Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 09, 1868, Image 5
131TT is , A Metsmeterner B.roe .—One of the Most note worthy and important of the changes which have recently taken place upon Chestnut street, is the removal of the well-known business establish- went of Messrs. Reeve L. Knight & Son fe.p - 4, No. 807 to the magnificent marble palace No. 1222 Chestnut street. Tne present business was founded half a century ago in Second street,. and in 18t0 was removed in accordance with the 'popular do =ad, to what was then "np-town," bat after nearly thirty years,the growth of the city and the westward flow of the tide of business, has news eitated another damage, and this time the enor mous increase of the custom of the establishment has induced Mesas. Knight & Son to take a stride in advance of their most progressive rivals. The store into which they have transferred their business is one of the most superb in the city. It extends from Chestnut street to Sansom street, having a depth of two hundred and forty feet, with a width of thirty feet. The front Is of pure white marble, of chaste and beautiful design. The building is divided into three principal sales rooms, each of which is ornamented by massive chandeliers of graceful and elegant design. The immense room upon the ground floor is devoted to the exposition and sale of carpets of all quali ties and grades, but the very finest. The second floor contains the cream of the whole stock. Here are enhibited the velvet, Wilton and Axminster carpets of the most exquisite patterns, and of the most beautiful texture and fabric. In the basement are exposed for sale oil cloths, mate, druggets and the less costly goods belong ing. to this business. Of all these varieties Messrs. Knight and Son have an immense and constantly inereashig stock. They buy directly from the , 1 manutiteturers, and are enabled to oiler induce ments to customers not possible with houses that purchase from second hands. In their store can be found every variety of floor-eoyering, trout the cheapest rag carpet up to the moat superb fabric that over came from a Persian loom. in the way at druggets their assortment is unrivalled, and they believe they offer wide; variety of style than any other house. Their line of oil cloths includes new and beautiful designs—some of them Brus sels carpet patterns, and most of them net pro curable elsewhere. And so it is throughout. With their large assortment, thejr largely in creased facilities for transacting business, their disposition to sustain and add to the enviable re putation of their house for liberal and generous dealing, Messrs. Knight 4S: Son bid fair even to improve upon the east, and to win that enduring. success to which their enterprise in thus adding to the beauty of the city and to its mercantile re pulation,lairly entitles them. Hoar WF.V.K.—The most solemn period hi the last of Lent has arrived. To-day is Holy Thurs day, and the services in the Catholic and some of the Protestant churches are more than usually impressive. In the Catholic churches there was but one Mass said this 'morning, which was that of the Holy Eucharist. At the Cathedral, which was densely crowded,,most of the clergy of the other churches were prebent, when Pontifical Mass was celebrated by the Bishop, beginning at 10 (3 o'clock, alter which the solemn procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Repository took place. The Repository was brilliantly illumi nated and decorated with flowers. After the ringing of the bells et the Mass to-day, they re main silent until Saturday. The Blessed Sacra ment is removed from the main altar, which is also divested of all ornament. To-morrow being Good Friday, the services are extremely solemn. Prayers are offered for all mankind, and clergy and laity offer veneration to the cross, after which the Sacred Host is brought from the Repository to the altar, and the service is concluded by the officiating priest de wontedly receiving the Divine victim that was on that day slain. On Saturday the ornaments are returned to the altar, and a new fire is blessed to illuminate them. On Sunday (Easter) the Beryl ecs are of the most imposing character, and es pecial attention is paid to the music. At the Cathedral, the fine choir, led by Prof. M. H. Cross, will be accompanied by the Germania Orchestra, Mozart's Te Dew and Zingarelli's Laudcee Pueri Dominum will be sung, together with Haydn's Mass No. 6, in B fist major. At St. Augustine's Kalliwoda's Mass will be sung; at St. Mary's, Mozart's No. 12; at St. Joseph's, Haydn's Mass No. 3; at St. Patrick's the same; at St. Peter's, Haydn's No. 1; at St. Michael's, Weber's Mese in G; at the Annuncia tion, Mereadante's No. 2; at St. Francis's, Par mer's Mass. ' at St. James's, West Philadelphia, Mozart's N 0.12; at St. Agatha's, West Ptdiadel phis, Millard's Mass in G. BURGLAR CAXTURED.