Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 05, 1867, Image 3
BUSINESS NOTICES. kteEtYl . :(l DA) .Rretiv.mo lixemuso D Nrw Erna r 8 FALL CLorintro 0....5r0.1:13 FALL CLOTIIINU _ NrETYLI.N FALL Mires, Yorrllo n n LlON'n' , Yo AND 13 01 6'. tN'I), YOMIIS' BOY'''. flattv belwea' BLNNETT CO, p;(th and_ Togas .71 ' b.& 151 E leteratv: 82.1trzl, Purr..unasraa. And MO Broadway, New York. - LP, .171. IMPM,P, ED CRESCENT KALE 6 , 7• ERSTRUNG PIANOS, ..strinidcled463 to be, the best. London Prize Modr.l and ..I.lhrheet Awards in Ainerica received. MELODEONS and OLCONDIIAND P I.A N Os. jy2lllu,w,s,3ni§ Win orooms, 722 Arch ht., below Eighth. • MON & CO.'S PIANOS. HAINES BROS' PIANOS ig°II OSON do ELOILMS CABINET ORGANS. islfre.Bo J. E. GOULD. Seventh and Cheetnut EVENING BULLETIN. Saturday, October 3, 1587• IWAIsMINGTON AND JOHNSON. Tartly with a view of excusing and justi fying Southern treason,and partly for the pur pose of espousing-the cause of ' Andrew Johnson, because of his defeption to the Re publican party, and his open affiliation with traitors, the Copperhead oracles are reviving the idea of a parallel between the patriotic actors in the American revolution and the blood-stained traitors who brought so much rnisery'upon the country during • four years of febeliion. -As •ap logical corollary- to, this ilea, is the elevation of Jefferson Davis to the same level with Washington, the classing together of Thomas Jefferson and John B. Floyd, and the placing in the same historic niche of Paul Jones and Raphael Semmes, Robert E. Lee and Hugh Mercer, John Han cock and John Tyler. ' One of the organs of Copperheadism, in carrying out this general idea, labors hard to prove.that the Whisky Insurrection in this State, in 1705, was identical with the Southern rebellion, and that Andrew John son, in granting amnesty and pardon to Southern rebels and traitors, is following closely in the footsteps of Washington, who pardoned the actors in the Pennsylvanha whisky riots of seventy years ago. There is just about as much similarity between the Whisky Insurrection of the hist century and the rebellion of 1561, as there is between the clime of Anton Probst and the offence of the excited individual who gives his adversary a bloody nose or a black eye. A few western distillers, who were opposed to the imposi ...ion of an excise duty upon their manufac tures, resisted the revenue officers and bestowed upon some of them coats of tar and feathers. The civil authorities,finding themselves unable to cope with the rioters, invoked the aid of the mili tary, and the latter having quelled the dis turbance, and the ringleaders having' been subdued, President Washington pardoned them, and the trouble blew over. Their offence was construed to be treason, and Washington fully appreciated the absurdity of a solerim trial for this high crime, of a batch of men whose principal weapons of offence were tar and feathers, and who had abed far more whisky than blood during the tented. The whisky riot-in theTwenty-fifth_ Ward, on Thursday,was almost as serious an outbreak as any single demonstration during Ike insurrection of 1705, and if Abe Milesian xnalcoiatents in this modern alcoholic row were charged with "treasons or mispris*.ng of treason," nobody would object to Mr. Johnson's granting them a pardon, provided they would promise never to do so any more, and stand trial in the Court of Quarter Ses sions for assault and battery. Washington acted wisely in pardoning the Whisky insur rectionists of the last century; Andrew John son does ill in granting pardon and amnesty to wicked and bloody traitors, particularly where his object is the restoration to political power of a class which has been excluded from such exercise of power by a special act of Congress. There is no more comparison between the circumstances sur rounding the act of leniency of. Washington in 17:15 and that of Andrew Johnson Ulan therels between,the two men. "Hype- Tim to a Satyr" is _a. feeble phrase to use in the illustration of the contrast between the charac ter of the Father of his Country and that of the bold bad man who so unworthily occupies his seat and who. uses the - prerogati - ies of his great office to restore foiled traitors to power and influence, to make loyalty odious, and to - undo the work that was consummated at so huge a cost of blood and treasure. The issue in the present campaign does not invelve the negro in any way; shape or form; but the Copperhead press use the unfortu nate member from Afrfca to excite the pas sion's and prejudices of the unthinking,against the,Republican,party.....lf these johrnals really jelieve that the negro is.soirranensely inferior to the white man, it is at least a very poor tompliinent to the latter to - endeavor .' to frighten him by asserting that the negro will certainly .drive him out of the labor market If the Republicans remain in power. Men who honestly believe in the inferiority of the blacks would hardly insult white laboreis with such appeals; they would rather ativo ate givibg the uegrues a chance, with the - certainty that they would find their - prober Jewel. On what grounds do the Demo era; ; v tue sol diersfor their votes? Is It i,qaust their party polled one hundred 110 siz thoust:ud ballots against the Constit A nacminvm t giviug Our brave defenders the right to voti: IR the field, of for the immortal words et Mr. W;t11.1..A:, limn of the Democratic State who said : "A voter disfraneniscs himself crud teases to be a citizen when he takes -.upon him self the duties of a soldier?" Is it because some Copperhead legerdemain has transformed them from what the Democratic organ in this city called them, "Lincoln's myrmidons," "Hessians," and "abolition minions," into respectable citizens, or because Congressman Randall and his friends, }tape been trying to kick the soldier, Mr: John :Miller, out of the Revenue agent's office to make room for a civilian? Mr. Peter Lyle 's nomina tion may atone in part for the former disgraceful treatment of the soldiers by the Democracy, but the man 'who believes that Lyle will cover such a multitude of sins as this, estimates him rather more highly than he deserves. Our friends in the country are cautioned against a repetition of an old Copperhead trick on election day. The vote of the city is counted eveg two hours, and all -aorta of !laming tele grams will be despatched by the Copperhead man _ ague to the rural dietricts, announcing bogus pins to Influence the country vote. L e t t h e Mimi men of the interior look out for them and riot be disturbed by any such shallow tricks. Bring oat every voter and see that he votes the whole ticket, and a glorious victory awalte 05 on TacedaY next. A LANIr CAIRLIEN, The Copperhead managers have published what purports to be "Judge Allison's opinion of Judge Ludlow." We assert that this "last card" is a garbled extract from a prints Alter to Midge Lud , law himself, received fast August, and now pub lished in a disguised forty f so as to conceal the fact. 11x:1n:safely be dclared that this "opinion of ,Tudge.Allison'tjs a political trick and forgery. If the quotation b\been doctored up in one par tW'ilar, there is ,no kluson to doubt that it may have been tampereclAitli in. Its more essential features. It is a sign 'of desperation when such deTlN,is as these are r+i,ssfirtcd to by Judge Ludlow, 9r his beholf, Jud,gO \ . Allison, months, ago, when it was solemnly 'pledged that Judge Ludlow was to be run independently of party nominations and to defeat an infelior nomination by the Republicans., may have been Willing to re-elect him. But were Judge at home now, no reasonable man can suppose that he:would hesitate to . igive his preference and his vote for Mr. ThAyer, 'whose record of positive patriotism shone so brightly beside the cold neutrality of hiS antagonist all through the war. If aiirorfe wants Judge Allison's re(tt,opinion of Judge Ludlow, it may be found in his nddress to the Grand Jury, February '2, 180, when he thus commented on Judge Ludlow's action in the Boileau case: "The legitimate result of such action is to precipitate a collision between the Mates and the General Government, when such collision should be by . all proper means and to the last possible extremity avoided. * * IT cannot . consent that, this Court shall, even uninr teilitiOnally,'Wilsed . fer.any'sUch purpoge. Nor could I, by my silence, permit the spirit of malignant and treasonable faction which lives among us, which. i., Fchory in Me intore.q, of the re /pi/ion. to suppose that it could here receive en couragement, protection, or approval." This is Judge Allison's deliberate and official condemnation of Judge Ludlow, delivered pub licly from the bench, and, as General Grant said "vote for no man who was not loyal in 1861," we say, "vote for no man whom a patriotic law yer and judge was compelled to expose and de nounce in Pif;:." THE °ETV , TILLASIIIKERSIL IP. It is an established rule hi Copperhead tactics to throw the most dirt where there is the fairest surfeee to soil, and this ;nen of blameless lives, who be.:!..nic .ethildates for oflice upon the Re publican ti . eltet, selected as targets for party :muse, front thee 'necessity of destroying-, uy stand- r and Innuendo, those whose characters are'imraluerable where only the weapons of truth. and justice are employed. Thus Mr. David Jones, the Republican candidate for City Tree surer,-is selected-as a special- butt for- abuse, the main staple of his open opponents being a lustre less joke -then kilo 11:1111.2, iMI I . 