GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.-NO. 155. DIED. I)IVINK—Op Sabbath morning, Bth Mat., James It. Divine, P.II 111 and Margaret Divine, in the :istl, year of Iris age. 'l'lle44,iveii and filen& of the family are respectfully invite -attend t hie funeral, from lilt; late residence, ~ o rtc.oce ,ndidreet, above :37rime, Pillhol , ll.l , io. on Wediu•Altiv, the iith imt., at 2 .;clerk. lilleriilent at Woe,lland; Cemetery. ••• K( ti , •11,11111V, , nn Friday, September 20, after a ' , hart illnem, Sallie I'. Keen , wife of hereon Loop. of Illookl en, L. 1., and daughter of Charles 11. Into, of Ildiadelpilia. • Sv 0'17.-- , (ln Satin - dal , moniing at 1,1 ,, late weld once in Ha% vrfOrd. Joseph Oft, hi the 3-ear of Ida age. Duo notice will be given of Iris funral. • 'WYLLIE...On the sth inst., Robert Wyllie, in the 45 th ear ofage.Funeral from hie lat reddence, So, 12-‘2,..0 ~fonterey 1.11 Tin day t? o'clock, to proceed nhlt:dirlly;N.,l. • • . - LANDE _ AVI; I QUALI'T'Y J.,)'01L4 for Cloakm. 1..yr.0n for Sacke. V 16k3 ELIZA W. S m EVIL Young Enyll4), ErcirA). Gcrnisin. • 1'124 dyrurr rtreet lot' EYRE 4c , LAM WLL, FOrltTli AN!)ASCII. KEEP A . (1 , 4,1.1111..rce fur 11ofie C 5. ', hricrer.. tor littelivuul Suite. ILIA) f • IrOtO Ito 5 Jucht.... at _lkiTTEpsfrt,ncli ,tit..efun inK and SeoiltinO, • ' • . , ~,•1 thillth Ninth 'lrmq and 7:t.; !taco otrot.t. ricEs. JoIIN GOI 1101:TICUIA UP,AL HALL, svb.r thr• :1111P1feee61 "YOUNG MEN'S CH!:ISTIAN ASSocIA'I'ION," svEL>I: t•ltr. I TilrESI/Al' LVENING. O,tolwr 111. IMEM== . . Adtad ,, Lion 50 rvilte. e-:tritcharo•lor ri,prvif The of will toolloo.rice 31o:olay moraine., 'ilt, tat Atlatierad'r rtycet. tc.:;41:1, s eiy- ',III: 1.1;111611 AND NA VI 10,[1, • n; 01.t.,1),r 'flit- time F1101 , 1,-r. of titi r owt , :th t.," 1 f /f., - roon r , f , irothr 111 o( rt:‘ in tv: tr 1 , , .. .. I'm v,.ni rat irll , •7lrlKtif,ll. ..1 , 11,().. , i 1 ) . 3 :S111,1111:10). rIA. I / 4 - •• N01:111 PEN \ SYLVANIA ItAILILUAD "'"`". LANE:3I . .ITP 01. NVe Pre deliverinv Ohre the relehre.tfli mkt:LEIGH 141 , 1HN,1 morNTAIN 1.011‘,11 CULL, the hardest xud purt:rt alined, at 7i7 per ton. office, NO. 17, Sr, ith Er.v,nth ~ru.lxru - Y: mits- UNIVERSITY OF PE::,NSi LVA!;IA, MEDI DEI 'A itTM ENT,/ • it.2o 6ES:it( ;N, 47, he regelar IYethy ,1 r. of thiA 10.1 , s (ictob-r 14th, .4.ll4lcoritinno of I .l.trell. Iye fur thy: toll c.airee nil r. E, ED; ;I:Ei, %I. 1). Dean .1y,11 , :a.1 Fac,Pv, air II( 'WARD HOSPITAL, NO6. AND IS.A Lf nAgtril rit, t, trt uttii,nt and tr.ediritl, I,rttl•hed IoOLECICAL NO, CEs. iNk• TO THE, PEOPLE. PIIILADELI'II lA, 0:t. on&r.igued, hating long known Nit. JOSEPH M. COWELL, and knowing him to he a capable and correct blvineu man, of reliable+ character and ~,tind prlncith,.e—a man entirely wtrthy to be made SHERIFF PHILADELPHIA, And 0111' who: electien is demanded by the best interests • , jt the Public, hereby, earneatly and reppectfully, YOUR VOTES AND EFFORTS IN HIS BEHALF. MORRIS, TASKER CO. FITLER, WEAVER & CO, BENJAMIN BULLOCK'S lONS. I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE & CO. GEO. B. KERFOOT & CO. COTTRELL & AYRES. WM. BUMM & SON: KENNEDY, STAIRS tc: CO. KOONS, SCHWARTZ & CO. JAMES S. MASON & CO. • SHARP, HAINES & CO. • A. cowTox & CO. GILLINGHAM & GARRISON. NEAFIE & LEVY. .• DIRELY, HILLMAN ds STREAKEI W. CRAMP & BONS. JAMES ROWLAND & CO. TIERS & BRADSHAW.. VEIIREE & MITCHELL. rATrEttsoN & LIPPINCOTT. WETHERILL & BROTHER. - 11:14. &J. M BENNERS. GEO. MORRISON COATES. JOHN PRICE WETHERILL. WM. TRoTTEIt. SAMUEL V. MERRICK • ger EIGHTH WARD REPUBLI CAN TICKET. un.nEsENturi v r, EDMUND 8. YARD. . - COMMON (1011NOIL, JOHN C. MARTIN. i(1111101, ALEX. PI COLESBERRY, WM. F. 