Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 02, 1867, Image 3
- -4 I3USINESS NOTIOES. NEW STYLES FALL CLOTTING New 5T17.3:11 FALL CLOTHING NEVIT EITTLLEI FALL CLOTIII.NO Reteitliflf/ Reetiving Daily, Deosiving Daily. arrnmer Goods clostaa.otot Crt eery_ law rates. .155atf.way betsmen I BENNETT & Co m /VIA and TOWTH. HALL. Mah ad. 518 IdAr.kam Srar.mr, PHILADELPILIA, I.dway, New York. COVEDCRESCENT tars N V -- AIL) , Trek-PSCA LEA OVERSTR Acknowledged to be the t ttirhest Awards in Amerie.. ItliseDhL-lIA ND PIANOS. .1 , 02.111,1v,e,3111§ Win tmootna, 723 Arch et., below Oglith. STEPHEN CAFFREY, OUT-DOOR AGENT AND 13indneas Solleitor.--Collectiona or out-door sales respect fully Aoliclted and punctually attended to. Realdenet, , . 145 BEATH street; or addreas EVENING BIiT.LETEN Omee. 5e1741:- EVEN ING B ULLETIN. Wednesday, October 2, ti 36 PRINCIPLES, NO r inurnr. Te Democracy count largely for the suc cess of Judge Sharswood in the coming elec tion, upon the fact that he is an acquaintance of very many Republican voters, and enjoys a large measure of personal popularity, while Judge Williams is known in this section of the State only by his honorable record as an able jurist. Doubtless there are some loyal men who will permit personal considerations to blind them to the true issue in this contest and who will cast their votes against the Re publican candidate., It. cannot .liejtelievo that there are many such. If Judge Sitars were any better, or wiser, or purer, or more loyal than Judge Williams, there might then be a shadow of an excuse for giving him the preference, not withstanding his political faith. But it is acknowledged, even by the Democratic press of his own city, that Judge Williams is a man of the highest legal attainments, and of the most exalted purity, and the Copper head journals in this city have nothing worse to urge against him than that he came from Connecticut,an objection which could only be regarded as effecting a disability on the ground that it is a Democratic State. Lay ing aside Judge Sharswoocl's record, then, as a practical repudiator, as proved by his de cision against the constitutionality of the Legal Tender act, and regarding the two candidates as equal in point of merit, no truly loyal man can hesdate to disregard'all personal considerations and cast his vote for the Republican candidate. • The vote for the Judgeship of the Supreme Court will be regarded as the exposition of the strength of the two parties in this State, and a victory for the Democrats, in the case of this one candidate, will give the Copperheads a foothold that may ruin the country in the coming Presidential election. It is a question whe ther we are to do this; to give inspiration to. the Democracy in the States which hold their elections in November; to endorse Andrew Johnson's infamy, and to encourage him to fresh deeds of - lawlessness; to unnerve Con gress, and discourage it from a bold and fear less course of legislation; to check the work of reconstruction and to play into the hands of the rebels, and the men who have persistently striven to defeat our efforts to preserve and defend our free institutions. These are the true iSSUQ,B of this contest, and not whether we do or dee not pr9fer one or the other of the two leading candidates for the bench of the Supreme Court. It is useless to deny these facts. The tone 'of the Democratic press clearly indicates these very results in the event of the triumph of that party; and men who, like Mr. David Paul Brown, pro fess to be Republicans, and yet who upon the ground of personal spite, or of unreason able conservatism, will cast their votes for the Democratic Judges; will sacrifice their party and the great and noble and patriotic principles which it professes,to considerations too unworthy to engage the attention of /NMI and loyal m' n. PEIROCRACY AND THE "NIGGER." In exciting political contests in all parts of the civilized world there is usually some im portant principle involved, a tangible some thing that men can grasp at and contend for. In our American experience we have gene rally bad absorbing issues, from the time of the old struggle of Whig and Tory, down through the contests of the Federalists and the Democrats, in the days of Adams and Jefferson, on to United States Bank, Finance and Tariff, finally to culminate in the great struggle on theLslavery -issue. The war laid that question at rbst, for the institution that "took the sword perished by the sword," and thank Heaven, it is dead beyond the hope or the fear of resurrection. Now, the Demo cratic party having - .pinned its faith to this • defunct institution, and having staked its all upon its well-being, and having, moreover, openly affiliated with the traitors who sought to. destroy the nation in the interest of slavery, should have de cently yielded up the ghost along with the "Lost Cause," and have perished along with the accursed thing that it had tied itself to. And it would have thus perished but fin. the aid and comfort given it by the Apostate of the White House. By means of official power and official patronage he has warmed the Copperhead serpent into galvanic action and apparent life. But the marks of swift decay are written all over it, and it 'staggers along with the awful burthen upon it of devotion to slavery when slavery was clutching at the throat of the nation; of sympathy with bloody treason, and with a political Old Man of' the Sea named Andrew Johnson about its neck, that it cannot rid itself of,now that it has shouldered him. lu the local con ' tests that are in progress at this time there seems to be but a single idea urged by the Democratic organs. To be sure they praise General Lee and Stonewall Jackson as "Chris tian gentlemen" •and sneer at Sheridan and Sickles; they slur loyal Massachusetts and speak tenderly - of disloyal Georgia and . Louisiana, and they throw dirt upon Stanton and Holt,while they respectfully hail Jell'erson Thrills as a."persenal and professional friend:" Bat the great staple of their orators and their , oracles is "Nigger." Nigger, nigger, nigger! What it all means,in the face of the fact that slavery is as dead as the -Dutch 'skipper who brought over the first cargo of con tsabands, ie what perplexes thoughtful people. If the agitation of the nigger is with a view to the slavery. ques tion, Rip Van Winkle has been outdone; if it is with a view to making the colored indi vidual a test question at the ballot-box, they might as well put on black-cockades and talk Federalism, or discuss the re-charter of the Bank of the United States,' or attempt to roviye owe other dead-and-gone issue that went out with .bag-wigs and knee-buckles. But if the ay of "Nigger!" is simply an ap peal to the prejudices of the ignorant and an attempt to make capital out of an inoffensive and harshly used class, then it is ineffably and unutterably mean. And that is precisely what is the matter. The hostility of the Copperhead press to General Sheridan is easily explained upon the ground that 'it is the outbreak of an old disease, the virus of which never has been, and never will be eradicated from the system of the Democratic party. There was even less en thusiasm displayed over his victories in the field, than there has been upon the occasion of his advent to our Northern cities after years of arduous toil in the South in behalf of his country. It will be remembered that in September, tBt4, the loyalists of New York prepared to illuminate the city in honor of Sheridah's victories in the • Shpnandoah Mr. Gunther, the Democratic Mayor of that city, forbade Ilk public demonstration, in a , message in which he used the fallowing words—"As the President demands of the Southern people to abandon the rights which the constitution confers, I do not see how those who have always held that the Federal Government has nothing to do with the domestic institu tions of the States, can be expected to re joice over victories, which surely are not 'Unio>Y• iVictoties'." tt: These traitorouse, seffil. ments..,were 'applauded to the echo by tie Copperhead journals all over the country,and Gunther was hailed as a new champion of Democratic principles. And yet this same party audaciously demands the 'Soldiers' vote on the ground of its devotion to their best interests, and of its admiration of their brave deeds. No soldier with a particle of self reSpect can affiliate himself with an organi zation thus convicted of the meanest hypoc ..riay..,and falsehood. NOS, lon Prize Medal and MELODEONS awl The spitefulness of the Copperhead press, exhibited against General Sheridan during his present tour, and the bitter sarcasm which