0, certain -locker" which the Copperheads desire to obtain control of; while the• only attacks having any meaning In - thern, that arc' made :upon conic through a vindictite, cowardly and anonymous source that is generally thoroughly - understood and equally well appreciated. Mr: Jones thus far has not been harmed by either stupid jokes or anony mo-as slanders,and the citizens of Philadelphia,ou Tucsthiy neict, Will cast their sun - rages for a well tried public vservant as City Treasurer. and for a citizen, who in his private life never endeavored to throw obstacles in the way of the vital in terests of the city for the purpose of serving his own selfish ends. One, of the reasons urged by Copperhead journals why people should vote against Messrs. Williams and Thayer is, that the effect would he to combine,: the ancient principle of making the , terms of Judges to eontinue during life or good beha',riiif, with the modern plan of at elective judiciary. It is a very pretty, theory, but like all other rules, to be good it should work both - ways. This is :Try excellent Copperhead doctrine in - 1867, when the candidates on the De mocratic Judicial ticket are already in2umbents of the bench; but it waS-nr;t, laid down -as' sound . Lee, Foe() law in 1861;. - when Judge Allison,a ma . gistrate without stain and without reproach, was a candidate for :02,-Ck ::tion. He reeived his party vote and scarcely more, and he would have fared no better if he had neen a Saint in ermine and his opponent had been inanorted from Toy he:, to'run against Irina. The tot , rest ti:oppe:head lifts 1i to invent n ob . .,e2tion to theDr I:and:date for oludgt, 6 :Le (..' , 11.r. of , :otnriton ea , ,. Eon. M. Itassell ~ gentiemar, adnairably fitted for the, position, both by natnre and by proles- Eional train;n4, that nor,on bro,:ght for :Id Against him. Eultriitikin_by the p,,,ty to: tun w G2<eship is a jcs: tribtite to real inf!rit. as Mr. TLayer are -ianted on the benitt; !Ref! WhO unite natitral abi'lly, uttttire jr.dgtrient an i•itegrity and ando/okil iozaity patr i u ti t , ; ;„ Tbe b ii ities are combined _ft rare prono-tions in the cltarftetP- of 1`,1,.. ThnyPr, '?ii.:iation to the 'be:tell tvid 2an brim,: to :Le 2onnaiti6ty and to 1 - 1._12 Le al r,...ady wLi:4l)ly W10:115, The Copperheads. alter I...tvd:hg C:Aiaasted tntir - .ll;‘ry PA abuse -.pan the ficip , :hil , r.n rty for the asito - ted , Tilth - vagance and protlif_.:iity oh ..;:.;..1 at.- other and mole approp;•..;:e ;o: its The Copperhe.,:d organ :his morcicg connuaef.l an article upon the Inci:za Wa:, is wkjch acid: "It in a gigantic si7ind:e irran ti.:4nraf.; to CLCl— r,ot.ten up to rob the 1.:c0 t ,.e ..nd butcher 1-357v4.7. s fo: the. L Epf:it' en: - :rely the nand, of carry it on to thc.ta,el . ,e•>. If the Democracy I ractices so ra ran , J.lity with six thou-and Luca, , 7hut would 1.:..ve been the cond ;lot! of , lor nun .111:Itr tak,:u to crush the If the Copia.:nead (I ;tone: Is!, ikG 'wept with :tb 5 , ,111...t;rL wh t .n ,m 1 LAS trodden in tut, thyrn,:nons,' and its €dito: ,aid, i ..an not rt:gm - il tory wier my ;sotitivyr, brethren :%nyth';ng '..!t food for int larrhoi,y -ef.ertion." - shy ie-, the one dritc: its tears mid ?Le otiter Ltao...do:ted ntoa that the rebels ,re...011 , . i.;r+A. P 114;:e jsg re,ison to minim now than Lowe then, aneording to their theory, aryl nom, „t all for that siin , al,r atf,!rtion for the -rho i :t1,1)0;11 rhea: with - his valor, hut wuo Las suddculy been transformed iron, a "inyrinitlon" Mid n -liesbian' unit a "liirelint;," into a 4ah fur coppei head :..ijolery andllatteri., , 'll.e ..opperheati popeis of th:s city . sneer...,Laal scoff at (ienelai ; . itteridan for :owiding the Los Willies of the 16-111p:01)1e of.Philatfelpiiht, ord advice him that he had better be at his . p0 ., ,t. Their are e f.iutn le; perfecitly consistent with all their other abuse of the "I.incoln't4 hirelings," as they Lave always called our bran soldiers, but it is g:cLly 11.;:oL: , ::,t,olt with the :,..holluw Flora, dy which they are now try,iuk.to ebeut the [fame 601t1i(3 , 4 out of their -votes. Neutralitrin times of national excitement and peril is disloyalty: - Look out, in these days, for journals and for men who, while they profess to be Republican; and enjoy Republicanpatrouage, are silent on the piddle issues now at stake. A newspaper or an individual fitling to meet these lEstes, boldly and manfully, t,hould_be - subpec;ted and narrowly watched. The Ninth Ward Republicans had a splendid meeting last night, at National Hall. Notwith standing the hadpeather, a very large audience assembled to hear the magnificent speech of Hon. R,Btoeliett Matthews, which we publish iu which will wei r f' repay a careful and, thoughtful perusal. . -'• . TEE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-4111LADELPH1A, SATURDAY, OCTOBER ;',1_8(37. . A number of Copperhead politicianS, headed by Congressman Randall, from this city, visited Washington this week, and for three or foul days strove earnestly to induce the President to remove Revenue Agent John Miller, a Democratic office-holder. They would have filleCeeded but for-one thing, some of the more prudent of the "faithful" sent word to Mr. Johnson that it would he better to allow Miller to remain in Office until after the election, as his removal would damage the prospects of the party. The reason of this is,that John ..Nyler is a soldiev, and was one of the very first in this eity to offer his services for the defence oftrii country at the out -1:Irea1. of the war, and the wiser Democrats were afraid to sacrifice him until after Tuesday next ; for fear of losing the soldiers' vote. This is; - "tt, specimen of the manner in which the Copper heads will treat their ancient. enemies, the sol diers, when they have used them to accomplish their object. Miller will hold office but one week We are requested to state that should the weather be unfatiorable this evening, the meet ing called at the Union League House, will take , place at National Hall, Market street. Professor Jackson has prepared a brilliant dis elday of Eire-wOrks for;:,the I:)ltetaii4^and: the meeting should the weather permit. C,L , ' - We are in the habit of .permitting the uSe of our cohnnus for all advertisements which are de cent and not libellous. It is needless to say that We entirely dissent from the arguments and ap peals made by Judge Ludlow and his advocates in their advertisements. We urge upon our readers a strict adherence to the whole Repub lican ticket. Madam Ristori's engagement in the Philadel phia Academy of Music will begin on Monday, 'October _?.lst, and continue one week. She will appear as E/Labqh, .llur Stnart. and Marie A ntoinette. "Mr. De Vivo, agent for Mr. Grail, is now in the \city making the preliminary ar rangements. • '.., ----.... Extra ' Large \ Sale, by Order of Or phatus, Court, Executors, Trustees, heirs and rliers,—rlegant _Resi dences. Conn 'y Seats, lt , ,arins, Stores, Building tots Ourellings, Irredeesu \, able Ground _Business Locati iris, e ' &. 1 . &e_ )1 essre. 1 horn a, at Sons' I s, \lll(`. ,, lillg °0.1 , 2. Oet(der !!!:1, 14th, 15th, 2.. d 11.1.1 d 20th, will ,son4.ris , elegant Itt.ldenc, ~. Nos. 1220, 2121, 2120, '2127, :Mt , ' :old 2135 Walnut. 4 lor' Lo. en , t, 4101, 4107 and 410., Si 1-IrNa:l. .10 Franklin, 1724 (irtnn, .11l N orth F..rtiet h, and 115 No'fli Ninete. nth; 01 , PM:. country Seats and Farnl , pf 1. .\..,y' 7 , ',3red• 1'., , ,r Cdlf Ft. r county: 25 act ~, Old Vor - s rtoad; r'i acre 4. 11,..d -dot:field, N, .1 ; c.tre.. N. , s. 40,; 111 , tnot, 0 North V.',.., , r, izi South I:;ghth, P, Soull: Seccm\;ioo South ft) °A, .1 ' entli and C,o hnrine, 112',_ Shit pt it. ;;:c, 234, :i:',,i ~.n6 l'' .N et th Second and 2.V, North Front. di 1'N.1,1.• Owellin,.. 1.11 t• outh Eighteenth, sari Dillsun, .t., .inter -vent.,.. I. lo North 1. , ,1 onty.vccoad ; Irred. oinable ocodlnd Hont, 5. , 270 ... year; LArge ;mtl Vah„thle 1. , t.. , ; Ensime , T,7. ttion, Arch, scout of Tenth st:o.t, 00 feot front.. ~ 1 , 0, l'..rt. I:kin:lend Fott• 1'.!,, 810 rv,, ,I,Li !:01 , a2.rtV dl ad Lail' thd, PI , ; 0•t e :ma Franelys. or the Bet o. Ciii C .1 reek at. Pl,tht,le Bai!- way Company. Sc' lull , & ,- ert.'. , ' , . ,, . ,, ' 0,1-\,'' and is t pap, t0,1a.,,'. lit'' John R. nyers& Co.. Auctioneers, N or. 2:02 and 2. , 14 ..Slv.rket sto.-ot. will hold during Le - .t week the following important sales, by Catalogue,viz. \ ON :NII,NDAY, Oct 7, on four in. ntho credit. 7eo I , \,:, of French ,Goeds. embr,cmg.Ooo !pieces 1.%1.1:1 , M , rilC, ..., :Ind Delah. ,s. Al? 9, 5 , :0 pi , .c a-f Aft-trian Fancy 111',..' Goods. Aho, full in,. of other Fancy Dr... , 11...),1;; 1ar.,0 in , oice of Vicuna Brodie Long Shaw 6: 75 Puerto' ~f Black and I 'olorod Silks; large linen of Black aid C. lon d Velvets. Also,- Fancy Cloakiur Cloths. Whit.. Goork .11.indkerchief, , , Quilts, 'lies, Lfre,. and Cloak Trimming. , vntl Grinumnts, Umbrella,. Ihdm...ral and nom Skirt, , , &c.. &c, . - ON TothnAY. Oct. 5, at 10' o'clock, •on four month,' credit, 1,500 packages Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Traveling Bags, fie. ON TIM:SPAY: Oct. le. at 10 o'clock. on 'four months' c. edit, 800 packages and lots of Foreign and Doine,tic Dry Goods, including Cloth.. Ca,dmere ..,:. Ileavere, Peze.r. shams, Pilot', Whitney", Seal- kine, Tricots, Satinet", Italians. &c. Also, Dress Goods. Silks, Simwk Linens, Housekeoping Linen G 04 .4 1", BoderY, Gloves, Bahnorals, Traveling Shirts, &c. AL, 0.20 U packages Cotton and Wcoku Domestics. ON kIidDAY, Oct 11, at 11 o'clock, on 'four month: , credit, 250 pieces Ingrain, Venetian, Lint, hemp, Cottage and hag Carpeting., &c. ...... . • Sale of Laud. Nieetown Lane, the Es. tate of Thomas Ashton, deceased, by JaIIICS A. Freeman, Auctioneer. d iu E-tat , Sale, next Widn,- , day. tw. -valuable tra , land. lik , •; - ".1; Twi.pt,y. \Vara. t , , he I er. :fly ,ald, by dLectiou ot Ex,eutt , :. Ulro, A A uc tion N o tice—sale of Hoots. Shoes. Br(!giens, &c. The partic dlar attenuott of :he trade ie call , d to the large gale of Foote, Shoe, P.r051..m. 8ahn0741, , ..&;.. to told 1 y 3.lcClelland dr Co....k:lct:cneerr. their R,6 Market otreet, n '4'llday in:..rning, 0, :. 7, cLinni at ten o'clock. vrecie,l.Y. Real Estate. :T. M. G:lmic.ey ions' public rule, ilea! the PI:H.:A.4i E .'Scud - >> - u xt: ill ibc I numb r le- Inve-t:ALt, LEQCII) :o,•riding n - il “nd Ivory,. Wood, Mu:•olo, 11,:„Tit:g d rf •„Ir be in.-1/.lrd, or the I ForH:l.•hv JOHN 1:. fr7-ti aO S 11 , Eighth et rio Thr .I'C'A - L - 1. - ..i.'"SNENV .11AT ziTgi,l:l2, "Y. ( AND FC , P.MiLLY ciIL,Tm.T, Ai:uvi: i.;.6liTit. .1,t.7' nf . A!•: , '')!%ei.irf2 FALL STYLE HATS. WCALLA A: Him (;:d Edte.bli,llA HAT .-;ND CAP EMPORIU:4. CHESTNUT VI :li, V; Nfi LAT LE, t:i d teuttin. ••• t, 'UAL OF fj;ALVAN.iiILLI hon. L'”); -, Slip .: , . Itr! 01 71,:. 'IRIAAh ez iIA V. '6, :s Ligut Ninth. 1;,',1.1..E.P..Y, SE /1, p.” '7,11t !'ll. 4 Long prod. riod ti. TILE KLY II )1_ L) A U .F of is .r rk,ekr.te .• n wi!ti r by f I:L, MAN & Tr,irty•nv , .:) M4lket etrett, bt . :”V; NjLt:2: j . I o r?.. „, A .. Fj. i r.t , I;. 6'2.1 Arch Y ini LFLF-FLEDINO TOI; AO. fi I If the knti, ae h Lein4; d , ,w,, and , ar.• SBA Nc. (C.1,.-!4•4 Tnirty.five) Market clreet, elov.' Ninth. I)1::',1.71 . 