artholornew , f . ~,. . • - • • -... R it ,`I '''.:o" . "t 4 - ht r-,,, t,i . 'fiat! • ;-... ( 11111111;#6 , 111110 BM ,','.•. Barrisdu Hatfield .` , -:•,' .. • • Hritchim. •• •• •• -• - ': 7 "- - " : I tillin S A -. • r - ;-;;.•?.i . ' . Hall Nathan . Haigh Beal liagan Ethr Hallowell Jos lines Mrs - Hurley Wm - Hinton Patrick j ileittchinson IV9lson ' ' •••.• lturtzler Juo „ Hartley Henry • . Harper Alex 1 • allowell ii ' • H arvey Geo 0 - • Harris Joe • • • • • Itillhorn Chas liolitesburieltpiocepal Ch ttrartley Jac, dec'd Harrison Thom Hall , Fishor,dee'd • ; (Inland Isaac • . • Ig i V Theo ' nr:Win J x Franklin .. /J4l4l,Susiin ~ kJ Frank :•J•ii kshn Win „JehKs • Wm A • litil[organ H • , fill Letitia 1 q ) •nesJohrt,44o( t .• . Joe nIF ji , 1 i Wlfigibert` ' Johnson '.ludith Jackson Id artha, E PfiollyPno •v - • - ' Kg. r Elizabeth 'J •...iny .1 B I .clio !line Christian • •i . sew Margaret Ktily'J amen ••-<' • .Keyra•A• • rKirPlason Leonard • ..ij an Patrick ' • noxlLydia 13 •r ey;Andw . • KermoLGeo . : J Ngljeg facpb.tfr - I iillffilenry Jr , 'night Daniel' . t I .ancaster Julia 1 Leckmlin Frederick . • • ..._. "Oka,” n ... . • , -, .sh in — oretW I arge,,John , \ '‘.• '..i'! Ah• John • . ' • lass Robert .. . •._ It J 1 .11 Jr - r' - • • WM11110. 1 "* ; V •'• . Wm • , .'•• •••, • I Matthew . 4 - - .' •. pills Ott Aaron S narlyl I ..., bJnoN . ' • . c , dcnbnrg Jaw • ''Llikens,/t Iredell IfiliplneWru. .• UwaiSarah i t triirJas Dpvw Linde Mr = Livezey Chao iLivezey Nathan Lockard David Loynd Geo W deed • I ukens Chao II Lukens.lno F Learne. Kirkbride Mornen Peter MeissJohn Br s M liteh orm oll W Jam a yy il e a lim , , • 11MtligiNilliain Mann Wm W Mt.MaY,Thinlel fontgomery Mr father• John . lohreJamos. I Morris 'rhos i „Mahan Wm MtohykAlmira It • 1 MiiwtharilPatrick . • Moore Geolss, ,, , ~Dlesoott Rosanna • ploArArriii VA N. MiltberWin H • • .Iderklingor John lOtt Sinai Cemetery Murphy Chas . larking Cath Blerkins Ell Murray Bridget Myers ,no It - 1M yers Amos Mayberry Jas Middleton John W Miller Jas B Miller John C Miles Thos N Michener Uriah McCabe Ann McMullen Andrew Mcßride John McLaughltn Wm McCarly I • McDonald Ed McDaniel Jno McDowell Wm McKinney Mary A McNulty Hugh • - McGowan Emma • McLaughlin Ii • • McCafferty Thos McAnnally Michael NicGarg. 1 David • McLaughlin Mareus McGinnis Patrick • Naylor Abm Noble Abigail .. Nagle Adam Nanerede Chas Nemo Eliza. Olipkant Peter OK. moll Dont Oir 'to Geo W 'Osborn John • - Orem John F Oldfieldlienry Outerbtidgo A ,C .Pleasants Goo i _..• Powell Mrs Ciee PalmiThos Park Bohn - Penn gton Ma Pride obn etunock Tho u l aants Jesse Tleddints Ita Pilbeam Wm .• • -', 1 Pollock Clans •, 1,44 e 0ns Israel -,,.. i .it Jaa.';‘, •. '• Pot et as 'raft J Howell !irks Fredk • !Mina ~ 11111114$i iil!ressnellideed - for OM Washington ' bert, decor . , , . ss. T 11." I; ...V 2' Y 0U R T Association - Association Butchers uNi Drovers • Austin Wm •Ad ant Rmnl C Ayres \Viii A tulrewe Mrs lexander.' Thoti Err Bower Harriet Darr Jam t Berk John F Thos Bowler Eliza Birq Leonard Blundin It• Brown Birch John Buckley Bernard Pinks John lirocknal d S W Itellmair Geo . Bartley Win Belmont Av Turnpike Co Bowers & Kitehuman Birk m ire Martha Bayley Mr Brenning Geo Brown G W Brown John A Barber Thos A Rinks & Monies Barrett A S Berea Mr Halley Henry Baleen Jerky Berry John C Britton Julia A lhocvn Alex Boyle Clayton Dewy CIISMIN4I4 & Bros Legg 'P h Ds Cook Chas. Chain John A t'onred Osborn Corlis John meron Eliza Carrie]; AIX Carrigan Johu Cnliu John 4'oldridee Mr. • Cook Thea J Clark John t !mites Beni R I 'arpenter Fdlw.l ('lark Robt Crawford Beni Collin John Clothier G Clothier "'oilier Pnt Crawford 1.1 Chrystel A N Curry Robt • col i o me Bridget Deltrieli E F Driver Ann Diekee.on Enoch Davis Margaret Dick Sarah R Daniels James Dido Charles Dougherty Thomas Darling & Elliott Dyson A. Slater Dtton lienrY Deal Mr Dickerson Eliza Dalton Hugh Dobson James Dougherty Joseph Dougherty Peter Dull Joseph Davie John Erwin .1 W Esher Jacob W Esher Henry D Eminon Mr Eldridge Eli 11 Fry ;Inc 8 Fagan John Felion Thomas Francis Benialnin Faulkner Thomas Fisher John F airman 14 A Fruity John R Foster Samuel Ferguson Wm F Fronds Harriet Ford R W kloldstuith Mrs flaw A (Alison L G Gallagher Mary Green lima Gilbert Joe Groves Geo Gorman J Glenn Jas C a nnon Hugh Gorman Pat Gilbreath S Gordon Win It Greenville Ital. Grier Henry Graham A Roberts Green Joaob Gillrison Thee Ilurbert J Hough D IlutehinsonJ Haney nos Burst Eliza II smell Boht It ollowell Adolpha Hickman E II amnion Jacob Hid Peter Ilulliurburton Chas llippleten Chas A liiighes Jos B Ileenan Denis lultz A H Hof manVungS 11111 w orl h Fred Head Jon & Bros llunterJrrnelS Hoffman Frod Hamilton M. •••• . Hurburt Jos Imhoff tt G Irwin Win Irwin DIM Jefferson Building Assn Jones Wm Jones I.IC Jones It R. Jones Peter Jack Lewis • Jones U Kimee Jos Kohler :Jacob Kolley Patrick Kelly John ' Kirkman Win Kelly 1./ sr Knnkle CV' Kline Peter KelkanJohn nyLn John RlngerJ ilini Klin g e ht Bus Ii l Kitina Saml Lightloot Fed Logan Ilridgi.l • ,yncli Hugh Linton Wm 'Lawton Dennis Lowery J Lenning Mark Lancaster Turnpike Coin. pany Lambert Patrick Lawson Henry Lafferty Patrick r lllceDcll G Mo6re Ellen 'Morgan Wm 11 Merrick Jail MIAS M. Mercer M Martin Marks Maws Jos 1. Monroe Philip Miller Witithington Murtha Jell Martin Kern Morgan John Morrie C Muir - Wm .n..lasM • & Phelan 1 Olt .'-pV es , Jes Jn ° Path Apiary ROO W in `•4,: , lIIL 777 1110 ijof . two). • Inert lteeves Vtu tyan Jan Cohorts John toberts Thos St Marl Itedory !naughty John Somers Geo Stewart Chas Shoemaker Chas B. tewart Wm .• lro 'rhos Bj der 'has 0 eit IVe .17 rthoble Semi tull John. deed i \ :Mope non .1 • Si hirer iluth tieltror Albeit slack lien:A. too, Sarah till Abet - .der ornard Slismion llobt Solid Siddall Francis . :quire toes Snyder Andrew Trusts Ilenton It Todd Henry I.od eVi• 'llion, John Thornton Robb deed Tolbert Ellen Tottersal, .1 ohn Tboni vs on Win 'form , v nos ThonMe •Ir Tirus Win Toylor e lolin John w 'I.OIIIIIIIPOII It t. own lion sum • ondergrht Allen uk Irk Wm .1 'co nlia rt lit are Amt. Whitehead Sarah whim , ii Cline IVarne Wm J Weimer L Wright Geo 'Wm rell Thos It Jas Vsilson & Coniston Woolmbn Abner WoolmanWm • Weelmati Jeiel Whitmore A& J Russell Wardle Susan Z Weckerly Isaac Weekerly Barbera 'Weaver Annie • W bite Jesse • •% nhttce Henry E Women ish.phen .Wlistuaby Jug Wild, Solomon , Wood:lnn Wilde Robt 'Whelan rant tiedk oodside John • Walker-Wm Wheeler Iberian Geo -Wilkens Geo Nvih.oli Thus Wendell Susan G Worthington Morris '' oliosley Jesso Worthington Joshua Worthington Beni, • 1 MIME liobt Young Wm Yeager Henry C THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA,, W Me"ninomin Thos • Mc Donald Jll P. Metinskey John McGinnis Jahn 31cEatiden Sydney Metiarvev wit rd McGuire 'Mime . Dominick McLaughlin Dont McNltillen Mel:sib' Wm MeAllister '1 M(AllisterJosF W Mcßride .1 no sieWillinins Polk , McDonough Patk McCabe 6t Allen Newell June 11 Newlin William Nn tilt: , Michael Nicluda• David o•llrien Lawrence I Ntrf,,n Pritchett Thos Pennell James Pritchett It E Peer & Dutton Pomeroy N chimieh Purcell 'Peter Prier Mary Phelan Wm 11 Poynter John Patter,con I E Parker Thodore Pike I high A Pattercon Win Palmer Stephens Pendieberry Mr Pres,er Chas Quay Edward Higley 11 E Itelteitson Margaret Litter cot ge Itilev F Routh 'Tea J ltebe r teen Perry ]lodgers Smith itainho peter Sturgis Jno Shipper' E W :Sylvester Ann Shubert G • Simpson John Smith Vt'm Smaltzer Chas W &twin Michael Sloan John ' SmitliG Swamp Idatthe*s Smith .Jonas 8t John Orphan Asylum Sehiner E Stine Chas J Sloan Samuel Silver Joseph Stevenson John ocktniin Jacob Smith J Sommers Thomas Sutton James Sheepere Mrs Eltehley As Wilson Steel Samuel Shepherd gotta Soy der Thomas Smith Wm B Sauter Chas F Shinn James . • Scattergood Thomas e scant J Sheppard Stevens Sell riper Hold Salmon Michael Snyder Daniel Stroud Jenne Sweeny Wm P Thornton Christy Turner rrancies Turner Petrick l'ilylorJatnea J Thompson Peter ' • Upward Taylor .1 - .1 Tucker Christian Toons Charles nknown Vanarsdele Either Van Leer William Vollmer It Williams 11'm Whiteman Mr Watt (leo Walton Deo White Saint Wilkinson JO3 Wnllnce Jes Wilson Geo Wood John Williams Jac IVoolston Chug Weight Chile 13 Woodside U.obt Wallis Jos Wilson John M E Wt•st well Jo,' 13 Wynn Saml • Wallace J G • IVinkworth F A Wilson It 11 Woodward Jos Wright Thus IC Whipple C C Weir Silas Woodward Mrs E Wallace 11 El Zell Saml • Young Peter YonngJamre %hider Eliza • Zell Thomas 7' WENT 1'.1 , 11.111W A RD. Azpeil "1"I' Atehinson J C Aithene J Arson Andrews .1 Alexander C Abel C Ameyi Agins J Allibacb A Atkinson tit Atkineon M C Mean b Ashton .1 Alter S Allen.) H Allen!) • Adams W Alexander A Allen el Allen It L Anilin E Armstrong) Allegheny Ave Co Adam) .1 B Brown J Britton J Bunting 11 Bowers A j Bowers .1 Baker W W Brown BrownetropJ W Bangor II L BlnelcJ Brown E liaker It Baird Mre • . Belbrough S Borger W Geo Brown C A Brown E Birmingham J Blood D P Boyle W Boyle C L Batchelor Vi Billinger M M Itouginot Barton & Hrown Brunner W Bales It Boucher, Fell. 'lliur'ew Co Brady J Brown ig Itatterley Ellen BuCktue W Bucklue I' ilagge T C Bailey T W Braman G G Bennett Thos Haulier E D Brown 13 Brown U Hammer 11 Ball W Baker C Bovine .1 Butler M huller E Borger C Winger S Bebthold D Benepil H Brown F D Brady T Bulkier li It Bell IS J Baker li IS.kerj E Blair S Brown Mr. G A BrovuJd J Barber I. II • I tutlock J Brown .1 Y Burkhart Barthel .1 M linker 0 It • Baker M. Ald Boyd W Itoraefi B Bremer M Betchhold Mr Brown P 8 Burkina R Braddock Mr Baker W D Ihildeaton J Ball Mr Blackman W T (Buckman E T Buckner A Berry G Ball 11 Brownie Dr Brown B Binder Mr Black A Itorintyc j It Burton Baird 11 - C• Ballow Jno• ' Bunting kl BordigyJt S liordffly Bordleyil Bordner A 1,; Bordley B. liordley D ItordleyDl Boyle P Cornell Geo Campbell J . - Canden Norrie - • Candles) li Coyle li Cooper P. Cheltenkrtm and *Allow l' Co Canavan J.l Conell A t CoxerW , Caldwell It C Coyle J ()arrow E. Carpenter E Chamber! G W Cope W ft Cooper E Callender T A . • Coleman .1 Cody) Cooper A B Cooper J ICoder & Young flanberry Mr Crean W . ittJ C Carpenter Me ellaihnan .1 Chipmnn 0)Iton J H Vox 14 Coates 1.; Carroll J E Chit .A 1 Citak.fneob Coyle Cm holm J r. CI itcsempm J Column Cote .1 Oar .1 'Clubby NV Cline Vb , 11 • coulro lots 01 pa • Schools Cabot C Coil J Cabot W Chalfant Niro Chilmo a Cartier ClaghornJ W Co Carey LP Coffin W to Craig Hugh Chew W Church J R Cavender J It Oboe t J Clark P °mita I%l' Clay J It Carron F W _ Gathers .3 111 • Carrigan U W Colladay G Cremle H E Croll W ' • C µFlamm P W • Cranbrook Mra ("reit W Camminge M A Drayrord J Diekeon A Dito Sherry Mark • Dropsio M A DrOirele ' Peek' 'l' Donat Mr Holt os 6 : Donahue II liiiikiiaker II Dp.kir.on M Daley D B Uou.o ct.