FACTS AND FANCIES. lFor the Thilmleiphia Evi.ning Bulletin.l • The Unit Storms. The icy hail Al mg the gale Ie smiting earth and nitin., Cold ruin fall In frosted ball . '.l‘a far Re eye may. t an. The Northern blast Is riding past, The whirlwind in his train; And tender shoot • And ripening fruit Are struck and cleft in twain. The iron hail Alon&• the vale Is scattering death and dreA And horse and man Toward the van Are riding o'er the fiend. The Northern men From mount and glen Are rushing southward . on; Nor will they sheathe, While traitors breathe, The sword they once have drawn A hero leads Whose mighty deeds Shall fill the land with song And through the vale, A storm of hail, ale whirls the foe along. Not yet is won, Not vet is done, Nor battle yet, nor work. Whirl sword in hand.,•,,;.•. • - While in the land. `2 One,traltopyet.shall lurk; • • k 2s , • • Demeiciatie whisky riot 'at. - RaelirciOriti was stilled by removing the stills. —One of our reporters was almost overcome at the Democratic whisky riot, by the bad air of so gently o'er me stealing.' , —Huge quantities of bad Democratic whisky in Richmond will never see the light—lt was still born. —Swann publishes long addresses in the I :were because he is loud of seeing his cygnet,- urc in print. —The marines at Richmond became so hoarse with keeping still there, that they were converted into regular horse-marines. • —lt will require a bptter Leech than the condi date for Register of Wills to bind up the wounds of the Democracy to-morrow nhrht. —So - well deserved is Andy's fame, That friends whb hear him most advise The egotist to change his name To "Argus" with his hundred I's. —lt is said that Jefferson Davis is about to re move to Toronto to reside permanently. He will get back in Congress ,eventually if we do not whip his rebel friends in this State to-morrow. —Women and girls headed the first Democratic wh;sky riot at Richmond, but when the , marines hail finished their work there was no mo' lasses to c seen. —Since the big hail storm, Philadelphia .has beta visited by an avalanche of glaciers, who have pretty much finished what paues there were left in the city. —Rouget de, Lisle sang the Marseilles hymn with an enthusiasm that electrified France. Peter Lyle to-morrow nitrht will warble a dirge over X~isdead hopes, and the corpse of.the Democratic party. —General Beauregard was serenaded in Rich mond on Wednesday night of last week. And he will be serenaded to-morrow night if his rebel friends in-. Pennsylvania and Ohio elect their ticket. —"President Johnson thinks the country is in great peril." The President is the peril of the country himself. Ile is a peril of great price, costing $25,000 per annum in salary, and mil lions in incidentals.—Naskeille Prep mid Times. —The Democracy are troubled about the war debt and taxes. Row would they like Stevens's plan of confiscating the property of the men who forced the war upon us, and so lighten the taxes of those who were compelled to fight it Out?' —Ea-Governor Herschell V. Johnson, of Georgia, takes the ground that the cotton tax is unconstitutional, and advises its non-payment. The Democracy here take • the same ground against all taxes. If they , succeed to-morrow, we shall have taxation removed by repudiation. —lt is probable that the Sandwich islands will in time be annexed to the United States, the peo ple-being- willing an&the King, being childless. Therrif4he Democracy succeed to-morrow we shall have a quarrel some day over "cannibal equality." —Nevado mountain in Chile is the greatest peak of the Andes. The result of the Pennsyl vania and Ohio elections will be the greatest pique our Andy has ever had. lie will hear seve ral hundred thousand Republicans-peak to him in tones of wrath and rebuke. curious to see the distinction of color as applied to disease. There are yellow-fever, the blacil vomit. the gre:h sickness. the white swell ing. the Fearlet lever and the yellow jaundice. Red eve, and,blue melancholy will be affected by Democracy tomorrow nlv,ht. —The Copperheads are fond of referring to their victory in CoLncetieuf. Why, then. shOuld they be opposed to a man simply and solely be cause he was born in that State ? The people