11L 1..0( ; 3, It. -• ;I • 02, to :1. Vr , dflC • • 221,7 d, • ; urt c cart ,••••,,,,N.c :42,1c IV* ill H rrl • • . 1 . • 7, , / re• rrirf , it• rine rid Pr •: . 1 - proi. r: k • r r.• !, 4 , .1 n'e :-, 1 et, •,,,, •,i , * .„, 5 inc .1) fll/1, Ili V 11. .y, ..W1 I, i;I: : •t rd” I !;au 11 L.ti..r that 1,,,' 0 , It,. ;Lit and In -!), ,•rl I ...ill rn ch, are:' in very Iva.y t'Livn:brut:tbon am Lying "rlightly . [l." 1\ ~44 '.; 50 nd 1;1: iir 10.41, tr.at t: mn , te:!ing no , ! *MI . 1..! larrr rtool Alen, Ale ;:11 • p; ~f Pohl in want 1111 tido ' Ai, for 1111' 11 %INE74, 1011 L, ro , t ct, .t TIPCK . IIILL4WILSON, Clothiers, 603 ANI) 605 CHESTNUT STREET. TlCM(.ll(:,:rir 3 14 , :i;" fizeltdo7l,l or oie C-Z"T r,:nzrntione A:ertment T rem , 7:4113 A .:ortment .11 , 31.'3 and Roy..; Alen's and _1:4,4 .1h 's MO?At?OM in! Moe:: and 2.1.2ii1570t1ii,..y.',,zi0 13e4 Be. , t , to r"l. atcat rind Fez:: yr.:! cad Beta: 4 , :tj( , :•! WINAMAKER, BROWN, The Largest Ck!hing Muse, 0:1K II ALL, The corner of Sixth and Jlarl:et s!ree:s. , -- -tcNr LI r. - IKi' nig STOCK OF • shuck gr, Co., and Haines Bros', Pianos, AND Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, to hie new and defiant etere, NO. 9523 CHESTNUT ST., NORTH :,;InE, ABOVE NINTH. te•l.•iti; --- ONE PRICE, ONLY. JONES' . Pll mT , HOT CLO.I MIN G \1\604 MARKET STREET, ArDvE r and iXC 1 rce ni W071:111M1-il;f', nr go, d- er.nnv:l,: t•x, ellc d. l'grtienlar attonfion — Fn And, a pole,: 1 jno.yaut,ed in all CHICKERING PIANOS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION.: -The First Premium. -Grand Gold Medal---has been awarded to Chickering & §ons for t e L best Pianos and also ,The Grand Decoration and Me4al of The Legion _ of Honor has been coiirred upon Mr. Chickering by — the hands of — the Em peror of France for entire superiority in Pianos Fortes over all others exhibite,d4 the Exposition. W. H. DUTTON, , 914 Chestnut Street. . a:- q 4r' H. Y. & C R. TAYLOR, PERFUMERY . AND TOILET SOAPS. 641 North Nitith iireet --=,-. A 0 MULE•BALLIs,3.66 ... ;iv .1:. .. a I : E Y ..31:.1 - . 1 1 . ,,.. 1.4 )NDON HAIR COLQI: ItEsTO-1:1 - ..1: AND nr.7l.Si.-.l.Nf. Th. only kncyvn Et.-t , :rer C..lur and P , :fee: PERFTA:I' HAIR RES:MI:ER - introdar , :d. flair 4 "tor Ite, , t.rcr. ,, "Londe n Hair B.ILD }lair Color 1.;, , 10et.r." "Condos Hair : , .IC7 It. -tor( ro" (.;01.,r (*Ann . : f'..e7t.arer." ' ri , u "1 vuucu ~"Loddon NEN': HAIR. Hair Color Re , Aiaer" C,,tincatoe are thtily received,,proving ita wonderful or in ro-t ttpr growt, color and rigor the v. - caice , t hair. It i : oa.itively elope tailing' out, the rcalp clean, CCOi and healthy, curei effectually any Ir. ritmion of the ,!calp, and ant a hair It if! perfect. nicely periAned, very cleanly, and '10,9 not the a particle, or toil hat, bonnet or the iinet.t 'linen. Only , 75 mbottlo, half dozen 34. Sold bv DR_ SAVAYM: ez SON, No. V.@ North Seth street, above Vine, and all Druggi , te, Variety, and 'Prim ming Storer. eet4 a to w ti rp ~-,,A i .......; £1:71:-: Furay. e ruits: -ERNE3T 711AN1.11, ° 4.63 , " . 7 , ldi: ,factnrerr all kinds ~: FANCY f l; RS. at No. H.; N,rt i'lNi,irth -trot, I,horo Arch, ..,-, Philadelphia, il ~Iling Fnr4 for La lion' and t hildrepea 1, ,, r. Che.tp I:arriape and Iltilialo 1t01,,,i Coll rtantly on hand.N. It —FUN repaired, re-lined and altt:ed to the lat , et ,tylee, at mod, rate prices. Lei 11 to th 20:: SUNDA Y EXCURSIONS.—THE SPUN- Steamboat JOHN A. WARNER., for Beverly, Burlington and Bristol, leaves Cheetnut Street wharf, Philadelphia, at l i and ti o'clock P. M., itapping at Megargee'e wharf, Kensington. River: ton and A ndalaria. Returning, laver Brietol at 7 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., touching at all the above land. Inge. Fare, .25 canto. Exc melon, cente.. . STEAMER PILOT BOY.—SUNDAY :.: - ..4 4 Excuniion for Burlington and Brimtol, leav ing second wharf below Arch etreet, at 9 o'clock A. M. and P. bf. Returning, leave Brii,tol at 11. W o'clock A. M. end 5 P. M. stopping at Megargee'e wharf, Tacony, Riverdale and Beverly, a/1111MM. Fore each way, 25 cente. Excurrion, 40 cents. It A.1 .1 E 1: , K ii .. r ( a ; ii i n r , ,2 1 , 1 ,.N .,,,, D i1i -, , L1, 1!, E 1 : I NK, MBLotncii. , BEST ALPACAISMIIItELLAS, r,A I!TRIDUE _ .tfoke. .JOSEPII I tr., , SI.LL, 2 raid .1 North Fourth rtre.ct, A re2 , ;,th,p,t , i. , ;trp', Philadolph!a, A ? nN F w r; , ETIIA M L'lllitELL. E SS, TWLVE ri FOBl fi l l Fn- , sniL, 2 and .1 N. Y , ,irth Pt., Fr, A th ~ , ti; 6..^r, 1 hil:v.l,h Ha. 11. K F.MBRELI.AS--P.L.'O K, KRONVN AND 414 E? (..^ ,, :i : Part rid vo Pti‘±e, .jori.i.Pl I FL oshLi., 2 And 4 N. row til -t.,t 4 1 rf . t.Vr th t 1 e.',..1.: PhilAthdt !wt., F.r.l". SILK L',II3I:CLIAS. NEV STYLI], I .' ce.:.,%t11.0,..1,,,;tri,: JOSI.,I'II Fi'SSI:t.I., 2 and 4 North l'ohrth 'dr. t 7 l'hiladeli , hot. ._ -- NEW AND.SECOND•HAND PIANOS AND Orgaht for tale and to rtn , t, at D. W. A. I ItUMPLEIVI 4 . ao3o-tf,4 a .42.4; Cloa that t trect. g CH .. OP Itl:LBOI'S rvoNcius“ HOOT'S ri'i.rne, tiartienua, Ili'', .1,11,4 n Lillirr, ,'„:( <;. ALDER HON k (;0., ,11;rk;' , ,v4•rm' NV. 1111 and 1113 Market etre , t, Philadelphia, Pa ROCKHILL &WILSON, The Ready-Made Clothing, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUTSTREET. srrunE - LA Sr- SON Ilaving made la: g , rurchwier! of AND. MUSLIN'S Since the Recent Decline in Prices, AL, prep.ir..,l i• at lo'vrr Fire!! than they have been gold th , 1,111:11, tiao One Case Good Style Prints at 6 1-4 c. t‘iylv.., at 12`,e. merican, Pacific, Sprague, Merri - mac and Cocheco Prints, cent,. ill,nr:ked lißline been aelliaC At 4-.1 do. at W...., • ,10. ut 17:, 'Williamsville Muslim, 24c. All the bent !arvn.l,. Ntaadir, I . lll,l , atclaa-d NI ~lion ut r•.111..t . fi ViCi I_,ANTON FLASINEI,ii 1111/Cial.:l/ I'RIEES• 1414 EAT BARGAINS IN 111,ANKET:i. 111.1aktato, quality, at it;.,. 11.4 Wank. , i , t% 111. wool I:l7ia 1.'07 LA! !I:s' GIMAR 1W: CLOTH 5, A great variety t4' 'paw etylre, at; VERY LOW PRICES. Caeirar re, a hog, arrortment, at 77c. to 4 ::9. Nos. 713 and 715 N. Tenth St, Wl' hate 110 W in Fecre acno,,pleie B.2ortment of the cad ,fluron 111114 ,. . 0:111 , 1IV for nor ' , Wee, A vhjel,, for of w,ol, duo. ireigivi an die.tpiicee in pride, I,'Neei linr °UV:I49 . / 1104a in 'OW loin EICIIIIIIADItEI) PIIIIS FINE BLANKETS, SLNITLY SOILED, Some ‘.l tha.e Blanket: , aro tho flnept and largoit erode wad , , wo,o poliod at ilia ',ail!, and will be Fold at übvet two-thirda their original v,lne. .111-)s 00l Blankets, ii 01. Largo ,17.1. '.4 . fine large 71 Very tin , : Ulluiltetr,*.ti uo. J. C. STItAWBRIDGI.I CO., For 11w choicest and Chocolate !!rei;:: STEPHEN - F, W.I: No. 1210 Ma rk..et St. 0 fa FALL AN R D WINTE. 10U I'oo I. The iinderflgned invite !11 , . attenticu of the Ladies to their large ttock f Fhre, ccneieting ci IN RUSSIAN _SA My, • „lII:DSuZi , S BAY 5.1.13 LE, • MINF‘' • ROYAL ERMINE, cuusciiir.t..t. all of the latt:::t etyler. • SUPERIOR FINISH. and at renP , nahle adiee in mourning will find hand: erne artielcA in rEri, '-NNEt3tgid t31.51.1.A5, the-littter FUR. CARRIAGE RuBES, SLEIGLI )10111:3. andfrOOTMUITS in mm ut variuty. ~,, - --1.--1i,,,5,-, F t ,K. WO3lltAllll F 12 4M "P - THE GREAT _tMERICAN C 01‘113.INA.Z I ION SEWING & BIiTTONIIOLE .11/101,13, BEST IN TEM WORLD. Sold S. W. ca. Eleventh and Cliestriv,t, P. P.-- Othe: .Machine=tbken 0c2,1m. I] 11:k i r Color Re.torur.' 11.dr r." Ineae bSIPMENTS are ['NM RALLY ACV:OM:MaII the They are used in the Conservatories of :Music of New York and Brooklyn, and by the leading schools in the coun try. A full and varied assortment con stantly oirt hand. J. A. G ET ZE, !lin CHESTNUT STREET'. ALSO, NEW PATENT THEMOLO , I4IO4ANS, Shoninger Co. Orgaw and Melodeons, with tho new patent tremolo." ael4-d to th tf • T. STEWART BROWN, 77 . -- - - -t o- BM Corner of 'I FOURTH and CHESTNUT STS. " - MANUFACTURER OP TRUNKS, VALISES, and BAGS ouitable for European (Formerly at 708 CHESTNUT ST.) , .L.M.411,11 W HA %N NLKEROIII , II S, T i l l'i n ,6oonlity. for 25 veal.. at redrre I priced. 11F.M.N1 ED LAWN HANDK ERCHIEFS, End.r-idered arntnd and in the eorn,re, for ; very pretty • , 01.11 . 1 . 1 , 411111 tr - 1-1....‘b1ED LINEN 1.11/K . FS., 3.1i-Yeo, all linen. :7;2 i 5 a dozen, or 21 etJlt! each. , 1, 11111 , $' 11. 1111101 , ERE D 11111!, FS:, ~ nlv $1 115. not half ainntl price. (wily a. -go:011.d'. au il . e.timr,t, hr, dap5,..a...1. LADIEW IsEM-STFIVIIED LINEN lIDKI'S. •Onn Let cent r, on, ;Gt. at 145 rotate; in .:eh liner than ne.nal frt. th, , pric... 1111M•STrIMI ED ONE , : IDKFS .f depign..; 75 Vo•iit'', :1 1 . 1•1)1.1. prie, iM- yr, p, . • flu dr Z. , 11 for C(1t: HENI.STITCHED LIN . EN 11DIC.FS., A at a. reduced I.ric, WOKNE'S Lac , and Einbroidery N. : , .)J North Eighth Ftre,t. M. A. TOT: In', he./ Elbert. etreet 11'11111:, CR 'Ni) - SLAT:: SKIRT LINING-15 % V 0111,7,5 i C,lltd ;tr,l :tro, col.r.iwneing N. 1, at .5 ccliL a piece; Other idt 11H po.portiomitely. fllilL CI:01 lIET ED(W , I at calitd a yard, i, la iee. . . . _.. . . . . . Be the yard. •lii,t revel., ed, r+t'Vul , I CItY , II Of the above, :.t very low pica,. l'ioane native that we keep on hand epprtantly wore Nigl"l'lNl :HA M LACES tha a any er all . the k r.ble combined in tlibi locality, and can underfiell at retail afejt de.ale, Vol. proof we invite oomparboal. I.ON , ENGLH PFH ISIER CC CAMBRIC VEILS, , ( t .4 Cor II +e, in currency than the importcr' prier in g 4 ,11 .1;14 c , Ct . iked, :it WORN E'S, It. No.llB North Eighth Htreet. . - ii' lir , .70 A N , s ( 11000 LATE.--) LIE FINI 1' CGO- V.! volatc for hale ilk - nianubletured at the Philadel phia Fitra le chocolate nail Cocoa Workm. s 1: ENI EN P. \ s," II VIM A N, ollice and ker.! Me Market stroot,ocfrinall.! 00 TO OSTROM'SBOOiANO SHOE e,ssf i STORE • tea South FIFTH fitreut, below Shipper. ill Cheapest print() goods in theAty_._au2ll.LmL. ROCKHILL &WILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREETS I 1 URON . BLANKETS. HURON BLANKETS lURON BLANKETs. uuitos BLANKETS N. W. coma:: T:1011111 and MMIKI:T Streeta THE FINE ARTS IN SUGAR, 7. 7. T \• S - \1:1L , t`l:tol ; (. 2:••• FUR HOUSE, (EE.TAIII.I4IIEII IN 1c18.) 311:ITS, TIPPETS, COLLAT,S, -117 Arch Street. WEBER PIANO! Best Piano-Fortes Manufactured FOR BRILLIANCY AND DURABILITY, N4)111N(i11 %NI f, kt'l; U 1 Irr.\lNS `..\l L.11'I•: ROI: Clothing lviade to Order, N A TIONAL -UNION Grocery and Pro Company. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS' Office, N 0.4235 ISonth Third Stleet, Stores, Nos. MI and 610 Arch Street. CASH Cl-%NPITAIL,:ifi.3O,OOO. Late First Telkr of the l'irbt National Bank of Nlcrn,..o icw Lire, Pa. 11'r :could r PU.r 3..tteDtlc,n to any, ,Irg:11i7 , 11 for rd e , .l;lng RI R$ I.llcl YRr I VISIONS nt COS IT to ull leroLi come In. !Arr. , of flit A•,,,1.Lti,0n. r the al•m•litt , dati•' lir9trtnrt.lri 14;1. ;: , V*. A Six TICK ET you for SIX .:%1()Y1'11S, n.% 'hi. ty, ti 110( 1;1:1!'7 1 !id Pr.( zi at 4: P.:'(_ll. at any of ti,, St.,l-, ohi It • .1 l' , •?11.t t tle the holder t. , I ii";.n• f,r yen:. • I', rOO O ll, 1.. t .1 , !!!: • t'.• • . r. hip - .yin PA); t I. I . IL. the it r;1,4..e1y ‘ ,l t i 1.. ft. fr.r th Wgrkino, I 1, ,, (e , tn . ' th• t ~• .f.• IP. 4.11t1y in No;. l't•t .r ti,. g ttcold a: regular Itr.f..lll.l'!' • ..101 uctito d• 0,1 r in the •of 1 ,, , i th , v.hirb .• '• , i t:ar \ at ive A Ui•.fdtud ry .....r i.• i r-'. It i N“ ) /!,) 'A 11 • ry ,!, .1 fr , :'.(l inc a nu aui.or of thi• I' 11,1- 11 NV , oro tally aw al .e t ., • ;I:fA.1:!;Y nr•.d lor will , tr,y, DLL. I.' 'A ry f ir pa,t r et/Cc:Fri. , t:ece: - i h , 1, tr C . the I, e,pl. - v, ~i ppo:t 11 , fu this, th• gr 4 unitthe m;bit -. : uturpri,, , :'11IldeCI4I:1 1 11 111 thi• rec!ion. E . .. ry lun, , ,keepor will r. ndilv turcoin ,! the groat 1.1- va111.4.1.11 :ageing fro:, ming .4 n. ember of Any, :IS the nitionnt paid .r a y oarlymetnbeniiiii. will to .aced In day.. The'rotatianyintend op , nine iTt tlt ES in ry a, elle fl 14 the city. In no. I r , -citidty ouelt other aa the . t.t ful of TICKP:TS will warrant--: as ff/C-Tt as tie company rceelVe4 a .titlickututimi...r til:T:thena front any cer, Lain m - ighborhood to ,itigify , hcitt in opening a 61 . 01tE. 't,t en noon lb.. Stop, eifnli b 4. upvn , d, ut which time rc.r. come can procure th,.ir S of Month , ri , hir. The Company boo ed Agent. , to an:ruta the city. fir the purpoto or taking tho moue• of the-ce int , nding ti.c. eta , ~tide.. 11 .-n coo in a f.'w dap.,. In no c.,e. are arluwod to re.c,lP„.. money Ir. - rtnn , ripticp., ae tho 'non , y not he roTiired until tho ti , ket of mond,. rehip Is de.fv. rd. All goud- .1 P:lrcha. , l w ill bc. I lELI Vglt All tick.l. will date fron. the time the 1 - 11Atil; IR made. he Company are Minn! np two large and corarani. eating Storen. No. t and tLle A reit street, where thy• rub. lie arc rerpectfully incited U, 4:A and eaamme thvir and list of rricee. cerrit;., PUBLISHED THIS DAY. TWO CHARM !NG BOOKS 1. Grimms Umbliils. litt•teti trow tit. , ilol!ft.h..l•l LJ:E. (if.... .. A itand•wwt• t , tti. 11 quitritt volume. with tr.ttioi, iv titl , tre t ettirue. TM. Th , ,r faer!tif , tic f et— tic o.• Luna is the Grimmt. ill he et tr..at to all intrtlig,,L.: ,00ng m .1 Ow 111!-p illlAtnstiou4 C2,1:11 , 1..tt, the Attr.v.tiv , err f thieeleg.tbt 11. Rainbows for Children. Edited by MI,. L. M. A :17 ' 7.r.. A New Edition. With 211.11111etr,idionr. gl ,7,11. 0 te. _., s4 In the F 1 \lre. Child,. 'who known what re. , ,diuz 'Mt:Mc mtd attractive to chiltircnaye Wee: tT`chartned fr. ••huct.r .end ncanth of 'ho Ptorl.—, that 1 I,Kgc t t 1 ,, p U, publish them, Their liscliur•.+ and rtm t licit., will, t mu eurc, render them gi - cat t,vorit., el V. flit bite more mature mlutl4 often p , :t rice a wi4u dgmineance within the roctit; heaety of the etyle." • Rob Ito 3 -. 1 vol. Ikenilwortit. 1 vol. • TWO MGT.) the popular Eltotrat4 44. Lila(irj la'itiun of the NVitvotley NV:O,I. T 1 50 a voLme. 0' For Fllle by all Bor)keell,r4 Sent free of cut on :e celpt of price bythe I TICKNOR & FIELDS, Boston. Its REDUCTION IN PRICES. Punch Calf, dont& role, Hootr, firEt quality, ild 1' Do. do. Hinglo dO, do. do, ill) 50 Po. do. tlo:Ilde do.' 'do. 2d. AO/ $lOOO dc, ringlcsa. do. do. do. 9110 BOYS' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES 13-X. TL rr 33 S. SIXTH STREET, Eel6-1y Ei ABOVE: CHESTNUT. - NhDD. . .... ING AND EINGAGEMENT ItIN(4:3 OF our. own wake; warranted wild gold. 18 karats fine. .., PARR & BIIOTHEIR, 324 Chetquat greet, below k ourth, lower aide. 11A1/ Aid. PAPERS, 10. 12;4 ANB taCENTS PE I gold and glazg.d. Cheap, neatly hung window shade's. and SO, with fixtures, manufactured all sizes. JOIINSTON'S OFIVOT, 1033 Spring Garden street, • 4 19 • Below Eleventh:l ROCKIIILLAWILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STAEET. A.rie PVES !DENT, WHILL. D. HALFIIIANN. sixi:ETAl:l* AND 'II:EASeREI:, w. 11.1attt4ON 1.0 I I I , tsi". 71:11:1{13(A 'ERMAS, IIAIN:Y IV, : , •11;SElt, 1:1111.11:1) 4. I'oPIIA PLARY. m 15 tt: ;;) rp ud..4 for 1;rc.,..0 rive, r.s.,f 14 r. yo.: FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 1 / 4 \)!t.t Ve /Le v Prices. WEDDING RINGS. Boys', BO)'s', Boys' Clothing-, Licit SECOND . EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. TlTcwoo Iby Stembnor. MEW Yo It Is, Oct. !Jttl. AffiVl24 steamer Wt , ,er, from SorittAropton,witit (I.ttes to the 21th The tinu wwl and Custom Clouse agelitn at Ilaplev, during the past yearn. have defrauded the 'go vernment out of thirty millions of francs. llungary, it In understood, will contribute from annually. thirty-three millions of florins towartin paying the hulertfit on the Austrian debt. Uront rortrckis :Tlniartic. Ff)!..1.1.r: ;;loNi;‘in, layihg of the corner-stone of thc monument to be erected in the 801(1i/ire' National Cemetery, situated on Hampton Creek and in the rear of the Chesa peake Seminary, a vast hospital during. the 'war, whose wards materially contributed to . swell the lint of the Union soldiers now interred within night of its historic walls, took place this after noon in the presence of a large audience, brought together from all parts of the surrounding coun try and villages, including the Monitor Lode -Fund, Y• M•, of Fortress Monroe, St. John 'a Chapter and Greble Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., of Hamp ton, Va. The imposing and interesting ceremo nies of laying the corner-stone were conducted by Mr, Geo. W. Stone, W. M., assisted by the several lodges present to participate in the exercises. The Masonic prayers were read by Poet Chaplain Chtxivers, and the entire assembly united In sing ing several beautiful Masonic hymns. The troops on the ground consisted of Com panies A and E, .'lst U. is. infantry, and two companies of the ,:ith U. S. artillery, com illanded 4,a./ Brigadier-General W. Hays'i... 'Majors Putman Iflifd Rittenhouse, and Lieutenants , Wiledb, SttiO, Hodgete; Fell, Adams and Quay, The erection of this monument, which''com menced today under such pleasant auspices. will be-an , nduring memento of the liberality of the subscribers to the large fund which enables the Board having the matter in charge to procure a monument of elaborate design. and worthy o adorning the grounds where so many of the na tion'fi.defenders nre burled. The board appointed to solicit contributions in aid of the patriotic *or:: lahors about two yeaN ago, and after Many earnest solicitations for funds among the 1'A , t1011111.1.6 of Northern cities, they -00r1 :tab.:il the fraits of the , ,- energy and persistent Ctforts to attaili finding that addi tional and forger contributions would he neees siiry, the con posed of Colonel A. .A. Blunt, U. ti,sident, Colonial Joules Cmry, C. S. V.. lrea.-;urer; and James Jlcrshall, Chaplain and etc d -:1111,5", f. second apn.fl.l for Weds, of rqb fullf);5;;114 extr .02t ' 'About iodrour appe cradled Or t a u:- i! monument to aIC bleinory of Me ei thousand sot lie if*.1,7: , ;(1 FOIL ..11011r0 , ,, :fy of the herok• and on: hational pride. (lc wand a fn0nu1., , _!41: , ) pitirio:isin that remind the friend rind str.i.nger 'I o•ir g•inerols gra"ltude , 1•1 our woridty 11) 1005,; thocs,.ril 0: enshrining the s.te:ed dist •<u. say loyai State, •vithout granting the homage due from safety to sa !feting, from liberty to saeritilerii. These i;.eres of white head-hoards. alhistories iellind inihi , s. regi ments, companies and death, dates.should Con secrated bya memorial of clan cause. Bit the 'midi:: fall to feel a general al.pcial persona! just -0 en indhilual no; over ,a long l 'ltt of lidles s w'iunde.ft and finding therein the name of the dein est friend. • Could we feel that our personal rights were secured by these noble sacrifices, we would not fail to honor Wyse mate saviors of oar nation." In addition, • these officers also succeeded in enlisting the bite rest and aid of Miss Dix in We monument, and now.attribute the secret of their eminent STICCF.i to We assistance and untiring efforts of this esti nstabk When complete, tile monument will have cost about. twelve thousand dollars; of whim ten thodsand have been collected, two thousand dollars yet to be made I up-by contributions. The monument Will be a plain shaft, built 01 Quincy granite,' 'about' seventy feet high, erected on a brown pedestal, engTaNeil and eared into various designs and military cant:dean. The cemetery itzelf - , contain the reme.ins of some six thousand soldiers, fallen,heroes of all the Peninsula campaigns/40m' McClellan's advance to the r ail of Richmond; on the banks of the James and in skirmishes and re treats all over Wes,: sections 01 the State, is laid Out in a beantitul and systemati,:manner,adorned with grass plots and gr,vel walks, and from the .progress being mad-ii ini:r improving .She grounds by the Burial,Ccirps' _erv`ae detachment, it will noon be one of the finest national cemeteries in the country. The cemetery at Yorktown, and tho smaller ones in the - Vicinity of Suffolk. Nor 111 - folk and Portsmouth, are being rapidly briaken up, and the bodies rein terpal in :he cemetery; which, when finally completed will contain about. 1 , 213 thousand bodieiz. Such, has been the system ' skilfful arrangement in the interment of the bodies, which ohserved • by the Burial Good s, that the speedy recognition 01 a 'soldier, by reference to the carefully kept printed records removes every obstacle in the '.vay of the ret, , orery of bodies by the friends of those buried within the limits ~f the cemetery. The whole cemetery, from the inception of the patriotic and noble undertaking of the officers o' the Board, monument through the entirely 'voluntary contributions to the commendable iieal and industry displayed by the Burial Corps ,n Lying out grounds and interring the bodies of the soldiers, rtfie.ds the the gfeatest, praise upon the manner in which they have thus discharged such patriotic duties, and entitles their names forever to he enshrined in the breasts of the livinglrionds, as Christian benefactors of the dead, but never to be forgotten, "Boys in Blue." Specie for Europe. OPecial Dtepatch to the, Philaileiphin. Evening Bulletin.' New Y ottrc , Oc t. b.