• /fro Dcllnveu Delia*en J purlieldTJ cdsker Mary onagily.o Davie 11 De Javelliers Cemillb Dilworth • Duman C 11 . Dickson T Dicks ,Leal F Doran D Derwin E Demur Doran dt Ilalligavb • 'Davidson Is; Mike 1' Dun's!' E Davie W P Davis J C Dubowillo & Co Macy • Dow tl it Dimity \V Diltz P Doland W hi, Ito T Dougherty Del aver A Durham .4. Kelly -- Davis MC Davie L L Doulnain C Davideon . Dougherty •I' Ely Jno Juana W G Er allot) J Erwin J Eaton J no Eard J Edgar J alich J Ebeile I) C limerick 1) Erwin 'l' Ewing W Edgar W Eftluton .7 Evtuis .1 Emor) L F Fume 3 Episcopal Church Elliott J .1 Myra A P Evans J Evena(lF Evans J FielyE. I..hnerJ Fitzpatrick J.F Fletcber Fonman E ••eork'J }timber 13 1 7, 1..0 Firth W Full/nen W Fitzpatrick It J Firths: C Fry G k 'Au* F - Easley J . Frantz If Fitzpatrick P Fisher Fannon rfo , k cod and Briritol'rura pike Co Vii..clior Vernon Fader J Elym Sarah Fisk.* E Fry M lux Nir Fortes .1 Farrell 'l' I Peter }Weal 11 Flood J Finley Mr Firth J Fox C Forsyth it Ilre Faulke W B Farthing j Forrester J K illinichuript Mr Fisher F , FeeveJß Fullerton J Fisher E Fromer Flomn r Faulkner W H Fromfield C Ft/mouth dr. Bro Fritz H C Facer , .1 • Gentner J G riffi ritz ey e th E nder J G all Greatly D citadel , E (raker GnareJ RiddoneJ Green II GruelU F Garner C Goisler D dt J Gibbs T Giblame W Gillen C Gillingham Mr Guelinett ./ Goodwin WJ GitllnyyuamL Garr E Gotehatl G GonnanOburch Gibson R Gould Peter Gormley R Gunn W Gibson E B Gault W ' Giiit•phon I' Gritlithll Golin 0 Gorton G W Gillingham Mr . • Goldanith C Gilbert & Co Grauct A M. GinrichJ B Goldmith J , fillaou A Gram Jacob • Gormley John 'Gibbons C Gunning J G Ganno J Y Gillen 'Gillen -E • GreeningG N 'Hartley (a F ;Hive Curb Hunt W H G Hlrxt Nti Hick Chas Holly J liugh P • Wally )t 'Martine W HOl J Pelee G Heyberger T .Haigh Iftowleaon C Bees M Heffner A Hasten A HandleyJ "Haugh Di Howoll Z ilturelburst endereon J C MC) 41 tint J C • Molder Mary Hers Mrs Benno berry C Hunter J P Heetman W • Mohan Heydrick W Hawthorne II Harkins Dant Hart J 11 HaulonJ Hartley Ilumey P I Heilman) S Horn II Hunter It Howell S Humphreys W HoodN'lt Ilinnphreye Hestia:Au 0 I I inkle J • . Hagan J liorner 11 Hunter It Dicke W Hallowell Mr Heinen Dlr It • ' Hamilton E. Decoy 11 I I arelhurat R R azelhuret RCA' Mr liall J 'louse J • Hand J C Mile akeglle J no Heger e At Days Henry: Destines M. . . • • DM .1 kinzol JD )lay worth .1 Ingraham T Durum S Irwin El' aouarv.a.l - Jones .1 I) Jenkins d II .111mel Jacobs F rlaColl, \V 41011('4 rl JOIll'H .1 Johnson E E \VJenks A. Jenks I) 11 Jenks A ' Jenks Sarah Donee .1 Jones et- 11 Jacobi. Mn Janney B Jones A St ri4il ,rummy A , JundinB Johnson W demos W" Juno, .1 T .111111 en A' • Kam M Kennard A av .101.15 Kemen Mrs Kramer E Kramer J :Knight Amos /I..eino+tr Kerr Rich Kamp. A , tleratime • • Kest.l W Kline' Knntzman V Kemploy W Krewan C Munson 0 • /I onnedy ..) W Mans .1 Xi:Hoban P Kent M Klockenburg A C Kelly M Kinuder, Dengenther do Co Kelly M. Myles & Brown Renderdino Dr Kohler W ll Kinssley C W Itertzsey & Co Kreso B Kirk Ge W Krems H R - Keyser II• Levih T L Mary Levi 11 Lane A Lan .1 Lowry .1 Leach 'F Lipo T: Luster J if Lutterman F Liver C Lo ri ng L LieatierM luck:wood W Leal li C • Ley Mary Lewis G Little 0 F Lybrandt F Ladennue Lewis Lindsay W Lai wou W Lowe P F Laing Waitche- Lewis .1 J Loan C Lord .1 8 Lawrence J F LochneyJ • Lewning J Lyons - J Law and Conn LoughneYJ Laverty I' Longstro th J It Mittman Miller Win Manpav 8 iiillerJ Myers Jno Myers A Almond Michener Robert Maclzius M Mangan J Miller .1 C Mullen D May J Morton Mary Norton I Ia Mann W B Myers. Kenney M U 661011121 C Al ahoney .1 Miller A. (colored) Museleman Wm Miller T J Morrow J Maloney W ' Moilit Merit D Mitchell F Moore Id It Monahan T Malone M Mooney J Metcalf J 3leneh C B aypother Ann Aluivanoy Miller J Miller Dr T D :deem & Dusenberry Morris J II Michelor M Monroe G Mills & Ayres Miller C Miller M Midellington Geo Myers 8 Mint Meyer A Mullen P Mooney D ,NiatizeyT Meehan 13 Monakon Win Myers A B Michenor GW Moseta J • Mitchell It Matlack M Marsto Mor JE ris Manger F Morton W Miller C Morton Wit Mead A Moyle Wm Moore G Morris I Myers CI Moeller A: Steele Monaghan) Monahan .1' Dialoney J Marks F Mason A Moore Il E . Mitchell et Caster Moore J W Mott II C • - Mott Ii H Maddock & Raymond McShane Mich McGuire Jae McCaully T Alc Affeo J McLane A McLaughlin P B • . McNamara J hicOlemor L McCambridge, Fry & Co McGrath M MeNeilly Mclntorminey Felix McGregor It McLean A Mei:outlay W McGuire Al McAllister W McMillan And Mclntyre P Alelntcre E McOonigle M McLain .1 McNichols .1 McVey J McElwee .1 McColgan J McLaughlin Al Alcalinn (.1 McDevitt D IloVarrot ' Mato* A Mot:Mire P McCann T lieGurit AlcllhoneJJ Mehtenamy Al McGutchoonJ McAyeyMr AlcMakin W C :McCurdy It McCurkJ McConnell Neal McCauley T McDonald J McFadden A McCall Dr C A Nichols Simon Nester J Nugent E Newhouse & Austin Nostrew Nugent J Nichols W • Niter W Net Norris P Nixon h Nelson .1 •Nicbobiou Nagle Mrs Northwest Bank, Va Oxford and Kensingtoa Turnpike Co Onnellur E yen O'Neholil J Otz J Dwane Y O'Rourke B Ogbounse K F Olwyne A O'Boyle 1' O'Donnell.) O'Keron .1 B Pornroy W It Potts Mrs.) Price J L Price T M Profs nil Paul .1 Phillips 'F Perry T_ Prettyman J P • Palmer E A Prentg Prentice j H Powell Pressgrass H • Vetere 7. Pollock, Bacon & Ca Pryor .1 PIO xon Powell 8 H . Perkins N 8 Patebilds 8 Peters Patens E Phillips A Bre Patterson 1l 8 Peoples G Peyton W Al Pam G Pennock H Prince C Pennock J & B Pelee T 71 : IINESDAY. Pickering .1 , Wawa Demi Ruth G . , Ruth Id ' Hider W Bile 1' Raub allbeck J B ._ Rogers J (colored) Jammer 0 .e utter E Rousglot G A - heady DJ Renton.) . Reininingl on E • , Ramsey 51 Rice Jno Bedell Id Bush .1 G . . I:id...Laugh A lange•e 1., • Ray Ellen . ' • Ritter .i. J Reeves A Row and a F Ramsay A • Rogers A C Reel .1 ' itediing j Richard 1 7 Rattigan P Ruiat.,l.l PI Rapp Cr- Ilona ev• .1 ReancY W Rogers J E Raymond W Rambo P G Riley J itee4e Dr .., . , • Iti.ff II E Rex A. • Itilett R Robertsderick J R W Ring J Bothermel J L • • Rowe M ' Robert A Rosenberger J D . . Rink G Richards N Rumor, C F Smith (1 5: tildes Anna Steppes Joe • . Shaickelton Mary E bides Joseph t3huster L . . Shank 0 Solomon S. I. ' bead W Snail] .1 Va bheriden .1 Sewell J • Sampson W ~, . . Swill] A ' Pilau J filbert M btnckhouee A P • Stillwell.) W Seddon ..1 Smith .1 lilielliel C Scully W. I 1 Swain E Stutz J math Conrad Snyder C be ddons E Smith C M. • .. Shobor Charles Sheets; & Dc Haven : Smith N Sexton W Schaffer A . Snider V.'S nelmina Swartz II Ii tewethen .1 Savage J It Scott .1 SI Savage & Stewart Simplee Mr tinapps B Sleigh .1 Sweeney); Shaine C Stiltz Mrs . . ... St yder GE meant J . Shaw J B • Sutherland .1 B ;saddler .51. L Stead S A Smith MS 4 Steinbeck F • Shame B Schrader Ii bilk der 6 C. a SMith Va Speico Mr - Sadler E Sabrale C Stillinger ..r . Stionnell B .1 • Shea maker Mr Saltier It Spain C H Swain Martha Smith .Jonathan thi r n 1"° Shil ingford, d tipanglerE li, Solbsrs A. • Share G smite 1: Sailor H • Steinmetz. D Sinnickson,C .. Smith H . . ' Smith D L Slocum V. awns Twell J lCii S Toon, uon . Thomas Samuel Thomas J 4. r.1a rid G Thompson 0 Taylor I. Taylor T B Thomas C & J Taylor J Tomliosen J Titlow D Thome Pd Tobin J a'flavlor & Gillespie TriMer & enomus Thornton J B Tsylor Henry , Thistle .1 Turner 41 47 Tallman Abli Towneend Mrs Thomas J M • Trogget B Trainer J Thorn Mr Turner G V Thompson .3E . Townsend b Toner P Trout B • Thompson A W • Trump J W 'Tomlinson J Tryg he A Thomas L . Tarr E D Tucker .1 Tropp Geo 1 Unknown VannieterJ Van Boil B. .. - • Vanderslice F Veletta T ' Vito Vali Vaughn J Vanderveer W S Wetherill Jno Worrell H Wagner 131 Wills F li Williams S Wilktmrne T .1 . AVelsh J White 51,& E • Williams D Wilson CA West J M . IVaffeJ D Wooten J Wilkinson A ' Vs yant J L Wilkins J Sr Whertenier C Wain A Wilbanke S 1' IVileon B II Wftyllsh A West .1 IT Wheeling W E Willierna Thos Williams .1 Ward T B ' Wentzell C Wiley Ci • Wolll E Weiser W Weitzell .1 Wyant W Welsh C Wernell U ~ Welkerhouser C : IVaillace It Walker W Wittee C 11 Williams Jae Wiltberger li L I WendeU C Witte W II Wharton .3 White A Williamson W Wallace II E White A Weikel P Willbrack, 8 P Williamson JD Wilson 11 11 . Webb C 1 Wallace 0 Mien.' ' Wyncoo W Wendel . LVVood W r Wetd 41 Webb Wile I: .Witme ' Williston Wunder Mr ' %Vetere E .Yearger 131 Yerkee H Young J " Zimmerman J Zimmerman W Zeigler J TWENTY•SIXTB WARD Alexander WJ - Alexander & Sutherland Allen Jno Armstrong 131 Abram Michl Arnold 11 • Abrams Wm Itomiebeek A 13 Belle Uwe Weller Co - - liartorißenj - Beamer Semi Buda .Wm Bancroft L ' ... Bell 'rhos • • Bantry S C Brannon C • . Boa d Hugh • Buntinga Band'O B • Harmon Thou Hoye Edw . • Handl)" Saml Bowie 51 Bell Wm 'tiredly JO Boyd Alex Brophy JIM Bowers Fred Burk Jae Boyle B Buckly It Brown Mn. C. A liirky Chas Mown Win Buckman Jno • Burk Ed Illickhom S liatesett duo Boyd Wni Connolly Pat Cssseiday tine Cullen 11 timbal H '• Collins Margaret Coulson 'C Clare Alex Clegg Tilos Cottage M L Association Combat Pat Cope Louisa Callen dt Shorin Crozier Wm Conlon Philip Cat lan Wm • Con igan Call/ Caseidas• Margaret Collins 'rhos Chadwick Jas Taig Th.s CaseidaY 1:011"4 , 11 \Vin Cannpbc{lA • Colligan Chri-ty \Vm Crenglett N M C , ,liocasink Ice Co Cann/y.lllO Coyle A Caine Jae • Coyle