Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 09, 1868, Image 4
VigiablißAl*lllo SVMMUILIftirs . • • • 'Ft tr. Committee appointed by the Arkansas Con- Vention has declared. the Constitution adopted. Tint Virginia . Convention yesterday, the proposition to prevent the Legislature from es tablishing- separate schools for the colcired was defeated. Tim Republican Convention, of Virginia is to rucefort the first Wednesday f next mouth, to nominate State officers. Colutrermi returns of the Connecticut election give Governor'English 1,735 majority out of a zotal vote of 9f1,323. BATits, who, is carrying the Cain slag,, through the South, arrived in Richmond, Va.. yesterday. Tus corner-stone of Edwin' Booth's, new theatre in New York. was laid yesterday after -2.0011. IN consequence of the late high prices, many TeDIICF.SCC planters have made arrangements for putting in larger crops than Was intended. ' A MEIMER of Republican Senators are in receipt of letters threatening them with assassination should they vote for impeachment. A ItEMONSTRANC): against any change in the pbsition or the revenues of the Established Church in Ireland is soon to be presented to the ti,!uttm. T. S. Emu. a prominent citizen of Chicago, has been fined t5OO for alleged false swearing in a suit five years ago. A motion will be made for a new Tur.Land Office lane official information . that .r,90 farms, comprising nearly 32,000 .acres, have been added to the productive area of Florida, nu der the homestead act of June, 1866. Tim . ..charter elections iu Sedalia and Jefferson City, Mo., and Peoria, have been carried by the Republicans. Kansas City and Caroudelet. Dios, and .Leavenworth, Kansas, have been car tied by the Democrats. SurRODIMICE: MllF:drrsos has received a letter from Dr. Livingstone, which came via Zan7,lhar. Re writes that be is in good health. Ells explo rationhas been successful, and he will 'soon re turn to England. INDICT TENTS have been brought in by the Grand Jury against all the prisoners, except O'Neill, charged with complicity iu the Clerken well outrage. The trials will commence next week. J. F. Tuner, pres:dent, and Ebenezer Cook, secretary of the Chi zago, Hoek Island aad Pacific Railroad Company, were arrested in Davenport, lowa. by the - United States Marshal, upon a writ from ' thu Circuit Court, 'tor violating-anlnjunc tion issued by that court. , Tit 4 number registered in Wilmington, N. C., the first day was: Whites, 56; blacks, 179. Se cond day—whites. 103; blacks, 105.. Middle :Sound Precinct, two days—whites, 50; blacks, 37. The excitement over registration is very great, Nano disturbances have taken place. In the re umining three days it is thought the whites will outnumber the blacks. A JOINT nEsoLurloN has ,passed the Pennsyl liallia Legislature requesting the President of the United States to gi•ie protection to all persons engaged in the guano trade, and to cause the go- Nunn:lent of St. Domingo to restore to the United States the Island of Alta Vela, in the Caribbean :../en. which was forcibly wrested! from Our, clti us. The joint resolution was despatched to the Yt (.odr:tit at once.. • Tnrc match of billiards for the championship of .America, between •John McDevitt and Melvin .Foster, commenced at Library Hall, Chicago, at t all-i , ast 8 last night. At ten minutes'of nine the game stood: Foster, 113; MaDevltt, 35. Call on seventeenth Innings was: Foster, 512; McDevitt, Ct. In the fifty-fourth innings MeDeVitt ran 293. The score stands: Foster, 1,034; McDevitt, 845. THE gold, silver and bronze medals Which were awardtd to the United States exhibitors in the Tarts Exhibition, arrived at New York:yesterday, by the steamship St. Laurent, from Havre. There are several hundred of these medals, each of I,‘ hick is set in a glass frame, and seventeen large vases were required to contain them. They are consigned to the 'United States agent, Mr. j. C. Derby, and will he forwarded by him to Wash ington. They will be placed on exhibition at the Capitol for a short time, and afterwards dis tributed to their owners. the Ku.glux.Klav!—Gerteral Illeadevs Order. lizAnQuArrrans Limo Mu.ITARY DISTRICT (Gebrgia, Alabama and Florida), ATLANTA t Ga., April 4, 1868.—Gener a l Orders, .11`o, 51.-1. The recent assassination, at Columbus, Georgia, of the lion. G. W. Ashburn, late a member of the Constitutional Convention of said State, and other acts of violence and atrocity committed about the same time in various parts of this Dis trict, and the simultaneous publication of linen- diary articles, and the receipt by many persons of threatening letters, indicating a concert of action, by violence and intimidation, to alarm and over awe a large part of the population and by this means affect the results of pending elections in this District, all of which acts apparently emanate from a secret organization, for no good purpose, which seems to be rapidly spreading through these Statis t makes it necessary for the Com manding General to warn all persons against the commission of such acts, the publication of such articles, the sending of such letters or connecting themselves with such evil organizations, and to assure all the good people of this District that he will use all the powers he possesses to protect them in the peaceable enjoyment of their homes and property and in the exorcise of their personal tights and political privileges. 11. He therefore directs all military and eivi'• officers, in this District, to take the most prompt measures to arrest and bring to trial all persons who may hereafter print, publish or in any manner give circulation and publicity tq such incendiary papers or threatening letters, and fur thermore to arrest all persons who may be known to have participated in any such acts of violence ere above referred to, resulting in breaches of the peace and injury to persons or property. 111. The Commanding General furthermore forbids the conductors of all newspapers, job printing offices or ether presses from printing or publishing any articles or papers tending to pro duce intimidation, riot or bloodshed; and any newspaper containing any such publications, or press publishing the same, will be stopped, and fits proprietors, editors and other parties con nected therewith, on being convicted before a military Commission, will be subject to fine and 'imprisonment or such other penalties as may be deemed suitable to the offence committed. IV. All public writers*and speakers are en joined to refrain from inflammatory appeals to the paisions and prejudices of the people, and from publishing or saying anything calculated to pro duce breaches of the peace, or to intimidate any persons from the exercise of their political privileges. V. Military Commanders of Posts, Sheriffs of counties, Mayors and other municipal officers, are hereby required to organize patrols and. other means fur the detection of such persons as avail themselves of the secrecy of the night for executing their criminal purposes. Military Coin menders of Posts are required to see that this order is duly and faithfully executed by the civil au thorities within their jurisffiction,aud to promptly report any failure or unwillingness on the part of said authorities, who will be, held subject to the penalties attached to disobedience of the orders emanating from, these headquarters. Military Commanders are authorized and directed, when in their judgment thesame may be necessary, to organize from the reliable and law-abiding citi zens, posses to aid in the preservation of la iv and order in their respective districts, the expenses attending the pay and maintenance of these posses to be charged to the several counties or municipalities. as the case may be. Vi. The Commanding 'General calls on all good citizens to aid In the preservation of the peace, and to assist in the arrest and punishment of violators of this order and the criminal laws of the State, and ho admonishes them that unless acts of intimidation and violence are checked sad punished bloody retaliation may be provoked, the peace.of. society endangered or subverted, and much innocent blood be shed. VII. The commanding officers of all military posts in this District will, immediately on the receipt of this order, cause its contents to be generally made known.and deliver copies thereof to all civil officers, editors of newspapers and presses, and other parties to be specially affected thereby, within the limits of their command's. By order of Major-General Meade. S. F. BARSTOW, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. . —43lx, thousand pounds of maple sugar were sent frOm Brattleboro; Vt., by express; last Thussday. —The new Swedish singer, Ohristine Nilsson, quite eclipses poor Patti with the Parisian public. Why no Now 1 , 48,0kr0 Come hoe* lirfievi. [Prom 011i0. Wooil The earliest trust:o(4lT catalogue of the, stars that has coine down to ue ls,that corn piled by Hipparchus, the,s astronomer of llholles, who lived about a century and a half before the Christian era; and it here eyrious to note that this astronomer was induced to number and catalogue the, stars in consequence of the sudden appearance in the heavens of a now star, never before seen by him, in the year 125 B. C. If we compare the most modern catalogue of the fixed stars, as seen with the naked eye, with that of `the catalogue 'of HiPparchuS, we shall find that they are almost precisely the same. Some few Stars are certainly missing; but Sir J. Herschel informs us that' these leases have arisen, in the great ma jority of instances, from mistaken entries, and, in some, from planets having been mis taken for fixed stars; yet, in some, he says, it is equally certain that there is no mistake in the observation, and that the star has really been seen, and as really has disap peared from the heavens. At all events, our modern catalogues do not contain any fixed stars that are not included in that of Hippar elms. It seems, therefore, clear that no new stars have made their appearance. By the aid of our modern telescopes, my riads of stars are brought into view, • which could never have been seen by Hip parchus; but these stars would undoubt edly have been seen and noted by him had he possessed a telescope. Those extraordinary stars which have from time to time been seen, appearing suddenly, and then, after a short interval, 'being lost to our sight, must be left out of the ques tion; the probability is that all such stars, of which there are many well recorded instances, were what are termed variable stars of very long periods. Such a star was seen by Tycho Brahe, the great Danish astronomer, in November, 1572 He had been at work in his laboratory, and was returning homeward, when he observed a crowd of country folks looking up at the heavens; on directing his eyes there, he saw, to his great astonishment, a bright star,which he knew very well had not been there a short time previously. This new star was as bright as Sirius,' it becaninafterwaxd equal triJttpi ter when- at its brightest; it then began to diminish, and in about eighteen months had entirely disappeared. It was in the con stellation Casslopteia, and has never been seen since. There can be little doubt but that this was a variable star. One of the most interesting of these variable or peri odical stars (because it has perhaps re ceived more attention than any other) is the star called Agol, in the constellation of Per:. seus. It generally appears as a star of the second magnitude, and so it remains for be tween two • and three days. It then suddenly diminishes in brightness, and in three hours and a half it becomes a star of the fourt't magnitude; then it begins again to increlse in brightness, and goes through all its cli inges in about two days and twenty-one hours. But what the writer wished to as-. certain , was, why some of the more remote stars did not now and then come into view and remain permanently vi: ible to the naked eye in the heavens? The light of the stars is ever traveling on ward, but the light of the ' faintest star now *sc.ep by us was equally visible to Hipparchus two thousand years ago. How is it that the star which we will suppose a few millions of miles beyond this faintest star has not yet become visible to us? This question the writer was unable to solve. He consulted such of his friends and acquaintances as he thought most likely to know something about the mattek: but, alas, there was not one who could enlighten hint at all about it. He at last determined to ad dress a letter to a gentleman, with whom he was totally unacquainted, but who is cer tainly one of the greatest living authorities in _matters connected with astronomy. He wrote to this gentleman, whose name he has no authority to use, stating his difficulty in words very nearly as above, and to his letter received the following reply : "I do not en titely appreciate your difficulty. Suppose (not as an accurate supposition, but as one which will coarsely resemble truth), that stars generally are bodies of nearly the same di mensions and specific brightness. Those which are nearest to us have the ap pearance of first magnitude, those up to some other distance arc of second magnitude, and so on to the smallest that we can see with a telescope—say fifteenth magnitude. All be yond this fifteenth magnitude, whether their existence has been long or short, we are unable to see as stars. Now, it is probable that the light from all stars of the fifteenth magnitude. and even very much farther has reached - us long ago, but it is not seen by us in the shape of im ages of stars, but as generally diffused sky light. And all the fresh stare whose light has reached us successively since that time would not appear as stars, but would make the sky a little brighter." Here then, thanks to the courtesy of this eminent as tronomer, was a solution to the difficulty. It scents curious, however, that no work on astronomy in our language (as the writer be lieves) is to be found that will give a plain answer to a question which had puzzled him so long. A Ducal Revenue. One of the subjects most prolific of gossip tins week has been the sale of the Duke of Beaufort's racing stud, which took place on Saturday last. There have been several minors afloat as to the cause of the Duke's retirement from the turf, but it is now pretty generally understood that the depressed con- WI ion of the iron trade, from which his grace drew a large portion of his revenues, has had the greatest share in bringing about this result. One firm alone, working some por tion of the mines on the Duke's estates, paid him between .ClO,OOO and £ll,OOO a year iu the shape of rent and "royalty" upon the ore produced, and that firm is afloat to cease its operations. The Duke of Beaufort has been one of the leading patrons cu the tort for several years, and in deed he never greatly distinguished himself in anything but racing matters. I believe the only speech he ever made as a member of the Ixeislature from his place in the House of Lords was on some point of detail connected with the annual parliamentary grapt of Queen's plates. His grace suggested, if I re member rightly, when the consolidated-fund appropriation bill was before the peers some years ago, that some alteration should be made in the regulations concerning the weight to be carried by the horses contending for her Majesty's plates. 