Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, November 29, 1867, Image 5
~y BQLLET~N~ 1111311W1.1' ROBllliftT.—A Wan was . .oe -e. Gown At 80 , 010.11 Bud South efrente,laxt night, and vraa irouba of his watch, The thief was chased info Bedford artroct,'4ut escaped I , vgif----. / Wwwitte eitho adienl. RABISO His Imermen.—Jarnea _Cunningham. has been committed by Alderman ifcine idanawer the ...Maxi of the loyeevy of a s road clOthea from the , houso aide brother. et Frankforel and Earl street. .., • , THE Lmvon Law.---E. W. SrlekOartixt, prO.' prletor ot a torero on Main street. Fntnkford, has been ~_,, f,AOO ban, by Alderman tlolme, to answer the ~ , , a pi r, - , - , jii e ping his establishment open on Sundays. ...-------- . InrcnrzED.—The horse found In the posses eon of William Ilamiltor. eolored.in West Philadelphia. and which area supposed to have been stolen, was idea. by Mr. Knight, a farmer of Easkry , en townahl , Choate county. ilamilton was taken to West Chester P for trial si w rosED Matrix. TinEr.—John Behring, 9 c e niem, Wll6 incited yeste_ragS-, lit Germantown, on on" - ocion Of having stolen n horse, worth 41160, which he off ered for sale for 416( . . lie was held ia $BOO bail by Alder. Is-ramniNG.—Thomas McConnell was ar rested on WedneedaY 'at Lowell and Balk streets upon the charge of interfering with the revenue officers in a raid on some vvhisky distilleries. Ile was taken before Senix 111.11 a WWI hsld in WOO bail for trial. MALICIOUS Misc.umF.— flits morning, abou one o'clock; two 'young men broke in the head of a barrel, which Was in front of a grocery store at Sixth and 13 au. phinatreets. and smeared the contents—soft soap—over the trout of the h 011.6. and dashed some up to the third storrtabiodow. ', barrel of molasses was also broken open and placed insnob a position that the molasses ran er the door into th. store. . . .111911 WAY Rom r.EßY.—Gtorge Philips and Charles Gallagher were con mitted yesterday by Alder man Tittennary to answer the charge of highway rob bery. It ie alleged that at half-fast two o'clock yesterday zombis they accosted John Henry at Seventh and Bed ford streets, and while ens held him the otker dragged his watch out of his pocket and ran °Swint it. Point BREEZE Penn.--There was a gran • trotting Match at the Park on last Wednesday afternoon between Mr. Angler's bay horse "Strathmore," Mr. Amer's mare "Gazelle," and Mr. Barpet's horse "May boy." to road %mon& "Strathmore" won the race in three straight heats; time, 2.44, St 44, 2423 f, this war considered splendid time for the conditi d a y s, the track, as the weather had been damp for several which made the course rather heavy. OUTRAGEOUS CONDIICT. Two young men named Wm. Stuart and Uses Cullen were before Al. damn ranCOSISt yesterday upon the charge of assault and battery. The complainant was a young woman n amed Ewing. She ill employed in a factory at \ Heaton. villa. and worked until midnight on Wednesday. She was moved to her home,at Sixteenth and Spring Garden streets. by the defendants, who, it is alleged, entered the honse,_ destroyed her supper, assaulted her, and othetwise - misbehaved. The accused were held in $l,OOO bail to answer. FIRE.—On Wednesday night, about a quarter to twelve o'clock, a fire was discovered in the second•story of the vinegar establishment of Smith & Decker, Brooks g ree t. b e l ow Coate& The flames, gained rapid headway. and the fire continued to burn until the upper part of the building wae almost totally destroyed. The firm have en insurance of $5.000 on their stock and fixtures, which will sot cover their loss. The building belongs to the Blie a cstate, and was damaged to .the amount of $2,000; eured. The flames ate supposed to have originated from a lot of ollavblgs which bad been strewn on the floor near the stove. MURDEROUS ASSAULT.—A man named Rey nolds was before Alderman Senix yesterday, upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. Be is s watchman, employed at a cotton mill on Norris street, below Prankford road. On Wednesday afternoon, about four o'clock, a man named Barlow went to the mill on business, and got into a dispute with Reynolds. The lat . ter, it is alleged, seized a bar of iron and struck Barlow - upon the head, causing two frightful wounds. The in jured man was taken to his borne, at Frankford road and Bart lane, and is in a critical condition. Reynolds was nitewarde arrested Attie house, on Frankford road.aboye Norris street. Be was committed in default of $2,500 bail for a further hearing. CHIEF ENGINEER OF TILE FIRE DEPARTMENT.