Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 13, 1868, Image 4

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    tbi.bbk«phic summary*
Thk France' Insists that Bismarck .has asked
permission to resign. a. . .
Gen. Noah L. Jeffries, of Maryland,lias been
confirmed os Register ot the. Treasury.
Nothing of importance was done yesterday
In the Virginia and South Carolina Conventions.
William B. Bm: it, Member of Parliunent,
has been appointed to succeed Selwyn asSolicltor
-1 General. , ; , ~ _
Tin Whisky Meter Commission, constituted by
resolution of Cougress, is now holding sessions
In Washington.
Tin: German Savings Bank \ Memphis, Jcn
nestte. suspended yesterday. Its liabilities arc
$ M 0,000 and assets $60,000. - r
Governor Geary, on theapplication ofilo-
James Subore, of kUadelphla, I»« P«°“
Wm. Kraft, sentenced to ten years for mccnoia
rism. and who has served eight years. ,
, Advices from Idaho to the
the mining interests as unusndfy flourishing,
during January $150,000 in goto were shipped
fi-om-the Owybeo district aloae.
has received a letter from the Emperor*
of Rrnyll otfering to pay all expenses of her
lSd»' free use of the theatres if
fihe will EfO to Brazil.
The Tennessee House. of has
adopted a resolution Grant’s
course in his controversy with President John
son, and declaring him to be Tennessee’s choice
lor next President. ' _
The North German Gazette, the private oigan
of Bismarck, finds great fault with the Austrian
Minister, Baron Von Beust, and declares that he
is pursuing a dangerous course in too zealously
beiricwiing the exiled Princes of Hanover, ,
Felix ;Bklly, a well-known French railroad
contractor of Central America, has -been sen
tenced in the court in Paris, to pay a heavy fine
for publishing a slanderous article against the
Government of Nicaragua. V
The Afajbrify Florida Convention has adopted
a memorial ‘’asking Congress to repeal the cotton
tax ’’ The minority members have been notlfiod
that the Couvontion is in regular session, and
three of them have joined it.
The North Carolina Convention has adopted
a resolution looking to the abolishment of all
distinctions between courts of law and equity..
The Convention, although in session a month,;
has not yet adopted any article of the now con-
Important despatches just received from Abys
sinia say .General Napier was at the front push
ing on- the advance, and that the hostile forces
-were drawing near each other. reached
Annesley, Bay that skirmishes had already, taken
place between the British advance and the forces
of King Theodore. Noparticulars of the fighting
are given. .
' Gov. Hayes has received a letter from Secre
tary SewaTd, in reply to a resolution of the Gene
ral Assembly of Ohio, requesting the return of
aU papers certifying to the ratification of the
Constitutional Amendment by the Ohio General
Assembly. He savs there is no law permitting
the withdrawal of any documents from the de
partment at the request of individuals or a.State.
Therefore the resolution ratifying and the one re
scinding will both rCmam on file.
The Pennsylvania Hospital for the Ik
han4’.—Thomas S. Klrkbride, Physician in Cliief
and Superintendent ot the Pennsylvania Hospi
tal lor the Insane, haß just issued his Twenty
eoventh Annual Report, showing the operations
of the institution for 1867. At the date of the last
report there were 296 patients In the Hospital,
since which 288 have been admitted and 240 dis
charged.or died, leaving 344 under care at the
close of The year. The total number pf patients
in the Institution during the year was
684: the average number under- treatment was
336, or 199 males and 167 females. The number
•of males In the Hospital dnring 1867 was 307,and
females 277. Of the patients discharged 135 were
males and 105 females, and of this number 64
males and 63 females were cured; 21 males and 12
females improve d. Since the opening of. the in
stitution 5,064 patients have been admitted, and
4,720 discharged, of which 2,518 were males and
2,202 were 1 females.
The following shows the number of single,mar
ried, widows and widowers In 6,064 patients:
Single males, 1,864; single females, 989; married
mams, 1,205; married fcmales,l,o79; widows,3o6;
widowers,'l2l. Total, 5,064. , , ,
The principal Improvement commopced during
the past rear is the provision of an additional
ward at the department ef females. This ward is
intended for a class of cases of the deepest in
terest—for persouß very sick, and tor those labor
ing under acute affections of the brain, accompa
nied by high excitement, and requiring the ut
most care and privacy; and yet, for obvious rea
sons, not most comfortablv situated in any of
the ordinary wards. This was admirably pro
vided for at the department for males in the ercc
. tion of that building, and had been temporarily
furnished by our having vacant wards in the de
partment for females, after the removal of the
men to the now buildiDg. The building is now
enclosed, and will be completed In the coming
summer. The following are the officers of the
institution: „ „
Managers—Mordocai L. Dawson, President;
Wistar Morris, Secretary; William Biddle, John
Faroum, A. J. Derbyshire, Samuel Mason, 8.
Morris Wain, Samuel Welsh, Caleb Cope,
. Adolph E. Boric, Jacob P. Jones, Benjamin H.
Shoemaker; John T. Lewis, Treasurer. Physi
cian in Chief and Superintendent, Thomas 8.
Kirkbridc, M. D. Department for Males—Assis
tant Physician, S.;Preston Jones, M. D.; Second
Assistant Physician, John T. Wilson, M. D.;
Steward, Joshua P. Edge; Matron, Harriet P.
Smith. Department ior Females Assistant
Physician, J. Edwards Lee,M.D.; Steward, Jona
than Richards. -
Stekuhgvb. Baiu.ow —The First Ward contested
election case was resumed yesterday in the Select
Council. Mortimer Johnson, who had subpoenaes for
eleven individuals, stated that he was enabled to find
but two, viz.: Kobert Burns and Adeline Riddle.
Witnesses exntairted for contestant by Mr. Barger.
Andrew J. Boswell testified that he lived at 1120
IMoyamensing avenue; had lived there since election;
lived at 440 worth street on election day: went there
two weeks prior to election; lived at UfiOMoyamenslng
avenue before I went to 440 Worth street; day attcr
election went to the former place; reside with parents
now: am 23 years old in November next; did hot Bleep
at 440 Worth street,but at the FranklmEngine house,
<Third Wardlvvoted on election day in the Birth pre
cinct First Ward; am unable to name the ticket I
voted; neither do I know for whom 1 voted for Select
Councilman; received the ticket from Edward Cobb,
having a Republican badge on; I got the
ticket as a Republican ticket; Cobb waa formerly in
the Water Department; i do not know whether Cobb
is at present purveyor in the Water Department; my
vote was challenged, and Cobb vouched for me; ,1 was
induced to go to 440 North street before election, for
the purpose of obtaining employment, at the instance
j>f Mr, Bteringer; he mode the bargain with me, at
Third and Catharine, two weeks before the election;
the bkrgaln was made with several at the time it waß
with me: the lrtnd of work waa not stated, but Bter
inger eaidjtbat be would make it as light as possible,
ana would give me $1.75 per day. ,
Mr. Barger--Was it light ! .
Witness-Rather light; I did not de any myself:
there was ho arrangement made between Sterlnger
and me as to the ticket I was to vote; I thought the
• understanding between him and myself was that I
was to vote the Republican ticket, and so I told the
others; X did not open my ticket before I voted it.
Question—Were yeu paid!
Witness—J was; $24, by Mr. Bteringer, at Mr.
Peak's house. Both of these , persons were present
when I waajjald. .. ..
Question—Who bondedyou-the money? - ■
Witness—The money was laid ,on the table, and I
picked it up as mV name was called from a list lying
upon the! table; Bteringer called my name; I
left the ward the day after election: George Justus
and Daniel RUer boarded at the bouse 440 Worth
street with me; Jnstlss, baa ; bean examined, and
. Riser ia out of iko dry; tb?re boarders, as myself,
did not sleep at 440 North street; Bteringer, when he
employed me, eald that I *• waa to. work on the
road." . " ■
Mrs. Rachel Boyd testified that ehe lived at No.
r>ls McKane street; 1 know a than named Robert
Marshall; he never lived with me; do not know w 11-
11am Green; have lived at 515 McKane street three
years; it is to the First War*. . 4 •
Mr. Barger—These are all the witnesses,who have
answered to the attachment thu afternoon. It la not
par fault that we have no more material to use. We
acknowledge the difficulty of the messengcrfMl, John
son) to -getting then# witneeses.
Mr, Mann--Doyen wish to meet to-morrow?
Mr. Barger—<J| course I do, and would like the oom
ndftee to deputise ald for _tbc messenger in bringing
inthe Witnesses attached, believing that his duties are
too mnitlfarious iogmnntt of hU greater success in
procuring their attendance.
The committee then adjourned to mast this eveu
«t 6 o'clock y
t The Observance or Lent.— Ash Wednesday,
the first day of Lent, falls this year on the 26 th
mrt. Rev. James F. Wood, Bishop of Philadel
phia. has issued the following rule's for the ob
frtTvanco of Lent: >
1. All the faithful who have completed ttyur
twentv-flrst year are bound to observe the fast of
Li nt/unlcss'dispcnscd for legitimate reasons. -
•j. One meal a day only is allowed, except on'
Sundays. . : •;
3. This meal is not to be taken until about
noon. . . . ~.•
.;. On those days on which permission *is
granted to cat meat, both meat and fish are not
to be used at the same meal, even by way of con
6. A collation or partial meal is allowed in the
evening. The general practice of plons Chris
tians limits its quantity to the fourth part of an
ordinary meal.
6. Bread, butter, cheese, fruit of all kinds, sa
lads. vegetables and flßh are permitted at tho col
lation. Milk and eggs are prohibited.
7. Custom has made it lawful to drink in the
morning some warm liquid, Buck as tea and cof
fee, or thin chocolate made .with water. .
81 Necessity and custom have authorized the
use of lard instead of butter in preparing fish,
vegetables, &c.
9; The fallowing persons are not bound to ob
serve the fast, viz: all under twcnfyrone years
of age; the sick; pregnant women, and those
giving suck to infants; those who arc obliged
to do haid. work; and all who trough
weakness cannot fast without injury to their
health. „ , .
10. By dispensation, the use of flesh meat will
be allowed at any time on Sundays, and once a
day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat?
urdays, with the exception of Holy Thursday,
and the second and last Saturdays of Lent.
11. Persons exempted from the obligation 01
fasting by age or laborious occupation are not
restricted to the use of meat at one meal only on
those days on which Its use Is granted by dispen
sation.- f James F. -Wood,
Bishop pf Philadelphia.
Appeal by the Magdalen Society.— Asylum
Twenty-first and Race streets, Philadelphia,
January 25th, 1868.—The Magdalen Society for
the Reformation of Fallen }Vomen was founded
1801. It haß rescued nearly a thousand women
from ruin, and restored many of them«to paths
of usefulness. It has now a family of Itwenty
six, and is in need of immediate aid to carry ou
its work. In co-operation tvith the Mtdmght
Meeting Association, just organized in this City,
considerable additional expenses will be incurred,
and there are no funds to meet them. ,
This society has rarely appealed of late years
to the public, and comes now for that additional
claim tor favor. 1 . ' , ,
Tho city of Philadelphia contains ovor twelve
thousand fallen women. What farther is neces
sary to appeal to your sympathy? What citizen
in-ihe full enjoyment of his own virtuous fire
side needs any other argument than that twelve
thousand friendless, outcast women, are crying
out to him for help? , .
Of the whole number of fallen women who in
habit onr city, one-third at least are desirous of
reformation, but know not what step to take.
Thev want only the guiding hand of sympathy
to lead them into paths of usefulness and virtue.
To do this Is the work of tho Magdalen Society,
■ and for which it now appeals to the public. Three
thousand dollars will be required to carry out the
pronosed plan.
Contributions to make up the sum, are earn
estly solicited by the Managers, and may be Bent
to the Treasurer, John W. Biddle, No. 618
Chestnut street;, or to any of the Managers named
below. Very respectfully,
• Ambrose White, President.
Hoard of Managers —M. L. Dawson, A. G.
Coffin, James R. Greeves, J. Fisher Learning,
William Purves, William Biddle, Henry D.