—The following vessels take speole for Europe to-day Per City of Ant werp, t 8,000; per St. Laurent, $101,060; total, $109,060. The steamers llammonia, Britannia, COFEICR and Denmark sail to-day, but take no specie. - Marine , 9 Late I ligence. l/etobur 4th.—The brig J1:111(8 Mil ter, from Altavda, Weet Indiee, arrived to.dai with r cargo of guano for o!derr. , . Bhr, reoorts having felt in port, brig lieu Het Amelia. Captain Cox, for Philadelphia; brig reerlepe, Yaptain to Ne or York, to .sail on ton let, and the PCtlOoller Oculdd Bird, for New York, toe.al 1:11 CITY BULLETIN. MATE OF TEE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT TEIII BULLETIN O.S'IrICJE. 20 deg. 12 M.... 70 deg. 2P. M Weather raining. Wind Swlthwest. A7mrithe CAlref:EP. Charles Mell vane, Charles Mcllvce, and Pat. Carr were ar rested about six o'clock this morning, at Rich mond and Maple streets, by Policemen Cramer and H. Cave, 01 the Eighteenth District. They were driving a wagon in which there were .a copper still and a copper worm. They said that . they had sold the still, and were taking it to Bridesburgh. They Were held for a hearing nofore the U. 8. Commissioner. It is said that the wife Art , Mellvane was the woman who got intoothe , igon during the row on Thurgday last at itieh. 7 MINA. It is reported that the people of th t sec tion of the city are engaged in burying the stills, in anticipation of another visit from the U. S. officials NATrowar, TIAI,L.-BMaald the ,weather C 7,1 1- Mutt° Stormy, the mass-meeting announced to be held at. the Union League House this evening, will ho held at National Hall. A nuniber'• of the most eloquent orators in the country• will ad dress the citizens of Philadelphia on this occa sion. If the rain 'ceases, there will be a brilliant display of fire-works in front of the League House. TILL TAT'PING.—George NV. Ray and George Dunbar were before Alderman Mitchinson, this tr►drning, upon the charge of lareony. In com pany with another man, It is alleged, they molt into a public house on Coates street, near Six teenth, and robbed the till. The third man got away in consequence of an attack upon the policeman made by Ray. The accused were held in $5OO bail to answer at Court. ANOTUEE A RREST.—JOIIII{2,IIIVary WIIS arrested yesterday. at Salmon and William streets L on the charge of interfering with the officers. It is al leged that he was concerned in the attack on the Ilnited States officials in the Twenty-fifth Ward on Thursday. lle was taken before Aid. Senlx, and was held In $1,5Q0 bail to answer. CIL%nGI or TIME.—The winter schedule of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad has just been made ' and will go into effect on Monday nest, tee 7th inst. Travelers will pleaso take node° of the change of time in the adTertleonaent en Monday. N•rF.Ai.r: N]{W9l•Ar7;R*t,—This morning, about six O'CiMk Aioll/.0 Vana, aged 17 years, Waf3 arrested by Alderman Pancoast, while engaged in stealing newspapers ftoin the doors of houses in the netghborhood of Twenty-second and Mt. Vernon streets. He had a basket nearly full of papers and has been in the habit of selling,them in the market-house, in Spring Garden street. The youth was committed to prison. SERIOI A AssMlLT.—Wm.R.Murray WrkS arrested yesterday by Sergeant - Murray and taken before Alderman bland upon tho charge of assaulting a boy employed in Flt patrick's auction store, on Second Areet, above Buttonwood. There was some dispute about a bid, and :Murray is alleged to have struck the lad on the head with an umbrella ' seriously injuring him. Ile was held in ball for trial, ovim.—liernard Cuff was run over by a cart on Richmond street yesterday afternoon. The wheels passed over his breast, injurine; him 80 seriously that his recovery is considered doubt ful. Cull was taken to his home, No. 1183 D ThempF.oll street. WITITOVT LO ENSI;.--Jurnes Brishin and 'John Darnell; hulling from New York. were arrested yesterday in the Twenty-fourth Ward upon the charge of peddling without a license. They were taken . before Alderman :thill and were held fur a further hearing. LUNG CoMPLUNT.4. Bronchitis, Asthma, are Fpeedily ed, and 'it taken In time, perma nently cured by J.% Y NI:8 EN PL.:ToRA NT. you Will rind in it also n certain remedy for..Cought and Colds. Sold everywhere. PLEASANT to the tasty, certain in its operation, and harmleFs in its effecte,are the great characteristics of Bower's Infant Cordial. Bower, Sixth mid Green, sole proprietor. DEUGGIS7'I3' 817NDItIES am). Fancy Goods: - SNOWDEN &1111011Ints, Imparters, 23 South Eighth fitreet. , . Br:7:7;,c'FiGs for Cofistlinttion'alid Haoltual COS tivenefli. Dcisd, Sixth and Vine. Fifty cents a box. BENBOW'S SOM'S.—Elder Flower, Turtle. Oil, Glycerii,e, Lettuce, SuntloWer, Musk Rose, &c. S:roVrDEN & Baoru EIUS, Imparter?. 23 South Eighth !!. tree t., GoLD .Napoleon av ardtrl the Prize 31eda1, at the Paris Exposition, 1 , 47, to It. A; G. A. 'Wright. for the best Toilet Soaps, Ex tracts Perryn cries—for Bale by all the prineip.il & 6. A. Wri , .:bt, 624 Chestnut Etreet. WART:ANTED TO CUI:E rot THE MONEY RE- Fr:IP rn.--1)r. ith , airnatt , : Remedy 111/..3 cared 4,b00 ct.Fn. of fth.Jumhtlnft 7 , :euralgia and Gout in th:e city. Prepared at D:•:.'oulh\Fottrth PI:E , I \l. lin. stimulate its c;rowth, nal , r it - , lfL 8141 1. f.): L'.;: ip,12,27 •!,. - ' fv.,ra fiiii.:tt ; ' wen ,;;:red =MEN —.— FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL th rc FT vie, f..:-.eE 4:: the P1111:.c.' , .,.. ',,c.k ..E's.s.r.ge. .i,;,.(') c: - . J , C ~... :' , :cl7 : 1 1 1 ;:..." 7 , 1 , 11... , 1::•_ , h N..: , ;I: 11 4 , ~, l 2.:: $: i:1 - ' , _, Oe 1 9.2 . -5 tth du -..1' '2.1 th .1 . ',. rat.. 1: 7121.; PniLknit,pElA., ,:urday, NoLeyn.::!. :es I:gat and in don ;rid at 6 to 7 per "on all.' wbi`e mercantile paper and mined col laterals env only be ;laced at higher figures. That there is much di- ;met as to the future will he acknowledged , by every one. ProhaVy there 4 , yer was a time wheit the exercise of prudent forethought hasinesif was f)inecessiiry as at present. The nu zn, roue stirring events of the part few years has swept miry the course of old channels in trade and opened up new ones. 31any new and hitherto untried men have attained to•p,i l sitions of con-ideratiomand if some among them, dazzled by the rapidity of success,should exhibit some degree of recklessness It is scarcely sur pri-:mr. Government. Loans - moved slowly at our State and thy Loons were -toady, with Wee of the new issues of tlni latter at 101 X, and the old certificates at Reading Ifallroinrclo-ed quiet at 50 Pennsylvania .Railroad was steady at 52, 2 4'; Camden and Amboy Railroad a: 125%; Mine Hill Rail road at 55; r. 5 for Lehigh Valley Railroad; 20 for Little Schuylkill Railroad; 27X for Ce.!.2WLEF.a fLulrcrad 1-re ferred, arid 777 1 .:1 - dr Thiladelphia and - ErießitarOad.. Canal sun ka were very. dull. In Bank and Passe:o4er Railway shares the sales were unimportant. • • Jay cooke:s; Co. quote Government eecurities, to-iii.y.as follows': 'United States 6's, 1551,110;4'611104; Old 5-x0 Bonds, 1113i®1124; New 0-20 Bonds, 1561, 105 ;;;4,1f15,?.1 ; 5-20 Bonds, 'l5-65, ; 5-20 Bonds July, 1 5 65, 107a107 , . ; ;5-•20 D0nd5,1667,107,@ 107; 1 ., ; 10-40 Bonds, 1004160;-,.: 7 7-10 Anamst, par; 7 3-10, Jane, 105 1 4 1 @,106; 7 3-10, July, 105;..;,'(4 106; Gold (at 12 o'clock), 144!,;a7145. Mo-srs. Dc Haven Sr. Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make' the following quotations of the rates of ("change to-day, at IP. 31.: American Gold, 14-17;q, 145; Silver—Quarters and hahee, 133x140; rlndfin:ereSt Notes—June, 1664, 19.40; July, 1564, 19.40; Au,.met, 1564, 19-40, Oetoher, 1564, 19; Dec. 1.564, 1S; May, 1665, 17; Angt:tt, 1565, 16; Sept., 1565, 15X ; r:.her 15. ; , inith, Randolph S; Co., Bankers, 15 South Third ::.et. quote at 11 o'clock, as follows: Gold, 145; T:Lited States 1651 Bonds, 110.,; 61;110 ; United States 5- 6'e, 1562, 11174160,1123; ; 1564, 105V6N0S:i ; 5-20's, 1565, 1053;:tja1055;; 5-20's, July, 1565, 107@ 107 1 :‘ ; July, 1567, 107(76107, , 4 C; United States 1 0 -46 . 5, 1067 i 100:4 ; United Stat e s 7-;;O's, Ist seri e s, par; 7-00 1 5; 2il eerie's, 101.1(ii'106. 1 ,i; 3d series, ;Cvmpounde, December, 15z.1,71E.,,,-4.,-115?;, Philadelphia Market*. SA it *. rain, which fell in torrents thiti rnornin, canoed a ,lirn attendance at the Cunt nierelal Exchange and the titsines in Breadstnfra NMI There k n decidedly tirmer feeling in the Flour mar ket and some holders are claiming nu advance of 12X 55 cents 13 barrel, as prices are relatively higher in'the West than on the seaboard, and pre,ient extreme figures realized for Wheat leave no mar...du for the local millers. sales of 2SOO barrels. mostly; : exira family at +lO 50601 50 barrel for good Northwest and sllsa +l2 75 for Penna. and Ohio, do. do.—including fancy. at +13(414, extras at iO6M9 50, and superfine at: $7 50 ?A:8 50. There is no ch..uge in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. small sales of the former at +5 50(09 75, Thn ti; •t lot of new Buckwheat .Meal of the season was re ceived by Cookman ‘t Rogers ; :Ind teas held at $6, • - "I'lii re vityli?tle• 'On eat •sfrraio g :Thr Wa ;IC Cis' to wnod request, With :-ales of Red at +2 40(42 6* 13 buChel and 4000 blisheis Amber at +5 75. Rye is in de mand 21 Lid has again advanced. !-Wes of 1000 hushelS Penna. at +1 62(411 65 and B;onihern at $1 57(?,1 60. (t'orn,'comes in slowly and is held tinily at the late acl varme of 5 rents. gales of 800 nusliels Western and Penna.yellow at +1 434+1 45, and 2,60 0. lakhels mixed at +1 4.2 w. 43. Oats are not , o strong ;1,600 nusin.ls Stinfllern sold at 75 to 80 cents. TUT: MATITI: OF THE EP WTI!, NINTH, AP= I'ENTII, IH lIIL MIT AND Sr, ITESTII ELECTION DIVISION 6 THE I'WENT/1.1171 WA rfD. AND NDW, T.TIL C 1 e , npi.l,.ring the :Act,: andea,c t• - • tlio:thov. , :mttter, I ;:n: of 010 cted hiQt. yca: in t Eigh''t c tion lIIIIPZ ~int the f.,1- the lif. tt ent!, Divielon, which ie torified entirely ortt of t:io Lite I)ivision. lolnt who wan Alecto? Inspekor in the F,iebth elveth.ii division hy the high.st number ,votr, and es who resides in t Eighth divird.m, will set nthe ~ a id Eighth divi , ion, and Will make an appoint °mem for Judge ‘.l said divisional. 4., for a Return in spector. 