they level at him because he has consented to receive the congratulations of his loyal fel low-citizens,--is in keeping with the senti ments professed by the Democracy during the war. They experienced nearly the same feelings when Sheridan drove the rebels before hint at Winchester, and at Five Forks; but it Was not prudent then to give 4uth full ex pression to it, although the Copperhead organ in this city did say "We have wept when the standard of Civil and religious liberty has been trodden in the dust by Lin coln's myrmidons," and one of its editors in a speech obserVed:. "I cannot regard a great victory over my Southern brethern as any thing Vat' Thilifertiiielioly reflection." This hatred of a loyal and valiant soldier is consistent, with the conduct Of the Demo cracy three years ago, wlien they refused to give our men in the field the right ,to vote. It will be remembered that Mr. Wallace, Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, said in the State Senate—"A vo ter disfranchises himself and ceases to be a citizen when he takes upon himself the duties of a soldier;" and the Democrats in this State endorsed,this sentiment by casting one hun dred and six thousand votes against the Con stitutional amendment giving soldiers the right to vote. Let the soldiers bear this in mind on Tuesday next, and give their votes now with the party which has always pro tected and defended their rights. A chapter or two from the record of the Democratic party, advocating re pudiation of our national obligations, has already been made public through these columns; but, however unpleasant the sim ple discussion of such a question must be to every honest man, it is but just that every utterance upon the subject from the Copper head oracles should be laid before the people, that they may perceive the true tendency of the faith which the Democrats, with specious promises and hypocritical professions of ad mirationefor the soldiers whom they defamed, ask them to embrace. „The following choice morstil is from the La ••Cros.sc Democrat, whose editor does 'not want any office, and consequently is not afraid to tell tales out of school: "Repudiation of the National Bank swindle is sure to conic, and that quickly. Better now than alter we have paid taxes for ten or a dozen years. "Pay neither principal or Interest iu coin, but in greenback, or "redback" scrip. Employ presses and paper mills, and run them eternally, the workmen to be Paid at night with the stuff they whin d duf ing the day ! "Call it what you will—,sugar-coat• it as you may—it is repudiation,and to this the Democratic party is pledged, and no mau can, after this year, be elected to Congress or the Presidency, who is not pledged for repudiation, and who is not brave enough or true enough to stand there, a faithful guardian for those who have no friends at Court or in power." It is not necessary, to comment on the infamy of these words; we present them to the intelligent judgment or a community of honest and upright business men, and ask them to give their verdioNgainst them and the party which endorses them, at the polls on TuesiThy . ne . . The apprentice questiOn is exciting much and merited attention. The arbitrary rules of the various associations of journeymen meal anics, which limit the number of app reu flees that an iinployer shall take, are having a most pernicrions effect, and their operation is seen hi the scarcity of skilled ißechanios, in the filling up of many branches of:bwiness almost exclusively with foreigners, and in the number of young Americans who are with out a knowledge of any handicraft, and who seek to earn a living in pursuits that are already greatly overcrowded; or, still worse, who are mere idlers and drones. We are persuaded that if this question could be brought to a judicial test, it would be decided that till trade or other combinations which interfere with the business of an employer, and impertinently and arbitrarily forbid him employing more than a given number of apprentice; are con trary to publi c p o l l oy, an injury to the general welfare, and, in short, illegal. The propriety of legislative action, in the absence of other means to correct the wrong,has already been agitated, and the public good demands that some remedy for a grievous evil should be found. There is a mistaken idea that a young lady's education •is finished when' she goes through a regular course at one of the seminaries, her age, then, being seventeen or eighteen. In truth, she has only laid the _foundation for a good education, and she can choose whether to go on with it,or to become a mereTrivolous idler in society. Dr. Labberton has arranged for a series of'"advanced cWses",. for those THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, &UMBER 2, 1867. ladies ilk° may wish to pUrsue particular studies, and he has engaged the services o f sonic of the most competent teachers and lec turers to be found in the city or its vicinity. His course will begin at his school, No. 1502 Locust street, on the 11th of this month. His own great-talent- and _experience f_'qs a teacher give assurance that nothing Neill be left un done to make this novel project a success. He deserves the help and encouragement of all who wish to have the rising generation Of women well taught. Di.: Labberton's resi dence, as will be seen by his advertisement, is at 3:s lSouth Fifteenth street. .Fete a IL Myers & Co.. Auctioneers, Nor. 232 and t. 34 Market Btreet, will hold on to-morrow aburrday), October 3, tobe continued on Friday, Ortobe: 4, commencing each day at' la o'clock, by catalogue, on fear mouths a i ' credit, a large curd mport,nt rale of 'Foreign and Domestic Dry Goode, inel `..125 packager Domestic ' Cotton and Woolen Geode, Hatildecen Cloths, Careimerce, Chin. Willis, Beavers, Doe Aim., Radnor, Peterehams, VSbitneye, Se:admit , . Italians, Whom', Collar Velvets, Ma pieces Shirting Linene, full lines 'cal. lorhig and Botieckeepirg Linens, Dress Goode, Silks, Shawls, L. C. Enna crehiefe, White Goode, Shirt Fronts, Army Blouson, lleriery and 4llover, Tice, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Umbrolltio. Merino Shirts and Drawers, Traveling Shirts, Mitrseillee and Alhambra 9ttilte, &c. ON FINDAY, Oct. 1, at ll o'clock, by catalogue, on four menthe' credit, abet 1:00 piece's Venetian, Ingrain, Hem'', Lint, Cottage and Rag Carpainge, &c. Peremptory baffles of Real Estate, by Jani es A. E'recumn, Au "ctiop.L.cor. . . The Palo for next Wednesday, advertised by .fitinei A. Freeman, Auctioneer, included a number of propertied•to be sold without reserve, by order of Orplutud' Court, True tees, Executors and others. 'ITho rallmble (Pacts of land, eouta in touether fifteen arrow, _V ieetoira lane, Twent 1/- Ward, behalf; bw to the e,tate Thoira-c . decra.ved, are to be told at t hl'4v male to the highelt bidder. Auction , Notice—Salle of Boots and Shoes. The special attention of the trade is called to the large eede,of jtoote, t §hoce, ItreganaOlalinorale. .be sold, by catalogue , tor 'cash, toriii..irrow tTlitiredtoir mOrnitg, October 3 commencing at ton o'clock._ hyy McClella nd Co.. Auctioneers. at their store . No. 5013 Wrket street. • TIOWNING'S AMERICNN LIQUID CEMENT, FOR 11 mending broken ornaments, and other articles of Glass, China, Ivory, Wood, Marble, &c. No heating re quired of the article to be mended, or the Cement. Al ways ready for eve. For ale by JOHN R. DOWNING, Stationer, fei-tf 13IllSouth Eighth street, two doors ab. Walunt. :\PCALLA'S NEW HAT STORE, " N. 'E. CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT, FORMERLY CHESTNUT, ABOVE EIGHTH, Your patronage eolicik•d _ it FALL STYLE HATS. TIIEO. H. M'CALLA At Iliii Old E,.tn.blished P. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. N:l4 CHESTNUT E tree t. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VENTIL.VEED and vao).-titting 1)n:on thug (patented), iu all th.. ap pro., rd taoAiont , of the .010.011. Cheetunt street, next door to the POA-oflive. 4,•r;,lyrp .I‘l l Z < n U „ l ,l); ( ers. Vn i a \ ;„ } :ljl and44ll Pie I'latee , Pie Furka (for taking pica front the ovenl, and a ge:ier tl variety of hour, keeping Hardware, at TR LIMAN ez SHAW . 6, No. (,31, (Eight lbirty-fiver Market etr cet , below Ninth. 10Pl INt: OP OLT) PI):111111.:S. L)A( yripEt4, ) %thin oty po,i or Photograph., iu either a tograph in oil, or any -unaller Picture, by IlLaAllill, Sel ond etre, t, abov. (ZOUlt Kitorr crrrEns, HAVING SLIDING B , PXES 17 aud two knives. for side by TRUMAN & SHAW, ( Eight Tbirty-five) Market otreet, below Nintn: DITOTOGRAPIIS AND EVERY 0TIIE1; KIND 01 Frames; Lookim.: (.:h19?1!Y in rry And varivt, awl lacturrd hot , sale and by B. F. REIMER CO., No t 32.4 Arch . etreet. PoTuoitANIERS. PICTURE-FRAME MAKERS, Looking - A :Inks malere, and other s who we Iron Screw Eyes. Braes Rings, Knobs, Nails and Hook% Tacke, Brads., ar, invited to examine the aesortment of theee eles - at TRLMAN SHAW'S, No. E:35 (Eight Thirty-rive) Market etreet, below Nittli. _ $1 FOR FLM.; MOTO-MINIATURE, B. I'. 