Tho pro- Cgramme announced for tills evening , by Messrs. arncross & Dixey contains a multitude of no velties and good thins. The Kuk-Klux-Klan will do dark and deadly deeds, and display 'the mysterious power of their organization. The new burlesque, Light at Last, will be produced" in handsome style, together with singing by Cara cross, dancing, instrumental music, aid, negro comicalities. BErusyrr.—Mr. G. Hood announces that upon the evening of May 28th The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein will be performed for his benefit at the Academy of Music. The French company will appear. --The Sioux Indians are doing a good business in stock. Their last operation was to run oil' all the stock at Big Spring.s Station, on the Union Pacific Railroad„,, The. whites wont "short." The losers should sue the Sioux. —We know theta cordwainer is a shoemaker, and that a wife is very apt to be as you make her, but that la hardly a sufficient reason for making an atrocious conundnuni and.we decline to do it. —Boston Advertiser. , (Wich is Postmaster.) F. L. FEMEISTON: Publisizr. PRIOE THREE J,l .Y 1.18 FIFTH EDITION BY TELEGRAPH.. LATEST CABLE NEWS. Latest Q,uta ta,tionas.. THE IMPEACHMENT TRIA By the Atlantic LONDON, April 28, Evenlng.—The news meagre and unimportant. Consols closed si.eady. Five-twenties, 7031. /Duels Central, 94%. Erie, 47. FRANKFORT, April 28th.—Fl.a-tweetle.,. dos& firm at 74i3y. LIVF.IIPOOI I April 28tb.--C9ttot. quiet at t &- aline of a fraction. Upland 4 c tic spot atl2Xd., and to arrive at 13; 1 4d. Orleans, 13Xd. Bales of 10,000 bales. The reports from Manchester are favorable. Breadatuffs are quiet. Lard, 675. 3L Common Rosin, 7s. Petroleum, is. Id. for re fined. Other articles upchanged. ANwwEnr, April 28th, Evening.—Petroleuto closed heavy at 42,1 f. The Impeoichmen.lt Trial• (Continued from Vourtit On re-assembling at 2 P. M., Mr. Butler asked leave to make a personal explanation in regtyd to:the Alta Vela matter, referred to by Mr. Nel son, and read a statement iu which he con demned, in a very severe tone, the Introduction by Mr. Nelson of assertions and insinuations unsupported by evidence and irrelevant to the case, and went on to relate the elrearastances of his connection with the matter. He stated that he gave Mr. Schaeffer an opinion in" the Alta. Vela claim before impeachment was decided on. From Georgia. SAVANNAH, April 28.—The total city vote for the Constitution is 2,894, and against it 2,646. Bullock, Radical, for tiovernor, 2,851; Gordon, Democrat, 2,685. Cllft, Radical, for Congress, 2,816; Fitch, Democrat, 9.691 . Bradley, coloral Radical, for the State Senate, 2,752; Lester, Demo crat, 2,617. Shipment of Specie. 15F,1V Yuan, April 28th.—The Toutonia,for Eu rope to-day, took out 6210,000 in specie. FACTS Allis, FANUIJ. —Marble playing is a crime in Cincinnati. —Tight pants—Asthmatical breathings. —Disraeli gambles. —Dickens will write no more long stories. —Ole Nail fiddles in Boston, this and Wednes day evenings. —The peanut culture in North Carolina pro= duces fl, profit of $lOO per acre. —The Giraffe in the London Zoologic * al Gardens is suffering from two yards of sore throat. —Mr:Eceeher cites as proof that men are clay the bricks found in their. hats. —A deed without a name—an unsigned will.— Judy. —The enthusiasm for base ball is said to be ea the decline in New England. —David Crockett's farm in Tennessee his for sale. —A new athletic In London swings on the tra peze by hls teeth. —The snow is severalinches deep in dome parts of Maine. —The female Gallifet id,aning to Africa to look after her husband. Thus willthe war be again carried into Africa. —The Lewiston factories in Maine are getting their coal for next winter. Each mill requires a thousand tons a year. —An exchange suggests that druggists are in dictable for selling blister®, under the law against inflammatory placards. —Algernon Swinburne ie said to be preparing an may on " The Women' of Arthurian Ro mance." —George FrancislTrain still in his Dublin cell, has made the remarkable atmospherical discovery that "the air is full of Cromwells." —Family stdetdes are fashionable in Berlin. They do it by going to bed and leaving the gas turned on. —The Cornish masons, now that trade Is slack, want sixpence per day taken off their wages. They will probably find their employers willing. —An actor in Ilousion,flnding his occupation gone, has set up a peanurstand. We have actors fitter for the same occupation than for the stage. —Old King Louis left a mystery in the shape of eight co tiers, which are to remain unopened, one until 1893 and the rest until 1918. —A soaker in Cleveland took fire from the fumes of his breath as he went to light his pipe, and rapidly consumed. —The stage rain at the Arch Street Theatre last night was so natural that an old lady in the parquet circle took a reef in her skirts and put up a gingham umbrella. —A Mexican priest, named i.orenzo Dolores Yepes Capettillo, has been married, and degraded and excommunicated in consequence. Additional and unnecessary torture. —During his visit to this country, gr. Dickens read to audiences that brought less than two thousand dollars In only two places—Rochester and New Bedford. Some Roman Catholic nuns In London are about to open near Oxford street a creche, on the Paris plan; that is to say, a place where poor mothers can leave their infants while they go out to work. Wought to be called a screech-s. —"What is the reason you go so slow over the plank road, driver ?" said a traveler in Ohio to a stage driver. "The horses wouldn't go faster if I were to whip them all the time." "Why so?" "Because they know the plank road is only six miles long, and they want to spin it out as long as they can." —A conductor on a Connecticut railroad passed free a poor penniless chap, recently. Au otlicer of the road in the same car called him to account. "I pass him," said the man of tickets, "because he's a conductor on the Railroad "Ile a conductor I Why, what makes him dress so shabbily ?" "Oh, ho is trying to live on his salary," was the quick reply. —The late Bishop of Lichtield,England,was very quick at retort. A man was once traveling with him, not knowing who was his companion, and remarked is a confident way that he could ask a queittion that would puzzle the bishop. The lat ter revealed himself, and in reply to the question, "Well, my lord, can you tell me the way - to Heaven ? said: "Nothing easier; you have only to turn to the right and go straight for ward." —One of the guests at the Dickens banquet says of George William Curtis: "Ile looks the heavy, powerful man which he has Come 'to be in polities ; the lines about his month are deeply cut, and the falls of flesh, which help;to form the features, assert their own importance with em phasis. There is nothing in his face indicative of the sullen of bitter, as is often soca in the faces of contestants. but ho shows the marks of heavy thought and heavy work. °wean see nothing In leis face to remind one of his earlier sketches from "the watering places,". or of '"Prue and 1.7 something, indeed, of "Trumps" may be seen in his face, but he has deVeloped, physlognotni callv, as in his taste* and ambition, into hard thlnking t sett)* 'strongly partigan elates& man." 4:00 o',Clook.