131:1SINtSS NOTIC BE4. ipk. J. U. chuncitls Plaudiake Pills Will prevent cholera, or env disease caused by bilious derangement of the' liver. .tvery person that suffers gram the cholera has . more or less derangement of the liver and etomach. This can be ascertained by- inquiry y ro r. Inviolably theY have had a torpid liver, for same time. Bometinies — it comiumice, with diarrhoea ; than with, a dull, heavy feeling; again, with numbness of the fingers and toes, • cramps ia the stomach, vomiting, - dus. ,Now, if persons would get a box of J. IL Schentk's Mandrake Pills, and take one every sight. +sr every other night, they would keep the liver beaithr, and all bilious derangement would be carried off. It is only to take them a short time. when bilious. A person cannot have , a diarrhoea unless they aro bilious, and then the nille are, required as much as when the boweki are costive, for an overflow of ths bile causee Physic it off. and It is gone. Dr. J. 11. Bchenckle Man. drake Pine act upon the liver and start the bile better thaii ealosseVaud yet aro perfectly harmless, and every one t bat has taken them says they have the happiest ef fect-of. any pills they have ever used; they do sot gripe, but act IC effe ctu ally on the liver, starting the tile at once. A person may live in a climate where shills and fever are prevalent, and by taking a dose of the and then a pill every night for a few times, When ever they feel a little bilious, they would never have chills and fever. Bilious, intermittent, typhoid, and all ether fevers— are caused from derangement of the stomach and ifvq." Try the pills; they only cost twentpfive cents per box. They are perfectly harmless, and may prevent weeks of dangerous sickness. They gannet like any other pills offered. They have the poWer to open the gall bladder and start the bile, which the stools of a bilious person will slew. Strange to any, that nothing bas yet been invented to act noon the liver but Schenck's Maisdrake Pills, except calomel or mercury. which salivates and ruins the constitution for life. Even medical men themselves ate astonished at their effects. Many allow it,, and others have nothing to say. Any common pill. or a dode *gills, or ell will physic the bowels, but they do addling more, while Schorick'a Man. drake Pills operate on the liver and stomach. Prepared only , ,IL Schenck, at his principal office. No.l6NortN'Sixtb street, Philadelphia. corner of thinimerm Try them; they` can do no harm, aad can be obtained from any . • • Pimples and all eruptions radically temorreL— imply-Wole•Ws Pan Paint; It does not ARM ,or smut. 'Test it free &CMS Arch street, Phila. WIN HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS.—The very tin. 5.%t arm extensive improvements which have recently ode in ibis popular Hotel, the largest in New Eng d enable, the prors to offer toTourists, Families, and the Traveling prieto accommodations and conveni ent:Ms superior to any ether Had in the city. During the pad summer additions have been made-of numerous suites of apartments, with bathin rooms, water closets, die., at red; one of Tufts ' ma t passenger elevators, the aver constructed, conveys guests to the upper story of the ease in one minute; the entries have been newly and —nhbly carpeted, sod the entire house thoroughly replen ished end refurnished,. making it, Its appointments, equal to any luttit in te coun try. Telegraph Office, Hit. Hard Halls and Cafe on the tint or. LEWIStat m.w,t3m RICH & SON, Proprietors. EVENING BULLETIN. Friday, April 3, 1888. !DICKS OF THE GAS, OFFICE. The good people of Philadelphia have lately been made somewhat comfortable by the 'information that the price of gas con mead by them was. on the let of March, reduced from $3 to $2 40 per thousaid feet. This looked like a clear reduetion of 20 per cent, and people began to think that really the gas office was disposed to be liberal to its customers. Let us show how the so-called reduction of 20 per cent. is made to work. A bill is before us, presented to a party for gas consumed between the 19th of De cember and the 20th of March. From De cember 19th to March Ist, 4,600 feet are charged, at $3 a thousand, $l3 80, less 10 per cent, for payment within five days, making the net cost, independent of 'the United States tax, $l2 42. From March Ist, when the so-called 20 per cent. reduction took place, 1,500 feet are charged at $2 40 met per thousand feet, or $3 60; there is, to be 'no 10 per cent. reduction for payaient within five days, but a penalty of 5 per cent. is to be added, if not paid within five days. Thus the real reduction from the old price is but 10 per cent. instead of 20, and if the five days chance to pass without payment, it is but 5 per cent. Under the old mode of charging, the net cost of 1,000 feet of gas, promptly paid, was $2 70; under the new, it is $2 40; or if five days elapse, $2 52. In stead of gaining 60 cents on - every thousand feet of gas, as the announced reduction promised, the best we am do is to gain 30 cents, and this gain may be cut down to 18 cents, if payment is deferred for five days. -The Gas Trustees may not be able to sell 'their gas for less than $2 40 per thousand feet, though we do not believe it. Rut they resort to an unworthy subterfuge when they abandon without notice the old mode of charging, which has always allowed a dis count of 10 per cent. for prompt payment, and then say that they have reduced the price of gas 20 per cent. For many years—per baps ever since the gas works were fairly established—the discount has entered into the calculations of all gas consumers, and there has been no good reason given for abandoning the practice of allowing it, as an inducement to prompt payment. Doubtless the new plan has been regarded as a very clever "dodge," by which, while the people were amused with the idea that their gas was costing them 20 per cent. less than it used to,it was really costing them only 10 per cent ,and In some cases only 5 per cent. less. The addi tion of a penalty of 5 per cent., after the lapse of five days, is not the least discredit able feature in the trickery by which the managers of a great municipal trust hope to deceive the public. The patient public can bear many burdens. But they require and expect candor and honesty on the part of those who impose the burdens. If the Gas Trustees had announced a reduction of 10 per cent as the best they could afford, people would have accepted it gratefully. But when they announce a reduction of 20 per cent., and, by a new and unfamiliar mode of charging, make it only 10 per cent., they are guilty of a gross deception, which is un worthy of men in such a responsible posi tion. EIIIIMATION IN PENNSYLVANIA. One of the noblest uses to which wealth can be put is the endowment of our colleges and universities. It is only by such means that the higher education can be brought within reach of the masses. No fees for tuition, however great the number of students, can support the learned -Faculties of instruction and provide suitable buildings with all the necessary appliances of libraries, apparatus and scientific collections. It is complimen tary to the American character that we aro so often called upon to shronicle the mrtuili cent gifts made by our countrymen to in crease the efficiency of our various institu tions of learning,and Philadelphia, the home of ra.Oiculi and of some of the most eminent philosophers and silvans of the present- day, numbers Alio among her citizens men of large and liberal , views, whose . wealth isy freely devoted to 40 ImiTanceptrit of science. Among tilfshkettorui recently nude ftir ob,Oel is 444siitt,by Mr. John A.: lin:. wn, of mor, thousand• dollars to Lafayette Col /eel kr; Brown is one of our oldest and most respected citizens. His unostentatious gifts, have from' year to year enriched the, treasuries of the charitable associations of this city, and now he has crowned a long and honored life by this munificent gift in the in terest of a broad'and liberal culture for Amer' can youth. For ibis noble act he deserves and will receive the heartfelt thanks of all wise and good men. Lafayette College, to which this donation has been made, is rapidly becoming one of the most important educational centres ofour country. Founded over forty years ago, and always characterized by the distinguished ability of its instructors and the large propor tion of its graduates who have become emi nent in the various professions, it nevertheless does not seem untirrecently to have attracted any large share of public attention. At the accession of Dr. Cattell to the presidency, about four years since, the whole number of students was fifty-one; the catalogue for the present year, recently sent us, shows that the Freshman Class alone numbers fifty-eight. The Faculty of Instruction now consists, as we also learn from the catalogue, of' sixteen professors and two tutors, and the cur riculum of studies has been enlarged by adding to the old classical course a parallel solentific course, which includes all the studies of the Classical,except Greek and Latin, for which is substituted the philological study of , modern languages, especially , our own. Besides these two courses for the undergraduates, embracing the usual period of four years, there is a third course designed for those who wish to pursue studies essentially practical or techni cal,and this is divided into three departments, viz.: engineering, mining and metalluity, and practical chemistry. It is needless for us to 'dwell upon the manifold advantages offered by this choice of studies, ranging from the broad culture of the classics to the most thorough special training necessary to prepare experienced engineers and miners, and prac tical experts in the application of Chemistry to agriculture and the arts. President Cattell's administration has also been signalized by the erection of several important buildings, among them an astrono mical observatory and one of the most com plete chemical halls in the country. The apparatus,, cabinets and library have also been greatly enlarged, so that, every facility is afforded the learned Professors for imparting instruction to the large and increasing num ber of students in their various departments of study. It is gratifying to know that nearly all of the funds for these improvements have been furnished by Pennsylvanians. • Dr. Trail' Green, of Easton, erected the observatory at his own cost. The department of Chemistry was wholly organized by two gentlemen of this city, Mr. Wm. Adamson having en dowed the Chair in the sum of thirty thou sand dollars, and Col. B. H. Jenks having built the laboratories for a bout the same sum. J. H. Scranton, Esq.; of Scranton, and Mr. Thomas Beaver, of Danville, have been large contributors to the endowment fund. But the most munificent patron of the College is Mr. A. Pardee, of Hazleton, whose gifts to it during the last three years, have amounted to about two hundred thousand dollars. This record of what has been done for one college alone is highly creditable to Pennsylvania, and shows that our citizen's appreciate the value of the higher education, not only for those about to enter the profes sions of law, theology and medicine, but for all those who are fitting themselves for mer cantile life and for those scientific professions which, in this land of abounding mineral wealth, are becoming more and more im portant to the full development of our re sources. OUR