Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 27, 1868, Image 1
GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXL-NO. 301. THE EVENING BULLETIN muumuu) EVEN!' EVENING (Sundays excepted). AT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 4307 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, DI TUE .EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. OPEIETOIUL WILSON PEACOLT. ERNEST O. WALLAer.., E. L. Vg, TLIOS. J. WILLIAMON. CASPERBOUDER, JP.. FRANCIS WELLS. The BULLETIN' IS served to subscribers in the City at II cents per week. payable to the carriers. or ES , r annum. INVITATIONS FOR WEDDINGS. PARTIES. DWlt t e d ltriii ta l atlCT' a S n 'lrEf i l lOW§ MARRIED. DIX--WATSON. — On the 9th instant. at All Sainte Church., Kensington; London, by th y ou n g e st W. Walter Edwards. 3d. A.. Charles Tonyle Dix, son of Hie Excellency the tutted States Minister to France, and Camilla.,ttilde. widow of Andrew Watson, Esq.. of Edinburgh, and uttea of the late Mrs. Anna thlUlt.Voll. DIED. ANIMITEIGN.-01 the ihlth lust; J. Anderson, ACM of AL loxander and the late Ann Anderson. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully • invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his tether. 604 South Third street, without fiirther notLce, .on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. CUMMIOIO.--Un beibbath afternoon. Marih 22, Mar garet: rife of James P. Cumming, of New York, and -daughter of the fate Clement McCune, of Philadelphia.. EAUP,—On the morning of the 25th instant, 1 homes Nary, in the VA year of his age. The relativat sad friends of the family are invited to attend bin funeral. from his late residence. N. 1010 Race street. on Saturday afternoon, 28th inst.. at 3 o'clock. • GABAUDAN.—In New York, March 25th, Lieutenant Edward C. °abandon, of the U, ii. Marine Corps, aged 25 years. 11A ILTLEY.—On the morning of the 27th hist , Thomas Goodwin. infant eon of t.harlee A. and Annie C. Hartley, aged 6 months. s4AhTlN,—Early this morning. Thome", Martin, in the • Nith year ot r his age. Due notice will he given of the funeral. It PAlTElititra.—On Wedneseay. March 25th. Joseph Patterson. Lee.. formerly of Pittsburgh, in the 85th year of his ago. The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services. at his late residence, Icdt lipruse otroot.this (Friday) )sitcrnoor.ot 4 o'clock. The remains to be token to Pittsburgh. (Pittsburgh papers • Ware copy.? itkAtlNGlo:i.—On Wednesday, 2.51.11 instant, Sarah Remington. Flinctal from No. 1521 Chestnut street, on Saturday e Wu:OOM at 2 o'clock. SIM 1134. EN.---On the 13th in4t., Ileury Simpson. Ilia male It lends cud those of the family are relpcet.- fully invited to attend his loom al,from his late residence, 8.7.04 Green ttreet, on. Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock_ inter went nt St. Paul's, South Tnird street •• EPllEhts.—On Tuesday evening, 24th instant. Mary Sophia Ste; here. NS idt,‘V of the late vtilliain stepheur, ',tithe 72d your of her age. !be ;cleaves and f. bandit of the family are invited to attrud the funetel. teem the resideoce of her daughter, :Mr.. E. It. Iluttom NO. 1037 Walnut street. on Saturday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. Service: , at the Church of time A.fiCeriZtOlt. I.o.ot.ard street, above Eleventh street. Co .proceed to Ronaidton's Cemetery. WOOD.—UIa the evening of the I.6th WAWA, Thomas Vi'ved. in the tee b year of his age. Ilia relatives and friends arc invited to attend his f eneral. on Second day morning. the =At instant, at 10 -o'clock, from his late residence, No. 610 Spruce street. **Al --- i.ANDELL. OPEN TODAY THE LIG r fl shades a' eaof hpring" Poplins for the Fashionable Walking Droasea. steel Colored Poplins. Mode Colored Poplins. Bismarck Exact Shade. Writ ES. - aer American Academy of Music MISS ANNA E DICKINSON. 'The Fiat and Only Lecture or , deason, Thursday Evening, April 2. Subjeot—The Doty of tho Hour. ADMIISSION, 25 CENTS. ItESUIVIM SEATS Doors open at 1 o'clock. Lecture at 8 o'clock. The Bale of Tickets will commence on MONDAY MCIIhILNO. March 30. at 9 o'clock. at COX LL'S Piano 'Warerooms. No. 923 CHESTNUT Street. whiff tf *Sir JOHN B. GOUGH AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY EVENING. March SO, Subject—ELOQUENCE AND ORATORS. TUESDAY EVENING, March Subject—TEMPERANCE. YOB TIIR OVITIT/T or THR YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Admireion to Parquet, Fervid. Circle and Balcony. SO cents. No extra charge ter ROWYed Wag.' Iratuilq gircte, P.ceerscd. iv cents. Unreserved. 25 cents. Tickets for tale at J. E. ttould'a New Plano Store, 923 A:held - tg erect. mh3i w I taXt SW"' Rev. R. 11. ALLEN, I). D., Of "Old Pine Street Chuich,” will D deliver a LEL:TUR AT MUSICAL FUND MALL, - TUDSDAY EVENING, March Mg. Sohject—Mosrealams and P:aPeriences Wi Sonfiweed. 'rickets can be obtained at Presbyterian Hook Store. itr,sl Chestnut street; A shinced's, T. 34 Chestnut street, and at We Deer the night cf the Lecture sar P.i4T-Ot.rltiti, • PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYL. VAlsilit. Mason Set istA. Mail, far liarnos. rer ete attar Star of ttta .1.M1012, will aloe at fah ollico at 7 A. 51., SATURDAY,V.Iarch 28. 1345L111a4. cal-iisp• SPECIAL, RELIGIOUS SERVICES OF AN interesting character Isill be held in the CENTRAL PREBBVII.II.LANURCB corner of il.ighth and Cherry streets, TLIIh EVENING, ut 7,6 o'ciock. Ad dreecell by a udge Said!, of Boston, and others. It• HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOB. 1518 AND Hal ' lll6llr Lombard etreet, Dleinneeed9 neenrtment--Medl mdbestmeiat and medicinal furnished gratultdualy to the N o r NEWSPAPERS, BOOKS, PAMPILLETSWASTE wh lo l ogr, , bought by No . 