Daniel I Crawford Jae Conlon Win Colston Jesse Colson Bros Curren B Coyle A Coyle 10 Crane Carr A O'Neal Contes Joe City Building and Loan As sociation Clayborn Duress ;fan Dougherty P Dyer Gee Devine Mrs Devine lion Devine Jer De Haven M Donagne Jos Dupont May Doyle Jae Derik6 Jae DOnnell Mr Degogue Sarah Ditty hton, Wilson a: McAl. toter • Donnelly Itobt . , Daly l'at Do : hairy Dennis Wm Donnelly J Elliott a Emery S II Eder Bro .Bastlack Geo Bost wick Field P. Foster H Fitzpatrick P Duran Wm Vidor Fallon C and J Fisher Fatley E Fitzpatrick S • Fury Jas Finegan Mrs Fullerton Jno Ferry Jno Farrell Mr linty Moses Fix Fraly Mrs Goma: P Gallagher Mrs ellagber Eliza Gibbons Irene 11Irs Gland 1;1bl/sass Garrison Jno Coley Correll I;nllnglier Jae Gallagher Mary Guthrie .Jno Gibson Wm Green Dennis Ilibbons Waif • Geurie Jos 1; allagher Joe ( :num on Gibbons Mich Gillen Ed Garlend Benj GilloncY liunkins P, Hoffman J B Duels C Henderson "V P • Iloffman Jun Henderson Jae Hutchinson B Hunt Jno C Hoffman - Hen' A Harrison Jas Hadderlic Thighs Dan! Hendrick Jos Houtz Co D K Howell W Mammal Miss Hutchinson Thos Harper dos Hasson H Hasson John Hazlett It Iluniott Thom Humphrey Baml Hubble Ii Heins Morton • HaddelJno Helm. Fowler b 'Huhn Inch Henry .Nine Mrs Jarmello L Jaggern Theo Jacobs W Jameson H Johnson Geo Johnson Ann James A Jenks Jones Jno D Jeffries :Jos • Kesler M A Kilpatrick Jno Kraus Mrs Kyle Fred Katie Jno Knutson A Kressler George Kirsby Wm Kresslor Oeo Kilpatrick it Kerburgh A Kennedy Matt Mellinger C Keough Cali Killion Jno Knox Samuel Kearney II C Kugan./ . Kearney Jno KellyJno Lafferty Charles Leslie Mary Layer Jon Luhlier John Lentz MD Leach Geo Lentz Mrs Leonard Wm Lyons Jno Livingston Thomas Long duo Lawson Vu alter Lynch Robert Lyle Mrs revolt Jno Lawrence Jno Jr • Logan Wm Longstreth Mouller E A Moody Matt Murray Patk Moore .lus Minnick Ann Manic Jno Moll Walter. Niervien agilton Jno Maull Mrs Mole W H • • Myers Maloney Maul Jno A Major) Maul mock Jno Mealy Jim Major Jim Maul Saud Moore Alex Myers Isaac Moore A, - esesnliolder Matthew Jae Morrie Owen Maguiro Maxwell dt, Co • mcKemus Jae McCoy Jno • lichl emit Jos. icClain Jno McDonough Chas McOu in M atcl% unity Patk McClain Jno McGucken.lno McKibbin Chas McMannus MCClinken Mrs • !Mclntyre Mr McCrosein Patk McHenry Jae McCully Wm McVey .loth Watt, Jae McCausland Chas McAuley A ox Mcßrido Jno McNeal C McArthur W M rearm Ou McClure And' • Mediu, Hew klcMannon Al McGuigan S McCreary Chas McMorrla Josh McCrea J McCoolJno NicC reary Chas - McGuigan Jno Mclntyre H McLaughlin E McDevatt H McCord Jno It McNichol Ii cllrido Jno McManus Jas.' Neal Jim Nenly Jno Nelbert Fronde Nesbitt F Norris 0 B Nelson H Naulty Thee Osbourn W E • Orr Robt Passyun kciation 411811;1141M121 Asso , • Penrose Mrs .Parker-Jos , - Potts Jno at • Phillips 8 Pray Chas Patton Me Pollock. Wm Patton Mr Page C W Patterson KObt Parke j Pierson Wm Perk Ed UARY 1, 1868 Perk lug" On Guinn 1., C Recd Wm Oldie:Jos Rambo Mrs ' Rice Chao . • Riley Pat Rine, .Ino Item Mit Roberta S W Riddle fare ' • 'lodgers J B itedsers Hugh Mts.-ell A Robb Chile tnukin And usaell It nide!' Geo K Suran Stinson John Starlet' Shaw Wzn Spi ran* B Swain. W boutlicott Geo Sure Mich Stttnrook A M Stewart Thee Snodgrass It Stiles W C Shay J T Snyder Stswort Shaw \V • StreenY Pat btowart A Sullivan ' Smyth Jae .Simon Smith Mrs Shields Jas Tillney A Tillocy Chas Furrier Jno Thompson Ed ' ' 'Toner Wm . , Thompson D Twiggs W • 'Fayror 'oland 11l Thomas It Thomas Mr Tillerston M • Thomas It It Liihnoven Union Homestead Vanhtirn Chas Vaughn:Jim • VonrodenJar Warwick Chas Whir - Jag , Wileon Mr Ward 'rhos Walker Ilugh Wileon • • Ward Jno :Williams Was . Williams Dr White Matt White duo WilUanii4Thes Wa eed obt rwi ltck It 'W White I Woods Jae R'llron M Wood Bishop „Wilson A • Viostonbyer Young Cline G . young Wm Young Mr. .7 IF IatiTY.SEVENTLI WARD, Atlantic Quartz Co Altimus J Aeliworth Jno Anderson Ann Ash Win Atilbright Catharine Allman JOE Adshead J Bitner di Bro Brooks J B Brolaekey Jae Itungarduer Phil Benton Bicknell Rufus Beazer F Blinn Wm G Black G Brady E'd Beling Thoe . Beck Oe er o Black Ewehine Bunco Mary Beet Marke 801 l Tho. lienbaum .1 ,Broguard L M Beach Mrs J It Barrett B =coke CL - Brown 8 M. Bend A liable J Black ti Black GeO Black M Bean J S Itnm Ilichd Baker J Byrom Jno Crawford & Butler Cornwall 0 P Cocoran John Clark Cath II Clark Ann Clark Moses Cavender Thee S F Conrad Joe Conway C Chandler D W • • Cline J F Grethen; WM Colman Sarah Cowburn John Colin Justice Curran Jas Conner Peter CrosloY Carney Walter Carnes Jane Carney Ann Coyle Peter Dunkler J W Delawate Plank Road Co Deaner Itebt Denny 'rhos H netters D II De Darbsy Pie ni Road Co i 0 • Delaware County Turnpike Co Dempsey Win Disherry David Dock Susan Dowling duo Dunlap Thos Dougherty .Tae Dickerson G DIMP.II"M A F.vre Joshua • Ellison .W E Elkinton A Ewell Pawl Edwards Chas Foy V I' Fulmer 11 G Fhtirger Geo Fort C V Fennell Was Frame & Gibson Farmers , and Mechanics Beneficial Society. Fox U Flood T Fitzgerald j Fagan.) . D Gillingham d: Co Goneber Harriet and M Gall John Gillespie Jas. Green Mrs E" Gorman Patrick Gourley S Godfrey A Green Itobt Gamber .1 Gildenfonney Ii B Glaecoe Jos • Gilmore G Hacker J B Deelon Rachel llowo L liemmick Caroline R Heath (flies Iloovener Jacob . Hosier John'' Bowen J J Haldeman Peter Iloreethal F Hale CM.Horner 11l 'Bucket J pht G Hyle Jacob r arsh littzrath Chas r7vTirmvw , rw‘-rmrfrix.r9 Western Watches. fg h . National Watch Company,' Elgin, 11 Watch•makera Supplied at Factory rribea. JOHN M. HARPER, No.BoB Chestnut St. (Second Story.) daalmt L Li]il I~A (~nOLEN.—THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY CAUTIONED lJ from negotiating the following notes, the same hay ing been stolen from our Counting Hooka, on MONDAY, December 20. One drawn to order of H.B. Bennis & Co., September 2d, 4 months, for $4,945 61. One drawn to order of Solomon Alter, October Bth, 4 months, for $1.350. One drawn to order of Solomon Alter, October 10th,14 mouths, for $4,054 23. • One drawn to the order of Solomon Alter, October 15th, 4 tn nnthe,. $2,610 89. Ono drawn to order of Patterson & Bolton, December 17. four moths. $1,48199. The whole amounting to $14,*2 75. MACILY, BEATTIE tts HAY No. 25 South Water street. Philadelphia. MUSICAL. A MERI CA N CONSERVATORY OF • Winter Term begins MONDAY, January tith, Vacan cies for Beginners and Advanced Pupils. Singing, Plano, Cabinet eirgan, Melodeon, Violin, Flute, Horn, dte.; liar. toony Elocution and Languages. Tuition, $lO, SIB and per quarter, under a thorough system of Instruction, taught by the best Professors. b. E. corner Tenth and Walnut. Oflice hours, 3 to 10 P. AL B aI."I"INGUI9 E. 8181 Y. South Nfuetesath street. 1222:0 LUST—ON 7 WENTIETH STREET ABOVE ARCH; A Cluster Pearl Ring. A liberal reward will be pall on its re urn to 109 Chestnut street. second sto (dee3l-2t" SLATE 111ANTLEM. SLATE MANTELS I&ND OTHER SLUE WORK. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS rilat the Te " l e git% MARBLEIZED • a trer ran g e o i lig e 4 e United States. " ; t in Faeree7 an_d_Salwoore,BlXTEENT? and CALLO W . __ HILL streets. JOHN W. WILSON. (10A w e tn-Itnt .IVUlrrlALA•kiarllVlr.calr , .• 11 V!'g'•.‘••:.'..,-:,;.4 i Lfhl .. .1 't i 1: 1 ,li 1,i • ;!i: 1 t" ..., J 1 . • • '•.-:•7;-• 'Hubbell %V W Dwell 1.• II orris Bata! Hill 1:e• tin Hole J 11. I fail M Hamel Michael Hall II SI J J• Heaps .1 Helms Isaiah • Hockswottli TllO3 Hickman ,•h Hamilton Eliza Harris d*, Zench lier»tan Peter Jarvis IDanl Junin Robt Justice Harriet James Sl , rx M ' Janes I! Janes Il C Janes I: I. Justice J N . , Jinkens Jos Kilvington tt . Kent Jam . Kunkle Win Krider Ed w ' • Knight Leach Henry • Leary Jno Lennon Jac Eked Fenton Loughlin Robt Lentz Jan 8 Lewis M A Lewis 1 Ltingdon Richard Liggine Liggins Lodge A Lou - cram l.indativ I. Lyon Jno Bleed Win Mayltnid Eliza Marshall Richard Moses Wm B Mesas George I) 'Movies Si Bents , Marlon Wm Morgan John Itundryle'll • • - Murphy Jasper Mein** & Creasman Mister C J 'Murphy D Matthews M Mitchell J M Matlock no Metzger B 'Moore E Murdock Wm Mille J . Mahan ll' . •. Murphy Dennis EeN lilt" John aeon Henry CCrea Wm McLoughlin John McLoughlin cGregor It Lewis"" 'McCaller Caroline McLeod G I Me Oloskey John • McFadden Chas - McGinley S McGrowney Win . MoGlen J Rhoads McLaughlin Jas • 31c(ionnack. Jno MoCool Wm Mcßride J R Nesmith Mary It Neal Wm Nichelback Coot: Nibberiy J Note A Neild J °Mit John Oakford Wm L oat Henry Otiionald Al; Ogden Amos Oakford, Harlin & Co Pritchet The. Presser Christie, Pritchet B Pugh Beni Price Ellen Pritchet Jan Purgh Pascal I mbt Preston E Price N Pepper Win C Penrose P M Provost G PennellJas Pascal' Pascal Ben) Powers 0 Pennell lIM Powelton A Pearson P C Papery A Quinn Patrick Quinn Ann Quinn B Reed John PJfford Jos Roberts (Ito C Rallinyder Ed Rowley & Ashburner Rand A Robinson Jas Reeves Henry Rohrman Henry Rutter H Meld M Rafferty Rose A Roberta (.; C Rafferty B Roe W it Maine Wm Rodgers Elizabeth Medea Turner Randall 0 W Shannon Barnard Sho Sheppard Lidis Scott Thos Steele Elizabeth Stokes .1 it Sellers David Singleton Aaron Sloneker 8 D Sellers Saml E J Blundell Henry Bonder J Miro' G W Sharp Geo Spar, Joe Stewart Jas ' Stewart Thou Shenonger Susan Springer *perry S J Snydet A It Simons W P Snyder L Simpson 110 Simpson Win A Smith .1 8 Selzer W Syckeitnore W Shaw Jos Scott G Simons Henry &herr P Smith Wm D flattorthworth SharnleyJ 'Sharpie)* Hiram Shilley Catharine Thomas Mr Taylor PSI Traphagen S Thomas D Teal II A Thomas D Tripped Chas 'fritea Danl Tredwick Wm Unknown Urian Jas M Urian Jane Vesev John Washington Wm Wilkinson Jas , ' Williams .1 G Williamson I' Wilson Robert W Wil alla ce E liams d Q Wilder Thos West End Land Co Wetherill Mrs C Wbation H Walton Thos Williams'S W Walton E Worth' II • W a rner Hannah . tv a tt sa ri Robert Wilson 31 Wakefield Sarah White J. It do3o-4t I AmJSE NEw cuEsmur 8, . NEW YEAR' TIIE ONLY HOLIDAY' 1, ,TIIE BEAUTIFUL, GLITFEIZING .111ADICAL, EYE DELIGHTING C F. 41 did IL L , Fou on the FAIRY STORY OF CINDERELLA O OLA TH SLIPPER, E PRODI.7CEO leCtlf TWO HUNDRED NE cOSTUM ES. THE OARDENc 4 OF CUP]] et4I'OLHT THE GROW() OF THE GLOW-WORM THE FIRE 310 UN. ' I'AIN. The whole to conclude with A MAGNIFICENT TRAN Pronounced to he, without e THE MOST ItEntITIF Ever realized o In preparation. Dickeni'd No Adinletion to Matinee. 