1:1;n1EIt's 4 ;hlic?y, N. 624 .%rell etrevt. Thee': g,w- , for bconty and eofttwe= of 'illicit are btiperior to anything in tlw Photographic art. . "PRIGHT, AND HORIZONTAL GRIDIRONS OF ditivrent aiLeil, at KERN'S, 251(Tw0 Fifty-one) GRIDIRONS, Ninth street. Uhl' TH —IN GOING FROM NIN AND RACE TO L Tenth and Sergeant, and from there to Tenth and Cherry, a GOLD RING, with large white stone setting. By returning the'oune to It11011"8, No. 152 North Ninth street, the finder will be liberally rewarded. oe2-3trp• LUST—TIIIS MoUNING, IN. THE SPRING GARDEN Market, a got ket 'book, with a man aura ,of moue , : and check. The:tinder can retain gni money :Lnd return the pocket hook, with. papers, to 655 - North Eleventh street. It' 1..1 OST—ON MONDAY, A SLEEVE BUTTON IN CITF with initiate C .1. 11.. from A. O. D. A liberal reward on returning to Bulletin office. It INTON'S CHICKEN SALAD: THE SCIISCRIBFR All informs the public that he HAS day Wets 2) commencea the manufacture and sale of Ma justly celebrated l hicken Salad. To euch RH hare not y et tented its superior quali ties tie would say that an experience of twontylive yeah in the "mysteries of the profession" .and the approval a the best epicures assure him of success in Pleasing all. Parties and Families sum lied. Large orders shuuld be left early in the morning. HENRY 'MIN TON; • Restaurateur, 204 South Twelfth otreot, oclarp. below Walnut. SAAC NATIIANS, N. E. CORNER I Third and Spruce etreete, onl one ppune below the Exchange. $250,000 to loan in large or email amountg on diamonde. Silver plate. Watchen, lewelr.% and all goo& of value. Otlice hours from 8 A. M. to 71'. M. T3TE,tub lh•6cd for the la 4 forty yearn. Advances made in large amountn at the lowest market ratee. • ' jaBtfrp lAIIKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, LITBIZOIDEI mg, Braiding, Stamping, &c. W ALL PAPERS, 10.123 AND 15 CENTS PER PIECE, TT gold and glazed . Cheap, neatly hung window eliadee, $l, $3 and $3, with fixturee, manufactured all ,izee. • JOIINSTWN'S DEPOT, 10'S3 Spring Garden ntreet, • sel4-4p,lv Below Eleventh! H. fc44, Q. 11{. TAYLOR, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. M 1 North Ninth etroet. IIitUGGISTS', SUNDRIES.—WLADUATES—AIOI: rAR. 1 l iil 'fiicr, Conti's, liruPher., Mirror', Twee. r, Puri Boxer. Horn Scoot P, t urgiew livtrunh ntF,grui, , ,,., Hard and 1-oft Rubber Vial 'ager, Glare and Metal Sy: ingee, Vie., all at "Firrt SN twin" crhyp. OWDEN & apstf•rp '23 South Eighth etreet. 1N1.1.d Kt - BEER MACHINE BEL.TING, Packing ilm•e, E11g1111.1..111 and f . li•re find a full u,ortment of Eoodyear'ri Patent ‘ 7 iileaniz , d 'tubber }lilting, Packing !cc., at the .Mainiftictitrm -, 14 leadmiart...r , . t;c(IDYF:Ait'S, thodnut strcet, Sr. ith - 4To. N, 11.—We have a Nt.lN' and (Imap Art of Ga. den and Pavement Ilrwe, very clicup, to which tim aticution of the public ti called. IN''Zt.',...Blrot`;',V-All'aEr!,' AND D4e-""'"°. P .1. JfAtl fAN, Sal Pear street, below Third and Wal nut streets. begs to roll attention to hid lesge and varied stock of goods now on hand embracMg Winc.o of all grades, amongst which are some very choice sherries and (lauds: Brandies. :ill qa did •11 and different vintages; fome very old and superior; Scotch and Enelinh Alen and limits :stout, toget, er with Jordan's Celebrated 'title Al, now no extensively used by families, ph rot. clays, invalids and otlh-rs. Cider. Crab _Apple Champagne, and f.l , .vest Cider, of qualities unsurpassed. 'I he,. fo,od, are, tarnished in pack ages of all sizes. and will be delis cred, free ot co , t, in all mats of the c•ty. - •MORE BALDNESS HREY HAT E. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSINO. The only known . Reßtorer of Cr.Jai and Perfect Hair: Dressing Conildn.l. • THE IsIUST PERFECT 11118 REiTORER "London ilair color Restorer." "Londonlor It.,:etorer." "London _ • thkir Color Iteetdrer." • "London BALI) IIEADS hair Color Itoßtorer." "Loudon Hair color Itertorer." "London ltI:1:1.()Tiinr) hair Color I:c.torer." IMBED "I.t. ntion "Loudosi "Loddon • NEW HAIR. flail-Color Itentorer." titicatee are daily received, proving Ha wonderful power in rolturing toe life. growth, color and vigor to thu eakent hair. It po,itively atop falling oat, keepa the vain clean, cool and healthy,lairen effectually any ir rita,ion or itching of the eculp, and an a hair dromming it to pi-rfcct, nicely pr clamed, very cleanly, and does not ttain the akin a particle, or moll hat, bonnet ur the litigHt inily 75 carte a bottle, half dozen $3. cold by Dli. SWA & SON, No. :rO North Sixth above Vine, and all Druggloto, Variety, and Trim ming ritorcs. oel4 n tu.r, tf rp RIO TAPIOCA, war QUALITY, WITH FULL DI n clime for nuking excellent demerte; IlFloll'llA A IllioV‘ ROOT; EhFill itrrilLEilEM OATMEAL; ROBLNSON'S PA'l I NT BARLEY; PEARL SAW), with directions; CA RM . ,' :AS COCOA. a poi', Chocolate for Invaihlt CRACKED W II FlA'r for DYSPEI"FICS; LIQUID RENNET; CONDENSED MILK . EXTRACT 4F BEEF, and other dietctim For sale by JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary, selB-ti rp Broad and Spruce streets. ROCKHILL &WILSON, Clothiers, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. (6' l " Tira:22(:l6:lo,4emr:)u, t.'5•:N . Tr. in , ?dolts' A .1.30 r in, adou.3A: ;' (UM)lP,n i. C,Nrlirc oioithmi 11 s.,:orZlllen4 - ,1(?, fk,3l .5!y14!„ , .? rAW'biteA S!j, (es! (: - .. , ! ,- /,,reest and lit,: Ifc,! "IC-. 4 . 2J R E. G Sleek &' Co.; And . Hathies tros', nlllO3 Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, to h 1 newt and store, NO. 923 CHESTNUT ST., CO.3II3INTAYTION SEWING 8: BUTTONHOLE MACHINE. BEST IN THE WORLD. Sold 8, W, or, Eleventh and Chestnut, REIOVAI_.. Co 'W. A. TRUMPLER HIS REMOVED HIS Music Stoi-e From Seventh and Chestnut Sts. TO 926 CHESTNUT STREET. anl3-tf FIRST QUALITY BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, FOR GENTS AND BOYS. PRICES MODERth, 71PLEPT, 33 S. SIXTH STREET, eelti-ly ABOVE CHESTNUT. ALBEMARLE HOTEL , BROADWAY, COP. TWENTY-FOURTH ST., Oppc•niteMadiport Park, NEW YORK. \\ lIENTLY lIAGAM AN, Z Proprionc4 Tlf M. IL:WA:MAN, ef' , l 9 v ,, e metrPs Late of Brevocat Haute, G OL D 'S IMPROVED M. A. ru Filbert ti !.1' FOR WARMING AND VENTILATLNG WITH KM EXTERNAL AIR. UNION STEAM AND WATER HEATING CO.. JAL:IIES P. WOOD a; CO., NO. 415. FOURTH Street. B. M. FELT - WELL, Bup't. aelati rPO CHAMBERS & CATTELLI 32 N. THIRD STREET, imropmEnst eF FRE‘CH AND- GERMAN CALF iNTKIPSICLIB, • CALF, KID AND PATENT LEATHER, RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. anlan rp N\ 1.1)DIN(; AND ENGA(iENtENT RINGS OP OUR own 111Elkl:; warninted .olbl gold. Di karatx PARR R. ItuuTtiun, aired, below k ourtb, lower micte,... LIEMEMIIM=I lloir Color Itemtorer." tioir Color Ituotorer" $l 9 OOO " D 6,900 TO 4N VEST IN MORTGAGE, ~,,i , -- It APPIY 1.0 ISEDLOCK & PIifiCHALL, It' 7 , 1 Walnat EtrCPt._ - GO TO osTitoivio , ur AND SHOE • STORE 635 South FIFTH litatet l below Shipper. Cheapeat pre - goo in the city. i I prime & n21.3ni4 NEW AND SECONIMIAND PIANOS AND Organa for We and to rout, at U. W. A. rout, au304f,41, 9''6 CheBtnut istreat. 14% MONEY i'o ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, &e.,at • JONES & CO.'B OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN (WINCE, Corner of TiOrd and (larkill etreete, Below Lombard. N. .11.—T1AMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS. Sc., • • • ' ROCKHILL &WILSON, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. .31 . 01'.4 am# Foy' lir o• awl lhog'l 'loehing!„.r4l u'e C10tALg!.,: , ,,f4 R'll:4 and iio . 1",.; CAhl. .1.11 W.ANAMAKER BROWN, The Large.:7!, eltAlng IItML e, OAK HALL, , :tir;;tr Jhr., 1.1.1 .Ir€,c(zz. HAS REMOVED Ins sroci NORTH SIDE, ABOVE NINTH THE GIItAT AMERICAN -Other .7 , lachint.. tskcu in E• •i:nnc,. PAiENT LOW STEAM 1-ND \IIOT WATER APPARATUS, WEDDING RING S . ron BALI: AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICDS. ,c 244,13 Mac Ready-Made Clcding, iIARKET ev \ & 1 : 1 4 6 'NINTH. -,•;IMAir -- • • , Magnificent Lyons Silk V bats. _ 'All the g6oil widthr , tli, .... rieb, r, al EI;ENCI I:FAT:K:7i. -ILK ANI ) WORSTED ri:EN(;il I , i)ri.iNl, ', In 1701(1,•ni.1,1sl'110, ;;,bract", modee, geeellli bibet . . k.. ' 5 RIB.I/31;41) POPLINS. (woman \ eliatr, Ilrea no. Golden kriielo. Anibal?. Green'. \lid , ',, Cierniii.., l'illic , , iVc. I'LA II ) POPLINS. i 11, , ,mt —tra Li rrii 1 , 1 , 1i.1. , . I ,t3liMic,..ohlomion-. i H11i...1 avail Pl.iiil i for V, if.U.I. L. ~ c priced \Void Plaid,. { , - 101 - ...A(.:1 4 :. POPLINS. ~. All th,i grief , ., i? , ,1 no I. $2, 50. }Mak i piilin Ali, teo , , 7:, h.',. and I+l On, , ' Fine iit,Gek ISlaeli. Ilea, I i omit. I • SIIA,V, " L ROOM. . Pa Mc y 1, , g and S , IIIILI ~ :"IIIIIVI:',. Elegant It ache I.iing ..i111.