Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, January 24, 1868, Image 1
CONON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXL-NO. 247. THE EVENING J3UIALETIN . rtismemtn ItritstlNG (Sundays exCepted), diVE TILE NEW DIVILLETIN 607 Cheatuut ktreet, Philadelphia, nr Tna EVENING BULLETIN A6BOKBATION. imorsurrese. gI:I3OONZEACOOT.,. ERN 1001 . 0.AVALTA0E, FEThYRSTON, THOS. J. WILLIAMSON, AriPERSOUDER. FEANOB WELLS. The Hyrax . ..rut ie semi to oubscrthere hi the city at 18 cents per week, payeble to tho carriers. or it per annum. WEI:DINO INVITATIONS AND VISITING CARDS E li ngraved or Written. Newest stiles of Wedding Stationery. Call and look at W. G. MERV, Stationer, jai Ida Arch street, DIARRIED. BMWIIARD—CURTIS.--Jart. 90th. at Christ Church, St. Louie. Mo., -by the Rev. Dr. Behavior, Mr. George e. Surehard to Minot:lora Adclt Curtle % all of lit. Loui•, Mo. OLA XTON—HARRIS.—In Now ork city, on the 21ot bet., by the Roe, J. W. Claxton, James S. Claxton to melba Rams,or Philadelphia. DIED. 6013 AN.—Suddenly, on the -W in t.. Wis. T. Gegen. His friends members of the Eastern Star Lodge 188. A. V. M., and Fraternal Lodge 188, 1.0. of 0. F.. and the Orden in general, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral. from Girard College. at 1 P. 61., Sunday, 28th inetant. HAUL- On the 234 tnstant.W. L. Ilaug. Is his tad year. The relatives and . friends of the family &reinspect fully invited to attend the funeral. from Ms late resi dence. at, South Seventh street. on Monday morning. at 10 o'clock. The males will accompany the body to the grave. • IiDERDINE.—At Lumberton. Hocks county, Pa.. on the mondnit or the 23d inst. John H. Renderdine. in the tOth year of Ma age. • The relatives mid friends are invited to attend his funeral, on Pint-day morning, the 'Milt inet., at le o'clock, and at Solebury Meeting House at 12 o'clock. •• PETER& 'N.—On board U. 9. Plag•ehip Hartford, off Nagasaki, Japan. November Het, VW, of rheumatism of the heart, Horace L. Peterson, AdmiraPe Secretary. 11.8. East Indhaequad on. 1A111)-JA N CIA Br I, M.—EY RE 41,ANDELL. Fourth NJ and Arch. are prepared to suit faudilce with, 1101;8E110LE> DRY GOODe, GOOD FLANNEL 4 AND 311.44,1N8. GOOD TABLE LINP-Nrl AND N YKINS. , GOOD BLACK AND CO IA) it ED SILKd. NPECIAL NOTICES. HANTS' ruNt).—Tiro FOUIrrECNTIf ta r Annlveranry of the Merchant.' and will be c,elc brated at the ACADEMY OF MCSUS iOn WIISDAY EVENING, February 6th at 71 : fi reeloeb. ;ache/Arm will be under the dirmttot of Marl: Hauler. Addreeet +alit be delivered by lit /N. MORTON MeMICHAEL, ItL:V A. A. WILLI:T/4,11 J. GILLINGHAM FELL, and other distill. gobbed speakers. Cards 01 adulisslon ulaY be had gratuibusly by early application to WM G. LUDWIG. No. 36 North Third street. JA 51E14 U. lIAND, No. 614 3larket street. .1. H. MoFAIILANE, No. 51 South Fourth street. DELAWAItI; MUTUAL ItkiOIIANVE: COMPANY. - Third and Market PIP, jA2( tf/6.rpl 1115,.3e PAL NATIONAL BANK or 111.1LADGL m"'''' STIiF LT. pit ILADELpin 4. Jan. 21. 1 9 49. At an tlection held rn the 14th day al.:lscetary, the follolt tuR-noued titockh.aldere w.re elected DirecterA ci (hit Hank: WBL P. lIAMM. A. C. 1101.010 JAS. I. KEI.CLL WM. 1114,0UKS J. HENRY &HUN. ROBERT CLARK. SAMUEL MiLLER. • M. R. HAREM ALAN WOOD.• EI.MUND SMITH. I:. C. FRANC:I3CM SAMUEL J. MAC MELLO:, Cashier. ya24-I,lrpil m agi a - I owan_ NATIONAL BANK or 1•111Wkorli., &Mill 13 ThEM.T. Pun, tuna:one, January SI, VELD 3 And at a meet kg of the Itoa. - d of Direetore, held thin Alto. A. V. ROBERTS. Veq , eras unanlmouely elected Prey - Went, W. P 11AS1M ; ► eq.,' having reelgned, and J. lIENRY ABKIN, Esq., Ice Preeldent. SAM'L J. MAC MULL AN. Cattier. ict244tri4 Tat; ATIIENIEUM Pit I IdtioSi o Ptt •••••,' The 'DIMS! meeting of the Stockholders of Till: ATUrNA:UM OF PIIILADELPHIA will be held on 3iohriA t February 3. letiS, at' It o'clock, it.. M., at which time an election for Directors be held. l'ltere are several attares ati which the annual dues are imp .Id. Notice is hereby given that anima arrearases are Told witblu thirty d‘va such shares will be furfcitcd, in accordance with the ity•Laws. itEORGE F. MOULTON', Secretary, je^A•tfe4 DIVIDEND NOTICE,. 41421- THE DIRECTORS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD Co lIPA: 4 4Y have this day •deriared a dividend of Five Per Cent. in cash, upon the capital stock of the company, clear of taxes, from the profits of the six months siding December al. 1867, paya ble on and after February 3, proximo. Ihe transfer hooks will be closed from this date until February 4, proximo. J. PARKER NORRDL Treasurer. PHILAIIMPIIIA. Jan. Xi, 1868. ja.tito fell WEST CLIESTEB AND PHILADMGEIIIA 11115 r RAILROAD 413MPANY. The next Annual. Meeting of Stockholders of this Company will he held at the Horticultural fall, in tbo Borough of West Chester. on MONDAY, the 10th d'y of February, IE6B. at 11 o'clock, A. at., when and where an election will be held of officers to serve the en. cuing year. By order of the Board. • A. LEWIS SMITH. JAW:ASV 20, Da2l tro.w,tte.lo,l beeretarv. apsite. %VEST JERERY RAILROAD O‘):IIPANY, OF. FICE FOOT OF BRIDGE AVENUE, CAUDEN, N. J. CAMDEN. January 1888. Board of Directors, have this day declared a Cash Piridene of Four Per Colt., payable to the Stockholders of this date on and after February 3,18E8. The stock transfer books of the Company will be dosed from the date hereof until the fourth JayßO of B Fe BI rib, y. GEO. J.