Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, April 01, 1868, Image 5
CITY BULLETIN* THE CATHEDRAL ORGAN.-1t La expected that the now organ, built by Mr. Btandbridge, for the *Boman Catholic Cathedral, in Logan Square, will be ready for nee on Easter Sunday, April 12th. A further description of it In the Catholic , Standard nye the organ case Is 30 feetwide and about 45 feet high. A central semicircular parti tion over the music desk rises like a tower, composed Of-richly gilded- metal - pipes. --Above Is a beautifully carved cornice and broken pod!. moat, rich in architectural design, and surmoun ted by a large golden cross. The tower referred to Is flanked by ranges of smaller pipes, and at the ends are other projections, all crowned by neat cornices, and divided into sections by large fluted columns with Corinthian capitals. It has tour banks of keys. There are four manuals, the compass of each being from CC to A, 58 keys and a pedal board of 23 keys, from CCC to E. The pedal organ has Ave stops and 145 pipes. The choir organ, 12 Mops and 749 pipes. The great organ 10 stops anti 1,159 pipes, and the swell organ 13 stops and 812 pipes. fbe solo organ contains some grand reeds, an orchestral oboe, clarlonet with bassoon basses, a splendid trumpet, a ,stopped diapason with a dOuble mouth, and a harmonic flute. There are blanks for other stops, which can be added in the future. Tho Bishop has obtained, and had placed in the Cathedral, a set of magnificent oil paintings, "Stations of the Cross." They are the handiwork of an Italian artist of reputation and fame, and were obtained by Bishop Wood during his recent tour to the Eternal City. CIEARGICD wrru Fonomay.—A young man named George Caldwell was arrested this morn- - ing by Detective Levy. About two years ago, it Is alleged, he went to the store of Adamson & N Raeder, o, no Market street, to collect money for an Orphans' Horne. He was given a check for sloo,drewn to the order of Charles F. Norton. The cheek was presented at the bank and paid, and it was afterwards - found that the endorsement of Mr. Norton was a forgery. This morning Cald well wont to the same store on a similar errand, He was recognized, and the former transaction was remembered. Detective Levy was sent for, and as soon as he appeared Caldwell got ready to leave, but ho was taken into custody. On the way to the Station-heuse he broke away and ran. Levy pursued, and captured him on Sixth street above Market. The accused will have a hearing this afternoon at the Central. Station. About a month ago, it is alleged, he collected 450 fora charitable Institution without authority. Saws. awranua.—A few days ago a man, giv ing his name as Connor, and representing that he is from Key West, stepped into a store in this city and engaged in conversation with a member of the firm. He appeared to know considerable about the business of the eatablishment,aud, in a measure, gained the confidence of the gentleman. Begot 85 cents to meet a pressing necessity and left. /t was afterwards found that he had or dered in the name of the firm a frame store house to be built at Frankford for shipment,and a steam engine at Camden. This, of course, is very annoying to all the parties concerned. It ;is supposed that the man is somewhat deranged. He is shout 35 years of age, has light hair and sandy whiskers, and squints. PoLicit BusncEss.—During the month of March 2,948 arrests were made by the police of the olty. The prisoners were divided among the several dis tricts as follows 1 Fnur.—Last night a fire was discovered in a house, No. 309 &ippon street, in an apartment occupied by a Mrs. Carrigan and three children, - two girls and a boy. The policeman who first observed the fire found that it was under the floor. He tore up some of the boards and extin guished the flames, which were found among some rags. It seems that some rat holes had been plugged up with rags,and the rats had drawn the rags in. Last night one of the children dropped a penny into the hole, and taking a lighted stick, poked It into the hole to find the lost nickeL In that way the rags were set on fire. The damage done was trifling. BAD Bors.