Sherrerd, John M. Whitall, L. Montgomery
Bond. . .- !
The Bethany Mission Sabbath School Building
is to.be dedicated to-night with appropriate services.
It is located at the extremeendof the block atTwenty ■
second and Sbippen streets; being ViSX feet on
Twenty-second street, running to Pemberton, ana 112
on Bhippeh street. The general style o£ architecture is
the Gothic. There will be' two building, one for the
Sabbath school, and the other for.tho church. The
church fronts on Twenty-second street, and is 48 feet
front by 88 feet deep on Bhlppen Btreet. The lower
floor will contain a study for the pastor, a committee
100 m, lecture room, and a largo room' designed as a
reading room for young men. The audience chamber
is directly over, and 1b 89 feel in height. It will com
fortably accommodate 800 persons. There will be
entrances at both front and rear, and a small
tower at the eastern end will contain the bell.
The Sabbath sfchool hall lies south of the church,
and is 83 leet front on Twenty-second street by 105
feet on Pemberton street It contains an oblong room,
with an arched recess on the south for the platform,
on either side of which will be the infant school, 25
by 30 feet, each of which will seat three hundred
children. ■ ..
There are six class-rooms on each side, each con
taining twenty chairs, and shut off by glass partitions,
for the accommodation of adult Bible classes. The
largo middle portion of this room, designed for the
mainschool,willbe6Bby 12 feet, and will hold one
hundred classes and eight hundred scholars. The
lecture room of the church will also be bo connected
that the large glass partitions can be drawn aside, and
this room, 32 by 55 feet, added, if necessary, for
special occasions. All the rooms, though shut off by
glass doors, can be thrown together during the open
ing and closing exercises, and thus accommodations
are provided (without counting-the lecture-room) toe
1,700 persons.
Beax. Estate Sale.—James A. Freeman, auction
eer, Bold yesterday at the Exchange the following
No. 114 North Thirteenth street.—A three-story
brick dwelling and brick carpentershop, above Arch
street: loLj2o? by 116 feet—3 fronts, £.,100
1714 North Twelfth street.—Two two-story brick cot
tages, above Columbia avenue; lot 16 by 116 feet to
Fawn street. Subject to $66 per annum, $2,300
Lot. Southwest corner Nineteenth and Columbia
avenue.—6B by 83 feet. Subject to $193 per annum,
905 Wood street —A neat dwelling and lot, 17 by 62
feet. $4,500. • v - , . , ,
924 Nectarine Btreet.—A three-story brick house
and lot 1534 by 45 feet. Subject to s3o><f ground rent,
**1023 Parrish street—A three-story brick house and
lot, 13>tf by 88 feet. Subject to $24 ground rent per
annum, $1,260. ...
1227 Vine Btreet—A three-story bnck dwelling, with
three three-story brick houses in the rear, and lot,
17>c by 90 feet, $5,000 -
Distilleries Seized.— Revenue agents have,
within a few days, seized several distilleries, on
the ground that proper returns were not made of
the products of. the stills. One of the distilleries
wub at Seventeenth and Catharine streets, another
at Twenty-sixth and Factory streets, two in
Montrose street, west of Seventeenth," and one in
Bedford street, west of Eighteenth. .
V Yesterday, afternoon Captain 8. D. Franklin,
Revenue Inspector, accompanied by two friends,
paid a visit to the premises northwest corner of
Twenty-first and Lombard streets, and found in
the cellar a still of two hundred gallons capacity
in full blast,also a barrel of whisky with the bung
out and the contents .being yet, quite warm.
The barrel had Inscribed on it.“M. A. Har
rington,- United States Inspector and Gnager,
First District, Pennsylvania, December'l6,'lB67.
The -atill and the whisky were deposited In the
United States bonded warehouse of the Second
Sunday School Teachers’ Meetings.— Lust
n ight another of the series of interesting meetings
was given at the Tabernacle Baptist Church by
the Normal Institute for Sunday School Teachers,
under the charge of the Pennsylvania Sabbath
School Association. Hon, James Pollock pre
sided, and addressee were made hy Rev. W. A.
Niles, Rev. Robert Lowry, and W. H. Sutton,
Esq. The afternoon session, at 2 o’clock, was
also very interesting, Rev. T.-C. Murphy pre-'
siding, 4nd addresses being also delivered - by the
gentlemen named.
Revenue: Inspector Beaten.—As Revenue
Inspector William H. Heilman was walking, yes
terday rooming, in the neighborhood of Dick
inson and Front streets, he was attacked by two
mea, who struck him several blows on the face,
and thei walked off, He waß on the way to a
distillery to par it an official visit, He after
wards obtained the services of policemen, and
visited the distillery without farther moles
. Akothkr City Ick Boat.— The committee of
Councils, appointed to consider the best moans
of removing ice and other obstructions from tho
Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, niet yesterday
Afternoon, and agreed to report ah ordinance
thJ* afternoon aakine an appropriation of SIGO,-
. 000 fbt the erection of another new ice boat.
TWa Will be at about the rate of $1 50 taxation
oh every house within the limits of the consoli
dated city* ,
Ah . Alleged Murderer Surrenders Him
self. —Alfred Alexander,’ a mulatto, on tho 26th
of October, IBS7, stabbed, a young wpman, who
wos hls reputed wife, in the leg, at a house in
Cullen street. Her name was Phillis Proctor.
She was taken to A the Almshouse. The wound
was of such a character that the leg Fiad to bo
, amputated. Mortification set in; ana Phillis died
On the 26th of November. Alexander escaped,
and -has been nt large ever since. Yesterday he
accosted Revenue Officer Monaghan at Fifth and
Chestnut streets, and delivered himself up,stating
that ’he hail been.away from the city and. under
stood there was a roward offered for him. He'was
taken before the Coroner, fully Identified and
held to answer at court.
Gone to Cuba.— Hon. Charles' Gilpin, U. S.
District Attorney for this district, sails f6r Cuba,
from New York, to-day, in the steamship Eagle.
He goes for benefit to his health During his ab
sence his assistant, John K. Valentine, Esq., will
he the acting District Attorney,. , 1 .
Caucus Nomination,— The Republican mem
bers of Councils met in caucus yesterday after- -
noon, and nominated *Mr. W. H. McFadden, of
Germantown, as their candidate for Chief En
gineer of the Philadelphia Gas Works.
. Destitution and Disteess. The present
winter has been unusually severe on the destitute
in Camden,and more distress and snffering discov
ered by those deputized to investigate the matter
than duripg any previous winter for years past. A
number of families have been found totally des
titute of eveiy necessary comfort, without fuel,
food, or sufficient clothing to keep them warm,
and had not immediate relief been extended to
them, they'would have perished. The City Coun
cil have made liberal appropriationsfor extend
ing aid to the poor, and. the various other phi
lanthropic societies have done likewise ;; bnt
other measures are found to herequlred, and it is
proposed to form a soup society to aid in carry
ing on the good work.
Sunday School Exhibition. —Last evening
the Sabbath School connected with the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Atlantic City gave a grand
concert and exhibition, the proceeds of which
are to be applied towards purchasing new books
for the library. Tho singing, speaking and-dia
logues were highly entertaining,.and tho church
was completely crowded with an appreciative au
Union League — The Union League of Atlan
tic City have made arrangements to have a grand
snpper on the evening of the 20th Inst. This
League is in a prosperous condition, and is the
life and spirit of that city. Their annual suppers
are always distinguished by patriotic speeches,
singing, &c., and are attended by many promi
nent gentlemen from abroad.
Temperance. The cause ot temperance
throughout several counties of tho First Con
gressional District seems to be gaining ground
quite rapidly. Several new speieties are about
being formed, and other measures adopted for
increasing the membership of the various organi
zations. - .
A Handsome Church The large and elegant
edifice designed for the Centenary Methodist
Episcopal Church of Camden, on Cooper
street, is rapidly advancing towards comple
tion. It will be finished in a handsome manner.
Lodgers.— Over fifty lodgers havo been sup
plied with accommodations fbr the night at
the station-house, In Camden, daring the past
week. ,
The vagaries the flesh puts cm are quite as
wonderful as those exhibited : by the inind.
We think, says Harrier's Weekly, nothing
of any unaccountable antipathy a man may
express mentally. Half of us, indeed, act
from sudden impulse, like or dislike. We
cannot give a reason for it even to ourselves:
but we are indeed puzzled to find the body
as well as the mind influenced by other
bodies in the mast remarkable manner, often
without our being aware of the offending
object’s presence. We allude to the suscep
tibility some persons, physical' structures
have to the presence of other bodies, either
animate or inanimate. Thus, the mere
vicinity of certain animals is quite sufficient
to excite in the most violent manner the
nervous system of some individuals. The
presence of a cat in the room has been known
to affect certain persons as though they-.were
about to be seized with a fit: and such per
sons, again, are equally disturbed by the
proximity of rabbits. The effect of touch
ing the fur of the rabbit or that of the cat is
still more distressing to the individuals thus
eccentrically constituted. The direct contact
of certain articles of food with the stomach
affects some individuals in the moßt remarka
ble manner. Some persons cannot eat a lob
ster salad without its having a very 'curious
effect upon their complexion. We, know a
lady who once indulged at supper in a salad of
this kind, and upon her return to the ball
room her face and neck immediately became
covered with spots, obliging her to retire.
Cockles and shrimps have the like effect
upon persons thus peculiarly constituted. A
medical friend tells us that eating veal gives
a lady of his acquaintance the nettle-raßh,
and that orange-peel has produced great
nervous excitment. Figs, again, give rise in
some people to what is termed “formica
tion,” or a sensation like the tickling move
ment of ants upon the palate. The most ex
traordinary example of the adverse influence
of a common article of food upon the human
stomach, is related by a surgeon of one of
our public hospitals. He says that a patient
of Ins cannot touch rice without, the most
extreme discomfort. “On one occasion,
when at a dinner party, he felt the
symptoms of rice-poißoning come.
on, and was, as usual; obliged to retire from
the table, although he had not partaken of
any dish ostensibly containing rice. It ap
peared, on investigation, that some white
soup, with which he had commenced his
dinner, had been thickened with ground
rice.’’ In another case, similar symptoms
having come on after a gentleman had par
taken of bottled beer, this apparently extra
ordinary fifet was explained by the: presence'
in the bottle of a few grains of rice, which
I had been placed there to excite a secondary
fermentation. But what is this to the per
verse stomach of a gentleman in a case cited
by Doctor Prout, who was poisoned by
eating a mutton chop? The most digestible
of all flesh to the ordinary mortal was to
him positively as poisonous as though he
had eaten toad-stools. It was at first ima
fined by his physician that hjp dislike to this
ind of food arose from mere fancy, and in
order to test him, mutton, disguised, was
served to him as other flesh meat, but always
with the same result—violent vomiting and
diarrhoia. Indeed the effect upon him was
so great that, had he been kept upon a mutton
diet. Doctor Prout believed he would have
died. Borne persons cannot touch honey
without the very alarming symptoms appear
ing of swelling of the tongue, frothing of the
mouth,>nd‘blueness oTthe" Sagers- Tlustard
applied to some eccentric: skins will produce
violent Switchings of the muscles of the face,
arms apd legs.
Many persons we know cannot remain in
a room where there is cheese; and we are
told of an eccentric constitution that could
not sit at a table where there was a cooked
hare. Eggs, again, rebel in the most violent
manner against some stomachs. The Sense
oftouQli, too, is very eccentric in some indi
viduals, and the handling ot a russet apple is
intolerable to a gentleman we have heard of;
and the mere passing of the hand along the
bristles pf a brush produces the most exqui
site nervous distress in a lady of our acquain
tance. ; : • 3-.-'
The emanations arising from vegetable
sources have a very marked effect upon
some people. Indeed,'there, is a disease
known as the hay asthma, which, at the hay
harvest, periodically affecta many persons
Eccentricities of tbe I’leih,
who reside anywhere near hay-fields when
they are Being mewed. The reason Is well
known. Floating particles of the seed are
always set free at such times, and* striking
against the mucous membranes of thermae,
mouth and tlirtfat of the individuals liable
to this affection, produce spasmodic action
of the throat, which is not only very dis
tressing, but - dangerous. Ipecacuanha,
again, is most obnoxious to many individuals,
producing vomiting and diarrhoea. The
mere removing of a 'stopper front a bottle
containing this drug will produce in some
persons an instantaneous effect, although far
removed from the object itself. Persons thus
affected by this emanation have been known
to be seized with spasms in consequence, al
though removed by a couple of floors from
the cause.