6 t. Rii;:l;;;griiht. The Life of Gen. Grant. In reference to . the biography of Gen. Grant, written by his father, and published in the N. Y. .Le4ger, the-Washington correspondent of the Cin •einoati Ghzette says: "The intense silliness of some things in the ac bynts of Gen. Grant's early life, communicated his father to the 'New York Ledger, has pro voked general displeasure. Justice to the Gene ral requires the statement that he made every ' proper effort•to prevent their publication. It is now understood that he has quite recently made :such peremptory representations as will be apt to stop their appearance." THE COURTS. SUPREME COURT—Jnatiees Strong, Bead, Ag new and Sharewood.—The following judgments were entered this morning: Dutch's Appeal. Orphans' Court of Northamp ton Co. Decree affirmed. Neumeyer & Seem vs. Andrews. C. P. Le high County. Judgment affirmed. Longswamp Township vs. Tresler. • Common Pleas, Berks county. Judgment reversed. Deeh's Appeal. C. P. Northampton county. Decree affirmed. Lewis vs. Brewster. C. P. Bradford county. .Judgment affirmed. .ffiyou vg. The Commonwealth. Writ quashed. Appeal of the Commissioners of Northampton • county: -Order of February 11, 1808, reversed and the,record remitted. ConYugham's appeal. Decree reversed. QUART= Sammie—Judge Peirce.—The case of William Naylor, charged with committing an outrage upon a feniale, wag concluded this morn - lug. Verdict not guilty. "A larceny case was triad in which a German was charged with stealing accordeort. The testimony developed the fact that there had been a raffle for the accordeon, the - understanding be ing that the winner should buy a barrel , of beer. The prosecutor won, butt refused to buy the beer, whereupon the accordeon was detained:, The Commonwealth abandoned the case when these facts Were stated. LETTER FROYI FARM iCelvespondenee or the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.) PARIS, Friday, March 13, MX—While your constitutional conflict is going on in America, we are treated here to a new batch of rumors about the further tinkering up or "crowning the edifice" of what passes for a "Constitution" in France. You will observe that whenever peace seems to ho consolidated abroad, as it certainly dons at this moment, then the excitable French mind throws itself upon domestic arrangements, and requires something to be provided, for it then, to supply the stimulant which It no longer finds in complications with foreign countries. In other words, as soon as ever Frenchmen cease to meddle with other people's affairs, they begin to concern themselves about their own; and hence, often create considerable embarrits to the existing government, whatever it may be. Moreover, the. latter feels compelled to provide some sort of pabulum for this craving of the national appetite. And so just now there seems to be some reason for supposing that the imperial brain is hatching one of those coups 'do ilaitre, which are' in cessantly called for in order to maintain Its prestige in the eyes of its retakes subjects. There has been a growing feeling of late that the Second Empire has no longer been going ahead; that whenever it bus attempted to do so, it has only stumbled and groped about in the dark and made all sorts of mistakes. and that the country is con sequently becoming "tired" of it (sunrise, a dan gerous word in France), and desirous of a change. To counteract this perilous tendency of the na tional thought, it is now said that the Emperor is about to • 'come out with Something Strong;"rionie thing which as a semi-official journal expresses it, shall " electrify public opinion" and let people Pee that the Second Empire and its Head are still strong on their legs. There has been a talk even of a new plebiscite and an appeal to the nation to " re:consecrate the Government and dynasty which it has given itself." But second thought seems to have shown that such a proceeding would intimate weakness and a con sciousness of having lost ground. It is therefore said that we are shortly to have an Imperial manifesto, retracing the policy of the last fif teen ytars, showing its, consistency and progres sive character, and pointing to the "liberties" of the press and right of public meeting, which have been accorded, as new develope mente. all in the direction promised, and of a nature of which it is Impossible to estimate as yet the future consequences. In short, it is thought that the Government feels the necessity of defence, and is about to defend itself accord ingly. But, qui ,4'excitse s'accup.. The proverb is French, and nowhere better understood than in France. Such a course of proceeding betrays reatleness and want of confidence in its own position. These Tire tie Mt - titre surprise for a time, and therefore succeed; but like other spec tacles, if too often repeated, they fail to produce their effect. and so far from heirs; applauded, end by beteg first laughed at and then hissed. There bare been some very serious distlrb. ences in the South, consequent upon carrying out the regulations of the new army bill. The streets of Toulouse seem to have been the scene of a regularly organised enteut , , and the Hetet do Ville and House of the Mayor to have been at ' tacked, and to have suffered severely. Large masses of troops of the line and cavalry were necessary to restore order, and these bivouacked all night in the principal quarter of the town. The Mortiteur itself is compelled to allow these