n.: hree blows in • • ••bistre of the • • :• 44 •_:: trFehaill'take • a ••• theirengines, a tertheiNngine. '•, 1 0111 that this rule '1.0; itteemeis are re tie'..of their 'engines Sloma A 4 Rook and:Ladder •on the removal parriagesthor atus to be re - • " im ry,facUlty, to .antage of i in an ef-I great 'need - - < properly- - . • . CZ passed by;, ( hough • egective,. has iir • ol the enrormenr i oif citizens • .0 veterinisoldiers, and the Adly filling the ranks of the • udinow forming and Philo.- UMble to boast , o4' as due a be -marshaled in the Union. at the request of the military tliiptDistriet, and recognizing .4.ll2lllthe,man for the service, General Charles M. Prevost Major "s I to a rennsylvanla Militia. eats and bright record •`• position. has been connected peace and in war. the late Brigadier terwards with the Troop;'! then as e "Gray Reserve ow .Colonel; and • Ice, ho went Into •• Brigadier-General • the call of the • take command 118th Pennsyl • of thd regiment eietted a Briga tetjin the field. was transferred eteran Reserves, elf, the war. demmistration in o •re executed in Man , a •ii l t*citp . lace to-day, rof The tormy weather i.naTirein of the streets. •, -Inch had intended to 'to the••;place designated parade, but had' to re- Chfitade will probably - ,; • occurred about the sue d -and enthusiastic PonAving a parade andylihen the Chief piffle - 11:n severe and terms. Others, who . • gtxpressed than • air had been post `if• ectlyowilling to tp do honor to the 4 • es there were Indi an argament'as to t postponement; but the • rovented any damage izzllng rain would not Mand...theref ore the P* • 7 large at any time. ?-• now,commeneed fall terdey,. The flakes were .am the streets and att?,prm. They came a_ylP affil ringolhe evening the e p. sseny:r railway cars was seri d with 4 A,sttpng wind was 'ore ereaked;t'viindows rattled, doors . those who were compeller to be .st #brthe - snow, which r Cur.+ In' their, faces.. About 40 1 ther moderated, and the - by rain. lliThis spoiled all ghing, and this morning we r. ush.l, The various, railroad nto theAP*. di,ingllast night cityn.- 4 I lytdetained by thiTslow, but the rions;atid before the close of the will no doubObe running on -. DAY.—The yecir 1868 begins in Bop • manner. The wind is northeast, is7falliiikl the pavements are streets are slushy. Only those ed to be out appear upon the' eitnut stryet. which gendrally pre , , land animated appearance on • ayeartis almost deserted. The $ a icfpffice's, and many places of c used,,. the day being partly ob °Halal' in this city. IkESTROYED.-DISt night about fire broke out in the brewery of , located on North Sixth street, ::. . +Owing to the bad condition of the firemen•were delayed In getting to I he fire got under pretty good rewery with Its appurtenances oyed. The flames extended to t.'trek, adjoining, and it was contents. The total loss is '/lILADELPIIIA.—ShortIy after Ight, a fire broke out in a .ed to the foundry of Messrs. at Thirty-first and Ludlow was totally destroyed, and were ruined. The main slight injury. The total is morning abodt four dames Morrow, kroi ;,07 h. • damageci by Mo. korning a fire was dis f No. 8 North Sixth . extinguished by the aroage had been done. - tAidas probably the r experienced in the ur it out in the driv iablt of firing rely dispensed ere held in 4 ly at- • ' . „hue . ".• ~ Pe .. w hoe. . ~ .cd The . paratuw.was bull' e 'eupervhdon of G. Thomp company. •,, hoe store 'of H. Os .,:nth street, wag en on a back window, d shoes valued at aypr's clerks ivnb- {era, . I ATM. RAII,I:OAD /WO OHNT.—A biakC6Mall G.l e West Jersey mall train was accidentally , locked off the cars last Matt, while in the act turfing front the junction • in Camden, and so tily injured that ne„died about 4 o'clock this )rnitr.- Hellas a family; and resides at, Barns ' ';‘'ro',VOloucester county. Coroner McKinley tonic•the hOdy in charge. SS:(II.3.AR FATM.ITY.—A child of Mr. Joseph !lanky, residing at Fourth and Micklo streets, ied of scarlet fever early on Tuesday morning. 'be only surviving child is down with the same disease.and isnot expected to live from one hour to another. On a former occasion, Mr. Hanley buried three children at one time, who were struck down with the same fatal malady. The Captain General on the. Slave HAVANA, Dec. 131, .1867.