— The Board of Directors of the Fire Department, at their neetmg on Wednesday evening last, ordered an election by companies, to madec(' on Tuesday evening next, to till the position xlicant by the death of David M. Esq. There have been several candidates named for the position.-Among them are T. McCusker, Assist ant Engineer First Division George Hensler, Assistant Engineer Second Division; Win. A. Delaney, Good Intent Hose; Samuel Fleas, Columbia Hose; George Downey, Western Engine; Wm: Jerger, Empire Reek and Ladder Company, and CoL Henry A. Cook, of the Hibernia Fire Company, No. L Cot Cool worked hie way from the rinks to the position of I ieutenant.Colonel of Baxter's Fire Zodayea. during the late rebellion: He has been an active and zealous greman for more than twenty years, 'and ifeletted would prove a capable and efficient Chiet for the Department. - FATAL SMOOTING.—th. young man UJIIMed. Isaac Idelett, ii years of age:, was shot and killed in front of his home, in Granite Place, Carpenter Street below Ninth, yesterday afternoon. Be was engaged with a number of young men in examining a pistol, which he had tried to discharge. While so doing, one of the party, xiiinediJohn Marshall volunteered to discharge the -piece. and, while handling it., the weapon went off, the contents taking effect in , the head and face of Idelett, with immediately fell and soon after expired. Marshall . then went intoldidett's house, one told his mother that he had *hot her eon, at the same time handing her the pistol and relating the circurostauces connected with the shooting. Be also stated that he was innocent of any_in. tuition of taking life and was willing to give himself up to the proper au th orities.. An officer•was then sent for, and Marshall was locked up in the First Districtrolire station to await the result of the Coroner's inquest. Coroner Daniels held en inquest in the case this morn- , ing. The verdict of the Jury was : ?a c ci d ent al ly dlsaac- Idelett came to his - death by being ahot by .lohn blanhal. November 28th, 1862, in the rear of 829 Car- 1 patter street." CITY NOTICES. t Y "BOWER'S Gtmi A RABIC SECRETS" Quiet Coughs, sheathe inflamed surfaces and' im part much comfort in Bronchigoric, lrrittions. Com- posed of Ireum Arabic, ViaParegar Squill, comfrey, Coltafoot, Boarhound, Spikenard and Sugar, solidified by evaporation, and formed into an agree able and inviting medicinal Confection. Manufactured by Bower:, SIXTH and Visa, and sold by Druggists. Price 35 cents. JUDICIOUS MCYTHERg AND NURSES use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's In rant Cordial. Laboratory Sixth and Green. DaucotsTs' Susonms and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN 4.% BROVIERS, Importers, 23 South Eighth street. As A LOVE TOKEN Phalon & Bon's Matchless _Extract of the "Night Blooming Cerens" is the most appropriate in the whole catalogue ofsouvenirs. Cupid —fresh from his nest of rose leaves, and with their aroma on his wings—could not infuse into the air such an enchanting fragrance, Bonys.—Elder Flower, Turtle 011, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Mask, Rose, Soc. SsourDEN alßacrriirrits Importers, 23 south Eighth street. WRIGHT'S ALCONATED GLYCERLS. TABLET OP SOLIDIFIED Gt.YctRIN Erftens and smooths the skin, prevents chapping, Im ports beauty and brightness to the complexion, is de. 'Meas oap. ly fr d agran all trans Drupgist s arent and superb as a Toilet S Sol by. B. & g A. WEIGHT. Philadelphia. YARMOUTH SUGAR CORN. Yarmouth Sugar Coin. Bole Agents, LACE AND DAMASK CURTAINS, gilt and luu 4 °mice curtain ornaments, tassels, &c., selling at imt the usual price, at Patten'', where you can always de cure bargains, 14e8 Chestnut street. VERY L&B0E CixsTlnes Almeria Grapes.— liirreuELL & FLETO/1611, 1204 Chestnut street. INVISIBLE WEATHER STRIPS.— liaving opened an office at No. 823 Walnut street, I am now trepared to receive orders. Parties wh6 wish to have their residences made comfortatle would do well to call and examine this Strip, as it is far superior to any other. Agents wanted. County and district rights for sale. W. P. Noon, 323 Walnut street. ONE HUNDRED DOLLAIt LACY. CURTAINS sellin - at tlfty ; the dawn curtains ever made, at Patten'a, 140' Chestnut street. VERY FINE OLD GovBRNMENT JAVA COFFEE. Very Choice New Crop Tens. MITOLIELL & FLICTOIIEIit, 1204 Chestnut street. DEATNES_ A S BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.- J. Isaacs, M.D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all Oh eases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re- Itablesources in the city can be seen, at his office, No. 