{11,. i 1.11 pin',, Ills} 'Hilliest islianl 4 . Waolan :•ltina I.i, line.t Ftack evar &farad. I . '' '(."LOA ICINGS. MI the new I 'laid Cl , ,itkinp. i All t 111.! Tidy Stolillie and Inneice. ' i - C1.().4% li S 01 all the 71 , 'W • , .tyliir. i , . Heady-wadi , or made to order. Itaw.f.sNtfl LINEN ESTABLISHMENII, NEW AND L6IIGEST STOCK IN THE CITY OF SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS LOWEST C ASI L. PRICES. FRS c, IIITIN( PILLOW CASES AND Al-o, a Linen inireo - ted c 1 r ter I,AD11:8' \YEAR. all e; heated tna;.e,. New and relict Double Damask Table Cloths, 3,4, 5 and 6' yards 1-rw, NapkiLe and 1/0)1i... , to 110,!,11. TABLE F AMA,SKS AND I , IAPERS in all width,. and Aide 9, very (..,ln , ri 7 In 'Pd iiLT ; NAPKIN'S and I). IYLIES of all kith, TON% ELS. 1,4•,1,1, d lind I:•in;red. • TOWS LIN (..S of all to every - variety and ri.eo foi tion,vlwhi BIHIPS.EI t LINEN. 5 P.. ',, 4-' LINES LAWNS i6rSir icccaudlid.ki ,and for Lot. • p'7,l I ,1 I( ) • hn , l s ' i ' -.llt LINA. sS. EIACNI.I L'RE UUVCLI VGS, both plain and -triped. Sheppard, Van Harlingen Arrison, No, 1008 Chestnut Street. 727 CflE::aN1:1 STREET. ry9, 1,41 POPULAR PRICES Silks, Shawl', Velvets, Poplins, Sept' Ve. our Setae, Merinoe4, Mous Detainee, Alpacas, Mohair., Alpaca Poplins, Cheno Poplins, Me lange Poplins, Irish and French Poplin. and Plaids. Also,Boinbazines,Biarritz,Tanaise, and other Mourning Goods in great variety, together with the moat ex tensive assortment of Miscellaneous Dry Goods in the Market. Also, Blankets, Flannels, Linens, House- Furnishing' goods, Cloths, Casslineres, etc., in reliable qualities, at low prices. RICKEY, SHARP &CO., JAS. R. CA3IPBELL S.: CO., No. 727 Chestnut-Street. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Dry Goods, by Piece or Package, at and under Market Rates. RICKEY, SHARP ez CO., tl4 '1 rp ...., sLA 1 7 - "V -4.. 4 6 A .40,6 , ---", • • , e , ' C ' 7 Fourth and Arch. _ . t 4; Will oprri te.dny for Fall Baler, bilk Faced Itibbel Poplin, All wool Ribbed l'oplino, ilibinarck l'opliar, all grader. • l'im'e celebrated Welt l'op hie. New etylo of Fancy Popllnr. SILKS, &m. Richegt Plzdu ilko imported, Corded SilV44 of all gradet, New atpue/of Fall IlkN. BIIA\Vi S Se., Margot Sbn.wlP, ordel ed rtylee, New rtyle Shtkwhs ' long and equate, Robee of ellbornte deeigno. GALLOWAY C. MORRIS & CO., 208 'Walnut Street, LEHICH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, WHARF FOOT OF TASKER SFREET. ,e4-1m TO IRON FOUNDERS, BY I..SING THE • • HARRISON - BOILER, In connection with a cupola furnace, to which it may be ntlhptcd with but little coat, iny tj the; entire ex nemse f art moat! y rev , /red 41,14 ran be (in tran. teed, 'fin• boilers thus applied may be sera in operation daily, between 3 and 5 o'clock I'. ,at tho HARBISON BOILER WORKS, eiL•26.lnaT Gray'e Ferry road, near U. S. Arsenal. T. STEWART BROWN, PS.E. Corner of liai FOURTH and CHESTNUT STS. TIANITACTiIIILII , OF TRUNKS, VALISES, and BAGS suitable for European Travel. (Formerly - at 708 . CHESTNUT ST.) ROCKHILL &WILSON, Clothing ittade to Order, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. :q11:KIING LINENS NOV F No. CHESTNUT Street. rri 1 E TRIAL OF FIRE-PROOF SAFES. CliA LI.ENGE ccEPTcp. Mr. M. C:. ( 9adler, Agent of Lillie's Sales in thls city, having Publif , lal to the city papers an offer to born in a fest fire, on the 22(1 inst., one of Lillie's Chilled Tron , Safiiii with one of our make, O of like Plat :M thia.ll(,H, containing Sanborn'c Steam Impro Venlen to'be'"fairly made," we - 4070)y inform him and the public that We ac cept the challenge, the details cf the trial to he 148 1 . 011019 B : 's L The committee to direct the trial and report , the result, to he chosen, three mentoeis' by cacti party, and another by. time slx. 2. The Safes to be. of the size burfft,;.kil Norris- Inwn, and to be made in the usual wity\l l ' their respective manufactuieliT- • with walks sisnein:B in thickness I,oiu outside to Inpide. \, it. The trial to be made in an open space, the Fares standing- the thickness of one brick above. the grotnig, and the fire Made with dry wood placed arontal the safes, and a 8 hot a 8 either party may desire, and is be continued until one or the other safe shall Mil; the committee to See that the wood is`equally distributed and the safes exposed alike to the fire: the party whose safe fails first to pay the'whole expense of the trial, and the winning party to have the safes after they are burned. We will add that we re willing and ready to go into a trial of Stiles With Messrs. Marvin &- Co., Farrel, Herring A: Co., \ mrici any other parties -„on- the- sante : eondit,ionp„ ,at desire , thethe,strms men of Philadelphia to fie *sent and see fet themselves that the test is fairly Made. As to the accusation of Mi. Sadler, "that we have conspired to cheat, deceive and,humbug the community, - we consider the source, whence it came, and regard it unworthy of notice; anC doubtless the ()Dicers of the Inter-State Vair, and the honorable gentlemen of the committee who superintended the trial at Norristown, who are also included in the accusation, will consider It in the same light. Wu have no desire to deceive the commxnity nor to injure any man's ; but no man'e;\ busirte..; has any eLlitnto !-.tand In the way of the public good. Thi:-; is 1.101 Merely a personal mat- \s. ter bits Hstu-ntaht The public, who have \ \ R u m bl e ,: t o pre,,, I ye, / riqht. to 610 s gin reililbic, 011 , i 15 hat ones UM ,/iti/ In any EnTre a N1)0 SUR!. ‘1,1.1,1';11.l, )(..t. BONNET OPENING. 'ool) & CATtY, 723 CIIIESTN UT ST.i WILL WEN FALL BONNETS, . Thin-§diiy, October 3d BONN ET OPENING, Wednesday, Oct. 241. E. V. 6111 & 720 ARCH STREET. 00.2 t OPENING. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO. Will Open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS ; SUITS, &C. Non. 818 and .320 Chestnut Street, "wit .2 HYACINTHS, .12 Tulips, Crocus, And tat 0t11421' va.iletics of DUTCH BULBOUS ROOTS, Jut Imported nud for aide at low ratee. by ROBERT BUIST, JR., SEED WAREHOUSE. 922 and 924 Market Street, abv, ve26 , 6t ri4 MOURNING GOODS. We have now open a full atieFornnent of MOURNING. and SECOND iIOI.7RNING GOODS for Fall PERKINS, NO. 9 SOUTH NINTII STREET e 7 flelrPii ROC.KIIILL. &WILSON,. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing, 6.03 AND 605 CHESTNUT STREET. EvAN,Ak:. WAT,ON .-'' ECON D .6.1.T10N.• b'Y TELECI ItAPI-1. TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS• -Financial-and Commercial _Quotations. THE ENcLISII PHDS ON, SIR FREDERICK BarcE IMPORTANT J 1 111 WASHINGTON. Unsettled Claims at lhe War Office The Bradley-Fisher Trouble Settled. Secretary Stanton and Governor Swanh By Atlantic Telegraph. CAtoz, Oct. 1. Evening.—The bark Aristides, Capt. Itrumerboll, from Now York August 22d, for this port, arrived hero leaky. Damage not 'ascertained. LONuox, Oct. 1, Evening.—Consols for money, 5-lilths. No advices have been received yet from New York, and American securities are quoted at U. S. Five-Twenties, 723•. f; Illinois, 77; ; ;; Eric H. H., 42; Atlantic and Great Western It. 11., 23. FRAN 10 ORT, Oct. 1, Evening.-1:. S. bonds, 75 7-16. Livnftrom., Oct. 1, Evening.—Cotton closed istesdy'V 4'5116 },alCS.'reactiOl •12;b90 ,bald NrAro change in prices.i.,• ;, s , • MAN , unsmit, Oct. 1, Evening.—The nia et for goods and yarns is steady and favorable. Livmtvool„ Oct. 1, EVening.—Breatistuffs firm. Wheat, 14s. lid. for California White, and 135. for red Milwaukee. .LoNous, Oct. 1. Eveniv.—Huger firm at 2.5: for No. 12. Dutch etmfilard. Forel , vo News fly Steamer. Nyw stumuer Hcotin ha 3 arrived, bringing kluropean (hies of the 224 ult. The London Ti,,e.rt dityd that the death of Sir Frederick Bruce Id an especial thisfortune'at time when negotiations of the utmost intricacy and delicuoy are pending with a Government which is not rdway-; disposed to approach Great Britain in a spirit of generosity and forbear Allee. His I,OEL Wad Most onerous and perplexing, and each occupant finds his labors more exciting than tlu*c of his predecessor. The Governor Eyre controversy has a. - ‘urried new phase. Capt. Eden borough, an Amerie rat ofli.,!cr, depose-. that Gordan entered into negotia tions with into to purchase an armed ship' and munitiOns of w,.r. Hon, Jonathan Sturges, A. T. Stewart, Judge Hilton, Prof. ilo , gers, It ho.p It ivicy. and others, are pasEengers from' Europe by the 'steamship Bcotla. _ . The Naval Shood-Bhip Portsmouth is anchored off tit , : battery. iinkettled D spat , It to I:tuit Wasiii.s , . - roN, Oct...