Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 07, 1867, Image 1

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(Bnodape excepted),
607 Chestnut Street, Ehtladelphia,
EtY 1717
EVENING itruEnN esioothrms.
rxonurro es.
labia) t
z'j RUA
The Buttsrut to served to labia) la th e cdt, 1$
ewe pet wee Yale to the • rr- - or : ter azumit.
Dlariee, Writing Doke. Eitel'
cutlery, Gammon =Pi Cher.; sear
°Mee Stenee. Juvenile 800
Views, . • . _
.M[Altt 1 D.
LIPPINCOTT—GREGORYi. the 6th 'argent, by 0.
A. Bartholomew, Pastor of Christian Chapel, on Twelfth
street. below Melon, Edward jll. Lippincott to Mary V.
Gregory'. daughterof the late Wp. and Jane Gregory, all
of tbia city. • •
SEEGEIt—GODEY,—December fifth.. at fit. •Jamee's
Church, by the Itev. Dr. 11 J. Morton, riollud Heeger to
Marion, daughter of L. A. Godey.
CARMICIIAEL—On the tith instant, Sir. Janice ear.
ntleltatl, In the 57th year of his age.
lib , reale friendt and those of the family, alto Keystone
Lodge No. 271 A. Y. M., and the lieote"rhietle Society are
reapeetfully invited to attend tat funeral, tram hit late
residence. North 'Second street, above Leading Railroad.
Cooperville. on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Proceed
to Monument Cemetery. _ •
COLLIER.—On the sixth !net , Elizabeth,.tvlfd of Saint.
Collier, in the seventieth year of her age.
Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend
her facieraLirom the_ reeldenco cf her 'husband. near
Crossyricks, N.J.,_ monday morning the oth Ines., at
dotes (ergot*. carriages Will meet tric eight o'clock
train frota Walnut Street Wharf. •
FIELD.- On the 6th init. at Trenton. N.. 1., Caleb S.
Field. eon of Timothy and Juliet Field, In the Ir.gl year
of his age.
SIN m.--rin the Stli Inst.. Richard G. Sitnklu, in the
49th year of Mt age.
The 11 - lath - v. and frien& of the family, also Mont.
gamely Lodge
A. V. M., Paradise Lodge N 0.127. 1.
O. of u.T.. and St. kseorge'.< Society. are revectfully
in d to titt-nd the funeral, from. his tats residence,
Pr; rOtrootn street on Montlat:', Dee. 501-at I I'. if..
u ;the-14 further notice. 'A'o proge,l4' fe Odd 1-'elli;vr, ,
, rr.ete •Y
'THUM A ti.-011 Dee.mbei 7tit. Richard ii. Thomas, in
tie si ty-sl , :th year of fill age.
'1 IN DA LI.. ton the ,111 intt.. Annie W.. twin daughter
of Juni-. W. ,nd Lizzie %V. 'I fantail. and ti runt •
Pal LW; brAton or.A arty 9,1 W.
r..tui.r.r, UNI , TXTAKIIC,
ok. C. (7)J:\ II A NI, sityr,7B.
... . , .
1 dot ra that my now Improved and only patented
CASKLT ia far more beautiful in form
and finirh Nan the old unsightly and repuLive coffin,
11.1 , d that its construction adds to its strertgth and dun.
We. the undersigned, having had ocemion to wain our
ild not in the itallte no, any other if they could be ob
hop M. Simpron, . Bee. J. W. Jackson.
J. H. Veiwuch, M. D., E. J. Crippeu.
Corn..l, Mar, ton C. rt. NI., Jacob S. Hordes.%
Rev. W. Bartine, ' Goo. W. Evans.
Ben j. Orin, Wm. Hicks.
J. K; Cl nßherne, D. N. Sinn. oetszsmrp
Lyons Velvets for Cloaks.
Lyons Velvets * inch, for Sacks.
fine ternittnent of Ceneleatiree for Bore (nettles, Das.
aftnerea for Duefuees
- -
141. At ALL•WOM, POPrfNr. CENTri,
.1/ •$: *1 'Xi and #1 37 , 4 s yard.
BEiSJN dON. Mounting store.
918Utteetzus street
seri, inf.: N AI L / ST I R s E ro ET a BAPTIST CHUB. CII, COR
w streeta.-Preiebinc Tamer.
run- 14 . 14. v. R, S a .samee, at 1.0.14 A. M. and IM . P. M. It*
Ccumntown, every Sunday evening at 74
o'clue - e.., dafi.N•
t..ntif : - .nd Filbert etreeta - -Rer. Mr. Bridelle wiU
7,ati3 morning and at ternoon. IL'
..a: May - win - invaela - Laanarrunt at 103 f;
..riff•orning. and 736. eventhd. It.
Tr F Church to-morrow, at M and
c't (..c.t. P. M. It.
rnenc,-1. at We Greah Street M. E. Church. on. Bab
ball', a' 7 M.. a rourac of certnotta-"On the Voyage of
Life -
3 :. 'TOWN BFC011) PPP '
and aV B V. I I E 4 I a A c?; . •
by the Pastor Rev. Mr. Lama, to-mo . rrow, at 103.:.
A. 31., nod c',", P: M. it.
4" -- 0 1 ,Corner Bresdand iirecustreets.--.Preuching
11+1 , ..; A. 31. and 730 P. &1., by Bev. Prot. Mather.
Strangent invited.
• n on tt.k f•ubieet tomorrow evening, at TY
t Dr.` ,'ltire.ll.; in the Clinton Street Church,
below 81,r1lene. it.
W .- -* .t oot, teent h.—Preachinsto-tnor.rooo
;o'. A. M., Lc v. J. W. Schenck. of thle city': at V..;
l• 2 , 1 I y 1.. Pratt, of lA'aabington, D. C. It'
at en'eenth and. Spruce P reetp.--8 nuon on
r‘rnlr,G nevt, at 7% .'clock, upon "the H.esurrec
tb, ib,d ) ," by I:or. Wtn. P. Braed, D. D. It'
fpni.3'in THE F.CP,ONTb PRP.BIBYTER[4,N 4:1117hell
111 for the pnn,lit worship Jo liorticultitratiiislL,
on Broad ntreel, tyntw.en and Spruce. Preach ag,
lamtrrow nt A. M. aril 7AI 51.,by the Pastor. Rev.