STREETS. Any citizen who happened to be abroad yesterday afternoon when the gale apartg up, had abundant !evidence furnished him of the unclean condition of the streets; great, dense clouds of dust were sent whirling through the air, and this simoom of dirt penetrated into dwellings and stores, damaging goods, furniture and clothing, and almost blinding its victims. The rain that followed laid the dust and universal mud took its place. Had the streets been in a proper condition of cleanliness, this plague and the consequent annoyance that arose from it would have been avoided. These facts were brought to the attention of City Councils yesterday after noon, and while every member was forced to concede the general prevalence of dirt, some few were of opinion that the contractor was doing the best he. could. That may be; but men should not bargain to do more than they can perform, and it would be a poor excuse for Mr. Bickley, if he hat contracted to tunnel the Sierra Ne vada, within a given time, to say that he had failed to accomplish his task because he did not possess sufficient tools. Citizens want the streets cleaned, and when they pay for having it done they have a right to expect a reasonable immunity from dirt. When the present street cleaning contract was made,the city was divided into two contract districts. Two different parties held these contracts 'and in a few months the contract of one of the parties was annulled on the ground that the work had not been satisfactorily per formed, although the contractor protested that sufficient time had not been allowed him to get things fairly under way. The entire contract was then given to Mr. Bickley, the remaining contractor, and a considerable in crease was made in the amount of com pensation. The contract of Mr. Bickley provides that certain streets. among others Chestnut, Wal nut, Market, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth, shall be thoroughly cleansed at least twice a week, the work to be done at night.. The streets not specifically named ,are "its be cleaned once in each and every week. Chestnut street was cleaned yesterday for the second time in several months, and in both cases the work was done in daylight. If this be doing the best the contractor can do,what a condition the city would be in if there were to be even a alight relaxation in his exertions or &falling off in his. ability. The BULIZTIN would much rather do all in its power to aid the contractor'to live up to - his bargain with the city, than to throW any obstaoles in I& way. But as an organ of public opinion , it emphatically 'protests against• the continued unclean condition of the THE DAILY EVlElilli BULLETIN.--PIIIIADELPIIIA,' IDAY, APRIL 3 , 1868 citY, and insists that if the contractor is doing the best he can at this time, the means at' his command are not adapted to tho ends aimed at, and that he - has failed to perform his share of the contract which he entered into with the city. Seled Council did its duty yesterday, in the matter of Girard College, handsomely. The minority report, which condemns and *censures the ten Directors, was adopted, and , the highest branch of the municipal govern ment has thus put itself right on the record on this important question. The report, after its adoption by Select Council, went to the lower branch. Mr. Hetzel there offered an amendment, requesting the ten Directors to resign. Before a vote was taken on this mo tion,however,Mr. Hancock,of the Fourteenth Ward, moved to lay the subject upon the table, and he mustered votes enough to carry his motion. The following was the vote : Yeas—Messrs. CODIVIV, Creely, Fareira, Gates, winner, Hancock, Hanna, Harrison, Homey, Kline, Mattagne, F. Martin, Miller Myers, Og den, Shane, Shisier, Simpson, Smith, Wagner, Mercer, Presl-21. Nays—Messrs. Can:101011, Dillon, Kuper, Hetzell, Judge, Kennedy, Littleton, J. C. Martin, W. D. Martin, Mitten, "Potter, Tyson, Vanhon ten-18. It is unnecessary to comment upon this result. We deplore it, not only for the ab stract injustice involved in it, but on aeeount of the.wrong which it so ° unjustly inflicts upon the Republican party, which is respon sible for putting these Directors in office' It is the plain duty of 6ommon Coun cil to adopt this report, and it skould. be called up, and pressed, and kept before the public, until It is fairly and honor ably disposed of. A wrong has been done,and the offenders should be condemned and censured, and those who desfre to bee justice done in this case should not rest until the *mend of the public is complied with, and the flagrant wrong done to an innocent citizen righted. THE DELAWARE-EYED MAN. Lorenzo the Bravo is evidently determined to have not only " the eyes of Delaware'' upon him,—though that should be glory enough for an Ad Interim,—but he challenges the admiration of the world as it represents itself on the floor and in the crowded galleries of the Senate Chamber. While fighting officers like the gallant General Emory or Colonel Wallace come quietly in citizen's dress, when they are called, and tell what they knew, briefly and modestly, the redoubt able Lorenzo swells and fusses about the pre cincts of the Court, in all the blaze of a Major-General's full uniform in hope that he will be summoned to stand as " the cynosure of neighboring eyes," and tell, in grandiloquent phrase, the tale of how he "kicked Stanton out of doors" from the War Office—in a figure. It is delightful to contemplate a character like Lorenzo's, so wrapped in its own self-complacency as to be utterly impervious to the shafts of ridicule, and utterly unconscious that not only "the eyes of Delaware,"bnt those of all the"rest of mankind," are laughing at him. Lorenzo should not make himself so common. The glory of his full-dress uniform will have grown dull to the accustomed spectators while he waits in full view, before his turn comes to strut upon the stage, and it will be said of him : "So when he had occasion to be seen, He was but as the cuckoo is in June, Heard and not regarded; seen, but with such eyes As, sick and blunted with community, Afford no extraordinary gaze, such as is bent on sun-like majesty When it shines seldom in admiring eyes; But rather drowzed,snd hung their eye-lids down, Slept in his face, and rendered such asp6ct As cloudy leen use to their adversaries; Being with his presence glutted, gorged and fall." Mr. Harper, of the Eighth Ward, intro duced a resolution in Common Council yes terday, asking for the repeal of the new law which relieves the ruraltlistricts from half of the city tax rates. The resolution was adopted by the decided vote of 22 to 13, and it is to be presumed that Select Council will concur in this very proper request. Mr. Harper is to be commended for bringing this important matter promptly to the notice of Councils, and we are glad to see his views- sustained by such a handsome majo rity of his colleagues. The equalisation of taxation is of the utmost importance to the whole community, and no, legislation should be attempted that tends in a contrary direc tion. The Board of Revision is composed of fair and intelligent men, who have done their duty well, in the adjustment of all ques tions of excessive valuations of property, and when the valuationits once fairly fixed there should be no variation from the established rate of taxation. The Supreme Court in bane have reversed the decision of Justice Read in' the case of Rhoads et al. vs. Dunbar. The decision will be found in full in another part of the BULLETIN of to-day. This reversal was ex pected, and, upon referring to au editorial ar ticle upon the subject published in the Bon- Lr.TiN in June, 1866, we find that the precise ground assumed in these columns was taken by the Court in its late deci sion of reversal. The final disposition of the case by the Court will tend to throw considerable light upon the difficult question of : What constitutes a nuisance? Justice Read in his opinion took the broad ground that whatever offends the eyes, the ears or the nose (livery stables and manufactories of all kinds included), or that creates apprehen sion of danger, is a nuisance, and as such must be abated upon the suit of any citizen who may feel himself aggrieved. It is mani fest that such a principle as this could not be practically carried •out-in a. great city, and the majority of the Court took a view that will commend itself to the great mass of the coma muoity when it said : "It is a difficult matter at all times to strike the true medium between the conflicting interests and tastes of people in a densely-populated'city. It requires the merchant mechanic, manufac turer, baker, butcher, and laborer, as well as the wealthy and employed or unemployed citizen, to constitute a city. They all have rights, and the only requirement of the law is, that each shall ea exercise and enjoy them as to do no injury hi that enjoyment, to others or the rights of others i n th e sense in which the law regards injury, namely accompanied by damage." ArIOWNING'S AMERICAN LIQUID CEMENT, FOE mending, broken ornaMent& and other articles of Obakehins, Ivory. Wood. 'Marble, he. No heating r (mired of the articie tA be mended, , or the Gement. *T way's ready for use For Ole kit JunD R. DOWNING, Stationer. fe74l 188 South Eighth street, two doors ab. Walnut. GIRARD COLLEGE. RURAL TAXATION. CLOT : iWO. NOTE TO LADIES, Al ID MI OTHERS WHO UM THE BUM OF 1301(S9CLOTHING - On our FIRST floor we have lo cated a Special Department for, BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING, and have a beautiful variety for Children, from 3 years upward, em bracing GARIBALDIS, • BIS MARCK'S, SCOTCH SUITS, &0., and for Boys and Youth we have all styles and meg. We mean that our "Boys' Department" shall be what our Gentlemen's IS, THE BEST IN PHILADELPHIA. , Prices always lower than any where else. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Oak Hall Buildings, Sixth and Dlarket Sts. EDWARD P. KELLY TAILOR, • S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Ste. Large stock and complete ...tn eot of SPRING GOODS, Fronalhe best Foreign Manufacturers. Clothes equal or superior in FR, Style. Comfort and Durability to those of any other FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT. !Moderate Prices. Liberal Discount for gash• ap2llyry CLOTHING FOR SPRING, CLOTHING FOR SPRING. CLOTHING FOR SPRING. All-Wool Cassimere Suits. A 11-W oorCassimere Suits. All-Wool Cassimere Suits. Ready Made Clothing, Fresh Made and Reduced Prices; Fresh Made and Reduced Price& Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Always on hand a carefully selected stock of uncut goods for Men and Boys' wear. Clothing made to order. We make the Boys' trade an especial feabstre in our business, find parents may rely on procuring at this establishment Boys' Clothing well cut, well made, well trimmed and durable. ROCKHILL & WILSON, ROCKHILL & WILSON, ROCKHILL & WILSON. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &U. REDUCED. FRENCH PEAS AND MWSLIROOMS, 45; Extra White Heath Peaches, 15; Fresh Green Tomatoes for Pies, 16 cts.. at A. J. DECAMP'S. 107 South Second street NEW YORE PLUMS AND SEEDLESS CHERRIES, 60 eta.; North Carolina Pared Peaches. 26 eta. ; brigt t un pared halves. 