Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, February 07, 1868, Image 1

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    GIBSOK mCOCK. Mtor.
(■Sundays excepted),
COT CbMlnatfilreet, Pblladelphla,
m tub . „
" §ho|?£wi7uamlm},
cents nor week. payable to tho earners, or SB por nnnum.
W Engravedor Wfltteß. Newest styles of Wedding
Stationary. Call and look Bto . toßWi
u* 728,Area street.
ABHMEAD—VOKIUNO.—On the oth in*t„ by the Rev.
j. Howard Suydam, F. L. Ashmoad to YirginJA M. Fair-
Ido. both of talc city. ■ •
LONBDALE—COX.—In Providence, B.L. on the 4th
Jnat., by Rev. 8. Heed, Mr. John F. Lonsdale, of Port
Hope, Ontario, and Mice Jennie, only daughter of C'apt
lb P. Cox, of Philadelphia. ■ . i.
RAMSEY- BaKElb-On Feb. sth. by the Rov.C. D.
Cooper, Mr. Albert is. Ramsey to Ml a Anna M. Baker,
nil of tola city. •
ADAMS.—On the afternoon of the 6tb Instant, at the
Tcrldence of her husband, No. 11M South Broad street,
Emma Klpka Adame, youngest daughter of the late
.loMph lUpka, and wife of Commander 11. A. Adams, Jr.,
Due notice will be given of the funeral. * .
BfINTHALL.—On the 6th lnet„ Elizabeth, reUct of the
lata John D. llonthall. In the 73d year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully
Invited to attend tho funeral, from her' late residence,
No. 1704 Bummer afreet, on Saturday afternoon, Bth but-,
3 UUCIfXIiAN.—On Thursday morning. Bth Inst, Rebecca
8. Bucbenin*d»ugbter of the late Dr. George Buchanan,
of BnltlmoreTMd. , v - : *
Funeral from the residence of her relative*. 925 Spruce
street. Services at St. Andrew'a Church, 4 o’clock, Sat
urday afternoon. • . .. ..*
B UEH LEK. -On Thursday evening, February 6 th. Alex
ander Glass, infant eon of WUJJam O. and Beeeio M,
Buchler, aged two daya , ■ . *
DPJNKErt.—On th«6th lnat, at hi* rocldence. In Mon
trose, Pa., Henry Drinker. brthe64t<r year of hi* age. ”
SIIEDAKEK.—On the morning of the, 6th Inetant, Mr*.
Elizabeth Shedaker. in tho 44th year of her age. •
SNELL—On Tuesday. 4th but, Mary Minerva Morgan,
wife of William R. Snell. , , ' .
The friend* and relative* are Invited to attend the
funeral from her late residence, NO. 4<xi Crown street, on
Saturday afternoon. Bth but, atS o’clock. *
Died, on the 2d of February, In the 58th year of hi* age.
Joint St-savkkuyke. .The event which we chronicle
distresses many loving heart*. Itl* a sad dispensation of
Providence which strikes a good man from the Beta of
the jiving; when human affection cherfahca hia worth
and human Judgment Is temped to demur at the sacrifice
which God demand* of him, hi* family, and society. The
deceased, though simple, unoatentatioua, douieatic. ww
w idely known and universally respected for the virtue*
which dUtinguhibtd him in hi* Intercourse with hi*
fellow.m*m in hU bufintrM, by tnduatfioua habits and U*
flexible integrity: itfhU family, by devotion, warm and
unaclftfh, to bln wile and children; in the community, by
life kind and peaceful demeanor; In hie religion* hr un
feigned and exemplary piety. Hie Catholic brethren
evinced their truet in hie probity and iwefulne** by the
office* which they conferred on him in several of our
ohurche#; their admiration of hi* iteadfaetiUld
ditcUarge of the duttc* of religion; tfielf edification at Ins
thoughtful and holy aim to love and aerve God, to aavc
hi* precious *ouL A lon* Hines* tended to chasten tho
Christian; the frequent use of the Sacrament#.* to prepare
him for a happy death. a«d, the. kingdom of Gpo* fhe
-writer of these line* knew and prized him for many
years: and standing now at the graveside where hi*
mortal remains are overshadowed dj the cnwi, he com
mends with mingled sorrow'and'hope, hint and his
mourning family to the mercies of Jesus Ghrist
• .f • AMICUO.
K¥RE dc L&NDEbL*
, ; Fourth and Arch streets.
farewell readings.
An Office for tho sale of RE3ERYEDBEAT3 has been
opened at
Ho, 109 SMtb Third Street! sear Cheetaot,
where Scat* cut bo procured for eltherof tho two FARE ■
fe4tl4rp _
In accordance with the e»U of the Republican State
Executive Committee, tho Republican citizen* of Phila
delphia will meat in their re*pective election divisions on
the 4th TUESDAY of February, 35th Inst., between the
boon of 6 and 8 o’clock P. M., to elet* one delegate from
each division to a Cohgreaifional Convention, said conven
tion to elect two deletatc* end two alternate* from each
Congressional pistrict to the National Convention, to be
held in Chicago. on tho 30th day of May next, to nominate
a candidate, for President jnd Vice President of the
United State*. : *
Al*o, one Senatorial and one Representative delegate
from each divides to the eeveral Senatorial and Repro
eentative Conventions, to elect delegatee to the State
Convention to beheld in Philadelphia, on the Uth day of
March, next, which Convention *h*B nominate Candi
da te4for Auditor and Surveyor-General, elect four dele
gatee to the National Comma tton, and form the Electoral
Ticket.' ■■ " ' ’ ’’ ’
Tho election* to Be held in Conformity with the foliow
ingimpplemcntary rule* for tho government of the Repub
lican party. - . . . -
By order of the Republican City ExecutivC Commlttee.
