TY .NOTICJSEL Vanitt. COrTA WI:MK — . TUE Eat- OnbIBILLI4BIIIIXI4I` 01, HOVSKiII AND LAWNN. r-- Twenty 3 , oars v 6i. hs t i s no w known as the manttiliettire" - of Orniuncotal Terra Cotta Ware had no exis o tence in this country . It is a trade which may be. said t owe its su pport to a high state or civlltratlon ; to A con solidation of society; a love for the beautiftd and artis tic, with seosadderable degree of wealth among the people. lb would hardly be supposed that Americans, as a people, Mild pay much attention to the beanti tying of their bongos and the ornamentation of their groands as lenges there were Indians to tight, treaties to maim with the British, Africans to free, Pacific rat:- reads to build, Cables to stretch across the ocean, and Western wildernesses to conquer and survey. The wood -chopper's axe lied to come beibre the man who puts up our fountains ; forthnes Must be made before they can be spent; constitutional conventions meat decide the fundamental .law of the land before Psyche and Topsichore can be placed upon their pedestals in the lawn. • , But these days of primitive wildness, hardship, toil, and general chaos have somewhat passed away, and even Yankees have a little time, or are beginning to feel au inclination in that direction, for the beautifying of their residences and grounds. Boston, notwith standing it has such ugly stree,s and uglier creeds, has taken the lead in this matter, petting up monuments and statues wherever she can find a piece of ground large enough to hold them, while the etiburbe of the city for thirty miles around, are fast being transformed We delightful drives and charming villages, tilled with bubbling fountains, Floras, MUMS and Baccha tlaP. The attempt to esteblieh rural cemeteries in tuts country after the manner of the Old Wqrld burial places, which have proved *successful in Mount Au burn, in Boston, Greenwood, New York, and our own beautiful Laurel Hill, the Pere la Chase of America have produced 'a wide influence, that is felt and seen from Portland to St. Louis. Every city and considerable village now has its rural cemetery filled with choice monuments, vases afiretatuary. Gentle men of wealth have commenced to ornament their grounds; and the establishing of parks for the people, like the Central Park of New York, and the still more splendid Fairmont Park of oar own city, that is soon to be, shows that the popular mind is at last moving in the right direction. The time has fatly come when we ahould pay moreatteution to these things. Th e people of our large cities have lived in trunks, board ing houses and hotels long enough; the day of trail wooden etructufes, Bee . martin-boxes painted white, with green blinds, or no blinds at, all, and called "homes," is passing away. The national character will gain permanency and stability by this change. ar In fact just beginning to The American people learn the value and importance of establishing homes, such as migratory habits cannot afford to foster. To render dwellings attractive and enjoyable , seems now to be the emelt - ion of many of our citizens, and their . example is worthy of the widest imitation. The native selfishness of our tansies naturally tends first to interior decorations; though to us it has always seemed a semi-bar barismeo see finely ornamented premises secluded from public view by stone walls or board fences. • In no city in the world is there so noble a field for a generous reform in this particular as in Philadelphia. Spaces in front of dwelling!. and Side yards have been provided for in very many of our recent improvements, end the time is rapidly coming when these grounds will be enriched with works of art that will at once re flect credit upon the owners, and afford a most ele vating gratification to passing pedestrians. Here is a regitintate jieut in which our city can and ought to achieve an CAS iable pre-einmence. A Frenchman once said of a sister city—and the re- - mark is wholly inapplicable to our own—that it was nothing but a large village of houses stretching, over a vast extent of territory, without a history, and con taining nothing of interest. Where, for example is there anything on our public avenues to remind a foreigner of the history of our city—a listory, are, must remember, that for 'in - rinsic greatness and re nown in this country is unrivalled. A stranger - may by chance be told that over thirty years ago there was a monumental stone planted in Washington Square, in honor of our great name, bat that, for lack of decent zeal and liberality, it never even sprouted into visible eiistence; 'he may learn of a "monnment fund" hav ing been started in hence of