Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 27, 1868, Image 1

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(Sundays excepted),
607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphitt,
The Stn.t.rrist Is served to subscribers in the MP at 18
cents per week, payable to the carriers, or a per annum.
Engraved or Written. Newest kyles of Wedding
Stationery. Call and look at e ample++.
W. U. FERRY. Stationer.
ja7 US Arch mtreet.
utImrtrusGs—THOMPSON.--Oza Thuroday,.the
inst., at the reridence of Hon. W. 11. Lowrie, Allegheny
scity„ by iter. Wro. D. Howard. I) I)., Mr fiehrrt it. Cum
in lop+. of Philadelphia, and bliss Caroline Thompson, of
Allegheny city.
DANIEL.—Near Remevile, Cheater eounty, on Satur.
day, .January 26th, Sarah A. Daniel.
}funeral on Wednesday, 29th feet., et 11 A. M. •
KEI.I.,Y.L—On Sunday morning, Margaret, infant
daughter of Dennis it: and Ellen F. Kelly, aged it mouths
and 14 days.
The relative/ and frienda of the family are fullyrespect
invited to attend her funeral , from the reeldence
of her parents, Kellyeville, Delaware county, on Wed
nesday afternoon. "2 9 th inatant, at half.Paat two o'clock,
without further notice. ••
LEWIS —On Sunday morning, 26th instant , in the 79th
"g ri ef her age, Martha ft., - widowtire
late ttobert!L
• s.
bIr;MACKIH.—On the 27th bust., Sa rah, relict of the late
Win, McMackin. in the 65th year of her age.
Due notice will be given of the funeral. •
MOTT.--Irn the 26th Inst.. at the residence of, bin enutn.
law. Geo. W. Lord. Brooklyn, N. Y., James Mott, in his
-.nth year.
l'uneral from the residence of Edward Hopper, No. i'lu
Clinton direst. Philadelphia, ou'llrird.day, the Vali in,t ,
at 2 o'cirek. PM.
VARYF.—On the morning of the zth instent;Samuel
ry, aged W yeare.
lire rilsti; es end friends are Invited to the funeral.
from his late residence. No. 1024 Mt. Vernon street, on
Third day morning, the an, at 11 o'clock. Interment at
PERRI On the 26th instant, Henry B Ire, eon of
car,filue 1:. anti the tat, .Irdin Perry, in the 21tir year of
Ids age.
The relatives find friends of the family, Chosen Friends
Lodge Ao ::, K. of P., arc irep etf idly invited to attend ids
tuner: O. from the residence of his Irothe -in.law, Henry
Van Bell, North Broad, on Wednesday afternoon. at
net rk. • • dt
110BINSON.—On the 7th instant, in her 27th year,
1: orris. wife of it. It. Robinson.
Funeral rereice at 10 o'clock. on Tuesday morning,
the lAh. Move at halt-peat ten. fr' ni the residence of her
husband, it l3larkes street. Wilmington, DeL la' Adieu
and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
ROO "----(in the filth Samuel W. Beep, In the 49th
year of his age. '
• The male relatives and friends are respectfully invited
ro attend the funeral, from Ids late resideee., McKean
avenue. Germanroe u, on r ueeday, the Lath instant. at 10
o'clock, -xi: hut further notice. Interment at LaurrLliilL
t'arriage4 will leave. the office of W. H. Moore, No. so 61;
Arch otreet. at 9 o'clock.
'1118.1A1).—Onlhe morning of the 27th instant. Solomon
Tobin-, in the :ea year of his nge.
Due notice a ill be given of the funeral. •
El RE & LANs) L.
Fourth and Arch inreete.
fb, Anuuni 'Meeting of Ude Club r% ill be held on
At A Weilek P. AL at the
rIFTII and NORTH Street:. (below Arch). enhance on
North street. when officers will be elected for the present
COMM& a of the victorimu campaigns of 1860, lhi , l and
twas, gather to organize for the labor and triumphs of the
coining strugle.
Friends of t the martyred Lincoln and supporters of the
hoconitruction Mtasures of Congress, come and renew
to a N in
mete.h cause of freedom. justice and equal
Annivervary of the 3ferchanta' Fund will be cele
brated at the
on THURSDAY EVENING, February Gth, at 7% &dock.
Orebedra will be under the direction of _lark liaseler.
Addreases wilt be delivered by
J. GILLINGHAM FELL, and other di tim
guished speakers.
Cards of admiedon may be had gratuitously by early
application to
W5l U. LUDWIG, No. 36 North Third street.
JAMES C. HAND. No. 614 Market street.
T. D. MoFARLAND, No. 51 South Fourth street.
Third and Walnut sta. 141:1 t fesi,rw
Will lecture before the Teachers' Institute, at'
(The date of this lecture was changed from JanuaryN,
as at first announced, to February 5, by l'rot. Adansiz's
Reserved Seats for the remainder of the emirs° (eon
lating of Prof. Agassien lecture and two illustrated
teeturea by Prof. R. E. Rogers, or Philadelphia), may
be bad. if applied for noon, for all 50 each.