16 ctr.. at A. J. DECAMP'S, 107 South Second street. WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN and very superior Fresh Tom atoes,for sale by the case or can,atA.J. DECAMP'S. 107 South Second street. YARMOUTH BLOATERS, Smoked,Spiced and Pickled Salmon and Boneless Mackerel, in kite, at A. J. Dis, CAMP'S, 107 South Second street DAVIS'S DIAMOND BRAND lIAMS always on band. mhl4,3mrpil CANNED GOODS • Winslow's Green Corn. Very Choice Tomatoes, Extra White Heath Peaches, Finest Quality French Peas, Finest Quality Mushrooms, In fine order and of the best quality. ALSO. Henrie's Pataide Foie Gras. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, Importers of and Dealers in Fine Family Groceriee. Fine Wines. Brandies, Cottle and Cigars. S. W. oor. Broad and Walnut Sts. jal.w f m JOBBERS AND IMPORTERS. Just A:rrived. WRITE CORDUROY, FOR LADIES' SACKS. PRICE, PARRISH & CO., a .2 illr 312 Chestnut Street. p 4 ELDER FLOWER Soap, H. P. & R. TAYLOR, No. 841 North Ninth Street. JOHN ORUMP, BUILDER. 1781 CHESTNUT STREET, and SIM LODGE STREEL Mechanise of every branch required for househuilding and fitting prom Sy furnished. fe27 tf JONES,T fir. Edi CD,. No. 9ABOUTIf NINTH STREW, 41 . 11 Have introdueed their Spring Styles, and invite gentlemen that wish a Oat combining Beauty, Lightness and Durability to call and examine them. _ J., T. Co. manufacture all their silk Date,' mtile.tfici jiWARBURTON'S IMPRO I, VENTILATED and eaaytitting Drees Bata (patented). in all the ap proved fashions of the season. Chestnut etreet, next door to the PostafEce. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER SHOULD REMEMBER that we keep a stock of Hardware especially adapted to their wants. TRUMAN & SHAW, BM (Eight TWAY rive) Market street, below Ninth, YATENT TO 1L AND AWL 'HANDLES CONTAIN- Ina twenty Miniature Toole,hll Httkra into one handle, and a variety of ()bestir of Toole. Vor sale by TRUMA`i do SHAW, No. $25 (Eight Thirty•Sye) Marjcet strent. below Ninth. • • TVORYALANDLE TABLE AND TE4ESTIVES,.... " .1 steel or mayor:plated Madam • Oatno ',mad Maat MlU'arYonm, Table Steels and other Table (Jutlery; •also, extra !Jabal Nickel Sayer" Forko,for ode by TRUMAN. is 8101A.W. 886 (FULA Ilarty,ave) Market ofreet. below Matti. T_l ADDISON POTATOES.—A SiTPPL OF 1-1 this celebrated variety.' .EAEL GOODRIOLI, DEO WIIITkSPROUTS: otb 'STAD PO TATOEB 'FOR PLANTING. PURE SEED AND TIAUN TO NAME,- - WOODRUFF , Bag+, ; alatitt, , , , .N 0.4 Arch stfeet, Pigiadelyttia 'MEW onor ARABIAN Ateras.--100 MkILTS,JINE ,1 • 1 buldlne and for sale by JOB. B. - DDSS= $ GO.. nib Bolan Delaware avenue. • DEIPAIL DRY GOODS KULP & MACDONALD; N 0.1206 Chestnut St. at •a 1 e.. 7 tr. P.. --• fl I:/ itIFFCT - cut[_ mulloo•lUimaulug - 111.1 %Muer • , GREAT BARGAINS rN Embroidered Cloth Piano Cover% A Veil extensive variety of Barnsley, Iris% French and Getman Towelap Table Linens, Napkins. Be. • French and Barnsley Sheetlnga, Pillow-Case Linens, all widths. Frew* and Irlgh Shirting , Linen,. 111 varied., of White Goods, CARD. The long connection of Mr. KULP , with the old and valued firm of J. V. COWELL is SON emboldens hint to hope for a share of the patronage so liberally extended to that deserving liouee, and he Impel, by still Increased at. tention to the wants of their custonsere, the new firm may establisle a reputation second none in their line of business. eplt linry WHITE GOODS, A LARGE M3SORTDIENT. JONES'S CAMBRIOS, Ia the Hard, s.ft and Prete)" AGA. JONES'S JACONETS. • JONES'S NAINSOOKS. , Plaid Nainsooka. Plaid Canabriaa. LARGE BROKEN PLAID SWIOB. Large, Median sad Swan Plait Wench Mullins. PUFFED HUBLINS. 66c. to $1 76. TUCKED MUSLIMS, IL TUCKED SWISS, $1 26 to $9 N. PLAIN FRENCH MU/MINI. 97}6 to $1 St VIOTOSIA LAWNS. GOOD QUALITIES, Sa to M. ; % vlifit VolliDEA riatii rictus, WORTH $1 2FI GURED WHITE FRENCH PIQUES, $1 to 81 50. Ho STEEL & SON, Noe, 713 and 715 N. Tenth St. Open Centre SQUARE BROCHE SHAWLS. Open Cantle Long Brodie Shawls, Striped Square Brooke Shawls. Handsome Cashmere Shawls. Plaid Llama Shawls. Black Thibet Square Shawls. Black Thibet Long Shawls. A largo twortmeat at low Prices. H. STEEL. Jr, SON, Nos, 713 and 715 N. Tenth Bt. NEW STYLES of SPRING CLOA KINGS, For Ladles' &moues sad Mantle& ALL-WOOL SPRING CASSIMERES, Suitable for Men and Boya' Wear. Me. to et Plaid Cotionades, Kentucky Jeans, Plaid Linens, Linen Drills, And from i llt z i t, variety' of grades of lien's and Boys' W H. STEEL (Sr, SON. It Nos 713 end 716 N. Tenth St POPLINETTS A New Article OF DRESS GOODS, IN STRIPES. CHENEAS, FIGURED, SOLID COLCI . I . tS AND PLAIDS. EDWIN HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND ST. n tti f Walking Suits. Traveling Suite, JOHN W. THOMAS, Noe. 405 and 407 N. Second Street. Just reoelved. a fall Roo of PLAIN AND OHENE POPLINS SILK AND WOOL POPLIkIa, SILK AND LINEN POPLINS. • •ALPACA POPLINS CREPE POPLIfIII. PLAIN AND CHENE MOHAIRI3, SILK SURGE. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. mhlq•Smros iat)ll • ALA ' 811A 1 S. GREAT ABDUCTION IN PRICES. Black Llama Lace Eihaos reduced from $lB to $18; $2O 13haa•Is to $l4, $22 to $l5; 8126 to $l9; $2B to $2O; $BO to $22; $B6 to $2B; $4O to $80; higher cost goods In same yro• Portion. A large stock to seleet from of very beet make only. Belling Mist Greatly Reduced Prices. GEO. W. VOGEL, xnhllo aro' 1016 Chestnut street. rw.Turß-mirmT - $. - :TlvTfi - TI7TTT:.7II MARY B. CONWAY , DRESS aIfULHXXXNG , AND SHOPPING EMPORIUM. 131 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. PIIILADELPUTA. -Ladies from any- pie tot the United Stateacamemdtheir orders for Dress Materials, Dresses.Cloalts.Bonnets.l3hees, 'Mader clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Wroaseau, Tray. venue Outfits, Jeweby, &e., also Ohildronle Clothing. In. fauns IN side oboe, Gentlemen's Linen. tee. • In ordering tiarmente. Ladles will please mend one of their REST PITTING DRESSES for measurement; and Ladle visiting the city should not fall to call and have the measures reglAtered for future convenience. Refers, by permission. to , • MR. J. M. H/tPLEIGH. 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street i MESSRS.. HOMER CcILLADA.Y do 00.. 1nh 144112 rp 818 and 820 °beetld street. OHIt HAIR OUT AT SOPS sakif. • w Saloon, by ilrgt.olass HairHutters Hair and bickers ye Shave and 'llatti. 6 Bo cents. Razora set in order, Open Sunday =Mt ' Nch 125 1 Fie change "ace. Elto3 O. EDP • Kliows 2RAPV. VINES ARE 'UNSURPASSED, IF ,equalle , anywhere, and include all varietlea., Also, strawberry, raspberry and blaokberrY clante,all varieties, of the very best quality, for sale at 7g7 Marketstreet e,411 , -------- ""Et °C). 11Qt? I I LOOR. I 1.09 !I l I—A L'Usler. Magnificent assortment of Wall Pagan. and Linen lindaw Shades just in' for spring sales; chew. outhiTON%VaPcit. 1084 Syrlng ElarPcn stroef, 0,--13 tides manufactured. sel4.lyrp, AMERICA WALTHAM 'WATCHES. The Best. The Cheapest. Recommended by. Railway. Conductors. Eegtneers and laxm Monsen, themosroxacung - rinss of WatmiTMearers,tcs superior to all ethers for strength. steadiness, accuracy and durability. Unscrupulous dealers occasionally sell a worthless Swiss imitation. To prevent imposition. buyers should aterals• demand a ceritacate of genuineness. For sale by all respectable dealers. spa lm* BAILEY .& CO. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, Save Nei received a full invoice of the CELEBRATED WATCHES . MADE BY P/TEK PHILIPPE & CO., In Geneva. Among them en improved TIMING- WATCH. These Watohee took the FIRST GOLD MEDAL At the Pll6l Exposition, and aro made expressly for BAILEY & CO. felAw r m rptf BUTLER, &CARTY & CO., 181 ISTorth Second Street,. waeLzetaLs nEALIEsis American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES. mh2oltn m 9mri4 REIV PIIIMIOATIOBib. A Qbarmings'New Novel. THE OLD MAWSELLE'S SECRET. AFTER TUE GERMAN OF E. IitARLITT BY RIBS. A. L. WINTER* , Thato. Neat cloth Wahl& For sale by all Boakeellere. Pabllched by . J. B. LIPPINCOTT At CO., 715 and 717 Market Street, Philada. e1321r0 MILLI NE,11.3F-6-1-64D.5. s4p Ladies Making their Bonnets CAN I IND ALL THE MATERIALS AT GEORGE W. MILES'S, 911 Chestnut Street (North Side), Straw Bonnets and ninon*lags, French Flowers, Ribbons, • " Laces. Frosted and Plain Mallows, With narrow LAOEB, in Colors to match. French and New York Bennet Franey tic , ma. dte. Liberal discount to hltilinen. MILES, 911 Chestnut Street. WOOD & CA.RY, BONNET OPENING Thursday, April 2, 1868, No. 725 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. 726 C HESTNUT VIrE eI frIVN " THIS DAY, 60 pieces of Colored Mallets, every desirable shade. BO pieces of Fretted and Diamond Illusion. all colors. 10 y isega Colored Spotted Nets, with Edgings and Laces , to match. .all the latest novelties In lIATS, BONNET/3 AND IN PANTS' UNTIL In the finest Braids, IVelte, Drab, Brown and Black. Monett Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons. Sash Ribbons,Satin and Moire Ribbons, Silks, Crapes, Velvet/. In the aeweet tints, Metternich, Sultana. die. Linen Black Mans, all shades. Artificial COLO RE Drs.e choicest styles. VELVET RIBBONS. The celebrated BROWN BRAND. • '1 he best assortment of now colors it the city. Our prices at WHOLESALE and RE I AIL We guarantee to be as low as those of any house in the trade. GIVE US A CALIF WEYL & ROSENHEEIL No. 7213 Chestnut street. aal•lma7ll WOOD HANGINGS. NO. 917 WALNUT STREET. WOOD HANGINGS Poeltively done fall to see them before ordering any. thing eise. Wall paper is now anions the "Things That Wore." WOOD HANGINGS Cost no more. and aro gelling by the thousand rolls Par day. See them and be convinced. No epeculation, but stubborn facto. Specimens are dial on exhibition at the Store of JAMES C. FINN &SONS. Southeast corner Tenth mid Walnut streoU. mblgifro TIERIENESS' BAZAAB,__ NINTH ck kiANBOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OP 110118ES,CARKIAGEBokc. , On SATURDAY MORNING next at 10 o'clock, at the , Bazaar, will be sold about SIXTY HOBBES. Included in the sale will be found the following pro perty of a pirivate family about leaving for Europe: A Pair of BlYlleh Bay Carriage Mims, 6 years old. 15,:. bands high. sound and gentle,. can trot in about 8 ,14 min. A very desirable brown saddle Biome, 15 hands high,. with large flowing tall. ALSO. Four pairs of mules, largo size, young and serviceable. kind in harness. ALSO. A light Coupe for roue or two horses, with pole and, k bat tp!, in elegant order; summer linings and coach house. cover. Pr Salo of Horses, dm nes .. on Wedday next. .ALFREDM.II4RKNESS. Auctioneer POINT BREEZE PARK.—ANNUAL SUB- . ,‘ ... scribers' Tickets for G year oningh4F4 of fic e . Bl l e rt ni A :t g elte AMearlßpothinyrcque to call:" and Pay their eseessments. 8. KILPATRIOK,Tressurer. mo m 144 South Fourth street. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED .UPON. niDIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATE.. CLOTHING, &c. at JONES & CO. l B OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Corner of ß 'l t ' ,l 'h cl itzd adlas d ll!.111 streets, B.—DIAMONDS, WATMEI, JEWELRY, GUNS.- tk . RlrMAltKa r ilty LOwmll2l4Ells IV( MOIRIO WITH INDELIBLE EMIIBOIDER Aga ing, Braiding, Stamping, dic. M. A. A zoRRY, lioo Filbert otrant. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF DOMESTIC BASKETS; made by G. HOILE, 029 Sproms ',treat. N. D.—Repairing promptly attended to. mb996trto _...P 8 VE1J.14 TO ,WILILL's *Wax, bridal stoker 0 7L , ambet . ,or for i s 'handeome• 10411 , 6 FARR a uk l am immteri • MI Oh eat, below Fourth. ' SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAFILL TO.DAIPS CABLE QUOTATIONS, WA.SHIINTGI - TON. Diamond ' Cut Diamond. The Examination of Secretary Stanton A Trick Suspected and Exposed. THE VAX BILL SIGNED. THE PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT Br the Atlantic Cable. Loanow, April 3d, Forsnoon.