The ordinary spasmodic asthma arises
from causes jußt as local. It often happens
that patients so afflicted cannot pass certain
limits without bringing off a spasm. The dis
tance of a length of a street will often give a
man perfect exemption from his dire trouble,
or precipitate him into it. Asa rule, per
sons who are liable to seizure in the pure
atmosphere of the country obtain great relief
by a residence in towns; often, too, in the
most disagreeable, and, to persons in health,
most unhealthy portions of them. In this
distressing complaint it may truly be said
that what is one man's meat is another man’s
poison. . •
Women’s Venerations.
The following is an extract from the
“Minister’s Wooing:” If women have one
weakness more marked than men, it is to
wards veneration. They are born worshipers.
—makers of silver shrines for some divinity
or other, which of course they always think
fell straight down from Heaven. The first
step towards felling in love with an ordinary
mortal js generally to dress him out with all
manner of real or fancied superiority; and
having made him up, they worship him.
Now, a truly great man, a man really
grand and noble in art and intellect,
has ; this advantage with women,
that he is an idol ready made to
hand, and so that very painstaking and in
genious sex have less labor in getting him up.
and can be ready to worship him on shorter
notice; In particular is this the case where
a sacred profession and a moral supremacy
are added to the intellectual. Just think t»f
the career of the celebrated preachers and
divines in all ages. Have they not stood like
the images “Nebuchadnezzar the king set
upand all womankind, coquettes and
flirts not excepted, been ready to fell down
and worship, even before the sound of
cornet, flute, harp, saebut, etc. Is not the
faithful Paula, with her beautiful face, pros
trate before poor old, lean, haggard, dying
St. Jerome, in the most splendid painting in
the world, an emblem and a sign of womin's
external power of. self-sacrifice to what
she deems noblest in man? Does
not old Richard Baxter tell us,with delightful
single heartedness, how his wife fell in love'
with him first, in spite of his long pale face;
and how,she confessed, dear soul, after many
years of married life, that she had found him
less bitter and sour than she expected? The
fact is, women are burdened w|h fealty,
faith, reverence, more than they know what
to do with: they stand like a hedge of sweet
peas, throwing out tendrils everywhere for
something high and strong to climb up by,
and when they find it, be ifever so rough in
the bark, they catch upon it. And instances
are not wanting of those who have turned
away from the flattery of admirers to pros
trate themselves at the feet of a genuine hero,
who never wooed them, except by heroic
deeds and the rhetoric of noble life.
Manufacture of Violin and Harp
Strings in Half.
An English paper says: “The manufacture
of strings for musical instruments has been
carried on from time immemorial in some of
the small villages in the Abruzzi, and at the
present time the Neapolitan provinces main
tain their superiority in the production of this
article. They require the greatest care and
dexterity on the part of the workman. The
treble strings are particularly difficult to make,
and are made at Naples, probably because the
Neapolitan from their small size and
leanness, afford the best raw material. They
are made from the small Intestines, which
must be very carefully scraped; the intes
tines are then steeped in alkaline leys,
clarified with a little alum, for four or five
days, until the guts are well bleaohed and
swollen. They are next drawn through an
open brass thimble, and pressed against it
with the nail, in order to smooth and equal
their surface: after which they are washed,
spun or twisted, and sulphured during two
hours. They pre finally polished by friction,
and dried. Sometimes they are sulphured
twice or thrice before being dried, and are
polished between horsehair cords. The
strings manufactured in Italy are noted for
their strength, transparency, brilliancy; and
clearness of tone. This manufacture was
introduced into France by a Neapolitan noble
man, in 1760, who established ia manufactory
at Lyons. This industry is carried on in
.various other towns in Italy, namely,Gubbio,
Foligno, Bologna, Venice, Vicenza, Padua,
Verona and Bassano.
Failure of William H. Webb’s mission
••Pint’s Ratlread to be Carried Out—
Humored Successful Termination of
tlte mosquito trouble.
Managua, January 21,1868.—Mr. William H.
Webb has failed in the chief purpose of his recent
mission to this country- In December last he
■negotiated in New York the project of a new tran
siMonceesion from the Nicaraguan government
—the latter being represented in - the negotiation
by Don Antonio Silva; and Mr. Webb came out
-to,secure the , ratification-of.. .the-arrangement.
Upon his arrival at Managua the new project was
repudiated by President Guzman. The Minister
of Foreign Affairs was then named by the Exe
cutive os commissioner to treat with Mr. Webb.
The government demanded of Mr. Webb an as
surance that he would pay punctually thei
|2d,000; gold, due on the 20tli February proximo
by the old Central American Transit Company,
under their concession. This assurance he gave,
stating that the money would of necessity be paid
by the Norihc American Steamship Company, os
the Transireompany is decidedly Impecunious.
In return Mr. Webb demanded an exclusive
privilege of using the transit for passengerajind
Weight. r The United States Minister -back* up
bis application, telling the President of Nicara
gua that Mr. Seward, on behalf of the govern
ment of the United States, desired suebiexclueive
privilege for Mr. Webb- and his I ' associates.
This assurance was not believed, by the Presi
dent, nor by any one else at all aware of Mr.
Seward’s shrewdness, and surprise is expressed
that Mr.' Dickinson should have compromised
• his * chief by BAbold statement —Thegoymm
ment of Nicaragua peremptorily declined to give
an exclusive privilege, and asMr. Webb would
take nothing less, he left for Panama on theisth
Inst, on his return to the United States
In disgust- The result is looked upon as an
absolute abandonment of the Nicaragua Transit
route, as It is not supposed that will pay
the $20,000 due next month, And thefwiure to
pay it works a forfeiture 0f, the mider
which Mr. .Webb and hia friends have controlled
the transit., ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ —■—
$5O 00 SnhSm the stable of the subscriber,
fISB Parish eUeetilMtnirtt, 7
eight years old, nbont ISASods high, .with white
be; forehead. $26 for horse ,ret«mea eound,®: J» tor
Board wanted with . private'jPAMiMr.-
- Two unfurnished communicating rooms, S? r »t"thli
part of the city preferred. . Address
PANV# . [■ j^i^WA-Jannarif 97,1869. >'
The annual meetingofiibe stockholdeM of thisi company
will be held, on TUESDAY, -the .lath davol PobriuMT,
18(0, at loo’clock, A. M', at Concert Hall, No. 1219 Cheat
nut ttaeet Rhlladelphiiu . .' „ '. . , s irAU
The annual election for Director* will behold on MON
DAY* the Sod day of Marchi'lB6B, at the office of the com*
pany. No. South Third elrcet. EDmJND SMIm
laSTT.tfeblM secretary.
FultADEtPina, January 23,1M8.
Notice la hereby given that 4 MI, Stock or the AEtaa
Mining Company, on which instalments aredue and un
paid, hai been declared forfeited, and will be Bold at
public auction on SATURDAY, February 29. iB6O, at 13
o’clock, noon, at tho Office of the Secretary of the Corpo
ration.according to the Charter and By-Laws. unleaa
previously redeemed.
By order of the Director. R . HOOPE3i
Ja22tfe32s ’ Treasurer.
PENNSYLVANIA. • , _ „ ''
FannuAßT 3,1868,
The Director* have thla day .declared a Dividend of
Five Per Cent, or Ten dollars por «hare,cloarofUnlted
Staton and itotc Taxes. Payable to Stockholders or
n e l{Sf? lrCPrCSentati^il?ATO d riPER. Secretary.
New Goods of our own Importation just arrived,
A choice selection of
English Drnggetlngs, from half-yard to four yards wide
Mattings. Rugs, Mats.
Removal, in January next, to New Store, now building,
1223 Chestnut street.
807 Cheetont Street.
ocliitu thtlahl
ATTENTION. - delfcth i tu-2m
Office and Yard, 833 North Broad Street above Wood,
East Side. Order, by MalL " fc32m
a, mamh bhoeb. joinir. imiv<
Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locttrt Mountain Coal
which, with the preparatungiven by ns, we think cannot
Jalo4f Arch fftreet wharf. SdkuyKuß
respectfully imiter attention to his large «tock ef finished
Carriage.: aUo, taken for Carriage, of ef*ry
8433,8134 and 3488 MARKET street.
square* west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot.
West Philadelphia. Ja2S-tu tb g-Sms
\ stock of Chandeliers, Brackets* Portable Stand and
Ifronzee. at No. 912 Arch itreet. '
Kj the manufacturer. . ankir[ . fc MARBnALL _
' No. W 2 Arch street.
\f ronnofactore and keep all styles of tjas-tlxtures and
Chandelier*. . ~ _
Aleo, refinish old fixtures. -
\ give special attention to fitting upOhurtbea.
Pipe run At the lowest rates.
Gold, gilt and electro silver-plated
Gas-Fixtures, at VANKIRK A MAKdli ALL’S, No.
rph street.
‘ All work guaranteed to give satlafactiom None but
firßpclaes workmen employed. feAsmwemj
Thaekara.No.7lBCbeatunt street, manufaetnrer. of
Gaa FtrtnreL Lamps, Ac., Ac., would call the attention ol
the public to their large andelegantuaortmentof Gas
Chandelier*, Pendants, Brackets Ac. They also hdrodota
gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend
o extending, altering and repairing gas pipe* All work
warranted. ■
Chemists to H. I v fl Prince Napo
leon ? Paris.
These different medicines represent the most recent
medical discoveries founded on the principles of Chemis
try and therapeutics. They must not be confounded
with secret or quack medicines, a* their names eufn
ciently indicate their composition; a circumstance which
has.caused them to be appreciated and prescribed by the
i acuity in the whole world. They widely differ from those
numerous medicines advertised in the public papen as able
to cure every possible disease, as they arc applicable only
to but a few complaints. The most stringent laws exist
n Franco, with regard to the sale of medical prepara*
ions, and only those which have undergone an examina*
tion by the Academy qf Medicine, and nave been proved
elHcscious, either in the Hospitals, or In the practice of
-the first medical men, are_authorixed the Govern.:
meat. This fact count be a guarantee for the excellency
of Messrs. GRIMAULT ET GO. medicines.
(Doctor of Medicine)
It Is particularly recommended to regulate the fane
tlons of nature, and to all ladies of delicate consUhitionji,
as well as to persons sufferins tinder every kind of debiUty.
whatsoever. It is the preservative of health par excel*
fence* in all warm and relaxing climates.
erlaianlt’a lyrop ef lodized Borw-Eadlih.
for Cod UverOll. and h» been found beneficial ta
dieeue* of the Uhesfc Scrofula, LymphatlcDlflorduw.
Green Sickness. Muscular .Atony and Lose of Appetite.
It regenerate# die constitution In purifying the Dlpod..it
being the most powerful depujattve known.
h?pn auclled with happy results in diseases ortho skin.
Furtherf it wUI be found to bei of meat benefit to jotmg
Sdldreii subject to humors and obstruction of the glands.
*. I.TME. ,
ipuig new medicine is considered ..to be a-sovereign re*
*np>ivfn caseaof Consumption and other diseases of the
Luncs ft pMmpt& rmoves aU the most a MriMii eymp.
ferns. The cough is relieved, idgh cue,
and the patlenfis rapidly re » t “ r^, t “ “,', a !|^ TMA TiT,T &
N B.—Beeuretosoe the signsturo ol GiUMAULi a
CO.lifaffixed to the bottle v uthl» syrup b liable tolmt
tations. / . . ;
No more difficult or painful digestion!
(Laureate of the.Pkrla Impisrial . Medicine
DIGESTIVE iajzknges. .