Evening Ticketa (not teserved), fifty costa each.
For sale at TRUSI PLEB'S. 926 eIIf.S'I'NUT
Street. ja.isa 111 f :Urn; '
At an election hold on tho 14th day of :Jammer, 18458, the
following named Stockholders wero elected Directors of
this Bank:
. riumuND SMITH,
just-Mrp: SAMUEL J. MAC MULLAH, Cashier.
PIIILADELIIITA, January 24, 1883
And at a meeting_ of the Board of Directors, hold this
-day, A. C. ROBERTS. Foci., was unanimously elected
President, P HAMM, hsq., having resigned, and J.
Esq., Vice President.
iu24-3trA Cashier.
•. Ptrimknimenru. January 27, 1828.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company
- will hfi held on TUESDAY, the 18th dery of February,
18811, at lgo'clock, A. M at Concert Dell, No. 1219 Chest
nut street; Philadelphia..
The annual election for Directors will be held en MON
DAY, the 2od day et March. 1883, at the office of the cont.
puny, No. 238 south Third tarot
EDMUND small,
holdersd of .the-" Burning Spring - and - Goose - Crook
--- Glitornbanr , will be held at Bair °thee. 311 Wiliwit
, etreet, OD TUESDAY, January at it o'clock '
when an election will be held for Directors to carve the
• ensuing year. .
Bett•thatm,2trpo Trexaurer.
holdere of the 'Mercantile Library Company, to
conaidor the nropoeed amendment to the ()Motor, will ho
bold on TUMMY EVE.NINO,Feb miry 4th... at 73.4
o'clock. ;JOON lAR ER,
ja2.s,tfe4,i'M Recording Secretary.
annual meeting for nomination of aliteer4 and for
other businers, will bo hold on MO DAY 'EVENING.
.fau. 21, at 8 o'c lock, at their Rome Gas Oftemtnot street.
A. J. DERICI.Nti.'"
. tiocretvr.
"%n i l rifNtt:T#irtiriti.j9L'EaTnnT pF .1'11 1 1: STOCK
be held at the office. 210 South Fourth u st ( r j e n O r tl l 'r w "
iNESDAY, sth proximo, at 11 A. M.
.101-1 N TUCKER,
1 1 426-ittrpo
!tom A Grand Gymnastio Exhibition.
American Academy of Music,
.Ti tidal Evening, Feb: 4, 1868. • '
RESIF.Ii VELA BEAT:4. ........... .. . . CENTS.
'cure them in time,at the Ciyinniodnin, corm— 1
nt Arch ' Prof. L. LEWLS.
Ws". IJOWA lIOSPITAL, NOB. 1518 AND 1520
Lombard street, Mapetulary Department.—Medl
eal treatment and medicines furnished gratuitoualy to the
delo l ym P 4, 4 " Bought by E. HUNTER,
No. gUI Jayne xtroot.
.Altogether the best of our literary quarterlies
Is he North American Review. Indeed it Is the
only one that can be regarded as possessing that
kind of authority that is derived from age and
continued good management. Published now
by Ticknor 48:, Fields, and , edited by Professors
Lowell and Norton, the Itcriem ie better than it
ever was. Old habits and formalities have been
thrown off; popular topics are treated in popular
style; and In this time of freedom of thought, it
is something to be informed of the authorship of
the - va`rious articles, as has, been the
custom in recent tau fibers. The January
number of this year o pens with a Boston
article, written by a Bostonian, on "Boston.'
Mr. Charles Francis Adams. Jr., is the author,
and be does not scruple to expose some of the
weaknesses of "the Hub.' But, outside of .Bos.
ton, there are not many people that could be
much interested in the article. This is followed
by a very readable paper by Mr.V. D. Bowed*.
on the "Stornelli" of France:see) dell' Ungar°, a
poet who treats modern political events and ques
tions In Italy with a rare epigrammatic force. The
third article, on "Railroad Management, - makes
some good points, bet they refer chiefly to Bos
ton and Nlasf:achliketts, Mr. A. S. Hill, in the
fourth at tick, makes a clever - defence of Dean
Swift's charaeter against the bitter charges of
Thacheray and others. Rev. James Fran is re
port to the British Government, on the Common
Schools of America, Is the subject of a readahlp
article by Samuel Eliot. "Co-operation, - whin
has lately bean so much talked of as a philosophi- •
cal and economical system, has some of its fault s
exposed In an, article by E. L. Godkiu. But
the next article, by Professor Lowell himself,
on - Witchcraft," would redeem the poorest
and most provincial of magazines. It Is lull of
learning and research, of humor and satire, and
is wide/. -n in really excellent English. Sidney
G. Fisher. of Philadelphia, is the author
of , the next article, on "Nominating Con
ventions." It is, like everything of his, well con
sidered and well written, and we may refer again
to it and its topic, as related to this city and
State. The concluding article In the 1: , ;r1,141,4
an eloquent tribute to the memory of the late
Governor Andrew, by A. G. Browne, Jr. Under
the bead of "Oldest Notices" are ..xurte well
written and judicious articles on a number of
recent publicatrons.