—This morning, abaut 3 o'clock, the door of the tailor store of Henry C. Vcsey, No. 234 South Tenth street, was forced open. About that time Policeman Montlle, of the Fifth District, was taking a drunken man home. His attention was called to three men who had been acting in a suspicious manner. He ob served these men standing in front of Mr. Vesey's store,and upon approaching them two ran away. The third man walked leisurely down Tenth street and passed into an alley, where he laid a jimmy upon the sidewalk. He then ran through the-Alley. Mon!lle, who had been following him, sprang his rattle and gave chase. The fugitive ran into the arms of Policemen Steele and Berger, who had been attracted to the alley by the rattle. The prisoner gave his name as George Bennett, but he is known to the pollee as Cod:Ay Butler. He is an old convict,and has served several terms on the charge of burglaiy. He will have a hear ing at the Central Station this afternoon., , ROBBERY AT Trill NAVY YARD.—Captain John De Camp, U. S. N., commanding the receiving Alp Constellation, lying at the Navy . Yard, was robbed of a valuable chronometer watch and $4OO. on Tuesday. A.young Chinaman, named Ping Ytag, who had been employed by Captain De Camp as a waiter, was missing, and he was sus pected of having committed the robbery. Infor mation was lodged at the detectives' office, and telegrams were sent to several places where it - was supposed that Ping Ying might go. His mother resides in Harrisburg, and he was ar rested as he was leaving the cars in that city. The watch and most of the stolen money were roovered. The prisoner was brought to this city This morning, and was taken to the Navy Yard. Ma. A. D'HurvErrau's SALE or• HIGH CLAM Pic-rums was commenced last evening, by B. Scott, , Jr., at his Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street. The attendance was quite large, but the prices realized were very low. About 75 pictures were sold. The balance will be disposed of this eve ning at quarter before 8 o'clock, when many tine specimens will be offered. We advise all who wish to obtain a good picture to attend this sale, -as it will probably be the last collection that Mr. D'Eluvvetter will offer in this city for some t me. A53.11713' UPON .1 YOUNC GUM—John McFad den was arrested yesterday upon the charge of assault and battery upon a young girl 16 years of age. The affair happened in a mill at Roxborough. The accused, it is alleged, threw the girl down upon the floor, when heir cries brought some of the operators of the mill to her assistance, and McFadden was handed over to a policeman. He was taken before Alderman Ramsdell and was committed to answer. Ju v nmr. DEPICAVITI.—A youth named James Purim aged 16 years, who has recently been dis charged from the House of Refuge, was arrested yesterday upon the charge of larceny. It is al leged that he has been in the habit of stealing money and clothing from the boarders in the house of his step-fatker. When he got any money Le went on a spree and was absent from home for several ildys. Alderman Ramsdell sent him back to his old-quarters, the House of Refuge. Bronx RDISISERT.—The store of James B. bra geoch, merchant tailor, No. 608 Chestnut, strtet, was entered sometime between two o'clock and liavlight this morning. Tke thieves broke a !glass live•sixteentbe of an inch thick in the door way, and made a hole large enough tor a man to get through. Goode to the 'value of about .200 were carried off. BOARDING HOUSE Tulay.-,Tirnothy Dugan was before .alderman Gibson yesterday, on the charge of larceny. He hoarded at the house of Mr. Kay, on Gay street, in Manaynnk, and was detected in throwing out of the window clothing belonging to other boarders. He wan committed for trial. terrEstprxo ROISIIERY.—Betivoen twelve and two o'clock thief corning, an attempt was Made to rob the tailor store of Haggerty & Bro., on lilngt street, below Walnut. A jimmy was need on es door, but the efforts to effect an entrance were unsuccessful. rtIMSLIED 5017811.—We call special atteation to 41tiestlyertisement in another column ors far. viehed house to rent. l'Curcaror Tumi . .—Last night a matt Owed. Cornelius hickey was lonnd•in the yard of drilz store, nt Second street and Relief alley, engaged in wringing the necks of chieken& was ntrebtul, a u nt t.kea befero Alderman Morrow, find was held in $BOO hail to answer at Court. Assacur wint A hhirA.—/vtikan named Edward Johnson was'fonnd yesterday on the Baltimore Railroad, two miles below Gray's Ferry. Ile had f(vere cut on the head. evidently caused by knife. Be was taken to the Allaashouse,of which institutton he was an inmate. CITY • NOTICES: iNEw BumpENG llVlPRoviotuNrs.