=== RV WINE DEAD. You are gone away, away! llere the tabernacling clay But the shutters now are fast, And the dour has swung its last• And the cold body lies quite still As a snow-drift on tho Are you really gone away? Did yon love me nit:,rht and day? Arum/ gone? I kiss your eyes, :But they nutter not to rise; Long 1 whisper in your ear— • You would speak it you were here You are gone, sweet spirit, where? Are you near me in the air— Ail to me— Yet my weeping do you see, And lean downward close and low, Watching wistful where I go? Do you feel heat of sun— Chin of night when day is done— Clammy touch of drifting snow? , Hear the wild winds when they blow— FluttOing leaves and falling rain— Rivers running through the plain? Do you seo the purple heath On the cliffs, and underneath - Azure seas and yellow sands, "Fouled cornfields on the lands— Or is earth its sight and sound So much loose mist coiling round? When at night upon my bed, Seeking sleep, I find instead Some strange coldness on the brow, Feel it coming—going now— Is your presence - in the place, And your breath upon my face? When by day I take my stand, —Working steady head and hand, Comes a warm thrill to my soul, Spreading swiftly through the whole— Are you there with touch intense, Flashing through the bars of sense? This I know not, but I know You are gone from„ all below; \ Yon will suffer no more pain, Never weep or grieve again— I am glad that this is known, Though I stay here all alone. You are with the angels, dear, And they tell you not to fear; Though surpassing glories blind Mortal eye and mortal mind; And they teach you what to do In the land with all things new. I mast try to follow on "pk r ,To the heaven that you have won; 'remember what you said, And the path you bid me tread— Though I cannot see you near, I shall think you sec me here. You are tone away, away! Pass the night and pass the day, We shall meet in that sweet place, Hand in hand, and face to face-:- With the resting, there to rest, With the blessed to be blest. -- Chambers's Journal. The people l 0 ho go to Concerts. Next to the professional musician of the conventional type, with spectacles, and long hair tucked behind his ears, sits the church organist, who worships Bach and despises Rossini, who listens with folded arms, a wrinkled brow, and his head slightly on one side, never displaying the least satisfaction with anything that hits the. taste of the public. Then come the elderly lady and her two daughters, quiet, well-to-do-people, probably in the hosiery line, who, understanding little of what they hear, manage to enjoy themselves nevertheless; the vexatious amateur, who beams delightfully at the dull passages, and keeps desperate time with his hands during the periods of uproar and chaos ; the solid party, with a big round face, broad brimmed hat, coarse; - fat hands, and. a pepper-and-salt cutaway coat, who stares at everybody, snubs the music, thinks he has made a ba i bargain—but, with a laudable desire of getting asiimueh for hiS shilling as possible, clings to his seat like a. limpet. Then there is the young Frenchman, who playa with his cane, and smiles superciliously at everything ; the man with the. Shaks perian head, who may be amazingly clever or a terrible dunce—who is .deep in rellec— tioh-7,but whether concerning the allegretto con vivace, or the rise in the price of butchers' meat, is uncertain; the shaky. old • • - q and white hair, gentkman with weal who is ardent in his admiratam of nOSsini.and 4ndulges in ecstatic groans and smiles during the soft movements in the overtures; the young lady of a decided cast of countenance, who can clay Beethoven's- sonatas almost— 'some say quite—as well as a profcssional,and despises emotional music as mere dross, and melody as a mistake. To her left slouches a crapulous youth, her ill-grainral brother, who thinks of nothing else but billiards and bot tled beer; whilst a chair or two further on sits the highly cultivated nuisance, who beams with vindictive triumph when the music is at its profoundest,and,as most people say,dullest, and re-demands the dreariest movement of all —a proceeding in which he is feebly supported by a sycophantic minority, Who, with no de cided opinions. on art subjects, wish to be accredited as connoisseurs, and who, at an air korn `Lucia" or the "Traviata," protrudes IP under lip, smiles disdainfully, and turns his attention to the chandelier, or the topmost tier of boxes, or the carpet, to demonstrate the incorruptibility of his taste, and the con tempt he bas for the opinion of others. A young lady of a placid demeanor, who has taken off her bonnet, smoothed her hair and made herself comfortable, in defiance of con ventionalities, furtively passes a .bun to her - brother, who is in the next row, and who wishes to keep up appearances—smilea, whis per); and ~,loeks round cautiously for fear she should Have disturbed the audience. There is the fat, melancholy man who watches the conductor with settled gloom, and performs the. dismallestp of modulations on an harmonium iu his back dining-room. Lastly, we have the tall, mili tary-looking 'man, with a sunburnt face and a Scotch cap, who bus atteirded every prome nade concert ever given, and who, when he can't get a scat, geucrally leans with his back against the front orchestra; the seedy party, who incurs the indignant frowns of his neighbors; the two volunteers in uniform, who look as if they had made a mistake, and the aspiring violinist, with protruding eyes, long, lanlohair, a dusty coat, and a hat at: the back aids head, who is Moodily atten tive, never changes his position, and has ap parently swallowed nothing worth Mention ing for the last fortnight.— Kc. The New New Life of Hante. The following extracts from Mr. Norton's new translation of Dante 's autobiographical love-story quaintly and exquisitely describes the first, dawn of the 'seraphic vision on the enchanted spirit, of a susceptible boy : Nine times now, since my birth, had the 'heaven of light turned almost to the same Point in its own gyration, whea first appeared before mine eyes, the glorious lady of my mind, who was called Beatrice by : many who knew not wherefore she _was so'calicd: She had already been in this Tile so long that in its course the starred heaven had moved toward the region of the East one of the twelve parts of a degree: so that about the beginning of her ninth yeas she appeared to me, and I near the end of my ninth year saw her. she ap peared to me clothed in a most noble color, a modest and becomink crimson, garlanded and adorned in such wise as befitted her very youthful age. At that instant, I say truly that the spirit of life - Which dwelleth in the most secret' chamber of the heart began to tremble with such violence• that it appeared fearfully in the least pulses, and tremblingly said these words : Ecec dew firl lot fivJ, gui venicm dontinabitur At that instant the intellectual spirit,which dwelleth iu the high f.,'ltruber to which all the spirits of the senses carry their perceptions, began to marvel greatly, and, speaking es pecially to the spirit of the sight, said these words: Appal.uitjana beatittalo restra. At that instant the natural spirit, which dweiletli in that part where our nourishment is sup plied, began to weep, and weeping said these words: lieu in iBc). ! Troia ,f;•er ucilf er irit pcclilus C2'o CICIACCI2B. From this time forward I say that Love lorded it over my soul, which had so sud; denly inclined to him: and he began to ex ercise over me so much control and such lordship, through the power which my im agination gave to him, that it behooved me to do completely all his pleasure. He com manded inc oft-times that I should seek to see this youthful angel, so that I, in my boyhood, often .Nyent seeking her; and saw her of such noble and praiseworthy deport ment, that truly of her might be said that word of the poet Homer : "She seemeth not the daughter of mortal man, but of (od." And albeit her image, which stayed con stantly with me, gave boldness to Love to hold lordship over me, yet it was of such noble virtue that it never suffered that Love should 'rule me without the faithful counsel of the reason in these matters, in which it were useful to hear such counsel. And since 'to. dwell upon the passions and actions of such early youth appeareth like telling an idle tale,l will leave them, and passing over many things which might. be drawn from the original' where these lie hidden, I will come to those words which are written in my memory under larger paragraphs. The lapse of nine years of unavowed yet unabating affection; the poet discourses as Follows of the glories of womanhood in the consummation of its charms : When so many days had passed that ex actly nine years were completed since the above described apparition of this moat gen tle lady, on the last of these days it came to pass that this admirable lady appeared before me clothed in purest white, between two gen tle ladies who were of greater age, and, pass ing along a street, turned her eyes toward the place where I stood very timidly; and by her ineffable courtesy, which is now rewarded in the eternal world, saluted me with such virtue that it seemed to me that I beheld all the bounds of bliss. The hour when her most sweet salutation reached me was ex actly the ninth of that day; and since it was the first time that her words came to mine ears, I took in such sweetness, that,:as it were intoxicated, I turned away from the crowd; and, betaking myself to the soli tude of mine own chamber, I sat myself down to think of this most courtemb lady. And thinking of her, a sweet slumber over came me, in which a marvelous vision •aP peared to me; - for =thought I saw in my chamber a cloud of the color of fire, within which I discerned a form of a Lord, of aspect tearlul to whoso should look upon him; and he seemed to me so joyful within himself that a marvelous thing it wap; and in his words, he spake many things which I understood not, save a few, among which I understood these: Ego Dominus hats. In his arms me seemed to see a person sleeping, naked, save that she seemed to me to'be wrapped lightly in a blood red cloth; whom I, regarding very intently, recognized as the Lady of the Saluta tion, who had, the day before, deigned to salute me. And in one of his hands it seemed to me that he held a thing which was all on fire; and it 'seemed to me that he said these words .to me: Vide coic (1112111. And when he had remained awhile, it seemed to me that he awoke her that slept; and he so far prevailed upon her with his craft as to make her eat that thing which was burning in his hand; and she ate it as one in fear. - At'ter this it was but a short while before his joy turned into' most bitter lament;_and as he wept he gathered up this lady in his arms, and with her it seemed to me that he went away toward heaven.'Whereat I felt such great anguish, that my weak slumber could not endure it, but was broken, and I awoke. And straightway I began to reflect, and found that the hour in which this vision had appeared to me had been the fourth of the night; so that, as manifestly appears, it was the first hour of the nine last hours of the night. And thinking on what had appeared to me, I resolved to make it known to many who were famous poets at that time; and since I had Arcady Seen —le tie art e of discoursing in thyme, I resolved to make a sonnet in which I would salute all the liege men of Love, and, praying them to give an interpretation to my vision, would write to them that which I had seen in my slumber. Crime in Cuba. The Havana correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune gives a terrible pictUre of crime in Cuba. He says: Mr. Chinchilla, Postmaster-General, had an awful tragedy enacted last Sunday evening, at his residence, which nearly cost hint the forfeit of his litb. One of his sisters-in-law and her mother had been residing with his family for some thine; the former, a young widow, was about marrying a second time. She owned a mulatto about seventeen tears of age, who had been brought up in the family, and was. of a very prepossessing appearance. His mistress took it into her head to sell him off before marrying, for which purpose she placed him in the hands of a negro broker, to try and sell him