The r.i.ita.ry for February is an excellent num
ber. "Steven Lawrence, Yeoman," is continued.
Professor Blot gives a valuable paper on Dinners,
and Mrs. Yelverton discusses, from a somewhat
personal point of view, "British Marriage Law
and Practice. Mark Twain has an amusing article
on "General Washington's Negro Servant."
"Popular Songs," by George Wake man: an ar
ticle on modern actors, which gives some very
good criticisms; "Reminiscences of Dr. Way
land," and several other papers are all interesting
and readable.
"Hours at How," for February has a capital
variety of articles, including an excellent paper
on modern trashy literature, by Greenwood, the
Lambeth "casual," called "Pen-Poison." Dr.
Bushnell continues his striking series of papers
on the "Moral uses of Dark Things," and Miss
Yonge's "Chaplet of 0 - scads" is also continued,
Thore are two interesting papers on Fitz-Greene
Halleek, and an unpublished poem by the same
poet. T. B. Pugh is the Philadelphia agent:for
this excellent monthly.
"T Jr, Lady'N Friend" for February gives its
usual varied store of light and pleasant maga
zine reading together with the latest fashion
plates, and \ patterns of all manner of pretty
things for ladies' gear. Deacon 6: Peterson an
uounce_three- novelets-Ifor-- the-present
year, by. Amanda M. Douglas,- the author of
"Stephen Dane"; Elizabeth Prescott, and Louise
Chandler Moulton.
"Our Young Folks" forVebrnary Is tilled with
unusual supply of good things. Dr. Hayes
continues his interesting "Cast Away in the
Cold." " The Old Life• Boat ;" " The Downfall of
die Saxon Gods;" "Wide-Ifouthed Kluhn ;',
"Blocked in the Snow," and several other lively
pieces are all excellent. T. B. Pugh, BULLETIN
BUILDING, is the agent.
Arthur's Hone Magazine continues to give a
variety of well-arranged contents in poetry and
prose, including its valuable housekeeping and
needle-work department. Mr. Arthur has com
menced a new series of temperance tales,
and his
coadjutor, Virginia F. Townsend, is writing a
pretty story called " The Rollands."
Mr. Arthur's "Children's Hour" has become a
great favorite with the little ones, and we are
glid, to hear that its circulation Is rapidly in
creitsing:, It is very judiciously edited, and its
iiinstrafiens and typography are equal to the
very best class of juvenile periodicals.
- _
"Thr Nursrry" Is a very pretty juvenile, of a
character kindred to the "Children:B Hour," pub
lished by J. L. Shorty, Boston. It is designed
for the very youngest readers, giving some of its
stories in extra large typo for the benefit of that
class. Its . illustrations are beautifully executed.
MONl;7llp*r rx PERti.—The Peruvian Govern
ment is about to erect a monument to commemo
rate the victory of the 2d of May, 1866, over the
Spaniards. Through the Peruvian agent, M.
Livna, No. 103 Rue Saint Lazare, Paris, they will
receive the propositions of sculptors and amid
lects: -The-artist-is .- exicetedio'combine - in , hts
coMposition four statues, seated or standing, to
be twice the size of life, and representing the four
allied Republics of Central America, Peru, Chile,
Ecuador and Bolivia. There must also be a bust
of Colonel Galvez, Minister of War, who was
billed dutittg the combat. The jury who are to
decide upon the successful plan are to be composed
of two sculptors and two architects who have not
sent In designs, and who will be elected by the
contestants. Three prizes will be accorded. For
the first, the construction of the, monument,
which is to cost 00,000. The second, a prize of
3,000 f. The third, 2,000 f. At the above rate of
remuneration - our artists will hardly compute for
the work.
Ciaton Society is organising in
England, under the lead of Mr. Blades, the author
of the new life of the great printer, the object
being to reproduce lila works from time to time.
aliliAlpt4LPHlA, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1868.
Y aTa.ECI 1-I.API-1.
The Republicans and Gem Grant,
By the Atlantic Ca.bLe.
LonooN, Jan. 27.—1 t is now asserted that the
new French loan of 750,000,080 franca will be
placed in the market to-morrow.
Eta - Nunn°, Jan. 27.—A very heavy gale passed
over the northern counties of Scotland yester
day. Houses were unroofed, blown down, etc.,
and much damage was done.
Telegrams reTtOrt the loss of several lives. The
storm was very heavy in this city and in Glas
gow, and It is thought that the shipping must
have suffered terribly, though no advices of dis
aster have yet come to hand.
From NU Louis.
Sr. Loris, Jan. 27.—The committee appointed
by the Central General Grant Club publish
an address to the Republicans of Missouri,
which gives, among other reasons why
General Grant should be nominated by
the Republican National Contention for
President, ill- honesty, Le having proved himself
to be a patriot, because he is a man of the people,
=prang from their ranks, devoted to their inte
rests, and possessed of those rare qualites
necessary for a Chief Magistrate amidst
the present political complications, viz.:
oractical common sense, unflinching &termina
l:on of purpose, clear discrimination as to men
and measures, and will practice and enforce rigid
e, overtly in every department of the
Government. Because his views of
the qnt stion of Reconstruction are
in harmony with those of Congress, and he will
mete out ujual and exact justice without
reference to condition, color or nationality.