—As the build- Inv season is now at hand, those intending to build should use great care thin their houses have every con venience for comfort and health, and one of the most iniportant of these is to have a good cooking range; for a range that will not bake well is useless and ex- MeliNA VC. and there are many such. In strolling along arket street we had occasion to call in the extensive heater and range establishment of Mr. John S. Clark, lonii Market street, and any person that could not be suited with his line of ranges must, indeed, be hard to please; His Gold Medal - flange, in particular, is well worth one's time to examine it, as we believe it has no equal in the history of ranges. It not only bakes well, but will heat two or three rooms comfortably. We cordially recommend all our patrons to call and see thia range in lull operation before purchasing, No. NOS Market street, nhAvo TP7)th. south side. THE PERFECT TONING of , THE NERVE, FLUIIi . is successfully accomplished by administering Du. TURNER'S TIO.V)OIII.OVP.EILX or universal NEURALGIA PILL, and it is by this means that NEURALGIA, nerve ache, or other painful net-eons affections emanating. from the same source are positively and permanently med. , ' Apothecaries have this medicine. Jourarros, Elin.Loway Cowninit, Agents. Philadelphia. BOWER'S BIMNA FIGS, FOR CONSTIPATION fIfty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. OPENING DAY. Charles Oakford Sons', 834 and 836 Chestnut street, will open on To -DAY, April 9th. a large as sortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Spring and Summer Hate. PAlNTer..—There are few operations more pain ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Cor dial rubbed upon,the gum of teething infants is a great soother. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. Florence Sewing Machiee. Florence Sewing Machine. Office, 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. IN (Limo, Egypt, tkere is a colony of French dealers, who are reported to he. in consternation, owing to the result of their transactions with the Viceroy. That official employed them to equip his troops as well as to furnish and decorate his palaces, and has found - their charges-too heavy,-and has -with drawn hKenstom. It holds good with Frenchmen, as with other'People; that a good article at fair char the only surety of a continuance of custom. W it- Lt c the success of Charles Stokes & Co.'s Ready ade Clothing house, under the Continental, as evi dence of that fact. SPFCIALTY.—AII thOoa geata desiring" elegant, pantaloons will find them at C. 0. Dittrich Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street, as this branch of Tailoring is made a specialty, and really warrants an ft vitation. Always ethic stock of goods on hand. CAT'S CHINA PALACE, 1022 Chestnut street A ~OARD. Geo. Guy would respectfully inform the cif mens of Philadelphia and the trade throughout the country that he will continue the business at 1022 Chestnut (S. IL liiebtirdson & Co. having failed to comply with their contract to take the lease), and has associated in part nership Mr. Morris Briggs. a gentleman of large capital and long business experience. The present stock must be :Hosed out, regardless of cost, to make room for fresh importations. Geo. Gay will visit England, France and Germany, during the spring and summer to purchase goods, and will execute any or‘,ers entrusted to him promptly, and for a small commission. nor Cnoss BuNa7—Fresh every day through L, , nt, at Morse's, 902 and 904 Arch street. )I . ENING DAY. Charles Oakford Sons', 834 and 531; Chetnut F1:I et, will open on To-n* y, April 9th, a large as f.. r nient, of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Spring and kw:l.oer IlatF, S trnurcm. INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sundries SNOWDEN, SC MOTIIZII, 23 South Eightltstxest. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. • .1. Isaacs, M. D. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats al; diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most Te ti mile sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. Scs, Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hie practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made -,rnminntinn. A V VTIO fll S &LES. THOMAS ISLUCH di SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Chestnut street. Bear entrance. 1107 Stinson: street. ELEGANT SATIN CUR rAlfkS, FRENCH CHINA VASES, RICH CUT GLASS. DINNER CHINA. J.: c. CARD.—lncluded ,in our Sale TO•il101titoW (Friday) bIuItNING, will be sold— Suite of Rich Satin Brocatelle Curtains, for five win* dews; eight pair of Rich Painted and Gilt r ranch China V:e. es; D,nner service of Gold Hand French Chtna: large set of Rich Cut Glass: two French Plate Uheval Glasses; Lace Window Curtains, Wines, Sic., belonging to an b;: tats CEDAR CHESTS. Also. several large Cedar Clothes Cheats, N THE ORPHANS' COURT li'Oß THE CITY 1 and County of Philadelphia—Estate of CATHARINE V. 6.1111T11, a minor.