incidents, but consoles itself with the reflection that everywhere else the measure in question has provoked no opposition, and asserts that in very many districts the young men have "come for ward with enthusiasm" to be enrolled. But the official journal generally shakes our faith iu its assertions by displaying too much zeal. Public opinion here has suddenly become far more confident Its to the aspect of American af fairs, and the journals have ceased to express their daily expectation of hearing of a coup dyad from Washington. This change is very much to be ascribed, I think, to the partly ridicule, partly indignation with which the idea of any such project being seriously contempLated is treated and spoken of by the resident American popula tion. Not may arc such notions strongly repudi ated on his behalf by all of Mr. Johnson's frienis, but the Fiend.' people.see by the firm and confi dent attitude with which Americans regard the crisis thronuli which their government is passing, that they have perfect faith in the capacity of their institutions to meet successfully the present , or even greater perils. In Europe, peace is still the order of the day. or rather makes every day now progress in public opinion. The Maniteur du Soir reiterates the language of M. Rouher; and Prince Napoleon's visit to Berlin assumes more and more the aspect of a public and avowed reconciliation with united Germany. I am very often asked the question by visitors to Paris, with reference to the great increase of house-rent, what interest home property pays in this city. It is not very easy to determine this Inquiry with accuracy; but I lately received some information on the subject, which enables me to arrive at an approximate estimation. It appears that there are between 500 and 600 "houses" sold every year by public auction in Paris, and of which the selling price and revenue can therefore be accurately ascertained. A "house," it must be remembered, in Paris represents five, six, eleven or more "apartments," each of which answers to the term "house with ns. The produce of these sales is generally between eighty and one hundred millions of francs. Last year an accurate appreciation was made of the results of the sales of two hundred of such houses in different parts of the town; when it was found that, dividing them into three catep• gpries, twenty•one of these houses so disposed of would pay 53i per cent.; seventy, 8 per cent., and one hundred and nine from 6 to 734 per cent., front which it would seem a fair deduction that the latter ittlyis most ordinarx return of house property in Paris, and that the general average is somewhere about 7 per cent. It appears also that house property is more productive in the new quarter of Parls—that is, the quarter newly included Lu tho fortifications—than in the old. For of sixty houses out of the above 200,eituated in the new quarter, the average return is found to be 83.1 per cent. and over. The explanation of this fact undoubtedly is to be found in the enormous price paid for building ground in cen tral positions, and which Is not compensated for even tiy the great increase of rent; at least, is Mit compensated.for so as to t:slake the investment ulti mately as advantageous as in localities whore land is very much cheaper and rents not coat . paratively lower. The Iniptaial Commission for the Universal. Exhibition has issttea a notice to the sabecribers .so ce,..srs l'ostmastsr PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 27,`1868. to the guarantee fund, announcing to them that the amounts respectively deposited will bo returned to them with interest at the rate of , five per cent. from the 20th July, 1865, when the lists were closed. The Com mission also:inner:Tees that it has now completed the sale of• the main building (by piecemeal), and of all the other materials:. and will, therefore, soon be In a position to make a definite statement as to what share of profits will be divisible under the terms of the law of July Bth, 1866. The out" Fide skeleton of the great "gasometer" still stands entire, looking ugly to the last; bit the whole of the interior hoe been long since completely gutted. It seems a dream now to look at the Champ de Mara and think what it was on the let of April only last year. I am glad to say that the prospects of the har vist already pronounce themselves to be very good in the South. Wheat, olives, grass and veg etables have all benefited by the late rains, and the hopes of agriculturists aro reviving. CRIME. Frightful Tragedy in Clncintutii-4. PrellainCUlL Irlerchuut CollllMillai bait. tide [From the Cincinnati Commercial, bfarch Yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, Mr. A. M. Bennett,a prominent Fourth street hattenun der peculiarly sad circumstances committed sui cide. Known as a man possessed of strong 'mind, and one not readily surrendering to trifles, considered to be in no financial embarrassment, eupposed to have had no depressing disasters to rob him of reason, and esteemed as a gentleman living happily with his family and with all men, none of his acquaintances could account for his rsektess .abandorment of life, and all were sacked beyond measure by heating the startling intelligence. • The history of the troubles which are commonly accepted as the cause of his rash act, and the lime of the suicide itself, as we have been'able to obtain them, we give as follows: Several months ago, Mr. Bennett disposed of his old .tore on Fourth street. near Walnut, to Messrs,. B. F. Coast A: Co., and entered into an informal covenant with them