to-morrow will show that they do not consider Judge Williams's Connecticut birth a disqualifi cation. —There) seems to be a chance to make a jest in the line —Scots hae Wallace bled." but it can't be clone. Wallace/Chairman of the Democratic state Central Committee, never bled bkrnself, and was opposed to everyone that did. He refused to give Pennsylvania soldiers the right to vote. —Mr. Leech, the Democratic candidate for Register of Wills,kW sending round his biography, accompanied by "stickers" to be attached by un sophisticated Republicans to their tickets. Leeches arc proverbially good stickers and insati ate suckers. Mr. Leech would not be an economical officer. • ex-rebel killed an old colored man in Salem. Indiana, for gotng to church with white folks. And the Democrats here would try to keep the negroes from going to heaven, if they - thought of gothgv'there — themselves: Vow against this brutal tyranny and bigotry to morrow. —The efforts for the release of Dr. Mudd have been imitated by the friends of Spangler': They think Spangler is as clear as Mudd. It is clearer than that,that the President's affection for coun terfeiters will probably - extend to these conspira tors, and result in their pardon, unless we rebuke him at the polls to-morrow. —The Cincinnati Commercial proposes to fight the Indians by offering a reward for sealplit ex 'AnylaiEe. Then a man who kills a bald headed Indian would get nothing. The true policy Is to vote the Republican ticket, and rebuke the Dem ocratic administration for not carrying on, this war properly. —A man hi Ileadricks county, Indiana, named James Adams, ate thifty-two peaches, a couple of muskmelons and oue raw sweet potato, and drank two gallons of buttermilk. Even that was not as hard to swallow as the Democratic asser tions of love for the soldiers, whom they reviled during the war. The soldiers will prove this to morrow. —Mr. Johnson's newly-appointed Registrar of the Treasury, Noah L. Jeffries; is a politician of 'Copperhead antecedents, is inspector-general of the Maryland Swann rebel militia. and the pos sessor of other qualifications to recommend him to Mr. Johnson, but not to others.. The people to-morrow will show their disapproval of placing rebels in office and power. —Colored veterans were hissed at the Sheridan Serenade in New York by the few skedaddlers:, draft-rioters and bour.tv-,iumpers who happeued to be out of place In crowd. Aud the white veterans will be hissed at by the Copperhead snake also, when the election is over and the De mocracy don't want their votes. —The present ruler of Abyssinia was born in 1818, and elected "Emperor of Ethiopia" in 1850. Ma name is Kassa Fedrun g a, or Theodore the- See.ond. He makes parasols for a living, and 'Would probably vote for Peirsol, the Demberatic candidate for City Treasurer, if he were here to , morrow, for he is the enemy of progress and en • lightenment. —One of the Democratic whisky rioters, when the worm was removed from his still, struck a fine attitude and exclaimed: "I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polished manners and tine sense Yet wanting 6ensiiillity) the man neediely sets Lund upon v worn! !" WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Efforts to Depreciate United States Bonds in Europe. [Washington Correspondence of the N. Y. Herald.] The tenor of all the official information received from Europe is to the effect that the recent speeches on the finances are being need by speculators and parties hos tile to the United States with the greatest industry a nd with nonsidernble effect In depreciating our national credit; that United States bonds have fallen very tonal derably. ninthly through these iniliwncea, within the last few weeks, and that Iteuters telegram has manifested the utmost ulacrif , in dissemminating reports concern ing our finances bearing the Worst construction; and even an absurd rumor has found ilia way into Europe, and has gained considerable credence, that the November interest due on our bonds is to be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury in greeifbacka instead of in gold. To 111C00 statements and reports an official reply has been furnished, that, practically, an