Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, March 25, 1868, Image 4
WEL EIN CIA PAIHIrci rfruAir, , Tux 'Kukla:olJan has made its appearance in 311saisstppl. THE first steamer. of the season arrived at. Cleveland yesterday from Detroit,. Tux Cow-House at Eutaw, Ala., the lamest in the State, was destroyed by fire on Thursday alaht-latm.-4Alttic records-were-destroyed. his asserted in Washington that two now to ues with Italy have recently been euut to tai Senate. Wrixnua M. Raxitut.a, a prominent lawyer of Mississipm,was assassinated at Jackson, on Mon- Cy night. TwsNry thousand dollars of railroqd brads were stolen from the office of A. G. Rigors, in rine street, New York; yesterday. Two distilleries have been seized in Montgo mery county, Ter .n., for alleged frauds on toe 'revenue to the amount of $BO,OOO. THE bill for the removal of the Capital of Cali fornia from Sacramento, has been indefinitely postponed by the Legislature. THE Court of Appeals of New York has decided the Tax Commissioners act of that State to be u aeoustitutional. SERGEANT FAIRCHILD, of the Royal Artillery, committed suicide yesterday, in Montreal, by sh(-oting himself through the head. THE Montreal authorities have intercepted a number of copies of a New York weekly journal, on account of obscenity. Tug directors of the Erie Railroad have re duced the fare to Bnffalo thirty-three per cent., and a corresponding reduction has been made to sil points Westward. Jame SADDLER and Jos. Pettigrew were killed on Monday by the caving in of a clay bank at the yard of the Press Brick Company, one mile east of Torrela station,on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Allegheny minty. IN the Mississippi. Convention two sections of the Legislative bill have been passed, being an apportionment for Representatives. W. T. 8. Stzieker, DEkgate from Typak, has resigned his seat. Tux manufactory of H. B. Lear & Co., No. 20 Commerce street, New York, dealers in artists' materials, was burned yesterday. The loss is $26,000. Four men were injured, one fatally, while escaping from the burning building. TIER franchise question was again -considered in the Virginia Convention yesterday, and the amendment disfranchising all who voted for se cession candidates indefinitely postponed Tae iron-clad oath was imposed on office-holders by a vote of 40 to 82. Comes , bill reorganizitig-the United States Circuit Courts, introduced in the Senate on Mon day, provides for the appointment of Circuit in the same manner as DistrietJudges,and abolishes the present assignment of Supreme Judges in the Circuits. The Fenian Raids In Canada. OTTAWA, Mareti 2.1.—1 n the Hoese of Com mons to-day, Mr. Miles inquired if any demand had teen made on the United States Government tor compensation for property destroyed by the idans, durirg the raid of June, 186 G. Sir John McDonald said there was no cor n•spondt-nee lhttweert this Government and the rial Government, asking for compensation ;rum the Government of the United States for los: of prcu.erty and other injuries, including loss of life, occurring through the Fenian raid. They liad to IVllleMber that the Government of the United States had its own difficulties, and per naps tiny exercised their power with reference to these hostile organizations as strongly and sr(enily as they could with due regard to the ultimate result. Ile bad no hesitation in saying that the Cana dian Government had implicit belief in the good faith cf the United States Government towards Canada When it betame clear that these parties were about to proceed from words to deeds, the United States Government, at great expense, Feet large forces, commanded by their best officers, for the purpose of upholding the majesty of their own laws, and preventing any infringement of our frontier. Considering, also, that the United States bad cause of irritation on account of the Abbama and other vessels that were fitted out in England, and that this was a matter of anury discussion, It was not desirable to add fuel to the flames by sending a demand for cocnpen „ It should be remembered that there were exam r,ions which we could not prevent trout Canada to the United States, the St. Albans raid and the proceedings on Lake Erie. The Government of Canada would see that fall claims for cornpeu• Li:Won would be put in throuzh Her M kHsty's Government, to be considered in settlement of crO6B account for compensation between the two nations. Mr. Miles moved an address for correspondence with reference to the rendition of the leader of the Fenian invasion of Canada. 'Sir John Meliunaid said no demand had been made by the Canadian Government for the rendition of those who came across the frontier and escaped buck. The Government thoc;lit that to vindicate the law it was sufficient to deal with those who bud been captured with arms In their hands, ' a number of whom, on being con victed, had been sentenced to the penitentiary :or twenty years. In reference to the Papal service D , Mr. Mc imeld stated that it was not the intention of the government to authorize the formation of military organisations In the Dominion, for the .it fence of fort ign powers. Dutim: the discussion 'regarding . the North wt et Territory, Mr. McDonald said the matter moon 18 till, tilithe position as befoi.e. 'The Kov• mment was in daily communication with the LOWlnuieut, but no information respect the reported uprising at Fort Garry had been ELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE Christian Convention. The Cotiveutiou je-asm.tublel ye: , . lJrday after !loon at :1 o'clock, George H. Btuart. Proideut, 01 the Chair. ittry. J. Walker Jackson, of the Methodist church, led in prayer. The question, "What cau the Wouniu or our Lurches do for Christ ? " was opened by Rae. .1. 'Parvin. The Ppea tier ptffil a glowing crib lie to the value of woman in the work of the Linurtih. t - she b. the first to Luke up the cross, and site last to lay it down in defence of the Tight. She can • endure more, , and the Church sbould,, therefore, find employ merit for her in the works of eh-trity. On the battle-field, after a bloody couthet, she is found binding up the ghastly wounds and admin ister', g corator Ong words to the sick and dying. Would to God we had more like Florence Night ingale; like her, showing what women are willing ;o do tor the ' , filleted of mankind. The world iterAls her comforting words and tender care. lirey ate needed iu the Church of Christ to con duct nutn's Bible classes. They can visit the wives of those upon whom de pend the labors of, the workshop. .They can plead 'with men in respect 'to their habits of intemperance, and, through their per hutt:dye manners, constrain them to relhiquish These habits of vice. As Bible readers they can ;find employment in any Ward of our city, among the poorer classes. What blessed influences have followed their footsteps while pursuing their 'vorks of mercy ! This work has need to ue 'hatted, these labors need to be increased. Judge Bulith, of Boston, then took the floor ;!.1:41 gave many instances of the fidelity of women the relief of the destitute and spread of the rilosiaL The' work performed by them In female .gayer meetings was commended and named as one of die means of doing good. lb-v. Anthony Atwood, of the Met'indist 'Lurch, I , lleded to the kind offices pet form al by ~ : wonted hrsick - foonds; — riffirsfakrth - ut — thtfirovicr do more at the bedside in •cotufortinr; tb sick than could ever be accomplished by man. Women who have the heart and proper feeling can Coll 310/ a whole neighborhood. After singing the tiolst hymn, 1)-L. Moody, of Chicago, continued the disemsion, giving lIIMICTOUB itlfiNtlen) of the ocid accomplished by women in this and other ~uods. tie argued that if the heart was right .would not utatttr whether the workers were rich or poor, God would blees teem., we c get hold of the mothers of our land flue rtilmibde %would be tittle, 80 poweidul is ttuile influent's fur good. Two minutes were then devoted to agent Inayer for the women or America after which the Roc: Dr. Revd led the audience audibly In an appeal to the Throne of grace. Rev. Dr. Boardman, of the hapilEt Church followed in an address In defence of women, Elbowing that they had been instrumental iu accomplishment of a great work timong t;.O poorer classes of society. We want consecrated womee who shall be found pouring out their. w - enith and all they have on the altar of the Church. lion. Judge Peirce followed. At the close of the discussion, (petitions and answers relating to the subject were given, and the afternoon St:881011 was closed with singing and prayer. The final meeting will be held this \ eveuing, at - 11UYChurch of s the Epiphany. At the sessibn last evening, Mr. GPorge Stuart in the chair, after a prayer meeting, led by D. L. Moody, there was an lriterestin4 dibeussion on the topic—" The potency of individual effort for the salvation of men." &v. J. Wheaton Smith, P. D., opened the dis cussion In a few feeling remarks, and was fol lowed by Rev. Mr. Duffield, Judge Smith ? o BOE ton, and Rev. Messrs. Haws, Jackson, Brown, Willits, Moody and ethers. Tlm speakers re lated instances illustrating the success which hail attended the efforts of persons, some of them in very humble life, to change the course of the erring. There waS alarm) attendance. VITY B U LLETIN. HOUSE OF REFUGE.—An entertainnmt of (wite an interesting character was. given last evening to the children of the House of ItAnge, by 11112 pupils of the Twelfth Street M.E. Sunday-school. fhe Chapel of the Institution was filled by a largo and intelligent audience, gathered there to listen to the voices of nearly seven hundred children. The instrumental music, which was excellent, was furnished by Miss E. J. Sherer, J. Stull being the leader of the singers. Masters Duffy, Welton and Thorp, inmates of the House, delighted the company with their recitations and singing. The girls of the Institution, under the care of Mrs. Plowman, the Matron, contributed greatly to the interest of the occasion by responding cheerfully when called on to sing their favorite hymn, in the chorus of which. "Star of Wonder, Star of Night," the entire audience joined with feelings which will not soon be forgotten. Prayer being offered, the Doxology was then sung, after which the children were dismis.sed. THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY.—In 1867 it was resolved to raise $25,000 by subscription for the Northern Dispensary, and double the board of managers. The sum of $9,875 has been raised, sod partially invested in United States bonds. The effort will ,be continued. The alteration of the charter to allow au increase of managers is in the bands of the solicitor. The receipts of the year were $9,930 74, of which $7,045 were In vested. There were 10,291 patients during the year, of -whom 9,450 were treated at the hall. 'There areyPne hundred amteeventy life members as contributors, and seventy-two annual con tributors. The donations in 1867 varied front two dollars to seven hundred and eighty dollars each, and covered forty-four life membiTs. MFETIM; OF INGRAIN CAI:PICT WEAVP.R.S.-A large meeting of journeymen itigrain . carpet weavers was held last evening at the corner of Front and Master streets,Thomas Mulleary in the chair. The Meeting was called in reference to the adjustment of wages, en abatement of three cents r yard having been made last fall in all the chops. The journeymen now dt sire that the old prices, 19 and 21 cents per yard, shall be paid, free of winding. Tho reports of delegates from the shops were presented. Combined action was ro commended among carpet weavers, and it was resolved that journeymen weavers were entitled to the prices of last fall. = TIM 'HUM WAY DIJ'A ItT3l ENT. The ordinance malting an appropriation to' the Highway Dc partment for 1868 bas been signed by the Mayor, and as soon as the weather permits, the repair ing of streets., culverts, &c., will be commenced. VALE Or REAL R6TATE, STOCK'S, &x.--Me6915. Thomas & 8014 sold at the Exchange, yeaterday noon, the following stocks and red estate, ICOehares Schuylkill Navigation Company, $1.2.12X, 11.212 50. i. 500 Schuylkill Navigation Company, 70Xc, $.1,1m.50. 130 pluires Union Canal Company, eda 75 :20 pharee Pennsylvania Railroad, $.51.02 1 , 2 , $1,002 50. .101diart s Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, f.l 'ls. s!'!O. 1.600 Union Canal Mortgage Loan, 154 c, $381.25. $376 Union Canal scrip, sc, $lB 75. 75 shares Butquehanna Canal, $15.25, $1..148.75. $1,900 United States Loan, atx. per cent., *llO 1.8k7. 50.. 5 shares Academy of Music, ."=lO5. 1 share blercantile Library, $7. 7Z.1 0 bhares Chippewa Mining Company. lc. V. $1.400 Lehigh Navigation Convertible Loan, 80c, 5 shares Horticultural Hall, $2O, elm Fbaree Marlton and Bleeburg Road, $6. $276. 1 share Philadelphia At heti:cum, 1 Amp Point Breeze Park. $125. $2,06i Lehigh Navieatir n Loan, 80c, $1,780. 