1110 1 / 0 "" Jhelum: Oritsg Tuoure.--'lle new opera, 77a 7 , ffi , of arn (7/. was given again at the Academy of Meek last night. The audience washe co erf nsid ormance erably larger than on Monday. evening, and t p had gained in smoothness. Some of the stage effects are very fine, nod the music, as we said yesterday, in excellent. Da. Mr.ronzies Br:serer CONCERT.—A numbe have r of Dr. Leopold Meignen'e professional brethren offered him a complimentary concert, which is to take place on ne=t Wednesday at Concert Hall, which has been handsomely offered for the occasion by Messrs. Denby dr Luttniann. Messrs. Taylor, Lords, Jarvis, Thunder, theßartoris (father and son), and the full= Carl Bentz orc ra hest have volunteered, and the pro gramme will be a brilliant one. The concert is in charge of Mr. Emerick, who may be addressed at lioner'e store, 1102 Chestnut street. Yew men have enjoyed a wider popularity than Dr: Moignen, and his friends will no doubt be glad to have an opportunity to contribute to his comfort in file present condition of affliction. COMPLIMENTARN CONOEP.T.—The grand compli mentary concert tendered to Mrs. Josephine Schimpf will be given at Concert Doll on Tuesday evening, December Bd. Miss Louise Holliday, Mr. Theodore Eshelman% .)&r Aaron R. Taylor, Carl Gaertner and Professor Thunder will appear, in addition to the talented beneficial's : and as the programme is a splen did one, a musical treat of no ordinary character may be confidently counted upon. Eastman's C O NCEETS.—Mark limier's third concert wilt be given on Monday afternoon next at C ratuszmuitomi. Tax Taxixsze.—Mr. Edwin Forrest will appear this evening at the Walnut as "Spartacus" in the tragedy of The Gladiator. Mrs. D.P. Bowers appears to-Mght for the first time in the new drams entitled Hunted -Down at the Chestnut. At the Arch Surf will be again played this evening. The American offers a miscel laneous entertainment for this evening. CONCEIT HALL.---Pranaer ?intender the great 'widen, will remain 'terabit fonr nights fonger. He bas reduced the price of admission hundredi with the I act that he tightly distributes one handsome presents to the audience, will crowd the house every night. NazioNaz HALLe—rrhe Brmyan Tableaux will be ex hibited at National Hall this evening. Matinees will be given on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon&, Pnmanmenta C1201313.—A tine performance will be given this evening at Tenth and Callowhill streets , •by the acrobatic and equestrian troupe. Pamanzazura Orm Honsa.—The Progress of a :Cation will be produced tc..night, and also The Per secuted Dutchman, with Budworth in their/1111m , , part. These are great attractions and should draw larc , ,e and fashionable audiences. The patrons of this - house will beMad to learn that a portion of the parquette is divided off for orchestra seats, and still further conve niences in front of the hone are being made for the comfort of the audience. Don't fail to see the great dionualc play, The Progress of a Nation. Ilutviurrn Smarr Ormuz Hotai.—Messrs. Cara cross A - Dixey offer an unnsually attractive programme at their opera house this evening. Songs, dances, bar lesquer, extravaganzas, and a miscellaneous entertain ment generally will be given. • Lterrraz.—Mr. Henry Vincent will deliver a lecture upon "Milton" before the Young Men's Christian As sociation at Concert Hall on Tuesday evening, the Mb, and on "Garibaldi" upon Thursday, the is th mats. Dxrz.