Because he is magnanimous, . and will ad
minister the government on the liberal,
progressive principles of the Republican party.
Because he can place the financial system on a
solid basis, and vitalize our commerce at home
and abroad. Because his election will give
weight to our nationality among the nations,
will settle up the Alabama claims, "and move im
mediately on the works of the enemy." Because
he will seet that our flag Is respected
by all nations. however powerful, and will pro
tect naturalized citizens whenever or wherever
their rights may be assailed or their liberty
abridged. Because Gen. Grant is the first choice
of an overwhelming majority of the people for
the next Chief Magistrate. The formation of
Grant Clubs 'in t very town of the State is
earnestly recommended.
ICLth CongrosAi--Second Session.
f Sh - , , ,cri—Coptlired from Third ytlitlon,J.
On notroi of Mr. Stewart (Nevada), the
Senate took up the bill to relieve the disabilities
of Robert M. Patton, of Alabama.
Mr. Stewart said the petition was signed by
Gen. Swayne and thirty-seven members of the
constitutional Convention, and read a letter
_ -
from Ctn. Pope to Gen. Grant, favoring the re
moval of the disabilities, saying he had rem;ercd
kood aseistanee in carrying out the Iteeonstrne
tion acts. Mr. Stewart stated that the Governor
had been a Union man, but engaged in the -m
-ix-Dion in a civil capacity, and could not take the
Mr. Pomeroy (Kan.) favored the bill, saving
there were many similar eases in the Southotihere
many persons were willing to comply with' the
Eteconstruction acts and ought to be relieved.
Mr. Howard (Mich.) took the same view. 'He
would support the bill because Gov. Patton had
-hown his faith by his walks, and that Congress
a thus increase its friends in the South.
Mr. Drake opposed the bill, on the ground that
the time had not yet come when they could judge.
of the repentance of rebels, nor will it until re
..onstruction is finished.
Mr. Buckalew spoke in opposition to special
legislation of this kind in individual cases. - They
should either repeal the disabling laws, or miti
gate them`if therdo not operate well. Such bills
as the present would operate unjustly in pre
'erring such men as Patton, who was no more
meritorious than many others.
Mr. Johnson said, while he would vote for the
bill, he would prefer a general amnesty law which I
be hoped would not be long deferred. n the
meantime he would vote for such applications.
IHorm:.--(3ontintted from Third Edition.)
By Mr, Myers (Pa.), dlreettng that all agents of
any department of the Government whose salary
tweeds e5OO, shall be appointed by the Presi
dt-nt, an with the . advice and consent of the
Senate, and providing that the term of all such
officers now appointek., shall cease in thirty days
after the passage of this act. Referred , to the
committee on retrenchment.
By Mr. O'Neill (Pa.), to extend the boundaries
of the collection district of Philadelphia, so as to
include the whole of the consolidated city of
Philadelphia. To the Committee on Commerce.
By Mr. Miller (Pa.), to prohibit- assessors and
collectors of internal revenue and their deputise
being interested directly or Indirectly in any for
feiture for violation of the Revenue laws. To
Committee of Ways and Means.
By Mr. Ashley Olio), to provide a temporary
government for the Territory of Wyoming. To
Committee on Territories.
By Mr. Cary (Ohio), to establish a .uniform
currency, and provide for the management and
iiquidation of the national debt. To the Com
mittee of the Whole on the State or the Union.
It provides for the" issue of Treasury cer
tificates as a legal tender for all pur
poses in calling In and cancelling of national
bank currency awl of United States legal tenders.
Also, for the issue of bonds drawing 41 per cent.
Interest. All outstanding bonils except when
payable in gold to be paid when due, or redeem
able in treasury certificates or 3 per cent converti
ble bonds, at the pleasure of the holder. The
treasury certificates to be convertible into bonds
and vice versa.
By Mr. Cook (Ill.), to amend the national cur
rency.act.._ Ta Committee ou Banking and Cur-
It provides that.whenever a National Bank
bill shall be received by the United States in
payment of taxes, &c., they shall not be re
issued, but United States notes not bearing
interest shall -be issued in their stead: and
that whenever a sufficient amount of
the notes of any national bank shall be received
to bay anyof the bonds deposited with the Trea
surer ne security for the circulation of the bank,
if the bonds be then redeemable, or if the banks
shall agree thereto, the bonds and notes shall
be,cancelltd;;if not, the notes are to be held
until the Mind becomes due, and then the
tnotes and bowls shall he canceled, and other cir
culating notes sh ill be issued in lieu thereof. And
that when any. National Bank shall he wound tie
under the proVisiou - 3 of the hlll,no new. National
Bank shall be established, but the amount of Re
circulating notes bhull bo deducted from the total
(YOlOO-, 1 1.:
Abo,to prevent compromises of officers against
the revenue law, and making such compromise.
felonies. To the Committee on Ways and Sfeans.