expression on this subject is uselese, Ito fine can reason . ably doubt that, even with a moderate degree of pros perity. the paper currency of the United States w.ll he on a par with gold long before•the time the gold-be 'ring se curities of the United States shall he presented to r pay ment, the find Pfnituof five-twenty bonds haying l' et about fourteen years to run. Therefore, it is insisted, the pre. sent discussion as to whether the bonds are maple in gold or not leads to no practical good. fWasltington Correspondence of the New York•Tribltn e. lilt reported that Senator Howard ling sent a letter or publication to the Chronicle. arguing that there is no ma objection to a Senator's sitting in judgment on a trial for impeachment. because he has expressed the opinion that the impeached is guilty, than there is ground for objecting to a juror on a murder case who may have expressed an abstract opinion on the murder. ' The anxiety here in intense Jr. regard to the coming elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio on Tuesday next. The large number of Pennsylvania Democratic politicians who have been hanging around for the last two it eeks have gone home, and the city is comparatively quiet. Advices from Ohio ere that a careful can rules of the State indicates a majority of at leant MOW for the Radical candidate for Governor, and abOut 10,000 for the Manhood Suffrage amendment. The news from Pennsylvania in very meagre, and everybody expresses great doubt. The professional lobbyists and politicians are taking even helsouul some . give slight odds in favor of the Re publican ticket. The President is very much in terested, but the proceedings of the Now York Dem ocratic Convention, it is said, have annoyed hint exceed ingly. Rio friends feel very sore over the Convention's not even mentioning Johnson's name in the'platlonu. and say that they cannot explain it. They also state that this action of the New York Convention may spoil the content 'tond,coifisAatat. that the ].'resident •is to make ,AIMtENE 8.1941ET1N• PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Oar. 7 rerSee Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY Steamer Frank, Pierce, 24 hours from N. York, with mdse to W M Baird A: Co. Schr Jno Atwood, Gallashaw, 5 days from Province town, with mdse to Oco B Kerfoot & 80. Schr Maggie Van Dunn, Corson, Lynn. Schr J Waples, Robinson, Lynn. Schr S L Russell, Smith, Leechburg, NJ. Schr E Q Irwin. Atkins, Boston. BELOW. Baric Wm Van Name, from Boston. Brig Gazelle, from ivigtut. CLEARED THIS DAY. • Steamer Decatur, Young, Baltimore, J D Ruoff. Brig Joon Welsh, Jr, Scull, Sagan, S & W Welsh. Brig Nary C Comely; Comery, Boston, E A Souder Co. &In . S L Missal], Smith, Salem, Mass, Sinnickson&Co Schr Emma Bacon, Case, Salem, Penn Gas Coal Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Juniata, lloxie, hence at New Orleans Ist imtant. Steamer Roman, Baker, cleared at Boston sth inst. for this port. Steamer Tonawanda. Jennings, sailed from Savan nah sth lust. for ;his port.. Steamer Ontario, 'Hallett, cleared at Boston sth inst. for Liverpool. . Steamer Kensington, Hedge, cleared at Boston sth inst. for New Orleans. Steamer City of Boston (1,3 r), Leitch, from Liverpool 25th ult. and Queenstown 26th, at New York yester day. Steamer Siberia (Br, new), Martyn, from Liverpool Sept 24, and Queenstown 26th, at New York yester day., with 472 passengers. Steamer Hibernia (Br), Munro, from Glasgow Sept. 20, and Moville 21st, with 345 passengers, at New York. yesterday. Steamer Erin (Br), Hall, from Liverpoo' 19th ult. and Queenstown 20th, at New York sth inst. with 639 passengers. Steamer St Louis, Hedge,cicared at New Orleans Ist inst. for Boston. Bark Progress, Olsen, hence at Oroustadt IGth ult. Bark New York, Gibbs, from Buenos Ayres, at Boston sth inst. Schr Adeline Townsend, Dolbow, cleared at Mobile 2d inst. for Providence. Schr Mary Vancleaf,..McCobb, cleared at Wilming ton, NC. 4th inst. for this port, with 30 bbls rosin and 140,000 feet lumber: Behr E H Naylor, Naylor, hence at Boston sth inst. Schrs Millard Fillmore, Chase, for this port, and Surprise, Gibbs, for do via Wilmington, Del. cleared at Boston sth inst. Schr Governor, Freetby.henee for Boston,at Holmes' Hole 4th inst. Schr Caleb Stetson, Somers, from Boston for this port, at Holmes' Hole 4th inst. and sailed again. Schr Wm Flirt, Post, hence at Georgetown, SC. 3t3th lilt. Bark Cairo, Capt Blanchard,from Mobile for Boston, was spoken in lat 32, lon 73 4S, with all hands sick but four, mate and secuial mate; wanted no asaistance. Schr Isaac Bich, Crowell, from Boston for this port, ran ashore at Sandford Point, Bell Gate, on Friday, P 2 d. and carried away rudder, but was subsequently towed off by steam-tus , Barrett. AITIUSEMENTS. h'ee Pape for Adchtinnal AnittA-Inenter. I)ISTORI.