This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the
most reputed mealcai men in France, In cues ol derange
mAntß of the digestive functions, such as. . ,
oa ttTRiTIH; GAfiTBALGIA* long and laborious dlges*
GRIMAULT’S guarana. '
This vegetable substance, whioh grow, in
matlonoL^ l bo?roS? 0 .latotobeofij
greatest service in cages of CUolorg, as it la a proven"
and a care in cues or Dlarhoea.
oaHiuAl. hktot ;
IN PARIS, at GRIMAUIfr & 00.'#.« ruaJUobeiiOfl.
N. W. oof. Tontlk ’Market Sts.
ac7-e,9in , .
, - MR. If. L.BATEM AN'B
* ■ . Renowned Parisian" <> .
Will appearin Offenbach’s Opora, tho 1
, ■ ‘grand duchess
TUESDAY EVENING. February U, 1868.
Thla Famous Opera, whiebbas this season boe'n already
performed by for upwards of
* 0 U P E.
Including all tho _
Brought 1 by Mr. Bateman from Pari. last summer, os
petiatiy for thepurpose. together with the.
Numbering more than Fifty voices.
will number nearly ’
boNnunroiut: ■
Aro made expreirtr for tlik Opera.’ and have jtally boon
proclaimed tue Wonder Ot_the Age,
Forming anUnrlvallod Combination for the production
Kcacrvod aeata SOcentaextra.
AX *
J. E. GOULD^ManoS^re^^
BE ’
Correct edition, copied from tbs Score of the Opera,
with the Mtulcoi the principal atm.
K 9 Chestnut • treat
Eater Rideout. .MG* JOS IF. ORTON
MatGmUd* . .....W. H. SEDLEYSMITH
And the entire Companr. -
Which has been pronounced to be. the moat erciting, and
the greatest retuatlonal effect ever produced upon tha
worn m jbb.*uuhka
The thrilling Irbh DraraaodoGtled^
Pat Malloy .7. . Mr“ BARNEY WILLIAMS.
Maggie Maguire Mia. BARNEY WILLIAMS.
To cOuclu ?/ir dth A , k e Falrr Dra^
_ Bogin* Xpert*.
Dally’a Great Local Play of
With all It* grand features.
The North Elver by Starlight ; A Train of Cara at Full
Speed, and
Mr. LEWIS BAX ER at Snorkay.
E^roU^rH I BECTi7o\ r EN. MATIN EE,
, ABMBTrn «y
: Friday afternoon, i>h.n.issa.
At the Mmlc Store?, end at the Door.
Doorp open at'4, ComiEi-ncce 1114^.
Th 9 Grest gcn BNDEli TuMIP POST.
Don't faU to '/kOTE TUE LAMPPOST.
Don't forest
TteG "* tP &®' H ELAMP.P a BT. „
The Great «
Also in Preparation.
Of the new Anglo American-Moaican Ethiopian Operatic
and Military Burlesque, enthied
T Ou° TU IP.BDAY, J February 13,1865, he wiU read his
Trial from Pickwick.” a « . , , , .
The Headings will commence at 8 o’clock, and will be
con prised within two hours. The audience is earnestly
requested to be seated ten minutes before the commence*
mentof the Reading;
Tbe Celebrated Humorist,
willsivea.e.i^ofhi ?pom , _
Commencing MONDAY EVENING, February 17.
Introducing several new features.
In Grand Balims, Ethiopian Burlesques, Songs, Dauoee.
Gymnast Acte, Panto mimes, Ac. '
lx at the MUSICAL l UND HAIJi.everyBATIJRDAY'iSt
fu p_ m. Tickets sold at the Door and at ail priucipM
Stuslc Stores. Engagements can be made by addreeaM
G 'BABTEBT, lUI Monterey street, or at R. WITTItPB
Music Store. 1031 Chestnut e&eet ■ * ■;
tt ta renSeSußykiiMmiced that the tltfreto for Slngla
will be on Bale at R. WITTIO'S Music Btors,
Chestnut street, THIS MORNING
P. M- Package d f° Br Tickete for One Dollar, tt be Kadat
Boner*B. llOil Chestnut utreet, and at the door. Btaftla
Ticket, BO cente. , * • -
Libretto* of thlf hffiily racceaeful. Qpora Cotnlope
Continent*!, Mond*TataP,Mrffifll»tqttee; f«l2zw
*. isgaa^
pt.hVp pf Phfladelphta.
£euJweSsf?oSbvPa..or IWB pdng Carden etxoottFMlv
delphle..l " .' ■--' :■ ■■'
gcgbaa fflff gOB WOMEN-rjtpßTOy^S’r
4,9 jjjjjJ r ® co * T -^® o student* for ’
S. their SmgMeiwgfccated In correct
Drawing, PnictUal geometry, PeWrKgitlYe, Deelgfln*,
Lithography, and Painting •, or so as to beoome teaehern
of these branches, ore. resoeotfully requested towM*
Institution or to aend for Circulars, . fel-iato •■•
%3R PBIA BIDING SCHOOL, Fourth atreot, «d)R»
wUlbe foundoveryfaelUty f
a knowledge of this healthful and elegant. «o°Wi> u *T
meat. The School la nleasantlyvonHlated and warmed,
the honea aafe and well trained. ■ ~
AnAfternoonClaesfor YoungLadloa.
Biddleßamea gained In theneet manner.
B*ddleßorBe«,Hprs6«and Vehicle* to Mre. _ ~„
SHo, Oaniageo to Depots. Parttee, Weddings, Shop-
Ha&tf 0, TH9MABOO*iaE!*W.
From our of Yesterday
■ Xfiic lieflUjrAUon dl AlftftiuHtt*
tpp* cialttajatch is ; th« miaMvltti BuUetta.)
! trodocefl tUa fplltfwiug
StdW MMiUmmWMto »e right of rcpre
sentation in Congreaisf
the State of Alabama have, W;
, With the fifth section of thouct of
entitled an act; to provldb, for ,Ute R »«
•■ efficient’ grevcTdWenfc ®* tlift Tebel States,
formed a constitution of government lncon
formlty with?the. Constitutioirot the United
States, framed to’ the constitnlloniU delegates
‘ elected in complrauce with Ihe eaid act. And
whereat, The said Constitution haß been ratified
by a majority of the qualified persona voUne
on [be question of ratification,
act. Therefore, Be U enacted, sc, t That the State
of Alabama is entitled to reprcacntatlon in Con
gress, and Senators and Representatives shall bo
‘. admitted therefrom, on their taking the oath pre
; scribed by law, The bill was referred to the Ju
diciary Committee.
conteaterl Election Case.
[Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. J
Washington, February 12.—The House Com
mittee on Election* heard the closing arguments
to-day, in the Contested .election case of Powell
agWnst Butler, from the First Tennessee
IBatrlct. It Was brbnght out In the
evidence, before the Committee that
Bauer, who is the sitting member, was at
one time a member ofthe rebel Legislature of
Tennessee. ' This is the principal point relied
npon by Powell, the contestant, to unseat But
ler. Butler wae elected as a Republican, add
claim* to have been loyal all the time.
Tfce importnUon of Convict*.
[SpecialD«palth to thePJilladelphla Evening BnOetin]
; Washington. Feb. 12.—Mr. Wilson, of lowa,
Introduced abUl to-day,said to have been drafted
by the Secretary of State, providing for the aur/
: render by our Government of persons convicted
o&eerttun crimes. It enacts that no person,
who may have been duly convicted and
adjudged guilty of murder, piracy, assassination!
arson, robbery or forgery, shall, be allowed to;
enter or remain in the United States. It audio-;
rlzes the President, upon the production of satis
factory proof that the person con vltted of either
of said crimes has entered or is about to enter
the United States, to cause him to be sent back
to the country whore hs was convicted.
Tlic Austrian mission.
[Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.)
Washington, Feb.l2.—The case of Sunset Cos,
nominated as Minister to Austria, wasbrought up
in executive session yesterday, butwas laid over
at the instance of Senator "Wade, who said that a
minority of the Senators who would vote against
Cox were then absent Mr. Wade stated at the
same time that he did not propose to let
Cox through the Senate If be could prevent It.
He would fight him, he sold, to the last It is
understood that the case will be brought up to
day, when an effort wifi be made to dispose of it
the AdmlWisU el Calemas,
ISpedal Despatch tofbe Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.l
i Washington, Fan. 12th.—The Senate Commit
mittee on Territories decided unanimously to
day in favor of the bill for the admission of Col
orado. They also adopted a lengthy report set
ting forth their reasons far the admission of the
Territory/ which, together with tha
bill, was reported to the Senate this
morning by Gov. Yates, Chairman of the Com
mittee. It is understood that the friends of
Colorado have enough strength in both Housed
now to secure the passage of the bill admitting
her, even should the President veto it as he did
last year. ■
From lVaslilngton-
Washington, Feh. 12.—'TheSupreme Court of
the United States recently announced an opinion
in a wBl case. The suit was brought In the Cir
cuit Court of the United Btates for the District of
Maryland. The decree of the latter court was
reversed, and the case was remanded with direc
tions to enter a decree dismissing the bill for
want of jurisdiction, without prejudice to plain
tiff’s right to bring any suits she may be advised
in the proper court.
- Thcmato point for this decision is that a citi
zen of this district or the citizen of a territory
dses not come nnder that clause of the Constitu
tion relative to the power ofthe Judiciary, which
includes cases between citizens of different States,
several of the defendants concerned in the will
oeing residents of the District of Columbia.
Associate Justices Clifford and Field, and the
Chief , Justice, dissented from the opinion of
One majority of the court. In the paper read by
the first named, the ground was taken that the
motion to dismiss should be denied for the rea
son that according to the constitution and tho
law Of February, 1839, a suit could be brought
in equity as at common law, and that suits from
Citizens of the United States could not be de
barred. '
The Secretary of the Treasury has constituted
the commission for the purpose of examining the
different meters presented for the use of distille
ries, which was authorized by a joint resolution
of Congress, suspending the Tice meter, and the
members of the commission are gradually arriv
ing in this city, and hope soon to be able to com
mence operations. A number of meters, in the
hands of the Inventors, arc here, awaiting exariiH
TUe Admission of Colorado.
Washington, Feb. 12.—The Benato.Committee
on Territories to-day made a report on the Senate
bill to admit the State of Colorado into the
Union, concluding as follows:
As it has been the practice of this government
to admit new States without requiring any speci
fied hihount of population, and as the present*
population of Colorado appears to be equal to or
more than many States heretofore admitted, and
as it appears that ills almost the unanimous
wish of her people to be admitted under the pre
sent bill, and as Congress has expressly invited
her admission bv an enabling act. it seems bat
just, to the people of Colorado that- the plighted
faith of the government should be made good by.
the admission of the State into the Union, which
your commltteo unanimously recommend.
The report shows an improved condition of
the TUrritory, including an increase of popula
tion sinfeo a former bill was vetoed by the Presi
By, the Atlantic Cable.
London, February 12th.—American newspapers
containing the report of Congressional
ingß on the matter ef allegiance and citizenship
have beeii received by the last steamer. The
comments of the presahere we generally favora
blb fo the views expressed in Congress. The able
epeebh of ;Gen, Banks on the question is espe
cially noted
JByUieCnba Cable.
Havana, JBrib. .12—We have received news
froth St-Dotpingo stating thatj General Cabral
has abandotiedthe Capital,? and 'Hungria . has
been’ made temporary President and General
Baez is almost momentarily expected to arrfve.
Arrived, steamships Cuba and Juniata from
Now Orleans, and Colombia from New York.
Xfitb Cottgrea*-Second Session*
■ Washington, Feb. 12. -
Sknatk Mr. Grimes (Iowa), from the Com
mittee tmNfW l Affairs, made a report on' the re-■
solhtipnwieEardxto naVy yards passed lit Do
cemberlast. Ordered to be printed.
Mr. Shejftnan (Ohio) introduced a biU to declare
thoStatc of Alabama entitled to bo restored to
the rigbt of representation in Copgress. Referred
to the Judiciary Committee. • ,-. .