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, nettle and sill net the account of DAVID A. SMITH, Guardian of CATHARINS V. SMITH, a minor, and to make distribution of the balance in the MONDAY of the accountant, will meet all parties interested en MONDAY, .April 20, 1808, at 4 o'clock. r. M.. at his °dice. No. 9 Law Bailing S. E. corner of Sixth and •lnnt. rtreelo. Phitatiolubia. $4104 th n tti fi.• vo.roo.enuo . rut. 1111.• %ill' 2 AM.) 1 County of Philadelphia—Estate of PAUL SALOMON, deceased.—J. M. COLLINS, the Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN R. JENNINGS, Executor of the last will of PAUL SALO MON, deceased, and to make distribution of the Balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in. terested for the purposes of his appointment, an 3 U ES DA Y . , April 21st, IP6B at 11 o'clock, A. Id.. at his ollice, Southeast corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, in the City of Philadelphia. ow.) th sa tnit' ME OnrliAMP WUUL: ViDt. 'iui UICY 1. and County of Philadslphta.—E.tate of JOSEPH KC deceasod.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to :nulit, settle and adjust the Mat account of GEORG K. HELLER. Esq., Executor of th • Kstate of .TOSEIPII K LP, deceased, and •tb report distribution of the bal m. ee in the hands of the accountant, will meat the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TU4 , 13 DA Y, April 21, A. D. lEtid, at three o'clock, P. ,at hts South Sixth at-three in the City of Phila. JOAN C. REDIIEFFItR, :, 'emit a to Auditor. i;•• 'nth oitPHANs , could! POE THE CITY AND I County of Philadelybia.—Estate of Mrs. S. A. LAOS SAT Jr NNINGS, decea,ed.—.l. M. COLLlPiththe Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust trio accounts of PAUL SALOMON andJOHN R. JENNINGS, E:.scutsrs, and of .101 IN H. JENNINGS, surviving exe cutor of the last will of Mrs. S. A. LAUSSAT JLNN NGS, d , eessed, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment. on MONDAY, April lush, lgtft, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. at his Mice. southeast col nor of Sixth and Walnut streets, in the city of Phila. anti th s ht GN TO RsENT. TO RENT. rA IIiNDRODELY- 'ERIIIIIIIED HUME At *no per month. Apply at 1.711; F3111.1X11 street, before 11 A. M., or after 3 P. N. It GERMANTOWN COUNTRY SE &T.—TO LET, a large, well•built Mansion, with about ten acres ot lawns, situate at the corner of Gorgne lane and BilstolTownship line road. Germantown, within fiVe minutes , walk of the railroad station. It commands au eNtensive view, has hot and cold water, bath, stabling, ete. The lawns ate handsomely embellished with trees, at rubbery, be. Also--A neat modern 'Residence ' situate on Washington lane. near Bristol road. klas hot and cold water, stab Mir, handsome shade trees, &e. Also—A desirable Residence with two acres of land, stabling, &c., situate on Bristol Township line rotol, above Gorges lane. ' All the above are convenient to railroad stations. Apply to WILLIAM. C. HENS/EN', tc.6t4 737 Market street. ET ~..FOR Tile. COMING SEASON, AT LONG Egran L ch, NJ. a handsome Gothic Cottage, about three hundred' feet from the sea ; it is partly fur nished, and has an ice house filled with superior ice. a Pump of excellent water in the kitchen; the cellar laid in cement ; plenty of room for a vegetable garden; also, well graded lawns. It is in the vicinity of three of the largest hoteleand not far from churches, the depot, Am. or further information, optic to L. W. GLENN, 219 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. je TO RENT.—SEVERAL DESIRABLE COUNTRY Berate in the immediate vicinity of tho_olly. LEWIS IL EELiNER, ee 4)34 "MI Walnut Strt. Fos SALE. InFOR bALE.—A. VERY DEIDRAELE NEW Blouse, at Alerchaolville, N. J. ; price $6,002. Fre quent railroad communication by Camden as d Bar tle:eon county railroad; nnullad DredValieelk.raillulddio Camden. lnomire O E ut. OA.TTEI.L. spy dt.: O. 21 N. Delaware avenue. Philadelphia. rFOR SALE OR TO RENT-11AND806111 FO story brick. residence, No. 1818 Spruce street, 18 foot front by 10G teat deep to MID area, pEwls 11. REDNBIL tai Wel.ttuB Amt. VIE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PIIILADELPHIA, THURBM Arita 9, ma CRIPPEN & HADDOCK,. 115 2, Thi, , d Street, below Chestnut, (Late W. L. Maddock ik C 0..) Have on hand a large and choice stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, %tii(li they ore offering bY the package at Greatly Reduced Prices. BALTIMORE FAMILY FLOUR CONSTANTLY ON HAND. la-th a to 6mrp CHOICE OOLONG TEA, $1 9.5 Per lb.; $1 20 by the half chest. A FINE OOLONG,.. For $1 per lb. A GOOD PURE OOLONG, For 90 cents per lb. We desire to call particular attention to these Teas as being remarkably cheap. THOMPSON BLACK'S SON & CO. Broad and Chestnut Streets, . th a tt - FRENCH-PEAS -AND MUSUROOMS. 45; Extra White Heath Peaches, 75; Fresh Green Tomatoes for - Pioe, 15 ete.. at A. J. DEOAMI"S. 107 South Second street. NEW YORK PLUMS AND SEEDLESS CHERRIES, 50 etc.; North Carolina Pared Peachee. 