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Director.-- , ..... .. . ...J. ORAL,' Mr. hae the honor to HI11101111C1; that MADAM E Ai /ELM DI: RI sToin. will rice• a short veason of FIVE NIGHTS ANI) ONI INIATINEE, commencing on NIUNDNY. Octolwr 91. The season will he inaugurated by the celebrated tragedy rd ELF/AI:ETD, in which Madame: IS will smdain her admirable himersonation QUEE-N ELIZABLIII. • . The Company of Mine. RISTORI has been much :mg mewed by new Attinte. Among them 'is Sig, HOZZ9, ho ie one of the few great Dramatic Artists pe. , se,sed by Italy, and has gt•ined the hielm,t distinetion by the ex. vellence of his per.mations, and who wilt mike hie fleet mitt in Philadelphia in tle• important rote of ESSEX. Second night, MARY STCA RT. Third night, MAIJA ANToINErTE. Fuh-eriptions fol• the eca,ou of five nights will commence on MONDAY, Oet,iber 14. , eic.7-tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. "riVEEY NEW NOVEL CALLED FOR •IS AT ONCI Lidded to CIIALLEN'S CII:CULATIN(;.L11:11.11:1" , ' , 01 , 1" fI'ISNI , IIED N,o'r I. . . .1).1.11.1 . SI lista:limns, buying any book, old or new, can exchange it for another of equal value. MoNo nt.v Sueschinr: CU cent,. 'I eneAA' Spio-an; tut err, pitying r t ;:t entitled to one ilitrok; ti , s, to tv:',.; Bookr : $lO. to five Books, at a time. bt:vt-Aart nt. SrlintlP.lltl:l:, bolt them rate,. ',• ranr , ient or regular Subecrihers can nine obtain any la w or old Book desired. celecting train lily entire rtock of Itorikr, as well as Library. Liberal , arrangement 4 with publisherc to cend rianutitier of every new book the day to enable ine to liner:id itutages no other I.ilirary earl; and no labor , ex pewee or personal attention will be spared to give pertect entistriction. Catalogue: , and fall information will he given at CiIALLEN'S CIIaII:LATING LIBRARY, Its 1:l19 Chestnut street. 1100. P SKIRTS. 628,1001' SKIRTS, NO. C,28. .FALL S PYLES. Plain and Trail Hoop skirts, 2,2 q, 214. and 3 yards round. of every length and shape, hoc ladies, and com 'pleteaSortment of Misses' and Children's , skirts, from ri to 41i springs, fronf tki inchoi long, all of "OUlt OWN MAKE," superior in, style, finish and durability, 'and. really-the cheapest and. most satisfactory -Hoop Skirts- in the s ineriean market. Warranted lu evOry respect. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. cArrios.—Owing to the unprecedented _repitation which "Our Own Make" of Skirts have attained, some dealers are endeavoring to put a very inferior skirt; upon their customers by representing them to be "Hopkins's own Make," lie viof deceived. "Our Make" are stamped on each tab, "W.. Hopkins. Manufacturer, No. s2B Arch street, Phlladellfilia," and also have the letter if woven ill the tapes between each spring. Also, dealer in New York made Skirts, at very low prices, wludeeale and retail. Send tor catalogue of styles and prices, at No. 026 Arch street, Philada, niloa,tn.w,lyrp I\' Vii. T. HOPKINS. N . l FALL IiKIP.T. _ . TILE PATENT CLASP HOOP SKIRT. • Manufactured and for sale by SHAW A: BONHAM, 91. i Alit :II and 2M North NINTH. streets. The Patent Chop NEW STYLE SKIRTS, manufac tured by us, are acknowledged by the Ladie,4 to be the neatest, most comfortable and durable Hoop Skirt made. They are superior to all others, being made of one piece of the beat patent glazed Euglikth Steel, without any faiten ings; the tapes are securely held by neat patent clasps. Skirts altered into the new fashionable shapes Aleo, Skirts and Corsets niude to order. Werley's and other makes of French Comte for