our martyred Lincoln; or be.may.chense, in passing Arch and Fifth streets, to ' lettrn that a certein -hole m a brick wall in that . vicinity expresses the affection of our people for' the Philadelphia printer whose single life was enough to make a country' famous. As a general thing, our dweillegs are is stiff and angular as a problem in Euclid, w eb nothing in frott of them (save a few hen orable exceptions cm Mosul street, and its= vicinity, in the northern part of.the city, West Green streets, and parts of West Philadelphia); our school-houses, with one or two recent exceptions look like workshops or jails, and even our splendid new market-houses ignore entirely too much the public need of suggestive ortut menus:en. _ Nevertbelese, we arc not without hope. A new era is striking tbe horizon. About twenteeeears ago th e now of Terra Cott* manufacturing eetab lishmett of Mr. S. A. Harrison, whose splendid ware bor.se ie located at leo. 1010 Chestnut street, was earns menced in this city, and to tnis gentleman alone b e l o ngs - the honor and credit of having through pa tient toll and great expenee introduced in America a ( Lass of ornartifttli work,such as the wealth and Intel ligenm of the age desnendent the hands of all who take a p r oper pride in the embellishment of their homes. The Terra Cotta basness. under his direction, has gra ereale grown with the increasing taste of the people, until to-day its extent is enormous. , To every man, woman and child of taste it will In a no ere f a e s ine delleht to visit the Spacious exhibition zooms v e ver. Iftirrieou, as they have recently enlar ge d, remodeled and erns-tit:illy fitted up. in passing • thkrouz b in, s everal departments, and admiriud the su perb and absent bee acts:ring display of goudseve were 1 ,,,,,,i r ted, of the dram grams. we hive read of the Vatican at Borne• by the staircases, long avenues tanked w ith sculptured and terra, emus statuary, c o . rinthian Arena'. foie paintings, richly-filled galleries of s' ornamental vane, sod images in endiese seri ete, bae. reliefs. and eveleesecated de-igns after Raphael, js o .. revel°, c orre on, Guido, and other masters. Re H and statuary display Is inexpreesibly rich in foun thine, va.bes. end sta tuary in terracotta. In va ses. „f w hi c h b e actors an immense variety, the tole , breed weirw i r k l / 4 1:aso—the miginal of welch has en gaged the pens of tike foremost are-writres of the age_ is reproduced by Mr, Harrison in ezeteefte perfection, and is already eliciting numerous orders front gentle men Of taste having 'grounds to embellish- Mis vases in the style of Renalsennee, Louis XV:, and Gothic patterns are a l s o popular. Among the terracotta sta tuary intended to be erected out of doors, in gardens and in front of dwellings, the Graces, the Dancing . Girl, `ems of Milo. the Gardener, or Louts XIV.; Pyache, Bacchante, Flora, Diana, Marquis and Mar quise, and the beautiful figures of Diane de Gable, Minute and Ilippotrele, are partieularly fine. It le r eally strange that owners of elegant residences on West Chestnut,Walftut and Spruce streets, and more especially the fine rows of new dwellings,with spacious rude on 'North Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and other rapidly ~ .e eroving s t re w a, have nut availed themselves of Me meansi ° f ar adic, and inexpensi ve ornamen tation. With the e leelaiolut already named, there is hardly a vase or as Mettle or fountain to be seen on any or oar streets, This is extraorafnarY, their presence alwaya attracts favorable notice, sod more especially tar vases can he purchased At all prices, from three dollars up to one hundred, orally desirable size. Tile tulip va se , by the way , is a new and beautiful pattern. The varied uses to which terracotta has been ap plied tire astonishingly large in number, tot the reader 'ill readily infer on visiting the attractive and unique estableanneat of which we two writing. Ail the show roome of this large warehouse are literally' filled with specimens of this beautiful work, mach of it so finely . finished, in various imitations of marble and bronze, as to di csive the most experienced eye without the , closest ins ',adieu. We are nut surprised to learn that Mr. Harrison es now receiving large orders from every city in the union for this beautiful class of work, in the manufacture cif which, iu America, he is at once the pioneer and master- Being an artist himself by _raved in, Mr. Itarrition bus entered this field con ontore, and the effect of his taste, i sueenuity and skill his b een to give our. city an art extublislunent in thi lime that is a credit to the United States, and that se i r .' • do infinite service in educating and elevating the tas e: o f our p e ople., Dtr. Ilarriscm's taste for art and platen - Hors* motives are, In fact, no less conspicuous than his enterprise Suldingetuilty as a manufacturer.