—United States litre-twenties, opened firmer at 72160725(. Con- Ws, 93@03% for both money, and account. Illinois Central 30g. Pears, April 3d, A. M.—The bullion is the Bank of France has decreased since last week 17,006,000 francs. Frain Waohingtois. t9pcelal Despatch to the Mimi'. DveelmtllethLl Wskaittit‘TON, April Bd.-Blnce the fact has be come known that It is the intention of the Presi dent's counsel to summon Secretary Stanton be fore the Court of Impeachment as a witness, some fears have been entertained that during the • time be would hi absent from the War Office efforts would be made by General Thomas or the President's friends to get possession of It. Mea sures have been taken which will effectually frnstrate any such scheme if it is attempted. The Board of Managers will cause a summons to be served upon Generals Thomas and Han cock to appear before the Court at the same hour that the President's counsel summon Secre tary Stanton to appear, and will not allow them to depart until after the examination of Secre tary Stanton isconcludedaed he is discharged. It le believed that the Managers will get entirely through with iiVerlng their testimony end the evidence to-day or to-morrow. Gen. Thomas will be put on the witness stand to-day. The President signed the tax repeal bill day before yesterday,and it Is now a law. The Internal Revenue Department are having the bill printed,with a schedule of all the articles exempted, which will be forwarded to the asses- sore and collectors within a few days. The public debt statement will be issued to morrow, and as was stated In these despatches a tow days since, it will show a alight increase In the public debt. The Reconstruction Committee hold a meeting to-morrow,to come to some conclusion in regard to the constitution of Florida, submitted to them by the House to report; about which there has been so much discussion. DISASTER& Terrible epauletlty In lowa-Three Boys Burned to Deals. [From the Otttunwa (Iowa) Daily Courier of March 29.1 Yesterday morning we gave but a brief notice of the terrible fire at Agency— a town situated same seven miles east of our city—then only having the abort announce. ment of the fact. This afternoon we visited the rules and the bereaved faintly. The residence of flow Chas. budiey was, about tblne-quarters of a wile northeast of Agency; a twostory frame house. with two rooms. kit ohm and pantry open the ground fioor,and a wood•houso Utacbed to tbe kitchen; the front rooms were tued one Or a p.rlor and the other as a sitting room the kitchen being in the rear of the latter. Upstairs consisted of three bedrooms and a lumber room over the kitchen. The cli ent eon, Lewis, occupied the west room s two sisters the east teem, and the three younger MIL Charles. litomas and Otis, the room adjoining and In the rear of the cid. tat. A ball ran between the two first rooms mentioned, upstairs and down. LOA/WS bed stood in the southwest coiner of the room ptbe boys' In the northwest of their room. . I was sleeping with my younger brothers. one 3 and the other 11 years old, and about midnight was wedged by the smoke strangling me; lumped out of bed and went to and opened a small door that feeds out to the room over the kitchen. when the smoke Guist thrcugh and aimoat stifled me; the smoke came vp over the 'Kitchen, appa rently from the wood house. I ran back and aroused Lewis:be sat up in bed . when I told him to bring down the boys; I then ran down and told mother, who slept In the sitting room; She jumped up with' her babe, and catching up seine bed-clothes, ran out; ohs left the B abe in the yard and ran back to the house, now burn ing rapidly, to try to rescue the boys. but it was too hot. I tried to get in the room up stairs six times, but failed. I got out the melo deon and a desk with the valuablelpapers in it. At this time Mr. Dave Sterner came and—. Here the boy was removed, and we had to get our information the best we could. 'l otem. that the slaters, aced about Su and Id, es caped unharmed. It is reported that Ur. Sterner took the leg of a table and burst open the door to Lewis's room, and tried to call him up, but could not, then threw the stick at and struck him, but be did not move. At this time the house was enveloped in flames. Everything was consumed excepting the melodeon. desk and a few bed clothes': which the ladies had to wrap about them in lieu of clothing. No valuable papers were destroyed that we could hear of. The tore in property la estimated at be. tween tour and six thousand dollars. rtfalAVEl3. We were particular in THE describing the situation of the vocals and beds in order to let the reader see why there is no certainty as to bow the boys lost their lives, in try. hog to escape, or whether they were strangled in bed. Thls Ina mystery. The charred remains of Lewis were, picked out of the debris In the southesst corner. while hie bed stood in the southwest:those of theyounier ones out of the southwest corner, Immediately under the spot where LOWIIOII bed stood. Various are the conjectures. Some think Lewis Was trying to get UN boys out; some that they went into Lewis's room just as the floor and svelte gave way. This will forever remain a mystery. THE FATHER AND MOTHER,. lion. Charles Dudley, the father, represents thhi county in the Legislature, and was at his post of duty, in Des Moister when he received the crushing news. He had just taken his teat-at Ms desk when the despateh was handed to him, at about 9 o'clock in the morni. Shortly after Mr. Caldwell, of this county. whose sea t s adjoining, an nounced the appalling calamity to the House, whereupon appropriate and impressive action was had, resulting in, the appointment of a committee of three, consisting of his colleague, Hon. S. T. Caldwell, Hon, John P. Grantham, Ad Henry, and Don . John Hayden, of Jefferson, to accom. pang Mr Dudley to his now desolate, houseless, homeless, ed family. Mr. Dudley has been moat unfortunate with his family, ten desalt, having °centred, and only two of them from disease, eight tragically or suddenly. Only last spring, in May or June, his eldest son, Edward, was killed by frac. Hone mules, and now three more links are savagely torn from the chain. Mrs. Dudley, the mother, is a daughter of Mr. Dennison. living near Agency, and a deter of the wife of , our fellow-citizen. Mr. Billligan, a very estimable woman. and r o blame is attached to her for the awful accident, as she is reputed to be a eareful, prudent wo. OATBE OF THE rum This is bet known. Some think it originated from ashes which had been taken no in a kettle and left In the wood. house ; but this is denied by those whom we think should know, as they say there were ne coals in the .ashes; be. aide, there wee not enough ;Ur stirring to fan the coals into life had there been any. The cause is unknown. A Card From 111 r. Daniel Drew. ms. the Editor Qt. the New York Tribune_-51n: In your paper of March 28 there appears a leading article headed hbe Erie \Var. , ' It relates that the , question at issue is one of "principles more thin men.' Had your article confined Itself to the discussion of "principlea," I should have bad no occasion to addressyou under own name. But as it is really and chiefiy a discourno about men, and, as I believe, a very tujurious die:urea an far' as 1 am concerned in it, I must ask you to give me space for a fe personal words. I. The ta discussion of "principles" in the article begins with an hogenloua parallel between Mr. Vanderbilt'a Inialatrakive ability and mime. There hi no such issue a. this before rho public. I was interested conjointly with Mr. Vanderbilt in the Harlem road, but I never was nor sought to be his rival or opponent in its administration. Of the Erie road, I have been irect for years, and, es a director, have sought to the interesta of the road to the best of my eighty heti havonover-been la a post - - titre*, Control its administration as Mr. Vanderbilt that of the roads which WI manages. Your skillful parallel, then, goes for nothing, except, indeed, tut far us it hoc served Its purposes u a rhetorical expedient to excite odium ageJnst me. 2. Your article ineinuates (it does not exactly charge) that 116,001),000 of •Erie stook woe Issued to me at 60 cents on the dollar in atone fraudulent way. The Minnie fact wasl lent 001330 millions of dollars to the road when it In need, and received a atook at 60 as security. No man or set a mert could, as I believe , have been found at the time to lend the money on the same security. If there were any fraud in the .matter it mui a very stupid and profitless' one. 8. Your article fenifehes another pretty parallel. It picturee Mr, tVanderhilt sitting in his office in Fourth In buying Erie. and." Mr. Drew , a fugitive from Juatlce in New, deteeY." Here again the, rhetoric, I. impeach. able, bathe rhetoric alone. lam in N'er Jetiey, it ie true, but Whether , the combination which has driven me from - my home end Mutual, is an honorable and Jut one k precisely the qeeettenat hone. You ' , gentle Welt it ie; . hold ft to be'wtoked and diegraceful As for the recont kaaa Wade, it Wall made by the c tireotora under the wary Name law a. thill under ,m_ht ,t,tittr Outral road herd. Immo I:n(111one M. bomb leW xears ago, Their gig t they believe to be umniestienable,:and.,they will continue so to believe until'the bouts decide othensdeo. I do net vrettno 0.40JJ is the ieW. in Althea° proceed. lo ge(bolo log my' "faking refuge" in New.leney) I have acted under the advice of the best legal counsel coal obtain. If they We been 1 1 / 1 oust in their law a few weeks will ku 'lire to eltow the error . All the questions , at Ism° will shortly come before corpetent court' of jurisdiction. Bliould they decide that the motley intrusted to me as Treasurer of the.Erle Railway is not to be used for im proving the. read and,extending its connections with the Great West, but Is to be paid over to a Re. criver, I shall to pay it, even though the result be, as your article has it, 'to make the Gentral what it ought to be, the best property in the country."- if, on the other hand, the courts decide in favor of tite Erie Railway, its directors will endeavor—so far, at least as toy Innuendo goes—to make the Erie what it ought to be, and what its managers have been for years seek eg.n odor enormoun difficulties, to make It—the hest, safest and (In apest channel of comtnunloation between East and West, and at the same time a great convenience to the people of the State of New Ycrk, who granted its Iran. chins. Ibe road will then, and cannot till then. become a ' , omen of income to ha atockholders. I am. Mr, your obe. diem r errant, DAZ11111,1)REIV. 'IIIEIIBISY CITY, April 2,188 P. Letter of Senator Wilson on Grant and Temperance. BENATZ CHII3IIIEI% IVAHIIINGTON, March 30,1868.—My Dear Sir; in a communication to the Anti-Stavery Standard you say that "Senator Wilmon works for Grant. who its uo radical, and objects to other candidates who arc radicals, beCallee they mometimes drink." I am B , l^o you•do not Intend to be unjuet, but you certainly have placed me in a false position. For thirty seven years I Lave been a pledged temperance man, and 1 have rhiven to be faithful to a canoe my heart loves and my Judgment approves. While I have ever regarded Intemperance to be a terrible calamity •to humanity and a pin against God, I have always felt the deepest pity and sympathy for all whose lives were blighted by It. I know of no Radical whose name has been mentioned for the Presidency who gete drunk, or to whose nomination I have objected because he rotnetimen drinks. 