to some planter. This, of course, was not tasteful to the slave. Haviiqc acquired city habi t ts, and run away from said broker, he came to his mistress' determined to re monstrate and demand, according to our slave statute, a license for three days to find a' aster in the city. She would not grant this just demand, from some particular rea sons, and ordered him out of her presence, when the mulatto, who had prepared him self with a poignard, stabbed her over the right shoulder blade, severing the main artery and causing . almost instant death. The 'man then went to her mother and stabbed her three times; directly,, he made straight to Mrs. Chinchilla's room with the intent of killing her also, when Mr. Chinchilla threw himself between the assassin and her, receiving a dangerous wound, thereby saving her life. His blood thirst being satisfied, he ran down stairs, and as the doorkeeper tried to prevent his going out of the house, wounded him on the shoul der, The alarm , being 'given, he was chased and caught, a short distance off, and taken *jail, where he confessed his guilt, and ap peared perfectly resolved to meet the worst fate. All the other parties wounded are doing well. It is the general impression that he will pot he condemned to death, as there arc good grounds ter a smart lawyer to plead. The following day another lady was mur dered by a negro (slave), at 10 A. iYL, on Calla Concordia. in Cardenas there has been another bloody tragedy between a lover and his affianced, who, from some cause unknown; almost butchered her to death; he is waiting safely in prison the result of the lady's injuniek Our criminal record surpasses anything heard of in modern times. Our Chief of Police has been very success this week in tracking down the base coin makers., On the I uth they made a simulta neous descent upon two houses, one on Fro cudero street and the other on Oa lean°. Font . or live parties were ar rested, as the Surrounding evidence showed that they devoted their tune to the filing of good coins and to the manufacturing of slum nous ones. ' The community hare lately to come alarmed that hardly any gold pie is tendered in payment which is not put to the test on the scales. This naturally creates many difficulties in daily transactions. Ir m.paid that the Emperor Napoleon ciorn plaluti of the delay of the Autttrian, government in completing the military rcorganiztttion of Mt! empire, _ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATTAIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 18.67. RITTER & FERRIK No. 36 South Eleventh Street, n. :IMPORTERS OF WHITE Grit:lcons; LACES, EMBROIDERIES, LINENS, AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, Which they otter to the trade at greatly reduced prices• We have now in store a complete assortment of the cele brated Huron Blankets, made expressly for our mice, which, for fineness of wool, size, weight and cheapness in price, excel any other Blanket in the market, EIGIIT HUNDRED PAIRS FINE BLANKETS, SLIGHTLY SOILED, Some of those Blankets aro the finest and largest 'goods made, were slightly soiled at the mill, and will be sold at about two.thirds their original value. Buyers foillotels, Iloarding•houses, Public Institutions and Private Families, will do well to call and examine our immense stock and extremely low prices. 31any of the alffWe goods W are offering at lees than importer.' and manufacturerfelnices. All goods warrau.ed as represented. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., BLANKETS. FALLS SCHUYLKILL, HOLLAND, CUMBERLAND :SWISS, :MELTON. WI3ITNEY, ENGLISH, (to., &U. PERKINS; . 'NO. 9 SOUTH NLNTH STREET k‘ WI-3mm* lir di . , egi 144 A7 ' l\ s'li rri 4. .1 41111 1 4> . a, s.' ' ' ' "tA • . Fourth and Arch. Will open to-day for Fall Sales, Bilk Faced Ribbed Poplins. All wool Ribbed Poplins, Ilisinarck Poplins, all grades. Pim'o celebrated Irich Popiins.;,. , , New styles of Fancy Poplins. SILKS. &a. Richest Plain Bilks imported. Corded Silks of all grades. New styles of Fall Silks. SHAWLS, &a., &a. Margot Shawlivordered styles, New styles Shawls, long and square, Robes of elaborate designs. - • dellem w Gr . FRYER , 916 Chestnut. Street, llce received and now open hie Fall Importation of Indic. Shawl a aud Searle, together with another kinds of Shawls RICH DRESS SILKS, ' BLACK SILKS, POPLINS, cLOIFIN 09, if CLOAKS, dio., To which the attention of purchasers ie invited; the goods are purchaeed for cash and will be told cheap. ee3otf4 RETAIL DEIN GOODS. HURON BLANKETS. HURON BLANKER'S. HURON BLANKETS. HURON BLANKETS. All-wool Blankets. $3 00. Large size Blankets, *4 00. Fine large Blankets, 00. Very line Blankets. *6 00. N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Stmts. kiii27 . jt4ELAAlL4w..mg • E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Invite attention to their Firetelaee Stock of Laces and Lace Goods, Embroideries, Hdkfs, To which additions will constantly be made of tho Novelties of the Season. They offer• ,heir White Goods Department HEAVY SKIRTING CAMBRICS, At 30, 35, and 40 cents. A Great Sacrifice. MIC ClegziliffelZifilizic •4: OA 01411 ;INDIA SHAWLS. 1101 CHESTNUT STREET . . E. M. NEEDLES /i; CO.'S, • • C I N.W.Cor. - lith and Chestnut Ste. House Varnishing Dry Goods, Bought at the recent depressed rriccs, e l , Shirtieg. Sheeting, Pillow and Table Linens. Table loth• and Napkins to match, Wine Uloth, TtV POYliet!, oeitl and Toweling. 'Marseilles Quilts and Toilet Covers, Blankets, In. Honey Comb, lancaeter, Allendale. Jacquard, and other Spreads. Domed in Muslim. and blicetings, In all qualities and IN idtbs, • C.D AT THE LOWEST RATES. %IR a ILLS JJINI.S H' t 01 I EDWIN HALL k CO., 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, aro now receiving their Fall and Winter importation. Fancy Styles Poplins. Silk.f aced Poplinr. Plain Silk and Wool Poplins, Black and Colored Poplin Alpacas. Black and Colortfd'alum Black and Colored Poplins. Fancy rAyies of Cloaktugs. 8.4 Green and Blue, Blue and White, and Scarlet and White Cioakings. BET STOCK OF" FLANNELS IN TILE CITY.— Idto Flannel at 2.5, al, 85 and MO. One case wool Shaker, wry heavy, at 50e.., full yard wide; Ballard vale at 50 mid 62,1 ye.; yard wide. Elitra fine and heavy at 65 and 750. Red, Grey, Blue and White Twilled, from mc_ up, all wool. lam lode Red at 55e.,extra heavy. Plaid Flannel in great variety. Canton Flannel in every qualitY, very cheap. Then goads aro worthy an examination. fl RAN VILLA B. LLAMA'S; • lobi Market street, above Tenth. —,---- IIOIIbETURMBHING DRY iiiool/8. ONE CAKE .1 line redetriped Stair Linen, 22 cents. One lot good Meshy Ura,sli, 12;4 cents. One lot line, Russia Crag', 14 cents. wo iota of Turkish Bali Towels. .t,--0 very large variety of Scotch and Rasela Diaper, at reduced prices. 40 dozen heavy red-bordered Towels, at 11 dents. :a dozen large red-hordered Towels at 22 Cents. STOKES & WO'-D, 703 Arch street. BNrIIE BIN“LI: PAIR, AT WiIOTAI- Hole prtree, and a largo i;took: to aeleet trout. GRAN. N'11.1.1;11, ILAJNEk . ;, lolll.Markot Love Tenth. oetv.q. RETAIL DIM GOOD& 727 CHESTNUT STREET. 107 I w`i POPULAR PRICES IN Silks, Shawls, Velvets, Poplins, Reps, Fe our Reese, Merinoes, Mous Dc!nines, Alpacas, tiohairs, Alpaca Poplinfk, Chene Poplins, Me lange Poplins, Irish and French Poplins and Plaids., Also, Bornbazines,Biarritz,Tamise, and other Mourning Goods in great variety, together with the most ex tensive assortment of Miscellaneous Dry Goods in the Market. Also, Blankets, Flannels, Linens, House- Farnisking Coods, Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., in reliable qualities, at low prices. RICKEY, SHARP &CO LATE JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 Chestnut Street. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, Dry Goods, by Piece or Package, at and under Market Rates. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Fel44 rp No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. DAMAGED SHEETING.--JUST RECEIVED FROM the Mill ono case Bleached Sheeting, damaged by a very small hole, about every two yards. They aro 1,4 yards wide, and the heaviest Sheeting made. Price Is 2bc., and PiiiCes nun about 40 yards. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 Market street, above Tenth. JOBBERS AND IMPORTERS. E. S. JAFFRAY & 608 CHESTNUT STREET, Are receiving and now opening tor Fall Trade, lull lines Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Huekabaeks, Dia ers, T mrelings, a - rnasks, heetings, illow Linens. L. C. Hdkfs, Hosiery, Gloves, \ Cr ilsapes, Ve, Quilts. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Undei Wear, Embroideries, Nets, Ribbons, &c. The above will be sold at the lowest New York price's. and on the mast itdvantageons terms. Represented by 8. Story. se:l4 to th 8m IT PICTURES, FRARIES, &1:1. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VERY BEST QUALIT Y. EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY , TAILOR, 11AS REMOVED TO S. E. or. of Seventh and Chestnut Ste. iivamy." 1867. FALL AND WINTER. 1867, An elegant selected stock of the newest fa• Wks, by ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBRAUCK I MERCHANT TAILORS 915. Che--Anut Street. F eN4II a tu•llm4 BLINDS AND WINDO:IV SHADES.. B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS I NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, • Manufacturcra of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Largeet and fineet aceortinent in the city, at the loweist Nt'oPraeiglnfigeorumWattAelne=?: pe2,5-tfrp§ CHARLES' L HALE, (out. SIMI - Ilan and Superintendent for IV. Wilihuna) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, , MANUFACTURER VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THO CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. HO • WO III'ING. POINT 1111E1 , 1Zil PARK- DOUBLE'. TRAM. Rocca --October 14th, 21st and 2i1th,1867. Pll 113 0 and stake, $2,500. October 14th and 21st., mile heat,., bent three in five; horses to start at 3 o'clock. Oct. 28th, two:mile beats. Good day and IL SLIFER names g. h. FRANI( and g. h. PRINCE. N. DOBLE names g. It. WERNER ha. IL: OVERUOLT: The privilege of a member introducing a mato friend without pay ma auspendem , Ormdbunres will art for the Park ni.2;:d o'clock P. NI., from Library etyrC.oca•tit,rp, • Ammis R ISLEY'S CONTINENTAL EWS EXOIJANWI BEATS To all placer of ntonsemeht may be had tap to 6 o'clock any CValthr. mh29.tf CONCERT 'A L L , • lJ CHESTNUT etreet, above TWELFTH. • For a chort time only, commencing on • TUESDAY EVRNINO. October and every night after until farther notice, and on WED. NESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 234 o'clock. Thu wonder and marvel of the age. Magniticeut and Divine. Thu A MEALY psn; The Book of Revelation 'met:died. THE VISIONS OF ST. .MIN PRESENTED TO VIER . , From designs by the celebrated French. artist, Gustavo Dore, and tho most eminent artists in this country and Europe. Fifty splendid. designs, repretenting what St. John Haw when a door in' heaven was opened: no de scribed by hint in the Book of Revelation, commencing with the V of the. kieven.Goldeo CtUldleNtiekff, and ending with the 1181011 R of the DAY OF JUDGMENT, THE RIGHTEOUS ASCENDING 10 HEAVEN. _ The wicked . deticeuding Into THE BOTTOMLESS PIT, VfONVB of the New Jernratem, the Future Homo of the Chrlittion—A Street in the New Jertmalon—The_ . - RIVER OF LIFE AND TREE OF LIFE, Golden Pavements—Maguilicent Palaces, with Jeweled Columns and Gilded Domes, tim whole funning a scene of UNPARALLELED BEAUTY, it seeming to the beholder one perfect bluzdof glory. tar Noma—Thep('re .vresentatlono, which have filled the largest hallo In sill the citiec of thin country ivlth the moot refined and intelligent in the community, were placed be-fore the public by the requect of the ntoct, pent divinec of ALL DENOMINATIONS. They have been produced upon a scale of Magnificence arid Splender never before attempted, at a cost of over FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, by that most eminent Artist, Hammett Billings, Req., whose, bentianst c o ma,. Hons. of the Visions of John hare fully borne out the statement made by the Rev. Albert Barnes, of thin city, author of "Barnes's Notes on the Rook of Revelation," that these "visions would make the finest drawings In the world." And in order that the entire community may be enabled to view these beautiful and instructive repro pentations the price of ALMISSHIN TO ALL PARTS OF THE HALL-IS PLACED AT TWENTY-FIVE (55) Mak!, No Reserved Scats. EXHIBITION WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, nt 21 , <, o'clock, when children 101 be ad• patted for 15 cents each. Doors open, Evening, at 7 o'clock; commence at H. Afternoons, doors open at 2 o'clock; commence at 234. Ticket office open during the day. IM'Religious papers circulating over 300 copies in the city will please publish advertisement, call nttention to the same, and send bill to Concert lialf, October 13th. ocr-tit; A. t; ON EY, Proprietor. A CADEMY OF MUSIC. tl AMIN E. MeDONOUGII........Leeeca and Manager LAST TWELVE PERFORMANCES THE BLACK CROOK A N 1) PARISIENNE BALLET TROUPE. - CARD.