5 shares Franklin Fire Insurance Company, $112.52, 52.212.50. • 10 shams Frauklin Fire Insurance Company, 5410, fi••1,4O0. • shares Hestonvillo Passenger Railroad Company, $lO, SW. 304 shares - Union Transportation Company, $60.50 $6,060. 50 shares Empire Transportation Company, 050, v,r•tio. 48 shares American Life Insurance Company, 56,5, 43,1X1 100 shares Northern Liberties (4as Company, $3O 50, t:.;,( 50 10 shares Baker Silver Mining company, 5 , 12.r0. $125. shares Baker Silver Minintreompany, $12.50, $8.5. er.t , o MAIM League Bond. $ About 40,(O0 shares oil rtock, at 4q to 5c a shore. Valitatoe hetet moil larLre lor, kbown fie the Douse, three scree, Darby r• •ad, 6'1,010. Modern three-wt.!) brick r Fl(lctlce, North rtreet, feet front, $8 600. • lianthome monern country ref•idence, Mothl - r4crpery avenue, between 'Evergreen avenue ant !tire! , In e. Cheetnu . 11111, t.. 00 feet front by fliO feet . evci., $11.1"50. 'The farm, 72 acres, machinery, &c., of the Ste. e,tz Firm 01 , Company of Philadelphia, $2,160. Three-story brick So. 31 , L: North fifth effect, 36 feet trobt, Irredeemable groan(' rent of $3l Mt it year, .V 175, Lot 1,4 acme, Cresheim road, Twenty ~_‘cond Ward. Two stone tt wettings, Creisholui road, and lot 96 teLl b.., Ito feet. .71, Mo. Lot N. W. corner erelsbebn road and Mount kleati• ant uvenn,, 40 by 90 feet, $llO. Wcll sceured ground rer t, 981 a year, $14;0. At private rule, county pLiee; *2;.‘ acres, nailer)" I , ze, *.t4FO 711 E Elm E ARTS. C0131L1E1" s GREAT PICTURE, "JOHN .BROWN, " Pi OW ON EX 111 BITION. ROGERS'S NEWEST GROUPE, "A COUNCIL OF WAR," JUST READY. EARLE'S Galleries and Looking-Glass Wareroonis, 816 Chestnut Street. LOOM ONO OILABBEIO AND PAINTING& ii;----S----ROBINSOX 1110 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSIiI6, AlNrr 'NG} , s, Engravings and Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Friezes. Carved Walnut and Ittkon, Pelmets. • neJ RAT) MADV Tn ORDER. 01 IVIFS FARCIPS, CAPERS, die -ouvgg pARciEs Mrs (1 4 01Yrd ()twe), Nonpareil and Superfine C %Dere and neh Whoa: froth gi<rde; landing ex N4poleop fr. mend for Rale bTJUS. DULISLIZO, & lee So , itti Dolawuru Avenue, . - THE DAILY EVENING. BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1868. a 4 IYIMERIES I B MUNK .6a-a 9 '4. 000bh PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders Cot these eeleb i r o r rn f c 3 , hlrto supplied eceinsati Gentlemen's_Furnishing—Goodo, O! late alas In ma varlet,. WINCHESTER & CO., 706 CHESTNUT. w .tlr Gentlemen's Fine Furnishing Goods, No. 58 IL Bixthiltreet, below Arch, Improved Shoulder Seam Pattern Shirt. Which for earn and comfort cannot be torpateed. ft pivot univertal tatipfaction for luentnet4 of fit on the BREAST. comfort in the NECK and ease on the SIIOULDESS. • Jr it made entirely by hand, with the beet workman• chit , on it. Aire a - Imperior quality of KID GLOVES. at No. 68 N. SIXTiI Street. Phila. mhl.3.3in El. S. IC. G. HARRIS SEAMLESS KED GLOVES, Every Pair Warranted. Etch:mice Agents for Oenta' Gloves. J. W. SCOTT & CO.. 814 Chestnut Street, mhl-f m w tf GENTS. PATENTIIPRING AND tsvi toned Over Gaiters, Cloth, Leather. whits - and brown Linen; Chlldren'a Cloth and Velvet Leggings; also ;nada to order IarGENTS. FURNISHING GOODS. of every description, very low, 903 Cheitue C street, corner of Ninth. The best Kid. Gloves or ladies and gents. at RICIIELDERFIIR'S BAZAAR. notarts OPEN IN THE EVENING . GROCERIES. LIQUORS, at th flew Salad Oil, French Peas, Green Corn, Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, &c,, &c. Nev Messina and 'flavana Oranges. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, MI6: in Vim Gromina, Corner Eleventh' and Vine Streets, PATE DE FOIFS GRAS, MUSHROOMS, TOMATOES, GREEN PEAS, GREEN CORN, FbESH FRUITS. am. JAMES R. WEBB, la:16 S. E. corner WALNUT and EIGHTH Str6ota„ OELIe:BRATED DIAMOND BRAND 1-1 cinnatl Elam, first conelfrornent of the season, just ro. ceired And for male at COUSPY'S East End Grocery, No, 1.18 South Second Street. PEACHES FOR PIES, IN Blb. CANS AT 44 cents per can, Green Coin, Tomatoes, Peas, also M French Peas and ushrooms, in etoro and for Bale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. US South &trend street. U7Ei.T INDIA BONDY AND. OLD FASHIONED V Sugar House Molasses, by the gallon, at COIiI3TY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street, ENV YORK PLUMS PITTED CHERRIES, VIK Nginta Pared P eaches, bried Blackbernea, luster° and for mit) at COUSTIOS Emit End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street. NEW BONELESS MACKEREL, YARMOUTH Bloatere, Spiced Salmon, Men+ and No. 1 Mackerel for gale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery. No. 11d South Second Street. I 1110.1,CE OLIVE OIL, lOU doz. OF SUPERIOR QUAL". ty of Sweet Oil of own importation, Just receivod and for Bale at cot:sTy , s Eset End Grocory, No. 118 South Second otreet. . , A LMERIA GRAPES.—LOO KEGS ALMERIA GRAPES, in largo cinders and of superior quality, in store and for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. cornerF.ightb uid Arch streets. PRINCESS ALMONDS.—NEW CROP PRINCESS PA• L pershell Almonds just received and for sale by M. le, SEILLIN. N. W. ear. Arch and Eighth streets. DAISINS ! RAISINS 11—.A)0 WHOLE, HALF AND I . l u quarter boxes of Double Crown Raisins, the beat fruit in the market, for sale by M. F. BPILLIN, N. W. cor. Arch ant Eighth streets. • REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON 807 Chestnut Street. ENGLISH CARPETINGS. Ncw Goody of our own Inuortation_ ALSO, clicdc oilection of AMERICAN CARPETINGS, oil, ULOTHS, uUI ENTnym STOCK, including Now Goodi. daily 01 ocinp, now olfciod ut LOW riti.CES for caoli, prior to ern() ‘t - t1 toN( - Av Store, .• (ABOUT i:Orn MARCH.) 3229 Claes;twatic street. udilwlinttl 4 , 0 t,t let; 1. ClV.' : tit ii‘i iS !.. A r.ItYI :,:13 DIAMONII 1)1: 4, 0,1;:l 4: 3 iTflilf ~ at '`V t;:\'!. •k IN Kii WATCHES anti J E ',V I.: 1 .., - .1: i'.' Rh_ 802 Chestnut St., Philtv Would invite the attention of purchasera to their large stork of GENTS' AND LAMS' Jr,at rocriv , d,et the (Inept European makens,lndopendent Qar.rter Second, and Self.winding; in Gold and Silver t/a4...e... Moo, ein:orican ~ `ititclio6 o. 1:11 aired. Di:amend :et, PIM, Bluth, Illiv,kr, Coral,nalachitek Garnet and Etrueran Bois, in groat variety. Solid Bilvervtra of all winds, incindins n large 'wort moat suitable for Bridal Preeentr. POE 1 , 1140/%llft 61.f.W.444 a :47 .1 Ito ewood Mahogany 3 Writing f, '',.;.„, Desks. flit EL SI NTZ'S ORCHESTRA MATINEES IN HOE. vV tieultural Hall. will close on TiIUESOA r, April Butt, H6B, when tue 30th sod Last Concert will be given Tickets at Boner's, 1102 Chestnut street, and lathe Tickets ailnkt-apisues riERMANI L A OBOBESTRA.—PUBLIO REHEARBALS Li at tho id BILALTIJND ilALL.every SATURDAY at 04 P. M. Tickets sold at the Door and at ail principal Music Stores. I , nsagemente can be made by addroastm B STYR% 1161 Monterey etrret. or at B. WiI'TRPS Music Store. lOU Chestnut street. - FENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP PINE CHESTNUT, above Tls TH. Open from . 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin \WWII great picture of OIUtLST PatTFCTEn still ou extabitine. RICHARD EAYRE. Invitee attention to Ids (JAHPE;TII%IitI s &t ~a:T!!F ;.. ~~ ~~~, ~~ ~ "„-- Pocket Books,, Portemonnies, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, 'Bankers' Case& Ladles' & Gents' Satchels and Travelling Bags, to all styles. itlal Lai IlkitYlreo. C NCE ItT 'HALL. MRS. FRANCES ANNE KEMSLE. The Evening Hondinge will commence precl+ely nt h o'clock P. M. The blorning Headings at 3 o'clo V. M. ADMISSION TO EACH HEADING ONE 1)061.,Aft. r TICKETS for the series or for Single llendingli for Fully at GOULD'B HAN ti WARN:ROOMS, No. 913 CILLITLNUT Street, from 9A. M. to daily. SPECIAI. NnTICE. No more Ticketo Wilt be cold than the actual nurn'ter of Sento in the body of the ilnIL To avoid tut rrupti.,n the audience are tectuctfully requeeted to be o, ah•d fifteen mlnutee before the commencement of the ltu‘dhartd. rritl9 tf* CONCERT HALL. GRAND COMBINATION CONCERTS MADAME GAZZANIGA, the celebrated Prima Donna. LEOPOLD DE MEYER, the reorld•renoivned Pimalot, SIGNOR ARDAVANI, Baritone, from the Now York Academy of Music. B. SISTEMANN, the Brilliant VioHalt ' Steinway & Son's celebrated Pianos are used by Mr. De Meyer. Admission $3l, including secured scab , . Tic sale of seats to commence Friday. March 24.1 h, at TRIMMER'S Music Store. mhl4-5 to mhl9-6t5 No; a 36 Chei , nut Street. CONCERT HALL Thursday Evening, March 26, 1868, GRAND ORGAN CONCERT, TWENTY.FOUR OF THE PRINCIPAL ORGANISTS OF THiS CITY. SOLO/STS: MAD. BEHRENS, • MR. G. F. BENKERT, MAD, SCHIMPF. MR. CARL SENTZ, MR. JEAN LOUIS, MR. ALBERT SARTORI. MR. W. BRADSHAW, MR. F. HOFFMAN, MR. 11. G. THUNDER, MR. IL KESTSNMACHER MR. JEAN LOUIS . .... CONDUCTOP. ProgrammeH io Mlreie I . torev, • TJ MEM (with ReerrVell SelLtA ONE DOLLAR EACH. Uxy be had at 1 rumplera Music Store, S2k Chestnut street, and Aleyet'a hiutde Store, /230 Chestnut street. tnlo7.tu th a 3t inh?,3-11¢ Tie Barnum, Van Ainburgh & Co.'s LIVING CU P,IOsITI Es, FR0.711 13ARNI:II , V6 MUSEUM, Will t Olbit at thc ASSEMBLY BUILDING, COR':;ER TENTI I AND CD EnTiq UT STREETS. Room, FOR oNE WEEK ONLY, Commencing NvEpNEsnAy, MARC,LI Mt. The collectiorrromprircr all the - • LIVING HUMAN CURIOSITIES. Which ro narrowly rera.nett wi h their need at the I:ate Centlagration at Dammed Marcum. Among theta r. ill be (Quad, • • THE NOVA SCOTIA GIANTESS, MISS ANNA SWANN, Fight feet and one inch high. THE BEAUTIFUL CI St ;11-81A GIRLS, - - Zulsrutua Agra, 'Btar of the Fut:" Z °beide Lltti, "Lady of Fteantv•^ TILE al A alt4o I'll INFANT, SA3IIIEL U.lttatloP. • Only tire yea's old, •nd %retells 220 pounds; 'IIIE CELLIMATED DWARF, GEN rItAL GRANT, IL Fllteen years old, . twenty seven inslea high, and Weighs • twenty ..three pontiffs; scorrisu DWARF, WILLIE WALLACE, Fifteen years old, twenty•five inches high, and Tvi+Tghe twrntv.iwo pounds: . TDB KENTUCKY EAT LADY. Miss ADELAIDE POWERS, Twenty-five years old, and weighs four hundred and Ball open from 1 r'elock until 5 iu the Afternoon, and from 7 until 10 o'clock in the Evening. Admiefien, 115 cents. Children under 10, 18 cents. ml It Mrs. John Drew's New Arch St. Theatre. A. EAT,E EiLIA - X 7 Bospectiully announces that bib BaNEFIT will take place eiiiimy EVENING, March gill. ten,. when will be prevented the highly effective Play of 't ll Ii WIFE.'S SECRET. Sir Walter Atnyott.. Mr A, F VEUY Lady kveliue .....,.............. ...... Mine Lizzie Moe And thu legendary Drama. 111 E V n OH, TUB BRIDE OP ME NLRB. Ruthven of liwadcn Mr. A. EVEttLY Mac Swill, the Baron's Litucliuinu. with t fearful kgt nd of Lady blanche and the Vampbe. and tl o dritiketi Hoag of "Fv.i I'll ow a' to the bridal".. .. , ... Mr. R. Craig Lady Matgaret ........ ...„Mre. T. A. Cre flux Book now open. , h'23-50' C. H. Jarvis's Classical 'Soireo AT NA rAll'On117:41 H BROAD Street. below WA 1, VC:I% fiat Side. 81)110M, 3ATIJI.DAI EVE )NO, March lAttl, 1869. Comment tog At 8 o'clock I( WETS. "... ... . ..... _MN DOLTAL " 0 bo had at all dm pri¢cipal btawic btorea. nod at the Dom. In lt3afiG• WALNUT STREET THEATRE.— Tit W FDNESDA Y EVENING, March 25, Contn, I uciliV V,ith I 1.:0111Vdy of THE SOLDIER'S pAutiliTCP:. Widow Gheetly. to Alice Gray ~nk iiat . . ....... . ......Sir. R. K. Chcator To conclude n ith moot of WAITING URI G vmanar. Sarah PAW:V' Mks sermon LuctA(r St itit Mr, Owen Fawocit •'t I: , ERIOUS TAME. le 'and ill islE PRO FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF MR. W. IL RALLY. MONDAY—MR. EDWIN BO() 11. MRS . ; JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE Ilaama .4 to 6. 1 BENEFIT 1)1' MRS. C. W A.LC 'T. TO-NIGHT. W Fit \ ESDAY, March 25111, 1868, 'rem Taylor's Great Drama of 111 E GREY LADY OF PENA RYON. SIRS, it. WALGOT P Lady .< Damon. ..... .......... E Price Nis avant - loch :........::.......Mr. C. Waleot Conch tding with the Iholostitte BLACR EY bp SUSAN. MR. AND MKS. WA LUOT, Arid the (untie strength by the Company. Tintradtoi- RS. Laat Time. Friday -Benefit of Mit. A. EV'EltftY, Saturday -Bctedit of MR. B. imme4E, • tIONCER'I' 11 ALL. FATHER BALDWIN'S ORIGINAL TROUPE. OF OLD NOl KS will commence on MONDAY EVENING. March 60th, INA, a Settee of GRAND CONCERTS in Consume& of Obt: HUNDRED YEARS AGO. Tommro, 50 CENTS. Grand Math:teed ice Fatailloa and Schoola WEDNES, DAY and SATURDAY Ale CERNOONS at 236 o'clock. Adynfw.don, mitt, to all pasta of tho Hall. ntlalLtl A i3SIIABLY BUILDINGS, - lA. roSITE V EL' LAh'f' WEEK OF Mr. ALFRED HUI/NETT. Tho celebrated tlentoriet. tessleted by M 1& I.II , LEN Mr. OTN I NTS. Caudle; Orator f r om llepeldent ; 60119: I of tiddltiee, dtc lick...ie. 60 cent.. Uhfldron. 25 cente. Dogin at e. MATINEE, tiATIIItDAY. March 28. 3 o'clock. Admit:pion to 51 atinec. 48 code; (411dren 15c. inb21143t5 lil 111 f 3 I.P.R OF A C,A D CARL WOLFSOIIN'S SEE fIIOVEN MATINEE, FIunny,,AFTEItNOON, March inth, 18118. Fle.