- - Other materials, ouch* nuieble and teen, have been !reuse. for the class of tation we mettle-contending . for, end, so far ago;.Are WY wen; but they fee too enPenei r e for ffene r e l edoPtion. end the article Neal in appearance and Lttere.referrei tots fully their . durability for all practical purposes. Painted terra eotte VW test two hundred gears, and its comparative obeetentese is marvelous. Au intelligent correspondent, oism u sic upon (hie subject, truly says: "This tirra cotta is as beautiful'as marble, ful durable as Iron. and capable of taking.a beautiful bronze,While the expense is at least a third lower than that rif iron• When a Vase for the laWri can be had for three dollars, thelirice of an opera ticket, there ie no excuse for leaving One's grounds unadOrriee r t. Were It not that we hove already protracted this arti cle unduly, we should dwell at some length upon the magnificent stock of the 'fine smaller works of art pre sented by Mr. liarrison in the way of parlOr, drawing room, library, hall, and mantel ornaments. There is no collection like it in Philadelphia, we doubt if there is in this country. MI we can say in conclusion is. that our city is fortunate in possessing the, head quarters of this popular ware, in . this country, and that our citizens will act wisely in imaking use of the advan tages it proffers for rendering our homes as conspicu ous for their outward beauty and attractiveness, as they are already noted for their internal cleanliness and comfort. THE GREAT POPULAR. CONFECTIO'NERY.—Z. G. Whitman & Co., the celebrated Confectioners of No. MS Chestnut street, below Fourth, continue the career of practical usefulness which they have marked out for themselves. They get up tine bon-bons that invite ccmpetition with the best Parisian article ; their roasted Jordan almonds, cream-fruits and chocolate prepara tions appeal invitingly to the daintiest palate: while the epicure, with soul so dead as to be unable to ap pa•ciate their many-flavored-and-fresh-every-day-cara mete, is a person to be pitted and an example to he shunned. B. G. Whitman & Co. are as conscientious in respect to the purity of, their confections ifirthey are careful to make them peerless in respect to deliCiOULt Rea% A RARE opportunity to refurnish your parlor and chamber windows, with now and elegant Laces, is afforded at the closing-out sale of Kelty.Carrington & Co., 723 Chestnut street. They are compelled to vacate their store the first of January next, • and are actually closing out regardless of cost. CANCER.—DR. KLINE'S GREAT CANCER ANTI• norrs, astised by him at 981 Arch street, 'are the only known scientific and reliable treatments. • AN INTHRESTING ITEM.—MOBI3II. H. Holl Sr, Co. have opened their new and elegant Cigar Store, •No. 45 North Seventh street, and offer an extensive and varied assortment of the Choicest Braude of Havana Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes, Fancy Articles. &c., at Wholesale and Retail, on all secular days. Prices reasonable. TICIMB FOU Tux Nrtv PITTLADF.7.PIITA OPMIA. 1101713 E won SALE ATV= S O'dLOOK P. KELTY CARRINGTON & CO., 723 Chestnut street, continue t( sell their g Large , and Choice Stock of Curtain Materials and Window Shades at cost and less than cost. VERY CHOICE. CLOVER HONEY, M ... ITOIIELL FLETOREE, 1204 Chestnut street • - - GOODWIN'S Plantation Tobacco IA acknow ledged by all lovers of the weed to be the best article yet ()tiered to thetrade. Sold everywhere. NEURALGIA,, and all its concomitant evils has been so , thoraughly investigated by Dr. Turner, of Boston, Massachusetts, that his Tie-Dommuneux, or VINIVIIISAL NEURALGIA. PILL, is now the most per fect medicine that can be taken for all nervous com plaints emanating from the derangement 'of the mrve 111 , /t/ which is completely restored to a heztlhty state by its use. Apothecaries have this medicine. To GENTLE:WE:C.— Chas. Oakford & Sons, Continental Hotel, have "ail the latest styles of Silk and Soft Hats. The finest ever exhibited in the City. ME BEAUTIFUL "MORNING GLORY" STOVES, sold by Mr. Charles Jones, 809 and 811 North Second street, are the most desirable stove in the world for cleanliness, beauty and economy. - - SECURE' your at once in aid of the River side Institute. Every she costing , ill receive some present, of which $300,000 ` worth are w to be given away. To GRITTLEMEN.— Ctias. Oakfqrd.