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no oecrets in his practice. Artincial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. THE ERUPTION% Or MOVNT VESUVIUS !—This terrible volcano is now devastating the plains for miles around with its streams of heated lava, a terror to all jieople within its treacherous limits. The Cloth ing noun of Charles Stokes & Uo. No. 824 Chestnut street, under the "Continental," brings Joy and glad ness to all households within its operations, by the steady stream of good and cheap clothing that is daily pouring out of its doors, Wurris GnAims, Wmrg GItAPES, By the wholesale or singlepound. • DirrouELL & FLETOIIIII, 1404 Chestnut street. °WORD'S, UNDER TELE CONTINENTAL, Cannot be excelled In their etylee of Fine Fare. EXTRA Fr= TLACK TEA By the che# of from 6 to ISO pOunds. NITOILICLL & FLICfOIIIM 7, , 1204 Chestnut street. I:4o4CuirrAma.-1119n are in need of Fine • ice those of W. near/ Patten. itoB ClkestuPt w are the guest ever introduced. &Wag /DR. AN Luso, WAlTE&°nee emnplimented a salmon in the bliowing manner: "Faith it's not tiro hoar* since that salmon was waiting around hie real eittate' with h 1 hart& in his pockets, never drhaming What a pretty•invitasbun he'd have to jltie you, gentlemen, at dinner." And at this moment , we are advising oar . readers to Mil their coal of Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth , street, below Girard avenue, or at 'the Branch Office, corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets. SOFA BAn, SOFA the day a splendid. Bore, at night a luxurious bed. Call and see them at W. 'Henry ?WWI'S, 1408 Chestnut street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, at Gay's China Palace, 1022Chestnnt street. Animmense assortment of China Vases, Card Re ceivers, Motto and Mustache Coffees, Tete-a-Tete Eels &c. • Bronze and Parian Marble Statuary. Gold Gilt'Ornamentst in endless variety. China Bouquets, I.:we-ware, Bohemian Glass, and a full line of Staple Goode, just landed. Bought for cash from the largest manufacturers in (allErope, an examine sold at prices defying competition. and stock before making purchases. Showroom open till 9 o'clock at nigiit. • SPLENDID 11850IIMCIa. of Hats and Bonnets; pretty new novelties; jaunty, stately and superb;, Bat and Bonnet frames in variety; all kinds of bonnet materials sold in V n o u &Owny o . 725 tp e r s eh n a u s t e rstreet. EXTRA CHOCOLATE CARAMEL.-- EXTRA. CHOCOLATE CARAMEL Surpassingly Fine to the taste. STEPHEN' F. WHITMAN. NO. 1210 Market street. CAN:FORDS, UNDER THE CONTINENTAL, CAlliaol be excelled In their styles of Fine Fars. A WORD on• Araca.—The stock cm gtoliday Presents at Gay's China Palace, 1022 Cnestnut street, is coniplete, and we advise all in need of such articles to make - their selections before the assortment is broken. _ _ GROVER & BAKER'S Highest Premium Sew Machines, 780 Chestnut street. OAKFORDS, UNDER TIM CONTINENTAL, Cannot be excelled In their styles of Fine Furs Boots.—The largest assortment of Men's Boots and *Maas In the city. Bartlett, .33 South Sixth street, ,above Chestnut. , _ SPLENDID SUGAR ALMONDS Most benutlfully finished, In great variety. \ STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 Market st., Manufacturer. RAlsins, In whole, half, and quarter boxes. Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Currants, Sweet Cider, and Pure Brandy for Mince Pies, Fruit ,Cakes, &c., &c, •••• JONES' HOTEL, 235 Dock street, below Third, revived by W. P. 'S,,arkin on the European plan. Meals from 6A.M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for guests. Ronse open all night. Rooms 50 ets. per night. LADY APPLES, Oranges Lemons, Almonds, English Walnuts, Pecans, tte. Mixonmot dG FLETOHEL 1204 Chestnut street- PASSENGERS ARRIVED. oat Verbean, In steamer Stars ano O 'Bn Strip en. es, fromavana—Mr Be- Michael IMPQBTNI,ONS. Reported for the rtmaaemma zvening Bulletin. HAVANA—Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes -931 hn sugar 159 bbla oranges 1 crate pine awes T Wattson & Sons ; 02 bales tobacco Courtney. Wood. ward & Co; 23,000 cigars John Wagner; 12,000 do S & W We3M. Or' See Marine Bulletin on Third Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes, from Havana 23a inst. with sugar, &c. to Thomas Wattsm & Sons. Leitsteamer Star of the Union. for Philadelphia, to sail same day. 27th inst. off Hatteras. passed bark Restless, from Detharara for Philadelphia. Steamer W Whilden, Riggans, from Baltimore, with , mdse to J D