Mr. Morgan (N. Y,) presented a bill to estab-'
lish an exterior line In New York harbor, on
both sides of the Hudson rivor- Referred to Ju
. Mr.j QonnSs (Cal.)presented a bill to grant aid
in tbe.Ooaiitraeuon of a railroad from Wlejo to
Hqnrtwldtjßayy Ui. the State of California. Re
ferred to Commlttee on Public Lands. . -
Mtf MfUUiims (Oregon), from tho Committee
oh;Pinp|ee; L renorie<rh Joint resolution declaring.
thomeaningof the law relativAto the settlement :,
ef aeodmits and defining the jurisdiction of ac-
Reported and recommended
the passage of a suitable bill. • ■■.>■■■ , .
Mr. Yates (111.), ,; fr0m the Commltteo on Ter
ritories,-, reported ft:blU to admU Colorado, as a ,
State', and gave notide that heWoulri call it np at
(m s3w>n h£ Mr, Howe (WU.), the t Senate:
took , yesterday; for- the ro-
35, B. Richardson,
°w- aodount.of -horses stolen ■
from him by infbaniSluTBs& ■'.}; ■, ; - ■■,:.
•Af Cdnnosa, Ho4re,* J
' Harlaft jfeiwmdeniaan/ethors as to the precedent
Involved, Mr. Conness offered an amendment
declaring that the bill shall not bo construed as a
precedent in future ciatma of the same natcre.
I On which considerable discussion ensued, until
toemorning hour bad expired... '■ i.
. When, on motion of Mr. Commas, the spocial
order was postponed for ten minutes, and the
amendment wasvoted ddwn, and tho bill passed
by a vote of 31 to I t. \
Mr. Sherman (Ohio) introduced the following
bill declaring the State of Alabama restored to
the right of representation in Congress: '
Whereat, The people of the State of Alabama
bavo, in strict compliance with tho fifth section'
of tho act of March 2d. 1867, entitled “An act to
provide for the more efficient government of the
rebel States,” formed a Constitution of Govern
ment in (fcnfopnity with the Constitution of tho
United States, framed by- a Convention of dele
gates elected in compliance with eaid act; and
Whereas, Baid constitution has been ratified
by a majority of the qualified persons voting on
the question of registration, and said constitution
contains all the guarantees required by said act.
Therefore, Be it enacted and declared by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America, in Congress assembled,
that the State of Alabama is entitled to represen
tation in Congress, and Senators and Represen
tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking
the oath prescribed by law. Referred to the Com
mittee on the Judiciary. .
Boubk.—JJr- Stewart ,(N. Y.) presented' the
petition oi.Augustus Bebcll and others, of New
York, fortho repdfi of the tax on incomes.
Referred to tho Committee on Ways and Means.
%. Wilson (Iowa) introduced a bill for the
surrender-of persons convicted of certain crimes.
Referred to the Judiciary Committee. The bill
enacts that no person who., may have been
duly convicted and adjudged guilty of murder,
piracy, 'assassination, arson, robbery or
iorgery/ and where conviction has not been
reversed, shall; bo allowed to enter or remain
in the United States; and it authorizes the Presi
dent, upon tho production of eatisfactory eyi
dence, that a person so convicted of cither or such
crime, has entered or Is about to enter the United
Slates, to causehim to be pent back to tho coun
try from which ho came or in which he may have
been eo.couyicted.. The bill has been drafted by
tho Secretary of State.
Mr. Van Aemam (N. Y.) offered a resolution
instructing the Committee on Invalid Pensions to
inquirewuether the Pension Bureau cannolbc re
organized sci as to promote the efficiency and
economy of its administration- Adopted. ,
Mr. Haight (N. Ji) presented the resolutions of
public meetings at Jersey City and Bordentown,
in reference to the rights of naturalized citizens
abroad. Rtferrpd to the Committee on Foreign
Mr. Lawrence (Pa.) offered n resolution in
structing the Committee on Public Buildings and
Grounds to inquire into the practicability of ap
plying Ginge’s atmospheric ventilator to the
hall of the House. Adopted.'
Mr. Humphrey (Iff. Y.) introduced a bill to
amend the act of February 26, 1865, extending
the jurisdiction of the United Btates District
Courtin certain cases on the lakes. Referred to
the Judiciary Committee.
Mr. Humphrey also presented the resolutions*
of the Buffalo Common Council, asking an ap
propriation to complete the harbor improvements
there on the plan recommended by thy U. S.
EnginWr Department. Referred to the Com
mittee on Commerce.
'fhe bill reported by the Committee on Foreign
Affairs concerning the rights of American citi
zens in foreign States came tip as the business of
the morning hour, and a desultory disenssion
arose as to the question of closing the debate
and of disposing of the various amendments and
substitutes that have been already suggested.
Mr. Bankß (Mass.) declared himself unaltera
bly opposed to incorporating in the statutes of
the United States the offensive English principle
that the Legislature can confer or withhold the
power of expatriation. That was the doctrine
of i-ord Palinereton in his despatch to Mr. Ban
croft in 18-19 or 1850. ’
At length, Mr. Banks having allowed the
amendments of Messrs. Bn tier, Spalding and’
Boyer to be offered, moved the previous ques
tion; the effect of which would be to cut off all
other amendments.
The House by a very decided vote refused to
second the previous question.
Mr. Jenckcs (R. 1.) offered his amendment by
way of a substitute, declaring that the rights of
expatriation and of naturalization are declared
tope and to have been part of the publie law of
tim United States, and directing tbe Executive
to insist on the recognition of such rights by the
governments of all other nations.
Mr. Judd (111.) offered his amendment as in
dicated at the close of his speech last Wed
Mr. Bittier (Mass.) offered an amendment as a
substitute for Mr. Jenckes’s. It was ordered
to be printed, but not read. -
Mr. Frayn (N. Y.) offered an amendment to
Mr. Jenckes’s proposition, in the way of an ad
Mr. Woodbridge (Vt) closed up the morning
honr by a speech in favor of the principles of the
The morning hour having expired the bill went
over until to-morrow, and all the amendments
were ordered to be printed.
The Speaker presented a memorial of business
men of Cincinnati in iavor of the resolutions
adopted by the Manufacturers’ Convention at
Cleveland, in September, 1867.
Mr. Halsey (N. J.), presented the resolutions
of the Friendly Sons of Ireland, of Jersev City.
New York, in reference to the protection of
adopted citizens. Referred to the Committee ou
Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Van Horn (N. Y.) presented petitions from
thoreltlzenß of Warsaw, NT. Y., for a readjustment
of the Revenue laws and a reduction of taxes.
Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.
The House then Went into Committee of the
Whole on the State of the Union, Mr. Wilson
(Iowa) In the chair, and resumed the considera
tion of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial
Appropriation bill. -
Pennnlvania Legislature.
Hariusuurg, Feb. 12,1868'
Senate.—The following bills were introduced:
Mr. Connell, one incorporating tho Darby and
West Philadelphia Railroad. Corporators—
Matthew Baird, Jacob 8. Scrrill, A. L. Bonnefan,
R.B. Pascball, Hngh McUwarae, Wm. D.-H.
SerriU, Wm. IL Gessner, Paschall Lloyd, Isaac
Leech, Thomas Sparks, Robert Bnist, Isaac
T. ' Jones, ' Hugh Lloyd, Andrew M.
'Eastwiek, Thomas S. Ellis, Henry Sloan, P.-J.
Hoopes. Capital stock, two thonsand shares, at
fifty dollars each. ' The route is by a single
ior double track from Darby-; thence eastwardly
to the intersection of Greenway avenue,' at or
near Cobb’s creek; thence along said avenue to
the intersection of the West Chester Railroad,
;and thence along the line of arid railroad to
Chestnut street, in West Philadelphia. Also, one
vacating Hackley. street, between Fifth and
Berks streets, in the Nineteenth Ward.
Mr. Mclntire, of Perry, an act authorizing any
turnpike road company, from time to time, by a
vote of the directors, to increase the rates of toll,
not exceeding fifty per cent.
; Mr. Stinson,a supplement ,to the charter of the
city of Chester, relative to’ sidewalks and road-
McConaugby, one providing an additional
Judgefor the Sixteenth Judicial District,
i The following bills word considered:
: Mr. Connell moved to reconsider the vote by
Wbich a bill Opening Fifth’street, from German-'
(own triad to Berks.. Street, had- passed. Agreed
to and the bill was postponed. -
Hallrond Accident.
j Toronto, Feb. 12.—The’ mails have been very
irregular for the past few days, in consequence
of the roadsbolng blockaded with snow. On
the Stafford arid Channticy road, while the en-;
ginea were dragging a train oiit of a groat snow
drift, the couplings gave way. and one man hod
4 leg and another an arm broken. 1
The exportation of silver eontinues actively In
Shipment of Specie.
’ New .York, Feb. 12th:— I The steamship Si
beria, for, Europe to-day, took out $92,1)00 in
specie. . ‘
Prom Canada.
Toronto, Feb,;T2.’"A‘ teiwram has been re
ceived .here fromiheMayor, of Halifax, thanking
the'citizens of .'.Toronto.for .the donations ’ for
warded-fprthe benefit,Of distressed fishermen,
aud, stating that no further anbscrlptlons are
required, j . ' I j, ' s > ’ it 1 •
■ ThO.€ojrtt'R?bhange:AsBociatJon"held a-meet
tag to?;day, and passed resolutions endorsing the
niunrer -gnago railway .system, and pledging
itself to support the Toronto, Guy and Brucp,
■Railway '
{ ' riHAiirtriAJu
$5, 000 ANDW ' M ®
* , Ne. 7US Walnut street.
‘ • •• i t ■■•‘■r . ‘si ,e.L. ... ■ ' ’ / • 1
way t>Ucca, from Waltmt rtreetwh&rf,; 1
1 J .I! .t.» />’■
At &S 0 I’/M., via Camden and Jersey Oltr Eipreu, 8 00
At 6P. M.; via Camden and Amboy, t let close, ■ a 26
Accom.and Emhaant, „ . ..1 adclaoo, * 180
At 0 A< M,. and a P.M.. for Freehold*; .
ft 8 and W A. M.. a and 3J» P.M.. forTrentom _
t *, 8 and 10 A. M., 1,8,^80, %*• and 8 P. Borden*
Ateunf andl?.BoP. if^r^ebi Honw.
and ilSo P. M. Lines wUI leave from foot of
Market street by upper ferry. ;
and Jersey City; New York
At 8 and ILOOA. M„ g 80,3 30 and 5 P. M. for Trenton and
Bristol. Andatlo.l»A.M.forßrJstoV ; .
At 8 and 11 A. M., 2.30 and. 5 P. M. for Morrlsvllle and
At 8 and IaISA.M., gSOandS P.M. for Scbencks and
At 8 and 10.16 A, i 80,4,8. and 6 F.M., for Omwelts,
Torresdale. Uolmesborg, Tacony, wlsslnonunk. Brides*
bun; and Frankford. and 8 P. M. for Holmesburg and
'lntermediate Stations. _
from Kensington Depot. _ _ . . _ ~,
At 8.00 A.M., for Ntagshr Falla, Buffalo, Dunkirk,
Elmira, Ithaca, Owego,Rocbcster,Bingbampton, Oswego,
Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, WUkesbarre, Scranton,
Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Ac. 1
At 800 A. M. and 3.30 P. ML foi Bctvidero, Eaaton, Lam.
bertvlllo, Fleniington, Ac. The &30 P. 1L Line connocts
direct with the . train, leaving Elaston for Hauch Chunk,
AUeutown.Betblebeai.'Ae., f '■'•*;■■■. _:• ;/
• At 6 P. M. forLambertviUo and Intermediate Stations.
Fiom West Pblladetpbia Depot, via connecting Rail.
AMi'.M A. M., L 80,6.30 and U P. M. New York Express
Line, via Jersey City v.v • re 3 25
he Sjn A. M. and 630 P. M. Lines run daily. All others,
Sunday excepted. . . „ ,* ■ ;
At 9.30 A, M.; L3U, A3O and 12 F. M-for Trenton.