1 have teen General Grant in the camp. Su his office, at his own house and at dinner par. ties where liquor , were freely need by others, but I have verer arm Ann drink even a plats* of totrusonor have I ever seen him when I had the slightest reason to think he was in any degree under the influence of drink. You soy, further, that I work for Grant, who is not a Radical. 1 have done little work for General Grant; for it was not necessary that any one ebould work for him. The Republica,. of nearly every State, with great unanimity, have pronounced for him; but hill result was not achieved by work, hut by the need, of the country and the instincts of a patriottc and Ilbertfloving peat*, I took occasion more than two years ego to express on the floor of the Senate boy conviction that a patriotic and liberty-loving people, betrayed by the President, would turn to that great soldier and summon him to marshal them to' victory. Thirty.two years ago I fully come milted myself to the anti-elevery cauee.and I have striven with voice and vote to advance It to Its final and crown ing triumph.' It was because I was an ant.l4lavery man a radical republigan. became I believed the Cilll3o of weal and li - spathe! liberty to be above the ambitions and in. tercets of public men, and because I believed General Grout would carry that cause to soured victors', that I turned to him as the Presidential candidate of the Re publican party. I know him to be an heneet, just and firm man, whose fidelity to hie country and to the equal rights of all his countrymen cannot be questioned. Gladly eou'd I have welcomed the nomination of some one of the veteran anti-slavery men it such nomination could have mitred the success of our cause in the great struggle of this year. Hut the pioneer ant elavery men bane ever been forced by the needs of their struggling cause to be reiteacrificing and self-fergetful. The self. sacrificing spirit and reitforgettutnese have achieved glm Hour victories for humanity In the past. and I trust will win in the future the election of a President under whose adminittration the unity of the country will be assured and the equal rights and privileges of ell its citizens se cured. Your. truly. HENRY WILSON. Jaime ICtiLrATlt, koq., Boston. 4E;138A. The Squabble Between the Bishop and the captain General—Refusal of the Banco f spanOl to ray Money on De posit for the Bishop. HAVANA. Ara] 2. 18.93.--/ hear creditable reporta. that on Monday. when the iiiehop of Havana embarked for Cadiz, he ordered all the eh - rob belle to be rung. In hie partorab which na, read on tiund.y, be etated to Ida flock that the Quern had celled him to Madrid en fru. pot tent burinere connected with the church and state. Win tarring Were Gen. Lereundi'e palace he gave hie benediction. General Lerrundi rent hie citieTof-rtaff in the came eleemer with the Bishop, ae bearer of important deco n.entd. The patron ere numbered two hunired. 'lnure were alto three hundred troops aboard bound home. The liirLcp drew on the Banco Erpanol for the amount of editOte which he had deposited there ad funds collected for the new cemetery. hot by order of the Captain-Gen eral—payment of the checkTras retuned. The Bishop thereupon had the draft formally protected, and meow to make the bank pay or break. 1 he prr late has named the vicar who fr to act in hie absence, but has ordered him to appoint no new nitrated. STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THU DAY AT THE BULLETLN OFFICE. 10 A.M. ... .43 du. 11 M. Weather South. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL. The Philadelphia Mimic y lifarke Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchahge. mum sown 10001.1 55-205'64 cp c 1073( 5000 Lebleh 6s 'B4 lts 6534 1000 do do 6534 1200 do do 8614 1000 Leblet & R In 8834 2009 do do *5 88 1 4 2000 Penn RI mess 102 1000 &h Nay 6s 'B2 71 • 8700 City6a new lta 103 700 City 6e old 100 1 4 5 eh Acad 31uslc 76 lIILTRTICZ . 6500U55-20e65Jy cp 10634 8000 City 60 new • 109 .41)00 Lebiet 6s Gobi In 9034" 12 eh *5 15614 9 eh earn Am 1.8 19614 61 eh do 126 1 4 100 eh LeltNv stk e 5 26 100 sh Ocean Oil c 100 eb Read R c 4514 1.1Z4401111i IMO city 68 new 103 4000 eh Lehigh Old in lta 91 2000 Alleg Co 5s c 76 4000 S Penna 6 bsvrn SSX The Board adjourned on death of Mr. Samuel Gorg, Pilitann-rilia. FStday. April 3,—TherreTwas tom Ftrin geucy In the money market to-day, and a decided failing off in the number of needy borreweri: The ratee for "cal loam" were 63V?„7 per cent., and for ilrat clefs mercantile paper 9012 per cent., with more dispoeltion to invest in the latter. There was a better feeling at the Stock Board, and all classes of Government securities were a sttade higher. State loans wero not offered to any extent. City loans rimed firm at 103 for the new, and 100( for the old. Beading Bailroad was active and closed at 45.18 1 ," regu- lar, andig)ii b. 30—an advance of X. Pennsylvania Rail road sold at 5530; North Pennsylvania Railroad at H; Mine Hill Railroad at geX; Lehigh Valley Railroad at 52.3;., and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at about the agape as yesterday, 126 was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 125 a( for Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, and 27 for Catawissa Railroad Preferred.. Canal stocks were firmer, and Lehigh Navigation cold at 26—an advance of )4. In Bank shares we noticed sales of City at ;OM; Commercial at 60.4.', and Girard at 60.. in Passenger Railway Shares there ;vein no chanima. Hears. De Haven and Brother, No. '4O South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of ex change to-day, at 1 P. 16.: United States Sixes, 1881, 110% ®lll3l ; do. do., 1862, 10:e,;®109%;'do. do, 1864, 10734@ 1073; do..1866,101344:4108; d0.:60.new.106,3;0106%; do., 1867, new, 1063(gi107; Fives, Ten-forties, 1004®104-1"; Seven. threatens. June... 1053401053 tJuiv.1f6304106,4: Compound Intereet notes, June, 1864, 19.40; do. do., July, 1861, 19.40, do. de., August, 1864, 19.40; do, do.. October, 1864. 19.40; December, 1864. 19.40; do. do.,!May, 1865. 153! , ,@1.856; do. dd.. August, 1866, 17@1736; do. do.. September, 1863. 16314g104; do. do., October, 1865, 1641634; Gobi, 187.".04) 188; Silver, 181®18234. Smith. Randolph. Co., Bankers, 18 South Third street, quote at 11 , o'clock, as follows: Gold, 138h,' ; United States Sixes, 1881, 110%@11151;; United States Five•twenties, 1862, 10936®109%; do. 1884. 107%®107.% ; do. 1885, 10 J4(4108!‘ ; do, July, 1885.10636®106}n: do. 1867.106',(®107; United States Fives, Ten-forties, 10034 @INN; ; United States Seven thirties. second series, 1055iiglo51;; do., do., third series, 108%@1004. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government Securities, &e., to as follows: United States 6'5,1881, 111@ilUrf •' old Five-twenties, 10034 @ 10936 ; new Fivetwenties of 1864, 107.4(0107%; do. do. 1865, 107,40108; Five-twenties of July. 106 X ®lofo4 ;do. d 0.1867, 106 .%@10734; Tomfortice.loo34 410036; 7810, June, 10536 @IOW; do. July. 10 6)4@:;/036; Gold, 188. The Inspections of Flour sad Meal, for the week coding Aprll 2, Ma, are as follows: Barrels of Superfine ;e Co y rn Meal. " Condemned. Total 7,8143 1 4 The following Is the amount of Coal traneported oyez the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending Tlinrp-, day, April '2, INS:" ° ' ' From Port Carbon " Pottsville " Schuylkill Haven " Port Clinton Total for the week... Previously this year..... Total... .. .. , .......... To same time last . . . ...... Decrease 16.811:08 Philadelphia Produce Market. FinnAv, April B.—The demand tbr Cloverseed continues limited. Sales of 2(0 bushels prinit; Ohio at $B, and small lots of Pennsylvania at $6 56;47 76. In Timothy and Flaxseed but little movement. Small sales of , the latter at $2 90®8 00. Cotton is firm, with sales of Middling Uplands 'at sag There is vas littk Qe ereitron Bark here, and in the ah. smite of males we quote No. 1 at $56 per ton. TH - p DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 3,1868. eh Commercial Bk 601( ' 11 eh Girard Bank c 603( 10 oh City Bank c TOx 100 eh N Pa R 32 19 eh Lb Ny atk 26 134 eh Penns Rbs 555:: 60 oh Minehill Rbs 6*334 200 oh Plail&firieß 26 89 r h North Centß 45k' 27 eh LetighVal It 62J; =3l 2CO eh Read R h3O 4536 100 sh do b3O 45% 37 sh do c 453 200 sh do 2dys 45% 200 eh do b3O Its 45% Beh do trant c 45 300 sh do ' c Its 45.3-16 100 eh do cdo 45)- 100 eh do 453: BOA RD. 1(0 sh Leh Nay stk 26 60 eh Cam & AmR 126. V 57 eb LehVal 623; 40 eb ftead R 4536 100 eh do b 5 45;; the announcement of the a member of the Baird. Tons.Owt. 7,185 00 49i 00 19,640 10 1,49 T 00 28,816 10 .... 29,818 10. 45,121 12 There to a steady home consum)tive demand for Flour, end prices are well maintained. Bales of 200 bids, extra, at 59 50@.9 76; 500 bbl.. Northwest Extra Family at $lO 26(a.10 in for low grade, and 5112211 75 for gold and choice; 511012 25 fer Penna. and Ohlo do do.; and 19'13f0 15 for fan?' lets. Rye Fleur Is scarce, and commands £9. Prices of Corn Meal aro nominal. There Is a good demand for wheat. and prices have again advanced; sales of 2.000 bushels good and prime Pennsylvania Red at $2 81042 85 per bushel; White ranges from $3 t 053 80. Rye to ateady at 51 85. Corn is in fair request. with further axles of 4,000 bushels Yellow at 8l 20. and Mixed Weston:ant 121 18. Oats are selUng in lots at 90 cents. In Barley add Malt no further sales re ported. The New Tent Irteney Minket. A From today's N. Y. Herald.] Arum 2.—The gold market had been heavy to day, and the litictuationg were from 187 U to 1883,,' prior to the ad- Jetireiret nt of the board, with the closing trsneactiens at 137".,i, following which sales were made at 1375,1, and the latest quotation on the street was 1873ii(0137.4. The de. cline was owing to the extreme monetary stringency and the consequent high rates paid for carrying coin Theme ranged from 8.32 to 7.82. or within a thirty-second of quarter per cent., and the difference between the cash and regular price was a quarter per cent. durireg the morning a greater diacrimination against cash gold than has ever before been made In Wall street. Tho groan clearing!, amounted to t647.93A000. the gold balances to *1,972.e.,48. and the currency balances to $2.913 , 479. American milver is quoted at 6(47 per cent. below gold, and Mexican dol lars at 108@103]$ In gold. There was some pressure to sell coin for cad], and wherever possible gold was bor rowed on securities and thrown on the market for the sake of the currency proceeds of the male. 