—The Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad Company is constantly annoyed by boys throwing stones at the cars. At several places along the line the trains are atoned. Reeently some of these mischievous y6E1101410 located themselves on a bridge by 'width the township line road crosses the rail road, inet above Broad street, and have amused themiedves by dropping stones upon the tops of the cars. Borne of these stones have been so large that they broke through the roof of the ears. The Company has determined to break np the nuisance,, and yesterday two of the boys were arrested. They were held to bail by Alder man Plankinton. NEW Buttousos.—During the month of March 387 permits for the erection of now buildings were issued by the Building Inspectors. Of that number 5 were for four-story dwellings, 191 for -three-story dwellings, and 106 for two-story dwellings. Boller-houses, 2; coach-houses, 2; -dye•house, 1; depot, 1; factories, 4; ice -house, 1; mW-house, 1; offices, 9; pl6ture gallery, 1; slaughter-house, 1; sheds, 4; shops, 20; school houses, 3; store-houses, 3; stores, 11; stables, 20; lower, 1. There were also 127 permits issued for alterations and additions. Att. Foots' DAY.—This being the let of April, is known as All Fools' Day, and the mischlevoirs. urchins are playing their pranks upon unsuspect ing individuals who pass along the streets. Greenbacks with strings to them, small parcels in like condition, and other articles, were lying around loose upon the sidewalks, this morning, to be snapped up by passers-by—always provided that they could succeed in getting their hands upon the waiting prize. Various other hoaxes were got up in different parts of the city. SuzemE.—A woman, named Elizabeth Huston, aged 65 years, committed suicide, this morning, at her residence, at Wildsy and Ayre streets. She got up about 4 o'clock and went to an out house, where she was afterwards found dead. She had cut her throat with a razor, which was found in the building. It is supposed that she was laboring under a temporary derangement at the time of the COMMID6IOII of the act of self destruction. Seamus 011ARGE.—J.W.Iltan, a photographer doing business at No. 1319 Chestnut street, was arrested yesterday by Reserve Policeman Parker, and was taken before Ahlerman Beitier, upon the charge of misdemeanor, in having enticed into his place two little girls, with whoMbe took im proper liberties. Hurn was held In $3,000 bail to answer at court. TEACHERS ' 31RETING.-A meeting of the prin cipals of the Grammar, Secondary and Primary Public Schools will be held on April 3d, at 3J o'clock P. M., at the Central High School for the purpose of conferring with the Committee on Revision of Studies. VIOLATING AN ORDINANCE.—A. man WhO Was engaged in digging a cellar on Fetter lane, in the Sixth Ward, was arrested yesterday, upon lthe charge of violating an ordinafice in throwing the dirt into the street. He was fined five dollars. FATAL RESULT.—David Walker, who was BO shockingly injured by being caught in the machinery at his planing mill, at Sixteenth and Fitzwater streets, died yesterday afternoon,abont two o'clock. Tim Loss.—The loss of Messrs. Weiss & Co., by the burning of their cabinet manufactory, on Alder street, above Master, on Monday night, is estimated at $lO,OOO, upon which there is an Insurance of $4,500. REMIGNED.—Joseph Manual has resigned his position as Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works. Thomas E. Brown, Chief Clerk,will temporarily acts& Chief Engineer. • Puna Cura.--A. Mated meeting of the Press Club of Philadelphia will be held this afternoen, at four o'clock, at the rooms, No. 515 Chestnut fitted. 13 26 14 32 15 18 16 90 17 330 18 62 Reserve pops 36 Harbor 36 Schuylkill Harbor.. 9 Day Sergeants 28 Bagger Detectives... 30 Chestnut 11111 4 REVENUE SISIZURES—IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO COLLECTORB.—The following important dr cnlar letter has been sent to the Revenue officers In this city, regarding seizures under the Internal Revenue Laws: TREASURY DEPARTAIRNT, °MGR ON INTERNAL Rates imp, 'WARRINGTON. March SI, 1868.—Sin Enclosed here with, I rend you for your instruction and guidance, a cony of a letter lately went to each of the Philadelphia G Alectors. Please aid the other officers therein mentioned in carry. Mg out these instructions, by giving them your hearty and cordial co-operation. • Very reepocitully, (Signed) HOLLINS. — Commissioner. John W. Frazier, Esq., Assessor First Mallet, Phila delphia, Pa. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE ON INTERNAL Roe 7 1 ..N1.11. WARRINGTON, March 80, 1868—Sir : Under the stringent orders lately given, it is believed that cases may arise in your district where injustice will be done t i claimants if cases may not be more summarily disposed of than by reference to this office or ly trial in Court. It has, therefore, been decided that in all cases where pro petty is seized by you, or by one of your subordinates, in your own district, the same not being distilled spirits nor a distillery, nor exceeding in value the sum of $l,OOO, that it may be released by you if it should appear to your nellefaction that the seizure was without sufficient cause. If the property is distilled spirits, or le a distillery, or does not exceed $l4OO in value,it may be released by you, if it shall appear both to yourself and the Assessor of your District that the seizure was without Bernell:US COMO. If proceedings have been commenced by the District Attorney against property SO seized, they may be discon. tinned by the concurrent action of ,yourself, the Assessor and the District Attorney. if_property is seized in your district by en officer re porting to the Collecter of another district, who is em• ...powered by the Commissioner under hie own hand to make such seizure, the custody of tile property so seized P ill be turned over to you, together with a statement of the grounds on which the seizure woe made. You should not release it, however, except - with the concurrence of that Collector,to whom the officer who seized it re ports, when it might be released by yourself alone, if eel zed by you within your district, but you will also require the concurrence of the Assessors icg both Districts if the property is of that description *hitch brings It within the rule laid down above in which the action of the Assessor is required. if an ollicer're. porting specially to you, makes a seizure in another die- Wet, your concurrence with the Collector of that district and, if the ease requires. with the Ancestor also, must be bad before that Collector can be allowed to release such property. Y on will release no properly seised by yourself or your subordinates, or turned over to your custody by other of ficers, except under the above rules. It there is a difference of opinion between yourself and the District Attorney, or the A minor of your District, or the Collector or Assessor of another District, in cases of such character as to call for joint action, you will report in detail at this office, when ouch instructions will be given as the nature of the case may require. The power to release before proceedings commenosd by the District-Attorney must be exercised within tiro days after seizure. If release IS not made within that period, immediately upon its expiration, the case must oe re ported to the District Attorney, for his action. Very re. BY tinily, E. A. ROLLINS, Comissioner. Joeilis. m W. Fruizren, ESQ.. Assessor of First District, Poiladelphia, Pa. FOUNDLING.-A male infant, about sir weeks old, was found last night at Thirteenth and Cherry streets, by a policeman. This morning the foundling was sent to the Almshouse. 'I"HEATIt ES. Eto THE TiIEATRF:S.—At the Walnut this evening Mr. Edwin Booth will sustain the character of "nirGiles Overreach," In the tragedy A Acta Way to Pau Obi Debts. At the Arch this t•Veillr g. AN. F. F. Mackay will have a benefit in Ihe Wilies Triumph and fl he Dumb Belle. The bonen sultry is one of the moat etlicieut actors in his peculiar lino that we have upon the stage, end wo take pleasure now, es we have done ,heretofore in according him warmed re sloe. lie dsserves a crowded house to-night. 31r. An drew Redder will have a benefit to.mor, ow. The ilhed tint will open on Monday with the Iliad: Crook brilliantly presented. The American this evening v ill offer a varied performance and the Minions.. Bunnrrr—Mr. Aifrod Burnett, the humorist, will give en entertainment at Morton Hail, West Philadelphia this evening. JANAUSEITEIR.—This evenlrg, at the Academy of Music, Mlle. Fanny Japauschek, the eminent German truce (Benne, will inaugurate a brief reason with an adaptation of Schiller's drama of Mary Sluart. From the fact that this character hoe had numerous interpre'era of late in this city—Ristori, Mrs. Lauder and Mrs. Bowers 11111 Pg essayist it, there is a general curiosity to tee the ,lan auschek version, and the Academy is ill doubtless be crowded to-night. ELEVENTH STREET OPERA honor_—This eveningthe semational burlesque Anything Jon Like will be given with all the fine scenery, sharp local hits, amusing situa tions and great cast. A new farce, Trix 071 Travelers, is also announced, together with ballad tinging. by Cam. cross. negro t one:mations instrumental min, dancing, and the multitude of good k hings which make up a fist- Isle minstrel entertainment ANNk DICKINSON'S Lxcrrit —On Thursday evening next Mite Anna E, Dickinson will deliver her celebrated lecture upon "The Duty of the Hour," at the Academy of bleeic. 