At «JJI A. M..«.3oand 13 P.M.; for DrtstoL
At 12 P. 31. (Night) for Morrlsvllle, Tullytown, Bchencks,
v EddtDgton, (joniwtllf, Torrisdalc, UOtmcsbur* Tacony,
Wissmoming, Bridesbur* and Frankford. ,
.For Lihesteaving Kinatnston Depot, tiScß tho earson
Tbl/dor Eiftb streets, at Chestnut, at hat/ to hour before
departure. The Cars on Market Street Railway run di
rect to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut
within one square. On Snndaye, tho Market Street Cars
willrunjoconnectwHbthe6liOP.M*Hne. ! 'i ' '
EiftyPounds of Bsgeage only allowed each - Passenger.
Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag
gage but their wearing apparel. Allnaggage over fifty
pounds to be paid for extrar Tho Company umlt their re
sponsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound,and will
not be liable for any amount beyond $100; except by spo-
Cialcoutract. ■■■ i-. / ; ' • *■
Ucket* sold and Baggage; checked direct . thronch to
Boston, Won ester, Spnngfaeld, Hartford, New Haven,
Providence, Newport, Atbanj', Troy, Saratoga. Utlca
fioznc, Svracnee. ltocbester, Buffalo, Niagara Falla and
buspcxiiuon. Bridge. w
An additional Ticket Ofilce fs located at No. 828
Chertnut utreet where tickets to New York,' and oil ixn«
portant potato North and East, may be procured. Per
eons purchasing 'rickets at thie Oilice, can have their bag
gage checked froca residences or hotel to destination, by
Union Transfer Baggage pxpresa.'
Lines fromTTew York for Philadelphia will leave from
foot of Cortland street at 7 A. 31. ana LOO and 4.00 P. M.,
via sJmer City and Camden. . At &30P. M. via Jersey
City and Kensington. At 10.00 A. 3L and 12 3L, and 6.00
via Jersey City and West Philadelphia.
From I*icr No. L N. River, at .4 P. M. Ebcprota and 4 P.
M. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden.
• : Dec. l«, 1867. , . 4 , W3L 11. GATZMER, Agent.
.i.-.ifM T *" r ~and most direct line to Bethlehem. Al
lentown, Mcuch Chunk. Hazleton,White llavemi Wilkea
barTe, Malianoy City, Mt. Carmel, Pittston, Scranton,Car
bondalc and all the points in tho Lenigh and Wyoming
Coal regions.
Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. comer of Berks
—On and after MONDAY, February 3d, 1868, Pas
senger Tibinß leave the New Depot, comer of Berkw and
American streets, dally (Sundays excepted), as follows: .
Ai 7.45 A. JL—Morning Express lor Bethlehem and
Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, con
necting at Bethlehem with Lehigh aVolley and Lehigh
and Surquebanna Railroads for Allentown, Catoeanana,
Slaticgton, Matich Chunk, Weatherly, Jeuncaville,
Hazleton, White Haven. Wilkesbarrc, Kingston,
Pitteton. Scranton, Carbondale, and all pomtu in Le
high »nd Wyoming Valleypfalso, in connection with Le
high and Mahsuoy Railroad for 61abasoy City, and with
Cata'wb'sa Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Milton and Wil
li am sport. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12.05 A. M.; at
Wilkesbarre at 3P. JL; Scranton at 4 05 P. M,; at Maha
noy City at 3P. M. Passengers by this train can take the
Lehigh valley 1 rain, passing Bethlehem at 1L66 A. 6L*
for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to
Nctv York.
At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Dovleatown, afop
nlng at all intermediate Station.. Paasengers for Willow
Grove, Hatboro’-and HartsvlUe, by tliia train, take Btago
at Old York Road. ■- ,- _ ■ ■' ' .
At IMS A. M-—Aceommodatien for Fort Washington,
ttoppinx at Intermediate . ■
At UD P, M.—Exprew lor BetUehem, ARentown,
Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy
City.Ccntralia, Shenandoah, Mt Carmel, I'itteton and
Scranton.asd all point* in Mahanoy and IVyoming Coal
Regions. Paeeengeis for Greenville take this tram to
® AretS^Mi—Aceommodatlon for Doylestown,stopping
at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at
Doyleetown forTfew Hope, and atNotth Wales for Sum
n AHLlsP.M.—Accommodation for Doylertown, stopping
at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow
Grove, Ilatborougb and Hartavilie take stage at Ablng
At&29P.M.— Through accommodation for Bethlehem
and all stations on mam line of North Pennsylvania Rail
road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even
ing lxuin for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk.
At. 6 20 P. M,—Accommodation for Lawdale, stopping at
11 intermediate sUtdona. • „ . ? ~ .
At M—Accommodation for Fort Washington.
From Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M n and 8.4 U P. M. _
2.05 1\ M. Train makes direct connection with Lehigh
Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna trains from Easton,
Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City and Hazleton.
Passengers leaving Easton via Lehigh \ alley Railroad , at
U. 20 A M. arrive m Philadelphia at 2.05 P. fiL
Passengera leaving YVUlkMbarre at 1.30 P. 5L connect
at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at
8.40 P. M.
From Doylertown at 8.35 A. M., 51Q and 7.00 P. M.
From Lansdale at A. M.
From Fort Washington at 11.10 A. M. and 3.U0 P. M.
Philadelphia for Bethlehem ai 9.30 A. M.
Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M.
Doyle*town for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M.
Bethlehem for Phiiadelpliia at 4.00 P. M.
Fifth and Sixth Passenger Cars convoy aven
gers to and from the new Depot . .
White Cara ofSecond and Third Streets Line and Union
Line run within a short distaoco of the Depot.
Tickets m ast be presented at the Ticket office, in order
to secure the lowest rates of faro. Q
Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to princi pal.
points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express Office,
No. 105 South Fifth street.
ij«4haC.a'ißiS IRailmad. Winter Time. Taking
M W aaa--mrrr effect .ion. Mtb, 1868. The trains of
the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at
Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached directly
by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway, the
last car connecting with each train, leaving Front and
Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those
of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within
one square of the Depot. ,
ON Market Street Cars leave Front
,and Market streets 35 minutes before the departure of
--bJeepirnt’ Car Tickets can be had on- application at Hie
Ticket Office, Northwest comer of Ninth and Chestnut
streets, and at the Depot. . _ ~, „,
Agents of the Onion TransferCompanv will can for and
deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 801 Chest
nut streeCNo. 116 Market Btreet, or No. 1 South Eleventh
street, will receive attention. .....
Mail Train - atB.OOA.M-
Faoll Accommodation No. 1 at 10.00 A. M.
Fast Line .at 12.00 M.
.Erie Express.. 1...'. •' .at 12.00 M.
PaoU Aeeom. NoinA 8 S 4 at LOO, 600 * 10 30 P. M.
Harrisburg Accommodation at 2.30 P. JL
Lancaster Accommodation at 4.00 r. M.
ParkßbnreTrain at &22 S' fJ-
Cincinnati Express. .......at 600P.M.
FhiladelpbiS Expre55..r.,........... *tttl6 P. M.
Accommodation.—.... at ILdOr.al.
V Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. . ,
•' Philadelphia‘Express-leavealuly. AB Other trains
daily, except Sunday. ■ • ■: j : ; r_...
The Western Accommodation Train runs .dally, except
Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and
baggage delivered by 600 P. M,. at US Market street
Cincinnati Express... at 1,35 AM.
Lancaster ~
Day Expreer. at 6.20
Hant0burgAcc0m.................. 9.00
Chestnut afreet.
FRANCIB FUNKrAgenhußMarket atrCet.
■ BAMUEL H. WAIXACHi Ticket Agent atthe Depot
< The Penney lvahlitfßaiiroaa Company will' not asoume
any riek fer Baggage, except for wearing apparel, ana
limit their rcaponriMUty toOne’Hunared DoUarßlnvkliie.
All Baggage exceeding thatatnbunt in valuo will be at
the riek of the owner, unices taken byspecial contract.
I .:.•••• G<merat Superintendent, Altoona, r».
Depot, Thirty-first andOhestnut streets, as follows :
West Cheater at &00 A.M.. and leaving
Philadelphia atd.6o FeM«i tjSjl giop Junction and
indß.tX Junction going East,wiU take train leaving
Westchester at 7.« A.M.! anSgphig West wiUtßetrain
* f M. and
only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any ease,
benatxmSMeicr an amount exceeding, 8100, unless ego.,
cikl contract & made for the same. _
HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent.
T.T and ;»u pointe WEBT/NORTHWKBTandBOOTH
NO. 118 MARKET STREET, bet. Seeand and Front Bt*..
And THIBTY-FIKBT and MARKET Btreeta-Wert Pbtla.
S. F. SCUI A, Gen’l Ticket Agt, Pittsburgh.
JOHN H. MILLER, deni East’n AgtA2B Broadway.N.Y.
west jersey
Traiiawmieawoaa follows:
For Bridgeton, Salem- Vineland, MiUvflio and interme
(Uate Stations, at 8.00 and P. M,
For Cape May 3.80 P, Mi
For Woodbury at 8.00 A- and ABO and 6.00 P. M.
Freight Train leaves Camden at l&ooM. (noon.)
Fteight will be receive* a* Second Covered Wharf be*
low WaJnat street, from 7 A.M. until 6 P.M. Freight re
ceived before 0 A. M. will go forward the same day.
, Freight Delivery. No. 828 South Delaware avenue.
WIJuLIAM J. SEWELL. Superintendent
*pwagmccageni READING RAILROAD.~
TRUNK LINE from Philo
hUW 1 Uf.r, to the interior of Pennaylva
nia, ’ the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumberland and
Wyoming Valleyß, the North, Northwest and the Cana
das, Winter Arrangement of Passenger Trains, Nov. 18,
1867. leaving the Company’s Depot, Thirteenth and Cal
low bill streets, Philadelphia, at the following hourat
Reading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown.
Returning, leaves Beading at 6.30 P.M., arriving in
Philadelphia at 0.10 PM.
MORNING EXPRESS.—At&IS A M. for Reading, he*
banon,H*rriebfirg,'PottBvillb,Pine Grove, Tam aqua,
Sunbury, WilliamsportiElmira, Rochester, Niagara FalLs,
Buffalo. .Wilkesbarre, Pittßton, York, Carlisle, Cham-
Reading withiho East Penn
sylvania. Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac,, and the
8.16 A. M. connects with the Lebanon Valley train for
Harrisburg, 6c,; at port Clinton with Catawieaa R.R.
trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, 6c.; at
Harrisburg with NorthenrCentraL Cumberland Valley,
and Schuylkill and Susquehacnatraina for Northumber
land, Williamsport, Y o rK.Chajnbersbarg, Pinegrove, 6c.
AIuTIKNION EDCPRESB.—Leaves Philadelphia at 3.30
P. M. lor Rending, Pottevflle, Harrisburo-* 6c., connect
ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col-,
town at 6.45 A.M., stopping at intermediate stations: ar
rives in Phiiadelpliia at 9.U5 A. M. Returning leaves Phi.
ladelphia at 6.00 P. JM.: arrives in Pottstown at 7.05 P. 61.
7. A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila
delphia atlO.lo A. M. „
Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M.; arrives in
Reading at 6.45 i*. M. . . „ „
lYains for Philadelphia leave Hamsburg at 8.10 A M.,
and Pottsvillo at 8.45 A 31., arriving in Philadelphia at
LOO P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg ai 2.10 P.M.,
and Pottsville at 2.40 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at
Hanisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A
M., and Honisburgat4.lO P. 5L Connecting at Reading
with Afternoon Accommodation fouth at 64ft) P» M.,
arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M,
Waiket train, wiiii a Passenger car attached, leaves
Philadelphia at 12.45n00n for PotUviile and all Way Sta
tions ; leaves Pottsville at 7 A AL, for Philadelphia and ail
Way Stations. . ,
All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. .