Hale. seam,w,f,lyn4 HOOP HIRTS AND CORBETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY. No, 812 Vino street % in now manufactur. iag all the varieties of Hoop Skirts, Garnets, &c. She hes ail° the Real French Corsets of ew etylee. Hoop Skirts altered and re .alred. mh2d-tfr. ISAAC B. EVANS, NIA:sIUPACTUREI: AND DEALER IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND ' Naval Stores and Soaps, No. 1G North Delaware avenue, Philadi. oc2 2m Sp RIO -TAPIOCA, BEST QUALITY, WITH FULL DI rections for making excellent desserts; BERMUDA ARROWROOT ,• _ FRESH BETHLEHEM .OATMEAL; ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY; PEARL SAGO, with directions; CARA CCATCOA , a pure Chocolate for Invalids; CRACKED HEAT for DYSPEPTIUB; LIQUID RE in. ; • coNDENSED MILK; EXTRACT OF BEEF, and other dietetics. For bale by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, FelP.-tf rp Broad and Spruce streets. (tikETObi PRESERVED GINGER. PRESERVED ) (;inner, in syrup, of the celebrated Chyloong brand; 3&0, Dry Preserved Ginger, in 1)0Xl1f4, imported and for rnlr hy JOSEPH B.lll.Wlllii 4. (N. % / 08 South Uctwaro 4v4:1111c. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.s-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1887. 1867. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, NO. 612 CHESTNUT STREET. Just received, a large stock ofi CHOICE FALL GOODS. WILL MOVE OCTOBER 16T TO S. E. corner 'Seventh and Chestnut Sts. apv_irr, PUBLIC SALE OF A DESIRARLE COCS PRY Place,iit Wallingford Station.onTlirhbv afternoon, " fact. le, '0), at half-}met 3 o'cloel.. Oa the premi , ea, Providence road, near If inkaon'a Corner, a hour 3,', illik, from Cheater. and 1% railed front Media. in Nether Pclei dence towmhip, Delaware county, Penn- , Vlvalli;l, and about eleven miles from the cite of Phibtdulphin, will be Bold to the bigheat bidder, a dcsind,lc coaat,2, pia von mining between ti and 7 acres of aupe-ior land, a cry dc virablv located, adjoining the laud' of William Evea, Jacotillyrev. and Mr. Norman. The Improvements are quite extensive; the moat im portant part having been erected within year, in 'Me tier]: Ayle, by competent niechanic, , . hou-a. Into French elate roof, high ceilings and porch on three eider. There is an ice vault and cave, built Pi" brick, and the barn and out-buildinge (part of which are new) are more than autlicient for the soma of the place. 'I here ie an abundance of fruit trees and Filmic on the pr6nisea. The water is of the beat quality, and never Hid. The view from the house cannot he excelled,and its proximity to W'allingford Station. on the Wcat Che, , ter :tad Phila. delp:da Railroad, being about 300 yardA diatant, from which seven traina depart daily each sac, remlere it a very deairahle residence for pereons doing . bminesa in the city. May he examined preview to sale. PoaLmaaion imme diately. • Terms—One half caali; $5OO to be raid at aide, oe7-3trps ALFRED M. BERK NESS, Auctioneer. • hEAL ESTATE..—TIIO.MAS SONS' SALE.— ,;;; Very valuable litleine, , s Stand, four,dory brick " Store, No. 5 North ‘Vater street., above Market street. On'l'ur.day, October 15th, 1047, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be said at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very valuable fonnstory brick store and lot of ground, eituate on the east side of Water street, Ito. 5; beginning die,tance 49feet. nort h.C: ,,, larkyt street.;, thi reef-es tending E. r a ~3 test inches tri"anolut thence N. 4 inches .10 a point: thence E. s.feet '1 ikeliCB to a point; thence N. phrallel Ith itaid Water etrect 20 feet V inches to a point ; thence W. on a Ilne.at right angler to Water street 00 feet inches to K. did' of Water .trect, and thence r 3. along Water street 20 feet 4! , ,; inches to the place of begin ning. The store is well•builtovelblighted and ventilated; had the gas'introduced and holgting apparatus, and hats a good cellar. Ito location, on one of the beet business etrcets in the city, and its close proximity to the Alpidng. ketunhuat lot ding 4 and railroad depots, make it one of the most desirable Inednus ,itands for wholesale trade in Philadelphia. g":•,'"lininediate Porse,don. ('an be examined at any time previous to sale. TiltiMAS .5: SON 4, Auctioneere. 