'Die Academy of Music will ecarcely hold all who will clamor for admission on Thursday evening to hear the great lecture of the distinguished female orator The 'Duty of the Hoar" ie, without exception. Mice Dickin. eon's moot brilliant effort, and in it she makes a complete review of the political situation of the day and gives free utterance to her opinion of men and measures. The tick ets are selling very rapidly at Gouid'e. No 923 Chestnut etreet. and there is every indication of a very bi Mont neeernblitge. It will be well to remember that this will be the fait and only opportunity of hearing the distin duished lady in the city for some dine. Remember Thurs ay night. OLD Fotacti.—"Father Baldwin's Old Polka" troupe will artiste concert at exceptionally h evening. The of this company are excellent, each in hie or hervecnliar way, and as the programme ie a very attractive one, comprising selections from famous cempo sere, a Bret-rate entertaiment may be expected. CITY NOTICES. TFZE "MESSENGER OF HEALTH" Edited at the Pennsylvania Institute of Medicine, contains an article on Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, and Kidney, Affections, in which the writer positively de clares that the whole science of Medicine possesses no remedy for the cure of those diseases that is half as efficacious as 1/fishier's herb Bitters. lie speaks from experience, having need them in his practice for the past two years, to the exclusion of all other remedies, and without a solitary instance of failure. • Sold by all Druggists and Denlere. Dr. S. B Hartman lb Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa., and Cbicago, "DR. DENNISTON'S `ROWS FOR INVALIDS,' at Springdale, in the beautiful environs of Northampton, continues to be a satisfactory place to recommend sick persons to, especially those requiring rest, quiet, time, pure country air, a modified and rational water-cure treatment, and, with all. the advice and care of a scientific and experienced physician. Dr. Denniston is himself one of the wisest and most experienced medical men in the Connecticut valley, and his estab lishment is delightfully located, and fitted with every requirement for the comfort and improvement of an itypublican. PAJNFUL.—There are few operations more pain ful than cutting teeth. A little of Bower's Infant Cor dial rubbed upon the gum of teething infante le a great eoother. SOFA BED.- ' A thing contrived, R. A A bed b dounible ght, debt to pay; y A sofa all the day. For sale at W. Henry Patteu'a Curtain and Uphol tery Store, No. 1408 Chestnut street. To GENTLEMEN.—CiIIIieB Oakford & Bone, Continental Hotel, have a fine assortment of Genz'sSlLK and "Diem A Plum' !"—That is, he is reckoned so by the New Jersey Legislature, shown by the members ell dining with him and his noble army of retainers, at Taylor's Rotel. lle there and then furnished the fat test of roast beef, the tenderest of Jersey poultry, the choicest of wines, and the best brand of Communipaw tobacco cigars. The members on their part promised the beat things for Daniel's Railroad, and appealed to their long experience in that line of business, refer ring to many roads that are now flourishing tinder their patronage. It is needless to add that all of the members of the Legislature were dressed in their best, and that it was in the cut and style of all clothing sold at chalice Stokes & Co.'s that-class Clothing House, under the Continental. To GENTLEMEN.—CharIes Oakford & Sona, Continental Hotel, have a tine assortment of GENT% SILK And Otn furniture re-upholstered, varnished and made to look equal to new, at Patton's, 1408 Chestnut street. nom men SEWING MACHINIL. Florence Sewing Machiee, Florence Sewing Machine. • Office, 1128 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Maxiste.