'JUDSON, ROB'. N. WILLSON. 0c1.2t Ivo mar VOTERS TWENTY-SECOND WARD, GERMANTOWN. Don't vote for Engle For Manager of Poor. • ' • , . lir . ' ~ '. . .. . ' , . , ~ .. . ~. . 4 . , + . . 1 ' , ';' !:',, 1 l';' . , ~., . . l :1 . • . . . ~, . , , ... . „ , . : ..4 ai k .„Afelitut I . 41%•''''. • , . . . . , . . , , ne.toan ,la hn,on Iwa to legim e W../I ey.ecuti , . ,n , 11.t.0. ...pp,ttled to cot, thre.w.l/ hlr Demo er,,tie fer euppo:t. By your votes Tur..3,ty, you t approve 1 , 1 hi. usurpation, or are re,Oh,ll "that L:overni..,nt .0 the people, - tle. people, IQr the' cold,, .1.111 nut pvti.,ll I runt. tint 'Horace Birtney, L. George 11. Stuart. ...I:Attic' Litt?, " Samueljf. Frechllck Frt,ley, lhri.j. ltarria 3rewetvr, Amite, W. Paul, Iftliry C. L. a, .I. G. PO!, II curt' C. C.,n ,y, A. Whitney, #illiain 5 , 111. r . ,, -...„, Jitm, P.Alock. fp i I. Pratt M , Kuan,, Andrew W 11.24..: Charles Gibbon-, 'Edward :-liippen Arthur G. Cottlu, • Cal,b Cope, POLITICAL NOTIICES• z TO THE CITIZENS I'II iL AI)E I4l' IT lA. Etrentvoi, End En artful t h u etfortA to divert your attention from the true i9.nen at Ftftki• in the ap. I.ruflelflag eth,n, that we feel it duty to remind you the•vre , t ii t re,t4 which deVllOlllll . 9ll year rote.,. It net a V( : 11 Itim net a que,lti e e Win) is to ”r Trtev , ,Nr.Jol . pmen. awl a;U'e.- , . in th, , if eire'rt , A T t o l 4 o4.trilßA4F WA:A 4 ,, le‘d the n.bel lionl.l4%.,•Apprhitfdto Oe•Foßplt, 4,1 the duty, frill r.-ad in the: e,weritiex whirls you will e:Vt, 111411(* .. . . t. , ho( are or de. t;glire , they v.lll learn whether 1 , .g;9•:1 rci,rl3inn asi n virtue to be rewarded, or as a crime to I,e ‘v;tritell ..vay Ly repentance; ivhottler YIJII are pre. d t the dontb without ernidtione, or t., oil the ole.o;;;re, ri, vjo d hv t,W.Lti‘ re. (:011gT,/, I,llli nullified by ill , : CIA,II , Oi. who ettsi c of the martyred President of yew' choice. are. tlu• 14 al irr. P. to be deer& rl by pair votee for hierrl orrreere r It way relit the Itenroerary to•day to an Mire ye-. to the contrary; brit _Tort 'ay reirt, secured that is do i,..r re, nrider-Crud it. the rrerrntrY, troth North inn! 5' , 1) . ../1. i,.1,101 eo !Arun!. It ha: , of liar been trill:, 'aid hy • ne of the airler•t 111,11 oh New • : • Tiutn the f htl • : trre Lniau Ireptdilierin party. in the afiprnacitiurr'tic. it. Prrni';Alvafria. hung f',ll:.till'lleca eo va , t'and ion. •irr thr•t the iolud dote net 1••arlile rrrre-ri all tire dam. A :trot Stara oolii tisereleo of tie whole rel Ail el - I,lC'Tn• oli.l Maine are chrinierl to herald the long- . 1). nrre rutir rear lion, :'nrl hate rilr•rridy given ;en. ri er! to the rriprrleiro d rein) Froia every p; : '.ll",lir , , ,, JUktrU!'t , tl [ t ome to IH appeals Calm wen alirred•-n their/ t • the rriereir, of , rr• are.•rir wire are only wrdting tire f thri in •tr held olt. to them by th. it Ihrrne - reratie friende itt 1,1,1• rent,W the birter preteriptien .4 the loot yerrr - ir:r•l rraetierrlly 'rr diefrarrehi,e :di WllO 11/INT. Corti' c d t•rr Ceirar. Fella;:-citizen, will yeti deeert their . reoire than thiri • rhe great .r•re:rtlon, whether rr.rcrirr.ernir.. ut :or the tertore i• to Tv: Coll. titU 6,4lMb' Lindl , ..y Smith. A. E. Ilorace Binnoy, Jr., John Fri( e Wcth rill,. P. 1 Jr„ Jamee Harm, M. Carey Lea, •Nathan Trotkr Ward B. ita,otine. Giorg, Tiny I. 11,1%01, Henry Johu ;‘,lO-th. I:. W. (lark, Evan,. Rudolph, Charles Maguire, Stephen A. Caldwell, Richard Wright, N'cru. B. Thomae, .1. S. Whitney, W. It. ('ltrr, , l, A. IL I'!4ll , .bCag, ;lan E. Addicka, • Thoata• Birch, Mor - riAou coate 4 iruve & Bro.. C. J. Hoffman, IL nr' I' , rkin , ., & Urn., NV. C. Ludtiig. J. Elorgfin .1. ll,ury D. St. , :rzerd, thirmr. 