'nem was an aggravation of tne recent stringency in the money market. the pressure for loans being fully #lB great if not greater than was over before known on Wall Street. An eight per cent. cavitation in addition to the eget rate of interest was freely offered by first-class houses for call loans, and in many instances a quarter per cent. commission was paid. Alike with yester day. the borrowing demand continued until after three o'clock, and some of the brokers mere unwilling to make their bank ac counts good in each from sheer inability to borrow on any terms; and in such cases the deficiency was made up by a deposit of securfthet The bunks have no money to lend, and, omitting specie from the calculation, their reserve is largely below the legal limit. Borrower» on stock collaterale' have therefore to rely exclusively upon the private bankers and lenders °inside of Wall street. The cliques in New York Central and other railway shares have literally scoured the country in search of money. and have paid whatever rates of interest were Raked t• Secure it. Borrowers in general have dine likewise to the beet of their limited ability, and have paid so munch as a quarter per cent. a day for loans until Monday. their expectation being that the stringency will by that time have abated. The result will be that at the beginning of next week the loans by which heavy amounts of the speculative rail. way shares are now befog carried will mature, and that many of the latter will be for sale. owing as much to the difficulty of renewing or shifting the loans as to &mire to realize. The drafts upon the batiks and private backers from the interior. and. especially Penn sylvania. have been usually heavy to meet the demand s of "settling day." which °mire at any time between the let and 12th of April, but chiefly on the' let, and the money thus withdrawn will not begin to return here until about the 10th instant. from to dare World.] nrnn.?—The itioneimaaa wait the most stringent ever known in Wall street excepting during a season of actual panic. The rates paid on the Brock. Exchange were 34 and tf per cent per day. 34 per cent. for three to five days , . and 134 per cent. for fifteen daye. Two Albany banks telegraphed to their agents here to 1end411,000.000, which they did; of this sum $600.000 were on deposit in the Bank of Commerce, and that bank at first objected I o comply with the requieltion of their depositors' telegram, but after some delay complied with it. The banks, as a body, are doing what they can for their customers, with a few exceptions. The rates outside of the banks ranged from 7 per cent. in gold to 34 per cent. per day. although some pr ivate banks and stock brokers who never charge mere than 7 per cent. in cunency, as a principle, were free lenders at that rate. The discount market is almost at a stand Milt ranging from Bto 10 per cent. for prime paper. The. Assistant Treasurer bought $1,503,000 of seven-thirties and Feld but little gold. 'The Government bend market woe steady. The stock market was laver in the looming, and con.' riderable sales were made for cash, but prices were well maintained in the face cif the money preesure, and gradu all‘' improved as the day advanced, closing etrong. The -oreign exchange market is dull. The quota tion! are : Prime bankers' sixty-day sterling bine, 101/ . 34 to 1093;, and eleht, 110 to 11o3„; francs on Pans, sixtv.daye.s.l6ii to 5.1 u and shout, 5.1a3.," to 5.1214; Swiss sixty days. 5.1734 to 5.163 i. Antwerp. 5.1734 to 5.16 ; Am. steed am, 41 to 411': Frankfort, 403.1 to 41; liamk3irg, 25 to Berlin. 713, to 7134; Bremen, 7931 to 7936. ' The geld market opaned at 134 r and closed at 1373' at 1273,,' at 3 P 51. 'I he rates paid for carrying were ‘ sa 741, 5-:12 316 After the board adjourned, the quo tations were 1373; to 137].i. [From to-day's Tribune.] A parr.'2.—Money continues as stringent IL at any time during the preeeure. Geld interest has bees freely paid. and at the price was called "cheap mosey." Gold has bees carries' over sight at u, per cent., and on th'o bent railway shares k' per cent per day was paid, with per cent differences on stocks tuned for IS days. The :;pressure has probably reached its height, but no ease can be hoped for until statement day has passed, nor cheap money until the country banks return to the city the legal tenders required for their statements, sad for the commercial payments of April I. The expo rienee.of the put twenty days clearly proves that to the clumsy working of the "National Currency" act the cur rent pressure can be wholly attributed. The recurrence of the qnarterly statement has forced the' banks Into a contraction uncalled for by any weakness in the property ut en which the) had loaned and demanded for no object beyond making a statement to the Treasury of very title value. The restriction upon the issue of earrency was another prime canes for the stringency in money. Had the "National Currency act" pouessed, the ellteticity of the - State system. which allowed the inereare of thor °orb!, secured currency. at those periods when the wants of trade demanded it the pressure would have been avoided, government stocks and local securities would have maintained their market price, and trade been un. disturbed. The lesson ban been a Ilevere one, and should. not be lost upon Congress. It should Bemire a currency redeemable In New York with cola or legal tenders, with the privilege given to any national bank to issue all the currency for which they can pledge 5-Ws at SO per cent, with the proviso that it is redeemed in New York at eight. Commercial paper is quoted at 7(410 per cent.. with little doing. Banks, as a rule, are as liberal to their dealers as they can be, and present a decent appearance in their gum terly statement. The Latest Quotations from New Torii. [By Telegraph.] Smith, Randolph th Co.. Bankers and Brokers. N 0.16 Booth Third street, have received the following quota. tione of Stocks from Now York: APRIL 3, 1803, 1234 P.M.—Gold. 136: U. S. 6e.' UM. 111 (_,11114 : do. 6.26 e. 1863 109,%®1097_i; do. do. 1894. 11N.V4146: do. do. 1.866.108.N'(4108l.; •. de. do. July, 1866. 106.c0;61106, , i; do. de. July, 1867 . 1070.107'...ri; do. 58-1040, 1009,;(4100"4: do. 7.341 e., 3d eerier. 106;4105% • do. do. 3d aerlea 1610,;@:106:',' ; New' York Central, 123'0: Erie,74%,•lteading. 4510; <Mogi. gen Southern. 89; Cleveland & KM; Rock ; North Weet. common. 64; Do. preferred. 74%; Pilate Mail, 103; Fort Wayne. 99k. Markets by Telegraph. NEW YORE. April 3.—Cotton buoyant; advanced .30 - 411 c. Bales of 6,109 'bales at Wad 29e. Flour dull. and declined saloc.' cake of 5.500 barrels; State. $9 15010 55; Ohio, $lO elAtsl3 90, Western, $9 15(410 50; Soutfiern, $9 WO/ Ell 4 50; Calliotnia, $l2 25a514 00. Wheat dull. Corn quiet: pales of 23,000 bushels Western $1 1.0(0,.11 23. Oats dull at 8514 c. Beet quiet. Pork firm at $25 70. Lard dud at 15Nt/01 . 11635c. INWsky quiet. BAT:11110E1C. April 3.—Cotton buoyant ; middlings. 28M. Flour active and very , firm ; prices are stiff and quotations unchanged. Wbeatfirm and unchanged. Corn eteady; Whi'e, $1 O9@sl 11; Yellow, $1 17(451 18 Oats dead) , at SN49O. Bye eteady at $1 80. Pork firm at $27 75. Lard quiet at 17. Bacon active; rib sides, 15; clear rib, 15M; shoulders, 13. IMPQRTATIONS. Reported for the rhiladalphia Evening Bulletin. MATANZAS—Behr Yankee Blade, Coombs-218 hhds molasses 15 tce do leaac Bough & Morris ; 150 bblc molas ses order. BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-APRIL 3 V — See Marine Bulletin on Inside Page.. ARRIVED THIS DAY ---- - - . Steamer Brunette, Howe , 24 hours from New York.with mdse to John F OhL Steamer W Whildes, Rigging. 18 hours from Baltimore, • with mdse to R Foster. Steamer Richard Willing, Cundiff, 15 hours from Balt!. more, with mdse to A Graves. Jr. Hark Eva (Br), Hutton, 5 days from Yarmouth, NS. in ballast to C C Van Horn. Rehr Yankee Blade, Coombe. le days from Matanzaa, with molasses to Isaac Hough dr. Morris. Behr Flight, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Behr (Umbel, Sturges, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr C L Vandervoort, Baker, 6 days from Boston, with mdse. to Merehon & Cloud. Bchr Argus Eye, Townsend. from New York, In ballast to D Stetson i L'o. Behr J R Clements, Price, from St Helena, NC. 17th ult. in ball al t to captain. Behr Lena Hunter, Perry, from. New York, with rodeo to captain. Behr Garnet. Marshall, 1 day from Lewes, Del. with grain toles L Bewley & Co. Behr II .ttle Paige, Haley, New Bedford. Behr John Stocknam, Price, Boston. .• , trehr A Pharo. Shourds, Providence Schr J E Simons. Smith Providence. Behr Joe Porter, Burroughe. Providence. Behr E (1 Gates, Freeman. Providence. Schr Jed Frye, Langley. Providence. Behr Henrietta, Hill, Portsmouth. Sehr Jam Diverty, Carroll, Cape May. Brim ale. Shropshire New Haven. Selo. Feud, H oman, Ellzabethport. tirhr Julia Elizabeth, Candage, Elgartown. Behr W Donnelly, hunter , Washington. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer W Whilden. Riggans, Baltimore. Reuben Foster. Schr H G Ely McAllister. Richmond. Davis Fates & Co. Behr M H Read, Berman, New Bedford, Blakiston, Greed' & Co. Behr J C . Simons. Smith, Salisbury, do Sehr Henrietta, Hill, Baco, do Behr M B Cantle, Potter, Newport. do Behr .A Phan), &haunts Newport. do Behr Hattie Paige, Haley, Portsmouth, Audonried, Nor. ton & Co. ..BchtJelin Stoolchteu Paco, Portsmouth... Caldwell, Gor. don & Co. Schr E C Gates. Freeman, Salem, do Behr W Donnelly, Hunter, Alexandria . do Behr Julia Elizabeth, Candage, Barrington, Slualekson & Co Fehr S S Day, Hardy, Glonceeter. do Behr Gale. Shropshire, Bridgeport, do Sclu Jos Porter. Burmughs, Providence, captain. Behr Wake. Gandy, Washington. .1 (4 & G S Repplier. Behr Scud. Homan Hartford. W H Johns & Bro. Behr J H Moore. Eilekerson, Boston, Van Dusen,Loehman & Co. , • Schr Jed Frye, Langley, Boston Hamtnett & Neill. Behr Mary Anna. Adams, New Haven , Day, Iluddell&Co. Behr Resales RH No 54, Busk, Greenport, Castnet, Stick ney & Wellington. • • Schr S 8 Falconer, Willson, Fall Riser, Scott, Waiter&Co. Schr W B Bann, Stanford, Charleston - do MEMORANDA. ye El e le c a ra ingD,lftware. ;Heber, f r o milver 9o 4 at Boston Rehr Etolly_A B,artle. Emitb. from Bantarrtus, Cuba Bth ult. at Vold Yorlg.xesternay.', March PI, lit 84, lon 7110, bad* gale trontlitt* was port to for, 8 .dayse and was! dtiven 800 miles BM _ ehr ardat at Bottum* tianda,satlodi front irrovldenea let Mst,torfa tu port • - • Behr Wm um44l4from Aloucerior-fik Ole port, at Newport - 14RA ' - THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. IMPEACHMENT. Procei of the 'Trial. Attendance About the Same as Heretofore The Evidence for the Prosecution. The Impeachment Trial. Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Hilletin WASHINGTON, April 3.