I:. I:. Beadle.
held in the Hall of the t oung kieta'A Gbriatian AP-
Mk,ihtiOrl, No. I'.lo Cb,,thut greet, on Monday, December
at I o'clock. I'. M.. ter maim arrangements for the
of I't,,yer. Clergymen and Laymen invited. It§
t,,rian Church, Broad abatve Pot lar.—Rev.
et. e Marko, Paator. to m0.tp".41034 A. M a add o.s P.
74. Children..' thorch at itfil.';'§ll. Beirron, by the Tu
b.? appropriate to the eccaelon. Subject fot the evening
--''Daniel'e Deliverance." It*
al 2' ftpdkierviev6 of the late William al.Englea.D.D.,will
be preached by the I:cv. Dr Solelda of Princeton College,
iv the Peon Square Presbyterian Church (the Her. Dr.
Crowell'eh Sunday, (to•morro*) attmoon, at halt past
:t o'clock. It.
..""" corms* of Third and Pine streets. will be open for
Divine service (It. V.) every Sunday night, during the
wit ter, at 7,0 o'clock. Strangers and others not provided
with a regular risco orship are cordially incited to
attend. nil the seats toile free. it'
to Medicel Students, by the Bishops and Ltimgy of
the Protestant Epleeopeltaturch, will be delivered by the
Rev. Phillips Brooks at S Stephen's tihuteb. Tenth, be
low Market. on aiunday evening n.'xt, at 730 o'clocb.
The seats in the middle able will be reserved for Stu
- Broad Street.
PHILADELPHIA. D0c.241. 1867.
Tho Annual Meeting of the 'Union League of Phila.
delobla will be in Id at the League House, on MONDAY
EVEN Dec. 9th, et 7 o'clock. At this meeting there
will be an elentiOn for Officers and Directors to serve for
the ensuing year.
In aid of the
Vow being erected under the umpteen otthe
Will open Oil MONDAY kIVEN/NO,December 9th next,at
Court Bah and will continuo for one week.
An excellent selection of Fancy and useful articles will
be on sale at reasonable prices, at the tables of the dif.
Serent Churches. All chances, voting schemes, &c. will
I, sMctlyprohibited during the Far, and these objec
tionable features being diaallowed, the patronage and
support of the Denomination and public generally are
canaestly solicited aud expected.
Tickets can .be. procured at the Baptist Publication
Rooms, No. 580 ,be,
street. and from the Superin
wh de ntal and Teachers of the various Baptist S
B unda"
es, deg tr
re — In order to avoid an y interference with the F air,
the'llaseler Orchestra havo most generOWILY Contembmi
defer their usual Monday. Afternoon Concert On the 9th
- Notwithstanding certain idle reports to the eon.
trary, we continuo ieupordog Elevens cigars as we have
dote for the last forty years.
Their blab cott however. renders it absolutetyneedful
to introduces substitute that shall be squat's (mau l ,.
but which can be retailed at molt lower prise.
To this end we ore manufacturing Standard Glare. of
quality never home attempted in this country, ached
telt grades outdo etttltely of the oholeestYnelts Attain
ileaf. -emir , aa is workesiL.oaly at Havana le the factories
of most mnnwn; and we are working it, on their, system.,
tire snd undefiled."
h(se Cigars will shortly beeffored to the public Waugh
the loading City Doslers.
dego.tfo , • , • -u 22 9 ; kipixth kecongrefot,
of the
A Rale of Crelnl and Fano , Articles
liftable for the holidays,
will take aloe° In the .
..... _
E.P c RES e B YoTEß adonCd EIAPoErL
Commencing on .WEIMESDAY. the den of D.ieenrher,
at Wel,,ek in the EVENINC.
To continue (Inn,, week. during the AFTERNOONS
and EVENINGS of each day.
Bei/Mittel:eh!. Ponta.
Single admiOr!MD. to cent-. dna atm
pry *mt., Pocket
Ohe" Gold Pent.,
, Starooseopea and
W. G. legume . .
.11.4 men street.
ser NATIONAL BANK .'11•' THE I+4oltTligtiN
Pil I T.A DEGI'II I A. Rank 1867.
The Annual election for Directive of thinwill he
held at the Banking Deem: on WEDNESDAY. the Bth
day of January next, between the ill/Uni of 10 o'clock A,
M. and 3 o'clock I'. M.
darn to th t ja3 CR.Plitor.
ILA I ELM/lA. December 7, 1847.
' ,he annual election for Directors of thia Honk will bo
held at the Honking House on WEDNESDAY.
January Bth, 1868. between the' hours of 10 A. A 4. and
2 P. M. S. c.recitymi.
de7 a to I h tjasl6
Pug LA nimini EA , CO Willer 5,1867.
The Anal/Election for. Director. of this Danz will
held at the nuking ELYMT. on WEDNESDAY, the
day of January next,between the hours et 11 o'clock A.M.
RD d 2 o'clock ItUSIITON, J a.,
de6 tBjal Cnehier.
P 1111.41, L'Lrf A, December 7.1667.
T , • Annual Election for Directors will be held at the
Banking 110 , 18 C on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of Jan.
warp, 1868., between the bourn of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2
o'clock P. M. G. A. LEWIS,
de74..w.tja , !: enabler.
ipir A SALL
Will be held in the Sunday kiehool Room of St. An.
di,: We Church, on Eighth etn‘et Above Spruce, commenc
ing Monday Evening, December t. and clo•tng l'huniday
f-vt' , Allgt December £L Proceeds for ivied onnry per
deli co lA.