~t appearance of the young California Prima Donna, MlStl LANDS %lAN. Peers op' nat 4. Concert at 43 4 . [inle23-4tl 3 icheta Coe Duller, at the Nude Stores and ut the door, RW 141..EVEN'PLI STREET OPERA 1 - 10U614._ ELF. VEN'l'll stree above (31.1.ESTNOTe HE FAMILY ItESUlt'r. C;AFtN(.ItOOS & I )IX VA'S MINSTItELS. 'EDE GREAT &FA It )llPle. 0 is Tip 3 woRLD. ‘WDr.D. . EV UltY DO. Y OF:LIG it efi'l), Pint mock of the laughable not entitled 1.4 Kti.lll“l.S.M. -Continued eucceesO ESt', of he neve tie 1,104bT. on f, N liE OA s Cie attecie.ra by tho 'Entire Com) , 41.1 Y. 11 1.7 )23.43 AMERICANNARIETY TiIaTRE, LIVERY EVENDIO and tiATUII.DAY AFTERNOON. (tREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Uollete, Ethiopian Fitule.wvinie Ei ni" , 4, pallet*. e3yeansat Act', Pantomime+, eh. ' Ladles• and Gents Drowsing Cases. lilV NlrJ SECOND SERIES MORNING AND EVENING READINGS From-It-he►kspeare, ar WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 85,, 'I2WE'LR RD NIGH FRIDAY EVENING. At.rch2.7, MERCHANT OF VENICE, SATURDAY MORNIN l.MArch t 2B, HAMLET. Boverved Seats, Pit 50. TUESDAY EVENING, March 'A WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 2,1 GEO. W. COLBY, Conductor, mu arm AID MEMERIE mustypouudB; THE I.IIIWG mt. ELETON. ISAAC W. SPRAGUE IL INIUMUINCIie 1 41006 -OH&RTE4 PERPETUAL; .1.(34.0 if, PELANK,LiN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Nes. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on Janusri 1,1888; 02,003,740 09 Capital. Accrued Einrelue Premium—. UNSETTLED CLAMS. it,U,693 Losses Paid Since 1829 Over Iss, 500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Tonna DIRECTORS. Clout N. Daneker, Geo." Tobine Wagner, Atfredater Sawed Grant, Free. W. LOW% M. /.1.. Geo. W. Richards, Thomas Spark, a, Ileac Le Wm S. Grant. CIIARLEf3 N. BANCKER, President, GEO. PALES, Vice Prot.:lent. JAS. W. hiaALLIBTER, Secretary aro tem. , Except at Les ington, Kentucky, thin Compaat naa no . : , cies Weat of - Pittsburgh. fen llamas. 26. MA LS AYINRECM -. • • Office. S. E. comer THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Pamela, Cargo and Freight, to all parts of the world. IN LAND INSURANCES On gO(Nia by ricer. canal. lake and lend carriage to ell Darb of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandiao generally. On Blom, Dwellinp, de. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November .1.1807. e 200,000 United States Five Per Cont. Loan. 10-40's . . . . 8201.000 00 197,000 United St ates Six Per Cent Loan. 1114,400 00 110,(0) United States 7 8.10 Per Cent. Loan, Treasury Notes.. —. . . LB M 00 000,000 State of Pennsylvania dig Vor . f.leZti. Loam . . . . 1110.0%) 00 1115,000 City of Ver. Loan (exempt from tax) 125.630 00 10,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. 80,000 Penns Loan ylv..enia .... . 11,000 J) gage Six Per Cent. 80nd5..,,. 10,(00 0 _um.* Pennsylvania Railroad Socond * Moit , • gage Big Per Cent, Bonds— MAKI° R eqarn Pennsylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RR. guarantee)....... ' . KM) uu 80,000 State of Tennessee 'Five * Per Cent. Loan. ........ ... .. . . . [O4OO MOO State of 'rennessee * Six — Per Cent. Loan 4.10000 16,(ss) 300 shales slc;ck iini Company. Principal and interest gnarunteod by the City of Phil*. delpbia MOOG 00 7.500 150 shares stock Penury - Ivrea& Raz road Company.. ....... . . 0,1 0 100 eitarig, stock North Penniyivania Railroad Company. 0,00., 1V :0,000 80 shares stock Philail . oVlila and Southern Mali Stetu - uship Co 15,001. ,1014 1 00 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, frit liens on City Pr0pertie5........... SOLlggi 00 Market Vida° $1.101.F02 60 Coat, SLASS3.6I9 Real Ectatc. .. . D 3 . 1.0000 Bills Receivable for Insurances made.............. . .. . . 2141 67 flrlancoe uo at ........ mium on Marino Policien—Ao. trued Interact, and other dobts due the Company . Stock and Scrip of sundry Insu.. All ( . 0 and other Companies. 66,e:6 W. Estimated value 4017 uj e'tx.td tl Bank ........ •• • • .3103,017 10 (;eshi Site G 9 10= 91 ltd,4to Par • DIRECTORS. 'Morena C. Hand. - - tamest. tiara. John C. Davie, Samuel-E. Stoke*. Edmund A. Solider, Jarne, Traquair, Joeoph H. Seal. William C. Ludwig. fheophilue Paulding. Jacob P. Jones, Hugh Craig, James B. McPatlaud. Edward Darlington, Joehum. P. Eyre, fohn 11. Penrose, John D. Taylor, U. ,Jones Brooke. . Spencer Mariann, - Henry Sloan. tieiy C. Hallett, Jr.. George 0. I.elper. (lec e W. 13ernadou. Milian. 0. 'Poulton. John i. Semple. pate erg b. Edward Lafourcade. D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel. A. B. Berger. " TIIONAB C. HAND, President JOHN C. DAVIS. Vico President HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Araietant Secretary. yr' , E RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL. ADP 1.P.81A. Incorporated in 1311. Charter Perpetual. °Rice No. Me Walnut street. (1,11 . 11 AL S3ou WO. Insures against lo.s or damage by FIRE. on Homes, Stores) and other Buildings, limited or perpetual. and on Fuiniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or countty. LUBSEB PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Amts. . 5ed1.177 76 Invested In the following Securities. First Morigngesoneity iroper4.v.4llSecnied..Bf26.6oo uited Stan.* Government 1.0111271.... . ........ 06 Philadelphia City per cent. Loftus 76000 Penney Ivsnla $3,000,000 6 per cent. . 86.000 00 Penneylvania Railroad Bonds, Snit and secon d illortgaaes .—. .. . ...... 12000 Cie Can.& u and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per Cent. L0an.. ..... ..... . .... 6.000 00 Philadelphia and eafing COn;panii 8 per Cent. Loan... . . ... .. . . fi.006 00 Huntingdon and Bro . lid . 'i'4 ... 7 .. per . bait. gage Bonds. 4.6450 tg) Cow y Fire Ineurr.nce Company's Stock' Luro 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock.... ; 9,000 00 Commercial Batik of Pennsylvania Stock 10,006 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock..'... LSO 40 Reliance iremranee Company of Philadelphia's ' Stock... ....... ................ ...... =SO 06 Cash in Hank and on ........ 7,3a7 76 Worth at Par Worth this data nt mntk.t price , .. DIRECTOPS. Cleo. Titoloy. Thotunn IL Mooro. W rll. M weer, pain uel Cannier. th.rouel ItliThsuxt. .leanoe T. Young. li. I. Camcm, !sane P. Ititkor, Wm. Stoves:pm. Chriitinn.T lioffmnxt. Hou.i. W. Tingloy. Fimauel B. Thonane. Edwar Biter. L.1..1.M. TIN GLIM, Preßid mt. T 1101.04.8 C. BILL, SLTIVID.ry. I 1.111.• ItIILPIII a., Denetnber.t. PAL htl-tts the II i 7 Nal- D Fi ItEMEN , B INSUR.A.NCE COMPANY OF U PtiILADP.LI'LIIt.L. 1i iq t'oin pithy tekee riekn ot the loweet retail conaleterit with Eofety. and confined ito buiiitioeil *kelt/lively to FIRE INSURANCE IN TILL CITY OF PIIILADEL. • (*TICK—No. 723 Arch Street, Fourth National Dank L1ICF.CI'l)1:13: Tbaniam J. Marlin. Albert C. [Cohort?. John hiret, . Charlea R. dinith,, NVni. A. Bolin, Albertue King, .laltive Mutigati, lirlay Billaill. Wil !hall la witai. Jambe Wood, .latner J. nuer, John dbedlevokr. Alexander 'l'. Dickgon,J. Henry Ahlkin, itobeit ft. l'are.eis. Hugh Mulligan. Philip . I tzpitrlck. CONRAD 15. ANLRESS, Preelderst, W. A. Reiss, Treats. Wx. IL FAG Kfii WWI. VIRE DIERJRANCE EXCLUSIVELY.-THE PENN. eylvania Fire Insurance Company—lucorporatewt VOL —Charier Perpetual—No. Ile Walnut street. opposite La dependence Square. Titte Company. lavorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to Insure agabut Lore or dam age by tire, on Public or Private Buildings, either perms. rwiltly or for a limited time. Algid, on Furniture, Stocks of Goode and Merchandise generally, on Liberal terms. heir Capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund. is In vested in'a most careful , manner, which emigre them to k offer to the insured an DIXE C cuidou TO bted security in the MN Of Daniel Beath. Jr., John Deverecut, Alexauder Henson, Thomas limith, i Mae 11 ezelh unit, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins . J. Gillingham roll, Daniel Maddock, Jr. DANIEL Minn, Jr., President. Wrt.r.isar G. Cnowat.t.. Secretary. INSURANCE CONFAB OF PLIIIADELPLUA, INCORPORATED 1804.—CHARTER PERPETUAL, No 224 W ALNUT etreot,.opposite the Exchange. Thia Company ixourea frombises or damage by 'FARE ou liberal terms. on buildings. merchandise, furniture, &c., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings b 7 deposit or premium. o The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, 'during which all letisee have been promptly adjusted and aid. ' DLRECTORS. • • John L, Bodge. David Lewis. M. B. Mellen'', Benjamin Etting, John T. howls Thos. U. Powers. William b. Grant. A. R. kicilenry. Robert W. Learning. Edmond Castillo& D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox, Lowrance Lewis. Jr.. Louis C. Norris. JOHN P- WUCHERER, Proaident. tjAYUYL Wueox. Sot retarr. T EPPERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PM. indelphis.-offlae, No. 24 North Filth street. new Market ntreet. Incorporated by the Legislature of Petinsvivnals. Char- ter Perpetual. Capital and Assets, $16d,000. Make In. eurauce against Loge or Damage by Fire on Public oePri. sate Buildings. Furniture. Stooks. Goods said Aterchea• dise, on favorable terms Wm. McDaniel . DiftE(3TO Ed ß ward P. More. lereel Peterson., , Frederick Ladner. John F. Del , Adam J. Glass. Henry Troemner. Henri Dalian Jacob Schandein - John Mott, Frederick Doll. Christian D. rnok. liamtiel George E. F ort, WIWI= D. Gardner. WILLIAM oDANIEL. President ISRAEL. PMERSO?k Vico•President. Puna. B. CoutuAN. Secretert atadTegieur% LIFE-INSURAN - 011- -- t OS 89 1"646 SO INCOME FOR L 8 exam PLINY PRPENLIN. Preddent. LohINCI VI te-Prearls. JnO. A. IMBUE thERGII, MENU C. FILLESAIN t hearelarr. CllO.l. AHHets Losses Paid in Cash. It Receives No Notes anti Gives None. ny the Provinions of its charter the entire sutar Leo rota to policy bolder's, and toast ho paid to the m la, Mel& oda. or refereed for their greater security. Mut rt. nda are mad. on the contribution plan , and paid angst— ally, commencing two years from the dateof the poihrg. It I,IIP already made two dividends amounting ha g Mame, an amount never before equaled during the flint Otte year. of any company, PERMITS TO .TIMVEL GRANTED WITR OU7' EXTRA CHARGE. NO POLICY FRB REQUIRED. FEMALE RISKS TAKEN"! r THE usUAL PRINTED RATES, NO EXTRA PREMIUM BEING DEMANDED. • A prlicut ifrilt. for all kinds of policies, life, ten-year Life erthmment, terms or cnildrrn`s endowment, taken, am/ all int (dill bairn cheerfully afforded at the BUNCH OFFICE OF TUE COZIPITL, 40S Walnut Street! ILADELPH IA: ELMS & GRIMM Malmo& i)epnrtmt•ut Of the Stsite tif Perrtuylvdma, attetitiGli ;liven to NS't+leb. In all Irotancee, will be place 4 in find-claal C4a• r . plat 9 111 tbig, a its. an well as these of known otantlxkg la os 1 art, tv Lnitlarul tu,il Baltimore. ACCIDENTAL lIISKS, AND INSTRANCE ON LIM carefully s tfentlcd to. In leading • Compantoit of that kin& ati Jet ptrronat sacrifice to, and prompt drapivett of impieties cnrrneiod to our care, we hope to merit Ind colyc a fuLt rhare of puhfic patronage. rahlZ(wU FIRE .92140 C (AVON OF PIIILADETa .4 phis. Incorpo_rated March W. 1100. ff " 4. 0fIble. No. 84 N. Flfth street. lnsurs 4 , Household Furnitere and Sierers. • 4 ,/!" generally. front Loss by Fire (In the cur at phsadelpfda only.) • - Statement of the Assets of the Arrociation January tet. lEnt published In compliance with the pta vision of an Aet of Assembly of April fith. 18411. Roads and 14 ort&agft on Property in the tay of Pbthllph% only Ground Rents . 81,0111A IIII Real Estate . ......... 51.144 Elf Furniture and mos s WM 0.:01 011 11 TRusTEth. $ William IL Hamilton. Samuel Spartiawkr - " Peter A. Eimer. (:barite P, Howes John Carron', Jens*Liggf e n George 1. Young._ Robert me. Robe :Nero R. Lyndal. Peter Armb:nator. Levi P. Coats, H. II Dickinson. Peter Williamson. WM. 11,. 11:1AULTGN. President. HAMUEL SPARELIME. Vice Yradstent. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretor/. U. 8:6 20 !tee stared Bonds Cob on hand... TotaL ... dea to oettl THE COUNTY FIEF. INBLI/LANCE IXIMPANY.-0111L Ace, No. 110 Booth Fourthsheet, below Cheetnat. The Fire Insurance Compst e f the Mutt/ off Ridge. driptita," incorporated by the talatnre of P nia in for indemnity artalnat toes or darnatper= exclualrely. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable inatitution.with amas nsgits Jana contingent fund earoluby [tweeted. continues tame building, furniture, nuervtandiae,dre.., either or for a hmited time, against lose or damageoll / fr i f ""11111 loweet rites consistent with the absolute safety of 4 eal turners. Losses adJtuited and padd with ail : possible desPatalta. ECTORS Chas. J. Butter. IS Andrew Andrew It MUM Henry Budd. James N. Stone, John Horn. Edwin L, Health% Joeeph Moore, 1 Robert V fdareey,,lr.,, (loorge Macke. Mark Devine. CHARLEB .7. surnm, Profiles*. HENRY BUDD, Vics•Prealdeat. Ti /arm P. Home tar. Secretary and Treasurer. $421.1.77 7d A MI R ICAN MUTLIT.C. INSURANCE (X/MPAILNIL -11. (Alice Farquhar Building. No, 'al Walnut any*. Marine and Inland hours, nee. Maks taken on V Chrgofte and Frvighte to all parts of the world. and es geode en inland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads and other conveyancoa throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President PETER Vise Prealdtad. ROBERT J. MEE, Secretary. D/RECTO RS. William Craig, Wm. T. Lowherr. Peter Coll J. Johnson Brown. John Dallet, r. Samuel A. Fallon. IN Ildam ti. ertiek, , Charles Conrad. Chiller, Dallett, Hen y L. Elder. Iknj. W. Richards. H. Rodman Morgan. Wm. M. Baird. Pearson derrill. }inn' C. Balled. Jail sB4LIADM le, A I;4lit'.dClTL It.BII.KANUE COMPAN Y. --ClLlnio A l'Elt PERPETUAL. °thee, No. 811 WALNUT street, above Third. Philosts. Will Insure against Loss or Damage by_ Fir o,en Hal& Inge, either perpetually or fora limited Um% Household Furniture and Merchandise gouorallY. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels. 00110011 end Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union, DIPXOTORni Wm. Esher. • Peter Sieger. D. Luther. J. E. Daum, Lewis Audertried. . Win. F. Dean. John R. Illakiston. _John Ketchant. Darla Pearsen. John It. Eley.i. WM. ESHER. President. F. DEAN.Vico 22 P lu residia, .14.tb, Wit. M. Elierrn. Oetretarv. A MERJCAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WOOL porated 1810 —Charter perpetual. No. ale ALNUT 'street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having's large paid up Capital Stock and Surplus la. vested sound and available aoeuritlea continuo to ina cure on dw. stores. furniture, therein:unites, vesseki In port. and their canoes, and op, perveuel property. All lowa liberally and rem by usod. • Thomas R. Muds , amen o R. esmlPP‘" John Welch, amid Patrick Brady. Charles W. Poultnes. John T. Lewis. Etnmi MOrtli* John P. atherill. TEIOMAB MARLS, President. Amami , C. L. Caawroun, Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 01 PIIILADELPUIA. OFFICE S. W. C(../E. KOUETII AND WALNUT STREETS. FIRE INERTRANUE EXCLUSIVELY. TERM AND PERPETUAL. CASH CAPITAL SM.= 6 CASH ABbETS. Jan 1. 1868. SO:' ... .. ... • ..$406.6* Le DIBECIN F. Ratchford Siam J. L. Errintier. ._ Nalbro , Frazier. Goo. W. Faunestoca. ohn M. Atwood. James L °bighorn. Beni. T. Tredick. W. G. Roulton, Gem 11 1 ..11. Stuart. Charles Wheeler, Thoe. U. Montcom . Jobe Brovl W. RATCHFORD STARR. Pres ident. THOS. U. MONTGDMER _,Y Vice Prealdent. „.0c210.6int.,..• ~_ .. ALEX. W. W .. t 1 VADAT INSURANCE COMPA N Y. NO. NU1406 OREM A: Street. PRILADELPHTA. FIRE INSURAN OIL EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS. Francis N. Book, Philip 8. Juotice, Charles Richardson. John W. Everman. Hobert Lewis. Edward D. WoodrulL Hobert Pearce. Jno. Kendal', Jr..' Geo. A. Woof, Vhns. Bt4kee. Robert, Ikrotter t Mordecai Ruby: FRANLIS B preddent, • (IRAS. RIOHARDSON. Vice President. WILLIAMS i. RLAnOAART.. BPeretarv. FM.iLE COLLEGE. RORDENTOWN. J.--7111 1 - FBummer &mien will eminence 4Priil6th• Por eats" loguee eddreee mile ltu¢. Rev. JOBN H. lIRAKBLEY.A. TOBT +BUSHED 178 a. XI NAZARETH HALL FOIL BOARarlbs SCHOOL FOR, BOVS. • For Catalopmea, itte.. apply to .1(./It11Ati & BAOTHUIaft No. 209 North strew, A gonk t _or to . REV. EUtiENE LEIBERT, PrlnatPal. J 9,15 or f Ste§ • N &UMW. P 14,4., JINEIVRANCE. GLOBE COMPANY. NEW YORK. $1,e00,000.: OICGANIZEO, JUNE, 1804. ALL POLICIES liON•YORVEITABLEt. PREMIUMS PAYABLE IN CASH. FIRE AND MARINE RMS. CHARLES E. ELMES, (lAte of l'hiln.delphis. Nations., auk./ W5l. F. GRIFFITTS. Je . No. 4f Walnut Street- iNsTuvuriori. From our lateet edition of Yesterda,p, he I moves ttehment. Wrist*. *Special Do pntch lo the Yintladelphis,T'wenliO, BrtlitjtinJ WAhiilN:44roq, mil,' 24.—Attateuty -five miu atom past three the Conn returned to the &nate Chamber and the Chief Justice announced that the Senate had adopted an order that on ourt would pro- esed with the trial. The Com t then sAjOurned until that time. The Senate "convened, and at once went into, Executive session. The eitension of time, five days, to the President does not give cattle satisfaction to the Republicans, but it is believed that it was the beet course that could have been adopted, as it will effectually prevent the counsel for the President trout complaining that no time was afforded them in which to prepare their case. . By t.tio;Mlasstila frelogruph. Lormort, 'March. 21 Influential meeting was held at the Mansion House yesterday after noon, which was presided over by the Lord Mayor. A committee was appointed to urge forward teli.graphic communication to Ifidia, China and Australia, by submirine cables. The English government will be asked to assist this important enterprise. Stsicide in Cincinnati. Wash' Dcapateb 1r an the Phila Teleide lphphia . cen B ulletinß kiin d'a CINCINNATI, March 21.—A. M. Bennett, pro prietor of a large hat and fur establishment in Pike's Opera Building, shot himself this fore noon, and cannot survive two hours. Ile hid suit in Court, and endeavored to influence Judge Storer in a private letter. Pending judgment,the Judge read the letter iu open Court, with severe comments, after which Sennett went to his store, put a pistol to his temple and fired. The Democratic Convention met this forenoon and adjourned until two o'clock, for the purpose of conferring with the leaders of the working men, for the purpose of malting a catnbination ticket. - . nom Cincinnati. CmeiNNart, March 24.--The Hop. 8. F. Cary, member of Congress, addressed a meeting of workingmen at Pike's Opera House last night. The ball was densely crowded. Ile d welt par ticularly on the subject of impeachment and the payment of the national debt in greenbacks. Ile was heartily applauded throughout. From New York. Nam Yona, March manufactory of 11.13. Lear 4: Co , No. 20 Commerce, street, deal ers in artisP3' materials, was burned to-day. The loss is e2b,090. Four men were injured, one fatally, while en:aping from the burning From St. I.onlo. Sr. Lot is:March 24.—Cora James, alias Samantha Proctor, uotorioue here and In Chicago for bring ing suit against ail sorts of persons on the most frivolous pretext, was arrested here to-day on a charge of being a common scold, and In default of bail, war. committed. She came here to attend bar suit against the Democrat for libel. but find ing it thrown out of court on a motion for security for cost, she applied to Justice Powers, J. P. Colcord, Prosecuting Attorney of the Court of Criminal Correction. and others, to entertain complaint against Judge Reber, of the Circuit Court, for misdemeanor in office, and conducted herself in a generally° obstreperous manner. Mr. Pierce. a New York lawyer, to-day brought snit in the United States Circuit Court against 'B. H. Benorst, for $15,000, for legal services ren dertd while Benoret was conducting the banking testiness in New York. From illompttio. Maairnr., March 24.—The distilleries of Brad key air. Nt'. Hotel:mock, in Montgomery county, - Term., have been seized for alleged frauds on the revenue. and defrauding the Government of 11180,000. Marine Intelligrence. NEw Yonk, March 24.--A.rrived--Steamer New York, from Brememby the way of fionthampton, March 9tb. arson NOTALWX*, sir OFFICE OF TILE MORRIS CANAL AND BANKING COMPANY. Jens= Cyrr, March 10. 10.93. Notice fa bfreby given. that the Annual Election for Iflve Directors of the Mores Canal and Banking Company tin the pace of Clans No. 3, whoce term of office will then expire,) will he held at the office of the Company, in Jeutty City, en SION PAY. the eixth day of April next. The poll will be open frem one to two o'clock P. 1. 1 he Traveler Books will be closed from the leth Scot. to April d.h inched e. JOIIN .CCDGERS„ nlll tape Secretary. oFFICE OF THE OkLAND ISLAND IRON CO No. I I Walnut ntraet 4.IIT.t.PHIA. Feb.lP64. In compliance with Section I. Act March 6. of the I.eitirlature of 31.1chtgan, a meeting af the Stockholdere of the Grand I•land iron I ;ore.panv will be hold at Ore Cont. rsinyta Office, in thi, city, No. El WALNUT et-eet. ou the frith day et 3iarell. 1e66. at 1:3 M. for tho purpolie of author. fining a elite of the p oterty of ealdeollll4ll33 , in Be:look:art county, State of V Lhigan. By order of the Board of I)lrectoro. frOtiiihakt GUitDVN MilNOES,Secretary. gut , Fl(lE OF THE ISTSTMOIREG AND COAL 111111r CONSPA NY, No. ;IA; south '/Llrd etreet. corner of - 151111ng% Alley, The anneal meeting of the Stockholders of the ‘Vezt. tuureltuid Cool Coinpanv will be held at the Office of the Company on WEDIN.F.SIDAY, April Ist lefi. at 1i Meloct Al.. a hen en election eeill be held for eleven Ohm:tore to et rye during the ensuing year. tobl6taylll F. H. JACKSON, Secretary. tgaitws PENNoI'LVANLA MINING Ct)3iPANY 01' MICIIIGAN.--Notiee is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the Stockholders - of the Pennsylvania Jillning Company of Michigan will he held at their Mime, No. 318 Walnut street, Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the Sixth day of April, 1t570 4 .. tit i 2 M., at which thee and Place an election will be held for Directors to serve the Com pany the ensuing year. W3l. WEAVER, Secretary. PHIL A 1 , 71.1 . 11 A.. March lid, It 6& nth.s,t isp6t, it t ry c laf o l , EMlAN MLNING COMPANY OF MICH, The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com. levy will he held at their of 110 South cough street. Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the loth day of April, A. I). 7868. at Hi o'clock noon. at which time and place an elec tion will be held for Directors to serve the ensuing year, JOSEPH G. LIENSZE.Y. _ Secretary P. T. mbl2tapl4 s e, p FAT t p o l,l . COMPANY OF LAKE _ YuULanll.ru[a. March 11 166 d. The Annual rifeeting of the Stocaholdere of thin UOlll. tatty will be held at their office, Ile South Fourth street, Philadetphia. on MONDAY, the lath day of April. A. D. IPdB, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time and place an clot. e tion will be held for Directors to verve the coming year. uthla tapl4 WM. MDRPHY, Secretary Y. T. BT. MARY'S HOSPITAL, C4RNF, ft OF afirFRANIEFORD ROAD and PALMERt STRRET iopposite New York Kensington Depot). in charge of the sisters of Bt. Francis. Accident cases received if brought immediately after attention of injury. - - Lying in cases received at a moderate rate of board. Free medical and surgical advice given on We dnooday and Saturday Afternoons. between 4 and 6 &elk. (ao. rr COAL AND WOOD. GOAL ! 9006 11A1 . 1.KET STREET The undersigned of the late firm of Win. Thornton ,t Qp 'having purchased all the right and interest of the 8 Lid 'ate firm, is now prepared to nerve his friends and the !public generally with the best quality of, coal, at the - following prices: Schuylkill at $6 (0 per ton; Lehigh. $0 50; L'rge Net, l 00; Lehigh, $5 fig. - Where I hope b.ybdriet attention to oudness to give general satisfaction to all that may give alia! eall. TIIOI4IAS TIIOR)1TON, an Old Soldier. 2006 Market street. Residence 1424 North Seventh street, Orders through :Mali promptly attended to. mhfo,lrm4 WRECK'S CELEBRATED CENTRALIA, HONEY BROOK LEDIGLI AND OTHER BIRSTCLASS COALS: iindallT AND QUA LIT Y. GUARA NTEED, .suorr & CARRICK, .1410-11ra ' 1846 DLARKET STREET. • • s KAGLIti VEIN, AND BEST LOCUST BIOUNTAIN COAL AT LOWEST RATES, StllnUPL O. DUBOIS 67; CO-OPERATIVE COAL YARD. Mee and Yard, 833 North Broad Street above Wood. Sant Side. Orden§ by Man . to oJna DD IIIoGARRY & SON, TRALEitS irr CEMENT, SAND. MAIM 0.. WEST END OF CIIESTN t UT STREET BRIDGE. fiell-2mo' ALSO, COAL AND WOOD, A IiABON Hones. . 3ourr V. attnaer tBE UNRSIGNED INVIT ATTENTION TO IJK their dock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, vk ith the preparation Riven by tie, w o think cannot lb. excelled t y any other Coal. • • ounce, Franklin batituto Building. No. 15 8 Seventh Smut. HINES& nIIEAFF, , isifg: Arch Arcot wharf. S huvlkill.", WSW PE(IANS.-10 BARRELS NEW (.1103P TEXAS LEI recipe laildlng, - 00tohniahio Star of Via th:1101:1) and 44i eate B. &WAR & CO., We Beath Delaware owe ae, =E=tI):ME 15 ICI PPEIVe Win 111) L. For Bootou---Stecumatup Line Direct, Ai k aa llowtorzmarpolt,T EWVE Awl D' FROM FIN ST PMILADb &ND LONG BOM 13te This atuships but, ui is eonosed of the ftestAlui , R(10111 AN, 1,463 tone, Captain O. Baku:. SA Y 4 ON, 1.'260 tune. Captain F Bogzs. H vs, 693 tone, Contain flow. P. The I toMa N.frorn-PhilaTharedav; Margit % at 1 , l A. M. The AltUF.fi. from Boat.. n oo bat orday. Mural 9.X. M 'there Steamships. sea Punctually. and Freight will hf 'rereived every day, a dteamer befits always on the berth rroteft for points beyond Beaton sent with despatch. For Froirot or Passage (superior accommodations) apply to 'OLNEY WlNdOit th CO., m v:11 2133 South Delaware avenne. PiIIh&OELPH IA AND b OUTH ESN 'MAIL STEAMSIIIP COMPANY'S lINGCLAII —... Lll4 ES, ... MTN - VIER IS SOUTH WHARVES. The STAR OF THE UNION will will FOR NEW ORLEANS, VIA HAVANA, Saturday, March 2dtk, at .9 o'clock A. hl . . . Th. JUNIATA will call FROM NEW ORLEANB, VIA HAVANA The WYOMING will tail FOR SAVANNAH, Satin day, Match Oct, at 8 o'clock A. M. .