'John Frederica, who 'had tho second. highe4t number of votes for Judge, if he lives in the pe , sent Eighth, will it as lnvector, and will al point a minority Return Inripeetor i if he does net live in the,preieht Eighth lie trill also appoint 1111,1110 pt etor for add 'division. Tird—B. 1 . Mann, tello was 4looted Judge last year in the Ninth Division, and who enntinumi to live in the Ninth livision, will serve at Judge nt the Kesent Ninth; tieorge Merrick will :vot. 30 an Inspector fltie minority linTeet. ors oh. the Ward will select An•lnarector, the .lar ge will appoint a return Inspector, and J (we p S. Watt will act as the other return inSpector. Pourth—The °liken; elected last year in,tite Tenth Divi sion will appoint. Eifi.l:—All the Judges elected laetyear In the Ward will, together, elect a Judge for the Sixteenth Division The majoritythspectors elected last year will,together, elect one ' Inspector. The minority Inspectors eleckd last year will, together, elect one Inspector. Tho • majority Return In spectors elected last year will, together, elect ‘1111: Return inspector, and the minority Return Inspectors elected last year w 11, togothq, elect the other Return Inspector for said Sixteenth Division. ocs A S.BE3IBLY BUILDINGS. SIGNOR BLITZ. FAREWELL SEASON King of Magicians; Prince of Ventriloquists. World of blysteries, Drolleries of the Voice. Great Indian Basket Feat. The Laughable Minstrels and the Birds. EVENINGS at' 711; WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 o'clock. Admission 21 cents; Children lb cents; Reserved Seats 50 code. oc6.tf I.IIOR SALE—PER SCHOONER SABINO, FROM CU moon, 100 tons Brnsiletto wood, 30 tons Fuetle. 400 bar rots salt and 37 barrels sugar, Apply to WORKMAN CO., 133 Walnut street. . 1115,20-tf NEW CROP TEAS - FINEST . QUALITY Of CHINA and Japanese Teas in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East-End Grocery, No.-118 South Second street. PURE • OLD .JAMAICA RUM, HOLLAND GIN, Medicinal Winos and Brandies, Speoria Port Wino Rant - End California Wlnea, in store and for pain at (MUSTY'S Dant-End Uroccry, No. IN South Second utreot THE DAILY EY ENINGRBULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATTRDAY, OCTOBER 5,1867. ; Dr. D. It Is with great regr et and unaffected sorrow that we record the death o f this distinguished young actre..is. A vouia Jones died in New Vera yesterday afternoon. at about 2 o'clock, at her n,idenee. .o. I Rend street. 11cr disease was consunipam. Tier death wait .ndtlen and une%pected. She was in New York, on the wing for Cuba. —having put wide several engagement., for tho purpose of recuperating in the noutii. AV ewe dozier .vas born in Richmond. Va., and was the daughter of the Count Joannes and Mrs,Malinda Jeues, his wife. Her find appearance upon the stag...was wade at the Bo.tou Theatre ! under Mr. Thomas Barry's mansitement, in the part of Partheida, in "Incomar,” about ten Years ago. Since that time she ha. played in eye'y part of this country, aud in t lrca t Britain, and _has attained a promi nent professional Iler last appearance in this city waft made at the Winter Gard , n, three or lour years ago: In London she played two important engagements. ller .litroralNyti made a hit at the Adelphi. She was married some time.ago to tiurtavits Brooke, whose gad wa. drowned in the London—was but recently recorded. Wt. gunk bur briOly of her now, for the news her .leach - e.nln.a to ne very suddenly.. Shtfwets an - ;ici tieiß of ~. oi•t.'imta'leive, genero2s. mid earneet—a st.rlMg and winning character. tier furp.ral will take place to-day. at 1 o'clock, at N 0.2 Bond street. We understand it was her hope that it would he attended by the mencbera of her pr,fe,q , lon. }ter remain. , trill tie taken to Mount _Auburn, near Boston, for interment Y. Tribune. • • THE COURTS. • TIRE CONFLICT OF JURISDICTION. (I I 11:11:1'.S1 , 1 ,, N , ' — .1tIliglli I.dullow, lirewrter and I'eirep.-1 Irk morning .It in o•cl.wk it ii' und,•r,torpt that the nwniher, of till tar. who had euthered in I Ire, force to lieu ~11.ugunold on the .. mt e•dion in, oleed in th , aPPlieolion tor the dieehargc 0, two 1,..va in the na,..,-. were to he di,appoint , d In :,; , ,,,rdal2,.• with .t tlqvgl'Al:l trill:, AV.l,hi ,. o..t'i II tilt tsvo Bova wer , to he erode,,, ~d. Accordingly, at 19 o'clock, Ow hove. were in Q 0 1,,,., an d Unit, d tastes A :aiitnut Ili , ttlet Attorney V:dentin, -aid lie sum,- ed there, mild he no :,.gunient in the ride 1,,,..i1l gttatlllllC/It for l'Ullt , 'Mpt of Court, on the hodiei were pro (lured. 'rm. action was. in consequeneo of a despatch to the communion at tilt navv-y.wd, that . it waot the opinion of the Attorney.( Wile d that such •mould he his eu.tr,e The Dietriet.Attoi ny had al4o received a der. patch retm,,timt Imo to appear in Codrt :tin! h av e the rasp oared in -loch a podtlon that it could he carried to the Supreme Court of the United Stites in the event of the di•wharge of .the hope.. Under the 11 , 1' plia, , e of the case 31r. Valentine de,or,d time to amend hi, return, and tether° v..a.• a further continuance he was authorized to pan that the bop! is ill he kept within the jurisdiction of this Court. • In response to a attention from judge Peirce, Mr. Valon tine Ftlid Gormley woo the only one produced in Court because the de-watch from tl,iugton on only ntentloned his cane. The Commandant. however, lial telegraphed for instructions in record to the other. . Mr, O'llyine l for Uormiey, said he had no objection to a continuance. • Mr. Hirst, Jr., for Kelley, presented an affidavit of the service of the note of at. selmoult for contempt, served upon Commodore Selfridge. Mr. Valentine said there was no doubt of the service of the ne,ticii ; that... Kelley was not in.comet was n conse quence of the fact that all the names had not bet Irn tent to Washington, and hence his instructions front Washing ton did not include his name. lint 4r. Valentine would assure the. Court that the boys wo Id not he removed. Judge Peirce said that us Commodore Selfridge appeared before the Court under circumstanced different from those cf lust week, he saw no objection to a continuance. Mr. Hirst suggested that the Court proceed formally in this matter. It the Commodore would telegraph to Wash• ington, and produce Kelley in Court on Monday, he would not object to a continuance then. Judge Peirce said ho would not proceed further in the case until Monday. Phtlattelphia Stock. Exchange. THIRD EDITION. THE TRIAL OF JEFF. DAVIS. Wrom the N. Y. Iferalrl.l Speculations About the Trial of Davio Y➢ow DL Wilt -- Yroceud.-The ChicX Justice the Ite%ponsible Party—What UM He Ho With It'? • hictiniiNn. Va., Oct. 1, 1:917. --Though the, Circuit Court is in yersion hero, and ninny oases of vast itilpOrta nee am to be tried, and thimgh political matters involving the eras ~ s t interests of the State are daily tra»spiring, still the anxious and all-pervroling topic of the day is the Davis trial. This Is discussed with an eagerness and a fen vor that plainly indicate the feeling and sentiment bore in relation to the great no tional trial—than bleb that of Booth, the national assassin, and the other eonspiratars, including .John 11. Surratt—sinks into comparative Waffle:vice. The speculations and probable result indulged In world he tedious to relate, and, as they are no more nor no b•ed than the aux ioties, hopes and Sears of. a, rids guided and unfortunately misled people, would he scarcely worth pernral by your readers. The main points, however, luny be , d liderept. Many are f enough to h! pi..ee that Davis will never be brought to trial others indulge the expectation of bin release by special pardon from the President; while numbers think the rebel chief never intended to place lit Welt' at the liar of injured and insulted justice to answer the grave and important national charges . that will be brought against hint. Another clans there is that say Jolt Davis is safe hi Canada tinder the protecting folds of the British flag. as are 3lason, Benjamin and a host of other rebels Whose Hoeg are forfeited by their treason. 'Ellis class, who can be called Union men of the order of Botts and others who were neutral daring the war, rather think' the rebel chief is 11l slip his straw bail andleave his velum leer bondsmen to foot tile bill of his recognizance to Un cle Rain. Indeed, some go so far as to assert that arrange ments have been already made and contracts • entered into to place -Jeff. beyond the reach of loyal hands, who may bring him to justice or aspiring volunteer friends who might possibly in a strait shield him from the rigor oils demands of an indignant people. These are all, however. mere speculations, according to the feelings, passions or prejudices of the parties ex pressing dens, and have no other foundation whatever. The rowstion, its I telegraphed yon, Of his trial has been definitely settled, and in this way, at least; the nation will be satisfied. Whether this trial will be a farce or whether it will be merely a renewal of the straw bail, or even:whether the arch-traitor will be convicted and senttneetr as his crimes demand. are all,unestions that time arid-aveniKiiinfl decide. "One thing is settled and, certain. that Davis will arrive in this city, the former neat of his temporary government, on November I • he will take the identical rooms at the Spotswood iiotel pre% iow-ly occupied by - him, Nos. VA reset 13.3 —the same afterwards c,eciwkd by General. Grant, and snime'rn.:ntlY Iv,' no leera perioAtitge than Androw von. with' Wet. li. hiss ard, which is unite a remarkable coincidence, both being Presidents under remarkable and peculiar eir cumotances. TI imxt •Itie.rion that aoggifte trill the trial take place? Title mitit be decided by Chia Jortico Chn•m, ti-ho sill alao probably be a /.lllel of the 6pot-wood, for ho tiyhree,ed ntirn of fife -Ming at the nAtianal 1 , ,w the fall tens of the November court com mence,. h• re on the lit. The Chief Jaities• trill hi here; he will open the c•mrt • lbse - b! will be Pre.ent tile case will be called; coons. liar the defence wil demand Cid the government, nailer iniitroetion, will plead not ready; trill ,•tmolily halt for trial, and onleif the Chi••f -loitire rub- differently, A P(oB , l , :i , vid be enter, 'land d, or the final dbcharve of the Miti••nal prig , TIN' latioll .4/ thi- erase and 'national in bleet, and the yr 1:010 into the ,ine-tion—'anti ("mo! the moral courage to try he • nib., or 11 1 . .01 1 , tot It the t o et 10 - • 11,6,11:•1 nion• r 011.11le IE-e!,i,r, , e th , t in t••• esit•a•c•l e•mniel. Ilere re-b , the : - i, l m,' -1.1,11 of the so• at black trial, hicii m•tion at I.,rde demand, to be :411,11 , , , ,i the Or. anir•nicCoartrd the Cnitiei fiit•st• • . • - In the meantime the ohicer , of the I 'ailed St6,tr t'ir cbit '••' o li)C171,t•! , tri of r•••n OW 91 \ ,14,1111101". IVA Sit :Nt.TON GOSNI P. ,nd,pcp . N. Y. 1kr.:1 , 1.: More 'tumors of Cabiktet Chatll2:o4- I.robable Foxty lietireinient of Seere. Lary Yie('ullocti. - t• /IZ4V , n ref-4:101v in re• Inc to tin: na •till 111i1 , 11. that it:•1111,3.1 girt. i.l:y of thi ~ . .41'.111, 1 1t., are plalloi.i)1, . . . •.