11. Clark, Matti:ht.+ ,1::1 71 11. Redfield. Brownii.,l L Bro., Charter T. Brolly, Edmund A. .-o:ldcr & ,Nlatthi.ol. - Baird. IV. N. Roviland I:. Mai B:ind am, 15 - rn. Heaton. 141. d. St 41'. CCt , . D. 'll - etlle7;11. 'e, , rge 1.. Bozity, S. M. Dutton, Cl.arle4 11. 1:0•N ee. Wel. D. Kelley, .1. Ileyar d, Theo. A. Wes,els, JOllll M. Ford. A. G. cat tell, Wm. H. Borne, I la manes Neff. Ed. G. Knight, Howard Ilincleonn, Jame, M. AerLsen, R. P. King. , .1. Hinckley Clark. Charles 0 Nell), Charles Norris, cortran, ill sell & Co., 'T. Alegarge, Samuel L. NVard, Thos. C. Band, Henry B. Potter, Fred. M. Adarmr, 11. 11. Mears & Sous, Wm. Gir, lager, Alfred Rogers, George J. Peirc , , W. S. Smith, • Edward D. Smith, Wm. 11. Kr-ru, J. L. •, E. L. Perot. Denwoody & Co., D. W. Herstine, • Alex: J. Andrew J. Alice White, Gen. Horatio G. Sickel, Cherie,- J. Cummings, 'l'. Horace Brown, 0. B. Itogetr. henry Farnham, B. 'ticket d: Co., Edward SPer, R. Etting, 1.. G. Grail, 5, .1. Christian. I'. B. Mingle & Co.. J. Ksidoorhead. & A. H. Detwiler, David Sbehnire, Caleb 11. Needles, Peter Stinien, 'John B. Kenney, Charke'Smith, James Traquai••. A. 11. Wrilkinshaw, Charles F. Ogden, E. C. Markley, William S. Grant, William Akers, L. 11. Voute, George J. Weaver. Frank Walter, : Cliiirlea,Triecher;• Samuel U. Trotter, William M. Muzzen, William E. Littleton, John C. Cresson, S. C. Comly, ' , s=j!!!neeJ. Sharpless, William Petitt, Henry Avery, E. Lafourcatle, Thomas D. 'Wattson. • George W. Hamersly, E. Mitchel, Harry Welter, William &Here, Edward Robertson, John Sellers, Edward Wharton, A. Whitney, lir nry . V eZin, - 7 . S. Whitney, .1. Rmsell Dawson, .1. IL Redfield, George W. Vogel, M. Baird, George A. Smith, • George Burnham, J. IL McCreary, Charles T. Parry, L. L. Webster, George Vaux, Henry D. Moore, John W. Leigh. Samuel F. Jacobi, W. J. P. White, Samuel P. Canby, F. E. l'endleton, .1. J. Berkey, C. A. Walborn, Erastes P. Server, R. R. Corson, Dr. J.ll. Slack, B. Bucket, .John S. Weimer, John E. Latta, George J. Richardson, . F. C. Garrigues, George J. Gross, G. W. Marko, Jaclirb K. McCammon, F. T. Waltz- . Charles 11. Cramp, John J. Ilartmaids. D. Thompson, J. 11. Seltzer. te, John G. Butler, Wm. Elliot, o • Joseph Kerr, Sterling Bell, Wm. Spooner, Jr., Frederick Grail, Gee. R. Howell, Win. Wharton, Jr.. R. H. Downing, I). Merchant, John F. Smith. James K. Kerr, Thos. J. Mogear, Ww. Hart Carr, Frank IL Roberts, Win. A. Rowland, Franklin Evaue, Francis Blackburn, Wm. blurphy, Samuel Iliephiuu, - Gee. IL-Roberta. I'alll.l. Field, Thos. W. Davis, E. S blam'son, M. H. Dickinson, A. J. Harper, J. B. McFavland, C. N. Cad w Milder , C. B. Andrege, G. Middleton, Chao. J. Field, A. I'. Coleeberll, Joseph Wood, ' Wm. Cummings, IL Earliest Goodman, Cline. S. Jones, J. W. Riddle, Z. Gommill, • Jos. T. Thomaer, NV. D. Gemini% Cherlos J. Ellis,• J. S. Shwa, Perkin, Wm. S. Stewa ' rl, W. IL Hurley, ,• Ed, Webster, I Alfred Cromoliem , E. Strickland, . John 11. Stokes, Theo. Kitchen, John MCIBEI, Jr., Chas. Richardson, Fred. Mead•Bissall, Col. E. A. Laudell, Thos, B. Lancaster, John Fry, ,Tamos Harper, .The, 11. Trotter, H. P. Mulrhoad, Henry Davie. Ed. SamtlelP, Jr. TO THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS Tho• unrii.i•Jigned, iTerimmittee appointed by the Non. Witlion. M. Meredith, Cluiirman of the meeting iit (Aft Ithiait.dirtinction of party, Di:mt . :Able te thi.