—The Manager. in compliance with thelmblic. desire for a continuance of THE BLACK CROOK, now in the Minh of eucccen, made application to isinunger Grati for WMol4'l4lllll4!which in hooked to follow the 19th inet. et , tle( ac tory arrangement bu made, the BLACK CROOK will remain one week longer. Otherwlee, it nnert ho withdrawn for the preeeut, much to the regret of the management, as to THE ADMIRING THOUSANDS WHO CROWD THAT PALATIAL EDIFICE TO WITNESS THE GORGEOUS BLENOINGS OF NATURE AND ART LN CLASSIC GROUPING!!! IMMENSE SUCCESS • or Tim NEW BALLET, In u Lich thy four great artiete appear, PEPITA. MLLE. BETTY REGAL, MLLE. ANTONENO, MONS. BAPTISTA. NOTlCE.—spechtl trains from all adjoining. cities - nod towns will have tuntde time to convey their parcengere to the Academy of Music and wanes,. TilE GORGEOUS SPECTACLE, and t aunt them home by 11 o'clock. TIIE )Igct:s OF ADMISSION FOR THE LAST TWO MATINEES WILL BE - - - - 60 CENTS To all parts of the house. No reserved sesta. Tickets for the 31 atime for rale every invifing at the Academy. 11‘ served seats six days In advance, at Leo d; Walker's. 722 Chestnut street, from 10 till 3. onS.fitj pIIILADELYIII.. CIRCUS. Garner TENTII and CALLOWIIILL streete, NULL OPEN FOR THE WINTER SEASON ON THURSDAY EVENING, October 17,1&17 Tlih building has been ENTIRELY REMODELED and IMPROVED, with every attentiou to (XIMFORT eud CONVENIENCE, and i? now• one of the LIANDSOMEST A3II'IIITIIt.ATRES IN AMERICA.- MAGNIFICENT STUD OF 11101ILY TRAINED HORSES, , . purchased and broken EXPRESSLY for thlz establish !neut. . _ NEW AND GORGEOUS TRAPPINGS AND Al' POINTMENTS. A superior Corps of Artists, embracing many "OLD FAVORITES and new aspirants for Public favor, together forming one of the BEST COMPANIES that ever ap peared in this city. oclo-3t: IVEY/ CHESTNUT STREET THEATSE. .111 Begin, at h o'clock. THIS, SATURDAY, AFTERNOON, ' ' FAMILY MATINEE. "CASTE." SATURDAY NIGHT, DOUBLE BILL. MR. JAMES E. MURDOCH will appear in THE GAMESTER. To concludo the Drams t In two arta, DICK AND TOM KING, OR THE ROBBERS , COMPACT. MONDAY—lll , magneom'eut of Mr. JAMES E. MUR HOCH for d niFhtn only. 'I E. ELDER BROTHER. WIALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. CORNER OF NINTH and WALNUT Ftreets. Regina at V.i.% GREAT SATURDAY NIGHT HILL. TWO if:LORIOI'S Dium.ts. The beautiful and Etecomplithed actreee. MISS' Cl 3 A PJ.OTTE TliomrsoN, kill appear Miler powerful rendition of VICTORINE, in Buckwtone`f thrilling Drama of VICTORINE; OR, I'LL SLEEP ON IT. To conclude with Broughnuen hirtodcai Dramallf THE MILLER OF NEW JERSEY; OR, THE BATTLE OF PRINCETON. MONDAY—Mien CH ARLOThE THOMPSON an LITTLE BAREFOOT. !(RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Regina at 754 o'clock. INNISFALLEN A GRAND 61:CCESti. NEW SCENERY, EW EFFECTS. ORIGINAL SONG A S, it CI. AND •GREAT CAST. TO-NIGHT (Saturday), Oct. 12, ISO, Sixth time of Edmund Falconer's great Drama, with new acenery, &c., entitled • IN N ISFALLEN. MISS KATE REIGNOLDS AS KATY MAGUIRE EDMUND FALCONEIi -AS TERRANCE. In preparation—SUßF. DISTORL—ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Director ......................................J. GRAD. Mr. OIIAU has the honor to announce that MADAME ADELAIDE RISTORI will gß..e a short season of FIVE .NIGHTS AND ONE MAlLNEr,'counnencing on MONDAY. October 21. Tho season will be inaugurated by the celebrated tragedy of ELIZABETH, in which Madame 10611/RI will sustain her admirable impersonation of QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Company of Mme. RISTORI has been much ang mented by now Artists. Among them is Sig. BUZZU, wile is one of the few great Dramatic Artists possessed by Italy, and•has gained the highest distinction by the ex• cellence of his personations and who will make his first epee ranee in Philadelphia in the, important role of ESSEX. Second night, ',LARY STUART. Third night, MARIA ANTLiINETTE. The subscriptions for the titaHou of five nights )% ill commence en MONDAY, October 14. oc7-tf _ N E"' PILILADELPIE A OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street , below ARCII L. V. TUNIS ON & 11. PARSONS ....... „Proprietors SAMUEL S. SANFORD. ...... . ...... Manager GREAT SUCCESS OP TUNISON ex CO.'S MINSTRELS. OPEN FOR THE SEASONS MIL HORN, FRANK MORAN cy , W. BUDWORTIL RR U. CHURCH, MOST TALENTED LO IL INX IN THE WORLD. Seats can be secured in advance without Extra Charge. Doom op at 7 o'clock. Performance begins at 8 o'clock. e &Ziff§ N ENV ELEVENTH STREET OPERA Iltl.lSET___ _ ELEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT.' ThE FAMILY RESORT. • • CABNLROSS & CIXEPSINSTRELS, • • THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OPTHE WORLD. • Contimwd success of the beautiful • 11(17MA - 1i TRIP ARO UN THE WORLD. Second week of the great original burlesque, BLACK CROW& BALLET OP PASCINA CORYPhEES. By the Grand Cora Mkt. J. L. tNOROSS. Manager. SIMPSON, Treasurer. oc3 A SSEMBLY BUILDING.—THE LAST TWO NIGHTS -Lk of .1. L. RINGWAL'I'S Lectures and Illustrations of the PLAINS AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, October 11 and 12, will bo under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian AiikIOCIA. lion. and will be devob d particularly to the Indians of the Region and the 'alert Question. A largo number of views topatly_llyffared, illustrative of the scenery of Colorado mid the ko-Semito Valley, will be exhibited. Members of the Association can procure tickets free ou application at the rooms, 1210 cniEsTNu I' street: To the grneral public 11 e terms of admission. wiU bo 11 cetnts. Children's tickets, 26- cents. • oc-2 eERMANIA O TRA.—PUB RCHESLIC REHEARSALS G at'the MUSICAL FUND MALL every SATURDAY at 11,1 i A. M. Tickets sold at.the -Dear and at all principal Music Stores: Fogiigempito can be made by addressing G. DAS.TERT, 12/11 -Monterey street, or at R. Wrri,mos Music Store, 1021 Chestnut etrect. oclo FOX , B AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE EVERY EVENING SATURDAYO AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Baßata, ELfilaidan Burlaaqlca, ,904,74, Daucc. Ciyuatfilit , Acta, Paincdahnol, Otc. * AItIUSEIILENTS. rpm; HANDEL AND HAYDN r3oull.:TY ANNOUNCE, JL for the season of 1867- fiti, THREE GRAND ORATORIOS, AT HORTICULTURAL HALL, .to he producedin the best possible Maimer ; Mut to that end neither palms nor expenoe will lat•sp,red. The first (t ra m) io will bo given on Tit ulisrm Y EVENING, Nov. 21, when IllaydiVe great work, THE CREATION, will be performed. with the following talent: • Mad PAREPA ROSA, Soprano. Mr, GEO. 81:111'SON, of N. V., Tenor. Mr. A. R. '1 AY LOlt, Doss. The large Chorus of the Society. /111 Inhering Swett hun dred voices, nod CARL SENTZ'S FULL AND EFFI CIENT ORCHESTRA. During the season will Le produced Handel's JUDAS MACCABEES, and another Oratorio, not yet determined upon. Subscribers are requer.ted to make, early applica tion for secured vents, the sale of which will commence at TRIM PEER'S Music Store, 92 CHESTNUT street, on MONDAY MORNING, 14th inst. The price el subscription will remain the same as last scason.viz; Ten dollars for three seats to each Concert,and scveu dollars for two seats at each Concert. ocl2-B(e.w tt A Sii.EMBLY BUILDINGS. 810N011 BLITZ. FAREWELL SEASON! King of )ingiclans, Prince of Ventriloquists, World Of Mysteries, Drolleries of the \ oice. Great Indhin Basket Feat.' The Laughable Minstrels nod the Birds. EVENINGS at T',.'; WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AMERNOONS at 3 o'clock. Adtnisslon 2.s.ll,l6;Childreu 15 cents; Reserved Seate Ell cents. oat(' HORTICULTURAL HALL.--- GRAND MATINEE, By CARL BENTZ'S ORELIEBTRA of P'ot'ty Performers. EVERY 111URSDAY AFTERNOON (Commencing 'October 2, 1867), at 3 o'clock. , Voenlbit—Mr. George Ilfahop, the favorite Ballad Tenor, SINGLE ADMISSION, po CENTS. Package of 4 Tickets for *l. To be hnd nt Boner & Co'.s Music Store, 11111 Chestnut street, and at the door. ' se2s-Iru4 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT, above TENTH. Open from 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Benjamin Woet's groat Picture of CHRIST REJECTED etill tat exhibition. SPECLILL NIOTIOES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. 1146 r TjtEASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PIIILADELPMA., September 16, BM NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. At a meeting of the Board of Directore, held on 4th inetant, the following preamble and reeolution were adopted : It hermit, Numerous applications have been made to Hite Company from the holders of the Fire. and Second Mortgage Coupon Bonds to convert the same into the Regletered General Mortgage Bonde, dated July 1,1867; therefore be It liesoirwl, That the Treasurer be, and he le, hereby in rtructed to cause public police to be given that. this Com pany is now prepared to exchange its Registered Ronde, tkocurud by a general tnortgage upon the lino from Phila delphia to Pittsburgh of thu estate, real and personal, and corporate franchises therein mentioned. dated July I.IW. for the Find and Second Mortgage Coupon Bonds, of raid Company, on the road between Ltarrisburg and Pittsburgh. An further information can he obtained on applicatton at Mir office. Tllusi.A.s T. Furr.ii. eel6-30t Treasurer. soy- NOTICE.-Till: ANNUAL MEININO OF THE Stock holder?! of the CALDWELL OIL COMPANY. for the election of officera for the emoting year, will be held on NV EON Estmy, October Pith, ItieS7, at 12 o'clock M., at the office of the Company, NO.:INX Walnut otreet. peciat Autireie hereby given, that at the above rocet fug, i trill two determined by a vote of the majority of the otoek of the Company. that the capital thereof and the par value of the obarem or ill be altered and changed to ouch an amount and value no thorn. representing a. majority of the stock rhall deem adviaable. COARLES M. BITER, Secretary. Oct. bth. PUT. r OFFICE RES , ?1.17E MINING COMPANY. NO. WALNUT ell:Elm PELLADELPUId, September 16, PAM Notice it hereby given that ail ?dock of the Roolute Mining Company, on which inotalruents are due . and on. paid hereby declared forfeited, and will be mphd at public auction on Tll CRSDA Y, October 17th. Mi. at 12 o'clock, noon at the office of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, according to the charter and by.lawo, onleoff preej early redeemed_ By order of the Directors, relit to ocifl li. A. HOOPES. Trearltrer, air TILE 'INDUSTRIAL HOME, CORNER OF Itrend rtreet and Columbia avenue. fa open for the admirsion of Girls from twelve to eighteen yearn of age. rho nre neglected er drrerted by their pareutn, and who nerd the shelter and thrtrnetion of a Christian home. It the Lublin will rurtnin thin inrtitntion, many girls may he kept from evil, and made respectable and ureful women. Contribotlons may ho vent to JAMES 'f. SHINN, Tres, surer, Broad and Snract: rtrvoto. no-4-rytf •ig-p-p?. WOMAN'S MEDICAI, COLLI-JW, OF PENN. ."•••' oylvania.---;The Introductory to the Eighteamth An float &whin of DA. School %vitt be delivered by bane Con ley, M. D.. l'rofetnor of Principlca and Practice of Molicine, on WEDNESDAY, the at 4 o'clock I'. M.. at the Collece Building. North College avenue and enty-second erect. The public are invited. (4 Mt* ANN PRESTON. M. D.. Dean. NOW. OFFICE OF 'TIE EMIG!! COAL AND NAVI- ""'" gation Company. PHILADELPHIA, October sth, 1937. The Stockholdere of thbr Company are requi.eted to call at the Office, ae Moon no foreible, and obtain a copy of a circular extending to them the privilege.of aubacribing. upon certain terns, to the new Loan abqt_ to_ he_leaued.