4 Politicafiy the Duke is a staunch Conserva th e, and at present holds the office of Master of the Dome. ' On the race-course—that lev elling institution on which peers and black leg:, jostle each other in the crowd, and where a duke has to submit to the "chaffing" of a costermonger—the noble duke is better known ns "Aunt Sally," in consequence of his connection with the exciting game which goes by that name. The case wai in every body's mouth • some years ago. The duke was summoned before the magis trates of Brighton at the time for assault ing a man on the race-course. His grace, it appeared, was playing at "Aunt Bally" on the Downs when the man who brought the charge against him would persist in riding between him and the wooden figure he was "shying" sticks at The Duke at last got an THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-4HILADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1868. gry, and Sent ono of the sticks at the infra _ der, effectually . "ilsoring" blm, and the result was a summons for assault. The'stde of his grace's stud ,on Saturday is considered by people who Profess a knowledge of horse flesh to have been most satisfactory. Twenty 'six horses were sold, realizing over .416p00, and among the lots was Vauban, which went for 3,200 guineas.--London Gossip. Archn•logical lieseare,h. [From the St. Louie DemOcraet of the 4th.] Western antiquities have not attracted that attention their merits deserve. Surrounded by the most interesting remains of antiquity, very little has been done to develop or ex plore them. One of the largest tumuli in the Mississippi valley has been cut down and re moved under the very shadow of our Academy of Science, and not even a saving hand has been put forth to rescue and pre serve it. A group of large and Interesting mounds looms up on the American Bottom, almost within sight of the city, and their Character is so little understood that when men of sci ence come among us and inquire concerning them, not a single intelligible response can be given. This is discreditable to us as an intel ligent and cultivated people. We smile at the blunders of foreign writers,and yet, what have we done to enlighten the public or advance science in this regard? We are gratified to learn that a systematic "movement is proposed to explore and deter mine the character of Monk mound, and the other tumuli composing the Cahokia group. A gentleman who has paid especial attention to the subject of American Archreology,and who i 3 prosecuting a series of researches under the auspices of one or more of our leading East ern scientific societies, is now on his way here to make explorations in this vicinity. It is hoped that all interested in scientific research will promote the present inquiry by rendering every facility to the commission charged with these , investigations. Minor relics of ancient art—implements, ornaments and weapons in store, specimens of pottery, all be thankfully received, as one of the objects is the formation of a National Antiquarian Museum. _ _Curious Use of the tot. The Nord, of Brussels, tells this singular story: "On Sunday, February 2nd, the election of Bavarian representatives to the Customs Par liament was to be made. Upon that day the curt of a parish near Erbendorf, after con cluding his sermon, addressed, the congrega tion in these terms: 'My very dear brethren— We have to-day to vote for what is called the German Customs Parliament. Two candi dates are before us—the banker of Munich, Albert Wild, and M. de Schlor, Minister of Commerce. Which shall we choose? Let us address ourselves to the Holy Spirit and pray that he may touch our hearts and enlighten our understandings so that in a matter so important for our country and our Church we may make a right selection. See, I have here two cards, one bearing the Dame of Wild and the other that of Schlor. I will place them iu my cap, and turning my head away will shake them together. And now to your knees, dear brethren, and pray with me.' •An interval of silent prayer fol lowed, after which the cure, looking away, drew forth the name of Wild. "Ah, my brethren," he exclaimed, 'this is the man who is recommended from Heaven, and you know how you ought to vote.' The result was that the banker Wild was returned to the Customs Parliament." MEETING OP CARPET WEAVEM.--A meeting of journeymen carpet weavers took place yesterday after noon at the public house Front and Muster streets, Thomas Mulcahy in the chair. The reports from the different shops were presented showing their deter mination to stand by the Convention of Carpet Weav ers. in the strike now being carried on. The Presi dent made an address urging the journeymen to stand him in the position taken, and not to yield until the advance waues were paid, and thirtpeis inches to the 261 o was granted as the standard measurement. Tae committee of conference with the manutacturera made their report. They state that after a prolonged interview with the persons named, they adjourned be lore coming to any conclusion. trhe report was re ceived and the committee cot.tinued. Alter the pay nt of dues, and the transaction of some unimpor tant business, the tneethig adjourned. MENTON; OF THE MANUFACTURERS' BOARD OF TReDE.-• An adjourned meeting of carpet manufac turers was held yebterday at the hall, corner of Thomp eon street and Prankford road, at which the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That we, the carpet manufacturers of Philadelphia, do hereby bargain ana agree to pay the present prices, with the etandard measure, thirty-six inches to'tbe yard. until August 1, 1868, for nil carnets manufactured: Provided, That we, the manufac -1112( re, receive a guarantee from the weavers that they will nab no advance until the time above mentioned. I.'esolved, That if this proposition is not accepted, the above contract be considered, nun and void. The meeting adjourned until today, to bear the re volt of the committee appointed to confer with the operatives, BEAL ESTATE SAI.E.--Jalikes A. Freeman, atie tioueer, sold at the Exchange, yesterday, the following: 'o. 1415 North Tenth street—Three-story brick dwelling, lot 16 by 74 feet, subject to $4B ground rent, $2,320 3,000 acres of lumber and coal lands; in Jay Township, Elk county, Pa., $5;000. Twentieth street—A large livery stable, lot 55 tys 59 feet, above Chestnut street, $lO,OOO. •N o. 240 Arch street—A valuable four-story iron and brick share property, lot 17.!,,Y, by 51 feet, ;0.100. EXPLOSION IN A QUARKY.—About half-past four o'clock yesterday afternoon an explosion occurred at . Isaiah Barber's quarry, on Adams r.treete, near Edward, by which Edward Ridney, aged 33 years, residing at No. 147 Adams Street, had a foot blown off. William Russell, aged 23 years, residing at the corner of Pine and Aditus ,treet, was severely injured about the head and body. He was removed to his residence, and ilidney was taken to the St. Joseph's Hospital. Tux Vgnmor.—The' inquest in the case of Henry Clemens, whose death was caused by a kick, received on Eighth street, below Walnut, was concluded yesterday afternoon. The jury returned the following verdict—That the said Ilenry Clemens came to his death trom heamor !huge, caused by a kick in the stomach by some person to the jury unknown, on Eighth street, near Walnut. THE ELIWR.NTIL BAPTIST DIFFICULTY. —At a meeting of the regular Philadelphia Bap tist Ministerial Conference, it was resolved to ex elude the Rev. R. S. Tharin, late of the Eleventh Bantist Church, Twelfth and Race, from the con mence. by reason of his recent action while pas tor at the aforesaid church. . RECAPTURICI).—David Buck, who escaped from the County Prison, on Thursday last, in com pany with Leonard Buford and John Wilson, was captured yesterday ut Nicetown, and restored to hie old quarters. Buck's offence was conspiring to swindle., and he had only served out a short time of his two years' sentence. UITY BULLETIN. SERIOUS ACC'IDLNT.-Vm, B. Livermore fell from a telegraph pole, at Frankford road and Church struts, yesterday afternoon, and broke both bin legs, Ho resided at No. 1029 Artnat ,typrt. Be was taken to th.l Episcopal Hospital. PIANOS. OILENWOuD PIANO THE SOUNDING cm4nenuoriteaupgraduree. The immense board of Ole inetrument !Imitated by largo etringe th " on , w th h e ir b h ri n d e g u e t i r tt li trer t e b f e or i e m brilliancy and perfection of tone always remain intact. The base etringe havo the full vibration of the sounding' board,rendering the whole scale poled in uniformity and continuity. Artists and q ui rmufacturere arc reepoctfully bolted to examine there trumenta at the warerooine of LOPIft Pith: 4 l 4 PN. No .1 1814 a rkor etreet. a NEW ,OAktlill(4s NEW CROP 'TEXAS Pecans lanminff,px.stostorrilp dtar of tho Union, and for Belo by J. B.'BUSMEN & GO., 1.08 south Delaware avenue.. ABIUSEBIENTN• C. H. Jarvis's Classical Soiree AT NATATORIUM HALL, BROAD Street. below WALNUT,_Eaet Side. SIXTH AND LAST SOIREE. V) SATURDAY EVENING. April 11th, 1868, Commencing at 8 o'clock. TICKETS .. . . .. . . .....ONE DOLLAR. To be had at allthepV — incipalDude Moue and at the Door. aPS•Hti. FOREPAUGH'S GIGANTIC CIRCUS AND MENAGERIB. OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT, On the Corner BROAD nnd WALLACE streets, • Dm blot now the GREAT CENTRE ON ATTRACTION. Thousands being nightly drawn together by the excel. loner, variety nnd 'warmers of Gm MAMMth•TI4 SHOW. IMMENSE bUCUESS Seems to crown every effort gilt forth Pyi ADAM FOREPAUGH Whore energy of character, princely liberality and in. iltntitable will have conspired to place him a long way in advance of theresent age of public antuseinents, and. ABOLD CHAMPION LEADER Of his Dian akerml compeers in time Tented Field. %bore visiting this wabllshment will have an mew tunity of witnceeing.ffof one price of admission, '1 I 1 E BEST CIRCUS. The meet elegantly enpariponed Horses, and the finest distralsy of Drum rimier] talent, combined with time D CLEAT ZOOLOGICAL EPARTMENT OF 'ANI MATED NATURE, Confined 'Within magnificently constructed eager, ever before eximildted ou the American or Eimpenn continent. Remember this is the last week in Philadelphia. CLOSING ON SATURDAY, April Ilth, OF FOREPAW/ IPS MAMMOTH CIRCUS AND MESAMMIE. Adreleidon NI cents Children under ten years... „.... . .. ..... 25 cents Doors open at 1 and 6i4 o'clock. givingv 1% boom to wit ness the Animals before the Overman performances begin. ADAM FORE PAUGII, Manager and Proprietor. N w CHESTNUT STREE,T Doors open at 7. Curtain them at 8 o'clock. • J. E. MoDONOIJOIPS Elaborate epectaelc of THE BLACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK. TOR BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK, THE BLACK CROOK. AGAIN TRIUMPIIAN.T. THEATRE CEO wpm). THE AUDIENCE DEMAND A L(UBLE REPRESEN TATION. TEE INCANTATION SCENE THE GROTTO OF STALACTA. THE CRYnTAL CASCADE GRAND TRANSFORMATION SCENE. Together with the PARISIENNE BALLET TROUPE, Supported by SEVENTY-FIVE YOUNG LADIES. a _ A nSIORIAL DISPLAYS, MAK:IIES. • - Mini:GED AT A N EXPENSE OF V. 10,000. ELABORATE DECORATIONS. cosi' LY WARDROBE, and A PO)VERFUL DRAMATIC CAS P. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 11191 ALNI;T STREET THEATRE.— THIS (TIIIThSDAY) EVENING, April 9th, MI:. EDWIN SouTli RICHE 1., EU. In Ilnin - er's II rtoricnl Hay, in nye :let , . of 1;1c11ELIEIT; CoNSI'I RACY. IvlkS MARX MoVICKER AS <JULIE. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF EDWIN 800TH Tut; lADY OF LYONS. EASTEB tooNDAY—BOoTiI MATINEE. THE LADY OF LYONS. ik 4 Re. JOHN DREW'S ARGU STREET THEATRE. 191 Beginn -;‘ to S. PLAY. . PLAY. PLAY. PLAY. Fir t Prodection in America. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, Robertd.on'e New Comedy, • With Every Scene New, Great Ca:4. New Et!,:c Duct le Orcllcatt a. &v., called "PLAY" TIDE SCENE--GERMANY. MPS. JOHN DREW of POSIE OWEN MARLOWE.... .. . ...FRANK PRICE . Aided by the Frail Onnpliny.. SEATS SECUREAIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. ONCERT LAST WEEK OF FATHER. BALDWIN'S ORIGINAL /lOUPE. 01 , OLD FOLKS. LA sT NIr.HTS of "I'e A ncient Concerb.,' . . . MATINEEB,IVEDNESDAI: and:SATURDAY.. Adult-- do. 2 (*nu.. • i .n FIUDAY NIGHT. the (.1d Folke all appear for the eou,plimentary TeFtimobial to MR. C. HEN Rl'. lickete CO eente; can be secured at Trumplee.% Cheet. nu , street. without extra charge. ul,ti-t;t,l 10.SUERT HALL. MONDAY EVENING, April lath. 1843. uCMYLIMENTAitY CONCEILVFENDEKED TO MIL A. K. TAYLOR, . - Rv a number of Ma friendr. When ho will have the vulva blc maistance of • DIMS uie SOLLIDAY MISS EMILY YOUNG. MR. •JAColi GRAF. MR. CARL WOLFSOTIN, MR. WM. STOLt., Ja.. MR. DA VI WOOD. _ Tickets, One Dollar each. To be had at J. E. GOULD'S piano store, to it Chestnut street, and Ny. li. noN ER'S' mu sic store, DM Chestnut street. r eats way be secured on and after TUESDAY, April 7th. if he holders of Gray Ticnets may exchange them for Tickets with coupons, Doors open at 7. Concert at B. 1111114.21.285p4.6.7.8, A LE. BEIOETI'S FAREWELL COMPLIMENTARY li TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT. TO.NIGIIT—ASSEMBLY BUILDING. iIISH HELEN NASH, WILL ASSIST. Positively his hat appearance in Philadelphia. Signor BLITZ. S. B..—BANFORD and DUBS ALICE 81,9 '1 ER n ill appear. t NETT'S Dante: Or, Two Forearm in One. BUR NETT'S Odd Facee and Cemie Delineations.. A dtphsion 50 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. Itl FOYER OF ACADEMY. EIGHTH BEETHOVEN MATINEE, FRIDAY. APRIL 10th. CARL WOLFSOHN. WM. HARTMAN. The favorite German Baritone. TICKETS.. .... ONE DOLLAR Doors opi.o at 4. Concert at 436. api-It MEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY RES . AtT. & CARNCROSS DIXEY'S NBTRELS. THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF VHF WORLD. Ti eine ndous bit of the screaming act entitled TRU. ON TRAVELERS. Last week of the new Irish Interlude. entitladi CAT IN THE CORNER. Lit week of the 4ensational Burlesque on UNDER THE GAS Lunn. MR. C. HENRY'S TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT AND FAREWELL APPEARANCE in Philadelphia. LUNCERT HALL, FRIDAY NIGHT. • Mr. Frank Mordnunt. Mr. J. Morrison, and the whole Ti wipe of OLD FOLKS will appear. A iveion 50 Emilia Tiekets at Trumpler'a Moak Store. ap7-44 P ERMANIA ORCHESTRA .