Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 02, 1867, Image 5
BAliatOAD ACCIDIENT. Collision on the Morrie. and I AnMond—One Man Killed. Monday afternoon the ma)! train on the Morris and Esscz Railroad, which left the New York terminus at :3.30 o'clock. came in collision with a coal-train CM a curve n little. east - of Chatham, causing the death of ItoblOsborne, a brakesman. A passenger ,on the mail train .states that at the time of the accident a a train of empty coal car was s s backing down upon upon which It is th practice to ran both empty and loaded cool cars. The shock given to the mall train occasioned great excite/avid among the passengers, aud after re covering froth their fright they immediately set in work 10 nseertain the ex;ent of the injury. The engine of. the train was found to be con siderably damage Mail d, as was also the bag gage eur, , which crushed its way through the tender. L tider the th'bri. , Robert Osborne.a brakes man, was discovered with both legs ' fearfully mangled. Au engine was at once despatched to Madison for medical aid, and returned as soon as possible with Drs. Gray and Vanvagan. On ex amining Osborne, they pronounced him past as sistance. The injured loan expired at 11 o'clock on Monday night. Thomas Keenan, the engi neer of the mail train, says he did not see the flag. Keenan was arrested, and lodged in the Morristown jail. A report that some of the pas sengers were injured was not confirmed at the office of the Compny. The matter, it is stated, will be thoroughly investigated. St%!nave Still •r—No Funds —No Trade. Fighting. Fora AT, rEnicE. .p by way of HAvANA, Oct. 1, 1867.—Salunve's position is becoming daily more,dangerous, and the recent insurrec tions are attributed to the machinations of Cabral. Salnave is reported to be favoring the schemes of Baez at Pdrt au Prince. The •Concordat is. an noying the government very much, as thelatter is unable to support the clergy. All commerce is paralyzed; no products what ever are arriving, and some vessels have been. tying here since June. Currency has fallen to the rate of forty Havtien dollars for one Spanish. CITY NOTICES. Tun GREAT AMERICAN Comnix,VrioN BurroN um.r, ' EItSEAMINC , ANI , FF. MAoumr.. What does it combine? All that is de -s:rabic in that kind of mechan%m: It com bines two beautifully constructed machines sn unc, making with equal lacility 'and perfection the Button-hole and Oversenming stitch, and doing n il other kinds of new iug with a beautiful Lock-stitch. It combines simplieiiy sOth certainty in its move ments, easily manrezcd, and rarely missing a stitch under any eircommuces. It combines the useful with the ngreeable—eininently. useful in the great variety of work it still do,, and most agreeable in the manner ofits performance. If you would see it. call at the konthwest corner of Eleventh and Clie,tnut :Areas. TRH GOLD MEDAL. RANta:.—To-day, in making our annual autumnal visit to the various stove and range manufactories for which Ph:ladt.lilibia has long Lcon.noted, wo called at the extensive establishment er. Mr. J. S. Clark, No. lOofs Market street, above Tenth. Last autumn we called at Mr. Clark's com modious and attractive Sak eroolu, and examined.wit attention and satisfaction his newly invented Gr Medal Ilot-Air Cooking Range, which was rap' coming in:o successfu To-dpy we were gre to learn that this justly celebrated range has et parsaed its progressive