• Treasurer. TILE !fNtUiVill(3llE9cllli6 O 4 THE STOCK. bol will he hair., their office, 21rwALT61131 ; :eti.?:pliVEY IS EMMY. Feb. 5: at bl it. R. WEB, Ja244 tu4t§ Secretary. ligigr. UNION PRAYER 74EETLNG Tamoattow ft° , noon.itt 4 Welock, Centrel Preebyterian Church. (Dr. Reed , e). Eighth and Cherry t hear, Subject Prayer." Ito saw. HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND WO Lombard, street., Dtapetusary Departmoat—Nadi• cal treatment and medicines furnishedgratuittiusly to the poor. -- strAEWSPAPER Sper,4ISOOKS. PAMPHLETS WASTE (1147 Strnil &e B° bY No. ma MARINE B PORT OF PIAILILDELPHIA—JIawARY rirßee !farina Bulletin en Sixth Page CLEARED THIS DAY. Brig Merritt's, Waterhouse. Portlond Warren b• Gregg. Selo J S Detwiler. Grace, Richmond. Va. Scott, Walter & Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWEi3, Dirt.., Jan. 21—S PM. Brig Bride, from Messina for Philadelphia, left the Bi eakvrater this morainic in tow of two tugs. Ochre 9 e M Tasker, .7 Burley and Annie Barnes, before reported, also le.t today for Philadelphia, Eiciar Mary II Stock ham, from Georgia for New York, sailed to -day. Bark ' Tellus, from London, and brig D B Doane, from Navassa. remain in the harbor. Bark Chanticleer, for Belfast, to tow of tug America, is passing to sea. Yours, dm. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Steamer St Louie, Sears, cleared at Boston 22d Last. for New Orleans. Steamer Cuba, Du.kebart, cleared at Baltimore yester day for Havana. Bark Graneu, Bielke, cleared at London 9th Instant 'for this port. Bark Imperader.Heardfrom PernamtulCO via Ilanapton 'Roads. Bi h LtiaL with sugar, at New York yesterday. Bark White Wing (Br), Morin, 16 days from Porto Ca bello, at New York yesterday. Bark Isabel (Arg), 'llbbitts, from Balsam Ayres Nov 18, and Montevideo 18th, with hides. at New York yester dairiut Tomas Terry (Br), Crosby, 70 days from Monte video, at New York yesterday, with bides. Bark Probe(ltali, Demartino. 105 days - from Taganrog, with wool, at New York yesterday. Boor Amos Edwards, Somers, 18 days from St Marks, at New York yesterday. Briars Chas E Jackson, Jeffers. from Boston, and John •Cadwalader, Steelman. from New Loudon, both for this port, at Neßarto n ,terday. - Ochre Gov Brto, Ludlam and Samuel II Sharp, Con. l at e a rl r bi o rn/ d iri m aten for this port, sailed from Dutch island - tiolirAmerleau Eagle.Bl4W.ailed front Providence 22d inst. for this port or New Castle. DeL • . . MAME IWISOBIA TAN' Brig Nitnivaukee, trom Mir queue iqr p ow York,which put into Bloom with crew elelkremainod 4th inst. to sail *th for Now York, under charge of Copt Warren (late that officer). Wm Bobineon, reams% Cited 80th ult. The, ceoond mate woe rapidly recovering, and another seaman, nick on shore, had feturned to duty. The expenses of the brig lit Inagua Will amount to 8400, of which BHA hoe beetrpaid for Oil ..In, eeamen. mys t • • oii 'EltUriEri.—oo 11..4 ramilstoroitodliorieff boxitovorted and for tato by JOB. B. BUBBLER & CO.. Booth somout ISOM aN1)11 SOISIVN isu.r. Bo= illail au B th 1.111. ii. Eck litesiner Norman, Vo l titte li ejat'iliA rilnlue4 d w AgOuta Or - .. . . . . ... ~.,. ~, , . .4.' t 4 .- . 1.. I i? .... , t ' t ,t , a .•,,,, , • „ ~ . , .114•Ife .. IN . ' . . 4 , , . 1 , • p ... , ,_ . r... 4, Ae , 1 . ' . . . . , . • . , . • • . , , i,"k• The determined attempt to injure the character of the Gettysburg Association, of course, could not be 'baffled by the sudden uprising of facts; neither was it to be supposed that the sensation could' be allowed to die out without some reward to its originator. Reporters of the press were appealed to,, and the undersigned was honored -by a slur, alluding to his presence in Washing ton, although he had proceeded there to the gen tleman's private residence on invitation. A spe cial article on, all the patent swindles of the past forty years was ingeniously concocted, gently introducing the "Gettysburg Asylum Fraud," as a convened culmination to corroborate the gen tleman's position. To which was also sand wiched occasionally an allusion to the Honorable Gentleman's great success in the matter, and in timations of the great amount of indebtedness the public would owe the indefatigable investi gator; which, however, it is not known that the public have as yet discovered: ' The Honorable Post-Master General was alio approached to withdraw a recominendathin which he had given, and having the necessary misrepresentation fay made, he is believe to have consented to the Honorable Gentle!, using his name in a denial which was gene, sent forth over the telegraphic wires to / the cause of the maimed and. crippled VI ,118, and add to the glorious reputation of the manly assailant. Great stress has also been laid upon a mistake made by the friends and promoters of the enter prise in at first selecting men who had been for merly connected with the lottery business (but against whom really there is no other charge laid), and who are not believed to be other than honest men. Yet the prejudice in certain locali ties against lotte ries made capital for the opponent. The mistake referred to consisted in supposing that this enterprise should be conducted as a lot tery, whereas, experience shortly proved that the reverse is the fact, the modes of transacting the two kinds of business being entirely different. The Management bas been changed over three months. The statement made in the House as to the dis position of the profits is entirely unwarranted by the facts and even by the evidence that the gentle man bad when he madelt. Tint Erman NET caocnnos are to be devoted to the purposes named in the Act of Incorporation, and, if the work can be carried on without the grossly uojust attacks of the Honorable Gentle men, a soldiers' Home will be established, to which the thousands of needy Veterans can go for-shelter and to spend the balance of their Acts, m renduid coparatively einiafOrtablii by the gr.ti- tudo of their Countrymen. Your petitioner would humbly pray that the threatened repeal of the exemption from tax be not made at the mere caprice and through the . -persecution of the object by the .gentleman upon solely Gri - tree testimony and