— UBLIC REHEARSALS U at the hIUSIcAL FUND HALL,avery SATURDAY at 33 , 1 P.. M. Tickets sold at the Door and at all principal t tete Stores. The last Rehearsal of the Season will take piece on Saturday, April 18th. Engagatnente can be made by addreeeini D. B 1 SPURT, 1181 Monterey etnist, nr as R. ArITTIDI Music Store. 1021 Chestnut stmt. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, EVERY EVENRVO and _ _ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, BOW" Dances, Gymnast Acta. Pantomimes. &c. tihNTZ'S ORCHESTRA MATINEES IN DOR. ticultural Hall, will close on THURSDAY, April 30tb. rtaa, when tee 80th and Last Concert will be given. 'rickets at Boner's, 1102 Cheetnut street, and at the door. 5n1i9.t.a.p30,4 pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT, above TiANTLI. Coca from fe A. M. to 6 P. M. Beni amin Weet'a great picture of CHRIST REJECTED dili nn exhibition. 16141 FOR SALE. „.„ FOR SALE—A HANDSOME BRICK RESI. deuce, 22 fuet front. witk double back buildings and :Alertly modern convenience, stable and carriage house, and large lot running through to a street; situate Atell otreer, w set of Fifteenth. J. M. GUMALEY SI )NS. fits Walnut street. 11ERMANToWN—k OR SALE.--A HANDSOME double•pointed btone lterideneeoetth stable and car - ;Inge house and large lot of ground; situate within 10 inintura walk from Wayne Station, on Philadelphia and fietalantewn Railroad. J. M. GUMMY Ai 801.16,608 Walnut ',treat. ISALE OR TO RENT FURNISHED —A Ilandrowe Modern Residence, with 14 acres of ground attached, situate in Darby Township, Delaware county, within 10 minutes walk from the Darby ito,d litutiou, on Philadelphia and . Media Railroad. .1. M. iIUIIINEY & EONS. 508 Walnut street rCOUNTRY SEAT AND FAItM FOR SALE.- 1 2 60 or 100 acres. ktrietol Pike, above 7 milo acme. and near Tacony. Mention houpe,,coach shops ar.d dwellinge to let. Apply on the wombed. or to it ToTARER, No. 610 Locuet.etreet ap4.13 to th.7t* A VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENUE FOR SALE IN bIANTUA, WEST PIIILtDELPHI9.—Modern built convenient house; large lot finely Improved. Fruit; Flowers, &e.. Inquire on promises, No. 8602, Ham- Iton street. up24§ 'FOR SALE—THE COUNTRY. SEAT OF MR. P. Brady, 10 milea from the city, near Peareon'a Station' on the Philadelphia and Trenton' Railroad, good Amine and nut -building with 10 acres of land. Apply to 4j. H, l), P. MUIRREID, 1 , 48 S. Sixth street. trahaft.let* itFOR BALE OICEXOHANGE FOR A VESIRAMLF., out ottown residence, a very, fine Stone Residence in the beet locality. west or Uroad ,street. Value, $85,000. Inquire at 160 P liheetntit West • 'ap9 2to CAFE ISLAND COTTAGE FOR, SALE-41 — MU bo exchanged tor FllllAdebblA inquire at Lint Store Tenth and Chestnut. ANDi. LOT 1121 SPRUCE gibly aituged. Appy to TI3. .S. ILA RFER: 1811 Wilnut Street. FOR SALE BUILDING ,LOTS FOR SALE. Apply to BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON„ BUILDERS, N m o North Thirteenthl§treet: itFOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A BEAUTIFUL 2 „,,Country Itesidence, known as Rome link situate on the Bristol Turnpike,ll,s6lllllolfrom the State Rouse, ono mile from Torresd ale, and within a quarter of smile of Boric's Station, on the •Phlladeria and Tren ton R. it., containing about 11 acres of lan in a high state of eultivatien. The improvements are a Frani° Manion, 26feet square, with large Piazza in front and Observatory on the roof. It lies droving•room, sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor. eight chainirre, bath-room with hot and cold water, water-closet, washbasin and bldet, and butler's rmba. in dining-room'; cooking-rouge and foree.putrip in the kitchen to Supply water to the tank; milit.vault and or illf , C)013(!t. in the cellar. The outbuildings are a large Ire House, over which is a Summer Bouse, a milk and pi ovision• v nit edit:dining, a necerfailing well of tweet excellent water under cover. stabling for five bones rind seven cows, carriage bongo, tool house, poultry yard and plkpen. A part of the ground in beautifully laid out with gravel walks and la wn, with abundance of shrubbery and ornamental trees. There are 11.1140 NCVeriir httadred choice fruit trees e al numt every variety in full beating, a grapery over 200 feet long. licorice the choicest varlet es of gran* vegetable gaudt it of two tyres enclosed, with a neat picket fence. and OtIIWO hedge in front, which ft tioo feet on' the turd. pike. Thu foul ridged annualiy, if sold in the Market, would pay at least $l,OOO. A neverfalling etreatu, calW: the Poeuessem crosseg the entire western bound Of tab premises. wo-thirds of the timeliese money may remain on mortgage, or it would be rented to a reitlionsible tenant On a lean. Accessible by the Philadelphia and Trenton itailioad Cars six or eight times a day during the entire year. and Steamboat from Torrisciale 'twice a day. For further particulars apply to ISAAC NATIIANS ay9.2tl N. E. corner Third and idprnce Phila. CAPE MAY 1.:011AGE FOR SALE OR RENT, furnished.-- Th AtN, Cottage, Cam; I aland,haa ten -tombs in main building, aeoarate two story kitchen, with cellar under: ice-hour% (filled); wood•house; excel. but water, 0611C)141011!6 and stable; about one hundred shade trees, and largo bath house on the ticauth, It la centrally located, with a front of i. , RI feet on Lafayette street, and large lot for 'vegetable garden In roar, and within three hundred yards of railroad depot and prin eipal hotels. Apply to CIIAS. J. THOMAS. ) ” xecutom . ALLEN " apl.l2t§ No. =ll5 alnut atreet. rFOR SALE—A COUNTRY SEAT AT BRANCH. town; stone house SOx46 feet; containing three rooms and kitchen on first floor. end sevon'cliainbers on the econd floor. Dome fitted for winterVesideneas; situation very desirable and healthy. within ten minutes' walk of flr,en Lane Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. 13utelier, baker and stores in the neighborhood. Six sores of laud. frame stable. Price $12.0W. Inquire, of V. W. WHARTON. No. 417 Walnut street, ofilco of the bel,nylkill Navigation Company. jr`Oß BALE—III'ILMNO LOTS. .1 Large lot Washington FINCIIIIe 11E1(1 Twenty.third mt. lots E. S. Twenty-second, above Arch at. -4( lota*: 3: - Walnut, amour - Thirty•teTelial gtrect,_West PhilKdovhift. 3 lota Vt .S. Franklin, above Poplar at. • h lots FL B. Eighth, above Poplar at. lots E. S. Erankford road, above I funtingdon Pt. MI in lurid (Mug neighborhood. Apply to COPPUCK iIiDAN, 433 Walnut street. • aplt( FOR SALE -A II AND4OME COUNTRY SPAT. known an ”Edgewond." coot:lining abo , t 30 acres, of w Lich Start woodland, eltuate m Birmingham Chester county,. 3 miler from Street Road stmtlon (W. C. and P. It. It.). The improvetneniacourdet of A I; TH. 11110( UM it , lit Etllll%. 11(1111(4011, EllO sWrlea and attics. mil in rent( hue lawn. ad.., evergreen ikid fruit trews. nd Carden: tense t Louse and anti water intro. dnord I,y a a:1,•cl. Terms easy. Apply from it, A. M. till I I'. Ai.. nt arc Walnut et.. loom No. i 3. au7,t tit• - MA 1 . % TOWN —Ft ilt SALE—TILE HAND. woe Double Stfaie Ileddence. with Tenant lignow, Habit. and Cm - tinge iloure. Ice Green and I , ot and Lot feet front by :1:6 feet'deep,ituate E,-;,Tuluthocken etreet. lino , parlor, library. dining, Inf go pantry end' tA o kitchen? , on firet flour, ten bit e, and gvery city convkutence, acd la in ei[et- I, lit I epair. Large %egetabb. garden and abundance of in iltrubbery. J. M. G SUNS, Zki Walnut rect. cii•-..- FOR SALE—ON FOILTII , IIII S'ritEF.T. ftEIAW Pine. Weet Philadelphia— A very desirable Cottage *-- Residence, replete a lilt every convenience. Stable. C, :it it 110,,,ie and tireen.boure. Ground., handsomely 1,, id out aitll a 'prof lElon of fruit trr ill Inn beating. Lot 78 by Wo. SA1111; e.,L FIELD. 142 South Front atreet, 'i he lot adjoining. '."6 feet 6 inches. can be had if; do ,11, d. • .>. ndilli.tf: r BEALTIFFL nESIDECE N on the InverDank. in the upper part or 11.,verlY2 Wand one acre. extending to Ww r: 'I .•n et. house is large and convenient: wide hAU In ti. Ore: I:age-El:ode trees. grotiuda tastefully laid out, and Finder' filled with all kin& of fr.iit; within a few walk of steamboat or railroad. Apply on the py ,rniket., or to W3l. KM.N, No. lu North Fourth attest ILHada, at -It FOR SALE,-A' FINE 45:• ; : * . Farm, In Neweaptlc county, Del.. on a navigable rtreatu of crater, and near a Railroad ptatton, with on abundance of fruit. ocaidee a young peach orchard of n. ecreo. t.ich alone le now paying ten per cent. on all flint to asked for the u bole I arm of 140 acres. with a good below of 7 FOOT/IN and a large new barn. Inquire of "of. T. " 1114 Girard etrect. toh3,tu.thAsat4 Olt BALE OR TO RENT.—A HANDSOME MODEkN COUNTRY SEAT, Ten wilco from the city. In every WILY a doilralde ',try teiddence. with fine view. and twenty acre., of im.c. Will be eold for lees than the brume cost to build. A ply to ALBERT A. OUTERBRIRGE. np4.64 710 Walnut street. DESIItABLI4 COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOE sale. in a healthy and beautiful locality on the 'lora -road, about fifteen tulleti north from Yhilaie five a tree with atone houee, 25 rooms; good water, barn and neceerary out buildings: variety of fruit, grapes. &c. LUKENS & MONTUOME aY. Conveyancers, r, th al2t. le* Beach etreet. FUR SALE—A FURNISHED COTTAGE AT r. Cape May nearly new, with ice house and stable. if is one of the most desirable places on the Mend, apd is well situated, having a good view of the ocean. Aptly to HENRY O. DAVIS. nV.1.(11,8,tu..12t• No. 24 South Front street. FOR LE— T L GA.N TCOUN T R SE g• corner of Birch lane and Montgomery avenue, Cheat. " nut HiIL BRDLAWK. A: PASCHALL. r0b17.0 ;lb Walnut street. ritFOR. SALE, OR TO LET—DWELLING MI N. Twelfth street. Inquire at Hat Store, Tenth and " Chemist. 5e.3430 1868. .tilami,.:rxitufgEa 1868. No. =I SPRUCE STREET. FOR BALE. fd-AULE BROTHER di CO. fo-1412211' 2500 SOUTH STREET. 18ti8. 10,1,i1lg8M11,Rf DWELLING 1868• No.mp WALLACE g•TRKET. . ' I loon 40 feet front; lot 'SO lest to a 'Arcot. I , It BALE. LLAULE BROTHER dr. CO.. felti-titn• 2500 SOUTH STREET. 'IN DIAWS, DOORS AND MARBLE FOR BALE, V . 7 lsr oad bud Yilbert. bite of new Ma.iouic remph., ”1 7 et' N. W. ELIAS. 1r A LUA 11LE WHARF I'ROPkRTY FOR SALE, ON the Delaware river, having a front of lOU feot,with Piet 71 feet wide. J. GLISMEY .1:; SONS, 508 Walnut str,et. TO RENII. WEST PHILADA.—DWEi LING TO GEr-10 routes. gee,range,beater ; being papered andp*inted; yard leo by PA) feet deep; grape vine, fruit K. $6O per month Imrnediate poesession. N. E. corner Cbirtt••eighth aud Walnut street*. apS E.,:;; DJ ItENT—A TIEIiEE-STORY DWI , : LUNG with, back Indidlnge. No. 1011 , South Eleventh street: "Litlodern•• Improvements. lnduedlute postesete Aho. mode) n dwelling S. E. corner Broad and Oxford 1 . 1 . t8. Apply to CurrUCK 4: JORDAN, 433 Walnnt xt.l - jr.„ FOR RENT FuR. THE SUMMER SEASON. furnished.—en elegant Residence, with stabling. vegetable garden and Aaveral aerea of laud H ttSChed ; Fitt' lam on Ms nheirn street. .Gertnantown. J. H. GUM. Ml-.V & LyOI S. bag Walnut street. FOR RENT ON AN, IMPROVING LEASE—A large building, having a front of 26 feet, by, ISO feet iu depth, situate on the south side of Walnut street, vs& of Tenth. J. M. GUMMY k BONS , 608 Walnut s.• • • t. TO RENT—A SUPERIOR STORE FOR A Wholegate Bueinesi,"at a low rent. For partiott lara apply to LEWIS LIAELINLEN, 1128 a to th et* 813 Race dtrect. Pelt ItENT—FURNISIIED.—THE MODERN brick D . welling . with every convenience, No. 110 501 : 1% ‘3 , o a u n t i l i i t l tr w e en t ty.firot street. J. M. GUMMEY doBUN& TO RENT.-'-TIIE DWELLING NO. N VINE jjj Street, with all Modern Convenience 9, 10 ; V 1001119. • Apply to J. YOUNG, No. POB Spruce r 4, FOR RENT—FROM DECEMBER IST, A LARO.I •;; new Store, on Delaware avenue, below Chestnut rt " Apply to JOEL B.- DIMMER do CO., non tf • 103 South Delaware avenue. • ) ttOMS TO RENT.—LA RGW AIRY ROOMS TO RENT 1 1.%.. iu recond and third btoriett• of 1834 Cheetaut htreet. 1.0 to th a St. GAS F XTURES AB FIXTURES. —AlltillEl7: blEitittLL dt Uf 'I . IIACKaItA, No. 718 Chestnut street, rnanufacttwors ot Gas Fixtures, Lamps, acc., &c:: would call the nttontion of th .1 public to their largo and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers; Pendants, Brackets. &c. The, also Introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All Wi:llt pro , r LOST. oT OST CERTIFICATE OF STATE LOAN.—NOTIOR 'l4 is hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor• General of Pennsylvania., for the Issue ott a duppbl• cato of certificate No. 831, of the Five per cent, loan of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. for sBo—dated the Sixth day. of April. A. I,lBo—issued to JANE .IHILL. now deceased, under act of Amiably' Of Marsh 24, 1828— w high certificate has been lost. ANNA E, JONES, fell th.Bm.o Admn.; d. b: n. 0. t. of Jane Hull, dec'd. IVORTON , S PINE APPEE CUEE6E.-1.00 BOXES ON 1' olErillnulent. Landing and for oale YIDP d. D. BI7BBA-E , R & CP., Aseatsfor.Norto4 411. ,1 44, 4 SWlttl Pelaware Avenue,. - -, . , , A ,__,...„_AlA:‘,:. .2:::_,_:....Virs tn% IRONIYO'BOBTON 'hAlieTßlElttirV.. trade euppli dfolto r, ream; tut, ova. store and Eagle ~ o, 'West &lr orn.o celebrated Trenton and W fr cult. AY Jps, B. 13 1 ,31-3`3lElt & C 0.., Bole /mot% 108 out Oolowaro avenue, RE ESVATE ./flJ5l.'. 4• , •: •.4 stORPHANS , COURT fiALE.-=ESTATE OPons .oadsby, doceased,—James A. Froeman,Auctioneer. —Fourstory brick mentitactory. No. lo Fetter Lano. -4Under authority of the Orrpphans',%Jourttore CIL and county of Philadelphia. on Wedneedo, , Aprit at o'clock, noon, will be sold at etiblio oats ,' at the Pt la E - delpida xchanre. the following described real estate. late tno property of John Gadeby, docoaeod: Ow- , Lain lot of ground with 'the four•storY brkg thereon erected situate on the south side of reettitr ma r (between Second and Third streets. and Arch and Race streets). in the Sixth Ward of the city, at the distance Of 10 feet westward Rom thellea rengine with thentiddleta,,,, the , westerngablerend , wan , of the westertoniellanageLdf. Joseph Walker, frinting on Enid Fetter I,nue; thence extending westwardly by Fetter Lane 21 feet, more or. sees; thence extending by other ground of Joseph Walker southward parallel with the middle of 01 9 g al l end 111114 V, feet, more or lees; thence eastward 11 fee 'or there , / abouts, to the distance of %) feet westward to 1-he middle of the western gable end wall of the said Joseph .Wal ker's storehouse; thence extending by an alley northeast. ward 20feet to a stake; theneellorth ward le feet• 'Cloned. northeastward 9 toot to it stake; thencienorthward 81 feet to Fetter Lane. Together with the right and privilege of making arches under and building over the aforesaid court to the depth of Joeeph Walker's western mesauage. and tho rigbAof luting U m-western gable end wall thereo as apartylvaltleaolnicalk 'cart 10 feat headway• W ir th*, clear and with t he prix thereof 1 steam mobilo • and boiler are included in the sale. Subject to a ground rent of din per annum. 