not to open a similar estab lishment in the cite, or at least in the immediate vicinity, to compete with them. Desiring relax ation from close attention to his interests, he had nu intention of resuming business, and departed for Europe. A mouth or two elapsed, and on the point of retuning to this country after an exten sive tour through France and Italy,he determined to again engage in this traffic. Taking advantage of an opportunity to do so in superior style, he collected in Paris a large stock of goods essential os his department of trade, embarked, and in due ,dune was agars In Cincinnati. Unheeding Conn A: Co.'s threat that they would institute legal proceedings to compel him to abide by his con ,ract with them, he opened, with many attrac tions, one of the large Stores in the Opera Howe block as soon as circumstances - would admit. Coen sis Co. commenced a suit against him ,n the courts, and there being, also, unpleasant financial relatione between the two houses, con siderable scrimonv was aroused in the course of the litigation. The gaol - . occasioned Mr. Bennett great annoyance, and, as he was very anxious to nave it decided, he addressed to Judge Storer, on she leth of the present month, a letter, in welch he asked for a final adjuetmetatof theraatter, and.: hi making allusion to some extraneous circum stances of the contested claim, probably ventured beyond the province of a private citizen in com municating with a Judge of the Superior Court. The Judge reprimanded Mr. Bennett for addressing itim in that manner. He said he considered the :otter highly improper; but as that was the first time he had ever been approached from that di tection, and although Bennett rendered himself liable to be punished, be would neither fine nor imprison him, but would have the acme en tercd upon the minutes of the court as an eze anode and warning to others. Mr. Bennett was a nervous nine, of a very sensitive nature, and was cut to the heart. he left the court room shortly after his rebuke, with a vastly magnified conception of his offence, and with a fear that disgrace and contumely would be brought upon him as soon as the defeat of his cause in the court and the contents of his letter to the Judge, Bbould be made public. Gloomily :r using over all this, his fortitude forsook him as he walked down the street, and suicide pre • sented itself to his feverish brain. In his sad strait the idea gained on his mind and influenced him to procure a weapon. On the road to the store he bought a small Derringer pistol. He 'mitred the store lightly, shook his head half mournfully as he passed one of his clerks. and went. to the office in the rear. Here he got a piece of letter paper and wrote upon it in large. disjointed, straggling characters: "1147%." G —Take care of my precious lie and property. Yours in death, "A. M. BENNETr. - He then, unnoticed by the clerks, laid down upon u lounge which stood in one corner, placed the pistol to his right temple, pressed the triages - , and in an instant was writhing insensible with a !rightful wound in his torenead. The report brought those who were in the store running to im in great alarm, but when they relit:lied him he was uuuble to speak, nor did he ever ,fter open his, lips. The shocking intelli ecrice, by transmission from mouth to mouth, created great excitement in .he business portion of the city, and soon wrought throngs of anxious, curious persons to the doors. Two physicians were immediately resit tor, and on arriving did all in their power to sileviate his sufferings, but the wound was neces sarily fatal, and he died very quietly at about one o'clock. The Coroner- held an inquest an hour or so later,,and the jury impanneled returned a verdict ~f death by euicide,eaused by embarrassments in business. The following is an account of the proceedings in court referred to above. TIIII DEFENDANT ' S LETTER TO THE JUDGE. • After announcing the opinion the Judge said. "Is Mr. Bennett in Court ?" Mr. Bennett—"Yee, sir." Court•—" Stan d -up." LMr. B. rase up s 1 "Did you write this letter to me?" • Mr. Bennett—"l did write a letter to your Honor." Court . --"I shall read the letter. I wish the bar to know that this is the first time the Court has ever been approached in this way by a member of the profession." "CINCINNATI, March 19, the Honorable Bel fancy Storer, Jtulgeof the Superior Cour; of einCilinli ii; Dash firm: I am sorry you find yourself unable to decide the matter of Couto vs. myself, as it is a matter of most vital importance to me to know, whether I am to be forced into signing a contract of which I never heard un til I had gone to an outlay, in rent, fixtures, &c., which the enforcement ofplaintiffs . claim would render a total less to me, and be of no advantage to Chain. As Bluth. epeare has it. 