& Sons. Continental "Hotel, have all 'the lateit 'Styles oC Silk' and Soft Hats. The finest ever exhibited in the City. TER rain dampens everything but the spirits of those who dress in clothing cold at Charles Stokes & Co.'s first-class Clothing house, under the Continental. Nothing can dampen a man's spirits when in perfect bodily comfort, whir be often attained by wear ing well-lilting and mfortable clothing. See the goods. To GENTLEMEN.- • Chas. Oakford & Sons, - Continental Hotel, have all the latat styles of Silk and Soft riots. The finest ever exhibited in the City. _ NEW FRUITS of all kinds. NLITOURLL. FLETOIIRI4, 1204 Chestnut street— • Ev=room( Knows 11. mi.—We mean George W. Jenkins, the renowned confectioner, at-No, 1087 Spring .Garden street. His Don-bons, Caramels, Cream Chocolates, etC., are deservedly in the highest repute with all classes. For Oranges, Lemons, 'Wi ens% Figs, Prunes, Dates, etc., this m just the place.. . . E XTRA• FRAGRANT OOLONG . TEA. -- MITOIXELL 4k. FLETOIIER, 1204 Chestnut street. Joints' nom., 235 Dock Street, helots , Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings. for guests. Rouse open all night. Rooms 50 cts. per night. NEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT...- MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street. • .DEAY3NE3, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.- J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of above members treats all diseases appertaining to the with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for -examination. SAFETY RAILROAD SWITCH MAIN TRACK UNBROKEN. I am now prepared to furnish railroads throughout the United States with my Patent Railroad Switches. by the we of which the MAIN TRACK IS NEVER BROKEN, and it is impossible for any accident to occur from the misplacement of switches. The saving hi rails, and the great saving in wear of the rolling stock. which is by this Means provided with a level, smooth, and firm track at switches in place of the usual movable rails and the consequent severe blows caused by the open joints and battered ends, is a matter deserving the especial attention of all Railroad Companies. AS A MATTER OF ECONOMY ALONE this inven. tion needs only to be tried to insure its adoption; but beyond the economy THE PERFECT IMMUNITY FROM ACCIDENT caused by - misplaced switches is a subject not only of importance in respect to property saved from destruction, but it concerns THE LIFE AND LIMB OF ALI" TRAVELERS UPON PAIT.ROADS. I refer to the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, and to the New York and Haarlem Railroad Co. I am now filling orders for various other Railroad Com panies, and I will gladly give any information in detail that may be desired. W2l. WHARTON, Jr., Patentee, Box No. 2745 Phitada., Pa. Office, No. 28 South Third Street, Phllada. Factory, Walnut above Slid St., Philada. ocltigm M. P. k 0. 11. TAYLOR, 1131VIMERY AND TOI ' LET Sows. Sows . in North Ninth trod. BECKIEUTIS & ALLGAI.ER Lterpectfully invite attention to their large and varied stock of Superior ' FAMILY CABRIA.GES Of Latest styles, with all the most recent improvementiet tirushl ELEGANT LANDAU. Jut completed. Abe. CLARENCE MAUVES and COUPES of =erect etylex, DIANLTACI'OEY AND WAREROOMS. • 1204 FRANKFORD AVENUE, ceidtmrPf atm Girard 0004 REDUOTION IN PRICES. French Celt double able, Bane, Mut 41 11111 01 SU Do. do. singe do. do. do. do. 110 00. Do. do. double do. do. 241 1110 00. ' Do. do: *lngle do. do. do. 09. OWI BOYS' FIND- BOOTS AND SHOES At Very 1,0 - w Prices, - 13 A.Rtriumgrrr, 38 S. SIXTH STREET. Num, etil 4809 E CTIZATNITIC. THE DAILY WITENING MILLIIIIII.-PHILADELPIIIA., SATIMDAY, 140VEMBER: 1867. pIIBLIBRED SATURDAY,,_NOVEM.Bbi,.._ TWO EXQUISITE BOORS. WHITTLERS , SNOW BOUND, illustrated with .40. Engravings. by Harry Fonn: ele gantly bound in Morocco-Oloth, Richly Gilt, and also in Full Turkey_ Antique. 'OWEN MEREDITH'S - LUCILLE,_ - Illustrated with 24 Engravings, by Du alaurier; Bointi• fully Bound in Morocco-Cloth, Richly Gilt, and also in Full Turkey . Antique. with a Steel Portrait of the Au thor ; the first ever published. - • . For intrinsic literary value, for beauty of illustration, for excePvlice of tYPograPbY , and tastefulness of binding —in short. for all that goca to make beautiful land petal a nently valuable Gift Books, these two volumes must be the favorites during the approaching gift season. J. F. . 60.4 - Have Now Opened Tileir T s FALL IMPORTATIONS OF NEW CARPETINOS. -" { 500 Pieces J. CroSsley & Sons' Patent Tapestry Carpets. J.•, F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 300 PIECES. ROYAL WILTON CARPETS. NOVELTIES IN FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS. J. F. 500 Pieces New Styles English Brussels Carpets. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 250 Pieces yard-and-a-half Wide Velvet Carpets. ROYAL WILTON CARPETS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. , 3. F. NO. 904 cnootivrNurr STREET, SHEETS Ea 441 El W NEW PUBLICATIONS. IVANHOE. 1 vol. QLTEN'TIN DURWARD. 1 vol. wo more volumes• of the Illustrated Library Edition of the WAVERLY NOVELS. Gruen Morocco Cloth. NEW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED: TALE ON' TWO , and GREAT EXPECTA 11ONS, twelfth volume Diamond Diskens. PRICE, $l 5O, CLOSING OUT AT $l. TIIIODOLF. by Emterre. author of "Corime." HAREM LIFE IN TURKEY, by Miss Lott. LOVER'S DIARY, by Alice Limey. ihustrated. KATIIRINA, a poem; by author of "Bitter Sweet." PRACTICAL COI iKERY, by Professor. Blot. And many others by the best authors. • AT CLOSING-OUT PRICES. CHARMING JUVENILES JUST READY: SHAMROCK AND THISTLE, by Oliver Optic. BREAKING AWAY, by Oliver Optic. THE STARRY FLAG, Oliver Optic. JACK OF ALL TRADES. by Rosa Abbot., SNOW BE stRIES, by Alice Carey. QUEER LITTLE PEOPLE, by Harriet B. WWI:. RAINBOWS FOR CHILDREN, by L. Maria Child. .GRIMM'S GOBLINS. by Brothers'Grimm. And many others. Elegantly Illustrated, separate and. , in sets. Our stock of Juveniles is the LARGEST A ND Bt. S'T TV(.•ov.,- SELLING AT CLOSING-OUT PRICES. Abe, a huge assortment ur etota.imund oud.sl 50 -Books, by good authors. closing ont at 50 AND 25 CENTS A VOLUME. Stationery. Fromm Prangs, Chromes, Albums and the largest assortment at Stereoscopes and ateremeopic Views, in the city, at lower price: , than ever. W. PITroIIER'S CLOStN G.ouT SALE, NA CHESTNUT STREET. &le SECHIND NTlw WF ATV' HAREM LIFE. HAREM LIFE. TN EGYrT AND tuorwrus" , '":ol'LE, BY EMFAXIE LOTT. Vara A. lOR L..A.J. tit. AUTHOR. Frwarthe Axaccr'R Preface. "It was reserved to an humble individual like myself. in my official capacity as Governess to his Highness. the Grand Pectin Ibrahim, to beeopie the unheard-of instance in the annals of the Turkish empire, of residing within those tc . i of intrigue , the Imperial end Viceregal Harems. of Turkey and Egypt ; and thus an opportunity has been afforded me of, tomodelislike. Witting that impenetra ble veil, to accomplish which had hitherto bullied all the exertions of Eastern travelers. It has been my Mat to give a concise yet impartial and sympathetic account of the daily life of the f ar.tatbeil 'Odalisques of the nine. teenth century--those mysterious impersoniiications of eastern loveliness -With what success I have achieved this difficult task Is kit to the judgment of the public to determine)' Price $l 50 in Paper; or. $2 00 in Cloth. Copies of this extraordinary book will be sent, free of postage. on receipt er xq r (.4'l• P T. B. PETERSON & B ROTHS& üblishers, Pulisneliena. 186 1 FALL AND WINTER. 1867 FUR ROUSE,' (EBTABLISBED IN 181'3.) The undersigned Invite the attention of the Ladled t their tarp mock of Furs. condeting of MUFFS, TIPPETS. COLLARS. dm; IN RUSSIAN SARLS. HUDSON'S BAY SABLE. MINK SABLE. , ROYAL ERMINE. CHINCHILLA. FITCH, &o. all of the latest styles. IMPEICLOR and at reasonable prices. Ladles In mourning will find handsome articles in Pfli SIHNNES and SULIAS. the latter a most beautiful CARB,IAGE ROBES, SLEIGH ROBES. and FOOT HUM in great variety. , A. K. & F. K. WOMRATIT eel 2 4m rp 417 .Arch Street. eIKIMONEY TO tANY AMOUNT LOAN :0W DIAMONDS. WATCILEB. JBWELB,Y. I 1.1 168 r a CLOTHING, &e.ost . , Ow EBTAIVIEyIIiO1 0 110 E. ' Oorner T dRd aolcill streets. Below m ant, , N; B —DLAMONDA. WA ILEB , JEWELBY. GUNS . . its EIEMBBEM A Y I PV mom . ► ...... C8915N attr u l t ) e L;trint, tyief e 4. log WrOr bi Arg. SAKS LOB • * Tr l popkwass /11S0111141 . • _mu 0 010 tint e • 0 WSW " Igo or 14* I a 76Wratel•Mrlice Sre 4 B. ORNE, iffES'TIVITT STREET, & E. F.-4 E. B. NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, & E. NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, & E. NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, & E. c 9. F. NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, & E. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. BEtt. 2._ ORNE, ORNE, ORE. ORNE, BRUSSELS CARPETS ORNE, J. W. PROCTOR -& CO., 920 Chestnut Street, NEW C1.40.A.1-K.S OPENING EVERY MORNING. NOW OPEN. LADIES' DRESS FUSS OF ALL KINDS REAL ASTRA.CHAE ARCTIC SEAL SACQUES. CLOAKING CLOTHS BY THE YARD. RICH BLACK SILKS, IN ALL QUALITIES, FROM 62 TO $1 60 Corded Poplins, REPS, Empress Cloths, Epinglines, Bilk Chain Paris Crepes, .AND OTHER RICH COLORED FABRICS FOR LIMES' WILILING SUITE. LADIES' DRESSES MADE EN TVITNTEXOUR HOUR. J. Vir..fROCTOR 0t:P.9..:,: 020 CheatnutStreet. odiMu th itm f r :iTpE t - 11,141 - 17 i ' 1 Mill , o.l.U3rfrou r7l / 7 '' • grit% Se am on e OSt 11 • : . Gto. . ~. r ._:l_, A n ‘ : .jfl, I ' _.,, .., t, , • .!, , ~ I " ,4 ; 1 , .' 