-- .andaliozcontalnittic,lmpOrtantgeiferill - 6nuation. (A-74M SOLOMON riIIEPII ,ItD, Tremiurer. - - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. MEDI CAL DEPARTMENT. A1e2.0 SESSION, IW,-- , 60 1 .. The regular lectures of this reboot will commence on MONDAY, October 14th, and continue until the tirat of March. Fee for the full course sl4e. a - E.. RoiIERS. M. D. Dean Medical Faculty. sir OFFICE OF TIII; DELAWARE COAL COM• pant', No. alff Wninut Street. Philadelphia, Sept. WM Vet 'lite Stockholders will meet at the Company's °flies at I.lo'clock.ort MuNDAY.the twentreletth day of October next, to cotifirm rale and authorize conveyance r 4 real estate situate in Philadelphia. J. R. WHITE, President itEir THE WOMEN'S Fi:I:EIPMF:N'S RELIEF ASS°. dation will hold their Annual Me.-tine at their RBome. ill Satiroto etrert. au 311.1 N D.IY, the 11th 'mt., at 11!.1 o'clock, A. M. All oho ate interested in the work of eduentlon at the South, or who may derire to beetroot inembere of the Arrociation, are, rordially invited to be twee( nt. MRS. R. P. Will FE, . i,c11.2t1 Secretary. VW- 7NIVERSITY 1.41 , PENN:WI:VAIA. M EDICA DEPA RTNI ENT. The General Introductory - to the One Hundred and Second Conn,. of Lecture ,, will he delivered by Pref. JOSEPII LEIDY, M. 1) , on 3IONDAY. the 14th tnat., at n o'clock M. R. E. ROGERS, M. D., ocll :11.5 i Dean. • ker. NOTICE.--CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAlL road.—The Annual Election for Thirteen Director,' of the Camden and Atlantic it/LW - nod ConipAny, to ~ , ,rvo for the CDPII lug year, will be held at the Coloratura Offie. Cooper'r Point. Cahiden, N. .1., on THURSDAY, the 24tit ink., bet:seen the homes of II A. M. and 1 P. M. oelit P 2) • 11. WHITEMAN, Secretary. ikiy- JEFFERSON MEDICAL -FORTY-- TIMID sEeSION LEcTi:RES.- - The Dowrel Introductory n iil be delivered on 'MON DAY EVENING NEXT. October 7!..:_; P. M., by Profet+or GI:086. The regular Lecturers will begin th e day after. at lu ne9.st DI V iiiEN D NOTICES. kir OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR ANCE COM PAN Y. Pin I. A 1•11.PIII.1, October 7th, WI. At a meeting of the Mead of Directors held this day n sonlanunal Dividend of Slx per Cent., - and an extra DM. dead of Ten per Cent, was declared on the Capital Stock, payable to the Stockholders or theirdegal reprecentativeg on andafter the 17th instant, clear of taxes. oceJotl J, W. :11cALLISTER, Secretary pro tem. killll, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD COM ,,any hail declared a quarterly dtvidcnt of Tic l and a Half Per Cent., pa vibto at their office, NofAi4..._Walnut treet, on and after 'I CESDAY, October 15th, 11367.^ ocitu th L. CHAMBERLAIN, Tree enrer. afigiy- DIVIDEND—TIFIrDIItEC 7 TOIif3 OF THE DAL zell Petroleum Company have 818 day declared a dividend of TWO PERVENT on the Capital litock, clear of State tax, Payable on and after the 17th inet., at the "lee of the ConllmoY, tilt Walnut etroet. Traneter booke to clove at 3P. M., : open Mth„ EDWARD P. HALL Secretary. ADE 1. 1 .111.1. October 3.11. 1b67. 0e.6.911 COPOSALN. FALTII OFFICE. PI lILADELPII lA, S. W. C )RNEI -1-1 SIXTH and Sti . NSOM ktrceta. Giaorrra llth, 1847. Sealed Propoffile will be received at'thiii Office until o'clock, noon. October '2sth, k tendingnctand oneffiftlf foot brick Culvert, ex from a culvert on Canal rtrect, lo the rear of properties numbered from 1010 to 1064) North Front etreet, and front 1001 to 1019 !lope etreet. Envelopes will be nffirked " Provo:min to build Culvert." By order of the Board of Health. ItilliATlO G. BICKEL. 0021255 Health Officer, IS4()TICE TO CONTRACTORS.SEALED PRO PO rale will be received for the clearing, grubbing, grad ing, trentle-work, and bridging upon the rotund of the Swedeshoro Railroad, between Swedesb Wood bury, in Gloucester county, N. J. Distance of about it toilet "Sidi! will . be received for tingle sections or for the en tire road. Plans and aperitications may be seen at the. Office of the Prepident, in Swedesboro, on and after . MONDAY, the 7th thet., when, any desired information will be given in perron or by letter. Proposals will be re ceived for the above work at the President's office up to and including Monday, the 11th lust. Parties tendering for the work will receive notice; in writing of the acceptance of their proposals on or before the 19th day of October 'na J. , ci J. S. THOMSON, President. SW riirenno, Oct 1,1867. oel to the 7t_' EJLTIfirIdiSTI (TN N. FARE TO WILMINGTON, 15 CTS., • CHESTER 011 110011,10 CTS. sidatOn and after TUESDAY Oct. let. the steamers Ariel and Felton win leave Chest— nut Street Wharf at 9A. I'd.. and 9 L. 14_ Returning—ieliVOß Wilmington at 7 A. bf. Tickets,2o P. Fare to Wilmington. 15 cis.; Excursion 25 eta. . Fare CO Cheater or nook, le eta. DAILY EXCIJIIS NS TO mington, Delaware. Steamer ELIZA. rimgcox will leave.. on and after Tuesday. 10th instant, E3cfaond Wharf above , Arch street,daily at 10 A. M. and 4 1'.... Returning, leave-. Market street wharf, Wilmington. at 1 A. M.: and 1 I'. M.- Faro for the round trip— • • •• •:. ......... • • • • 60 cente , Single tickets... „ ...... " Chester Mareus . lloolc. . . ... .•.. . , " For further particulars, apply ou . b . oard. or L. W. BURNS, Captain, Aram la. UP THE RIVER.--IJAILY EX(' C,,all'ae4lsaninr . stone to Burlington and Bristol—Tench jug each way at Riverton, Torresdale, Andalusia and Beverly, The splendid Steamboat JOHN A. WARNER loaves PlilladelPhia, Chestnut street wharf, at 3 and 6 o'clock P. M. Returning, loaves Brictol at 7 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. . rare 22 cte. each way. Excursion. 40 eta N-I,I—WTITII-KEY PRUNES LANDING ANY) FOR SALE by J. B. .13USSitat S UO.. 1W Smith Delaware avenue. terary. The North British Review for Beptem 7 ber has an interesting article upon Carsten Bauch,. the Danish poet, and his latest poem, "Julian, the Apostate." FrOm his "Mermaid of Samse we quote a few verses: "'Women of all the loveliest,' so rang the mer maid's strain, 'ln deep abysses wander beneath the sounding main; No winter's cold is piercing, no Icicle is seen. Where dances ocean's maiden upon her floor so green. " 'And she has wondrous treasures, to the upper . world unknown, Along the emerald pavement of her palace they arc strewn, Where lilies and anemones and pearly clusters fair Grow side by side with blossoms of the coral rich and rare. " 'But life pervades the lilies, and they move like breathing things, While round the rocks the sea-snake coils his green and glitterik rings, And if I beckon with-'my hand, his changeful colors lice. They pale and fade from off him, when he tamely comes to me. 'But when the blast awakens and on in fury speeds, I saddle in the moonlight the wlldett of my steeds, And if amid the surf I see some stately frigate's form, Then loudly rings my laughter through the thunder of the storm. 'But if thy courage fall thee not, I smile upon thy path, The mermaid spares the sailor bold, nor lets him know, her wrath; A hero-soul will trample down the fiercest foe man's might— I love the brave one who can gaze on death with out affright.'" - Carsten Hauch is by birth a Norwegian, and was born in 1791. He has been a pro lific and popular writer of poems, dramas and historical novels, as well as a lecturer upon science. The Nodh Biltish has also an interest ing article upon Gustave Dori., with a criticism oI his works, which concludes that: "Dorj:'s works are not fitted to cultivate or refine the taste, or to do much beyond amu sing the possessor. They are of more inte rest to the artist than to the public, because; in spite of their defects, they have also marked . merits. * 1 ' You see that he has studied, that he knows the human form, but that, in many cases, he has not taken time to draw it correctly, Ms sketches are the ran dom shots of a good marksinan. "Here is a young man who has already il lustrated the 'Bible and „Dante, Milton. and Croquemitaine, the Conkg Drolatiques and Tennyson's Poems. If you expect. all this to be done with classical purity of outline, like. the studies Raphael made for his pictures, or even like those lovely drawingS known' to' only a favored few of the artist world, which the modesty of Edward Calvert, and his high standard of perfection, hid from the public, you expect that which you will not Lind. Why, the man is (we believe) under forty, and his draWings arenumberod by thousan , ls. He must do.at least two or three-a day.:' A Great Publishing House. [From the N. 1% We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. 'Walter Lippincott for an opportunity to make the tour of the great publishing house of J. B. Lippincott,. Philadelphia. Their main estab lishment is on Market street, Nos. .1 and 7I 7, and is an immense marble front building, live stories aboVe the basement. The rooms are over !:00 feet in depth, by 41 feet wide, each floor piled with the material, or the products; of its particular branch of the business.. The basement is heated by one of Harrison's boil ers, and is filled with school-books, except for a- small room,, where we had a peep at piles orstereotype plates of - many thousand dollars value. The school-books are laid wit. on akida, to fill the orders as they come in,. at the side of the boxes which are to convey them in every direction over the country. We felt that we were standing there at the real fountain, of civilization. Overhead we could hear the sound of the streams which were feeding 'it, and in the long list of orders for spelling-books, geographies, hilosophies, etc., we could hear the calls of t the thirsty places which the fountain was to feed.. It is the school-book which is to. save our coun try: God speed its progress. . • On the first floor we stopped on board the. "Elevator," and were lifted, in a four min utes' ride, to the fifth story. This is a briget, busy room, with its ffreat skylight over, the centre, eta: fifty women at work, stitching and folding the incipient books. Part of 'the folding is done bY a 'machine, which seemed to have more brains than half the people tot have the . iight of sulk:lee. At least the cool pleeity and perfect precision of its work was more than human. Sheet after sheet is folded into four leaves, each one clipped to its exact size,' and laid in its place. as smoothly and easily as . a wheel can turn. It does the work of five girls,, and is capable. of thus fblding sixty sheets in a minute. Here also we saw a mimic saw-mill, for sawing the little channels across the backs of the bound sheets, where the threads are to lie. Great i piles of printed sheets, umblded, stand here like square columns,,,waiting for an order from down stairs to be bound up, .a few hun dred at a time, as required. - On the fourth floor we found that men's Muscles are required, instead of the softer hands of girls, which ply in the upper story; for here the covers are put on, and the gilding, and the etamped work. A book belongs to the articulate order, in that its skeleton is outside. Here were the _separate portions of' its shell, the slips and squares of pasteboard, the morocco skins, the muslin, and the mighty glue-pot, steaming like a witch-broth. These, when put together, make what is called the case of the book. When the ease is dry, the stitched but naked volume is backed (t. e. subjeCted to a terrible squeeze on the spine, which crincles the backs of all the leaves together, so that the book will lie open and not gape, as well as makes a groove for the case to fit into), and then forwarded, or put into its shelVand then pressed in the gigantic grip of a machine. The gilding is a pretty process. The end or front to be gilded is first scraped and smoothed, then sized with a sizing made by boiling down parchment (we see how the old is used to make the new glitter and shine. Think of au old Greek father's manuscript boiled down to make the gilt edges stick on a modern novel!). On this the gold leaf is laid, a mere film of yellow leaf, crum pled by the lightest breath. A ten dollar gold piece, beaten down e makes thousaud sheets of t, three inches square. Then the .gold is burnished till it shines, with steel instruments, lipped with agate or blood stone. These instruments, with their