- Ihe ION A WANDA will Bail FROM SAVANNAH on t•aturday, March .2lst The HONE:EIi win sail FOR WILMINGTON, N. 0., Thuraday, Myrrh NE, at 6 o'clock P. M. Lrocg_h Mlle of Lading Hexed, and Plumage Ticlicts sold to all Points Bout,' and West. WILLIAM L JAMES. General Agent. OHARLES E. DILKEB, Freight Agent. not' No. 114 South Delaware avenue PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NOR. FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SAI URDAY, At Nom, from Final* WHARF above MARKET street. THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air. Line RAIL oad, connecting at Portsmouth and to Lynch. burg, Va., Tennessee and the Weet, via Virginia and Tennessee Alr.Line and Richmond and Danville Railroad, Freight lIANDLtD BUT ONCE. and taken at LOWER E.F.THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route turn. mend it-to the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight No charge for commlssien, drayage. or any expense transfer. Stem:white insure at Raven, rates, Freight received DAI.LY WM. P. CLYDE:* 00.. 14 North p.ud South Vii!aryea. W. P. PORTE! , Agent ut Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWEI7I, 6r CO.. A gents at Notfolk. ftl.tt DAILY LINE FOR BALTIMORE, Via Chesapoake and Delaware CanaL Philadelphia and Baltimore Onion Steam boat Company, daily at 9 o'clock P. M. The Steamers of thin lino are now plying regularly ho tween thin port and Baltimore, leaving Piet No. 2 North Delaware avenue. above Market erect. daily at 2 o'clock P. Pd. (Sundays excepted) Carrying all description of Freight ea low aa any other Freight bandied with great cam delivered promptly. and forwarded to all points beyond the terminus free of Particular attention paid to the tramportation of all description of Merchandise. HOlllB9, Oarrlagee, dm For further infornaatioa apply to REUBEN FOSTER, Agent, • , N 0.14 North Delaware avenue. HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships HENDRICK II LD50N.......... —........ .... 4.;ttYt. flotns STARS AND STRIPES.... —. . ... pt. Holisei These steamers will lam; 'Ws . po . rt . for Havana avers other Tuezdny at B A. Id. The eteamsblp STARS AND STRIPES. HolmoN master, will sail for 'Havana on Tueeday morning, March at 8 o'clock. PaLS64SC to Havana, S&J. curr ency, No freight rxeived atter Sa.c.rdity For freight or Pula. yht l ialo wArroon a Soria. ant) HO North Delaware avenue. NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware nuci Raritan Canal. EXPEEb'>• I'EA.MBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Prot , llere of the Line will commence load. ing on SA'II:RDAY, klet lust, leaving Daily, as us-aal, Tlißol.itai IN 24 111)CHS. Ge 0436 forwarded by all the Linos R 01134 Colt of Now York--North. / apt and Went--free of cowl/dist-ion. k 'eight received at our usual low rates. CLYDE & CO . 14 South Wharves, Philadelphia. JAB. BAND, Agent, IG4 Wall k treet, New Yolk. InhlP-tf,„ NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. Georgetown and Weehingtoti. D. (.1. via Cheeareake end Delaware Canal, with cm• motions at Alexandria from the meet direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol, Knoxville. Naahville. Dalton and the Boutbwmt Bteamere leave regularly from the fret wharf abov Market street. every Baturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM.. Y. CLAMP: b CO.. 14 North and South Wharves. .1. B. DAVJDBON, Agent at Georgetown M. KLDBZUGE II CO., Agents at Alexandria. V. gh:da. fel.tt rioncE-FOR NEW YindK . , VIA. AdatiDelsware sad Raritan Canal—tlwift•ure 'ransportation Company—Devrateh and Evrifteure Li busineas be these Linea will be re slimed on and after the lath of March, For Freizht, whith will be taken on aenommodating terms. apply to W 3f. M. BAIRD Li 00., 188 South Wharves. ituhLatf DELAWARE AND CUESAPEAKE Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Barm towed between Philadelphia.. Baßime re. Dacre.de.Grare, Delaware City and intermediate potnLs WM. P. CLYDE & CO. Attente. Capt. JOELN LA ITGEI. bup't Office. 14 S. W , harves. Phila. tal tt (Yrict..--CONSIGNEES OF MERCHANDISE PER .1 I Nor. bark Granen. [Witte. ringer. from London, will phis... read their permits on board at Pier 7i Sooth Whaives. or to the Mee of the onitersiened. The ei-nerel order wilt Fe fumed on Friday. lath, when all eon& not peimitted will be gent to punlic storee. WORKMAN CO., Walnut street. /ILT OTICK —ALL PERSONS ARE CACI:V./NED LN Lit aitn.t harboricg or trusting any of the clew of tb..t Rune. ebio ERDINAND Daanernann, Muter, from tncil, aM t o debts of their contracting will be paid by Captain or Agents. WORKMAN d C 1., Coneignaeo. 11,, 7 ()TICE. -- ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED agaitnt harboring or truettng any of the crew of too Nor. ba , k I :rumen, kijelke, master, from Loudon. at , no debut their contracting wilt be paid ,by captain or con eignc, e. WORKMAN; & Ct)., Cotteigne , .r. nalai tf IEAMrIIII' ROMAN, FROM BOSTON.—CONSIGNI. CP of merchandise per above eteami•r. will rlegae !Tad for their goods now landing at Pine S , r , et Wharf. HENRY WINS di CO. V °TICE— ALL PERSONS ARE 11EIZEBY t toned r . igainst harboring or trusting any of the crew ot the Rweran bark Maria, Cant. Beck, as no debts of tht ir contracting will he paid by Captain or Consignees. WORKMAN A: W.,121 Walnut ern, t. ~ „,;111P STRATFoRn. mEyER; MASTER, FROM ervool, is now discharging under general orders at Race street wharf. Comsignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER witioirr dr SONS. nehlf. V it? Walnut street. i(YTICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE BEREBY CAL% tiered agama trusting any of the crew of the Prue sign shin Stratford, Me yer . master, from tiverte,cl. a 3 no debts of their contracting will he_paid either by the cap tain ce• consignee. PETER. witto ,t SONS. !Div tf . US Walnut street. 111111.0.IIINE1111k, litOlgt at. FARMERS' BO ER Can be made to boll witl thi-d lei•s fuel than any other. im p tieala ly adapted for M. . te littEhtl, kAtt311:1:8 and 3LI; I!LIANICd. bold with or wihont ;:overe or irlwele, and from :10 to !.D.) gallon, In 'size. W Mita& and Retail. J. S. CLARK, 100 R Illaxket Street, Philadelphia. MEEELCK. & StiNS, SOUTMVARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia., MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES-111ex and Low Pressure, Horizontal, Vertical. Beam. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pump ins. BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &e. STEAM liAldblElls—Nasmyth and Davy etylea, and of all tizes CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &c. ToOFS—lron Frainee. for covering with Slate or Iron. ANKS—Of Ca et or Wrought Irou, fur refineries. water, oil, &e. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench (lastinga, holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Cuarcoal Bar. rows, Valves, Govern-ne. &e. SUGAR MAtiIIINERY- Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecatore, Bone Black Filters, Bo u Wash. ers and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &d. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia sad vicinity, of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut off Steam Engine. In Pennsylvania, of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead Stroke Pon er Demmer. In the I sited States, of Weston% Patent Self-centering and Self-balancing Centrifugal kiugandrainin .Cklachine. Glass & liartol's improvement on Aspinwall di Wookey's Centrifugal Bartol's Patent Wrought Iron Retort Lid. Stratom's Drill Grinding Rest. Lout) actors for the design, erection, and fitting up of Re. .fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. IIoPPER AND YELLOW 'AIETAL SIHIA sittNa. 1 Brazier's Copper Nails, Bolts and Ingot Coo per, r on. dandy on hand• and for sale- by- DENETWINS.OE - ar CC., No. Ere South Wharvi a. N _ 11.11sElt ONE BLOTCH PIG IRON—GLENGAR• nook bfand. in 'Moro anti for Halo in lots to auk, by PETER VVRIGIIT SONS. 116 W4put &treat CANNED FRUIT VEGETAHLES. 510 , -1.000 CA Veen Canned Robot: 500 caseo fresh Caused Pine Apples; 200 cues fresh Pine Apples, iu Maas; 1,000 cases Green Corn and Green Peas; 500 gains f ree h et,ra, in cans; 500 caws iamb Green Gages; 61ro came Oberrfee, in syrup; 510 cages Blackberries, in ey p ; 500 caeca Straw. berries, in syrup; 500 cocoa fresh P. are, in N.vrttp; 2,000 CaPeri. Canned Tomatoes; 500 cases Oyster LobAters and Claws; 500 CaPel. Boast Beef, viuttou, Veal. fionim,, to. }or mato by . JOBERII 13. BUiddlEat & CO.. 108 Son It Dela. ww o avenue. BOND'S BOSTON AND TRWsITON rnsuurt—Trin trade eupplied with Bond's Butter, Creant, Milk. Ova. eters and Egg , Biscuit. Also, West. As Thorn's celebrated 'l'renton and Wine !limit. by JOS. B. BUSSIER &DO., bolo Agente, 108 booth Delaware avenue. 1)0hDENII BEEF TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE Tear aw -1-1 1 extract will make a pint of excellent Roof n row nAnntes. Always on hand and for sale by JosEpa B. I OlLit & C0..108 Soath Del .waro avenue. ARE DAILY EVENING FULLETIN.—PIIILADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH lb, 1868. ~ C L ARK'S TESAVILPILEHIP GUIDE ZEMZI QUIOREST TIME ON RECORD. THS Pri-HARKLE ROUTE. gar Be HOURS to CINCINNATI, _via PENNSYLVA , NIA RAILROAD AND PAN.LIANDLE. 7M HOURS Lou TIME ths.n by COMPETING LINES. PASS EN GEM taking the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI next EVENING at P.M P. IL. 08 HOURS. ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. VW" THE WOODEI. MS celebrated Paseo State Room SLEEPING-CARS run through from PEILIADEL PH IA to CINCINNATI. Passengers ts4clng the P 2.00 M. and 11.00 P, M. Trains reach CINcINNA.TI and all Points WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAUf IN ADVANCE of all other Routes. WV" Passengers for CINCINNATIINDIANAPOLIS, BT. LoUIB, CAIRO CHICAGO P EO RIA, HURLING. TON, QUINCY MILwAUKEE, T . PAUL OMAHA, N. I. and. all points WEST. NORTHWES and SOUTH WEST, will be particular to ask for TICKETS sar - Via PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. IlarTo SECURE the UNEQUALED advantages of this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR and ASK FOE TICKETS "Via PAN.HANDLE." at TICRET Ok rwEa N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. NO. 116 MARKET STREET, bet, 13econd and Front Sta, And TIIIRTY•FIRBT and MARKET Eltroeta,West YU& 8. F. Bela L, Gong Ticket Agt., Pittsburgh. JOB N U. MILLER. Gon'l EastYn Agt.A2B Brondway.N.Y. v - 1 =c- - 41 WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. FROM FOOT OF MARKET ITHEET, (UPPER FERRY. (..MIIMENUING TUESDAY. SEPT. 17, 1367. Trains will lease us follow": For Bridgeton, Salem, Vineland. Miliville and inter= diate Stations, at B.uo A.M., and 3:0 I'. M. For Cape May 320 P. M. For Woodbury at 8.00 A. M.. and 8.30 and 6.00 P. fd.. Freight Train leaves Crandon at 12.0 r M. (noon.) Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be. tow Walnut streerom 7A. until P. M. Freight ria calved before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery, No. aos South Delaware avenue. WILLIAM J. SIIWELL. Superintendent READING RAILROAD.- es , •• GREAT TRUNK LINE trent Phila. delphia to the interior of Penneylva nia, the Schurkill, Suacniehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleye, the North, Northwest and the Cana daa, Winter Arrangement of Passenger Traine, Nov. 18, lbw, leaving the L. rnpanyte Depot, Thirteenth and Cal lon hill etreete, Philadelphia, at the following hours. MORNING ACCOMMODATIONS.-At 7.30 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Eitatione. and Allentown. Returning: leaves Reading at 6.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P M. MORNING EXPIKESS.-At 8.16 A. hi. for Reading. Le banon, Leirrinburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, „Viilliamsport. Elmira, Rocheeter,Niagarn Falia W Buffalo. ilkeeharre, Pittston, York. Carlisle, Chace bersburg. Hagerstown. ,kO. The 5.30 train connect. at Reading with the East Penn sylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, the., and the 4.111 A.M. connects with tl e Lebanon . Valley train for Harrisburg, /Cc.; at Pc-rt Clinton stvith . Catawba& P,.R. Value for Nrilliameport, Lock Haven, Elmira, &c.•, at liarrieburg wall Northern Central. Cumberland Valley, and Schuylkill and Suenuebatnatraloa for Northumber land. Williamsport, o rk.Chr.mbet,,burg, Pinegrove. &c. AFTERN• ON E.XPRECS.-Leaves • Iniadelphia at 33/ P.M. for Reading, Pottsville, liarriiborg.`&c., connect lag with Itte.ding and Columbia Railroad tralma for Col umbia, ete POTFSIOWN . ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Potts. town at 645 A.M. stepping at intermediate etatione•, at. rives in Philadelphia at 9.05 A. 51. Returning leaves Phi ladelphia at hut) P. M„; arrived in Pottstown at 7.05 P. M. READING ACCOILMODATION-Leaa ea Reading at 7.21.1 A. M., etoppmg at all way stations; arrives ha Phila. delphia at 10.15 A. 5L Returning, leaved Philadelphia at Ilk P. M.; arrives in Reading at fi 45 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M.. and Pottsville at 8.46 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at LOOP. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg aillu P.M., and Pr-Wyllie at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 6.45 P. M. Harrisburg . accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M.. and Harr sobers at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 1.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 010 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger ear attached, leavea Philadela Lila at 12.45 noon for Pottsville and all• Way Sta. Hove ,• leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all Way Stations. All the above trains run dailyy, Sundays ea-Carded. Sunday trains leave PottrviDe at aoo A. 51., and Phila. delphia at 2,15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A. M. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. IiTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passengera for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.M. and 4.07 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downingtown at &e.lO A. hi. and 1.00 P. M. NEW YORK. _EXI'RESS. FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE 'WEST.-Leaves New York at ;9 A. M.. &Orland B.ro P.M., amassing Reading at 1 A. H., 1.50 and 10.10 P. M., and connect at Ilatrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Williaresixet, Elmira, Baltimore, atte. Returning, Expreas Train leaves Harrisburg, on arrival of Pennsylvania 'Express from Pittabtargh, at 8 and 5.15 A. id-; 0, 111 , 51 1 1 8 Reading at 4.49 and 7.06 A. IL and 1 8. 40 P. DI., arriving at New York 10.10 and 18.45 A.SL, and 5.00 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittslnirgh. without change. Mail train forßew York leaves Harrisburg at 810 A.M. and 2.06 P. M. Mail trainfor Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6-30, 11.00 A. IL and 7.15 P. M.,returning from Tamaqua at 7. 85 A. IL and 1.40 and 4.26 P. id. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD- Trains leave Auburn at 7.66 A. M. for Pinegrove and liar. risburg. and at 1146 P. M. for Pinegr ove _ and Tremont; re turning from Ilarristrargsit 165 P. M., and from Tremont at 7.40 A. Id. and 5.35 P. M. TICKETS.-Through find-clam tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canadal. F.xeurvion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are gold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Acconunodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion 'I 'theta to Philadelphia, good for day only, are sold at Reading and liter ediate Stations by Read. fug and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced a Th tes. e following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. kr South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, Generaldsperintendent, Rearing. Commutation Ticket, at 25 per cent discount, between any points desired, for familiee and firma. Mileage Tickets, good for 2 000 wiled, between all points at 952 50 each, 15r families and farms. Season Tick,te, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be fur nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Es cmsion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal et a tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Call o:. streets. FREIGLIT.-Goode of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.70 A. M., 1945 noon, and 6 P. M., for Reading. Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton. and all points beyond. Malls close at the Philadelphia Poet-Office for allplaces on the road and its branches at SA. hL, and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. hi. PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE.-4.3n and after Wednesday. May 1, 16t7. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. 7. 6, 9.orh 10_,11, 12A. M., 1. 2, 116, 03 1 i 5%,6.10. 1 8. 9. 10, 11, 12P . 61. Leave Germantown-6, ", 734,8. 8.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. M. ;1, 7,0 , 6, 634 7. 8. 9, 10, P. M. The 8.20 down tram, and the MS and Mi up linins, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 mhiutei , A. 51;2,7 and 10%P.`SL Leave Germantown -Ft 15 A. M.; 1, 6 and 91( P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6. 8. 10.12 A. M.; 2, BM, 7.9 and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 minute.% 8, 9.40 and 11.40 A. AL ; 1 40. 6.40, 5.40. 13.40. 840 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. ' Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. 1.1 ; 2 and 7 P. 11. Leave Cheetnnt 11111-7.60 minutes A. M. ; 12.40, 5.40 and 925 minutes P. M. . FOR CON SHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7M, 9. 11.05, A. M.; 114,13, 434.635, 6.15, 8.06 and 1134 P. M. Leave Norristown-6.40. 7,7.60, 9,11 A. M. ;134.:AM, 6.10 and 8.34 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9A. M.; 236 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A. M. 5,56 and 9P. M. FOR MANAYUN K. Leave Philadelphia-6.7M, 9,1L06 A. M. ;135, 0. 435. and 11.34 P. M. Leave Manayunk-6.10. 735, 8.90, 934,1134 A. M.; 2..334, 6, I 13( and 9 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PhiladdBphia-9 A. M.; 234 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Idanayeek-733e A. 51.; 6 and 934 P. AL W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, • Depot, Ninth and Green streets. WEST CHESTER AND PHILA DELPHIA RAILROAD. VIA ME DIA. WINTER AIRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 7th. 181 V, trains will leave Depot. Thirty.first and Chestnut streets, as follows : Trains leave Philadelphia for West Chester, at 7.45 A. M., 11.00 A. 51... 2.80, 415. 4.50, 6.15 and 11.30 P. M. • Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Dopot on E. Market street,, 8.00 and 10.46 A. ki.. L 55. 4.50 and 6.56 P. Id Trains leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. U., and leaving Philadelphia at 410 P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.46 A.M., and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M., and transfer at B. U. Junction. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4.60 P.M., and leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. M. and 4.50 P. M.. connectat B. C. Junction7with Trebel; on tho P. and B. C. 1. R. for Oxford and intennediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A. M. and 2.00 P. M.. Leave West Chester 7.66 A M. and 4 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Chestnut and Wal nut streetcars. Thoeo of the Market street line run with. in one square. Theears of both lines connect with each train upon ire arrival. Mg — Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any Owe, be responsible for an amount exceeding $lOO. unless sPe card contract is made for the same. HENRY WOOD. Heneral Superintendent. FAST FREIGLIT LINE. VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA .RAIL ROAD to Wilkosharre, Mahanoy City, Mount eftllll43l, °antral* and au points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and ite branches. By Dew arrangemeobt, Perfected this. day this road is enabled to give increased deepttch to merclitusAlse cove ais t =to the r e d at points. delivered at the Through Freight Boot, S. E. oor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets. • Before SP. M., will reach Wilkesbarre. Mount Carmel. Mahoney City, and -the other stations in Mahoney and Warning Yalta* before II A. MA, of UK emceeding do,Y. Min MAIM Agent. rTBAVELIMEW OV/011* - • FOR EW YORK.--TIIE CAMDEN A A N r4D D T Al R l 2 l3 s l o a ti nd ~lwellsk 1 — PANY'I3 LINES, from Pbiladelphia to Now York. and E rn Alfito p e r it e C il o r M A . way plactw, from Walnut skeet wharfs: '' • Pare. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acct. m. 92 % At BA. 51. via Camden and Army tiny Express Mail , 300 At 3.30 P. M., t. via Camden and Jeraoy City ExPreglas 00 At 61 '. M., via Camden and Amboy, ciao" 2 28 Accom. and Emigrant, 2d clan, 180 At 6 A. 51,, and 9 P. M.. for Freehold. • At 9 and 10 e. M..,2 and 3.30 P. M., for Trenton._ At 6.lland 10 A. BL, 2, - 3.110., 4.30 and ti P.M., for - Borden. Arß wlL and 10A. M., I, 1,, 3.30, 490 and 6P. M., for Florence. At 6.8 and 10 A. M., 1,3, 3.30, 9.30, and 11.30 P.M. for Burlington. Beverly and De lano. At 6 ane 10 A. M.. 1, 2,4.30, 6 and 11.93 P. M. ter Edge. water, ltivereide, Riverton and PolusYra. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1, 6 and 11.30 P. M. for Fish Dotage. WI he 1 and 11.:ki P. M. Lines win leave from foot of Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Depot: At 11 A. 31 via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Line ... . . ..413 00 At 8 and ILOO A . an d 6P. .15i. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.1 b A. M. for Bristol. At 8 and 11 A. M., 930 and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At 8 and 10.115 A. M., 2.30 and 5 P.M. for Bchencks and F,ddington. At 8 and 10.15 A. M., 131, 4,, and 6 P. M., for Cornwell!, Torresd ale, name? burg, Tacony,Wieelnominig, Brides. burg and Franklord, and r. M. for liolmoebnrg and Intermediate (Ration!. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD' LINES froni Kensington Depot. At 8.00 A. 51., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Roehester,Bingliampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montreal, Wilkesbarro, Scranton, Stroudsburg. Water tiap, At 800 A. M. sad 180 P. 51.• tot Belvidere, Easton, Lam bertville Flemington, &e. be 8.80 P. M. Lino connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, &e. At 5 P. M. for Lambertville, and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting iiaii -1:17017 At 9.30 A. M. 1.80, 0.20 and 12 P. M. Now York Pa t irees Line, via Jereey City.. ,„. .. _ .. —...—. .. 3 :b Tho 9.80 AM. and 6.20 I'. M. Linen . run 'daily. AU o em. Sunday excepted. At 9.30 A. M., 1.30, 6.10 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At RN, A. M.. 6.20 and 12 P . M., for lirigtol. _ At 12 P. M. (Night) for Morrisville, Tullytewn, Schenck's, Eddington, Uornwells,Toniedale, liolmeeburg 'Faculty, - Wiseinmoing. Bridesburg and Prankford. For Liner leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streete, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Cara on Market Street Railway run di. rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one equare. Un Sundaye. the Market Street Cara will run to connect with the 6.:10 P. M. line. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Pusenger. Paseengers are prohibited from taking anything Et 9 bag gage hut their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be raid for extra. The Company limit their re aponnilfility for baggage to One Dollar per pound.and will not he liable for any amount beyond 15100. except by ape ei al contract Tickets cold and Baggage, checked direct through to Fleeter!, Wore enter, Springfield, Bamford, New Haven, Providence, Newport, alhany, Troy Saratoga, Utica, u Rome, Syracuse, Rocheater, Buffalo,_ Niagara Palls _and Spermen Bridge. An additional Ticket Office .11 located at No. 828 Cheetnnt street, where tickets to Neic York, and all im portant points North and East, may be procured. Per. eons purchating Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked (men reeideneee or hotel to destination, by Union Trenefer Beggar e Exprees. Linee from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland etr4 et at' A. M. and 1.00 and COO P. via Jeriev City and Camden. ' At 'fi.'Bo' P:11. vim Jerse.y, City and Kensington. At Mee A. M. and 12 iIL. and &Du P. M., via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No, 1, N. River, et 4 P. M. Expre-e and 4 P. M. Emigrant. via Amboy and Camden. Dee. It. 1887. WM. 11. GATEMErt Agent. NORTH PENNS); LVANIA Et. R.— THE MIDDLE ROLJTE.--Shorteet and most direct ipie to Redlich( rn. Al. lentown, Mauch Chunk. Ilazleton,N bite Haven, tPilkeP berre, Mahanoy City, Alt. Carmel, Pitteten,Scranton,Cc• bondalo and all the points in the Lenigh and Wyoming Coal regions. • Passenger Depot in Philseelphia, N. W. corner of Berke and American streets. WINTER ARRANGEMENT—NINE DAILY TRAINS. —On and after MONDAY. February 3d, 1853, Pas ranger Ti sins leave the New Depot, corner of Berks and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: Al 7.4 E, A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con nectingat Bethlehem with Lehigh Nancy and Lehigh and bmquehanna Railroads for Allentown, Catasauqua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly, Jeanowille, Hazleton, White Haven. Wilkeebarre, Kingston, Pittston, Scranton, Carbondale , and all pointa in Le high and Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection with Le high and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and with Catawina Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Wit. litunaport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. Si.; at Wilkesbarre at 3P.M. ; Scranton at 4. 