'lt (loth not enrich them, but makes etc poor indeed.' Although they may close me up and force the into bankruptcy by the meagerand dreams outfit( testimony ,of a German lawyer, whose. knowledge in the premises was all derived from his clients and not from me—some one else may purchase iny stock and fixtures, such a reduction as will enable them to offer a gronedl . competi tion than I could, and as the plaintiffs made $7,000 last year out of this unprofitable purchase, I thing. tarry are in a very comfortable position without further aid. Hoping you will'pardon roe for addressing you other. wise than through my counsel. "1 ant, very respectfully,,"A. M. BENETT." "Hero you have asked the Court to ignore the testimony on which they had to decide the case ; and you take occasion to reflect on an honors-, ble young man belonging to the ban imputing to him the crime of perjury. The sending of such a letter as this to the Court might subject you to fine and imprisonment; but the Court, in this instance, supposing It sufficient to prevent 'the recurrence of such an act on the part,ot others, order the paper to bottled anti made a record of the Court, that others may see to what manner the Court treatsparties who - interfere in the ad ruleistration.of justice." Mr. lienuett—"Will Mt Court -allow the one word?" OUR WHOLJ COUNTRY. Court—"No; you are not naiad to troy ex ')lp Erasion. The condoms not admit of it," Mr. Bennett—"leangivean explanation," Court---" Well, what is It?" Mr. Sennett—"On arriving at home last Mon day week I was toil the case was to be immedi ately decided. I found it was not decided, and as I had a proposition pending from a party to take my stiock, I was induced to write to your Honor:" Court—" Would than authorize yoz to write such a letter?" Mr. Bennett— was absent.' "My atUarney, Judge Ghobion, Court—" Yes, and the case was laid' over to oblige him. Aid 3on profess to be a member of the bar—if you bad been practicing at Ms bar, awl had written such a letter, you would not long have remained 00. We wilt not bear any more. There are witispeirs about officers of the Court In terfering with the administration of justice, but when the Court can discover on the part of the officers or others, any act having such a purpose, it is their duty to deal witk them in such a man ner as will prevent the repetition of the of fer ee." PROBABLE RUBBER IN TRENTON. Desperate Stabbing Affray Between Nesroes-One of them Severely in jured-The Perpetrator in Custody. Between eleven and twelve o'clock on Wednes day night two negroes were drinking in a lager beer saloon in that portion of Trenton known as the "swamps," which is inhabited almost exclu sively by colored people, when a conflict occurred which is likely to result fatally. The two individuals alluded to were ,Henry John son and a man named Anderson. It appears that while sitting together a third party, known as" Buck" Hosgland,came in and endeavored, as alleged, to snatch Anderqon'a glass, who, on resisting, received a blow from Hoagland. Johnson espoused the cause of his friend, and aquarrel immediately arose between him and Hoagland. The lights were omtinguished and the antagonists clutched, and Hoagland received five dangerous wounds in the back and in the region of the spine. The disabled man was conveyed to his home and the alleged perpetrator left the scene of the conflict. °Meer Combs, with two of bis associates, hastened in pursuit of the fugitive. After a diligent search they found him in his house, and conveyed him to the City Hall,where he was securely confined till three o'clock yester day afternoon, when he was removed to the county jail, pending trial. The unfortunate vic tim was in ruch a state of physical exhaustion yesterday that be was unable to give any deposi tion. Meanwhile the injured man is receiving medical attendance, but no hope is entertained of his recovery. The accused is a robust, large sized man. with a sullen and repulsive expres sion. He has a wife and family. Hoagland is married, but it is said he has not lived with his wife. Arrest of an Alleged Forger In New Yore. Some time ago s man by the name of Thomas Caseidy, it Is alleged, sold a diamond ring to Mr. Hooley. the proprietor of Hooley's Mire el House in Brooklyn, for which Mr. Hooley paid the seller $1,( 1 00, tendering in payment a check for that amount. Cassidy, it is alleged, after re ceiving the check changed the $l,OOO to f 52,000 and had the check certified at the bank on which it bad been drawn and then went to mother bank to procure the money. Thepay ing teller sent the check to the first bank to ascertain whether or not the certification was correct. It was, of •course, pronounced correct but the teller then objected to paying the money on the ground that he did not know whether or not the man who was presenting the check was the Cassidy referred to on its face. Cassidy, however, soon satisfied him on this point and succeeded in obtaining the money. Mr. Hooley some time afterwards, on ascertaining that the figures on his cheek had been changed, placed the case in the hands of a detective in Brook lyn,who was unable to find Cassidy in his search ing travels, although he assiduously endeavored to get hold of his man. Yesterday- afternoon a F;entleman who was cognizant of the forgery met in Broadway a man whom ho contends is the Thomas Cassidy who forged the check, and at once called upon Officer Ludgate, of the Fif teenth precinct, to ar'eat him. After being ar resteci,Cassidy was taken to Police Headquarters, where the gentleman who procured lob arrest made a charge against him, and Inspector Leonard had him locked up. The plaintiff al leges that the prisoner some time ago obtained i• 1,000 worth of United States bonds front - two maiden ladies at whose house •he was boarding, which he sold in his own name to a broker. The I prisoner did not deny his name when requested to give it by Inspector Leonard, but refused to make any statement concerning the charge pre- I ferred against him. contending that when he i would be brought before a magistrate "the matter would be disposed of."