0200 to be paid et the time of sale. y the Court. • R, A. MERRICK. clerlc.O G. , EDWARD OADdtsl", E s „„„„i ni .,, • • E. JAMES GAMIN', 4 JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 4Et Walnut street. 01 TRANS , COURT SALE —EBTA IF Of„ Pshner,' decuttstal.—Jmnes A. Freeman. Auctioneer. , ' • --Ludor authority of the Orphans , Court for the city and county of thiladelphia, on Wednesday. April 22. 1888. at 12 o'clock: noon. will be cold at public sale, at the ThiledelPhla Eget:mtge. the following described real ea tatei late- the property of It, A,, Palmer. deceased: NO. I (No. 2in order of Court). Desirable Residence, Coach Douse and btable No. 1508 Chestnut street. The midi. vided hallput of 'all that certain four-story. rough-cut and brick dwelling, with basement and portico, and twos glory coach house and stable and the tot 01 ground, eitnate' on the south side of Chestnut street (N 0.1500, at the di& tame of 18 feet and 2-10 of a foot west of Fifteenth street, in the Eighth Ward of the city ; containing In frost on chestnut street 19 feet and 8-10 o a foot, and In. depth OIL that width 142 fast - 714 in. tO a2O feet wide allot lead-hig into and from Fifteenth street, The other ball pelt will he Fold by the other owner at tha same time, the put ehaser obtaining a clear title to the whole. clear of all ineumbrance. M." *Mit° bo mid at tbe time Of onto. is& 2 (No.l in ofder of (fourth Bulldog tot. Twenty. filth Ward.—All that certain lot of ground. tituato on the •eueterly side of K street, at the distanre of Ito feet (with.- -wart of Butler etreet. In the 1 went, difth Ward of the city: containing in front on X etroct 'Xi foot. end in diSta feet. re':." , f) to be paid at time of nn By the Court, B. A. MERV icK, clerk 0. C. JONATHAN PALMER. lisecoVir. JAMEii A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store ,P.P.3 Walnut street, ExEti:TofroS SALC.--EBTATE .wit,TAAm IL Lentz. deceased. James A. Freeman. Atte. tiontren, Building Lots, Tenth street. below Near. ton... Ender authority Contained in tho will of •the} Late Win. D. Lentz. deceased. on Wednesday, April= lee& at 12 o'clock, noon. will b sold at Wilk sale, at tits I , ..vehnoce, the following described real es tate, viz.: All that CRAWL; lot of gryond situate on, the ii'eifird - orTerith - atretteaa tbeillataneenrilrl rent ttaftth.4 - ward from Wharton street. in the Tp...nty•Sixt It Ward or the city of: raining in front 16 feet: and in depth Uri hot to Jim tin street Clear of all incumbranee 41,4, all that certain Inter ground situate cm tho west of 'lent), nt , E et. at the distance of I:Ct.+ feet so•.th cif ' Vi bus tou street, in the Twenty-alzth Ward of the city; tome turtle in (pont 16 feet and in depth W. ftet to Audits Pt I , rt. (fear of ineumbrance. 'I lie lota are in a ratildly.invyrovira neighbor lired ; ttt 'fentli and Eleventh 'tit; eet Prwstager ltsilway ~Mel the pro: trty. QJ!. NI to he ;mid on each st tuna of este. • By o}der of 1::-.4•elitott. A. FI:Fr.MAN, Auttioncer. tttor.:, •8,4 1V3.1[ Bit htrek-t_ 1. 1)1.1( 0a.1.X.-- JA,Mt Azictioa• nt , per.- it,pidene t t Vi'anditind l'ert:tee, (in Wert. nerday, April 22d. theta, at lila'claca, flanat,'Wlyi tmt Mild at padic pule at the l'hiladelabta Elehange. the following dec(rlhe:l real catnip, , bt., all' titat certain thtee•ctory brick roughen itt.elling.with three•atory hick todldiotto cituato on the east .id.l of Wood [and te•raee (rso. 4.) at tile dietact e of Set feet touthward front Hallittore n( (glue, in the 'twenty attruth Ward of the rite; cortaluing in front ttO feet end artendlne in depth 125 feet. 'lll. a'oole la a genteel reAldonce. with verandah rind aide yard, caloon tartar library and dialing moon canoe( led with Ittldlnit AG'Un", and klicliett oft the fun door, ruarlde mantle., botlet'e claret. with .not tett cold mater. oath room and wrier :artge, forrtare, kc. The yard hi laid .out with a variety of ehrubbery, grope 'I intr. _ *;%,1‘. 4 . 1 ( an remain if derlred Lq the Iturell-i+er. Clear of int 1 , 111.01121PC.C. _ pyr. imo to be paid at tbe time of Rae. ' JAMErs A. FItREZ4AN, AnctionelT. store, 4.a2 Walnut /trent. A 'Sr' COLT hT SALE -- I .:ISTATL Ur corr. uFklb Set weikert. deeefteed.-.James A. Freeman. A nci km. cr.-I'ruperty No. tlta St. John otreet. -Littler nu t liorft vot Crphan.o . Court rthe City and County of l'hilidelpitia on Wed , :eaday. April • 0 at 12 1/001.1. hill b. fold et pt.blie wale. at th Philadel phia EX:Ann:Re. tbr. fellow lea deaeribed real eitate. late the or perty of Ur.ttlrlb Vette:olml. deertteed Ali that certain twoltorr frame ineratv Fe. with twoetory bath Intlidloge and lot of ground. Monte an the west tido of tit. Iola" ttreet at the dLtaitee of 14 feet 3 inehee north we'd from green et- eet le the Eteveuth Ward of the rir v ; containing lo front 22 feetlifne hee. and lot depth 100 (Ott. more or !rm.. to a IS fee , w id e a n ca g e d it cpie alli y, with the privilege of said alley.. Clear of . Inman bra nce. rir - tice to be paid at time of sale. By the Court. S. A. id Eft' ex. clerk U. J ARKS A. FitEr3l -414. t tut lancer. Store Walnel at teat. Colin' SALE, ESTATE OF r' Sonata I It. &meek deceased.—JAnueri• A. Freeman., Auctioneer.--Store and nWelling. W. corner Ninth A L() W ,liington. under authority of the Orphano Court for the City P County of l'hiladelphip, on wedneaday. April t. 24. IFTPO, at 12 o'clock. noon, will he hold et public' rule. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the ,sold de• reribed real e. tate. late the property of Samuel IL Jane-Ss di reared, All that certain three-rtore brick me/goats and lot of groutid eltuate on the N. W. corner of Ninth tt t'vt and 'Workington go mine, in the Second Ward of the city: containing fu front en Ninth street II feet.. and in . idth on the rear 17 feet 10 Indic% and in depth. along Wudtington • avenue 45 fret 5 inciter, and on the north line 42 fret 04 indult. 1W - Sinn to be paia at the time of sale. E" Clear of fucumbranee. yy the COUtt. E. A. .MERRICIC,4"Ierk O. C JON ATIIA.N Executor. JASSIES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. "L store. Cr Walnut atte- .P.E.RFIPTOII.I! 8A1.E.—.1,431.1:3 A. FitEBMAII. Auctioneer.—Thrre-trory Brick Dwelling, No.in,s, Randolph Etreet —On odueaday. April V. 186ta 11 (Mock,. Evan. will be p.old at public gale. without re ceive, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the following dtreribed real rotate, viz.: All that certain tht er.ttory brick oregano:4e with two.etory bark buildinec and RA of ground situate on the went aide of Randolph street, at the diatante of 240 feet 74_11tchea not tbward of Girard avenue, In the Seventeenth Wand of the city: containing In front 16 feet and In depth Milne: inetriCto a 2 feet ti inch wide alley, which le td north ward into another 2 fent .6 inch wide all?y, which • rini4 east ward into itandojidi - alreet. Subject to din° ground rent per annum. I *lOO to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. * itSEMAN. Auctioneer. Store,'SM %Valuta atreet. PUMA: nALD—J.SSIES A. FREEMAN. ADD fifDonner. —.Neat tbree.ntory brick Dwelling No son Elliwortis street. ..;n Wedne,day, April 1.61. 184 A. at 11 ,oeiock. noon, will be 'old at public PAW, at the Phila. o. phia haulm:igen the fnllowing dencrihed real estate, all thnt certain thre6.44orY brick dwelling militate 1: the tooth ride of Ellaworth ntreef at the distance of 176 feet westward of Twentieth. street, in the Twenty. b Ward of the city: containing in (nun on Ellsworth rust 16 fent. and in depth 66, feet to a:Went wide attend called Anniii erect. The above in a new three.atory Mirk dwelling, with gas and fittings, range, d:c. Rubino to 4r,T, ground rent per annum. Immediate possession., 'I (Tina coda. rire No to be paid at the time of sale. JAMEI3 A. Fitt.EMA" , . Auctionein Store. 423 Walnut street. • tAtt...)l/ . oft I tiAt.t..—....lA 4EB A. FREEMAN. Iti.l A nctioncor.--4 hree.story Brick Dwelling. No 6lit Penn tttect, Fourth Yard. Un Werlnetttay. April at 16 o'clooki noon. .wilt be sold stkpublic sale. till I, out reserve. tat t le Philtnielphia narb num the ffd. lee nag described real estate, 'viz: All that certain three story brick dwelling with hasouent , and helix room, and the lot of ground. oh the mot lie of Penn street. at the rlPtance 16A feet southward of houth street. the Fourth 'Wald of the city t containing In front. 17 feet 3 kitbag. and in ti. pth 41 feet 7 inches. Together with the .prlylfege of the 2 feet 6 inch wide, a Hey on the south. ulear f incumbrance. Immediate po4session. Key at the Auction Store, . trif - $lO6 to he paid at the time of male. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer: Store. 492 Walnut street. D-14 M-a & ( JO., GENBRAL 'NSWERAPER. rerponolng and Advertising dee te 113 Nageld itltt, biro/s York . (Established 111 1813%) , _Overiisenlents inserted at publishers , rates In all the les ding newspapers published in the United States,l3ritish Provinces, Mexico, South dinettes, East And West Indies. linristins Geo Mr. H T. Drelnibold, Druggist, L 94 Broadway, N. Y. Messrs. EL E. Vanduzer, di Co.. 118 Greenwich a.; sr emr4 .. flail d Bucket, 118 Greenwhih street; Meriars. G. Bruce, - ion-di Co.,Type Founders,lB Chambers et.; Messrs. [Lagar tr Typo E minders. hold et.. N. Y. 4.19-3n33 IOTTON AND LINEN BAIL DUCK OF EVERY V width from ono to elx feet wide, nil numbera. Tont and Awning Duck. Paperrankore Felting, Bail .1' )liN W. k:VEIUdAN & CO., No. PA Jonee'e Alloy. JAMES A. WILIOHT, 111011,NTOSI PIXY., MIME= Git190)111 lIIGVE Ta l arai lr' t N & K SIA 'II.I" Importera oandf Earthenware shipping and (lointniaeion Merehaute N 0.116 Walnut etreot, Philadelphia- WELLS.--OWNEREI OF PROPER' r - 6‘ ll llsr t rlace to Rat privy walla cleansed and &aim fette,t, e very low pricoa. A. PEYBBON. Manufaaturor of You. Halt, Library street. orovms ALriria----JeftXll*-gub: l'#° l4 ." Ellugdletl 3 ll/1k , No. ISM CHESTNUT Street, riladetoMa. 4dannractnrera of M ()TOB) United Statue MLA. LOW DOWN. ' C ' PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE ,A,,,nd other (IRATE'S. Far Anthracite; Bituminoae and Wood FIN .6.1,80. ' WARM-AIR FURNACES, Fatalannlajj tratSlo and Private IS murmur. REGISTERS. VENTILATORS, • _L'IMMNEY BAT CAPS. • COOMING-4,ANGFA4, H-BOTLE33 , , WHOLESALE and RETAIL. - ha ENV TUEtXEY PRUNER LANOINI4A'ND I'o HAth by J. 13 LiCri3Sltlit di CO., 103 South D 0.3.1 , 7411 ILVOUIIao Frog, our lateat edition,of Yesterday. fly theiittift,cle cable. , is reported, Oit good an thorityv,that Lord Cranbouree has been tendered the ollicetof <Governor-General of Canada, to. succeed Lord Monett; and that Earl Mayo, TIOW Secr utry of Btut6 for Lreland,‘luts been, offered the- tentruoi-GeneralshiP of India,, Atrgerpld,,Lord Judtice of the . Court of slim Troia/00S said to be On the Volta of res gtatiOds The Irish Hierarchy will afill*APresent , a Petitieniti the, Queen, tri person, itgalntit tiny chubs° A ;ltd pi refatines" of •the Established Church In that part of. the United Kingdom. Deeds of violence agast er- sons and property 4re ;of daily occur i re n nce p in Cork. 0-*.. • oilikaogrtilin• Muscled Deepat toOw Militatelnt tis Evening Bulletin by F nklinTelecitthP o mtulnYJ BosTox, April B.4There,han been quite an ex citing scene to-dprrin ,:tho Cm:mention of the :Massachusetts HOMmepitihte Medical Society, on the admission of Mrs. Morey B. Jackson as a practising female physician In Boston. The de bate was miry anlmateds the opponents clabning that therqttestiote was a'serlotts one, and quoting from Scripture to shoWAst thetelation of a wife to a husband was the same as that'of the Church to Christ, • and that she shenid not be , subject ,to the temptations which would arise in the course of their profes sion. One of the opponents argued that it would tend' to produce effeminate men and masculine women, and said that if' women are to engage In medical practice they should stop by themselves and confine their practice strictly to ' the: • afflicted of their own sex. Those who favored Mrs. Jack sotk'S admission to the society argued that there ought to be , no objection it she possessed''.the reVielte and that if women become silefitbers of the Ooetety, germane subjects could-be discussed at ther meetings just the same, and that women's presence would elevate the discussions of delicate matters. After con ahlerable discussion of this nature on both sides, the question was taken and the admission of Mrs. Jackson wan refused by a vote of •83 against 31, which created great enthusiasm among those composing the majority. • From Canada. OrrAwv, April B.—Twd men named Whelan and Doyle were arrested last night, on suspicion of complicity In the murder of, Mr. McGee. It is said the evidence against them is strong. At 9A. M. to-day a man named Dent, employed as a night Watchman at the Parliament building, ahot Idratelf and died immediately. lbo body of Mr. )16143a was toddy conveyed to - theltobwritrattatille - CaltrOtal; Whore the funeral service was performed, after which the remains were .sent by a special Oak to Montreal, attended by the members of the Cabinet and other die tit:gab:hid men, as pall-bearers. Eulogies on the deceased were delivered in Parliament last night " The cause of the assassination is generally at tributed to Penis:lbw, which Mr. McGee had dote eo much to expose In Canada. The family of Mr. McGee will be amply provided for by the Government. Special despatches from the differ ent provinces repreent that a feeling of the deepest regret and Indignation prevails through out the country. - From Indiana. INDralcAroms,April B.—A man named Timothy Murphy was accidentally killed on the BeHeron talne :Railroad yEstcrday. Two young men named Leach and Lindsay fought a duel at. Kokomo, yesterday. After cx changiug two shots, friends interfered. Neither party ITSS iDitITCd. From Alabama. MONT 4; ON% ELY, April B.—There wtLe a heavy and goaxral frost last idght. which had a bad 'effect on young corn, cotton and fruit. Marino Intelligence. , PORTLAND, April B.