- re. election , I J d¢c IXI/141W,hch at the (Milo*. C: - Art four, ,on the tii ni Allefirt, pureminoe of lite reeola; mendation if the Bar. mid the letter of which ',Tit, are invite their fellow-eitizenr to unite r.i• tii them is reeming the retention of 10 eminent and t ell rit n .hedge upon the Bench. The lion. Jam - , I:. Lmoriii - , limn of the Rev. Dr. I late, Provort of the Unieerrity of Pennsylvania.] in In , ;car war fleeted Arrociate :Indite of the Cortrt e.f t'6,1111.11 thee of tidy Court. for the term of tilt yehrr. Di• liar.l.ll that term. dbicharged the dittii,of hip Melt MM.,. with great learning and ability. with rignal • yturtagilf tir the nghole_ community • and xvilit honer to likireff •I. end impartial anti record h. without rtaiii. The judbili'd experience which . ' lin no -Ire v•-ore m ariluoiro rervite Se ro cepential to the proper ailicini-tr,itiou j u stice, that it cannot he re• o are d by r.ty other inirlification. and the pi ',Wow.. it to t:, er that. the adeantag,er of flint I` , :pCriellee hr Hr enangn lie immyr the if C Alliron, the President Judge, and or all the nth, r of the Court; and the membere of the nil of party. have :if • oNprer.iiii their rtrone cmivictionr of the import- M,• , ; rush a. l 111 , 611 , 11 r Bench. With Pic, vii 4 of the litec.~s of the nnmiunn. and he. fleeing• in nceorilance tc iii. thiPprinciple adopted by the PtiThtliat our ,Jittliciary rhonlil be kept tree frrerl , ilie influence ~ f rti politici., and that n prod •ludge. lo hg's in; of hie in colt;Ti.1 , (111:11.• 1.-1101. Wight to he retained, we ii-k.yi„; lei 0. , ;:ionr radii:ger at all •IN.IIIU .Iran': M. cou.ixs. • DA \ln It. PAUL. S. lIA GEM. Titi:WAS ' .fl Nb.l • 8.111 rtYAltliiiNVlC. 1 I 11NRA - C. Tlli 1711':it/N. • WILLIAM .1. Mi F 1 1,1101 . 1)01 , ber ~. ~ le..' THE I.Ol'A coNsinEnr , ;(; the o ne,tion 4 the iudgeahip to oe at the elea. tiontra:corrow. th,:re all. - pilot that 'ail r , 11,e A few w-ek? ago ; it war.: the undo:lid:A feel inc of tide community that Judge Ludlow ,hould be re elected by roommit commit. Sr, general and ,pontatiom. a, thi. Mellor, that it found expr , a , ion in all -orti of eon:, 4 :Mu: being. 'mit, uno.:ial where litre concerned.. Tic: p apaer prc.. ~ Republican, 111,1er:ern:l -ent and DemOcratie. wattmaniumue in fa , m thv urine the . •,,ement. 'I" he forth by two the mo,t influential Republican newva pera ,tIII , IILI d ie etrongeet that were polilblied in 151 , or of hi. re, - dection. The.e expres,iona were neeompa nicrl by a plovertent in the came direction by alitued the retire liar of Philath•lpitia, irrcepeetive of party; and this we' 1 - 1,1.:njd. , (1 1,1, to large and inthicutial marring of citizen. 4 all para.,. who nominated Judite the It a' lint !..1110111 thnt aurh cx. traordinary Inallii...taticir.4 of eontidinCe and aupport are made in favor of any candidnte.but there grew oat of 11:e unioi.tak al lo baling of the community-. There woe to 1.4., e: that the eitizena' movement would he endorsed by t he ceuvention. of both political parti.g. Thg ,11441 - .CIIII 000e1:ii0II.tion - i•ver, took a differ. cot eriltr,..abil, th, Democratic Judicial ('ono' Litton, r,lttrary ch,tetn, ',amtc no non.ination of Ica u. 4 r,-oll,tion adopting the tenon of the citizen,' nweting, and pac-ed no other redolittiona . .. Two of the llepehlic,n papery have. fu the meantime. )1 v iti ,11 .. :Leh - i• i , a - t Lon .1 odite L;:dlow. Ira a.,. the e ra-op: for r.. lect, g him remain 5 u-t the rn The 0.. they .1:.1 wl.en IA:L:1e .• is hole enlamr.nityrtertlit.l. rl the FilliP R7 , 14:d. We r 011 -I, 110 r.•,-.41 Il 1., tilC i.d ,, 12/./ . 01.11 id ~ /tIIP, ' itJ C fr... or do otherwi4e than reeemmetid tim r,r.ind i •ii , % vi retaihini,hini in the hce , ition where lie ia4 dist 1.:,1 Ate,: Ili. doe rt.r I.itLit ells . I. rid en tell. a- to hiwn hr....glut .. it the taco r.,ble .• - spt'S?i,ll9 and the indeprn d,nt m ti,ai t Is Lull we has e referts.d....,LDlge 1.!...i105t. r.. lert ;rill I :I en ..t ;• , .