Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 05, 1867, Image 5
mats. NCOLTIe'S vrAnniroßE. ,litrttitnr. 'lt elveltt 1 iOtis—Th e C ross - dm a Brady's !ton—C. S. Senators Among the Vimitowns—sThurion- Weed and the Late Inmented President's “Fine Linen Shirts." irrom the S. V. World.) The et:chair,. pitidlent fen in Thursday's world of litre. Lincoln's corn-spot:dense war d r obe . er agent in this city, in regard to ells sale of hf r luis ercated ft great twil./e OP Wen HP political. Yesterday flutter in circles fast& the totans of Nr.l :rady.al lirondway. WHY' tilled nearly all day by goods dis h p o l l aiyese d a nod ,geln tluen m d en r Such un m o e r tunloeo k irc uthme *lances. Tile people _could hardly reconcile the unim peachable accitrarc of the ith such state of facts, and hundred's clime on PlllllllO missions miry to go /f at satisfied that there was 3itOtO truth than poriry ' Jo the tinteno.nt. flaring the day three United States Senator, whose naMer.l rcanett we . withhold, called to see qtr. Brady, and on met sueli a miss ion. A large nium bur of letters trolli all parts of the country hate lase been meal% d by .ldr. Brady, .eking to know the truth, and yanking indignant protests against permitting forced ~opsiiinruation of Mrs. Lincoln's plans. The sales yeste day did not exceed slfAl, notwithstand ing the large number Indies that called. 'Alany, doubt, were prompted by curiosity, and withoutatn the goods to their satisfaction, rotirod purehas. hug. Among those who called were the wives and daugh ters of sei ern' ITOIIIIIWIIt Tlerrliants. As preciously announced, if the gi.enter part of the in ventory issnot disposed of n Rhin a few days, they will be put up at auction, and =old for n hat they will bring. IV/I.VI 1(111W 11. e AV-11 11178 MIL LINCOLN'S 01111110. IYTOII . I the Commercial Advertiser, October 4,1 We have never approached a question with half the gorrow that this rate 'awakens. To vindicate, shield rind protect "Deayen's bast gift to man" is a grateful duty, while to icon repose, 1 (1111 1111101 more. to assail woman. is painful, and if without a perfect justification, . unmanly. If the . American Congress or the American people have failed to meet the pecuniary expectations of Mr. Lincoln's -widow, it is because that personage failed, during his-life -and since hie death, to Inspire either with respect or con fidence. They should not. therefore, be subjected to the reproach, or rest under • the imputation, of ingratitude. Bad Mrs. Lincoln, while in power, borne herself becom- WM the suggestion of a Lincoln Fund, by voluntary contributions, would have been promptly responded to. '' The national heart was vane. It gushed . out in liberal endowments for Gr F Tent. It would as cheer fully have iontsdifeliPpell . vor of Mrs. Lincoln if it had not4aftlitively closed i tilled. bklfef conversations Mrs Aneoln is represented as bit lc lid:: s ° . i t D ui : denouncing a S t e l . e 4 7 . 1 - if ,, y . S ., ei_vard s: f:e;:h a i.:ll,:of couree, • - • ; , re is no warrant el-excuse...for. lui_wrenealle.Mall,And. ~., ch less is he capable of injustice, wrong, or even un- • '.,... :-. —But. we happen,lodtriew - 4 7,the: late ,Caleb,l3, Smith, then' 'Secretary Of 'the ItitPtior,' being. - ent'infOrmanta , fact • which incensed Mgr. Lincoln against Air..fieward. The ' President gave Prince Napoleon a dindor; for which Mrs. . Lincoln rent to the Secretary of the Interior for payment of a bill of some $9OO, This demand, though wholly ille al, coming from the President's wife, embarrassed the .ecretnry, who called upon the Secretary of State • ' for advice, where he learned that Mr. Seward had also dined the Prince, having the same number of guests, and giving them a duplicate of the dinnr at dinners White Bonee. In fact, Mr. Seward ordered both from the Mille restaurant, and by his own bill knew the cost of each. For what Mr. Seward paid $3OO, Mn'. Lincoln demanded $9OO. ' Put whether three or nine hundred, the claim was alike illegal, and ought not be paid. For this, however, Mrs. Lincoln quarrelled with Secretaries Smith and Seward. This amount, however, was subsequently covered up in /l gardener's account, but occasioned scant al, which respect For Mr. Lincoln measurably Suppressed. Though Mr. Lincoln left an estate which enabled hie • family to live quite as cOmfortablv as they had ever ' lived, - Congress• and the people wouldhave promptly and cheerfully provided munificently for them it' Mn'. Lin coln herself, with every advantage that high position gave her, had made friends or iospired respect. And this last exhibition proves how instinctively right the popular esti mate of her character was. The fact for which Mrs. Lincoln seeks large publicity, namely, that she received presents valued at $34,000, is a pregnant and suggestive one—suggestive, at least, of OffiCf .B and contracts, unless the more charitable construction is reached through the assumption that they were expres sions of retard and friendship. But it is not known that the wife of any President, however estimable, was' Bo leaded with shawls, laces, furs, diamonds, rings, Cc. Mrs. Lincoln's propensity to cell things was manifested early, and before any necessity was foreseen. If our in formation is reliable, eleven of Mr. Lincoln's new linen shirts were sold almost before the remains, which were shrouded in the twelfth, had started for that "bourne from whence no traveler returns." . Individually.!: we are obliged to Mre. Lincoln for' an ex pression of her illwill. It is pleasant to remember that we were always out of favor in that quarter. And it is equally pleasant to remember that we possessed the friendship and confidence of Mr. Lincoln to the last hours of his life, without paying court, as. others did, to Mre. Lincoln, and in spite of her constant efforts to disturb our • relations. This mortifying revelation will go abroad; and as is na tural, the press of 'Europe will make the most of it, in de precating the ingratitude of our Government, and the want of liberality iu,the American people. This conside ration gene constrains us to discharge the unpleasant duty of showing that neither the Government nor the people are justly ebnoxions to these neeneations. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE Philadelphia Baptist Association. Wednesday afternoon the reading of the annual letters from the churches was continued; when the Third Colored Church of Washington wile called, the committee to whom the two lettere from that church were referred, reported that they found the testimony on each Hide so complex and contradictory, and involving the possession of the church property, that more time than can now ee given to the cure to requisite to a right decision, and the committee recommended that neither party at the present EIC2IIIOII be admitted to a Heat. The report was adopted and the whole matter was re , ferred to the Route commit' ee to report at next session. ROY. Warren Rudolph preached from Ephenlans 'Unto me who an toss than the least of all saints is the grace.given. that 1 should preach amongst the gentile , the uneearehebVtielrenof - ------ - - ,After the sermon Rev. G. V.. Folwell presented the , clulthe of the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church of WS ' inington; ltev. Theodore D. Miller. those of the First Afri can Church of Philadelphia. and the. 'B. Bedding those of the Twelfth Church of Philadelphia. The letters of the new churches were then called for and the letter, of Memorial Church of Philadelphia, Ply mouth Imrcb of Kent county, Delaware, and the Fourth Colored Church of Washington, D. C.. were read. The Memorial Church was organized Sept. 18. 1867, with 200 members. The Plymouth Cburch. May 29th, 1867, with 25 members, and tfie Fourth Colored Church. May 9, 1861 The Moderator, in on el - Troia - tate address, welcomed these churches to the Association. and extended the hand of fellowship to the brethren Henson, Salisbury and Henry I lath , . All the letter: haying now been read, the Secretary eubmitted the'fol lowing The Trtintee of the Philadelphia Baptist Aseociation -- beg leave to report as follow': The balance in - theTreanurer's bands for general ex. • pennon is 642 47, and the • building fund amounts to $221 45. The Honeywell School Fund in gradually increasing, and now an - volute to the sum of $3,71A 32, 'nearly all of -which in invented. - Before long the 'trustees hope to have the school in full operation. The sChoelhonse hue been occupied a part of the year. The Association to inforMed that four Truetees must he elected at the pr's: nt be-lion, two in the place of tier. S. Benson. D. D., and George W. Lee, Esq., whoneterinn expire by the Charter: one for the unexpired' term of Bev. Jiunes B. Simmoue. and one hi place of Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, D. 1).. who are now no longer Punters within the bounds of the Af,OCifitioll. The report washdopted and ordered to be printed with the minutes, and the A,-sociatien adjourned with prayer by Rev. J. N. Murdech.. The Committee on the Circular Letter reported as fob town: Time Committee on Circular Letter report that we have examined the Ha ft nle , prepared by Brother Jltlllef , E. Wilson. and rye:oho:wild that it he read and adopted as the Letterer the Association, and be printed with the Minutee. The report Al as adopted. • T 131.! (451111 S of the !loin, Mission Society were presented 1y Mr: Simmons; of American Baptist Publication So ciety, he Mr. Cainith, and of the Baptist Missionary Union, by Mr. Murdoch. Mrs. Van Meter, of the Bassein Mission, then delivered •s touching and interesting address on the subject of her " labors among the Karens. A collection wan then taken up and divided between the three societies, and the Association adjourned with prayer. Tnt - rsnal Moe N st..—Rev. P. S. Benson and George Nugent were elected Trustees to till the arancy caused by expirations of terms of Milne. and Rev. Warren Ran dolph and 11ev. .1. Spencer Kennard to lilt vacancies caused by removal of ministers from the territory of this society. The Committee on' time and place of next meeting and pretichrre reported in favor of holding it on -tirSt Tue,olay in October. 1864, at Calvaryßaptist Church. Philadelphia- Rev..L• M. Pendleton to preach the lntrodnetory sermon, ' Lei'. G. A..L'elliuls aitt'iriiate; Ri•V, G. W. AMlerson tM preacl. the Doctrinal sermon, and Rev. Kendall Brooks ulteinnt Text from Romans visa: Subject—"l knit and • Sin, and Lifi•and God." Itev: -. G. W. Volwell to Write. the Circular Letter. Report adopted. Rev. J. c. Wik - a., author of the Circular Letter, read said letter. '1 Ite subject WaH "Self Examination." It was unanimous)} approved. Rev. J. S2Kennard yr,..telled front Matthew xx iv. 14: "And tie I ;espel of this Kingdom shall be preached in all the world SUM as witness for all nations, then shall the end Collie:" At ttn. close of the ',noon the Association adjourned. TM:I , I , A) El 1'7 , 1, .—The committee on the Baptist Moine for widows ..ad indigent women.was reorganized, and consisted of Me .ora. 4:porge Nugent, S. A. Crozer, James Miller. Levi Know le., 11, G. Jones. A resolution on the sanctity of the Lord's day and its prover observante was adopted. The committee on digest of letters reported and from their report we gather the follow lug statistics for the past year: firi; total membership. 16,161; net increase,6l34: ordained Ministers, B'2 ; licentiates, 12. Resolutions of thanks were offered to tit. , Baptists and citizens of Wilmington Jar their bountiful and cordial hospitality . The balance of the evening was chisel in ii season of conference and prayer, and at s.'e o:Wyk the Association adjourned. IMPQ.I3.TANIONS. Reported for the rmiauelpma Evening Bulletin. LONDON—Brig Harriet, Jansen--100 casks China clay French,-Richards & Co; 200 do do C B Dunu; 90 tons chalk Turnbull & Co. CITY POINT—Behr J Burley, Williams-184 tons old railroad and wrought scrap iron 16 Lolls scrap steel Lathbury, Wickersham & Co.. 0 Ili ;11Ia 141 alj f) fl Dil 1,114 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA -0(1T. 5 tar kW Marine Bulletin pn Sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer \V C Pir:rrepout, Shropshire, 24 hours from New York, with rivii“,to \V M Bhirki i;‘). Steamer F Franklin, liteßaig, 13 hours from Balti- - swore, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. Steamer Monitor, JulleS, 2.4 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. 'Brig. Harriet (Br), Jansen, 3G days from London, With china clay and chalk to Turnbul) & Co. Selo' .1 Burley, Williams, 4 days from City Point, with old iron.to Lathbury, Wickersham & Co. Schr Ashland, Benton. 4 days from Georgetown, DC. with mdse to Lathbury, Wickersham & Co. igehr W A Callahan, Clark; 4 days from Georgetown, with radar) to captain. Ochs W S Doughten, Tatem, Boston. Schr S J Bright, Shaw, -Boston. Schr J M Broomall, Douglass, Boston. Schr A A Andrews, Kelly, Providence. CLEARED THIS DAY. Steamer Star of the Union, Cooksey, Havalla via New Orleans. I'hilacielphia and Southern Mall SS Co. Oteamer Diamond State, Robinson, Saltimorc, J 1) AR9E. ' THE DAILY EVENING BITLLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1.867. Bark Somerville, Hill, St Marys,Ga. E ASouder I Co. Brig Margaretha, Thesing, Cork or Falmouth for or ders, L Westergaard & Co. Schr Jos W Wilson. Somers, Newport, RI. Rommel & Hunter. Schr W S Doughteu, Tatem, Charleston, Lathbury, Wickersham & Co. Behr b J Bright, Shaw, floston,Street .Co. Behr Silver Bell, Gardiner, Me &. Borda, Keller & Nutting. Schr A A Andrews, Jelly. Providence, ,T R White. Behr Jesse Wilson, Connelly, Boston, Blakiston, Graeff & Co. Schr J M Broomall, Douglass, Boston, Day & Huddell. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. • • LEViTS, Del., Oct. 4. The ship Samoset, from Philadelphia for San Fran cbT.o, and brig James B Kirby, from do for Barbados, went to ace yesterday. Yours, &c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Ships Joseph Fish, Stachpole, for this port 24th ult. and Chieftain, McGuire, for do, were up at Liverpool 21st. Steamer Cella (Br), Gleadell, from Loudon 15th ult. and Havre 17th, with 300 passengers, at New York yesterday. Brig Samuel Welsh, Hoecker, from New York and West, at Apalachicola 24th ult. Brig Elmira, Galleo, sailed from Providence 3d inst. for this port. Schrs J Paine,Rich ; H Stockham, Cordery, and S Woodbury,Woodbumberce at Boston yesterday. Schr Grace Clifton, Otis, cleared at Boston yesterday for this port. Schr S'P Wines, Hulse, hence at Apponang 3d inst. Sehrs Hannah Little, Godfrey; Julia E Pratt, Nick erson; Evergreen,,„Belloste, and Emma F Fox, Case, hence at Providence 3d inst. Schre Elwood Doron, Jarvis, and T Lake, Adams, sailed from Providence 3d inst. for this port. Schrs Glenwood, Dickinson, and Lena Hunter, hence at Newport 3d inst. Schr R S Dean, Cook, from Taunton for this port, sailed from Newport ad inst. • Schr Vapor; Johnson, at East Greenwich 3d inst. from Trenton, NJ. Schr R Bullwinkle, French, hence at Rockland 27th ult. &Ire E E Porter,Eparks,and A H Learning, Brower, hence at Bostoh 3d inst. ' - Behr E IrSmith, - Smith, - hence at -Gardiner -29th ult. .and cleared 2d inst. to return. Schrs A 'W Cain, 'Simpson, ruid'Chas A :Irmo), Good cleared' it Ghrrhner 29th tilt= for thiS port.' ..• FINANOIAL. 460 MILES OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. RUNATNG VEST FROM OMAHA ACROSS THE CONTINENT, arc new completed, and it is expected that the remaining 57 mike, to carry the track to the base of the Rocky Moun tains, will be finished early in October. 'Contracts have already been made for rock-cuttings beyond, to be done during the winter. The work is being pushed forward with equal energy on the California end of the route, un der the direction of the Central Pacific Company, corn( mencing at Sacramento, and it In confidently expected that the two reads will meet in 1870, thus completing the entire grand line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, on which THIRTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in cash have already been expended, From the liberal Government aid, the wealth and energy of the etookhold. ere, end the ready market for the First Mortgage Bondi. there is no want of funds for the most vi,gorous!prosecution of the work, and its early completion is as certain as any uture business event can be. NET EARNINGS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. During the quarter ending July 31st of the current year an average of 3•21) miles of the Union Pacific Railroad was Ist operation. The Superintendent's report shows the fol lowing result: EARNINGS Pareengers......... . Freight ..... Transportation, Contractor's Materials.. 453,205 44 Melt. _ _ 36,077_97 EXPENSES FucL ........... ........ —.3131,089 58 Repair of Track............ ............... 109,767 64 " Engines, Cure, Shope, be 50,984 44 Offices and Stations 54,907 60 Conductors, Engineers, ‘tc 33,294 73 Trains ...... ............ ... 15,486 93 Nen' EAKt: DSOS to balance ...... ........ $307,506 03 31,203,033 :6" From the relative high.char e.s, the operating expenses of the road are but '32% per ce t. of the earnings, and the ratio would be much lees if th contractor's business were not done at half rates. Thro 'jug out charges to contrac ton: for transportation of materials and men ($479,28341), and deducted from the aggregate of all operating expenses ($395,530 92) 323';', per cent. (9117,664 42) as tile proportion chargeable on the work done for coutractork which was less than actual cost, because of the half price charged for it, and we have the net operating expenses on the com mercial busineee for the quarter, 9237,968 50. The account for the eonenwrefal business stands us follows: Eandnga for May, June, and Ju1y.......5723,755 54 Expenrga " " 237,Ptid 50 Net profit of operating 325 miles of road three months.. .... . ....... The amount of Bonds the Company can issue on 335 miles, at fillO,ooo per mile, is .$5,2tX),000. Interest in gold, three months, at ti per cent., on this sum, is 878,000; add 40 per cent. premium, to correspond with currency earnings, is slo9,2oo,—showing that the not earnings for this quarter were more thanjeur times the fnterest on the First Mort gage Bonds on this length of road. First Mortgage Bonds, whose interest is so amply pro. vided for and so thoroughly secured, must be classed among the aufe4 investments. They pay SIX Per CENT, hi GOLD, and are offered for the present at Ninety Cents on the Dollar and Accrued Interest at Six per Cent. in Currency Irons July Ist. Many parties are taking advantage of the 'present high price of Government stocks to exchange for these 'Bonds. which are overls per ient. cheaperi and. at the current rate of premium on gold. Pay Over Nine Per Cent. Interest. Subecriptione will be received in Now York at the Corn. pany'e Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK; No. 7 Nassau it CLARK, DODGE & CO., Bankers, No. 51 Wall et. JOHN J. CISCO & SON., Bankere, No. 33 Wallet, In Philadelphia THE TILADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK. DE HAVEN &BROTHER. WILLIAM PAINTER & CO. TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO. J. E. LEWARS & CO. F. STEER. T ['RAM TUTTLE. Hi Wilmington, Del., R. R. ROBINSON & CO. JOHN MoLEAR & BON. And by BANKS and BANKERS generally throughout the United States, of whom maps and descriptive Pamphlet/1i may be obtained. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, ArarET 80th, 1867 AUCTION SALES. f 1 J. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. V. 16 South SIXTH Btroct. FINE DUTCH FLOWER ROOTS. ON. WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT. Oct. 9, at 11 o'clock. at N 0.16 South Sixth street— A tine assortment of exquisite Dutch Flower Roote, from the long•eatablishod Nursery of Leonard Roozeu, of Haar. lem, iu Holland, comprising Hyacinthe, Wine, Crowe, Narcissus, ace, 4:c ~ lust arrived per steamer. Cataloquee of sale. Also, French China Flower rote. oeri 710 TAPIOCA, BEST QUALITY, WITH FULLDI• rections for making, excellent desserts; BERMUDA ARROWROOT FRESH BETHLEHEM OATMEAL; ROBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY; PEARL SAGO, with directions; CARACCAS COCOA. a pure Chocolate for Invalids; CRACKED'WHEAT for DYBPEIMCB; LIQUID RENNET; • CONDENSED miur ; EXTRACT OF BEEF, _and other dietetics. For sale by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, selg.tf rp Broad and Spruce streets. FIREWORKS.—EVERY DESCRIPTION ALWAYS on hard, Rockets, Roman Candles, Patent Rockets without sticks, Bongola Lights, Stars, Globes, Colored Fin., flatteries, Vertical Wheels, Fancy Works of all kinds, for sale by JOSEPIi BUSSIER bt CO., 108 South Delaware, avenue._ • - d r FARCIE • u.- LIVES } ARLIES `s , ( Stuffed Olives), Nonpareil and. Superfine Capers and Freneh Olives; fresh goods. lauding ex-Is apoloon lilt re, uud for bale by JO, 13, 13L Eli,a C(3,,1.0d17QV1bl Delaware avenue. 1867. 'Have Now Opened Their . fALL IMPORTATIONS OF' NEWCA.RPETINGS. 500 Pieces J. Crossley & Sons' Patent Tapestry Carpets. ) J. F. & E B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, , NOVELTIES IN FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS, ROYAL WILTON CARPETS, • BRUSSELS CARPETS 50 SHEETS ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. so 14•8 Ul W $160,5 6 92 . 549,872 al . 1,418 23 . 12,140 00 JUST PUBLISHED, THE SIXTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, THE HOME MANUAL; Or, the ECONOMICAL COOK and HOUSE•BOOK. $1403,038 Ni HINTS ON THE DAILY DUTIES OF A DOUSE KEEPER, CO %I PETRI Nei' NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED RECEIPTS For Cooking, Preserving. Pickling, Washing, honing, Gardening, Plain andFaney Needlework, Putting up of Winter Stores, and numerous other receipts useful and needful in every well•regulated hotshold. • . . _ In" ELIZABETH NICHOLSON. No housekeeper can do without this book. Price. in cloth , 1. hitt-Heaved for additional receipts., 51 Agents wantedto canvass every. State. Apply to DUFFIELD ASIIMEAD, Publisher, 724 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, E. 447:Alwaye on hand, a full attic:: of New and Standard Works, which we Roll at reduced ratce. ocl-tu th Rat rp rlimiii.Es DICKENS' NOVELS! Our Mutual Friend I (lololiver TwPt.............. 75 Great ENpectatien , 75, Little 1 )0rrit.............. 75 Lankplighter'e Stery...... 75, Ink el "Iwo I 'iti,. 73 Darn! Copperfield.. 751N•ew 'Year': Storie. , 75 Dombey and Sen.........7siDieltene's Sher( su...ries.. 75 Nielmlue Niehleby. 75 :11,,,e,• Irmo t, zy itca.... , ~?. 1 'ickvh,iek 1'aper0.„...... 75, lielidey 5t0rie,.......... "i 3 Chriennue 5t0riee........ 751Sketchee , be "lion".. ... 75 Martin Chuzzlewit 75jAinerican Net"... ... 75 liarnehy !nudge.. 751 Pie Sic l'apere..... ...... 75 Dieken,'e New Storiee... 75 Sothebedv . :, Imeg , e,e.... .t . ?:? . Sneak I 10ner.............. .75' lon' l Tiddler',; l ;r4)1111d... 2i! Old Curiosity Shop. -751 The Haunted 110te.e..... 2.5 Joeeph Grimaldi.. 75' $4E15,789 04 • Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders; retail or wholesale. to T. B. PETERSON d BROTHERS, 806 Chestnut street, Philada., l'a. Books cent, postage paid, on receipt of retail price. ALL NEWBOOKS ARE AT PIiTERSONS% octirit NEW YORK: QTEAMBHIP NORMAN. FROM BOSTOTIL—Cons gimes of merchandise per above steamer will please send for their roods, now landing at Fine street wharf. or 5-St HENRY WLNBOR dr. CO. WINES, LIQUORS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Ales, Brown Stout and Ciders. P.JORDAN .= Pear street, below Third and Wal nut streets, begs to call attention to his large and varied stock of goods now on hand, embracing Wines of all -grades, amongst which are some very choice sherries and clarets . ; Brandies, all qualities and different vintages; Whiskies. some very old and superior; Scotch and English Ales and Brown Stout, together with Jordan's Celebrated Tonic Ale ,now so extensively used by families, physi• clans, lava/Ide end ()them Cider, Crab Apple Champagne, and Sweet Cider, of qualities unsurpassed. These delivered furtilehed in pa all ck. ages of all sizes, and will be free a cost. parts of the city. CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, &e.-1;000 CASES fresh Canned Peaches; 600 cases fresh Canned Pine Apples ;220 cases fresh Pino Apples, In glass; 1,000 cases Green Corn and Green Peas; 500 cases fresh Plums, in Calls; 200 CalieHfresh Green Gaps; 600 cases Cherries, in BY11 1 1 ) ; 600 cases Blackberries, in syrup: 600 Cases berries, in syrup; 600 cases fresh Pears, in syrup ; 2,000 eases Canned Tomatoes: 500 cases Oysters, Lobsters and (,lams; 800 cases Roast Beef, Mutton, Veal, soups, &c. For Hale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIER CO„ 108 South Delaware avenue. CANTON PRESERVED GINGER. PRESERVED Ginger, in syr of the celebrated Chylooug .brand also, -Dry Preserve up. d (Auger, in boxes, imported and for vale by JOSEPH B. BURRED d C0.,108 South Delaware QUAKER SWEET CORN—^S BARRELS JITST RE -10 celved and for Halo bi• JOINLVIi U. 1.1111:381141i & (4).. /3(Att4 /Athwart; tweet c, J. F. & E. B. 011 NE, NO. 904 cl-lESTNT3P STREET., J. F. & .E. B. ORNE, NO.. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 300 PIECES ROYAL WILTON CARPETS. " r • . . ORXE; " • NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 500 Pieces New Styles English' Brussels Carpets. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 250 Pieces Yard-and-a-half Wide Velvet Carpets. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. NO. 904 C I z: • NEW PUBLICATIONS. ORNE, & E. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. Onr Safes have been !objected to the severcet ord , always vreswrred their enotenrs entirely vnt:arnten:—in accidental tires at , folleivo: London, 0 W. hlth. 1 , 64 - . II • posed to , gr,:at heat i , or many -- London • Whitby, C. W. .1,, ! ‘ Nth 1544. —" lna tare ,, 1 building filled with ccn , r,l • inalzinc uuich more than an ordiimiry tent." I'. H. :1.14 Mt i i. OctoPIT P65..".---"in an ev Waddington , N . Y . ten.n a mill with 30 ton 4 of tow and :lax -craw, beAde, I rit., quantity of ith•th,r." - • .1) Charleston S. C . ( Irtab,r "Fifty thrt, houre ititYdet heat." %VM. H. (:!..1.k1.1.1.. MARVIN'S PATENT. Alum and Dry Plaster • i fay 4 APril I%i.—"At corner of Broadway , N • Y. Barclay street, after door burnt through, the safe irll f ro it record story to cellar; taken out of burning ruins second day after" IVm e. . A. D,,v, 1;0. Newbern N. 2-1.1c,66.