—Captain General Lereundi, in his address to the people of this island, confirms - what, was generally believed here, that,the Queen and her Ministers, knowing the gravity of the situation and weighing divers circumstances in connection with the interests of the Antilles, were anxious to intrust them only to one whose antecedents could not bring him in conflict with those interests, and that after solicitations he consented to accept the charge. Eo expresses the hope that the future will have happier days for the •people of Cuba, and expects' blind obedience and complete ab negation on the part of the troops, and from the loyalty of the people themselves the means ne cessary to carry out a good administration of the island: to be to do so In the circular to the district governors he re commends the A most zealous 'vigilance in regard to the suppression of the slave trade. Public opinion on that subject, he maintains, is now overpowering, and the most severe penalties should be enforced, so as to render the traffic de funct forever. Measures are being taken to expedite proceed- Inge in the ease of the assassins who packed the Teresina of their victim in a tin box some time since. ,JUDGE BUSTEED Oaf HIS DEATH BED. 7 elegratra to His Family in New York .....Ebeir Departure for Alabama. The family of Judge Richard Busteed' received a telegram yesterday morning from Mobile, in forming them that the Judge was on his death bed, his case having been pronounced hopeless by the .three physicians who were . attending him. Mrs. Busteed and t*o children a son, and daughter, aged respectively. 13 and' 21 years—and his brothers George and William H. Busteed, took the earliest train for .the South. About four months ago, al' le on a visit North to his family, the judge having been urged to resign his position, resolved to do so, and would probably have returned home ere this time had he not been delayed by a pressure of. unfinished business. ' 'CITY NOTICES DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN & Bno'minus, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. a GAT'S CIIL`CA PALACE, No. 1022 Chestnut street.—Selling off the entire, stock at less than im r porting cost. The assortment consists of Bohemian, French and American Cut Glassware, White French and 'Deco rated China, Silver-plated Ware, Table Cutlery Welter's Stone China, ..tc. And the most complete stock of Fancy Goods, in cluding Pullin Marble and Bronze Statuary, Gilt Mounted Ornaments and Lava Ware ever imported to this city. White French China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 pieces • ...... ............ $1 25 White French China Dining Plates,936 in.,per dz. 275 Do. do. do Breakfast do.,SX " .. 250 Do. do. do.. Tea ' " 0 225 Cot Glass Goblets, per ...... 2 25 Do. do. Champagnes . per d0zen...... 1 75 Do., do. Wines, per dozen 1 25 Do. do. Tumblers, per dozen 1 25 And all other goods at egnally low prices. CIIII.DRYN Cutting their Teeth or afflicted with cramps, cholic, griping and other Infantile complaints, obtain instant relief from the nee of Bower's Infant C'ordial. . "BowuP.'s Gum Amino SECRETS" quiet Coughs, sheathe inflamed snriaces, relieve hoarseness, pains, soreness of the breast, a tough morning phlegm, and impart much comfort in Bronchial Irritations. Made by Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. Bold by druggists. B 5 cents per box. Try them. BIENBOWS Sonrs.—Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Rose, ac. "SNOWMtn & BROTMaIe, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. GROIIP.R & BAKER'S Highest Premium Sewing Machines, 730 Chestnut street. CHAMPION WRINGERS, Blacking Boxes, Cut lery, Plated and Japanned Ware, Britannia Ware, iron and wooden ware. Parson & Co.'s, Dock street, be low Walnut. You can get a Handsome sot of flue and fancy Furs For a New Year's Present, Oakfords', Continental Hotel BRFORE the dose of the year, if Winter Cloth ing is bought at Charles Stokes & Co 's first-cl Clothing !louse, under the Continental, not only, will bargains be had, but a happy New Year is, In a great measure, guaranteed. , The splendid Clothing that is sold here at such low prices cannot fall] to make any purchaser happy. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FANCY BONNETS and Trimmed Bats; a few fine French bonnets; the latest bonnet frames, all kinds of bonnet materials, trimmings, &c., selling at a great sacrifice to close the season. WOOD at CAIIY, 725 Chestnut street ONE WEEK FEO3I TO-DAY and the grand die taibutlon of presents among the shareholders of the Riverside Institute will positively take place. The shares are being disposed of so rapidly that there is every probability of the books being closed before that time. Some of the agents arc entirely out of tickets. and positive instructions have been Maned to forward DO more, as the supply is already so limited that the scares may soon be at a premium. Shares are still being sold at the (Ace, No. 921 Chestnut street. • You canget a Handsome sot of tine and fancy Fars For a New Year's Present, Oaktords', Continental Hotel. HOLIDAY GIN'S NOR GENTLEMEN--Tho mOst popular things for presents to gentlemen will be found ut 'Air. George Grant's Gentlemen's Furnishing estab lishment. No. 1018 Chestnut street. His stock em braces all the choicest novelties and articles of taste and comfort for a gentleman, from a tine pair of Gloves to an elegant Morning Wrapper. His line of Scarfs, Cravats, Shirts and Underwear - of every des cription Is superb, and his prices moderate. Our lady readers will please act upon this suggestion In making their purchases. You can get a Handsome set of line and fancy Furs For a New Year's Present, Oakfords', Continental Hotel. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.-.• J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liablesources in the city can 'be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. AMUSEMENTS. ITALIAN Orrits.—On Monday evening next at the Academy Max klaretzek's Italian Opera tronpe will appear, in conjunction with Ilarrison's Oratorio Com pany, for a brief season. The array'of artists is a bril liant one, and as a number of new operas are to be produced, large' audiences are assured. Tickets are for sale at Trumplor's Music store. CAJAL BENTZ'S MATINZZ announces for its attraction the wonderful Jupiter Symphony of Mozart, already noticed at length in these columns. It should be heard by all who can appreciate music of a blab and noble character. We subjoin the programme of this extellent concert: s3mphony, No. 4—Jupiter (by universal request), MOZAID.T. 1. Allegro VitiVe. • 2. Andante Cantabile. • S. Attuned°, Allegretto. • 4. Finale, Allegro Motto. Violin Bolt,-Tretnelo' (with Orchestra Accompani ment);-:it,. • • --De Beater. Mr. Wm. Atoll, Jr... Second Finale—Siege of Corinth: ....... Rossini. Waltz—Sorgenbrectter (Begone De)! Care) ....Syness. Ganop—"Cuttrvebanus (by request e ).ALllEUT PAULOW. Mr. Geo. Felix lienkert will per orm a Piano Solo, January lath, PAS. - - " T/18 LIANLONB.—TbIe is tho last week of tho Hanlon Brothers engagement at the Academy. Those of our renders who Wive neglected to sac them have missed one of the most, remarkable and ttingulat exhi bitions ever given in this country. We "have already spoken at length of many of their extraordinary feats, but there is one - to which nothing more than mere al has been made, and that is the "three flying =tic., It IN impossible to describe thin series of evo lamps azd leaps. It is performed by three of tho Meet accoinplisbed members of the troupe, and every thing 18 &MO Vllll SUCh grace and ease, and with such marvelous colettty, tbat the audience have no time to feel alarmed. Tills feat alone is worth therice. of admission.' It surpaatakanything either the Jape or Arabs ever attempted. -U'hosr who are faattdions about attending acrobatic performancea will perhaps he,gratiiledtolearnthat the eutertalameht is varied, THE DAIL JERSEY AFFAIRS. C lIIVA4 Triad o. EVENING BULLETIN.-PHIL by the Introduction of other things, nod that the ti anions themselves are accomplished gentlemen, masters of llve languages, of male, and other of the AM. ' • Bolivar; TA BLEATTN.