75 cte. ; bright um pared halyee, 15 cte., at A. J. DECAMP'S, 107 South Second street. WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN and very euperior_Fresh Tomatoes, for sale by the case or can,at A.J. DECAMPS, 107 South Second greet YARMOUTH BLOATERS, Smoked,Siced and Pickled Salmon and Boucles,' Mackerel, in kite, at A. J. Dr. CAMP'S, 107 South Second street. DAVIS'S DIAMOND BRAND HAMS always on hand. tolll4-qmtv¢ CARRINGTON, DE ZOUCLIE St CO., S. E cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Wholesale and Retail Dealets IN Curtain Goods, Window Shades, Furniture• Coverings and Paper Hangings. White Holland S I tacle, Tru»ined and pot up ae IoW as $1 50 eaeh. Swiss and • Nottingham Lice Curtains, FROM AUCTION, VERY CHEAP. New FtoCli, low pricer, and entire eatisfaction gesran• teed in every instance. Egf. OttPI:IANS' COUlt'e BALE.—Eri CATE OF Thomas Brooks, deceased.—James A. Freeman. " Auctioneer.—Germantown Properties. Under au thority of the Orphans' court for the City and County of Philadelphia on 'Wednesday, April 29, lotlB, at 12 o'cloeli. neon, will be Fold at public Cale. without reserve. at the Philadelphia Exchauge, the following described Real li-tate, late the property of Thomas Brooke, decerieed o. I.—Residence, Tulpollocken Wee!, between Adams am' Green itreets. A mesminge and lot situate on the uorthwesterly side af '1 ulpohocken street, 32, - ; feet eolith, wardly of Adams street, in the Twenty-second Ward; er utak ing in front on Tulpohocken et reet 17 feet ti inches. and in depth northwestward between parallel lines 2106 feet, more or leas. The above is a pointed stone twin hone@ with brown tone bermes, three stories high, with large portico in Mall. front, large all. parlor, dining-room, kitchen and sum mer-kitchen on firet floor, 4 chambers. bathroom and wateyel , set on the second floor, and 3 chambers above, re nee in kitchen. het and cold water. &c. On the rear of the lot is a well-built stone stable. Clear of incumbrance. No. 2.—A lot of ground with the improvement thereon erected, situate on the northwest side of Queen street, ES feet 5% inches northeastward from Green street, Twenty second Ward, 30 feet front on Queen street, and extend ing of that width between parallel Hues N. 49i4 dogs., W. 229 feet 93,; inches on.the soutlivvesterly llne,and 2/9 ft. 104 inches on the northeasterly line to Linden street. The above will be divided and sold as follows: No. I. A.—Dwelling, No. Liaden street. A three story brick house and lot on the southeasterly side of Lin den street, 89 feet 2% Inches northeast from Green street, being lb ft. front by 75 ft. deep. This is a threeetory pressed brick house, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, with chambers in the second and third stories, gas, water, kr. Clear of incumbrance. N 0.2. B.—Dwelling, No. 37 Linden street. A three. story brick dwelling adjoining the above, 104 feet 2% inches northeast of Green street, 15 by 75 feet. This is a three-story pressed brick house. parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, with chambers in the second and third stories, has gaa,-water, die. Clear of incumbrance. P.O. 2. C.—bouteei welling, Queen street.—A house and lot On tbenorthweat side of Queen street. being' 30 feet front, and extending in deptn on the mouthwenterly line 154 feet 91, inches, and on the northeasterly line tied inches. The above is a three-story brick twin Lioleie, rough cast, with large portico in front, large hail. parlor, dining room and kjtehen ou first floor, 4 chambers and bath-reom on second floor, and chambers above, has hot end Vold water, Afe. CleaK, of incumbrance. rtr - sl:u to be paid on esch at the time of sale. kty the Court. E. A. M ERR iCK, Clerk 0. C. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ..,Fie pa Store. 439 Waln , it street. °Am.. OF lirtAbraham 11. Alhorger, deceared. Janwa A. Free. " man, Auctioneer --Ilandernue Residence, 7.25 Cal lowhill street. with r table and Couch Home on Willow, Arcet.- Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city aim county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, April tt9th. ltCB. at. 13 o'clock, noon. Will he sold at public sale, at the I . IIIIH delphia E change,. the following described rent estate, Into the property of Abraham H. Al. burger, ,deceased: All that certain lotof ground ith the three story brick dwelling, with four. tory b r i c k b a ck helidings,twrestory brick carriage hnuae, o.story brick stable and daughter !Muse, moire house. bedding, thereon erected. situate on the north side •,1 dreg t. iu the Thirteenth Word of the city,' '!sinning at the distance of 21 feet 74 inches westward from aeventb street; thence extending northward 11l test inches to Willow street thence westward along Wit ,trect 40 feet 10'''a inchem ; thence southwaed 77 feet inches; thence eastward 18 feet; thence southward leet C inches to Callowhill street; thence eastward along Callowhill street loot to the place of beginning. Or The :drove is a moaern thr:ee : story brick resider:Co, with fota-tdory brick back braidings, Ive saloon.parlOr. dining-room and library on first 14 , 01%8 eltauibers above, nurcery, batlrroom with hot and cold shower bathe rang. in kitchen which heats the back bailding, heater and alter in cellar, gas throughout, and is neatly papered 'and painted. Clear of incumbronee, Q$ " tlgko to be paid at time of sale. Ey the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, gfor.