--Three of Nor , yin's safes in this lire. "An entire row otiarge buildings consumed, causing us intense a lire as can' be conceived." licsse.ok k ‘,I:uPoN & co_ "tanker,. //NO. DILWORTH ,k CIL* L. ISA cc. Feb 13.180,-"Marviier. Safe, Aix clouhle dom., fell from aecond story and endured the Heveret teat of an intense heat." Wiwi 1 11l each /tad r , :ry cm: , above, the contentl of our Sates were taken out after the tires in perfect condition, pre eerving books, money and papers of great value. Pall certificates can be seen at our ouice. Mobile, Ala., OUR BURGLAR PROOFS • _• . . . have been attempted,but in every inganeennonceeaguily. New York., iee:-.2,l.44tiVaia, owned by G. W. White Co. Sept:-14th, P.M, owned by Cline. W. W. Baker. Oct. 11, Pirki, owned by Cleveland, Painesville do Alibtabllla It. R. Co. "Secerely tr-ied no:oqer me chanica, and pronounced Licnl nerahle." Sept. 16, 1867, owned by 11. P. Buck A; Cu. Burglaza were at work from Safurdgy night till Sunday P. M., and then had no proppect of getting iu; were frightened- etr. Left $94.500 ii the cu re. We invite the attention of all Altercated, and would CAUTION Cleveland, New York., The public to learu all the f tete in"reeara to tiie Fire Proof qualitieit of our Safe beture oludl be glad to impart our Aare of the mformatiou. .MARYI.N & co • 721 Chestnut St. (Masonic Hall),Phila. 265 Mroattway, N. Y. I Send for .11ItArated Cntalogur. oc:!.W,111,3131 n-duszUIiNISHING GOODS. MO RENT—OFFICE IN TUE SECOND STO Y OF Grigg's Fire Proof Building, 226 Walnut street. Ap ly to J. W. GRIGG, 226 Walnut street. oc2-6t,rpi ITALIAN VERMICELLI.--100 BOXES FINE QUALITY whlte,_importod and far oak , bY JO6. 13, 131T6Sklil: 1,;().. Dvlawure nrUltle. -') ORDEALS. TO RENT. 1867. THE FINE HENRY 'S. EIANNIS & Oo n 218 and 220 SOUTh FM4314 - 'l' STIEZIEGJECIE% Who of f er the same TO THE TRADE, in ;eta, on very advantarsocue Terms. Their Stock of Jaye Whiskies, IN bum), comprises all the favorite brands alri months of 1868, 9 66, and off this year, up m! and runs through the various present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pesmsylvania B.R. Depot, Enlist son Line Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses. as parties may elect. HEAL ESTATE SALES. PEREMMORY SA IX.—THOMAS & SONS, A I . C• tione,:en. -Five Handsome Modern Resident:co, Nos.. " 2127, 21:2 and 21:5 IValnut street, west of wenty-tant street.--On Tneaday.ttetober 15th, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. without reserve, at . the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property,viz.: No.l.—All that handsome modern four-ntorY brick and brown-stone inessuage, with four-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Walnut stroet, corner of Aspen street, west of Twenty-first street. No. 2121; containing in front on Walnut street 22 feet, and eitending in depth along Aspen street 80 feet a Inches, including a 4 , feet a ide alloy. It is well built. pa pered and painted throughout; gas introduced, permanent fishstandi, withlotand cold watSr ; laundry, with per- , manent tubs and hot awl cold water ;•2 furnaces, cooking- . tangy, with circulating boiler, &e. . 'ferns--Subject b. a mortgage of fit 9,000,1.0 remain. irlorKeye at No. 2125 Walnut street. No. 2.—A1l that handsome modern four-story brick and brown-stone measuage and tot of ground, situate on the north-sidit of Walnut street, No. feet, iing in front 20 feet. and in depth SW t including said alley). It iseell built, and bat all the modern eon. veniences. • Btibii•ct to a mortgage of $70.K)0 and to . remain. NO. A-Land, , ome modern fourstory-brick and brown. stone msruage and lot of ground, north aid, of Walnut strEet,'No. 212I:'containirfgfto2Ortd,,,and In depth N • :feet, tinelf:dingm4 . Agcy.). int It., war built, and 1141 all, the modeitf conxetifenees. Subject fcra intofgage - of C%oOst. to remain. No. -All that handsome modern four-story brick and 131 TAN n stone messaage, with four-story back building and lot of ground, north side of Walnut street, No. 21Itt; con tattling in front 22 feet. and in depth SON feet, with privi lege of said alley. It is: well built, and has all the modern eons eniences. :Subject to is mortgage of 459.000.t0 rennin. Kt, s at No. 2125 Walnut street. No. 5.—A1l that handsome modern four-story brick and hrown stone messuage. with tour-story back building and lot of ground. north side of Walnut street. No. 21;15: the lot containing in front 2d bet, and in depth ypv fret. The bon is 22 feet front, hexing ursido yard of 14 feet. It is well bullt, and has all the motk.rn convenient , . Subject to a mortgage of : 4, 1:1,00.?, to re,Juuln. Keys at 212.1 NVidnot street. absolute. 51. •MAS S SONS, Auctioneer', la: , and 141 South Folrth street._ L'STA.TE..-TIIOMAS k SONt-• :31 Valuable Bueine, Standt , ---3 Three.,tory Brick " i740!"(18, NON. :'34, and :t! . .9 North Second btrcvt, between IN and and Ca etre/di.. On Ttle...ltt, ()et, 1.i7, at .1= o'clock, ut.0n..., ill be cold rtt twhlit• 3t the rkthtticiphi:, tiw initow . de-cribed pert , . No. 1..-..111 that thret,..t..z-y l ict, ine,rtiage, huildint; and lot of ground, ritt , ate (di the We-t rtteet. bet weep Wood and Cal• etrvet-...\ and tvd; c..ntpining in fr..nt nu Second tdreet 21 feet it Nell., and e,.tending in depth 7:1 feet. It ore:lvied 3- a and dwelling.. Qt': "Clear (.1 all itici:inbrance. Territi•--t ine.half can roma in on mortgaii.e. pl:fe , C1,11011 giVVIL IN 0. -A I I that three-story brick ine-matio. with thre• story bark building ~tid lot of ground. Idt , lfitO nn the Wl , l side of f 4 es and iitreet, No. Containing in front ou beyond street teet, tind eetehrliutr:that breadth in deOth 70 feet. with flee u..e. right and off, iloge of the ft, t 1\ I,lc Av . % now ith 1, w liter eouree therein. ht.twot i n this prriietti and that adjoining on the toe th; iii, the right of V ovor and under the wh.c.lo of the :aid ff foot :dlr. , . '.olo' now dhor, anal the said tnwiwage shall he decayed or pulled g> Clvar of all intmilli, afire. 1:1111 11111011 on inortga , 2e. No. ft.—All that threoe , tory brief: nie;oluage, with three. ,401, loivk 1.1/11dillge:111f11 1 /1 of ground, i•itunt.• eat olds of semiat itreot, No. containing in front on Second: tract a fort, and 1•\ tending that lir..adtti in dotith 70 foot, with tte right and pri, flog , of the 2.1 e, t wide :ilk:, 1111110 W 071,11. ith 11 water.eroirre therein, lirtwern tilt , property and that adjoining on the eolith (bottle I read..., to :t before de.eribedf. Under and subject to the right of ra td acllol7ing tii-rotund er and motor the itforeeabi fl.teet wide alloy, no Co. s 1111 1 ,• I. now built. until the A111 , 11111',1111.1:1•ehrill fo: deco ed or ladled down. 13101 . 