Ruoff. Bark John H Pearson, Taylor, 3 days from Boston, in ballast to J E Baxley & Co. Brig Hums, Yates, Portsmouth. Brig M E Thompson, Tucker. Boston. Schr Golden Eagle, Howes, 4 days from New Bed ford, with mdse to captain. Bela J Truman. Cobb, 4 days from New Bedford, with mdse to captain. Schr Cynthia Jane, Ball. 5 days from Newpor:. Schr Isaac Rich, Davis, 6 days from Boston. Schr Western Star,Croweil,4 days from Portsmouth. Schr P.Edwards, Bolce. Boston. Schr C B Wood, Gandy, Boston . Schr Stephen Morris, Seaman. Boston, Schr 3 H. Allen, Ketchum, Boston. Selo Geo H Bent. Smith, Boston. Schr M Weaver, Weaver, Boston. Schr Mary Milnes. Burdge, Boston. Schr Roanoke, Barrett, Hartford. Schr Fly, Fenimore. Lynn. Schr H B Wheaton, Bonsai', Dover. Schr Geo Pales, Thacher. Providence. • Schr B B Shaw, Shaw, Salisbury. Schr Alabama, Vangilder, Saco. 6' Seta H Naylor, Waylor, Newburypori. CLIMBED THIS DAY. Steamer W Whilden. Higgins, Baltimore, J D Ruoff. Brig Harriet Amelia, Lippincott, Bilboa, Spain, ti C ",an Horn, Brig 31 B Thompson, Tucker, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon & Co. Brig Earns, Yates. Boston, Dovey, Bulkley & Co. Schr B B Shaw. Shaw, Charleston, do Schr Sun,Jlastings Richmond, R D Jones. Schr B J Heraty, Meredith . , Lynn, Eastwick & Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Dm... Nov. 27-6 PM. The following vessels are reported by Mr David A. West, pilot, as h Wyoming sea last night and this morning: Ships and Bombay,for Liverpool ; barks Harvest Moon. for Gibraltar; M E Corning, for Rotterdam; bride Normanby, for Gibraltar ; A Mitcaell. for St John, NB ; Anna Wellington, for Matanzas: Five Brothers, for S omas E H Rich, for Mar seilles; Idella, for Liverpool ; Angelis, fer Trinidad; 31ary A Read, for Portland, and Rehr Sallie B, for Cienfoegoa, all„from Philadelphia. Wind E. Tours, &c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Ship Pocahontas, Weeks, cleared at New Orleans 22d inst. for Liverpool. Steamer Juniata, Rosie, hence at Havana yesterday and sailed for New Orleans. Steamer Concordia, Sears, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for New Orleans. Steamer Bremen (Brem), Neynaber, cleared at New York 27th inst. for Bremen. Steamer Morro Castle, Adams, cleared at New York 27th inst. for Havana Bark Return (Br), Chipman, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for this port. Bark Contest (Br), Kline, 44 days from Rio Janeiro, at N York 27th bast. with coffee. Brig George E Dale, Pierce, cleared at Bangor 25th iustt for this port. Schr Sarah R Thomas. Arnold, from. Middletown for this port, at New York 27th inst. Schrs Champion, Clark, and Carrie Walker, McFar lane, hence at Boston 97th inst. Schrs Surprise, Beers, and Millard Fillmore, Chase, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for this port. Schr Jane N Baker, Wilson, hence at Gloucester 23d instant. Schr Sarah Bruen, Mershon, cleared at Wilmington, NO. 25tb inst. for this port. REEVES & v 45 North Water :? reet EmNiMaiMMi TEE DAILY Stjtirifte BULLMIN.—PHILADELPILIA. FRIDAY, IfOVOIBER 29, ISO; MITOIIELL FLETOLIEII, 1204 Chestnut street. El34llZllllt r all Ft f15i114101 POET OF PHILADELPHIA—Nov. 29 CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. ear. of Seventh and Chestnut Sts. MAKGE STOCK OF CUOIUE OVERCOATINGS WINTER PANTALOONINGS. REDUCED PRICES.ar. FOB MLLE. FOR SALE.—ON FORTIETH, BELOW PINE Street, West Philadelphia.— " A very desirable Cottage residence, replete with every convenience. Stable, Coacb.house and Greenhouse. Grounds hand somely laid out, with a profusion of fruit trees in full bearing. Lot, 76 by 190 feet. The grounds adjoining, 76 feet front, can be had if desired, no2a,lm• IFOR BALE OR TO RENT—DWELLING, PINE street, below Eighteenth. Immediate possession. Array 221 church greet, above Market. noWtt. GOLDS IMPROVED PATENT LOW STEAM ROT WATER APPARATUS, FOR WARMING CO vglinu TEßNaL ALL mict wills Mal AA ONTO) STsat AND WATER HEATING 00,. JAM'S P. WOOD * CO. 010. 41 5. nuns stred. ualWii i • RES ft, • Ta . b tt . • XI TE 10 ) 50, 01n~gerl=n • Mt= . " 1 7 age bFfoi Tti • AI BOU-OMAS WOW& =t====l - RICH LACE CURTAINS AUCTION PRICES! The eUbactibore have mit rettetvet% from the fete AUCTION SA L ES IN NEW YORK. 300 I'A.IRS OF FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From the Impost tA c tr Es h r lehest quality. MAD some of the fALSO. Nottingham Laoe Curtains, Embroidered Muslin Curtains, Jacquard and Muslin Draperies, Vestibule Curtains; In Great Variety. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. note-titre BARGAINS IN LACE CURTA/NS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES. AND UPHOLSTERY 000 Of the Newest Fabrics. Designs. and Qualities. PIANO. AND TABLE COVERS, And a full line of ►HOUSE.FURNIBHING LINENS. QUILTS. dto.. At the Lowest Prices. C. M. STOUT ISz CO., 1100. Chestnut Spoeet. mvi.wfm lyre BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES• CHARLES L. HALE, ante Salesman and Superintendent for B. J. WRllami) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, BLIBIUFACFILIREII. OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THH CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED.. lel7- tf rP B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, Manufacturers of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Finest assortment In the city, the oldest 'establish. ment.lareplt_reanulactorers. and sell at the Lowest Fria & REPAIRING PROMPTLY , ATTENDED TO. STORE MAIM MADE TO ORDER. seNottlVl • THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON. HOLE OVERBEAMING AND .SEWING MACHINE Xe warranted to execute in the beet manner every variety of Bowing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braid ing, Gathering, Quilting, Oversewnln& Embroidering on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eylet Holes in all fabrics. IT HAS NO EQUAL ..-- , BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD. And Intrinsically thecapest. Circulars., with full particulars a pplic atio n of work done on this Machine, can be bad by at the SALES ROOM OF THE CO., S. W. eon Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. Instruction given on the Machine gratuitously to 'all purchasers. nolf4 PIANOS , TO RENT. CHAS, W. A. TRUMPLER, At HG Sew Rolle Store, 926 OKESTNUT STREET, Wrens NEWT MCCORD RAND PIANOS TO RENS' REASONABLE RATES. Pianos and Organs FOR SALE. 0c264 SAMUEL FIELD, No. 142 South Front Street. mza==3== CUISTAIN MUILIALS SEWING NI/WHINES. 0 J Elktimi 11001! 81LIIITIo. 628 HOOP SKIRTS FALL STYLED. Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts, 2, 2,44, 2,16. 21( and 8 yards round, of every length and shape, for ladles and a cora • plate assortment of Mimes' and Children's fikirta tt fro_m to 45 es:rigs, from 10 to inches' long, all of "Oil OM4 MAX superior in style, finish and durability, and really e cheapest and most satisfutory Hoop Skirts in the /American market. Warranted in every respect, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. CAUTION.--Ovving to the unprecedented repitation which "Our Own Make" of Skirts have attained' some dealers are endeavoring to put a very inferior skirt upon their customers by representing them to be Hopkins'. Own Make." Be net deotieed. "Our Make" are stamped on each tab,_"W. F. Hopkins. Manufacturer, No. $l, Arch street, Philadelphia," and also have the letter H woven in the tapes between each spring. Also, dealer in New York made Skirts, at very lop prices,_wholeeale and retail. Send for catalogue of styles and prices, at No. 6119 Arch street, Philads, ruhBl,m,vv,lyrp WhL T. HOPSINO. NEW FALI. SKIRT. THE PATENT CLASP ItOOP SKIRT. Manufactured and for sale by SHAW & 130NHAA 916 ARCH and Se North NINTH streets.. The Patent Clasp NEW STYLE SKIRTS, msmnfae. turgid by us, are acknowledged by the Ladies to be the located, most comfortable and durable Hoop Skirt made,. They are superior to all others, Steel n made of one piece of the bad patent glazed EngLtsh l, without flak listen. In as; the tapes are securoW held by neat patent clasp'. Skirts altered Into the new fashionable shapes Also. Skirts and Corsets made to order. Waders and other makes of French Corsets for sale. eel tm,w,f,lYTP9 HH22yixt NT2Nriti" C°III3ETB * —MBIL 01l the varkieliOf Hoop Lmedobizzwril o . lifactc hi t =be Reitl French &roots of now Halm Idoop S trill anti remained. inms. WXIVANCIALL. i l fin —A VERY SUPERIOR MORTGAGE ON nolltraproved city property. worth 'FOOL to:other goo oeountlee. • • ' BONSALL BROTILERS. : . • arripa t .—silEttirbulier Sitt as, um au for • u lilt lailoutt i Welovare smile' AfFiZarekuir o gi IV/Fgrila 11. WI WA IN« 105 mum MU% •IZ2= - 3 - zwinaur WATCHES J. E. CALDWELL & CO. I 4,1 SW' Are Now. Ready - 110 4 t_ k Tee WITH THEIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION OP CHRISTMAS GOODS • For, the present Wagon, to which theeVould slugged an early visit before the choicest articles are selected, and while yet the hurry of Holiday business does not prevent the best attention. Our stock this year exceeds in novelty, beauty and va riety any previous offering of this HOuse• and is made up of selections from every part of Europe. In addition to an immense assortment of PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA NOVELTIES. We have opened this semen the finest lot of MURMUR AND OBES PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS Ever offered in this city, exquisitely carved and mounted. forming very desirable PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. As our stick is unequaled for Its extent and careful se lection, so are our prices for moderation and adaptation to the times. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. SO CHESTNUT STREET. hIJ m w-lAT4 Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Ball and Cabe patron's, manufactures every description of tine STERLING siLvEitweaz. and offers for sale. wholesale and retail. a choice assort moat of rich and beautiful goods of new styles at low prices. J. M. SHARP. A. ROBERTS. 1101741 m rPi GENTS' EIJRNISHING GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 7-- JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N.Sixth St,,Philada., Would invite the attention of gentlemen to his extensive aesortment of Furnishing Goods. Consisting of SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Cartwright & Wamsb MWerio n c o il Shdirot. a d nd Dw . ers. Buckskin do. do. do. Cotton • do. do. • do. English Swan's Down Canton' PUMPS made to J. A.'. express order for Shirts and Drawers. ALSO. GENTLEIMPS WRAPPERS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. STOCKS. NEWS, _ e2SI tie J. C. BARNES & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 111511JEIMBEBO OP FiWO Shirts, Collars, Wrappers, &c. NO. 245 N. NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. cmganni IEW PUBLICATIONS. At "The Cheap Bookstore." $2 oc• Books at,2sct,s. $2 00 Books at:so cents. $1 50 Books at 25 cents. 10,000 PICTURES AT 1 CENT. PRANG'S CHROMOS at a discount of 81"; per cent. from retail prices. EVERI THING IN OU LINE AT A GREAT RE. DUCT Call at "THE CHEAP BOOKSTORE" and select a $2 00 Book tor 26 cents; 530 u Books for 60 cents; SI 60 Books for 25 cents. JAMES S. CLAXTON, 1214 Chestnut Street. T1n7.011,0 ALEXANDER DUMAS' INTENSELY I Count of Monte Cristo••Sl 50 The Iron Mask 1 00 Louise La Vslliere 1 00 Adventures of Marquis. 1 00 Diana of, AI eridor 1 00 The Three Guardsmen. 15 Twenty Years After... 75 8rage10nne......... ..... 75 Camille. ....• • ..... 1 50 The Fallen Ange 1....... 15 Edmond Denie5........ 75 Feline de Chambure... 76 The Horrors of Paris.. 75 Sketches in France 75 Isabel of/Bavaria....... 75 The Corsican 8r0ther5....... All hooka published. are f they are honed from the Area in veil !OD, or send toT. B r wha PE t. , . 806 Chi VIEDICINALL. ~ , . /. : . General view of the cases in which HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT, beverage of health, is applicable: 1. IN CASES OF WEAKNESS OF DIGEST 4 ION. 2. FOR DYSPFPSIA IN GENERAL. t B. FOR A FOUL STATE OF STOMACTL 4, TOR ET RAMPED PERSONS. 5. FOR BODILY WEAKNESS. 6. IN CATARRHS ESPECIALLY OBSTINATE. - - - 7. IN. CASES OF HOARSENESS. "I am hoarse and unable to perform to but now made happy with your depot. ous Malt Extract," wrote Hogumil Dawison, the celebrated German tragedian,. to Mr. Hoff. 8. FOR CATARRHAL DISEASES OF TEli BRON CHIAL a CBES. Hoff's Malt Extract has been invaluable to HOFF'S my wife. who sufferer from quinaey sore throat. No. Beekman it. It. L. LEWIS. 0. FOR OBSTINATE COUGHS. All our acquaintances are astonished as my , MALT husband feels easier, colt e, etc. West Hoboken. al . VIETBI BIER. 10. IN CASE OF TUBERCULAR O R PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. I advised one of my patients Who is suffer kg from pulmonary consumption, to try_ it. w n mo . GAME R% M. D. EXTRACT. Er, Daily Benday, of New Haven, writes: "The respiration is now free, the cheat ex- Panda numbs:missed, and the cough has miniehed entirslY. H. FOR ALL POONA NEEnING A TONIC. I wish that Hots Malt EXUMA might come into universal use, as it merit. the r eference over all tonics of the day, and la iptendid aa a beverage or table drink. Nr97 Welt iflY slyond st 'MR: ORMACK. Sold everyw ere. Felons wlehj -mono ea at!ght ap. PIY to iliolfs Mt Extract Delp .11roadriari - N. no. Alr in • JOHN C. BAKER fin soie . . A CANT. 4 r ialri m 0 .7 9 - 4 14 " 4 "`" , y FDA b ec lBll i glag t4" tet ffika 2== 041 1 8i tie s THE LARGEST * .AND BEST ‘ 14 . T00 4 IC OP FINE OLD RYE WIIISKI'EI IN THE, LAND IS NOW PQNSESSED BY HENRY S. HinlS & 218 and 220 SOUTH FELON?"' STELICIIVIC; Who offer the same TO THR TEAMS, in Lola, on very edventemenk Terms. — TheleStocic of Bye