curved onds, have a horrible resemblanse to the tools of sonic Titanic dentist, especially when one ees them set against the shoulder of a strong arm, and worked till the ditri gold glitters bright and hard. On the second story is a huge stock of every -thing that-marbe e ealled stationery. The first floor is devoted to miscellaneous stock and the sales and counting-troorns. On Fifth street Messrs. Lippincott & Co. have another five-story building, where bind=:, .ing, printing, etc., goes on. On the first floor are eight 'Adams' presses under full headway, .clashing their sheets of type or stereotype into printed pages. On the third and fourth floors we saw a ruling machine for blank ac oount books, and a little combination of steel, brain and fingers which numbers the pages of a .book, setting itself and printing off the figures in proper order, as if by magic - . It makes one sympathize a little - with the conceit of Americana abroad, when one sees such an establishment as this of Messrs. J. B. Lippincott ,41;:, Co. Thera as nothing in Europe, so far as we knoa7viliich can com pare with it. Specimens of Irish Wit. The quick-wittedness and love of repartee of the Irish is proverbial, and is immediately noticeable, especially in contrast to the more 'stolid English. "No Irishman," as one of them once remarked with pride, "need ever be told a joke twice to appreciate it," yet such is unfortunately quite often the case in England. A few specimens -will show that the Mai nal faculty has not degenerated. A mercha being, applied to by an agent to ad vertise i a certain newspaper, refused on the ground that if he did so he would'be pestered to death by other agents on similar errands. "Oh! never you mind," answered the ready agent, "you just give me an advertisement, and I'll put it where no one can see it!" A well-known manufacturer, meeting two fac tory women, each with a child in her arms, te 10Q them in a joking way which was the honor," was pr tier baby? "An' sure ; your h th instant reply from one of the women, "it between 'em!" To her mind comparisons were odious. A little girl at a Sunday-school defined a camel as "something that goes through the eye of a. needle." The late Archbishop Whately was a noted wit and punster, and, ,as during the war every "little story" Was credited to Mr. Lincoln, so in Dublin the popular saying, or bon-mot of the day was always "the Arch bishop's last." Great numbers of these are ex tant; but a few will serve as specimens. De siring to afford a friend an example of wit of the lower class, the Archbishop went out in front of his house where some men' were re pairing the road and asked one of them: "If the devil should come down here this mo ment which would he take, you or me?" The man, a ltoman Catholic, and aware who he was talking to, 'hesitated a moment, and then replied: "I think he'd take me., sir, for he'd always be sure of you!" This expresses the general feeling of Catholics toward Protes tants, and though . said in jest is significant. Local savings are more common. ""fhe people of Dublin," the Archbishop re marked, "are most inconsistent; they go to doy for a sermon, and . to-morrow for a novel." Mr. Day being a noted preacher,and Mr. Morrow having a circulating library. Again, be is-reported ,to have suggested that the text for the first sermon preached in St. Patrick's Cathedral, after the munificent ad ditions of Mr. Guinness, should be (in con sideration of that [, - entleman's business) from "Ile-brews." Though very proud of the.4e witticisms, and fond of quoting them, most "tall" stories are set down to the credit of Americans, to whom the palm for "drawing the long-bow" is generally awarded. Arte runs Ward and his associates 'find a ready sale: and, indeed, have scarcely a rival more modern than Dean Swift, whose jokes are still in common circulation, with some of Father Prout's also. Errors of the Press. Verbal blunders are at times ludicrous enough, as when a Writer' intending to speak of Cato and Brutus, is made to speak of cats and brutes: or another, as happened the other day, announces the publication of a new ti t it work "in the form o five shilling elephant," meaning "a five shil a pamphlet." A long list of blunders, of - "hind might be enume rated, and not a few of them have become stock jokes, or, material for' jokes in the printing-office. Some of these are "full blown noses," instead of "full blown roses," he "arose and shook off his ears,'" instead of "shook off' his fears;" "horse literature," instead of. "Norse litera ture:" "syllabub," instead of "syllabus:" "owlet," instead of "amulet," with not a few which,current in the printing office, need not circulate beyond it. Many of the verbal errors are of a -kind which will escape the ken. of the 'most watchful reader, because, though they weaken or pervert the sense of the author, they do not destroy it. Thus, "distraction" is often printed"destructiou,"and m' " c versa; "haven" is sometimes printed "heaven;" and we can recall a critique on . a picture in which the painter was blamed for his "violet color.' instead of his "vio lent color." Again, there are verbal errors, for which accident alone is to blame: th 1 ‘.4, in a costly edition of Moore's poems, office of the verses begins, "A sense makes the heart grow, fonder," the b in absence having dropped out of the . printer's . form, between the final reading and the working off A similar accident accounts for "old fowl, - in- stead of "cold fowl, - in the carte of a dining house in the city. During The war with Rus sia, an annouitcement in a government blue book, stating that "our troops had marched across Belbec and di - awn up in front of the north ports," declared in its first shape that the,, troops "had -marched across the Baltic and drawn up in front of the North Fore land."—Lcimire Hour. The Dark Side of Literary - Life. • The miserable life of Savage, and the equally miserable life of Poe. were due, per haps, mainly to the lack of moral principles in the men; but there are instances, even in modern days, of the scantiness of reward of modern authors. Alphonse Karr wrote his first novel, popular in France even yet, and sold it to a publisher for twelve hundred francs ($940), and took promissory notes for the amount. The notes were never paid, and the costs of protest, amounting to as much more, fell on poor Karr. Another French writer of• reputation, Saudeam received for novels six hundred francs, one-half in wafers. Beranger, from whose works his pub lishers netted a half a million of francs, re ceived an annuity of less than a hundred and sixty dollars. However, Beranger had few wants, and was so, content, that it was with difficulty his publishers could get him to take the money when they A•aised his annual pension to three thousand francs. - The elder authors suffered more than the younger. Thus Spenser was always in want; Corneille had an old age of misery; Tasso had to bor row small amounts of silver at oue time to procure food; Camoens, the great Portu guese poet, died ‘tin an hospital, with out having a sheet or shroud to cover him." Aldrovandus also died in a hospital; Ockley, the author of a famous "History of the Sara cens," passed a great part of his life in a debtor's prison; Vaudel, the most illustrious poet of Holland, died in poverty; Cervantes was miserably poor; Xylauder sold a manu script work for a dinner; the fate of Chatter ton is universally known; and Vaugelas, before he closed a life of wretchedness, left his dead body to the surgeons for the benefit of his creditors. MILLAR B. CARLILA CARLILE & JOY, Houle and tlign Painter* and ()Wien, N 0.437 Arch Street s Philadelphia: Glazing and Jobbing attended to with promptneei ac Iteepateh. Give no Sc.". niv4 ttePtt FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPEIIATION, No. 83 N. WATER. ald 93 N. DM aroma PRANG'S American Chromos Imitattone of Olt Painting% Published by L. PRANG & CO.. Boston. Bold in ell Picture Stores. Send for Catalogue. tie:144140.8-Ift QUAKER SWEET UORN-24 BARRELS- JUST RE cet.ed and for sale by JOSE D. DUSSLEEt at CO.. 1(8 Bonth Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12,180: OFFER 1r , 0,000 feet WALNUT LUMBER. :;00)0 feet, 16 feet, CHERRY BOARDS. - 2U,0(.0 feet, 16 feet, POPLAR 4.4. 75,000 feet ASH and ti. 4 ASH FLOORING. 250,000 feet SPRUCE JOIST. 110(1,040 feet CAROLINA FLOORING. MICHIGAN MOULDING STRIPS. BROAD AND GREEN' STREETS. at Mg F. 'n. WILLIA.TV/S, Lumber Merchant, Seventeenth and Spring Garden streets, A FULL STOCK OF BUILDING LUMBER AND BARBWOODS ALWAYS ON HAND. ee21.8 tuth2m 1867. - "Lxi•MAIITAWPIE.A.NK, 4-4, 5-4, 6-9, 2 2X,8 and 4-inch, CHOICE PANEL AND FIRST COMMON, 16 feet long, 44, 64, 6-4.2, 21.9. 8 and 44neh. I'IAULE, BROTHER 6r. CO, No. 2500 SO trim Street. 1867. - NM? IXMBER LUMBER! 4-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. • 4-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. •• 5.4 DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. • WALNUT FLOORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP BOARDS, RAIL PLANK. • PLASTERING LATH, 1.867. MAULS, BROTHER & CO., No. 8500 Smith • ou Area. PIWOLANK. 180.r7 LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! (jg EumBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! CEDAR, WALNUT, MAHOGANY, CEDAR, WALNUT, MAHOGANY. HALLE, BROTHER & CO 1867. - Lin LI;IfKGL OF' ALL KINDS. SEASONED WALNUT. \ SEASONED WALNUT. •; DRY POPLAR. CHERRY AND ASH, OAK PLANK KORY. AND BOARDS. HIC • ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. MAULE, BROTHER & CO. L567. - VM11:11U BPANISII CEDAR BOX-BOARDS. No. 2.50 u SOUTllgt.rect 1867. —3111.1 7 " CE JOIST—SPRUCE JOIST—SPRUL FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. F} - OM 11 To FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MACLE. BROTHER CO.. rizyl3.lf; No. 25 , ...0 60r11.1 otreet. QUINGLES, SHINGLES—EN GREAT VARIETY AND IJ lirices; cheap flooring and Fencing, aamorted ividthr Shelving. Particular attention given to lumber for fitting up etoreii. CAROLINA I ',OOHING AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. NICHOLSON'S, Seventh and Carpenter etrecte. EC 2 2ml . . JOIST—TnE CARGO OF CHARLES ' .All r it. for hale by E. A. SOLDER 6; cij., Doi +, street ivhai ocll 3t LUMBER.—A CARGO OF !NCI:I43OAM) 1.1 dull:. expect.A. For Pah: by E. A. SOCDER Pock Ftrott wborf. ocll-2t LABBEI:TON'S ADVANCED CLASSES. 112 LO(XST street. intended for Ladies who have left School, but who are desirous of pursuing one or more Brunches of Study. The Term commences on Monday, October 14,1837. Application may be made at 3303 South Fifteenth street. ffe3o-11114 MISS falllt'S BOARDING SCIIOOI, OR YOUNG Ladies, "even mile' from Philadelphia; opposite the York Road Station. North Pennisylvailia Railroad. The twelfth 'canon will commence September r..1.1th. Circular' may be obtained at the office of Jay Cooke & Co., 114 South Third 'Ascot, or by addre"zing the Principal, Shoe. makertown I'. 0., Montgomery county, Pa. auflltocffl* LATI.N AND GERMAN TAUGHT IN 1' Seim°l.4 and Faintlieg. Evening Clroy , es for Loidien unit Profeei!or..l HADES. Applicatiene NA be received at btrc. JANE 11A31ILTON'S P•onl: Store, 13-14 Chestnut street. , LASSICAL. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOL FOR k... - Young Men and Ilope, Thirteenth And Locust FtreetB. Engll,ll Audiet $D.r. Languages extra. PliinarY Depart. meet ri=l.s. BENJ. KENDALL. A. M., Principal THE ENGI.ISII, CLASSICAL AND MATIIEMATI• cal Inktitute.—A SelciA School for Boys,, No. 2 South orrick street (Weer Penn mare). reopens Monday, Sept. 9, with increased advantages for a limited number of pupils. JOSEPH DAVI6O.N, Principal. anal 2ino EIVA TE FOR BOYS E4l THE PHILADEL J. Uity haititute. N. E. corner Chestnut and Eigh teenth 4•treets, entrance bn Eighteenth street.-will re-open. on MONDAY. September 9th. • aul-3mo L. BARROWS. Principal 'MISS E. 'IIIROPP WILL RE-OPIN HER 131 Engh.-h and Fr.nch licrirdaag and Das Sehool for Young Ladies, nt HAI (HES fN lA. Street Philadelphia, en rieptcLuber lath. For circulars apply at the aul4-In Q WNW: 51AZZA. I•];OFESSOI OF TIIF. ITALIAN Langunge t.t the Univer,ity of Penmvivania, will re• Emne hi MIrEC of tuition on the fist of October ne:t. Clar'sc= and ptivate 1ee50n.... at hie rr.eidonce, No. 211 South street. or at that of the pupilA. rpm: ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG 1 Ladies, E4I Arch street, will re-open on MONDAY, September Kb. ul7-2m, Mloe I+ M. BROWN, Principal. T : „ o. l3 l( l i t 3 o s WN'S ACIDEMI FOP. YOUNG g o lc Garden aired, will re-open en aufilp2m. .. 