—lt strains a man's phllosophee the want kind to laff when he OW heat. Awl ov us komplain ov the shortness ov life, yet we awl waste more time than we uze. Don't mistake arroganso for wisdom, menny peple hay thought ths was who when the wax only win IY, Buy your coal of W. W. Alter, Ninth street be,ow Girard avenue, and at the corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets. • SPHOIALM—AiI those gents ileshingelegdnt fitting pantaloons will find them at C. C. Dittrich Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street. as this branch of Tailoring is made a specialty, and really arrants an invitation. Always a fine stock of goods in hand. To GENTLEMEN.—CharIes Oakford & Bone, Continental Hotel, have a flee assortment of GENT'S BILK and BQBT FELT MTS. BaDDING of any descriptions, made of the best materials. Also, mattresses renovated and made-up anew, at Patton'a, 1408 Chestnut street. • SURGICAL lasruurourrs and dr uggists' sundries. SNOWDEN & .6110THER, 29 Borah Eighth street. Furs Boors AND GArrEas AT Low ParcEs.-- Gentlemen who Consult comfort, economy, elegance and good taste should call on Cbas. 'fiche!, the accom plished cordwalner, No. 504 North Eighth street,above Buttonwood. He has an immense stock of Boots and Shoes of all the prevailing styles, at very low prices. Youths' Boots and Gaiters on hand and made to order. THE DAILY EVENING BIILLETIN.---PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 1868. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Rye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. MS Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients as be has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. GAT'S CHINA PALACE, Na. 1022 Chestnut street.--Belling off the entire stock at lees than im porting cost. The assortment consists of Bohemian, French and American Cut Glassware, White French and Deco.. rated China, Stone China, &c. And the most complete stock of Fancy Goods, in cluding Parian Marble and Bronze Statuary, Gilt Mounted Ornaments and Lava Ware ever imported to this city. White French China Cape andlSancers, per sot, 12 pieces....• • . . . $1 25 - White French China Dining Plates,9X in:,per dz. 200 Do. do. do Breakfast d0.,8 " " 100 Do. do. do. Tea d0.,7v " " 180 Cut Glass Goblets, per 2 25 Do. do. Champagnes, per d0zen....... ........ 1 76 Do. do. Winos, per d0zen............ ........ 1 25 Do. do.' Tumblers, per 1 SW And all other goods at equally low prices. GROVER. & BAKER'S Highest Premium Sewing Machines, 780 Chestnut street. 44 North Tenth St OW - With ae handsome and complete variety of Diareeilles Counterpanes an can be found in the city, of white, pink, and orange colons. 109 — A n d we keep and sell Blankets as cheap as anybody. Window Shades in great variety of pattern at the lowest market prices. AMOS HILLBOR,N, No. 44 N, Tenth Street, below Arch. m6ll w f m Omtp Extra Large Lehigh Nut Coal, $5 60: Lehigh Stove and Furnace, $8 50. WARRANTED PURE AND HARD aiso, a superior Rebroken Schuylkill Coal, ALL SIZES, $5 TO $B, AT WM. W. ALTER'S COAL DEPOT, Ninth street, below Girard Avenue, AND Office, corner Sixth and Spring Garden. Ja4tfryi) a txl E -1 Spring Styles in Fine Custom pa A pq Made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. The only place in the g' cl i El city where ell the Leading Styles 14 in First Class Boots and Shoes r ra may be obtained. Prices Fixed t -I at Low Figures. BARTLETT, td 14 33 South Sixth Street, above tr. Chestnut. al ra 5e16.19 CONVERT ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. FATHER BALDWIN, Leader of the Orietnal Old Folks. begs leave to announce that hie BENEFIT will take plo.oe on FRIDAY EVENING next at CONCERT BALL. when will be afforded a Grand Entertahistent to the citizens of Philadelphia. Mrs. FANNIE PRATT, the celebrated Now England vocalist. Mn. MINNIE SMITH, Contralto. Master WILLII, ARMaiTRUNG, the boy Soprano/. Miss bI.:SIE LENT. Solo Hamlet. Mr. FRANK BENJAMIN, Baritone. JED PERKINS, in his Humorist Songs. ORANDSIRE FA RREL, with hie Big Fiddle. FATHER BALDWIN t 811580. • And sixteen other flrst.class performers will appear on this occasion TicKETs frO cents (no extra charge for Reserved Seats), to be had at Trumpler's, No. 920 Chestnut street, mid at tine Hall apt-St REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' SALE._ and. ome modern threeatory brick Residence. No. " 1415 North Sixteenth street, north of Master street. 