• itinmt any am arent to;.ntla!lon /PAW! 4111 . 14. - ,tlr-lirii. ;Ind 04, v.-1,11211y hi•arille all the evidonco 4 truth, HilCh a tr,lt ,‘ ortlr. :in to billet . et wary.lt In Itll again that Seeretare Mot - - ‘ll.lnoh is 'certainly about to lean , the tabincf, and the tatctoent collie/a from a quarter not likely to ,ho deceived in such it,attorr. It in , aid that bolore the Fr, rent mouth, apiece the resignation of Socretary 'McCulloch will be tendered and ni e.•pted, and that the oniee will lie utter ,d to Tlioinm Ewing. r.en. a 1.,. stated. , hough not by tin -rune witheritv, that Ewing will deelihe the appointment, with the mielf:retanding that the po-ition will be given to hid son, Thomas Ewing. Jr, Severe Punishment of Col. Sweeney. Brevet Colonel Thoinaa \V. Sweeney, of the Sixteenth infantry, of termer Fenian fame.ha, been court-martialed at !suer eta, Geargia. and oentenced to siN: month , e,l/3pCll - with confinement Within his barrack,. and to he rep rimanded in p•m•ralf9rOcrF. The eh:trees arc of a eorlous. nature, and include indecent conduct and mi,appropria tien of public • • . . a • Lieutennt .1.. Grige' , , Thirty- , eventh 1 - nited. States color. d troop , , NV:, tried by court-martial on the charge, 01 accepting. and receiving receipts and voneliera front creditr, at the United Stales ithont paying to ,01 . 11 vr.o3itvr., , 1111;o7.7,11. - .111tAlt of_ publie_mones..intrwted to Win_ tor :pa) inert the men under hi, catirnand. J entenant tirie)N wari find guilty. and sentenced to he dishonorable diendeePd the invite ci thf. United Statee, with loss of all pay :Ind allowance-,to be imprisoned at the' Dry Tortugas Fla, for one year. anti to rebore to the Government $1.5?, the am.,unt embezzled. Licuh•n:u;t Peter G. Van 'Mulch., Third rnikd Statez Cavalry, tvat , rueently tried by epurtmartial at 11bu querquP. New 31.•xivo. nn the 'charm• ~f drunkennees an duty. lie waef,,und guilty. and sentenced to be eaaltiertd from the 15th of Auguet. OBITUARY. Epas Howe, Jr. This gentleman t well known in this country and Europe as the inceptor of the Fewin c machine, died at his i Brooklyn, on Thursday night. The deceased W£l4 n L • 01 Spencer. where he NVi-14 torn during the year 1,31 P, and was, con,equently, forty-eight yean.of age :it the time ,pf hie death. While a youth he trtr,ued the occupation of farmer and miller, but as he approach, d manhood learned the trade of a machini,t. In the por,mit. of thi , vo,ation he studied the ..cienco i. machim•ry with marked ,tire 4 the result of his ..turff,• being the invention of the sewing machine, which brought him both fame and wealth. and proved one a the greatt benefits to the community. llia tirct pat-n was secured in 137, bet it wft, net until P 54 that h finally ,neeeeded in maintaining Mad:tint to the invent.ir Ile Wart awarded a gold medal at the Paris Ex aosithm by th e Emper o r Napokon in person for lute invention, and . wo,", the recipient of ether marks of lAN or from the raleg of the French. For comic time paid. Mr. ((owe had bef.n afflicted with that terrible disease known as Bright's dig.. ea,e of the kidneys, and although it was r Lie return that he h a d beenof it be a clairvoyant, on blkl riqurn front Europe, it is probable that Wa.3 tIP , cam.e of hie death. The P uhuit ni general w ill regret hie lot.!, for his invention un doabtedlw conferred a great bleseing on mankind, and the poor working-woman in nartg.olar. Avon Jones. The Boys Produced in Court. AFTER BOARDS. $lOOO U ill 'Bls reg 11014 53 eh 13th & 15th flt R 8000 do 05 in 11014 lota 103.. f, 2800 City 68 new ~.4 10194, 61 eh Lehigh VaIR 2ono Cam &Am 06 'B9 98 1 / 2 1, lots opg 55 1000 Pittob'g Os s 5 704' -72 eh do C&P 55 2500 Elmira 7s 62 2 eh Phil & Tren R 20 oh Leh Nov stk 40',, , ,l sOwn 12434 soh do 2da .10,1 01,oli Permit R Ito c 52,4 2:15 O'Clock.. • From the above we deduce thil oN•r; Deane. FA, it, that Oak Hatt has ALT. the adranta f pw hone. city, ant, other clotatng TnE s lestabtishtnent in the and, idaddit c! ie..7--.a . Thre.torrrovyew ity :roma» , 'rtte7. the,prelera ieneratzon; fully in sympathy with the tastes (tithe day. 2d.—An insight into the 'WANTS Or VIE TEOPLE, aril an F.:in:En:mu to meet those. wants; which in seven years has placed Oak Hall in a position not always attained in an experience of ticen , fp» re gears. Stl.—d Building BEI TF.T: LOnATETP, BETTEE LIGHTED, BETTE n ADLPTEI, and newer in all its appoint ments. 4/h.—Workmen, especially Cutters, who arc not only from among the best and most experienced, but are artists in their profession, anti couple with good work a STYLIFIINEI6B in which Phi ladelphia Tailoring has been parCettlarkft thyZ dent. rE" j.l the liberal patronage trial. whida tee hare been favored that hao enabled ?Di to otter the4e UN P . A.P.- ALLEEED AlovANTA , ;ts, and thio patronage, ,tt,ntina•ol alai extended will. ,V LTI PLY adrantagee, Lhich we lii Vtl L' I ,fr'weenowr C Tidower.; and ourseive3. NEW CROP TEAS. Finest Quality Oolong, English Breakfast, Chulan, rare flavored; Imperial, Young Hylton and Japanese Teas, AT PRICES ÜBLATLY REDUCED. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE S. W. Corner Broad and Walnut. Echl-tm.lv-tfrt. MARKET - 4' 4 4 ( k ; . • Idagniilcent Lyons Silk Velvets. All the good widths these, rich. real FIIENGI.I SILK AND \YOBS' ED FRENCH POPLIN?, In golden browse, 'garnets, inoclue, gNeue, RIBBED POPLINS. Ottoman Velours, Browns. Golden Browne, Ambers, Greens, Modes, Garnets, Plues, Ow. PLAID POPLINS. Elegant extra large Plaids. New Stylish Combinations. Silk-faced Plaids for Misses. Low priced Wool Plaids. BLACK POPLINS. All the, grades, IR 00 to it 2 80. Black oplin Alpacas, 75. 86. and $1 00. Fine stock Black Press Goods. SHAWL ROOM. Falsity Long and Squat e Shawls. Elegant It oche Long Shawls. Lupin's lib rk Thilno Shawls.l - Woolen Shawls, finest stock ever offered. CLOAKINGS. All the new Plaid Cloakings. All the now Scanlon and fancies. CLOAKS Of all the new Styles. Ready-made or made to order; 14114vXmArl FIXTURE B.—MiIiBITY, kliatitlGE I_T Thackara,No. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, amps t die., die., would call the attention of the public to • their large ' and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants. Brackets, die. They also introduce gas-pipes Into dwellings and' public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gaol:41)(w, All work warranted, FOURTH EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST BY THE CABLE Garibaldi Addresses His Followers HE URGES AN ATTACK ON ROME Rumored Defeat of the Papal Troops. TUE NATIONAL RANK SYSTEM. LoNnox, Oct. i, Midnight.—Garibaldi has issued an address urging all his followers to go to Rome. It is said the. Papal troops have been beaten at -Bagnarea. A Garlbaldian meeting has been held in Turin. layEnroor., Oct. Evening.—Cheese,, 52e. ticl. FRANKFM:T, Oct. I, Evening.-.--U. S. Five twenties closed at 7431. The National Banks*. NEW YORK, Oct. 4th:—The Expree.4'l special Washington despatch says: "An effort will be made to amend the National Bank Law so as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury and the cl Comptroller of the Curren ' to demand a bank statement for any week duet g the quarter, and not at the end of a quarter, now. Finanaal and Commercial News from " New. York. : ; ,; • , Nrw Yong. Oet.s.—Stneka 'strobe, ehiengo and nor*. bland, 102,k,: lieading. 101;'i ; Canton f 4- 1 ,,; Erie, 'l5 ; Cleveland and T01ed0.12.8; Cleveland and l'ittaburgh.7W , Pittsburgh and Fort - Wayne, 1(51; Michigan Central, 1003; ;Miehiga» Southern, 81: Ne* York Central.l2os; Minot"' I•entrl,l22; Cumberland Preferred, 31; Virgirtia. 6 , , 48; 144,5.4; lindson River, 129i4; Five-twenticH, IF. A ;2, 112; 112. 1864, 1161'. : ; du., 1965, 109',; Seven-thirgi , m, 100; Ten.fortie , , Ion; Sterling ,E7. - rhange, 109,'„i; Money, 7 per rent.- Gold, 144.7 i. Cotton nt 20e. Flour P.m; 12,000 hbP. cold State, flUoi.ll 2.5; Ohio. *lO 70011370; Weetern, *5 904'43 90; Southern. 510 50 , i51.1 75; California, *ll 50(&13 00. Wheat en pier ; 40.0u0 colt; Spring. :;3 (it 2 . 40; White Cali fornia, 4.:1, Corn firmer; V.OOO bee. cold; Mixed We ,, torn, *13336@1 34. Onto firmer; 1 , 30.000 lee. eold; Ohio, 7 , :;Xe. 11 , ef quiet. Pork dull; New M. - i!P,*2.l 62!A23 75. Lard quiet, at 14'i@l-l!,r. T liE FACTS AS THEY ACE n 1561 to Tn ,l ' SI PROT r . ..! E th, (t,z »lake oI Rrat .>ZI, i(1,:1 Cunt , t, (10 lb' 01 , 1 itL o.i orer !Fur, that the en!, ! , ha btt. , ±).2 , twin lyf b,ff, 010 te,tati ti I, tit re r‘t / . 1010. , No , I old , " ho , (Ric ri to I , nra itAT TI E 11 - j,at rt. \• I, .te:// tr,,t , :tut h y What +hay or, hawl, I , :kt: the t4'l/ciP.', i. , k. , .3 to ',l,ll;l'nwet Thc. 1:0 neer/ py is 4/: 1,;..-T AI) PTEI , for eiau in P! adit. ("tt,ffyid, r, con tchat 'NI! (Jr , : blvrfn; , , Olt lit , , 140 %aro , i.rt a,?ri . if Zn6r Wi /4 th,rth fr , •l, ail r0;,4. ,l ;;!a far teo• for 1,00014 than a el t :ri: Loki , 4,•• '. ,, v thql, our ie.' arc ann,,ther hrot , e is Phila- • do (t, h,•,,,, we hare to bau . larfp'r awlao fp.t P :tee I,U1 , U r oee (N IV , 10 ALTni;IITHEIt I 1 4 , 1 . , 4; rheupe.st, to; mit ',ELL uffamm I ;re C 1 0, 1!, ., 1: 1 i 1 11^.1". every iJud , ut* goads Gi that ??do MI( E.:tabit4dittult, ,w'ar,l-t -'"'"'" ally ./ ail iutporteet, inoth-,7aten an , ./ le,ultrjatyl , 4. ;flu; time, tra,O2d over the .ito , k-o ; a dozen xloirB cAI. lasvven, for I t ud.: ) . I; teat rINE Tt0.../. Ire oiler . 