and popular career mitt attained a higher degree of public favor than 'range yet introduced. Mr. Clark now daily sells a large number Medal Ranges., which. .lycing perfect and their construction and operation, all w bestow upon them the higheq coalmen facturers of other kinds of ranges Clark the Gold Medal gauge for their The great and leading merits of justly popular range are its plain meat, cons enience of manageme' ration, end its. great CCOLOmy p fuel. While perfectly pc•rforn asses of cooking and baking, above and heat the water for Mr. Clark sells the Got' guarantee ,hat it is as • Manufacturer and dealer honorab!c• reputation cir ldehly important eon. this superior• and veld We respv.tfally rer and others to call al dive establi,hment i r:u idly se tie_ tb as to enable tie excellent and practical arrange - - perfection of ope- . the ,consumption of ng the important pro t will heat two rooms bath-room. Medal ltaMT with the iepresented, which, from a ho has maintained a strictly mg the last thirty years, is a iteration to the purchasers of /,rated range. - ommeud honsekeepers,merchants Mr. Clark's extuniVe and attrac- /No. 'MIS Market street, where he is Gold Medai liahg , : at prices so luw pm - claw who )% ish to obtaiu the best d to the polite. 2. - ir.g.: yet off.:ri Capt..: Caps: Cnp, : • C , Afords!, 01,1durcis: hentnut etr el. noi , y 1.::so•A mean George • the r,r , wacci sc.nrcelloner, at :No. 1i Carcic n t. Ilit.l3tca-lfl.niti, Caramel., ( athl l}(.. are dc-er: effly lu the high,. t wlth f.ll clatster. For Lemon., Bah- Datc.. etc.. this r-jtc.t. the place. Gr. 6 kk: liARLn'.- Highest Preniitira Sewing hif.cLias, C1IQ:=1.T1'111-trcut. 8rr,0 , .: Co..- Iskw and Elegnnt Restaurant na0.1)11,1:r4 No. in Furn,t 1 , st! , :•et, are :e-or; for , r .t.tit!..111(.2i tiCriCiollti all the ilentaf.'l thf. --! laps! Cap.: Cap-. Oak:bal.! flakl,rllE: Oak fufd Cl ,e;nut :-1 F.:lsr. ,treet:treats Cancers and t;:.1.7: unparalk;ed ;:acceti , ,, by a Cana': l!t mah.F.t. JeNr-s'• t:35 Duck Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Ll.rktn the European plan. Meals from 6 A. N. to IL' P. 'Y. lodging for gueet.t3". Bor_se open r,ll eta. per night. JOEN B. (4,, illlecture Horticultural Hall, Ottebert , tli nod loch. "Pt 1 tl. yOur Slove4 before election," and not after, if yea vorici. NV . l'4l to 1 0111fott:Ibio a:A if cc•lnfortable out-doors at this rea , on, Lay u. fall ermat att Charle , , Stokci.. & 'to:, 11M-ell:.fr,_Cluthli.7 buds: the Ccailuenfal Lutri.. HA JfATsr. : Clips! 4..a16 krde : Oaldu7d,: Oakikirdi! Chtst.,:a rtre , ,t. SCt DEAFN7,49, ISLLND.74:B AND tP.M.— J. M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the ntrno:,t , stiCeeSs. Testimouia:s from the most reliable cuirces in the city can be seen at his office, No. ELC O S Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac comparay te2 1 , 4*.". , :nt. , ,, as he has no secrets in hie practice. Ara:fir:l eyes it:se:led. No charge made tor examal....atio:a. LSll..\(:: B. EVANS, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, Naval Stores and Soaps, No. 1C North Delaware avenue, Philada c..:?."11 ,11; INDIA RUBBER•GOODS No. 708 Chestnut Street. triALLIA.erUttLES itGi.:‘C Vl:dean-teed Machine Belting , Stearn Parking, Car thew, lime. Boot., blItK.-t. V ulcatat e Jewelry, Druggists and Stationt•Om articlef., tuld every detT - Hption of Rubber Gonda, Viticla*alf , Pa-tatl, at luaq-At- f actory ortrao. Alto, at reduced L.Adt(it STUCK OF L.:A'llt?L'it EIC HARD LEVIC K. FMAERI WEAVER & co. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY piOW lli FULL OPERATION, hurl No. LE IL WATER and N. DEL avenue 1.29N1/13 BOSTON AND 'TRENTON BifiBUIT.—TIIE tri , d6 buttplit.d.wilb Ilcurl'e Butter. Crettm, Diilk, (lye,. 'ear and Ecalli,,wit. Ak , o, Vievd d Ttiorn'd relebraied Tivo44; and Whip Bircuit. by JO, B. 8Ut3.11..1.: al Co., Uot GROCERIES, LIQUORS. &O. NEW CROP TEAS. Finest Quality Oolong, English 'Breakfast, Chnlan, rsre flavored; Imperial, Young Dyson and JapaUCSC Teas, SIMON. COLTON dr CLARKE, S. W. Corner Broad and Walnut. mht.t,m.w•tfry 11A.11,461-A.INS IN LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES; AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Of the Newest Fabrics, Designs, and Qualities. PIANO - TABLt '''COVERB; HOUSE-FUMISLUNG LINENS, QUILTS, &0., C. M. STOUT & CO., 1106 Chestnut Street mvl-wfm lyro EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, NO. 612- - CHESTNUT -STRET. S. E. caner Seventh and Chestnut Sts, 1198 lin S ♦ FALL St Y LES Plain and Trail 11..1, 6.k irtA, 2. L". l , :2'( and U path wind of every length and shape, t.:r and a cone t. to :Lse , rtment and Children', kiris. from ti 045 springs, from :0 to :33 inch,,! long. :in of • . ol; it OWN MAKE."- superior 'in styli-, Mush .Ittrahilitv, and e rally the cheap, :i.nd Most ,+ati3factory Hoe.) Skirts fu the merican market. Warranted in es cry respect. Skirts made Is, ord,r, altered and repaired. t:AI'TION.—On-ing to the unprecedented reputation which "Our Own .Make" of Skirts have attained, some derden are endeavoring to put a very inferior skirt upon their enAomerS by representing them to be "Iloakines own blake.” 1:e nut de,ired. "Our Make" are stamped on each tab. "W. F. llopkins,..Thmufaltura, No. tUI Arch street, l',ltiladelphia," and also have the letter H. woven in the tapes betv.cen ea.-11 spring. Also, dealer in New Y.ork made Skirts, at very low prices, wholesale and retail. . Send for catalogue of styles and prices. at. No. 0.26 Arch :dreet, Philada. \x - 11..'1'.HOPKINS NEW FALL SKIM It has 13 other 1' his Gold 'Miicient in fo use theta iti one. Munu rtirchase of 31r. customers. 11111F-f,m,w,lyrp Manufactured and for g.nle by SHAW A: fd , i ARCH and ]L3 North NINTH gtrcet, The Patcnt Cla-p NEW STYLE Skil:TS, lnanufae,. tnrcd by us, arc :icknowlcdc.od. I , v the Ladies t be the rient,t,mwt. comfortable and durchle Hoop Skirt made. Thov arc ...nporior to all other-1, being nit' de of OLIC piece of tlir-bc,t patent glazed EngliAl Stec% without any f:,:.ten. flip: the tapc , are ceenrely held by nit pptnt. chtep?.. Skirts altered into the tmly tasltlonahl rl ej ec.. Ablrt Skirt., :lad Correll !undo to order. • Wcrley',. and otirr4 2IW Ice: , of French C.,. , r0.1 - 4 for=ay. se224mw.l.lyrn; TT OOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS.-51RS. E. it BAYLES No, fill Vine street, is now manufactur ing all the varieties of Hoop Shits, Corsets, &c. She has also the Real French Cumin of uow styles. Hoop Skirts altered and repairod. inti2ritt rpti 17111:1:1: PLEA: 4 ANT 110031 S To RENT, VITII Ilt.ard :t orivato lamily, at 11.21 Spruce et. TO I.lll'--A I) TOWS otTruE, Ft ILMS111:1), Ni,A I , cdromn, with I,r,iitlivir priviitc fa:oily. Apply lit Are, Sontli liictlsl7l..tropt. oc 9 , 0 v() coMMI'NP A'CIN Roo:MS, Willl t hoard, in x pYiv ate South TNN'ellth rtie t, pc I:it' - 1()A11)ING F9l: L AND (:ENTLEMEN AT .1.