Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 02, 1867, Image 4
POLITICAL. • Republican Meeting. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Repub ...lireans. w.aa held last evening at the corner of Broad and Pariiih-Streers:-,--I:twas-more.esPer; daily intended for the citizens of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Twentieth Wards, Who turned out cn mase „ 11, W. Gray, Esq., was selected as President, and on taking the chair made some pertinent remarks. The following gentlemen were chosen to the positions named-'--17ice Presi deart:—.3less.re. George W. 11111, Edward D. Stokes, William Mann, James Neal, John Johnson, Watson De Puy. Martin MAtf, - Colonel W. B. Thomasilenry D. Moore, Charles Boeder, James Palmer, Henry Hichock, John T. Bailey, Robert Merchant, A. C. Roberts, William Warniek and . Joseph Chapman. Secretaries--Messrs. A. Frederick. H. C. Stites, Samuel Bain, John Hawkins, A. D. Irvin. Samuel Ward and Edward Leighton. A fine brass band'was on the platform and dis coursed appropriate music. William B. Mann, Esq„ was first introduced, 'and mode a sterling and stirring speech, in which he woe greatly applauded. lie referred to the patriotism and services of Maior-General Sheri dan. whom the people of Philadelphia bad re cently turned out to honor. Those who had the good of the country at heart would support, at the coming election, men who were known to be loyal and true. Now, more than ever, was the time to giVe a hearty endorsement to the noun neeS, and he felt confident all who heard him would dtr their entire duty. At the mention of General Sheridan's name the applause and cheer ing was most deafening, and it was some minutes before the speaker could proceed. He would not do otherwise than elect the Republican ticket. Thomas M. Coleman, Esq. assured those as seno:led that if they voted 'for Peirsol for City TA:tamer:they Would-,rc‘r.r. who was opposed io the Inteiete , ar ei 'Mr. Pelts& some time declared, in a letter to a Congressman, th..ti 6 hague island Would not answer for the purposes of a navy-yard. His cause for doing so, the speaker had learned, was owing to the fact that the bank of which he. is OA= . was part owner of a small tract of land a short distance south of the old Navy l ard. and he feared it would depreciate the value thereof. So, ip.order to gratify a mere personal interest. Mr. Peirsol is willing to sacrifice the en tire :ntcrest of"eyery good citizen of Philadelphia. The < only way to . prevent the election of this 1 , enemy to public improvement is to vote for David Jones for Treasurer. He has been tried. and has proved himself both a faithtid and effi cient aiCCT. The Denvicracyjas an electioneer ing dodge, arc raisin; a great hue and cry about enormous taAtion. when tiler know that the taxes arc not proportionately greater than they were in former years.. They arc also rushing a great bugaboo about the enormous del , : that the city is lahorinc• under. They ne glect to explain how the Mom y ha- )'COI eN- Peuded. and how much Philadelphia has been benefiled by the judicious outlay of the, fund's. The speaker had attended the meetings of City Councils for nearly twelve years. and he could say, without hesitation. that, so.far is concerned, the I;olvlttiliCal/b have alwarr, acted more honestly than - the Democrats. when Lu newer. Hon. Morton McMichael was then introduced, and after some humorous introductory remarks he proceeded to say that the. present members of the Select and Common Councils were as compe tent, deserving and honest gentlemen as he had ever officially communicated with. The city of Philadelphia was the fourth largest city in the world, the grade being London, Paris. Ni2w York and Philadelphia,and before ten years here:dieted the New of Philadelphia would cf. , ::eeed that of New Ycirk,and Broad streeton which they were now standing, would be one Of the best avenues on the globe. This was a strong expressiOn. but one which many present would see lerifted. The city ofPhiladclphia was eminently the home of the workingman, and if that body of citizens would allow the pOwer of the government to pas, into the hands of the Democratic party there would be a lirtual surrender of all gained I , y the loyal men difring the w.w. lie urged those present to look at the present politica! question with refer ence to home comfort and the furtherance of those blessings gained by the victory of the go- Vernment over rebellion and fastidiousness. He was satisfied that the men of sense. honor and forethonght see=the eminent IIECCSEity - of voting the Rep:tide:ln ticket. Personally he had nothing to say to Ca.th of the DemOeratie party, buf. usoso Upon th. 1LT111,14.11 lick t. Here UeLLCr , illariflUl :and were entirely deuxving r of the !-,up port of the peope. The nominee for City freasurer the. speaker endorsed highly. upon the score of capaeiry and faithfulness, and he would :rot belie7e t'lat any a tall calling hinielf a Republican would, I - or the sake of gratifying a pet - sot:a i spleen, do aught against his election. :;nd thr:s contribute. to the sticeesL. of a party, whose slant ss would be fatal to the best interests tf the. ge. ( vcrum2nt. Our present City Treasurer . . .ad ad:2:ni,tered the allairs'of hi- °lee to the ,nttra s:disk:Won of his constituents, and his nLs in L great degree ceviny_: to the vigi lance capa-ity of David dom.:, the prunnt 001.. - ..lnc, 01 the Republican a ty. TLu hue ntd ely :kb(r:rt the rate of taxation Wag Thu rate 1:1•Itation in i'lljnk wa.s eutnparativc:y ft 'th'e _,.cater than In oth+r ehics. i.rovc:atnts had hem made. and, of cour-e, most be 1.a.L1 for. ,lie would go as tar as 4.1111 - -1! lan , to co:: , :et and rebuke extravnt!„ . anee. but tLe Conn ciirs olPhlltltlphia were endeavoring to athniu hter aairs a cconondeally as ?o::11 , 1c. The lane. r.t Washin:.:ton, 'who .y 1:1: accident oc enoica tie Preshkutial chair. was, c.lckry,oriLitr to',n:_ict on us evils worse thou the rel.q is them- iruild have done. There o v, - ay of had cxccptlug tht.41 . 41.1. the and as the you,: arc cast on Tuesday cowill be regualcd the voice ofThihidelphia. ‘,Leqion for all who are goveined by high avid_prolieruitivcs is to not who is on the Itcpu , :lic.n ticket, but vs hat does it embody and tenrescht. An-; than ho votc.s for a portion of 41, the _Octr, , ,cratie i.v r. \ • to aid the traitors who ccaciticteil the.pit A solee---We w.nr. , le:spoth‘iit : uor wilt vie have any, ,In.t w - will 111 A Au drew Johns , ou o uv oue like him to :Itie roucji t.hod over the 1 . 42,1 its and liberties of the I , eoi he. ever..ll Lr ncehlen: he should have heti: cailea to 14,:h place. On Tuesday next the rem .le would war,: i it conderanntion in a most clear and dis tinct manner. united and vitrorons effort wa..; at ad 3 Time I.lo4t..Eary, as evidenced by the chuck- ling over a partial victory by the Democrats in k nufurtunate Nudreiy jOhns6n, on the reeeptiCui of this "'news. telegraihed to Vailandigham, congratulating him, and other scoundrels like him, and urging biru to greater and further Success: He con cluded by urging them to do their wliole duty at the polls, am: secure a grand and gratifying vietory. 311: lieorr T. Thorn then read the followin;4; resolutions. which were adopted unanimously: .11(.:ereti, The legislative power of the United litatn 1.,;:lne; vested by the Constitution in the Nate Congress, the ;tttempts of actin- l'resi dent I..ndrew Oulinsou to nullify the laws rega larlY pated by that body, are entirely unconAi tutfonal. and iraw4-ht with danger to our rif4lits and liferties. • Raft , lced, That the reconqructlon !,lea-ttre ot . COngrf.:s!: meet our cordial approval. :opt . 2-hould be faithfully and fuhy t2 . .eented iu order that the rebel states may rl.:611111C their ',laves 172 the l nior upon 2. - ttich term, as twill insure the future peaec and safety. of the euantry. L'eolA4, That the removal of Edwin 11. Stall ion and Generals Sheridan and Siel,les from the po‘itiots which they tilled with co much honor to thentsehiS and advantage to the cowry, wee, outrage upon the patriotic feelings of the Anted can peopk. li,?oired, That a judicious tariff for the protec tion of American industry is demanded by the he-t 1111:i:r/ - :.: Li or an classes Of business men. 'that we endorse the Republican Union ticket for judicial, legislative. city and county , 021.cerz, iu its parts,and. in view of the moral elect of its auccess 'upon the present dis turbed political condition 'of our country, we ear nest y hope for the triumphant election of every Ic,7ch `llia we believe in the principles of our fathers as announced in the Declaration of indeparalence--rhat all ny.n are created -free and ccual; that they are endowed with certain inalenab:e rights, mid that among these are life, liberty, azal the pursuit of happitlLS!,." .I:lmcf, That the eleethe franchise. the most "vai',:able privilege of a hetet:al, is also one of his most imperative duties, and if Lc tail to exercise it be fads his duty to country and his Milow-f.alztus. Eon. o%.ates Pollock was the next spe a k er. li e saki hL would simply endorse the sentiments M. tered Lv the lion. Mayor of the city and, thc other s'peaker6. lie had almost worn himseltout in the service, and could not speak at as great length as he desired. The Republican party would rebuke the treason of all classes, whether it came from Andrew Johnson ut the White House, or others nearer home. Ile trusted al , good party_ men would do their duty in Phil. delplim, The majority torJ nage Williams would not be less than that given to the Pon. John W. Geary. At goes Pennsylvania sogoes the,t Mon, and there were good leaders to marshal on to action. Grant, Sheridan and Sickles were with the cause, and with the aid of such other good men as were before him, all would be well. :7 —Rom-Witham _D...Kelley_was then introduced, and received with much applause. lie thanked them for their kindness, and gave an account of his recent trip through the different States of the Union. lie had come home to lake part in the present coutest. The great question was between the usurper, Andrew Johnson, and the people. The Democratic party represented Andrew John son; the Republienn.party the Constitution and liberty. What means the Governor of Mary land by the reorganization of the ? The candidates of the Democratic party in liboyiand are, all of them, men who sympathized with the Rebellion, or fought directly against the efforts of thrNorth. head the rebel papers of the South, and therein Grant and Sheridan are decried. Such is the spirit, of the people which Andrew Johnson and the Demo era Lie party are fostering. They arc afraid to hold large public meetings as heretofore, and arc lighting a guerilla political war. The speaker honored (;come Sharswood as a gentleman and a lawyer, but - Henry W. Williams was a man of rare personal abilities, a man of great knowledge and judicial learning; and he put the question, why give a vote to a mau which would aid the Andrew Johnson side, when Judge Williams possessed such rare qualllications ? So with M. Russell Thayer, who was a gentleman and a laWyer of eminence. Judge Ludlow, the nominee of the Democratic party, was on the Johnson ticket, and 6hould be, therefore, defeated at the polls. They say tile minority should have a representa tive on the behch, but when the Democracy are in power, that doctrine does not hold good. The then urged a support ot the Union, Con gress and the Constitution, by aidinv the Repub lican nominee;.. Hon: Charles O'Neill and Hon. IL Bucher Swope closed the meeting with eloquent and cheering speeches. urgitm their friends to give a hearty support to th 6 nominees ou Tuesday next. Meeting in the Twenty-third Ward. Odd Fellows' Ha rrankford, was crowded last evefiing, it being the occasion of a mass meeting of the Itepui' , licaus of the Twenty-third Ward. Mr. Edward Boric ;vas selected to preside. Hon. George Connell era. the first speaker. He delivered a short address. in which he alluded to the record of the ltepnbilean Legislature for the past eight years. lle called :attention to the fact that when that party.wct,t I; do power the State was burdened with a debt of forty minions. This, notwithstanding the Leavy expenses atteuditur the war, had been reduced to thirty-four millions. Louis W. Hall. t3neak.er the State -.ientite, was then introdme&!. the wort into a lengthy history of events dttrint.; tix war. to show that the Demo( Tatsinid aided elie rebels. Ho next re % lewed the itestMetive State and City tickets on both shies. iluritez which he said that the country looked to l'hiladelphia with very a,stiranee that she world do her whole duty in this Irving time. With all her bright ivc-ord in the past. the devoted manner with which she lx .s srstained the Go - ernment, by her-public:lrd private contributions: and by her private elturitles nrtl acts of btmevo lenee during the war. -hr eunrot auf..l will not falter now. •• IclLiresses.were deliver( d llepresonitive Lee and others. t , ,:tan the um linL: adjourned with three cheers for the whole 'ticket. CITY BULLETIN. biroirl'ANT 1) - 1:(4 .‘ION ix 1:1:i.Ael, o Poi.i. TAN.—Yesterday. in the Common Pleas, Judge Brewster decided the question raised by a peritioll for a mandamus to compel the Receiver of Taxes to reeeice from taxpayers the county tax, al thote.'th a s•tate tax may not !Tottered at the satuti time. The petition raises the .inestion as to the effect of the aet of Aprid.l7, Jude Brewster said: The second section of ihit la pdThihas Alder men from receiving personal 11111eSS spe cially nieputed•by the Receiver of Taxes, who is n...11111'01 to appoint .at least one person in each." Ward ity to reecive poll taxes from as sessed eit!..mns. lli deputit. are required to be in often lance at least three hours every secular dav for thri.e, weekS 10 the election. and ek:tiou the whole time the polls are onemtd• bic Ire 141 collect both city :mid:State taxes front tilt; he shall sus he bath Or ahlrientioit that he 1 , unable to pay hoth, and not tie - unless he :led! have paid at'least oue of said within fourmen ntutttiis next previously." On behalf of the defendants. it is contended that the relator not, having uttered his "city and State taxes." they were not 'l)6llnd-to take the sin le county tic he - 0111 red, and if they had done so they would have violated the law which re ,mires. than to — wheel both city and Stale th:o ;1.11,= pro% iqion of the I,lw i , 13.1 :::11Ce II!, :fleetion. 