21 feet 8 inches front; 172 feet 10 itiche. deep to Sydenham street. On Tuesday, April 7th, 1868. at 12 o'clock, neon, will be told at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern threentory brick inessnage, with three story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of Sixteenth street, north of Muter street, ho. 1415; contaluing in front on Sixteenth street 21 feet 8 inchea, and extending in depth 172 feet 10 inches to Sydenham street It has the modern conveniences; hand. comely papered and painted; parlor, dining.room and two kitchens on the first floor: two chambers, eitting•room, bath and conservatory on the second floor ;gas throughout; hot aLd cold water, water closet, two furnaces, two cook ing lunges &c, Terms— 58.600 MaY remain on Mortgage. ger Immediate petsession. May be examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAS & SONO, Auctioneers. 1214 and 141 South Fourth street. _ SOFT FELT HATO (11.0111 HOUSE, No. 11 NORTH. SECOND sr.. Sign of the Golden iamb. JAMES & LEE have now on hand and are still receiving a large and choice assortment of Spring and Summer Goode.expresely adapted to Men's and Boys' wear, to which they invite the attention of Merchants G GO, Clothiers, Tailors and others. OATINODS. Super Black French Clothe. Super Colored French Cloths. Black and Colored Pique Coatings. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings. Diagonal Ribbed Coatings. Canhmarette, all colors. New Styles Ladies' Cloaking. • Silk Mixed Coatings. &c. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins. do do Caseimeros. New styles Fancy do. All shades Mixed Doeskins. Plaid and Strived Caesirnores. Also, a large assortment of Cordn,Beavorteona,BaNnobs. Vestings and geode for suite, at wholesale and retail. JAMES & LEE, No. 11 North Second street. Sign of the Golden Lamb. SOFT Flux HATB. MUSICAL BOXES, USEFUL TO WIIILE AWAY 171 the tedium of a sick chamber, or for a haudsorue bridal prima. FARR & BROTHER, Importer% 234 CheeMut street, below Fourth. tiOTIOE.—ALL PERSON B ARE FORBID HARBOR frig or trusting any of the crew of the bark Europa, t. Tucker, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or consiraeos. WORKMAN & CO., 128 Walnut street. apl•tf 'INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, STEAM PAGE ing Hose, &c. Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing Bose, die., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters. GOOMIP4II , B, aus CherMittll64 Beath side N. B.—We have now on hand a large lot of Gentlemen's, Ladles , and Misses' Gum Boots. Also, every variety and style of Gum Overcoats. TO GROCERS , HOTEL-BEEPERS. FAMILIES AND Otherso—The undersigned has just received a • fresh supply Catawba.Callfornia and Champagne Wines,Tonie Ale (for invalids), constantly on hand. P. J JORDAN.. • Below Third Pear street. an te d Walnut streets. 4 THOMSON'S LONDON KITOITENES,VIN roost' Ranged, for families, Notch or ynt ... Wilms, in twenty gifforent eine, Ale% Wade& A) w o P tg a lEAM ee kfr e l l olt r i r dll i t r o l i v it e c e. e l b Wil l i l i ka A P hole Plates, rolls% Cooking Stoves, eta. who NMI retail. by the ineaussettirere, SHARPE North a Tnontson. n026-m.w.tentil No. ha Seeond street fALIVI.I3 FARCIES,HAPERI3. dm—OLIVES PAROLES 1.1 (Stuffed Olivea), Nonpareil and Superfine OaPera a , nri French (Nivea: froth goods; landing ex Napoleon att.. from Havre, and for sale 57J05. H. BOBBIF,S. & 00.. 108 South Delaware Avenue. "BowßO thm ARABIO liscrarra."—Try them for your Connh, Sore Throat. Hoarseness or Bronchial ffeetions. Rower's Depot is Sixth and Vine. Sold by druggists, SO cents. BEDDING, FEATHERS, itG. Bedding and Feather Warehouse, Feathers of all qualities. Feather Beds, lioleers and Pfflowa. Boring and Hair Matreeeae. Husk and Straw Marcum. Iron Bedsteads of all sizes. Tucker's celebrated Spring Ueda. Blow o's celebrated Spring, Coin. Honeycomb Quilts. Lancaster Quite. Alhambra Quilts. imperial Quilts. Germantown Quilts, Allendale Quilts. COAL BOOTS AND SHOES. p: titzt 4") on CI tier Sixth Page for Additional Amusements._ SEAL ESTATE SALES. 401LOTESS, &U. feAl.t.frp HELMBOLDB BUCHU TIE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABETES Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder) Inflammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, Strangiry or Painful Urinating. For these 'Menses It is truly a sovereign remedy. and too ranch cannot be said in its praise. A single done ha boon known to relieve the most urgent eymptoms. Are you treaded with that dirtreesing pain in the small of the back and through the hip/ A teaspoonful a day of Llelmbold's Dian will relieve you. I I'SAI 0 a ;it No y . 