-1 M re. GrAtvcnvtin,' , , Gerniantwom. titl; rpm GliANNsomu H.E.iIDENCE, NO. ;;o1 S. E1.011T.11 street, corner of Sproce, Li now upon to receive borrdure; tingle ruunol and Etlit...4; private to.`alo if do- Fired. -e7-11n• 11)1: S.\ IX. (I: STl: l .l' I', S I. 01:NElt of :t, ~ t ry I • 1..1.-toi , v,ith imilding , , complete or2-‘.N.1.10,Et. CL Vialnnt 1()P, SA I.E - 11:k 17S0:111.; tl,l,;••tiry 164: rate ,tcrt,:tcet front, int EIOII, ,J. MAI; or nl. lValnur treef. tt AME:i A. .112:E.M.N, 1 , 1 No. ;,.2. - WALNUT vtroet. FALL SALL 'ol' 111:AL ES'VATE--UC.l'. 'Chi. Sale on I:SDA Y. at t.; noon, at tho ENclisnwe, will include thi• 1) \ ELLIN' ST., -TIE bri( 1; :2214 :121 . rncl, 1I voch. 15111 tic eold Hlnitafelv. P , e, itICIIMO;:D S'l'-'FI, , it t lict•t coot yard and mill. Lido 1:01 1,, Dlt I. , et to (;:inneir , 111.11. :-4e, ..:1•L .Infi r..ut. Or pluttlx,' Court Mat:- abtt ~, S. 1111111) Sl'—:\ I thr , •(:- tory brick r0.4.1.-ne,, .4.1.-ne,, Spruce rt.: lot IS I.) Ni feet. C1..:1 r. Trn.- Sttil.. ..;11!1.,TOWN LAN o salaaole tr,:.ett of land in tlic24lll .77 "...icr,);.ir.ll (4 I.,fil. , irit to t,e,t,•,1 by Pike an.l zerne ' and 1:. I! and Tliev . are Slinpo,r2,l contain a larg. quantity of Uricchly. Will be told ,parately. Phin at store. ( eked. No. :•31 14T—A three-rvo y brim k tavern mtand and lot, 17claw. Ch• C , ,urt tate (i John No. 437 FliANkl.l,..; ST—.\ fl - ante house, be low Noble -.t., lot 1S 1,. Lal. Sqb) ,, et to $27 ground rent. Or, , h(frm.S' Co If r ' SR) , dlll2 Li t4Ltr. No. 1151 S. ST--A three t o y oiling, 1,, Ell-It,llll I , t- 10 by 61 , .. Sabj , et tV $l.l. ground rod. Corp/142,14' (Autt E.dvre. No ELLSNYURTIL Si-A thro—tory brick house, oit .s i• Ninth sl ; lot 18 by 02 I t. S:thie,T to a. mortgage cf ti.0.(11. Orphun. , : , „, No. P.:i:;s S. FIFTH r 4 T--The 1 , ,r( in ri Ftt.i b brick it. l " 81 1 4 !Ott loin iv . or lot 14 by ;.' , l 4 3 , j . feet. Clone. phans' Court Instate. SALE ON TIIF. PltEMlSlit , . Vs TARE COUNTY, 01"1111:ItSDAV Oct. 10, 1.67, at 3:6 o'clock. n dc-Frald• ,nl4ll f thirty acre-, with the iwpi ovvioent,, on the Oarrctinrd Tornioke road, in upi.o.Darhy, Ihd..ware ..onnty. mike from Market titrect Bridge. The rituation \Veil }catered and f,stp,d.• ined at any tune. Lceeutt,rs' a-I% 4 We bo Pco.. It, LEA & PERRINS' 'WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED BY Connoisseurs "ONLY GOOD SAUCE" ANDILITLIOLLILE TO AI EVERY VARIETY , - Ros-imrF4 The anccess of this most delicious and nntivaled condi. meat having caused many unprincipled dealers to apply the name to Spurious Convound4, the Punta° is rawer , ;rutty and carnentty requested to ace that the names of LEA & PERRINfd itre upon the WRAPPER. LABEL. kiTOPPER and BOTTLE. Manufactured by oel7wbslyBp THE DAILY EVENING , BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 2, 1867. AT PRICES GREATLY REDUCED LACE CURTAINS. And a full line of At the Lowest Prices Just received, a large etock off CHOICE FALL GOODS. WILL ,3IOVE OCTOBER 15r TO HOOF SKIRTS. THE PATENT CLASP HOOP SKIRT, IS oAlt D *NG. A~;t;'a'Bd6.~i SAl~ea: CEI4I , ,DItA'TED MEDICAL AN AN GENTLE EITEEI Ok i a MADRAS, to lLia Waller at *l ll4 4 Q.—, w . OII43I:STER. play,lft 4 PeLI LEA (ft TUNS that their . e . " SAUCE 18 highly es. teemed in India, and Is, tinny opinlon.the moat • • palatable as well as the. Jill oat wholesome . SAUCE that LI malW DISH. LEA & PERRINO. Worcester; JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, NEW YORK: 1867. 