100 and 141 :40011, Fourth et: J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 004 CIE-0 Have Now Opened Their FALL MOW INS OF NEW. CARPETINGS. / NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 50,0 Pieces J, Crossley So ns ' Patent Tapestry Carpets. 300 PIECES ROYAL WILTON CARPETS. NOVELTIES IN FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS. 500 Pieces New Styles English Brussels Carpets. 250 Pieces Yard-ald-a-half Wide Velvet Carpets. ROYAL WILTON CARPETS, BRUSSES CARPETS FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. 3. F. NO. 904 CRESTINTJT STREET, 50 SHEETS ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. E cl4-e. in W ( .LOTHING. REAL ESTATE SALES. LEGAL NOTICES. - - I N THE ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Yhiladelphia.—Eihtte of HANNAH A. ELLIS, dec`d.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, 'wale, and adjust the account of WILLIAM ELLIS, Executor of the last Will and Testa ment of. HANNAH A. ELLIB, dec'd, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of hie nt, on Monday, October 2114 1187, at 4 o g lcTo 'i crc t l' i . e M , at hie office, No. 118 South Fifth btroet, In the city of Philadelphiall or 7 n1.1 , 15t • WM. I.: DENNIS, Auditor. WANTS. T !FE INSURANCE AGItIN'I' NVANTEI)—A. FIRST chine, energetic and reliable man in deqired to take charge of the Philadelphia Agency of a number ono Life Ineurance Company. The beet of refercucem required ILS to ability and character. Addreen. with references for further Information, — .l. F. FItI 7 EAUFF. Ilollidaymbarg, Blair countY, oc; tit. Pennsylvania. TO RENT. Ij,ENT-0.1 , 1 , 11:E IN THE 14V.1.:0ND sToRY oy Grigg'ti Fire Proof Building, `:3ii Walnut ntreet. alti to .1. W. GRIGG, 22t Walnut ~treet. ROCKIIILL &WILSON, Clothiers, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. & E. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, E. B. ORNE, NO. 904. CHESTNUT STREET, & E. ORNE, ORNE, GENTLEINEWS YURNIS ING GOOD.. THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos, 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer' , and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man. ufacture of Fine Shirt's, Collars, &0., warranted to give satisfaction. lan-en MEDICINAL. FOUR LETTERS TO HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT DEPOT, 512 BROADWAY, N.Y. IT DOES AFT DISAGREE WIT!' lIEDIUINE I am using 11,,fre Malt Extract Beverage in CONNEC TION with other medicin,e. My PHYSICIAN was IN FAVOR of it, and did not think IT COULD OIiAUREE with Isis IMACilll'A in any way. :sod might 11e.LP me. I do indeed hope it NV LL BENEFIT MC for the DI FEL C ULT lE , I'l' lb RECOMMENDED for, as MY AUNT IS BENEFITED by A. BEERS. DA:OA m, April 5, 1t67. CURE. OF J ISORDER OF THE STOMACH. _ _ . Accept my thankm. Ary 14114»Lnil .ittleretl from a DIS- OltDElt of the sTOMACII. Ims BEEN ENTIBELY CUBED by ilott'n DELICIOUS Mutt extract Bevernie. .lira. E. De.EFERNEtt. 2043 Riv . ingtorMreet, N. Y. 114 7 E. i.TI'I(f , AGY `LYON Tilt. , INCiVIENT:STAGP OP coNstimL.TioN I have used several dozen oilloiti3lalt Extract Beve rage of Health. and .1 am nick happy to say that It POW EItFULLY ENCITIOI the AUTI iTy Trio LUNGS, and STRENGTHENS me ENORMOUSLY; the RESPI RATION is more FREE, the Cils.,ST now expands' UN EMBARRAS.,ED. the GOUGH DIMINISHES, and I hope It will CEASE ENTIRELY. NEW LIAVI.:N, April 18,1867. BENDER. IT STRENGTHENS THE WHOLE SYSTEM. I am obliged to Kay that my wife is GREATLY BENE FITED by the 112 C of nOWS Malt Extract. It ie not only a PLEASANT beverage, but also a very EF. ICACIOUS one and STRENGTHENS THE NERVES, and thu WAOLE SYSTEM. C. P. WAGNER, No. 273 Ith avenue. Nr:w Yonn, Feb. Di, 1867. Sold everywhere. PersonNehing Egg might ap ply to 1101 Pa Mutt Extract Do 54213r0a way, N. Y. JOHN ADP. BAltign oe2-w,f,rn-6t SOLE AGENTS FOE PENNA., PHILA. WILLIAM H. CARLILE. OARIALE &i JOY, House and hip Painters and Glaziers, No. 437 Arch Street, Philadelphia: Glazing and Jobbinc attended to with Promptness an despatch. Give us a eau. ray 4 FITLER, WEAVER a CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. 