Sunday trains leave Pottsvillo at 8.00 A. M., and Phila
delphia at 3.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at
8. A. M-returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M.
w CHE BTEK VA LLEY RAlLROAD.—Passengera for
DoWningtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 AM.
and'LOOP. M. trains from Philadelphia* returning from
Downingtown at 6.30 A 5L and 1.00 P-, __
THE WEST.-Leavea New Yorkat;9 A. SL. 6.00and600
P.M., passing Reading aid A M-, L5O and 10.10 P. M., and
connect at Uatriaburg with Pennsylvania and Northern
Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago,
Williamsport. Elmira- Baltimorc/Ac. . /
Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg,, on arrival
of Penneylvama 'Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 6.25
A M.. 9.35 P. M.. passing Hooding at 4.49 and 7.06 AM.
and IL4O P. bL, aniring at New York 10.10 and 1L45 AM.,
and 5.00 P.M. Sleeping Caro accompanying these trains
throughyhetwoen Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without
Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 810 A. M.
and 2.00 P.M. Mail tr&inforHarrisburg leaves New York
Pottsvillo at tUSQ. ILOO A. M. and 7.15 P.M.,returning from
Tamaqua at 7. 3p A M. and 1.40 and 4.85 P. M.
Trains leave Auburn at 755 A. M. for Pinegrove and Har
risburg, and at 12.45 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re
turning from Harrisburg at 355 P.M., and from Tremont
at 7.40 A. 51. and5.35P.M.
TICKETS.—Through lirat-class tickets and emigrant
tickets to all the principal points in the North and West
and Canadas. ' ..
Excunion Tickets from Philadelphia to 1 Reading and
Intermediate Stations, good for day only, anrsold by
Morning Accommodatibp, Market Train, Reading, and
Pottetown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates.
Excursion lickets to Philadelphia, good for day only,
are sold at Reading and Inter ediate Stations by Read
ing and Pottetown Accommodation Trains at reduced
rS The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office
of S. Bradford* Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street,
Philadelphia, or of G. A Nicolls, General Superintendent,
Tickchat ’2spercentdhcount, between
any points desired, forlamilied and finns.
Mileage Tickets, good for 2 000 miles, between all points
at $52 50 each, for families and firms.
Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months,
for holders only, to all points at reduced rates.
Clergyman residing on the line of the road will bo for
nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to
tickets at half faro. . , . .
Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta
tions, good fof Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced
fare, to bo had only attbo Ticket Office, at Thirteenth
and CMlowliillstreets, . , . , . .
FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to aU
(he above pointy from the Gompany*a Now Freight Depot.
Broad and Willow streets. , „ ,
Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at&JIO A. H..
li-(5 noon, and 61’. SL, for Heading, Lebanon, Harrisburg,
Pottsviile, Fort Clinton, and all points beyond.
Mails cloße at the Philadelphia Post-Office for aUplacea
on the read and its branches at 6 A.M., and for the prin
cipal Stations only at 2.15 F; M.
»»*> Ina ■■■>!.TIME TABLE—Commening Mon
day, Sept. 80th, 1807. Trains will leave Depot, comer of
-Broad street aDdWashingtonaveimG.aafoUowe:
Way-mail Train, at S.3U A. 1L (Sundays excepted), for
Baltimore, Stopping at all regular stations. Connecting
with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfleld and
intermediate stations. a _
Express train atl2.oQ excepted) for Balti
more and Washington. w . ~ , _ „ ,
Express Train atB 80 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bah
tlmore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thorlow,
Linwood. Claymont, Wumington.Newportßtanton, New
firk, Elk ton, Northeast, Charlcatom Perryviiie.'Havredo-
Grace, Aberdeen, ferryman’s, Bdgewood, Magnolia,
Chase’s and Stemmeris Run. _ '
Night Express at 11.00 P. M. (daily) for Bsdtlmore and
Washington. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ex.
cepteapwith Delaware Railroad Line} stopping at New
UasUe, Middleton, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Sea/otd.
Salisbury, Princess Anne, and at Onsfioid
withboat for Portress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and
for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Balti
more will take the'l2.oo H,.Train. Via Cnadeld wiU
to at all stationsjbetween
P LefvePb&fcJ2ia^m : 4.Bo, AOOsnd
P. M. The So P. M. train connects with toe Delaware
Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. The
fi oo P. Mltrainruns to Now Castle.
Tscuyfl Wilmington 7.00 add B.GO A- M. % and4.00 and 6.30
timowrits S5P,‘ M..’ stopping at Gavre'de.Gracs, Perry-^
Continental Hotel, where also Btato Rooms and Berths in
J.- 111,1,11 —I — OTTIT SDIBT nmg: . AMP ERIE
nortandtohtoeat Gil Reglonof Pennsylvania.—Elegant
Or? and C StS? 1 Nov, astb.lBo, theTraina on
the Philadelphia will run «b foUows >;
E.ieE^ieml.aves^^pWw....... ;;; . ; . ;^Nwm
u : : m v arriyMaiJßrie;.;,* 8.45 A. M. i
IS £ m:
M^lVMli «;
Erie plttK'i
j .a General Superintendent
tJEnffifffiEEßKO rinr,.\»Er,praA,„„,(}EKMAN‘
IiOAD TIME TABLE.—On tod after
w ' Uil3^m - :1 '
. The. 8.20 down tnun, and. the 3% and 6X up trains, will
not stop on the Germantown Branch.
■•• ■ - : ’ ON SUNDAYS.
Leave Philadelphia—&l6 minute* A. M: 2, 7 and IOJi P.M.
ay9^ r mg» E9TNim jy^M.^l, i .
,„Le*ve Philadelphia—6, 8,10,12 A. M. ia. BX, 6X, 7.9 and
10 if a JflU.. ■, l . .
Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes, 8,0.40 and 11.40 A.
M,; 140,0.40,6.40,440.8 40 and 10.40 P.M.
* " 1,.,. \T, . .ON SUNDAYS.
LeavePhiladelphia—9.ls mSmtce A. 81.; 2and7P. M
_ Leave Chestnut Hill-7.60 minutes A. M.; 12.40,6.40 and '
ft 35 minutes P. M, ■ i
Leave rhUsdelphla-e, 7X,0, ILOS, A. M.; IX. 8,4 X, 6X,
0.16, &05 and 11XP.M.
Leave Norristown- 540,7,7.60,9,11 A. M.: IX, 8,4 X, 6.16
Leave and 7.16 P.M.
Leave Norristown—7 A. M.: 6X and 9 P. M.
Leave Philadelphia—6,7X, 9,11.03 A. M.; IX, 3,4 X. SX.
6.16. aO6 and UX P.M.
Leave Manayunk—6.lo,7X, 8.30,9 X, UX A. M.; 2,8 X. 5,
6Si And 9 M
Leave Phfladefphlft-9 A. M.; 2X and 7.15 P. M.
Leave Monaynnk—7X A. M.; 6 and SX P. M.
W. B. WILSON, General-Superintendent,
• - , • Depot, Ninth and Green rtraets.
Wjd-r^ lT i un ■ArraogenKMta. On and after Monday,
Oet. ,7th, 1867, the Traina will leave Phltadelphtajrom tfio
Depot ol the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad, cor
ner ot Thirty.flrrt and Chestnut streets-' West FhUada.),
at 7.45 A. M.and 460 P. Af
Leave Rising Sun, at 6.48 and 6,00 A. M„ and
leave Oxford at&2s P. M. -
A Market Train with Paeseaeer Cat attached will run
on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Sun at 11.05
A. M., Oxford at 1L46 M.. and Kennett at 1.00 P. U„ con
neoting at West Chester Junction with a train for Phila
delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays train leaving
Phtladclphiaat aso P. Jl. runs, through toOxford.
-, The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A.M. cormecta at
Oxford with a dally line Of Stages for Peach, Bottom, In
Lancaster county.” Returning, loaves Peach Bottom to
connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for PbiladeL
pbia. ‘ •< . , ■ •
- The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M. runs to
Rising Duo* Md.
Panengere ftUowed to take wwuiugsppiurel only,M
Baggage, and the Company willnot, m any ewe, he re
aponalolo for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars,
unless a special contract bo made tor the warao. -
mhl2 HENRY WOOD, General Bnp’t
Brima r gAmßi and Atlantic rail-
On and after Thursday. Jfflt trains will
leave vine Street Ferry dally (Bingßqa.HlWwed):
Mail and Freight. 7.80 A. ML
Atlantic Accommodation: 3.46 P.M.
Junction Accommodation to Atco and inter. ■ ■ *
mediate stations... •. 6.80 P.M.
Atlantic Accommodation 0.13 A. M.
Mall and Freight IR6OP. M
Junction Accommodation from Atco 6.80 A. M.
Haddonfleld Accommodation will leave „
Vine Street Ferry. 10.15 A. M., 2.00 P. JL
Haddonlield.: LOOP. M.. 8.16 P. M.
. oc3o-tfs , . D. H. MUNDY. Agent
■SS4 ■’ MU UU ROAD, to Wilkeebarro, Mahanoy
(Sty, Mount Carmel, Centralia, and all points on Lehigh
Vimey Railroad and Its branches. , '
By new arrangements, perfected this day, this road is
enanlcd to give Increased despatch to merchandise con
signed to the above named points. . . .
Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot,
8. E. eor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets,
Before 6P. M„ will reach Wllhesbarre, Mount CarmeL
Mahanoy City, and the ether stations in Mahanoy and
Wyoming valleya before UA. R, of the succeeding day,
Je26 ■ , ELLIS CLARE. Agent.
....aAILI'.OAD.-On and after
“-Monday, February, 10th, 1868, Trains
will leave from the foot of Market street. i Upper Ferry)
for Mercbantville, Moorestown, Hartford. MasoavlUe,
fnesport. Mount Holly, SmithviUe, EwansviHe.Vineen
n, Binningham and Pemberton, atlo.Bo A.M., 3,00 and'
Leave Pemberton; 7.20, 8.25 A.M.. and 9.20 P.M.
“ Mount Holly, 7.45,8.47 A.M., and 2.44 VII.
” Moorestown, 8.18,9.16 A.M., and 8.12 P.M.
The 3.00 P M. line wii' run through to Hightstowu, stop
ping at all the intermediate places.
C. SAILER, Superintendent
railroad compan y. „
T-V- NOTICE.-On and after MONDAY.
February 10,1868, a lino will leave Hightstbwn via Pom
berton and Mount Holly, for Philadelphia, at 7 o’clock A.
M., arriving about 10 A. M. Returning, will leave Phila
delphia, from foot of Market street (upper forty), at 8
o’clock P. M.. arriving at Hightstown ahout 6 P. M.
W. 11. GATZSLER, Agent.’
Frnr.UAKY 7,1863 feB-tf •
For Boston—Steamship Line Direct.
Thl» line Is. composed ol the Brthdau
Mmm Steamshipe,
ROMAN, 1,488 tonß, Captain O. Baker.
SAXON, 1,860 tons. Captain F. M. JBovga.
NORimAN, 1.208 tons. Captain L. CrowelL
The SAXON, tram Fhlla.. Saturday. Feb.lB, at.lo|A. M.
The NORMON.ffom Boeton on Thursday. Feb. IS, S P. M.
These Steamships sail punctually, and Freight MU be
received every day, a Steamer being always on the berth.
Freight for points beyond Boeton eent with despatch.
mvSl 888 Booth Delaware avenue.
MttAiCi throdgh freight air line to the
At Noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKET street.
points In North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-
Line B&ilroad, connecting at Portsmouth ana to Lynon*
burg, Va., Tennessee and the West, via Virginia and
i Tennessee Air-LAe and Richmond and Danville ivailroad.
Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOWER
- The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route com*
mend it to the public aathe most desirable medium for
carrying every description of freight
No charge for commission, dray age, or any expense of
transfer. -
steamships insure at lowest rates.
Freight received DAILY,- _
i«HA.iveu w . WM p CLYDE * CO.,
14 North and South Wharves,
i W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point
; T. P. UKOWELLfc CO.. Agents at Norfolk. fel-tt
OEUCANB, VIA HAVANA* Saturday, February 15, at 8
e ™SIwAtIDl o wmldi FROM SAVANNAH.
TheVpiONEER will »att,FOR WILMINGTON. N. G-,
on— — Februaryat 5 o’clock P. M» .