7,11‘ Till: ,PLULADILPIIIA RIDING SCHOOL,— Foarth street above Vine. h new open for the Fall and Winter Seihort:?. Lathe.... and Gentlemen null find c‘. Cry prow ion for comfort and safety, El) that a thorTmeh knowledge ,of thh bnautiftil accomplishment may' beobtained by the most timid. Saddle boreeq 0 tuned in the beet manner. Saddle horn: , and vehicles. to hire. ALio, carriages fur ll:tenth, to car. , Asc THOMAS URAIG.E: SON. LAD)' NI 6T WANTE!!.—APPLI - AT CONCERT 1! 1, street. above Twelf th. between th, hour,- of 10 and 2 o'clock. ocll-2trp: LINGIN(4 CLASST.S FUR LADIES. AT FOUR I'. 7,!. L) for Gentlemen at 7 I'. Tuesdays :And Fridays. crqn ln4yeing Tuf,sl:ll!y,thloiTr 15. 1e111:1,- I• 110 Per term of ten week.:. Priv.; to te,sons in Finging snd on the piano. No con nec lion with any Conevrvatory. JOEal:Pli HNIII:HT. LATE or THE coN:sE 11 cats ire cf tsri 1:v14: leave to inform the public that he will re,un,o his duties al teacher of the Piano on Sep. ttn.ber :2(1. Reaideuce, Markoe Home, Cheanut street, above Ninth. Ail: CARL WOLFSOHN WILL RETURN FROM Europe and lii LesonF:, by October 14th. Addrc,, N.. :IZA, South ptreet. ocB-tf 'CT It. 3.1. li. CROSS WILL RETURN FROM EUROPE 111 and resume his Lessons by OctobAr 7th, 1867. Address, 1;05 ltkce street. sell-tf Q101k; Olt I'. RONDINELLA 11AS RESUMED HIS 0 Singing Leeson at hie reeidence, No. 308 South 'Mir teenth etreet. ee3-:m• - - Mi!SniDophl:roiLEs6lriii Fi no nn l S s l in 'R g E in E g l . ', HAS RE oc7-tit• LNG. LAGRASSA. PROFESSOR OF PIANO AND Singing, 2029 Winter Btreet. 1 NsTiturrios GIVEN ON THE PIANO Address, 6...0 Pine street. • DA LLAD SINGING AND PIANO. —,THOMAS AND .L.):4EORGE BISHOP, 33 S. Nineteentlititreet. sea) lm• Lt:-MARINI'S FASHIONABLE DANCING: ACA . DEMI', •-, . NATATORIUM HALL, Broad street, below Walnut' Signor MARINPS Classes will commence Monday, Oct. 14th. at the above Hall. Days of tuition for Milisl.B . and Masters, Monday and Wednesday. from 2t04 P. M. Gen tlemen, front to 10 P.M. For particulars. see Uireutar. to be had at the Academy, or at Mr. Andre's Music Store, 1104 Chestnut street. oeSit§ BEDDING, FEAWIIERS, FEATHER BEDS. AND HAIR MATRESSES RENO vated. Also. Feathers constantly on hand. Factory 811 Lombard street. ael9 lm• miur STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES.—O. 3. TYNDALE, at the old established stand, 145 South Second street, Philadelphia, respectfully offers to his numerous customers, and the public in general, a huge assortment of Stoves, Heaters and Hauges of vari ous styles, patterns and sizes. Also, Silver's. celebrated Gas-burning Stoves, manufactured under his own super vision for the last fourteen years. Always on hand, Orr's Patent Mr-tight Wood Stoves, so invaluable to invalids, and of which he has been the only manufacturer in this city for twenty-eight years. An assortment of the very best Cooking Stoves in the market always on hand. ,/ N. 13.—Hoofing and Jobbing of all kinds carefullyand promptly attended to. 5e115.1m4 ...,...._ MAURICE JOY THOMAS S. DIXON k, SONS, • Late Andrews & Dixon 7n, No. 1824 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Opposite United States Mint. Manufacturers of LOW DOWN. PAHL . Ht. CHAMBER, OFFICE And And other RATES, For Anthracite. Bituminous and Wood Fire. MAD WARM.AI It FURNACES, For Warming Public and Private Buildings, REGISTERS. VENTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY-CAPS, COORING.RANGES, BATH-BOILERS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. tr,l MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LCPANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATE. CLOTHING, &c. at JORES 6i CO.'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, _ • Comor of Third arldGaskill dread. , • Below Ldinbard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, arc., ctraruzu. R. A, & J, J, 'WILLIAMS , WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. I' LARGE; BTOOK-SEASONED. MAULE k BRO INSTRUCTION. MUSICAL. A. H. TAYLOi:. 1207 Filhert street 8ANC:11.114,4 STOVES AND 111EATE1V. POll BALE AT REMARICABLILOW PRWEI3. ie24-1m well RALE. .r.THE nwELLING WALNUT No. 1420 Street, - • For Pale, with or without to Furniture, ' Or to Let FURNISHED. ' STA I {LE and 'COACH•HO USE, West elite of Fifteenth Ptrect, ;thorn Locust, Can be had with the !mum •Aoply to , JESSUP & MOORE, • oc7lf No. 27 North Sixth street. , i gn FOR SALE TIIE FOUR.STORY DWELLING SOUSE, No. 160£3 LOCUST STREET. Handcomely Unfilled and replete with every conven once, The Furniture can be cold with the home. Apld.) . On the premiere, oc2-10t§ :FOR SALE— CLIELTON HILLS' FARM OF 31 acres, with Ifiarge stone dwelling house, ice tome, barn, conch house and out-ha' dings in good repair; first rate land and beautiful pit ion, commanding an extensive elms, and may be div'i into several very fine building sites; PUO feet front on id Yolk road, half a Mlle north of Shoemakertown, (Old York Road Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. oemt. F. A. TREGO, 503 Walnut street. FOR SALE. —FIRST.CLASS DWELLINGS. 3i! PLO Franklin street. Immediate possession. 818 North Seventh at. Ittl7 De Lancer' Place. " • 922 S. Fifteen th street. 10 Lombard street. " Store and Dwelling, 705 South Second street, 260 North Eleventh street. • immediate possession 'Apply to COPPECK & JORDAN, 933 Walnut street. WEST TULPEIIOCKEN STREET, GERMAN . r i town.—For. t handsome double modern - residence, 'contain! g fourteen rooms, exclu sive of iVsli-rootn, pantry, store-room, and eltina-cboirt. - -anit with/ extra conveniences. Lot 100 feet font by 214 - fict , ,d -p, beautiffilly improved. Loca tion most desirable, o, superior carpets and furniture, nearly new for sale if desired. J. M. 01.1,11151EY SONS, 608 Walnut street • FOR SA LE—A VALUABLE FA MT OF Fl Y. tive minutes' walk of ForfWaching " ton, North l'enzwylvanla Railroad. A never-failing stream of waterovell adapted fora fiiikpond, rung through the place. A moil beautiful location for a country reel &nee. Inquire of W. S. HALSEY, ocll,f,c,tu,tho4r 146 South Fourth erect. EARCH STREET—FOR SALE -THE HANDSOME . Brick and Broa n-etone Reeldence, with three-story - double backbuilding,s, built and finished throughout in a tosperiornianner,ivith extra conveniences, and in complete order, No. 1508 Arch etreet. Lot 20 feet front by 150 feet deep to a ntrect. J. M. GUMMY, di SONS, 508 Walnut area. grFOR SALE.—AN ELEGANT FOUR-STORY i Stone Reridence. built and finished throughout in the very best manner, by the present owner, ex preerly for him own occupancy, furnished with extra con veniences. first floor painted in fresco andin perfect order, situate on Wert Locust street, near St. Mark's Church. J. M. GUMMY tt SONS, Uri Walnut street. FM: SALE..-.NEW BItOWN43TONE FRONT plon ,, ex. No. 2.017 Spruce Ftree t Int 24 by 180 feet ; No. 2021 Spruce idreet let 2t by IN.) feet, to Rittenhouse street, 90 feet wide. Finished in the roost elegant manlier. E. B. WA RKEN, N 0.1,63 Walnut ergot. At build i ng s from 8 to!? and 3 to 4. oe4-24t* • riFOR SALE—A DOUBLE TIIIME-STORY MASTIC :.; Dwelling. N. W. corner Seventeenth and Summer streeti, containing 15 rooms, stationary wash stands, wash tubs, and all the conveniences of a first-clas• dwelling. FETTER: KIIICIKBAUM A:: PURDY. • W. North Fifth street.. rFOlt SALE Olt EXCIIANdE.—FOR SALE—A in , .dern cfAtege residence, trith large - lot of grolind Fittlat,y on Spruce street, near Thirty ninth. WeFt Philadelphia, or Drill be exchanged for first. city prof. ty. Cinl3lEY &SONS, 50;3 Walnut street. • EFOR SALE.—THEE}-STORY L lug. No. 17(ri!Filli,rt street; double tin*. e-id , e'v back " building?: lot 2e by 114 i to back street. Price :1(),o0)., In ire at 'No. 3 Sontli,XVll ter street. cult 3t FO t SALE.- 0 N Of:TOBEft ‘..?2 , 10 BY TBONIAS 4'31 --Aurtioneerh.The genteel ten-room dwoll. " O. 3213 ~treet, above Vine, `..:41 feet front. Tem?, l,Llf-4:mli. oeB-11t. r" FOR SALE.—A VALUABLE. BUSINESS OR PRI vf: te throning, ..o:lthe:u4 corner Broad and Columbia 'avenue. l'o?.e November Lt. Terum to suit. Apply to COPPUCK e JORDAN. 4:n Walnut street. STRE . ET, feet front; furniehed witall and in good order. App . ly at 'I 2iT street. solo tu,tll,Htf4 DESIRABLEINVESTMENTS-PROPERTIFS.NINTII etreet, ab(Ne Race: Eleventh. above Arch ; tine Lot, North trond street. EDWARD S. SCHIVF.LY, 22.3 N. Ninth ptreet. , t to LI A. 31. ocla.thAtn.3t. TO RENT. tr. GERMAN TOWN—FOR RENT, FIJIZNISIIEIi. iF •A Modern Slone Cottage with every city con venience and within live minuted fawn the Rail road Station. Immediate posiiession given. J. 31. GUM 3IEY S. SONS, 508 Walnut street. ra. FOR REST.—A LARGE DOUBLE STONE RESI a' dance with Feveral acres of land attached, eitunte in Darby town,l4. on Church lane, convenient to the liailroatd Station. J. 31. G1:3131E17 & SONS, 5O Walnut Ptrtet. it HOUSE TO 1,1:T, FU HE TRNISD ARCH I.EET, • st est of Twentieth. Immediate possession. Addregs D. C. A.. Led per office. 0c.12,a,m,w43C OFFICES FOR. RENT—NONE MORE DESIRABLE (or lawyer 6 or ineuranco agenta. Etat floor 6 Wal nut etivet. 0c.244 LET.—TIIE ELEGANT SECOND-STORY ROOM, B. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut etreets—nowoccm pied by J. E. GOULD. Alco, from October let, the premfmc now occupied by EDWARD P. KELLEY. 612 Chestnut street. Addreee EDWARD P. KELLEY. 512 Cheetnut etreet. WANTS. I In: INSURANCE AGENT WANTED—A FII 'T clasil, energetic and reliable man Is desired to to - e charge at the Philadelphia 'Agency of trnmnber one Li In , ,nrance Company. The het of references required as to ability and charaeter. Address. trith reference=, for further information, J. F. FRUEALFF. Ilolliday.iburg, Blair county, Pennsylyanla. l` ANTED—IN AN IMPORTING AND JOBBING Y t White Goode and Lace "(wise. a first-clar.d salesman, ho thoroughly underetande the biathlon. and can un d.,nbtedly Intluenx a large State and rear trade. Ah , o, nne of like qualifications for. city trade. A liberal Halary to those echo can till the above i,parementi. Addreea, with real name and reference_, ber 2l:;5, P. 0. ocl-tf A LADY CALCULATED TO FILL ALMOST AN 1 poFition deFlres to nct in! private .Fecretary, corres - city*, or coltector for porno tioa.re; or could take Me controPof some Epeeial department. vrior referencv.i. Addreca "C. C. 8.," EN - ENING It( Li.c - ix Mite. 003.12% ENTLKIMEN HAVIN(: BOOKS T.HEY ISII Cloaed. or .Accounts made (,;:t. can have awl' aervice la-rformed by a competent per,cm, at moderate charg,.s. Addmr, F. L. F., tide &See. ue7-6t. WANTED 9?O PURCHASE—A HOUSE, ON Green etreet, west of Broad, and En-t of Eighteenth Ftreete Poimege.ion April let. Address Box ItrLL::riti etatira; price. riEW PUBL.' iuivr a ory S. JUST READY—BINGILAM'S LATIN GRA,MMAR.— Nov Edition. —A Grammar of the Latin Language. For Ma 11E0. of Schools. With exercise:. and vocabularies. By 'William Bingham, A:14., Superintendent of the Bing. ham School. The Publishers take pleasure) In announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works ou the same subject. Copied will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this ptirpose at low rates. Price Si sd. Published - DY E. FL BUTLER Sr CO., ' En South Fourth street, Philadelphia. And for sale by Booksellers generally. au.2l JCST PUBLISHED.—KATHRINA : HER LIME AND Mine. Holland. (author of "Bitter Sweet.") THE BULLS and the JONATHANS. By J. K. Paul. ding. THE ART OF DISCOURSE. By Henry N. Day. THE ART OF COMPOSITION. By Henry . N. Day. GRACE KENNEDY'S WORKS; 3 vole. Vol. I—Anna Roes_, 4.: w C. Vol.:—Father Clement, &c. Vol. 3—Dimallen; K or, no whaiou Judge. AB the Nem . Books received as soon as published. JAMES S. CLAXTON Successor to Wm. S.& A. Itartein, se23,tf , 1214 Chestnut Street. 