—irriveo, steamship Nesto rian, from Ilverpool. MAU Conoiresecond 'Session. /. Want:utmost, April 8. Simal*—)lr. Mien' (Miss.) presented a i petitio 'of army officers praying the etmtinuanee of pay p d allowances to ofileers on: the retired list, an pretesting against the pending bill on the subject_ Referred to the Corotnittee on Military4ffairs. . Mr. Hatiatt (lawa)called up t the bill to exempt the property held and used Or school purposes in the District of Columbia ut taxation. ~,, Mr. Wilson ( Mass .) , .from . the Committee ou Military Affairs, reported with an amendment the bill .to contlaue the bureau for the relief of freedmen and refugees. Also, favorably to joint resolution authorizing, the Secretary of War to issue clothing and Sup plies to the exploring expedition under Profes sor Powell, on the Colorado river. Me; flOward called up the bill relative to tiling the reports bf railroad companies. He Stated; in nlily to a question from Mr. Fessendeu, that the biti'tkiptints iineliretrorts to be 1110;in theoftice of tiferSeoratary of the Treasury list , owe ',They! would`thus all be on record ha one place. Mr. Sumner (Mass.) presented a petition from theligratid` . and travetM jurors of thif • driltertl States, in Poston, reprettenting.that their pwasent pay of i ffi Is insufficient. to pay, their expenses at first-class' hotels,. and asking an inercage. Re ferred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Morgan (N. Y.) offered a resolution to print ibe report' of the thAtetary of the Trea sury in regard 16 pasisengerS in ocean steamers, which was adopted. Mr. Trumbull (Ill.) called up the bill in regard to the qualification of jurors.. It provides that the expression of an opinion founded on public rumor or statements in public journals shall not disqualify a juror otherwise c*petoo, and rho shalt uthe ak9ath that he cliff give A verdict according to:the evklence. Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, supposed that the law already,allows a. court in its discretion to ac cept such hirers. ' Mr. Trumbull replied that such was the prac non immanyfitates, but.that the hill proposed_ to make the practice uniform. ifayard (Del.) thought- this a dangerous provlsfon." A man &mild not be otherwise than' partial after once forming and expressing an, opinion. , , f" Mr. Davis (Ky.) was not sure that the measure was not an innovalien,ob J 3 l O saelOght Ot . inipartial trial by jury, and concurred in the opinion—expressed -by , the last speaker. Ho , would sooner yield, the whole government than ibis inestimable right. During Mr. Davis's remarks, Senators Truro -,• bull and Johnann were engaged in Failing- con- 1 froatbf him. . *- ; Mr. Davis—Senators may laugh and snicker, but their scoffs and gibes will not drive me from opposing this innovation. I do not care what theirl , thigh Tiositien Was in secrecy. : That is not Me way to meet opposition to an important measure. Both gentlemen rose in turn and were under stood to make disayowal. Mr. Davis said ho Wan perfectly indifferent, and had been speuking in all seriousness. Mr. Frelinghuysen (N. J.) held that in these days of,unlvcratii newspaper reading the expres sion of hypercritical opinion based ~o n: rumor does not militate against the impartiality ofju- TOM The bill was found to correct certain injurious rulings frequently made by Courts. Mr. Bayard again opposed the bill. ' The bill then passed by a vote of 37 to 8. Mr. Sumner (Mass.) introduced a joint resolu tion Joroposhig an ramendment to the Constitu tion cof the United States. • The resolution is identical with one intro duced in March last by Senator Cragin, and re ferred to thc.Comunittee on Judiciary. The amendment is ris'follows: ...lio.person elected as President • or.Vico Prat-. dent, who has once served as President, shall aft9r.vord bu eliglhjeto•Alther tlice. ..Referredto I.lk andielary . Comp/MC*6;z ~ At the expiration of the morning hour the Sati ate, .pursuantztolclrder, procecdeMto, the consid eration of private" bills reported Trom the com mittee on claims. ,now t —The iionse rnet, at 12 o'clock. The Speaker j)rcisonted a 'conanunication thh Commissioner of Mfgr,, relative to the necessity of speedy logislitttotijon the Indian ap propriations. Ruferry. to,the Committee on Ap propriation& , On motion of Mr. ,Washbarne (14.), the Senate amendments to the. Navel - Appropriation,‘bill were refit red to the, Committed on 4pproprla 7 , 11°. '; Mr Afeahhurne (III.) offered a resotiition, j ryuot-' ing•Wadverileement lu the New York limes for , the sale of the steaniadp Atlantic to pay the bal -1 once of $115,500, • due Under the contract with the Collins steamship line,and directing the Secretary of thogßavy to report all the facts connected with the, mortgage, held by the United St4tes In the steamship Atlantic; why the sale has been so long•postpoutd; where the steamship Atlantic now is. Whether the Government is likely to realize from her sale the, amount due. Whether she Wes c hartered by the Government , war. Whether any portioß of the charter money was deducted, &e. Adopted. Mr. --- offered the following as a privileged resolution :—ReAolved, That the resolution. of im ; peachrnent against Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, passed February 24th, 1868, and the proceedings of: tfie House amendatory thereof vr supplements thereto, be and the same are hereby rescinded, and that the Managers be rectified. - • ,The Speaker ruled that the resolution was not privileged, because there was a pending motion, in which the previous question had ,been ordered on the flisit of March, as to the plinth* of forty thousand copies of Mr. Butler's opening Ud , dress. No business was in order except by nnanintou■ consent until that was disposed of. The House then, at 2.13, adjourned. From ()aOfornl4. SAN FRN AciscO,'Aprll . 7.—The wreck of the ship Autocrat, as it lies in Arch Dock, together with the cat go of coal, etc.,, was sold to-day for $10,500 in gold coin. . Walrussia advices of March 26th state that the health of the garrison and men on the ship James town is good. Several Indian chiefs visited head quarters and were properly entertained by Gen. Davis. Movements are On foot to establish a seal fishery, with the depot at St. Paul's and St. George's. -It is reported that the Russian steamers ac quired by the successors of the Russian Fur Company will be used by the opposition line of the present company, between California, Vic toria and Walrussia. The weather is unpleasant, it having rained and hailed ten consecutive days in March. Arrived—Ship lloneta, from Glasgow, Lady —Bird from London. Cleared—Cold Stream, for Liverpool, with 20,000 sacks of wheat. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat In de mand; sales at $2 40(052 50 for ordinary to choice. Legal-tenders, 72.,V. PASSENGERS AititlVl - (1.). In etcamer Tonawanda, from Savannah --Mr Jet Trier, wife, child and rerrant ; Mr and Mni Yarrow; Dr Lance and lady; .lire Rureell, M i L Brim, wife and child. )ire Eblert and children, _ire tVlittier,ron and dangt.ter. Lieut C Keller, Mr Ed Howell, Saint V' Fraich e -Michael Kelly; Ilugh VeYan, W 11 Eamon . E W Burr idge e , Joe , Mcllitr• - hint; fiNJAltaAton,Philipiliickert. - Virox litlnn-W-Dotte hue, Chas Warren. Mr Raney, Mr Thompeon, W Ford. N Anderion, I' _McCaffrey. J Rolmc, W E Marmon. • -11%4 - 40c•turA,TIONS,... Reported for t o n'lndadelonta Eventnz SAG( U1113.4f1 WOO 4, Rob , on- - - MAI 4 tit , c,r. eager Thee Wattk on GSon,:3u hiodi d 9 Lanett 2too ban do Brown, Shipley & Co, 31A'PANZAt—liebr Mattie tee iimlitrrer John M town & Co. • NA - VA SSA—lingJetner, Jtaker, tied-d.irl :our. gran; E linzlev 4 1;0. SAVANNAll—ritcaorhip TOSIIIIV111!.1.1. , •••1 j)en itanhe.r Lip hidee :1: baler cotton 4do cotton banal E idlkee: Males cotton J F Brown: Id do Cochran_ 1: Co: 412 do 1;:4 do don:eAtic ,, 4a do Yarn t_ln•zhorn, r ring t: Co; I 1,1,1 teed 5 1):11( paper ,tor rd.; , rtno C H Clown 6 Sou; 2 do Co:1 , 1 do vein le dotnertice A NVldltdin -Ilted !aril; \V 1) Atnram I erhiricy Recker it .fdr. lint( bib En;;le & Wolf: 17 do Ely 21,0 hhl f:r,rr•r. utttn Co : 3 haler 7.? ;:0 1 1/07( bl.dlirott A IV •••2,4.1; :1•1:111 and . 1,k,;. , FYrleilt Agent. imtovitanueNrrs or OCIEAN STgAETEEZ• TO ARRIVE. lIIITPS THOU You DAV! Win Patin. ..... ....London..Now York March 21 11annattan .Llverpool..New Y0rk........M arch 24 llclita r. ...... Livervuol..Bcwton. &Ai. __Mardi 24 ..... Liverpool. , Portland March ;:t; Etna ......,.........Liverpool—N Y via a rch Saironia .. Y0rk.........M 111.........;:—8re2t..New York. „ Slat eh .New Y0rk........Mar , City of Paris Liverpool_S ew or k .......... pr,il 1 Belgian Liverpool.. Portland. Propoutic . . __Liverpool „Boaton, April Ilunnionta kkouthampton, .New York ----April ' LiverPool—New 4 Berlin.... South= pton ..8a1tim0re..........April 4 TO DEPART. ...Ipril 11 York.. Liverpool.... April 11 Itntannia...... .... New 1 0rk..tHaeg0w..........'..April 11 Geo Groniwell New York_New Orleans April 11 City of Antwerp.. New York—lAverpool..,... .. it Santiago de Cuba.. New Yolk.. A epinw 15 A Etralitata New York .. Liverpo , I Ipril 15 Manhattan-- ..New York...Liverpaol April 15 Ocean 4,211 eau ......,New St Laurent New York..liarre ........ kora City of Paris New York..Liyeropool..........April Ilifierni York..tilarigow April Ii Aterrimack..4. ... . New'York_ll.lo Janeiro, &c... April Stan and ..... .April BOARD OF TRADE. SAMUEL E. STi J Ea, LEA RGE 14. TM:IIAM, Moxrui.r C4/ 1 / 3 1rrrEE. ANDREW WHEELER. MARINE BULLETIN. rOJT OF Pri MADEE.PAL4.- All: 1) BCH RItiP.S, 5 MI 81111 SETS. t; 2 I fli wA.TER., ARRIVED YESTERDAY - - _ Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings. ia hours from :Saran. nah. with cotton. &O.: to : Philadelphia and Boutheru Steam ßß er Beverly, Pierce, ;!-I bout'= from New Vorli, with video to W P Clyde at. Co. Steamer Decatur, Youut, 13 hours front. Baltimore, with mdse to R Foster. Bark Chita Wood (Br), Itehron, 72 davi , front sugar to Vt - eittson & Sous.- veHsel to ih:e s :ion. Park F_sther, Prince, from ht Thoma- , , in ballast to NVorkrr an k Co. . Brig Jae Baker, Head, from King,don, Ja. 12th with ;guano to 3 K Bazley & Co. I:,,th ult. let to ,a 5, Ir n .Dicked up 4. Beery Wilkinson and crew, in an oneu boat. of ilgeore, of and from 'NeWcaatie. Ens. with a cargo , of eds. ter Sagas la Grar de, which went ashore %tith ult. on Morant Keys, and landed them on the on Gnu Key, Bahama Itanka. The following are the names ;of the rescued, who were nine days exposed to the in , clemency of the weather Bitola food or v.:ater ; Ilenty Wilkinson. master of Blyth. Log: Alfred Vi'ilsou, mate. of do; Rout Bly,ib, carpenter. of do: Henry Latt„ , -cook and steward ; dofTeter Joyce, seaman, do; Chas Drown, do; Wm Weetcott, apprentice. do; Edward I,Vendr2,-; 'seaman, do. and Jae di array. drowned, do. Capt lieod ,provided for the comfort of the desolate by every availa ble means within his reach. • Schr Mattis Holmes. Tapley, 14 days from Matauzas, with bvpur and Molaases to to John Ma: on & Co. ' Behr W , (l Atwater, Sanders, from New York,with mdse to captain. Behr Kate, Stetson, from New York, with indF.e to Geo ' B Kerfoot , , • 13chr Sarah Fidler, Barnher,from Alexandria, Va. with mdse to captain: " Seim J F Burrell, Perry 4 days from Norfolk, Va. with ablugles to TV Gaskill it * Co, Echr Sussex. Mason. 2 days from Milton, Del. with grain to Christian & Co. Snhr NV & S Coston, Waters, 4 days from Pocoraoke ,Rivtr..llld. with lumber to Collbse &Co. ticlgrDabb, Callaway. 4 days frourChoptankßiver, with raihns d ties to Collins & Co. Bahr Elizabeth. Wolford, 4 days from James fliverovith lumber to-Collins & Co. , Behr W B Copes, Trouse, 4 days from James River, with lumber to Collins 4.C0. Tug Fairy Queen;Alexander,fromMaltimore.with a tow of barges to \V P Clyde & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. `.Stearoer-Alltance, Kelly, Charleston, /4itth.hurf, . sham r'Co. Steamer Philadelphia, Fultz, Nt'w York, W C ClydeitCo. !Steamer Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore. A Groves. .1 r. Brig Ortolan. Leeman, Triuid.‘d, Warren & Grego. , scor Elbe L Lathhury, Wickersham Behr Beatty. Price, Richmond. Ya. ; do .., Baehr C Corrierr, Kuhn:Salem. Wedtlllol Coal Co. ' :Seim Surpriae, Boers, Boston.,3lemb on & Cloud. ng Thos Jefferson. Allen, for Baltimore, with tt tow of barges, Wl' Clyde Li CO,' • ORA„NDA. Ship WyOming. - Julies, Jr. ,bence for Liverpool, spoken 4th inst. fat 87 83 'ton 7160 Bremner PithoYrit (Br), Watson, cleared at Now York yesterday for ;1 38 3k , Zia Vita (PS) , Brannan,' cleared at Cienfuegos 26th ulepor this port.— • • : Bat* Ahnie Augusta Davis, cleared at New York 7th 'inst. for StJago. • • , Brig Beni Caryer,',)ryers, hence at: Boston 7th inst. Behr Wit Tiers: Hoffman, hence at Cardentia 31st ult. Seim J Ricardo Jova, Little, at retort/10 ltith nit. from Licata. tichr Adolph ;Hugel, Robinson; hence. at Matanzas 31st tilt. Behr J S. Shindies. Lee, hence at tiatattzsa 30th ult. . , MARINE MISCELLANY. Copt Sleeper, of schr Cora litta. at tilts port from Trini dad, reyrts, bad tine weather up to Cape Hatteras. 2eh P ;sr/vitiate beavp ace gotning,from pX .bringing with it dead cal in at 6NM succeeded:in getting the schooner before the wind, the sea increasing all the time; at'r ,the patent steczer ,was thrown clear from the rudder head, and : was 'with difliculty secured: at 9 PM shipped a heavy sea which completely 'buried the vessel forsome time; carried away davits,. stove boat and bin naele, ioaahed out,eornpuit.athge nftott:narket • house, tilled'citblieWith' Tatar and 'awept overYthlug movable from de c 4; ; almhroite, polio .of J,Alolgden, „ seaman, injured ; attilaing..anethintenptalii's aide; the tteavY ace continually broke over the veiled; the_gale increased to a harlAoetlePuicliesdeX 41 14 ifWtel4. tilkYfedneedaY,eoon. C P lillitp . iliffiT_; VEGE AI3LEEr ,ii.--4poo ' ' CUSEiS freab Canned e acbee ; 600 ceece ' t fresh 'Ca:tined Pine Apples; $lO cacqa, fried/. rine Apple% 41: 1 81w; 4. 0 0 P nneee Green Corn and 'Green` Pena; 500' canes ' fresh Plaine in E l cane; 400 ewes I elk.liireen cragee 4600 ewe (modes, in, syrup; , 10 WO Wiliest N In"syrup t 500 cased Stramr 5.,, g : berrle eypitil 'lcemen fret& .re, in syrup; 4,005,, _ caL , e s a ' ned 4 .ro a l be • 500 eases Oyeter% Debeterg'lead (Amp ; ,,..60Q wee, opAtrile_ef,gll4oso4)4loool 3 ... d 40.,, ForYide by JOBEPEIFLEV - MIER dg i11U4103 letennweiVo -- ---- BOnDILDPS OS t,F Taktr-HAL :AN OUNO OF TIIII3 extract will make a pint 9f exceljent OW Tea to a fora mbuttet' :Vivava h Den Mt wow josspg B. MISSIES 1 CO., Mt Boutkt l..ware avenue. „„asgivivaoteP'o69lllP.-AP.-BAKSiirgei tow l er Vetwede ilahelpTCYlaltimore. EfavrelfWeinwarevity amjstermediaterpoto. W &CO Argiiite apt.NTOHN AA LI Lai. f3up't thee. id 13.151barvee, Ybiia, + tact THE DAILY: EVENING BULLETIN„-PIIILADELPIIIA, THURSDAY,' APRIL "0, 1868. 