4 """ holdera of the North Mill Creek Oil Company will
he Lek( at Dr. Bird , o mitre, N. E. corner Eleventh and
Green. on MONDAY Euhrmo. December lath, at h
c'ektk, for the election of Directors and the transaction
of any other Widnes/. WM. H. BELLOWS,
map. HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. Ittl , S AND 16.13
Lombard etreet, DfeDen•aarr,~ Department —Mee].
Al treatment and medicines f arned gratuitonelv to the
/1•14,11.Z! . ..ib C.,M. rt4.—Hasaler's usual nuttimie con
cert will not Lc given on Monday afternoon next, Mr.
Hassler having generonaly relinquished his claim upon
Concert Hall, at a great sacrifice, to a church fair. On
Monday the 16th Mat., the next concert will be given.
and alter that there will be no farther interruption"'
during the reason.
KENNEDY .° StoTTULt H.-Mr. Kennedy's
first concert was given last night, at the Assembly
Minding!, to a large audience. These unique enter
tainments deserve the warmest support and encourage
matt fromihnpublic, for.tlitiglite unusually evee ant*
Mr, Kennelly has a tine, clear voice, and he sings the
old familfai Scottish ballads with a pathos and feeling
that are, at least, unusual. He will give a second en
tertainment to-night, and wehope be may have a full
ColarraT AT Car AN - Complying--Cos' uplying with the
. requests of many friends who were unable to attend
her recent concert in this city, Miss Caroline McCaffrey
announces 's grand vocal , concert at Town Hall, Ger
mantown; next Tuesday evening. She will be as
sifted by her sister, Mies Helen .31cCafirey, Madame
Behrens, 31r. Theodore liabelmonn,' Mr. Ph. Carlin
and Mr.': Behrens. We invite attention to the an
nomartnent in our advertising cOlumnp,_
Lssraa a ''Mesa STI:AIiT...—If any evidence
were needed to prove the appreciation of oar people
forst hc puestancl highest forms of draratttleert. it was
furnisheddast evening. by the audience which filled the
Academy, to witness Mrs. Larder's representation 'of
Mary, Queen of Scots. Not only was the assemblage
large, but it was in deep and earnest sympathy with
the spirit of the play. The performsnee was rather
ole bat there was a want of resilessuess among the
audience, and a liberal bestowal of applause._ which
showed a thorough appreciation of the excellence of
theireprasentabon and a keen perception of the merit
of certain of the more striking passages. The crowded
condition of our Columns to day renders an elaborate
criticism entirely impossible ' But while deferring
this pleasant duty to another time, simple justice to
Mrs. Lander demaeds that her first appearance in this
character should receive something more than a
passing notice. The drama itself Is excel
h et. It is an adaptation from Mrs. Kem- ,
tiles stile) rabic translation of Schiller's
grand poem, and It bright with must eloquent and
beautitul evidence of the author's genius. Necessarily,
It is very much curtailed from the original, and Borne
of the most dramatic passages are omitte'd; but the
arrangement, upon the whole, is an excellent one.
Mrs. Lander's personation of "Mary" descries the
warmest praise that can be bestowed upon it. It
is not cxtrava"ant to say, that her conception is fully
as great as that of Mister'. throughout, and,in some In
stances. Mrs. Lander, laboring us she does under tire
diiadvantage of a less lmposing presence, and with a
voice, though as sweet and flexible. yet less sonorous,
even surpasses the ureat Italian. FaeCptillg Ristorfa
Maris A9llM,lettf, wo have had, in late years, no such
bit di true dramati 7, art noon the Philadelphia stage.
Mrs. Landers "Elizabeth" entitles her to a high place
as a histrionic artist, but her"lSfary Stuart" is so fir
sluice lot to it, that it is a matter of regret that she
had not chosen the latter: in which to. Make
her (Ober in the historical drama. It seemed last
evening, in looking at her, that In the fitness of things
she was destined to be the true interpreter of the
touching and pathetic character. which Schiller has
given to ttie beautiful Queen of Scotland.
Mrs.d.ander; by the torce of her genius, and genius
in the truest sense she possesses, has fairly won her
way to the bead of her professionend she is entitled to
have the distinction awarded her that upon the English
stage, as far settle members of her own sex are con
cerned, she Is without a peer. It is unnecessary, and,
indeed, impossible, to do anything to-day but merely
eulogize this eplendid performance in a general way.
This journal is not disposed to do more than simple
justice to any artist who comes before the public to
fearlessly condemn whereit is required, to warmly
praise where it is deserved; and in pursuance of this
policy, we have given to Mrs. Lander her due,and we
give to our readers the advice, that they do not fail to
witness this performance when it is given again.
Parr AI I 1 1I Ormaa, Boom—air. J. H. Bndworth
will appear te-aight in one 'of ;his most amusing cha
racters. The Tyrolean Warble's will also be on hand.
"Kelly and Coll vcr" will apar,and a first-rate burlesque
of ilanatt will be given. There will also be songs,
dances, instrumental music, and a collection of entirely
new local hits, bits of humor, &c.
Tex THEATRE& —Mr. John Brougham will appear
this etening, at the Walnut. In The. Lotte r y 6,
IIIIS. Zoe appears to-night, at the Chestnut, in The
Preach Spy and The Daub Girl of Genoa. Rosedale+
will bagiven,. fcr - the last time, 'this evening at the
Arch. /1.0 American offers a MiyoBiRMONS pro
BUNYAN TABLEAtrx.—ThIs splendid work of art is
now on exhibition at National Hall, Market street,and
is attracting immense audiences. The pictures are from
designs by inch famous artists as Church, Barley,
t'ropsey. Kyle, Paul Duggan, and others. We advise
till our readers to see these tableaux.
Eharvrarra Brier Omens. Hots ,—Craig's funny
burlesque of Surf is announced for this evening, with
a vast variety of first-rate burlesques, farces and negro
comicalities. There will also be good ballad and ho.
morous singing, dancing, and a miscellaneous enter.:
MLLE. JIZNAIISCHEE.—This famous tragedienne will
appear at the Chestnut Street theatre on - Monday, De
cember 16, for a season of six nights. Tickets ere for
sale at Wittig's Music Store, No. 1021 Chestnut street.