—This splendid panorama will remain at National flail during this week. Wo anvise all who have hot seen it to embrace this oppor tunity to do so, The pictures arc% from the brushoff of some of the greatest artists in this country, and they represent the familiar events of the famous Pilgrims Progress. As a simple work of art this Is well worth seeing, but it is doubly interesting to all who are ac quainted with the incidents depicted in it. BLITZ. —Signor last season upon the stage is proving very successful. At his Temple of Wonders, in Assembly Buildings, he•is constantly produding novelties in the magical line, and be manages to amuse, mud please large audiences nightly; He will give a perfirmunce every afternoon and evening during this week. ELEVENTH STREF.T OPERA Housr..—Tic Christmas pantomime, The Magic Pearl, will be repeated this evening, with magical transformations, flue scenery; handsome coAumes, local hits, humor and jollity. ' Mr. UarncroSs will sing several of his choicest ballads, and there will be the usual miscellaneous entertainment, PHILADELPHIA OPERA Boum—An attractive bill is Mimed at this establishment thisevening. Johnny black and Budworth will appear in some of their favorite impersonations, supported by the entire. com pany In farce, burlesque, song, dance,and negro comic alitles generally. A large number of presents will be distributed to the children in the audience. • THE Tit/LAMM—At the Arch the drama of Light at Last will be repeated this evening. Miss Lucille Western, at. the Walnut, will appear in East Lynne. At the Chestnut, the fairy spectacle of Cendrillon will be presented. The American offers a varied enter taltanent. MORRIS BROTHERS MINSTRELS.—This troupe will give a dual performance this evening at Concert Hall. PUTZ. —The Moravian "Fritz" is still on exhibition at National ,Bail and is attracting large audiences. It is a very beautiful representation of natural scenery, constructed with that careful Ingenuity for which the Moravlans arepeculiar. We advise every one to see it. It Is a unique and novel work of art; such a one as cannot be seen twice in a life time. HABBLRE'S SUNDAY CONOEIME4.—The second concert of this popular coarse will be given on Sunday even ing next at Concert Hall. A most attractive pro gramme has been prepared, and an unusually fine per tormance may be expected. .IMVQE.T.A.TIONS., • Reported for t e rmisdemnia bvexing bulletin. LIVERPOOL—Bark Bessie llarris, Simpson-3 bales camel hair 18 bales wool Brown, Shipley & Co; 180 baits BO sheets wool W J P Ingraham • 14 pkgs °taw IS Quincy; 11 do W G Pierce; 82 do Salt, ar & ScbropP; 30 do A Eberrnan; 43 00 Asbury & Young ; 10 tons pig iron Turnbull & Co; 60 do.J_lt Penrose; 8388 sacks ground salt Wm Bumm & Son; 100 tits soda anh W Churchman & Son; 229 do 46 do bleaching powder 19 drums caustip soda 376 steel rails 6010 bxs tin and terzto plates 10 frames felt order. MARINE BULLETIN, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JANumw L Or See Marine Bulletin on Seventh Page ARRIVED THIS DAY. • Behr Lydia Varwoll (Br), Mills, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to L Westorgaardozea.._ _ CLEARED THIS DAB'. Behr ZVm B Mann, Slanford, Richmond, Va. captain. MEMORANDA. Ship Lancaster. Jackson, cleat ed at Mobile 26th ult. for Liverpool tilth. 4084 bales cotton, weighing 2,06003 the, .5%3,059 41. Ship Mononoo, McGonagle, hence at Londonderry 16th ult. Ship Stratford, 31eyer, cleared at Liverpool 16th ult. for this port.. Steamer Norman, Crowell, cleared at Boston 130th ult. for this port. SteametChicago (Br), McNay, cleared at New York yesterday f or Liverpool. Steamer Atalanta (Br), !inkhorn, cleared at N York yesterday for London Steamer Lord Lovell (Br), Jones, cleared at Now York yesterday for Havana. Steamers Vulcan. Morrison, and Sarah, Jones, hence at. New Yotk yesterday. Bark De,vll Nichols, Devereux. from Bangor for this port remained at Newport PH 29th ult. Bark Stephanie (Brent). Schutte, 51 days from Rio Ja. nefro, at Now York yesterday, w ish co ff ee . • Brig Harriet, Jansen, hence, sailed from Falmouth 17th ult. for Hamburg. Bars Lena Bunter, Perry; Margt Reinhart, Hand, and John Gray, Colton,from Boston for this port, at New York yeaterday, Behr Bill Reed, Benson, sailed from Now Bedford 80th ult. for this port. Schr Mary L Vankirk, of Philadelphia, will winter at Providence. Schr S C Noyes (new), Blanding, from Newburvport for New Castle, Del and billiard Filhnore, Smith, hence for Boston, sailed from Newport 28th ult. Schr A tiooper arrived at Boothbay 28th ult. with. the captain and crow of schr Glide, from Boston for Bomar!. scotta. abandoned at sea, 41) miles SE of Boon. Island; was in a sinking condition, with four feet water in the bold. onfi nails owl rudder gone. ADI USEMENTIS. 