—Gen. Grant positively refuses to have anything to do With the unset tled.claims now before the War Department. He gives as a reason that they were pending when ho came Into the Department. and as they were contracted under his predecessors, Le cannot be supposed to know their merits. Besides lie has not time to examine into them. 'There are elaims,to the extent of huultcds of thousands of dollars upon the War Department, some of which have been standing since General Cameron was Secretary of War. The knowledge of the course taken by Grant upon this subject will-save him much annoyance, and-prevent parties from com ing hereon a fruitless mission. The difficulty between Judge .Fisher and ~Mr. Bradley, Surratt's counsel, is settled to the satis faction of the friends of . Bradley connected with The Washington Bar. The-ease,-however.-will pot rest here. It will be broil-tit before the' court 'ua b•ou,., and it is ascertained that out of the four judges who will be on tbe beach, at least ,three of them will sustain the action of Judge Fisher in suspending Bradley from practicing in the Criminal Court. The friends of Seeraary Stanton here deny the story that he had promised to furnish Governor Swann with artillery for the Maryland militia It is understood, on the contrary, that Stanton's refusal was one of the causes of diffi culty between himself and Mr. Johnson. This fact is gathered from those who were in the confidence of the late Secretary of War. More Pugilistic. Brutality.. (Special Deepatch to the , Evening Bulletin.] BosroN, October 2.—•-The prize 'fight bet Ween "Rocky" Moore,of New York,and George }Wake, of Providence, is supposed to have come off this morning at daylight, at the Isle of Shoals, shout seventy-five miles from this city. Sports and roughs from Philadelphia, New York and other large cities were here yesterday in crowds, and left last night for the scene of action. The stakes are Lew a side. No acc(,unt of the result of the null has yet been received. CITY BULLETIN. TATS OP THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT TILE BULLETIN OFFICE. 10 A. M.... 70 deg. 12 M.... 73 deg. 2P. M Weather clear. Wind Southwe2t. &MIEN DEATH MI , A MEICCII isr.--'-Tbe mem bers of the Commercial Exchange, were shocked this morning by the announcement of the decease of Mr. George Cookruan, which occurred sud denly at 12 o'clock last evening, at his residence on Arch street, above Sixteenth street. He was at his lisnai place of business on Broad street, near Arch, last evening.. At a meeting of the Commercial Exchange Asociation, held this morning, Mr. H. Hinchman, the President; in a few appropriate remarks, announced the painful intelligence to its members On motion of Mr. Gt-o. L. Buzby, the following committee was ap pointed to report to-morrow a preamble and resolution expressive of their grief at his demise, and to nuke arrangements for his funeral: — G:J.R Buzby, G. 11. Tisdell, Samuel L. Ward, E. G. Cat tell, C. J. Hoffman, Hugh Craig and 5.4. Comly. Mr. Cookmau was Secretary of the Association for many years and an active member of the Young Men's Christian Association. ROBBERY SV DUPONCEAU STREET.---YeSterdfLy el a man named Crawford got drunk in Dnpon; e.ean street, and while in that condition was robbed of his pocket-book by two women. A citizen, who witnessed the affair, interfered, but he was seized by the neck by an individual named Johnson Kelley, and run oat to W clout s:rect. There a policeman was found, and Kelley was arrested. Subsequently, Lieutenant Con nelly, with a squad of men, made a raid through Duponceau street, and arrested several womm. The whole party had a hearing before Alderman Swift this morning. The evidence led to the supposition that Lizzie Robinson and Lizzi.l' Kelley had committed the robbery,"and they, as well as : Johnson Kelley, were held for a further hearing. The others were discharged C. !Aar, SENT% will give his first Orchestral Matinde in Horticultural Hall to-morrow at 3 P. M. With an orchestra of over forty good per formers there can be no doubt of the success of the series. The programme for to-morrow is as follows: symphony No 5—(D major) 1. Allegro con 13pirito, 2. Andante. 3. Minuetto. 4. , Finale Preeto, Eleena ed Aria Mr. W. Hartmann. ..., Schubert eve•ture—Rienci—(With all the parta ag written for the original ..••. .... Weimer Gt. , dan k:tn 11.—( . ... ...Stratum Quadrille—Hh,ter den Cott Peen—(Behind, been , e)._•••• •••• • • • ........ .•• • . • ........ —Stratum Gallop—Morgan° ........ ........... ..... —Hertel TuE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA Will inaugurate their season of Saturday rehearsals on October 12th, and, in deference to the universal desire of its numerous friende, the hour of performance will be at 11j4.A. M.,!the inconvenience of having the same at 3 P. M. having become so apparent as to necessitate this change. By this alteration an increased popularity will be given to these en tertaining reunions, which, when combined with the increased twilitiesot: the Society in rendering music of the highest degree of excellbnee, will ensure a season more successful than any of the many pleasar,t ones through which the Society has won ita way to public favor. ii-11.ilifk THE DAILY. EVET'IINGABULLETIN.—THILADELPIIt%' WEDNEc3DAY,. OCTOBER 2, 1867. LITICAL.—The Republicans of the Thirteenth Ward will hold a meeting to-morrow evening at Washington Hall, Eighth and Spring Garden streets. lion. A. CI. Cattell, Hon. Louis W. Hall, Ifon„ Charles O'Neill, Hon. Wm,k B. Mann, Gen., Littlefield and Hon. James Poll oelf‘are announced as speakers. A Ilepnhlican meeting will. he held on Friday evening at the Wm. Penn ilotel,at Thirty-eighth and Market streets. lion. WM. D. Kelley, Ron. Morton McMichael, • Hou. lh brewster.:Col._ Wm. - 13. Mann and others will deliver addresses. Tom.—We predict for ,Blind Torn a continuation in every city of the fame, which he hue t;•ained in this. The enthusiasm with which he was revolved in Europe was hut un echo of the greetings which had :dwayF hailed this wonderful genius in his travels through his own land, and of whi•h he in AIN the recipient. We never tire of Blind T inn's entertainments. They arc still as unique in this the week of his 1111.14F;:al visit a s (boy Avt•:li the tir, , t, as the throte , s which niehitly till Concert Iran testify. Si ',eft lON ur 114 , e):Eei.---JOITh WaS ar rested yesterday, at Twentieth and Green streets, on suspicion of robbery. It is alleged that he belongs to a gang of youths who have been en gaged in committing robberies in the Fifteenth Ward. Ile i•s suspected of having been concerned in the robbery of a dwelling on Mt. Vernon street, near Twentieth, a few nights ago. Ile was taken before Aid. Pancoast, and committed fcr a further hearing. Tni A I, or Ft n We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another column, in which Messrs. Evans it Watson formally accept 'a challenge to burn one of their sates in competition with one of Lillie's. The full details of the agreement will be found very interesting, as the trial will doubtless be ex,- citing. The result is to be accepted by both par ties as decisive. . Pt.!): .(-2USEITALS . , 9I.•II . OIX.II Stchrian, it youth who had been sent to the House of Hauge for having robbed 4ls employer, escaped from that institution about a year ago, and has succeeded in keeping out of the way since that time. Yesterday he was observed at Fifteenth and Wood strects,and was arrested. He was sent back to his old quarters.. A ss.‘ i.r UPON A WoM tN.—Washington Hamil ton was before Alderman Tittermary this morn ing upon the charges of assault and battery and forcible entry. 116 all.iged that he went to a house in Gampher's avenue, Catharine street, above Fifth, forced his Way through a second story window and as:,.aulted., Jennie Fox, a resi dent of the house. lie was held bail for trial. Diso ON I -.1 C)1/ , .,1 n r;lir atith Palmer. em ployed us a domeiitic in house . \ \io. 1 , ;1:2 Mount Vernoo street, was arrested yesterilty. and taken before Alderman ParicoaQt. upon the charge of the larceny of a immb , r articles from the home. She was held in 1 . 1."1,1 , .) 'Jail for a. further bearing. SAI.I: C :Er; 31‘0.111 , , 1 :11.E1P11.