Mas. Lanner..—Mrs. Lander will giveta Matinee this
afternoon, and there will be no evening performance.
Burz.--Signer Blitz will give a performance at As
sembly Buildings to-night. ° ;
Qv*aria SISSEIIOI9-4Tudge reiree.—ln the case of
Charles S. Johnson, convicted' of forgery , a new trial
was refused. It will be wacteikbered that the defend
ant forged the name of Mr. Harper to a deed to a
property at Germantown, of which tie was the tenant,
and by means of this deed succeeded in negotiating a
loan of $6,000 04 mortgage._ .
Judge Petro sentenced h im to five yia.rs, in the
Return Penitentiary, to . date from the 10th or truly,
--Bwinburte him written an "Appeal to Eng
iaTi"Abr tioreclinletnnett Ferilaue.
pant amlineti pout Prep th inv, klOrblts
atabbin* ITO QUatzukt 'stave. '‘
ICorre,pondenee of the Philadelphia. Evening Bulletin.)
Good cheer dots not always 'lie with the
'great. If you were not tired of him, I would
instance the happy man whom the philosopher
wanted to change shirts with, and who • had no
shirt. A better instance is Cervantes. Arriving
upon Parnassus, and finding all the thrones oc
cupied: "Never mind, man," said Apollo to the
wit. "it is better to deserve a place than to ob
tain one; double your cloak and sit upon it."
"You don't see, lord Apollo," said the gay sati
rist, "that'l have' no clotili."
Modern newspaper men are exceptions. Their
merit is so transcendant! You never meet one
(,1' them (in print) who does not dine nightly at
V6four's, or L,:B Troia fi4re , ,?, except when espe
cially engaged at an Embassy. Galignani's man,
the feathery critic of operas and first represen
tations, can get a very fair midnight supper at
the Cafe Anglais; and the curled lion of the
graph, that tweet fast min, has been seen, at
his modest moments, chez Voisin, whose St.
.Julien, at seven francs the bottle, is very
aupportable. *hen I mat these correspondent
gentlemen, whose (professionally
and in printer's ink) are so nearly
royal ; when I see their fingers spottei with ink,
and their brows clouded with appregnsion lest
their best speculations and prophecies may have
been devastated by some later telegram in the
news column,l sometimes wonder at the bravery
with which they can carry it off in their histrionic
hour, and at the appetite' , with which men who
rthrelys dine with Baron Brisse or Doctor Yeron,
can face me over a plate of bouilli and mustard.
in stale linen badly out of drawing at the edges,
when the letter is over. I hope they regard me
with more indulgtnee; I am sure they compre
hend that, for the honor, of the craft, I frequent
the Edeetest circles: then on Roper, and that my
reeking beef is an eceentrielty—a Petit Trianon--
a Caliph dining with Abon Hassan.
Thackeray, in his day, was more Bohemian
" Come along." he would cry, to an artist who
loves to tell inc stout him, "dome along and
have something. They've invented a new dish
which I don't think you've tasted—lobster salad!
Let us try it,and it's my treat. I'm poor to-day,
but I can make ten or fifteen pounds to-morrow
by.an article. Allons.'—dum virinum vicamet.q."'
And he would lead the way, in his hearty, bust
ing manner, into a very modest cabaret indeed.
But that was just after the Irish Sketch Book—
_in 18-14. He had not
_yet created the genus
It was to 'no Maison Dorde,no illimitable series
of cabinets. all made of mirrors and gold and
clicking like a factory with a thousand clocks,
that the valiant Greatheart's memories reverted to
when he sat down and thought out the "Bonilla
- balm." You - retail the ballad—one of the most
manly, tender, genuine poems of society' that
ever was written, perfumed all through with
pensive cheerfulness and the homely, humorous,
'not unsavory aroma of long-digested feasts.
What poem can you point to better of its kind—
more fillolirith genuine but restrained emotion,
more aptly bitting the half-sung, halt-desolate
shade of feeling with which one sits down to a
good but 'solitary dinner and recalls gayer feasts
eaten long since with those who are changed or
dead! It is - not carried too far—earth is not seen
as a desert one is bound to traverse, seeking to
rind the old familiar faces; but the mood grows
just so poignant that the epicure becomes reck
less of the petty distinctions between Chablis
and Mediae—
" Welcome the wine, whateer the seal is!'
and drops one warm but unobtrusive tear into
the " lonely glass " he drains to " the dear old
,Whet I first came to Paris I assure you I spent
some time in trying to discover Terrci's tavern,
and the host with the droll grimace, and the
ikuillabaie, or hotchpotch of all kinds of fishes,
which I would have supped piously to the last
drop of juice and last button of fat, albeit but a
feeble lover of that "legless, unloving, infa
mously chaste" thing, the fish. One of thy
earliest and easiest explorations was in the
street of Paris famous, for which no rhyme
our language yields; and when I had fold's& the
great blue legend at a corner, Rue Neuve des
Petits Champs, I scrutinized all the brassy
blazons of the restaurateurs for the legendary
name of Terr 6. But, "Monsieur is dead this
many a day ;" and all I found was Antony, who
had heard of him.
The above, you perceive, is but my rounda
bout introduction and way of bringing up to
Antony, the old garcon. He shall be my hero,
although hastily put off with a paragraph or
two. Come up, Antony, and stand for your por
trait, Change my plate—the foie de veau was
not quite to my liking—and order a maccheroni
gratin, which you serve better than the Falcone
at Rome. Ah, you sly,dog, you are hiding my
foie, which is to your - bitte, if not to mine, in
your own little forecastle hole. It will go to
your own supper. Now tell me, how long have
you been garcon de traitteur? 4
He answered like the grave-digger to Hamlet:
"hinn o snd boy, thirty years."
j.nd how long in this pretty restaurant on the
Neuve des Petits Champs?
"Near thirteen, Monsieur. I was here with
the ancient patron. I wore his aprons five
"Give me an account of your day, good
"Well, Monsieur, "present myself at eight, and
polish the windows and the cutlery, and run into
the'kitchen to instruct the young devils of cooks.