Whiskies, IN BOND. comprises an the taverns armies% taut, and mew through the 'various months oil MVO% and el this geozoitt present date. • Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at ip anneylvanla n.n.orpos, emu. .on Line Wharf. or at Bonded Warehouses. as paring may woes. mslAtodula OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL , SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, The following statement of the affairs of the Company is.published in conformity with a yrovisida of its charter: PREMIUMS RECEIVED From November 1,1866, to October 814811. On Marine and Inland Ri5k5........5660,099 90 On Fire Riau. 163496 11 $813,687 01 Premiums on Policies not marked off November 1,1 Edd..........• • •• •• PREMIUMS MARKED OFF As earned from Noy. 1. 1868. to Oct. St, 1917. On Marine and Inland Rtake........503. 803 79 $5743,146 30 Interest during the same puled— Savages. i.e ....... ................• LOSSES, EXPENSES. &0.. During the year, so above. Marine and Inland Navigation • Losses ..:.......................:... •. 5a,454 11 Piro Losses 68.854 ft. Return ........... 63 878 87 40,tt15 54 Agency, Charges, Advertising, Taxes--U. B. Tax on Premiums. Policy Stamp e, &c............ ..... NTERESTING Memoirs of a Pliyalciansl 00 Queen's Neekla :e....... 1 00 Flit Years Later......... I 00 Counters of Charny.... 1 00 Andre de Tavern iy.... 1 00 Forty. five Guardsmen.. 75 The Tron Hand......... 75 The Chevalier I u 0 The Conscript 1 50 Man with Five Wives.. 'l6 Twin Lieutenants 75 Annette, Lady of Pearls 60 Mohicans of Pals 50 Georg o, or the Planter of the Isle of France.. 500 for sale by us the moment : . at Publiahens' prices. Call ver books you want, to TERSON & BROTHERS eetnut street, Philadelphia. INS VII.ANCIIB. INCORPORATEDIB3S. PIIILADELPHIA. NovemlKu.lB. RM. ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY. •November 1,1667. $200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 1040's . • . , ... 19571.0(g) 00 123,000 United States Six - Per nt. Loan, 1861 134.40 U OD 50,000 United States 7 310 Per Cent. Loan. Treasury Notes . 62.563 50 200,000 State of PCDMIYIVAIIiII Six \ent. Loan .. . ......, ....... . . 210,070 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax). 125,625 00 50,000 State of Now Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan... •., 51.060 00 20,000 Pennsylvania * Railroad. First Mort. gage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 19,ig0 00 26,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second . Mort- —late Six Per Cent Bonds. . . 23,375 00 - . 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroia . Slx Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RR. guarantee) 21.000 CO COMO State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan..._. 18,003 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent- Loan 4.270 00 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company. Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Phila. deiphia . mow 00 7,500 150 shares stock Pennsylvania Ran. road Company• 7,600 00 5,000 100 shares stock liorth Pennsylvania Railroad Company—. . , ... &OM OD 2%000 80 shares stock. Philade lp hia and Southern Mail Steams's pCo. . 15,000 IX) 261,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties.-- „... W 1,900 00 121 101 400 Par. Market Value 81.1022,80160 Cost. 19109,679 Real Eetate... 26.000 00 Bills Receivible for Insurances made , • 219,135 67 Balances due at Agencies—Pre. • Mitlllie on Marine Policies—Ae. crued Interest, and other debts • due the Company. ... 43,3341 Stock and Scrip of sundry. Lieu. ranee and other companies. $5,076'00. • Estimated va1ue......3,017 00 Cash in Bank .13103,0 10 Cash in Drawer........ • • • ........ MI 52 103,315 81 PUILADIMPHIA., NOVeMbeib, D3O-; . . The Board of Directors have this day declared a CABS DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the capital stock. and SIX PER CENT. interest on the scrip of the C=- parry, s ayable on and after the let of December proximo. free of national and State taxes. They have also declared a* SCRIP DIVIDEND OF TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. on the earned premiums for the year ending October 11. 1867. certificates of which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same on and after the let December proximo, free of national and State taxes. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the year end ing October 31. 