--Signer Blitz will give one of his marvelous extubititas of magic at Assembly Buildings this evening. CITY NOTICES. HOLILDAT FEIN.MM., at Gay's China Palace, Chestnut Meet. An immaise tocs•:!it'btxrat of China Vases. Card Re ceivers. Motto and Mamie Coffees, Tete-a-Tete Sets. &e. Bronie and Parlan Marble Statuary. Gold Gilt Ommtucnts in endless rarietv. China BotiqueL% lava-ware, Bohemian Glass, and a hill line of Staple Gooda..inst !mak& Bought for cash from the largest manufacturers in andlirill be sold at prim defying 00=032. It M e 'and examine !lock before mng p Snowmen open tin 9 o'clock at night. WE ALE magl dosing out our Imixteuse Stock of Lace *eat= at Qom Some great bargains le ft in lonbraiiiered Lace, Applicatius, Notruagtuun and 3itualla Curtains. Cbestont street, • Farm CwraGTO Co. I; WIM= WILAMEr. DTEIPS. Baring opened an office at No. an Wannt street, I am nisei repared to receive orders. Parties who wit% to have tiler msidenees made maribriatile wallad do sseU to can and exlmine this Strip. am it is far 'imperil)r to any other. Agents yawed. County and di...vele'. ?tilts for sale. W. F. Bonn, Son Widnat street. Bixnn,—The largwt aseartment of Men's Boots sat Mow in toe city. Bortiat, South Sixth stre•A above immazad- Gamma ‘it Hewsx's chest Pzuminta Sewing litiwkdona, 'ON i'lif , cprnt street. To THE LEDIZA.-- %idea Oakfwd & Son ands the Ci • * . e,. large nod handsome /gook of ram Ladies. - and eundion. iac 32 211:WNANIS HATS AND 8031:N.E. JAsti .„.„g their zwalaweg be this line will nivtee bear in =sat the moat elegant Kock of Hats and Bonnets, •"'s and misser, is offered by Wears. Wood "a. IVA Chem= abed. Ale°. Bonnet and the Batista, Velveta, etc., all of which T na arty quantity to wait partlastnen. Fri EVE Cis erres Abneria Grapes-- Xrrousla. Piarrears, 1204 Cb - tant street 'THE Chade* e lr-5 " u tre a l air 7l'd AS: Sans. under the Confatental, an/ imaimant handsomf , eto L of Fur& -ms clositlg_out at half price at Chesttatt ktrc-r i KELTT, CAP.E13 , 441 , -.5 et CV RATP=s, fiC 4 .7 l - 11 e. f ilfd quarter box-f, l a t rr n :and ra P n lar ge e Currant.. Erivt*t • tc., &c. or since Pieff, Fruit Csze., Ovszwco,vrb WAN 4 r ------ 7 -- the want for these arth.—Tlus weather ertates Seedy-aide Cluthin- Land Charles Stokes d: Cu.'e meets the want fib eftcttr'• under the Continental, mad &meet as cheap. ' 115 the weather brings it, must refer all interested that poi" however, v"' meat, No. 624 ebilAnut r.4eir extelii 4v c es..-abLith- TO TUE /ADM.— Charles Oaktord Sow er the Contimmta!, , have Marge and handaome l 111Purti. and examine. EVERYBODY KNOWS at3L-:r e mean G eorge IV.denlins, the renowned ctink l r, at No 10a 13= Garden street. His bit— ^... tons, Caramel. Chocolates, etc., are deserve in m e h i ghes t repute with all classes. For °maga Lemons. B ait _ atm, Figs, Prunes, Dates, etc., this I., attne lace. EXTRA rum BLACK TL:A , • By the cheat of from 5 to, 50 poum ldrreum.t. 1204 Che ' CETTAIN GOODS and Furniture. .work' trs. closing out at a great sacrifice. We have ag, mar C ed down Our retail Mod:, 'is it must be clot oat by January Ist. EIVS" FLNP: OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA 0017. E. Very Choice New Crop 'feu. Blireumm. & FLETMILI 1204 Chestnut stro, DEAFNESS, 131.11YDNESA AND CATARI:II.-- , J. blues, )51. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, tret. all , diseases uppertattde4 to the above metalwre wit the [Moat success. Testithonials troth the most re liablesourceff in the city can be seen at his (Mice. No. 8011 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to at:- company their patients, as he has no secret~ in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. Warm GrrApEs, Wm= GEArEs, .l.ty the wholesale or blngle ponnd. birrouin.t. at Fla:Too r 1204 Ches Lunt Street. A Wont) ov' ADVICE.—The stock of Holiday Presents at Guy's China Palace, 1022 enestnut street, is complete, and we advise all in need of such articl es 10 make their selections before the assortment is broken. ONES' livrEL, 2:4; Doek street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plau. Meals from 6A.M.to 12 P. M. Good lodaings for gams. Muse open all night. Rooms 50 ets. per night. ALM Apri.v.s, •Oranges Lemons, Almonds, English'nate, Petane, &e: ,• .Idrreara.l. & Pur,Tolyr,E, 1241, Chemnut street. See SUS . , l'ave for AddSimal ATittl,eo:-; BUNII AN TABLEALi. NATIONAL MALL, Market street. above Twelfth. Scenes ito feet in width. The finest and 6`•,t MOVING MIREAR THE wom,u; Illustrating Stufyun's roc ; may, • Open every night at 7;*, o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at rlon, fd cents. Five tickets for $I Cd. Ite:q;rveci eklik BO cents. Children. GREENWOOD, cents. ip 11 , I()BkitT J. —' GREVANWOOD. Proprietor. 