4: . e ' IlLimmisaillill=:66lllllj 0161:K v e "die' LABiaEST AND BEST STOOK OF FINE OLD RYE WHISKIES 1867. HENRY S. lIANNISI I ANNIS & CO 21S And 220 inELONIC SIC9RJECIEIrrt, Who offer the same TO TIM TRADB, in Lott, on' Very,'l4 ,thintageons Terms. , - Their stock of Rye whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all ski favorite brands taint, and rune through the varietal Menthe 01 168/14 , 044 and of MIS yea*,' MI P j r ar:l 4 l l Clittritete *bade for loin I* arrire at Peniunittn boot, *trial, son mule whort, or at Bonded 'Warehouses , as par ties utay elect" ent•tedau FINE ARTS.---We big to ,onnOunce that we will open during the next two weeks over fifty oases of CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS, RARE STATUARY, RICH FANCY GOODS and BRONZES. These. GEMS OF ART have been se lected with great care by Mr. Bailey from the Studios of the most celebrated Artists, and the workshops of the best makers in Europe, and contain many works that have achieved distinction at the Paris. Exhibition. BAILEY & CO., 819 Chestnut St. m wllrn rp NEW OIL PAINTINGS. NEW ROMAN PHOTOGRAPHS. - NEW CHROMOS, From Man and Florence. NEW ROGERS' GROUP, **THE SCIIOOII EXAMINATION." Looking Glasses in every ti variety. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CrECEBTNIMISTBSINT,_ _ PIANOS TO RENT. •••••••••• CHAS, W. A. TRUMPLER Sia !Weir Husk Store, 926 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer. NEW and ST , COND HAND PIANOS TO .BENZ AT REASONABLE RATES. Pianos and Organs FOR SALE. 0c2641 rp COMPLETE VICTORY AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867.---Chiok ering's Pianos Triumphant ! having re ceived from the Emperor "The Legion of Honor," being the highest Prize awarded at the Exposition, and in addi tion The First Grand Gold Medal of Merit from the International Juries. W. H. DUTTON, 914 Chestnut Street. 0C15411 . rp tfi W.EBER PIANO 1 • These 1101131018 steIJNIVBSILLYNKNOWLIDGIDthe Best Piano-Fortes Manufactured • you BRILLIANCY AND DURABILITY. They are used in the Conservatories andusic o l e ndingork and Brooklyn, by theschools In the eosin. try. A full and varied assortment con= stantly on band. Jo A. 411EIMA 11 02 CHESTNUT STREET. MALEO,NEW PATENT TREMOLO ORGANS, Bbocimor Co. Organs and ktelodoma,xith the eat tremolo: , 80144 to tb ti Velours Russo, ISAAC B. EVANS lcuntrurnrais attP rak lol ELI OILS, PAlNTi t svalasags , Nav#SthmcOndc'sOrisi' tio,lo.NotkpelaWaid aveime• / ; .1 , • 1,1 I v ) • t, MeV? tow •• • wood, tO tow n! eat II br4Ougliz. APO./ to WO i In t a t 1.. 4laut ntolaff, calp r MAIN DinarraNgtreCUlffain ry,tivr IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY PAINTINGS, 4!.0. PIAIYOB. SOUSE. FURNISHING , GOODS. HEAL ESTATE ISMEdEfs• jehEAL FESTATE,—TiaMMig.ahI&Eko ; handsome modern s ee lleassei " Btone Residietste,.24o: , t, be. tweets M w i ar sad Jefferson odrook.• Owl% ay . No. vslober reri. it 18 o'clock, ' noes. will he gold At publicise e, at the Philadelphia .xchangv.Ait that hand. some modern three-story brick and broWnaenfenis with double threestory hack buildings sad *stet' . s% lll situate an the east side of Sixteenth sirceA taw ier and Je ff erson streets, No. 1413; the 1 ntai in front en' Sixteenth street St feet 8 ituthee, end let ters depth I'2 feet to Sydenbatu street. The hum Is in surerior manner, and has the modern cOnvelaidocess.. _ consisting of two heaters, two ranges., bath. water awn. and stationary wash tabs in the 0;4411010n. The houses in this square are all built under tho restriction to recedes .% feet from the line of the street, and are inclosed Wl* handsome iron railings. The street in front is paved with what is known its the Belgian pavement. The house will be sold complete in all respects, except the gas Satinet itir Clear of all incumbrance. fir" Immediate possession. Terms—sB,6oo muy remain on mortgage. Van be examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Maud 141 South Fourth 'tract. rHEAL FSTATE.—THOMAS & WNW Sisfiß— " Handsome Modern Three-04017 Stick Residence, 1508 Spruce street, 11l feet. front, 140 feet deent.--tg. Tuesday, Norember 12th, 1107, at li i trektck, men. will sold at public sale at the Philadelp a Subsume. all that handsome modern three-story brick mgainage. with dou ble three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north aide of Spruce street, west of Fifteenth street. WI; the lot containing in front pn Spruce street = feet. and extending In depth 140 feet, with theMirilege of a 0-feet wide alley leading into Fifteenth street. Tbo home has 9 parlor. and 2 kitchens on drat door: library. dining-room. butler's pantry and 2 chambers °need:mit floor 4 chambers on third floor, and 2 attire; has the mo dern convents-aces, gas bath. hot and cold water , dumb waiter water-closet , b idet, gas-range, furnace. low-down grate in dining•room, cellar paved, rte. Ifir Clear of all incumbrance. 