• 40" Wglroi, anew .v 4.1' Ett L. tie Daniel Jeth us, decent cd.--Jsmes A. erecntan Alle• " tioneer,—Ground It. nt of ASI6O per annum.—Under authority contained in the will of the lateDanielJeffras, deceased, on Wednesday' April:l2d, 1868, at 12 o'clock. noon. will be cold, at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described real eivate: All that cer tain yearly ground rent of ono hundred anti fitly dollars, pnyable half-yearly on the let days of January and July, by Adam li, bietrlek, his heirs, and ao , igne, out of and for n cot Wu lut of ground, with the three-story house and stable thereon erected, situate on the east Hide of Lawrence ht.. yet (No. PM), at the distance of 219 feet 8 inches south or George street; containing in front to toot, anti iu depth PO feet to Leithgow street, and in breadth on said Leithgow street f,r. feet 10X inches. I. dale peremptory. lay order of Executors. far" 61100 to be paid at time of Ride. JAMER A. FREEMAN, Anotioueltr. spa 16.2 a (hero 922 Walnut otreet. rORPHANB' COURT SALE. ESTATE OP aolin Hagerty. deceased.—James A. Freeman, Atte tloneer.—Threeatory Brick Hoose, No. 919 LafaY ette street, Twenty.pixth Ward. 'Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia en 'Wednesday. April 29th, 1869 at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public WC, at the Philadelphia Exchange,the following described real estate, late the property of John Hagerty, deceased: All that certain lot of ground with the three•story brick meamage thereon erected, situate on the north side of Lafayette street, at the distance of 213 feet east of Tenth streetiloelow Ellsworth streoo.ooo , Mining in front , 16 feet and depth on the east line 60 feet and 26 100 of a foot. and on the west line 63 feat and 14.100 of a toot, tom' Subject to $2O ground rent per annum, sircoo to be paid at the time of Sale. By the Court E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. CATHRIttNE HAORRTY,,Adnes. JAMES A. PREEMANA.uetionOr. „gins Etter. 422 Walnu sweet. a gi=l aittran N () J r" bfz it siTitn" .44 C and Aß V ;AK a SUMER 113 MORtreaeww. e r 7 REDUCFD. l:11. Nt.'s A rig al . es • A ',N. 11.1KEIL TIFFANY & CO., GOLD AND SILVERSMITH% 550 and 55 Broadway, Invite attention to te te iploryipiAotices of their Goode "n un ' l °Q • IN TEE PARIS EXHIBITION, For which they received the ONLY AWARD EVER JADE BY A fOBEGN COUNTRY American Manufacturers of filiver•Ware. From the. London Art Jovrnat, Noveriber.lB67. "This page contains engravings of three Tea Services and other objects us silver, manufactured by Messrs. Tweariv & Co., of New York. '1 hey are all designed and executed by American artiste, and are not surpassed by any articles of the kind in the Exhibition. The designs are of the beet order, introducing neither too much nor too little ornament. while they all hear evidence of good workmanship. The establishment of Messrs. TIFFANY is the largest in the New World; it is of great importance, therefore, that they should minister to pure taste in America; they are doing eo, if we may judge from their contribution. Our only regret is that they have not sent more. It is, however, something to show what America is producing and estimating. These 'exhibits' hold their own beside the best of England and France." From the "Reports of Artisans selected by a Committee appointed by the Council of the British Society of Arts to visit the Paris Universal Exposition, 1667. "TIFFANY & CO., of Now York, have but a very small case of silver goods, but the articles exhibited are of a very superior class. The coffee services and water jugs ornamented in flat chasing are very beautiful. both In outline and workmanship; some of the articles are nearly if not quite equal to repousse." lb. (Page N:13.) "On Design." "TsyraNY & CO. show a few excellent tea-sets,dre., both as to form and decoration; the flat chasing described in the catalogue as repouese, being especially noteworthy. It is carried out to the fullest extent. Nothing equal to it in either French or English departments. "One of the pieces has a band of chasing—griftins and foliage; the drawing exceedingly good. Altogether they are lessons in the art of decorating utility." lb. (Page M.) "Rimarks." "The United States show of silver work Is very limited. Although they cannot boast or quantity, they