05 Y. 24„. at Mahn noy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can tako the Lehigh 'Valley 'I rain, passing Bethlehem at 11.55 A. M. for Reston and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. At 5.45 A. M. Accommodation for Doylestown,_ stop. ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. 'Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train , take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.15 A. IL—Accommodation for Fort Wmhington, stopping at intermediate Stations. At 1.30 P. M.— Express for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Wilkeabama, Mahanoy CID, Centralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Cartnet_Pittston and Scranton, and all points in Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal Regions. Passengers for Greenville take this train to. Quakertown. At 245 P. M.—Accommodation for Doyleetown,stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and at North Wake for Sum. nerrn. P At to 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stepping at all intermediate stations. 1 - assengera for Willow Grove, liatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abing. tor At 5.90 P. ll.—Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of North Pennsy Lehigh , lvania Rail roatrcaoirir for r fi E nt - c t n Ee ;idi 7 Bethlehem with alley Even. ingauch hunk At 520 P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at ll intermediate stations. At 11.30 P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. _ TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPELIA. From Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M., 2.e5 and 8.40 P. M. 105 P. M. Train makes direct connection with Lehigh Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Mabanoy City and liazleton. Passengers leavint Easton via Lehigh Valle_y Railroad at 11..) A. M. arrive in Philadelphia at 2.tk5.P. M. ka,sengers leaving Wilkesbarre at 1.30 P. M. connect at nethlehem at 515 P. bl., and arrive in Philadelphia at 0.40 P. M. From Doylestown at 9.85 A. M., 5.10 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.30 A. 11. From Fort Washing ton at 11.10 A. M. and 3.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 0.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. 51. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars convey Minn. gere to and from tho new Depot. While Cars of Second and Third Streets Line and Unien Line run within a short distmwo of the Depot. 1 ickets must be presented at the Ticket of ce. in order to bemire U.P lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage shacked th•ou g h to principal points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express office, No. 105 South Fifth street. PHTLADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— rI.3IE TABLE.—Comumuciug Mon. day, March 16th, 1868. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, tut follows: Way-mail Train, at 8.30 A. NE (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaw are Railroad at Wilmington for Onofield and intermediate stations. Express train at MOO stop exepted) for Ball. more and Washington. ping at y Wilmington. Perry. v,lle and Havre-dc-Grace. Express Train at 530 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Bal timore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Tburlow, Linwood, Claymont, Viihnington.Newport,Btanton, New ark, Elkton, h ortbeftetCharieetoWn. Perryville,ilavrode. Grace. Aberdeen, Perry man'e. F.dgewood. Masnolia„ Chase's and Stemmer's Ram Connects at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at Nevi Castle, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne. and connecting at Crisfield with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. Night Exptess at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryville and Havre de- Grace. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfelk via Haiti. more will take the 12.00 M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 3.80 P. M. train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadelphio. and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia Atli A.M.,&80,5.00,7 and 11.30 (daily) P. hi, The 6.001. M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. The 7.00 P. M. train runs to New castle. (da Leave Wilmington 1.00 and 8.00 A. M ., and L3O, 4.15 and 7.30 . M. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25 A. hi., Way hialL 9.15 A. M.. Express. 315 P. M., Ex prem. 636 F.M. Express. 8,65 P.M. , Express. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE.—Leave Bal timore at S 66P M.. stopping at Havre de Grace, Perry. vile and Wilmington. Also stops at North East, Elkton and Newark, to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Balti more. Through tickets total points West,South 'and Southwest may be procured at ticketoillee. RIB Chestnut streetundor Continental Motel, where also State Rooms and Berths In Sleeping-Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this of can have baggage checked at their residence by the 'Union Transfer Company. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent PHILADELPHIA & BA.LTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Winter Arrangements. On and after Monday, Oct. 70,1867, the Trains will leave Philadelphia,f roux the Depot of the West Chester dr. Philadelphia Railroad, cor. ner of Thirty-first and Chestnut streets.: West Philada.), at 7.45 A. M. and 4.60 P. M Leave Rising Sun, at 6.45 and 6,730 A. M., and leave Oxford at 5.116 P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached will run on Tuesdays and Frida s l3 leaving the Rising Sun at 11.05 A. M., Oxford at 11.46 and Kennett at 1.011 P. M. con. nesting at West Chester unction with a train for Phila delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays train leaving Pluladelphia at %SO P.. 54. rues throughtoDxford.... • • The Train leaving, Philadelphia at 7.45 A.M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leavea Peach 'Bottom to connect at Oxford With the Afternoon Train forPhiladel. phia. The Train Linning Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M. rune to li Rising Sun,d. • Passengers allowed to take wearing apparel only, as Baggage, end' the Company Will not, in any case, be re. sponsible for an amount exceeding, one hundred dollars, unless a 'medal contract be made for the rAMO. mhl2 11ENRY WOOD, timers' Suet ""DAMDEN AND DIJRLI.NtiT • ~ .- ; - :F Ws+ CO t N irY.RAILROAD. —On end after Mondr.t. FOKUUTY, 1E414184 Trains will leave train Die foot o market •troet, (tipper Ferry) for El erchantville. Moorestown, Hartford, Masonvillo. bainego Mount Holly. Smitlwille, Ewsußville,Vincon, toNcti raipberton, at 10204.M..3.00 son 480 f 1 IL • • _ , RrTURNING. Lear) Pell4o4lfloni 7.30. 930 AIM., and ISO P.M, " Mount. Ilalty, 7 la, la.ll A.M., and r St. Mprtewn. 9.15 A.M. A . Bed 3.19 P.M. The SAO Doe will ronAlfrortipt to 111gal/town. etc ping at all the Weenie-dime 41 i3Ams..n, Snpertotende MA V CLEM , GUIDE. . - ' • YEN NI:SYLVAN/A' CENTRAL • Ital'road. Winter Time. Takonit —effect .lan. Nth. 18611. The trains of the Fenneylvenia Central Retiree d leave_the Depot. at Titirtyliret andliarit et ',Creel; .- which fa reached 'directly by the Cal a of the Market Ctrect Pareenger Hallway, the lAA eat connecting with 'each train. leaving •Front and Market ettcete thirty mimptea before ita departure. Thome of the (Theetrint and Walnut Street Hallway ran Within one equam of the Depot. ON CUNDAYB—The Market Street Care leave Front. and Market etrecta 3fi minuted before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets can he hail on applie.ation at the Ticket °dice, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot.. , Agents of the rirb‘i, Transfer floinpany will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot, Ceders left atNo. 001 Chest. nut street, o. 110 Market street, will receive attention. 'I.II,ALNB LEAVE i/18.1 . 0'1'. VIZ. • Mail Train '.. . . .... ........ 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accommodation 10.00 A. M. Fast . ..... ..; .at 12.00 M. Eric Expre55................. ..... . .. .at 1400 M. Paoli Accom. Noe. 2, 3 & 4.... .....at . . di 10 %) P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation at 4.00 P. M. ..... ....... at 000 P. M. Cincinnati Express at 8.00 P. M. Erie Mall at 11.11 i P. M. Philadelphia ...... ......... ...... at 11.15 P. M. Accommodation at ILBO P. M. Psis Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. Phil Adelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. 'I he Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickeb, must be procured and baggage delivered ARRIVE P. M.. at lid Market street. TRAINS AT DEPOT, VIZ: Cincinnati Express ............. 1.2.5 A. M. Philadelphia Expres. " 7.10 Paoli ACCOITI. No. 1................. " Parkaburg ...... . ............ " 9.10 Erie ..... ........................ .......... " 9.35 Fast Line .. 9.05 .. Lancaster Train.... .......... ......... " 1.10 P. M. Erie Exprevi..,,... ......... .. . " 110 " Paoli Accbm. Nos, do 3. .. ......... .... Ac 7.10 " Day Express.. ....................... ....at 6.57 " Ilan is ............ ...... " 9.50 " For farther informittion, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Cheetnut street. FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 116 Market street bAht LEL WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The PCIIIIFj Irani& Railroad Company will not assume any rick for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their reeponeibility to One Hundred Dollars invaine. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, milesa taken by special contract, EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Altoona, Ps, PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA BLE,—Through and Direct R )tite be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams port and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania,—Elegant Bleeping Cara on all Night T, aims. On and after MONDAY_, Nov. 2,5 th, ill 1.887, the Trains on Erie the Philadelphia and eWread wrun as follovve: WESTWARD. ......ILIS P. M. 1"" Train l a ea7 v el es P a h t lit Ei t l e e. lPhia ..... ..... 9.00 P. M. Effie Ez?ters ler enPhiladelphia ...... ig. s og arrives at Erier:. - • 4 • 46 Elmira Mail leaves Phi1ade1phia................ 8.00 A. M. arrives at Lock u aven 7.45 P. 1•L EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie......... 10 25 A. M. ......... ..... Wi11iam5p0rt.................11.55 P. strives at Philadelphia 8.5 b A. Erie Exprevi leaves Eriq...--„,. ......... ..... 4.25 P. M. " • ..?' arrives at Philadelphia.— ... :...,... 149 P. ,6L . _ Eltnira Mail leaves Lock Ilavch • ' ' ......7.1 0 A . M. arr. at Philadelphia 6.10 P. M. Mall and Express connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passongeni leaving Philadelphia at 1100 M.. arrive at Irvington at 6.40 A. BL, and Oil City at 9.60 A. M. _ • Leaving Philadelphia at 11.15 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4.55 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with treina for r'ranklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through: !LURED L. TYLER, • -tr General Snrarbitendent ju t..... CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL. ROAD. WINTER ARR B.NGEWENTS. On and after Theraday. October Mat, 1867, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry daily (Sundays excepted): Mail and Freight . 4. 7.3) A. M. Atlantic Accommodation.. ... ..."—.. . .. . . 3.0 P. M. Junction Accommodation to Atcoand inter- mediate dation& . . - . ~. 5.80 P. M. RETURNINd, ith:ELUVE ATLANTIC: Atlantic Accommodation. . 6.15 A. M. Mail and Freight ......1'2.00 P M Junction Accommodation from Kie0............ 6.20 A. M. Haddonfield Accommodation will leave Vine Street Ferry...........,....... 10.15 A. 3L, 2.00 P. M. Hadd0nfie1d.......... 1.00 P. M. 8.15 P. M. ocaltf , l D. H. MUNDY. Aaont PEMBERTON AND lIIGLITBTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER A hiRANGEMENTS. A Passenger line will leave ktightstown at 7 A. M., and Freight and Passenger lino at 7.1 b A. la . for Philadel• phis, via Pemberton and Mount Holly. Returning, will leave Philadelphia, from foot of Market street (upper ferry), at 1 P. M., Freight and Passenger. and at 3 P. M., Passenger for lllghtatown. W. IL GATZMER, Agent. FRENCARY ThM. 414M0 LIIMBEU. PHELAN & BITCKNELL 1 Twenty-third and Chestnut Ste. LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT._ ASH AND POPLAR,„ ALL THICKNESSES, CLEAN AND LEY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR. CYPRESS AND WHI PE PLNE suniaLus. CANADA AND MICIIIGAN,CANA GA AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES AND qUALITI ES. FLOORING AND HEAVY LAROLINA TIMBER. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK JOIST BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. tnhSAnst 1.868. gRENE'D CL E AR FINE. 1868. CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDat,yOR PATTERNS. IH.,E BROTHER & CO.,_ 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1868. FLORIDA FRG FLORIDA FLOORING. , 1868. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK AT REDUCED PRICES. 1868. WALNUT rifa, AND PLANK. 1.868. WAuNI.T BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. LARGE STOCK-SEASONED. 1868. RIMMITIII: LUMBER, 1868. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND VINE. • 1868. SEAS AS O O NE NE D D (:HERBY. POP A R. SERRY. 1868. ASH. WHITE OAK PLK. AND DDB LUCKORY. M IG A A R BOA M MAKERAKERS. S- 1868. R . 1868. C SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. 186 4 . RElBll.rn PE 1. SILLS 1868. NORWAY SCANTLING. • • 7 LARGE ASSORTMENT. L 860 O. CEDAR HINL. CEDAR SHINGLES : 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. . W. PINE SHINGLES. 1868. REED CEDAR POSTS. KD CEDAR POSTS. 1868. CHESTNUT POSTS. • CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. lOW. ^ SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST,' 1868. PLABTERING LATH. OAK BILLS. ILAULE. BROTHER & W. IRl.tf WE SOUTH STREET.. o 0 liu;,. DODERT 81.10EMARER & (A. WHOLESALE It, Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. invite the attention of the Trado to their large stock of Fine Drugs and Chemicals. Essential Oils. Sponges, Corks, lac. no9S•tf hDiiNhlfEs'3MDM} -1 - PAEU TES MOR A Coßruebeu Mirrors. Tweezers.pu Wave, limn &cope. Surgical , netrunen - e. Treige. ard and boft Rubber tioode, Vial Cams. Glass and . Metal Syringes, &c., all at "Find Hands" prices. SNOW!) EN dz. BROTHER, apfetf, ha South Eighth argot 01111PARI3 BOOT, OP RECENT IMPORTATION, I and very superior quality: White Cunt Arabic. Cot India Castor 011, White and Mottled Castile Soap, Olive Oil, of various brands. For sale by ROBERT SEIOR. XIAKER A: CO., Druggists, Northeast cornor of Fourth :end Race streets. ----- DERE PA IN'i S—WE OFFER TO TIM TRADE PURE White Lead, Zinc White and Colored Paints of our own.mapufactuf e, of uhdoubtedpttrity; in quantities to sett purchasers. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & Doalors hi Paints and Varnishes, 14. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. yotElattllA AND GEORGIA ARROW ROOT.—TIIE Li now crop—eweet, pure, and of daxzling wlutenees; directly from the growers. sold at standard weight and guaranteed in froelmaeg and purity. HUBBELL, Apothecary, teclo-1 UU Che.mut street umossamaEs, ay. :P1 4 : 1 ,1:3 1.4113 Alt utter ,Noly CLOBINO OUT MI MI out o stick of Mter Croodi at ve - lof tow"pricOtr. cord p.icing ev,ery variety of goods adapted to Mons and. Boys` %teals. OVERCOAT (.I,ol'llB. Duitell Beavore. Colo.vd Castor Beavers. Disci: and Colo rod Fagulinaux. Black and Colorod hluchilla, Blue and Black Bilotti. COATINLiii. Black. French Cloth. _ Colored !french Clothe. Tricot, all colora. , Blown and IdlagonaL P4NT4 I OO9N §TU),FIL librek - iNvdch - Carafintrell. - • Black Prench Doceltitni. 'Panty Canalmeres. Mixed and BtritoilOinothinerac. Plaidc, Bibbed, and Blik.miatd. Abe, a large accortnlettt of C 0,65, BOayerticarct. dal/. netts, and Goode adapted Lloyd' wear,at whoUronlo and retail by , jyja. LEA, tlo. Berth Becionti kiiim'of the (loldon Lamb. lIEBILSVRO TA'Af A it INDS.---,33 REG,3 3LAlrriNigt , p; WO larlaint and fur alu tf) J. is ar ticuth Deh ware, AVe.r/Lle. WO NA LLE, BUILDING LOTS- Apply to \ BALDERSTON & ALBERTSON, BUILDERS, No 129 North Thirteenth aStreer.. ITIMY-In Et FOR SALE OR TO IL ET jj FOR A IEBSf OF It EA R.B, NM MU:LAMM 1LA411110411 1 1, Adlik,Vii Sonia Side, No, 123041 Open from 9t012 Al Ar. 9toti£.M. niti24o3o ro R LE DR-TO LET— A HANDSOME STONE. ide e. Monut Airy, Twouty•oecond..WAreL. AN I to. ALFRED G. 13AICE,R„ nag.'s•lot. ' No. 810 Qboatr4it etroet. rVALUABLE GERMANTOWN PROPERTY k'OP. Sale.—The elegant pointed 'Stone Dwelling. NOrth " east 00ttler of Ye alnut Lane and Wayne street int 1 by MO feet. House built in the bmt irnd awed substan tial loam cr. with gas and water throughout. French glass in all the windows. and Iron fire.proof "milt In bonme, Parlor. dining.roont and two kitch.ns on first floor; five chamber!, nursery, bath room aUd water clorct on recoil d floor; and thrco chlurthera and store .100111 f, on third floor. Pointed stone stable. cow-hones. ,tc.; fine garden. Lot laid ont with choice trees and shrubbery. LE Will IL R D 4Gli,i . 131 Walnut stmt. EA MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY SEAT. FOR kfALE, ror Exchange for eltvlir *one , . 1 , 0 scission can ho fi tykn ininti (Rattly. Situate in the village of Had donfield, N.. 1, 6 niiles from the city, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad: with about twenty acres of wood. TI c improvements consist of an elegant mansion con taining 14 rooms; stable; milk, lee, wash and chicken flown; graperhe and orchards, Am. For pattictdars ap ply at 104 Walnut street. mh22,6t* JOHN C. BRADLEY. FOR RENT ON AN IMPROVING LEASE—A larRF buildbx, having a front of 26 feat, by lad feet in depth, edtkiate on the south aide of Walnut street. west of Tenth. J. M. GUMMEY 4 SONS, 208 Walnut ant ot. • OE SALE-1 11 1 , 1 .11ANDBOME TIittEE.ETORY brick Dwelling, with attic. and double three story tack buildings. situate No 327 Nlrth Eleventh ',beet. H. n very modern convenience and improvement. Lot 10 feet 9 inches in front. by 105 feet &lap immediate poogeesion given. J. M. GUMMEY dt 80NB, 508 Walnut street. icFOR PALE. ATIIREP-STORY BRICK mousy:, m with three.etory double back buildinge, No. 162 N. " Twentieth Bt. hquire on the Premises. mb21.42t. OERMANTOWN -- FOR SALE. COTTAGE Residence, pleasantly located, gas. bath, &c., with deep lot, slutde trees and shrubbery. WM. H. BACON, 42$ Walnut street. nh6t• r GERMANTOWN -- FO/I SALE, MODERATE, • er itageliceldence, wit& frame stable and lot ilOr 160, with fruit phado hoes; gaa, water, bath, , 3n good order, •WM. H. BACON, mh2o-ot. 426 Walnut street. te•FOR SALE—THE ELVGANT COUNTRY SEAT, corner of Birch huao and Montgomery 'wenn°, Cnest. ' ' not Hill. • BEDLOtA 1.•; PASCHALL, m1217.1.f 715 Walnut street. GERMANTOWN.—FOR BALE—SEVERAL DM airable cottages. Also, a large house, containing all the modern improvements. W U. STOKES, Insurance 0111ce, tiermantown, mh11.18t• FOR SALE OR TO RENT FURNIRLIED —A Irkllandeome Modern Residence. with 14 acres of ground attached, situate In Darby Townehio. Delaware county, within le minutes walk from the Darby Station, on Philadelphia and Media tailroad. J. M. (RAINEY QL BONS, 5O Walnut street. CLINTON STREET.—FOR. BALE —A TIMER. story brick residence, 22 fret front, a ith throe-story bsck buildings and 8 feet slde.3 a. d. vibrated on south bide of Clinton etreot west of Ninth street. J. M. GUIMEY k SONa, 808 Walnut street. inGERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR BALE._ The Home and Lot at the northwest corner of Ger mantown avenue and Walnut Lane. The Lot has a front of 36 feet on the aoatme and 243 feet on Walnut Lane. A pply to .111051A5 , ILLIAAISON, southweet corner of seventh and Arch streets, or to DANIEL 13. SMITH. 4717 Germantown avenue. mh9 LW, EPERATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS HOTEL PRO Perty, for sale. For forth& parttoniats, apply to JM. GUIIMEY SON& 508 Walnut dreet. 21. FOR BALE.!--NO. Bth NORTH BEVSNTB Street. No. 925 Pine street. • _ No. 29)5 and 2409 Lombard rime!. Hamilton street. Wed Philadelphia. No. Ole Pine street. Weat Arch ttreet, above Twentieth. • First-claw Mamion, Weed Philadelphia. Apply to COPPUCH eh JORDAN, 403 Walnut street. 1868. rifllo NPR; MERE: , 1868 Na 2289 SPRUCE STREE P. FOR SALE. MAULE BROTHER . feb27 2m• 9500 SOUTH STREET. 18C„, . HANDSOME NEW DWELLING, , 6s , 1.M...7. HANDSOME NEW DWELLING, iv No. 1929 WALLACE STIteET. ' House 40 feet front ; lot OM feet to a street. E , 'R BALE. MAULE BROTHER a CO. fe27.2m" 2500 SOUTH. STR EE T. - VALUABLE WHARF PROPEATY FOK. SALE, ON V the Delaware river, having a front of UO feet,with Pier 71 feet wide. J. M. GUMMEY tt SONS. 606 Walnut aired. TO KEIYZ. fOiiE.NT7- 17 A HANDSOME DWELLINti, S. E. 4: corner Broad and Oxford streets; all modern lin " pro' enicnto. Immediate pooaossion. Al4o a Sul litorP, 402 South D. laware avenue. Yoseeraiou. 5147 Ist. Apply to CoIoPUCK. & JORDAN. 433 rnlW".atnut otreet. - - I. TO RENT.—PREMISEP:, NORTHEAST "CORNER ra, of EI.XTIi and OXFORD streets, recently occupied as a Government Laboratory, with stearnmnsine and boilers Inrunning order. Possession can be given from April ht. Amply to Powers & IVelghtmau , southwest cot ner of Ninth and Parrish streets. mhatr,t. FOR RENT—A RETIRED COLIN lin!' REM irdeuce. containing about 10 :sem; woods, garden. -stab's. &Le. Terms low. Apply 1311 ARCH street. mh2O4m w it§ TO RENT—THE STORE Ur; MARE E r STREET. A rply at 504 Commerce sheet, titan eleven to twrt o'clock. TO — RENT. A SUMMER RESIDENCE, FER E niabcd, at Radnor Station, on Pennsylvania Railroad. v to JOHN 31.INOSAY, mb2lSt.. IVcat Haverfinal P, 0, Pa. • GERM ANTOWN PROPERTY TO REP:T.-- To rent, a bandsomo modern residence, wiol bling, situate on Warbington lane. near linitoL township lino roinL his well Xlm , h4d, and bag hot and cold water, bath. be. Alru, a neat country residence, with about two acre,: of hind, ambling, be,, situate Bristol township line road, above Gorgal lane, • Tel nw moderate. At t.ly to Wl.l. C. lIENSZEY, 7.17 Market etreek or to .1. 11.00 P,. 'Mafia, oppepite Sharpnack. etrents, Germantown. nth9l,lst. TO ItENT, FROM. APRIL 15TH. FOR SIX N in a ' .llPl , 3 - c A . tit`, 1 1:" e'Lltek.m, obgg.amn YPR; FOR RENT—TIIESTONE PROPERTY, 2d PEET front .with fixtures Complete, and lot 155 feet deep. " No. 712 Market street. J. M. thUllibllEY SONS. bOB Walnut Arcot. FOR RENT, FURNISHED—A HANDSOMEE. modern Ileoidenco, 9'.1 feet front, situate on Arch " fit/ eet, west of Eighteenth street. J. M. GUMM EY. r DNS, 1508 Walnut street. E. FOR ENT—FROM DECEMBER 18T ,A pump', 1; new St. •on Delaware avenue, below Otteetunt ' Apply to - JOS. R. IMISSIER A CO., e tt 108 South Delaware avenue. Id AIIIIIM. WANTED' TO RENT—A COMFORTABLE MO- N. .darn Country Place. with 12 or 14 rooms, furninbed. " Ton mitre on North Pennsylvania Railroad ort.lheat nut Hill preferred. Address, with particulars, Box No. 24c ,, Post office. • mh•2o lE'W PUIILIUASIO . COMSTOCK% COLORED CHART. COMSTOCK'S COLORED CHART. COMSTOCK'S ' COLORED CHART. Using a perfs . ,t. alphabet of 'the English Language. Graph: and Typic. with Exercises in Lirtlenhelon. Fitch. tome and Ors Owe. It comprises, first, the Elementary Sounds of the English Language—second, Forty.four Colored Engrav ings, 'bowing the beat nod only correct posi , iona of the mouth. in the encrgitic utterance of words—third, a Iticifect Alphabet, graphic and typic,fottria, Exercises in t ltcb 'Porto ai d Melody—fit th, Exercisea in Doetcre platy-eight Colored Fig 'tee, representing the I'm ions postures and different attitudea to bo used iu duclaination. The whole comprised on a large colored chart mea-uring elxty.two by fifty one inches, and mounted on muslin sue on rollers. Price Five Dollars Ir . Er cry School and College In the l'nited dtates should hay(' it copy of "Conotockie Colored Ch at," hang ice on its valid for the Instruction of its pupas. Scud for our Nlaniutoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders ratan or wholesale, to T. I). PETERSON 4. , Bito'llll3l l 3. Publishers and Booksellers, Phis., Va. Eepf. irostvijo nuiti, on receipt of retail price. ALL ALW i1th. , 1%.8 A lig AT PEl'EltBol , oB. ituli24.2t ti NT` It.EADY—BitiOIIAgPS LATIN (in./Mg/BAK— U New Edition.—A Grammar of (My Latin Language. For the use of Schools. With (morellos and voonbulaties. By William Bingham A. SuPerintendent of Os BiughainT3chooL Pubilithere teSepleavurein announningto,Teachara._ and friends of Education generally. that the nevredltion of tho'nhove work Is now read ), and they invite a Old examination of the and a comparison with otter et worms on the Same subject. • Copies will ke Ituutdied 'to 'Penchi re and iMperintandenta of Scheele for this renew at lONS rates. Price 81 50. Published by r, IL BL'TLE-It at 00., 137 South Fourth otrotl A , Mid for tato by Beast , liars gener44o,"lll946lPlits I 11113 W none of Lecbtrue t aa delivered it the 1 4 '1\ ut v yolk Pannone of An tome embracing the euhr jeep : Pow to live and what to Ilve for; Youth, alatUritY ud • Id Age Manhood generally reviewed; Ehe cause of e don, flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted o<k et volumes contAlaing these lectures will tk, for d to parties unable to attend oh recellt of four ion rt, by addressing J. J. Dyer s 86 School street. Hos. - - - - - Eosin - irep BOLIGUT A • BOLD AND EX( I fANOED AT J wES BARR% 1108 Market atroot Phi Pa.• InIAMY t Atit".4l NEW CHOP VARDUR o f ' r "to 1 3f , )( 5 *. B. Armin Ai, venno.