—T. Co., Aun tit-inters, , M t street, to-morrow morning, at 11 o'clock, about 150. piece;, to which the attention of city and country buyers is Ulan early in the morning tor inspce tion. A Co: TE.vy , ir T Nfary Burk was ar -rested at an early hour this mornim.r. upon the char;c of having stolen crape from the door of a house near Twenty-second and Callowhill streets. Ehe was taken before. Aldilmau Pancohst, who committed her to prison. • MAN Bf_.crr:•:.—.Jatiic3 Martin , was arrested yes terday and taken fiefore Alderman Ei.tgleton, upon the charge of having beaten a man at a liom , e on TbompArin Areal, near Front, a few days ago. He was held in t , 90 bail to answer at Court. Po : :rroNro.—The laying of the corner-stone of the . Commercial Exchange building, IVhich was to have taken place to-morrow has been postponed for a few days in Consequence of the absence of the Hon. A. G. Candi from the city. Courox CLARK have received a splendid lot _of nett• crop tea. whielf_ they. are—enabled to sell at a reduction from- old prices. It is one of the best tots that nave neen lmportea tor years. PRE,: CL e.—The rce - ,ular st.tted meeting of the frees Club o . f . Philadelphia will be held this.ifter wain. at four o'clock, at the ROOMS, No. .' , 13 Chestnut street. ANOT II I:I; C(011'1.131E:ST, TO 311:. SAM vEr. R. PIT ILLI Ps. —Mr. Samuel It. Phillip., the famous Phila delphin Manufacturer of Saddlery and Harness, has just had conferred upon nits another well-merited testimonial. It will be remembered that at the State Fair at Norristown Mr. Phillips was awarded a special Gold Medal for his magnificent display of harness, and his iielebrated four-in-hand team. A similar display at the West Chester Fair. which closed on the nth nit., micited a like token at the hands of a special committee, appointed to consider the claims of the various con cetanta, Mr. Phillips brings into his btlfr , inei , e of manufacturing fine harness and saddlery, a ripe and enlarged experience, and his facilities for th e pro t .ecutiou of his extensive operations are un limited. It is no wonder then that he leaves all com petitors in the background. It is with pleasure that we notice the tepid strides towards completion of thil. new establishment now being‘ronstrneted by •him on Chesinut street, above Twelfth: The handsome edi fice will be ready for occupancy at the commeneemenc of the new year, and will be opened with a display of harness, and saddlery never before witnessed in this city, and probably not elsewhere in the whole conntry. :h business energy and enterprise deserve warm commendation. PLEASANT to the taste, certain in its operation, and harmless in its effects,are the great characteristics of Bower's Infant Cordial. Bower, Sixth and Green, eole proprietor. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES and Fancy Goods. S.N . ov, DEN •k• BE.OTHEIII3, Importers, 2.3 South Eighth street. SE.N.:A"FIGS for Constipation and Haoitual Cos tiveness. Depot, Sixth and Vine, Fifty cents a box. , BENBOW'S SOAPS.—Eider Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, . Sunflower, Musk Rose, &c. SNOWDEN BEOTIIEES Importers. - - -23 Sonitltßigifth street.... GOLD MEDAL PERFUMERY. Napoleon 111. awarded the Prize Medal, at the Paris Exposition, 166 T, to R. 0. A, Wright for the best Toilet Soaps, Ex tracts and Perfumeries—for sale by all the Prialpal druggists. R. &U. A. Wright, 624 Chestnut street. WARRANTED TO CURE OR THE MONEY RE TEM/ED.-Dr. Fitler•s Rherunatie Remedy has cured 4,500 cases of Rheumatism, 'Neuralgia and Gout in this city. Prepared at 29 South Fourth :Arcot. DoN'T• TRIFLE with a Bad Cough or Cold; when a remedy as sure,' prompt and thorough ae JAYNE:B em'T•ur.ANT CHU be reMily obtained. Sold every- NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIOO 149 AND SU CHESTNUT STREET. PIULADELPIIU. CAPIT • AL, - $1,000,000. o irth Joseph T. ey, lEant uerA.lam,loagoad Welsh, Nathan t ea, Edwar B. One, Frederic A.Heyt Joni. R hand, Jr., William &VIM. Wm. H. Ithainh WM IL RBAWN, President, Gate caehter of the Central Naftentat Bank. JOB. P. MIIBEFORD, Cambia' mratt 60 Late of tAa PaariekvAia atienal Ban*: BANKING HOUSE kYCooKFACp, 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all Government Securities. bscawrp§ THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. VIEZ,OII4'FII]O ti , EST. LATEII FROM Tiff: PLAINS. 'The Crow Indians. Robbery of the Merchants' Express. Tli,' Crow lindians. Sr. Oct. 2.--. The Crow Indians refuse to meet the Indian Commissioners at Fort Laramie in November. fine thousand pounds of bullion were recently lipped from Gold 11111, Nevada. Robbery of the Merchants , Union Ex-. presv Sr. Dwi-, (let. 2.—The safe of the Merchants' Union Express Company, at Brownsville, Ne braska, was robbed last night of about $15,000. There is no clue to the robbers. One package of i''.2,900 was dropped by the robbers,:and secured. The New York Democratic Conven- Weds' 'Om/4h to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] ALI:ANY; nober 2.--Delegates to the Demo cratic Convention, which meets to-morrow, are arriving. - 'z4 it now looks as if the body would not be har monious. - - Cassidy and David Floyd Jones will be the can- Matta for gteretary The . Mozart delegailon , occupy the .Delavan House. From the Second Military District. CHARLESTI/N, Oct. 2d.—Major-General Canby has issued an order prohibiting the Provost Courts from exercising jurisdiction in any case involving the title of land, or in any civil cause" where the issue exceeds e3OO. He has also sig nified his intention of modifying General Sickles' order closing the bar-rooms throughout the Sec ond District. Financial and Commercial News from Voir.k., 1. .2. St , ,ck. Yt , :tdV. Chi.' .'//4 Rnek. If film!, : !feuding. 101! ,, ,, Con , PanY, 44'. f Erie, i-leveland and Toledo, fv, hind and mu ph, ; rul, u m,l Fortt\ * Mid th•ff utr , .l. : idgan Southern, New Yor1; fru,. 1, ntrul, 1112; Combetlund prel , ,r red. Virpiniff //ml - mf ; s 6..21 F.t.. , „ 1:3: ditto, '&1, I ditto. „; 134n-.:"'11: , 1 7 per cent 2f erling. `f Oct. 2.--1 firm and 10 , 15c., high" - of (ulna barrel-; SOAP. z 9 rii ;4 , m ; f:ti , r If; 3a: V. t rn. 13 5 burl !tern, fi , lo 01 ,, 14 25. 12 50. Wilma r and u drunr, r,,4• s (.1 Spring, 2 :,5. I firm ftud ; 50.0 1 ,U ids . ,1 -W, turn, ~ 1 fg, ~,f,.t ; vale, v, 7(3 073 ;n. 11,4 ,-tier. Pork. tint,: Vt 1 1 .4 of imrrel.t; New ht 10 , 14 t. CITY BULLETIN. THE FinE )r"),TEED.ty At TEI:NOI IN.—The ~wrif.d building horned itkd an in guronce ui ,i+4,0 , 0 upon it. ill fully cov.A. T!,.. r rircipnl eillfft!r , r by tin fife wazq Mr. Eli' , Dick.-n , , who-, lort, of 0 kof fl -r+ ti tlio iron im..000 ..klllsikki. lie Itad nn it11(1 ',Mei. of upop hi+ etOCk, Which WWI ii,pltt,tl al f:,1111,',4, I laware MEM= DI STI,III C..r -Bidge Strood:-.Orliorn Conrad to the tire of W haves, ie. Lewis H. Broomall. An action on,t lace pt uniireory Cuter. On -trial. • _ Allen cr. MeLarin. lirt,rre reported. Verdict for de fendant. • T rr—.Judge Sharrwood.--Ward & Bretherm Wth. K. MO:ker. Ali act LOU to recover for board vt the La fierre Ileac iu !Kt The defence din e d the corrert- Ele , “ of the bill, but agreed to pay f 46 tis.l, the auumut ud tnitt-ed to be doe by defendant. .Jiry reit. oiry Nensick cr. William H. Middleton: An action to recover &imager far au alleged interference by defendant with plaintin'e claim to ate a certain rtreet Upon which plaintill'e property it eintated. On trial. qt..% rEr. rirrri“NS--Jedge Peirce —Lewin Brotherton ar- convicted, of al,charge. of pa,shig a forged cheek. This was the ease where a party purchared carp& of - Mr. N r ,ol. second Wok, uin rend receiving in return a cheek a str,rwardi! hirotherton te,4l:tted a cheek at the Bank of Northern Liberty for John Ebert vc.ne ch“rged with committing an assault and bottrry upon hip , wife. pArtie4 had sepinr nitd it if allured that the hurband met hie wife in he erect and atta.led her. Verdict guilty. • FINANCIAL and and COMMERCIAL Sales at the Philadelphia stock Exchange. rutsr 80XP.14, 101 , 4 101 101:i il9no City tis new 100 do 310 do 2006 do cnPh 101 200 A 1 1 ,2. Co Cum 55 7536 30 ph Pehna bb 75 Ph do Its 52.,54 BETWEEN $2OOO Penna 6s wr to 162 ,;; leo° City 6s new 2 d 101 y; ;Onn City 6R old • 951 11 00 eh Leh Nay etk e3O 41 E=ll3! SW) City 69. new 10134 9sh Pena R e 52'; 1200 do old 951 i eh do Its 52. , i 1400 .do loon 1. 