They think of nothing but the whiteness of their
caps and the confectioner's girls opposite. Some
times I shake a saucepan myself. We breakfast
at noon, and dine the moment you Monsieurs are
all gone. Between those two points I run about
and feed my menagerie (household) like the offi
cers who aliment the savage beasts at the Garden
of Planta."
When I have swallowed title flattering analogy
I add: And then?
"Why, then, Monsieur, at ten o'clock, begins
my own slight fete. lam fond of cards. I adore
a billiard cue ae an old icrisloner at the In
vendee worships a musket."
80, the moment you ship Mr the white apron,
sou become a young fellow about town ? "
"Until midnight, M'sieu. I came home at one
last night, tearing my hair. I had lost ten francs
at the egaminet—nearly half-a-Week's wages.
The sans you beneficently drop into the silver
vase go to me and Pierre, and we live upon them—
an existence of copper; but I scarcely ever tone
fifty francs in lifte. days. I tore my hair then
I bad a bad dream.
' /OBut could not your wife console you ? "
"I am a bachelor, Wein, l'exlstencel
ylvu la libertd!"o- --
; , '
• The lamas. who gave- oat„ those
eehtitaenta la, to bla wince matrons, they moot
a pstoa,ll6.l444!egded - *ltti' 4V,alikt* *44 over
mt. But he was born in Paris. Ills straight,
gray lodlts, 1116 little. subdued gray eye, give him
pll the look of a Methodist parson. A. subjacent
feature, however, occasionally shines in brighter
eolors,and when he describes his airy bachelor
existence,, he is - speaking under the rose."
That is the secretof his unprofessional vivacity
He lives alone, and few can know when An
toine ceases; but-if lam here then I will go and
hang 4.wreath of tributary onions on hid modest
.Ho hats "heard of Terre and the boitillabaLlse.
The ilittiErricany at Bt. Thpmrts—Extra.
ordinary Archon orthe Wind.
Alit. Thomas paper relates the following
remarkable incidents of the recent hurricane
"A gun cm the ramparts - of Fort Christian,
used for firing the morning and evening signal,
was forced through the,pqapot, wail and thrown
down into the barrack yea. The'diving bell be
longing to the dredging apparatus, a balk of
about nine tons, was lifted from the place known
as hulks' or poritoon,and carried over and thrown
into one of the spar pits of Mr. Hughes, a dis
tance of at least a quarter of a mile. A piece of
scantling some twenty-five feet long pierced the
roof of a wooden house in Prindsesse street,
passing through the back of a rocking chair and
under a cottage piano, just near enough not to
touch the keys above and the pedal below, then
went through the floor and rested on the counter
of. a grocer's shop underneath; so that the one
end projected out at the roof. while the other
end rested on the counter, at the same time hold
ing the rocking - -chair and piano immovable.
The apartment is small, and the occupants were
in It when the accident happened, yet . no one
was hurt. A stone, supposed to weigh forty
tons, that-has for a long time been lying on the
beach below the fort of the lower point, has now
a SSel'S sail spread under it, much In t'x.e way
that a table cloth would be laid on a table and a
large dish cover set in tli-middle.
luterestiiw Details of the Earthquake,
November 1S and 19
A letter from Mayagiiez, dated November 12,
At five minutes past three o'clock P. M., yes
terday, we experienced an earthquake such as
the oldest inhabitants do not recollect ever hav
ing felt before. The day was clear, and what Bt
tle breeze there was came from the southeast.
The shocks were three in number, the last be
ing the most violent. The oscillation was from
east to west, and the effect such as to ring all the
church bells and the town clock, just as if there
were general alarm sounded by 'the authori
ties. Shortly after the shoats the tide rose in the
river, and a current set in, up stream, at the rate
of about ten miles an hour. Up to dark the
river overflowed six different times, rising as
high as one yard over the mole. WoknoW of
some sugar house chimneys, wallshnd a few new
houses having been thrown down. Alongside of
one.of these houses there sprung up two foun
tains or water, and this strengthqw the ,bellef
that the quake passed along in that limnifiiate
neighborhood. _
During the night there were five other shocks,
and at half past seven this morning there was
another very violent one. Fortunately, thus far
I bare heard of no injury-to persons resulting
frofii,the shocks.
Railroad Accident— A Woman and
- Child Killed.
[From the Harrisburg Patriot. Dec. 6th.l -
One of the most - melancholy - accidents it - has
been our province to record for some time, oc
curred yesterday on the Pennsylvania It tdroad,
at Swissvale Station, resulting in the death of
Mrs. Mary M'Mnnn, aged about fifty-eight years,
and Ann Eliza Welier. her grand-damzhter aged
six years. Mrs. Caldwell, sister of Mrs. Mlf atm,
had been on a visit to her daughter, and was to
start for her home, in Johnstown, on the Lecom,
modation train. Mrs. M'Munn and her grand
daughter accompanied Mrs. Caldwell to the sta
tion. for the purpose of bidding her good-bye.
Upon arriving at -the station, Mrs. Caldwell
states that she ran acrostee track to get on the
( I
opposite side of he — t ain, and left deceased
standing at th • station. After crossing, and
when the Ci eirmati €4,ress going east was
about five hnn red yards from the station, she
looked back and swirlier sister and her grand
child standing on the opposite side of the track.
Mrs. Caldwell then looked after her own child,
which accompanied her, and seeing that it was
safe, turned again and looked across the track,
when she noticed her sister and the child lying
on the roadway. The train was immediately
stopped, and the bodies carried into the station.