W.R. LEEDS, Prealdont.
John u'HtttidiiclloßktiinrSeMetafiee.*- 1^
Rulv L—lt shall be the duty of the Republican Judge*
andlnapecton, elected at the election in October, 1867, to
conduct the delegate election to be held on the 4th TUES
DAY in February, 1868> In the election dlvisioas that
failed to elect the Kepnbllean candidate for judge, eald
candidate (ball act aa judge. Where a vacancy occnra,
the remaining election officers, fn conjunction with the
DlvialonExecutive Committee, shall fill each vacancy-
All appointment* or change of election officer* most be re
ported by the Division Executive Committee to the prosh .
dent of fhe.Ward Executive Committee at. least. one
weekprierto said delegate election.-.No election officer
shall no a delegate to or a candidate before, any. of ..the
conventloni provided tor In thcsornle*.,:The delegate
elections shall be held at the regular placaa ,of Voiding
electlona or,lf; a change fsdeslred, the -place, ofheldlng
tho ele'otloh may be changed by the Division Executive
Committee in conjunction with the election officer* el
said division; provided that on*. wpek'snotlce.shaUhe
given to tho voters of each dlvlslan (where a. ehange la
made) of the place of holding the delegate eloction. r
, Rui.e 2.—On TUESDAY EVENING, Fehruary 11, 1888,
the Republican election offloer* of> each election division
and the Diviilon Executive Committee ehall meet-4 the
-usual place of holding aald delggatC eiectionj; or at such
place a* may be provided, between the holire of 4 an#;B
o’clock, to prepare a reglstry of the Republican voter* of
Bald division. Noperson shall be registered ,bp- the regls
taring offlcsr* unless he waa a qualified voter to saiddivi
eloaat tho preceding election, except as hereinafter pro
' vidod. > ' Any pencil claiming the right to vote who did not:
reside In said dlvialon at the preceding tfection, or
Whew right to votemay have originated since fold elec-,
tion, shall make per»onfl application to bo registered,
and must prove to the satisfaction of a majority of tho re.
glstoring officer* that he lx entitled to vote! in said division
Said offieersshall enter in a hook, containing street lists,
provided for that purpose, the name* and residence of alj
Republican voters known to’ them in geld division. Said
registry shall be open to the inspection of 01l RepubUcaO*
voters fn-the several election divisions, and if It shall
Improved to the satisfaction of a majority of tho re
gistering officers thatthe name of any person shall
have beeaenrolledwho is not simember of the Republi
can party,they shall strike his name fram tbelist, and no
person shaU be allowed to vote at the ensnlhig delegate
. elocttonunlesshlfnamO appears - duly registered in the ;
enrollment book of said division. The original 'copy of
eaohdlyWonroglstry shall be deposited with the presi
dent of the Ward Executive Committee, aignedbythe
registering officers, and duly attested by, oath or affirma
tion of two of -the registering officers before- one. of tho
«adennau>f this oltr. The president of the Word Exeon
flre CommUteo shall causo to beprepared a sufficient
number of the lists of voters for thp use of eachdivi
-aion. ' • ■ ■ f074t0
®®*Papor, S by
del7 *m{ . No. ffia Jayne Minot
i aiif (&Hmus Iklktiu
Fzueukay 4,1868.
Of the.Univenlty'of Pennsylvania, will Loctnro before tho
At Hort icultural Hull,
On Tuesday Erening, February, 11th,
. Thl* Lecture will be brilliantly and beautifully ilium
trated by novel experiment*, and 1* confidently expected
to surpass anything heretofore given on till* anb.ect to a
Philadelphia audience.
Ticket* of admission. 60 cents. _
For sate at TEUMPLER'B, 926 CHESTNUT Street, and
at the, door. fo7-3t}
pHii.Anzi.PniA, February 6,1868.
At a meeting of the Stockholder* of thl* Company held
on tho Sdinst., the following named gentlemen were re
elected Director* for tho ensuing year:
John Biddle, I Charles Bijous,
James A. McCrea, It D. Ijrael Morel*,
Jacob p.Jones, . . I,:. WorauDrake,
Benjamin Marshall.
And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held this
day JOHN BIDDLE was re-elected Preeident, and KD
wiltD ELY. Secretary and Treasurer. EI Y _
fe7-2tj .. Secretary.
lhiinAi>Kj.rniA. January 30,1868.
Thl* Company 1* prepared to purchase it* Loan due
In 1870, at par.
ja3o-tfrp No. 133 SouthSccond Street
Philadelphia Express Sioambeat Company will
be held at the office. No. 14 Bouth Wharves, on TUES
DAY. 11th Inst, at 10 A. M. W.M. H. HOWELL,
fc7-Btj , Secretary.
of lectures on Phrenology and Poyalology.as an.
plied to humanand self improvement, at Assembly rtuila
mg', FRIDAY EVENING, at7JO, Feb. 7. Fere. jaSßtfrpS
lg»t HOWARD HOSPITAL. NOS. 1818 AND 1620
Lombard street. Dispensary Department.—Medt
cal treatment and medldnea furnished gratuitously to the
poor. " "•
[Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.]
Havana, February I, lBoB.—After mmf days
nearly as warm as the dog-days, we have had a
change of Weather. It commenced by a great
display of lightning and some rain on the' night
of Wednesday list On the following morning
the wind blew, almost a gale. The barometer fell
eo low on Thursday that, the Spanish mail
e teamer was not allowed to sail. She departed at
noon to-day, however,'notwithstanding the high
sea and strong wind. This change of weather has
been very favorable for the complete disappear
ance, of the cholera, not only here, bat. in the
conn try,where it was spreading, particularly in the
plantations near CabaDos. On one of these plan
tations, situated near the sea-shore, lo negroes
were attacked by the cholera in less than twenty
fonr hours, and 7 of the cases proved fatal.