without 'inves tigation ; that so great an injustice shall not be allowed to defeat this worthy object. A loss of over anoo,ooo would accrue to 'the promoters of the scheme, a great and just charity would , be de layed, and the crippled Veterans would see !the ingratitude of the Republic manifested in the futile effort to make political capital. BENJ. W. Hrrcifoomi.: GETTYSBURG LOTTERY. D.Erpog OF,, THE MANAGERS. Their Purpose Purely Patriotic. Past Proceedings. Repudiated. Judgment Confessed in the Supreme; Giour As It maybe interesting to hear the other side of this interesting scheme, we give below the pa , , titian to Congress, presented by its manager, In reply to General Van Wyck To the Flonorable Mr. Beeaker and MentherA of the Home of Represontattrea Your petitioner would respectfully represent that he is the Gene' , ral Manager Of the project known as the "Get tysburg Asylum Scheme," which is being lawfully coriducted under a tapecial Charter from the State of Pennsylvania passed March 6, 1867. That the President of said Incorporation is General James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, Pa., (a crippled hero of the late 'War.) That the Trea surer ill General Horatio G. Bickel, of Philadel phia, (also an officer in the Late war.) That the Secretary is Geo. B. Bergen, of Philadelphia, (late Lieutenant, U. S. A.,) and That the object of the Association is to pro aide a National Home for the Dislbled Soldiers of the War; and that the object will be faithfully carried out In a just and proper manner, and ac cording to the intention of the Act of Incorpora tion. That the said Association has been attacked upon miataken and unjust grounds by the Hon orable Gentleman renresenting the Xlth District of- the State of New York. That said member caused a resolution to be adopted by the House inquiring why this Corpo ration bad been exempted from Special Tax by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, taking occasion at the same time to denounce the scheme in terms of malevolence and injustive which his eub.gegurnt Investigations have, it is believed, failed to substantiate. iVhether it is proper to assail private character and to defame personal pro perty upon hearsay, and then to inreatigilte(?) for information and jtmtification, if pussible, is re spectfully submitted. It will be remembered that the Honorable Com missioner of Internal Revenue reported in ans wer to the said resolution: That the (former) Secretary of the Corporators, Colonel John D. Hoffman, had certified under oath that the ,'afire net proceeds were to be devoted to the purpose indicated by the Act of Incorporation, nod that as there is a law permitting such exemption from taxation, It was accordingly granted. The Commis4orees Report was re ferred to the Retrenchment Committee. and without the knowledge of several members of the committee, and it Ss believed entirely without the assistance or advice of the other members. the Honorable Chairman pursued his investiga tion (?) in the city of New York. The office of the Gettysburg Asylutn' hr New York was net visited. _,neither was, the office hi Philadelphia. More attention was paid to the obtatning of sen sation articles In a newspaper than the obtaining of information from the office of the enterprise. The Management finding that animosity existed against the party who owned the Farm, which had been.advertised In the List of Awards, and which was the first cause of attack -from tbe Honorable Gentleman. and not desiring to see ;a warfare waged at the 'expense of the enterprise, at once decided that inasmuch as the Farm had been an objection to one who might otherwise be a friend, and as a question had arisen as to its true value, that $60,000 in cash. should 'be substituted in place of the Farm, although its present owner has testified under oath that he had refused $45,000 for it. However lame the Honorable Gentleman may assume the Association to have been in regard to the Farm, it is very certain that the Association had agreed to purchase it in good faith, and if it had been deceived as to value (of which It has no proof), even then your petitioner knows no law which makes the innocent victim the guilty party. In regard to the Diamonds which had been so vehemently denounced as "worthless stones" by the Honorable Gentleman. it is believed that the attack upon them has resulted very much to the discomfiture of the assailant. Proof can be toned in the Report which the gentleman will submit to your honorable body, (if be submits all that he has received) showing that the diamonds are pure gems, and cost their present owner (a gentleman of well-known cha racter) over $200,000, as a lot, while if they were retailed as jewelers generally charge, $300,000 would probably not be, too high a value to set upon them. ,PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1868. The following are the minutes of a meeting held a few days ago, which tell their own story. They are a lull confession of the correctness of the criticisms of the Evienmo Britr.crm and other journals, and of the proceedings of the Attorney- General of Pennsylvania. GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, January 10, 1868. —ln pursiance of notice a meeting of the Corpo rotors of the Gettysburg Asylum for Invalid Soldiers was this day convened. The following-named gentlemen were present: General JAMES A. Bzetvzil, General H. G. SICKEL, General GEORGE B. Buena is General James A. Beaver was called to the chair, and Lieutenant George B. Bergen was ap pointed secretary, pro. tens, . The following resolution was then offered by General James A. Beaver, and unanimously adopted;. Whereas, The Attorney-General of the State of Pennsylvania has filed suggestions for a writ of guo warranto In the Supreme. Cciurt of Penner- Nan's, alleging, among other things, the illegality of the original organization of the' Corporation known as the Gettysburg Asylum for Invalid Sol diers, also whereas, it is desirable that litigation should be avoided, and valuable time saved; Resolved, That the action of the persons acting as corporatora at the first meeting at which, other persons were elected corpomtore and a Board of Supervisors appointed, be ignored, and the original Corporation now present (3) 'Three in number being a majority of the corpo rator& named in the Act of Assembly framed the sixth day of March, 1867, the following named gentlemen were duly elected permanent officers of the Corporation: President, JAMES A. BEAVER. • Treasurer, H. G. BICKEL. Set relary, GEORGE B. BERGEN. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: R•80/r#al, That the Attorneys General of the Corporation, to-wit CirAnt.r.s H. T. COLLIS, SAMUEL C. PERKINS, GEORGE W. BIDDLE, be authorized and empowered to confess judg ment in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on the First, Third and Fifth Counts contained in the ruggestions of the "Attorney General," for the writ of quo wurrahlo. Rer. odred, That the Pre.sident of the Corporation Le authorized and empowered to enter in the agreement with B. W. Hitchcock, of the city of Ntrwr York, as the General Agent or Manager of s.,id corporation, the said agreement to be under iht Seal of the Corporation. /I , Jotreci, Tbat the ENTIRE NET PROCEEDS of the r,perations conducted by the General Agent or Manager, be paid into the Treasury of the Cor poration, TO BE APPLIED TO THE VEy:S AND MI.- PO , F.S 'MENTIONED IN THE ACT OP CORPORATION. liesolred, That, hereafter the meetings of the Corporators of the "Gettysburg Asylum." be held :at the Girard House or Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, at the discretion of the President, unless otherwise directed by a majority of the Corporators. Reeofred, That a copy of the minutes of this meeting be furnished to the Attorney-General of the State of Pennsylvania by the Secretary. Ad journed. GEO. B. BEEOMC, Secretary L. s.j Seal of the Association. CRIME. THE PARKERSBURG (U. VA} nuts. LBRE6. Ile Confesses His Guilt. (From the Pittsburgh Commercial, 93d.1 The trial of Joseph Eisele Alias Joseph Schafer, charged with the murder of Lilienthal and 'rancor, and with.attempting to kilt John White, was had before a special term of the Circuit Court of Wood county, at Parkerburg, West Virginia, cn Monday. The Grand Jury in the morning found true bills on all the charges. The Court met again at 2 o'cliOck, amid the greatest ezeitement. Crowds of . people thronged the Court-yard, and as the prisoner was conducted to Court some cried hang him! hang him! Not withstanding the Court had assigned able comi sel for his defence, Eisele persisted in pleading guilty, and the Court was reluctantly compelled to accept the plea. Eisele made the following confession, which was read by an interpreter: I wish this may be read to the people at my nest trial. I, the undersigned, confess from my own free will that I am the murderer of Aloys Joseph Lilienthal and Rudolph 'relator, and that I intended also to kill the fourth man, if Almighty God had not prevented it, for which I • thank Rim on my knees day and night. I want no witnesses and no defence, and cannot really give any reason for my misdeeds, except that the evil spirit led me into temptation, and I couldnot resist it. I am willing to sacrifice my blood and life for all my crimes, and hope that Almighty God will forgive me, and after death receive me into 818. kingdom. I therefore beg the people prestnt their forgiveness. I have no enmity towards any one in the world, and acknowledge that I have deserved all that may befall me, and am ready , to bear it all with patience. I especially beg my German countrymen for their forgiveness for the great disgrace I have brought upon them, and hope every one will forgive me. I also beg the American people not to think 11l of the Ger mans, who are not to be held responsible because one of their countrymen Is a wicked man. I beg also that no disgrace may attach to my wife, who is free from blame, as I always arranged matters so that she would not have any suspicion. I also pray that those to whom I owe may not think that they will be defrauded. lam anxious to give each man his own as near as possible. • I have made my last will and testament, which will be opened after my death, and hope I shall be able to realize enough to refund his own to every man. I have also written down my life, which is an example to every one who may read it, and all can see what follows when a man omits prayer and disregards religion [Signed. THE CLEVELAND (OHIO) HIGH. W AYH ELY. Another Outrage. (Cleveland Leader, Jan. 911 Wo are again called upon to record a villainous outrage, which was committed last evening, in the very centre of the city. A man named Frank Thorpe, who lives upon the south bank of the canal, had been absent a short time, and was re turning home about half-past nine o'clock. Near the office of the Protective Fuel Company, two ruffians sprang out from a place of conceal ment. One of them seized his arm and present ing a revolver at his head demanded hie money, In true highwayman style. Thorpe being a man of good pluck, did not seem disposed to comply with the demand, but with his disengaged hand seized the 'evolver and succeeded in wresting it from the grasp of the assassin. The pistol was discharged in the struggle, but without doing, any injury. Thorpe shouted lustily, for help and endeavored to escape, but the robbers renewed the attack and said they would have his money or his life. Ono of them struck him a crashing blow with a club which felled him. to the ground, and the other, aft ho loy prostrate,_ wAth-the MOM