1. oi the t'oit:4lt......tioh. It cies•hto., , tllat electiecii, - 1.:.• the frce :) :li I lw.vioL; d itt ewr.:ntd in the clQetion v„h e ro he ir, to vote ten days itatne elhttely election. anti within two tax, whh.h. ,111:11 e been :,t -t ien tltlys before the (11 , ..0. -Iwlll tujey thk of :it: elector." 11; unzul in rci•:y "th(. n:q. of P-1;1; was it cut 111. the rout: a system Lion ii - sd now moth In \ 0. , u1c. by which a persoit von.: by a very ifuall sma, and to oaipcl the paynuni 0: :it ]ca-I twenty-five cent. , per :inuttrn tare, , : that it do, s not ei inflict NVith thu I:oli,:titlttiOn, alai that nothing. therein relate:: to voting. Notwithstanding; this reply, it still seems very /dear that the only persons to whom a voter can pay his tales are the Receiver and his deputy: and :1 ;F: .plain that by the art 01' 1i:6; the utier an,: required to collect 1101,11 city and unit ss the oath of poi erty is made, and no: than unto -F.: the voter shall have paid one said taxes within fourteen months pre- Viotti-Iy." , ex:tetly ,=ee the upplietion of tlii; hi=t, - for is a CaiZAl OtherViC4: qualified }n:. or,oof the tvie- within. I'ourbieit 1o0)111-.:IL' 'CO Vote. It WOW' -t2')111. a:- (J. that his 1 - 1411.: te p ty one of 111300.V' I. I . C , ‘Or- e .11:4.'el 1:j - _ rijp s tne par:lent. LIOII4t.L-,.. ittiStr:VillEli4B,:4: 1011 44.•,J1,4_1' 4 411$; tt lion, of the art, it 1$ eer •ik,,re interpreted as read by the , :CI couili,:t with the Con-tittt- hiluself behhni the stistl.um, fo: lava thet'' , .er lia( the ' right to ), ay either the State CO!Illty is ;.'..tk.llit ! , i ! 1 / 4 .' Z , 211 cirr.ll tie 411,1 paid t y 4211.1 ,)1 1.1;t right to Vote, if otherwisu toe. payim: 5011.1 e parlit.llM tiegl(N.q. to eyl2t,ri;c: i:l5 13 , ...0_", La -: : :.ayLT, dlichargo. on:y their own tr l ladt the do.bts of all deEtniuents. tnis PhilAlidOhia vs. the (_,,-.,furnolt w.,.C.th (2 P. I'.Smith. ;;; , 1 . ) is a s.td exahn , ' . .,!. our buen there to , t:1 pay u. i ..1a million dollars, whielf ‘.01',4 , ..tel from the ind.vid,:.al I di , rot. however. read the act of as it ha . 12‘2`.1 illl , 2.rpn.acd by the defenilholt. For e , fl'venienee of citizens. the orders the: , .:e, ,,, lnuileut of deputies "in t,lt el: the 'wards; linfsnlyho would 1112011 t, tale it with it: 'f:c,tri,:Lioll. These U ., 2llCr:d powers e mferred un The ereati d Thew had ~ ,, h dia,bted right to, lhult functions. "rey ...ice beet] authorized ordy h, iii,ll, ! ct t h e combincil, and the dciutty, whd is a de hen:, could 1101, aceept one to without of the low. This i!!il not inhdr -11171.: with tive constitutional right or OW relator to m'erri'er the comity LAX, for Cu , laa2;id a : 21, m1..21...1 driAta3, Al.6gethrr, Of with rower to re cite only the tax on real e.istaLe or the tax on horses. ido not regard the hoe as unramstitutional; but the action of the Receiver not being justified by the act, and tending i to abridge the constitutional right of the voter, s illegal. A mandamus must, therefore, be allowed against the Ifeceiver. .11"ruE Di:An—The remains of those buried hi the ground on Arch 6treet, above Fifth, belonging, t.) the Second Presbyterian Church, are to be removed at once, the Led,lature, .at a late session, having authorized the this ; tee., to (to so. This ground . was purchased in 174 ;, butithe firit burial record presermd is dated CHANGE OP Tian:.,—Several ehana r es of time in the running of the trains' between this• city and :Nov York, have been made. Travelers should consult tht: advertihment iu ant/liter cOluma. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1867. SALE Of REAL ESTATE, BTocKs, Lte.- 1 -Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold, at the Exchange, yesterday'l noon, the following described stocks, viz.: '2 shares Ocean Steamship Co. t $B7, $174 00 ; shares Academy of Music, with ticket, $BO 50 . $402 5015 shares Academy of Music, with ticket, $BO, $100; ' 100 shares Ridge Avenue and Mann yunk Passenger Railroad, $0 50, $950 011: 7 0 shareS Fame, Insurance Co., $25, $1,750 OU; 15 shares National Bank Republic , $lOO, $1.5n0 11 0: '2O shares Sixth National Bank, 2 $lll, $2,220 00: 11 shares Northwestern Railroad, 25c., $3 50; 9 shares Union Mutual Insurance C0.,57 50. $67 A; 1150 shares American Buttonhole Sewing Machine Company, $8 25, $2,887 50; 1 share Mercantile Library Comany. $9; I share Point Breeze Park Association, $103; $5OO Bond Susquehanna Steam Lumber Com-lany, 10 per cent., $5O; $5OO Bond Susquehanna Steam Lumber Company, 10 per cent., 450: Bond Delaware and Itarititn Canal, s-1'113:S, $035: $1,500 Bond Camden City A; per cent, loan, $92,14, $1,387 50; Trustees' sae, by order of Court of Common Pleas—estate of Ann M. Knowles and others—business stand— three-story brick stoic and dwelling, southwest corner of Seventh and Noble streets,ss.l';'. ll : Same estate—threc story brick dwelling, No. 702 Noble street, $1,050: Orphans' Court, peremp tory sale—estate of Robert Pollock, decd -desi rable country place. 13 acres, Ridge road and Edgely Point lane. sll,loor, Same estate—lot i,f ground, corner of Sahnon and 'Somerset streets. Nineteenth Ward, $2,250: Three-story brick dwelling. No. 431 North Seventh street, sl,:is , ll: Three-story brick dwelling, No. -132 North Sev enth street, $5,450; Three-story brick dwel ling No. 130 North Seventh street, $5,150: same estate, ground rent, $B7 50 a year, $1,210: 1 same estate,-ground rent, $Bl a year, $700: same 1 estate, ground rent, $72 a year, $900; smile, es- tate, ground rent, *72 a year, *t4lo; very desira ble mansion, with stable and coach house, No. 47 0 3 Kingsesing _avenue, 81 feet front, 175 feet deep, Twenty-;ieveuth . Ward. *1 t,500; very ele gant Mansion, with spadious grounds, southwest corner of Forty-sixth street and Darby road. Twen iv-seventh Ward. the residence of the Nom N. 13. • Brolum, 456 feet front on Forty-sixth street, 270 feet front on Darby road, 4,000; three-story brick dwelling, No. 2115 Winter street, *l,500: large and valuable lot, Twenty first street. north of Chestnut street, 124 feet front and iso feet deep to Aspen street, t.:, ,, 22.750: Peremptory Salc—A well-secured irredeemable ground rent of a year. *4,050. Since last re port—Sale on the premises—Residence, No. 212.". Green street, 20 tect front by 100 feet deep, *Milt , . At nrivate sale—Modern residence, No. 1933 Chestnut street, 21.) feet by 158 feet, zi;.21,000 Dr:7tTl:l. , l riyE FIRE.—The alarm of fire yester day afternoon: about twenty minutes past three o'clock, w: , ‘ , caused by the burning of the build ine: Ns . r,c4l liv the Burchers' Hide Association, in above Eleventh. The structure is , roar stories high. and extends from Noble street south hi street. The lire originated in the nppi r par:.ii iihe premises. The Butchers . a portion of the house for salting and -toting hides. and a lidqe 1111MIKT were in the lower Boor at the , time of the tire. The fire was- comunitnicated to the ilwelthel:en the west si;:le of Eleventh street. - 114: oeett-cietPliy - .Ffemy.i.k.yres. and We root was Mirlitd kWh - ling. The hozit -, was flooded ith mater., ..7`41:-..A1,1 . . - res has an lust, ranee car hi- furniture.. N 0.11.6 had the of the back building partially destroyed. The loss on huitHi and furniture is estimated at nhof 11.oeen , , , ied I.y John Count} - . had the roof of the hack building burned oil. The inrniture also suffered by water. The 'kiss is estimated No. 121., owned and ocen- Pied try (t. S A. Thomas. had the roof partially destroyed. LoSs :host ' The third story, where the tire originated. was occupied by Mr, E. J)iobens :is; a store-room for rags. cotton waste. I old machinery, most or which was either de stroyed or greatly damaged by water. The loss is partly covered by insurance. The Hide and Tallow .19;,:ociation had some :Loon 'bushels of salt in the building. hut it escaped with lut•little damage. The fire waS comined principally to the !bird story and roof, and the loss is•coYered inmranee. !,i.1..--Before Alderman• Beitler yesterday, Thontas,lienderflon, who - gave his residence at' o. - 28 Bayard street. New Vorkovais ehartf:edWitit pickiiit the pocket of Henry J. Hansel or a zold watch._ The complainant testi fied that his - watch - was stolen -ort-board—a• ferry boat, a, it, wa :trlillf!: stout one c't the slips. in camdem Ilc the at:fentlalit, NY,111.) KAS :I rot:2.4th! o; him, and would have handed hint to an n deer when he Ifffelictl this fide of the riser. but ~. orapanions of his crowded about them, and enaided him to ff;et away. Another pasienzer (.11 I is boat idcwfitled Ilemierson as being _ of the_ erowd that tin slu.d a min . ..lir. Ilansel. d:I W.. WAS hold to await a requiAtion from the New .fore' 1'111: C11?-H.NI i. -Mr. .I:tme , E. NI unloelf will npre.,r ht in the couttAly of THE SVAL:o -The 'spfrtitTin... comoly will be performed at the IV:in There was V. dtchlen intprovcinent hi tin pi.-c, last night. Ac ! E. Eddy will , nr this (-veiling in :he ,lrnina of TA. Altar which ,oupAlietto. of .1 ba , , , t7t,';11. , 7. Wow , : still dra Wilr; CTOV.fltd snt the Aendcany. It is, if ptuuille. inorc ;irEllunt rind attractive thnu whin first I re-cn D.A. The mechanical elfects work smoothly and perfectly', 41.11 cl the ballet is uno,nestionn'ely ns , near pirfection as it is po to hring it. it is to equal the New York performanec iti gem.ral rfccellence and in the !wanly of its , ccnic effects. TM: .A.kILI:It A N. -A miscelloneous eyntertain unlit will be given hy the combination troupe to-night. CoNcEl n' 1171.7... - ---Blinit Torn will give ru i o t he r or his brilliant performances at Concert Hall to night. This is his In 4 week. Ei.EvEN rrr tirin ET °PI I: trill , E.-- - MCSSTS. Carnetil3S A: I Hiey present a very attractive bill at. their opera house this evening.. Carne ross will sing sonic of hi; finest ballads, and Dixey ...lid his supporter. Will indulge in Ethiopian ec centricities and o: travaanzas. Nur -E.--Th.k. popular place of. amusement oilers a brilliant entertain ment this evening to the lovers of 'negro min strelsy and eomicalitlo4. 1:11e company :t good onti .: ,the programme - for en CIE night Is repicite ,with excellent thins. The house .15 crowded every night. -The Signor gives :t performance to itt.Assemigy I II II: t Seutz's, t treht2sl ra of forty perft rtners will give a matinee to-no rlinurstla2;) .ifterpoon at this hall. to y I‘l4 ':TA ;:.—EVerY ni2;111. :i,setubly lluildings have been crowded with brilliant :nal fashionable audiences who have listened with Wight to the lecture of Mr. Ring-- walt On the alJov... , lthjeet. Mr. Ilingwalt illus trates his text ',vith a :.t.tee, of very handsome paintiNs and stereopticon views. drawn from pheno4raphs of the various localities which he describes. Those are excellent works of art, and a 1 . well worth spell(1111.2; :01 evening over apart front the interest of the lecture itself. Mr. Ring wait has traveNud the. entire country described by him, anal bas .4athered a mass of anecdote and of inlormation, which. in view of the rapid eon strn etion of the Pacific 141111.o:lit to sac nothing of the Indian war, cannot fail to interest the in tellic;ent 'nubile deeply. 1,111 . 1119G1it %VIC VEINC. • Fr. I-41 NoC !T A ITV'S LITHOUIAPHie ESTABLISHMENT Nos, 506 and 3 . 0:i North Street, hunt's, Maps. Certlikatt•, Heads, firth lan" Show fhrds,Orth., tahtl4, " • Stitlititit of 41( , t.111•ti ,, 1., , 11, - .. ilio•Litlio• nil. Ir a! n Et, NC ,, .i.(.'07.:17...D31VE not rO glaring paint. it it aeti- - 1 , )11E..7 .17.. F. IL.I , re (miring esa tlinu hslt taro TIC is r •,.•soig buildings or railroad car, in kizuws tAuxi, cl.ltorus..tcm &c., or tipy articie re viicizi; to b.; n:6l w ato...tight. 11 square fees ir rJat te - ,o 1.•4 - of haot tia to cover it, ttuderoi,: , OFFIVE, 114 LSurJihl 3 Nth 3tr et, )Ptil i uiel,pltl a. ALM USEN.ENTS. • lioG,l'lllQ., \c. PATENT - METAL 11 00P.C . ; G. 011101DEKIE1Sp 1•141110111 M diclUe WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR, GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &c., &c, All the requisites for Preserving al/a Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. SUP'tRIOR VINEGARS. FrAnch.whito Wine, and Pure Old Cider Vinegar". For dale by JAMES R. WEBB. 1!t13 WALNUT and EIGHTH. STREETS. 1 4 `Irt,Sri l IPFLIEMIIUNI AWARDED Fort BEST FAMILY FLOUR, At the late Inter-State Fair, to Geoff beZehnder, Dealer In choice Brands Penna., Ohio, St. Louis and 'Virginia Flour. Also, Unbolted Rye and Wheat, for making Boston Brown Bread, Rye Flour, Indian Meal, ac., &c. GlBO. F. ZEHNDER. Fourth and Vine. eera EW MESS .MACICF.I3EL, PICKLED SALMON, MESS Shad; laid 'fonglice and' Sounda in kitt., jnetTeceived and.for aalel at COUSTVS East-End Grocery, No,. US South Second MACCARONI.AND VERMICELLLIOO BOXES /510 choice Leghorn Maccaroni and Vermicelli, of the late importation, in store and for male by M. F. SPLIALDi N. W. Car. Arch and Eigh • streets. FINANCIAL. 7 3-10'S EXCHANGED FOR ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 1 - 20 e Bro., 40 South Third Street, A . * SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS 16 South Third St, 3 Nam Street Philadelphia, New York. • R'POrIK.S AND Ger,L.l BOUGHT AND SOLH,On 0031Y113310N INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT 33 -41/ , BANKERS & BROKERS 'Flo. 17 NEW STREET, NEW YOR:: Particular attcctlua given to tho t;tlrchala all Scevirrrms, ItALLRO4.II- STOCkiN, PADNIPSAND 601[19. EtlllllolC.xchsi:ely 'Nu C - 011.11thdiCII. • All crclvrs will recalva uar pPrsoctal attentlau at thlt Stnek str.4 Gold finAril 44311.1v1 EXCURSIONS. FARE TO WILMINGTON, 15 CTS, CHESTER. Olt ROOK, 10 CTS. On and ¢liter the t 11 1 d ' ( 1 .1 1Tt. 1 1 ) . 1 ' l k T I VIITt ' f:Z t l:V11 1 (1i1 nut Street Wharf at A. M., and 3P. M. .I.leturning—leave:! Wilmington at 7 A. M., and 1.2.::0 P. M. Yale. to Wihrdagton, 15 04.; Excurtion Fare to Chet:or or ilook,, lu DAILY EXCURSIONS TO WIL. mington, Delaware. Steamer ELIZA BANCO X will leave, on and after Tuesday loth in , tant, Second Wharf above Arch otreet,daily lO , A. M. and 4P. M. Returning, leave Market street wharf, Wilmington, at 7 A. M. and 1 P. M. Fare for the round trip..... ..... ... .........50 cents. Single ticket5...........................50 Chester and Marcus Hook.. ' . .. ....... at/ For further particulars, apply on board. 