6., Sim rove for Additional Amusements. G ALA FESTIVAL SEASON OF GRAND OPERA, AT TUT, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Commencing Monday, Jan.% 1858. The Sale of Secured Seats for the Season will Commence TODAY (WEDNESDAY), January I, (New Year's Day), At 9 o'clock A. M., at C. W. A. TRIMMER'S MUSIC Store, SW CHESTNUT street. It) PONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ARON]. V TWELFTH. SUNDAY EVENING SACRED CONCERTS. MARK HASSLER. respectfully •announces that the SECOND GRAND CONCERT, for charitable purposes, will be given on next SUNDAY EVENING, January sth, 1868. One.hulf of the Dail only will bo disposed of for re served seats. The best regulations to accommodate the public are new entirely completed. Sole of Tickets commences to-day. Reserved Seats at TRUMPLER'S, VA; CHESTNUT, CONCERT HALL. and RISLEY & COVERT'S Continental Book Stand. Cards of Admission. 00 cents. Reserved Seats. 75 cents. No extra demand above the regular advertleed pricea will be allowed to be charged It§ PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED AS TO THE WHERE abouta of WILLIAM. APEWEN. Tailor, who left Paisley, Scotland, two yeanJ ago. When last heard of he lodged with a Mr. Riley, at 120 Market straet, Inform*• ion will be Paid for if genuine. Addreas Mrs. M'EWEN, to the care of Mr. 'WATSON, Lierakt Office. Paialey, Scotland. lt§ GLASS SHADES' GLASS SHADESI—SUITABLE FOR covering wax fruit and flowers, with stands. of all stem for sale at B. 11. SLEEPER. dg 00.'8 Wholesale Glassware House, del tf4 Nos. 793 and 134 Market street TO DENT. ir g RARE CHANCE FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. The convenient Residence. 1103 Arch street, for Ka rent, °nil to n party who will purchase the entire household efects. - - The - house is" handsomely furnished throughout, carpetleg, furniture and bedding nearly new, and will be sold at a sacrifice, as the occupant leaves the city in a few days. Immediate possession given. Apply at No. 506 Market street. BOARDING• rpo RENT.—SEUOND•STORY ROOM, FURNISHED I and heated, for lodging room for Gentlemen, near Eleventh and Chestnut. Address nomE. at this of • flee. d 201f•rpf, I cf' . .AD A ILA& S S ,o'HORS rURNITURE K e MA 7tl' E. IN NEW FRUIT. Double and Single Crown, Layer, Seedless and Sultana Raisins. Currants, ' Citron, Oranges, Prunes, Pigs, Almonds, &0., &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Billet is Toe Gime* Corner Eleventh , and Vine Streets. FRESH FRUITS. - FRESIINEAf3PBERRIES t _, ' PEAUJIEd kLUMS, TOMATOES in Waais and UllUlt. For sale by JAMFALR. W_Pl3l:g i ce . W Wauci vT and naGHTII ntreota. !TANNED FRIDT. VEGETABLES, drn.-1,000 OASES freeh Canned Peaches; 509 cases fresh thinned Pine 'Apples ; 803 ems fresh Pine APPles, In einsef 1000 MUM Green Corn and Green Peas; 500 cases fresh Plums, in cane; 900 oases fresh Green Gages; 500 cues Cherries, in 113TUP: f l eagels Blackberries. in sYruPi 500 cure Straw. berries, eyrUP I 500 eases freer; Peary in syrup ;2, d4 r came Canned T omatoes : 500 canoe Oysters. Lobeters an Clam; 000 eases Rout Beef.' Button, Veal, &ups. 'aro, or sale by JOSEPH B. BUI3I3IER di CO.. 106 SOuth Delaware avenue. 1 . . , TEVVPECANS.-10 BARRELS NEW CROP TEXArs IA Pecans landing„ezotgemehlp Star of the Union, and for eiJe by J.D. DUOS= CO.,lo9.South Delaware PYOSIIO. WEbNESDAY, JA STATIONERY. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR noorKS. By the Paris Exposition, WM, F. -MURPHY'S SONS, 339 Chestnut Street, Practical Ellank.Book Manufacturers, Bteam•Porvor Printers and btationers. Diaries,_Gold Pens, Cutlery, A full assortment of Blank Books and Counting.flouse etationecy.nonatantly, on hand. no 2 s m w 4112 ntt. CLOTH PATTERN OVERCOATS, Made hi beet manner, to show materials and styles, now For Sale at Cost. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. car. of Chestnut and Seventh Stir' arr Aver jiEJ:At tiCl ti:11111141:1 NOTICE,.