Else a bill providing that In ease ,a Senator of
the United States becomes President of. the
United States by reason of being Thesidont of the
Senate pro tern, and in case his senatorial term
of office expire before the Presidential term en
pires, he shall continue In office until the end of
the Presidential term, the office of Senator alone
becoming vacant. To Judiciary Committee.
By Mr. O'Neill (Pa.), to secure the carrying of a
daily snail from New York to Philadelphia, Balti
more, Wilmington and Intermediate nieces. To
Post Office Committee.
By Mr. Harding, instructing the Secretary of
the Navy to despatch to a suitable post in Nor
way, or Sweden, one or more National ships, for.
the transportation of such stores as may be fur
nished for the relief of the famishing people of
tboce countries. To the Committee on Naval
Affairs. •
_ .
SEDALIA, 310., Jan. 27.—A.,..tire this •morning
destroyed the building occupied by Florseheim,
dry goods; Messberger & Co., liquors: Timor
seebe, stone and tin ware; Bard 64; Co., and Wolf
& Co., dry goods, and Levy Brothers, dry goods.
The three first-named lose pretty much every
thing. The three others saved a portion of their
stock. The loss is estimated at $70,000. The in-
Kalil= was small.
BI , FALO, Jan. 57.--Gottleib Kopp, a German,
agtd `35 year., froM Michigan, committed suicide
yesterday by shooting himself with a revolver. He
was laboring under a fit of temporary insatity at
the time.
STI:UMVILLE, C. W., Jan. 27.—The extensive
linen mills owned by Goderham Worts were
burned yef terday. The loss is e 200,000.
The discount on American invoices for the
week is 28 per cent.
One Thousand Savages Attack Camp
The Negro Garrison Repulses Then!
sv ith Great Slaughter.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, January 14, IR6B.—Des
patches just received hero state that a severe In
dian battle was fought at Camp Lancaster, on the
27th of December. Camp Lancaster is two hun
dred and forty miles northwest of this place, on
the Rio Pecos, and is garrisoned by a company
of colored cavalry belonging to the command of
General Batch.
The Indians, about one thousand strong, at
tacked the camp at .1 o'clock P. M., while the
companyawere watering their horses. In the
dash three men were killed, a number wounded,
and thirty horses captured; but the colored sol
diers retreated in good order to the post, where,
getting their Spencer carbines, they furiously
assaulted the savages, driving them into the old
post works near the camp, where the fight lasted
until late in the night. when the Indians gave
way in confusion.
On the night of the 28th the Indians renewed
the attack, but were repulsed with great
slaughter, leaving the ground strewn with bows,
arrows, guns, blaLkets, coats, pistols and
knives, but carrying off all their dead and
During the battle a number of white men were
seen among the Indians, wearing Confederate
gray uniforms, and apparently directing their
• This is the first pitched engagement the colored
troops have had with the Indians, and it is not
likely the savages will bother them soon again.
The negroes fought with a savage desperation
that astonished the red men, who, no doubt,
thought they could easily capture the poet and its
small garrison.
The garrison (Company B, Ninth United States
Cavalry), about seventy men, were enlisted in
Kentucky by General Brisbin, and nearly all of
them had seen service in the army during the
Another Indian battle with the negroes is re
ported' ave taken place at Eagle Springs,last
tag eh I Are.
Thanksgiving at the Churches—
'Weather Superb.
HAvAsn, Jan. 26, 1868.—The churches were
crowded to-day, owing to the Thanksgiving holi
day. The Bishop officiated and preached the
sermon, which was exceedingly appropriate to
the occasion. Captain-General Lersundi attended.
mass at the Metropolitan Church, which was
crowded by the Rite of Havana society. The,
weather is superb, and the health of the city
excellent. Clean bills of health will be issued
Thanksgiving , Day in Havana—
Marine Intettigence—Exchange Que.
tatione—Sugar alarket.
HAVANA, Jari. 26, 1868.—Grand religious cere
monies took place at the Cathedral today. A
Deum was sting in thanksgiving for the disap
pearance of the cholera from this island.
From this day forth all vessels leaving this port
will be granted clean bills of health. Tho steam
ship Liberty arrived today from New Orleans,
on her way to Baltimore. Exchange on the
United States, in gold, ,t 4 per cent. premium for
long sight, and 2y, per cent. for short sight.
Sugar.--The market closed heavy and inani
mate last night, but prices 'are without quotable
Disappointment of the Dominican
Compilesloner FWD*.
HAVANA, . Jan. 2 , ,C, 1868:-8enor Flallo, the
Dominican Commissioner to, Jamaica, had to
cave moneyless and without having- been able
to obtain either powder or ball.
-lienstith- Convicts - Overra oniturther Col.
HAVANA, Jan. 26, 1868.—We have . aecounts that
Guiana is pestered with convicts from Cayenne.
They have been sent back at the expense of the
French government.
At Trevellan four hundred coolies had arrived
from China. Seven died on the paesage.
'The Tiorribie Baru* nit Accident at
Chattanooga-. two 'Young Ladies
tally Burned.