130AUDING.-A MATE OP TWO OR VIRE': JP-BOOnie d vritli Bath adjolninx. Also. one billgiC itoolll Ix woa, rot oLlsrultd. Addreo Box 1512 Y. O. it' • Y f : ~;;: ;,~, MITCUELL YLz-reuEr, 1204 Cliesuint etreet. Ktury, CAII.ItiNGTON &C 723 Chentnut AItruSEILEN'IN. OARDING. ~=;;~. Christ in the House at Emmaus. This great Painting, by CARL tULLE Et,, IS NOW ON VinIIRITION AT MESSRS. BAILEY &CO.'S GALLERIES AT Pena. Academy of Fine Arts, All the raintlmpiln this fine collection are on PRIVATE SALE, and the attendant has the lint of prices. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 6P. M., and every Saturday Evening from 734 to 10 o'clock. Tickets of Admission to be bad only of Masers. BAILEY d: CO.. NO. 819 CHESTNUT STREET. sel44 m wBm rp NEW OIL PAINTINGS. NEW BOMAN PHOTOGRAPHS. NEW CHROMOS, From Milan and Florence. NEW ROGERS' GROUP, "THE SCHOOL EXAMINATION." Looking Glasses in every variety. JAMES S. EARLE & BONA, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, INS VILMICEs. INCORPORATED 1835 OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE IGTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. November 1?.1867, The following statement of the drain of the Company it published inconformity with - a provision of Ma charter: PREMIUMS RECEIVED From November 1,1866, to October Si. 1967. On Marine and inland Ri5t5.........11660,C 00 90 $512,647 01 Premiums on Policies not masked off 1'i0rembv•1.19011.......—•..... PREMIUMS MARKT!) OFF earned from Nov. L, IBM to Oct- SI.M. On Marine and Wand 1tiek5........5606,Efe $;431!013 lutem , t dming the fame period— Salvage. . . LOSSES, EXPENSES. d , c.. Daring the year, a ab:se. Marine sad Irdsad liarigstion Fir. Lamer tird Leto= Prttaiame tr: 4 0 3. 1 M f 4 ArearY. Cbaxgee. Adrertiritg, Printing, ta. Taxes--17. S. Tax on Preminma. Palley Sta.mpa, 31. M 59 17,061 43 66.5.545 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1. 1567. tisJo,(Pro United St:.toe rive Per Cent. Loan. .... . .... (Y) IXO,OOO United States Six Per Cent. Loam .. .. . .... LI: 1 -400 00 W.(10 4 United Stafee 10 Per Cent.i.on, 'frea•c ry N0tc5....... ... ... 52,542 50 2$.0„0O1 State of Pennsylvania Rix 'Per Cent. 121.000 City of PliflaClelpiiia Six Per Cent. Loan jexempt from tax) 125,6 z 00 Nile State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 51,100 00 27,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage Sir. Per Cent. Bonds-19J3 00 00 ' 21;500 .Pe IVELDiII Railroad SenoridM ort :mac Six O'er Cent. Ronde.. .. .. 25,000 Vreetern Peuntylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds 11 . tnna. RR. guarantee). ........... MOD) 00 '.:o,tif.o State of Tennome 'live Per CeuL Loan IE-J,OO 7,0(4) State of ,Teuntesee Six Per Cent. Loan ..... . .. ..........—.. 4,,T.0 11,000 :.f.O eharet stock Germantown Gas Company. Principal and interest • guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia... . . ........... ..... —.. 111, - 000 00 7,500 150 shares stock Petaitylvania :Rail. road Company... .... . ..... 7:100 00 5,000 100 phares Stock North Pennaylvania - Railroad Company...—. ~....... 2,050 00 21,0(060 shares stork Philadelpitia and Southern Mail Steamship Co 11',000 00 201,900 Loam on Bond and Mortgage, fast Rem on City Pr0pertie5........... 201, 0 00 00 51.101,400 Par Market Value $1,102,5J.1 COBl, 81:089,07J 26. Irmal Ef ~........ .. 81114 Reed:raj:lo for Inummtee; made, .. . . ......, ....... 