1Y22 L. W. BURNS, Captain. • UP THE RIVER.—DAILY EXCUR. gloms to Burlington and Bristol—Touch. log each way at P.ivertou, Torresdale, Andalusia and Beverly, The splendid Steamboat JUIII , I A, WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, at S and 6 o'clock. P. M. Returning, leaves Bristol at 7 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Fare DA ctn. each way. Excursion, 40 eta. STOVES AND IIEATEDLS. R E - M O.V A L. Ilee removed his Deyot for the sale of FURNACES, RANGES. GRATEs, SLATE. MANTLES. to.. from No. 101 u CHESTNUT Mrect to 1305 CHESTNUT STREET. 9taymia,w,Ll7 THOME-o:`.'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR Damian 'tango*. for families, hotels or public in• ti btion4.. tweut: different 'size!. Alm°, Phila.- " y .del .11anyo, J3ot Air Furnace's, Portable Ileater.l, Lo•v•down Grated, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Doilore, blewhole Plate)BroUere, Cooking Stoves, etc.. wholesale and retail, by ' the inanufacturero, bl [ARYL & THOMSON, No. Soy North Second 'street. I•••TOVI'`. 4 . \TI:(1•3 AND RANGES.—C. .1. • 'l'l 11 \L!:, at too rld rbli cdstand, 14 South ti c. ol••4 it, Pi.iladt.l'.l.l'.. r.•ooertfully offer,. to 41•10I.t• e. to n . r t 1... r , aetl it e pilblie in general, • • o,ll.vaioni and ltanati, of vari ous risk ...ft4.11, oin 'Silver'' , tel..hrated G: -1 cnitsg St- nott. Id). own miner. fon•ii for.• .:i-• r : Ala a • to hand. OrPo. Y:.t•.t.tAr Itllir,o • invailia lila to invalid-, mid - .;• 4 .L. 1. 1U OIL! : t C Ot the very bi.•4l o, t• • • 7_at •,-.•• on hand. N. 11. .1 t,l &ludo ..‘areitilly and • .; • Ac . ' , [342 _ _ . . 17.1 ,1 X:\ - 11.1 . Y1I1.111:. 141 ICI:. other And iiit1111i11101) , ld ‘Vt.lt , ti rift. SVA'PLAII: FUtNACES. %Vanning Public und Private UniltHug it - MISTERS. ENTILATOIL:i, A N CUMNE 1 . -CAP:Soo COU.K INf;•ICANG V 6, RAT11.13011,1:1:6 LIOLESA LE and ]LTA 11111rNICIP3L Cid& Ell S. ISI.3ISIC.I.PAL c:.ll l .:':tt I ill ? Pita A 6 • :.tt-a;citc No , ,VITI: I atc.cd.?.t.c:c wit'a the Act of pluirsittl Litt: clay 0: It. A. le.. 't•A tt A c t Tv.) ..• «Ili, Cat hill- iu the writ• t,i ticird ill- 11.tle j•i:kLca it: 11:11111- vice, to it 111".!Cla" C. 111)Wi:LL, Sheriff, IN TEE COUNT OF COIMON PLEAS. 'rlie City P. i,-,,,ierwort lt. owner reputed OIVV , r. Pt!lY be iiismer. U. Sop. lontherTerru, Z'O. for the euut, of twelve dothn, thitty.acv , rd t. , r, work and tabor done and per. tat mod, 3111 0;;M11:4 MI that oartain lot 0: pi , auf od A •ato ou aide of AlhiCl/ at tl , t` /.17 1 , 2• A U rzz the south aide of Itace street, containing. in front or that lot of ground eitunted ou the northeast cursor of breadth 16 feet 6 inches, and extending of that width Somerset and Gaul streets, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of weetwardly at right angles with Albion atroot '63 feet, in the city of Pitiladelplain, containing in front or breadth ou the Tenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia. fetid Somerset street 11.21 hat 6 inches, and extending ol Same ve. William McCauley, owner, P„. Septern- that width in length or depth, between parallel lines, NJ her Term, 1867, No. 31 ;, for the Hum of twenty-eight dollars feet. and twenty-one cents, for work and labor done and per- Same vti. It. W. CIIPIIIIIIIII, mituer..l.:c.. C. P. September fanned and materials furnished, against all that certain 'Term, No.; EP; for the solo of el.:tit-three dollars and lot or piece of mound, with the initaroveinenta thereon seventy route for State and fifty 1'111.01., 10, itgninit all erected, situate on the east aide of Sidne street, in the that lot of ground situated on the southeast corner of Pik. Fit at Ward, city of l'hiliadelphia ; beginning - at thenorth and Myrtle streets. In rho 'Pwenty fifth Ward, Of the city side of Federal street, thence extending northward along of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth, on said the :east side of Sidney street fifty-six feet live inches to l'ike street, IN feet, mud e.x,tenti hie of that whit hi n ground of Dr. West, thence eastward at right angles with leneth or depth between parallel lines, at tight angles Sidney street (along the same) about 17 feet, thence south. with shill Myrtle street, 230 feet etiqerly at right angles with l'apayunk road 42 feet to the Saint: va..l lames M. Cattier., owner, dte,; C. s e pto in . westerly side of Passyunk road, them.° routhivestorly her Tenn, 10(17, No. 1::0; for thb sum of twenty-our dollars along the came 3d feet to the north side of Federal etreet ; and thirty - -eight coifs, for Mate and City Taxes, 1862, thence aveet along the same M. feet to the east aide of against all that lot of ground shooter! on the southwest Sidney erred lieu plaCe of beginning. Bounded 011 the corner of Salmon and tVellifighm m'o'cha, in. the Twenty north.by ground of Dr. \Vert, on the east hy Passytink fifth Ward of the eity.of Philadelphia; containing:in front road, south by Federal street, and west by Sidno3 - street. or breadth On raid No hoon street het feet, and e tending citnne vs. E. Meredith, owner, C. P.. September of that width in length ur depth between parallel linen Term. 1867, No.:CI; for the nuns of l'ivelve 37-100th dollars, 105 feet. tor work and labor done and performed, mid materials same vs. licnry Hay, 'owner, Ate., C. P.. September furnished, against all that certain lot Or piece of gronnd T.11.4 . 184;7, Na.. 131, for the sum of ten dollars and tort.y rituaate on the neat Albion street, commencing at reveal cents, for state and City taxes, 1862. against all that th.,listaance of lull feet routlnvard from 'the smith ride of lot 1.1 ground situate on *the northeast corner of Lehigh tY trout ia t ' ter W .breadth ul f Lit Rave street, in the Tenth NVii id of raid city; containing ;IN 011111:1111(1 Salmon street, till. T"illi at iu 11'01It or In eatith an said Albionptreet, 16 feet and 6 the city of Philadelphia; containin g Metier, and extending of that width an depth west., on raid Lehigh itienize 20 feet, and extending of that ward', 63 feet. as lilt!' in length or depth between parallel !hilly (1111 . 01.1.. Sallie as, lie Lawsuit, owner, atte., C. P., Seidember' • Semi' '.L . 1 " Filikrtell. cM/11 . 1 . , &O. C. l'..,Boptalither t. „.,, ra t i , ee n ! Term, 1807. NO. 132 . ; for the slim of fifteen doll:int and for nark and blur done tool performed, and material , ; cants, tor state and City Taxes, 1 , 4:2, funtlost alt ' iii.hed :against alt that certain lot or piece of ground alu,t lot of ground situated' on th., northeast corner, of rlteat, an al e ' 00,it OOrl , Of 'fli,l”y street, at Monwoeth and Almond on.. 01+. wenty.liftli Vont tepee of sAfeet ent4et - Iron. Emerald .treet, Ni to •of the city of Philadelphi, : containing in front or te, lath \V aril Of 1110 Said oily. 01111Clilling ill lralnt .0' /a:00.101 W) raid Alontnoutla 'di, et 60 feet, h , par street 36 feet, fuel 11 , :t..101111? iii I 01 that lyidtli in length or. d e p:h, length er depth 4.i t hat width southerly, how ern pat.lll. I el. Va lines at :.1,11111l- with said 1:,31 , ,F street 73 feet, tom,. than, i s. w an . sat per, Sept. Term. 1867, No, 132; for twenty nine dollars sift six cents, 111 t Smith, owner, &c., C. 8., Sela und l l l s taxes. rest, against all that It of ground, ratio teana,er 'I CI 111, l`tij. : liar [let (al (Wi•lity.Sl.loll tad on,the Intl . theatet runner .1 . Iji illllOll.l lane and \Vitt, ,1011111 Y. 10: st s e nd labor domr oeriorialed, and nor :4:reel in tlif• Tweet y..tittla Ward of the city of rni-heal ;against all that certain lot or piece of phis, containing bi !root hr, e adth aim said nichinmid ground rltl::t.• kill tire hide of Taylor street, at lane. 110 feet, and extentlim , of that width in length or the distance of los feet we,...terly from Amber sheet. in the depth betavecu parallel lines 177: feet. Nineteenth \\ :r .1 ot the said cif}': containing in front or Same vs. M. Ind!, ow tier, September Terns, . In ....Rh 011 the Taylor street ;',6 feet. anal e , tending P-67. No. lift: tor tlac sPna ci me; I , en .10;1,1, and ei g ht y in Icuctlr. 01 depth ~,atthai °Aerie to that width het w, si ce nts for `State anal ('0)' •. stzslnst till Ilan. p a rallel lines :at emit angles with the said Taylor street, lot e t crolind sat on the 11.43t , we,t tale of Richm on d 75 feet 111011• or h slice). in tllO oifiy•riftli , of Ca.. env: of Philadel sa, toe ii, ow Per, &e.: 1..1'.. beptentherTerm. . Phia• volonaelming at the tom of wi feet N o . :a:, for the son, 01 Oinetel!ll find firtY C.•11t.. WO al from the northea-t. fly 41- of a • ion street; con tar \ ,ork and balsa: done and 1 , 0110t1110(1.11.1111 notterial a ttainint: in I rent or breadth as -sit! Bt. itnond street h.:f that:lsla it figeliPit all that eel I,,in lot tar piece, of gl,lllld, feet, and I-' tending et; that : Pith it. I.•tagth or depth du to an tip -tatitherlt. , ida• of I tit the (11 , - le•tween oar:diet lines 200 I. et. fence ot 144 I( a Ciie,teity street, iwthe Nine. Same vs. • Dili ill Fl>tin, an tier, ,1 e. ; P., Septembe iv, pill Wtl of tht• 'tint city a eontaining in front or , f elan, 11:67, No. 135: foethe Surd t ten'lloilats and ,atxty_ bre‘aalth on t lac 'said Ta for street 26 feet, 'and extending i. r. nix, tor State find City Tc agittfe , t tail that:. lug in length a dapt.r 01 .Lilt to itlth ~ o utherly between tot et gr./111111 eltilatt.doll the rumba a ttot earner of Duke and parallel l a nes ~t a E r iat pligl• • w ith the raid Taylor street 75 William streets, in the il'aventy :lith NV aid of the city of heist, more Or containing Intilt or le a ,altla on said Duke • i f . Glebe /11,11r.111. , ,111 Pall a', owner-, ke.; (:. I'., street 20 feet. and e‘terdito: el that whit lan length or trial „ No, her the onus .4 thirty nine depth t .lel .wsen Jaarallel limas :at with said dellaws anal lift: ea tat, ,an work ..114i 10101. (10110 111011101'•Valke street, 106 teet. tomcat. and in.,ta ria lot at. :!;paiiHt all that certain Same aO. Henry ill nay, art tp I:. it., September ta; ...lathen.terly -1 , 1.• of Perim 1.67, No. 1:.6. tor th.• 4 . n tuners aud q;,,i,1,11,..•t, a t the dotaanee t.O feet nortilicasterly 11'0111 tilitty,i/.. I,llls for State toot tatty t..; 1-6 , natalust ail that lot of ground sine. pal eta ca,• Moliiilolll.ll 41i,i1.•. ill •iii til Varii of the city cat coll'l.lllllll il'Olit bre a dthen said. ?doninolatia -tr., tdu tact, sun/ anding fit tint. width iu length or depth lea /all -1 lines Pri P t. Same vs, V. Minna Ch. , a r. T, r ata , 1567, No. 1::7; for the totat ot 111 t,. anal . twelve (-0111 e, fi.t Stalo Ta stpainst all that lot of gro cud, rit apt.. 1 aim lie' one, aet cern, rof etc, in the 'I v Wald Moinpre,th and Almond et , of the 111 01 Pitila.lol;..la. 11 , /rat ma to etoltit on tAl,t,trea t fa et • awl , ..t, inlipg of that . . bill/IJ,, :Um Pouthea ilybet‘vl , ll liar Alci.t b. , irvt ri utorir I lint v "I'. Cool:I, 4,1'11 , 1'. r.,1-3/1/e/../iil/01 , 1.; . t.; . for till. •itini of fitly for v,:iirt; Ityd (abut don, and pinion:it'd. HIM/ 1111111/411.11, that r , rtoin lot tit 1/1/1' 41 , /.11/1 einitti• on the fun thr oat corn...rot fnoilty•tiolt tli ;cod ( , 11 r a it) 'l' ‘t• cnt y • low tit .!;.•,t toet, and •• tenditn: of that thy nliing raid San-ow In et It tvi.t. in tiled .1411th \ Vti:•l it t cft:t• of name John 01 1 la', 'I i•rnt. : doft.i ty Shut 01111( P- t that. 1.-i i.t groan(;-itrati if on hLr tlrl isi.:r-t •it 4 T'./ it. ittic th Pt-. t; r 1.dt ,, n ,1 : 11.1:d of th.• 011'14innit•l;'! , i : in I 1),,,d1.11 .111 I Twi ••tii•• I f . :11,/l • //t th:tt width ,•r fio t. Sttti OIL., key'. • I'. St•tit •In`wr for tt4ll/. (1/.11,, :/11/1 .•1 , I ent- t•ir Stat . C:ty •-. :01 I'. it I. / -11, 1/1/.1:11 th, • 1./tia :I Z. CIJTID'f t.t.tl . . and Sit in -t I'll, /lOW Or br‘ adth ,rll "...Id /111,1101'11/r 17 tiort. .(tut nitlng •st et• •_ 1,• , , to; {IV t)f 41,d1.1r” ra, I it In •d , onth , •- , 11.th Nltriln! •••.n.• th• I ilt• • nth t) I , Ontaliaiiig in 1 rt,n! • I, • - t!.... qd t..,.•At• nd in I. ngth r tvo t..t: ink to Au, - -„ Soy-t: :nip r 110, r t• • fo , u.u:l •n.! pi.le ut Viol.ort , n t). tc ; ,:d tip- .city ..1 fo.t e,:ttlNVArti in:n - ion. CA 1111.2. fu Iron: or on 1,-, tiding 1.-4.! r I . I'. Torn:, No, .1 . toil 1, -; -L.:, 1...1f! , • T., nt ;.t.r.oun.l :,-d out: t. In . el, I f • i! , y f ! itlid dittmu , ‘ , l io: •us d ri!!' 4,1.• P• 1 -Licou. col,tnn.:l:.: in tr. ut I•ro...itit on 11 al'l t I' , :;12 : wi:101 ill :-.- 1 , •4h50 to, t. 119. for ntnt- and : ti.. i..• f .!, •it - lintod tio no: thtvott f•i r M.. aut. nt.::-r- - ; in. V.- I • tit:, :tr.;t Ido cif iduiii:ll,g 1, - -lut I A.:.1.! •::: f•I, nlinutid - cot 1 t: tut. nnd 111 i .i 1 i tiVit 11 -1. J t t_ t.::- 14 - 11, of .1 1 .11nuutdot , ill tit, Ty. ot nu.] Ii .n:1 ti.e• 'id.- in t ,1,1!:'• Kw; . . tir.lidir.4 111 lornuth oF rve-r lir:, tip .10. ' No. 1 Conr:td, ,;,.( P., No. 11.1. th,,:;rn of rl:lity-11::••• r.n•l rty••l:', v 11,1 Ciry .tetin, ell ground ..t1 .onto-Pk .4 4 t,n.7.111C. ii, the nt NS . 1...1 of thy cit . , - of I . 1 , ili1114•11 , ',I1C at T.ll . 0.1::•:Ler (•1 1 1 , 4 , 111 r d. 'N 0 con{ .thm,4 fu hr , ltrith Nidt, ct, Avidth 111r,. - t!. •. ..••••].• c.. S. r N. : 11J.:., - the Vint nt.,1...•.^t,t.• anti t :di IL:if 1 t 6. ri. I. v•,iu .•ntl-ti: \• td tl ..t ~41. • . Ing ;tt ti.. tr, ti,.. Nintrr., • r. f, It 1.r.,.:.(101.4. paid Cl that v. 1.10. ill I..wAti, d 1,1t1111..-I et:t. Same ”. • C . Se; t , 1-67. No 116; t,T thi!;e. dol! MIMI=M Lit nt gr.nutl ,! “1 in tin.'l'sv , -nti , th W 1 v:tv iti Illuncilw at tIK! t.! Pi! fr • lilt .11 tlit• k .•: 17 ire!t.. ”nti , nt . that ,vidtli in kinitit n lar3llrl liuc 51 fc,t. I'l • P:.ln4 , teort'e Maitland, oviti •r. . C. P., Sori• lia37, So. 115: tor tip 01 torty.:i eiX ' .lllllldletith- Stlit.• and t.t err, 1-41 3 g•II: 71 't :di ri.:it ii)t of aroundtli.