•-• , :bly he clai:re:cl 11F a p,rty triumrii I,y ti, ~,a, ~.-ate. ... ltll gD- JuDGE L'LDLOV, The paiitician are a,Y.rting that Mr. Me. , ,igua tyre to the appeal to Republican vote.i.i in t0.,1,5, pto;7li.r.g to a. ;;, 3 rrt .1, dze Lit:llply. dith dt,claros himself e •1. ;.d'4 • er..r, and exprosse gr-at any r !!u7 . put T;c11 cr. - 07 , :: uctije7rl, • i It 011 Y 1.a. 4 the Llect, L t on the ILA. Wm. M. Meredith, No. Fo.dth and lc v i INDEPENDENT CITIZENS! It is the find:ion with s , me wart politic :a m. to entr;,et va, inns yards and padi.9l, them on el .01i011 N" Mid th. fI:Q before, containing. to tinny, sont,.. a,ault 'Tun eat didate, or . rattle rtion that if pe! , early. comd readily be replied to and expo-ed. We regret tu hear that some of >i r. Tayer'm frien , l4 intend to par.ete this couree. Nothing of this kind man a fleet the result. and we publish thecard only to warn the citizenA tied articles and card. , of thin character now published. and ~perially any pretenc ing to show the name, of gen Berm n withdrawing front the sup• art of Judge Lindh..., orc 11 ere electioneering tricks unworthy of attentien. These men are too honoralie to stoop to such duplicity. By order of the • COMMITTEE. OLD LINE - AMERICANS.LFRIINDS OF Judge Allison, will you. while he i 4 abroad seeking to reeprer his health, immured in your ii.n-vice, elect hie uncle i• to sit en the Bench with him ? have you forgotten tLe efforts of M. Russet Thayer to defeat him in 1?51.• when he and his friends sneered at Jon-ph Allison. 88 one not fit to preside over the exelnwity, of the Bar, as it was then constituted? Do you not re member that Mr. Thayer refused to withdraw, and ran on an independent ticket, and came witiiu six hundred votes of defeating one of the hest men ever elevated moths Bench? Do you not know that Mr. Thayer has never re pented of tins action, and never, by word or deed, shown the sli4test sympathy for Judge Allison orltis friend- , It cannot he that any one of von will stultify himself by casting a vote for M. Russel: Thayer. gee- INDEPENDENT VOTERS BEWARE.—The Mende of N. RUSSELL THAYER are circulating the report that the early friende of Judge LUD LOW have withdrawn from lite suptiort. THIS IS FALSE ; . for weeke they have been endeayoring to accom• plish their ende, t ht anceees. le the Judicial office to be gained by a trick like this? Independent voterr. rebuke such conduct by voting for JUDUE LUDLOW. It* See. JUDGE ALLISON'S OPINION OF JUDGE Ludlow. • A htt,r has hem received fro it Europe front Hon. Joseph Allison, in which he : "I have seen the addiesH to Judge Ludlow, so numer ously 2 nd respectabblsigned, and cannot permit myself to doubt the result. Yon are at liberty to say, pris 'deb aud publicly, THAT I AM FOR HIS RE-ELECTION." kir JUDGE LUDLOW. The public aro cautioned to place no reliance upon the :anonymous communications, pretended reports of speeches, or alleged expressions of opinion by Judge Led low,with which the partisan press now abounds; and also to beware of all last cants and tetearavv. DENIED.—A COMMITTEE EROM THE. WASll ington Engine Company waited upon the editor of bee t travilercvron aturda3 owningand etate4 fhiangagoat y ributdbytheTdtearhtojud 'Ludlow, as haying been uttered by him in the hall of -their engine house, is. fdltre 2n every Particlaq r, again, gentlemen. OUR WHOLE. COUNTRY! PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1867. POLITICAL NOTICES. OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ATTENTION! POLITI CAL NOTICES. ger 1:1/LOIS' IIESERTED!: The Independent Republicans who were entrapped into Judge Ludlow's nomination are withdrawing their support Afire he, took the