—THEI COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exisit under the firm of DAVIS, KEMPTON th is this day dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. The business will be settled at the old stand, either party being authorize, to use the name of the firm fn settle ment. THOS. W. D *NIS, WM. B. KEHOMPSMPTON. DAVID TON. FLU LADELPUT A, 12th, Mo. 31,.1867. /THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A Copartnership under the name and firm of KEldr- TON. THOMPSON k CO., and will continuo the whole sale dry goods business at the old stone, No. 217 Market street, and 200 Church street, whore they hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of the customers of the late Jinn and the trade generally. • WM. B. KEMPTON, DAVID T lOM PSON, ADIOS LANNING, JAMES KEMPTON, PIIII.k1)7:LPIIIA. Jan. let, 1868. WM. F. DAVIS. , N. B.—An interest has been created for ALBANNAS TAYLOR and JOSEPH W. AMBLER, out of the profile of the business. ja1.21.4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE PART nersbip lately existing between ALEXANDER C. BRYSON and JOSEPH H. BRYSON, under the firm of A. C. BRYSON & CO., was dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to ho received by the said ALEXANDER C. BRYSON. and all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to him for payment. ALEXANDER C. BRYSON, JOSEPH H. BRYSON. ruiLmutrautt A. December 310,1867. The business of the house will be continued at the old stand, So; Chestnut street, by ALEXANDER C. iIitYSON and JAMES BENEDICT, who have this day formed a eo•partnerahip under the firm of A. C. BRYBON CO.. ALEXANDER C. BRYSON. JAMES BENEDICT. PIIII.A .lanuarylst, 186 R. • jai. t; NCOPARTN ERSIIIP "RN TO FORE .11 exiatinir between the underaigned and WILLIAM. HUNTER, Ju... under the name or tirm of RO.IIMEL II UN'I'ER in l'hiladelphia. and II 'N 'l' ER, AL AO SEM El, In New York and Beaton, 1. , (Resolved by the death of William Ilunter, Jr. The buelneee of the late fain will ,beiteettled by the undordened ae eurrlving partner, .1011 N ROMMEL, .Jr., PLIILADELPRIA, Dec 31, 1867. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CO.'STEC 1 7 11 TUE Wholesale Slurping Coal Business from Pier No. 17, Port Richmond, and Pier Np. 2, Elizabethport. Offices, 20636 Walnut street. JOHN .110/11311M, JR. 68 Trinity Building, New York. 21 Doane street, Boston. PIIMADEI.I.IIIA. JIM. 1, 1868. It. rr 11 E CO - PARTIVEntiIIIP 'HERETOFORE EXISTING between GEO. ff. BROWN and JOS. Id. P. PRIUE, ender the name of BROWN dc PRICE, is this day dbv solved by mutual coneent. 01 7 .0. 11. BROWN, • JOS. M. P. riacE. Pintemmi•nrn., 12th mo., 31st, 1.967 The manufalrfitre of oil clothe, heretofore carried on by BROWN k PRICE will be continued by the under signed. who invites the attention of tairchasers to his so perior stock Table Oil Clothe, Oak, Mahogany, Rosewood, Bronze, Carriage and Stair Oil Cloths, Enameled Duck, Drill, Muslins, &c. GEO. H. BROWN. No. oth Fourth street. Factory—Ann and Edgemont streetsrt. jal.3tl N-TIIE i..i.rPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE .11 exicting in the name of TYLER & CO., Is dissolved by the withdrawal of GEORGE F. TYLER. The busi ness of dealing in coal, as heretofore. Will-be continued by the subscribers under the firm name of TYLER & CO.. in New York and Philadelphia, and HATCH & TYLER, in Ifartford, Connecticut. LETvIR BUCKMAN. . _ WM. Y. AGARD. WM M. DAVIDSON. CSEO. E. HATCH, PIIILADF.I.I , IIIA. Dec. 31. 18VE. 8. TYLER. . 11E UNDERSIGNF.D, FOR MANY YEARS MESI T hers of the firm of J. B. LIPPINCOrr & have associated thermelvers for the purpeee of carrying on the busineea of Publishers. Book+ellers and Stationers. under the firm of CLAXTON, RESISEN & 11AFFELFINGER. and will shortly open twine'sa at their new store, Nos. 819 and 821 Market street. EDMUND CLAX'CON, GEORGE REMSEN, jal.w f m.2tl CHARLES V. HAFFE ['FINGER. rium 'UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED a co•partnership under the firm of LOVE, BLACK & CO., and will continue the Dry floods Commiesfon hoof. twos heretofore conducted by ALFRED H. LOVE, :a No. 212 Chestnut street. WILLTAM H. LOVE, ALFRED H. LOVE. RUDOLPH J. BLACK, MORDECAI BUZBY. Jan. 1,18611. jal-31; THE I'llol OF A. L. AfiliNman a: Co. IS thiii day disoolved by mutual- comefit. The litidneio , will be Fettled up by either of the undefidgned who have entered into a enemal partnershimnder the firm name of A. L. ASIIMEADwho will continue the Lumber iimineza 'fit the Hanle location. PHILADELPHIA, I 31, 1167. lA/ E IiAV E Ting. DAY uNITER OCR FIRMS, AND TV will continue the Mining and Shipping of. Coal, un der the ktv lc or SCOrl", WALTER Az ill Philadel phia and Mawr, and M. ALTER BROTHERS & CO. In New York. JOHN C. scow A-, SONS. IVALTEit if ROTHEIIS Ss CO. Inniiftyy IHt.lST,f,t, I HAA E Y ICESI7.IIEI.I 1 the Dry (loodm, Jobbing and Package bwdnoas, under the firm of J. T. WAY & CO., at No. 8112 (heatnut atroet, Philadelphia. J. 