• rtrt , I. in the ir•-t IVaril of lit city of r , r.rih• at it, trot tail thicaril bran tho r: •rth ?tt ; e011t , illi111! in f -tr, i•t i• i•t nding of that width in lenz,tli or depth In r I lin, i• Intl. Same re, Vander lice. owner. . i• Septeh her 'Perm. P9i7, No. 11*.; for pie emu ,4 tWerity•t,,- i dr bar. and I..ttY-eight CelltA•101' State,md City taxe, ;;:min.; that lot of ground and building thereon ere, to ;•ituat, dru the south ride of Wharton street, in the First Wm d of tbe city of Philadelphia, coninu•ru ing at the dh , t.mee oflii feet Wl,tWatit from the west side of Third sti ref. contain• inc hi front or breadth on said Wharton street If tee:. and 1.A..nr11», , z of that width in length or &Oh betv.een Ptr. allcl lines lull fect. saae vs Misted, owner, kc.; C. P.. September Tirm, 14i7, No. 119; for the aunt of twenttr-one dollars and ;tat:. - one cent,, for State and City Ti wit Ih2. agaimt all that lot of ground and . building thereon erected. Fitnated on the north Fide of Paul etrect, the Second Ward of tlie cite of Philndelphin, commencing at the dliCance 01 Gi eastward fLont thecait,fide of Seventh stn t; containing introit erWre.iLtly4iii 'Paid - ,tteet•lZ, - feet; allil'ittr,i l fug of that width hi length or depth between parallel linc..! 40 fwatt... Same vs. Joint MeNenny, owner, Le., C. P.. September Term, VG, No. 1241; for the ,Itin of--twenty.one dollars forty cent. tor State and City TaxcH, 18u2, 11g:1110ft all tint lot of ground oitnated on the north side of Carpenter street, iu the Second Ward of the city of Phillob•lphia, commencing at the distance of 44 feet eastward from tho cast aide of Eighth street. containing in front or breadth Olt the said Carpenter street 40 feet, and e' tamping of that width in length or depth between parallel lines 50 feet. State vs. Widow Vanderveir, owner, kg., September Term, 1 , 457, No. 121; for the sum of twenty-one d o u; ; ;., ;u n i t thirty-nine cents, for State and City TWO'? for 18f2, again,t all that lot of ground. eltuated op the north aide of Mary street, in the Second Ward o f the city of Philadelphia. commencing at the diStailel! Of 1 0 0 feet we-award from the wept hide of Front street; containing in front or breadth on aaid Mary street Iti feet, and extending . of that width in length or depth between parallel lines r;in Met. Same Ya. A. M. A. Laurence. owner. key, I' I'., T Septem ber Term, 1867, No. 122 ;for the sum of eighteen dollars and twenty-A o cents, for State Anil City Ta 'Cs, P9i2, against all that lot of grumnhe-eitanted on the north dde of Lombard xtreet in the Seventh Ward of the city' of Philadelphia, commencing at the dhtance of ;:a feet eaet• ward Iron] the at side of As.pen street. containing front or nreadth no s a id ;Lmuhard street lii feet. and ex. tending of that width in length or depth between parallel lines 7e feet. his v.. John Farr, owner, ke..C.P., 'l'ernt, 1l 07. \o. 12'0: h.r the stint of thirt.v•siN rlot6ur :qt.] seveut cent for lit ite and City 'la'et , . 1162. against all t hitt lot of ;;round that...l on the west ,idc of l'wentv.titad street, in the Tenth t 1 ors of the city at Philadelphia, t , .funierp•ing at the di4tance of Sri feet southward front the ['mall Hide of hitnifner.dfeet. containing in front or breadth on said Twcnt v.tirst Htreet 20 feet, and extenaug of that width in length I ,r - d,ptli between parallel 1i.11 , 2b laiceet. hownA Zen, owner, Ate., C. L'., seoteintier nt. lith7. No. 124: for State anti City TaNes, 1102. tor the solo of fit tr.foor dollar,. and forty-eight agabrit all that lot rt ground sitt.ated on the south side of Vito. Htie,d, in the Tenth Ward of the city of Plillattelbhia, t•mituencing at the die.tatie.. of 1117 feet eastward front the en... 1 B ide ot ondstre; - •t, containing in trout or breadth on ine 2ttei t lr3 feet, and extending of that v. kith in it:W.Oll I.l' depth between parallel hues 1071. SalllU 4 1111 ir,s 111. C. We., I. I'., 800.'11111er 11+1,bet the cll. 41'. I. us I , illtl,6lTii and Cote, dollar, and foi tv..even vent,. for State and City ta 142, against all - that lot ot groond and building thereon erected, Hitttated on the n est side of Nineteenth tdi eel, in the Tenth IVard of the ( it e of Philadelphia, continencing at the di-ttanse of 18-1 feet fontltivard front tint. soot!, Hide or Vine idrect, containing in feast or breadth oit the Ha Nineteentlii-freet 2L tech and c\teeeli ug of that r, in cm: th or depth 40 feet. Sntur Nn. lies is. owner A.c..( • . N0.1.1.i.t0r the -It to of lot cntv-ottedoilars and nine rent uite and city till that lot of gr , foul, situ •.i thee:or oide of thitlyan,* - street. in the 'Twentieth l'card of the Cif v of Philadelphia, commencing tt the di.taitt... of 112 feet from tic, ' , 11111111)la : oattAiniug in front or ‘,ll 51111; -treet t t - i •t, mut ti•mling of hut depth heti o eon parallel the, DI I 0.-t. •siitee Itobert Smith, owner, .0.., C. September T1T111,14 5 i7. No. 127: for the stun of thirtf.nine dollars, State and City Taxes, 11d5, against all that lot of grit nil and inesatutg. Or tenement thereon erected. .Hintated on the north NIIIr! of MuurLet Reuel. ie the Ninth w ar d ci the city of rbiladolpliiii, commencing at the distabee of r.. 0 feet westward from the meet Hide it . 'Twentieth street; containing in Trout or breadth on said Market street, la feet t 0 inches, and stitending of that breadth in length or death between nitrallelliiiet Id foot. Sums vs. Charles 11. thorn, ownet,,te, ; 1.'., &ptamber 'Perm, 1.107, !No. 1i,`,3; for tie bemiof env •,` t.tid eft •t) (Nun, Ear Ststu o.te.t City 1.4.;`1, egl , iurit iLI NUM=I par. , llll to tl.•.t. w. tlo.t Id It 1;.••.s•••••ft • inri:;:lcvl tt'idtlt la: 1. t 0.... 221,1. 11.. 11(...- 1”:11t4 t. 1 211 , trevivt. 1 1 2, to. its t..xt . I;.tlt,t that 1.4 trf 21,• 11..! .itic ..1 h,e )01...m1 0tr,.., ifs lb. (q.t . ...112h NV,LIti 0 ti n . , ~t ••• 1. .•.! t hr — t th Lt !Ili '2lt 11. 2, ,tt I , 11,!li ..r do ills 11, , ,d1-1 t ;•••it,i, 1 . • ii, I •:1; r. I'. • .rs. I. .r . • t‘cr 1•,• 11 . 11:?,hl t,lsr! f tly , ;11-t : If that I , t 01 011 1“i(1 , 11 111. - r 1 , 1•• 1 1111(1/1((11,1 u,114,.(11 1 /1 , / 1 141. - / 1 • , !. thll . l . l(ift 1/, 111-f /it] , 1;1 11.1 11 , 41; 11,1, ills'l 1.• ~ 1 ( Ati l.• t 11 n ar: in A t :At tr,•,t t,;,tit • I d .“,11,•1 S.an.‘ ny, per. I ' Pl. 1 . 1 ' , , r ' IV: I I-4 , 7. 14 , .44 th :r it 1!• ,tht> t•Il •, I t.. 1..1 4 1 . 4 14.4 . 3 .tr. tt. It, t 11;. '1 , ri:) ut P1,jj.,.11 !I hi rwatitirl, cc L! • 1ii41.1.(", 44 f, t I:. 4i.4 ~f r, 4 - 441[14: tz-ot or I,ct•adr ';n';n , dpeo, I let t and 4 X I.1141i1,1.! 4 4 that 114itt% /II j 1•P 4; , 11 ) 14. Srllnt• .1111. dwi:er. Oro - fiber f.:, ef rat dollnns tidy! tort •• .•i cente, f. .r and agrifiint all ti, .1. .lrt rrotiud. d 4..4 th• 1,.1114N4,4t (40Ttlei. Of p•r. et.. ice tip. TA er.tv-I.fth 'lN'ttfd of the (0., id , out lin.nit tit f. , :nt rr.breadth 11.1 I.)!):4 - 44r. 4't 44 feet. and c - `trr - tugof tlntttvtdtb ICE , th 14 , (1 , 14 , 1 !ay.. , 1 , 6 feet. C. de' S'a't. Term, I.eei N 0.1.12.: for t lie • dui t'art , n .441,7 r e 4 Lite. ha' . 64.t 4. : 4 .1 , d 4 it) 'I as , :,ii Gte,t let of groautt , ituated r,n the e der .1 t int:trio and Myrtlo rtreet , , in the Tec nd, N't'Ard of the city 4,1 dell hi X. contrit,intt ice front cr bnn6ditl ort trntario t tir,ft feet, 61.11 i t• In. length roc pl.:mile' lined ,7 i to. • l'Atri6 414 n. err, I.'. Sept. 'fem. 5,.. I for tle -Ire • t 4,4 . dr en d t a r t tit.•t all t', it 1 , ,t r,; to. led edtic.ve-t of Mo :taro: trid ,; •tt, • -••, in pre tity-Ffifth %Vat d rity of Phil. del; dia. c, didn..; it: tr,.nt breadth. ~it r, id t. titooeth 4 : 4 • •• c_-title f , f tit.tt in I, l i. II Ilinr feet - . t', dd., ~t!!, C. h ; Id , 7. So to. • ; • : t , ()111 rd d,d tori,-nd • -!th• , r. - trr ot, In the .N•net, nth % . 1' ..; tio• city dt PliddidclPPa. 4,4 1 n 11,114 At th. cit. - S: 4 E 4 Inc :it d tree, (hr. ••..th ^ r d. f V..: ,t t, 1,4,1'. 44' IP ,1141 4, 40 .• tr• ,t I t it 4 , unitio rd t ~..rail, I 14, 'I rnu, 1.:n7. N ., lir,. tor t , l• • :won! nir d..11mr,4 nd •tis:44 . tan! , 4 it y 31! 414,44 1,44.nnd d • n 0,14 v.,1 A. xr,:in,:n :::= 4'.‘• nth W:t;4l tht • nt:. 01 Ph' ...• : ~ 1/. : .ilr11):: 4 11 vt or t.Ld'h 011 k 14. rt.'. 11 nditne its, dt 144.,t v , t.it n',:"44114.1 T , Ith 1- , 1:( .I`., ••,11 I', • t; 1 1 ..• 00.1;1. • 1.1 I I. rctL . ir!\ ' • 13-1 rv! •' r , I ~r t. :11' 1; 1•:...',11 tl.t• IV. • It' , of \ ' I ie. , !itt. \\ ctt,;,' .1 1 tt, • / 4 :1, 1 , 4 t ,d 1 t! • 1 - ~11,1 ,tri• t i; r. V't t i! h , , 1'.11.1 V' /L 1 t: SZ g I I , i - . I; t , . Nr , . - • ot 4 ,4 4 / 4 14 , and tw4 fit 1 , .r ( Alltlmt lot ,it I •tr, t it' Ili, 'I -(114 %V:,111 r.l flio fi'liiind•~lT•i' row 41:-t.:Ire of :ebb.:[ uic , .tr fivt • 1.1,1 str , (l. tuLtling 40 f,vt. to . Cnr lim Cr%V , - t t4t,r• 1 vt 1.. r lot ‘VoI , IL:* 61. it et, n.on: t, 0,-11 ,ef• /.4 ,fIIU, OWL. t. nu. 1-67, 1„_ :. I'.•.I. t' It. for ard i'ty too'', r.,tainrt all that tc.t ituate d 11. 44 11141: 4 1 44 i1ett • 11 4.. ride of a. tort , , -feet iiide riro.t called (~.tar ,tl.l ct. and on the Hotitlm rd , il' attic i a tlail ty•f, et PPiiiore rtreet, fu the I w ent% -third Ward ot the e . w. r f Philadelphia, contain in% ill trout Ci•dar filet, and back Carolin , 11'i line one hundred lend, end in depth along (*Hulot,: ,tri et Ligiity It-et, and ott Abratit'a lii:cctela: it. t. Haase lhanarii Lynn, (lane.', &e., C. P., Sept. Term. 1 , 67, No . . no . tor thr• • of ninety didllna and thirteen rent-, for :hate Cit.. if for 1 , ,2, agniind all that lot of ground, with the th e , - , t,.ry hriek nie-i,tiage,tor tene toent tlo neon ere,•.t i, eituate on thy northeayterly side of Painfer -treet, in the Ehditevutn IV:HA of the city of _Philatiphilizcultnneffeing:..t Ih. it,. di , tl.llt , . of ZO foet• 11 ineht , ardly frog; the ' Folftherly - side of - tiiiard :menue ari/MM. earl tainint: in ir.,nt or hre.4}l . l on the eald Palmer oteet IS feet, :mil e'.tendin..; in illligtst depth northeastwardly hotneen p irallel ilk the =aid Franklin avenue:4k fe, 1. . 1 1, 1 .1, 1 1nr.rtlisre .t.W:trilly by ground now or late of .I: , nte- Pooh y, n.,rt 1,1 , 11 y and rofithenstwardly by :;:'owed Iv,: or late of . b wathint Wainwright, and south s .lohn li r. I'., Septem ber Te:te, Pei:. Nn. 1 t : Gar the• ~ion 4,1 Eighteen dollar. , and her tity•-12, nto, :'lade. and City agnmet all that lOt of pound mtn.iterl en the northwed corner of Ontailo and )1, rtle -tr..et-, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of the City of Plilailelp'da. containing in front or breadth on raid nitario etr , l 2. 14)1 ft and es tending of that width iu 14 . flgth or dent] n lour:111cl line-with audit rile titre, 1. Sameoeit o * wner Ste.; 4'. P., Septenti.oer Same Term. Pq;7, \ o. 1,1; i. , r the rut„ of fortv , .:even dollnr3 and eighty-nine cent- , , tar f , tate; , nil City ' fuzee, agaited alI that 1,,t. situated on *the paFt Fide of l d teeet, in t ~ Fourth IN'ard of the cit. of Philadelphia, commencing :it the dietvuee , fl , 7 fi.et soutlnvturd trout the south Ade of Shipp'. i t;ati eentniaingin trout or breadth on :Ninth street ..“:1 lost, and i• v.tending itt depth etutt• .$ oLdween •allel -r, fill Shippen iitreet 1011 feet to a tweet'-.tent wide rtr-et called idreet. liounded south - ,vl, gror.nilot \t IVe.t and wife, Li . 12ns- ell ritre , d, nortlin by other ounil the raid William Wert and wife, and weqtwartt by Ninth rtrrui SAnie t':.L. \ SeptelillK 1 . I';7, No. for the ::i n n of titiety•tin dolla re thirty'- two vent.,, fcr Stafe and City ta...--,1362, ago blot all that lot of ground sit,: a tea eu Cal 11:4th ',hie 1.1 thon - n atria, ill the Fltteenth Ward 4.1 the of Philadelphia, coin in e nejle!. ;it the diitanre of lfe tward from the east ride of Twenty•t-J•th stre.t,tl , ;:taialeg in if'ont or breadth on raid n i-trier I, and t..:tenoing ~t that width iulent:th or ikon' oo' feel. Ito 'l'll k 1 , IWI'1:1( 'l' City of Philadelphia Mr. Martin. owner or repUted owni.;r. nr 1 , 1V1,T, and rt Cruiee, .pri,ent and actual o;erer, I tiepte , ,lber Tern). 11 %7 , Nn• V.:5 b/ . ; . ill,' 011111 01 tine hundred anti -One, (101101 - Itt, -eight .•lit.. ,I.r ,if!‘ int; a neh4l ll, l'• to e it: a lino:, et fry,: :ei I.tair. tcf ground rituate on ILL east ;tie ~t at. ,loha Ar, el, tit ti.. diataueo of on- brudf, rtv re.tt,et.in the Slxtcenth lVtird of thCCItY c f ing in front or breadth on eridhi..l( 1.111 . en terry feet and e..tendit. f t of that width let•gth eteAurly di t 4 . 110 , ll'et to a tau ft,rl wide :db. , . Same v.-. Snider, t..y:- L. C., f-or , e riber Istir, No. foi• 0'.1at.. , !: Cle, cr., di ',lv:, :.r.d ten rents. .I , rret.lo', ruga nul.anc: ft'w t. 4 that certain lot et ground. Filtt , nte 635), :it tie diL,tat:E i (.1 e' -,ICEtAt tht v..est eido of itt.Tet. iL ti t 3: li , t• a city of irC tine etti4 et.l , •; feet . and L in l, - Lgt - - or deoth north IVard cfll l t t Rlct try the aah!Jetler ,,,.n kr( •_t t , e east arc ; t'4, cnri thereot iLet .I', o.lnelviting in t i‘e.v2 . depth 1,111.,. PI w. 4: 4:1;,i, A' tyU , !lib troot {PillUalke :11.11it of Cal 711 lot 1 Pea in IL - SIPA tor lo• ‘ IOS lati B SSIE ‘7: . CO.) ll.t. South .1 oloirort• I M PE IZIAL CANI6TEES. -X 1. gro,le. Frenrlt Imtrrint. P.'unil hauling ond for FIN le J0: 4 ]..1'11 P. lii, o: CO., IN" BonttliMaward • ;IN ..11Iit.. • l'"0".1 i 7 ‘,3•' d ; ,, It •i• ht. 4:).1 rol Appl. t:RMAN V..., L.'. W.A.': tt - . I •,wt.. ..t I I I', • i U./X. :.21(1 td! RLIk►'VGGIIII" 1171/11IIN. In the In4k4.llencc the voiceless . :1(.1.-(:(1 by airy (herons, tilt! sharnhers fiLT Whom In the darlinci , (loth my spirit ,e(11(, Oh, ford! ,s(r.. Thee? And if therQ be a w , d;:lit. '4lpcin ray briL:-.st— , Some vagte I , .npr4!.t-ion of tit; day for -;,..