1;1. an a , qorlo , eut Saeinp. % equal in variety and extent n) that er:ebrac,:d I,.by a ...core of the ctrdinary hoihiee. I We hare i 0) hawbr emphiyed is the Ihift nvaetw re of Chlth ' echo • are coin. Frenh 4aatly inahina up /pd.: to take the fatter ems' (..votts,. : that flatly 401; thin gire4 our cyhthmer4 NEW t/Unltl to make: Bcleetionn • "row in an ttnnii),latted Piet that thin Depart ! ment (a taw Hat!. on our .4eehartilpora runt- Cmitora I invoil Minor rt.) ha,+ ilothillej in Ph ilada. za Depart- Eqr %T. if. We hare ire'rWcone)mtrateti the hext Themt.si 11 ,1 troriallaii,hidl, a ail rho, who pre) er Cfrd hin ad e! to hr. er real'!/ have wican • - tilge , i they do not reeeire elsewhere. DEDI cTIoN!,. A Hlit to Oak tdl/ rr.ovt ez:ery face abo fated. WANANIAKT:II & BROWN, OAIC HALL, POPULAR. CLOTIIIN.i HOU6T, THE (Or-NKR:ISW SIXTH AND M.A.DIEET 3:15 O'Clook.ol Velia,veit! Wehaveit! Is delightfully perfumed DRUGGIS T, No, 594 Broadwah New Vork, :AND 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price, 50 cents Per bottle. Sent by expreee to any ad dreee. IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT I IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT Ie the naive cf a delightful preparation for eletuneing,p ecriing and beautifying the TEETH. artd an e - vjuieite fragrance to the breathq IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! Ie a Towdc: and waph combined; all that id necce,fary i to khako tho bottle. I VE I 9P • I lIA.V IP! 11-LA:V _U. ! la a preparation that has long been ought. It le no alcpholic, nor does it contain a single ingredio that ie not beneficial to the Teeth and Game. IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! PREPARED ONLY BY H. T. HELMBO.LD, DRUGGIST, No. 694. Etroa,d-vvay, NEST METROPOLITAN HOTEL, AND 104 S. Tenth Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE WEHAVEIT! WEITAVEIT! WEHAVEIT WEITAYEIT ! WEHAVEIT I WEHAVEIT ! WEHAVEIT! WEHAVEIT le the name of a preparation, that positively makee t Hair grow El 9E.A.VITA ' F r! po'eitively remoires ditmiruff. WIE o ita natural color WEITA:Vi-E - 19C° IS NOT A DYE. itH application in a real pleawlre N - 1 7 A.-VEIT' a cooling and beneficial to the head WE IHE A.V.E4 This name wafradopted from the fact that it is the only article Byer known to stimulate, a healthy - condition of fun Pculp, and to actually produce a new Growth of flair. Tilo proprietor has expeamented with all the articles offered to the public for then purpoeeo, and find• that they 'cloae up the pores of the ,calp. and thus prevent, rather than promote, the growth of the flair. WELT A.VEI7En a offered with the gr . eatest confidence. IVB iB PREPARED ONLY 137 IL T. HELMBOLD, positively restores the Hair FIFTH 'EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST C,A.BLE NEWS: RUMORS OF A FENIAN ATrACKs Financial and Commercial Quotationi• Latest by Atlantic Cable. LONDON, October sth, Noon.—There' were apprehensions last night of a Fenian attack on one of the armories, but by a proper disposition of troops, and other measures, the design was ; not carried out, if it even was intended to have been. , U. S. Five-twenties Erie Illinois Central Other securities unchanged Lt vEnroor, Oct. sth.—This being a holiday, there is no cotton market. Breadstuffs are steady. Beef declined to. 1325. (.Id., and cheese to 525. Tallow, 458. Bacon, Ile. Other markets un changed. FALL OPENING. LATEST NOVELTIES FROM THE PARIS EXPOSIION TABLE COVERS, EXQUISITELYMOUGHTEIN NEEDLEWORK. STRIPED TERRYS. . CRDISONS. GREENS, p rIO : ; WITH GOLD LAND Designs entirely new, and belicacd to be =clog the most beautiful yct imported. • REPS, Infpure, solid colors, and of special qmlitY. SILK TERRY§ • D.iI;COLORSiOntiNUSLLILL" BRILLIANCY. I. E.' WALRAVENI MASONIC HALL, . 719 Chestnut Street. T ECENTRAL PACIFIC R.R. THE WESTERN HALF OF THE Great National Trunk Line Across that. . CONTINENT Being constructed with the AIDAND SUPERVISBAI OP 'MYUNITED STATES GO_VERNISEENT, ia deetinettto be one of the MORT IMPORTANT AND VALEUUIVERAILROLDS IN THE WORT.I). Milt is the sole link of communication be tween the Pacific Coast and the Great Interior Bashi, and the PRINCIPAL PORTION OF THE MAIN STEM LINE BETWEEN THE TWO OCEANS.—The present western terminus is at Sacramento, on the navigable waters of the Pacific' but it will ultimately extend from San Francisco . across the richest and most populous parts of California. Nevada and Utah. contiguous to all the great Mining Re- ' glens of the Far West. The Company are authorized to continue their line eastward until it shall meet and eon-. meet with the roads now building east of the Rocky Mountain ranges. . Assuming that they will build and control half the entire distance between San Francisco and the Missouri river. as now seems probable, the United States will have in vested in the completion of 865 miles $28,593.000, or at the average rate of 05,000 per mile—not including an abso lute grant of 10,000,000 acres of the Public Lands. By becoming a joint investor in the magnificent enterprise. and by waiving its first lien in favor of the First Mortgage Bondholders, run GENERAL GOVERNMENT, IN REFECIT, lEN.IYITER THEPR CO-OPERATION OP PRIVATE C'APITALTEMB, an d ' has carefully guarded their interests against all odium/ contingencies. The Central Pacific Railroad enjoys all the privileges: grunts and subsidies conferred by the Acts of Congress upon the other parts of the through line, and has, in addi tion, several special, exclusive a dvantages applicable only to the Western Half. I. The Company has received from the State and, chief eities - of California, assistance in .numen, credit mug valuable pro pert worth over $3.000,1100 in gold, inn dition to the full benefit of the Government subsidy. 11. The hardest and costliest pact of its conatruetion has be. n succeasf unt overcome within the first 150 miles. In a few weeks t he track will be completed entirely acre's the Sigma Nevada., after which progress to Salt Lake will be easy and rapid. 111. 'The local business alone of this road establises its complete tinanci P 1 success, independently of the vast through traffic which must pans over it. Tim gross earnings for the months of June and July, upon the 94 mires then open for business, vvere• nee:lards of tt $297,000 in gold; of which ferjeftha were net earn ings IV. It can have no competition, but will carry, beside its own lucrative local traffic, the whole volume of through business which is shared aniong its Eastern connections and their branches. V. The road lies wholly in territory yielding the Preelolle metals, am/ its revenues are collected in coin. Its rates for transportation are very. advantageous, being more than three timee these of roads lying Mit of it; and the ratio of operating expenses . less than 55 per cent. of the groasearni and. VI. In consequence of the aid it receives from theta en. era! Government, from the State of California, am! , from municipal corporations, the annual Interest ob ligations which the. Company are called upon to as sume are very light. 'Me net earnings upon an av erage of about 75 miles, in 1066, were nearly threat times the MP own' ctf annual interest liabilities to be • clammed in Guild i»g it, and were $23.5.000. more than • the annual interest , on the entire amount of Fleet _.: Mortgage Gonda which tio:Coitkpany . can issue twos the first The miles. The. Company, oiler, for, Side..6lollol. Mortgage, 'Thirty Year,. Six Per , Cent. Coupon nands. Principal and Interest payable in gold coin, in New York city ahoy are in nuns of *IOU each, with sembannurut gold coupons attached, and are selling fur the pteeent at •115 per cent. and accrued interest from July let added, in '- currency, at which rate they yield nearly Nine per Celli. upon the Investment •Tbese Bonds, au thorized by Act of I:engross. are issued only as the work progresses, sod to the same amount only as the:Bonds granted by the Government; and represent, in all cases, . Brig:rat lien upon a completed equipped. and productive railroad, in which have been Invested Government sub sidles, stock subscriptions, donations, surplus earnings are.. and which is worth more than three times the amount; of First Mortgage Benda which can bo issued upon it. The agreement of this Company to pay principal and in terest of their Bonds in rain , being made under the Spe cie , Contract Law of .Califernia. authorizing and en forcing contracts to pair -gold, is binding, un li ke ti similar agreements ne by rompaniee in States where no sie•lalegislative sanction exists. In these important particulars the Securities of the Con , trai Pacific Company 0/fee en unused/ degree of diibility and profit cow bins,'. • TRE AI4II2TtIAgE, BO!: Ob" 1111.6 COMPANY are destined to occupy a prominent place among FIRST CLASS SECURITIES in the money imerkida of this • country and Europe, and will, without doubt, be cegerly sought for and anxiously dealt In hereafter,, rates ma materially advance of the price at which they are now offered. • Slaving carefully investigated the re6Ourcad, p.rootrest. and prospects of the amid. end the managerneu of the , sse Company's affairs, we cordially recommend these Hondo to Trustees, Executors, Institutions, and others as an emi nently aound, reliable and remunerative. forni of perma nent 171 vestment. Conversions of Government Se curities into Central Pa aboutirst Mortga ds now realize for the hoidens • Twelve Per C o ntradvantage, with the aame rate of interest. For sale by Banks and Rankers generally, of. who Sc-. ectiptive Pamphlets amt Maps can he obtained, and by FISK & II ATCH, • - Bankers and Defilers. in Government Securities, and. Ft. =ne w Agents of the o.l'. R. R. Co., ' No: 5 Nassau street, N. Y. 13 OWEN Si FOX, Special Agtet. • 13 i fferch ant Exchange, . THOS. 'A. BIDDLE & CO„ T(YWNSEND, WHELAN & CO.. C, J. VERICI S & CO. GLENDENNING,& DAVIS. KURTZ A: HOWARD, Philo.delphia. N.B.—All kinds of Government Securities Bought - and Sold; Deposita and Accounts of Banks, Bankers and oth • received on favorable tonna aulas ISt tspo 141 E UAL PRITNE O . 2 IO CASES 71b. CANISTERS, high grade, French Imperial Prune& landlog and for Belo by JOIMIII B. BUSEER 6 CO., 108 South belawnre Avenue. ' ALNUTS AND ALMONDS.—NEW CROP -- OlTr. V V noble Walnuts and Paper Shell Almonds. for saintly J. B BUSSIER &CO.. IDS South Delaware avenue UITI CASTILE SOAP.--100 BOXES GENUINE 11 Whit e o ke tli e s oa p, landing from Brig Pettuny_yl nit", from Genoa. and for oalo by JOS. B. BUSSIBE.4 CO., 103 South Delaware avenue. /'CROWN DRAND LAYER RAISINR. —. WHOLES‘ 4...) halves and quarter bozo, of tbls splendid fruit, land. lug and for sale by JOB. B. BUSKER & CO., 108 lioutla Delaware avenue, 4:15 O'Olook