The issue of a million dollars in new shares by
the Spanish Bank of this city has proved almost
a failure. The error was committed of fixing
the new. shares at a prime of twenty per cent,so
that the old ones fell to eighteen, par cent, and
as was natural, the capitalists prefer ttf.-buy.at
that price than to take the new shares at twenty
per cent «
The City Connell is still laboring;in a difficult
financial situation. It owes a great deal of
money, end, for the present, it is penniless.
Even the teachers of the public schools are not
paid. lam told that the corporation is about to
raise two loans, one of $600,000 here, and another
ot $1,000,000 In England.
• The colored people of this city are discontented
because the Government has notyet appointed a
day for their- celebration of Twelfth Cay, or
“Devil's Cay,” as it is termed, and which was
prevented at the usnal time, (the 6th of last
month) on account of the cholera. The negroes
grumble, and look rather threatening, and in
consequence extra..patrols are to be. seen.every,
night in the streets.
The favorite amusement of the inhabitants of
this city, the masquerade, was inaugurated on
Friday night at the Great Theatre, bat there was
little animation, and very few decent peqple
were present. '
You must have more recent news than we have
received from that republic; and for that reason
I will only say that tnc government of Salnave
Is making great exertions to obtain from the
United States the connection of that turbulent
island with Florida by a telegraphic cable. The
American consol favors the scheme, but it will
probably amount to little,
i ’ ~
San Domingo.
1 We have as yet no news that Baez (the new
President) has entered the capital of that re
public. It is said that Cabral was courageously
defending the city, but that provisions were
already wanting there, and for which some war
schooners had gone to the neighboring islands.
It was deemed probable that the capital would fall
into the hands of Baez, and as he is vindictive,
people feared that he.would commit many ex
cesses on getting possession. It is superfluous
to say . that there is no commerce now in San
Domingo. ,
Markets The sugar market. continues doll,
the transactions of the week having been unim
portant and prices without change.
Exchange is rather brisk. On London.OO days,
12% to 13 per cent, premium. On New York, 60
days currency, 29 to 28 per cent discount Short'
Sight 26% do., do. , :
I Havana—Shuttng —Arrived Jan. 25,'Ame
rican schooner Davis Collins, Boston; ’British
brig Ellen H. Dawyer, St. John (N- B-). Jan. 27.
brig Mary E. Hines, Portland. Jan. 28, schooner.
Moggie McNeill; New Orleans! - Jan. 31, Ameri
can brig Harry verdon, Pensacola; brig Hiram
Abeff, Mobile.
T Sailed.—3vn. 25—British brig; Cheviot Port
land. Jan. 26—American schooner Annie A.
Holton, New York; British shiD England, Pensa
cola.' i Jan. 27—American bark. Narragansett,)
Charleston., Jan. #B—American Brig . Proteus,
New York. Jan! 29—American schooner Phla,
Mobile. ( > ■■ ;
i Bbrrbme Court— Chief Justice Thompson and
Justices Strong,; Agnew and Sharswood.—The
Philadelphia list isstiil before the Court
i Nisi Pbics— Juetice Kead.—Caldvrell vs. The
Catawissa Bailroad Company. . Before reported.
This case is still on trial,
f District Court —Judge Hare — J. E.iWllson
ys. .H. 8. Morse. An ictfon to recover on a draft
The defence denied liability on the draft because
It was ' given* in pursuance of an unlawful ar
rangement to circulate the small notes Issued by
a corporation In Delaware, sold circulation being
Against the; law of Pennsylvania. The defence
also denied any consideration. Jury out
? District Court— Judge Stroud -JdorrlsMyers
and Lehman Myers, trading as M. Myers & Co.,
Vs, Kdward Goltz. An action on .a promissory
tote. Verdict for plaintiff for 9108 90.
i Philip Aaron and Catharine his wife vs. John
Hartman. An action to recover damages for al
leged slanderous words Uttered by defendant
The defence: was that the reputation of. plaintiffs
instilled the remark. On trial. , v.
I Quarter Sessions— Judge Lndlow.-rThe case
of Edward Pine, charged with the larceny of
bonds fromtbe-Friends’ MeetWgHogse, Race;
, above Fifteenth, occupied all of the morning. On
the crOB&-examinationoftheCommonwealth ! a
witnesses It was shown that a large number-of
persons besides the 1 defendant had access to the
fire-proof in the Meeting Hons* The defence
Sat in evidence good character, and also that
ir. Fine was engaged In a prosperous' business,
• and had means. On trial. ■>»
Accocntahts.— The existence of an Institute
Of Accountants at Edinburgh has .boon of long
date,, and for fourteen yeara past they have been,
established ad a corporation, which J»a accumu
lated,, huge .funds,; and now .contemplates the
endpwinent of a professional clwlr. ■ ■ • *
faitlcnliui of (be Suicide ol Colonel
BlcOarnt of tfae Thirty-second.
United states Infantry.
[From the San Francisco Bulletin of Dec. 3LI
Onr community was startled this morning by.
the announcement that Col. Edward McGarry
had committed suicide at his rooms in the Oeci-;
dental Hotel, by cutting bis throat. The par
ticulars ot this horrible affair, as far as they
could, in the nature of things, be ascertained,
appear to be as follows: For some time Col.
McGarry has been residing with the family of
cx-Gov. Low. About a week or ten days since
he became slightly indisposed and' went to the
Occidental Hotel, where be took a room and
was attended by his servant, a colored man. He
was confined to his room a part of the time, but
appeared frequently on the streets, and visited
his friends in the hotel.. At these periods he
seemed to be ta his usual spirits, and was tree and
social, as had always beennis habit, nothing ap
pearing in his conduct to arouse a suspicion fa
the minds of bis most intimate friends that he
contemplated the destruction of his own life.