Mrs. M'Munn's skull was fractured caus'ag in
stant death, •While her grond,rdaigirtmridaose
skull Iva's. injured, arm broken an side crahed
in._ lived for a few minutes. The bodies were
afterwards removed to Mrs. M'Mnnn's residence.
near the station.
tiel*V ol:fzt WD.:I6/ ;4 otzi;11:111:i0 t4ll
A Messenger of the Merchants' Union
Express nobs the Money sack of
[From tho Indianapolis Journal, Deo. 43
Henry C. Warmer, a young man about 28
years of age, a messenger in the employ of the
Merchants' Union Express Company, was yester
day arrested at the Bates House and committed
to jail upon the charge of committing a heavy
robliery while acting m his capacity of money
messenger for the company. The particulars
of his crime, as wo have learned them are as
follows—ln October last a package of
money, amounting to $6,173, was being trans
mitted In the care of the Merchants' Union Ex
press Company from the Bank of Commerce,
Now York, to the First National Bank of Mis
souri, at St. Louis. At this place the psekage
came into the hands of Mr. Warrener. The
money was done up as banks usually do up
money—in $5OO bundles, enveloped with a small
band. These were then placed in a sack, tied
together with a cord, and overthe knot the seal
was placed, so that it would be impossible to
untie it without destroying the still Mr. War
rener says that about the time he had
crossed the Indiana line the temptation
came over him to steal the money,
and be very Ingeniously loosened the seal
with the point of his penknife, untied the cord
around the sack, removed the money, and then
with the aid of a light, replaced the seal as it was
at first. Upon the delivery of the money at 81.
Louis the deficit was discovered, and when Mr.
Warrener returned he reported It to the office
here. A shrewd Chicago detective was employed
who, after learning the entire history of the
matter, fastened , bis suspicions upon the messen
ger, NrhlCh were confirmed by the fact that to a
friend he had loaned a $llO bill, identified as be
ing a part of the abstracted money. This bill
is among the amount recovered. Mr.
Warrener was watched, and finally on
Saturday night last the matter was broached
to him by Superintendent R. B. McPher
son, at the Bates House, who told hint that the
proof was too overwhelming against him, and
desired him to make a free confession and resti
tution so far as in his power. Warrener con
fessed his crime andridetailed the dreurastauces
attending it, gild also gave Mr. McPherson an
order on a bank at Vincennes for $5,000, which,
with the $lOO heretofore recovered, leaves a loss
of about $l,OOO. Warrener was not giVeu Uti
'Understand that he would be arrested, in, the
hope that, he would restore more of the money
or confers the name of a suspected , accomplice.
There bt mg , no probithillW of either, he was phi
terdny at noon committed tO Jttl,trpsn• the charge
of grand-larteny. "A;, " „
Execution of Eetoe'. Chitiproin a's se.
'Lou Boinglinvitt inieutioner.
Br. LOtliß, Dee.
o ki i t i l - mlk,r, , ,SE—Potur
Markman Watt 7.4 M haplit clam
o'clock this morning in the county Jail yard, In
presence of fifty odd spectators, for the murder
of Edward Roes and eon, near Bt. Louts. He died
rather hardly, owing to the noose supping after
be bad dropped, but In forty minutes life was ex
tinet.Previous to the exectition,and before leaving
his cell,Christnan began to change countenance
and grow pa le.losing partly the stolid indiffCrence
manifested since his arrest. He said' he did not
know what made him kill Mr. Ross; that they
had a little fuss that evening. and he felt mad;'
that after killing Mr. Ross be wont out Into , the
yard and walked around there a little while, and
then went back and killed the little, boy. He did
not know what made him kill the boy. ,When
asked if because he feared the boy would inform
on him he said he expected that was the
reason. He `said he did not look for any
money; that the confused state of the furniture
and other articles in the room was Just the same
as it was in the' evening; that he took the cloth
ing because he wanted some clothes to wear,.
and the horses and wagon because Mr. Ross
owed him NO, and he thought the team would
about pay him. He was, not afraid of lbeing,
caught, and did not drive fast. The place where
he was arrested is only twelve miles from the:
city. When surketlwhy he did not go farther so
the officers would not catch him, he said , he
thought that was far enough. When asked if '
he expected to get off without being hung, he
said the did-not know.
The jailor stated that upon entering the cell he
has frequently found the prisoner prostrated
upon the bed, with his face down. In an attitude
of extreme dejection, and the jailor seemed to
think that there was a sort of pride about him
which led hint to conceal his emotions before
strangers by assuming the -meaningless smile
and Inexpressive manner before spoken of.
On reaching the scaffold, supported by a priest,
Chrisman was silent and hardly spoke a word.
Ile was very pale, and during the reading of the
death warrant trembled slightly. His confessor
spoke to him constantly, and asked him if he
had anything to eay. He replied In the negative,
and two minutes after the Viarshal wive the sig
nal, and the body of Obri' matt: was suspended by
the e eck.
The deed for which he WAR executed was one
of the most diabolical murders recorded, and the
execution was richly deserved.
Starvation in tinctnnati-An Affect..
ing Cabe.
(From the Cincinna Times.]
Yesterday , nioruine about two o'clock the po
lice on the Mt. Auburn road met and arrested
two persons, male and female, who were in pos
session of a lot of articles which they believed
had been stolen. It turned out that they had
c.ntertd the cellar of Mr. Rickert, In that vicinity,
aid bad taken some twenty-five pounds of sugar,
several cans of fruit, a turkey and other eata
bles. They were confined in the station-house,
and this morning were before the Police Court
on a charge of larceny. The female is about twenty_
years of age, small of stature, neatly dressed,
and spite modest and prepossessing in her
appearance. She had in her arms an infant
some three or four months old. The brother
seems to have seen hard times,- being gaunt in
features and shabbily clad. Upon being' asked
if she pleaded guilty to stealing the edictal', she
answered: "Yes, guilty of stealing them know
ing I was committing a crime." She had first
proposed it to her brother. They had a blind
tether: their mother was sick in bed, and they
-were starving. Upon being questioned why they
had specially fixed upon Mr. Rickert's premises,
she replied that from the appearance of the
Louse she "thought they could spare" somethingß
for them to eat and not feel it." lien - husband
bad left her some four months since, and though
he was at work somewhere over the river, she
bad ItiCeiVed no aid from him. The brother said"
he -bad been employed but one day -in three -
melee, and had walked the streets day after day
to procure labor. The &Seer who had visited
the house where they resided said he found her
story true, and that they were In the most deati- '
tote circumstances.- It was, indeed, a pitiful case
the father blind, the mother sick, a young baby
at the breast, no work. no food, and the only
prospect before them that of starvation, in this
Christian community. .It is scarcely to be won
den d at that they entered upon a career of crime
to pn,cure the bare means of subsistence. Not
one who listened id her sad Story bat would, e
believe, have done as she did, to sustain her
pm - my-stricken Household. The details, as she
timidly related them to the court, caused the
tears to start in many an eye too long accus
tomed to witness scenes on the dark side of life.