'LIVERY SATURDAY, FOR orronEit 19, lIAS THE five most readable articles of London Society for Oc tober, inanely: Canine Celebrities; Metagrams; A Spin stet's Sweepstake, And What Came of It ; Boating at Com memoration; The King of the Cradle. Also, other aril• cies from late numbers of the moot attractive of foreign periodicals, ke."Wor „vale everywhere. TICKNOR 6: NEM )S, Publisher. Boi.ton. cLoTus, OASSIBIEREI3, &O. JAMES k; LEE ARE NOW RECEIVING TliEllt FALL and Winter Steck, comprising every variety of Goods adapted to Men's and Boya wear. OVBRC JAT CLOTHS. Duffell Beavers. Colored Castor Beavers Black and Colored Esquimanx, Black and Colored Chinchilla. I . Blue and Blazk COATINGS. Black French Cloths. Colored French Cloths. Tricot, all colors. . . PANTALOON STU F Pique S and Diagonal. Black French Cassimerea. Black French Doeskins. Fancy Caaalmeres. • Mixed awl Striped Casaimores. Plaids, Ribbed and Silkmaved. Alto, a large assortment of Cords, Beavertecus, netts, and Goods adapted to Boys` wear, at wholesale and retail, IT JAMES ,3,f LEE, No. 11 North Second at., Sign of the Gol en Lamb. WINES, impious, &U. ccOTcll AND IRISH WHISKY OF A SLTERIOE 1.../ quality, For tale by E. P. MIDDLETON, No. 5 North Front treet [ ] D ...,4•3....1x.A..p.,z,z,. ‘.,... Successor to Geo. W. Gray, .7 131 - I—im - w - imil, at 88, 88 and 80 South Sixth' St, Philsd'a. , a , Fine Old Stock & lial-Brqwn Alm, , t , jrpte Os for Paton and Idedioisua ' e (30. FILL AND WOOD. P. MASON DINER. RUIN P. FIIIEAPV. TniE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock of Spring Mounts e, Lehigh. and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by us, we think cannot be excelled by any other Coal, °lnce, Franklin IMMO, Building, No. 16 South Sorent street. SINES & SEIEAVV, 10101 f a,SCh. street wharf, Schuylkill. RALLEX M THOMAS es SONS. AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 129 and 141 South P()URTE street. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. 11:1r" Public Sales at the nlliadelPhia ExobartgO ever, TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock. rgrilandbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish, on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues'yamphtet form, ~ivina.full deacriptions of all the pro y_to bo sold on the FULLOYMieI TUESDAY, and p a tof Real Estate at Private Bale. far Our Sales are also advertised in the following newspapers: Nonon Ammucnuy, Pima% Lenora, Lso4r. Itrrattra morn, Ingutans, Aon, Evaxino Iltruastnr. EN - mm(l TZLIP.6II.A.PII, GARMAN DXIIOOItAT &o. liar Furniture Sal e' _„ at tho Auction 'tore EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. STOCKS. non, at Philadelphia s. At 12 o'clock noon, at the Exchange— slCoo First Mortgage Bond Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Company. 1(0 shares preen and Coates Street Passenger Railway Company. 20 shares Enterprise humane° Co—par 6159 -- $2OOO Iltintingdon and Broad Top Coneolidated 7 Pe cent. Bond. 1 share Philadelphia Library, 15 shares Union 'Transportation Co. El shares Empire Transportation Co. 25 shares Central Transportation Co. ssharer First National Bank of Camden. 0 shares Fourth and Eighth streets (Germantown) Passenger Railway Company. 150 shares American An llncruatatiOn Co. ' 25 shares Adams Fxpress Co. Stock (old). 8 shares Southwark Bank. 24 shares Reliance Insurance Co. 5 shores Academy of 'Music. • *MO Union Pacific Railway Mortgage Bond. :25050 Connecting Railroad 6 per cent. Bond. Catalogues now ready. REAL ESTATE SALE. OCT. 15, • Will include— COUN TRY PLAUt—GENTEEL THREE-STO.RV include— EEL K DWEI LING and Frame Stable and Large Lot, Franklin and Wheinoudng ete., Tscony, 23d Ward. Executor's Sale—Estate of .18. MON Keene, dec'd—VEßY ELEGAIsT LOUNI RY RESIDENCE, 'with Stable and Coach House and beautiful grounds. Taciany-300 feet on Wm lift gtou Pt 300 feet on Wiesinoming et, 300 feet on Franklin at., 300 feet on Aramingo et.—four valuable f route. xectitors' Sale—Eatate of Samuel Crager, dec'd—DE. SIRAIILE FAN M, 39 At:RES, Ridge avenue, 21st Ward. Peremptory Sale— Ail /DERN IPOUR-STO rtY MUMS BRICK and BRO VVN•STONE RESIDENCES, Nos. 2121, 212 E, 2127. 11.13 and 1135 Walnut at—have all the modern convenlencee. Immediate possession. Peremptory SaIe—LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, 22d and 234 ate., south of Walnut, occupied as a Ltivilier Yard, 34 BUILDING LOTS, 17th and 18th and Wharton and Titan Eta. 46 BUILDING LOTS, 17th and 18th and Titan and La tona OM. Executor& PereMptory ale—Ertel° of Hugh O'Dom dec'd.., for account of n Former Purchaser—TWO STOßY BRICK DWELLING, No. 915 South Sixth et. Same Estate—TIIREF.STORY BRICK DWELLLNG, N0.5:'2 Redwood et. Same Ectatc—BUILDING LGT, Wachingtin at.. be tween Concord and Mt. !Manna. 0 ID SEE-STOItY BRICK DWELLINGS. Noe. 2^04 nd 22C6 Christian Ft. 'I'IIREE•STORY FRAME DWELLINGS, S. E. corner of Front and Vine ate., Camden, N. J. VAT.I;AJII.FI iirRINESS STAND—THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 918 South Second street, between Pine and Lombard. SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING and LARGE'LOT, south aide of Waehingten avenue, west of 2Uth at-3d feet front, 130 feet dcep to .41ter rt. TWO-STORY BRICK CAR and COACH FACTORY, WaddneMn avenue, east of Twenty-fret at BusiNESS STAND—TIIREE-STORY BRICK STORE and4.lO4V.E MANG, S. E.coruerof Raco and Jacoby ate.. Mitt ten 12th and 13111. Lt. GANT COUNTRY SEAT and FARM 145 acres, fronting on the ton in street, Haddonfield, Camden county, N.. 1.— Large Mal.?i,,u, Barn, Tenant Ilm.ou and taller odt baildingr. 6 'IIII4F.:STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Richmond FL, N. E. of York. 19th Ward. 4 Tl , REE-STOR) BRICK DWELLINGS, S. W. corner of Edgfinont and Li, ix on Rt.. Richmond, Ward. Permpt,.ry LOI , E. corner of 45th Mid Orer.on k tr. 'lltF 0 itY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 131 South Elidtteenth sG, %hove Walnut. _ _ THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. Mil Dean et.. with liree-story Brick Building on leeminger et. THREE-STOIC] 131tICK DWELLING, No. 2.3 ti Marriott greet THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. WM North Front Pt. LARGE nod VALUABLE LOT, P. W. corner of 34th nod Syrarr ore i tF.-167 tea front-. Ili;feet deep. MODERN TUREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. S. W. mulcr of l'ine and Albion ate.. between 21st and 22d. 2 'l.llltpE, STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, No. 722. Fallon rf., betl, VeTI Catharine and ritzwater. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. No. f+so Franklin Ft- north of Poplar at.-25 feet front. Executor... , Peremptory Sale—EA:oe of John Roland, decd--TEREE.STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. 1:„13 South Eighth et, . hove Walnut. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING end Large Lot, Lancaa ter avenue, N. W. of :sth etreet;-60 feet front, 190 feet deep to Warren sit. BANDS 0111: CUT-STONE FRONT RESIDENCE, No. .00d Locust at., east of Forty-second at. lima all the mo dern conveniences. Lot 35 feet front, NO feet deep. SALE In ORDER OF GEMS—BUSINESS STAND— THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 1125 Shippen at., with S three-story brick dlrcllingH in the rear. TWO HANDSOME THREESTORY STONE RESI DENCES, Noe. 4101 and 4107 Spruce at., west of 41st et., each 70 feet front. Have all the modern conveniences. 510DE1:N TIIKEE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No MO North 40th at.. south of Aspen Neat Philadelphia klaa all the modern conveniences. Fray' VAT.V.tIILE BUSINESS STAND—FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE. N 0.2 North Water et. above Market et. 2 WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS, 321 each a . . . year," fraV:Full Particulars in handbllla. . - Sale at the N.W. corner EUlith and Spruce streets. SEPERIOR WALNUT FURNITURE, ELEGANT PIANO - FORTE, - FINE CARPETS. - OIL OLOTIIB, - FINE MATRESSES, M STOVES, ac. ON TUESDAY ORNFNO, Oct. 15, at 10 o'clock, at the N. W. corner of Eighth and Spruce streets, by catalogne, the entire superior Parlor, I:lumber and Dining-room Furniture, elegant Rosewoo d Piano, made by Schoinacker: Walnut Bookcase. Pine. Hair Matrev- - cs, Stovee, line Ifruesele and ImpcTial Car pets, Oil Clothe. &c. Also, the Hitt hen Furniture and I:tensile. ' • ' May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. TQ RENT - Several Offices, Harmony Court. 11QY B. SCOTT. Jr.., SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, No.ION CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia, LARGE AND AriIACTIVE SALE OF ELEGANT MARBLE AND ALABASTER ORNAMENTS., Comprieing larg , Agate and Ca.,tellina Vase , , for Mild and Dining Roon,e; bleu.% and A'Marrao Mantel Orna, rnento, Verde Antique Groopa and Statnetter, :Marble Statuary, &C. All the Epecial importation of 1‘1,,e,r0. VIII BROS., (late Vito Vitt &5 ,, ce , .) ON THURSDAY WWI FRIDAY MORNINGS. . Oct. 17 and Ic, at la! , :; o'clock each chy, Scott's Art Gallery, lieO Chestnut street, will be Hold, a large aud complete ar.ortment of the above fine geode, junt landed trete Europe. be collection will be arranged for exami nation on Wednerday, Itith. day and evening, and will comprit-e• in part—Superb Mo,:aic Tables, Roman Agate Vat cc, Siena it yby Ornaments, Droop and Statuettes of Three Grams, Tragedy and Comedy, Dance of \ream, Apode, Aze,, Alec, elegant lard Receivers, tine Bronze Groups and Fignrek„CandelAral, exc. Valuable ble Group —The Child's •rut, and the celebrated tiger, of Spring, by the well known Pro fe==el tr,rivi. Aho, a tine Itty,t of the Madonna. '11:e above were all c9pecially selected by Mescr?. Bro. expreeclv for this city, and will be found to be worthy of particular attention. BY J. M. GULMEY 4: SONS. AUCTIONEERS. 2."' Hold ,Regular Salo!! of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND SECURITIES AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE.' Vr" Emu Mills of each property Limed separately. OW" One thoutand copies published and circulated, con taining full descriptions of property to be Bold; as also a period list of propirty contained in our Real Estate Re go•ter, and offered at private sale. VW" Sales advertised DAILY in all the daily news papers, SALE ON MONDAY, OCT. 28 Will include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estiite of Chrietinn Mk_ ,e 1 dee'd— TLIREKSTORY BRICK DWELLING. S. W. corner Jefferson and : - .3d ste. Orphans' Court Sale—Same Estate-71111E1E STORY BRICK DWELLING. N. W. cerner 2fld and Wright ets. Peremptory SaIe—LAROE LOT 01 , GROUND, 100 by 248 feet N. E. corner Second street and Allegheny avenue —three froute.• . . WALLACE ST—Two. tory Brick Dwelling, No. 716. NORTH SI XTII ST—Rouen Modern Three.etery Brick Dive Hinge, With every convenience, Nor.. 411, 2413, 2415, 2417, 2412;2421 and 2422, above York et. Pllll.ll. FORM Auctioneer. Mc(II4LLANPPVUtTIITPOInnioneers,No. OA M ARKET street -- BALE OF 800 CASES pogzs t pll . oES, BROOANB, eta $151;1 - 1 - CrOglianirltMii"O. October 14, commencing at le o'clock. we will eoU by catalogue, for cash, 1800 cases Men% Boys' and Youths' Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmorals, Also, a superior assortment of Women's, Mimes` and Children's wear, from City and Eastern manufacturers.. Comprising a deel/able assortment of goods. SALE OF 1900 CASES BOOTS, StIOES t BROGANS, ,1:e ON THURSDAY MORNING. October 17, commencing at 10 o'clock, wo will sell by catalogue, for cash, about 11/0 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots. Shoes, Brogans, Balmoral', ..te. Also, a desirable assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children's wear. To which the pecial attention of the trade Is called MILE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. A corner of sixTu. and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate. and on nli arti cles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine (sold limutlng.Case, Double Bottom andOmm Face English; American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face 1.401 , 1110 Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lupine Watches: Double Case English Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; Finger Rings: Ear Rings; Studs, &c.; Fine Gold Chains; 'Sled anions ; Bracelets ;,Scarf Pins; Breastpins, Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and Jewelry generallv. FOR KALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a:Jeweler ; cost ;MO. Mao, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and Chestnut streets. D AVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. (Late with M. Morino 2C...80ri5), Store No. 421 WALNUT streak. FITRNITCRE SALES lit the Store EVERY TUESDAY. SALES AT IttSIDENCES will receive mticular attention. Sale' No. 4:fi Walnut street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, FEA THER REDS, CARPETS. dtc. ON TUESDAY IdOItNIN% At le o'clock, at the suction store, an assortment of superior Furniture, Rosewood Pinua,Vorte, fine Feather lirds, 'Tapeitry. Ingrain and Venetian Carrels. titoves, Kitchen Furniture, kr. BY BAR t(II , S: CO.. AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUVI'ION HOUSE, - No. 230 MARKET street, corner of BANK et. Cash ads' ItncE3l on consignments without extra charge. I'EREMPTORY SALE 1100 LOTS STAPLE 1)1tY GOODS, comprising a largo atsortmont, suitable for OtY and Country Merchant& ON MONDAY MORNING. • Oct 14, Commencing at 10 o'clock. A !so,. invoices Sidrte, Drawers, Fancy and Whito Notione ki °story, &o, • Itiro.VU clOr.qa Balmoral and hoop Sklrtier ---- • No - 508 WALNUT street ISAAC KOIIN. Assignee, No. 841 N. Second street. pm ILADELPIIIA, October 9,1887.. A meeting for the examination of the bankrupts will he held zit 537 Fear kiln street. l'hilulelohin, in the house of the Register, FRANKLIN FISIIEIt,, on. October 101 h, et o'clock A.M. 7N THE ORPHANS' COURT kOR THE CITY and County of Philadelphia—Estate of MICHAEL WELSH, deceased.