(From the Chattanooga (Tenn.) Union, Jan. 21,1 i
On Baturdny night, about 11.30 o'clock, a (atm
accident. occurred at the house of Thos. Daily,
Erg., a well-known resident of this city, which rir
sultvd In the death of two t•stitn•tbleyoung
MIAs Mary Daily and Was Harrington. The young
laliles had.been spending . the afternoon at . Mks
Daily's, re:Mance. They had gone out about
eight P. M. to MlB3 Thurtngton's housc,about two
&mount of National Bank circulation, and a cor
responding amount of gret n back , shall be leaved.
By Mr, Randall (Pa.), makin g till purchases
.nd sales and commission of U. S. loans or
onds Open to public competition. To Com
mittee of Ways and Means.
By 111 r. 'Bum 7, (N. 1.), to complete the steam
tilgate Java. at the Brooklyn Navy , Yard. To
(onimittee on Naval Affairs.
By Mr. Coburn (lid.). providing- for bounties
to the widows and children of certain soldiers
who Isere killed or died in the service. To the
Committee on Invalid Pensions.
Fire at bedulitt. Mo.
From Buffaio.
From Canada.
rtorre3pondence of the Cincinnati Commercial
DEftlitttata t.
any—Arrival Of Coolie's.
hundred yards distant, returning about eleven
The lire in the sitling-room had apparently
di «1 out. and the weather being very cola,
3 °nag ladies co: eluded to burn a little wood in
ihe stove to warm themselves. The wood was
procured and placed in the atm . ° over the dead
coals, and to wake it burn better, they concluded,
in an evil moment, to pour some oil on tho wood
before the wood was lighted. • Miss Daily went
into the kit( hen and came back with a largecan
of "Aurora 011,'r containing about one
gallon of the oil. The can had no•
spout, the means of pouring' it being a
bole about an inch and a baff in diameter,
In the top of•the can. Miss Daily took the cork
out of the can and held it overthe top of the
stove and commenced ping the 011. Unfortu
nately, the apparentl
r dead coals were merely
blackened on the surface;• below the red fire felt
the touch of the oil, and in an instant leaped out
to meet it: In a momentof time the stream of
flame bad reached the can' of oil, and the latter .
exploded, dashing the fiery . liquid all' over the
room, enveloping the ladiexin flames, And'setting .
fire to the carpets, tapestry, and everything in
the room.
The ladies, frightened and amazed, rushed into•
each other's arms, then broke away for safety.
bliss Daily rushed into an adjoining bedroom,
and threw herself on the bed in a vain attempt
to put out t t he flames, but only succeeded in set
ting. fire to the bed clothes., She then rushed out
again into the blazing room, was suffocated with
the flames and smoke, and fell on the floor, from
which she Was rescued by the negro man attached
to the house, who, alarmed by the explosion, had'
our successive times vainly attempted to enter
the room, but was each time driven back by the
smoke and fire. Ile finally succeeded In dashing
in, and stumblitnkover the now insensible girl,
raised her up, and in one desperate leap was out
of the apartment.
Miss Harrington, on breaking away from her
companion, had blindly endeavored to escape
from the room, and after several ineffectual at
tempts at madly groping for the door, had ran
oni into the street till ablaze. A negro Man, at
tracted to the scene by the noise, arrived at this
moment, and succeeded in tearing the clothes
from the poor girl. Miss Daily was immediately
carried to the house of a neighbor, and Miss
Harrington taken to her father's residence.
lledical aid was at once summoned, and
e , •ery attention that love and skill could
rentier was used to save thb lives of the
ladies. But their fate was sealed; the dread in
halation of the flames had numbered their days,
After an hour's time, they both became con
scious, and continued so during the night.
They were terribly burned, but their last hours
were quiet and peaceful. Between t; and 7 o'clock
their spirits prtsed from earth to their heavenly
The fire in the house wasextiuguished with but
little difficulty, excepting the many ineffectual
attempts to enter the room: A dozen buckets of
water thrown in from the doorextinguished what
little fire remained after the oil had burned Itself
Freight Teams in our Streets.
To Me Editor of the Evening Bulletin your
excellent editorial' of Saturday on "Cruelty to
Animals," referring to the mule, teams on Market,
Broad and Willow streets, you say : "The rail
road and forwarding companies do not own
these teams, but the business of haulhig is farmed
out to the teamsters and their employers, so that
there is no direct control over them on the pad
of the owners of these teams."
This conveys the impression that the compa
nies are entirely innocent, that they have noth
ing to do with the motive power, and fastens all
odium on the poor,ignorant owners of the teams
and their underlings. To suppose that powerful•
corporations. whose influence and control is felt
in every county of the great State of Pommylva
nia, are utterly powerless to control the acts of a
ect of half-savage team-drivers directly under
their noses, and Indirectly employed by. them in
the transaction of their business, is simply ab
surd and an insult to common sense. Ample
power exists, but no inclination to exercise it.