Thu Judge assessed a fine of s:ts each, which we
are led to believe will be remitted, and they will
be allowed to start anew in life. We only hope
that it may be wider more fortunate circum
stances. We do hot give the names. as the pub
lic does not need them: though it might, per
haps, if somethiug could be done to alleviate
their necessities.
—William IL Davidson, a nett:pions desperado,
was hangedly a. mob near Denver CI th-+COIO
- lest week. He died denouncing his execs-
Outten. ~, . ' • '
__•. '
—The Charleston (8. C.) Courier is ettrprissi
at the non-arrival of the Judgment Day, which
it thinks considerably over-due. It will come fa
quite time enough for the editor of that paper. •-?
... .
L-A large eagle chewed a pigeems - inte , a 'hen*
in New Haven, Conn. both flying through au
open window. The b ird of freedom was cats
—A rebel guerilla, named Wells, insists spots
it that he was not hanged two years againats
tuckv in spite of an official record of that event
in th . e'pnrean of Military Justice. •
—The managing editor of the Leedom Times is .
paid the same Wiry as the President' of the
United States.—Er. And probably ho earns It •
better, in giving more satisfaction• to his ,
employers than A. J. does to his. • . .
—The Charleston (8. C.) CiArrier, in a recast
article, said: "However objectionable the •- lin
reau may appear, General Howard haa admixds•
tered its affairs with justice and. Impartiality
among all classes:" . • ,
—“ 1 don't like to patronize this line," said a
(From the New York Timm] . culprit to a hangman, who was adjusting the
noose around his neck, "Oh never mind this
- t , atone, Friday , Nov. 29, I . once ."
Fence LEAVFNWOI TO K - . - replied the hangman,"it will soon sus
-IS67.—The finditei,lein the case of Geu. Custer, b end its operation." ..
who was tried by court-martial at this place' n - Swindlers in Montana place copper duet with
October last, have just been made public. There
gold, mix it with a small quantity of good gold.
considerable astonishment expressed at-the and sell it for 'pure. It resists acids like the .
result of the trial. and inasmuch as there are genuine article, and cannot be detected by the
several officers of the Seventh Cavalry, General test of weight.-
Cnster's regiment, to be court-martialed pre
sentle, there is no small interest manifitsted in There was a Fenian ball at Norwich, Conn., ,
eneral's case.m re on — Monday night, at which generals and colonels
the G
appeared in full uniform of the "I. R. A." It Is '
Gen. Custer was tried by a court-martial con- i suggestive of "I Run Away," but it does not Man '
vetted by order of Gen. Grant, and upon charges
preferred by , Gen. fiancee*. as follows: ' that.
Absence from his command without leave,—The Albany A rgu.?, in a recent editorial on
Dickens, speaks of certain Americans—North
when a movement against hostile Indians wa s and South—as "Englishmen who have apit them
imminent; the unauthorized shooting of de
serters; unnecessary waste of horse-flesh; a selves statement
eadaverous leanness"—a•
which savors more of truth than compliment.
neglect to succor men of his comm and when
they were attacked by Indians; cruelty to
Senator Pomeroe', of Kansas, was seen a few
wound , d men, and neglect to bury dead men of days since hauling lumber - with a mule team.
his force. 4. The Senator showed his friend, with wide, •a'
In his defence, Gen. Costar stated that the fifty-two acre field of wheat that he had plowed.
charge of absence without leave must be con- 1 for biniself. Ile has 1,700 acres of laud in a ,
sidered in two parts. lie was charged with 'my- '
rug Fort Wallace and Proeineding to Fort Reilly. —WilkeN's Spirit of the Times gays that a POT
When be arrived at Wallace with Ins command, of Americana have gone to get letters of marque
after-a campaign of more than a thousand miles, from Theodore, of Abyssinia, and suggeeta tiaat, -.
he found that all communication with the east when ' they sink one of the Cunardera o ff the
was broken off by reason of the presence of a Huck they present her chronometer to the Smith
large number of hostile Indians on the route. Bonita" Institute-
Ills first desire was to communicate with Gen. A. —Thackeray -said the drollest thing he heard
J. Smith, his immediate commanding officer, while in this country, and the moat chamcteriall- •
who was at that time stationed at Fort Harker. I sally American, was the remark of a New Yorker:
Believing, too, that the best manner of obtaining "Oh, I have no objection to England, Mr. Thack- •
information • as to 'the actual con- tray. The only thing I shonld be afraid of
(Mien of affairs 'along the route, would be to go out at night there, lest I might
would be to visit it personally, he took an escort step off."
of seventy-five men, under command or Captain —"Received a 'reception" Is a vile phrase em-
Louis Hamilton. and proceeded to Fort Elarker,' cloyed by some reporters. Similarly, the hero
where he met Gen. Smith, and, as ho thought,. ,
who receives the noception, departs his depart- '
obtained from him permisolon to proceed to b ort
Reilly. Foe'bis movement front Fort Wallace to
nre, we suppoae, when all la over,, having first •
acknowledged his acknowledgments!—Ex. That
Fortllerker, General Custer considered,too, that
his Boston reporting. We are perhaps . "leas in
e hod authority from General Sherman, which
tellectual," brit we do better. ,
officer intd instructed him Word leaving his ••
—The Russian residents are leaving Wiles. .
camp on the Hall': liter, that. he, General
The e donot complain of any unfriendlineas on
Custer, must use hi best judgment as to his tine e;
Poles,but theydespairof
part of the emcee.