15b3, be redeemed in CASII, at the office of the Company. on and etiter let December proximo. all interest thereon to cease 1311 that day. EN - No certificate of profits issued under $25. By tho act of incorporation "no certificate shall issue unless claimed within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it le evidence. . . . . . . DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, James C. Hand. John C. Davis. William C. Ludwig, Edmund A. Souder, Joseph H. Seal. Theophllus Paulding. George G. Leiper. John R. Penrose, Hugh Craig. James Traquair, ' John D. Taylor, Henry C. Danett, Jr., George W. Bernadou. Samuel E. Stokes. Jacob P. Jones, Henry Sloan, James B. McFarland.. William G. Bonita*, Joshua P. Eire. Edward Darlington. Spencer Maly:tine, EL Jones. Brooke, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh, Edward Lafourcade. A. B. Berger. •• Jacob Riegel, D. T. Morgan. 64 THOMAS C. HAND, President. ‘ JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. noI6 tdel HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. Girard Fire Insurance Company, NEAP OFFICE, 1339 N. E. ear. Chestnut and Seventh aft; CAPITAL AND SIIBPLVSs $350,000. All of which Is safely Invested In Real . Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, GOVOMMOiIi Loans and other good Swanles, This Company have successfully !neared I 6100,000, 0 00 Of roPertY in the last 14 years, and paid MORE THAN .. NM looses by fire. It has nearly doubled its capital in this period: It biii never belonged to any combination of underwritars in thin ci ytirotqf it. Our ants Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, Mire noi been ins to join any organisation for establishing arbitrary ra and rules. We have our own tariff of Premiums and are not andel the necessity of borrowing from the experience of °them. waxes nd Agents in Miladelphla professing to rein* sent Us In a any particular, should be able to show gout written authority for doing 80. Parties wishing insuranee win commit their own interest by calling in Polon It" office. ri KUZM BAVEN A , ~u l2rni tilf lc (flux= RMAN MAN VIIIEPPAkD, rlffil—WrfiEWlC-- - IHOMAS id AURELIA.% CHARTS& L DUPONT. 81E V. Silk_ ...,OEN VIII t 'as c ,s%.ns. b.. BLIJIA4 Ja. • THOMAS CRAVEN:,. • PRESIDENT ALFRED B. GILLETT , VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASITREEi IYMM4 B. ALNAMPAIty. vakir WEIL QUALIFIED TO 0 ' :: 7 asolk iet a n t t e n ui d it v hw oosa hicare nt, armies r CMS 1.1#941 Vert AMU ' 11201441p0 sim snoißr'"t ,34" R4ga os Walaat. 519 Chestnut Street. FlliE CARPETINGS ROYAL WILTON% lITZLVETIS, . ENGLISH BR UNISELS. TAPESTRY BRUISSELS, 036,90000 $1349.992 01 105.445 09 8849,60139 HALL AND STAIR CARPETS. ENGLISH ,OIL CLOTHSI 20.818 59 17.0 4 3 43 6613,242 21 A24u.0444 18 GREATLY REDIWED MGM „With a vew TO R Lt UGO ,WA a R m B EOTK=A, SOOL No. 51.9 Chestnut St., MeCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, 519 CHESTNUT STREET. ocit.w.f.m-"421 • Wo are prepared to moot* Purchasers of Fine Furniture, 131.507.605 lb GEO.J.HENRELS,LACY & CO., ireassm rp CUARTOI3 D I E CAMILA& GEO. J. iILENKEILS. LACY dc COA it2S-tIrP4 TILE AiIiffir.AND:eIIESTNITIF' FINE FURNITURE ON EXHIBITION IN warn OF ROOMS, CARPETED AND FURNISHED Ai CHAMBERS AND PARLORS. GEO. J. sicanmems, LACY CO., CABINET MAKERS, TFIDrIEENTH AND CHEBTNUT,PIEMPELPH LI. 5e254 . Mr Die telneten Bleubel arrangtrt in der gansen Etage tertig our Amides, Tepplelt and Gardinen einbegritten• GEO. J. HENKEL% LACY & 00, Meubel Fabriltant, Thirteenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. gewurpi AVIS IMPORTANT. BEAUX MEUBLEB, pour Sams et Chambras 6, Coacher. Arran& pour Exposition dans Appartemante Garriv el Converts do Taps. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO.. EBENISTES. aa26.ttrp6 CHESTNUT STREET. an Coln de litew •A. & H. LEJAIVIBRE Have removed their Furniture and Upholstering Wareroonsi TO N0.,14.35 Chestnut Street; Next to the corner of Fifteenth street ISAAC B. EVANS iiairinuoTulive AND inclisa OILS, PAINTS, VABEIBBTA Naval Stores and Soaps. N 0.16 North Delaware avenue, Pkllada. °aka , Fria% WEAN= & 00. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY Now 1 N FULL onamoor. MAIL WATER and UMW& rims WWI, VAND mltallia=llll:4t .e, 101313 - dca usaostruaiware mom CIA.UPETANGS, &C. REDUCED PRICES. WE WILL SELL OUR THREE-FLU, SUPER.FNORA.INS * VIMMIALNS., J:ks1:))4 :5!$ZjJ. t 1 *J WITII EXVU. 1301triEEIL na BIIORT. EVERT DESCRIPTION OF DEO:RUM CARPETINGS, Prior to removal on first of January next vilkivta!loir SPECIAL NOTICE. BOTH IN STYLE AND PRICE. L./41 1. - 3 Dif 4,) ra=j 18th and Chestnut Streets. AVISO. MUEBLES FINO EXIMICION. In Son LOCILDOe do QlartoO. M °olio Saha do rectbladento Special Card.