'l'. WAY. W3l. P. WAY, ,AB. 11. DUNLAP, OPAL P. WAY.. Pati.ctivuerria; Jliv. 1, 18e.8. •ja.l-6t. L" 6' trei I EhECOND Street. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Mr. HENRY O. HURLBUNP is this day admitted to sn interest in our house, and the business continued at the old stand; under the nsme of BUTLER, MuCARTY & CO JANUARY ht.I.W 4 mil: HAVE 'IIItS fl y ENTERED hvo Copartnership, under the lion of LOUIS ;RANO •BitOTHER,. for the transaction of the Wholeaale (lothing boldness, at No. PA North Third ~.roet• Fill T.A , E1.1 . 111A . Jan. 1, 1. FlAivv.7..T,l) D. COATES T. 11113 DAY BECOMES A member of our ilrm. CLAGLIORN", HERRING et CO., i 120 C:hestuut street, Philadelphia. 7 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga.. jal 3t* .1 nr nary 1.1 'RFS and .141:011 N. DONALDdON . are thin duy admit,cd to au Interest, lu the buelneas et our firni, the able of which .111:11111118 unchanged. HEATON & DENCKLA. PIIII,APELI'iItA. January Ist, 1868. Jal lor* TORN D. KING HAS AN INTEJU IN MY SUSl nose from ums date. THOMAS It. GILL, I Strawberry street. 1.1 Asra nv i t. 186. , jaLlitg uTICE.--WILLIAM. I'. ATKINSON AND HENRY VAN TXEM, have an interest in our firm from thla etc. VALES, WHARTON ez Co. IP II MAI/FF.I , IIIA, JIMMY I, 18418. 60 - sR. JOHN W. FIELD Ie a member of our flan from thlodate, E. illlL ADELPII lA. January 1, 1868. C. & J RORI ai.tr _ OHN B. WoILI HIS Is AD)! rIVEI) INTO OUR. firm from this date. ALEN. WHILLION & SONS. • anuary lot nook la1•IIt• fIOOP SKllliTto. 128 - HOOP SKIRTS . rALL STYLES. Plain and Trail Hoop skirts, 2. 2.k. :i..M. - M . and 8 yards und, of every length and share , - for ladis, and a com. ...ete assortment of blisses..and Children's Skirts, from SI Z 45 sring4trom 10 toll inches long, all of "OUR 01.'M AKE," superior in style, finish-and durability, and ally the cheapest and most satisfactory Hoop Skirhp in o A merican market. Warranted in every respect. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. • CAUTION.—Owing to the unprecedented reputation - hich "Our Own Make" or Skirts have attained,.some .alers are endeavoring to put a very inferior skirt upon s i r customers by representing them to be "Hopkins's I wn Make." lie not deceived. "Our Make" are stamped o. each tab, "W. F. Hopkins, Manufaettwor, No. GM rob street, Philadelphia." and also have the letter II • oven in the tapes between each spring. Also, dealer in New York made Skirts, at very to ices, wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue of styles and prices, at nitia.f.m.wayrp No. Ski Arch street, Philads, ' WM.. T. HOPKINS. 00P SKI it T 8 AND t.; 0 it S El TS.--MRS. E. DAYM,Y, No. 811 Vino street, is now martufactur i g all the varieties of Hoop Skirts, Corsets, dm She has r i lL also the Real 1: reach Corsets of now styles, Hoop Skirt] uttered cud repaired . . fhatirP, A. L. ASIIMEAD. JAMES LANESTIIOIII lAtiti II ANO, SIMON HAM). jitl The attention of the trade is alao called to invoices of LADY'S GOLD WATQUEB clpoins out at radliN4 NOS/ atalauvil • , UARY 1,1868. HOLIDAY GOODS. J. E. CALDWELL & CO. • • ‘7 'sF ' ' • Are Now Ready , s • WITH THEIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION OF NEW YEAR'S GOODS For the present reason, to which they would suggest an early visit before tho choicest articles) are selected, and while yet the hurry of Holiday business dove not prevent the beet attention. Our stock this year exceeds in novelty, beauty and vs. riety any previous offering of this House. and Le made up of selections from every part of Europe. In addition to an immense assortment of ' PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA NOVELTIES. We have opened this amen the finest lot of . MEERSCHAUM AND OBES PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS Ever offered in this city, exquisitely, carved and mounted. forming very desirable PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. As our stock is unequaled for its extent and careful so , faction, no are our prices for moderation and adaptation to the times. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fal4 m vatfrpt • HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. An elegant assortment Wrappers, Scarf Rings, Breakfast Jackets, Scarily, Cardigan do., Gloves, Mufflers, Sleeve Buttons, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, With a great variety of Under Garments for Gentlemen. • J. W. SCOTT & CO., delltja2 814 Chestnut Street. rP 1867. HOLIDAYS. 1868. WRAPPERS, BREAKFAST JACKETS, TIES, • SCARFS, FINE SHIRT% SKATING JACKETS, CARRIAGE RUGS, SKATING BEETS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SCARF RINGS, • GLOVES, With a varied aaeortment of elegant Goods, Imitable PRESENTS FOR OENTLEMEN. WINCHESTER Sz CO., 70t3 Chestnut St. - J. C. BARNES & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, DICIFFACTIMIRO or , Fine Shirts, Collars, Wrappers, dio. Suitable for New Year's Presents. NO. 245 N. NINTH ST.. ni PHLLADELPHPHILADELPHIA.oesam Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 8 N. Sixth St.,Philadtt., is now offering an elegant and extensive assortment of Gentlemen's Wrappers, Scarfs, Ties, Muffters,Glo yes, Hdkfs., etc., etc., etc., Suitable for NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. ALSO. Nis usual assortment or Merino, RIM and Woolen Undershirts and Drawers. fatil tip NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. The beat and moat suitable Prose et sa. a friend or the needy is a barrel of our FIRST PREMIUM FLOUR, and a bag or halt barrel iI.MOUNT.AIN" BUCKWHEAT MEAL. Constantly on hand, Ohio, St. Louis and Virginia Flour. Also, "Mountain' , and "'sterling's" Buckwheat Meal, in bags and half barrels—warranted superior to any *Wm In the market. GEO. F. ZEIINDEB, Fourth and Vine, SOLE AGENT: sel7.ro ff PAINTINGS, &C. LOOKING GLASSES At Low Prices.. Novelties in Chromo Lithographs, Fine Engravings, ' New Galleries of Paintings, NOW OPEN, With Into arrivolo of CHOICE PICTURES. JAMES. S. EARLE & SONS, 810 Chestaid Street. WATCHES, JEINIBLE,IN ace AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES , AND MOVEMENTS. JOHN N. HARPER, No. 808 Cheatnot Street, 2d Floor. FINANWIAYr TREASURY DEPART PENNSYLVANI HARRISBURG, Deo.lB, NOTICE: TO THE HOLDERS OF LOA NS. OE THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEN VANIA, DUE JULY Ist, 180 THE FOLLOWING LOANS, Due July Ist, 18 WILL BE REDEEMED WITH LITER DATE OF PAYMENT ON PEESENTA AT THE FARMERS' AND MECHA- NATIONAL BANK Pl - I.I.LADELPH Loan of March 27, 1839, du 1, 1868. Loan of July 19, 1839, due 1, 1808. INTEREST ON THE ABOVE LOAN CEASE ON THE lsr OF JULY, 1 FRANCIS JORDAN, Sec'y of Sta JOHN F. HARTRANFT, Aud. W. H. KEMBLE, ;State Treas Commissioners or Sinking Wu del.9-3t&m w f 4in to Ellie' NAL. NEW CURES BY HOFF'S MALT EXTRAI BEVERAGE OF HEALTH. May Ra, W. P. Brown, Esq., Olean, Case co HEMORRHAGE OF THE LUNGS. May 25, Charles Reim, Esq., Nhloty.third Eighth avenue, N. Y., from DISEASE OF THE May 2P, Mrs. Wahl" Edwards, N. Y. Thea SORE THROAT. May 15, F. W. Wilkinson, Esq., No. 17 Beanie Brooklyn, from GENERAL DEBILITY. May 1, F. SPicher. EN', No. 205 Weet Th street, from INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. May 8. T. KnaPier, En. 165 Divhion street, N. OBSIINATE CATARRH, and his wife from WEAKNESS. June 1), H. Cohen, Franklin street, N. Y.-6 CONDITION IMPROVED. Juno 16, Mrs. Johanna Fuchs, 19 Spring atm STRENGTHENED AFTER TYPHUS FEVER. .Juno le, H. A. Krapp, Rochester, N. Y. STRENGTHENED. Juno S. Gustav Hume, No. an Eighth avenue, CANNOT BE WITHOUT IT. June If, L. L. Leo, Essex county, Port Hear DONE HIM GOOD. May 57, W. M. Olivia, Montreal. Canada—lS OUT; ORDERS MORE. Sold at drugglste' and grocers'. Persons agencies might apply at Hoff% Malt Extract Broadway, N. Y. ISAAC B. EVANS 11,421:07AMT . 11111k a Dwain lir OILS, PAINTS, VARNIS Naval Stores and Soap; Ne. 16 North Delaware avenie. P FITLER, 'WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTOR NOW IN FULL, OPERATION, 10J No. 52N, WATEII and 23 N. PEI,,
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