-01; Scarce Ichov,rirtg what it to.) And lay it down, (Jr if it iie the he:iviness that con2 - ‘5 In tohen of anticipated 31y hosornotAcs no heed of wit t :t F:uec 'tis Thy will. For oh: in spiv; of pan or preSf:3ll, eir anything bufAtle, how ra6f3 , 2.1 that ahow, , t. My God, With Th.:7e! More traneltil titan tic stillf.cE, of thf:, :More peaceful than tho fdlenee of that Lou:, .11Torn tqctit than anything. my bo , :ont I: Beneath Thy power. For 1./lat. is there on earth that I , les,lre, Of all that give, or take from me: 0- whom in Heaven (loth my sii!rit seen, !cl! but Thee? • It6-11:.1NEk. A Specimen Of Diabolical. Conduct. To //4.; X. Y. One of. the «ressest outrages ever perpe: trated in this Strad was enacted at Chester town, Kent county, last week. The victim was a young man named Sullivan, who' had been. there several days selling religious books and pictures. Although sullivan had con ducted himself in a most exemplary manner, and never once indulged in the luxury of ex pressing his opinions upon political ques tions, it was not long before be became ttsus - •peeted!' • of- being Radical, Surd, young bio'ods. once deteimined to punish and drive out the intruder. He was invited to join a party to gather fruit, clan destinely, from a neighboring orchard, and after arriving there, by previous arrange ment, persons •who'had boon stationed in the orchard bred blank cartridges, when all the party evert Snti van Ad!, preNndinely, mor tally wounded. l'rightened out of his wits, Sullivan ran ibr his l.re. Tne next day the matter being e plained ho accepted it as a joke. A few days afterward a young man named Wihien; Houston called at finEh &lI'S hotel and invited hire to ride with him into the country. The icvitation ',vas accepted, and they drove to"the hous! of ifenamin s lice Jr.. seine fe,e er six miles .ii -'-ace, where they term:heed tunil after a After night 01 Houston prov,se l th.c. hee• reborn,' which was done by an way road through a-large 0 , .d use! CallCp-groltilA. In this wool ' they wen: • met by IL W., alias Dec h-rs, .Jones and Thomas Wi-kes, vino 1:oibly look. SUllivan from the carriage, tied hint to a tree, blackened - him, destr;ved his elothing, andlleateand bruises! him in a mol t 7 iran't2rci- All manner, and, pluine• a pistol to his head, threatened to l.iow.out his isains unless h' lrcmised to leave the ne . .l day hefore and not to divtllge anything about the riCair. c etreaties o;: Sullivan 'tor help Ilettston replied th. , tt he was "on parole" and could not assist him. Left in this condi tion, Sullivan made ins way to town the next day, and lodged complaint before a Justice of the peace, who held the parties to bail for their appearance at the next term of Kent County Conti. sow, that your readers may understand who these parties are; and judge of the prospect of having justice meted' • out to them, I need only say that Vickers is the son of Gen. George Vickers, the leader of the Conservative rebel party in that county, and the proSpective Chief Jusuce -of her Court. Houston is the son of Dr. Houston, ex-Register of Wiles, a leading rebel, and nephew of Richard Hynson, a prominent lawyer of the same politics, Jones was a•. member of.Mosby;s Cavalry. Wickes is the brother of Joseph Wickes, a prominent lawyer, a member of the late Constitutional Convention, and prospectively an AsSociate Judge of the sante Circuit—and each and all are "pinks" of Southern Chivalry, and mem hers of the "first families" oft:hes:tem wee Now, with this influence at their backs„ and the judges. clerks. jurors, and every on,; connected With the administration of jestlee approvers if not instigators of the outriee, does any sane man believe that they will - he pitnisheth Knowing the. whole batelt.:, as I th ri , • and especially considering, the strenu ous e:lCrts beiine faide.y the relatives ! out'aws :ndnee Sullivan t q• °airs: ireise the ;Alai: f:: a sum of ney, ;en d the fr; t et that ne, '4l - ,tyre ameng the et..: • I . (:sidunts ,JiCitcsler..l , , , : ii , 7...oi:lfl `.:c :'J Li. 7. , , filth' €•.! :Mr.'rilivi.r:, 1 ani f(?CB(: '...) '..Le vic': ,- -ti r.!-J,.,• :i.:::-.; Tt 1() = • n• _ISA ) <<t - 11 a: :1, tie. ! ;ite of loyal :SILL; t-r.":ad, 11:13 tirE: :.110 :I nothin4 rk g. - 1 - ys , .; ?.. 9. Yours 11"aly, -cn• A .E.ctle ISM off Exprztsc.. ;etter- - wr:ter e;:hume,l !ie. , old p_Turt.l, a Tittle bill e:T! ender, , ! by the -Ipo.n!-!1 Genera' (..0n .1 .e6‘: ijord-ov a • :o 31'A: famous latt:,2 of (....ei'L.7llol. •"1'11‘.: Dar.(2l, e.lll :1101.:g1.11, kiDgdwn 11- • had jus: go.n t: :or 1.1:‘, oi/ghl :?lid - his `ehtlic.s.: 111 , .‘: Go:le:, Narvaez, wr,s ;al !..11 AAA.- 2usians mu regarded faS ;1,“ (4,;6c. , r,s of .Aceonling:y, twent,y he pmcen'ed n„; with i P.lgn'l:r tilt; iy!! „ ;e oxeoluit cxre t , ( l lurch:lt:de Yir..;:...ngton io !.I.e young C'ongre. , , )1 Ire 1 In:Le Arnerlec, •'tlll, ' • u flOOl the ,;+,:r.g.g;e for independ-a..e, Pinll - y ne.tintained the, BriCe,h cd:onieq Cdcolge 111. The famous •Ctenta . -3 00.1Y.:Lin 11.P.C1' eelcbrated .ant; .:ay be protitiii) - stuflie.l:4.,t the pruent moment. r :Is '"rwo thocsiind sevco 11..nlred and thirty-sk, dacats given to frius,,ill:ns..ni poor mendiegnts, tie t they migh, pray for Lc success of the Spanish arms. "One hundreA mil Lone e,Lcats spent pickaxes, spades and hoes. . - "Ten thoitsand dt:cats 11)2 pc:Xi:lnca gloves, to preserve the troops from bad odors arising from the multitudes of the enemy le, dead upon the field. "(Inc hundred and seventy tiimisaml ducats for renewing e . :11 - xch Lens destroyed in ring; tig peals. "Fifty tho , ...sami.ducats for brandy fils tributed the army on the day of the; battie. "One million ducats for thanksgiving imasf;es. • "Three Otle:1!6 rilv•ies fo- the "Eight hundred thonsanti Lac:Qs for spies. "And, lastly, one hundreki million :heats coropmsation for my patience in listening 10 a eheeseparinglting,who demands neat:ads from a man who has presented him with a liingdom." C!/1/11; ALNO WOOD. 7LIE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTi4'.l ; ii..sil .- Ttj J. their stock of ;-'qeing Mountain, Lohigh and Lac it Mountain Coat, which, with the preparation given by ur, We think ciann,:, be excelled by any other Cool. 111 - ice, Franklin 'Pat than Seventh k tree!. - HINES 4: jolt- i ' Arcb otreet, 1829 -CHARTER PERPETUAL. PFL.A.IVIKI.4IIV FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Noe. 435 end 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on January 1, 1867, 02 5 553,146 13. .8946,7113 00 i.M,432 16 PNEETTLRO CLAIM% ' INCOME F O R 1527 i 1/27:1011 IE, Stl6,( • Losses Paid Since 1829 Over t$5,501) 1 000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, . Aocruod Eiorylui Sremlumg. ..... . Chow. N. lianeker. Tobin? \Varner. liamiwt Grant, , Geo. W. Iticla.6lm, linae Les, CHARLES N, GEC. FALEH, JAS. W. MoALLIF.,TER, Se, DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM Ira o ,„ an l Y E ancorporatod by the Logielature of Ponnul vOffice. S.' E. corner Third and Walnut streets, Philadel. phia. • MARINE INSURANCES, on vessel!, cargo and freight; to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES. on geode. by river, canal, lake and Land carriage, to all parts of the Union._ _ _ FIRE INSURANCES On inerchandlee generally. On Storm, Dwellinglloll2B_n_it compANy • •Agsvrs OF. TII ' • .."-November .1, 81(2 1 ,140 United Statea Five Per cent. Loan. . ..... . ..... . .... ... $114,000 00 120,000 United * Staten Six per cent. 4 Loan. h 231. . . ... 1241,500 00 MOW United . Treneury Nowa. 214500 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six per cont. Loan (exempte). .. .. : ...... 120,562 50 K 00) State of Pennsylvania Six per cent. Loan . • . 54,700 00 44,003 State of Pennaylvinia Five per cent L0an.............. ...... . .......... 44.,ew 00 50.0:0 State of Now Jamey Six per cent. Loan 50,750 00 12.1,C00 Pennsylvania ItniiroadFiral Mortgage ti per cent. tior.de.... .. . .... • ,: 20,14/O 00 6.0u0 I'ennvvlvania Railroad Second Alert rage a per cent. lic.ndf.._ . .. . 24, 350 00 16,1a0 Weetern Pennsylvania Railroad . Six per cent Bond.. (Penna. Ii 11. year. ant, , e).. • . .. 20,750 00 t,( O JO State of Tenneekec Fivo per cent hnu r . .... 19,000 !Al 7,40 State of. . 'Loam 1.02) 00' rhartril rtrxk 6..rulantown Gan Ceanpeny, principal and interest. GGaranteed by the city of Philadei -7,1b. rhe.:•ee 1 7 enneylva - iiia : P.,;lll. : :cad Company. 'jot, ;t: rhareo etnek - North reune - ylvalda Railroad (;ompan v . . ........ U0 its r .V. rlrhu... and . Sci:tt..-17. Mail EteamYhcp Cowreny 20. 015 119 Loss' on llor.de and 7± ,. .14,71,7,84u,, Bret lithe cn city prop urty • L. 0.100 (P 404/..,(.0_ , Par. Cori 8.1 .00 Market value 81.070,iad 76 ,7;.2,X., Gills Reci,:vshle rl:2ll7allefrf made Eals.nce litle at Agencier--iterninme , t,n. Pelicit,--Accred 1nt....^4.,At and other det.ta d , e Company.... .. S'e:ip and i.3lm_k ci rundry Ir.,,manco and other C ., ' tot a 11..., Letinanted va1ue.........2.9Z0 00 Garb in ...... 41,649 60 1131,44.321 'Thlz bring a new enterprise, the rat fil atiTane , l 46 % the market value. Tti our as C. Hand, IHenry Sloan, John C. Davie, William G. Ilopitom. Ed nand A. Souder,(Edward Darlington, Theophrius. Paulding, 111. Jones Illooke, John it Penrose,' d Lafoorcado. James. Traquafr, Jacob P. Jonee, Henry C. Dallett Jr., James R. M'Earland. James C. ltand, .Joshua P. Eyre, Win. C. Ludwig, Spencer .14'11N - erne. -.. I Joseph 11. Seal, Jacob Riegel, Georce G. Leiper, 'George W. Rernadon, Hugh (;raist John R. Semple, Pittsburgh, John I). Taylor, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh. THOMAS C. BAND, President. • JOHN C. DAMS, Vice Provident nanny LILIIVEE. Secretary. delatuol PROVIDENT LIFE AND 7.111.18 T COMPANY .01" Philadelphia, - . . No. 111 South FOURTH etroet, .LNCORPOHATED. ad MONTH, I - c.".1d5865. CAPITAL, *150,0.10 PAW IN. Insurance on Liree, by Yearly Premiums; or by IS, 10 or 110-year premium?, Non-forfeiture. Endowments ,payable at a future age,or on prior decorous by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Premiums—both Nerpio.rfe gr .u Annuitiesan - Leg ?n favorable terms. Term Policies. Childrensa Endowments. ' This Company, while giving the insured the ieenrityo paid-ip Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lift braginf44 among its Polity holders. Moneys rectreed at interest, and paid on demand.. Authorized hy charter to execute Trurta, and to act Executor er Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, ann In f.d.:ciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person for persons, or brddee pouts or corTcrate. DIRECTORS. 'Henry llainee, T. WrEta.: Brown. .Wrn. C. Long?t - eil, 'Will:lAm Hacker, Ebnrlca F. Ccitin. SEIPLEI", / ROWLAND PARRY, Prede.Ent. actia:a.y. TIB.),NAS WISTA D.. J. B. TOWNSEND, (TAW, ExasLiner. Lefial Adviser Farr Shirl,y, ;IflPl3 . :2-1;R:d YaLlazd C()L - Nri FIRE INSURANCE COSIPANY.—OF. iyse, tie. lit South Fourth etreet, below Cheetnu•" Fire lt.,:.rance C , -.:T.11.ny of the County ofPlaila del•, 1,1 a." Inecomorhted tv the Lerielatare of Pennell: aria fit kr indemnity aga.ine. Ica or damage by ore, ex ctuo:-. ay. CIIARTF.R. PEFtPETUAL. kr... v, Mir 'ld sz.d reliable tretitution, with ample earital and :r . r.F card:llly r d contimxi to mire .n..t.:.;re,merebtiodiee, tsc.. eitber permaneirtly c r h.:km:ea rune. r.gaimt t.re C: damage by tire, at the letyee: rate* c.cattletera. with the at.colutri esfety of itir cr.& Tr.k. - 1..c.., - ,:rtrd and raid with ad: roetible deipatch. TORS.L'ZEEi tair , Andrew IL Mille^. &m et , M. Stenc, rn. I Edwin L. licakirt. i•-•T F.nbert V. Ma,tr3, - , Jr., C. 4 2.(:{,t) Mt.( r.e, I Mllrk. CITAI-11.1:25 J. SUTTER, Prerident. FT:r.::AXEN T, E( t3ecretary snd Mtge.:rm. .11 , it3LT.A.NCE COMPANY OF P111.t.....A.D.E.L1 .1. .PERPEL - AL. 0. :134, o; 'me L.xchemy e. cAltiltmn to and inland Immrance COM• fang th: area fr , in bete or dti..nnye by Fire, on liberal ommihst.. me:chat:dike, trnitate, &.., for mht.tcd prrichr, t.md ;.e....matio.m.Lly on thildinge by depoeie he Comahy ;:hr been in cu.c ., ve [-permit's for more :tht, , Which all thwet bay() been T 7 . : hnd , • b . -ere.„ hvid Lewa, I r rt..tinf. H. Power,. , A. 2.tr: IV. Tidincnd Caktinon. I: 9an.. - 10 Norrie. I . 1N";:c.;11..E.R.E.Y, Pretiden4 r OF Nc. 134, Ncr. - .:n Filth etrert, near 1.. v the Lepikirtt=e cf Pe , n_arylvitni Cliar• l't t- .:.; ilnf and Mal:o tS'q:=i:aft,: C'..: PliViite (Cowie and Nterchfaidite. oa . _ P.PTTFe PTII. dot T, Ontin-T, l'icscr,, , -Pr. L , ! el, ;but, •• h 1,01/TA-1-, or( RGE ERETY. UN F..1,1 - 21.:;:E111.11;,G, Vlce Pr. ident ITI7-14' t 3. 4 SILT-ICAN MUTUAL .I.NdiTILAN(:;FI COMPANY:, .auttme r myna:is Dl:Acting, No. :I% Walnut etreet, Ma rine Patti Inland Itaitrance2. Itittha taken en V,at.elr. Car toes and Pt( ir.r.ta in all Darts Of the world, and on goods on inland ttlmrportation on 17Cfre, amide, railroad[, and ether ct..L.velar.ura :11.-Nzghout the United Stater. WIT I AM CRAIG, Prkddent. PETER Nice Pre:widen:. 7 mr,r.,, Seetetarr. DIREUTORS. Wiliam : T. Lovrber. 710 e l'e'74 j. jet:tern Brown. Lallet., :It., S.aimal A. Rulon. 1 7 :illiarn 11. - Merrick, I Chat - lea Caurad. Gillifm Dallett, EienyL.Llder. Benj. W. Iticnaitt. e. Rodman Morgan, Wm, M. Baird, PepiCkfill &ATTU. 110tIry 4.; rlfalOtt. Jalo 17Di r, Th, 4 . .t. .. , . E PENN. ISTIRAF(. ;:- I(.LI3SIVELY Tn. 10 Bylvaniat Pire lneurance (tempera—lncorporated MS —Muter Peletual—No. 510 Walnut etreet, oepoelte lade. tendence Stlnl- 1. 0. This Company, favorably known to the ton= over forty yeast!, rontinuee to inure againet loee or damage units' ter ey fro, on Public or .F:ivatePaldinge, either permanently or for a limited time, Alec, on Furrutora, st oo k e of Goody and l'Aerot)anctirn ren craey. on liberal forma Their Capital, together witn a large Surplus Fund, ha in ,roeted In a nmllleraroial manner, which enables them to peer to `he Atoned an andommd locurity in the cake at (01. Drado Smith, 3r., holm lohn Dovorear.;: 1 Alexander itenemn„ :nomad t'imith, .'4640.f. blazelhurrt, tiorry Lew) I .1. Nillitmiturt roll D - Ili maw it,obita,t Daniel Ezilt.oi k, ,1- DANIEL FWET.E. a:, Fteolderei. liihrtakad G. Wwywrrs., SOC.! ett.n.. aw; INBITILMICE com7ANY, NO. Citi CHEBT.NII7 .EI 'Arcot. PHILADHLrfiIk. IN.HE AND 7NLAI , ID 3145DHANDE., , D 11: 17115'01i.9. Fronde N. Bnck j (In W. Evermark, . Cbaidee Elohardeen. Robert B. Potter. Xenry Lovria. ano. Hoilder,Jr.. Hobert Pearce. E. D. Woodraft. Y. B. &lotto° taste. Stoked. Goo. A. Wftel . 13013. D. Elliii, FRANCIS N. BUCK. Preaidont, tIBA. HICHAAD BON. 'V Joe Preidde IN. IL EzdaistuALl). Eioaretarri lII=I THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPI. A, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1867. ~x~,nFtn:vu~. DIREGTORd. Geo. Valet Alfred Filler, • Fran. W. I.twie, M. Peter McCall, Thomar, Sparks!. ItANCKER, Preeldmit. J, Vire•Preddent. etretary pro tem. fel 36,C01 nu 2.7,&.7 .0 INSURANCE. MITE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL adelphia. Incorporated in 1641. Chatter Perpetual. Office, No. 948 Walnut street. CAPITAL *Worn°. Inanrea against lose or damage, by , FIRE, on Houses Storey and otirer Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Dodds,' Wares and Merchandiets in town or country. t, LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. A eg _ . .. , .... ...