A case came to my notice, where an officer of
one of those companies (who deny all jurisdic
tion!) stepped out into the street to remonstrate
with a driver, who was whipping his mules be
cause they could not start a train of care. The
precious specimen of, civilization, who did not
know who it was who presumed to interfere with
his favorite exercise, promptly turned on him
with the polite remark, Yon go to h—ll!"
Within thirty minutes thereaftdr, that man was
dismissed by telegraph. Whore was the control
in this instance ?
I fear it will be found that the owners of the
various freight trains in our streets permit (I
will not say encourage) the existence of the
present abominable system of transportation,
hoping thereby to drive public opinion, in sheer
disgust at it, to consent to the use of economical
steam power to do that which id now done at so
frightful an outlay of money and immorality.
THE THEATRE.—At the Chestnut this evening,
Mr. John E. Owens will appear as "John Unit"
in the famous comedy Bel f. At the Arch, the
sensational play Under the Las-light will be pro
duced with all the accessories of handsome
scenery and unusual mechanical effects. At the
Walnut Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will ap
pear in three dramas Ireland as it was ; Connecti
cut Courtahip and The Irish Tutor. A miscella
neous entertainment will be given at the Ameri
can this evening.
burlesque, The Black Book, will be repeated at
this theatre to,nlitht. The Black Book is a first
rate burlesque of the Black Crook style of per
formance. It Is full of good hits, funny situa
tions and amusing incidents. In addition to this
there will be singing, dancing, Ethiopian eccen
tricities by Frank Moran and other first-rate per
and a plentiful sprinkling of wit and
humor. The entertainment at this house is 'al
ways excellent.
ing a very attractive entertainment will be given
at Messrs. Carncross & Dixey's opera house.
The pantomime of The Magic Pearl will be per
with all the accessories of handsome
scenery, costumes, wonderful transformations
and ludicrous situations. A burlesque entitled
The Arrival of Dickens will be given, with Lew
Simmons as "Charles Dickens." Mr. Carncross
will sing several favorite ballade, and there will
he a miscellaneous performance by the troupe.
A POETICAL ARCIIIIISItor.—The late Metropo
litan of Moscow was, it appears, a poet. When,
nearly forty years ago, the celebrated Pushkin
published some stanzas on the futility of human
aspirations, a reply appeared signed' An Anony
mous Poet." The reply was much read at the
time, and caused a deep sensation; but the secret
of _ha authorship was natidiNigedAttring Itut
author's lifetime. The other day, 40Wever, the
Moscow Gazette reprinted the poeni, and made
known for the first time that it was written by
Archbishop Philarete.
cayations which have been made in the hill of
Fouvricres, at Lyons, have brought to light nu
merous vestiges of Roman construction which
are of great interest. There is foand columns
and capitals of the pure Archalque style, with
tablets of stone and sculptured marble indicating
beyond question the spot where was situated ono
those sumptuous palaces inhabited by the
uicsats, who made the capitala of 1 0aul their
homes durum the first year of the Christi.ta era.
-The nifty La Crosse Democrat, published
away out In Wisconsin, Is daily offered for sale,
and sold In large quantities, by the newsmen of
Washington City.
E L. FETHERSTOW. Pobtistet
—Patti will mot be married , for two years.
—Kate Denin has made a erncceos in New Bantle
Wales, but is to return to California.
—Parton says a pipe can be smokid for twenty--
five dollars a year.
—General Phi]. bberidan's ennitzement to Milli
Gract Hilton is called a Grace-Phil allirutee.'
—Carlotta has just heard of the death of Ma3th•
—Napoleon shake& his head about sending a
minister to the court or Juarez. Ho can't see it.
—Brigham Young will , drink neither ten not
—The Tennessee Howe. has passed a hilt making
habitual drunkenness a ground of divorce.
—The mythical. "Babliagton White" still cott•
trilnites toMiss BrAdon'irßelgravia nragsalue.
—Emetics woman , are aa&d to marry•earlior
Man blondes.
—Richard Grant White% la of the opinion that
Mr. Ball did not write "Rock Mc td
—When Train was- a• mall boy he treed' tali
spend his time learning poetry, which he after
wards spouted.—E.r.
—Mr. Bonner lea Congregattotralistand Admit
Gordon Bennett a Roman Catholic. William
Cullen Bryant and Peter Cooper are Unitarians..
—George Peabody has-glven Cyrus W. Field' ak
silver service because hepaltidebto which he - kaiL.
already compromised.
—Horace Greeley wrote the twenty-niath
chapter of his "Recollections of a Busy Life".
while waiting for the train at Pittsfield.
—Walter Brown is building a scull-boat of pa-.
per. Foolscap would be the best hind for such a,
—Henry Vincent is now lecturing in Chicago ,-
on "The English Movements I have Taken Part,
In and the Men I have Known."
—The London Court.fourna/ annottnceAl that the
honk by Adab Isaacs Menken was dedicated to to.
distinguished novelist with his permission, but it,
did not mention Mr. Dickens by name.
—The poem entitled "Echoes of Melancholy,'
which appears in the last number of Lippincoreg
Afollazine is by W. L. Shoemaker, and, by com—
petent critics is considered a first class lyric,
—A Bridgeport, Ct., ger.tieman has just re
ceived a letter informing him that Sherman was,
near Atlanta, and would probably takoit. 'Cane
—delay of the mails.