500 : Pieces J, Crossley & Sons' Patent Tapestry Carpets. F & E. B. ORN.t J. F. NO. 904 .C.FEESTINTLIT STREET, 50 SHEETS ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. eel sut w seu Y s phi `sea:* au); t 1 130 N L 1.711, THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, eNos, I and 3 N. Sixth Street, Particular attention given to the man ufacture of Fine Shirts, Collars, &0., warranted to give satisfaction. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VERY• BEST Q., 15 A. LA I r r Y . EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JAMES 8► EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, A. S. ROBINSON,' 010 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, Engravings, and Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frame.. e C d Wlg i u l l2nl EEbonyFram s ON HAND MAUL TO ORDERI EXTRACT of a Letter ftom a SECOND STORY AND BASEMENT, S. E. COB.' CHESTINIA ANll SEVENTH STS. n °ming-Machine, Fireproof, kc. ALO.FROM 0CT.0(3. 1 TO JAN. 12, PREMIBESi 612 CHESTNUT STREET. AddreHni ILDWALRII_I I '.-IcELLY, • selB4f rp§ 612 CHESTNUT Street. MO RENT—OFFICE IN TliE SECOND STORY Olf Grigg'o Fire Proof Building, `ll 6 Walnut otroet. AP. ply to J. W. GRIGG, 226 Walnut btreet. oeltit,rp§ •IOMD• 111. LANE CARRIAGE. BUILDER, 436 MAR&ET Street. throe squared went Poona. Railroad Depot. Went PhiLada. A large anaortmeut of superior-built Car. riages constantly on hand; all 0; Carriages of ovary do. scriPtion built tv ordor. tku7.lsr tut ;ix rp J. F. & E. B. OENE, •. •04 -. • Have NOW Open.ed: Their. FALL IMPORTATIONS. OF NEW CARPETINGS, J. F. .& E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 300 PIECES ROYAL WILTON CARPETS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NOVELTIES If FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, 500 Pieces New Styles English Brussels Carpets. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CASTNUT STREET, 250 Pieces Yard-and-a-half Wide Velvet Carpets. J. F. & E B. ORNE, ROYAL WILTON CARPETS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode; In great variety and at Moderate Price. PICTURES, .E.RABIES, 41:0. WO RENT. TO LET, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, BR USSELS CARPETS 519 Chestnut greet, 519. ANMI? STi RSA ENGLISIE OIL CLOTITS. With a view• to SELLING OFF OUR ENTIRE STOOL No. :WI) Chestnut St., CARPETINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEEDOM. & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. We are now opening a full and complete as sortment, both Foreign and Domestic, for Fall Sales. au24-3m ras CARPET/NGS, FINE CARPETINGS REDUCED PRICES, WE WILL I :01' AL WIJUI 0-NS, VELVETS, 1:1;4:ILISII 33711 SSELs TAPESSItY BIEUSSELs TH EL•PL YS, Si PER-INGP..IINs. vEN'EriANS, B111:,SSE1 S AND DA-71/01i. HALL AND . STAIR CARPETS, E EXTRA BORDERS IN IiII01:T, EVERT DESCRIPTION OF DESIRABLE CA,IIPE.TINGS;.....-- . - GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,. AT (Jul: RETAIL wARERuums, Prior to removal on lint of January next McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, 519 CHESTNUT STREET. o'.