• • . •Vel. l R 3 99 Inveeted the following Secu r i t ies. s viz.: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured..Bl2lAS) 00 United Statca Govenunerit Muir) ue Philadelphia City 6 per cent. 1,0311/5.... ......... ra),IN6J CO Pennsylvania igz,ooo,ooo 6 per cent. Loan.. 31,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Roills. feet and second Mortgagee .. . ...... ~. . ......... ..... 2,5,01.10 tiO Camden and Amboy Railr . oa&t.4mnpany's . 6 per cent. , Loan .. ... .... . . (WOO 00 Philadelphia and Reading Rail, ead Comp . anyls Lluntingdon and 81006 per cent. Loan d TOT) 7 per eenl. mort gage Londe.-- ~..... . ...... 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance doinpany'illtoc . k........ 1,050 00 1 , 4 echanice` Hank 5teek............. —•. • 4,000 00 Commercial Rank of Pennsylvania 5t0ck...... 10,tr0) OO Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock &ft 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Ca„th in Lank and on liana.. ................ 7,000 09 Wo;11) this date at market price... PIIIECTORES Clew. 'fingle . f, Benj. W. Tingley. Wm.MIIPrO:r i It/Kuban Hill, Samuel. Birimam. Cbarleg Leland, It. L. Carew], Thomas 11. Moore, balm F. Baker, , . Samuel Cagtner, Wm. Stmengon, Alfred English. James T. Young. CLEM. TDIDLEY, Preildent. TIMMAIS C. Him, Secretary. Pill LAW'. Ll'll lA, December 1, 18691 jal.ttt,thAtf FIRE ASSOCIATION OF P/lILADEI, phia. Office, No. 84 N. Fifth street, Maw . - F A peratad March i 7, 18111. Insure Buileingo, ilouiahold Furtuture and 14erchandlise tat generally, from Lone by Fire On the City of Philadelphia only.) - :T. , Statement of the /Wets of the Amociation published in compliance with the provieiona of an Act of Aasembly of April sth, 1842. Bondi and on Property in the City . . of Philadelphia 'only ... . Ground Rente (in rhiradelph . la only) Real Eetate. U. 8. Government (1-20) U. 8. Treazury Gash • in • bank's-- ....... , ..... TRUSTEES. Wm. IL Ilamilten..... Levi P. Coats, John Sander, Samuel Sparhawk, Peter A. Reyeer, Charleaf'. Bower, John Philbin, Joeee Lightfoot, John Carrow, Robert Shoemaker. George I. Young, Peter Ariabrmter. Joiteph It. Lynda% NVII. IL HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARILAVVIC, Vice Preeident. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary - - AMERICAN ELItE INSURANCE COMPANY, INCUR. Yorated Thlo.---(lharter perpetual. No. :flu WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. }laving a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In verted in round and available Securities, continue to In. sure on dwellings, eterce, f urnit:ire, merchandise, veiteela In port, and their eargot,r, and (tile: i.en.cn2l propelt• All lorries liberally and promptly ari.r.ated. DIRECTORS. Thornite R. !Mani'. I .Tamer It. Campbell. John Wel-P, I:dromM G. Lutilh. Patrick }Wady. Chalice W. Poultney, John T. Lewis, lerael Morrie, John P. i'etheriil. _ TEIOMAS Fi. 31APJS. President. Ar. 1:11 - H1 C. L. Cr../..WrOtD. Secretary. A N'FfiItACITE IN SUP.ANCE :2'A VI.—CIIAItTEA PERPETI.:AI - N0..11 WA LN CT rtree.t, above Third. Philad'a. Will in. , ire 2.11,ainL4 Love or Drin.nFe by Fire, en Bill& Inro, either r, , rr vially er f: iin-ited tape, Furnithre abd rderehandi.,9 generally. Air°, : Marine Ineurance on v en rp,oef and freiglita: Inland Insurance to ail pirri of tho Union. Lit ORS. Peter Sieger. .T. Win. F. 11,, , .11, John ICe'elLau. John It. ESIIEJS. Preeident. 1. DEAN. Vic,: President. Wm. Filer. D. L.AI).-r; Le,NVir John It. 131akiet.op, l'earegn, wm. M. Ruiru. Secret4u-v. FOR SALE. Coal or Lumber Yards, Foundries, &c . FOR SALE—A LAI:GE LOT OF GROUND, SW:IDEA:ST CORNER uy TWENTY-SECOND AND HAMILTON STREETS. • SII ant 6 inches front, by R5O feet deep. A. 11. CARVER & CO., LINTH and riLBERT st 4. S. W. car r.IU APITALISTS THOSE DESIRING NVater Power.--Attention r. called to the Hale of the "..Fanit of the late Riehard Smethurst, which will be cold on Saturday, the sth of Oetaer next. at t 5 o'clock P. M., at the Addian Queen Motel, in Wilmington, Del. The farm is situate about live mike northweat of Wit t on the Lancaster turnpike, adjoining the Brandywine SpringB and Fell's epics mils. It to well watered, Red Clay creek nmning through ft, en witch thire i< a good water.power..haying a fall of seventeen feet. '1 he land i 9 first quality, with two .entire eels of huildinge, containing ? , :h!fikt :Yitacree, thirty oI which id tut ath,W, A diagram of the water power and laud will be ex hihitrri at the ..ale... - . . For fur tht , r partictirzo. apply to JOIIN B. SQUIRES 2.-7) South Fourft in mit ,ALE-II f:ST•CLASS OW ELLINGz.. !-. , 50 Franklin etreet. " No. AIN North Seventh street. No. 1fr.17 Delaney p1a.0e.. -, • No. 41n Knuth kif trout!) street. No. *...31.0 Lombard krret. 'tore and dsvel inF 705 South ;• , ,rond , •t op 2112 I )e.l.anc , , place. Apply to COPP L:CK JOIZDAN, Walnut !.troct. NVEST 11 . 1.1T111 ):KEN STIZEET, \ • A Ind.ue dotible ;u..d•-rn containing fwirtern roont,, rice of ua~h . rrrtu. l'nntrY, rod and conveniericee. Lct lu9 trout b.. 21.; foot d , ,p, bea , !txfully mrrt , 4 ; ‘l , O, ,t3porier ertrp. t n. f..r dc4ired. J. M. GUM M J.: )`.s, \\*.tinlit -t tet. ~ .ST PI I LADELPif „,, ,L.. d, .eFid, e”ntaininq 11 '"- .11,, Srraft , If l'orty• ‘-tr. nd. 1— 7.1 d :11 t'Orl , frlir'll ,, 1,,,, - en , of, •Lr:L I!liant , :d C:loir 02 t•hrttobe ‘!:021. :ud - :rt.. 1.0: Il l 1e. , : by lrht ;r, , , (1-4,1. 1. r •STII OY • sv. vv vcut,....-nth :Ind -.' win , ey, ntainuir Lrld i.ll tnu. conv..nienc, , . 1 4 tir-t-ch- C:, K 1 N h I-Arer 'JP. D.\ la-- A .11A , a)641ME STON: b and anithed tar.. le'a.aa in a 7 ad„„Jan F. jydl.l--.5Z , " 11 OICV. liltnl.e I/PW I..li.ttti inti..rll7r4c de4d,i.nad. . -1 Nea itl/4l luta . and in Fe, U, Pt— , in•ar J. r. )NS. Wain :t ,t7ret r_ . SALE- A nittEr-sD /KV D', ELLING. wilt! buildtnp , , N.. n NY)t,l tiirect.(,ry tlwq•Ding to rt -,.., T. All aud r, Apply ,1')1:13.1::,, :11r: EXCHAN(.II:.---). ,, fit SALE--.t. modern Nat:4.7,i ft " croilnit Fittirtb! on Si.rt:c. ,trectotc....." Hillitdcll.lll:‘,m xvill.l)..excii.tiicsd for city li - ci , crty. 34. GU3I I .IEY 151/IN:t, FOR SALE.-ELEGANT NEW RE6IDENCE, No. 2,12'2 SPRUtfE STREET 3 ALL MODERN IMPROVEMP.:NTS. 3LIELE. BROTHER J.-. CO., 254.4) STREET. WES'r PIItLADELPHIA—FOR SALE— A LA ROE 1.1.111. k Strqw MalWioll, imitable tor jll.titll: Lnt Ground-I:ofeet froirt..by.l7s feet. d.op. Situate on tho nofth , z,t corner of ThirtSAlinth and L co:t ,tro, (;1'. 1 .131"EY t SONS, 5...3 Walimt FUR SALE—TWo NEW HOUSES, WALNUT m lane, filth and eiath 'loupes. wept, of Adam Germantown, Apply to A. W. RAND,,12,1 North Sixth &tract. Phi je2.741) rN; t 4 E T., 1 .. .7 yer.r4. on tin iett,ovorf.. t I :He, H0L , 61: s Norlh NINTH S'..:!e, t. HENRY 4•L'.l ; ' J, SI.:;f:EANT No. ,tr.2et. 1 - RMANTQWN—FOR RENT—A HAMMON:. clo . ark r..vidc nee, with every city couvoiivn.! Nviosai.,Jwar thi, railroad Sera , j. 31. C1. 7 .:',1.N11.1." Walnut rtrcCt. To ECNT. VIN T: 1.1}'.61:.111,Y SECOND ;! Thi:d 7:7 t tog,:ther t• t 162 31int. 1 , 11( :ES ro): 'CENT- NONE 1\101:1 , 11)1 slil:l6t,h; D in. -51'2;111:C Lgi.nte. Firt floor t;29 NV 91 mgt i.tEet , •;. ocStf Veik:LS 'l . O LET IN I:AS'l' PENN BUILDING, 42cInatf,,t:cct. Arrly to S. E. 1114.;AY, .09 Walnut etrect. ec2•w w f 15t; TO LET. -7 , ,v0 :)11 . 1(.,:Ei,:,111:sr FLOOR, AT NO. 22 , 3 South ocl-.1t4 rpo LET.—THE ELEGANT SECOND-STORY ROOM, .1 S. E. corner Severn andCiuostnnt ea - cobs—now occu pied by e.. GOULD. Air°, fromo.,tober tho premires now occupied by EDWARD 3`, KELLEY, 613 Chertnut rtreet. Addreos EDWARD T 1.3 i'llemtnut E. tree. aa23-tf 19W ANT:II-.A J.i..Y SI:V!..NTEL:I`I YEA Ili OLI). TO Y Y 41,,HiHt M tho co'tutinp.n, '.1:1 lit :: largo zahmliar,:cry. l A dclr..Pri in liuml...trit in.: ,I applicant, boa. "0 'hihminl. gill in Vont Ot.le, .. >c..'..3.• 1 -• --, ~,,AN L,-.) TO ,:,...N;-.1 • '11:.:N.ISI1ED 'IOUS?: fnr a family of tilr.ie, im childron, in t1Awc,..1.1.:l I : 01 tlll)eity. A ililre€. T. ',lin .01 - 1 , a. cc 1 ,:..... _ _ 12 - WM:ULM •PO fiIDIASI4—A 13011 SE, ON , a ntreet, of Broad, an,' Etvot of Eir'ltoonth " HtroetH. l'ovlivosina <lp>tl lit. Addtctif lio. 110. 1, Rtn.t.vroi gttlting priffi). copAirruEnssiTii.s ribern larder the ram reurien 0r, 1 14. 1 .NtA Son NIeCOLLIN 4,30. and GAUSI3, McrUOLLIN d.; D MOU, le hereby die 'wive(' by muted con.eni. The buninens will be &Ailed and clortd at No; 54)1Calowbill Etreat 0020.f,m,w,60 $398,145 62 $411,364 17 . D 3,148 31 ;13 . , 41,000 00 . 6, 0 40 00 . 44,652 56 sim,s,u9,3 37 _ . S . E A O N IiIoCOLTAN. E. GAUSE 4 d DANIEL .04,0 V, NUEDIIVAtte A YEWS CHERRY PErTHIAL, I'Ol DISEASES DIP TIII; THROAT AND I.I'NGS. SITU AS “017G118. cOLDS, \V II OO I 'IM;C 4 .II:I.III,ERONCIII.TI6,ASTIDIA. AND CONSID11"11014. l'robtdilx never hefore in the n hole lii?fery of inedichn:, lima anything (von eu widely and on deeply upon the conh. dance of tininkind, ns thia e eellent, remedy for iodine. nary complaiiita. Through a long rerica of years. and among ninct of the iflei l er 711141 it lIITH risen higher and higher in their tadiluittien, ae it has ibielllllo 'fetter known. 11 illiiiollll CiinViiettl' :111(1 POIVer t i ellrli the veriona nf fi•etiona of the Lanza and throat, have made it known fie a reliable protector aruli t them. While adapted to milder torwe of dieenre and to .y,mig children, it Vint the . ratite time the limit effectual remedy that can bo given for in. elpit nt comounption, and the dangerolta alleetion , of the throat and hinge. An a pro% sudden ;dtacka of ('coop, it ohould be P.ei t on hand in c.. - ery tutilly, and indeed Oil all are eninef in), ...abject colds and coughs, all should lie provided with this antidote for thein. Although reified (:'omor,, , p/;an la thought incurable, still great 1111111hvrii It ca,a. where the d foaio. , ecunal Fettled. have hcen completely cored. and the patient IT. H 6111 1 ,1 health lej the Cieqrty r , •efoca/. 80 com plete i I ih; needery ov,r the t1i,r41.1 , of that Laing , and Throat, that the lino 01,finate of them yield to it.\\ - heat nothing eke could reach them, under the Cheery l'ectural they mith-rde and di,appear. 1.4 (1101 I ' , !btilt ,Ytc . tor. , ,-... , 1 find great protection from it. :kilo dirt it alway. , relieved and often wholly cured by it, Brodebitt.4 la generally ,mod by taking the C/v.'reti i'cc toott iu ofnall anfl frequent S. 14 , nerallY are it , I irtne+ known that tvo 'wed not polflielt the certificate.; of thew hero , or do loon e than ff ,, tire the pu blic that it , , fllllllll, are luny ipaintninvd. AYER'S A (0 : 1 % CI 10% rol: rEvER AND AGIT. IN. , . ci I Li, FUNl:i:ur.'urr. TENT FEVER. DUMB AGIT. Di 01: mLiors FEVER. NWIN In:En TUG AD. FE( TIONS 11:0M. MALAyOUS, MARSH. 01:111.1SMATII; POISONS. . . . An its name intpliep, it does C,re,and does not fail. Con taining neither Aiyente, Quinine. llinineth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonowOrtileTtance whatever, it in no wise injure. any patient. 'I he number and importance of it , cores in the ague districts are literally beyond ac count, and we believe withont a parallel in the Instory of Aglii% Ira diCinC. 0111" Pride 1,, gratified by the acknowl- I 1;011.110 we receive of the radical cures effected in ob stinate capes,and where other remedien had wholly failed. Unacelintated peremn., either resident in, or traveling thronph inla,natic localitico, will be protested by taking the AG CI: CiLIE For LIVER COMPLAINTS, ariPing from torpidity of the Liver. it is an excellent remedy, cumulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorder' sad Liver Complaints, it in an ex. cellent remedy,producing many truly remarkable cure,,, vi here other medicines had in ih-d. Prepared by C. Ai1. 7 .1 ., : &;! .a C 0.,, Prp.c:tir , s . 11 an Ann lytlcal Übeniirtr, ~ La round 11ie P . l:feß, :41.00 " • T. M. MARili& CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale w ly IPAL I lENTAL,LINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR • cleaning the 'I ettli. daostreying animalcula which in them, giA ing tone to the gene., and line ing a feeling iffnigrunc , ,:ml perfeet in the month. It may he timed daily, and will be found to etrengthen weak end bleeding g:1111., %%bile, thin aroma and fletersivenePri will reCollilliend it to fr.*Oy C , 11 , . Being conn.e, , ed with the ivolptane,• the Dentiet.l'llydeianii and Microscopimt, it ix C011fithm1111:,. ' , tiered a , a Tel ealiqitute for the un certain wavier: formerly in voene. Eminent 10 nti+tp, with ,OTlatitt:l , lltM of the Dcntallina, ad‘oeme ite ewe; it eouteims nothing to Fr... Neat eta en: , -trained employment. \ lade only by .1A.311:6 'l'. SHINN, kpotheeary, . . Ifr. , ad and ci rico , treete. Drlregi-t4 Yencrallr, and • Brown. ID, L. Stec-:t!• Co., t 1 ) ,,i,, . It. ,t I. Boer. r, I-aac li. Has, "I. ' , le. %Alio, If or , h.and,:S. , 11,14 , . If. r.ie-rio, Ed-cord PmeTrt- I!, I lame , . N. Mar... Wto, It. Webb. r c..„ • • Inme• L. II eghe. Con,'•• Henry A. f; I I,‘"' t h I fr.. 1 t'. . Mi‘f t'S ELF:I:PA:LED - , P.INISB • 13I 1 TEI:S, me r. :or Dv-- (I,i, aid all ha t.tirita eof t bl , _^d. Niue gen,:ineit?, it eh. rieal..thre if , r D. I'. C. n the label. Prineipal 1) -lot, :ill North Ninth etrr . B , NTII2I.LI" 1:1;1,1.1LE-111.11)6 ,, 1:11()Nt;1.11L Jor thy , e , Agb , , bun, chid, And ..f head I,r,r-t. ringers :q3(l Llinatf . Pre wilt b, er.Ltlv benetirt d by 1?-ing Prep:act! only LAN' AsTER Z. PhaT:nact N. I:. ~ o rm, r A. ell mild T. nth. l'or -ale by .iobn. , Coy. reIFT:IIIN. LUMBER. 1 LZI •. 7 SELD WHITE PINE. 1( . ItOA I:1)S AND PLANE. 3 and 4-114,41, • CHOP I: PANEL AND FIRST c4)NIMf4N, 10 feet lout;, 4-4. ,4. 4;4. awl 4-Inelt..' ULE BROTI k * No. 270) - 1.11 Street. 1H ;7. - 11'1113;Ri‘;: 1 !"T,INI - Itlilf , '''L'u;lYLVlNG • 4-4 ('AR' 'LINA FLOORING. •.-4 CAROLINA FLOORIN(:. ,LELAWARE FLOORING: -4 DELAWARE FLOORING. ASI I FLOORLN4:. • IVALNUT FLOORING. ,PRUCE FLOORINO, STEP BOARDS, RAIL PLANK, • ; I'LASTERIN44- LATII MACLE, rt CO., No. f_.',ol South ,tn•ct COOPER SHINGLES. No. 1 CEDAR 1..(.:8 AND No. I CEDAR. DIGS AND 141sTs. _ pncry k cf) ? 0- 1 Dt!..TAKERS! LumisEit FOl NDERTAKERS! (TEAR, wAI.Nt MAIP \ NV, GEDAR, WALNUT, MALIQUANI:. 31.4 ULE, 'I ;.'