11111,111. 1 , to the pyto, - ntnf tho out,, of ;Sl = ffri, with inters-t 110 W charged, for eeettriog thy . - dower Ann Eno - rick. , rm.-01 , 113 1 f Vllll r.•l).aill .11 111411111111 1 C. • The throe oho , o.rl,,•rihed pretahiek iirgeontigo , we, and riohraee a trout of 61! . ., teat, iu the nit 111 1 0%. 1/11 , 4111, , f:111 Of SvVVIld ntroot: - .M. TlffilAS A: SONS, Aftetionror., and 14l d. Foul th street. pt 1,1,1( -THOMAS Jr , tiround Kent.. :ii. .'orb ye,r. 'fi.i,da). Octdlier 151 h, 1067, P.; o'elo, 1:, non, is ill lie 'odd at public ride, at the Philadelphia Ei., o t i ng, the follow ii. dei:cribed groom] reittr, 1, All that is groolid rent tit a year, clear taxer, ri .tired by all ;hot lot of grootid, with tho prick Luilding thor e ,on orio , ted, iiititate on the north 'rideof SPiingett :greet, ;fr., ineher went Twentieth ,titiet. ate: nth Ward ; eontalnlnK tlont 1-1 feet 7 Weller , and e:stending in depth ol lee t to n ifeet whit' •two:d into a feet 7,!-, lncliC.l ii id, which • lead, riontliw ard into bprilig..tt street. punctually paid. All that Nvelloioeured ground rent of :.*2l clezr of rei ided by a lot of ground. with the luick thereon erected, ”itoato at the north ride of :Trine:en etrect. feet 10!',; niche. •k‘ -1 of Ttventielli rtroet containing in lent li tot holy— era, ,ex 'tending north , 'li teet p inch: to ii point in the Upper line ol a certain 4 feet wide alley: thence north on a line at right angltm with 1,0, street r; feet 7 to ii4elt end, of Coate. , etroot lot•+ : them, along the mine ca. , : tort,''., 01 in :in inch to the head of a 3.leet N% ide mate, leading cart into a et•;.incliei , wide alley, w hi c h mouth iota tiiiirtnilett vqll . l . t ; thellet . ' , Wait !don,' th, ratoe 64 feet to hpriugett ,tr:o t, the place ot lA-Honing. li, punctually paid. .M. TIIO.M.IS rt Anetionoerr, 1:', 4 and 111 S. rourtl; rtr.iet: c" l'E.1:1.11PTUII1 SALE. .1110.11 AS I: SONS, Al 'l'. 14= tiuneerr.--t in TocAgy. tJrtoF'r 15th, 1..67. at twelve . . 4,'clocl:, 1i..01i., It ill li, ~,Ili at piddle ,:ii , •, wil :iota 1 C,ri, ii, :it tlii• Plillaili 11.1iiii P,,,channii, the if . •ll,,ving I. evriiii•,l proper:', viz.' No. I. 1,11 . ..1t• and vithiahli lot Tlvi 1i1.3 - 4ticiul street. Ty: clay-third till i•et., ;.,outli 01 Wlll. 1111 r1i ,, 1.17ii lea in fiont,...tirl 1.-1 in it pill. ".... lI ttot,t large and ViliWil io• lot of gr timid. unit • cia , ~i . 1 • ',my. iii.cond ritri , t, 1231:int 9 inch , - with of Walnut .0,-:l • containing in trent on 'cuentv.r. - eund etreet I7r, feet, lind iti illiptli 273 feet to 'I e,ent•thild •.treet. on %vide!. it hap. a I Font of It.i I. et. It i.• not, twi . ilitio•d ii , ii a lumber 3 rtril :it a rant of ...i-2.500. Sold ,ttbJect to . ..ter„ono, ...,x...k.0 of which it ground rent, and i.tri,i,vo wortr,tge. No. 2.--::4 Minding Lot,. All th 0....• 31 lot , 4; ground, Faliati• 11i . 1.1i ci'll n i 11142 , 1;th:in,' Eightlitilith ritrtiiit,-, nail IVlikllollllll , llltali -11 , 1 ty, %VIII 1,.• ~...1.1 :k. cording to IL OOP, in on , 1 , 4. tic divided to runt taireino•ere. Subj. ct to a morgage of ,i+3,5041. No.. -46 Iloildifig. Lott , . All Om, 45; lot+ or ground, nit tat. between St:vent...l , ll. ..nd Eitti:teenth idreen., all4l liplqpat..nii ptr , ,t.. north of NVltartbn rtr r •e t. IVill be - rritMeeorang too plan. in.one lot, or divided to ' , nit liiirrlia-inni. Still : P.4o,h. ii mortgage ~I ••,5..../n. Cl' , - The lot , al • in a ...., imp. ovitni noighhorhood, iron. SiNtoontl, to So,ovtoootli'rtroot , liar Pi-t been nicely impri.vod it nth dwelling,. ' M. Ti 1 4.i - At As e: S(INS, Auctione-re, 139 and 141 South Fowl!. etreet. I'l 11, 11 SALE. -1110\11S A SONS. UV rWomen.. Very :t vahn . thlc anti and tCountry Seat, 79 ore,. Lancaster 1 iiruptke, Paoli. Cht...ter count), l'o., about 1., miler from Philadelphia.. lin Tnertlay, nc toher'l467, at 1:1 o'clock, noon, will he eoldl , lll/111 . at the l'hilattelphitil.xchun„le, ;tit that very Mc tam country- scat, nt,ti . the l'aOlinlitii)ll, on the l'enntylvonia \Vial:wt. - II township, Chcat , •r comity, Pa.. shout 14 mike front Philadelphia, baying, a 'largo trontage on the Lando rter tuntpike, cligiLly located for country and hililding Into, for which there is a de• ntand,..lllle.ini are m. twoltdry •stone neat cottage st vie tenant honey :frame barn, (stout, stable high, abi npi . ing housy,lover never failing spring of superior waten,.Whieli . etipplic, thy' lion?.. sram,) large orchard ot choice fruit of all variety?. enTlage hottm., ,cool end ill necoysary oitt.liniltlings. lie l a nd 10 in it high ?tate of coati, ration, conveniently divided into field.', and in a healthy and desirable neighborhood. Seven traino of the Penney mitt railroad stop at the sta. tion. fens.'—half.e.. 4 ll. Slay be examined on application to J o hn 11 . Esalle, ..1 . 31. L.• Thoin,on on the. preinisee„ Intr - Ilic ahoy, is oue of the nioet valuable farms in Chertyr county. For further iwrticidar, apply to e: 11. garden, oouthwest cornyr of Sixth and Market otreets, or to 31. Tilt tM. SUNS, Atietioneerr, ocs I`2 19 2,i3 1:;!. and 141 South Fourth dtro,.t. SALE.—TuumAs & SONS, ,Al2(i. r tiollof rF. —1)0 .1r aI, I.• Farm, 21 Helve, Old Yorlc Road, Willow Grove, 31outgoinery county, Pcnia , ylvania. On Tue, , ,kly, Oct,,ber ;it 12 o'clock, noon, will la. :It public Talc,at the Philadelphia Exchange, that dcnirable tarn of 21 acre. , 112 perches (laic rerlidgnce of Nicholas Kohl, decea, , ed), situate at Willow Grove, Montgomery county. Pennsylvania, on the Old York road; about 10 miler fro n Phi1811i:1phi:11 n, ilea from the North PenneylVallia Ihilirond, by good turnpike road ground high on rating *en suited for a reentry seat; well watered by,} lIVN , r-foiling ,bring and brook; an ',bun. dance of choice j; Mt find shade trees. The spring is 1 , eat( d at an Or ation rofteient to en rry wator, by by draulie pow,L7V throughout any building that may lA, "tvkcted uu Hie preinimis, and ie stream of water, sufficient for earried to the barn yard. The improve ments are a Hitbetantinl 'done house, contains lit roonni: large stone barn, with oaring° home attached, and anew shed for straw, 5.,1) feet long. C.?' - It will be shown by Mr. Chas, P. Walton, (rn the adjoining property. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth tared. A' cc - , 12 1.9 PEEAI 1-•• TO ItY SALE.--TIIO3IAS k SONS. Anctioncers.—Busine, , ,i Stand. Three-story brick " Store, No.+. 