Ilendiat cruelty, inflicted four or five severe cuts, with a bowleknife, upon his head and face. Officers Bodine and Cowan hoard his cries and quickly ran to his relief. Their approach frightened away the desperadoes before they had finished their diabolical work. They only succeeded- in getting five dollars, although Thorpe bad quite a gum of money upon his person. The wounded man was conveyed to his residence, the blood flowing freely from his wounds. A surgeon was sent for, and upon examination his. injuries .were found not to be of a dangerous character, the instru ment not hiving penetrated the skull. Information was at once conveyed to the Sta tion house, and sergeant Goodrich, who was on OUR WIIOLE COUNTRY. This wretch yesterday afternoon made the fol lowing statement to officers Harrison and Baker at the jail in Portsmouth:—Mr. Harrison, I knew God was not going to let me go on with it ; God saw me do It and it is on the judgment book, and I might as well tell it, for it will be known; I did not want to hurt - Miss Fannie; I prayed to God to-day that she might get well; I - don't know what it was that made me do It; it was fixed so that I should do it and get the white folks down on me and then she could "not get any work. I carried the clothes over to her on Saturday, and while up stairs Miss Fannie said she wanted me to carry some things to her mother, Mrs. Hewitt; I went up stairs mid got the bottles and cleaned them; we then went down stairs, and after a while Miss Fannie went up stairs again; I took the axe and Mowed her, and hid it in my clothes; she had a lamp and pitcher in her hand; when she got in her room she laid them down; Swath Thoroughcood came tip a little while after and went into the room where the men sleep; before Sarah and If went up Miss Fannie had been up stairs long enough to make up her bed; I went into the room and said, "Miss Faunie,mother told me to ask you to give her some socks for the chil dren; a pair that Willie or Tommy had worn out;" the went to the bureau and got them oat and gave them to me; she then went to the basket, and while stooping, over the clothes I struck her with the eye of the axe; she fell between the chair and the bed, and raised her head and said, "Sarah, don't kill me;" I struck her again, and she raised up and, tried to 'fend herself by putting her hands over her head; she caught hold of the han dle of the axe, and I snatched it away and hit her over the hands with the helve and struck her again; she fell down, and I said, "Miss Fannie, please, ma'am, come here and lay on the bed;" she did not say anything, and I picked her up and pat her on the bed; - Sarah then came in; we got some money out of the wardrobe and went down stairs; when we came back the door was locked; we broke it open and I went In and found Miss Fannie lying on the bed with a pistol in her hand; she said, "Mlnd, Sarah, it has got a ball in it;" I went up - to her and took it ont of her hand, carried it into another room, and hid it; came back and struck Miss Fannie with the axe; she rolled off the bed and we wrapped her up in blankets; I hit her with the handle of the axe when she fell off the bed, because 'something told me not to do any other way; we took all the money out of the wardrobe, some of which Sarah said was secesh, and threw it. -on the top; we took it down stairs. In the kitchen and divided it; you have got what I had; I don'tknow anything about the other; I washed the-axe with some warm water which was on the stove and with a towel; there was no hatchet used, it:was an axe; I then carried the milk and things home; that was all. Ilnevethere was a lot of money in the wardrobe because she had paid me out of it; ma and pa don't know nothing about it; nobody brit Sarah and myself knows about it ; Sarah was in the men's room when I struck her first; Miss Fannie was a good woman, and I don't know why I done it; some one has been conjuring me; I threw up a black snake some time ago and have felt bad ever since. Somebody fixed it so as to make the white people down on ma and pa as they could not get any work. I feel that God has pardoned me for what I have done; I know I have been converted; did not want to kill Miss Fannie, but did it because I wanted money; I was going to get married and Miss Fannie had pro mised me eon:Nothing. To the Editor of the Evening Bulletim:—l was attracted to an article In your issue of the 18th, commenting on the unhappy condition of the New York World, "because Congress will not admit to a representation the people of the rebel States," and showing that treason is odious and must be punkt:led. = - Your remarks are full of truth, and I only wish you would more frequently allude to this glaring effrontery of lauding rebel leaders, as though the terrible four years of war, and the, depression now following, had only been a dream.. New York papers are not the only ones guilty in this respect. One of your morning contemporaries, of the 17th, in an editorial, "Alexander H. Stephens on Reconstruction," makes a pitiable apologetic laudation of his physical weakness and moral greatness. From reading, the article one might suppose Alexander' Stephens had been neutral during all this time, and was now being brought forward to be one of the leading stare to guide us out of the dilemma which the South, in its innocence, thinks we are in, relative to their restoration. I quote an extract: "For clear, calm Judgment on the facts within his range of vision; for an honest and impartial expression of what he be lieves to be the best for the whole country, per haps no man Is now to be trusted more than Alexander H. Stephens." It is well to be reminded of these important qui' Iles at this period. They are the same that -aid of hlm before the rebellion, and if I did aar to occupy too much of your