4 RIM QUICKEST T I ME 9N • RECORD. TBL panimas 'Rom. INF 28 HOURS to CTNITEI i r via PENNSYLVA. TIME tha NhIk.RAILIZn OAD COMPETINGL ES. AND PAN-I I) ,E,734 SOURS leer: by PASSENGERS taking the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI next NYENINO aj9.56. P. M. 26 HOURS ONLY ONE NIGHT,on the ROUTE. I THEZE)DRUFF'S celebrated Palace State Roontl BLEE 4.111N13 ran tbrongh M a kin g TMAEL. PIMA to GINGI ALTL Paseo:tete taking the 12.00 21. and ILOO P. M. Tralne reach CINCINNATI and all Points ot WE herST sad SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE of all Routes. amen/pre for 9NUINNATI N ENDIANAPOLIA, ST. ,c43II4O,„_CIDGAGO, P BURLING. TON IHNCY, MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL. OMAHA. N. andall points WEST, NORTHWEST and SOUTH. WEST, _will be particular to ask for TICKETS lir Via PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. FirTo SECURE the UNEQUALED advantages et this LINE, be VERY PAETICULAR and ASK FOR TICKETS "Via PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OFFICES, N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, NO. 118 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front Sta., And THIR'IY.FIRST and MARKET Streets,West S. F. SCULL, (hug Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. • JOHN IL MILLER, Oen'l East'n Agt..,528 Broadway.N.K. agimits READING RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila delphia to the Interior of Pennaylva. nia, the Schuylkill, Bnequehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Cana dais, Winter Arrangement of Passenger Trains, Nov. 18, 1,367, leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Cal• low hill atreete, Philadelphia, at the following hours. MORNING ACCOMMODATIONS. At 7.80 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown. Returning, leaves Reading at 6.80 M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. MORNING EX.PRESB.-At 8.15 A. M. for Reading, i.e. baron, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury. ,Wthlarneport,Elmirs, Rocheater,Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Wllkesbarre, Pittston. York, Carlisle, Cham beraburg, Ilageratown, .hc. The 2,80 train connect at Reading with the East Penn aylvanta Itailroad , trains' for Allentowny ' a lley and the -8.15 A . M. , connects with ti e Lebanon "ir alley train for liarriaburg, Asc.; at Port Clinton with .Catawiasa R.R. trains for Williamaport, Lock Raven, Elmira, &c.; at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehmsnatraina for Northumber laud, Williamaport. o rk.Chambereburg, Pinegrove, Ac. AFTERNuON EXPRESS.-Leaves Philadelphia at 3.:91 P.M. for Reading, Pottsville. liarriehurg dre., connect ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col. zunbla, 4tc. POT TSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Potts town at 6.45 A.M., stopping at intermediate stations; as - rives in Philadelphia at 9.05 A. N. Returning leaves Phl• ladelphia at 5.00 P. M. arrives In Pottstown at 7.05 P. M. READING ACCOMMODATIONLeaves Reading . at 7.80 A. M., stopping at all way 'stations; arrives in Phila. delp his at 10.15 A. 31. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31.; arrives in Reading at 6.45 P. M. Train's for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M., and Pottsville at 8.45 A. 31., arriving in Philadelphia at LOO P. AL Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg ail 10 P.M., and Pottavillo at 2.45 P. 31.; arriving at Philadelphia at 6.451'. M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves' Reading at 7.15 A. M.; and Harrisburg ati.tu - P. M. - Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation routh at 6.30 P. 51., arriving in Philadelphia et 9.10 I'. M. 'Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelt his at 12.45 noon for Pottsville and all Way Sta. lions; Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. 111., for Philadelphia and all Was Station& • All the above train's run daily, Sundays sweated. Emnday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M., and Phila delphia at 3.15 1'. 51.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at b.oo A. NI. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. 31. YALI.I:N RAILIWAD.-Pa.sengets for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A 3L and 4.Pu P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at ten 31. and list M. NEW YORE EtiPPESS. FOR PITTSBURGH A.:HJ THE IVES'P.-Leavel New York at ;II A. N. s.tal and sass P. 31., passing Reading st I A. M., 1.50 and 10.10 P. 31.„ and connect at iiatrisbure with Pennsylvania and Norttiern I;entra I Railroad IL•q , r, er Traine for Pittsburgh, Chici:o, R"illiana Ltmirut, I. , ;Otituore, Exiirera a. rain IL' aves ilarrlaburr., on arri - :11 - A Pennsylvania , Expre , 2 from Pittsburgh. at 3 and A. M.. 18.5 P. 3L. pa-Aug Reading at 4.49 and 7.0.; A. 51 and 11.40 P. M., arriving at New York 10,10 mid 11.40 A. 7.1.. and 5.00 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trait'- Gant eh between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. withim charge. Nail Pain for New York leaves listylphdrg a`a 10 A.. N. R-tod 0.J:5 P. M. Mail train for ilarrisbargV7tvei New l'orS at L 1 . ..0n. BCH UYISILL VALLEY RAILROAD. -Trains tr.ve Pottsville at e.yl, 11.ua A. H. and 7.15 P. 31..retut fling runt T.imagua at 7. FA A. NI. and 1.40 and 4.35 P. M. SGHEYLKILI, AND aI:SQUEHANN A RAILROAD- Trains leave Auburn at 7.15 A. M. for Pinegrove and liar: risburg. and at 1:1.45 P. M. fot Pinegrovo and Tremont; re. turning from Harrisburg at 2.55 P.• 31., and frbni Trenton; at 7.4 u A. M. and 5.35 P. 31. TICRETS.-Through first:class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada:. 'fact:it - ion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by 3Lerning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion 'tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at P.eading and Inter edlato Stations by Read ing and Pottstown -Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. The following tickets aro obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street. Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicoll's, General Swperintendent. Reacting. Commutation Ticket, at M per cent. discount, between any points desired, for f amities and firms. Mileage Tickets. good for 21X10 miles, between all points at kgs2 fa) each, fifr tamilies and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six; nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. El elusion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal et a. theta, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at redmed fare, to be had only at the Ticket Wilco, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goode of all description's forwarded to all the above points from the Company . % New Freight Depot, Bread and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.50 A. M.. 12.4.5 noon, and 6 P. M., for Reading. Lebanon, Harrisburg, Potts: ills, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mafia close at the Philadelphia Post-Cities for all places on the read and its branches at 5 A. M., and for the prin. • Stations only at 2.15 P. 31. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Winter Time. Taezing effect Jan. 2tith, The•traina of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Deaut, at Thirty-fir and Market etreete, which le reached directly by the cars of the Market street Paaaeuger Railway, the lalt car connecting with each train. Leaving Front and Market etreete thirty minutea before Ito departure. Three of the 'Chestnut and Walniat Street Railwayrirn within one ?ciii are of the Depot. ON 61:N DAYS—The * Market Street Cara leave Front and Market streets S 5 minutes before the departtu•a of each train. ' Sleeping Car Tickete can be „had on application at the Ticket Office, Northiveat cnrner of Ninth and Chestnut ,streete. and at the Depot. • ' • A ger.te of the UnionTramderCon3pany will call far and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders let atNo. 961 Cheet, nut Area, TP 'No. LUNS 116 Marketee will DEPOT. V receiv IZ .e attention. • Mail Train Paoli ACCOMIGIOdaiIOII NO. Erie Express... • • • _ Paoli Accom. 9 4 3 & 4... Harrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation.. Parksburg Train............. Cincinnati - • • - 'Erie 51.ai1" . • Philadelphia 'Expreme Accommodation.. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily. except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs dailv,,except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered bS.W P. L. at 116 Market atreet. TRAINS "E AT , DEPOT, Cincinnati Express. ... •••• • •• ..............at 1.85 A. n. Philadelphia k...xpress " 7.10 Paoli Accom No. 1.......... ... " 8.80 ParkEirg Train ......... .................... " 9.t1 " Erie ail ..... ................. ..... ..... . " 9.35 Fast .... ...... ••• .. 2.3 . Lancaster Train 1.•—•.." LIU P. 5L EtfeEzprees ~...... ..... . .. " I.lu Paoli Acton'. Nos. set • 7.10 Day Express. .tt . .... ......... ............ 6.10 " Han isburg . ... .. " 9.50 " For further information, apply to JOHN ,C. ALLEN, ket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FR.ANCIS FUNK. Agent 116 Market street. SAMUEL H. W - ALLACe, Tieket Agent at the Depot. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Conapany will not assume -any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dolhun in value. All Baggage exceeding, that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, naless taken by' special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. • i i stqi as eadiff. flak and Direct Route bo. tween Philadelphia., Baltimore, liarrisburg William ppoortand the Great 00 Region of Pennsylvania.—lllegant Bleeping Care on all NUht Trains. On and atm,morcogy. Nov. 25th, 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leavee Philadelphia. 61, 6t arrives at Erie.. Elio Exsress leaves Philadelphia. Williamsport arrives at Erie.. Elmira Mail leaves Pltiladelphii... " arrim at Lock TWA Paven. Mail Train leaves ...... —10.25 A. M. Wilkanasport . P. I‘l. .. arrives at Pnuauelptda..... .... 8.55 A. M., Erne Express leaves Erie • 4.25 P. 51, arrives at ..... 1.00 P. M. Mantra M.til leaver/ Lock Raven 7.10 A. M. at Philadelphia.., P. IL • Mall and Expriuss connect with all on Warren / and Franklin Ptuisengeni leaving Philadelphia I at littp At, t arrile,at lrvlD tQ4 at 6.40 A. XL, and Oil City Ist LBO Leavinliediadirbbli mit ILIS P. M., arrive at 011 City All trains Cis *Fijian and irranklin Railway make clore connections at 01011 , Citr with. , trains for Pranklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked thrimgh: MAIM, L. .ffLER, - s] (senor Superintendent. . i , i ..... . r ~..:._...„..,.., ~ R C _ ADDEN ANI7ATIANTIC B&W , _ : .... " 7 ' l" . °. MINTER ARE ANGEIIO=I3. . mem !Zeta , . - . ' unsdar.-Ootobet2aat,.lB6l..traina....will.. leavelr .. ti ti ,j *. ~• .' .ri .• ;'e`- Street ,••Ferry.4 ,1W! da11y. !_.: . 1 .: (7-".-•i mt i. d ..• ;-a -:•v o e xcePted) 11 .*W__ itt . - 11,,..., .!`l'. 1 . ..a!i , A.V:.•:4: , :,..,,,, . , 0 . . .rti. an • - • ''''.'rV. ''.'..'...:';'.'''.-.;. . ........ 60P: 7 . 1 r :. i • “ •, 0f,ft . ft1iitt i 0 i 0: f 4',.......4.114 - A , ;AL I . .' 6 - . i 4 i: '''''l, " 1. ::....".= ..•.'•...,,,` 10.111rit..' M:.too P.M. ' donfield . .. :41.6... .-...• ~. .. , .. , ..:;.•:•,.-„ , troo ~ 0 7.f.4.14 y, , wv ,- 0093.011 . • D. H. DIPTI:)Y, Agent ' TRACEI.I3IIII I eI(JILDI , .at 8.00 A. M. at 10.60 A. M. at 1200 M. at 12.00 51. at Loo , ti.Wdt 10 80 P. bL .....:..at 130 P. M. at 4.00 P. M. at s.tho P. M.. . .......at 8.00 .......at 11.15 P. M. at 11.15 P. M. :..:.at 11.&1 P. M. IrIiJILWLMEW OVIDLU FOR- NEW YORK. WTtiECAMDEN -. , .=274 ; 7?... AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AZID TRENTON' RAILROAD 00?.1. PANY'S LINES. , from Philadelphia to Now York.-` and way maces, from Walnut street wharf. Fan% At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy. Acton. $2 25 At 84.14.,via Camden and JetverCity Etpresis Mail, 8:10 At 8.20 P. M..; via Camden and Jersey City Express. • 3 Do At 6P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 2 Ist class 2 25 Accom. and Emigrant, 2d class. ' 1 90 At 6A. M.. and P. M.,•for Freehold. ;_, At 8 and 10 A. M.. and 3,80 P. M., for 'Fronton. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M., I, 2, 3.80, 4.80 and 6 P. fd., for Borden. town. . . • . , At 6 and 10 A. it., 1,2, 8,30, 4.30 and 6P. M., for Florence. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M., 1,2, 3.80, 4.80, 6 and 11.80 P.M. for Burlington. Beverly and nehmen. r At &Bald 10 A. M.._ 2, 4.80;6 And 11.1X1 P.M. for Edge water, Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1. 6 and 11 . 80 P. M. for Fish House. Pf - The I and 11.30 I'. M. Linea will /Cave from foot of Market street by liner ferrY. From Kensington Depot: At 11A. M. via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Line .... . . . $3 00 At 8 and 1100 A. M., 2 . 3 . 0, 20 and 5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.15 A. M. for Bristol At 8 and 11 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At 8 and 10.15 A. M., 2.30 and 5 F.M. for Schencks and Eddington. At 8 and 10.15 A. M., 2.30, 4,5, and 6 P.M.. for Cornwell% Torresdale, ilolmesburg, TaconY, Wisoincm lll s. Brides burg and Frankford, and BP. M. for Holmestairg and intermediate Stations: BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Kensington Depot. At 8.00 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rocheater,Binghampton, Oswego.. Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose. Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, dm. At 8.00 A. M. and 8.20 P. M. for Belvidere, Easton, Lam bertville Flemington, dm. 'rhe 8.80 I'. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, dm. At 5 P. M. tor Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail way At 9.80 A. M.J.W, 6.30 and 12 P. M. New York Express Line, vialen,ey City 413 .Y) The 9.30 A. 51. and 6.30 P. M. Lines run' d aily. . All (guars. • - - - Sunday excel:dad. At 9.20 A. M., 1.30, 6.30 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 9.150 A. M.. 6.30 and 12 P. M.. for BrlstoL . . . . At 121'. M. (Night) for Morrisville, Tullytown, Schencka, Eddington, Cornwells, Torrisdale, flolineeburg Tacony, Wiesinoming. Ilrldeisburg and Frankford. For Lines'leaving Kensington'.Depot, take' the care on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Care on Market Street Railway , run di. rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Care will run to connect with the 6.30 P. M. line. Fifty Pounds of Bakgago only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All - baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re sponeibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,and will not be liable for any amount beyond 15100, except by ape dal contract. Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston. Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochutor, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An , additional Ticket Office is located at No. 6.18 Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all im. portant points North and East, may be procured. Per eons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their-bak gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Linea from New York for Philadelphia will leave from _foot of Cortland street at 7 A. M. and 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.50-P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 M.. amd 5.50 P. M., and 12 (night), via Jersey City and Weut Philadel phis, Froml'ier No. 1, N. River, at 5 I'. M. Exprma and sl'. M. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden. April 6, 1860, WM. GAT.ZMER, Agent. NORTH PENNSN LVANIA. It. IL THE MIDDLE ROL'TE.-dhortest and .most direct line to Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown, blanch Chunk. Hazleton. White I 1 aven, Wilkesbarre,Mahanoy City Mt. Carmel, Pittston. Scrnutou.l'arbondate and all the pointa in the Lehigh and yetning Coal ref.:ions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berk.. and American streets. SPRING ARIIAN(IMQIENT 2 :-ELEVENDAELYTRAINS -Vu and after .510 N DAY. APRIL 6th. lttoi, sertgerTl aim , leave the New Depot, corner of Berke and Atnerican streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 045 A. .111.-A.cemaniodation for tort VlTnehington. At 7.41 A. M.- Itorning Express for Bethlehem cud Principal St:Win:lr , on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con. 'meting at I ietlilehem with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and surourhanns. Railroads for Easton, Allentown, Cata. Fatitti.a,Slatingtun, Ala,rcla Chunk,Weatherly, Jeanesellk, liazieton, Wu: Haven. Wilkesbaire, Kingston. Hitt tun, Scranton. Carbondale, and all itoints in Le high tnd yonit tit; Valleys; also, In connection with he ii and ',Laney Railroad for Mahanoy City, and,. with Chula Inc Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Wil liamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. M. at WiLkesbarre ct ;; P.M.; Scranton at 4051'.M,; at Malta. uov City at 2 P. Passeinters by this train can take the Leltigli Valle, 't rain, paring Bethlehem at 11.05 A. M. for Easton anrti points ou Nery Jersey Central Railroad to New Ymt. At 8.45 A.. M.-Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboro' and Hartsville, by tins train, take Stage at Old York Load. At. 10.15 A. M.-Accommodation for Fort Washington. stopping at intermediate Stations. At 1.45 P. SL-Lehigh Vtdley. Express for Bethlehem. Allentown. shush Chink, White Haven, Wilkwbarre, Mshanoy City. Centralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Cannel, Pittetcn end Scranton, cud all points In Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal Regions. At 2 P. 31.-Accommodation for Doylestown, etopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and atNorth Wales for Sum neytown. At 315 P. M.-Lehigh and Susquehanna, Express for Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown, 3ranch t,hunk, Wtlkce -barre and Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown. At 4.151'. M.-Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping nt all Intermediate stations Passengers for Willow Grove, II atborough and Hartsville take stage at Abiug• for At 5.20 P. M.-Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even. log Train for Batten, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 020 P. M.-Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.. W M.-Accommodation for Fort Washington. _ TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. - _ From Bethlehem at 0.30 and . 11.45 A. M., 2 and 8.40 P. M. 11 43 A. N. and 2.00 P. M. Trains makes direct cermet'. ticn with Lebleti Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna trains from Easton- Scranton, Wilkeshorre. Mahauey City and Hazleton. aseengers leaving Wilicesborre at 1.313 P. 51, connect at uethlehem at 6.15 X. and arrive iu Philadelphia at 5.40 P. M. From Doylestown at 8.35 A. M., 5.12 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdaleat 7.20 A. M. From Fort Wasitiugten at P. 30.11.00 A. M. and 3.10 P. NI, .... Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 5,,10 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at f..Mfd I'. M. 17 ,, ,T1N town for Philadelphia at 7:1) A. M. Be tulehe ni for Philadelphia at 4.1)0 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars Convey passen gers to and from the near Depot. • While Care of Second and Tbl rd Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of • the Depot. Tickets lutist he procured at thaTicket office, in order to secure Cats lowest. rates of fare. ' ELVIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked thibugh to pnnel pal points. at Mann's 'North Penn. Baggite Espreee Office. No. 103 South Fifth street.. ' f rir • . DELPHIA. WILMINGTON . AND BALTIMORE RALLROA D— TIME TABLE.,—Commencing Mon. day, March 16th, 1809. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad etreet and Washington avenue, as follows: Waymail Train, at &80 A. M. (Sundaye excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations: Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for (triallelti and intermediate etatione. Express train at 12.01 M. (Sundays exceo.od) for 13alth more and Washington. stopping at Wilmington, Perry ville and ilavre.de.Gracc. „ ExPrees Train at 3.30 P. M:(Sundaye excepted) for BEd, Shore and Waehington, stopping at Chester, Fburlow, Linwood, Claymont, - VVilmington.Newport,Stanton, New ark, Elkton,Northeast,Charleetown. Perryville,Havrede• Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's. Edgewood. Magnolia, Chute's and Stemmer'e Run. Connect» at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at New unutie, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Harrington. Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Ctiefield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryville and Ilavre.de-Grace. Passengers for rortnass Monroe and Norfolk via -Haiti. more will take the 12.00 M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 1.80 P. M. train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.M.,,7 and 11.10 (daily) P. M. The 5.00 P. M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate etations. The 7.00 P. M. train runs to New Castle. Leave Wilmington 1.00 and 8.00 A. M., and L3O, 4.15 and 7.80 (daily) P. M. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail. 5.135 A. Express. 2.15 P. M., Ex prem. 615P:11., Exprere: 8.55 P. M. Exprese. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMOItE.—Leave Bal. 'Galore at 9 55 P M.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perry. vile and Wilmington. Also stops at North East, Elkton 'and Newark, to take passengers for Philadelphia, and Chesterseeners from Washington or Baltimore, and at to leave passengers from Washington or Batt. more. Through tickets to all pointe West. South and Southwest may be procured at ticketotlice. 82i Cheetnut street,tuader Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping-Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purehaeing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union ansfer Su UompanY. F. KEN Tr NEY, perintendent. .1116 P. M. _9.0.1 18.00 Noon. 8 50 P. M. 9.415 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 7.43 P. M. R -•---- PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE "r 0 ,- CENTRAL RAILROAD. Winter """*"" Arrangements. On and after Monday, rthe MUM, Will leave Philadelpida,from the he . Weet Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, con. Thirty-first and Chestnut streets.' West Pid/Ada.), aOecrt. Depot .',. f t 1 o l l (M at 7.40 A. M. and 4.50 I'. Al Leave Rising Sun, at 5.40 and 6,00 A. AL, and leave Oxford ut 3.25 P. M. A Market Train with Paesenser Car attached will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Hun atilt.* A. M., Oxford at 11.45 SL, and Kennett at LOU P. M. con. necting at West Cheater Junction with a train for Phila. delphia. On Wedneedays and Saturdaye train leaving Philadelphia at 2.50 P. M. runs through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.45 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, • leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford, with the Afternoon Train for Philadok phi& Th e Train leaving Philadelphia at 4,60 P. M. muss to : Rising Sun, Md. Passengers allowed' to take wearing apparel only, as Baggage, and the .Company will not, in any case, be re. epousible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless a special contract be made fohe same. _ • rem • HENRY W OO D. General MDEN AND BURLINGTON 1 ••• COON(Ty RAILROAD.—On and after - 111 0P 00 0U'rebroary. 10th 1666 , 'trains will Moroi front ft eloot attet 'twat, (Uglaer For l 7) for' 11 0 =1 I x ! rc s o4l,_, llartford. aeon o. Ihdneirb inbuilt a vulg% town, B 4 4 - 041 U° 416 '" "u Itv , ' '• &90' LLeave• a, 442,1kand.2.4-e. ; .11;1409,: ~ and 9.12 PAK. Thi&ilo, ' .'th,VOURO ITlghtotoWo.,otoP - Ins at Wilkie la 'odiate'paidtv. < P siiimg.WStnitulateado - SIL)A IMAIMILERS , GUIDE. VViSI :ItIRSEY RAILROAD LINES SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Cunt m elating AlVednefiday, April :I,IBOS. TRAINS WILL LEAVF, FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as follows: For Bridgeton. Salem, and intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. Al. and 330 I'. Al. For Al Wyllie, Vineland and way stations, at 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. At. For Cape May at 335 P. M. For Woodbury lacecrmmodatiol3). at 5 00 P. DL Commutation Checks. good between Philadelphia and I all 'Amiens, may be obtained on application at the Tree BMWS (Mice, Camden, N. J. • Freight Train leaves Camden daily at 12 o'clock (noon). Freight will be received at second.covered wharf below ; Walnut street, daily. from 7 A. M. until 6 P. M. Freight Delivery E 228 South Delaware avenue, WM. J. SEWELL, Superintendent PWLADELPHIA, GERMAN. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and after Wednesday. May. ioem. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9.05, 10, 11, 12A. N., 1. 2, 9..15, 81C,4, i. EN, 6.10. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11 12P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7, 7'348.8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. Ai.; i, 2,39 d, 4N, 6, 6,33: 7,8, 9, 10. 11 P. M. The 8.2.0 down train, and the 0% and 5% up trains, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. , • 14.51.W.1PhlIadelphia - 9.15 minutes A. Al ;2, 7 and 1036 P.M. Leave Germantown- 5, 115 AV,AL;I, 6 and P. Al. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6.8, 10.12 A. ;2, 236, EN, 7.9 and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40 and 11.40 A. Al.; 140, 8.40. 5.40, b.' 40, 240 SUNDAYS 0S . I'. IION Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; 2 and 7 P. Al. Leave Chestnut Hill-4.50 minutes A. M.; 12.40, 5.40 and 925 minutes P. At. . FOR CONBIIOIIOCKF.4 AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,40, 9;11.05, A. Al.; 134.3, 434, 5%, • 6.15, 8.00 and 1134 P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40. 7.7.50, 9,11 A. AL; 134, 3. 434, alb and 834 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelthia--11 A. AL ; 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave NorsietowO—RMAN ;A UNK. P. M. Leave Philadelphia-6, 734, 9,11.05 A. AL ;Iy4, 434, 534. 6.15, 8.05 and 113) P. M. Leave AI nnayunk--6.10, 734 . . 8.20, 934,1134• A. NI, 2..3X, 5, IN and 9 I'. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2# and 7.15 P. AI. Leave Manaytiuk-730.$ A. Al.; 6 and 934 P. M. W. S. WlLSON,•General Superintendent. DePot,'Nfrati and Green 'streets. WEST CHESTER A-ND PHILA . DELPHIA RAILROAD VIA ME. DIA. WINTER ARRAI4GEMENTS. On and after idONDAY.Oet.Ith, 1867, trains will leave Depot. Thirty and Chestnut streets, as follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for West Chester, at 7.45 A. M., 11.00 A. .M.. 2.30, 4.15, 4.60. 6.15 and IL3O P. M. • Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street, 6.25, 7.46, 8.00 and 10.45 A. M.. L 55, 4.50 and 6.06 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 I'. M., will atop at IL C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West - Cbester and 13. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.45 A.M. arid going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.150 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Junction. • • Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4.50 P.M., and leaving Wco , t Cheater at 8.00 A. M, and 4.50 P. M. 'connect at B. C. ~, unction with Trains on the P. and B. C. h. It. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 2.00 P. 61. brave West Chester 7.55 A DI. and 4 P. lit The Depot is reached directly by tho Cheatnnt and Wal nut streetcars. Those of the Market street line run with in one square. The ears of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. I ail - Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel art - as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any Clll3Ol po responsible for an amount exceeding $.lOO, unless ape eiaLcontract is made for the same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. FAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA .- 4 .NORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD, to Willtesharre, City, Mount Cannel. Centralia, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road b enabled to give increased despatch to murchaudide con. Mimed to the above named punts. Goode delivered at the Through Freight Depot, 8. F, cor. of FRONT and NOBLII. Streets, Before 6P. M., will reach Wilkesbarre, Mount Carmel, Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoming valleys before II A. M., of the succeeding 4ay. ELLIS CLARK- Agent. PEMBERTON AND HIGHT STOWN RAILRoAn. 8P I:1 NG ARRANGEMENT. , A Freight and Passenger Liuo wilt 'ewe Ilightstown at 6 A. M., and II Paeen :ter Line at 7 A. M. for Philadeiphis via Pemberton and Mt. Holly. Returning, will ICKVO.. Philadelphia from the foot of Market etrett Owner ferry) at IP. M. Freight and Piteeen. ger Line. and at 6.P. M. Pateenger Line for Rightetown. m 1126 tf' ,utiTzsiEtt, Agent. b,. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY—RE . ..;"" gumption of trips. The steamer ELIZA BANCO:K. Captain L. W. Borne, hay. ing been thoroughly overhauled mid put in complete re pair. 'will resume her route on the Delaware river, be tween. Wilmington and Philadelphia, touching at inter mediate landings, MONDAY, March .l 1) i ai, etarting from wharf south-end of Market street bridge Wilming ton. and from Arch etreet wharf. Philadelphia, running on the following time-table _ Leave Wilmington at 7A. leave Wilmington at 1 P. M. leave Philadelppla at 10 A. li.. leave Philadelphia at 4 P. M. ThA proprietors of this line, thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon them last season, have determined to corer the fol. lowing reduced rates of fare : Prom Wilmington to Philadelphia. 10 cents; front Chester and Book to Phila delphia, 10 cents: from Philadelphia to Wilmington. 10 cents; from a , hester and Hook to Wilmington, 10 cents. Round trip tickets 10 cents. J. W. LIANCOX, mll2B.tfl President New York and Troy Steamboat Co. NILACHINERY, IRON. &V. • C L tIiRK'S • 44,, ,, ' ' FARMERS' BOILER i A . IR ~. :,:5 * ,,, H 41 i c Roan:moth boil with one third r ces Teel than any other. it is par. . titularly adapted for MANUFAC - .