Last evening he was in his apartment About I
A. M. to-day his servant went to the room and
found him awake. Tfae servant asked him
how he felt, and he replied, jocularly,
1 ‘First rate, yon bctl” The man then retired. On
going to his room again early this morning, the
servant found the door locked. He rapped, bnt
there wasno response; called his name, but there
was no reply. He then hastened down Btalrs and
told Mr. Bardenberg that he thought there must
be something wrong with Col. McGarry, that he
could not open the door.. Mr. Hardcnberg and
another gentleman .proceeded to his room, and
receiving no response from within, they l buret
the door, and it struck against the prostrate and
lifeless body of the unfortunate man. The
room presented a horrible scene. McGarry
lay on his back on the floor, with a pillow under
his shoulders, and his body drawn up and partly
concealed by the bed-clothes, which- he had
pulled over him in the last death struggle. The
remaining pillow on the bed, the sheets and blan
kets were saturated and crimson with blood, and
in the middle of the couch lay oh ordinary pearl
handlelhree-blade pocket-knife, the large blade
opened and stained to the haft with blood; it was
the instrument with which he perpetrated. the
awful act of self-murder. The head of deceased'
was thrown-back, and immediately in front on
his throat, and near the base of the neck,*was a
wound about an inch in width.with jagged edges,
indicating that the knife waa stabbed into his neck
and then twisted abont till the windpipe and ar
teries were severed. Death was not instanta
neous. He had evidently cut his throat while in
bed. He then got up, ana the traces of his bloody
fingers can be seen high up on the wall opposite
the bed, over some clothes, and on the panel of
the door. He then, to all appearances, returned
to the bed, took off one of the pillows, placed it
on the floor, and lying down, pulled the clothes
partly off, covered himself, anti died. The floor
was covered with blood, and there were splatches
o’f it on the marble-top stand. On this lost were
two bottles of medicine, and a package of the
some in powders lying near them.
I Information of the - suicide was at once con
veyed to the Coroner, who came to the room and
made an examination of eveiythtag in it. He
found no writing bv the deceased, but only some
notes and letters addressed to him. His friends.
consider that he committed suicide while labor
ing under temporary insanity.
I It is said that CoL McGarry waa ,a native of
New York. He was a self-made man. Many
oif his friendß here recollect seeing him first
when he was -employed in., a. livery stable in
Rochester, N. Y. when'war with Mexico was
declared he went into that country as a sutler
oh Taylor’s line. After the close of that war
he came to this State, and aC the breaking out
of the war of the rebellion he was at Stockton.
He joined the volunteers, anff went- to-Utah -as
Captain of a company in Colonel Connor's regi
ment. In that service he distinguished himself
in several sanguinary engagements. Afterwards
he was promoted to the ranks of captain, major,
■and finally, at the time of his death, he was lieu
tenant-colonel of the 32d Regiment of United
States Infantry. He acted as Judge-Advocate in
the trial of the Harppnding piracy case in this
city, and was for several years a member of the
Legislature from Napa county. He was a man
of very warm and ardent temperament, emi
nently social, and had a very large circle of
friends and acquaintances, who will deplore W -
death and the awful circumstances which at
tended it.
Tbe ScknylklU murder—The Case of
Capt. Kelirer.
! The Lebanon Advertiser says: “A great deal of
excitement was occasioned In and around Schuyl
kill county by the reported confession of a young
man in,regard to the - murder of Capt. Kehrer.
We did not believe a tithe of the reports, and
hence, did not publish them. It now turns out
as we expected. No parties were arrested in
Buffalo; no letter was got from the Dead Letter
Office; the party who should have confessed de
nies all about it, and the U. S. Detective who
should have wormed ont the mystery has disap
peared. ■ Thus the whole affair remains as here
tofore— a murder, the dead body not found, and
the perpetrators of the tragedy unknown.”
' 1 we learn from the friends of the missing man
in this city that the above is substantially true,
rind to it we add the following particulars: The
detective,- Carpenter, after bringing out the “con
fession” of young Aibrighton, charged his
Brother, brother-in-law and a man by the name
Of Lomison with having conspired to secure the
murder of Capt. Kehrer through two Irish
men, Btated that he would go to Altoona
lifter a Woman who had’’been a house
keeper of Lomlßon’s and was charged with'
having washed the bloody, clothes of the
missing Captain. For some unexplained reason
He went ,to his home in Wyoming. Alter his de
parture youngAlbrighton denied having, made
iLo confession, no Irishmen could be found, and
“dead letter” proved to be a hoax. ‘ .Parties
Started after Carpenter, and,after some difficulty,
arrested him In a mill where he had fled to avoid
Observation. He was taken to Pottsville, and
placed >in the jail; where he is now confined.
Thus everything seems to be again shrouded in
mystery, and we shall anxiously await develop
Arrest of a Notorious Counterfeiter—
j Spurious National Bank. Notes.
I The Cincinnati Commercial,‘oi Monday, says:
‘fin March last wis.had occasion to chronicle the
irrest. in thls viafeity, by United States detective
E. L. Quinton, of Charles Ulrich, one Of the
most prominent counterfeiters of the United
States, and, from the fact,of being a very accom
plished engraver moßt, dangerous. of all of them.