valuable I would like to repeat the whole opening of the article, to show how much Alexander H. Stephens Is now, more or less, to be trusted than then. Did he prove to have a "clear, calm judg ment of facts within the range'of his vision rela tive to the whole country," and were his "impar hal expressions" to be relied on when he proved himself warning to the very beat needs of his country irisiding with rebellion, working four years against the Federal Government? I. was shocked to read in a paper I had looked on as a standard such an article on a man whose past acts are so well known, who, with all his sad ex perience, tells us that the only settlement of, the question is a collision of the races, and an plains of "white men from the North who do much to foster and augment difficulties rather than allay them." What is Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, doing North with such expressions, and what _does. a __Philltdelpitia-leper -mean _ by' publishing - suCb? -- Dires it think to , allarthe - diftleuity; in' oilerleg this saintly sacrifice to the publie,-who would be better at borne using that "clear, calm Judgment" to allay the difficulties he "fears the white men of the North are augmenting?" The same amount of enerev need in trying to establish Confederacy in 1861, applied now to restoring equanimity among his own people, would be much hotter than this whining ereoPhAnc.V% These are grave questions and req,uire grave answers. A. W. L JOSEPH EISELI PnuAnnunizA, January 22. —Dumas pere will, write a bLstoricol novel on Mr. Lincoln. duty, took all possible means for the arrest Of the perpetrators of the dead, but. up , to one o'clock this morning, without.success. This assault, committed in such a locality, seems even more ,daring than the Brooklyn robberies of a week THE ATTEMPTED MURDER IBr BOLE, VA. • Remarkable Conies,lon of the Frt. sonar. We recently gave some of the particulars of a horrible attfmpt in the suburbs of Norfolk to murder a lady (Mrs. Winninger) by her negro washerwoman, Sarah Capps, alias Jefferson, who bad been for several years the recipient of kind nesses and charities at the hand of the per son she so brutally attempted to murder. Mrs. Winninger, when found, was lying on the floor, with bead and face ter ribly gashed by an axe and her skull frac tured in two places. A large amount of money, 0,300, PM missing, and a very valuable gold watch. All the money was recovered, and there are now strong hopes that Mrs. Winninger will get well. It will be seen from - the annexed con fession which we copy from the Norfolk Virgin inn of the 18th,that the she devil charges another of her race, Sarah Thoroughgood, who was Mrs. Winninger's cook, with taking part in her hellish work:— A. H. Stephens. ?nom NEW cOELIEE. Nnw YORK, Jan. 24.—At the meeting of the Polytechnic branch of the AmePican Institute last evening, the mystery of theatrical ghosts, floating Ju-ads, and other seeminselPouPerna tural phenomena was explained. The guest is only a reflection made on a partition of plate glass. The real ghost or image is ben,eath the stage floor, and a partially closed aperture id made In the floor between the ghost and the Oleg, and while the man sees the glass, the spectators see only the reflection from the glass. In producing the floating head a large mirror is placed at a certain angle on the stage. This glass has a hole in it through, which a human head projects. The ruffle with which the neck is dressed covers the bole close around the chin. The false ceiling overhead is papered to snatch the side walls, therefore it Is evident that to the speetatons the reflection of the wall above appears as though it was the back ceiling. In the distance. Thus the glass is not seen, and the human head appears to float in air. At about 8 o'clock last evening the walls of No. 4 Tompkins street which were considerably damaged by fire in September last, fell, carrying with them the adjoining house. Shortly after eight o'clock last night Officer Howell, of the Third precinct, discovered fire on the third..floor of the five-story building, No. 83 Reade street, occupied by Waterhouse, Howe & Co., dealers in men's furnishinggoods. The alarm was given promptly by the police, but ow - mg to the telegraph being out of order some ten minutes' delay occurred. The firemen when noti fied were quickly on the premises, and confined the fire to the third and fourth floors. The firm of Waterhouse, Howe & Co. occupy the third, fourth and fifth stories Their loss may be es timated at about 515,600, said to be folly covered by insurance. The second floor is occupied by H. &H. I Brunner, importers of dry goods. Their stock is damaged by smoke and water to the amount of about $6,000; insured. The first floor is occupied by A. S. Herman, importer and jobber in cloths, vestlngs, &c. Stock damaged by water about $5,000. Fully covered by in surance. The building is damaged about $2,500; insured. . AITIVSEMENTS. TILE DICKENS RRADINGS.