-w.l.m-‘)in BALTIMORE' IMPROVED BASE BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER I , ~i , ,„ ~, ~.,51,f a...1 , -...i.0 , - ,- ,.1.,,,i! I- WITH MAGAZINE & ILLUMINATING DOORS. The moat Cheerful end Perfect Beater In Um. To be ltad W 110104410 and Retail of J. S. CLARK, 1003 Market etreet, riglaata 405.11 VP: 1867. THE FINE HENRY S. ~HANXIS & CO 218 and 220 SOUTH FIELCIVINer SlT9EitanZirr. Who offer the same` TO THE TBADL, in Lots, on very adventegeoue Terms. Their Stock of nye IWhisities, IN BOND, comprises an the iftvor4e brand. e el. tant, and rune through the various months 0 f 1868, 1 60, and oft year, up t. P resent date. Liberal contracts made for lots to err' son Line Wharf, or at Bonded liVarehoi SPECIAL NOTICE. We are prepared to meet Purchasers of Flue FuTniture, BOTH IN STYLE AND PRICE. GEO.J.LIENKELS„LACIT & CO., cAii3lNErk MAKERS, 13th and Chestnut Streets. AVISCo. - AiUE - 13E4ES FINO • EN IHRICION. in S , n.• dr Cum t:3. COLO( ADO Sala- dc r, cibin.E , nto CCARTOS DE CAMARA. (.EO. Jo WEAK LAU Si COoo k BA NI:, rA:,, THIKTEE'N'EII AND (.• I‘LsT:.O r Specfial Card. LINE ITT:\ ITritE oN E:\ 0: IN si ITEs 01 tAII , I,TLD AND rut:Nl:on:ly AS ItiAMItEP.3 IP (.10. J. HEEELS. ACV d.' CO., cmtp,ET MAK • AN!) 011113TNUT, PtIMADELPHIA Die fehisteli liettbel arrangirt in der gatizett Etage tertig zur Ansieht, Teppich taut Cart linen einbegriffen. GEO, J, HENKELS , LACY & CO., \leul)el Fabrikant, Thirteenth and Chestnut, Phladelphia. rp' • • AVIS lI\IPOI.tTANT. ~T't NIEIJ ALES, • Li:flow t Chain 1 , 1 ,4 a CoocliPr, Arraug , .. Lour App,rt,nwati Gur711,4. et GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO.. EBENISTES, OfESTNLT sTREET. atl Coin'de A. & 11. LEJAMBRE - flare re:noved their Furniture.'and i . yholstcrinb Warerooms To • No:1103 Chestnu.t. Street, (tr : l-taire.) re7-3:rt FOUL: L 1 TTERs TO HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT DEPOT, 512 BROADWAY, N.Y. IT It( NOT . 1 ) 1. 4 .1T;i:III: WITII I ..itte IT It*o :1, It I t it,. 1%1v1'Ht31.2,1.1N - 'fi 7 t - - rAvop.. f it. owl did h..t ti.iult - cr (I,: - IA) DI witt, - , 1141 /Zsit:tit 111, I d.it::lrrdtot , it W for the IPI FFT I'l' Is rY‘`'.I.NL I I:Li r, MI A I tf...\ Mt . p. J. 111.1:1'.' , , ,1:t Apiil T 11: I Is , , El)t - THE 1..! t, and "A. A T.IS• j. CL It t• \IA( I!. L.P.EI ;y . .11,11•:. I 4 tr”. , t I I E. EH. :No. -trees, V. ITS 1:1 , 11( ACY Tli; \'l I'Ir.NT I: OF I 11,w- :alt , I 110 01 , h. v. 11,1 1 1,, 1.5 tb It it i'U 1V / r. P L 11'H I EE Ni, I III:7:S I t,.5 Ii V. 'T Idi DiMINI6IIr , % 'nd I 'll'l , l IT T EA , F: EN . 1 II 1 , , 1+,,,7, I'LL. I;EN1)1;!;. ,TirrNoTlli:.N:-'111.17 WHOLE : - '.I . ATENI. I 611. v;0 that no.' El 6t ‘lnlt Extra...r. ,nlc 11.1:A-.1N'1 con' FE. IO.1 0 :101';' am, and 711:ENkank:: , , , , THE NI:I{VI,S, and The: 11'1101,1: `,l. I. 273Nintli NI ‘S Fcb. VA% 0,67. Sold everywh , re. r..on, hikla .111 ply to 11.41', 2 alt I:xtrac:. ft.; ut.r,P2.lir.....iwtly, J(.).1-IN (3. BAK E I Z. ( 1 0., 0c2,41-,fo,,tit suLE AGENT6FOI; FENNA., PIMA „., FAI kri cr q • RHETAIATISAI. 'POSITIVELY A CERTAIN 'CURE. , NO QUACK ME nIc'.INE. NO lODINE, POTASSA, COLCHICUM OR AIILICUMX, DR. J. P. FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. Used Inwardly. Used Inwardly. A legal guarantee given, etatirm uxact quantity war ranted to cure, or money refunded. Thu only permanent Rheumatic Cure prepared bra physician in America. It 18 warranted not in jlnious. Beet Philadelphia physicians prescribe it• and cured by it. Among them Dr. Walton, L,4 -N. Seventh street. Beet lawyers and judgee mired by It. Among them. II On. Judge Lee, Camden, opposite Philadelphia. All Alderman of the city cured up