1013:1)100 sh do 1)0 ov; 2000 CAM & Amboy !100 ill do wo 5234 rntue 6s 'S9 96;4 'lOO =h Ocean 00 13 eh Read R Irani :51H 5Eh Cam Am R -126 20 Eh Dela IE7 56 PICILA.DELPIIIA, Wednesday, October 2. The business at the Stock Board this morning was small, but there was a firmer feeling for almost every thing on the list. There was rather more demand for Government Loans—the closing quotations were for the registered 'Si's, 110,111! t ;; the coupon 'Bl's, 1105,4,111 the 5-20's registered, '62's, 141X(?;10431; 5-20 coupon '62's, 113@113, 1 4 '; th'h 5-90 coupon '64's, 109 (0102?; ; 5-90 coupon '6s's, 109,;(g109%; 5-20 coupon '65--67's, January and July, 107y,q,107; the 5-20 coupon '67's, .107%®107 ; the 10-40 registered, 99 , 09 ; 10-40 coupons, 993.1•@9'9; , ;; June and July 7-30's, 10001 , 1067‘ ; October compounds, '64, 119(720.193i; De cember do., 11S(3,1181,; ; May, '65, 1114117 N; August do., 116a,116?,i; September do., 115%@115x',; October do., 11501154,i. State Lomas were tlrai at 1033% for the first series; 104 for the second series, and 102 for the War :loan. City Loans of the new issues were a fray, i , tion higher and sold up to 101%. Of the better class of Railroad and Canal Bonds there were but few offered:- Reading,Lßailroad - -was :very: quiet., at about, 563,;. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 52%—a cle.clitie of Camden and Amboy Railroad was steady at, 124); Mine Rill Railroad at 57; 57% for Lehigh Valley Railroad; 43 for Nerthern Central Railroad; 33 for North Pennsylvania Railroad; 27% for Catawissa Railroad Preferred, and 27,-, for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. In Canal stocks the only sale was of Lehigh Navigation at 42. Bank stocks were steady,with saps; of Philadelphia at 165, and Mechanics at 32. For Pas senger Railway securities prices were mostly nominal. Smith, Randolph & Co., Bankers, 15 South Third street. quote at 11 o'clock, as follows: Gold, 1437,1; United States ISSI Bonds, 110W,111 ; United States 5-20's, 1862, 1123,;q1133,;; 5-20's. 1861, 10 , 37,;@109; 5-20's, 1565, 109 m ,R 109%; 5-20's, July, 1865, 107%@ 107%; 5-20's, July, 1867, 107%®107?.; United States 10-40's, 09.3A . 99. , :,;.; United States 7-30's,, let series, par; 7-30's; , 2tl series, lowcylocw,; , 3d series, •io6!,l(alo636;Compoundl3,Decernber,lB64,llB,l4,®llB3l. Philadelphia, Markets. WEnNrsupr, Oct. 2.—There is a fair demand for Flour for home consumption, with some inquiry for exportation, and with a continuation of light receipts and stocks, and relatively" 14111 figures for Wheat, holders are firm in their views. Sales of 1,500 barrels In lots, chiefly extra family at $lO 75@11 50 19 barrel for Northwest, and Penna. and Ohio do. do. at $llO $l2 50—including 100 barrels Indiana do. do. at $l2 623 g. 500 barrels spring and straight brands on se cret terms, some fancy at $15e414, extras /It sot $9 50, superfine at $7 50($8 25, and 650 barrels sour on terms kept secret. Rye Flour is selling in lots at $8 25@8 75. Prices of. Corn Meal are nominaL The market is poorly supplied with prime Wheat And this description is in gpmi, request at full priccm, but common grades are gull. . Sales of 700 bushels choice Red at $2 50 ilibushel; some Amber at $2 60, and California at $2 90. Rye Is selling in lots at $1 60 gill 55. Corn Mill steady ropiest at a decline from.yes tel day's quotations. Sales of 2000 bushels western yellow at $1 42, 2,000 bushels Southern at $1 40, 6000 bush« Is mixed Western at $1 88(§1 40, and 1.000 bushels western white at $1 4041 42. Oats are steady and 2000 bushel sold at 78 to 80 cents for prime bright. Whisky—The sales are unimportant. QUAKER SWEET' CORll.—f.l6 BARRELS JUST RE. eared and for male by JOISEPIL D. IJUSSIER d; ItiB South Delaware avenue. 'WALNUTS • AND ALMONDS. NEW CROP CI E. noblo Wabanta and Paper Shell Almonds, for sale by J. D. DEWIER dc CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. • MI ERIAL. FRENCH PRUNES.--60 CASES IN TIN 1 eaunisters and,fanef boxes, Imported and for sale iv JOB. 11. BUESINEft 11 (dO., 101 South Delaware avenue. 2:15 O'Clock. ,L XnS . 1 sh :Mesh 1 sh Plat 5 eh Letift.ll Nav sh do 95 sh do IMO 41 ; 41'' ',3.) 42 40 811 Puma, R InO h do hf.o :5234 37 enn-,d'n inn 4 sh Philß Ilk 165 FOURTH EDITION' 3:00 .o'oloolx. LATEST FROM WASHINGTOi. THE SOUTH PACIFIC SQUADRON. The Fifth Military District rroin WAQIIINGTON, Oct. 2.—The Navy Department has received from Rear-Admiral Dahlgren a re port of the stations of vessels belonging to the South Pacific squadron, undbr his command on the Ist of September. The Powhattan flag-ship was at Callao, preparing for sea., The Tuscarora was engaged in a cruise to the Fejec Islands. The Dacotah was at Panama. The Waterce was at Callao repairing her engines, and the storeship Fredonia was also there. The Dyack was cruis ing along the coast in the vicinity of Valparaiso. The following memorandum was to-day issued from the Adjutant-General's office: To avoid the risk of yellow fever, officers now absent from their commands, which are serving in the Fifth Military District, are authorized to remain absent until further orders from this office. By command of General Grant. E. D. TOWNSEND, A. A. G. Official—R. Williams, A. A. G. New York State Temperance Convert (lon. -.- ALBANY, Oct. 2.—The State Temperance Con vention met at Tweedle Hall this morning, and Dr. Albert Dayton was elected permanent Presi dent. Speeches coceniing the progress of the cause were made by several gentlemen. A recess was then taken. ¶IIc [Special BePpatch to the Bhiladelphin'Evecting Bulletin.] FORTOT(11711, N. IL Oct. 2.—The prize-fight betwew Rocky Moore and Geo. Rooke, resulted in the defeat of Rooke. The fight lasted one hour and four minutes, and twenty-five rounds were fought. Commercial. 13ALTOI0yr, Oct. 11.—In Cotton there id rather better feeling, with small talcs of low middlings at 21 cenbi • middlings are quoted at 224 . 122.16 cents. Flour is sluggish with mine inquiry for export; beet red brands are held at $l2 50 , 03 00; eta nda rd extra shipping, $ll 006 - 0200 i ship. ping superfine. $9 ;56 - 1 . 10 50, Wheat is stronger; prime to choice, s 2 3. - 5‘,.2 05 receipts light. Corn Marco; prime white. $.l 21(a I •. , 1; yellow, $1 33(01 35; mixed Western, $1 32,a' I 55. Oats steady prime, 700 . ,72 cents Itye steady :it $140 , d 1 47 for Maryland; southern in demand. Pro visions quiet, and quotation. unchanged. FROM NEW YOKIi. N E w y4li. October-2.—The Croton National Bank, 8. Van Cardpen, President, failed yes terday, and went into the hands of the Govern ment Examiner, Mr. Callendar. The failure is attributed to mismanagement on the part of the President. -The circulation of the bank was and there was about $250,000 on depoSit. The creditors of the bank are said to be amply secured. The bodies of the two men killed by the boiler explosion. in Newark, N. J., were yesterday taken from the ruins. The explosion is supposed 16' haYe beep the result of carelessness on the part of the engineer, who was killed. Many thou sand people visited the scene of the exploSion yesterday. ~, General Sheridan was received in Brooklyn yesterday by Mayor Booth, the veterans and some regrimentS of the State National Guard. He landed at the Wall street terry at 2 P. M., whence he was escorted to the City Hall, where the welcoming address waif made by Mayor Booth. General • Sheridan made one of his usual brief responses; after 'which a number of persons were introduced to him. He left on a visit to Flushing on the half-past six train from Hunter's Point. . Seven United States vessels were offered at auction at the Brooklyn navy-yard yesterday Among; thew was the • old receiving-ship, North parolina, which sold for ?1:30,0(10. A few of the vessels were withdrawn.' The United States schoolship „ Portsmouth, which, in the early part of WI week, with some two or three hundred boys on board, sailed from Flushing . through Long Island Sound, has been, on a cruise at Sandy Hook for practising the kcholors.on board. She was at anchor at the bar yesterday, but wog not 0n)0«,+.41 to conic - into triospcm-t. The 6choorubip will go to NoirpOrt and New London for further naval practice. The National-Orphans' Homestead at Gettysburg. The following donations in behalf of this most worthy charity arc very thankfully acknowledged: Philadelphia (additional)—Matthew Baird, R. R. bond, $1,000; Fifth Baptist Church Sabbath School, $100; C. & H. 8., $100; Nazareth M. E. Church Sabbath School, $5O; St. Philips' Protes tant Episcopal Church Sabbath School: $ 3O ; Henry Croskey & Co., Thos. P. Stotsburv, C. H. Cummings, J. W. Thomas, J. T. Way, Young 4.t, Co., Fifth Presbyterian 42hurch Sabbath School, Twelfth Street, M. E. Church Sabbath School, Third Presbyterian Church Sabbath School, Germantown, each $25; T. W. Evans, A. Wilt & Son, each $10; W. W. Calwcll, Jno. A. Bruner, and six others, each $5; cash, cash, each $2; cash, cash, each $l. Total, $1,671 00. Media, Pa.