23 N. WATER and 23 N. DEL. avenue laEl ROCKHILL &WILSON, Fine Ready-Made Clothing, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET; 1867. FINE HENRY S. HANNIS & 00., 218 and 200 SOUTH Vll,4oW'r S PRE irr i p Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantageous Terms. Their Stock of Be Whiskie, variousOND, comprises all the favorite brands infil tant, and runs th r ow gh the months of 1861;4'66, and of this year, tap SO present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania It.R. Depdt, Erne,' , son Line Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses. ILO parties may elect* myl• to dap \ rr 727 CHESTNUT STREET. 72R Silks, Shawls, Velvets, Poplins, Reps, Ve our Rinse, Merinoes, thous De!nines, &Warns, Mohair', hip= Poplins, Cherie Poplins, Me lange Poplins, Irish and French Poplins and Plaids. Also, B o mbazines. arritz, Tamise, and other Mourning Goods in great variety, together with, the most t32c ,tensive ussortme iit,,of,Miseelldrieo us Dry Goods in the Market. Blankets, Flannels, Meng, House- Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Casshneres, etc., In reliable qualities, at low prices. RICKEY, SIILRP &CO., IVIKESALE DEPARTMENT, Dry Goods, by Piece or Package, at and wilder .Market Rates. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., rel4-tirp No. ;2; CHESTNUT Street e , MARKET • o 44. do NINTH. • -4',/ & Magnificent Lyons Silk Velvets. All the good ivldthe these rich, real FRENCH nupucs SILK AND WORSTED FRENCH POPLINS.— ' In golden LH o alp, garnet, lucier, grcem., RIBBED POPLINS. Ottoman Velour?. itrowv. Golden lirownii. Anthere, Green?. liarnetr, PLAID POPLINS. Elegant e':tra large Plah New 1-4) HA Combinationr, Silk-freed for M • LOIN' priced Wool Plaid... BLACK POPLINS. All the grados. , . SI 00 to 82 55, ‘.."111111tek oplin Alpacas, 75.15[4 and k Jock Black Ilrcee Goode. FLANNEL ESTABLISHMENT, All clv , crirtion , til , :yht-=t mak,- t'inhriukable Flan RoGET:s , ENmAsir PATENT. REAL WELSII AND SA XoNV. BALLARD VALE AND Dumr.T. blimint, Ruin WHITE AND RED. REP FLANNEL. a new ;aid heavy article. PLAID AND PRI xTED (iILBERT'S OPERA, all colors DOMESTIC WHITE, RED AND (IILAY, Both Twilled,ar,l Pin in, of all qualitie#. lILAYIEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CANTON FLANNELS, Both Bleached, and Unbleached. Alas ull Pizeo and heel. 'naked of Blanketi, tis GOLD. MEDAL . , GOLDEN EX'T'RA PREMIUM.. • • • . , eitEMI UM, &0:, SUPERIOR CRIB AM) CRADLE BLANKETS, to Sheppard, Van Harlingen &ison, MOURNING GOODS. • We have now open a full aßeFortment of MOUR'N.I.NG and SECOND MOURNING GOODS for Fall. PERKINS, NO. 9 SOUTH NINTH STREET e7-3mrp§ MAIMICE JOY IArINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC; Al „Brown Stout and Ciders. P. J. JORDAN, 2`..'0 Pear street, below Third and Wal nut streets, begs to call attention to his large and varied stock of goods now on hand, embracing Wines of all grades, amongst which are some very choice sherries mid clarets; Brandies, all qualities and different vintages; owe very old and superior; Scotch and English Ales and Brown Stout, together with Jordan's Celebrated Tonic Ale. now so extensively used by families, pltYsi- Chive, invalids and others. Cider. Crab Apple Chumnagne, and Sweet Cider, of qualities unsurpassed. These goods are furnished in pack ages of all sizes, and will be delivered, free of cost, in all rart. of the c.ty. ROCIMILL &WILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET' 0111170 Paiskies. LARGEST AND . BEST STOOK OF THE -- OLD IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY RETAIL DUI , GOODS. POPULAR PRICES JAS. It. CAMP" ) ; E LL & No. 727 Chestnut Street. SHAWL ROOM. PalPley Long and Squats 1 4 11awiti. " Elegant It oche Long Shawle. Lupin'el:l.rk'Phihet Shnwle. l Woolen Shnat 1., tireetetuck ever offend CLOAKING'S. All the LIeAV I'lall Cloaking,4. All tl.t new sPlspie, and f nude, CLOAKS Of :al the th•sv Ready.u.tide or mode to ord,r, 13LA1NIiET NEW FALL GOODS, No. 1008 Chestnut Street. Clothing Made to Order, RYE WHISKIES 460 MILES UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. RUNNING Is-Avia onk COVINEff; are new completed, and it Is expected that the remaining hi miles, to carry the track to the base of the Rocky Moun tarns. will be