.4/' tP7 -ALBANY L 474 BER OF ALL KINDs k/ I . ALBANY LI'MBEIt 44C ALL ]ANDS. . SEASONED WALNLT. nny 4.4MNF. , : : D i nWA)..NI 'I% OAK' BI :A ' - 1, - . 1- A ' ' j! : ; 1" 3,ili': 1) ( 5 / / 4 I 4:4.4. . ' lIICKoItY ROSEWOOD AND IVA LN'UT VEN1:1;1: , 4 .. MACLE. BROTHER ‘ 4 .: CO 1 k..,;(- 1-/ 1, I,:icAlt- B.)\ \IANUFAt. cUREI:s. 1' , I . MATILIFAcTi!IIERS. Ell.\1: 1%-I'..)A , DS • SOUl'll.tro, : , ,,i- j t sv n JOIST- SP:1;LCI; • • 2.0.1:WAY Sf_'‘NTUNC. .71.1.! i;1;.11111:1; LES; SIIT.N.N3 LES' -IN Gr,F.AT VA:',iETY AND chefte tr!oc:lng and 7!neing, r. , e , )rted v. jug. P.n ticalar attvn - .im to lumber h.ntnnit CA .I.:N L - LtitiltlNG AT 1.. 'WEST c:-. NI(.I.L(...I_3')N'S, Seventh Ed Carpenter rtret eel 2u REDDING, FEATHERS, A:C. _- 1, , all.li. BEDS AND 11.kiR MA Ei TRSES• RENO Factor/ :,11 (.4 - au hard etmA. ~, 1 9 Dn. THAVELEKS I GUIDE. PIILLADELPiIIA AND ERIE kg,I4TIME 'l`A. Direct tween Philadelphia, Baltimore. Ilarriablirg. IVilliarne p.,:rt and the Great Oil Region of Penceylvauia.—Elt , gar.t dßering Cars on all Nigh?. 'frame. end alter MONDAY, April :19th, the Trains cn the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will /lin icliewer" WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 7.a.1 P. M. " 4.30 A. M. " acrivee at Erie .. 4.h P. M. Ex; rea leaveaPhilaiclphin Noon. 14 46 14 ...... i 45 P. M. arrives at Ede.. ...... IC.OO A. M. Elmira Mail lehves ................ e,.th) A. M. " " Willia mgport:... ........ . 6.4.5 P. N. " anicce P.t Lock II /Wen. .. ......... ‘ . ..41.0 P. M. • • EASTWARti. • • - . M. :....... . 1(1.19 I'. 91. " arr. at Philadelphia 7.&.! :1. I:rie EY - 13'a leavca ...... ................. 5.41 p. M. '• .•" Et Ph iladf)lplu a............ ...... 1.00 P. 31 .17.! r.iraMaille (t' Leek 7.13 A. 31. " " IViiL an - 9ra,a • A. 31. " arr. at..... M. Eq creC,,)lll; :hailiraine e;• ...... Par:engtr:t , leavinv Philadelithia nt % , .i.ll , l., * arrive at 6.4,3 A. and Oil City :It A. )1. l'Eladelphia. at 7.CJ P. N., 5:7;V eat Oil City at ! (.'P. M.. All r.":4lfle. ell 'War:ell and Franklb hail ay mal.oclaeo City with and I'7.ruit. Cute. Eaci!agt: eched th!ougli. Al FLi L. Tvu:n, GariciilSur,diuterdaut. LIAERE I iVik I A D L EL P ll l 2 ALT Se M n it o E r Arzargemento. On and after Saturday Jane lot, Ihl7 the Tutus will lance Philadelphia. from the Dc-I - ot of tilt) Weitt Cheater A:. Philadelphia It ailroad.comer of l'itirty-ilret and Chertnut etrcetz,(Weiit Philada.),at 7.15 0., M., and 4.0 P. M. Leave ltioing Sun, at 1.15, and Oxford at tletl A. M., and atford at 3.21 P. M. A Market 'Praia. with Passenger Car attached, will ran n T . acodayo and Fridays, leaving the, tilting San at 11.15 A. at., Oxford at Mtn M., and Kennett at 1.00 P. 51, con. o :lathe; it Vied Charter artnetion with a Train for Phila. thiphla. OuWi.duerdaye and Saturdays. trains leave Phi bdelphla at, lila P, rim through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily Line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lgueatter comity. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philadel phia Th . 4,, The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.5 J P. M. rune to Rising bun, Md. Paesougeni eildweel to tako NVenring Apparel only, as naive re. eo d the Company will net in any ease he reaper: tate for ea amount exceeding ono hundred dollars, unless Ppe , !,Ll contract be made ler the ensue. mlita HENRY WOOD. (Imam Sinn. 17,- na tr e r sd ! .. " it t e ' en D ,4 o lo77.l --,. . tv o l f m stltha " i:Ctrx Travel to NEW yultiC ansi LONG BlIANL:11. FARE TO NEW YOUIC, 1.2 J. FARE TO Li )2;.t ir,a l A N ENO:RS 10.1 TICKET S LONG BRANCH, good for WOrk, $3 'll wit:bortt change of can., to Loin Branch, in ar U.!: AND A IiALP HOURS. On and after Monday., May 13th, 1507. the Expre es a ce will ioLve Philadelphia from Vine Street Ferry at 7.45 A. 5L Returning, leave blow York from Her al, foot of Linar.o street, a 1115 A. M., and Long Brancliatllss The Saturday 4.15 P. 31. train :or Long Branch is die. c , nt:D'7ril.. FAST FREIGHT IJNB 1011 NEW YORK, Freight left at the Warehotuse,No. 820 North Delaware avenue, before o'clock P. M., will mirk Flew at ew -York e, • next morning. • • Eatee _low. and quick time tuliformly made. ' Freig4.Traihleavesetioperee Polnlat IiSO A. 1".• Tickets-or New York and Long Brandi eau 1104 0 eUred. at the cube of the PhiladelPhla-LeookiEsPrees PanYl CRIPMAN. Alen32olorth POnwarn avenue. WWI XY$ 13:147=E:i c9...tietter. TRAVELERS' ()VIDE. QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. 26 Hours to Cincinnati via Pennsylvania Railroad Pan Handle. 7 1.2 BOUM LESSTILI7IE than by competing lines. Passengers taking 7.3 e P. M., arrive in Cincinnati next evening at lOM P. M.; 213,;51 hours. Only one night On onte. The Celebrated palace State Room Sleeping Can run through from Philadelphia to Cincinnati. Pasiengers taking the 12 M. and 11 ?. M. trains reach Cincinnati and all points West and South one train in ad vance of all other routes. To secure the unequaled advantages of this line be par. Heider and ask for tickets "Via Pan Handle," at Ticket Office. N. W. canivr Ninth and Chestnut streets, and Depot, West Philadelphia. JNO. DURAND, General Superintendent. J. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, mv2•tt JNO: H. MILLER, General Ai READING RAILROAIi-- KIEJEFOR GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila delphia to the' interior of Penneylya. nia, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleye, the North, Northwest and the Canadae, Winter Arrangement of Paseenger Trains, S.pt. 3il, leo ,'7 leaving the Company's Depot. Thirteenth and Callowhill streetc, Philadelphia at the following hours: BIORNINO ACCOMMODATIONS. At 7.30 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations. . . . Returning, leaves Reading at 6.3 t) P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS.—At 8.16 A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Hanisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wflkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, Chamberaburg, Hagerstown. &c. This train connects at Reading with the East Penn- Wvania Railroad trains for Allentown, die. ; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Iltuvisburg, &c.; at Port Clinton with Catawissa P. R. trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, &e.; at Harriaburg with Northern Central, Cum berland Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York., Chamberaburg, Pinegrove, AFTERNOON EXPRESS—Leaves Philadelphia at 3.80 P.M. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburgh, dre.. connect ing with Reading andpolumbia Railroad traiMe for- Cob' canbia, &c. POTTSTOWN. AOCOMODATION.—Leaves Pottstown at &IS A. N., stopping at intermediate abalone; arrives In Philadelphia at 11.08 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at A. 5.5 P. M. •, arrives in Pottstown at 8.00 I'. M. ACCOMMODATION—Leaves Reading at 7.80 A. 51., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila. dolphin at 10.15 A. M. Returning, leaves' Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M.; arrived in Reading at ,AS P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A M. and Pottsville at 645 A. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 31. Alto coon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. and Pottsville at 2.45 P. IL; arriving at Philadelphia at 1.45 P: M. Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A..5L and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 8.30 P. M. arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves! Philadelphia at 12.45 noon, for Pottsville and all Way Stations; leaven Pottavillo at TA. H., for Philadelphia and ail Way Station?. All the above trains run usilv, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.,00 A. M., and Phila.- delphis. at 3.15 P. 51. ; Icavo Piniadelphia. for Reading at Ltgi,jl,. 11.. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. SL -.C."IIESTER VALLEY RAILROAI.).-Pusenacrs for Downingtown and intermediate Points take the 7.30 A.M. and 5.00 P. Si. train,. from Philadelphia, returning from Dowriugtown at tile A. 51.. and 1.00 P NEW YORK EXPRESS. FOP. PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaven New York at 9 A. 31, 5,00 and 8.00 P. 51., pia-sing Reading at 1, A. IL, 1.50 and 10.00 P. M., and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania, and North ern Central Railroad Eapresn Trains for Pittsburgh, (;hi. coca. Williamnrort. Elms a. Baltimore, 42c. Returning, Express Train leaven Harrinburg, on arrival of Penusvlya pia Express from Pith:burgh, at 3 and 8.40 A. P .51 ..passina Reading at 4.49 and 10.30 A.M. and 4.20 lo.P.M.arriving at New York 10.10 A.M a and..4.4o and 5.50 P. H. Sleeping Care accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change. Mail train for New York leaves Itirrieburg at 2.10 P. H. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. SCIIUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD.-Trains leave Pottsville at 7, 11,10 A. M. and 7.15 P. M. returning from Tamaqua at 7.35 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.1515 M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.- Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A. M, for Pinegrove and Har risburg, and at LSOP. H. for l'inegrove and Tremont; re turning from Harrisburg at 3.20 P.M. and from Tremont at 7.26 A. M. and &We. P. M. TICKETS.—Through Bret-clace tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canadaa . iliCM'iriOnT ikets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate . tatione good for day only. are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market' , Train. Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. . . _ . Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia good for day only are sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Reading and Pottstown Accomodation Traits at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 277 South Fourth street, Philadelphia or of G. A. hicolLs, General Superintendent. Read. Comm ing utation Tickets at 26 per cent. discount, between any points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets,, good for 2,ooo , milee, between all points, at ea EA each, for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three; six, nine or twelve months,for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line or the road will be fur. sashed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick ets at half-fare. _ Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta. lions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. PREIGIIT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above uoints from the Company's Now Preight Depot. Broad and Willow streets. . . . Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.50 M.. 1L45 noon. and 6 P. 3L, for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg. Pottsville, Port Clinton. and all points beyond. ' Mails close at the Philadelphia Post,ollice for all places on the road and its branched at 5 AL M.. and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.L5.P. 31. PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON AND ,BA_LTI3IOREJRAILROAD— TIME LlBLE.—Commencing.Mon day. , Sept, 1E47. Trails will leave 'Do,' of, corner of Bread street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way.mail Train, at 6.30 A. M. (Sundaya excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular station. Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate rtatizza. Expreas tinin at 12. , ).11.1. (Stuidays extorted) for Bai• timer° and IVaohington. Exprees Train at 130 P. M . . (Sundays excepted), for Bal. timere and Wathington, etcpping at Cheeter, Thur Lir.wcod, Claymont, Wilre.ington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elktou, Norttatiazt, Charleeton, Perryville, Havre-de•Grace, Aberdeen. Perrymen'a., Edgowood, Magnolia, Ch zoo's and Stemmer'e Night Erpre.a at 11.01 P. m. (daily) for . Baltimore and Washington. (:orneee at. Wilmingtekl (Sat:inlay - a red red) with Delawa:e B. R. lino, . otopping at New l'f.-11c, Middleton, Clayton. Dryer, Harlington Seaford, Salisbury, Prince:a Anne and connecting at Crlefield with boat to: l',...tte:ZE r.: oe, Norfolk. Portemouth and the South. Paraengere for Fo.rlze..m Mon.r4e and Nor olk via Balt!. mote will take the Train. Via Criettield will take t. 1 1 ,? 11.0 f) Wilmington Trains steering at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington • Leave Philadelphia at LIY.I, 4. 21. !tile and 11. SO (daily) P.M. The 4.30 P.M.train connects with the Delaware Rail road for Milford and intermediated:alone.' Thu d.e) P.M. Maier:An. to New Castle Leave 'Wilmington 7.N end.')) A. !I. and 1.00 and daily) P, M. From Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.t5 A. M., Way Maul. P.?,5 A. M., Erpreea. 115 P. M., Ex. press- 6.35 P. M. F.xprers. 8.55 P. M. Express, SUNDAY TRAINn FROM BALTIMORE, leave Balti more at tLSS P. M., step ping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Alen ttopii at NortMEast, Elkton-and Newark to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave parseugc• - s from Washington cr Baltimore, , and at Chester to leave pastengers gram Waahington or Balti more. Through tickets to all points West, South and Southweet may be procured at Ticketoilice, Cheetntit Etruet,under Continental Hotel, were r.leo•tato Rooms and Bertha In con !)J tee ured o.l7ring the day. Persons purchiving roe t this Mao can Transfergage checked at thtirdei:ce oy the Union Com pany. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. WEST CHESTER. AND PHILA. DELPIIIA RA IbRIM_P. VIA ME. DIA. SUMMER ARR G ANEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, .ltine 3lth, - trains - will leave Depot, Thiny.iiret and Cbeitnut Etreeto,_ as follows: Trains leave - Philadelphia for West Cher for rt 7.15 A. M., 11,1) A. 51., 430, 4.1 E, 4.50, 7.00 and 10.30 Leave t': et' Cl:crier fcr Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Mml:ot CIE, 7.11, 7.30 and 10.45 A. M., 1.55, 4.50 and 130 P.M. Trains leaving Wert Chetter at 7.31 A. 31and leaving Philadelphia at 4.te P. M., will tiop at B. C. Junction and Media only. YReeeng,.! . .^s to er from ectationu between West Che,der and B. C. Junction going Ilaet, will take trains leaving, Wert Chester at 7.15 A. M., end going West will take train leaving Philadelphia. at 4.1:.,; P. M., and traneter at B. C. Jenction. . Leaves PhiladAphla fey Media at 5.20 P. M. Leavy lila at 11.4 d P. NI.