—Glee Club, per Dr. Isaac Kerlin, Charles W. Poultney, each $25; Burnley, Gledhill (C 4: Co, $10; H. Earle, Mrs. C. S., J. C. Beatty, J. L. Haldeman, R. S. Smith, T. B. Merger, H. J. ' 8., Nlinshell Painter, each ss..Charles M. Smith, Cash, each $3; 8., Cash, each $2; Mary Shaw, J. G. C., M. Baker, G. W. 8., Sarah Strickler, M. Packard, J. J. H., M. Hoffer, J. W. Williams, W. T. W., Cash, Cash, each $l. Total, $123. Long Branch, N.J.—Daniel T. Hoag, Wllliam Rennie, each $25; H. E. Davis, Woolman Stokes, J. Herbert, cash, each $10; T. W. Babbitt, Mrs. Patchen,Mrs.Ellis,Ezra Newland,and nine others, each $5; cash, $4; W. L. Thayer, M. D. Prikpra, Master A. F. Henry, and three others, each $2; Ida Barton, Gertrude Whitteinore, and four others, each $1; cash, $1 :•!5; Fanny Clarke, 35 cents; Jenny Porter, Freddie Martin, each 10 cents. • Total, $l7B 80. Altoona, Pa.—Church collection, $ll 03; T. M. Conley, M. Runneyard, Jno. M. Wilson, E. 11. Williams, W. N. Jno. LlOyd, J. L. Ickes, each $5; Win. Louden, A. G. Link, G. W. Pat ton, W. D. Couch, and seven others, each $2; E. Kaylor, R. Waring, A. B. Nichols, H. Patitt,and fourteen otliers, each $1; four, . each 50 cents; cash. 25 cents. Total, $ll3 28. Whole included in this list, $2,086 08. Treasurer of the Homestead, Peter B. Simons, 1 61.3 Sansorn street, Philadelphik„ , FALL OPENING. LAT EST L N OV E LTIES FROM THE PARIS EXPOSITION. TABLE COVERS, EXQUISITELY WROI:GIIIILIN NEEDLE,WORIC. STRIPED TERRYS, CRDISONS, GREENS,P URPLE'. DRABS, WWII GOLD AND Design entfroly new, and believed to be among the moot beautiful yet imported. REPS, In pure. eolid colors. and of email codas. SILK TER RYS, INICOLORS OMNURUAL BRILLIANCY. I. E. WALRAVEN MASONIC HALL, 719 ChestnutiStreet!: FIFTEJ EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. THE GOVERNORSHIP OF IDAHO. The Treasury Department Front Washington. [Special Despatch to the Eventog WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.—There was a large num ber of callers at the White House this morning, but there were few persons of any note among thern. Half a dozen Pennsylvania politicians, of the lesser lights of the Democracy, were seeking an interview for the purpose, it is understood, of backing up the recent efforts of Congressman Randall and et-Senator Cowan for the removal of Republican office-holders in• Pennsylvania. General Grant, in a convwation a few days since with two Republican Congressmen, in replying to a direct question as to the Presi dency, said that if it should seem to bo the will of Providence and the desire of the American peo ple that he should. be President, he would not feel at liberty to resent the one or disappoint the other. The President has made a decision in the case of a Mr. Gibbs, who was nominated In Jnly last for Governor of Idaho Territory, but was not con firmed by the Senate. It seems that there was already an incumbent in the place f in the person of a Mr. l3allard. After referring the,case to the, ,:Aiionley;:General and, receiving his decision, the President has decided not to remove him and ap-' point Gibbs. The present Governor Is said to be a Radical, and Gibbs, it is alleged, has tried to be both , Radical and Conservative. The Secretary of the Treasury has ordered the extension of the hours of labor in the Treasury Department from nine to four o'clock, after to day, instead of from nine to three, as heretofore. There is much grumbling among the clerks in con sequence. Shipment of Specie. Ni w YORK, Oct. 2d.—The ltusla sailed to-day for Liverpool, with Cico,fam in specie. Auction Sale of Coal. NEw Ironic, Oct. 2.—Twenty thousand tons of Pittston coal were sold to-day at auction, bring ing from k 4 45 to e. 4 75 per ton. NORTILMISSOU_RI R. R. FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT. BONDS. Having purchased $600,00 r/F THE FIRST MORT. GAGE COUPON BONDS OF THE NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD COMPANY, bearing 7 per cent. interest, having 30 years to run, we are now prepared to sell the same at the low rate of 86, and the accrued interest from this date, thus paying the investor over 8 per cent. inter est, which is payable semi-annually. This Loan is secured by a First Mortgage upon the Com. pang's It. 11„ 171 miles already constructed and in running order, and 52 miles additional to be completed by the let of October next, extending from the city of St. Louis into Northern and Central Missouri. Full particulars will be given on application to either of the undersigned. . . . E. W. CLARK & CO. JAY COOKE it CO. DREXEL CO. P. S.—Parties holding other eecurities, and wishing to change them for this Loan. can doe. at market rates. aulTe to tlnlntrpil THOMAS WV.1313, aiww.sor to ThlghPA.l FORKS OF SECOND AND CHRISTIAN STREETS. BALED, FRESH, SALT AND PACKING BALED, WHEAT, OAT AND BYE STRAW, FOR SHIPPING AND CITY USE. nutswsmrp CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, • Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. This road receives all the Government bounties. Tho Bonds are issued under the .special contract laws of Cali fornia and Nevada, and the agreement to pay Gold bind. lag in law. We offer them for sale at 93, and accrued interest from July lot, in currency. Governments taken in Exchange at from 12 to 18 D cent. difference, according to the issue. BOWEN & FOX, 13 MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR TILE LOAN IN PLTILA DELPHIA. veil. in , v., 1867. FAL L AND WIN" MR. 18gry uP . FUR HOUSE , (ESTABLISHED IN 1818.) - -- ; Theunder4iffncd -Irpirile,tbu : altuntipi(pfHte Ladies to their large stock of Furs, consisting of MUFFS, TIPPETS. COLLARS, Szo., IN RUSSIAN SARLP, HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, MINA SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA. FITCH, '&o, all of the latest styles, SUPERIOR •FINISH. and at reasonable prices. Ladies in n miming will find handsome articles in PER. SIENNES and eIIMIAS, the latter a most beautiful FUR. CARTHAGE ROBE', SLEIGH ROBES, andIFOOT MUFFS in great el riety. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, • 417 Arch Street. Ben 4m rp 7-30'S. JUNE AND JULY, CONVERTED INTO. 5-20'S ON FAVORABLE TERMS. DREXEL• & co, 84, South Third Street. WILMA! B. CAM= MIMI= JOY CARLILE di JOY, Hone and Ilan PaJnten and Gluten, No. 4,37 Arab Street s PhiladelPhla: Mediu .an JObbincattended to with proowtoom an aelliSteb. MVO UM a Can. /KIT 4 U 441 VANTON PRESERVED RINSER, PRESERVED • GinileXAto syrup. of the celebinted• Chyloong brand; &leo, Dry Preserved Ginger. in boxes. imported and for ogle by JOSEPH B. MOSIER A; CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. lAMIN VE Rld ICELLL —lOO BOXES FINE QUALITY . white imported and for lam, by JOB. B. BIJKI/EIL ds CO,IOI South Dpimeero avenue. 44.00 O'Cloole. IHAVEIT IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT I IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT IHAVEIT ! Is the time of a delightful preparation for eleaneinC t P serving and beautifying the TEETH. Impartr an exquipite fragrance to the breatbl IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! Ia powder and waph combined; all that la nocesairi to choke the bottle, II~AVEIT: A:VE IT! IHAV]EIT! Is a preparation that has long been sought. It is no alcoholic, nor does it contain a singlo ingrcdien that is not beneficial to the Teeth andflunts. IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! PREPARED ONLY BY H. T. HELMBOLDI DRUGGIST, No. 50.4 Broadway, !NEXT 3IETROPOLITAN HOTEL, AND 104 S. Tenth Ftreet, Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS oti ur474 ,.. - zo rmin inrrlLL. WEHAVEIT! WEIIAVEIT ! WEHAVEIT I WEHA.VEIT ! WETIAVEITI WEHAVEIT WEHAYEIT! WEHAVEIT 1 Io the name of a preparation that positively Makee II air grow positively removes dandruff. WEITA.VEXT!,.: to He natural color WEIIALVEIT! IS NOT A DYE. Wehaveit! Its application is a real pleasure. Wehaveit: Is delightfully perfumed NV - F..14 rILITEFT: is cooling and beneficial to the head. WEI-TAVEIT: This name Wai adopted from the fact thistle is the only article ever knowu to stimulate a healthy condition of the scalp, and to actually produce a now growth of Hair, The proprietor has experimented with all the articles offered to tho public for these purpoes, and tind 4 that they . 0 10, 1 0 up the pores of the ecalp, and thus prevent, rather than promote, the growth of the Mir. WE I-lA:VEIT! 18 offered with 'h. created conildenCe. WE HA-VEIT! IS PREPARED ONLX BY H. T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIS T, No. 594 Broadway, Nov York; 104 South _Tenth Street Philadelphia TOR BALE BY ALL DRITGOIBTEL.- Price, SO cents per bottle. Sent by 'memo i t t dreee. Positively restores tho Thai