`",eli,,,- : .4 TUREtcli, FARMERS' and ME. 0 . ...,.- ~' , CLIANICS. Sold with or without t i, 0 _ ---,,, , jilt covers or wheels, and from `• '-- —'"-- qa. ii e mlionsln size. FI to .= . . le - , Vholesaie and Retail. J. S CLARK Fril l( 6 los Atarke.t...h__Asic.4l..kk IMARIPALI - 1... . .._ - MERRICK & SONS, SOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, itau WASIIINGTON - Avenue,. Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM r,:%.74:11,..T.5--Iligh and Low Freasuro, horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Oacillating, Blast and Cornish Bump- Ins. BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, ko. STEAM B.AMMERS—Naemyth and Davy styles, and of all izes. • . CASTINGS—Loam. Dry and Green Bandjirass, &c. ROOFS—Iron Frames. for covering with blato or Iron. TAIi.KB—Of Cast or Wrought Iroa. for refineries, water, oil, dm. G.as .MACIIINERY—Such as Retorts. Bench Castings, fielders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar rows. Valves, Govern.rn, SUGAR MACILINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defeeators, Bono Black Filters, Bailors. Wash ers and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Card, &c. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity, of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut oil Steam Engine. In Pennsylvania, of Shaw as Justice's Patent Dead Stroke -Power Hammer. In the United States Centrifugaleston's Patent Self-centering .and Self-balancing Sugar -draining Machine. Glass d'.; Ballot's improvement on Aspinwall /is Woolsers Centrifugal. Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan'e Drill Grinding Rest: Contractors for the design, erection, and fitting up of Re fineries forworking Sugar or Molasses. /TOPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATIUNG, ,ltJailltriyazlr;sAccreifdNftlp4slatltsonLlntlea, Cimog.orli ;.;0., No. WM Bondi ' Wharves. ..... UMBER ' ONE SCOTCH PIG IRON—GLENGAR. N wick brand, in store and for sale bei lota to suit, by. PETER WRIGHT dz tiONS.IIS Walnut 'street. IPRVG . pERMUDA AND GEORGIA ARROW ROQT.—TIIE ' new crop—sweet, pure, and of dazzling whltoneee , lreetly from thegrowera Oold at standard . weight and guaranteed in froohnoes and purity. .• HUBBELL. Apothecary, i my 10.tf MU Chestnut etroot. DOBERT SIIOEMAXER CO., WHOLESALE L Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race stream. Invite the attention of the Trade to their large dock of Fine Drugs and Chatulcale, Eesentlal Uila, Snongoe, Corks, &c. no27•U rtltUfl GISTS' SUNDRIP S.—GRADUATES, MORTAR, 1.1 Pill Tiles, Combs. Brushes,Mirrors Tweezers, Pull Boxee. Born Scoops, Surgical Instnuneds. Trussosi Hard and Soft Rubber Goode, Vial Cases, Glass and' Metal Syringes, dm., all at "First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN at BROTHER, ap6-tf, b 3 South Eighth street, r, . iIUB AR B ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION, and very superior quality -,Whito Gum Arabia, East tuna Castor Oil, White and. Mottled Castile Soap, Olive Al, of various brands. For sale by RORER? 8110 E. MAKER & CO., Druggists. Northeast corner of Fourth I,lld Itare streets. - 11027-tf I.)UREPAINTS.—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE PURE White Lead, Zinc White and Colored Paints Of Our own manufacture, of undoubtedPpUU~rit t pp; in . quantitioe to unit nurchaeere. ROBERT SHOEMAKER dr; CO.', Dealers in Paints and Varnieherr, N. E..corner Fourth and Race litreeta. no2l.tf NAVAL..sirous. - - NTAVAL STORES.-1.59 BARREL'S PRINIE WHITS ',II spirits Turpentine, 65 do. Rosin. 60 do. Tar, now land. ljng froth stoma 'Pioneer," from Wilmington; N. and ffor solo by COCHRAN, - ItitliadELL . sir, CO., No. t 3 North ?Front otreot. IiOTTQN.,-180 8AT.P.,8 ifeL ' V North Front nulet — 8300", No. 82 Front strooto. , npB tf Oilli'D &* 4 OPI/Stf,All f 4r * "'I T U I VA! %%d in rat4l4ld I .l",,'Nedt . nt . t i , 1 .;,„„,,.. and b9lutilit room; firerto kvelloaw. ugitiu 1 , 1 1 tlood. , reitn , inaddcrate. • Aildre.e "Rural," We r uA. delrldul'cet4Md,-,ap743* f IrrEn i 7 IP 4 rllb E. For Boston... Steamship Line Ditooto FIAILino ERBO ilkt f ill , GitT I , TVER,Vklyr . n&vs. FROM MB AND LONG. r ttliAlrol , li composed dI fhe drat:clime f ' ' °V. " Wm, Ca 14311 1, o. l lllam, I• I ti ; E:t l 4 i a in n jil4 ll clAgit the AfitirAlst, Frldxfs , All I .m , last ff.A4091. num • eirost , Wodfrade 6) Ai. . • " 'z et ad; " c• , /4 .4. f. • empXy ". • EMlORimicilkito.., aral " • 0 9 11 9L'—womw4re1+IMIMer- ,, Mgt La - :4,I: OI3— OUTIV, ?Al& -Q q At l r , 1' 4 , 41r t • .. A • 40M•11513RI8SOUT311WMAIIVRIL" The OIATA , wlll FOANAW,O A T&NI3,,Iiwit aAv A A , ' . TileeprhirrVr 7 l 4 l l3il T °4ll7' FR OM 1411, The STAR 0 r ORLEANS. V/APA V "L' The TONAwAVA 7111 01 FAH 13AV AiNiq Ali. Saturday, April)lthk. A„,51. • The WYOMMG will gall' FROM SAVANNAH. on flaturdl April • • • The Plll hER will sail FOR WILIKINIiTI4 , I,• , N. V.. Thursday, Apt ii 9th A st 5 o'clock P.. , • hroegh or melbas srl_tsed; and l*Nage 'pans sold to au points Bouth. and west, ' • MALILIAM L JAMEIIv General Agent. 8 E, NIXES. Freight Asont no B No. Isit south Doiaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AN ' . FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH. FREIGHT AIR. LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WERT_ EVERY SATURDAY._ AtNomdrom FIRST WHARF above -: 4 THROUGH RATES and THROUGH' all points in . North and Routh Carolina via Oak. • AIN Line Railroad, Onnecting at Portsmouth And' • burg. Va.. Tennessee and the West,- via Y • Tetmessee Air,T.Tne and Richmond and Danville t• • Freight HANDLED JILT ONCE, and takvsk at 11.4'1 ES TRAIT ANY OTHER LOE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this router Mm mend it to the public • as the meet desirable Medium fon carrying every description of freight . No charge for commission. dnoraga, or any =MOM transfer. • Steamships insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY. • WM.?. CLYDE & CO.. 14 North and South Wharves. W. l', PORTER,Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL di CO., Agents at Norfolk. fel.ll DAILY. LINE FOE BALTIMORE Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam. boat CoMpany. daily at 8 o'clock P. M. The Steamers of thin line are now plying reffelali_Y be. tween We port and Baltimore, keying Pier No. L. North Delaware avenue, above Market atreet,, daily at o'clock P. M.ilinndara excepted.) line. Carrying all description or Frelgb.t as low as any o th er . Freight handled with great care, delivered promptly and forwarded to all points beyond the tendril's free or comuulaelon. Particular attention paid to the transportation of al3 dercription of Merchandise, Horses, Carriages, egg,; Ra For further information._pa_ly to E s EUBEN FOSTER, Agent, ap16.131 _ _ - -N0.14 NortlLDelaware avenue. HAVANA STEAMERS. .If,;'.. SEMI-MONTHLY LH42. The Steamships ENDRICK /I UD50N........ - -Capt. Hewes STARSAND STRIFES._ . ... . . -Capt. Holmes These steamer' will leave . 'this _pull_ ferl.llavana_ vers o ther Tueeday at BA. M. The steamchip STARS AND STRIPES, Holines.matter. will rail for Havana on Teeeday morning, April 9.Bth, at 8 o'clock. Paceage to Havana. $l5O, cturency.. No freight received after Saturday For fre4bt or Damage, apply to THOMAS WATTSON es SONS. 140 North Delaware avenue. NOTIC FOE. R NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Dana EXPRESS STEAMBOAT t;O2IPANY. The Steam Propellers of the Line will commence load , ing on SAI URDAY, 21st inst., leaving Daily, as usual. TuttouGH, IN 24 IIoURS. • Goods forwarded by all the Lines going. out of Nell? York--North. Fast and West—free of conunission. Freight received at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE hr. CO 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAS. 'HAND, Agent, 104 Wall street, NOW Yolk. Anti a,,,vrePoi,',.Pßl,l?dsL,i;llT.Ogt'otkEilEnuvit esagedsit from Delatrea t o th m...with cow noctions st Al rn , tte tui l l uz le. dgmt or foute for Lynchburg. Bristol, Knoxville and the Southwest. - • • Steamers rei nltl Yfr en !! it°. wh f ehey Market even haday atn.l Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE . CO 14 North and South Whatv J. B. DAVIDSON Agent at Georgetown. !a • Pd. ELDRIDGE h Agents at Alexandrta. Vir nis. . FOR LIVERPOOL—T/1E FULL POWEiIIED . +1(,;:;„ Iron Screw Steamship Union, 5,00 . 0 tone lour thert, classed A. 1: at Ltoyds, • I. C. Carolan. Commander, now loading:at Pien49,: South wharves, will have immediate despatch, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged. . For freight or passage apply to • ; E. A.. SOUDEII:& a nook street wharf. NOTICE—FOR ' NEW.. YOWL. , VIA. Delaware and Raritan Canal—tilwiftsurer Transportation COMpany—Despatch and Bwifteure Lines.—The business by these. Linea:will, be re sumed en and after the 19th or March. For Fr'eiabt. which will be taken on accommodating terms: apply to' WM. M. DAIP,D & CO., 'Rd South:Wharves. (hl9.,tf VOTICE,L-ALlt PEEtIONS AA FORRI) 14.4R8()Per, .t.‘ log or trusting any of the cress of the bait .klurdpai Capt. Tucker, as no debts of their eotitraeting•vsill he Paid by Captain or consignees, Si ORKMAN & tiCkin; Walnut street. , &PLO p *IA lArtiftfli 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY.:44'.. County of Philadelphia. Rotate of ABNER DAVIf3,, deceaeed.—The auditor appointed by the Corn to audit, settle and adjust the account of LON D.J....WEN/IFX TEIt, surviving 'lYubtee imder them ill of ABNER DAM; • deceased ,and to;report distribution ofthe balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the Puttee hitereeted. for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAX,. the twentieth day of April, 1868, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at the Au ditor's office, No: 220 South Fourth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES W. PAUL., ate.th,e,tu,so • Auditor. - -- • INIRE ORPHANS' • COURT. FOR THE CITY AND ,county of Philadelphia—state of Patrick C M arti, deteascd.—The auditor 'appointed by the Court to audit settle and adjustthe account of William D. Hale, Admin istrator of the Estate of Patrick C. Martin, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the partiea interested, for the pur pose of his appointment, on Monday. the 20th day of April, 1868. at 4 o'clock P. Id., at his office, No.6l9Wainut street, Room 13 in the city of Philadelphia. ap9-tho,tu,sie VSTATE OF WILLIAM MERCER, DECEA,SEII -IN /Atter'' , Testamentary upon !he above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present them to hiARTLIA IdEltoElLllzeen— trix, No. 718 Ltepburn street, or to her Attorney.WENOEL, liAl No. 121 South Seventh at, ap9.th-Bt* IN THE. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ROit •TEIE 3. City and County of Philadelphia.--In Divorce. 'March Term. MIS. No. lit. ANDREW L, STILES 'vs. .ELLENI JOSEPHINE STILES. To ELLEN JOSEPHINE STILES, the respondent above named: • . :---You will please tzke notice that Literroga. tories to be stdmfullitered to the ivituesses in this - ease OD the part of the Libellant have beentied and posted in the Trothonotary's Office of said Court; and that the wit ties Johne produced, sworn er affirmed and e.xaminod before J,,Ridgeway, Jr., Esq., Examiner appointed. by the Court for that purpose, on WEDNESDAYi - Anrit L'2,1888, at 4 oteloak.P. M. at his Office, No. tiek on the North- side of Walnut etreet, above Sir th, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where you may attend.* in the Meantime you may file Cross-Interrogatories if _yeti think proper. , CHARLES D. FREESIO4, , ' p4.1111§ Solicitor for Libellant., 01i.161 P. DICK. BY DER NEXT FRIEND, EIS i.JNEWN AM, vs. RORK= DICK, Common„Pleas, divorce. Mares" Term.,1862, Pio, 23, To R.OI3EF.T DICK, Respondent, You Please take , notipe that ; interrogatories, with the nittnes' an& occupation of the witnesses to be examined in the above, eve, have been filed and_ posted in the Prothonotary 4 e Office ;a aid. Ivitneseee will be examined before Jno.Roberts, examiner, appointed by the Court, at his office._ No, 122 8. Sixth street, city of Philadelphin, on MONDAY.' April .1868, at. o'clock, P. DI.. when and where you may attend if you think proper. JODN C. REDDRFPER. tr b27-15te • , Attorney for Llbelltint. IN TDE, ORPHANS" COURT FOR, TILE CITY AND I County of Philadelphia.—Trust Estate cif EDWARD auditsVELY.The Auditor appointed bp the Court to , se. Do and adjust the first and final account of CF.0110F,8.. SCHINELY, Trustee of EDWARD S. UtiIVI LY; under will' f JULY . ANN SOHIVELY, do c wed, nod to mako distribution. will attend to the duties of hill tippOutmont, on Tuesday, the Met day of April, A. R. IEOB, at 9 o'clock P. at his Cu o. 211 South Fifth mired, in the city of Pldiadelohla. ap9.th ta lii • --- TN TEE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR TUE. CITY AND µ County of Philadelphia—Estate of JANE CLARKE. deceased, The Auditor, . appointed by the Court to nudit, Settle and adjust the 'account ' -of WILLIAM C.. WARDRR, , Executor of JANE CLARKE. deceased. and to report diattibution!of the balance) in the hands t, of the accountan will meat the parties Interested for the purpose his= apnointment. on MONDAY, Audi 'Jutit; 1868, a ti - Mclook N. M., at his office, No. 529 Wal nut strt et, in the city of .Philadeloido. 110.13ZET D. COXD nv Auditor: , '4I I b'PATE OE WILLIAM COLLINS DECEASED.-- ,:Lgt i lrti Testair.ontary on tiro last will and testament: W I,IL AM COLLINS, deceased having been gtaistmi to Diu nu brolgned. au portions having claims or domande agairket the estate of said decedent are requested kr teus*a Oi dawn the.some without delay, and all pergmetattly. to to majco p.ivinent to JAMEA 'l'. YOUNG.: tor, No 132 Houth Itront etroet, residing at ChestitaTinri or to him Attorney, WILLIAM J. MoELROY. S.D. termer r3lxth not t etroete, Philadelphia. apsibet. T ,ErrrERIiTESTASIEN'I'ARY uroN TILE tt_ Mfrs or .1-4,1 1 J11N LAVERY, late of the City of Phi.Wdelhitt. : ' , „ bk. iteceaFed,:having been granted by , the lie - dieter, td.: , me . to the on ilereinied. all Doreone having claims eald de i s kno w n the ef,tate of said deceaneA, arktrewated totck knon the came without delay, :entki . t.ipace bide d , • thereto'' to'Omsk') po,y_went,' to fitORDWAL,DWAN F.' xeciltor, No. 4,11.10 Walnut street, Philada,. inwthst, _ __ _ __ . _ , , it yrxrii or CATHARINE bioDIRAKOT ist T r > • :Erp. ~:k.,;iiters. o f A dminietration of tVelaa e vp vt. r frs.. Dli',l274.oTaixte of . the oity of emc ddNiliji bgesA tairittd tho 4 . 1 vpaT...t caape mak° • ez tHOp) 111(10 PCP Lug -01 Et * vreoont !Ur NOV StlAßlClCY.AdtliVA.No.,6l944WalbutittrOett 1 L',UTEItB TESTAMENTARY IlittittNfr J,gynnted, tbiljakdendped upiventbs,,oEl4lo criARLES' WATMlNedtaissedi , alioOrsotp , lUMiti puito pavm W. 444 thyse - Virc l4l(l 4 l fit ti to W. .1 AItE3E • LIIALCV - tivtana m104(4