—The attendance in the galleries to-day was about the same as hereto fore, though the, number of members on the floor was considerably smaller, not more than a dozen having marched in when the House of Repro senta.tives was announced by the Sergeant-at- Arms. Others dropped in gradually, until pro bably fifty members of the lower House were present. The reading of the Journal having been concluded, Senator Drake moved to amend the seventh rule so that votes shall be taten without division, unless the ayes and noes bedemanded by one-fifth of the members present, or reqtested by the presiding officer. The amendment was adopted without division. EVIDENCE FOR THE PRO,!ECUTION The managers Mon offered in evidence the President's Message of June, 1866, in relation to the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, with the correspondence with the State Depart ment on the same subject: After some consultation with the other coun sel, Mr. Stambery said they did not see what con nection this message had with any article they had been called upon to answer,but that they had no objection to its being read. • Mr. Tinker, the telegraph operator, who was the last witness examined yeitorday, took the stand and was examined as to the genuineness of despatches offered yesterday. Nothing further was obtained. Mr. Sheridan, the stenographer who reported the President's famous lilthof August speech at the White House, was next examined. Ile had his original notes, taken at the time, and the manuscript written out by himself from his notes. He was examined minutely in relation to the authenticity and correctness of his tran script. The testimony of this witness was closely fol lowed by the President's counsel, as !fit was con sidered important. The cross-examination was conducted by Mr.Evarts,going minutely into the system of phonographic reporting, the questions being with a view to ascertain with what degree of accuracy a speaker was likely to be reported by that system'. The cross-examination seemed to indicate that the defence would make a strong effort to sustain the denial contained in the President's answer that he need the language charged in the articles. Jas. 0. Clephane, another phonographer pre sent and reporting the 18th of August speech, was next called. This witness testified that he wrote out ver batim thei report which was published the morning after in the Chronicle, that it was in tentionally published with all its imperfections, when the usual , practice had been to correct little errors in the grammar or sense, and that, curious to see how his speech would appear in print, he read the published re port with more tban usual interest, and thought. It was printed almost exactly as it was spoken. He was cross-examined at some length by Mr. Everts, who failed to discredit his testimony in the least. Neither the original notes nor the manuscript of this witness being obtainable, the Chronicle in which the report was printed was produced, and the witness was called on to identify the words. Objection was made to this on the ground that the notes or the transcript were the only proper evidence. By the Atlantic Cable• Ln-nurooL, Aprll 3, A. M.—The Cotton market Is active and buoyant, prices advancing but irre gular. The sales will be very large, but as y3t cannot be estimated, nor can the prices be given at present. The sales of the week have been 163,000—f0r import 49,000 bales, and for specula tion 14,000 bales. The stock in port is 313,000 bales, including 192,000 bales of American. Breadstuffs—Corn is quiet at 41s. for Western mixed. other articles are unchanged. LONDON, April 3, Afternoon.—lllinois Central, 9(i‘; Erie, ON. United States Five-Twenties, 72k. Others unchanged. LIVERPOOL, April 3, Afternoon.—Cotton ac tive; sales 25,000 bales. Uplands, 1130. Orleans, 1231;d. Stock afloat, 882,000 bales, of which 213,- 000 are American. Peas firm. Wheat dull at 14s. 3d. for No. 2 Milwaukee red. Pork buoyant. Bacon 468. Cheese 555. Lard firmer. Other ar ticles unchanged. ANTWERP, April 3, Afternoon.—Petroleum steady. , LIVERPOOL, April 3.—The steamship Wor cester sailed to-day for Baltimore. From WatehinNton. WASHINGTON, April Bd.--...Meveral days ago Samuel Strong, a civilian was arrested under a warrant issued by Chief Justice Cartter, in pur suance of a requisition of Major-General Scho field, the latter asserting that it appeared that Strong stood charged with crime committed in Richmond. It will be recollected that Judge Fisher discharged Strong a short time since, not recognizing Governor Peirpoint as the Executive of Virginia, nor Virginia as a State in the Union. Chief Justice Cartter to day, in delivering a lengthy opinion in the case, confined himself to the question as to whether Strong was a refugee from the jurisdiction of Virginia. and spoke of the requisition of Major- General Schofield as being from the Executive authority of that State. He concluded by dis charging Strong, on the grouna,„ that the evidence furnished did not Clearly and sufficiently prove that Strong was a fugitive from justice In the sense of the Constitution of the United States. The District Attorney said ho desired to have this important question thorough ly examined, and therefore gave notice that he should procure a now requisition for Mr. Strong, with a copy of the indictment found against him in Virginia, and the affidavit from persona in that State, to show that the accused Is a fugitive from justice. The counsel for Strong said he would be prepared to meet the case. Weather Report. [BY the 'Western Union Telegraph Company.] April 13. Thermo . 9 A.M. . .. „ - Weather. , mister. Port Hood, N. W. Cloudy. 42 Halifax, N. Clear. 40 Portland, N. W. 'Clear. 87 Boston N. W. Clear. 36 New York, N. Clear. Wilmington, Del., X. W. Clear. 60 Washington.DX., N. W Clear. 60 Fortress Monroe, N, E. Cloudy. 43 Richmond, Va., N. E, Cloudy. 43 Oswfgo, 35 Buffalo, _ W. Clear, al Pittsburgh, W. Clear. 81 Chicago, ,N. W. Clear. 85 Louisville, 8.. Clear. , 52 Nev Orleans, NW. Cloudy. 64 Mobile, ‘' R. - Clear. 75 Key West, * E. , „ Clear. ~76 Hayalikt, , Vicar. 78 Barometer , *lime ' ' ' IPURKEIt 1 / 1 00.:41S,CASE13 1 NNW ' CROP,. VARIOUS wades, land_the and for ale ? 008, BeBUSBIER di CO., Re Sou th Delaware avenue. 2:30 O'Olook. Governor Butler, of Nebraska, and Governor Foulke, of Dacotah will accompany the Com mlealon to Fort Laramie. Mr. Taylor, President of the Commission, will not , be with the Board, on account of serious ill neve in his family. The Commission will leave Omaha for North Platte this evening, where they expect to. meet spotted Tail and other chiefs of the Brute, Ogal laha and Sipux, with whom the treaty not yet signed was made list year. It is expected that thty will accept and sign upos the terms offered. From North Platte the' entire Commission will proceed to Fort Laramie, where they have promised to meet the Indians et the tall moon. After the conclusion of the business at Fort Laramie, part of the Commission will proceed to New Mexico. Bure•AT.o, April 3.—Weston, the pedestrian, at 5 o'clock this afternoon, commences the task of walking 100 miles in twenty-four hours. He starts from 10 miles beyond Erie, Pa., and will walk to this city, and will be attended by a num ber of citizens interested in the match. MONTREAL, April 3.—The practice billiard match between Jos.Dion and Melvine Foster; preparatory to a contest between Foster and McDevitt, resulted in favor of Dion. ST. CATUARINee, Canada, April 3.—The Wel land canal will be open for naYigation on the 15tik lastant. XLth Congress—Second Neselon, • WASILINGTON. April 8. SENATIL —The Chaplain prayed that the issue of this trial would restore peace to the country and establish our Government on its only true bases—liberty and equality. As mull no Legitlative business wan transacted, but the Chair was, immediately after the opening, mistimed by the Chief Jostice, and proclamation made in due form. Ilia Managers were announced, and took their Beats., and directly thereafter the House of Representatives In Committee of the Whole appeared, in number about equal, to the Managers. The journal was then read. In the mean time the galleries had become tolerably filet& To-day. for the first time, a fair sprinkling of sable faces appeared among the emeetaters. When the reading of thejournal was concluded. Sena. for Drake roes and said : Mr. President, I move that the senate Jake up the proposition which I offered yesterday to amend the 7th rule. I would ask a vote on it. The Chief Justice—lt will be considered before the Senate if not objected to. it was read as follows—Amend rule seven by adding the following: Upon all ouch questions the vote shall be without a divieion,unleee the yeas and nays bs demanded by ace fifth of the members present or requested by the presiding officer. when the same shall be taken. Senator Edmunds—Mr. President, I move to strike out that part of it relating to the yeas and nays being taken by the request of the presiding o ffi cer. Senator Cop kling-3f r. President not having heard the motion of the Senator (Edmunds),l ask for the reading of the 7th rule. It was read as proposed to be amended. Senator Drake—l have no objection to the amendment • of the Senator from Vermont. The rule. as emended, Drake, adopted. tin motion dT S. Dater rake, the rules were ordered to beprinted as amended. Charles A. Tinker, recalled: Mr. Butler—Before interrogating Mr. Trinket I will read a single paper. The paper is the message of the President of the United States, communicating to the Senate the report of the Secretary of State, showing the proceedings under the concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Can ,revs of the 18th of June. in submitting to the legtsla tures of the several States an additional article to the Lonstitution of the United States. Senator They er—W hat article ? Mr. Butter—T he fourteenth article. It is dated June I eed. 1e66. It is the tame one to which the despatch re ' sated. An executive document of the fir:stet:eaten of the Thirty ninth Congress. In order to show to what de. speech he referred, the message, was handed to the Prot• dent's counsel for inspection, after which it was road by the Secretary. ' The examination of the witnecs was then proceeded with. Question—You said you were manager of the Western Union Telegraph Office in this. city? Answer—Yee, sir. Question—Have you taken from the records of that office what purports to be a copy of a speech which was telegraphed through by the company, or any portion of it as made by Andi ew Johnson on the 18th slay of August, 1866. If so, in educe it? Answer-1 have, sir. I have taken from the files what purports to bo a copy of the speech in question. AProdue. ire the document ) Question—From the course of the business of the office are you enabled to say whether this was sent? Answer—lt has the ' sent" marks put on all the de spatches cent from the office. Question—And t hie is the original manuscript? Anse er—That is the original manuscript Question—When was this paper sent, to what parts of the country, and, first place, by what association was this speech telegraphed? , Answer—by the Associated Press, by their agent in the city of Washington. Mr. Curtis, of counsel, was understood to object to the par er. Question—By - Mr. Butler—Can you tell me, sir, to what extent through the country the telegraph messages sent by the Associated Press go? Answer—l suppose they go 11 parts of the country. I state positively to New York. hiladelphia and Balti-- more. They are addressed to th agents of the Asso ciated Press. From Now York they are distributed through the country. ii.a me-examination waived. Mr. Butler—You may step down for the present. James B. Sheridan, stenegrapherof New York, testified that Ile reported the speech of the President, made in the East Room of the White House. August 18th, lead, which he took down to the beet of his ability in short hand and wrote out, giving the copy to Col. Moore, the President's private secretary. He did not recognize the copy shown him hr Mr. Butler as his own, but swore to having writ- . ten out from his notes afterward certain extracts from the kpeeeli, which were then shown him in manusuipt. Cross-examined by Mr. Everts—The 'stenographic report in his note book was wholly written by hint. The speech occupied abu t twenty-five minutes in the delivery: It was reputerom sound, but attention was also paid to :ease. Thertions written out recently were written out solely fr om signs; could write out notes correctly after a 'engines a of time, James* . elephant , , d eputy clerk of the Supreme Court, testitis d that en Sept. 18th 