503 and 505 South Broad street, below Lombard greet, with two three-story brick dwellings in the rear. On Tuesday, October 22, 18g7, at 12 o'clak, noon. will be sold at public side, without reserve, at the Exehauge, all those brick mossuages and the lot of ground theretinto belonging, situate 010 the east side of Bread street, 26 feet south of Lombard street, Nos. 503 and containing in trout on Broad street ‘, , ,6 feet, and ex tending iu depth I°7 tent to a 15 feet wide alley lending into Lombard street. The improvements are a three-story lirick store and dwelling fronting on Broad street, and two three-story brick dwellings in the rear. far Cleiir of all iuctunbrance. 8.1. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth greet. REAL EBTATE.--TDOMAS & SONS' SALE.— fp,Modern three-story Brick Dwelling, Tuesday,No. 1710 North " T tree 'Twenty-second street above Columbia avenue.— On October 29th, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchunge, all that modenn three-atory brick 1110531114 M with two story back building and lot of ground, situate on the went side of Twenty-necoud street, 90 feet north of Columbia avenue, 18 feet front and 180 feet deep to proskey street. It has saloon parlor•, gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, range, &c. There is a grass plot in front surrounded with iron railing. Subject t o a redeemable ground rent of $l2O. Terms—half cusp. inunediate possession. M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers. eat1:1 1 . 8 26 • OUtt I,4lliouth Ifoltrth street Oldike/.../ ',.' . 7 is,kies. LARGEST ANA,. BEST ;: TOOK 02 RYE WHISKIES OLD IN THE LAND Is Now POSSESSED BY At EMI, ESTATE SALES. rORPRANS' COURT SALE--ESTATE OF HAIN • ket Flocson, the younger.drceased.—Therms & Hons. Auctioneors.—tent Business Stand. Store N0.44.8t Clie-tent strect,west of Fourth Htrcet. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of he sold at public sale, on Tuesday,October • 1887. 1 at 12 o'clock. neon, at' thePhiladelthla Ex change, the following described property late of I'llinket cson, the younger. dec'd, viz.: Alf that brick messu age and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Chestnut street.l6 feet 2 inches or thereabouts west of Fourth atroot, No. 403: containing in front on Chestnut street. 12 feet lo Inches, and extending in depth 84 feet Melted. , The shares:of Jane D. Flecaorawldow of ' F/00.1611, fiQed.'belug her dower, or one-third part of lb 240 parts of the whole: also of Eliza Flee:ion, widow of Eugene f lee. pen, dee'd, bring her dower, or ono third part of 18.244 parts of the whole: and, also, the share of said Jane a Flerson, beJng her life estate In tr,-210 parts of the what,. late the eseitto of Reese C. Fleeson, - dec'd, to remain inthe kande of the purchaser or purchasers, ittc By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. C. RICUARI! M. HATruits, Trustee. 111. THOMAS it SONS, Auctioneers, °of - 02.19 28 189 mail 141 South Fourth street. 11:1:E311"101tY SALE.,ON THE Thomas &.Bonis, AtiefloOers;--:Wodein.•tfiree-stOry , brick Ilevidenee and Furnitilre; No. 1,z4,5, `Walunt street, cold. of, Thirteenth street. • Du :Monday , morning: October 14th, 1887. at 10 o'clock, will be acid at public Pudey without reserve. on thepremises. all that modern three:- story brick messmige, with two-store heck buildings and lot ofground , situate on the north side of Walnut atreet„ enk.ol - Thirteenth street. No. 1225; containing in front on 'Walnut street 19,4 feet. and fu depth 113 feet, to a 10 feet wide alley, tt ith the privilege thereof. The house has re cently betli painted and papered, and put in thorough order. it has the cat - introduced, bath. water•cloct, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-range, &c, ilia' - Clear of all ineumbradce. 111r - lminedinte popse,sion. ELEGANT Ft EN IT! :1:E, 11111t1tORS, GILANDE• 1.11:11S. FINE, CARPETO, 4cc. Also. humedlately after the sale of the residence, will he sold tice entire Home. hold Furniture, made to order, in me but it ICI) 111011tilh; and tatual to new. Partici:lnn. in (;atahiguec. f . " - May be examined any day previous to Pale fro 1.2 to 2 o'clock. THOMAS & SONS. Auetionee lwo abd ill tiouth I'oo rth et vet. 1;1:A1. EsTATE.- •Tilomns Cc' BONN' - v rti Tlweirptory Brick Du ening and Larg,. Lot, ' Lonca-ter avenue, northwest of hirty-tifth street., Vot f'hiladelphfa, ru feet front. VV feet deep to Warren Tomda, Get. ITM.. 1.107, at 12 o'clock, noon, will la ,o,ld at public :it the Philadeltdila Exchange. nil that three.rb ry brick du ening Ili two.t.tory back buntline, and hit of ground, situate en tho Holithweat :oder . true. Ila noi this i of 'lb jrtyifirtji etreet, 24 It %Varif : the lot containing in f tons On Lancaster :,c etloo 1.0 fret , and t• , tvliiiing in di pt le fat feet to Warren ettect. The hone , has a elianibe:,; gas Intr....Pe ed, bath, hot and cold a :der. cooking-range, e,a Air., a 0 0 , ott. - .4) brick mmt cotedantiallv 2u/ feet trout by lest deep, good dry cellar: built as .3 dw e lling lrottao • :cod to ~lve years ago: to re,tor2. f ram, clatter coil rrapery. fruit trees in a handy nee, ,be. A photog.raph of he pr..t.orty can be ia-en t the A tietiOn Route. :01 1111 - 010inni0C47. 'I error -*7.evo may remain on mortgage. glfrinintediate M. 'IIIO.MAS :•;( ,•re. T.: , and 141 H oath Puerto ntreet Pt DLO: nALE. . OF 11EIR -E S.- S• r i tatt• bi attlww terra: o 'oL — Tilurnar. & - Auctioneers...Three.tory brick eon.- and' do.I)log N. E.. eonwr of Tenth and Catharine street.. N% hit 2 two..itory brick holl.ies on I.4itliarnul street. and 2 hen-,tory brick houses on tltowar4l rtniet, lot 64 feet front, b‘ ;e fret deep. 'hires fronts. On Tuesday, October: 12d, 171'.67, at 12 o'clock. noon, it ill be sold at public sale, at the Phitaihdphia. Exchange all that three.aory brick store and dwelling and lot of ern, oil...ituate at tin. E. cor• Her Of Tehth and Catharine streets: the lot containing i n front on Tenth eruct 'l4 feet and in (1..01170 feet to Stew ard Wei t. on is lien are erected two two—tory brick 11011.0 , arc alto t 1 1 .1) t tore brick h 0n .,..„ ou Catharine btreet. frr — The corner proporty Is 0 1 , 1101 rli a eltis..store and is an eaeellent 1imin.0....tand... - ,riabject to au irredeetn aide around rent of *lll a year. TwoLts 4.t.• St ).Nri, Anctioneers, Ne.. 12,0 and 11l South Fourth street. 1;h:A I. EST.I.TE. T11031. , ,S 4: SONS' SALL.