—.V. 1. !Jerald, to-day. Abduction of Freedmen—They Sail from Hey West for the lelorida Coarh I.'o are Carried to Pla.tanzati, to be Sold into Slavery. throe the New Orleans Republican, March 21.1 About twenty freedmen, who engaged at Key West to go down the Florida coast to cut timber ',la re, .5 fuErweek on the brig Pat Cleburne and the small schooner Lust Cause, but. their pre tended employers, instead of proceeding to the Florida CC/UM, ran the vessels into Matanzas, where it is presumed the intention of the kidnap pers was to sell them into slavery. The namcs'of the parties engaged in the ne farious transaction are B. Preston, ot South Caro lina, C. Filet, of Charleston, S. C., J. A. or J. H. Smith, of Natcht z,' or Vicksburg, Miss., John Colman, of Mississippi, and William Allen, of Itichmond, Va. After the arrival of the vessel at MatanzaS, the United States Consul directed his efforts to cap ture the kidnappers and protect their victims. Smith and Colman . escaped. Preston, Ellet and Allen were captured, and sent to Key West in irons. It was expected that Smith and Colman would also be captured, as it would be almost impossible for them to gel off the island. The freedmen were sent back to Key West. We learn these particulars from Mr. J. C. Wilcox,' who has just arrived from Key West. There have been strong suspicions for a long time that parties .wore engaged in kidnapping freedinen on the Florida coast and running theta over to Cuba. It is hoped that the captured per sons will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The,names of the vessels which they employed to pursue their wicked occupation of slave trading, and converting free American citiaone into bondsmen, were most approprlate—"Pat Cleburne," ono of the Confederate chieftains,, and the "Lost Cause." What will not bad men do to avenge themselves on the race they despise be cause it is are now free? —Henry Clay Dean, in a letter to the Eastern Argue, says "long experience has demonstrated the fact that no dog law can be made sufficiently stringent to prevent puppies from. barking at gentlemen." He knows. —A loving wife in Chile threw her husband over a precipice. When he seised a shrub to save himself she cut the tendons of his fore-arm and down he went to his death. She is in Jail for fif teen years and the monotony of her imprison me n tds varied:by 100 lashes admin istere I monthly. —The Wirona Democrat, speaking of the bia graphy of General Grant, by his father, now ha ing published in the New York Ledger, says: "Since the days of Abraham and Isaac, there has not been a worse attempt by a father upon the life of his offspring." —A minister traveling in Louisiana discovered a coiored church remarkably supplied with offi cers— It had five ministers, four leaders, five shepherds, five shepherdesses, four church mothers. one mother of the Watch and a leading songster. , , FT FTH EDITION c , BY TELEGEAPH.I LATEST CABLE NEWS. Riot Among Coal Miners in Belgium FENIAN DEASY STILL AT L4RCE LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. The Veto Vetoed. The Pacific Railroad Bill. By the Atlantic Cable. LONDON, March 27.—Despatches have been re ceived here stating tbat a strike occurred among the operatives of the coal mines at Charleroi, in Belgium. The discontented workmen assembled in a body and soon became riotous, and the au thorities found it necessary to call out the troops to repress the disorder. After the rioters had been warned to desist and disperse, they were at last fired upon by the soldiers and- many of them killed and wounded. The latest telegrams announce that the riot had been suppressed and that the town was tranquil. Fr:mu:ace, Merck 29.—The Government is taking active measures to retiress the system of brigandage now prevailing in various parts of the kingdom. A large body of troops is to be immediately put in readiness, under General Palle Voelnito, to operate against the outlaws In the province of Naples. LoNuoN, March r.—There is no doubt that the officers who made the arrest at Salford the other day were imposed upon. It now appears that the person arrested is not the'Fenian Captain Deasy, as at first supposed, although the prisoner closely resembled Deasy. The authorities aro now fully satisfied that Deasy successfully es caped to the United States. MANCTIEIITER,. Marsh 27.—The Fenlans Thomp son and Mnfiady, who were tried for the murder of Pollee Sergeant Brett, and convicted, and after wards reprieved, have been sentenced to impri sonment at hard Tabor for life. The Veto Vetoed. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evenlag Bulletin-1 WAsh INGI ON, March 27.—At three o'clock, in the Elouze, Mr. Wilson called the previous ques tion on the passage of the Habeas Corpus bill bill over the President's veto. The Democrats succeeded in getting the yeas and nays on order ing the main question. It was ordered by a strictly party vote, and the bill was then passed over the veto by a vote of 112 yeas to 84 nays. The bill it now a law, notwithstanding the Presi dent's veto. , The Pacific Railroad. (special Deepatch to the Phila. Evening Ihatlettaj VIABLIMGITOX, March 27.—Two persistent but ineffecual attempts were made to get up Hr. Ward's bill allowing the Central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad to extend its line so as to connect with the main steed at the 100th meridian, or with the Omaha branch at any pOint east of said meridian, with the same subsidy allowed the Union Pacific Railroad, for a distance not to ex ceed one hundred and fifty miles. The Naval Appropriation bill obtained the pro ference, and the Senate proceeded to the consi deration of the amendment thereto reported by the Committee. 'rho Naval Appropriation Bill. tar.2 . ct al Despatch to tho YhlladelphM Ftsootha 9unetin.l WASHINGTON, March. 27.