He was arrested in company with another man
and woman, and in his possession was . found a
five hundred dollar National Bank plate, the
pack of which he had finished, and, upon tho
face of which he was then “engaged. He had
diready engraved the counterfeit $lOO plates
On the National Banks for New folk, Boston and
Cincinnati. From this point Ulrich was taken
to New York, and thence to the Brooklyn tail,
as he was wanted in the East; He managed to
out of that jail and to escapetoCanada
early toJuhe.'Am'hewastoo-dangerousa'man'
to be allowed his liberty, if that cotud possibly be
Avoided. Chief Wood. of Washington, and Detec
tive Quinton exerted themselves to, recapture
him. After a long chase they finally captured him
at the Rosin House, in : Toronto, Canada West,
and immediately took steps to bring him back to
the United States. ,
i “They experienced many ■ difficulties In this,
the prisoner having a smart lawyer to defend his
ease;- and finally, after giving in all their testi
mony, they were compelled; (o mturn without
him, final dedaion in the cafe having:been:do-’
(erred. IP the I .latterpart.sf;October, Ulrich
managed to break jail again, at Toronto/ and to
successfully evade, pursuit. 1 Detective Quinton
dctc¥toined ‘to secure him and bring him to jus
tice, W that were possible, immediately esm
menc«i|work again In an effort to obtain-traceof
him./Jin this effort he succeeded about a month
Bgo.fy He started out then on his thlrd chase after
the man, and made the round of Eastern and'
• Western cities, without coming upon him. .A
few day* since, bewever, ho ascertained that his
fame would be in the city in; a short time, and
e Immediately made preparations ,! to put the
‘collar’ on the fugitive ‘coniaker.’ In this ho
finally succeeded, fist evening, at the Cincinnati
Hamilton and Dayton depot, ‘ where he found
Ulrich preparing to leave the city. Ulrich sur
rendered quietly."
Boiler Explosion in PMabnrclt-Two
Ben Killed.
[Fjorn the Pittsburgh Gazette of Feb. SI
A boiler explosion occurred yesterday morn
ing abont 5 o’clock, at Frahktown, in the works
of Mr. John D. Gray, resulting in the death of
John Harris, the engineer, and fatally injuring
his son, who was employed as fireman. One of
- the employe's of the mill had just arrived when
the explosion took place, and on running in to
see the cause found the fireman lying some dis
tance from the furnace , terribly bruised and
scalded. He called assistance and carried the in
jured man to bis bouse, which was but a short
distance off and returned ,to the mill for
the purpose of getting some oil to dress his
wounds, when he heard the groans of the engi
neer, and upOD going to the spot whence the
groans proceeded, found him under the
Sitman In an almost lifeless condition.
[e wits removed at once, and con
veyed: to his residence, where he died in about
twenty minutes alterward. The building and ma-,
chinery were but slightly damaged by the acci
dent, the only injury being the destruction of the
shed which covered the boilers.
. Coroner Clawson was notified of the affair and
eummoned a jury. Several, witnesses were ex
amined relative to the cause of -the explosion,
who all agree that it was attributable to an in
sufficiency ofvwstesltt the boiler. The deceased
was abont forty-live years of age, and leaves a
family of five children, three girls and two boys,
one of whom is married, and the other, who was.
injured, is about twenty-one years.
Another BaUroad Accident—Fatal
iFrom the Bt. Paul (Minn.) Frees of the 4th fnnt. J
Another one of those fatal accidents that makes
the blood almost creep with horror, happened
yesterday on the 8L Paul' and Pacific Railroad
near the Lake Como .crossing. A wood train
came in on this road in the afternoon, arriving
here about 4% o'clock. Soon after the arrival of
the .train, the 4% o’clock accommodation for
Minneapolis departed on the Bame road. When
the accommodation train reached the Lake Como
crossing they discovered a man, a little
lying upon the track. The train was stopped;
and on going to where he lay, it was tound
to be a .lifeless body, with the head
and left arm entirely severed.
The remains were placed on board the train
and carried to Bt. Anthony. A despatch was at
once sent back here. In the meantime the hands
on 'the wood train discovered that a brakeman
named James McGuire waa missing. As soon as
the despatch waa received a special train was
despatched for the remains, and they were
brought to this city and carried to his'home,
corner of Rosabel and Third. From the clothing
it was evident that the remains were those of
James McGuire, brakeman of the wood train.
Burning ol a Steamer.
[From the St, Lonie Democrat of February 4.1
At 7 o’clock last night the , mammoth steamer
Gfticft Dolsen, one of the largest boats on the
river, was burned to the waterYfedge at the foot
of Lesperance street. The engines proceeded
toward the spot, but the position of the burning
steamer .being. inaccessible to thevnachlnesthe
firemen gave up the chase and returned to their
houses. One of the ferry-boats came alongside
after the upper works, had fallen in, but, from
some cause, no stream was thrown, and the ferry
steamed away,' leaving the Clara to her fate. The
origin of the fire is nnknOwn. The boat had been
laid up since October, and had no freight on
board. She was worth about 840,000, and is in
sured in Cincinnati companies.
A Journey Overland from Walrussia.
[From tbe Bt. Paul Frees of Feb. 3.]
We had the pleasure of meeting yesterday a
gentleman who has just reached the city, having
been engaged since last August in making the
perilous and adventurous overland trip from our
new Knseian American possessions.
The gentleman in question was one of the early
employes of the Oveerland Tele
graph Company, whose - lines . were
to run- through Russian America, thence
across to Russia and to. St. Petersburg, and has
been in the employ of the company that has
since carried on the work. The company having
suspended operations for a time, he came down
to the southern part of “Russian America” and
going up Canal,” the salt water inlet
which forms its southern boundary, and ascend
ing Nosb river (given on some maps as Simpson
river),started in August last on his overland trip.
By making a portage he was able to cross by
means of a line of small lakes from the head
waters of the Simpson river to Fort McLeod, on
the headwaters of the PePce river. Passing down
this branch he cametinto the Finley river, and
soon into the Peacdwver proper; following this
river, which-flaws along a- beautiful valley
through the Rocky Mountains, he kept op. hfe
canoe with his Indian guide to Dnnvegan House.