- - Three- , tory Brick ito•illellCV Ninth street. ah.,vc Arch nrcet. tin Tne-day, Ortoher ". at tNcrlveo'cloek.nocdc, will he null at public sale, sit thc Philadelphia Exchange, all that inodcrn thr-e-atory rough ea:11, with threo,tory hack buildinx and lot of ground. eltuate on ti, xv, , et side of Nineteenth gtrear, a hove Arch et, No. Ilk the lot containing in front on Dth At. '24 It, (haying a aide and of four teeo, and eiteudin In deith lis3 feet. It (.01 , sit repair, and all the modern i7011 , 4'13/enrea; parlor. dinlng.roorn and Ins) hi Ata chambers and library. hot and cold wat , r. n-at.r closets, daml/ waiter furnace. two dos rangi+, tic. ga . r" Clear of sill Ineuzilbrance. inn): rcnlaln on inortgare. . Immediate poteesoion. ••xisinincd any da) pry lone to sale, front 10 to l"_ oarlock. • 31. THOMAS a: SONS. Anctloneen , , 12:-• and 111 S. Fourth street. oe b. 12. 1. thI,AL 1441!...b' HALL bor 2;4d. 1-vi7, at 12 Lek, nic.no% ill 6 , 1 :odd at ta;lelic cab., at the Philadolphin 1411 that thodt.ra fortr,t4try brick mitotic front riire.o :ay. with three...tory back kip and lot of p.mond. eitaat , on thc pr , nall talc of Greet' etreet. Tact of Elghtootith ctreet, No. 1724 ; containing in front on Gre.en foot. and v.:tcading in depth lt , ci toot 5 inehen to Ilraraly wine ctroot. • It bac the talc , intro doted, tw o . Lath:, hot, and rohl “t e r, water el u cet, kitchen cult:J., and hot and cold trote: - in earl.. two rang.-c. ttro turnrtv. nianction, Ptatiffithry . Tt'l e 5.1.10 mac rnutain nu nnesttnt,t, incsnediate nte , nno,inn, May 'ne t .antinnd any day pre ktIP to THOMAS Anctl,,n, ,, N, Lz. and 141 F. Fourth r'r,ret 512,1 , _____ i:EAL E ATE. Tm v, si ilo. & t):' , ,ii . SALE. ET„" ,„incb,L,....,........,deLce5. Nos, 4101 :id 41q: '• Spruct Ihtreet, WC,: ot Forty.fir,t rtreet. ttn Tv,- la), (Plotter 16. 11.!0. at 1) o'clock. noon, will ha r ',ld at publi, sale. at the Philadelphia Exelianze. all [l.e. , ' ti; o lintel some there-story ta , ,IIC torteurge , and the lot , or gro•uad therconto Mont:Mg. situate on the north kide of tipruce. street, weft of Porty.litst street. Noe. -1101 end 41,17; each lot :it Ice t fr"ut by 1!+.1 feet deep. They have j.at - Mr, dining it room and two I:lic :.hen on nr ' thmr;.st w attenary aM. statte. ltath•roem, ivah•r (11 , , , .• ~ three chambers acidity:a. ettte on the socond , floor.- - a d three chambers on the third Med. Int meditde po, , ,m,:tion. May be examined from 3 to 6 o'clock. Tetnei—One.third tia...11, They will be sold separately. M. THOMAS dt. SONS, Auctioncer, I:;!tiand 141 Smith Fourth ntreet. - - -- E L PUBLIC. 5.11.E. 7 -TII6MAS SONS' A UCTION• -.lland,onc Cut Stone Front* Iteeldeuee, No. 411.4 Lowed :.treet.„ covt of Forty.ecc.ond etreet—Lot Weft-et.--On Tue.& v, Ortoher 15,4136:, at 13 o'clock noon, will it Fold at public H, at the Philadelphia Ex• change, alLthat liand,ome three.k,rry cut atone front 111,1"SUllge and the lot of ground thereunto belonging;` eituate on the Fad . aide 14 .I.,oeuet etrect, east of Forty recond 4111 a; the lot ie 3.5 feet front, by lit feet deep. It hoe parlor. ,Itti au room.dining room and kitchen mi brat floor, stationary waelt atand, bath room. water closet, underground drainage, every modern c.mi enience. chninberA and balcony on the second floor, and 3 chant bera on third floor. Is !papered and painted throughout. and in excellent order. Imlloliate -----MuY,he,saniined at anytime preview. ti axle. Terms—A nadtg..ge of *:1.560, now. on, 31. THOM AS MSOsS. Anctiorfeers, VP and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE.—TIIO:NIAS SONS, AUCTlON vateidd,3 Lot, fronting on Chestnut and Divieion streets, and Itridgebbrough and Moores t.Arn Turnpike, Short distance frinu steamboat landing,' Ifridgeborough, New .Jeraey. On 'f uenday. Oct. 22, 3044 at 13 o'clock, noon, %x ill be old (art"lic vale, at the Phila delphia. Exchange: All that and valuable lot of ground, actuate in Bridgeborough, New Jereey, fronting on Chestnut and Divbibm streets, and on the Bridge t-wont:lt and Moorestown tunipike containing in front on Bridgeborough and Moortown turnpike 134 feet; and ex tending-in dc.pth along I .treet 3.00 feet to Chestnut street, Which it has afront of 136 feet. 'Mk lot to well adapted f or manufactlirt rd and mechanics to build upon. The etemnboat Barclay loading and unloading daily at wharf. at the unction coon e. 0e513 Tllo] AS SONS,. Auctioneers, 1:19 nod 141 South Fourth area. SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS—TO ('LOSE AN rEstate. Thomas doßons, Auctioneers. Business stand. Three•story 'brick Store and Dwelling, No. 1125 . Shippen street, with 2 three. tort' brick dwellings in the'rEirr Ore - Bedford street. On Tuesday, October ItE,th, 1857 nt 12 o'clock, neon, will be sold nt public sale, at tho Exchange,nll those brick inessuages and this lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Shippen street, 147 feet east of Twelfth street ; con tabling in front 15 feet, and in depth 120 feet to Bedford street. The Improvements are a three-story - brick store) nod dwelling,. fronting on Shippen atreet, No. 1125, and 2, three•story brick•dwellings in the rear on Bedford street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 828 50. tlir Rents now at low rates for 8480 per year. I'OiniCel3ioll eon be had At any time on three months' notice. M. THOMAS SL ' hONS. Am - Aim:wen, Fa and 141 South Fourth utreet REAL ESTATE..—TL OMAS & BONS' SALE.— EModern three-story brick Residence; No. 540 North Fortieth street, mouth of Aspen street, Welit Philadel phia. On Tuesday, October 15th, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be mold at public male, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-atory brick mesanage, on w he i t wepttwo mtory hack buildinga and lot of ground, aituate t Bide of Fortieth (formerly Mantua) greet, 210 feet month of Aspen street, Weal Philadelphia; the lot containing in front on Fortieth street 30 feet and extending in depth lai feet to a2O feet wide street.lt line the fu‘ introduced, bath, hot and cold water, Reynold air-tight heater, cook ing range, &c. Terina—s2,6oo may remain on mortgage. QV - May be exaidined On application to 11. G. lined rich, 237 S. Fifteenth Mr . e , ot il _ r oMAS k SONS, .Auet'rH, 109 aud 141 5. Fourth street. 19 —_—_ , BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS A': SONS' . SA LE.- • Tuesday, October 444'. 4 ii: Valuable Business Stand. Four•story Brick Store. No. 215 North Front street, and No. 246 Water street., IlEri4(ell2lota,cel"Oucku,dnVoot i ' v t ili e l t ic a' s — oa t at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable brick store and lot of ground, situate on tie east side of Front street, north of Race street, No. 245; containing in front on Front street 19;f: feet, and extending in depth through to Water remain on mortgage. street-2 fronts. Ills four storied high on Front street, and flys stories on Water street. In k Tuomns A:, SONS, Aue,tioneem, Ternu.—s 3 ,o oo 1119 end 141 South fourth Amok 0c6.12, 1 9. 26 eqVtadallii