moven:teas, and :at he might rind it nes
Inli slanlzing the character and customs of the
cessery to go even far as Denver City, Colo
redo. latter. 6 In fact the Hessian newspapers assert
of deserters, (hen. (;aster' •
• that those Russians who have made up their
As to the shooting - nmels to stay In Wilma are aletaady half trans. •
statte that the desertions from his command . t . - 1i t
011111 X n 0 Pol es.
were so fixqueet, and had at last Aripome so
The Pall Mall Gazette lately said:--"At the
numerous as to threaten tbo safety of "the con-
[thatd he bad come to the conclusion that Present time a striking proof is given of the Ilk-
poorer . and middle classes for the oaths-
only he west .vigorou s
drat service wnen not accompanied with the ,
nt e a' 3 ures Would serve to
tar of elle.
put a stop to
ot e grudital but. seen:tingly
Calvinistic preaching which.damages it at 0 '
alivihiletion the force under his command;. al"
~ •0
that the men shot ad deserted in broad daylight lisle. lu Durham not only Is the choir, but the'
i n the view of 'Dee 'eritire ''foreu which ' had bai noble Norman nave also, filled with a large enste,''‘
that morning suffered a loss by desertion of thin- Pregetion air ti tabled Wheal . tin') singing on huh.' iN
ty-five men, and his orders. to Major Elliott, and day efternoono, when there to no sermon - at Wet
the officers whom he bad despatched in pursuit —no design of- a medal which Plus IN :t
wuro,"To abbot the tnen 'if any resistance was about to diStribute, to thetroo_ps who defeathele*
offered;" aim) that - eine, of the deserters lead ;him at Montana is publielte4e. i The deconst e
.. ~,,
raised his (1110,66 Ra sheet Velar Elliott as he a cross, bearing on each ofeltelitillos the r v
rode up.:". Gemotitister further showed that the ~ " Plus Pllpa IX., 1867," and'"ttievfngig '.... ,
shooting of the-three men (two - of whom weer% the - paps) dare and eross.keyer, cache] , 4 '
, ..,
only wounded-and have since returned to - duty) , /a) ptara the motto t'"ftideletyirtiittn l2 & la*
had thneffißt - lnetote, the tiesertlen; . end bre , * ri verse, and alticOre aineentrucogkOwitrao ,„,,I.
.up tr. Van th at . heed arranged fors. geoeral e ,:liett r, head dowoweabe with thriewonile `lO4 0
enc i f t f, dud* 6. 0 , 10 , , ,-, ~ • , . einget, gentior," .The.ribbetat4lAskieln*, ~
~ _ .
The Trial ana sentence of Gen. Custer
—ilia Ilictenc.e Rebore the Court- liar
tin I—Surprise and Regret at the Re.
F. L. FETIiERSTON. Pi per",
• • 4, .
Gen. Caster also alleges that the wounded mea
were at once placed under the care of the sur
geon, end properly cared for. Also,that he con—
, eidered himself warranted in theeo extreme
measures in view of a telegram which'(hake Haw. -
cork had last winter sent to' Illajor''Sheridan•
while that officer held:lemmata of a company 4!
the 7th Cavalty, that was = almdel l reduced to
nothing by reason of the desertions from, it. •
Gen. Hancoek's telegram sari: "Capture or kill
the deserters," Ho likewise aVers that he, had
not neglected to succor men of his command
when they were attacked . by Indiana, as be was
not,eVen aware that they had been engaged in
atlY fight until the return of the men to the dma
General Custer brought forward' telegrams
from General Sherman, in which that , officer
remarks: "L expect that you will play out some
of your horses, but I hope that you will'capture
some good ones from the Indians:"
The sentence of General Custer is: That he be
deprived of command, rank and pay for one year,
which Judgment Genenu Custer is anxious to
have stand, as it gives him a respite that he has
desired for a long time not perhaps in this pre
cise way, but ho seem s to be satisfied to take his
blessings as they come.,, lie proposes to remain
in Leavenworth during
he winter and visit Eu
rope in the spring. It may be, too, that some of
this wished.for leisure will be devoted to
the preparation of a work that will be decidedly ; .
interesting to those who have followed the 'for
tunes of the General through his many cam
—A, curiosity dealer in Brussels advertises for
sale "two teeth of Napoleon M." .
—King Theodore's subjects go to church at the
sound of a kettle drum.
—Convicts in the California State Prison spend.
their time and money in gambling.
—A. tipsy fellow crept into a lime Kiln In New
Yetk to sleep, and never woko.
Norwood" has been withdrawn from the
boaTds iu New York.
—A German nun has translated Byron's Don.
—Max Muller says language is only a diction
ary. of faded metayhors.
—The French soldiers call the Chassepot rife
—Newman Hall and Theodore Cuyler, in dis
guise, did the "dens of vice" in New York by
way of a moral lark.
—Dickens refused a $2,000 Chicago offer, and
Chicago is virtuously Indignant and think; "he
isn't much anyhow.'
—The Prince Imperial has an English gover
nem, and a great liking for Dickens's workegnili
tary affalis and his own way.
—Miss Julia Dean is creating an excitement on
- the Louisville , stage, which is more than she has
done anywhere else.
—Fears are entertained that PidneiGortseha
koff will lay violent, hands on himself since he
has discovered that he looksfike 'James Buchanan.
—Some of the Canlbridge critics think Irtittg •
and Hawthorne are the only American, writers
whose style Is equal to their thought.
—lt is privately stated that H. G.'e objection _
to going to Austria is that the Vienna court.
dress is not elegant, enough to suit hls taste,
—An Indiana bank (wildcat) has thus far re:-
deemed two thousand dollars mere 01 notes
than It ever issued. •
—Editorial dignity can hardly be very highly
recarded in Canada. • For threshing an editoria
Guelph, a roam WM fined two dollars and a half.
- Episcopalians-are about to found a college at
Eau <Mae, California, the land' having been gives , '
art]a building" fund of 4300,000 having been,l.
raised. ,