Here he went out of the way to visit Smoky
river, so caUed from the country being clouded
with smoke from the burning peaks, the soil
being a mass of earth mingled with asphalting.
or petroleum. .. .. . v
: Continuing his journey, sometimes in a canoe,
sometimes on a horse and sometimes on foot; he
crossed to Lesser 81ave'Lake,up' the stream at its
northerly, end,: and thence by portage' across to
the Saskatchewan, and dojvn it to the Carlton
House., Here the Water courses were leit alto-
f ether, and our adventurous traveler continued
is journey , on-horseback and in dog sleds to
Fort Garry on,the Red; River, thence with dog
sleds, which carry the-mail, to Pembina andjjtort
Abercrombie, and thence to this city, whence .he
intends to proceed to New York, where he will
shortly take the steamer for California,
f One not accustomed to that mode of life can
hardly imagine the, difficulties, privation's and
dangers attending, such a journey through a
country, a large portion of which was inhabited
only by the Indians, and dependent upon them
for supplies of food, for the traveler and guide,
which" were . often obtained with the greatest
difficulty. . ~ • '
Our adventurer was for a considerable length
of time in. the central portion of “Russian
America” dr AlPska, having aided in clearing the
route for the telegraph line, which, starting from
the terminus of other Unes which run up from
California, through Oregon and British Colom
bia to thesouthern boundary,of our new .pos
sessions, thence has penetrated well up toward
the interior. He Is weU posted as to its
the nature of the country and capabilities, being
a shrewd observer, and having a large fund of
general knowledge.
It will b* seen that on some of the late mape,the
.Towcaan river is represented as flowing in to the
Arctic Ocean, while onothera this is bnt a branch
of a large rive* which flows into the Atlantic
nearßondng Btraltß. The latter Is correct, thts
river, whlch-te. called the Kitchpitch (we don’t
claim to give the Rnssian" spelling),' being navi
gable for a thousand miles through the. interior
of the country.
pally o pine, bsSmlQok ancf <»dMj tmdfaUF lPrge
quantities ; of coal, which the InffiSas burn In
their lodges,- it -being ,similar to Pennsylvania
coaL The land all tlongdownthesonthern strip
is well timbered,, and, nas abandon tetreama,
which funjtoh the wite lowers; Tim
lumber trade with California and Oregon seems
destined to be an important one as well as across
to Asia, as it was necessary to ship immense
quantities of ’telegraph poles from the Pacific
coast to supply the Asiatic end of the line.
Some portions of the country are dotted With
numerous lakes and occasional marshes, others
are richly supplied with minerals, which have
heretofore no); been worked, for two reasons—
one being the difficulty of access, and the other
that all precious metals found, until the recent
purchase, fell to the royal treasury.
Gardena ore common and fine vegetables are
raised. Thermoriletrical observations have been
regularly kept for four years at Fort Youcon, on
the Youcon river, abont midway between the Pa
cific and Arctic Oceans, showing a temperature
about the same as Quebec and Montreal. The cod
fisheries near the islands along the coast are un
surpassed, while the finest furs are wonderfully
plentiful and cheap—being bought for .a trifle
from the Indians in the Interior. .
Many and conflicting statements have already
been published in regard to Alaska, which makes
the description ot one whose acquaintance with
the country la the result of recent and personal
observation. of special interest. We give his
statements as they were famished to us, with
holding his name at his request, his position, and
the business connected with his present trip ren
dering this desirable.
Horace Greeley on tbe Situation.
[From to-day’a Tribune. ]
We do not see how General Grant could have
taken any other course. If he really made the
promise the President alleges, then he must be a
fool or a knave, for his friefids were making his
canvass upon the express understanding that in
this Tenure of Office law, as in all other laws,
he would obey Congress. Wo do not think there
is a well-informed bricklayer In New York who
does not take this view. For the President to
suppose that Grant could follow any other path
is to us incomprehensible.
Then comes another phase! It is very hard to
say just what we feel without appearing to be
intemperate in speech. The President is disap-
Eointed, piqued, chagrined. In the first place,
e cannot play Grant as a silent chessman. The
General is not willing to irnst the President's as
surances that if he is put in jail he' will be pro
tected. Of course Mr. Johnson * desired this.
With Gen. Grant nominally resisting Congress,
he would have had a glorious quarrel,
and shown an enormous quantity of ‘‘vigor.’’
But Stanton goes ta and Grant goes out.
Plainly, there is bnt on 6 course. He must either
submit or resist. If Stanton has been absolutely
removed, as the President contends, then he
should be turned out as a usurper by the police,:
or a new Secretary appointed, and an order is
sued to obey him, and him only. This would
have been no more a disobedience of law than
for Grant to have held the office
after Stanton’s restoration. The Supreme
Court was open to Johnson os well as to
Grant. There was one plain course. But it
required pluck, for over ail lowered the Senate
and the House and the never-ceasing sough-'
ing of impeachment. The President neither
resists nor yields, bnt scolds! He sends
for the correspondents—a lively scribe
named “J, B. 8., particularly, and for Coyle,
the tragedian of l the Intelligencer —and has arti
cles written; and in forty-eight hours—all over
the country—the General of the Army, by the
direct prompting and ’ suggestion of the Presi
dent of the United States, is denounced os a
“liar.” a “sneak,", and a dishonorable man.
. I There is something ruffianly; in all this. We
afe no champion of General Grant. We do not
approve of many things be hap done.. We think
he has allowed his amiability and deaire for quiet
to place him too often in a questionable posi
tion, and thus to injure the cause. 1 lh this last
business, however, he has shown qualities that
add to his great fame, and justify the confidence
of loyal men. It will, of course, bring upon him
the howls and Imprecations of the rebel and Cop
perhead, especially when incited and suggested
by thd President. Mr. Johnson has done many
things to grieve the heart of the nation. His last
little game is the most humiliating and unenvia
ble of all.
The Theatres. —At the Walnut this evening
Mrs. Barney Williams wilt have a benefit in an
attractive bill. The play of the Shamrock or a
Flower of Erin; Law for Ladies, and Irish Assu
rance util be performed. At the Arch the sensor
tional drama Under, the Gaslight, will be given.
At the Chestnut file Mikado Japanese troupe
will give a performance. The American offers
an attractive bUJU
Tub Grand Duchess.— On. Tuesday evening
nest Mr. Bateman's French Opera Company
will appear at the Academy of Music in the
comic opera of The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein.
The sale of seats has been very large this week,
and if it continues at the same .rate tickets for
the whole honse for every night of the season will
bn sold. The music of the opera is sprightly and
pretty, and the plot Itself is of the loutest and
most amusing, description. It will be advisable
for every one to procure librettos beforehand
and acquaint themselves with the outlines of the
drama. Tickets arg for sale at Qonld’s piano
star* . V ■
Old Folks.— The Old Folks will give a per
formance at Concert Hall to-night and to
morrow afternoon. They conclude their engage
ment here with this week.
The Germania Orchestra will give their
usual public rehearsal at the Musical Fund Hall
"to-morrow at P. M., with the following pro
gTannuG: < • -
11. Concert Overture, Op. 36... .Alois Schmitt
12. Romance, from “Hon Sebastian”. .Donizottl.
3. Osmanen “Waltz” .tanner, i
i. Andante cantabile, from Jupiter’Sinfonie,
5. Overture— 1 ‘Siege of Corinth”...... Rossini.
6. Duet, from “Zemire and Az0r”..... ..Spohr.
7. The Magic Horn—Fantasia, from “Oberon!*
■' Wieprecht.
Philadelphia Opera House.— The laugh*
able burlesque, The Black Book, will be given at
this i popular establishment to-night, with alhthe
accessories of handsome scenery, eccentric cos
tumes' and a first-rate cast This drama is well
worth seeing. Besides this there will,bo a miscel
laneous entertainment, in which the, members
of the very excellent company will, participate.
Mr. Frank Moran will give some of his most
amusing negro personations, there wiU be ring
ing, dancing. Instrumental rnnslc, and a pleasant
variety of Farce, extravaganza and bnriesque.
The entertainment at, thin house is a good one
in every respect. ; ■
Concert Hali —“ Father Baldwin’s Old Folks”
will give a performance at Concert Hall thlseven
ing. This troupe eonsiste of twenty-fonr artists
whoattlro themselves in ancient costume and
sing old time rnnslc, consisting chiefly of
Sections of sacred music. Several of the pep
formers possess -great ability, the boy soprano
especially having a voice of great power and
i Eleventh Street Opera House. —Messrs.
Carncroes & Dlxey announce for this evening an
entirely new burlesque, entitled Ours; or Maxi—
milians Avengets. . The piece has real merit.' It
is filled with comical situations, sharplocal hits,
funny incidentsand keen-satire. - -In addltlon to
this, Mr. J. L. Carncross wIU sing several favorite
ballads, and there will be local andinstrumedtal
music, Ethiopean delineations, dancing, &q», by
the members of the company. !*
—'There areinthe United States 46 Lutheran
synods, with 1(748 tnlnistere, 8,111 congregations,
and 86l,860cnmnnmtcants.
-Joeeph Smlth’s widow has roosted to a. re
velation from'the eool of her depSed hnsband a
f, i. mnmmx. vmsbet.
—TO m Thumb Is af Indianapolis.
—ldaho Is $04,767 in debL
-Forty-six below zcrd lb Minnesota.
—A Cincinnati lady has scvenhußbamla
Her present address Is the city jail:
—A young woman has skated across La2e-
Champlain, at Rutland. . i, .
—Gladstone Is said to be * successful amateur
concert singer.
—The New York Ereninq Pott , one of the boat !■.
papers In this country, has just competed its "'
—An independent candidate foraioriff in -Ken
tucky puts forward as bis chief claim the fact *
that he once slept with Andrew Jackson,
—Carpenter, the White House artist,hiss taken
up that little note of. Edgar AJMe wMeMQreelojr
advertised In the Ledger.
—A live fiaii, five inches long, was foundin an',
oyster shell recently opened in Nashua,' That's ''
toe much to swallow.—lV. B. Mercury.
—A' Grant paper thinks its favorite is not yet k
prominent candidate, slncenobody hae’begttn.
abusing his wife.
—A Boston detective gives hfs~wholeatte*-
tion to the thieves who stool newspapers -Croat :
doorsteps. * . '
—Bishop Morris, of- the Methodist* Episcopal?
Church,' recommends the appointment or a mua*
her of new bishops. t
—The Boston f’iicrf thinks the man-Is-Uviug'-'
wlio will see a majority of the inhabitants of the .»■ >
United States Boman Catholics. .
—The nobs of Venice are scandalized by Ufo--
piesnmption of the' young Duchess of. Aosta.
Victor Emmanuel’s daughter-in-law, who wear# '
"cheap and commonplace white petticoat.”
—The first edition of Qneen Victoria’s-Diary,' •’'
consisting l of one hundred- and fifty thousand- ’
copies,-is nearly sold, and will realize a profit oF' 5
£lO,OOO, at least.
—A Louisville paper has seen a railroad con
ductor examining apair ofpiulcs, and hopes .he - ;
is going to buy them to help his train make bet--;,
ter time. >
—The Deseret News reads Eastern tnoriUsts a - r
lesson on interference with Mormonlam while the
desertions of infants and ehild-murdCr ‘ are so
prevalent hereabouts.