Democratic nomination. Itcad Col. WM. It. THOMAS'S Card, and ob, , erre that the names of 111 NN El', MEREId VII, HAMA:III7MT, PER. KINS, OIRBONS, SHIPPEN, and others, are among tithes Who LOIN urge the election or this whole Republican . Ticket. Itq prIUDGE KLLISON'S- OPINION OF JUDGE LUDLOW. • A letter hoe been received from Europe from lion. Joseph Allison, in which he says hasp seep. the (Wares! to Judge Dullow;So numerously • • . knd respectfully signed;and cannot permit invsellte doubt the result. You are nt liberty to any p irately and pub lichr THAT I AM FOR HIS 11E-ELECTIIN, oe4itrPs jeEs` - JUDGRALLISON'S OPINION JUDGE. LUDLOW DURING THE WAR. In A. D. wee arreited by the United States 'autle.fitier for treasonable lanruage. Jed% Ludlow In. Ft:meted the Grand .fury to find _a trite bill again:Ft the United States officer,. scud promised to use all the force of the Ceort came their arreFt. Upon 'hearing this; Judge Alli , on hastened to the Court-room, counter minded the order, and gave his opinion of its propriety and loyalty. lie said : "I would be derelict in my duty ee a Judge of this Court. it, by my silence, I rnight••eVen seem to sanction it, and if, in Freaking, I did not place upon it coy most Emphatic cqmdem don. • = * = It Was unwise, because it places this Court in a false weak t before the country, as anxious for, and of its ow moti•:n. seeking a cause of difficulty with the goverin mt, and became the legitinette result of such action is to precipitate a collision between the States and Getfetal Government, when such collision should by all proper illeOed and to the last possible extremity be avoided, that the true and constitut'onal Govern ment of the land may be upheld and strengthened In its fearful struggle with an infamous rebellion, which. dates its authority, tramples on Its flag, imperils its existence,..and which Allied the land with lamentation and woe. • " • • • • • I have thus at dome length, gentlemen, expressed my views upon a matter of great public moment; I could not do otherwise, and deal justly with myself ae a true and loyal citizen, with the community of Which I am a member and an officer. and with mycountry, which has a right to know, in this the hour of her extreme peril, that as a citizen and magistrate, my personal and official support shall be given to it." • - Stir MASS - MEETING . . . . AT MANAYUNK, On Monday Evening, October 7, U CLOCK. Turn out. freemen; to thi. lu The root. in ro'o ring to I'll the 21 , t. Ideated 100ety i• 'UWIIII2II6 barb or modify. Of Judge, private or keel rcoltaChn nothimc but wold, of at+,,n auwevo. it may wilt oque inntutationn and he.etV isolitiehtn , .at c ~:anal. to view pet,nnal ::emit: aril eith•l• orpolltic. • Judge Hintrwavand' on Legal Tenders. h.\': - !'..\t'T I \I 111 , I , l'll, IN .11 {HAUL! "On the 1-hole. then,) Rio ct opinion that the proviaion of the net of I 'on IT tteelitiinet thei noun i.rucd in thin-man ee of that net to be Lawful money. aaa !, Pelt frtoul, , c,:,ary tha7 I Aloithicamider the , other on ertinn NV:111'111M, heen ~ mi te, toila , rffect a the creonent y in lan't . al Hirvor money of ttfro L lifted Stater. ant in favor or larterine; judgment fur la;f It 11141(11MY of the C.arrt aro of n afferent 11111111611. I1114:1111:11r . 1:11.I defend:lll , 2 , . 'llll2 y Inc found in the Match PI, ]Slid, 1•. r e): if. • In the wren her of irocrerhend organ ftn tlth+ city, In which thi, wfn , :here acne a carefully propitred (niloxy of this: opinion, .111Wilith le the-fol low inz: udge Shareweod upon and deehlea the Catlet P., If he were. same loft, apint ritting far 3boie and out of the row entil,ta. and .4trife at tee , verld." . \\All Ant the of g^eeutuck.c an d Government h,llllh Collei , ll . l . the .Ilk m tr., elevated and ethe )9lll for euch earthly houor4 I.V. n letit on the Supremo Bench; The Pennsylvania Elections. [From the New York Trl If l'enwwlvania eh all vote a? filly VW last Year elm Wit enr.