44 Nrth TEN7I2I Street, below Aroh. PLEASE NOTICE. No. 44 North TENTH Street, below Arch. I make Ito secret of Ingredients. Heimbold's Extract Buchu is composed of Bitchy. Cubebe and Juniper Ea rise, selected with greet care, prepared in viumo and sa cording to rules of No. 44 North TTEI BMet. below Arch. PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These inaredionta are known as tho moat Val Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC is that which acts upon the kidneys. HELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM la pleasant In taste and odor, free from all Injurlondpro. parties, and immediate in Its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory or the United States, of which the following is a correct copy: "DUCUU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive and some what aromatic; its taste bitterish and analogots to that of mint, It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary 'Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Cstarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and Uretha, diseases of the Prostate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a toss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia Chronicißheumatbsm, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy.' FOR FURTHER INFORMATIOD see Professor Dewees's valuable works on tho Practiceof pby sic. Bee remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. (Dr. IlEver.a isa physician of over thirty years' expe rience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Yhila• delphia.] Ms. B.T.- IlErmnorn: Dear Str:—ln regard to the question asked me as to my opinion about Boone, I would say that I litive used and. sold the article in various forms for the past thirty years Ido not think there Is any form or preparation of it I have not reed or known to be used, in the various dimmer where such Medicate agent would be indicated. You are aware. as 'well as myself, that it ham bean extensively employed in the various diseases of the blad. der and kidneys, and the reputation it ham acquired. in my Judgment, is warranted by the facts. I have seen and used, as before stated, every form of Buono—the powdered leaves, the simple decoction, tine tore fluid extracts; and I am not cognisant of any prepa ration of that plant at all equal to yours. Eighteen years experience ought, I think, to give me the right to }ridge of its merit!, and without prejudice or partiality, I give yours precedence ever all others. I value your Buchu for its effects on patients. I have cured with ft, and seen cured with it, more diseases of tho bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Buchu, or any other proprietory compound of whatever name. Respectfully yours, .tc.. GEO. H. KEYSER, M. D.. 140 Wood oared, rittabargh. ra; August 11, 1866. Ask for Helmbold'a Fluid Extract Buottu. The Proprietor has been Induced to make this state mont from the fact that his remedies, although adv deed. are GEN,IIINE PREPARATIONS, and knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any. thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Median order—moat of which are prepared by eelf-iityled doctors who aro too ignorant to read a physician's simplest pm scription. much lees competent to prepare Pharmaceutics Preparations. • to various means of effecting sales. such as copying pare of Advertisements of popular remedies and finkbhig with certificates. The Science of Medicine etande SIMPLE. PURE AND MAJESTIC. having fact far its bails. induction for it pillar, truth alone for itaraPitel. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health b most important; and the afflicted should no. twe en advertised medicine, or any remedy. unless its contents or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of qualifica Mons of the party no offering. !GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID EXTRMYE BUORU. FLUID EXTRACT BARBAPARIEJ4 AID IMPROVED ROSE WABRI &tabtitled upwards of 18 years. Prepared Si H. T. )14f2dBCflAD PRINWPAL DEPOTS. • RELMBOLD'II DRUG AND CRIMINAL WASH HOME. gSeIIBROADWAY. New York. EIBINDOLD'S IdEDIOAL DEPOT. • 104 Squill TENTH Street. Philadelphia, Ps. Price $lB6 per bottle, or (dor $5 60. Bold by ail Druggists. ACTS GENTLY. BE LMS OLD'S OPENING. HOMER COLLADAY & CO. TI-lUI SD A_ - 5( ARIL f 2 d MANTILLAS, SUITS, &C. Nos. SIS and W2O Chestnut Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &G. BAILEY & 'CO. 819 CHESTNUT STREET , flay° Just received a full invoice of the CELEBRATED WATCHES, MADE BY PATE& PHILIPPE tc CO., In Geneva. Among them an improved TIMING WATCH. These Watches took the FIRST GOLD MEDAL At the Paris Exposition, and are made expressly for BAILEY & CO. fo6wfmrida J. P. Clark, Sam'l Biddle. AMERICAN WATCHES, EN GUSH WATCHES. SWISS WATCHES, FROM ALL THE LEADING MAKERS. 