—II, is a great pity that some truer name for Mr. Dickens's enter tainments could not be invented. They aro in no proper sense "readings," and the use of the term lends many critics into very unmeaning criticisms, in which the quality bt voice and method of elocution are discussed, as if these were the essential features of the performance, whereas they have comparatively little to do with it. Mr.. Dickens possesses a high degree of dra matic talent, which would be more fully appre ciated if we could see him in some of those "private theatricals" which ho has made so famous in England, and it is this talent, used In interpreting the creations of his own genius, that makes these "readings" so attractive. Concert Hall was crowded with another bril liant audience last night, and Mr. Dickens, more punctual than some of his audience, gave Nicho las Nickleby at Dothcboys Hall, and Boots at the Holly Tree Inn. Squeers, the wretched old brute, was given with lin effect that bronght down a tremendous round of applause at the thrashing he receives from Nicholas. Brake was admirably done, and his appeal to Nicholas was one of Mr. Dickena's most_ successful expressions of pathos. Fanny Squeers was very funny, and John Browdie's broad Yorkshire dialect con vulsed the audience. The "face" which Fanny Bqueera makes at 'Tilde Price was one which none but a woman 'would have been thought able to conceive or execute. "Boots at the Holly-Tree Inn" was amu singly told. Mr. Dickens is evidently very fond of his child-characters, and he makes'much out of Master Harry Warners and Mrs.ilarty Warners, Jr., "as was never to be." There is a grim seri ousness in the comical way in which Mr. Dickens gives the closing suggestion that "It would be a jolly good thing for a great many couples, on their way to bo married, if they could only be stopped in time and brought back separate." To-night the programme is "Little Dombey" and the "Trial from Pickwick," and we trust that the people who kept the whole audience and the punctual Mr. Dickens waiting last, even ing, by their tardiness, will either be absent or present in time. Tttx THEATRES.-At the Walnut this evening Mrs. Barney Williams will have a benefit in three' favorite pieces, All Hallow Eve, In and Out of Place, and Barney, the Baron. At the Chestnut Mr. John E. Owens will have a benefit. He will appear for the first time as "Major Wellington De Boots," in the farce of Everybody's Frzend, after which will be given Solon Shingle, with Mr. Owens in his inimitable personation of "Solon." Lady Don has a farewell benefit at the Arch this evening in a most attractive bill. The comedy Single Life; the drama 7'he Marricd Rake, and a series of Tableaux Vivants with ballads by Lady Don, will comprise the entertainment. This will probably be the last appearance of this favorite actress In this city for many years, for' it is her intention to return to England in the Spring. Those, therefore, who desire to see her, and to pay a tribute to,her ..talent and worth, should at tand at the Arch to-night. The American an nounces an Attractive entertainment far this even ing, - GERMANIA ORC'FIRSTRA will give - their usual public rehearsal at the Musical Fund Hall to-morrow, at 33 P. M., with the following pro gramme : 1. Concert Overture Romberg. 2. Song—' Oh, stay this longing," Corn° Solo, performed by H. Kueston teacher Melkert. 3. Walfz—"Thoughts on the Alps" Strauss. 4. Larghetto from Second Slamle...Beethoven. 5. Overture—"Tannhauser" 'Wagner. 6. Duet from "Elixir of Love" Donizotti. 7. Grand Selection from "L'AfricaLne,".. Meyerbeer. Mr. C. H. Jarvis announces the second of his Classical &Arles for Saturday evening next, the 26th inst. The programme is exceedingly attrac tive, containing a Sonata (op. 109) Beethoven, a Rondo for piano and violin, by Schubert; three or four beautiful morceaua for piano, from the works of Schumann and Chopin, and finally the delightful quartett in E flat by Mozart, for piano, violin, viola and cello. Our musical public will do well to patronize this choice entertainment of classical music, as we can insure them a fine per formance of the above works. Tho price for single tickets aro one dollar. THE FRENCH Organ. The French Comic Opera Company, of New York, will appear In this city at the Academy of Music, February llthi in Offenbach's opera Le Grande Duchene de Gerolatein. Copies of the libretto can be pro cured at the Academy. PRILADELPIITA OPERA HousE.—The famous burlesque entitled The Black Book will be given to-night at this opera house. ' It is a humorous adaptation of The Black Crook, and is said to be intensely amusing. It has had a prolonged run in Boston and New York, and has been warmly eulogized by the press of both cities. It is placed upon the stage here in first-rate style,and the cast Includes the most accomplished performers in the troupe. There will be singing, dancing and Ethiopian eccentricities and comicalities. flinnon-Bruz.—The Signor - kw taken Commie sioner's Hall, West Philadelphia, *'or tbhi week only. Those who desire to visit this great magi cian before his permanent retirement must do 60 at once. • Ft' alma Illernewr OPERA Sousa.--An entirely new burlesque entitled The dirrivalqf Dickens, will be given this' evening. It la filled with laughable situations, local hlts, humorous dia logue, and the characters are personated by the most popular members of the .ontupany„ Low Stamens will represent Charles Dickens. Mr. J. L. Carneross will sing several favorite ballads, and there will be singing, dantirq, and the usual reistelhniy., E L. FETITERSTON.. -Publisher. PRICE THREE CENTS. FACTS AND FANCUSe —Garibaldi adthires Whittler. I —Henry Ward Beecher expects to derGre' fire or six years to his "Life of Christ.rr —A new eclectic paper; called fie /Wavle; II proposed in New York. • —A spirit-stirring Strain—the bar-tetureeo song. —Lazcell eont ier. —Every year is leap year with prOfessionar gymnasts. —lt costs .C*,ooo to transfer Marin:Manes body to Trieste. —Dickens wiD be the gueal of Butner' 1w Washington. —Brigham Yousg'artew schoorofithe Prophets • is to introduce phonetic spelling. —The husband of Mre-Muldbachltaswritterfqx , historical note], "Count Mirabeau.' —Mrs. Lander is pktying to immense audienow in St. Louis. —To become a member of the Pariwßourse, man must be twenty-Ave years old and giro' 50,000 francs bonds. —Garibaldi sent to a Mantuan Liberal banquet _be touching and original; sentiment; PBY porde-- 'l, evince victory is achieved: 9. --Massachusetts educiiteahrer children'at a cost of nine dollars per annum ibr every ebilivithin her limits. —Rumor says Emily Melelife, the