--etoppidg at all rtatione. Trains leaving Philad lila at 7. 15 A. M. and 4.50 P. M., e and leaving Wet Ch , r at. 7.&) A. M. and 4.50 P. NI. ,con. meet at 13. C. Juuctio Nth Trains on the P. and 13. C. R. N. for Oxford and int rinediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 6.00 A. N. and Lai P. N. Leave \Vest Cheater 7.95 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. The Depot is reached directly by the Clicetnut and Walnut street care. There of the Market street lino run within one square. The care of both 111.10.1 connect with each train upon its arrival. On Sundays the Market erect cars leave Front and Market streets tbirtytive minntes before each Train leaven the depot, and will connect with each train on arrival. to carry passengers into city. Hlr - Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as 73aFpage, and the Company will not, in any cue, be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol. lan, Linker special contract L 4 Genear BENRY WOODralSuperintendent - --- &MEM CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD I 31ANUE OF lIOURS. FALL ARRANGIOIENTS. On and after TI I 1122 DAY, 2ertenaber 12th, 1857, trains will leave as follows: Atlanitc . I . c.COnintedaFion irow Vice street wharf. k'reight, With pabeenkcer.car attached.... M. Junction Accommodation to Jackson and Inter. mediate Ftat ßET ions URNLNO—LEAVE ATLANTIC:S SO P. - 4 Mail.. . . . .. . ......... 3.42 P M. Atlantic . ACa'E'EaiOaaiiiiit. 5.50 A. M. Freight- with passenger-car attached IL4O A. M. - Junction Accommodation td Jack50n............6.28 A. U. LIADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Vine street.... d ya d A. M.and Ida e. M. Loaves ...... P. 13 _n Y d 3.15 P. M. Agent. RPAST PRRIONT LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAIL OAD, to Wllkesbarre. llfshwoy City, Mcront Carmel. Centralia. and all Pella on Lows" Valley Rained and Ci e branches. B o n d w arrangement*, perfected this day, this roadie ensde tokaivn imreaso despatch Co merchandise con sitztli to MO aDaVa named poffita delivered at the Through Doled PAPA S: E. eon of PII,ONT and NOBLE streets. Before SP. M.. will reach wakesbarro, Mount Cassini „,,BgabolleY City. and th e other stations in 'Mahoney a nd q' before 11 A. NG of the succeeding da y r CLARIC"iont. ;'H'RAVELERS• GUIDE AND Al[ _ BOY and PIIILADE • ILIA AND T.RNNTON RAAD COM PANIOS - LINES, from Philadelphia to Now York. and way places. from Wahmt atroet wharf. At OA. 3L, via Camden and Amboy 2 Aceoln. Pare. $ 25 At 8 A. M.,vla Camden and Jersey City Express Mail. 8 41)0 At 2P. M. via Camden and Amboy Express, 3' in At 5.00 P.M., via Camden and Amboy,? Ist class. 226 Accom. and Emigrant. i s ,2d clase. 180 At Pemberton, ville, and VincentoWn, ,P, M. for mt.only At 6 A. M. and 2 P. 51, for Freehold. At 6, 8 and 10A: M., and 2,4 P. M. for Trenton. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M. 1,2, 4. 5, and 11.50 P. IK, for Borden. town, Burlington, Beverly and Dolarico.. • At 6 and 10A. 'M. 1,2, 4,5, and 11,80 P. M. for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. 11,1, 4, 5, 6 and 11.30 P M. for Edge W a te r . Riverside, Riverton and Palmyra. At 6 and 10 A. M.O. 4.6 and 1130 P. M. for Fish Home, gar The 1 and IL3O P. M. Lines .will leave from foot of Market street, by upper ferry. Lines from Kensington Depot will leave as follows: At 11 A. M., 4.30 P. 51. and 12 M. (night) via Remington and Jersey City, Now York Expresa Lines. ... . .. . . .$3 00 At a, 10315 . Wi1a 1 1 .30 isti 3L for Trenton and Bristol. At 8 and 10.15 A M., 2.20, 6 and 12P. M. for Morrisville and Tunytown. At 8.00 and 10.15 A. M. 2.30, 4.30, 5 and 12 P.M. for Schenck& At 10.15 A. 51., 2.80 and 6 P. M. for Eddington. At 7.20 and 10.j5 A. 51.3.30, 4,5,0 and 12 P.M. for Cornwells., Torresdale, Holmesburg, Tacony, Wipinoming Brides burg and Frankford, and BP. M. for tiolmesburg and intermediate Stations. BELVIDEItE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES— from Kensington Depot. At 8.00 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Can. andaigua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Roehester, Binghamn. ton, Oswego, Syracuse., Great icon Montrose. Wilke*. barn, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water GRP. At 8.00 A. M. and 8.30 P. M.. for Belvidere,Easton, Lam. bertville Flemington, de. 'l'ho 8.30 P. M. Line connect* direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem. dm. At 5 P. M. for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot. via connecting Rail war. At 1.30 A.M. 1.30 and 6.30 P.M. Washington and New York Express Liner, via Jersey City .. —. $3 26 The 1,30 A. M. and 6.30 P. bE Lines run daily. All o thers., Sunday excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth street*, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Care on Market Street Railway direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. Oh Sunday's, the Market Stree t Cars will run to connetkith the 1.30 A. M. and 6.30 P. M..linee. Fifty Pounds of ggage only allowed each Palmas g a g e bu t t are prohibited from taking. - gage but their 'wearing apparel; All nag er - ux pounds to bepaid for extra. The Company t their re srponeibility COr baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wilt not be liable for any amount beyond slok except by ape dal contract. Tickets sold and Basg? i e checked direct through to Beaton, Worcester, Eipn eld, Hartford. New Maven. Providence, Newport, Al any Troy, Saratoga. Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspenders Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. MS Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all Important points North end East, may be procured. Persons pur chasing Ticket* at this Office, can have their baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination, by UMW/ Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Conrtland street at 1.00 and 4.30 P.M., via Jereey City and Camden. At 7.00 A. M., 6P. M. and 12 night. via Jcroey City and Kensington. At 8.40 A. M. and 12 bL. via Jersey City and W. Phiadelphia. Frcm Pier No. 1, N. River. at 6 A. M. and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. Oct. Ist, 1E67. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. agIMIE NORTH PENNSYLVANIAR.-B.— THE MIDDLE ROUTE.--fiborteet and most direct line to Bethlehem. Allentown, Manch Cht...a, Hazleton, White Haven. Wilkesharre,Mahanoy City,Mt. Pittston , Soren t. m, and all the points in the Lehigh end Wyoming Coal regions. Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berki and American Streets. St7MMER ARRANGEMENT—N L DAILY TRAINS— On and after WEDNESDAY,May 8, 1867, Passenger trains cave the New Depot, corner of Berks and American Streets, daily (Sundays excepted). as follows: At 7.45 A. AL—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Prin cipal Stationo on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connect.. lug at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allen ,. town, COW:Lug:la, Slatington. Mauch Chunk, Weather. ly, Jeaneeville. Hazleton. White Haven, Wilkesbarm Kingston, Pittston, Scranton, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, iu connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City, and with Catawissa Railroad for Rupert,Danville, Milton and Wil liamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.06 A. AL ; Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M. at Scranton nt 4.05 P. .M. ; at Sinhanoy City at P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 11.56 A. M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Rail. road to New York. At 8.40 A.sL—Accommodatioa for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboa and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. At 10.15 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. stopping at intermediate Stations. At I.liu P.M.—Express for Bethlehem,Alleatown. Manch Chnnek, White Haven, Wilkesbarre Mabanoy City, Cen tralia, Shenandoah, Mt. Cannel, Pittston and Scranton. and all points in Mahoney and Wyoming Coda Ite Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown. At 2.45 P. AL—Accomomdation for Doylestown, stoppiu at all Mterniedlate stations. Passengers ttakee stage 1M Doylestown yt for-New Hope, and at North Wales for -Sum neown. At 4.00 P. 3L—Accommodatien for Doylestown, etc ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Abingtonve. Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at :- for Lumberville, at Doylestown. At 5.20 P. M.—Through accommod , ri for Bethlehem and all statione on main line of North Pennsylvania Railroad. connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chnnk. atAt . 6,2/i P. M. = -Accommodation for Landsale, stopping - , all intermediate station,- 11.130 P. Pi.--Accommodatton toff , irsirt Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHD A I)ELPIIIA. - ROM Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M.. 105 . and 8.40 P. M. 1.05 P. M. train mikes direct connection with Lehigh Valley trains from Easton, Wilkeebarre, Mahoney CRY and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Easton at 11.20 A. M. arrive in Philadelphia at 2.05 P.M. Passengers leaving Wilkesbarro at 8.80 P. M. connect at Bethlehem at 6.151'. M., and arrive at Philadelphia at 11.40 P. M. From Doylestown at 8.25 A. M., 5.10 and 7.40 P. M. Frem Lansdale at 7.30 A. M. From Fort Wactungton at 11.50 A. M. and 3.05 ON El UNI)AYS. • • - - - - Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.45 P. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. X. • Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cara convey passen• era to and from the new Depot. White Cars cf Second and Third Streets Linn and Union Line ran within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must he procured at the Ticket office. In order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets reid and Baggage checked through to principal points, at Mann's North Penn. Baggage Express Office. N 0.115 S; nth Frith street PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad.—Summor Time.—Taking effect June 2d, 1867. The trains of the Penneylvitrisi Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirtymat and Market streets, which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of it. ON SUNDAYS—The Market Street Cara leave Front and Market rtzeeta 15 minutes before the departure of each tmin. Sleeking Cur Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Othce, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut Streets. Agents cf the Union Transfer Company will call far and deliver Bi.FF are at the Depot. Orders loft at No. 901 Chest nut street, or No. 1 South Eleventh street. will receive et tteticri. 'FANS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ. Mail Train ..... .. Paoli Apccro. No. 1.... FRet u.fo & Erie ncrreee PsoLiACrrnmodatiou No. 2 Harneburg Acc0m...... LarczAer Acc0m....... Peatzburg TrAin..., • • WeE±ern Acton. Train Cir-Cinnati tz-rrese Erie Jlall Philadelphia Express Paoli Accom. No. 2. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Westena Accommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For full particulars as to fare and accommoda tions, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Agent 137 Dock street. TRAINS ARRIVE NE -- DRPOr. Cincinnati Exr , ress.... .. • ....... ...at 1.15 A. 14,„ Philadelpya " 7.10 Erlo ........ .71- " tc .. . PaoliAccc m.No . 1.. .. • 8 . 24•••". ParkshurgTr ... ... 9.21 • " Fast Lino and Erie Ex preen:— 1.10 Paoli Accem..No. ...• • • .. ... " 4.10 Paoli Accom. No. E.. ..........................' 7.0) Harrisburg Accent ....... 9.50 For further information, apply to jOIIN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company wilt Rot asmund any risk for Luggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and Limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Bargage exceeding that amount in value will be lathe risk of tilt. owner, unless taken by speci WILLIAMS,' EDWARD H. WILLAM fleneral Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. • ; PIIILADELPIIIA. GERMAN TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and atter Wedueeday, May 1 no. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7, 8, 9.06, 10, IL A. M.; 1. 2, al& 1 11. 12 A.i Etet7,ebflge'rltZ;WlLVlßip9hP• Id. P, 0, M t l. The 8.1.4 d d l 'Arn "i1 ) ;1 1 th - al and iUP train. Will not step on the Germantown Branch. _ ON SUNDAYS: Leave Philadelphia-9.i1 MEcael d.M. 2.7 and Mirat. Leave Germantowl9 A.M. RAILR OAD.an 9M P. M. CHESTNUT HILL Leave Philadelphia-8. 8. 10.17 A. M.; 2 SM. 6%. 7, 9 and 11. M Leave Chestnut 11111-7.10 m1'119,81.8 1 440 and 11.40 A. 51.1 1.40. h. 40, 949. 8.40 and 10.40 P. ON 8 UNDit Leave Philadelphia-915 minutos A. M.; 9 and 7P. M. Leave Cheathut 11111-7.50 minutes A. H.; 12.40, 5.40 an& rednntea P. AL FOR CONSHOSOMMI AND NORRISTOWN.. Leave Phlladelthia- 6 . 7M, 911106 A. M. ;11A , 1.15, F.us and 11M 31. Leave Norrietown-5.40, 7, 7.50. 9.11 A. 11.1136.5. 43 , 4 11414 r P • L . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phladelalg-9 A. M. and 7.15 P. BL Leave Nark/town- 7 A. hi t 5 and 9P. 51. h'oß MANA II 'leave rhlladelphla-5,_734, mg A . ht. ; IA 3. 06 . 034 9.15, BA. 9,36 and I1)4 P. aL Leave Manarndc-41.10. 734, am,* t du,t 9, . IV. 9 and 10M P. H. ON SUNDAYS. Leave ptdiadelphid-9 A. 51., 234 and Tar: Leave -,na_ynnk_,_7l94l. ON liensd 934 /TM. W. 8. WU,SON, al &wain - Depot, Ninth and Orr MEIN WEST JERSEY ' : , • OA,D, LINES from foot of M - otrcei er Ferry). CoulTeruing AMSDAY, december 11th,l8fL• • For Bnagetcn. Saiem. Vinetand, an a later Meth dinto Stations c at 8.00 A. M. Ala% ROO P. M. raseenger. For Cap_o May 9.30 M . 'Nest Jersey &W It 'Train leaves 'Camden at -Isoo noon. !S•Fril4ht Will be received st Second Covered Wharf be. WW Walnut atreet,fre A. M. until 9P. M. Wrelettt re. coked before 9A. M. w i l lgo forward the Iwo° der. rreiebt Delivery„flo., -1018 South Delawjare ewe • 1411.1.4.40. J. diIWEILL. Ods*Weedeets • - - ....at 8.00 A. M. ....at 10.00 A. M. ....at 12.10 P. M. .....at 1.00 P. 31. at 2.20 P. 31. ...at 4.0.)0 P. 31. ~at 5.30 P. 31. at 3t. st 7.1/ P. M. ..... at 7.30 P. M. 11.13 P. M. ....at 9.00 P. M.