it—llis Honor Alder man Comly, Twenty-third Ward. • And thon,ands of certificate. , endorm its curative power, and its discoverywas truly ft - moffern miracle, paired by Dr. ,Fitler, one of Philadelphia's' oldest regular phytAcittne. Principal °nice No. 29 South Fourth Street, Between lilarket and CheAnut. Advice anal consultations, free of charge, daily', All orders and Inquiries by mail answered. . PAPER HANGINGS. ±EW ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. cor. Tenth and Walnut streets. J., C. Finn Sc. Sons Have opened with an 'extensive assortment of Decorative and Plain Wall rapers, embracing every quality, to suit all tastes. etalm rp§ TURKEY FIGS..--:15 CASES NEW CROP. VARIOUS GO., gra dui landing and for sale by S. O, 111) - 6KER SA &nth Di:lima() ayeattv, Old Ave Miskies. LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF O D IN VILE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY FiIIItNITIJUE. &c. I , IEDICINAL. PAPER lIANGINGt9• WHISKIES ye at Pennsylvania 8.8. Depot, lErriesi es, as parties may elect. WATCHES, JEW MACY, &C• BAILEY & CO., NO. 819 .'IIESENUT SOLITAIRE DIAMONDS. CLUSTER DIAMONDS. _ SOLITAIRE DIAMONDS. CLUSTER DIAMONDS. RARE GEMS. • 13 AI 7 57 'CO., NO. El 9 CHESTNUT ST., PLIILADELPTILL . p , t. 4 m nm rp 4i3) Italian Jewelry, . ti .E.BIZAIi.ITINE MOSAICS, - 496,, From.Rotkie. to innnenn etock of CORAL JEWELRY 'DIRECT ritpm Selected and Imported by JAMES E. ALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel-f en w-tfept, ....--..- ..%)...02, 10,25• kftli -T -1. J. TAYLOR, •• i 'A I ' . JEWELER._'_ . An Meaurt ntock.eomprifins FINE WATCIIES. DIAMONDS. I:l.l.riA NT .r!.:wELRY. SILVER WARE. . PLATED WARE. • CLOCKS. OCered tit reduced prico.a. Waichee warranted tin" tWII Years. Eiilrer ware eultable for bridal preterit& WATCHES REPAIRED AND WARRANTY/9: 1028 CHESTNUT ST. g u p BY STEAMSHIP "PERSIA." NOW OPLNING, MUSICAL BOXES AND . MUSICAL TAILES, Direct frew Ceneva, Made el pre:tly for acd imiAte4 by JAMES E. CALDWELL .tt C 0.,. 822 CHESTNUT STREET. febt.mw-tire: Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, • Patentee of the Mil and Cabe pattern?, manufactures every description of tine Std:ItIANG siLvEnwastE. and offer? for sale, whch :.ale and retail, a choice assort merit of rich and beautiful goods of new styles at low • NITM. E. HARPITR, Chronometer and Virateh.malker, Respectfully Informs lib friends and customers that be has removed from over Messrs. Bailey .tr. Co.'s, 819 Cheri• nut street, to 407 Chestnut Street, Where ho intends to keep on hand a supply of find quality Watches,Chronomotor9,Clocks, Ladies , and Gents' Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, dm. Chronometers rated by Solar and Siderial Transits. Especial attention given to repairing Watches. 1312341 m rp BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. &J. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, l‘lauttfacturef. ,, of VENETIAN BLIIYDS WINDOW SHADES. LnlgeHt aud NINA amrtment in the city, at the lowest yricce. ltcyatiritia prouiptly e•trieleil to. Store LihadeB made:llA] lettered. ec2s-tfro§ CHARLES L. HALE, Gate Salennan and Superintendent for B. J. William NO. 831 ARCH STREET , IIITA.I 4 i U A 4.liVAßl:li OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. tr rn _ CIROWN BRAND IAYUI INlfojir,s halvoß I,( [As splendid frilt, land jug and for Wile by di)?::. t; ,t, CQ,; Belawnre olri• to aeni it&u. frat 74