1866, was employed in the State Department. He had been a stenogrepher for about 8 years, and was then engaged to resort the President's speech. Ho transcribed from his notes a portion of the ape, ch for the use of the Associated Press. Ile did not recognize the manuscript down hint as being his own hand writing: ho might have dictated, at the request of Mr. McFarland He wrote a Mersa copy of the speech. which the Chronicle published the next mcrnine, that paper not belt! willing to take the copy furniehed by Col. Moore. he report of the Chronicle was accurate with except, perhaps, a few words. Gromexamined by Mr Evarts—He took phottographle notes of the entire speech; wrote them all 'out, but does not know where the mantuteri:4l:loW le; when he read the publielred . tpeech !redid-int — have - his mites - before him. - and rover Ims compared them or has written out menu script of them with the printed speech redirect, The copy of the Chronicle before him contains the speech referred. to. Mr:Buthr asked if Swan a correct report. Mr. Everts objected, it being impossible for witness to tell from memory. Mr. butler claimed that having twice re-written it. Wit: neva could very well remember it, cud his' testimony was crinpetent. ' t • Mr. Everts argued in reply. maintaining t t ene o s MO notes must be produced, and also said the President had not Mtn allowed the usual opportunity of correcting his *real, which all Cor grestunen use& . Mr. Tinker being recalled, produced o cony of the Presi dent's speech, marked as having been emit :over the wi es to the Ar.ociatedl - Yeee. Mr. Sheridan recognized portions of it aq his Olin hand writing. There are corrections in this : copy; ha did not Pee them made, but he believes they were mado at the White House OrOMPXamined,lio hod corrected the pftgeli which are in his own handwriting ronly. those mutes were written out from WHOM' notes. This was done at the time by himself, but htl has never since compared them. • Ite•diro^t—Thec9PY before these confections Was sub• tantielly te cm rem transcript trent hie notes. Fronde ihnitli k °Mein' Revolter of the house of Reeve nentatives; bertmettnottrapherl4 ye ire ; was one of those employed by the agent •of the Atrociated Pr ow. , to FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON THE IMPEACHMENT, TRIAL The Impeachment Trial. ' tOpecial Deepatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. WAsinuarou, April 13.—The opposing counse argued briefly the subject of admitting the Chron idea report. Messrs. Tinker and Sheridan were recalled to give additional evidence regarding the same speech as telegraphed by the Associated Preis, which it appeared was corrected in many important particulars by Col. Moore, the President's Private Secretary. The examination of these witnesses was very particular and minute, and consumed considera ble time. Mr Smith, reporter of the House of Represen tatives, was called, and testified that he was em ployed by the agent of the Associated Press to report the same speech on August 18th. He di vided with Messrs. Clephane and Sheridan the la bor of transcribing the speech, each having taken notes of the whole, each witness having identified his portion of 'the naanuserlpt of the speech, as now produced in *lnn, as complete. Mr. Smith testified that the sheets, as fast as transcribed, were handed over to Col. Moore for revision. From st. Louts. ST. Lours, April 3.—The Indian Peace Com mission held a secret session at Omaha on Wed day night. Gen. Sherman left for Washington yesterday. General \ Augur will take his place in the Commission. Weston, tile Pedestrian Billiard Match. The Weiland Canal. report the speech referred to. produced his mfrs.', II e 'wrote out a portion of the speech, and delivered the shPets one by one to Colonel Moore.___ • oros.—The House met at 12 o'clock. There were very few members present, and several obtained leave of oh. gene°. The Speaker laid before the lions!* cOmmenaleation from the Secretary of the 'Treasury relative to the New York Fost.oilice Referred to the Fostotheo Committee. A leo a communication from Gen. Schofield relative to the expenses of elections in the First Military DistrieL Referred to rho Committee on Appreeflottent... . Whhe Mouse then resolved itself into Commnteg of, the ole, with Mr. Washburn° (111) as Chaim:to. and pro ceeded in the usnatorder to the Senate, chamber. to at- - tend the impeachment trial, with the understanding that no business would be done on reassembling. • 3:15 O'Cllook. Pennsylvania Legislature. llAssissuss. April 3, Itta . SBNAT . R.--The following bills were introduced: By Mr. Taylor, one incorporating tho Pennsylvania Ho press Company. 13v Mr. McCandless, one allowing disabled sailors, ae well as soldiers, to peddle good., Mr. Beck , 010 incorporating the Cypress Ceme tery, of Philo, The Special Committee appointed in January last to try the contested election case of John K. Robineo_ Republican,agairust S. F. Shugart.the Bitting Seilater from the chalet composed of Blair , littutinitdom contra, hiliflin, Juniata and Perry counties! , made :. a report that Mr. Robinson, the contestant, was entitled to his seat on account of fraudulent votes having been conifer Mr. Shugart. The report of the Special Cornmi t t " Wail 446°44 and the new member appeared end was sworn in office. Mr. Ridgway offered a resolution to pay tbe &nosed member. , Mr. Shugart, the same as the other ¬ate' for the present session. which passed unanimemely . Hnexx —Mr. • Hong off, red a resolution recalling_ trews the Governor the House hill incorporatlng.the United) Hall and Market Comport) of flormantown„ for amend, went. Adopted. The following bills on the private calendar were eclat upon: The House bill for the relief of the offleollo/ th0211:1110 A. Scott Regiment. Defeated. The Senate bill authorizing the city'Thitadera nth t make grants of Penn Square in said city for * purposes.• , Mr. Mill (Dem.), of Philadelphia, offered the followi ang substitute: That any right of alleviation that al vested in the Commonwealth by virtue of her emtnon domain in Centre or Penn mmares, in the city of Phtlek delphia. Is hereby granted to and vested in the corpora" than of Philadelphia, provided that, this act shall nis 'So into effect untli theist day of Mah. Plea Ho s ta ted' th.t this was for the purpose of gi ving the mmpt of Philadelphia time to decide the ma tter for themeetves. Mr. Thelma Mullen ((Derr.), of Philadelphia,°prose& the substitute. lie said there were iso means of saner tabling the will of the people under the act. Mr. Smith (Rep.), of Allegheny. did not think the Leafs , lature had tbe power tomato nth grant . • Mr. Thorn (Rep.), of Philadelphia opposed this amend, meat because he thought the institutions to whist} It watt fig t)cirvaekde thi s rt t a t n w a e r etr e at ter i ns titutions. tlit live educated men of o the city in reference to the matter.. 7 people. he believed, wanted some such bill as the one before the House, by which the real live men of science and enterprise might erect institutions rivalling than) of Athena. Mr. Hickman' (Rep.), of Chester, apposed . the amend ment and the hilt Ililladelphla had - better keep theme squares, for at 201n6 future time she would requite *place to put buildings of her own; at d then. if she bad given. away these squares, she wimld base to pay out ot her own pockets came d 2,000,0011 for suitable grounds. Mr. Ckalfast (Dem ), of Montour. acid thatthem squared. were the lungs of the city; bestdes;they were sacred to , the memory of every PeanaylvaWan who revered the name of Penn: Mr. Thorn said that Penn bad dedicated Wallington, Franklin, Logan and Rittenhouse squares to the people for recreation, but he had dedicated Penn squares to educe- How. I purposes, meeting-housamiarße44inasen an 4 whoa" houses. Mr. Davis, of Philadelphia (Rep.). said he Waa pally apposed to the bill, but he had met several official members of Councibe,snd other gentlemen of high reputa tion. and had come to the conelodon. that if these old scientific men of Philadelphia wished to devote the rest of their lives to the erection and establishment of a grand educational and scientific institution, they should be at. low ed to do so. It world not only beautify the city, but be a pride to the Etats. kir. Hickman asked if the majority of the people of Philadelphia were in favor of this propoeitien. Mr. Davis answered that he did not know. • • Mr. Thorn observed that these scientble gentlemen Wens men of honor, and would certainly carry ant their pro. mime Mr. Davis said ho would- vote for an amendment, to the effect that these institutions should be free io the public and if such an amendment was not incorporated in the bill. he should vote against it. Under such eiroumstanceti be believed that a peat majority of the eitizene wockt voto for the proposition. • After further debate the bill was defeated. Coal Statement. The following Is the amount of coal transported ores the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, April 2,1868: Tons.ewl. From St. Clair 34,200 09 , " Port Carb0n............... ..... 5,043 " Pottsville. 614 03: " Schuylkill .... .. . 10,766 oa " Auburn . ..... ........ ... . • 9,689 /7 " Port Olittton.., .... .... .. 6. 64 3 TO' " Harrisburg and 3,049 11 Total Anthracite Coal for week 67,984 94 Bituminous Coal from Harrisburg and Dauphin for week. Total of all kinds for weak 74.10814. Previously this year. ...... .......... .. .. 180 858 01 Total.. ........ To same time last year. Increase I. E. WALRAYENI o now opening an invoke of very Moe LACE CURTAINS, ALBO NOTTINGHAM LACES All to be Sold at Very Reasonable Rates; In Solid Colors, as well. as Stripes. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, Window Shades for Sprhg Trade Who Appreciate Good Fitting Garmenta t ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBRAUCK„ 915 Chestnut Street, Can be Depended On. The reputation of as a Cost Cutter is without equal. The specialty off RICHARD lIIITTENDRACCR is rantaloon and Vest Cutting, for which he hay atteutiableTeputatton. As a good fitting Garment is the great de sideratum of the public, they can be fatly satisfied by giving them a trial. mbs-1 m kat. I , OB . I%OFFICE, PHILADE REN,NSYG. VANIA, 2. 'Da& Mail for lla.atut.. per Pt.amor Stars an Tike 4111. g° clo *tibia °thee SATURDAY April 4, at 7 41,.. P , AUCTION N ?3VI CR E it WRIT;RS , , BALE. ' ', CARGO 13A RR: "DAVID NIOIIOI,V I _ n .. Flour, Bread, Beef, Candles, Corn, 'thsofa t .0/1 yoke, O Meal. . On MONDAY MORNING. as 12 o'clock, , iif,610.40.3.P01art street. and No, 'LIM South Wtitirilidi,' , ~ „ Will lio Fold for account of ITnderlsrritsgs. , ' . 4 870 bhlF. Flour. 617 661 e. Bresl.so lialf bbb.131:4 150 ' ' I.:oodles, Me gaps Conn 165 bail* OVA, ISM bAge l ottuti C.T 110 ear.ks 011 Meal, 45 bona Volna- Stara. It taitk ap42: -f ~. bat/ bhl. OloPesrare. 1 ClUe Army caps,daraltgodl.SOr: 44T David Nichols,“ most arel. Nollud. "F_..4tlL„bo eglosililikim.''' morning of safe. . • . ,*, ' ' . 8AR601411 , 1 R• 0 .., . . ,clnAlf.B Et. MILT, CORN-45 HARWV/ t M iu 1.7 efivpd and for we by JOSEPH B. E toB Bouth Delaware avenue. " • • ...... • 6,172 10 814.014,10 719,804 02 CURTAIN 3LANJEUIALts• No. 719 CHESTNUT STIED% MASONIC HALL, OW' SPECIAL DESIGNS. OF VARIOUS GRADES. TERRIES AND REPS NEW AND ELEGANT AT VENN LOW PRICES. IN GREAT VARIETY. CLOTHING. TO THOSE JOHN W ALBRIGHT 94,710 18
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