actress, and , Lawrence Barrett, the young tragedian, are about to embark together on the connubial sea. --A Georgia magistrate examines the teeth-of candidates for matrimony, to ascertain whether they are of age. —Four Vermont schoolboys• thrashed their teacher and were fined for it. They found. that rule didn't work both ways. --Belle Boyd, it is said is going..into the Men-• ken style of drama. Perhaps that is the reason she has begun to leave her husbands. - —There is a movement looking toward the admission of both sexes to- the lowa Agricultu ral College., —Edward Duyekinek is the author of the article on Fitz Greene Halleck in the current number of Putnam. —A. progressive person nominates. President Woolsey, of Yale, for next President, and-John Minor Botts for Vice President. —Three infant lions have just seen the light in a Baltimore circus. They couldn't well• see the darkness, you know. —"The Octoroon" is to be revived in London, to give Mr. J. S. Clarke an opportunity to appear as "Salem Scudder." —The Queen's new book is to be illustrated With engravings or Scottish scenery and land scape from drawings by herself. —Persons in London drive a good business-by adopting Infants for a consideration, making way with the former and pocketing the latter.. • —Marian Evans (George Elliot) is engaged upon another story, said to be something. like "Felix Halt" in its nature and characters. —By a new law, all English merchant ships are obliged to carry line juice and serve it to their crews every. day. —A Connecticut infant was so unfortunate as. to be born with three noses. Nose-uch baby was ever seen in that State before. --"The Double-Bedded Room" is on the bills at the Salt Lake City theatre. Any local hit in— tended ?—'Ex. —The Catholic bishop of Three Rivers, in Can ada, is trying to recruit men for the Papal &n -aves The term of service Is two years. —Mrs. Theodore Tilton writes to the Retmlution approvingly, and says that she desires equal rights for her four children, two of whom are boys and the other two girls. —John C. Breckinridge, It is said, has been in duced to make personal application for pardon, and will probably be home in the s,pring.• Don't hurry, John. We are not anxious to see you —lt is estimated that three million copies of the works of the late William B. Bradbury have been sold in this country. They were also trans lated in Turkish and Syriac. —The Saturday Review says: "There are,it inns be owned, but few things on earth of less intend at first sight than a girl in her teens." But, aet don't think so. —The Finnish famine is so great that many Finlanders have applied to the Emperor Alexan der for permission to emigrate, so that the famine shan't finish them. —The last new, feat of a circus acrobat con sists in turning a double somerset over sixteen muskets with fixed bayonets, the guns being Bred at the moment of the leap. —General Lee says to the effect that Hancock i& the first man of sense who has had anything to do with the Reconstruction laws. But then Lee you know is prejudiced. —The London police are being instructed how o use revolvers. A shootinggallery adjoining the South Kensington Museum has been given to them. —The Paris Monde, a clerical organ, save: "It is outrageous that the worus of Charles Dickens and Thackeray are to be found in the libraries of the townships." —Miss Penniman, an American belle in Paris. is to be married to M. Romera, Secreksay of - the- Spanish Ambassador. She will bring a pretty Penni to the man. —A midnight elopement in New York was frustrated bye cat, who frightened the young lady into a fainting fit as she was going down stairs to' meet the expected lover at' the door. —A Southwestern editor apologizes for the lack of news In his Monday edition by the statement: "In consequence of having gone courting rater day,We beg our readers to excuse brevity this morning." —lt is calculated there are twenty-five fleas to every square inch of the territory on 'which Rome, ancient and modern, is built. Visitors flee away from Rome on account of them, as soon as possible. —American wines have become very poptdar in Berlin. The wino-cards of all the leading res taurants contain, "Ohio, fifteen allbergroschen a bottle, Catawba, twenty allbergroschen, and Isa bella, one thaler." —A Brooklyn man has accomplished a feat in the way of bigamy. He courted for two yearn and finally married a young woman residing within a stone's throw of the house whore he lived with his wife and family and sustained the two establishments for some firma. —The Grand Duke Nicholas, the heir to the Im perial crown of RUbSia, ill very unpopular, and it is thought, if he should become Empenai) that ho will be removed, very much as Paul was. Odious autocrats in Russia are subjected to very sudden, mysterious and fatal diseases. —A Scotch litterateur is about to write what; he calls a true history of William Wallace and. Robert Bruce, separating fact from fiction, and dragging those personages out of the Ideal re gion in which their memories have been so long permitted to dwell. —The King of Bavaria, since be jilted • his " cousin m or was jilted by het, has taktio pleasure i - in paying handsome aunts of "money ttr conplea on their wedding day. Every bride and bridegroom who have made application to m a for that purpose, have received Ore hundred florins. This royal bounty' has thus tar beed be stowed upon thirty- eight couples. —Victor Hugo complains, in a totter to George Sand, that he receives, by every day's Malt a large lot of chide poetry, aceouipanked by re quests from the authors to review add criticize their effortsoind tell themwkether they hive any prospect of achieving fame and distinction ha that wae. Two secretaetes, he says, would ba unable merely to ackuPAviedge the receipt of those irksOute eplati9r4.