-Iy Itopublican. If the vPth should ibe light, the - . majority will tall off, and nuts. possibly he overcome. though we hope not. .fudge frit`nda expect to win tor hitn route VehladiCall V0.1.1,A in Philadelada and other ttagC.TM counties where he is known, in spithl of the tact that hi,.. , , , izdons front the. bench would have , the qovernment and deatroped the had the , : no* • he ,, n. overruled. Her dPcieiied that tie; Fodrral t;overnto , :nt had no right to make its paper money a legal ten•ier, and that the act "enrolling and calling out the National forces"' nncoth , titittlona I. liad Ono , ophd qua been t motained, the. Southern tonted. racy ',mot have been fully Iri _utupliunt. intlehonlot recognizeil. ern...this; and. ~ u cti, we cannot d0".1,t, purpo , e in tun! Ling those . cann,,t ' , ..publican. ca n vote' for Chll(ll.‘o,te: Yet .!e11.10! will du it. We tru st they are . tel f• t•,,•leet bin!. li tbere be :I Peirtylvaniu flepoblicai who KT , tbb , het time to react: the poll i his diPtriet in tines, g.liort hint not to toil to vote fa oil the wheic Republican ticket. . Diabolical Spirit Of Del nocrgcy. At a meeting of ,orperhead , held at 111.1 laboro, Ohio, 3lr. "Valiant!lghani was arl‘'ertked to oneak, hat just be fore that a p0, , t10 C1)1111111.11CC(1. the CILAICIIIIL a. u lis, 0111- ,011. lumounevq Ltlllte .. llc 11114 j1.1,t .COL.CiVCCI a lettrr, and he would like to read it" NI r. Vallandlgh ant rates cer tainly, and :lir. Jill , on I'l,lllo L'011ILIV:I: "IN Rooni No. he lc f:epublira»4 Oh I au! lo‘re ,qt:fering torment.; far l ay c rb ) ,,,,, an d te , irpatione while on earth. In 'there 11 11.111 CM lan re minded of my great to and acnl th,r,e•wca d 4 to VOIL that you may take warning. Goo, ,14e Waslaing:on I,at.eed iiy me t.n the other .ide of the gri ; at gli't but_ouly• looked at me with onatteraele'.Feorn. T Ake salilng by thy fate, ISiyucdl Anal" The impiaur d. it rood this NViLll IL C and Val l:wdigham made it the ha, , e of an appei to lni+ nildieficeo to avocd 113 VOtillg With 1.11 , 11)C1110C ratio. natty. Tho narrator of thi,‘ diabolical piece of treigq Rabld inlpo - vaned forth a storm of Itiocer f . :CULL the audience, and eeemed to de•-pen the hatred eh arra remeo , table people lutist entertain tor a party whit It ecru tea erafeCLICIL The President's Int en 1.101113. Al! ncenunt,i I oni Wzi , hington uP ree the great highwayumm •.Vilt)111. Wt. 1,13 $ . 25,1491 pro LIUMLIII, for nt t..iwoting S t evvry I.lril to take the III! thm'a life, bow "lying low. and I,.iking out for Chanc If I'enns:vlVanin. and (Alio nem!, him to it new au ;k. ISO rropoeea the following Programme:- 1. The removal of Gi.mral Grant fr a tktlio-War Office, and the appointment of a man who c relied umi by 31r. Johmom in nu tinrgigiry, 2. The disruption of the pregont C• Ajnet, and its rem , . canLation in such a way no to hp+ ado - Southern rebels, Democrat+ and Northern Copperhua 3. The ICIIIIIII.I of Met ulloCh eo a the eager thleve4 whom he at premmt keep oat Of t . TreIIBIWY Depart toet.t may have a chance to grab.; 4. The removal of - tlenotallowt Which will bosun, t o foll o w any change in the head u .1 the War Dc owtment. 5. A complete overhauling of th a Departments,. with it vie* to get rid M Itadicalw and till their plaies with men who, at least, would not lak 3j, rides with Congress in caie of any trouble.