> Through Bills of Lading signed, and Passage Tickets
sold to all points South and West. ,
■ WILLIAM L JAMESL-General Agent,
CHARLES E.DILKEB, freight Agent,
i nog ‘ : * No. 814 South Delaware avenue.
SfJWTtV Via Chesapeake and' DelawareCanaL ,
pfiSlfflE Philadelphia mud Bsltfanore Union Steam
boat Company. daily at 8 o'clock P. M-' . , .
j .Th e SteSraenoTtlfaline are now plying rapidity be
tweon thir port abdTSalflinore, waving,Her No. a
North Delaware avenne. above. Market street, daily at 8
<’c£rrrfii|s,alf as tow a» any other
Unefl* - r 1 1 ' tjjAn>pfiy
and lwymd' tha»ter£inus free d
i°ParttaiUr attentlonyjaiajo 'the transportation of all
description of Merchanolfe. ; Hpt*e«*iCarnagea, As,. Ac.
,j If9t further information, p. uu o pp, Agent.
japlMM r l ■■■' , Mo>lB Worth Delaware avenue.
JThese steamers will Ways this port for Havana every
» AND STRIPES, Holmee,ma*ter,
wUlsnllforHavana on Tuesday morning, February 11..
atBo’clock. „ ’l.'
• Passage to Havana, BM,euit«ncy.
1 Nofreight received after Saturday. , ■
| E ?f “ »BONBi
■lamuhti J; . ; ; I«o.North DelaivareavennA ■..
Georgetown and <[W ashington, D.C., via
SraanMa roule for
hashnUe. Dalton and the
i BtSameni leave regularly’ from the first wharf above
‘ ''Batnntey.’athflo*-
Bi:ij nrookr, doconsed.—James A. freeman,. Auctioneer.—
l.nnitintmvn Properties.—Under authority of the
Orphans’ Court for the City and County of PhiltMciphlu,
on Wednesday,February 26,18<5, at 12 o'clock,noon, will
he eold at pulillctale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, the
foliowingulaMU-ibcd Real Estate/late the property of
Thomas Brook*, deceased: Ko. I.—Residence, Tulpo
hockon street, between Adame and Green atroet»-A
.messuage and lot situate on the northwestly aide of ■tful
po beckon street, 325 feet southwardly of Ads me street, in
, the Twenty-second Ward; containing In ‘ front on Tofpo
hocker street 87 feet 6 inchee, and In depth northwestward
between parallel lines 216J4 feet; more or lean t
■. The above Is a rolnted-MonC- twin house 1 with-Mown
stone corners,-three,stories, high, with large portico m
/rent, lares hall, parlor, dining room, kitelton >and «nm
mer-kiteben on first floor i d cbaribera, bath-room and wa
ter-closet on the second-floor,,and 8 chambers above, ranee
In kltchen.Jigt and coldwattmac/pn the tear of the lot
Is a weUJraiit stone stable. Clear of incumbrance, , ,
No. 1 S.—A let or ground wlth the Improvements thereon
erected; sltnete on: tho norfbweet side of Queen Street, 'B9
feet ajilnchesnortheaetwaTdfrom.Greett street, Twenty
(ceond W« d, 30 feet frontati Qttedn street, and extending
of that width between ParfiliwllneoN. ttlf d eg., W/S
feet 9’i Inches on titetepib Wsstcrlyclme, and 229 feet 10‘.{
Inches on the northeasterly 1 line to Linden street. The
above will bo divided and sold,as follojvs: ,
: No.a,—Al Hoiise; Llttiell a&eet. A’three-story brick
house and lot on thesouthassterlyalde of. Lit den street, >
89 feet 2?i inches northeast from Green street, being is
met froutby 76 feet deep, . Thiois ct tAres-story pr&iDud
onckhmuKt parlor, dmtritf room and kitchen on’flrtt
.floor, with ehombtre fn tineettandand thirtlelartez; has
the above* iu4 feet inches nortlieaefc of Greett street, 15
py ia feet. Thieia a throe•fftory preesed brickhbnae; par
lor, dining-room and kitchen on tint floor, with chaujhcrH
apd JSd fitorica; baa gap, wateiy&c. , -x*. <r„l
Clear of incumbrance. •. 1 - r "'m
N0.,3-C.—Dwelling, Queen street.—A hound ahdi&toa
the northwest side oi Queen street,! being 80 * feet t front
and extending in depth on theßOUthwesteriFl&l j&M*
9,‘« inches, and-on the
inches. Iho above ia a b ick
rough-cast, with large nortico in front; large to parlor,
dining room and kitchen on firat floor, 4 chambera and
bath room on second door, and chambers above: has hot
andcoldwater, Ac. Clear, of incumbrance.
6100 to be paid at the time pf anlo.
liy the Court, 13. A.MERRICK, Clerk O.C.
Store, 423 walnut street
< WP t Brook*, deceased., ■ Jumw A. Freeman,Auctioneer.
street, near Main street. Germantown; On
Wednesday, February 26th, l&p,.at‘ I ISI o'clock* noon. Will
Exchange, the following describe*)'real bstate* the pro
perty of tho late/fhomaa Brooks, dec’A, A meesnageana
lot on-tuO southeast side of Jefferson<street,' between
Wakefield and Mato streets Twenty second Ward; begin
ning at a corner of this and ground of SamQelH. liollotn;
thence pasting through the parUtion-woll dividingthis
fiom the adjoining house; and be?6sa the feaxtie Bouth
eaaterly© feet, more or less, to tho Une bflahdnow or
late of John 3i.Bocaias; thence with the same southwest
erly 23tfectto a Btake,ahd thence ft till with the aamejieing
.along a6fect wide passageway westerly 12ft.to a corner;
thence northwesterly. 47 feet ,to a corner by the side of
JCffeison street, and thence along the same 37 feet to the
place of beginning.
r ga IT This is a neat three story and rough cut dwelling,
parlor, dining-room and kitchen on unit floor, with cham
bers above,gas, water, &c, , - r -
gyciear of IncumDronce, Sale peremptory, .
Gf slou to bo paid at time of' sale.
JAMES A. FrtEKMAN. Anetloneer.
Store. 422 walnut street.
Sherlock, Freeman*:Auction
eW.~Three-story Brick house, No. 3019 Ha&d street.
Seventh Ward. llhaer authorityof the* JrphAns* Court
fortbe City and County of Philadelphia* on. Wednesday,,
February 28.1868. at la o’clock. noon, will -be sold at pub
lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the de
scribed real estate, late the property of Joseph Sherlock,
deceased: A three-story brick house and lot on the ndrth.
side of'Hand afreet, at the distance of 168 feet ditches
westward front Twentieth fetreet, in the Be venth* .Wira of
the city ! <»ntaiuißg In front l&TeeCand extending horrtto
ward* of j that fcrreadtli,44 fort, including on the east side
thereof one half of an alley 8 feet wide,rjeft open be
tween this and the adjoining lot . to* the east for t&e ac
commodation of the same’ and other ground bounding
thereon. . \
\jSubject to SS6 ground rent per annum. ISHTwoninthp
of the above wilTbe sold by the Orphans’ Court, and the
remaining seven ninths by tbe other ownerg, the pur
chaser obtaining a title to the whole, •
$lOO to be paid at the time of sale* .
By the Court, E. A;MEBKICK, Clerk 0. GY
,• MARY J. BLACKWOOOi Guardian.
James a. FREEMAN* Auctioneer, .
fefl,l3#i . Store, 429 Walnutstreet.
Phillips, minors.,-James, A. Freeman,Auctioneer.—
Store and Dwelling, No. 630 Shlppen street .Under
authority at the Orphan#' Courtfor the City and County
of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, February ,38; JMBj at 12
o’clock, noon, will be cold at public, sale, at the Philadel
phia Exchange. the following described property*. Trust
Estate of Phillips, minors: MI that cortain lot of ground,
elinato on the eouthuido qf Sbippen Street at the distance
of 135 test 4 inches east efNinth streetand at the distance
of 14 feet 4 inches east of RuSseU street, in the 4tn Ward
of the clty; containing in frent li feet, and indepthjon
the east line ts feet* inches, and, on the; west line 68 feet:
Slcinchestb^Robbinstreet,inthereat.Vj: ■
N. B.—On the above lot are erected a three-story brick
store and dwelling, fronting on Shippen street (No; 830),
and a three-story brick home, fronting on. Bobbin street.
Subject to $6O ground rent per annum. Clear-of all other
incumbrance. .
t3T $lOO to bo paid at the timepf sale. _
By the Conrt, ■ E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C.
JOHN H. KIKSLEF. ( trustees.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer.
Store, 423 Walnut street
■ml Andrew Smith, deceased.-rJameeA. Freeman, Ane-
Jt* tioneer.—Bakery and Duelling,Elm street, between
Thirty-fifth and Thfrty-eixth streets, Mantua. Under
authority«pf the Orphans’ Court forthe City and County'
of Bhilaaelphii.onWednesdav, Feb. 26, 1868. atlSo’clocfc*
noon* WlJlbe sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex
change, the following depcnbed real estate, tho property
of the late Andrew. Smith, deceased: Alotor ground,
situate on the north side of Eim street (now called: Ead
line), at the distance of 150 feet westward fr'un Blocaley
street, Twenty.fourth .Ward: being 30 feet front and 170
feet deep to Grape Btrcet. On the above are erected a
two-story brick, bakery and dwelling, with bake house,
shed stable, Ac. Pump in yard. Clear of incumbrance.
t3??#lootobepaldattlmeof sale.^
Court, E.A. < MEBRICK tClerkO.C
-.IEAKETTE SMilHi Adm’tix.
-JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
Store, 432 Walnut street.
■tfrt tloneer.—Store and Dwelling, No. 8930 .Lancaster
Mto* avenue, T wenty-fourth. Ward.. On Wednesday.
February 26, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, wiU .be sold at
Sublic sale, at.the Philadelphia Exchange, the following
escribed Real Estate: All that lot of ground, with the
three-etoiy brick Btore and dweUlng thereon erected, on
the b. W.elde of Lancaster turnpike, 233 feet 8. E. of the
H avert or d road, la the Twontyfourth. Ward of the city,
21# feet front, more or leas, and 100 feet deep. House is
: weU built, and the situation is.improving rapidly. Oppo
site, is a new Public HalL Care pass the door for Callow
hill street, and the Market street care are very near. JThe
property Tents for S3OU a year, but occupancy with the
deed can be bad if (lie purchaser desires..
tW~ The fixtures are included in thesale.
of the pnrehase money may remain.
Or $lOO to be p»id at the time of sale.. s • J ‘
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
Store, 422 Walnut street
MSS acres, machinery, &0., &o» of 'The Sheetn
Farm Oil Company of Philadelphia,” on Dunkard
Creek, Greene counKPn., (subject to a lease of 25 acre*
and t» perches of thefarm for the purpose ofjioiina and
drilling for oil, ore, saltier other minerals), will be Mid
withoutreeerve, at theiPhiladelphla Exchange, Philadel
phia, on Tuesday, .March 24th, : 1858, at 12 o'clock, noon.
Terms cash. S3M to be paid at time of sale, andbalanoo
on delivery of deed.
* a ■ M. THOMAS gs SONS.Aocttoneers,
JalmmhSW 189 and 141 Bourn Fourth street
styles, and at
TANiSt-OI (jotor Wrought Iron, lor refineries, waters
Reports, Bench Castings.
Holdraandl'ramea, Eurifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar
i Pn£ii, D*fiicaiors, Bone Black Filter* Burners,
j Bag Filters. Sugar and
S cd’ l Shw'* i £ 9 'jujHioe , s Patent Dead
in the United'States, of Weston's Patent Self centering
| and Belf'baiancineCeutrilugaiSugaKdrainingMachine.
GUj»Sftatol>improvement on AspinwaU * WoolaeVs
teasiawr* 111 u ■ *'
cSSacton erecgpn,.and.-fittin*-0)» o#
T Refineries forworklngffiigar or Molajees.
. DBce*.
S teralt^
.115 Walnut street. ;W«
v •• tv-.i-fc }.