1.19,L.Ta 67 Balance; due ............... totems on Marine 'ollc:ea—Ac crued Interest, and other debts due the Company 41,334 ad Stock and Scrip of sundry Imq:- ranee and other Co mpanler, $5.076 00. Eetimated va1ue..... . 3,017 00 Cast in Bank $103,07 Cash In Drawer........ ............ .2 6 S SV, PIIILADC1,1•111 A, November 111, I xtr The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the capital stock, and SIX PER CENT. interest on the scrip of the Om. ',any, payable on and after the let at December proxtuo, free of national and State taxes. They have also declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND OF `WENTY.FIVE PER CENT. on the earned premiums P the year ending October 31,18137, cortificatee of which .11 I be issued to the parties entitled to the same on and fit'' , the Is3t December proximo, free of national and , t ' l ''`taxer. , T l 4 have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI , :AT .. O F p ßonrs of the Company, for the year end. i l , l ll C cker 31, Igat, ho redeemed in CASH, at tile office 0 the o,, pany, on and after let December proximo. all Interest llveon to cease on that day. C;~'-N" citificate of profits issued under *25. By the act incolorsdlon "no certificate shall issue unless claimedwllln two years after the declaration of the dividend whe - !of it is evidence. Thomas C. Ilan, DIRECTORS: James C. Hand, John C. D/iViY, William C. Ludwig, Edmund A. Satoh:, Joseph H. Seal, Theophilus Pauldyg, George G. Leiper, John It. Penrose, Hugh Craig, James Traquair, John D. Taylor, Henry C. Dallett, Jr George W. Boruadou, Samuel E. Stokes, , , Jacob P. Jones; Henry Sloan, James 11. McFarland, 'William G. Boulton, .ioehua P. Eyre, Edward Darlingtou, Spencer Mcllvaine, 11. Jone Brooke, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh, Edward Lefourcade. A. B. Berger. .. , jamb Riegel. Pr T,Morgett, " THOMAS C. HAND, President, JOHN C. DAVIO, Vice President. HENRY LYLIICRIN, Secretary. sloh tdel HENRY BAIL, Assistant Secretary, AITATAWELLUELTPINI — ETTO — TaVEITEE - 1 - CORT3II4 • Piabo and Vocal Music, desires employment. Terms reasonable, and hours arranged to suit puplbs. Addrees or call at HBO North Llevontlt nolAisott THE DAILY lIVICRING BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 18ff: SMACE. go 8L149.992 01 105,445 es 84S a' 1 39 $:10.666 IS as, oo 00 $1.507.605 15 Sec JAL owl sot's . J. M. HAP LEIGH, 012 and 1014 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OFFER Monday, Noirember 18th, 1,000 PIECES STRIPED POPLINS, Reduced from 500. to 250. " " . 75c. to 3730. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, AT HAIYTIEB FRIER HICK nol6-ei m w 131§ QUILTED SKIRTS. J. M• HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut Street, 'WILL .OFFER • ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 5 CASES ENGLISH QUILTED SHIRTS, To Close Importation, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. n 0164 m w GREAT BARGAINS IN DR, o co ro s RICKEY, SHARP &CO., ; l; • JOBB AKAI D won& 1 727 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Have made very extensive purchases during the late Panic, and are now prepared to offer great inducements in French French and British Dry Goods of reliable qualities, in the bee styles and colorings. Also. lESIAA-INTKIF.TS I. great variety. at lower prices than current before the War. 'Their stock of SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS Gr 00335, L the most varied and extensive in this market. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. selt-tf rio e MARKET ©• o HINTS. o ONE MIT,T TON CENTS WORTH • AND OVER OF CIACOAUINGS. LIGHT CHINCHILLAS. LIGHT HYDE PARKS. • LIGHT NORW AUKS. LIGHT WHITNEYS. LIGHT VELOURS. WHITE CLOAKINGS. DARK CLOAKINGS. BLACK CLOAKINGS. Together with about ONE MILLION CENTS' worth of Black and Fancy Casein:mica for men and boys, bought since the recent immense decline. JaPont"te L A • Fourth and Arch Is' Will ellen to-day for Fall Bales. Bilk Faced Ribbed P pens oplins. AIL wool Ribbed ro. Bismarck Poplins, all graded. Elm% celebrated Irish Pavans. New stylee of Fanggnam , Richest Plain Mks imported. Corded Bilks of all grades. New styles of Fall Silks. SHAMA die., die. Margot Shawls, ordered styles. Now styles Shawls, long and square. dels.m Robes of elaborate designs. w • tf The Cheapest Store in the World. 