—An Indiana Court recently punished with at
heavy fine parties for whispering and laughing.
in Church. We could pay the city debt if we dial
that here.
—The death of the late Bishop. Hopkins' was
occasioned by his taking cold after leaving a hots
car, on his return from a confirmation at Platter- ,
burg, N. Y.
—lt is stated that Hugh McCulloch wrote the
Dickens article in the Northern Monthly in order
to save the finances of the country. It has not,
however, stopped the sale of Dickens's tickets.
—The winner of a drinking match in Bavaria
Lately succeeded in consuming 195. glasses of beer.
In a single hour. At a gill each this would be sir
gallons, none of which was "taken in at the.
pores," as Joey Ladle absorbed his liquor.
—ln Paris every wealthy American is supposed.
to have made his money in petroleum space-.
lations. John Jacob Astor was spoken, of in.
the Jozdned des Debats, recently, as the drab
man in the country who embarked in the oil
—A European professor has succeeded in pho-•
togTaphing the beating of a person% heart...
What a
_neat thing for an absent lover tosend his
adored would be a carte of his palpitations on
gazing upon her portrait !
—The Quebec Legislature had its sense of eti
quette terribly shocked the other day because
the "usher of the black rod" forgot to knock at
the door with his staff, and then fell short of the
half dozen bows required when approaching the.
Speaker's chair.
—A proposition was made the other day in the.
Wisconsin legislature to print rk,ooo copies of the
Governor's address in the Irish language. In re
ply to a question who would read it, the mover
replied "the people in Ireland," and brought
down upon himself the ridicule of the House.
—A Louisville paper says the girls of the Blue
Grass region consider it a breach of hospitality to
refuse an offer of marriage. It Instances the easier
of a young lady who was enraged to fifty officers,
from Second Lieutenant to Brigadier, while Gil-.
more was in those parte, and who finally married
a farmer.
—M. Indennerech,. the executioner of Paris,
has improved the guillotine and its managements
to such an extent that ho can cut off a man's head
in alx seconds from the time he reaches the scaf
fold, if the victim is only accommodating. He
is rich, but follows his professioh from philan
thropic motives.
—lt is reported that the silver mine discoverhi
in Prince William, Canada, is capable of produe
mg silver of the value of $lO,OOO a day, that the
antimony in it will pay all the expenses of work
ing,that.the metalliferous tract covers a thousand
acres, all of which is owned by one man, who hag
refused $200,000 for a single acre s and believe*
himself the richest man on the continent.
—A correspondent of the London Time*, do
scribinga horseflesh dinner, wrote the following
sentence which will, perhaps, be intelligible With
out very deep study:—"The sausage so entirely
resembled the common run of continental MU
sages as to leave a strong mental conviction be
hind its taste that horseflesh is the normal com
ponent. of these edible cylinders .”.
—Mr. James E. Mills, a geologist of' repute,
declares Long Island; New York, to be the re
sult of glacial action, the glacier moving seaward
having crowded up the soft strata of which the
island is composed. He also believes that at the
time of this action the land was sinking, that it
has since been entirely submerged and subse
quently rose again.
—A destitute father in St. -Louis had not enough.
money to procure a coffin for his dead child. So,
taking the body in his arms, he carried it a long
distance to the cemetery, but on arriving there
discovered that ho had neglected to obtain ft
burial certificate, and was compelled to retrace
his steps sad repeat his sad journey, carrying his
dead child all the way.
—The Train matter is going into the lay
courts. Train demands halra milUonnf dollars
for his sufferings in the dungeons of Britain; bat
the astute Disraeli has put up the British go
vernment to clalmin'an off-set in tho value of
the advertisement given to Train. The perfidious
sons of Albion have the brass to say that_ Trait,
owes them a surplus on the account.
—Napoleon always endeavors to combine 11.7
atruction with the pleasure of the Prince lave-
Hal. On Now Year's day ho gave the boy a.
miulature railway, with engine and cars, the
track, Ave hundred yards long, being laid on the
terrace, running along the reserved gardens oC
the Tuileries. An engineer Is in attendance to
~,E . pia a ti_tho . e ng meand. run apordal-tramslorthe
-Prince's accommodation.
—A Southern paper, referring' to the duel be
tween the Now York clerks at Paterson, N. J.
says the native Sonthernets are the only people
in this country who .have "chivalry enough.
left to meet honorable combat about a Avowal/L.'.
Theerindivg out of that old tune, with all the
terrible war music still ringing in our ears, is 81,Ur,
to au the least.
—During the recent restoration of a church is
Brighton, occupied by the advanced Ritualists.
one of- the workmen employed, ascending the
pulpit, exclaimed, "I publish the banns of matri
mony between this church and the Church or '
Rome." "And I," said another artlian, turning
towards the first speaker, "forbid the benne,"
"On what ground ' Inquired ,he of the pulpit.
"'Cos the par 4 .les ere to' near ;akin," was the r,n4,