— {Vital istuton i3Oonhmereial,, Good Env 'murk shall tea eittN' with /Ohio. This is, what tht staunch, reliable . Cincinnati (,a fie Qays ; • ett_ it _vicesiroxii all pa of the Star,o p indieat the election of tiencral aye. , h . ;, and the adoption •di z-the.i,tonictitution Jai- Anieudunize by lb,ooo. Th e l e tter 14,Keixdfg ground d Jury. The Itcpublituulaeen 1111/tei adopta a the death of th pltlllOgratie•juirty. Take theliCeto (rut of pelt:flee, 4 ,:!•iirpartir lvc.uld" l 4 l X.o lug to live :Lyon." ' The President am the ecanfing ses.. slots of Congre likoverntorta of the Loyfal Stig,tes Agniait int - Connell. (From the LowYscgo4 Ode.) PI 111 %our Tues.:My, cti•tor ter 1.- It „is is fact of no small import in connocti,c wit it the• pending election. that the entire Cougre•tiii MAI de,legattan from tills State are pow wholly eommeited to impeaelnuont,, of the Preshieut. irt Steven/ IN wow aide to be alone, and for the post ten days Itir.. !)9:Vd . hits been visitedloy many inagur minds ot: the co Autry. 'l' he .proposetA,meeting of ley Al G over intro lit HOLLI C4.ltif.ral potgt, after, tli,(l method of Altoona Confer.vme. a significance far more vital to our , country's veils re than 'WC 114011 t coneludo l at,..oiftwie. Pres'clent follogon Sores. to haulm. tho pr: , ( , of is Cromwell. and 'PT dex tite army Yo dissolve the C•»igre••sicuzil bodies, he ',rill but sow a wind that will reicld a t triable w'drhsti is a fact too generally ielioved, h.) admit, tat concealment, that Andrew Johnson will, if Cite reduction in Republican elajorittre to s•ltUell gutty large to wit , rant' his presumption, attentp'c to control the Cabinet to the end that lot may deelare Copgress an illegal body. lin LlVllevel this autt has fre viently oxprassod It •trul bon only boen widths g. lit t went to incinerate it into ate ovecutive decree. The country at large, however. mod appreheAd.feitr Ibis score. Lot tho worst come, our 'al States are propaxed for it- Months itgo, Omoonorrt Fenton. of New Yark and eary of this Strati foresaw the possibility -and - have imeat. ouportui iely met. 'fluty kayo haduttuoisel with the Executives • all ,o loyal States and leading Generals, per tit c hiuMolly et 'plan and purpose pre vails. Yoie•Ggivernoi:, Chamberlain, leas been here. Ho spent a Iv , / ago last, :ittb bath and the following Monday to (too ertar Anton' 3 emugany. lie lute met Geary and other (leacetiore, :red than iloveruors have allinet in this vieinlV. (tremor Fletcher, of. Missouri, spent hest , Governor Fairchild, of Wiscow '.ens to he ,ve been here; and .In the light of such dollberath)t,j•., their mission to Antietam, and the in... sults a, Jabot UP, to them, have double itnportance. Gov. liulloc% ix not i n Boston today and Washington to-mor row for mere travel, Oglosby of Illinois, is not hero sim ply to servo '.ho purpose of his party in local elections. c,„,,,gregoaeri are not cidlinicin delegations of one and two 03, different, days, at the residence of Thaddeus Stevens. i-kt '41 11 0 ,1 :n0 try for his health. 111111PORTANIC YEllolll navrik MUM, Between the fehwernntent and litevohnienary Ftwees—Treaehery et she Lntter-Bnitta:ve9s Troops. Cut to rieetni. ' II VANA. Oct. 5, by way of Key Wert, Oct. 6.—utatelli ribllteirigrebdetrOirf°§lVolfs,Ftrolll` :11111. 1 ,1, 1 4= engagement took -td , on the 13th oft. before Fort Biamen.9 l the herderatif Bt. Domingo; bet on neytion tolL ' The Cae oo . lls `; Oen revolutionists epeclally opposed to President Sailor:we, who were in poeteesion or the fort. hoisted a white flagon the fortand while Seines" troops hike possession of the fort they ,WQ11:1 fired Anion and otit to pieces by the revolutionists. Sonicle'embeni of the drat felaidca rtttamkr i tilleft 4001111 Olio fallen, 2', , tlL of Aug.,