1107 SPRECG GARDEN. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, Selling far below the coat of importation. SILK CLOAYLING VELVETS. SILK POPI ItiS. AT yANIC,ritICES. . T. SLATER SMITH, 1107 SPRING GARDEN. n01.843t BLACK SILKS. !111 E legant fumortnie.ut of ItICII BLACK 13ILIZS at REDUCED PRIC ES, o riamma PERKINS, ; tw, sours mwritantEm. CHEAP LINEN GOODS. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & No, 1008 Cheataut Street, Are now receiving from the recent AUCTION SALES, SOME VERY CHEAP LOTS OF Barnsley Bheetings,Towsls,Huckabaoks and Other Linen Goode, theyTo which OLD th i attLegttis i r i ll)f buyers, ASNEARER been able to offer. nolgalt r!:1 Blankets at Redueed"Prices. • The subscribers arc now red to offer the largest as. sortment to be found in the preyof SUPERIOR QUALITY. BLANKETS, All Wool and extra widths, for best family use. ALSO. CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS. And a full lino of. f • MEDIUM BLANKETS, For Hotels, Public Institutions. etc. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, HOUBE.PURIgISIIING DRY GOODS, No.looB Chestnut Street. iml&l4t t•t RICH LACE CURTAINS AT AUCTION PRICES! The subecribere have Just received, from the late AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK. 300 PAIRS OF FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From the lowest to the highest quality. some of the RICHEST MADE. ALSO. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Embroidered Muslin Curtains, Jacquard and Muslin Draperies, Vestibule Curtains, In Great Variety. Sheppard, Van Harlingen Sr, Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. nolgelltre .BARGAIN Si IN LACE CIIRTADIS, L'UITAIN MATERIALS. FURNITURE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES, • AND UPHOLSTERY GOO Of tte Newest Fabrics, Designs. and Qualities. PIANO AND TABLE COVES% And n full line of MOUSEXURNISHING LINENS. QUILTS. dio.. At the Lowest Price*. C. M. STOUT & GO 1100 Chestnut Street. nrewtm rf4 , .1 is ttlFrti) to :4,11 r THE GREAT • AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE OVEESEAMING ANN SEWING MACHINE Is warranted to execute in the best manner even' varlet, of Sewing. Ramming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braid. ing Gatlering, Overseen:ling, Embroidering on the edgq and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eylet Idles in all fabrics. IT HAS NO EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Anti Intrlnslealli the Cheapest. Ciulars, with full particulars and samples of work don)on this Machine, can be had by application at the • SALER BOONS OF THE CO., S.W. oer. Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. Unction given on the Machine gratuitou s ly Wall pt haaere. , 16 B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS , NO. 16 Notth SIXTH Street, Manufacturers of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Finest assortment in the city the oldest "establish. mentaarsest manufacturers. and eeU at the Lowest Prices. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. STORE SHADES MADE TO ORDER- seldidoll CHARLES L. HALE, 011ie Salesman and Superintendent for B. J. 'Williams) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, MANITIACTIJILIBIR VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADE% LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT 'lll TUB CITY , f IIT THE LOWEST PRICER ' UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERE , D. eel 7. it rr, ISAAC B. EVANS MAN UPACTIIIIIEB AliD MAL= Ili OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND Naval Stores and Soaps, No, 16 North Delaware avenue, Mail& 0‘ 4 41111 814 WILLIAM B. mum CARLILE 46 JOY. louse and Sip Painters and idasler* No. 437 Arob Streets PhllB4lo/10d 14 (HI V infivitigiOtiattanaed to 140 " U I awl. . • . r . 