25 and . Admission at Night, 257511, 75 a MRS.' JOHN DREW'S ARC The New Play, LICHT AT MRS. JOHN DREW I MONDAY AND EV Col. Fitzgcrald'a O l iginal Pil • LGHT AT OR, THE 811ADoW ON New Scenery by Hawthorne n. J. Remington Fairhunb, Non Carpenter. Mechanical Ettee Cart, including • ' Mit& JOHN DREW eaC Friday—Benefit of . Saturday,Elg ALNUT STREET THEA T N/NTILI and WALNUT is 'TIIIS (WEDNESDAY) E " NINTIEi NIGHT of the eh* LUCILLE W When she will appear as LADI 'ISABEL AND ( FOR THE LASI"I' in C. W. Tayleure's Great No EMAT LYNNE, Olt 1 No play el the present day "East Lynne," it being-not o Dram 4 but an uutdoubted coincEta rICTUR EVENTII STREET "`OYEZ S wrimer, below Arch, L. V. TUNISON ti 1,). HAPPY NEW * COM • HAPPY NEW Y Santa Claus: 13 ant wt. I , A new Spectacle for the Holt . A TREAT FOR THE ONE THOUSAND DOLLA WILL Nightly appeanmee of JOHNNY The Celebrated Ethi Together with all the other c troupe. MATINEE NEW YEA at 2 ock. On blonday Evening, the Ne •• rAus Which will be repeated notice. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Co. Admission 75,50 and 75 cents. AUADEMY 241.131(1-L OF THE FAMOU Harry GM. the human - Poodles, Miniature Circus, ne combination in new and stsrtil .M.dII,NI4.B . —WELINESDA o'clock, P. M. Matinee prices, 60 and 2! cen Evening prices, *l, 76, 60, and FOYER OF THE ACADEM FRIDAY AFTERNOO At balt.pext to CARL WOL FIRST lIKETIIOV 11r h. T h EO l lalAbll Single Admisilon, One LOS and Subscription Lists at the M ASSEMBLY BUILDING.- . FAREWELL SIGNOR Also; every Afternoon and • days. • Afternoon. 3; and Evening. BOBBY, BIRDS, BPUIN First appearance of the CELEBRATED R The greateet invention of th • Cum, one and all to C see the URIOS Children, take your parents, children. Admission 25 tents. utifiartm 15 MEW ELEYENTII ST' I .1.1 ELEV EN s THE FAMILY IL:AENCHOSS THE GREAT STAN TPLOU HAPPY NEN Second week of the Groat Ho THE MAORI ' MAGIC /DTI bn NEW YEAR'S D CARL LT ORCHESTRA EVERY TBURRDA At 330' • IN HORTICULT Violinist—WM. STOLL§ J raeicaakot Four Tickets for Single Tickets, 50 cants. To be had at Boner dt Co. 3. tho door. CONCERT HALL. MONDA ONL TUESDAY Y Dec. MRI an MORRIS BROTIII , Introducing an untire raining • Adm legion. `26 cents: nate • . 1 ~ AST WEEK OF THE B National Hall. ht ~latini•e everYlatermoon. night, excepting Wednesday . Closing positively January 4. tickets for *l. Children. la .I.pox , s AISTERICAN VAIILE EVERY EVENIN9 - - - - BAT GREAT CO3IBINNI In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian B Gymnast Acts, Pantorniutea, .!t. EItMANIA ORpuEsTRA. kJ at the M USIGAL FUND II 1134 P. M. Tickets mold at th Muelc Stores. Intgagements c G. B4STERT. 1131 Monterey Music Store. 1021 Uheetnut etre, pENNSYLVANL& ACM/F. CH Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M Benjamin West's great picti still on I! X bibition. HASSLER'S MONDAY at Concert Hall, every Mon Single admission, 50 cents. Pa "Coupon" of thhty Tickets, as AMERICAN CONBERVATO vezdixement under head of STOVE lli AND REMO W. A.. A.. Rae removed hie Depot for t RANGES, (MATAS, SLA NO.lOlO URESTNUT Street 1305 CIIESTIN/ Jinni w f lY . 4 . TIIOIIII3ONIRLON OA ropean Ranges, for fam talons, in twenty dine • . phis Ranges Hot Air ' Low-down Grates, Fireboard : hole Plates. Broilers; Cooking : retail, by the manufacturer% - n09.5-m,w,f-time ' No: ' THOMAS La S. DIXON 41 te An . No. 1824 CRESTN Opposite Gni anufacturers of LOW I I. FARLO CHAISID OFFICE, And other For Anthracite, Mum!. WARM.AIII AThr For Warm lS ing_ Public an REG, C T HIMIN COOKING.RANGES, WHOLESALE a LOOKING OILASSES A. S. RO 910 CHESTNUT LOOKING PAINT Engravings and C and Onutmentg Out Carved Walelktapd Ebo ON BAND Olt • • • LOOKING A few Large, handsome* J. °mind's Lao No. 63 S. Fo de2o42t• FAROIEI3,I3AP " QiiiVied on • French 011 v ; mob goodby Havre, and for dale by JOri. B. Ipllsweitikavenue. • ItAViit 14; pt 1.1 Ministry Is about to ba roorga- ahela remains high and dry on the t. Croix. • 13r.Air. will goon C 01330 out pub unral Grant. arrived in ‘ New Orleans last eve: „Iva Epsilon fraternity of the et at Harrisburg last night. Madrid authorizes the eontl3l - on regular .lines be d the United States. , • •ry the prima donna, Is to bo mar fluor. do Cour, an otileer of Louis usekold. ial decree, the Corps Logislatif of nsist of two hundred and ninety er the next five years. tinst tbe annexation 'cif any of islands, 'has rocas - sal 'an morons oston. . , . , Brown, the Canaan;child mur n fully committed to await the od jury. f snow fell at Itlnh mend Vao yes nville was favored wile a fleecy in9hc3 thick. :matic.tx, of Port Royal fame, sue fhtnend'of the Department of the of seniority.', IL;Lottaftrs has re:P.OlNi Pis po of the Fenian gretherhood.; Gen. hie successor. ;s incurred by the (recent Congres ation cOlindttee ; amount to - 6549,- . has ordered a-stay of• eg:eentlen in eases arising during the rebel (Cary district. , In Ilse name of ' Vac Fenian selaim any Tonneetion with the Caonl and Oe•sentilmt of explosive -GEx. A. Mal). fi - 001.111 has been errede Brunet Britc.‘Gen. It. 8. command of the llP„triet of the •ction on thenuestion of subscrib to the Chtsapeake , arrd Ohio in Richmond. Va., T.:sterday, and ir of the Sub seriptlon. he favorite servant of Maximilian, slast words,to Carlotta, died •d ember lieu board the steatashtp rantine at St. Thomas. of the new Captain-General Ler ople of Cuba is,of a similar nature on asSuming command of the It ocea.sions. enlar has been issued to the Go 'stricts,which speaksofattempted the slave trade as madness, but ds zealous vigilance on their cart Pmciirat, a conductor, was trier arch Station, ins ear of the Fenn ad, on Friday, by Samuel flail, rying to put off the train for . not na Convention yesterday adopted proN isions declaring that no laws e regulatitur labor or the price •at no religious test shall he a .1' ()MCC. • ba9 revoked Gen. Siekles's.order distribution of liquors and 'teens:- ars in the Cirolinas. The proeceds es are to-go for the relief of‘the met Henry Ajmes was being ,un in, at New Orleans., yesterday, the ‘y and,-rart of the cargo fal•over -20 DaeII.VICCO drowned or erasing] btu!Won In New Jersey for the a convention at Trenton. on the e purpose of organizinK,ade oppo den and Amboy Railroad Com- terod the Roman Catholic Church • o Paul, in , B;tltimorc , . e yesterday. afe, containing the valuahlea of • blown to pieces with teunpow •e of ttrz explosion alarmed the and caused the thieves to take a • re, with very little booty. in Council of Ministers ihs rear posed.of the following members: uersberg, Proddeng Baron von of Foreign Affaits. with the rank ister:' Count von Taafe. Deputy in John, Minister of War: Baron ter of Commerce; M. 4iaskra, , tutor: M. Herbet, Minister of stn., Minister of Finance. i s inquest in the Angola -till-aster last ovening. Forty-two wit , ~Ined. The result of the loves . t the accident was caused by a • Cleveland and Toledo car No. 21, s burned, causing the wheel on imp into the swing rail, thus heels -of that truck, and •subse ole car. off the track. AAao that y persons in all killed thereby. commend the adoption and en , ore thorough system of gauging ors, so as to prevent an imperfect • lug made in future. test Edition of Yesterday. Atlantic Telegraph. ember 31, Noon.—Late advices ived from the expedition now the heart of Abyssinia It is big Theodore, on ascertaining 'Power of the measures Wken by Ito ed'eet the liberation of the 8, haalloluntarily released them . 30, 11.15 A. M.—Concols for 2; Consols for account, 9.24 U. S. 2 ; Illinois, 89%; Erie. 48%. I.Pre.• 30. 11.15 A. M,—cotton 73<; Orleans, 72,';; sales today 'mho 10,000 bales; sales for three es Including 6,000 for export and tion. Stock: 49,700 bales; less 8,000; others steady. , Dec. N.—Steamship Now York M., on her way to Bremen. nt elle Public Debt. to the Philadelphia Ev' emit's Bulletin:l Dec. 31.—The public debt state , ber is not expected to be ready sth. It will show a large increase of gold An the Treasury, which,' 4 reduced again- by, the payment Miens gold interest, due the Ist d seven millions principal. The :o show a slight decrease in the the debt. • Witiegir Tax. to the Philadelphia Evenlog Bulletheal ,Dec. 31.—The Commissioner of .e has issued a special circular videnco of the payment of the spirits, in which ho says that the which the holders of spirits are rove that their taxes have been nders It neeeessary that the mu ch taxes have been, paid shall be eribed by the collectors in their t the Department here have pre this purpoce. Until they , can be. • collectors, however, the lattor use duplicate form 90, and not ther form. ' ' • sfsvicy Investigation. to-theriiiiaddsbia Evening Flulioidgt.) .Nce. 31.—The Sub-committee eons held a meeting to-day and 'witnesses concerning whisky eiact nature , of the eviiienee .e ascertained, the fact that give out the proceedings desiring that they should be c of , this Distriet propose hold , morrow to commemorate the ancipation Proclamation, five .skrals Howard and Logan and y =are expected to deliver ad- rasa Ind moll. Dee. 81.—A man named John. •d in jail, waa shot and killed by last night. The Sheriff wont into o prisoners' cells,' and entering door, he was seized by Redman. or,help, when another prisoner of 'rendering assistance, took e Sheriff and attempted to un he Sheriff warned Redman the .t go or he would shoot him, and and seeing'the prisoners about t his revolver and shot Redman t, killing him instantly. 'Aessistnat 'metres treets Statement. The folltAting ti the statement of the business at the °Mee Of the Assistant Treasurer of the United titatest at Philadelphia, for the month of Deeenther, 166 T: 11437. Cr. 1--Balances en hand at this date.. $3,304,057 lIG Iteeelpts 4ttrlnt?, the month vii.: " 8 1 —Aecount Gelnerat Treasury, In- eluditlt.Custonts.s2,ool,7 6o 74 Post ()thee Flouts,. 