'rerms— Half cash. Can Ix seen between 12 and 2 o'clock' daily. THOMAS /3 SONS. Auctioneer., 139 and 141 booth Fourth street. - ireh! AI. Eti'l'A'rE.—Tll4l3l4 8 M. cit“li. amag.— Threeetory Brick. Dwelling. No. '2.9) N. Juniper street. between Dace and Vine streets. -a re; Tueeday,. ven)ber, 12th, 1887, at 12 o'clock, noon.will ho sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that theeettor7 brick notrunge, with Drowthy back building and lot, of ground, situate on the west side of Juniper litrent.betweett Race and Vine streets,. No. WI; thence extenring cut ward et bet 10 Inches; thence northward 13 feet 10 inches to the privy wall; thence eastward 4 feet 2 Inches; thence northward across the middle of the well of Bald privy 4 feet 2 ineheN; thence cestward,re feet 8 inches to Juniper Street ; thence southward along the gams 18 feet to the place of beginning. Together with the privilege of a water course extending west ward Over and along the southernmost 9 Inches In width of the maid lot Into and from Lybrand street. Also the privilege of 'using said privy and well ha common with the adjoining property. N. TllO3l Atid: Auctioneers, 1M) and 141 8. Fourth street. itREAL ESTATE—Th(I3IAS X SONS' SALE.- handsome modern residence, No. 2110, Spring Gar den street. 24 feet front, on Tueedav, Nov. 6. lit 37. at 13 o'clock, noon, will be cold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome threeetory brick meanings, with double three.ctory hack buildings, situate on the south dde ,of Spring Garden street. wort of Twenty tint street, No. 2110: the 10t containing he front on Spring Garden street, 24 feet. (including ads yard of 1 feet.) and extending In depth 100 feet. more or less. o f bowie Is new. amt dabbed latbo beat manner ; has the modern ituprorements. gap, bath, hot and cold water. stationary sirastintand in secondaderY chansten. water•closet cooking range, ,itc. Vir Clear of all ineumbranee. barnedlatreatioa, T e rnw—ir may remain on mortsme. at the Auction amts. M. THOMMI & SONS, Auttioneers. me, 13P and Id South !earth street. TRESTEEV dALE.—THON.AS d 111)101, ACV (loner- .1.-4 inreentery Thick Dwellings. No. 1798 St. Joseph's Avenue, -west of Seventeentlystraet. On Tuesday Nor. &Sutter:, at tt o'clock, noon. will be sold at Public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all those brick montages and lot of ground. situate on the north side of Bt. Joseph's avenue. iss the same Lola been widened and enlarged by Matthew Newkirk. b' the ad - dition anlto north /Mani all_bls ground. I lett. to_ fitfor- _ mer breadth.) DM feet west of Seventeenth street; ion. !aiming in front RI feet. and in depth 60 feet. to a three feet wide alley running east end wmt, and communies ting with a 4 feet wide whicu leads into ht. Jo' eeph's avenue.. Together with the common use and Privilege of both **idalleys. The improvements are a threcetory brick dwelling, No. DU Joseph'e avenue. with threeetory brick dwellings adjoining in the rear. forming a court. id. T 1102.1418 & BONS. Auctioneers. 139 141 South Fourth street. F.XFXICTfiRS' PEREMPTORY SAM—WPM/3R -of Theism' -G, Connor, - doestaaed.—Thomas-Ahlissie. Auctioneers. Two two-story frame Dweillap, Nos. T2B and 1 North Front street, south of Green stniet,wfth two frame dwellings in the roar on Ocean attest. Oat Tuesday. November 1.,1th. ltri. at 19 o'clock, noon. will_ he sold at public sale, tat:hoist melee, at the Mader Exchanfg, all , those frame rummages , and the, of belonging. situate on the west de of V;rn u t d street. itVth of Green street; containing together in front on Front street 20 feet, and extending to depth 114 feet 10 inches. to Ocean street. The improvements arc two frame dwellings Nos. 020 and Ot t North Front street. and two frame dwellings in the, rear on Ocean street. W-Clear of all ineuntbrance, sale absolute. M. THOMAS dt SONS, Auctioneers. 18S , and 141 &nth Fourth street. rEXECU7 OR'S PEREMPTORY BM,E I —ESTATE of Mary Main, deceased. Thotnaa & Sons, Auc tioneers. Genteel three-story' brick Dwelling. 