1` JOB tom p,4_ knoy_bo thawer.Hl4l_ • • • of sale Di JOB. B. BUDEILEI4 Ws 11.0) ►m~e sreuwh . 01€11?yelni8ties. THE LA.Thanser AND BEST STOON OF FINE OLD RYE W4.1.811.18E1 IN TII,E LAND #IS and 220 SOUTH FRONT SMEitanggri Who offer the same TO TMil TRAM in Lots, on Tea advantegoOnt Terms Tio tar:Stock of Bye 'Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises ail the favorite enemas Mil Sant, and runs through the 'various menthe ol 18436080, and 0 1 tau year, up e d present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pelusaylvania R.D. Depot. Ifteriealt son Wine Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses. as parities may elect. arb • saw CAUPETINGS, Oice. 519 Chestnut Street. FINE CARPETINGS REDUCED PRICES. AXIIIINSTERS, BOTA.L WILTONM, VELVETS, ENGLISH EIRUFWELS, DRIIt3SELB AND DADIASKI HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS FAIRY DESCRIPTION OF DESIRABLE CARPETINGS, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, With a 'view to SELLING OFF OUR ENTIRE STOOL AT OUR RETAIL. WAREROOXL No. 519 Chestnut St., Prier to removal on tint of January next McCALLIJM, CREASE & SLOAN, 519 CHESTNUT STREET. 0c2.-w.f.rn-51rt rPS • NOTICE. LEEDOM & SHAW • 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. Will centime to sell their stock of CARPETINGS At prices corresponding with low rent and expenses. And will open daily new goods. u they do not impact to move. suitaa F•~'` Vn Au* :a~la.l(H j: i=! I'l J. C. BARNES & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ILIWFACTORERS OF Fine Shirts, Collars, Wrappers, &e. NO. 245 N. NINTH ST.; PHILADELPHIA. orliarrn GENTS' FITRNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 8 N. Sixth St.,Philada., Would Invite the attention of gentlemen to hie extensive saaortment of Consisting of BILE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Cartwright di Warner's Merino Shirts and Drawers. Lambs' Wool do. do. do. - Buckskin do. do. do. Cotton do. do. do. English Swinos Diwn Canton Flannel made to J. 0, is express order for Shirts and Drawers. ALSO. GENTLEMEDi'S WRAPPERS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, FALL tiI'YLES. Mali:Land Trail Hoop likirts. S. 2.4. 23. and a coin. Bli and II yards round of every length and shape, tor ladies, ilate assortment of Misses' and Children" Skirts, from 6 t 0,415 springs, from 10 to 83 incheslong, all of "OUR OWN MAKE," superior in style, finish and durability, and really the cheapest and moat satisfactory noon itikftta in the A inorican market. Warranted in every respect. Skirts made to order altered add repaired. ry tiselot CAUTION.—Owi to the unprecedented reputation which "Our Own M e" of Skirts have attained; some dealers are endeavor' to put a very inferior akirt UPOI3 their customers by rep enting them to bfl "Hoek/net Own Make." Be not ae ivea. "Our Make , are ',tampon 'on each tab, "W. F, Manufacttwer, No. dill Arch atreet., Philadelphia,' an also have the letter 'ki woven in the tapes between each spring. at very loaf Also, dealer in New York made. Bads, prices,. wholesale and retail. 13end for catalogue of styles and prices, at No. Eta Arch street, Made, mbo,m,w,lyrp , WM. T. HOPKINS. NEW FALL SKIRT. • THE PATENT CLAIR HOOP SHIRT. • • Manufactured and for Hale by SHAW dc BONHAM, 915 ARCH and 258 North NINTti seets. The Patent e e lasp NEW STYLE SKIRTS, manufac. tared by as. acknowledged by the Ladies to be the neatest, moat comfortable Itnd durable Hoop. Skirt .made. The ere superior to otnerth DOM( MAO 01 ono woo of the g est rden t s i nne d English Steel, without any fasten• ingot; the tapes are securely held by neat patent clasps. t3lclrP, altered into madene fashionable 'Mapes Alm. Skirts and Corsets to order. ,Werlere nad other ineltee of French Comte for sale. se2&in.w,f,tyro MALMO Mr • var 111 I p l ttl 4. I ItI Ii ktRISIETB.