27,i413 SC Intetest • Dtihnitter'n Fund.. 1,284 1 028 85 43 Dr. Paymente , clering the enorith,vlz' 'Bl—,-.koomtut fieneral `l'reemery 5t.,620,701 71 Data. 0111 mt R 5,172 $1 linterest.— ... 2115,750 66 Ditibttrea't , ..... 1,261.65$ Balance at , tflose of bustneogtlifa dny.....5110170, 80 2 TI3II•OILAISX"Eram 1 , 1 PAP-TM NT YOU. 310STI1 UY N(IN' E.ll ly 181;7. ' I)t.c. I—Bulaime due to depoAtors at -this . , ... " 31,--Itepavntent. to tlepooltere dur ing * the mouth • r 31--dlalaucc (Inc to depoAtors at itltam of burl:neva tide day.. " 80---Fritetionnl , rnrt,ency redeenkoa • tlntintt the tnonth...... .. . q;181.114 TI9Zs d n. RefeepiPoftri9htgAiAt g _ allot MOB bE--ifchr .7 R Shiudler. bue..-4Z86 iron 'Tana tri buses old hoer A Whitney & Sons; IR2 car whe#l6 Ii C Luce ; bundles hidee 149 dry hid Nadity"& Seas; 17 empty casks Maetry, lituton &Co. 'PURE'S IBLAND—Brig Ida M Covnery, PLR* bnehele salt IVelrrew Gregg ds Morrie. .I.4.EWiIEIHN—Sehr Hannah Little, 4.oedfrey-4.72,729 feet 4 , 4 and 84yellow ;Ace flooring 77,98 e. two feet, bunch cy gpreee ehieurleenete2o inch hunch de7coar arose & f heed. eche .1 8 Detwiler. Graoe--.101 Ware cotton 41.5de two feet. eager shingles 191.616 .two feet cypress buneh &Wades 72,1020 Inch bunci. cypress ehingler Nor. .proeg.& Sheets. ELOVBAK.Erati 0 W OCEA.MI inrlgallielfgae BIIIPS IMOII , . POS.- , Denniark..... Lieerpool..New 'Mork. Londop..New Palmyra, . !fork ....... City of condon....Liverpool-New York ..... ebrisk a ...... •• • ••river9ool. New York Nora Scotian. ......Liverpool-PorNand- Cuba, ........ Liverpool.. New York.-- . City of Lim eriek...lAverpool_New _York. • firemen.., ....„ 8 outhatn ptott..Ne w Ile in itionia.,....Aßouth m pion. -New York • Ch yid W loblncton.l.iverpool ..New Y0rk...... 2 . y . DEPART. Stars and Strinee...„.Ph 2 Henn York.. Drem n... ..... -.Jan. 2 k Yo rk-liavan a 2 Arnim York.. Call f0rnia...„ 4 York_leverpool. ...... ....Jan. 4 Portland.'.lhverpeal Jan. 4 Io wa........ .... . „New York..Gdaegote..... ....... Jan. 4 .....New York.. bWerpdol,_. . •41. Star of the Irdio . n..Philadelbt..N. via ' - , bfavana-Jan. 7 Nebruka ..... .New ork../Averpool ..........lan. 8 Scotia.- ..... -New York..LiverpobL 8 Morro IC:wit- Now York..l.lavema ... ... —Jan. 9 henry I..;hatincey..New York..Aepinwall ..........Jan. it multimoiv hew Volk-Glasgow Jan. 11 Denmark, ...... :N ew 'York...laverpool Jan. 11. Napoleon_ „ New York....fleivre.— Jan. U City of WaelAngton..N. York..Giverfexll..... ...... Jan. 11. GE.o.N. PAWL, OF TRADM. ANDREW WHEELER, MONTHLY COMMITTEE. D. C. MoCAMMON. IJ,FA r 4 mi au IT ro Dt• sdi PORT °PPR CLADELPIII4---.IAN cArY 1. Sum Rua*. 784 I 81714 Syne. 4 36 I Burn WATIM, 5 Et A ItItIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Richard Willing, Candid, 2u houre from Balti more, with rod,te to A Worm .Jr. steamer Jwcifilne Tholown. Moore, 17 hours from Baltimore, mdse to A G ro ves. Jr._ • - Bark • Emilie Harris (80,. ItUoydworth, ea dye from Liverpool, with Indio to John Towed up by to tt Am mike. Brig Ida M Corners. McLellan. 13 days from Turke DA , and, with grlt to Warren. t4rertliodt Alorrip. Sehr J$ Bhindler. Lee. to dmys from Mobile, With iron. hider, Ix. to Drißtetron .t Co. Behr Fanny W Jobwoa. Marta, from .Wilnaington, NC. with lumber and naval Mores to .Latlthury. Wickersham & Behr Mary D Ireland. IreLand. , 2 dam. from New . York. with nudes to Lathbury. I t lytekerph..m l c C o . CLEARED If ISTERDAY. Ship Chieftain. McGuire, Li I. 1" Wright & Bow. Sh 11, John Clark,Letourneari. , more,_,T it Penroee. 13tearner Saxon, 3latthervis. Boston. Winsor & Co. PORT OF PIILLADELPFIIA. • • Foreign and coartwire arricala for the month or De cember, IW. as comrared with. the 4 , 111ne Period in 18 6 6: 1E67. . likid. For. Coact- Total. For. Coast- totaL Eitemmbilwr9 .. .. 3 i• hip*. . 8 . Ratko.. ......... „ 13 . 13 1 0 " l2 Drip/ i 18. 13 4' &• beliooneir 1 1775 3 , 41. 6 31U 816 Stool.. ... .. .. St 6 !2 , 8 .. 183 183 Stentnetr.... ..... . .. 114 114 .. 167 168 ilarges . lit +lOl .. P 7 Saute Mute POO VIS .. 566 556 • —•— "0ta1..........8U 17tS 171 35 1370 14U We — Arrivele during the Seer.' MI% from Foreign Porte, from Domeetle Porte. 31945. I:l — Thriniethe Sear 'SWAM re were 547 errivele from Foreign Port., stud in.=. frem Domeettc forts. MEMORANDA. ShipLunenn of fbeEart, Stoddard, from New York Mk June. Steamer Juniata. Wale, Dellad from Havana 30th uliv for'New Oriente." . Steamer Star of the Unloa. Gooksey. which aail•d from II avatm 30th ult. for this port,. cleared at New Orleans 2gth at hales cotton, 98cto moss, 1&5 bbli molasses., hhda sugar goad M h des. Steamer Arizona, Maury, elect` ed at Now York yester day for Anduwall, trig .1 NV brisk°, Eaton, at Path 28t.11 nIL from George town. SO. Behr Lena Buiter. Perry, from 'Boston for this port, at liolmet' Hole Both biARWE,MISCELIANY. There were M American were-swan eea•gotng craft and 16 foreigners (bound to or from Lnited butte. , ports) re ported during the lest month' as either totally lost cr missing. They contri4e 3 steamers: 6 ships. 7 barks 8 brige,and 8i schooners—total:so. Of t,hese M. were wrecked. 11 abscidsned, 2 foundered. 3 burnt, and 't run down. The total value of the domestic craft (exclusive of cargoesi is ("timated at 8710,01.10 in specie. Partial tosses are not inclut!.ta in the statement NOTICE TO MARINERS. 'The Nun and thin Buoys have Lcen removed from the ehaanris through the lower New York Bay, and their places eupplied with spare iordhe Winter., NEW PUBLIOATIOIII4 JAMES . NICK , Importer and Grower of FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, ROCHESTER, N. Y. VI(KIS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE pp • ' • - Seeds, and Floral Guide for 1868, • Is now published and ready to send out. It makes a work of about one hundred large pages,containing full descrits done of tho ' choicest Fitment . ud Vegetables Giown. with plain directions for 'Sewing Seed; Celture,ae. - It is Beautifully Illustrated, with more than Ors Hurinr.ur Foci: WOOD ENGRAVINGS of Flowers and Vegetables, and A BIARIFUL COLORED PLATA OF POW, well printed, on the finest paper, 'and one of the most beautiful as well as •the moat instructive . works of tau kind published. IM , '" Sent to all who apply, by mail, 'post paid, for ten cents, which is not halt toe coat. _ - Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. de26-64 95 CENT EDITION OF DICKENS'S WORKS. VETERSONS , CHEAP EDITION ,r 4»: rur, MILLION. T. B. PETERSON dr BROTHERS4OO Chestnut street. Philadelphia,nre now publishing au entire NEW AND CHEAP EDITION OF CHARLES DICKENS'S WORKS. Each book will be printed from largo type, that all can read, and each work will be issued completo In a largo octavo volume, with a'Neiv Illustrated Cover, and sold at the low price of 'Twenty-five cents as volume, or Four Dollars for a opuplete set. This edition will be called "I'ETERWNIS' CItrEAP EDITION FOR THE MIL. LION." dud will be the cheapest edition of the works of Charles dens over printed). ARE_ NON READY. OLIVER TWIST. Price 9a5 ocntB. P.WKW7CI{. PAPERS. Price 25 cents. 31ARTIN..C1ILIZZLENVIT. Price 25 cents, ,DOMBEY.t. SON. Price 25 cents. GIIBISTMAS STORIES. Plice2s ovate. NICIIOLA43 NICKLEBY. Price 25 coats. Aek for "Potereona". Edition, and tako - no other. Cop. iee will be lent, free of postage, on receiptof Twenty•iive cents, by T. B. PETERSON dr BROTH:BM_ PubHeber% Philadelphia, Pa. ABI. NEW/BOOKS ARE AT PETERSONEP. dol3l it AT "THE GITEAP T,BO O REC EIV K QED. .DJS. Arrest: Supply of the !Eno STANDARD POETS: Milton, Moore, +Rogers, ,Scott, Tuffer, Herctans, Byron, . _ • •Eleßing below 'the usual cost of snaniacturing 00 cents: per volume. Aiso,dally'receiving, - a new assortment of SS Books, SeUng at 50 cents. .atou Books Selling atitSeenta. A SUPERB STOCK, OP HOLIDAY BOORS, In plain and•Erte bindings, ata great reducsgom Call early and avoid the great rutih. Store open until 10 ceolock.esch evening. Iloliday_e_stateguo rendy.ta a few days.• , JAME SAILAXTO)I, ' NO. 12 d _ 14sChestnut street. JUST READY—BINGIIADVB .4.TPA , GRAMMAR.— 1 blew :Edition.—A.Grammarof the 4mt a L fsiza , a go. ib'or the useef Schools. With exorcbses'and vocabularies. Ertiptiecrgbal2. A. M. , Billsonnitondent of the T Plan/item take,Acanue In announolstil to Teachers and friends of Educatinu general , that thenow edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination ; AO the SAW, and, a comparison with other Teachers L 11064810 sulijoet. Copies will be furnisiio Mid Buiperintandents of Schools for this purocao at low rates. Price lig 50. Published by numEtt ,kc' an -south Fourth stree t And for gale I** te'oltiiialors tiotteralty :11111'14e1Pwatil WALLIM Alp AISIONOIISM o rg GAB a, ROO Mns&t:),ollreiOtalsWire sitintel4l THE,DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.- - PHILADELV IIIA; , W EDN ERD..kY, JAN PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COIMANY, ()MDR 227 SOUTH FOURTH ST. PH 11. APRILYIII.I. December 94th, 1867. AND NO.CIE. The Transfer Rooks of this Company will be closed on tuesday,2lst inst., and be reopened on Tuesday. January bath 180 8 . A Dividend of Five ner'Cont. lies been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clearof National and State taxes, Payable in Stock, on and after the 20th of January next, to the holders thereof, as they alien stand registered on the books of the Company, on the Eat inst. MI payable ands Office. Ail orders for Dividends must be witnessed. and stamped • • de2tilmi, or . OFFICE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD YORE COMPANY, NO. 64 WILLIAM STREET. NEW . • The Coupons of the First Mortgage Bonds et the Ceti. tral Paci fi c Railroad Company, duo January 1. 