—The Senate hat adopted an amendment to the Naval Appropria tion Bill, offered by Mr. Wilson, that employes in navy yards, with the excaption of civil engi neer and naval storekeeper, shall be appointed from civil life. The discussion of the bill still continues. The Powder Myer Cou F ntry—Abandon lug Military ort,. tFrmu the Cheyenne Argue.] The rumored ill tenttoa of the NVar Department to abandon Forts Phil. Kearney and Reno has been received with feelings of disgust and anger by the people of this portion of Dakota. The ostensible reason assigned for this course is that the road to Montana, through what is known as the Powder River country, is no longer traveled by emigrants, and that, therefore, there is no ne vessay lor keeping garrisons at these points. This, we say, is the ostensible reason. The real cause for this backward movement lies deeper, and affects the most vital interests of the inhabi tantsnot only of Cheyenne, but of the whole count\y between this city and the mountains. Indeed, it affects indirectly all the inhabitants of the Northwestern frontier, and the reaction will also make itself felt in the East. We take it, then, that the real reason for this movement is simply that the Sioux Indians have "bluffed" Uncle Samuel. They refuse to part with their hunting grounds and to go on neer vations,and after an ineffectual attempt to subdue them, the government of the United States is willing to confess itself vanquished, and retire from the disputed territory. Anything more humiliating than this virtual defeat at the hands of a crowd of painted savages is difficult to imagine. After a large expenditure of blood and treasure, for who can forget the massacre at Fort Phil. Kearney last year, the forces of the govern ment creep quietly back again to their base. Talk about the impeachment of Andrew John son, if there is any ono in the Republic who deserves impeachment it is those traitors to the people who have advised the Gov ernment to take this disastrous step. Against these vipers who have wounded the honor of this nation the righteous indignation of thousands of hard working settlers who will suffer by the crime will ho directed.' That we shall suffer from it there is little room to doubt, for who can believe that the abandonment of the Powder River coun try will stop the murdering and thieving propen sities of the Sioux. Already they have com menced their spring career around Laramie, where they are waiting mail the Indian agents can deal them out provisions and presents at the public expense, and when the grass has grown a little we shall have tierce bands hovering around the free tier e nn d now and then sweeping In and scalp ing the defenceless. • One thing Is to be learned by this dismantling of forts and withdrawal of troops._ It teaches us not to expect any protection from the Indians but what we can ourselves provide. Luckily there are likely to be thousands of men need to Indian warfare in this Territory, and who aro bent on prospecting ,auti hunting in thie very country that the Government would keep as a game preserve for the red men. To stop this pioneer column will be as impossible as to stay the march of civilization, and troops or no troops. forts or no forts, the war will be carried Into Africa. To meet the Sioux, some organiza tion will be necessary, and we are quite pre pared to advocate the raising of *cater money by 1.:00 O'Clook. F. L MTHERSTON.. MbiUr. PRICE THREE CENTS, subscription to asSist the cause. A. goo pre.. mium on fresh scalps, with what plunder can bar obtained in horses, inks and buffalo robes, will soon place enough of the right sort of men in the field and send the Indians to other hunting" grounds. Coldness asetatveen swans and litaiseoctirt (Wsehiagton Correspondence of the N. V, IforalcLl Some little signifteance isgiven here to the fact that during his stay in this city. General Han• cock did not call on General. Grant, as it said to be customary among prominent odium visiting the seat of Government. Upon in t:miry it is ascertained that General Hancock did not visit General Grant for the prapottenfhavi.ng a conversation with him, but that on the first day of .lriw arrival' here he did. calf at- General Grant'e headquarters and recorded his name as prevent. in Washington; in , com pliance with an order of long standing, At that time it is said that one of General Grant's AMt officers asked Hancock if he wished to see Gen. Grant, to which Hescock auewered "No; I.have no business to lay before the General -now, f sm stopping at the Metropolitan, if the Genera& should wish to see me." On the next day Gen. Grant and Hancock met in. the street, exchanged greetings and shook hands, bur. bad no conversation_ , The eignifi— C3nee attached to the failure of Hancock to pay the customary visit to the General-In-Chief is. pointed at to Trove that an unfriendly feeling exists between them. This understanding tinier -omission, however, is not warranted by the facts, and there is good reason for saying it Is entitely . erroneous. There may net be that degree of friendliness between Grant and Hancock that in:theists between the former and other generals' of the army, but there has been no serious falling: out between them. Judo Bittektonetlroment aAuebunsel. cFrom the N. Y. Commercial Adverthier.l We learn that Judge Black represents two quite formidable, but very ashy clatme; that one was pressed' upon the Postmaster: , General,.and the other upon the Secretary of State; that both, atter full and fair consideration, were rejected: that Judge Black appealet to the President, who wrote letters to. both. Departments, intimating