—Many prominent citizens Of Hamilton,
Canada, have Signed a petition for a revision or
tbe game laws. They wish to have the killing of -'
deer for exportation forbidden. -:*V
—A man Was recently scalded to death in a ’
brewing vat at St. Louis.; Il ls gratifylng to but
vivorS to learn that “the cistern has been entirely
emptied ot Its contents.” ; . : :
' —On Rock Island, in the Mississippi river,-is a-. ■
pottery for baking building blocks. ; It can turh. . .
out the material for a largo storehouse in a Single
day. ' ■ ---- - >.•
i—The Wisconsin Legislature are considering '
the propriety of abolishing the grand jury.sys- 1
tern as a needless -expense, hindering instead of* -
helping justice. .-•• • -V, v
>—The Springfield Republican thanks- thit if*-'
matches ore mode in heaven, it would be well, In.:
many instances, to postpone the ceremony tmtil'
the bride and groom take up a residence there.
—Dr, Ball, “a fnil-blooded negro’" spoho-to a ,
crowded meeting of Democrats In Lebanon, 111.,
one day last week. He edits a Democratic paper.
We will black-ball hint if he attempts' to
into the Republican party.' ‘ - ‘ r ,
: —Mr; Evan- ; Hopkins, of' England; is 1 satisfied ; 1
that the crust of-our globe- Is slowly traveling- - -
northward, and that, In a few centaries;-Now - •
England vffil be at the NorthFole., Rhiladelphtea /
will then probably be In Canada. ;, j : , ,
—A novelty in Baris is a scarf pin in too form •
of some animal's head, which is connected with
an electrical battery carried in the vest pocket.
By setting tbe battery in motion; the eyes of foe >
animal move at the will of the wearer.-
—Crounse, the Washington correspondent Ot,
the New York* 7VmeV having occasion to visit . .
Mr. Johnson, found him in one ’oi Mb “period!- -
cai” moods, and was grossly insulted by him p*,
the presence of several gentlemgp.
—On Miss Dickinson’s visit to Rockford, HI,
she was elected an honorary member of foe Yee- •
perlan Society of the Female Seminary ln foah
place. Miss Anna acknowledged the complfoienb
m a very neat letter. . , •
—A French chemist has discovered a compound ,
entirely harmless which answers as well as the
poisonous substance heretofore used in the man
ufacture ofaTharaoh’s serpents.” Need wOsay -
that it is obtained from petroleum?
. —A cricketing eleven, composed of aboriginal,
Australians, who have shown remarkable profi
ciency in the game, will visit England this spriiK.
for the purpose of competing with the crack
English elevens.
—J. Ross Browne', who is nominated as Mr....
Bnrlingame’s successor in China, went to Salem,
twenty-five years ago, homeless and penniless,
having been sent from the crew of a condemned -
whole sMp by the United States Consul atZanzi- -
bar. ;
—A pamphlet, entitled “An Election in the -
Grand Duchy of Gerais tem,’’ has just been seined ,
in Faria. It gives a narrative of a supposed elec- -
tion in the fabulous German principality, tea',
greatly resembling an ( election worked by, at ..
French army, of functionaries to be tolerated 'by •
the French censors. • " • • - <• '
—Anew sect terming*themselves. A*Non*%Utr.(
Ing Men," has appearpdamong the sailors ofthe ■
British navy. Some of the: ten yeare’raea,oF
this sect, on claiming their discharge, wereasked,.
why they wished toleave the service, and replied,.
“For the love of the Lord and liberty.” There ~,
are a number of the non-fighting men, iu the
Mediterranean fleet at the present time,
i—A New Jersey paper, copies anoldnotefbr
$lB 60 given In 1830, by Brigham Youngj ten dob—.
“lars oiit to be paid -in good- kitchen ohaira- afe
fifty cents each, bat by the endorsement Iteeema..
that $H 25 were paldlnmaking plckeirfience,andL<
$2 50 in flrazhlnga'barn. r . The remainhigsh«7hi. i
and Interest do hot appear to haha been paid...;
■ yet. -y
' —'llio Archbishop off Algiers has., published
heartrending description of the sufferings of"
the native .populatloß. Tens ef thousands of"
Arabs have already literally died Stem starvation,
according to his statements, and the numberwjll .
reach hundreds of thouaands.befbre the return of"
the warm season, unless relief bayrovided on the*
largest scale. The prelate mentioned
fervent appeal forhtdp., ’■
■ —lt would seem to be a difficult thing.' to. to
prove the Ohio river. Its bedls now full, of pools
and sandbays. If theseareramoyedithe river witt.
become of a uniform shallowness, which wilt
practically destroy It as a.■ means ot navigation.
It has been proposed to tern hake Erie to supptjr
it with wates, but there ia the trtltos objecoooo
that Pittsburgh la one hundred and twenty feet)
higher than the surface e£ the lake.
‘ —The Abbe Cambeloi thinks the hcst-moauaof
getting ridof PenlanlsmTould suppg* •
cate Hus IX. to come ever and sing high masain
Bt. Paul’s of London , and to proclaim there,, ao
nnwHiijr tn thft Evangel* the aeSnltive fthoaaon,
of the Dastard work of Henry VIE.; to restoro -
On the mins of Anglicanism the Ppatiflcal an
thorlty, that aupieme authority, even the inftfr
ble authority, of Si. Petertanthomy. ■
\ —According to communications from Ifteo.tho
Whoteofthe mounfalnotts district for rMT
of 100 leagues between Marseilles and Genoa pha
ses Ls at present a raagntowut spectacle,
Whole slope of the maritime Alps is covered withv
a eoa ting e f the most dasshng whiteness. Tb#
height of these mountains to on the average 1,3*0,
feetabovethe loveloftheses.Whatto moefere
markable to that below this belt of suowatcry'
B*^oveo^^l^^«f»!S« ,