-41 111 1. iehm.ser. No. • • Vine .Ie noir, elector, tog au th_g wietles Etoop rote. Ethe hal oleo the Mal Preach Conde of new WWI. air , • littera mad Make& • is NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. EANNIS & CO., WE WILL BELL OUR TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, THItEE.PLYS, SUPER-INGRAIN% VENETIAN% WITH EXTRA BORDERS. IN SHORT. Furnishing Goods. STOCK'S. TIES, HOOP SKIII.TN. WATCHES. JEWELS'S', &Co *l, --t it CARVED , WOOD WORKS OF ART, CALDWELL & CO.'S URCHIN BUM, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel4 wdf • Sterling Silverware Manufactory,_ '414 LOCUST itTREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Bali and Cube Patterns, manufacture every description of fine STERLING SILVERMAN. and offers for sale, wholesale and retail. a choice mod, meld of rich and beautiful goods of new stiles at low prices. J. M. SHARP. • A. mamas. sel7.ltut • )..7 PARIS FLOWER STANDS .4` OF Porcelain and Ormolu Combined. CALDWELL & CO.; mug num, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. OPERA CiILAILSSES, Fans, Elegant. Paris Jewelr)f. fel44llov-Unig l~l,lti{rf:i:.3.q.~J A. &. H. LEJAMBRE Il* removed their Furniture and Wiefstaing Winnow TO No. 14-35 Chestnn t Street; Next to the corner of IV ttenth Wee. ►II SPECIAL NOTICE. w. an prepared ta meal Purchasers of Fine. Furniture, STYLE AND PRICE. GEO.J.HENKELS,LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS, 18th and Chestnut Streets. 5e23.2m • AVIS°. MITEBLES FANG EXIUBICION, in M Sem LO de CADO Omutal. oomo Balsa de recibizalento CVARTOS DE CAMARA: GEO. Jo HENKELS. ILAWF & EBANISTAB, 'e me r y§ THIRTEENTH AND ,CHEEMNBT Special Card. FINE FURNITURE ON EXHIBITION IN SUIT= OF ROOMS. CARPETED AND FUENURILED SS CHAMBERS AND PARLORS. GEO. AhIHIENKELS, LACY & COs CABINET MASERS. THIR an4 TEENTH AND CHESTNUT. PHILADELPHIA.PHILADELPHIA.se2s Dielelnsten ffieubel arranditt in der iranzen =age fern% Nur Anatelat, Tepplch and Gardiner' einbegrifieva GEO. J. lEENICELS LAOY des 00. , MeubelFabrikaut4 Thirteenth and' Chestnut, IPhilli4elPtda• ge2.s4frp§ AVIS IMPORTANT. EAUX MEUBLES, - :' pour Salons et Chainbree d Comelier. 1 Be pour Exposition dans Appartemente Hande di Couverta de Tapia GEO. J. HENKELS,LACY & CO., EBENISTES. ee2.s.tfrpSl CHESTNUT STREET. an Coin de i3me• A LET 7 ER OF GENERAL INTEREST NO. 611& THE pITI3EIC! HOME JOURNAL OFFICE. 107 FULTON STREET. NEW YORK. JULY IL IBM. LEOPOED HOFF. Esq., 542 Broadway, New York: Dear Nit--As an act of gratitude toymj, as well as for , the advantage of ANY who may read this, I wish to say that my daughter has derived great relief and Ilene= from the use of your "MALT. EXTRACT." She has been ill for alliong thee, suffering ((l believe) froin consumption. general debility, lose of blood and strength . for which elie has been treated by several physicians without any eno cessful result.was with Bowe misgivings. Con..: dud followed the advice of the well.known Dr JouN W. M ITOORI.I. to try your "Extract," but I am pleased to make the admission that from its use she has reeelvo. great relict. and seems to be RECOVERING her HEALTH. and strength. She feel compelled to take it continually for if she misses but one day she suffers considerablY. arid there is a relapse of her aid complaint and a return of physical weakness. lou are at liberty to make valet nee you see fit of this letter, and I all be pleased at . any time to testify peisonally (at the above be; to the valuable properties of your preparation, which Should 4e , universally known as a WONDERFUL REKEDk'. Very truly Yours. THOMAS RAEFORD. Book-keeper, Homo Journal SOLD AT DRUGGISTS . AND GROCERS. JOHN O. & 00., SOLE AGENTS. Eiolam f mkt EMIS=M BOTH MEDICINAL.
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