1:11 South Seventh street, worth of Catharine street. On Tuesday. Nov. Loth, 1317. at 12 o'clock.noon.will be sold at public sale.without reserve,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that genteel throeetory brick inessuage and lot of ground. situate on tee. southeast corner of Resent!" and Evangelist streets, north of Catharine street. No. 773; containing in front on Seventh street 16 feet. and-extend ing in depth 37 feet. It contains 6 rooms, besides hue. xnent and bathroom ; gas introduced. &c. ;V - Clear of all incumbrance, Sale abwlute H. A. PIM. Executor. Di. THOMAS dt BONS Auctioneers. 119 and 141 South Fourth street., r. ---- r HEAL kTE.---TlloklAil L. BONS ' sALFL— ..., Threo.sto Brick Dwelling. No. 1646 Catharine ' street. wit 2 three-atom brick dwellings in the rear on Kates street. On Tuesday, November 12th. 1267. at 13 o'clock. noon. will he sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange, all that lot of guind, with the iroCvs ments the erected, situate on the south side of labs rine atre&, east of Broad street. No. 1246; contain in front on uatharino street 16 feet. and extending in depth 27 feet 6 inches, Mere or lees, to Kates street. The im provements consist of a three-story brick dwelling front inn en Catharine street, No. 1240. and 2 three-story brick dwellings In the rear on Kates street. , itld — Clear of all bacumbrance. Terms—al,ooo may remain on proege. hi.THOMAS 6 B NB, Auetioneers. not 9 • 139 and 141 Routh Fourth street. EXECtiT@It'S SALE.-ESTATE OF RACHEL Dougherty, deceased.—Thomas k Sone, AuCtiOneers. • Twestory Frame Dwelling, and large lott,therry street, west or Eleventh street. On Ttleiday. NOYeto.- ber 10.1%'7 at 12 o'clock , noon, will be sold et nubile site. at the Philadelphia Exchange: All those 9framemss. images and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Cherry street, 118 feet west, of Eleventh street: the lot containing in front 20 feet, and oxtenang in depth 120 feet s to Mark's lane. The improvements are • two-story frame dwelling. fronting on Cherry street. Ind a two-story frame dwelling on Mark's lane , . Or Clear of all Ce incUtabian. 4.,E0110E KIRK. Executor. M. TLIOMAJ3 & SONS, Auctioneers. n 09,1 2 1130 and 141 South Fourth street. • HEAL EtrfATE.--TIIOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Old eetabllsbed BUSITO3BII Stand. Threostori brick Tavern and Dwelling, No. 810 autism albreet, west of ghth street. On Tuesday, November 12th, 1867. ib o'clock, noon, will be sold at public eale. at the Philaded. phis Exchange; all that valuable threeetory brick meek Image and lot of ground ,4 :ltuate on the south side of SIM. soon street, west of Eig th etreet, No. 810; containing ha front on 8111350111 street feet, and extending in depth /00 feet. It baa been occ_uplod am ft tavern and dwelling for • number of years. and-is an excellent businen Stand. LW - Clear of all incumbrance. • Terms-84,000 may remain on teortme. , • , N. THOMAS & SOrtti, Auctioneers, 1139 and 141 Bout in Fourth street.. . ItEAL 'ESTATE. .--: THOMAS & SONS' SIALE. --- le) street, east of the Ger:lloBmm road ' . ° Nitte i t i ng th Ward. 'On Tuesday, November sth Or Philadelphia ', E x change ll that old' at public sale, at tbs. ' all to of ground, Situate ma the north tilde of liacy (formerly Wager), street. 411. feet-east of -the Germantown toad. Nineteenth ,'Ward; • containing in front on Buckley street 24 feet, at B.ld , ignit, ~ Int( in depth on the east lins about 197 feet , 107) lette.,' . , and on the west line 189 feet 8 inches. - ; ~ .... , . M. THOMAS 4; SONS. Attetioneerr , no 2, .. , _ bAt.,E 01.• coßmtt, or iiEIW—EsVAT,O.,i) , i Matthew Thompson, deceased.' "noun's' tit So E. Auetioneers, Natuable Lot t . ,sontliweste.timper r Twelfth an Catharine st" eeto. On Tuesday, Nov. 12 , mr;, at is o'clock, noon, will he sold attinbile faith, at , a' Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of gtoUndl Waite , it the southwest corner of Catharine . an t i NWOUth ilt.t.l containing in front on Twelfth street feet; and elrA- Ing in depth 85 feet. _ _. /8 . .. ~'; i.., M. THOMAS 80N11, Auct're, nag 9 ' 189 and 141 8, Fourth strait '' 'WANTED-A SALESMAN, BETWJAEN 0140 ni T th 24 e a gliglelt ' firl d t tittftrinr.U.'ufr4 19100014 9 . ,- t_....i4)..,.. VOTIVE TO Bl.lll..DEltB.—ileated propoaala will tar . received by the Building _Committee of ttie _clitath ot the Holy Trinitaphile.delprai. until noon of Novenibee SO. 1997 forbuil dg a stone ,Tower and Spire aolaumate,, want to the lan and opeolikolona mid form lir piwti to e aeon at the 0110_4 of F lAMB. FORM' * BEWITI_,' Architects, Penn Building,Tio , de WA yr Street. The Pomp:Awe reserve the rift to aided t o L'O FF lOtl b arattirio tilul t. ea dMlTT AllareiG for Tower anegre" m onitize " " c " 544 . J. 11. MOO, PinlADELglitix. October Si. 1561. EgOArtgitiMitrgi ,*.miTH . ,:,.i.,:,-,, 4 , ..,. 1..,,,,(.,,..:.,.