may fairly boast of quality. The forme of the various articles ex hibited are well considered. While the decorations are beautifully designed, and carried ourwith patient care, the judgment with which the different 'mats` are used is deserving of great praise, and demonstrates the extent to which the process of flat chasing may be carried. Com pared with works of a similar kind exhibited by other countries they seem to be perfect of - their class, having no rivals. While other exhibits rest principally upon rare and coolly works, elaborated to the : highest degree, this little display of the Americans rests upon humble work, proving that ordinary articles may be exalted and invested With a dignity that will entitle them to rank with the proudest achievements of industrial art." tb s O&M NEW MARBLE STORER 902 CHESTNUT STREET. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, It ite attention to new deligne in ECRIDAT , AND F rAlßlEilE SILVER WARES, Prepared eepeelally for their retail nate,. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., 902 Chestnut Street. ap4 e tel th tfrpe AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCHES, The Best. The. Cheapest. Recommended by Railway Conductors. Englueere and Expreeemen, the most exacting clam of Watch. arearers.aa superior to all others for strength, eteadinees, accuracy and durability. Unscrupulous dealer, occasionally sell a worthless Swiss imitation. To prevent imposition, buyers should always demand a certincate - of genuineness. For sale by all respectable dealers. sips Ina 4 110tTSE.F URN . I6I HI NG G 00Dtt. • The Arctic " REFRIGERATOR, The beet and moat conveniently constructed article in this or any other market. All the compartments are guaranteed DRY and free from MOULD, MOISTURE and IMPURE ODOR. Lail and examine and see testimonials in behalf of this superior Refrigerator. WILLIAMS & WOODWARD , No. 922 (Vine Twenty-Two) Chestnut Street, MANUFACTURERS. mh2l s to th tf BOOTS AND SHOES. 44 w 0 M E"' Spring Styles in Fine Custom 1 ..3 W Made Boots and Shoes for Gen- c. w than. The only place in the gg E-0 oity where all the Leading Styles -- ~ 14 in First Class Boots and Shoes E. 7 .1 c) ra may be obtained. Prices Fixed t-i rl2 at Low Figures. al BARTLETT,' i g I -4 SS South Sixth Street, above co l Chestnut. P.+ 1 al P ..."•_ ..... Prl 1),:x V:it•O MARY B. CONWAY, LADIES' DRESS•PERNIBHING ♦NU SHOPPING EMPORIUM. 81 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STAEET. PLIITADELP.EIId. Ladies from RAY part of the United States can send t h eir orders for Dress Materials, DressesAiloaks,Bomiete. Shoes, Under clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Trosseau, Tra. veling Outfits, Jewelry. &c., also Children's Clothing, In. feint's 'Wardtobes, Gentlemen's Linen. &c. In ordering Garments. Ladies will please send one of their isEBT WITTING nnicsaas for measurement; and Ladies visiting the city should not fall to call and have their measures registered for future convenience. . Refers, by permission. to MR. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street; MESSRS. HOMER COLT.amy & ca. nible•Sm rp 818 and tf4o Chestnut street: UNDERTAKEUS , GOODS. REMOVAL. WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD do SON. UNDERTAKERS. Have removed from No, 44 North Eleventh street to No. 1218 Race street, tehBl lm 8p• corner of Jacoby etre* south side. Buffing io insect life. Superior outwit Maras. Sol& by druggiete everywhere. THEOD. IF( SASRI9, ilueeewor to 'nerds & Bolter'. Now Az.% Sao. sP9 St ~'JIIfAIYOXI,~ NEW YORK STOCKS. ALL FLUOTUATION /N TfUr. MW TORE: MARKET Stooks, Gold and Ooverrunents, Constantly furnished us by our New York IlOuss. STOCKS Bought and Bold on Y tommissi and on in Philadelphia, New York Boston. OOLD Bought and Bold in large and small amounts. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Boturni and Bold at New York Pricer. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., NEW FORK, I PHILADEIPIELI, 3 Pifteslll/ fit. 16 So Third NU CENTRAL PACIFIC R. It FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Principal and . Interest Payable In Gold. This road receives all the Government bounties. The Ronde are famed under the epode' contract law. of Call fornia and Nevada. and the agreement to pay Gold biag. Lug in law. We offer them for sale at Par, and accrued interest from Jan. let. IN% in currency. Governments taked In Exchange at the market Wei BOWEN & FOX, is MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE LOAN IN PHILAD ry EL PHIA. alinat BANKING HOUSE J AY C °6-14-6 6 1 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all goverment Smitten. a pl tf Seven per cent. First Mtge, Bonds OF THE Danville Hazleton & Wilkeabarre FREE FROM ALL TAXES: This road will connect with the Northern Central Philadelphia and Erie. Lehigh Valley. Lehigh Navies• tion, and Hazleton P.affroads, and opens one of the richest sections of the great middle Coal field. We offer for sale a limited amount of these Bonds at the very low rate of sa AND ACC RL'ED INTEREST. BOWEYBr, FOX, mhl4,lmrp l3 Merchants,' Exchange. POPULAR LOAN. Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. CENTRAL PACIFIC R.A..ITAELOAX) First Mortgage Bend& Office of DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South Third St. WE OFFER FOR BALK FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO. At Par e and Bask. Interest.. There le a ve large European demand for t Bonds. which. ad ded ed to very largo home deonang, l2 X loon absorb all the bonds the Company can tam. The above Bonds pay Six Per Cent. Motorola in Gold, and are a First Mortgage on a road coating about three times their amount, with very large and constantly increasing not revenue.° DE HAVEN & DEALERS IN ALL KINDS Or GOVERNMENT SECURITLEAGOLD.Am. No. 40 S. 'Third St. DESIRABLE INVESTMENTS, Producing Over 7 and 8 per cent. Interest. LEHIGH NAVIGATION AND RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE ALPENT.EINDB. FREE FROM TAMA% _ UE ERIE CITY SEVEN PER CENT. Bo S SECITREZD BY REVENUE FROM WATER WORKS. Interest Pa able in New UNION AND LOGANSPORT RA ROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, SEVEN P CENT.. Interest Payable in New York. COLUMBUS AND INDIANA GENTRAILRAILRO_AD FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER York.T BMus; Interest Payable in New The attention of parties about to invest money or ex. change securities is invited to the above. Information and prices given se npplicatton. DREXEL & Co., • 34 South Third Street. Seven per Cent. Mortgage Bends or TILE PENNSYLVANI LROAD A AND NEW COMPAN Y ORK CANAL AND RAI Guaranteed, Principal and Interest, By the Lehigh Valley Railroad. These Bonds axe egortiou L 8 1 0 11 0000 on a rasel e steed trilte, reigicrg t abou! tanrolit reprosentfni ffu lont 11140600% are. hi every respect. A First•Olass Investment; et that 46y nk,tkeh interest sie tri a r t a ff Atlo6 " " " " t e a l rotam Irs SIO• We offer them for sale at , 96 ass/I &cereal Merest MO **wee C. 4fit) H. 13ORIE, Merchants' Michslige, (317E14 &FOX. M . erobitats" Scohtingc reitaturN THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO.„ Wltor Onto Keeping/I of Ilesiagsfoll es. Blipiecurfti, • ties, et4l4 0 au* !Settling ot Soles. D IREMO N. B. Browne. itillinithatn 83. Ferl. ( Atm G. E. °larks. 4.;..Ftweozer. O. John Waal. E. . Qum _ °mos, o. Ul Vill/ESTXIII7 iiL f N B. B o:lol S El.fir_ Pk•-• EASON. Sea and wee 4141Likwu. L.l , fit OlEb. 1 lEI,IULNAi;. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. SPEER'S POET GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD. This justly celebrated native Wine is made frail the valuablef the Operto Grape mind to this country Its la Tome AND 117 ItENDTHE vflifi PIMPS& 71E11 are uneurpasted by any other native Wine. the pore Juice of the Knipe. produced under Mr. S i = own personal supervision, it. purity and genuineness are guaranteed.. The youngest child may partake 011" tb generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may sae it to advantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged a&ill debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that saint the weaker 15e.X., It is in every respect A WINE TO BE MUSD ON. Samples at the store of JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY it CI.. No. f'.3. K SUVA st. FRP NCH. RICHARDS k CO. DYOTT No. SO North SECOND etreet. Invalids use Spent'. ales; use pe etrorgraPs WWine. W m klyers S naen r sn M tby W i n us use. ' • • , Speer'', Wind inlisrpitals are preferred to other Wiese. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. The trade supplied by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & EL CO. and FICENCAUCHARDS A ILX), PniladelPhie. A. SPEER, 248 Broadway, N. Y. mlatu at sat tfir) AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS. 30.000 Francs 2! HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Awarded! the Prize Wall at WM. London; Werhife pati o Rev fort Expdtles Ihihrereetie, rubs. g * Alain WINNER OF THE WAGER 30,000 FRANCS!! MOAN IN GOLD.) it\t„ Aye ree b er o nU27 , llltimegi at teita i n th=Exhibillas : f ai l : 6 4 2ifir7t. 4 t rgrai ra t r e 2 • g " t " t PAUL, RIMING & CO, 029 Chestnut Street Phitadelphin. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co., Chicago'. Herring, Ferrel &Sherman, N. Orleans: inblata at 4 Crary* • TUE rims LOOKING GLASSES, OIL p.A. - iNrrinrcfs, ENGRAVINGS, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, PICTURE FRAMES EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. INDIA RUBBER GOODS', REDUCED PIVICIES. • - ECU 1, 1868. MUNE MN, MGM IND. HYDRANT RICHARD LEVICK, No. 708 Chestnut Street, i ttri t e tt re National Rubber Ca ItAIMIKING 'WITS INDICT...IBLE INN, Er/AROMA AIL +s. itss i ding, fitluxtvpSote• Wilbert OW SAFES.