184:, will tm paid in fUll In gold coin, on and after that date, at the Banking House of FISK di HATCH, Bankers and Mazda; Agents of the IC. P. R. R. Co. C. P. HUNTINGDON Vice President, Above Coupons bought by BOWE BI dc FOX. Special Agents, No. 13 Merchants' Exchange. del7dtoJal/ $9,674,05 84 r5,208,.233 50 UNlirEltf3ITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (FACULTY OF ARTS). The 'Second Term of the College year Will open on THURSDAY, January 2d, at 10 olclock. Candidatma for admiesion (for the "I , ull." "Partial' , or "Scientific" Courtee) will be extuutued at luf.palt ten. Fees, thirty five dollar, a term, 'sayable in advance. Circular' , containing fparticulwra in regard to the Elec tive Conroe of Studien lately adapted. can be had of the Janitor. . ITANCISJACKSON. • de 20-Mil Secretary. gidilled.'OFFlCE OF THE AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY OfiLAKE UTERIQR, No. 014 WA Le NUT STREET. tAnntaftt tA, Decetnber 90th. 1867. Notice la hereby given that an instalment of Fifty (rd) Colts on ,i,ch and every Share' f the capital Stock of the. Amygdaloid Mining Compan,y of Lake Superior will be flee and payable at the Office of the Company. No. :124 Walnut street,on or before Friday, January 10th,1868, with ill'erept added after that•date. By order of the Hoard. ' • Mglt.jlllo M. H. • HOFFMAN, Treasitrer. - - - $81,400 00 8,609 00 $577,800 00 DATE ...Dec. 12 ~ „Dec. 14 ~.Dec. 17 ..Dec. 18 —Dec. 18 .Dec. lc+ ...Dee. 21 .Dec. 21 ...Dec,. 21 ...Dec. 24 —.Dec. 21 ...Dec. 25 ...Dec. 25 isrmenuur. Pumas& Aar THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE aqMPANY OFFICE, 400 WAV...i LT STREET, DemiS, 1567. NOTR)E—The Armtue Sleeting of the nMekholdard of the Enteeprin Imerance Company Trill -be helo, on MONDAY, January Neu next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the oflieeoftket.ompany. An electßet for twelve Directors to Fevre the clueing yy tweantho4io l uraof e l n l) t o l = .q?. t vr,i''alli ? acekpli'"l * ALEX. W. e rrtST deoftoan.w f. 2141 . Secretary, lar PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COldrAin., NO. Ida South SOURTII street. , rnmanta.onta, 12th month 25,18i7. The Annual Meeting of the Stoettgolders of the Provi. ent Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia. whi. be hM at the office of the Company. as above. OD greqa 0. DAY,fite 13th of First mouth. MA, at 10 o'clock A M. An Election for Three Directors to serve for three years, on said day, at toe same place, between the bournof 10 A. and 21. M. ttsialon.vv&s6b) ROWLAND PARRY. Secretary. ititige. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYLVANIA "r"" Railroad Company. Put canzr.rura., December 241567. The Annual lieeting of the ntockholdere of the NOR CB •PENhicYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY will be held 'at the , ollice of the Company, on MONDAY. January 13th, 1608, at 13 o'clock M« at which time and place an election wilDhe held for a Preetdent and Ten Directors, to aerre for the ensuing year. de33tist:3 , y , EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Secretary. NOTICE. OFFICE PIIILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY. December 24th. 1a67. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at thetJompan (Alice, No. 224 South Delaware avenue, on MONDAY, the 12th J anuary. '1591, at 1 o'clock I'. M.. at whsch time an election for Twelve Director& to &erre for thellaPtilllg year wiU take place de2.4 Dail§ • J. BIORRELL, Secretary. - Agtr. OFFIGEOF THE GERMANTOWN PASBENGE RAILWAY COMPANY. PIM.A.MCIA•LIM, December 26th, 1667. The Board of Directors of the Germantown Passengei Railway Company have ibis day declared a Dividend of Three per Cent-, clear of all taxes, payable on and offr the 15th of Alarmary. WM, at the hairier Office the Gmnpany„ NM.. corner of Third and Dock streets, second story. "Dander Books cloyed from Dt...3lst , to Jen. 15th. ,'de30.1a1.2.e,8410.13.14-8t• JOB. SINILISRLY. Sec'y. striiiir- AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, ;WALNUT STREET, SOUTFIDAST CORNER OF FOURTH.. cmurt.rurA.. December ^..3,1667.' NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of ads Company, for the election of thirteen Trustees to ..nerve for the ensuing year. will be held at the Office, on MONDAY.. January 603.1866, between 10 A. M. and . 1.2 o'clock, noon.. JOHN S. WILSON, deM.Ouii} Secretary. ciiir_,lltiSti CbYLRAN Y A CE COMPANYNIA. OF TILE STATE OF EN PIIILAVEUTEIZA. Dec.3o. An Election for thirteen.Dlrectora of the Company - be held at the office of the Company, Noe. 4 std.& Ex. •change baildin On MONDAY. January 13th. 1868. between the , houta of to o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. WILLIAM HARPER. de30.12t/ Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. OFFICE. =7 SOUTH FOURTH ST. Pumanguenre. Dec. 16.1267. Notice Is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Colo. pony that the annual meeting and an election for Prod. dent. eix Manaaere. Treaemer and Secretary, will take place on the 1:1MOND MONDAY. lath of January next. at 12 M. WM. H. WEBB, delSejala • - Secretary. , sor PENN NATIONAL vi r i ANE. L x. l Dec. in, lan. Te Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Stank will be held at the Bankling_Elouse, N. W. corner of Sixth and Vine streets, on TUESDAY. January 14. 1868, at ten o'clock. A. M., and an Election for Niue Dlrcctora will be held on the same day between the hours of eleven o'clock. A. M.. and three o'clock P. M. JAMES Russ Em. doll I m OPs A Cashier. THDOONSOLIDATION NATIONAL BANK. 'A. . 41F4r. PIitLADELPIIIA. December .ft 67 The annual meeting of the stockEbiders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House. on TUESDAY. Janu ary 14.1868, ata o'clock M.. and an election f,r Directors upon the sameday, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. an d o'clock P. M. deld-rn.w,f.tiab6 JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL. Cashier. sir THE nur ADELPLUA NATIONAL BANK. PHILA_DEMIL, Dec. IS, 1r67. The Annnal Election for Directors of this Bank will .be held at the•Benking House on TUESDAY, the 14th day of Jammu y. next, between 11 o'clock A. . 0 41. and 2 o'clock. P. JL B. B. COMEGYS, de1.34,m.w,t1a144 Cashier. S CITY NATIONAL BANK. PHILADELPIA., December 1867. The Annual Meet - lon for Directors will be held at the Bulldog Goose on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of Jan uary, bx.l3, between the hours of le o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock I'. M.G. A. LEWIS, • de7-e,w,tjael Cashier. S IS T . LNT I VIL I II. E & I3 OAD OFFICE—CAMDEN AND AT COMPANY. The conp.m,Lsa the first mortgage bonds of this Com pany. falling due January Ist. 18)l, will be paid on pre sentation at the Company's office, Cooper's Toint, Cam den, N. J., on and after the 2d proximo. LI. WIUTEMAN, Treasurer. Dee. SQ. 37 tor FARM NK. ERS' AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BA Puttanal.rnta. Dees niber if, 1887. The Annual Election for Directors of this Dana will be held at the .Banking House, on WEDNESDAY. the Bth day of Januarymext,between the hours of 11 o'clock A.M. debo'clock Y. M. W. RUSHTON. JE., VA Cashier. assakv- CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY.--THE ANNUAL meeting. of Stockholders of the Cambria Iron Com pany will be hold at their Office,. No. 409 Chestnut street, Phimdelphia, on TUESDAY, the 3let dap of January next, at 4 o'clock. P. M., when an Election will be held for seven Directors, to serve for the caseinge year. JOHN T. Becretarv. I'nmsnin.rms.. Dec. IP, 1867. de2l-ait* OFFICE OF THE PIRENIXI INSURANCE 4 16r OOMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. DEOEZURE 27th. 180. The Annual Election for Five Directors, to serve for three o'clock.ill be office of MONDAY. January 18al. at 11 at the oftice of the Company, No. W 4 Walmut street. de`27.BtO SAMUEL WILCOX . , Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1115 r STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA SILVER MINING COMPANY OF NEVADA,wiII ho held nt their (Mice, N 0 . 42.58 South Third erect, iu the city or Philadelphia , TUESDAY, the 14th day of January, NZ, at 2 o'clockd'. M. (MALES IL 'TAYLOR, de36 15t Secretary, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE lISTOCK '""`" buldersof.the Atlantic Petroleum Storage Company will eit. field at theotlice of the Company, No. 115 Walnut street, on MONDAY, January 1 ajetx at 5-gclacic I'. M. ELLHU ROBERTS, Secretary. ihigg— OFFICE OF‘ THE DELAWARE MUTUAL I SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. FIIILAIELMIIA, 1. ecember 20th. 11367. The annual election for twenty.eight Directors will be held at this Office. on MONDAY, the sixth day ot January next, between the hours of le A. M. and 2 P. M. HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. di -204a6§ gir 1, OFFICE ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM AN Y, N0..81.1 WALNUT Street. 11111,111F.1.1'111A, Dec. Seth. 1867. The Annual Election for Ten Directors will be held at this ()MCA) on MONDAY. the Sixth day of January next. between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. de90.611 WM, M. LIMITLI, Secretary. slar NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COSI. Pans', No. 402 Walnut street. The Coupons of the Bonds of the Company, duo Jun. Ist. 10A., be pall on and after the 2d proximo. WILLIAM. WISTER, Treasurer. "de2Btia2§ THE ANNUAL MEETING ,OF THE SPOOK Oirholdero of the OR Run Petroleum Company will he. held on THURSDAY, Janumy 2. at 12 o'clock, at Room. N 0 .2 0; Penn Building, 4 1 30 Walnut knot. E. B. scHNIDER, de2l.lOL -Secretary pro tom, VORDEIN . I3 DEEP TEA.