18K. LEONTINE 'CHAINS. 18K. CHATELAIN CHAINS. 18K. VEST CHAINS. 18K. GUARD CHAINS. 712 Chestnut Street. 712 fes,w&stt BUTLER, McCARTY & CO., 131. North Second Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS x lli American, National, Howard and Tremont WATCHES. im2h2o4 m w 2=14 THE FINE AitTS. N - coEur_Aa's GREAT PICTURE, "JOHN BROWN," NOW ON EXHIBITION. ROGERS'S NEWEST GROUPE, "A COUNCIL OF WAR: JUST READY. EARLE'S Galleries and tooking-Glass Warerooms, 816 Chestnut Street. NEW PIIBLICIAIIONto. The Protestant Episcopal Book Society, 1224 Chestnut In anticipations of their removal to allow the rebuild. ing and enlargement of their Store, We their whole stock at reduced prices. It comprises a complete .. assortment •f PRAYER ' BOORS, 75 different styles of binding and sizes, from the miniature edition for the vest pocket to the quarto for the reading desk—both Eng li sh and Anerlean editions. DIBLEB,4HIOLOGICAL AND MOTIONAL Ben StrSDAY•SCHOOL ILIEBBABY BOOKS: Of the latter, perhaps the largest and most complete assortment to be found in the city. PIeTISE REWARD, (lUDS AND MERU. Scripture Texts and Book illarkerts The Photograph of the Bishops of the Pan- Anglican Connell. Alio, 800,000 TRACTS, published originally for the Christian commission, which win be giolef one their original cost, viz.: at $1 60 per 1,000 withtut 152 60 with coven. Samples furnished on llPPEastion• i 1.224 Chestnut Street nib Bwmi,- Dbiactyiltuvtii.conty. sg w vdt a l e r.o . pl u m al *CLOTHING, &mod J 2 37 a Mk_ ' OLD FARAD ED LOAN OFFICE. Corner of and streets. Boon , Lombard. N.B.—DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JBWELRY, GUNS. dtc.. AT BEZWUXI B LY LOW PRICES. mb2l-11n4 WILL OPEN ON PARIS STYLE jlkd A. FREEI9AN. AUCTIONEER, N 0.922 WALNUT street. REAL ESTATE SALE, APRIL 8. This dale, on WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock, noon, at en e the following— le by include Tb g roun dri k D pl 5 N. ENTEI ree c we ng. lot le by 74 - feet. subject to $4B rent per annum. Orphans' Court Bale—Se to of Bernard. Gallagher. dee'd. IMO ACRES OF LUMBER AND COAL LANDS, 111 Jay townsbipEElk county, Pa. Map at the auction store.. Clem. ewe Peremptory, TWENTIETH Sl.—A large Livery Stable and lot, lift b y go feet, above Cheetnut street, Ninth Ward Clear. 'No. 240 AhCH ST.—A valuable four-story iron and brick store property. below Third street. lot 174 by St feet, (Jr mart eaie—Betate of Jombna B. , TAI.ornA in TO RENT.— House, 1788 Mt. Vernon street. Apply 88 North Third street. ATTWOOD a SON, UNDERTAKERS. Have removed from No. 44 North Eleventh street to No. 1216 Race street,' mhal Im B r .' corner of Jacob street, south side. QTBAMBUIP ARUM FROM so st6a—coNs ioN EEN taMU:gri steamer will plea se Babdfor TWW gs street apl t 6 HENRY WINEIOR %).• X n. GODBIIALX 'SUM X WIXOWSUIZX Just Received, New Lot of FINE CARPETINGS, Of rich defiant% and offered at low ligurea. . Oil Cloths, Matting, do. E. H. GODSHALK. & CO. 723 Chestnut Street. ja.27-emrn CARPETS, or][.. CLOTH, MATTING% &0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. n eae Xl r g i l%' urlrin flre . " lare odttitrea ouro LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 Arch Street, Setween Muth and Tenth Streets. 1868. CARPINTINGS. 1868. GLEN ECHO MILLS, Germantown, Philadelphia, McCALLITAI, CREASE & SLOAN ReepectfuU7 invite the attention of THE TRADE to their large Stock of CARPETINGS, of their own and other Manufactured. No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. 1868. REMOVAL 1868. OF OUR • RETAIL DEPARTMENT From 519 Chestnut Street. TO NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. Where we are now opening AN IMMENSE NEW STOCK OF FOREIGN CARPETINGS, Embracing all the latest and choicest styles of tI ASD ROYAL INE M N I E , T . ; rTRY,VEIVET; TAN BRUSSELS. M I A HOIL N LO P H AT geth V r will. li ne s f BO. ENQ. NG DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS qnd _VENB TUNS, for BALLS and OT , with extra Demers. lifoOALLUltr, OREASE iSs SLOAN. tnhilo.• AECAILON Si.LES. TO RENT. ITI iki:4l-611KIti