—The auditor appointed -by the court to audit, cet'lo and adjust tlu3 account a! 3fICHAEL. ROONEY. Admtnittrattor of the Rant° of MICHAEL 'WELSH. deceased. and to report diotribution of the be, lance iu the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the per. ties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on, WEDNESDAY, ti, twenty-third day of October, A. D. • 1667, at four o , eloekiP. IC. at his co.oA No. WI South Fifth eteeet room No . . 1 is tho city of Philadelphia'. oelettte,tu,so WILLIAM Id.U.ltPl,llf t Ati4itor. • 'E i ASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNBYLVAN4,BB,—IN, BA NKR Ul'l't)Y. ' • ' At PHILADELPHIA, the Satli day et September, A.D. , 18 1 17; The undersigned hergby gives notice of ids apPointment' as arsignee of ;JAMES AIoOARTNBY, lathe oily a Plit ledelpebt, is the eousty of l'hiln.dylphia, and State of Peunsylvanis, withia said district. Who has 'been adjudged a Bankrupt upon I.th own petition, by the Dietrict Courtof said diitriet. .. . , . . JO),L s t ROBERTS, Assignee. ... lio„198 Bouth Sixth sheet: E'l" E/ TES'CA3IENTARY ON TIIE ESTATE OP' I BENJAMINEItI: baying been granted to the undcirigncd all vereotta badebted to the tome will 'hake payment...and those having will present them ta , (31.111ItiVAN ituitsEarr, Executor, - No. 1314. Pertb street. . . sol4•a6e. . LOST OR MISLAID—A PERPETUAL POLICY. Or • Insurance, issued by the Piro Assoclattoti sit 13.1848, to GEO. IL BUCIIANAN, for $1,600, and a to mORDEOAT LEVY. Any information nOrite , the same still be received by ROBERT GRAFFIIq, ocE6tl3. a tullt§ 697 rine etrott. AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS R. CO., AUCTIONEERS. N0r. , 222 and 234 MARKET street. corner of BANK. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, dm ON MONDAY MORNING, Oct. 14, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT. about TOO lots of French, India, Ger man - and:British Dry Goods, embracing n assortment of Fancy and Staple articles, In Silks, Worsteds, Woolens. Linens and C. Bons. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination And catalogues •ready early en morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH, SAXONY. BRITISH AND ITALIAN DRY GOODS, &c. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our sole on MONDAY, Oct. He will be found in part the following, DREtis GOODS. viz— Pieces Black and Colored Alpacas, Mohair's, and CO. burp. . do English Merinos and Twills, Poll de Chevres. do Melanges, Tartan Checks, Itou'saix Cloth, Reps . do Bounty Woven Goods, Poplins. Alpacas, CrePcir; do French Gingham & Velours, Empress. Cloths, dig. SILKS AIM VELVETS. Pieces one all boiled Black and Colored Taffetas. do 'do do Black Gros du Rhin, Gros Grains.. do do Black rind Colored Silk Velvets, Fancy Silks. &c. SHAWLS AND SCARFS: Full line Plaid Wools*" Shawl's, Fancy Scarfs, Cloaks. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, &c. Full line London White Cambrics, Jaconets Tapp Checks. • Full lino Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Shirt Fronts, Full line Embroidered Bands, Ineertings. Medallions. Waists. 75 CASES FANCY CLOAKINGS. 75 eases splendid quality French Fancy Cloalcings, for city trade. FURNISHING 000D3. A line of gents' and ladles' Merino and Silk Vesta, rant' and Shirts. Silk and Hoop Skirts. Silk TION,' Alhambra and Marsoilles Quilts, Umbrellas, Dream and Cloak Thu minas and Ornaments Buttons, Gloves, L. O. and Silk Suspenders, Shirt Fronts. dict. - • IMPORTANT 'AND---••• SPECIAL SALE OF FRENCH DRESS GOODS AND VEIL BAREGEft ON MONDAY MORNING, Oct. 14, on four months' credit, by order of Messrs. L. MAILLARD & CO. Or For particulars see display advertisement. • LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS. SHOW. BROGANfI, TRAVELING BAGS, &c. On TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 15, ti CREDIT be sold, by cataog.tie, on FOUR MONTBS' about 1500 packages Boots, Shone. Brogans, &c., of city and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination with catalogues early on morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. BALMORALS, ittc. NOTlCE—lncluded in our Large Sale of , BOobt, Shoe.: &e., ON TUESDAY MORNING. Oct. 15. will be found in part the following fresh and desirable assortment, viz - cases men's, boys* and youths' calf, double sole, and half welt dress boots. cases men's, boys" and youths' kip and buff leather boots. cases men's fine grain, long leg cavalry and Napoleon boots. canes and boys' calf, buff leather buckle and Phi Congress boots and Winona... cases men's, boys' and youths' super kip, buff and polished grain, half welt and heavy double sole brogans. cases ladies' line kid, goat, morocco, and enameled patent sewill. buckle and plain .Balmorala and Congress, corers. caeca women's, litimee and children's calf and buff lea ther balmorals and lace boots. cases children's fine kid, sewed. city made lace booth,: fancy Rewed balmorals and ankle ties. . cases ladies' line black and colored lasting Congress and side lace gal tcw. Capes women's, misses' and children's goat and morocco copper-uaiwd lace boots. cases ladies' fine kid slippers; metallic overshoes and sandals, carpet slippers, traveling bags; &c. LARGE SPECI 4 L SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, KERCHIEFS, LACES, &c. . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • Ott. Ui at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, nu FOUR MONTHS` ci;EDIT, SCO lots of supetior goods, just landed, by order Mr. ROBERT MACDONALD, Including in part— • Full lines Cambric Edgings and Inserttngs. Full lines Hamburg. do. do. Full linen Embroidered Cambric Banda and Flounces. Fo linen rich Embroidered L. C. Full line+6,ph3in and hemstitched do. Full Mies Embroidered RobeA and IN'aiats, Fillings, Ere. Full Linea Real and Imitation Liteee, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH.. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. . We will hold a large sale of Foreign and MimesHe Dry Goode, by catalogue, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT.. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Oct. 17, one o'clock. embracing about 1000 packages and hits of staple and fancy articles. N. B.—Catalogues ready . and goods arranged for eiaml— nation early on tho morning of sale,. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINOS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNiND. Oct. 18, at.ll o'clock.will be cold, by catalogue. on FOUR MONTI'S' CRI , MT, about 200 pleceB of Ingrain, Vene tian, Lint, Hemp. Cottage and Rag Carpetinge, which may be examined early on the morning of ettle. - - THOMAS .BIN CH tis SON. AUCTIONEERS AND • COMMISSION MERCELANTS, No. 1110 CIIESTNI.JT street, Rear Entrance 1107 Santoro street, lIOUSETIOLD FURNITTRE OF EVERY DESCRIP— TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SALES EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Sales pf Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the moot reasonable terms. SALE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, SLEIGH ROBES. &c. On TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at tire auction !store, Na . 1110 MeattiXit . . street; will be sold— An assortment of elegant Furs. consisting of - Mbuk hie, Ermine, Siberian Squirrel. Fitch and other Fite Mytli., Celia s and Capes. Also, Children's Furs, Skating Caps, Gent'emen's Caps, Gloves and Collars, Sleigh a,M-- Carriage Robes, de. The Furs can be examined on Monday. SALE OF A COLLECTION OF SILVER AND COP ' PER AMERICAN AND FOREIGN COINS, MEDALS, Am ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, October 15th, at 3 o'clock, at tho Auction Store, MO Chestnut ntrect, WILL BE SOLD A collection of Silver and Copper American and Foretica Color, Module, kr. Catalogues will be ready for dintribution at the Auction Store on Friday. M=;l===l I101:8E1101.1)11716.11' Ca:, CA ItI'F.TS, GLASSES,4c. On WEDNESDAY :NI O.IIN ING, October ltith, at lbroclock, at No. illB Filbert strut, Will be coil The entire Itouaehold Furniture, comprising hair-clod( Parlor Furniture, Ilrursele, Ingrain and 'Venetian Calvet% l'ier Gianece. Chamber Furniture, Beds and Bedding, Din• ing-reoi» and Kitchen Furniture. Stovee, ttc., &c. • Catalogues can be haciat the Auction Store ou Tuesday. 50,000 FELT OF ROSF.WOOD, WALNUT AND ABUVENEEItk. V EN E ERB. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. At 3 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut Bt.. b, t;o'd— . . . An invoice of about 50,000 feet 'of RoOecrood. Walnut and Aoh Veneero, to be Fold in lota to out' parehasers. 'I ho Veneers be open for examination on Wednes day morning. C. J. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. 16 South SIXTH street. SPLENDID wain FLOWER ROOTS. e ON TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 15, nt 11 o'clock. nt No: 16 South Sixth street—A large neemtment of exquisite Dutch Bulbs, from the old established Nursery of Leonard Rovsen, near Haarlem. Holland, comprising hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, dm., &e.., just arrived and in perfect ordsr. ocl2 2t• f .1.. ASILBEIDGE P. • No. 505 MARKET street. above Fifth: e TAMES A. FREEMAN. AUCTIONEER, ' No. 422 WALNUT.street. ,n01•7;' K.4i TIIE' COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE l l City and County of Philadelphia.—Trust Estate of RALPH PETERS.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, Fettle and adjust the Met account of .1. SER GEANT PRICE, Ea t ., Trustee of the Estate of RALPH. PETERS, under Deed of Trust, dated August Bth, Ink and recorded In the Recorder's Office, Philadelphia, in Deed Book O. S., No. page c 2, and to report distribution of thebalauce in the hands of the *couutant, will moot the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment. on Wednesday, the MI day of October, M. at 11 o'clock A. M., at his °Mee. No. 633 Walnut street, the. city of Philadelphia. ROBERT N. WILLSON, ocl24i,tu.th.f.t§ • Auditor.. N THE ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 County of Estuto of ELIZAHHTIi pnyeiGß, deed.—me Auditor appointed by the Quirt to audit, settle and adjust the first account of JACOB ELLIS, attorney in fact for Executors under the will of ELI ZABETII PHYSICK, dec'd., and to report dlidribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet tho parties interested for the purpose of his appolut: meld, an Tnesduy, October 15th, at 4 o'clock E 1%., at hie office, No. 12l South Sixth st., in the city of Philadelphia. oc3-01,x,t itZt§ GCSTAVUS.ItItMAK. Auditor.; N THE DISTRICT COU RT OF TUE UNITED STATES 1 for tho Ear tern District of Pennsylvania.—ln the matter of STRAUS, LIPPER & IJO.,llaukrupts.—To whom 'lnlay concern—Thu under Signed hsreby gives notice of hot mit...int/vent as assignee of STRAUS. LIPPERIs CO.. of Philagelphia, lu the county of Philadelphia, and State of Poinsylvsnia, within said District, who halm been ad judged bankrupts, upon their own petition by the District Court of said District,