his wish, in , proper terme,that Judge Black's c'•ee might have farther, and If practicable, favorable consideration; that the Postmaster-General and Secretary of State went personally and fra , tkly to the President with all the papers in each case; and that the President, after a careful examination, came to the conclusion that Judge Black's clients would not be wronged either by the Post Office or State Department. La Belle• Itoleas. Offenbach's opera La Belle Helene was pro duced at the French Theatre, in New York, last evening, In the course of a criticism upon.it, and the performance, the N. Y. Tribune says: "The performance:belongs to a class which we cannot but regret to see coming into vogue. Se duction and illicit passion are not made respect able by the countenance of the Homeric Greeks, and an adulterer is just as wicked in tunic and buskins as in a dress-coat and calf-skin boots. The portion of the le gend of Helen which has been selected for the plot of this opera is intrinsically unfit for, the stage. The language tloes not improve It. Tho gross points are madeAnore gross; the text is loaded with Indecent innuendoes, the 'action in several places is simply vile; and the costumes of certain characters are more lascivious than any thing we have yet seimk iris respectable 'theatre. Twoor three years ago "La Belle Ifelene" would not have been tolerated in New York. it become popular now we shall grieve for the degeneracy of our people. Let it be remembered that this play is not a sa tire. It contains no bitterness, and save an oc casional fling at little fashions of the day, it cyn veys no reproof. Vice here is triumphant, and virtue is represented only by a red-haired Idiot. Moral filth is exposed, not that 16 may be a target for the snarls of sarcasm and ridicule, but merely because it is filthy. MUSICAL. ORGAN CoxcEne.—The "Organ Concert" which took place last night, at Concert Hail. was attended by quite a large audience. The stage presented somewhat of the appearance of the !Senate Chamber at Washington, the organa representing the desks of the Senators, with a. back ground of four instruments with gilt fronts. The design of the concert was to ad vertise a particular make of these in struments, and a number of well known musicians officiated on the occasion. The effects produced by playing a fugue by Bach on a small cottage organ, or the Pilgrim chorus from Tann heaver on heentylloir of these inatrumenta, or the Irrilaranaltas of Rossini on sixteen of them, may possibly be imagined, but cannot he de scribed. The spirits of Bach and Beethoven might almost he fancied to have felt some flint twinge of agony over the performance. The organic part of the concert was varied by vocal music by Mrs. Behrens and Mrs. Schimpf, and Messrs. Bradshaw and Louis. Mr. Betaken oddcd the effect of the piano, while other artiste assisted with horn, violin and violoncello. We were glad to miss most of the beat organists of the city from the list of performers. There was no fault to be found with the quality of the in struments used, and a public exhibition of them is a perfectly legitimate method of advertising. What we find fault with is that there is not a higher tone pervading the noble profession of music than can tolerate a descent from what alone deserves to be called "organ playing," to the comparative insignificance of, little instru ments which are "well enough in their own sphere," but which are no more adapted to in terpret a fugue of Bach's, an andante of Beetho ven's, or a chorus of Bossini's or Wagner's, than a penny-whistle is to Imitate the thundera of Yousaa Mansnanicuon.—The vocal and instru mental concert, complimentary to Wilhelm Hartman, Musical Director of the society, drew a large and appreciative audience to !attains! Fund Halllast evening. The Y. M., which ranks among the best musical societies in the country, was out in full strength, and the choruses "Fruehlingslied." "Der Gang um Mitternacht" and "Reiterlied." and the songs "Erfrorne Liebe" and "Nur die allein" were given with great spirit, and were enthusiastically applauded. Carl Wolf sohn, the well-known pianist, performed "Au lord du lac" and "Bedew/a de Coucerr—his own composition. He was encorqd. The (gaging of Messrs. Hartman and Graf, and the instrumental performance of Messrs. Stoll, Orel= Hosfekt and Engelke were excellent, and with the excep tion of the disappointment at the absence of Mr. Habelmann, who was detained in New York, the concert passed off very successfully. GERMANIA °REIM...WU:A: The regular public: rehearsal of the Germania Orchestra will be given at the Musical Fund Hall to-morrow (Saturday) 'afternoon, at 3% P. M., when the following pro gramme will be offered: 1. Overture, "Sulmona" Lludiaintmer. 2., Shadow Dance, from '‘Dinorair..bleyerbeer. 3. Waltz, "Witches Dance" Lamer. 4. Andante con mote, from C major dchnbert. Symphony F. Schubert. 6. Overture. "The four Ages of Man", . Lachner. S. Terzet and Chor, from "Freischilta".,, , Wanes, 7. "The Surprise" (find time)— dedicated to the Germania Or Rudolph. chestra FOLKb.—"Fatber Baldwin's' Old Folks will appear at Concert Hall, on the evening of Monday the 30th inst. , C. H. CLASSICAL SOIREIIEi...--v A n 21 day evening, the 28th inat., the fifthllol.ree of this series will be given at Natatorium Rail, Bmad street, below Walnut. ' --In the Dead Letter Office at Washington we now arranged In allow cases, for public exhibi tion, upwards of ta thousand articles of value ouni interest, which have from time to time been re cdvad and } , et rout*ln uncloArdvd.