finirlied early in October. Contracts have already been made for rock-cuttings beyond, to be done during the winter. The work is being pushed forward with equal energy on the California end of the route, un. der the direction of the Comtral Pacific Couipany, com menting at Sacramento, and it to confidently expected that the two rends will meet in MO, thus completing the entire grand lino connecting the Atlantic and Pacific °roam, on which TlilliTy.n.VE MILLION DOLLARS in cash hove already been expended, From the liberal oovernth, nt aid, the wealth and energy of the etockhold• ors. amid the ready mark., for the. First Mortgage Itoridr, there is no want off undo for the roust vigc.rousyrorrecution of the work, and its early r•ompletLm is ma certain as any uture basinetre event can he. AET EARNINck , OF TIEE UNION PA CI tic RAILROAD. Doting the quarter ending 'Tidy ::11.t of the current year nu nversin. ;.c.1.3 mile' , of the Uninn Pacific ItAtrond wait In or:et - ail-0. The Sup,rintendent't report therm the N. ing rt.e.ult ; PnrrPtrerr ....... . ...... .....'.........51'93 5t.+.672 13 ..... ........ 1,416 33 51 .......... ..... ................. 12.14.9 le trauti.ortaliuu. GAltracor'm 4a ^ ,5)5 4-4 " Men. 2.t.7.,977 97 Fuel Itel;air of Track_ .... .. Engines, Care, Shope, &c OfEceP and .. ... . Cenductore, Engineers, N LT EA It.t.ltios to LIILLIICe From the relative high chargea, the operating expense of the road are but 22% per cent, of the earnintok, and the ratio would he much leeotf thmauntractor'il butlnero were not done nt halt riite. Throv.ing out charges t., contrac tor, for transportation of mate:lab, and men 0347fi...10 41). and deducted from the aggrerate of all operating exPcania per cent. (id. 157,66.1 42) am the proportion chargeable on the work done for contractor,, which was le,o than actual coat, betatve. of the half price charged for it, nod we have the net operating e.xpeneem on the com mercial burineer for the quaiter. Vl:7.9dd 60. The account for the cummerciat Iluxincss !tondo rw forlowa Earningm for May, June, and J.:,ly 8723.756 bf Expenzee " " =4 , 5.) Net profit of operating if3s mike of road tine(' innottig The amount of Bond. the Company can home on zl5 niiley, eld,uuo per mile, Le LfS.M(V). int:reet in gold. three Tr.ou the, nt t per colt., on thiq e.tm, 1.4:7a,rga1; gado percent. premium. to cruTei , pond with currency carninfM iiileU.kue,.-ehax - ing that the net earnings for this (marlin' were more thanyour times the interea on the First Mort gage Bonds on thL length of . road. First M rtgageßond whoee intereet IA en amply pro vided for and en thoroughly eccurcd, muet be clamed among the ,c - ifet in neetracnte. They pay SIX Per CENT, in GOLD, and are offeied for the present at Ninety Cents on the Dollar and Accrued interest at Six per t{'ent. in Currency front July Ist. m an y partkm are taldrig advantaro of the present high f Govel Lon nt 1-tocl:..- toracliac for then Bonds, 111,1e1) are 0% rl5 rer ent. rliear , ,,r, and, at the current rate of premium on gold, r.ay Over Nine Per Cent, interest. Subscriptions will be received In NPNY York at the Cern. pßuy'o (Mice, No. 2U Nassau Street, std by CONTJNENTAL NATIONAL BANK. No. 7 Nassau it CLARK. DODGE & CO., Bankers. No. fit Wallet. JOIIN J. CISCO .I.: SON., Bankers, No. II; Wallet. In Philadelphia, • niE TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL. BANK. DE HAVEN & BROTBER. WILLIAM PAINTER & CO. TOWNF END WIIELEN & CO. J. E. LEWARB di CO. F. NTEF.B. In Wilmington, Del., R. It. ROBINSON & CO. • JOHN MoLEAR & SON. And by BANKS and BANKERS generally throughout the United Staten, of whom mato and . dtoariptive fttn~s may be obtained.• A or tr 7 o . In rs . T th 3i)t . jit.llN7 PICTURES, IFKAMIES, &U. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VERY BEST Q ILT A. 11. IT Y. EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLBI PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT ST, RV ROCItIIILL &WILSON, Bop', Boys'elothiq, 603 - AND 905 CHESTNUT STREET. OINASTOIJILL. OF THE EARNINGS 4.; I..a.C.,t;Di 1,6 11EMMM allt . 1v4,767 64 fAlvs4 41 . 01,14.7 60 . 15,416 93 • .r.',EO6 U 3 $1.3X3.03d fG Z 44. , ...7 , t) 01 JOILN J. CISCO, Treasurer, - , c ; ,N E~~~ff;