—J7Ajm 013240 E TH:II3 LP extract will Wake n Pint 'excellleut Beet Ten in a few minute& Always oe L hartd axt4 or rate by JOSEPH a. DIMMER & CO • lue Bon* Delaware avenue. rIROWN BRAND LAYER RAISINS. YIDOLRID qj woe' awl quarter bozee DE thio_sklanditt big arid for rare by Alt, B.BUSISBRU•bAn 100 Boutil WILMA) ikVentieV AUCTION SALES. TROMAS,& SONn, AUtil IUNBERS, Iris Noe. 129 and 141 South Fourth street.' SALES'OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTA'L'E. tar T UESDAY Public sales at tho ThiladelphlaEzehtmge EVERY , at 12 o'clock. W liandbMs of each property honed separately. In addition to which we publich, on the Saturday Previous to each Jude, one thousand catalogues, in pamphlet form, thefull deecriptions of all the property to be sofd on the bULLOWING TUESDAY; and alba. of Real Estate at Private Bale. Or our Sales are elm ad,vertleed in the fOIIoWIU.I Dowspapett : NORTH AMERICAS. Yams. Litnonn. LPA/AL hiTZLIAORHOCU. lxquiram. AOE., EVY.YULNO BULLIMA Evcrumb '1 rr.r.onarn. , Orm , AIT 8Y.A.001:413`, &c. Or Furniture Bales at the' Auction Store EVERY PLIURBDAY. - . STOCKS. ON TUEtsDAY, JAN. ^, 18013. At n o'clock noon, at the I'll depilda Exchange, will be sold at public sale, for account o whom. it mar can can:k— en° shares Mammoth Vein Coal Company Stock. • STOCKS. ON TUESDAY...Iay. 11. ISM At 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be sold at public sale, for account of whom ft may eon cern, 2,900 shares Mount Carmel Locust Mountain Coal Co. stock. Sale at Nos. 1.99 and 141 South Foarth Wed. VP Al _ASUPERIVII BUUSEGOLD FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD! PIANO. 4 FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, FINE VELVET AND BRUSSELS CAP.- PETS, IRON CHESTS. &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction rooms, the superior Fnr• nature, including—llandsome Walnut Parlor k`urniture, covered with Hair Cloth and Rope; superior Walnut Chamber and Dining-room Furniture, 4 fintarench Plate Mirrors, Rosewood - Plano Forte, 4 Counters,_China and Glassware, fine Velvet. Brussels and other Carpets, fine Feather Bede and Bedding. Fancy Goods, 44c. SeATEo. 100 Taira tine Skates. BILLIARD TABLE. Superiorißilliard Table, nails and cues complete. ELEGANT BOOKCASE. Vers elegantly carved Oak Bookcase. 1 IND MIRRORS. Elegant French Plate Mantel Mirror. SI by BO Inches. Plc gent Freueh Pinto Mantel Mirror. by 10 inches. Two elegant French Plate Mantel Mirrors. Bale at N 0.605 South Eighth street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, dr.c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Jan. B. at 10 o'clock. at No. 605 South Eighth street, su perior Parlor. Chamber and Furniture, finely colored Ensravlngs, Broach. , and other Carpet?. Glass and China. dtc.. dw. May be examined early ontho morning of pale. Sale NO. PM Pine street. • VERY SUPERIOR wAroiur FURNITURE, OVAL MIRROR. PINE BRUSSELS CARPETS. ON MONDAY MORNING. Jan. R, at 10 o'clock. at No. l Pine street by oats logue. the very superior Furniture. including—Han:some Wittout a Furniture,og' Cl Parlor Furniture, superior Chamber Preach Plate Oval Mirror, Fine Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, China and Glassware. Re bigerntar, Kitchen Utensils, dtc. May be examined early on the morning of sale THOMAS BIRCH. & SON. AUCTIONEERS AND . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear Entrance 1107 Sansom street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SALES EVERY FRIDAY /MORNING. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the most reasonable terms. • Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND StN.ONDIIAND HOUSEHOLD' FURNI TURE. PIANO FOR•I ES, CARPETS, MIRRORS, WINDOW SHADES. FINE ORGANS. CHINA., &c. , • • ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold— A large assortment ix superior Parlor, Chamber and Inning-room Furniture, Carpet:, Mirrors, dm., from fatal- Res declining housekeeping' PIANO FORTES. 'One Rosewood Grand Piano Forte, made by Schrader' tne do Square do, do. Bacon & Raven. One 'do do do. do. ' Fisher d: Co. WHITE WARE Also, S crates of white Coffee and Tca. Cups and Saucers SEAT , S. Also, a large i n voice G. ffne Skates, to be sold m lots to suit purchase rs. DlASl . 6, :IIS AND WATCHES. Also. an invoice of flne Di monds, Ear Rings, Pins and Finger Rings, Gold Watches, &c. ?PILE riumapAL htuNEitEs r.tsu r suraENT, S. E. A corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jew airy, Diamonds. Gold and Silver Plate and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHER AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English: American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Levine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex. and ether Watches: Fine Silver hunt ing Care and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine Watches : Double Case English Quartier and other Watches: Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; Finger /tines; Ear Dings; Studs, Etc.; Fine Gold Chains, Medallions: • Fracelete Beall Pins: Breastpins ; Finger Rings:Pencil and Jewelry generally. FOB SALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable ter a Jeweler; cost MC. Also, several lots in bouth Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. B y J. M. GUMMEI SONS , A UCTIONEERS, a No. 608 WALNUT street. Hold Regular Sales of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND SECCEITIES AT THE PHI i• A OELPILLA E,O4fANOE. Ur Handbills of each preperty.iasued separately. CV" One thousand copies published and circulated. containing full descriptions ot property to be sold. as also a parlial list of iproperty contained in our Real Estate Resister, and offered at private guile. Ur Sales advertised DAILY in all the - ily news papers. BY }immix': a LO., CASH A AUCTIO UCTIONNEERS. HOUSE, No. MO MARKET street, corner of FANS street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. PEREMPTORY SALE 100 LOTS SUPERIOR FURS. Ladies', Mines' and CfP ildreres linden Bay and Mink. Sable, Siberian Squirrel. French Ermine, Water Mink. American. Fitch. &c.. single and In sots. Also, Carriage Robes. To be sold for cash, by cata logue, ON FRIDAY MORNING. Jon. & commencing at 10 o'clock X / It 'J. ROM Pbuly S ov., AUCTION SERo. • CONCERT HALL AULTION ROu MS, I2IA CHEB3 NUT street and 1219 and CLOVER street. Regular aaleant.Furnltare every WEDNESDAY, (n' door sales promptly atter ded to. D AVIS & HARVEY. AUCTIONEERS. • (Late with M. Tho mak , &Sone.) Store No. 421 WALNUT aired. FURNITURE SALES at the Store EVERY TUESDAY. BALES AT RESIDENCES will receive particular attention. • 12UNTING, DURBOROW & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1) Noe. 2 and 224 ,14 &BEET atmet corner Bank etreet. SUCCESSORS TO JOHN B. N FIRS 41 CO. Putur Foul,. Auctioneer. McCLELLAND £O. niaCCESSORt3 TO PHILIP FORD CO., Auctioneers. No. EO6 MARKET street. BY B. imxrrx. bliOrrts AST OALLERY, N 0.1020 CHESTNUT street. PbSooolohu, JANEAS A. FitEtadAN, AUtalurip.Els, 412 WALNUT street. .L. ABILBRIDE CO. AUCTIOEERB, 1. N G 500 M No.ARKET , etree N t, above Fifth SIIIIIEBEII6 188. 5113U8 CLEAR 1868.62.1 PATTI•Ius SPANISH CEDAR, NOR PATTF,CNS. 'AI AIME BROTHER k CO.. Ie3CO SOUTH STREET. 1808. riui Walla 1868. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASEI FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORID e. STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK AT REDUCED PRICES. - - . 1.68. 1;.`1U1 i.,1 1 , g .I',4'TA \ S,B •,WsItT,BARPANK. 1808. WALNUT PLANK. ... LAUGH STOCK—SEASONED. uNDERTAKuIs , Lumiwit. -1.66 S uNDE TAKERS , LIM:3ER. . RAD CEDAR. WALNUT .tiND PINE. 18 8. SEASONED Y• PLA It; 1868. SEA.I3u:s.A . FUEERI. WHITE OA PL. AND bDS. 18t8. 18t8. utuAit BOX MAKEse. CIGAR BOX DLAKERS. SPAMSIL CEDAS BOX BOARDS. 1868. • 1 , (11i SALE LOW. 1868. cARo,NA ANA wiANTiANu• rAitorL H.SILLt3. 1868. NORWAY SCANTLING. . LARGE, ASSOIMIENT.., 1:1E3)A11 , 1 .0 QBQ CEpeikt.tilllNGLES. 1 (J. CYPRESS SIIISOLES. W. PINE. SIIINGLES. isc , i c.i. ktED CEDAR I' Ts. - 111110 CEDAR. POSTS. 1868. 011'ESTNUT POSTS. lUT PLANK AND HOARDS. • MEEDEJ SPRUC JOIST. ' brial E ti E R 1868, PLASTRING LATH.: • • • OAK Sins. MA.ULE BR OTHo ma STR ER driCKL EET Rat s 50 000 T. CHOICE 4-4 AND E. 4 MOULDING stuff; Red Cedar Posta and Loge for turn. / ing; sorted width Shelving and beaded Fencing; dry Fattcn duff; 4 inch Yellow Pine Sills; cheap Boxing, Shea In and Flooring; Cyproa and White Pine Shin es,low prices. NicHOLBON , I3. Seventh and Car • pent streets. • , • nolB-2m§ _ T 0 G BOARDS-18 TO 94 FT., FIRST AND SECOND .IJc m., and roofing ; alto, 8.4 and 6.4 Sign Boards. 94 feet I. ng Undertakers' Case Boards for sale low. MOB OLB , Seventh and Carpenter ptreeta. nolllanv) REMOVAL. izEaviovnr). T. STEWART BROWN, Of flan CROUCH. FITZGERALD & BROWN. HAS REMOVED TO No. 1235 Chestnut Street, Ana 41a. 0 heed &Mime aaaortmect of TRUNK% BAG% RET/CULU au. of LW oWla manufacture. /MAO ARY 1, 1868. ELEDIV#I.. DANIEL H. BROWN'S CELEBRATED. OINTMENT, A Certain Cure for Scalds, Bums, Cuts, Wounds, &c. PAITAXIMPUIA. March it. VAL Foram Snows": It givea me great pleasure to nay to you, that your Ointment la such an article that there can imt but praises bestowed upon it, when used and it becomes known. For you well recollect bow dreadfully I was scalded in both legs by steam and hot water. so much so that the &eh came off:a least onabalf inch inthieknesis and by the wad your Ointment. and that alone,in a few weeks I was entirely restored, and am now as well as ever; not a muecle or leader contracted, and hardly 's aux is lei 't d , fa no telling the amount of euffering it woo relieve. if it was freely used in scalds gave of any k ind . By referring persons to me. I canere ample satisfaction of the truthlulneas of Ito qualities. ResPectfilll9. your friend, Jour( F. Liit. 01 the firm of Heaney, Nitafie & Co.. Steam Engine Works, Ketwington. Can show any number of Certificates and References, . DANIEL IL BROWN, Propttor. 1468 Hanover street, 18th Ward. Wed& M. C. MeCluskey, BOLE AGENT. 109 North Seventh street, Philab. For visiting patients, and dresalitg Scalds, Berne, or Wounds, an extra charge will be made, 0c44 m wring, ATER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. FOR DISEASES F THE THROAT AND LUNGS, SUCH AS COUGHS, COLDS. WHOOPING COUGH, BRONCLUTIS,ASTIIMA AND CONSUMPTION. Probably never.bef ore In the - whole history of Medians has anything won so widely , and so deeply upon the confL deuce of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmo nary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their estimation, as It has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various at. ructions of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to yours children, it Mat the same time the most effectual reme dythat can be given for in. cipient consumption, and thedangerous affections of the throat and lunge. As a provision against sudden attach of Croup, it should be kept on hand In every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought ineprable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient re stored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So core• pleto is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. - When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. hroyera and Public Speakers find great protection from It. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pea Loral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. AYER'S AGUE CURE. FOR FEVER AND AGUE, IN. TERMITTENT FEVER, CHILL FEVER, REMIT. TENT FEVER, DUMB AGUE,' PERIODICAL OR BILIOUS FEVER. &C., AND INDEED ALL THE AF FECTIONS WHICH ARISE FROM MALARIOUIL MARSH, OR MIASMATIC POISONS. As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Con taining neither Arsenic, Quinine. Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in no. wise injures any patient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districbs are literally beyond as count, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine.' Our pride ingratified by the acknowl. edgments we roceiVe'of the radical cures effected in oh stinate cases,and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persona, either resident hr or traveling throuph miasmatic localities, will bo protected by taking the AGUE CURE' daily, their LIVER COMPLAINTS. arising from torpidity of e Liver: it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy ActY. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an ex. cellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Ana. Iytical cliemista,Lowell„ Masa, and sold all found the world. PRIM 81,00 PER BOTTLE. J. M. MARIS & Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. au.% w lY OPAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR cleaning, the Teeth, destroying animaleula which in fest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It may be used daily. and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums. while time aroma and detersiveneas 'will recommend it to every one. Being composed with the assiitanee of the Dentist, Fhricians and Ricroscopist, it is coriMntly offered as a reliable substitute for the un certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with theeonstituenbs of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. A po thecary, JASIE6 'I. SHINN, Broad and Spruce streets. 'ally. and • L. L. Stackhouse, Bogert C. Davis, Oeo. C. Bower, Chas. Shivers. . S. M. MeCollin. S. C. Buntiug • Chas. H. Eberle. James N. Mar s, E. Bringhund & Co., Dyott a Co., 11. C. Blair's Sons, Wyeth & Bro. For sale by Drngg gene Fred. Brown, Hapeard & Co., C. IL Keeny, Isaac B. Kay, C. H. Needlts, T. J. Husband, Arubtooo smith, Edward Parrish, Wm. B. Webb, James L. Bispharu, Hughes & Combo, Henry A. Hewer. ()OD -LIVER OIL— FOR WEAKNESS WASTING AND EVERY FORM OF DEBILrrk, USE JOHN C. BAKER & CO.'S COD-LIVER OIL I, • Its nee, fairly tried, will soon restore the tone of the di. Restive organs, invigorate the blood, give general rotundity to the figure and add energy to the mind and nervous eye tern Its value has been remarkably evidenced by its wonderful restorative powers, when ordinary tonics had been vainly exhausted. It afforda noudahmeut to the body when no other can be borne, and furnishes the frame with fat in a truly remarkable manner. or Bottled only by tut JOHN C. BAKER di CO., 718 Market area: de4 For sale by City Druggists. RELIABLE-11CiDGSON'S BRONCHIAL LA Tablets, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and catarrh of the bead and breast. Public speakers, singers and stmateurs will be greatly bent:fitted by using these Tablets. Prepared only by LANCASTER Pharmaceutists, N.E. corner Arch and Tenth streets, rfailadelphia. For sae by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, and Druggists generally. . seftf COAL AND WOOD. 05 00' ANT) .41,0 25. GENUINE EAGLE VEIN and GREENWOOD NUT and STOVE, at CoalDooot, 407 North TWENTIETH St. F. W. & C, M. TAYLOR, Jr. &Min . P. MoGARRY COAL DEALERS AND WOOD. ' WEST END OF MIES rN UT STREET BRIDGE. ALSO. BLACKSMITHS` COAL. HICKORY. OAK AND PINE WOOD. n027.2m§ Q LA EGELNQPLENDID U S T TOVE OOLL ,„.. SUPERIoR LELLI OR. . • . nolSan E. D. ASILTOW, al MARKET STREr:T FRECK , L3 CELEBRATED CENTRALIA; HONEY BROOK LEHIGH AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS COALS' WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED, • SCOTT St CARRICK, moll-Rum 1846 MARKET STREET, U. R. - PENROSE & CO., DEALERS IN COAL. 1411 Cellowhill street, abeve BroadkPhiladelphla. Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal,, of all aims, prepared ex precely for Family use. . . . tar Orders received at 1411 North EIGHTH Street, oi through the Post-office. noB 2utO 6..40(A130N DINES. JOHN F. lIIHE 'UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTIOVR . 1 their stock of Spring Mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Cold, which, with the preparation given by us, we think cannoi be excelled by any other 004 • ' Onion. Friundin Institute Sandin N 0.16 Boum Beoentb g, "street. BRNISS di BELEA.E', ialutf Arch 'street wharf. Eichuytionl CARRIAGES. • • • • • NO' .1 11 :-. 7" - ,i • • LI, •• BECXTIAIJS.Br ., . ALLGAIER Respectfully invite, attention to their Lam and vatted • ateek of IluPerior . i• • omMX-Aogs gi t a l at te4 itylos. with tho most recent improyements*.el.: ELEGANT LANDAU. • • . Just c,t % e u t eE _ tipp. COUPES of Vienna DIANITFAUTOIDTANDWARRROD24B. • 1204 FIIOIKFORD.'AVENUEi 0026.8mrp§ , abv. Girard smile- , • • Grimm iiinNocuirui soap*► r f jer li uyer r urers. 81at=" 334161 uSe o r D i el # a d ta tai l r tilde l r . Ord l ..# ? V T t •.* 7., ot e ery dual' ork, very low, 9035 orbit* street, corner into. TM best Giovoa or ladles au gents, at auTipriunritrow 8 BAWLS 'flol4to OPEN atELE — E ;•fEMIG. Whltb Wadd P 4 I . Charleston,S: MARVIN m=l.4nr. Broadvisy so N. Newbern ~..___ ,:::::.: • . „... jp, ....",....• . 4 ' - , ~....... J*(). Drr. Mobile,Ala.,TF3 . ' • ' size 9, dou • amend • • • In each and nary woe tioovo, the ,contea r , were taken out after • the fires in. perteet_ , serving books. money find Dawes etc,‘ eartincetes can be seen at our office. i. A $ - 1 r iiat , OUR BITEGLAIL PILO.e, ; bay° been sttemptedbut in everY New York., Decapok SepVit i lp 'Cleveland, OctA nom New York., 8a B` Co. Ba and In; MMM6 CA; ! The public ole all,th Proof qualit t ies o f our Safe be glad to impart our eh • - MAR' 721 chestnut st. (fflliso 7., , , 265 ,8 r 12'Send for 11,}minted afalp -r- 1 WOK 4 E. FOR BALE--A VAEOAD investment, eonehting..- 0 Biome, with g brick dwellings, built hippie:l with every convenience, situate Fourth and Diamond etreete,ext. Are all occupied by good moron's' MEY & ROES, GM Walnut stave , sp . COUNTRY SEAT . Large threesatoni t .k s, 23 rooms, beauOln beat water.hotair fu rn aces ndive suitable for a school or summer. for ten homes. (*whine house. of ground. upon which are lam mineral syringe. nearraitr I. C. PRICE. 64 North 8•• .4 sFACTORY FOR BALE_ thn3e.story brick Fatter, , • three streets..!• Is , built in i e , ner t nearlY new and _I perfect sr • 116 feet deep. Inimeaste possesslo Particulate &TOFU J: X. GOMM street. faFOR SALE.—TRE 11ANDSQ thvelling. with thtestorte! North Seventh stretitrhas • • once and improvement, and +ls in.p ditto possession. One halt, can re Apply to COMM{ & JORDAN, •a rFOR SALE OR RENT 4& •;'. • • , ' 01 ' , Reeldence. 23 feet front.,Wl rr , MI with every convenienedt and lot fe ;II eet4 feet wide etreet, eituate on Sunnrie trif: .6hr• I. Square. Is in perfect order. Immediposedesio 7 J. M. GUMMMEY & BONS. 501),P1L . ' , native: . ' FOR SALE—A HANDSOME TREE ' 'Dwelling, with three..tnry back the modem imord'VernEnh4on A h'elseet, Twentieth etreet.. Lot by Mtn feet. FAPlilr • . Walnut street.— 1.86& • HEAP •‘15,1113E9 ST. BI NO . gO4O SPRUCE FOR SALE---TERMS,EAS' MALLE. BROTIC 'oik• 25001 del3,9n• 1868. lIANDSOME NEW DWES4I.I G. 11AND8o3tE NEW D'iyElA. NG,.. N 0.1931 wAra..mor i ,:' Ilouse 40 foot frAnnlo ':. ~, diep' . gi; 1 FOR BALE— •'' P'"'' MAULE, BROYFIER dc CO, MO South d(3O lzri` TO ALERT: FOR RENT.—UNFURNIrED Ofi furni..l!ad, with carpets complete, a fiand !tory brown Stone residence , hav7 all 'th. conveniences sad in perfect order,. si nat. ~, street, near St. Mrk. , a(Churen. J• G Jof fa Walnut; street. 4 , ‘ TO LET • STABLE AND COACH •.1 let, a auperlor Stable and Coach Hoilie. • • ' four harem, on Dean street, between:Wu - de cult. A ply to • THOS.It. . 0 ,1 • A FOR RENT—A IFANDSO3IELYI U , lEResidence, with, parlor, dining-room, sitti d " kitchen, and eix chambers: large yard. an convenience; situate on Walnutt, near Bigtee M. GUMMEY & BONS, 608 street.- ',wig "uTO BF:VT.—TiIt BUILDING No. 3 trees, vrithSrow 6 to ldboreo Stearn Po Illedillte'jlOWllPiOn can bo had. For A apply 2d STORY, 313 RAM. et:` ..• THIRD STREET—FOR RENT, story granite and brick Store Propert • Third street Immediate pomade MEV tic SONS. 608 Walnut erect. cFOR RENT—FROM DEOEMI3ER 113 ••new Store, on. Delaware avenue below Apply to JOS. B. BUIISIER nod tr 108 South Dols • TO RENT—FOTIR•STURY RE O tt, South Broad street, for nix month • Ply to GEO. SERGBANT,.226 S, FI) To LET • Soma oil tfio Second, Third and the tire-proof n1111,1111E% No. 22i3 Sot th without Steam to over. a. • TATII. rut) RENT. 1-43142 711 OF upoms, opreno or nibEe g ; oal( Washington 411 are..; ' RENT—SITITIUMMEDIA 1 second, third, fourth rind fifth premises ou Market Order.. AppL. •"P CO.. No. 7a2lnarket etrett. LAJDIEN , 11110 1 1'r CIPECIAL NOTICE.— 4.4 ' L:7 3lni: 3FAL. L A N M E ) R. ilrlriic Importer Dre. , Fringes, Satin Trlmmili.: bone, Ciaigure and Ciwiy L Jet Celhirti and Bulti. Fuet Edge Velve Black Vclvct' (! Parlein P• DreaHen lug outtita a. at euch rat Sulfa Elegant &vied Worm Set, of Putt , . ready'; Patterns sent 31re. and ayaleni POCKET Poelint 800 rOrtenlonnte Cigar Case , !oortrolln: Brad g, Bank r 7 4,, r/el bag? BOLIONVOO Mabog , Wrlf Deo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers