Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 02, 1867, Image 2
:F.'om t 1 Toledo Itlndr.) :tiftSllll. ~ e(4 ,,. Air. .y Denalli Isis Advejt tires in a Strong Democratic ivongity in Smith ern Ohio---Whe Snitragiggitestion in that part of the Dentociatic 'Cert. engc. Posy Orri', CONFETIZIT X 11.1.1P5 7 (With is in the 'Stall uv KentnekV, September • 20, 1667.—Last week I wuz invited' to go into Ohio to assist my brethren uv that State. z The 3lassedonian ery reached me, "Come and' help us!" and ez the cry_ ;p coupled with the asshoorance that I shood be per yid& for, I heeded it. Couple Massedonian cries with whisky, and I can't resist em. never try. I ItnoWed there wasn't much dif ference atween the Dimocrisy uv Ohio and Kentucky, but wuz unprepared for the strikin resemblance I found. Twins is not more similar. My Ist appoint ment wuz in a purely Dimekratic County. It wuz a settlement after my own heart, and the minit my practist eye restid ' onto it, my sole leaped for joy., It wuz town wieh bed bin some day the seat uv biznis, but a ralerode runnin sonic nine miles to one side uv it lied cut off its trade, and the inhabitants hevin nothin to do, the better part • nv em went with the trade. Nacher abhors a vacuum, and there rushed in sich as found it dillikult to live elsewhere. The whole pop ulation hevin much leisure fell to pitchin coppers, wich, to make the game excitin, they pitched for drinks. Pitchin for drinks soon rendered em incapable uv more violent exercise; and in a year from the time the trade left em it was the strongest and most intense Democratic to wn in the State. Ez they must eat stithin, and o,z groseries coodent„ milt ' perpetooally 'without biOney, they lied oe4siong..spasa:cts uv labor. Then wood their feelins be liti seratid. Then wood they look over to' the Kentucky shore, and see thousands uv jest sich men ez themselves a spendie their lives in one unendin round uv copperpitchin, hoss-racin and poker-playin, the nigger mean while a sweatin to furnish the • means, and they wood break out into murmurin at the mooed fate wich cast their lot where every man wuz forst to sweat for hisself, and the cuss of labor cootlen't be filled by proxy. Their proximity to Kentucky tantalized em. They wood hey all gone. • ,her coed they hey raised emit' to buy a riiinier ape,eee, bat ti ey coodnt. There wuz, u most deliteful look uv serene repose about the place wich charmed me. I.4'othin stood uprite. The sign-post uv the tavern lied bin leaned agin so much that it bed contracted the same habit; the bosses, from a too rigid economy in the matter of oats, wuz leanin agiti the .side uv the barns; the shutters on • the groserics hung corneria across the winders in consekence uv the lower hinges bein broke: the clap-boards on the houses all hangin by a singie nail at - oiP - end; pre sented any but a reglar appearance, and the men were all either sittin on store boxes, or lemin agin waterer possessed sullishent strength to keep em up. I inuz enthoosiastically, reseeved. - •The town wuz excited on two qUestions. •I, Taxa-. lion; 2, Nigger Equality. The cheerman tiv the deputation wuz the most cheerin style uv Demkrat I lied seen ,for years. His in dependent hair hed pushed its way thro the top nv his hat and bristled in, all directions, biddin defiance to the world—his toes pro troodin from his shoes and his trowsers hangin lop-sided by one suspender indicated a sov ereign contempt for appearances. He begged me, with tears streemin down his eyes, to rotise the people agin the dangers wich threaten em. "Think," sed he, "uv the hundreds uv thousands uv millions, wick we; the people, are forced to pay in taxes to the, General Government, and- rouse em to the necessity uv ackshen " • "I sed I, "I will. State to me the - amount uv taxes paid the tyranikle govern went m this Arcajen spot, that I may hey the - data from wich to. speek.'! • "Taxes, !" returned this patriot, with an amazed look onto his countenance, "taxes! We don't pay any taxes here. The Assessor came here two years ago, and findin nothin to assess, helm considered it worth while to come since. But our hearts bleed for these unfortinit victims uv Ablishn policy,wich hey within, and is forced to pay onto it! The people is he'm ground into dust by taxashen." And the old man swept bitter tears at the miseries uv the sitooashen uv the people. What techin belle`: lence ! On the question ma nigger elialify, sound em at a most deliteful heat. They had seen the tenors nv it, and know'd whereof they spoke. Niggers iced come from Ken tucky across the river to em, and instil uv neceptin their normal speer, and yieldin quietly to the irresistable decrees uv ,Ileaven, wich made em the inferiors uv the white, they hed, the moment they aecumultid suthin to live on, assoomed the airs nv ekality. They refoosed to keep their places. The Cheerman remark[, shoe in the. stub born cussedness uv the race, that cite uv em lied some months next to him. He; (the Cheerman) honored' pork on several oe- Cashens nv him, mkt a bakiu uv flour, and, en one occashen i nine dollars uv the misra ble, lairs wich we are tOrst. by a tyrahikle Coveriiment, to a cept le; money. That nig ger hed the so3preroe impudence to insist hem pale! and (tien talked uv sooiu for it. 'But on consultin a lower, be didnt, owin to The on , eriainty es to who wood lieu to pay the costs. Another instance. A nie:ger wi Cruz neer'iy white, settled in the vicinity. lie hed net only a slaughter, but a Stain. My son SIT"S. Labor he despises as a o:yntiishen 4,nly fit for serfs. He proposed to W9O this nigger's daughter. It W . 114 struggle with • me: -so,34 : rogrviik httniale veued:Chek the ant - mid blood uy Ham in her vanes! Ilut: ad, my Son,sir,threw , dirt in my eyes. A bout sixty a.-ters nv dirt. I thot of the pieasart time 1 corns hey a livin on that larm—uv the *lays devoid uv labor and the eve nins with ease, and alter a severe ethuologille straggle w 'my feelings ' consented. I wanted to take litter uv that nigger. Pityin nba as an inferior beln—looded in his ab normal condishen ith responsibilities wich le . :ortld not he eepected to diseharge, would hey taken epal ge ;iv his allures. wood—my son Ibeuel and .1---hey managed his farm and i s'oeli . and shin Alas! „Timed mentianel the matter to the Ethio pian, sir, and vjib at, result? He was i:•2:- norpiniously kickt out etv the house, sir. iTo wuz—sir, for a lrealken broot,by a nigger wiehthreateved of he ever showed his pim pled—pimpled wuz the word—l'aee about there agin, he'd break every bone in his body. Sir, this is becomin unsupportable. They must be drasrged down to c ar Ally proud Caucashen blood revolts. There must be a inferior race and its ua or the nig ger. The Injen is out uv the question ce: there ain't any uv theria here to be i n f er i or I wouldn't mind the Injen, but there ain't none. Its nigger or nothin. Give him the ballot sir, and what'll distinguish us? Speck with a angel's tongue onto this thcane, I beg,." The meeting we/. a glorious ogee, and my speech one Iry my most movin efforts. My perorashen moved me to tears. It wuz on 'Rigger suffrage, Depletin its untold horrors I brgped em to organize—to rally moist more • agin this common enemy. "There ia," sed 1,. "seven thousand nigger males in the State of Ohio. . Sbel we peril the liberties uv the litate by permitin them to appreach the. ark uv our safety—the ballot box? Shel we raise em to the pint nv beln our ekals? Shel we marry em and give em in marriave? Shel we contaminate the pure stream uv Anglo naxon blood, by landdlin It ruins the turbid 'Arena At that piiit I stopt. My eye bidlS wuz seared. Joe .Bigler, wieb I spoked wuz hundred miles away in Kentucky, wuz lip in the aujence. • “.Agreein“ said he, "with wat the speeker is sayin, I beg to ask a question for entiten ment. I am:a Kentuckian." "for for Kentucky !" . • Bowis,. Bigler preceded. There wuz, a lurkin devil in his eye wich afflicted me. "Ef I understand the speaker, he holds . that the nigger of permitted to vote becomes so much our soshel ekal that we must take hiin to our buzzums—that we must marry the females, and our gushen daughters forthwith tic,themselves to the males uv that accussid ritee. Is it so ?" "It is!" retorted I. "qty blood biles when I think tiv it. Et' recollect mite, the laws uv Ohio permits all niggers to vote who are only half black. Ex there are &good many mulattoes in this re gion, the produx Iry the loose ekality uv the races over the river, there must have bin, ever sence that law passed, much uv that kind uv marryin here. May 1 be permitted to ask this oppressed people who hey suffered so from this unnatural state of affairs, how they like it? Is yoor wife a nigger, sir?" sed he, addressin the Sekretary, "and et' so, don't yoo feel the humiliatin posishen yoor in,com pelled, ez you wuz, by the force ill. , Thum kratic circumstances, to many her, to take her to yoor buzzum, the minit her father got a vote? Its - enuff to drive a man into Ablishnism to escape it. My brethern, "sed this Bigler, "I advise yOo all to abjoor Dimo crisy. Up North, the minit the nigger gits a vote yoo are forced to legal messegenashun —down South, the affinity Dimocrisy hex for niggers, hex bleached out the race to the color uv molasses. There's no hope for yoo, save in Ablishnism, with hex the happy fakulty uv doin justis to em without marry "And he *110'61. - th . didn't - Make* difference: -• They didn't know what he wuz talkin about. The word "messegenashen" struck em with amazement, from which they didn't recovertill we left. In speakin to sich aujenceS;"ittcn must be keerful uv the words they yoose. I iinisht my speech. The meetin then re solved they wuz better than niggers; that they never wood consent to be taxed fir the benefit of purse-proud aristocrats: that, the bonds shoed be taken up with greenbax; that there shood be a return to specie pliy ment to wunst; and that they were willin tv give millions,ef need be, to resist usiirpashen, but not one cent in taxes in a unconstitoo . she] manner. This resoloosim wuz passed, when a col lection was taken up to pay for the candles. But alas! There wuzift nary it cent in the house, and I lied to pay for cm myself. An other little incident didn't please me, The State eentral Committee Iced furnisht me, ez it does all its speakers, witha twenty dollar gold piece and a fl Mini: bond, wich 1 wuz to exhibit, to Show the difference atween Ablishn and Democratic money. I shoved em at the people, and it excited them to mad nis. I laid em on the table afore me. When the meetin wuz adjourned, they wuz gone! Who took cm? I knOw not, but this I do know, that the Cheermat , uv the meeting next morning, a new pare of shoes and a hat, and wuz talkie doubtfully of the propriety of taxin boUds. Igo from here to Pennsylva nia, to till some appointments in that State. PETIZOLLEMV. NASIIY, P. M., (Wich'is Postmaster.) ' THE ROSTON TH. E DY. The Late Shooting. Aitair—Attempted Murder and Nuicide. 'From Ow lioeton Post, Sekt,,;',ol About half-past nine o'clock last evening .an • affair occurred in a house of ill-famea kept by a woman known as Frank Howard, In Alden street, which was rather singular in its circumstances and ' nearly tragic in its results. It appears that a young man of means, about thirty years of age, named Frederick A. Babcoek,and hailing from the City of Cincinnati, came liffYr this city - about three weeks ago. A little more than a week since he fell in vvith a young woman named Florence A. Blake. otherwise Florence A. George. who, for sometime past, has been an inmate of Mrs. How ard's, and became so completely enamored with her that, forsaking business,and regardless of the disgrace his course would bring upon his connec tions in the West, he left the hotel in which he had been stopping and took un his abode, entirely with her. During their short term of intimacy Babcock had repeatedly urged the girl to break off her shameful life and marry him, promising to take her with him to Cincinnati, where she would dud all the comforts and luxuries which wealth would confer, besides living with him in a life of outward blamelessness and purity. Thu girl. however, was deaf to his entreaties, and used every endeavor to dissuade the infatuated. man from so foolish a course. She told him that notfolly her position in life, when found out, would 'bring lasting disgriner upon hitraselfand should lie marry tier, 'reit having' .a hus band already living it woad be inaposslide for her to , tomply. Notwithstanding, all this thn.! yonn man persisted as mud. asr, and firefly threatened her with fieiith eve 'he did not comply with his wishes. in siete thr,:its Florence continued to keep his company as much a ln fore, little thinking he rioald tempt to carry into effect les rash •!u iron. Bab cock, at last worked up to , reney, proeured a pistol. and meeting the girl alone ut the drawin , -, , r00m of the hhase last evening told her, once for all, that she must either .onsent to marry him or die., hlorenee even then did not think that Babeant meant to kill her, and .tii used, she she »ad done the forme - : stiliClLllloll9. 13.11, '0 Pt thereunon drew his weapon, whieh du ring the conversation he had .;oneealed from her sight. and preset led lt at the girl's head and tired. The latter dodged in time to avoid the which lodged in one of the wars of (le 'room, The shot proving uninatteessfal. Babco'h fired again; but this time the girl dodged behind a sofa in season to escaje the contents of the barrel, which passed into boa furniture. Zniseiaiessfal agein, the yoang man sprang towards dm girl, or between her and the door, to prevent her gettin ,, out of the room, and prepared to shoot a third time. There being a pair of folding doors in the apartment,Feparating it from :In adjoining room, the Blake girl ran oil for them. and succeeded.. most prOVldehtia'ily; foira third'tinitif'in'eSeephigl from her infuriated lover. After these unsa ces4ul attempts at hotel-tide, Bah;ock next tempted to kill himself. He presented the pistol, which had one charge left. to his temple . anl fired, the ball passing into the right side of tact mar the cheekbone, and lodging near ° LI;s! ' , moo spot on Om left side. The weand was too low to Me. the 1r;,;:i 0, to '.111.1!-1..1 the lose Not ebetent. win] tills. 13; , .1ceek took a gelri!o '.rem ;:nd s ; :li,1101 hinige:f r. nuclei cif ti e :(:; rt....;10r 01 tho heart, end on. e the ilade a short way 'n . .(l ono of his lungs. this 'scene lurid been enacted inmaMs 0: the house had ren eh the I - pal-anent, sn.l found w the young man sinking, nearey insensible, to' the no6r.' DTiring the hiellual nee:.pt at ~e lf-murder, the of the room verge eon si h•rably bespattered with blood. A physician was summoned Immediately after the ocenrrenee, who examined the woanded man, and pro nounced his injuries of it very dangerous, if not fatal, character. ( tdleers he' - ,itt and Sleeper, of the Thild police, were also nailed, who, at the suggestion of the doctor, procured batik, in which the man was taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital. A singtiler part of lids affair was, that after the occurrenee, the girl, notwith standing the attempt made upon her life, volun 'teered to dhicharge all bills of hack tare, hoard at the hospital, (fn.., and 6:vete - wont CO far as to call at the latter place, after Babcock had been taken there, to obtain permission to visit and nurse him. • Ai retained his terser throo.gh the and at a l'ite hour last night was getting - tt , 7011iir,7tar,tiy :4S possihie, - ander the dn .- Mil-- stance , . During Es stay to thiti city, lie has been know:tas Fred. Bennett, though Babcock is Lis correct name. Florence. A. Wake, whom ho appcars.to have become <o ardently alttylied, le a woman of about MR own age, and of reuntricable beauty, of the lull, rich brunette type, with well moulded fravjrcs, ..nil very fascinating in manneza. the time of the affray she was dressed in a costly snit of black wi , mt. On one ol' her fingers she , wore a costly diamond ring, wslued at IF2oo—a present from Ba neock. A CoNviNcitui A_Jec.orlaNT —The :advo cate Panattoni with recently defending a man who had swindled the government. "Gentlemen of the jury," said he, ".1 have practled my profes sion honorably. I believe my ellent innocent. it you refuse to acquit him, what Itthtuce *9 1 aye in pleading Itt taro f.:a 4 .35?" b • THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--THADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1867. Gu:Nxie.v. HA:44:017K has arrived at 31.. Louis. .PriosT appeared at St. Louis on Monday"night. Ors. P.ll IM has been expelled from Belgium. Nnw patents to be issued for the week ending October 8, 211. THE yellow fever interments in New orleans chi ring . .11( 'inlay numbered sixty-three. TnEtti: was a slight frost at Richmond, Va., on Monday night. OAR] n.v.ni has refused to give his parole not to engnge in hostilities against the Papal States. JA3IE,4 M. M . .. , :0x; '`Of Trent notoriety, has re turned to Toronto. A i oixinEo man was appointed to a clerkship in the Register's office at Washington yesterday. Tnie Republicans have a majority of ten in the Colorado Legislature. . TIE internal revenue receipts, yesterday, amounted to $795,189. Aggregate receipts for September, $13,183,1;07. Tim Pan-Anglican Synod has issued an address condemning Rationalism, Popery and Mariolatry, and seeking to promote unity in the Church. A Per.n•E:N.tN was beaten and fatally injured by ()Ricers of • the Twenty-third Fusileers, in Quebec, last Saturday night. • Tuncry thou Sand head of cattle, front Texas are at Abeline, Kansas, on the Union Pacific Ha ilron d „ awaiting purchasers. Tim statement of the pubirdebt for the last month will not be made before Saturday; owing to the returns not being in from remote portions of the country. A CI»IPAN ' Y of the 12th United States' Regulars has been sent to West Virginia 'to aid in pre venting, threatened outrages on the part of the rebels in that region. Tni election for a State Convention in Ala bama began yesterday. In Mobile city and county 3,121 votes were cast, of which only 32 were Uy . svhitce , • Tin, land anthill:Val fordeS of the Alined poWerii had hdrObarded thO Baragnayan pOsitidfislitt,Cu rupaity and Ilumaita, but with what success is not known, the accounts being very conflicting. IT IS rumored that there will be an immediate change in the Italian Cabinet, and Clahlini will take the place of Ratazzi, at the head of the gov ernment. TwENTv-Twolhousand dollars worth of Gov ertment bonds were adroitly abstracted from the Cashier's desk at the First National Bank, of Providence. B. 1., yesterday. A l.muiE liquor establishment in S. ;Louis was entered by . burglars on Monday night, who robbed the safe of i1.,000 in money and other valuables, but overlooked two watches and a diamond pin worth 11,000, and $35,000 in Government bonds. TiE Massachusetts Democratic Convention met yesterday and nominated John QuincY Adams for Governor. Resolutions affirming State I:ights principles. and opposing prohibitory ell ;ICt tS Were adopted. I.r is reported on the continent that Napoleon . has addreFsed a note to the sovereigns of the South German States, in which, after calmly dis eussing.the last circular of the Prussian Cabinet ; urgin4 . Gerinan unity, he asks them to pledge themselves not to pass the Main and merge their countries in the new Confederation of the North, TM: new Mayor and City Connell; of Nash ville. were installed into °Rice yesterday. S. F. I\llen was elected President of the Aldermen. and A. Shankland of the Council. Judt; . e M. M. Brien administeredthe oath of office. Chancellor 11arrison has made,no response to the petition o: the city authorities for au injunction. Aunt; request of the-Netherlands government, the Secretary of State has sent a circular to the Mayors of the principal cities, requesting infor mation on the subject of all sanitary regulations, precautionary measures, and of sewerage, and the methods of draining off or removal of all fecal and filthy matters, and any descriptions of the orga nization, workings and functions of boards of health. A Num m:ic of the members of the Bar of Wash ington, 1). C.. held a meeting yesterday, to hear the report of a committee appointed in August last, to investigate the difficulty be4;yeen Judge Fisher and Mr. Bradley during the Surratt The report declared that Mr. Bradley's name should not have been stricken from the roll of attorneys without giving him an opportunity for explanation, and - closed with a resolution de cring the action of Judge Fisher null and void. Warlike Tendency of like Public Mind The lateSt advices by the City of AntweT rd pVitsthat, notwithstanding the assertion that the Emperor Napoleon will pay a visit to Berlin dur ing October, public opinion in Paris, not only in military but in civil circles, continued to exhibit a warlike tendency. Many persons had made up their minds that there must be a war with Prus sia, and that, as it is inevitable, the sooner it is over the better. It is intimated in some quarters that the visit of Monsieur Goitz to Biarritz has a far more important object iu view than the mere invitation of the Emperor of the French to Berlin. One writer „ r ays that -it is probable the Prussian Minister has been instructed to insist on some categorical expliiiitions from France. respecting the in creasing arinaMents on the I:lv:nisi) frontier, the concentration of troops on the Northeastern Pro sine s and other warlike demonstrations, and to intimate the hrm determivation of the King ~f Prussia to tolerate no illtAfferellC 4 : whatever irc Franc with any interpretation which Prussia, anal 2ol , .tria - please to put on the treaty of ifie notion of an imperial Frrhich visit, to.E.er- En appears to-be—explotied by an rh-tmie h the new Gazete, of me 14;t11 of Sup- Mmocr, which says that there is nothing to pis tify thr -rimposition that such a journey by the Emperor N . snoleon is expected. 'The '..nsettled . .state of the ',Mille mind in 'France Is ;limit:a:al by the eagerhe- ri with which - ..ulinportant events are seized -.aeon and i wrested vr . lth great political significance. The mission f frleneral Henry to Vienna to make arrange ments f .rr the removal of the rewhins of Napoleon IL to Paris h::s given rive to a string of 5 - uppcwitions. As 6eneral Fleury ae ,_!ourpanied the Ern} ;:ror Nap o!ton to ,Lia zburg: politkians shppoEe that he may alFio be cons missioned to continue the negotiations wniAt theyhmaglne were begun in that city whieh they think be finally . concluded on the visit of the Finperor of Austria to Paris: neNt month: At a bareit:et given by the Nantes Chamber Of , jolllll3eva'3 to 3:1I. EOUIiCT. that Mihister of State said that all the efforts of the 'French govern- Ali /n i t wh - iflophilivy art th.i2 l cnpl F.Cv:Na p ole on hail for their obj*rfr. the Ifii:lntenance of a long sr d Ir , :stlng peace. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. THE ASPECT FOR 'WAR. of prance and Prussia. A bpeninten Piric6:. - - OA; N,AV 1) , u.):)).iati,: party in the We , ,t, r , ioie , , - ;.; in a richer 9) , 3ci , atn than in . en Vailai;(l. , ...jiarn. In l'•!!1( - )w ki_own ••nit.k Pomeroy" 'who edit), a c,.nk Dento:•mtic p.Ti.n. in 1.1 Grosso, i); a rq, ,, ,lar worlii.ra; with will 0): Cm) )!..)I.ln9tait) i.‘.)s arc not as aright aq they were thr) , i 1)s tiro fol lowing v. Ill' Pr, ;dent Lin oln'); '`Everything concerning the' iinp,vrted cuss pos .4IHFCI3 adaseination and tharm 1: : 1; u=. cilich we make no effort to re7;:st— wo.:ld n ot, if Ave could—NN Mel his loss ;no an:ri most people, for he {l';',E, s.v 1, a 111 , (t, hr;;vniful man_ possessed at such winning ways and eharmin , characteristics— Mid -Ards snuffed out of " s eNiSt " - (Mee tilN-11C v.as 11 ,- .lill:ri flr,t-elass rocket, and everybody - used to admire Mei so--,they didn't think there wee any ',fa Idt!!trial-g o in him—that there' was o ranch of that which cloth hedge about,' &1.. Bat one day a naughty boy, John Wilkes Booth name, came along, and ht admired the rocket, and said, 'Oh, what a beautiful rocket!' and he scratched a match, and touched its blame to the nice, first elites rocket, and before any one could say 'Let Too kiss him for mother,' it wont off with a fizz, pop and bang, his soul to glory, we reckon—and all that wa lett of the amusing rocket was a nasty, thickened, 'broken stick, and an em pty (the e, of no 4oeount to enybodfor any thing. Thii., is the :10.1 sec: of a man to gladden the hurts of a DexilOcrekty that the other night in TYnshingteu, gave three cheers for the "Pia shient who wasn't afia'id of being shot." T)! , A) f' I i LAN , A I, Thifl (AA his torian was buried at Ye rFa.!!i , ou iho 131.11. wrote a geography or Fn.,Me, histories of l'ariu, of St. Cyr, and of Turkey, unique and a memoir of Madame do.; Maintenor, of whoa; works he was the editor. .•At Lin deuth ho was historical professor id Ist. nod dikes of the Legion of Honor. in PEN DIM' CIPAN(11: IN 11A wn !.-9'he .1:Ing, of the Sandwich Islande in trlid to be eel - lousily . 111. The names mentioned an the ihture noverelf , ne were thoffe of Queen I.lrnma and Prince Witham Quanalllo. The prebent eg'u age deco not e es {tell thirty-fore yearn. • 4114.1111011101111EfirEN• RISLEY'S CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCIIANGE. CHOICE BEATS To all places of =lament may he had up to 634 o'clock any evening. niii2atf NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA. HOUSE ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT TIIE FAMILY RESORT'. OPEN FOR TOE SEASON. PIONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, CARNCROSS & DIXEY'S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OP THE WORLD, 1111=B3 ' GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. For partieulare eee tutor '• - 2inente. `NCROSS, Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Tremor I &WOG' N EW PHILADLI,I . ! 3 %, iiolTir, --- T cet, below ARCII. L. V. TI INISON At 11. PA li ...........Prorrietor3 SAM GEL S. SANFORD... .......Stage Manager . - GREAT SUCCESS OF T u CO.'S MINSTRELS, OPEN 1701 EPH. HORN, FRANK MO, And the _ MOST TALENTED COMPANi . ' IN TILE WORLD. • Seats can be recnred iu aftrauce without Extra Charge. Doom open at 7 o'clock Pert °nuance begins at 8 o'clock. A CADE Y 31 GSIO. IL J. E. McD0N0U0,11..............Leemec nml3lawer EXCITEMENT INCREASING. HOUSE THRONGED NIGHTLY with the , ELITDAND BEAUTY•OF,TIIILADEI PM& • - • fo iticem the lee ergorgeonaSpeCtaele over produced. TOE BLACK.CIiOOK; THE BLACK CROOK. and the magnificent PA IZISIENNE BALLET 1410UPE, who are received nightly with SHOUTS OF ADMIRATION. NOTlCE.—Residents of adjoining towns have now an opportunity of witnessing this Grand Spectacle and return home at an early hour. The performance closes at fejt: o'clock. A OIZAND MATINEE FATERY SATURDAY AFTER .... NOON AT 2 O'CLOCK. Seats secured without extra charge at Lee J.: Walker's 'Music Store, Chestnut, above Seventh street, and at the Academy from 10 until 3 o'clock. VEIN CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. 1-`1 et Imencintt o'clock. THIRD NIGHT ok"rnE COMEDY SEASON, Antt - td the engagement; FUR TWELVE NIGIITS ONLY. OF TM. GREAT lIISTRIoNIC ARTIST, l'alt..,lA:ll ES E. Li:MCI I, Who will appear THIS, WEDNESDAY, EVI7NINC: AS ROVEN t • • • In O'Keilt.' beautiful Gnedv, in neti, catitl WI LI OATS ; I'M THE STROLLING GENTLEMAN. SUPPORTED BY 'IIIE NEW CO') PAN Y. Thurrday—LAA timo of MONEY, 4 , Friday—Benoit of Mr. ,1. F. mIrCII ADO ABOUT - NOTHING. Saturday -Liut time, • WINE WORKS WONDERS. Snthrtlay, Matinee—Onb: otornlau , o rf "CASII:." • - - lATALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. CORNER OF NINTH and WALNuT streets. Regina at - • 'llll5 ki,Vedneeday) EVENING, 0ct...2... Third night of Itonerteon'e Comedy of • CASTE, The manumipt of thin celebrated English Coined! hits been PURCHASED FOR THIS THEATRE from the anthor`a agent,and may therefore be pronoun,ed the only correct and authentic copy in tido. city, To conclude with the laughable Farre of MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE. Duet by Mr. and Mre. , Ciumereal--"W lowly Little FArnt We Keep." Imitation 3 of celebrated ol.fera eingerd and hijack Crook Dances. AIRS. JOAN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATER Door.. open at 7. Realm lit 7'l o'clock. LAST WEEK OF MR. E. EDDY. EAST WEEK OF MISS nENior.TrA THIS (Wedneedavl EVENING, October 2d, h 67, THE RAO.PICKER OF PAIRS. The Rag Picker I:. EDDY Marie Didier Nita Ptic,• After which, the . Comedietta of A DAY AFTER Til E WEDDING. Lady Elizabeth Free10ve........ ......... IL IRVING Col. ... . ..Mr. C. ‘Valcot, Jr FRIDAY—LAST BENEFFIDF MR. E. EDDY. In reheareal-111E POLICE SPY. MONDAY— Falconer'a INN ISFA LLEN, With Mire KATE REIGN - OLDS and the Author. N C E It T II A L L. 4:IIESTNUT Street, above TWELFTII BLIND TOM CONCERTS. POSIIIVELY TIIE LAST WEEK. EVERY NIGHT` THIS WEEK nt 8 o'clock. . FAREWELL MATINEES— - 4 0EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Arr E 11N 00 October' 2 and 5, at .1.10. Admiskion, Fifty Cents. ' Children under 12, Twenty.five Cent. • • Reserved Seats, Seventy.uvo Cents. Tickets at Chas. W. A. Trumpler's Music Store, 1- 4 1/1 • Chestnut street: also at the Hall. , Balcony reserved for colored persons. Admission, 25 cents. I,IIILADJ LP II IA CI RC CB, Corner TENTH and CALLOWIIILL igreete, Undor a New Management, will open for the Wint,T Sear.wcr EARLY IN OCTOBER. Till , building has been entirely renovated, altvred and unproved with NEW )10DES OF INGRESS AND Ei:P.ESS, both en Tenth A SI'LENDID sr Cr) OF HIGHLY TRAINED MIME A COMPANY UNI:NrELLED IN TILE ITN:NiTi:n 6TATES. 6C:.! -4t A 1214 t,'Llf:sTN LT •trxt. Pi A. M. 51'. N. In',rder' ll . 7 ge 1101111 ftpr f :11 • PC ili 1 a)) ..,CttriCit..: :111111 14v Jr.t • •1, Cirt.P Ivicin on O' - ice 11 - D' t.f. i 1',...11.'41 'T. 7 1. .LIT - 111 i, PLAI`-', :41);.'NTATNs,,, L. It l:' WAL LL rfr:tql 1:tly win iereat•' , / d • , r , telpher '; .`iIAG.NIFICENT P.1.1.!":"11Ni ;3, of !lain jntaln ry ‘ 1,11.! 1.1% - ny (101 , T larg.• and ni:l . lJrlt, • E v,V, ✓rill Ill! , .1111)Ited A 50 (.11tr , . httrv.;, T 551 ' O . PI.GIGS, 1.:115,6' IN I I'rho at liA `OII.I , PN'S S!o: - ..!. IV) ntth EN Dix,rd open v.': 7 0' , .!;p4: - .. 1.!.•ro- I I (.) ( 5 . 5 it ' 1 1 : . ;i 1 1f. A . 1 4 %. 411 L 1 1 By CAM . , Sr.;•;'l7)ri 111;1:11.ESTRA Pr,rtv Al' c•evrao , neing Oct‘.twr 3, 1; , ,67. , , at 3 Wcir j r±, VC , CBH . t -- Mr. WII/. !Tutu:aim, from the (; , rinan ONra. ;ANGLE AOMIS6JON, f,e QE.7as. Pock at, of Iq if kcfx for I. ; • To to , had at Eoner A; Cu'e. Muric Stf;fe, 11' , 2 Cheetaut i.trect, .iiii Et ti;e door. • ,: , ,,:ol in i P NNS ViVANIA - SUAin - INI 1' OP Y'l NE A RT3, eilEiiTti UT, above TEN ril. Or.ll f:Tra 9 A. M. to r; P. M.. 11,•ejamin WePt'e giCitt Picture of CIII:IST RF;JECTED ?till Un o :Niiibitkl!. • ''' Ic.l.tf VOX'S AM iII:WAN — VARIETY THEATED 1. EVERI EVENING and SATURDAY A FTEKNOON. GVEAT COMBINATION TEOUPE. „ . In Gr:.nri I•Alliopinn Innlet Sunge, Danckw, Gyninn,t Art., l'antomimenve. EN'FN , IC% tirOC)Bir.•• PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANI) FACTO It.Y. ()Mir' for .theko celebv , ted Shirth eupplied promptly brief zotite. • Gentlemen's FurAiing Goods, Ii rts , See in'frffi variety. WINCHESTER & Co., 706. CHESTNUT. W;M,t7j,ti J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT 11.1.NuFAcTuRE11ti, AND 'OE-ALERS IN Men's Furnishing Goodi, $l4 Chestnut Street, intitf,mov,tl 617 , 1"P8' PATENT-SPRING AI,ID BUT nod over,aftere, LenthEr. white - and brown Linen ; elodd: en , il Cloth and VOVet Lefj I also iw.do to order spar GL:4 - rs , EURNIEIL-'‘4451 GOODS. ~. • of tivcry dcitcriptioo, very . low. so:.; ttKot, CerLEt cf NiZL..I. 'LI.O ben Eid Glovp ecr Mice and EteX. at itICYLELDEMFPR'S BAZAAR. myn.enaool OPEN iN TUE •CVENYNO WIEICSONAJL. if p iusELLA MARIANN°, riiNIALS PHYSICIAN, :127 North Twoll th Ft. - cot: rule, 1m• ViniEWORR 11,- EVERY DESC It I [MON ALWAYS Rocket.% itcrnitio t'andlee, l'atent Rocket,' without .tiolth, tient:Mit Btan3, Globea, Colored FYrr itrittorice, Vertical Wheels, Fancy Mato of all knit*, for lotto by JOSEPII B. lei CO.. 1013 &with Delaware 1N1)IA SHAWLS'. .IF• JR. IC lEt, 916 Clkest9ut Street, -Hnn-recvivvd-and ilow-onen liin Pall Imporbition of udtit• Shawl, and SCJIEFS, together witii thetl:indeof SharvL ds of BICH DRESS SILKS, • BLACK SILE.S, POPLINS, . CLOAKINGS, CLOAKS, dc., To which the Ittcatiou ~f purelmorm ie irnitod; tliokoodtl are PaD•haoo,l for cneh alit . ' will bo mold cheap. . ae3Off4 0 1101 014 S r rN ilrf. STREET E. M. NEEDLES & CO 'S N, W, Cor,llth and Chestnut Sta, 11011 SP, Farniding Dry Goods, tomtit Re the recent deprepaed..prcem, e n Shirting, Sheol n And Linenff., Table i lothe and Napkina to match, c.;: t r Whie ClotlN Popper, Towela and Towviltigi rti Marreilles Quilta and Tollet COVC11", litanketr, " , I loney Comb, Lancaster, Allendale, 1 Jacquard, and other Sprendp , . -Domes , is nelins and Sheeting:a, rh In MI (in tilitiot and widths, AT THE LOWEST RATES.. , • / I ,LS :1,1 INJ,SSI I- 1 0 tOrt nwom C. ciit;RUIL EDWINAtt; Dsocill tw.coNirs - Trat.r. - are now receiving their Fall and - Winter importation. Fancy Style. Poplin.. bilklaced Popline. Plain Silk and Wool Poplin.. Black and Colored Poplin ,Alpaca.„ Black and Colored Minim... Black and Colored Poplin.. Fancy Style. of Cloaking.. R. 4 Orem and Blue, Blue and White, and Scarlet and White Cloakinge. 1101 CHESTNUT STREET invite att,ntion to their rirq•cla“ Stock of Laces and Lace Goods, Embroideries, Hdkfs, Veils,&c., To•.vhicli d iti r, v. ill corp.txr,:ly br, made the White (.1-oenls I )epartment lIEATY SKIRTING LIMBRICS, - .T.',42:7T,LS lINLLS'AHD ZOtt (-)PlBEiNal•Nac;io„?„7.,l7,:tti,li.N Irieb PoplinP. in In,v.vin., liluee and Steel? Meek and Ittr.de Ilianitz, very neautit ul. Gll 1 - laid .111.1.v00l l online, n ehoice relectiou. rtyl.' , , Lupin', French Mel-dines, and spialitier. Very tine Purr Nlnhaini in Plaids and Stripea, mi.i, col Poplin,. lignred. Spotted and Bilk Warp Lavelle, Neapolitan Silky Sit twl., all grader. STOKES WOOD, 702 Arch et.•.et. QPECIAL NOTIcE,- 1 , _.) FALL :‘ ND - WINTER FA Sill ONS 'it 1..71, .. . Irr. )1. A. BINDER, lii3l clinsT.Nur s CREI.I', finn,.rter "1 Ladi.,' Dry,. and Cl. , :ik. in Trinitning%, (dilly-, Cr. id-. RD,- ',ono. Gnipun• and(.luny lAtcxr, Crai Etincy . Jet Collar. , and East Edge rtlvete, in --AI.SD• Black Velvetr, all Width, :it low pric,. l'arbdan Bret, and rioxk-Maidng in all it., Ilrpr rim. 1.f... Lircr...eo made en •24 notice, NVeddin...: cud' 'I :.,,, o.itti to wade to order in the mold elegant it.ato.:.:r xt e I lal rat. i an cannot fail t., 1.1e944 , Suit., of /11011falll , ftt ),10/"41.E. Lleg. nt rlyinirlicd l'attein-i for Lid t and Una . Lee—e,. Sl t 4 ui ljatterllF f .1f , ....,•110nt. , and remly. Vattern.= Bent by :rail (i t) 11ial. llutton'. and ml! ire Dein( r. and ziretein of Dri.F. , I !Aim" NAN t FAC,II:I:LRci OF Sterling„ Stan (lard & Silver-plated Warts, An cley,ar.t mai e't)ck always on hancL .Manct. fact 'Tern cl sme Et. , slrrs sn ()co. Eno's cOebratcd ICE PlTtilfElt.:vni , :h vttf.i th nr.e solidity of ice cLe tni:d I , nver sny oth'r, and b! by far the moat en3Gtl Inicsil ICE. PrICI.11.1: ever invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Ste., - LEWIS LADOM US & CO., Diamond Dealers and Jewelers, No, 802 Chestnut Street, Philada,, Wonid imite ttie attention of purchmera to their tame and ht.tt&ome St.q.)l twent D TAM 0 IN: 11ES, J ,1 - !: I , S LAT 1..: E b 5 et. prrc;fiEr.e, lu Kreat VPriEt..-Y A Ir.rp.e F.20.51/111Cllt of email S'rt..."DS for Eyelet-14 1 .113, jar.t;ec.l;r..J. r , f,llC7^i in 4. h rr. nnue7s.ntl rnarantpM Tno nflon of iti olicitetl to tlt 1..11(“, Ire; choke %V For cult ly DUNTI NA 1.I'S:ION, o. nul rront strcel. SHERRIES- Calopl'llk Co., "Single," "I/onhlo," and "'triple Ilrape," - g.ololph," Amontillado. Topaz, V: V. P., Anchor and liar, 811.111i41 01MM Ml,l F. VallettlN. Valente. & Co., Oporto ' Villllo Velho Beal," P. AI int I n and Vol!et to`R pure. jetce, &e. !MAIN DIEH hinewlt ‘,.; Co., in glews and wool; lion. nervey At Co, t Impny C. Co. , Old —vintage, GINS -"N CLARE' ' Chateau (niertr• .dl.l' SNV:111" alld " (;raj , 0 r 1- -Crtib , .., File, l'reree A:, t'o., high grade v,ineiti eillierior St. .itilii•n- )4,44 and .1 Rorie, (;11,,Lenii l'r , eignan in •,vned ; Ver ,.. ith. A hetet iind ir•rdial- -In Glare. CI 1,1.!1 'A 4 .leents for Ma, Parr, 11.. r Maj,:ity's PoYal Wire-Judy, and eth , r f itvorite'brande. riNVEI.":I' L- !aneet.Ltordea WEB IfIT, Wiief• No. 10 Pine kn.! , t, will PASI It INA }Mr, mi LLTNERY, On THURSDAY, October 3d, 16t 7; 51.• cC,IIitS S. D. WILLITS, NO. 137 NORTH NINTH will oen p l'aehlomitilr: .I.Y October 3d, 0e1,4t..* tiA1:1 . :::Tio -0 SACKS LIVE1:1 , 001., (A:01IND SALT n1e0,.100 enekr rine Sal', AdoAt And P.n . enle b , y WORK 'MAN & CO.,J 3\Vulnut. RETAIL HILT 'GOODS• E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Novelties of the Season. They ! :fftJ their At nd 41 cf: n tr. A Great SacriliCe. -WE OPEN Ti-PAY A LADIES' TRIIIEIIINGS• B R 0 IV N'S =EH CORSET MANUFACTORY. cu.,,,5x.R. - F.,,,ET, (BELow DA:111 . 11), I'l LAr,)ll.,l'lllA. WA'll3lk;S, .31-AV ELIC V, 3U. ENO & CO., J '1) <lel phi rt. yet m INlNE:N,ltilictilth, &t. HER 'MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, ID TT :rl -. ri" 0 IT, Jul q 013711 rirtoNT ST., 3OLI AUNT. j j - Fr..,!chser Co G-r , o. IV, Gray, :I 11. rit, 11f..' NV :El It. 28 Ard 30 South Sixth St.,Philad'a• F:te om stvis, Nut-Brown Ales, ..i.,'0,,,:,, L¢o. ' o _ o l3 , for Fames grid M0di..91--- - 1‘71111.1/ , V Ellll. REPUBLICAN TICKET. HON. HENRY W. WILLIAMS. ASSOCIATE EKE CHOI OF CO3I3I'ON FLEAS, HON. M. RUSSELL THAYER. Clerk of Orphans' Court, RICHARD M. BATTURS. DAVID 1 Lith " JAMES 1101.1 ;ATI I th By /A,: of the Rtpublkftt. City r,zet-Iltive t:;:inEittee JOHN L. HILL, Sectaarics ISAAC Mf BIUDE, NI:VI II NVAItIt I \ it "(ii" }{hi ”o,otort t 0 ,JOll nitan, DA ItLITLEIL • "••••• la••••I rtor, ' .1111 IN 1.. 1 L•I 1:1:A • t.lB HI.At 14111:\ f'ltAn.t In NE 1i'l..1:‘11. For the nut. kin .1 t••; - in 1;1111, clloNiew NV, \ 1 , 11.1.IM•11.l'.1, 1 . •• r th , t• rl-1 • •••••:••• ••4- INA!: I 11A f 111 • 1•`.1".k! , Y. . k 1:1.1: .01. A 1'..%.11T.:11111CT. Fe{ 1”; - ... • N• 1/1, T• \ 1.4101.1)1 - 111,3 rn ,, q.1114 O tt . •c! • 1/irccte•v... i . ...•••••.v' th e kl.l.•••%1/1 -0 .2 • ~ • NI•1,•••1'0,1` P‘ , ; •!' • hal . ' ' 1. "•‘•? 0 ..:1:1•.:11y tr,o, th• 1.• the: ! •:• - •e:•:‘,•.•.• B.IIIn; • •t. th• • 1;••st-! , • ••11 (•• t:t .31 :V. •rr... /'• •!:,•. o •.':•.•• 2, -,• e It Ti r.,• Tree,- • ':nrl !•e• ' y •.r 1 I I it• 1,r•••,...:•••1 • ,•• • • it. I 1 . • •(...t. ~! by p•-11.,1 .i,• .1••.• • C.,. th: • ••.: 1' • • i ',:.t to Pit , •••.: rh. Et. 2 •."^ .. :•t •1••1 r•.••• r:111.i . •. 0 • :vit' ::•••1::/••::. ly . 1, 1-,17 . t• en.. 1:11,1 • . ,••,, ^.6<l( 110, 1. vtt !•••., 'of ••••. :••.d.”. • tilt , . Tipl3l.‘th I'. 1'1f:ill. evl%. ;kg. ~ C''. tt',a } 141).1...11aEtka1:1'.. a a at a.F.(;l:a-' qf 1.. e. • 0 In 'tart!: n “1, \ En'a .rattert th.• 11.111 4 • ( .6. I,a.c.ttir.••• will I a..a I. Cl:, ani,tzl,, .. , 111,.1'y ra.! y . r nlnme 111 . 11 • . 1 . t ti t. g , notro I alt — rt.at , ‘,lll at , ai • •1 b , it:-.t •• di.o Pita. P . ; P rlor ;:. p; 1.1 • PPl;!...iu I a. , a - a y th•ll., P: d kpa • • • VarUJI:, . larl, I nEbt. 01 - 1 . 1(1: .1.1 I ! , 1 I oM I 911(1,1.1. it, , .. a. :.ber 14. entire is 11.• t• t)y 11,1 - .. t nli Ftct; of tho I , tto pa .l'4linittot, C hirit ill!!trilliente aro , ift oti id l i 4 11,•;,•!.y ,ti f ;Lnd v.lll d bo a r , Ad at , atiettun oat ritSDAI, Octubi;rl7r4l ,-, '7, at 1:2 ''clock, Iliron , at lit the Set retary of thw Gory 'Jon, acwordbig lie ritr.rter nr,l by laws. ',wk . ., Carly rcdot ttiottl. Ity oickr (.1 tl,- Itir.“etttnt. • t1.1 , i to tel it. - A: 11001'1,S, T;,!&...trer. Ste INDI S 1 (IF ilrtiart =t;', et :old hventle, id .l. tor (11.: ndn:i~eion ,d Girl-11,111 • npe, •.% . 11 , . ;IVO ol 'lt (1 , 1 I , then* perent.", 01 r.. Ulirl-tine 11,n,,, It 111 a. 111.,ny eirP , Iflnn CI 11, !did uadr 1,14.'0:1110 .tllll , I,Cflll As . ..men• t 'ontri'Hitiotfr Iwo: b.. —id o ,TA:V.I:3 T. SIIIN Aver, Itrond 10.1 Spruce t+. a L ir El) svm:Nr)i i) • at,/ Pi./.6,1 Ili! No ,I;, ,, appoilit , w lit. niarr r idrt Nat,r3.l }C, Ili . ill 1..1 6 t.. fil Cad hr.! , ,, tra the link, li•:11 it soft :t1 ,, 1 1, , ILL! •.11 1 ISA lELW:. All A • !!iii pr [la 1” . oidooL tiold by illt I f trt,t. 111'. (,1 A I:I)(Nil:IL r i: 1 T. ili;r7 • air NJTIGE 1. , ItCl:t;fiY GIVEN THAT. I.:ER tifiratii No. fo,' t .11 (IC) efuuee Ct the Capital Stock of the Aroyitandd I'4 fling GA/ Iptllly Lako lot', in the nouio ot 'trotter. had been I.',Et or ,Ifiplication Inv 1)0111 111:1110 t:. the Company for it new certificate. ,y I Pll I I.ADY.I.I`/lIA, Sept. 3, en 30t4Jos. 11. TROTTER. OFFICE Or THE FILANKLIN 1:1 I Nib ilarßANCE COMPALY„ I'll:1%41 , 1'1.111 ' 1A, Sgt. An Election for Ten Dit , ctore for the en:ielag year, will be held arecably to Charter at a general meeting of the , Stockholders for that purpo,e. at the Otliee of the Lt.an pany on 3IONDAY, October ;th, nt u'elock A. 5e'25404 J. An McALLASTER, See'y, 1. _ par 0 FICE OF THE DELAWARE' COAL COM . pally, No. 311; Walnut 6treet. Philadelphia, Sept. 'UM lbts7. 'The Stockhalder.4 will meet at the Cc mpany's at 12 - o'clock,on iNDAY.the twenty.eighth day of October nest, to confirm rale and ”UttiOrlZA: conve . ,•auce of Taaleetate witnate in Philadelphia. ' l . It. Wit IT, re26,2•1t-• Pr, st‘lent RAIL- Nouci, - rood. The -womErc AM , A en th e , poi don ki tnhin' t 0, ,.. 6, .1 !2 . 1 : ,.;4, .. , 11,1di pregoitation til,, Collllllll3's Camd,u, N. J:, on and thut dat a vairriim,iN, rrilrialF. 13 . 4 com-parismil the Only Test. PLORENCE s 1 WING MACHINE. The fist Primet the Paris Exposition. Making Emir different stitehee with Eelfdtdimtlng..to.4ton • ; in ninittle. WHITNEY & LUKENti. General Agents!, caw e DIU§ CHESTNUT STREETIS JUDGE OF SUITOR COURT, COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, JOSEPH M. COWELL. Register of Wills, WILLIAM Y. CAMPBELL. City OFI'Ict:IZS.: City Treasurer, DAVID JONES. City Commissioner, BENJAMIN F. URWILER. Scuate—Third District, JOSEPH A. BONHAM, A ssoillbly P' I3::L"I c. 'Cl'l'{'L 't.\l:'! ,1..‘1. V.A.EiN..qtAV, WILLIAM W. NV ATi Erx , !l"N I) S. VA a) C. , !.I:IIARI.Es KUCKNri ININIIMMI u:s V. S 1 Oh:LS F., IV. 'lllO5l Col. 1:11:411.1 AV.-PAVIS CILAI:I±S 'ALExAmmAt ADAInc F.NOS C. lIEN N GEMIGE T. TT 114:N Co'.. I‘IATISHAT. C. HON( JOHN CLARK. 1.1311:..i N. Y.A.P.Kti LEEDS, Prv,:clunL MYECII NOTII.II3EX. A NG INES. 1111 s'i• STEICUSINIP TIOGA IlifigALED AT +11:.',• Thrvo oft Ate Crelv Lost. The steamship :Rapidan, from New Orleans: Sept :21. and Havana Sept. 25, arrived at New Yurk yesterday, and reports as 1011OWS: At A. M.. Sept. 27, discovered a vessel on fire tiliOntlive - miles - distant. - and - iwittediately bore down for her and found her to be the steamship Tiogn„jof Philadelphia, from. New Orleans,-via Havana, for Philadelphia. We at once sent boats " to render assistance, and after getting the passett gers on board, seeing the prospect of saviri her was small, word was sent to the captain that we would Ile to until the tire v, as extinguished or the slily abandoned. At ::its the flames suddenly burst out front the main deck, and the captain we's oblittcd to aball doll her, leaving in the btst nowt with his officers. At ts A. M-Captain Morse sent his first officer and chic: engineer to Se , .: if there wi t s: a p us . of savite.: her. and they reported that her port side was iiai..;ed out with heat. and site was evidently sett!! ,g; At 9 A. M. pro ceeded on Our course, ;led ai lo saw' her careen otcr to port, :tail fetppo , a: site sank coon after. Ali tie passengers atilt erey, were rescued by the Bapidan and brow,!:,, to Ne NV York except thrat of the latter, who were burned to death, vizi—Pt:fay :•short, assit butt engineer: .John C. ( ,ttai Thomas CrowleY. The ft. , ,lowing .. list of the ship's company and rnociigers saved: 11a,ter..iarnes T. first officer. F. S. Sata:tton: second olliefr. iantes: 11. Wit h :: pilot. (.1). '-:t.iteilinger; purser. a . It. Greenletth chi el' V. IV. Spengler; :its:. assistant engineer. Seamen--. 1. Murphy. .1. ii. T:tylor. WL,. Paseo Mtp,cat a ank Lui e;". (:.car P. L'- , , , c, 'l' Los. KinderseuChs. 31erfiant. Anton Andersoti. ttli.,cr Colwell. Coal parrs: "•-•--tfbnion Greene,. .loseph Wilkil, Charles Lt....Mc:lvor, Thomas Vert,'..ter;t', Zit iiai F; P. Co tal,in.tam: seeond st , tward.,..:fhoma„ p a rk_ wood: strY, rdes, Ellen lsell y: pantryman. A. A. More: cook. James Flax trl: porter, 11• m. U l m r, Sw , Yl. I Ll'. Vii. G. doliTl6ol l , ‘c", Ilanhhohd, Mrs. Greemit Id, George Elliott, waiter. and child; Timothy waiter". Lewis The , I;tllv rw Get,. P. Wick-. (::.l .fair. Morse, of tilt licit a, makes the fol io in: -it:termite: The Ilega sailed lions 11 o'clock on Wed: .cay. ;-9. - oteml.a- 27. weather wits tavotable. the 7cEs-i • ,H hutil about one t-,t'cloel , . (Jll the 1r:omit::: of Frud: y whet! the engine sudden' ta.oppt.d. Mr. 'Swan ton. first Wheel', and Mr. 'Willis. second wet,: (is le at the time. -at;.l the former went lee'-o:'," t. a , tecrtoin wit':: ti,t.. natt;er. avian they di-et ..,crol that the ship was on Pr They ' iituarciletely g:tve ;tt:t.ret.:aid in a few uli jitit4, I . - were 11144! 111111:,.1 eiel; Nt. ... the calm: votre Iteedily [dyed t:tto a workirtg• cot.' ..1.91 pi twee:ladgor ou:-.ly to 'ti; es - ting - ii.thing the farm s. In , abort t.tali an hour are terilite , tL xplosiGn ' the dt:i.(!linTl.,fig . LIP rcpt: L_ 11.1 th ant FP ; ite-ding from ;AT... tha... donkey ct-rgine - had thc eLe luta r. a 4.-cai pa,c-1. :tatt in oiler who ;lad hcen workine at th e in ;a, get a stream r 1.-sfee fames. 'Fbr't est iping stteda lr,ta-w send the e't: -t. of -uncuing the *dm si i'te us an optortunity to get the 1 at:',ls ready f tOwering. We had nye Of I. ins (MIN IV): bt.l rt aehed in Or.f:Hta.;:et of int.:,"1“1:r...4 'l.l available onc were foweted. however, and all the par.:Y.ll'4er, 1.1::11E. 1(17(:0 iin safety to them. There wa's only one Is ty ta.sseuger,Mrs.Greelt field. of Brooklyn, on 1:on . :-ti at the time. and , he work , d nobly with the re,: to extinguish the'ltre. ti ,t.:; infant on on; arm, while she carrit tatehet a t:f water in the oiner hand. fil'e co:1- timad her post torttu i 'filed by the captain to eittet one Of the life:-boais. A lare ouantity of rovisions and water was placed in the 'boats, and ifttout o'clock they were east oil the captain au.. his officers and men a:- mai:pi:it:. with the hope of yet saving the ship. The trait -fer of the pat angers had seareelv been accour f li-lied whet, ter.' steamship Ittit , ithn ap-s peartat and took sit the rat-sed:ers on board. The small Icitrits then nett: rand to the Nicluity of the Tiega, where they laid further needed. • At 7. P. M. the tianeS were apparently subdued mai it Is t hoped that they-L.ld been con ;nerd. but upon cutting a :tot- tr.Det.gh the tick it was ,ten that the cow»; wa. Cr. 11.1.: and burning withc , fury that soon tll,:otitrag-al any further:m*ll4ls to stop it. Front this tiLt until P. M. employed, in gettint- fiu: the I.4gagge :dui other taers-t-Lal affects of the pia -' and much of ME/ to the The Itega was then ,:l.atmlout-11. and soon after the foremast fell over. .'.l A.M. the =hip was entirciv Pr.\ tit,ped amid an hour after ward. Ile caret:l9,d and w tat down. At tie_ time thehrt" broke out she was going at the rate of about te . .l knots an hr. It i- thought the !lame I - lie:hal in the f. ding about the hoilersi. WOOT:.•trit in 1.11.0. the: 1::;1 c . 1 ,-„1, - 0 th. J ;i lann!Lry flan of -.nth s-cts• t ut the e d'gtt sugar, a: 1. couon. (41 board. The t of the men as ho ere c- 'hinot :he 11. , :,. (1 ir , 1:2;111 Itakl :ut. r (It n cotton ;old h•fiv , _Ln cud , tai,:n on chtt e:et. rt,: the 5 - Firma:l steamer of the •ii ooksey. to t. he the T.L.ci• Capta:u 1. ool:sey will sail for .Nets • on 6:,tortlay Of this week. Tilt. Tic s wa.•_, ins . : re..l the fttlloNVil3: ,1.111):t -,. Mlttltai t:tt Insur: he, Co. of Nor:h . . . I anion InsurLite , . Co. of th.:t 5.:112 P. , tl.racite suran ... Pho-nix It:stir:lnc:. Co. Ariierican Mutual hisar...n.:•:Co EnltritriSf:lll,lll - 31.1.-1.1 t ti • . . Firemen's Insuran titate lnisitrath:e 0., C.lncinnati Western Insurance Co.. Cit.f.h . mati.. "Central Insurance Co.. Cintliniati.. Nltit.molia Insurance Co., Union lustunnec Co., t. National Insurance I."..neinuati This Ebip ' sailed on zirbt voyage South on the 151.11 of last June, j. T. Morse. Commander; Chief Mate, ,;I'. S. Swanton; Chief Engineer e lohn .70Yell; Pilot, Llari , i,; "'Purser, Charles EL tireenl , 2y, steward, Thoma.,3 J. Pune. At... was built by 'ns , .,;:n. 11 , 2,:.ny, Son Co., of Cln,stor, and the coil of and machinery Was : - .' , llb.bon. and , )f thi " out about ;7 - .z40,- 4100: so that her unfit: cost hasban ncarly;;; , 2oo Hill. The Tioga had a Lonnage of 1,200 tons, and ample room for carrying passengers. Her length in load line vizs feet; length over all, 21 teet: fc , :t: depth d hold, to first &el:, 11?,,, feet; , lepth of hold, between decks, -' feet: and total de a th, ; feet. The entire hull was of iron. The 'Adel Was constructed of bar iron, 7 inches by th fu aS 41%.:3i lengths as could be obLhacd, the sections-being securely scarfed to gether. The stem was o: har iron, 7 inches; by abol;e tile water line to t; inches l,y ;;, . , . 'The interior of but ill-fated steamship %s ' us fitted :•• very tasteful and con% cnient manner. The 6(.9 CC-I'oolllb and cabins were large arc!. -, % . (2.1%11.7,1itcd. and furnilted handsomely. Taker IV:. something of )vhiell ntigb L well ime proud. • P Sm I:1T I N ;:e . e m s to b e waking up. The citizufis are interested in the question of buildin..T a railroad through the Tyrol. and discuss thu merits of different routes with up rent warmth. Thoy also *ellln VICRA*II i t at the establishment (.1' a line of steamers be , tween Venice audAlexau'dria. and the reperts of the workmen who went to rark hale caused a healthful stir in the manufactories. WORNMEN AT TI IL EA 11; 1; LTION.—ThC P:lii;pa pers contain notices to the workmen of different trade to meet et designated places and choose •delegm tcs to examine the foreign products in their several lines exhibited in the Champ de Mars. To encourage attendance. a ticket, which will admit from .day to day to the Exhibition, is promised to every workman who rakes part in these elec tions. A Wool, FrnE.—The Ittdian journals speak of a terrible lire which recently broke out in a forest star Ajaceio. From the sea it looked like a burning mountain. Many leagues of trees are : burned down. Ships and troops have bE`Ti. to the t=eene. • Einarerini and Commercial. followlig. , , in the statettleat or the leosiiie-ot at the oftlee or the Asmit•fltlll TN...y(ln.! or the ('niter('' State, at Philadelphia, for the mouth octieptetalter, 11 ' 07 : Dept. 1- :Balances on hand at this date.. iirti 7o ` 2 , sos )teeelptv (Lorin"' the atentilt,s iz 30- Aectanit Oeiteral Treasury, eluding Cii'ttonot.s3,o49, I lrt ill Port oltirr• Fonftm.. 00,411 tat ' Interest Fond 49,0,71 ti ca Jtisbursei'c 1,0::7.114:1 Iu Pli..llloltH in.!! 111 , 1111 h.% :;(1 Account l; vilera I Trr . ll , llry -,1 ()1n41.. .... )pr hit . ..... ...... . I, 11;41,!a; Uii /;:11111( ( . 1):1! Of thiA .... (4 1,, nlnt pt. 1 -.ll:ithni:e due to (Inv to (I,joi-i; , ;1., clu_ot of 1)11 .I) f'n“ timml P/Ii()It'll:2 /-110V6", and i2:411(,11 ( . I,lllpa 2 , , I ...... .M 1 „ ..... sl , lir7 .1..;,,i!).1$ lc 4: 01. T. Currn . ,‘„ Co_ 31$.1rt$1:$ill ' .1 . 115,)31:5,‘ !Jun 11.11 Y:: 4 , 5 . .rtu.11) nllll. ( . 01/11,01.:* Zovt N., ;II ...... 1 . ,!$;11$•$: . .; Vr..int Etna 0mipany........ , 1 - !.1,1, 11 ( 0:31 I . .1711111 . 1,", , 0.2i1 12111111,1111 Y ...... A. • *s•s-, ....... (f. 1:. :41ff 'f /It! , $ $ $5...... ..... ..... .......... ..... hi.',., ,~~ C•,•.1 l'~r ~~.,nt I'".ii (i .1. ( t I V P 11. n::.._ \ EE CI E. ( E•HE I E 11 tr.l.. I - 4.711 h.: In 1) .t•• 1-4 DI 0 V WEE ni Ts. or OCEAN STEAMLERS. TO 'ARRIVE. l'e t. re. • - Pe , llliilia Glai•gow..New Y0rk.........5ept. IS Ilillert.;:w. Liverpool.. Quebec ...... ....Sept. 19 isi wi 9 . ......Liverpool..New York " 4 11 p% 21 21!e;!ta. ' L`ver . dif.rol..B.H•tott Sep:. 21 City 01 Mititi.;:ieeter.L: . ..:rp:t. „New York.' !Veit. 21 Sal:onia...........iinrnbum..New York... ... .Sept. 71 IS ezer Southattipton..New York....... Sept. 21 Si i 2eria...........Llverpool..New York Sev- 24 E . ir , ip , t , G;tl,- , ;_totv..New York ' Sep-._;, Nebra....- ' -. L'verpool..New York Sep:. 25 4 ' 1 . 1 1 , 01 130 0 .013 ...Llyerpool..New York .......sept_ 25 No . , .t 50 . 1.•,....... . LA erpoul..(jite`tee. ....... ...S•T:... 2.•:. Ci....qt. ......... ...L:verp001...13.'*t0E..........titip:. 2 , TO DEPART. J W P:uneer .I'l:P.errieinhin...NVilraingt'n,Ne....(ht. Yurk..Ertrunn..-.. ..... ( .... York..l.larana Ye:. 3 ~rornm.la ..... New Yt ....... r ... .be.l York..Havre.... 1 r c,f .1-,twerp.:New (1,21. 1:17 ... O. 31 , ri ...... oct. l'a'wyrl 9 GI , • LL - . ~ D ID I Ai. t , ( 1-3()A RD OF TitADE. , • ( EARLE'S COMl(t71111. .I.A.S. F. YOLNG. ) MARINE ULLET IN. T POUT OF PHILADELPHIA-0, r. '2 Sr.. - hisrg, t 111 Stm SETS, t; 44 , I Hwiri WATER, ; AI'dtIVED YESTERDAY. N York., -.7, 7, 4,4.1 , -, frum New York, F A (bpi from 8au...r.0r, etvlfLin. Lurd, E L 1.7 c,,. Dm!, ft.:lLn,l (.I,v non. Lewe. , , Del. uith n :0 i . • TLos Jefferson, Alen, from Balti more , w ith a tuw of bar._:es to W P Clyde s Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. S:. )lac :1 r, Roo.:1-on, Ni_Ni" York, W P Clyde II I. Gan', I ler, Ih:it:more, A Groves, Jr. sit:mum: America, .3tanday, N:Jbszla, NP. captain. SChr C • Fu-ter, Warreu, I.;re4g ',;orris. T1..4 mss JtofferEon, Anon, for Baltimore, with tow of bargo,W Clyde . Co. i I 11 .(1 t.leanter Timm, Morse, from New Orleans 21st ult. via Ilavana 2tilt, for this port. was burned at tea on the 27th. The T had on board 2:4S bales cotton, ite. w hen she left New Orleans. See news columns. Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings, hence at Savannah yesterday. Steamer Roman, Baker, hence at Boston yesterday. Steamer Stars and Stripes, Holmes, sailed from Ha yawl 'Pith nit. fur this port. • steamer Eagle, Greene, sailed from Bitana 2Sth ult. for New York. -7 ) ( (11.) Steamer Tarifa (Br), Macauley, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Baltic, Rogers, cleared at New York yester day for Bremen. :steamer Ilenry Chauncey, Gray, 7,!,1 days from As pinwall, at New York yesterday, has .zio passengers. Steamer Arizona, Maury, cleared at New York yes terday for .Aspinwall. Steamer Russia (Br), Cook, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Wiethington, from Key West, at New York yesterday, with the Geo Washington in tow. Steamer South America, Tinklepaugh, from 'New" York for Rio Janeiro, .£c. passed through Carlisle Ist titearner Irene (Br), tirquahart, sailed from Vera Cruz sth ult. for Alvarado. Ship Walter, Fisher, cleared at Liverpoorl6th nit for San Francisco. Ship \Winona, Davis, at Maurttins 6th Aug. from Ship Expounder, Irvine, at New Orleans 26th ult. front Rio Janeiro. . snit) Mary Warren, *ailed from Liverpool 14th ult tin. Manila, Richard Enowlc9, from 13oetoil foe m.4l;oltrm., 2.:,th Aug. lat ;24 2N 7 '.cm 41 W. ill) I vanlio:•, Ch_&u'y, from .Lom:c.:-. Dec. via 1::111118v, .1! ;:;:m 'Frani - : V.'ocm;ll.% [roil Llyerpou: ut 1-511 1:1111161:CO;AP.11 111 V. Ny'V: Goodell, ,11i1t.5.1 170111 :S. - 1. - .1*::;....C:K0 10tii 1,11. for Liveli , ool. Schr it II linker, hnight, hellec l'ort a' t. :!:chrs John 11 Perry, Ic.etry, hence at New lk :at. .0 Schr Addle M Bird. :Merril, 1(0111 li.)CIL111.1 for this port, at Holmes' Hole r2.7C1 nut 3:111."1./ Sehr Mary •- , 111 1 ,t11, E3lloilfroin Plymouth 2V.tl ult. for this ),art. tielili , :Mary at, BoAuu a•lb all: for :Mobile. bell's. Jos. Porter, litirrolighs, and Northern Light, Ireland, hence at Fall Hirer '2 . ni1.1 alt. kiehrs Louisa Fraser, trteeltuan, and Rising San, Jones, hence a'. L'oitOn :Tin oh. : 4 ehrs Neww.r.a, and Cerro Gordo, Ilodg. eon. hence 'Newb:lryport W.-ath nit. Schr Armenia, I ole, hem e Ge0.7;;C:1:141'll, DC. toth Sent. Ocean Traveller, .s..alera. 4A.b. alt. ;rola Climatal, NJ. Sear J Truman, hence lw NZ`Nl' Ectr.ford, st Nor York :Senn Rate ElOl, ltenee at f.-1110111. . DI-N.IIINR BIISL'ELLVSY. Among the marine loses for tae la.st mouth, the bark Isabella C Jones, from Philadelphia tor St. Thomas, is set down at $44501:0: brig Joint Geddes, from Sombrero for Philath.qpitia, siltc,ooo, and brig from Girgelti for il'itilattelphia, $40,000. The Bitt ' rgaretta, terry, at Liverf.ool from Trinidad ha ttl t itt LAt N, TAB DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, 00TOBER 2, 1867. 0.:;715.7 1.19 Ulu I. , hi•zti Co” NV(.cl:, Tot 11. ti 14; 0-, 3.Y2 2,1'0 0 1:17 11 yl ,if ,„91) OG 1,11;6 0., ) 11( 471 , 11 1.:;62 17 27,1,1 , 2. 71‘.- I , F 111 1.10 1 ; 3 17 , 22 12 tj.?, MOM FOR .Lonc:on..New York ..11::•,Te. :New York. Iverpo.d..New York. (I:ty. from New York, with MEMORANDA, loh, 63 W,waterlogged VeBßoi, apparently a brigan tine of aout 'AO tons, wittli?verytlitng stripped and nothing standing lit.ther lower-foremast. Her ' , tern, which was a little above water, was marked "Blatori, of New York.'! thilir 'l' I, Miller. of Isiortvich, from lillizabethport for an liastern port. with it carp° of COD 1 , having no pilot on board, struck On Ilallett's Point, yesterday morn wlicre ehe rentained 10, last riecoufit. ship I.loroit,-trorn Shields for -tian-Francireo, -which pat into gactinltotro leaking, would discharge and rc -I,sir thcre, fichr Argun, of and from Somerset, with a cargo of iron, went on Itronton's keel, fiaturtlay night. and tilled. The crew were rescued by steamer United titates and carried to Fall River. The Me of the bark Enoch Benner, from Liverpool for Boston, is established beyond doubt. Front iODF! of the meek lt would appear • that she Was lost ca l w Clear, as a portion of her cargo was it being wshuct ( - drilla point. on the 19th alt. all of which was round on 'bier untidiest. A body, sup posed to be that of the captAil4, was washed ashore. =ME Artil.T . NG LADIES' SEM INARY,ISO2 LOCUST FiTREET. _I ?mom the charge of :Mir. , CASEY lend Dr. LA SHER. TON. he F6:001 cnnnneucce on WEDNESDA Set , - temlwr 18. rimm TUE LATH BIFII/01' or PY.riNfiII.VANIA. h.ive limmo Mr. Lablierton for eevral yeara, part of tho Vim to one of my HMIN. 111..! attainment, are re. 94; , r1ca1.h.. pom'r of tea , him; hi, in immo reve , tl, msd, and coodeientiotni and nntlmpiamtin day°• tinli to hi- work ino4 commendable. I take great plee.mre in n , :i . ro”riii;.; fullconlidalCii in lily ability and fidelity Met.; Heim ;111,1 a man. ALONZO PorrEft. will he ("rim d, indepandently of tho regular courFe. for ladle. , who have left aehool but are deii• rom of cnutinufng imme of their Ftmlit,. For partieulari apply at '.c..18 South Fifteenth etrent, baweou 10 . a n d 2 =MEI 0 , c)..]:.au26.::tit.4 . . DOA MIN G AND DAY SGIIOOL FOlt YOUNG LA dire, nut] Kiuderintrten for Chililrtin. Holltil , ll4 ' cot'. nfir ; , .fritli and Spring Gtirthin etreetA, will re-open Ninth Month (titttetnher)Nth. Poi?. A limited nitinb , r of llotiniurit t,-. ill l e n ce ivcd itt the how.. of the prior t ip ti. For circulars apply to SUSAN HAVIII:ItST, Prinetpal, No. , lii ii Ft anklin t-trtt,A. 1), 1,1 , •31 17 , , •.-7 - .Pr, 19 VIIP.ENTON'S AI , VANCED ES. rAi.: OCI:ST J of t•Il ft,r 1.41(11. , V. 1 1 ,, ha. a lilt School, lint who are de•iloti: , of plireuilltr 0111' or !non. P.rhnelleP. 01 • 111: - ..Term l'O111111 , 11( PC,101 , 111.171, PriT, NSt r ].d)9 . ft, Oo Li to 10 -2 10 0 11 1.4 1,: 01 ation Ina) 1)1 mads ri‘oltis rtleo e,;',111i11; Alf I.li CARR'S BOARDING SCHOOL, FOIL YoLrNfi .01 Lad .'even macs fr,illl Phfindelj:hia, Opp , ,Rito the York Pond i•St,Ltion, North Penrmylvania Railroad. The elith ,f,rrion will CollitnellC, September DAIL Uircalara may be obtained at the office of Jay C0,,k0 &Co., 114 South 1 bird street, a:* by midi eing the Principal. rihoe roakcrtown P. 0., Montgomery county. Pa. am:Doc:R. 1., 100 ti 5.1. 11 Iti 14 : i,ll . 1: '23Y II; VIIENCII, LATIN ANI) T.11(.11T School: slid Lccning for Ludic MRCS= flerl , l,lV4 - fi :ft Mr,. JANE JIA ',TON'S I:g11 hifff hint -tree[ VENTRAL TENTIi AND SPItl',"G Gat dot Ftret iii re-upon September t•th, BuYt Prc -1,,,02d for Coll , ' . 101 1 / 1 , °111, , P. IRE, A. M., Principal. .1. W. Sjlttr. \l,lKl:it, Let Principal and Teacher of F.h.cutimi, ate2,;hiw: i'Oi , n end Var) , , Thirteenth and Imemt Lawn.? tr:l. PrilllP;T I ; . • 11 1 4 " t;44 of r,j i rruk: AN!) ii , fATllf.3l. l .11. ei,l Initit de.-- A lic y st 5r1.00l for IloY4, No. tl nick ‘tro.e: Pi.nu eon ncIAY. Sett. 9. Isith Tiliteu4 fora limited 141 L:lber of .lort1;1•11 YSCHO RJL FO ROY IN THE IL lit-' in.dirot.... N. I:. rumor Clieetnut iind teeuth utr entrance on Eiglitueutli idruet, will re.ouen on MONDAY. St ptemil.,•?th aul.l.ri.o I r-, .1 1., ..27 14 2,6 •-,S;U 1' tp . rench I;oarding - at 11:11 (..'1 I F....;TN I:1 r.,trect, F , pteluber 16:11. For circular.t apply at the a;11.1.2m : ~,.!;‘) tr 77 .1.0) 0 rithE STREET INSTITUTE FOR l'of:NG 1::45 Arch etreet, will rc-open ou. MONDAY, Sept , ,rnb , r nth. . _ . . . EffliEg 1 ISS E. T. BROWN'S ACADEMI FOR YOUNG Ladi,e, No. tote: Spring Car den en - ect., will re-o , en ou 31oNDAY, se; tclithet au2Litt. TS(11 UDY HAS REMOVED HET: SCHOOL to 1717 Pine, where.it will reopen Weduv,iny, Sept. I , th. • et:.', lui. 11 ~t. I S 111 C: 1 i AS RETURNED FROINI Eli' 31 ;• ‘ ,. : ;l l i S l1 1 1 1 , 1 ,1 bb , I#- ,, ,n” bi Oclmb,r 1. , t, 1,47. Addre, South Fifteenth ptreel. MISS ET.I7;A W. SMITIPS„„BOARDING AND DAY School. No. I:.`A Spruce ktitet, trill re-op•in •.•,e.ptern bort' Pith. 1 , 367. nc 244 it• 1:. LAMItI , IN'Tl:1)10 AND SCLIOW. PAINT .) it.; for hulk,. No. 1 AvN . TIII: It11)1Nri —l •l 7 ourthtie, tor the Fall and NViut , r Seaton. La li p, an uthemen proci-i6n comfort and ~ a fet, . ., tit a• kip;•.sledge!lot tltir b ocr,,titrli•dlno-nt olptaito d by the tno-t timid. :-3,1411- horve. ~ ,inert the- 1,-0! manlier. 6addl , Itor?e, and %chicle?! to ...sr , . Al-n. earri:iv.- for fr,rwl. L to car,. Le. TIICAMAS (21 - tA1i,,t1.6. - . SON.. I.Y.SSONS.—SIGNO3: PD 1 - ,,,ca 1 :•1 agile. and Conductor of Italian It: •I'a in w and all the Principal Tboatre,! in Ain , r2e4, to make Philadelphia his home, and vcill c,in ;qui:in-7 Fc;ool and on the Piano. CllClthr th- nri‘ic ste,r, ands;dt f Walkor, and Ihmor Chortnut Nino cau be ecen pereonally at IT; Clwenut rtr, et. FOR NEW YORK. \IA DELAWARE 1.)1 , ,N0. VIOLIN AND Tlir:on - O 1 ‘i rsic 0 .2 4,-;,%, and Raritan Canal. .1 ID man A Lit-u. A. :\ L. i!f ce of the I, , ipzig. C- on rya- • • Express Steamboat Company Steam Pro. join. e. ill ir•- 1'7A,1 t I rs ,u in-t. 1pi;1 , x y t ilora leave Daily from first v.larf below 31arP:et atreeL hi , r, ce rtrt, or At tiniUtuziht4,... rough in Twenty-four Norm.Goorli forwarded to all ,3' bo;:th 6ercnteenth t. 'pointe, North, EMT. BEd NYtat, free of commixBion: Freigiati received at the lowest rates . Whl. P. CLYDE, CO., Avesta, If South Wharves. 1.31.150 .iI.Nr;ING—MI39 GAI:11N1:11 j.. 3.a. of Mr. ACia:ST Cit ,, 4ge Allen. 215 Sooth or to Mr. Iltnian Mkt), Is it, rfrt-ct I Mi... rti.dlN Allen will re-11.1ne ti.e 11. intt. Apr lv :it the of Prof. urg.. MIL ADA:4E SEILER. WILL 111 7 .51.T.ME Iv illy 0: liarzuctly and the Pinny 6ept.:inber kply Envet. ectoim Ikl 1: 7 u ;1 7 4 (? ii L S , SN e 175 Itace ,n 2114.1 1 IGN(.11-: I'. LONDINELLA WILL RESUME 1115 SING. in Lt- - -ron:. , en th• - • of Septonther. iddre,. No. 2; , 1:Cli :tree:. - A E. cIiAI:LES 11. ,JAI:VIS WILL RETURN I , IIWI .01 Europe pnd r ,, •drut., Li, 1,2,0nz by Uctubcr S, 1..A7. Addt'cra 1.1 Grc, , nf-trett. ),11t1 SINi:IN.; N 1) . PIA.No. -T11.031A:1 AND 1)1),D 2,;1!:1` NEW PUBLICATIONS. A \ \ : BOt _CV It I I:1111 AUNT. !ty 1 4 0, , , , 'J:7. Pent- . - . ALIAANDLII 1/1.'31.1 1 6 1 41111 ER 11'01:KS. 11oant '2414 lit, 1:d-to...id :.4 4 4 4 314 n10in4441 a 1'11.4.4 - Aci441145'111.11 (r. 11 . .\l . •=' 1 10 ylt . oll':+ :Nceklace....... I 1 1 t1 .Loni-o 1.3 VI. ri.•i*.• 1 41 , 11'1'; 1 . 4444n4 1 00 Aa,.l t of :‘/ N of 1 00 " .... l'4.Aclrc de l'asorne..... I (N) Three 14:4:1 - 41,aaeu. 751.Forty-iive linard4lll4. 4 11..75 ent) Yea!, 75r1'110 Von 1 lawl 75 11r.44.74410nne 75 1 . 1114. 4 4:14evallor ...... I 041 . . . .. .... Camille . I cu. The cop,ript The Fallen An.... 1....... 75 Man with Five kVire.... nth, inl I.h.utt • .... MI Twin Lieutenant,. Feluta de Chatnirtt , '... 7. Annette. Lady of Pearl, The 1 lerrer,t et Pad... 71".'. 5 1t.hicans of Pari.- Sketclu, in Frame 75160trge, or the Planter babel of Ihrt all 7;51 of the l.le of France.. The Cor,ican 8r0t1 , ..r.i........ ............... y- All boolf ,, publiAed for cale by n± the moment they are I,- uud from the pres:., at PobliAelve prices. Call in perrun, or crud fur whatever book:+ you wont. to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, oetol,U E 0 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. - TEST READY—BINGIIAM'S LATIN GRAMMAR.— New Edition.—A Grammar of the Latin Language. Yon the tt.-e of.Schoole. With exerci.se2 and, vocabulariel. Ify W ilihun Bingham, A. M., 6uperinteudent of the Bing ham tichooL Thee take pleasure in announcing to Teach Ari and friend , of Education generally, that the new edition of the abose wrrle f± now ready, and they invite a careful examin-itirm of the came, and a comparison with other work- on the same ,-object. Copioi will be furnished to Teitcher. and 6u periuteudents of Schools for this PLUTO:4e at low rate.. Price ; 4 4 Pitblidled by And for 21110 by ;en Tlsl f' L . BLISLIED—KATIIRINA„ . . that LIFE AND v G. (fetl , oy of "Itittor sweet.") Tilt; PULL., li}' J. K. Paul.. 'NIT; 7flS(lof Henry N. D. TILE Ai:22 COMM 'SIT'. , N. t'.y I Lull , N. I) fv. NEON::: WORKS: ol.." Vol. I-- A una. If ) ;f--Duuffilen: c.,•, f - ‘1 , 1.%t . tc,. - 7sf leC.2.!V• I -oou na plthli,hed. JAMES.S.TLAX'IOI\ . to Wilt. S. A. Marteiu. tali 4,ll(m:tuft Street, P.a:VNTE DA.NCINkI I Lt. nidlo avpnice. Apply ll:PI it. 'PASIIIONAI3Lt: DANCING ACADEMY 1,11 Natatorium Ilall, Bread t•ttcct, below Walnut. , Mr hlarinre eta:ince. will commence on - • - - Monday, October 19th, at the above I . 'or pin - Ili:a...se see. •-theale.-... .t hicli and at ANDRE'S Miele Store. He 2ti 111.4 la eater ,tre, t. BUSINESS CARDS. A MI.S A. %1 HT, TI(OI:YrWsV • .• itt ,, ~' 1 Till tOrill•E IV r(1:111, IE, t. 1.. Li,. I'ET Eli 11'1: IGIIT Inr)irturi viEttraLr.r.‘llll. .., via C V.I. till+ itott. Me.`ei , li!!t, 115 'llstl.cet, PI .11:td..1.,!, etc (11'0 1 `, AND I..:ICEN SAIL out*: ov EVC}tV 0134 . fec , t MI-,:111. Tele :MA A.M./111g Felting azAt &e. .10'iltc T. 13141:Rlieti & CO., N.J. 1.u:2 .lone.V.l PRIVY WELLS.—OWM;IOF PRLIVErvr only plaeo to it ptw VI 0.18 cleansed and diAufeeted, at very low prices. A. IkElil.41301;, Mannfaclater of Vote drette, Goldmitiori Library htn)et uirts Sze.--OLIVESI4IediFIS atTo, and for 10.1.;.• by JOO, B. „ 6GUO.,lCyZo tttfa GL 00,100 ZO a.vmt.% INSTRUCTION. LEMMME= A. 7\4., I":inr L. BARIWNVS. PrincipaL Mi,d L. M: 131:011 - N, PrincipaL MUSICAL. E. IL BUTLER kh CO., V 7 3.)Lith Fourth :treeti DAAC LNG. SHIPPERS , Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steam ship Company: FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. le Steam dp STAR OF THE UNION, Captain' . N. Cookery, will. Anil for the abovi; port on Wednesday, October 2, at 8 o'clock A. 1,1„ and every two weeks thereaftei. Freight taken for all points in connection with thu South Carolina Railroad. , The Passenger accommodations of this Steamer aro of ft ',ulterior character. Freight now 'Ting receit ed at Pier 18 South Delawaro avenue. WM. L JAMES, General Agent. 5e24411 311 South Delaware avenue. For Boston—Steamehip Line Direct. SAILIND FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. FROM PINE STREET, PHILADFM.PHIA. AND LONG WHARF; BOSTON. aglThis line is composed of the first-class so Steamship!, ROMA Pi, 1,4a5 tone, flaptala 0. Bilker. SAXON, 1,25(1 tons, Captain S. IL Matthews. NORMAN. 1,203 tons, Captain L. Crowell. The. SA NON from Phila. on Thursday, ()et. 5, at 10 A. M. The COMAS from Burton on Saturday even Mg., pet. -1. These Steamehipe Bldi punctually, and Freight will bn received every day, a Steamer being always maw berth. Freight for points beyond Miami sent with despatch. For Freight or ra,sage (superior acconunclations). apply to HENRY "%TENSOR it CO., 358 South Delaware avenue. 0/17 4 `)" T W.II7. II 9IO43rI 3 I I PCNITAVA .""I4 REGULAR LINE (SEM LMON.TEILY) FOR NEW ORLEANS, LA., JUNIATA, 1.210 tom, Captain P. F. Hest& TIOGA, 1,075 ton y, Captain J. T. Morse. The TIOGA will lexca for New Orleans on Saturday, October sth, at 8 o'clock A. M., from Pier 18 South Whit rm , . The JUNIATA will leave New Orleans for this pert, Through billy la - ding signed for freight to Mobile, Gal veittompiatch.ez;- VietAntra, Memphis, Nashville, Cairo. St. - Loum, Louisville and Cincinnati. Agents at New Orleste.—Cray, Nickerson As Co. FPM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 314 South Delaware avenue. WIAS. E. DILKES, Freight Agent. THE PHILADELIIIIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR WEEKLY LINE FOR SAVANNAH, GA. TONAWANDA, 8:9; tow, Capt. Wm. Jennings. WYOMING, F5O toms, Captain Jacob TeaL Tho steamship WYOM IND will Piave for the above port on Saturday, 5t!,, at a , o'clock A. M., from Pier la south ve.. Through ;oeeaev ticket , avid and freight taken for all Points in connection with the Georgia Central Railroad. Agents at Siv. annuli— Him ter It G ronmell. Will. L. ,JAMES, General Agent, 514 Smith Delaware avenue. fen CHAS. E. DELKES. Freight Agent. PHILAD.ELPIf IA AND SOU'i'liEff-Di AIL FiTEA 11 P '_AR. LINE Frils The etoanythip Pli,N LERr..I. th.ptain .1. Bennet% Will leave. for the a b ove port on 'fltur,d, , v, oetoher at F.' o'clock A. M., from Pier it South IVharv, , , Rills of Lading .igned at throe gti and reduced rates tc all principal point, in 'North ear - Ain't. Aleuts at Wilmin,rton- VOL LES. (icucral Agent, r. 14 South Dciaware avenue. tub: CI:AS. E. 1 ?ILK ES, Freight .Igent. RIOLIAIOND, AND NOR. folk :.teron.liiri Line. TilltULLiii AIR LINE TO THE SCUD AND NVES,T. . &tearosbipt leave eve ry SAT (.71t1TA 1( and IVEDNESD.IY, at noon, from tiro vhei - f above Market etre-21. '1'ilit01,;(ill RECEIPTS TO NEWEtEE.N. Also,a II points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, end to Lynchburg, Va., Tennes , me and the 151st, via No: folk and South Side Railroad, and Richmond and Danville Railroad. 4he regularity, safety arid cheapnees of thia route corn. mend it to the .public as the most desirable medium for carrying every de,cription of freight' ,- No charge for cominiaelon, drayage, or any-experoe of trrinsf er. Steamthipa insure at lowest rates- Freight received Daily, _ _ Wl.l. P. CLYDE & CO.. 14 North and South NS - hatveu. W. P.' PORTER, Agent et Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROSS - ELL & CO., Agenti at Norfolk. ai,114 HAVANA STEAMERS. • SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. The Steamships HENDRICK ..... ...... ....Capt. Howes STARS ANDSTRIPES .... . . .... .Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave this port for .....a every other Tuesday at F. A. M. The stearnsnip STARS AND STRIPES, .tw,ster, will sail 1 ,- ,r Havana on Tuesday uicruing, October 11th, ate o'clock. raaaaKe to Havana, $5O, currency. No freight received after Saturday. For freight or psisage, to THOMAS WATTSON It SONS, 14) NortbeDelaware avenue. NEW EXPRESS, LINE TO ALEXANDP.IA Georgetown and Washlagton. D. C.. via Chesapeake and Delaware CanaL_with, con. nections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton, and the Sonthwe.. fitenmers leave reamlarly , from the fir - et wharf above Market street, every Saturday at ;loon. • Freight received deily. liref, I'. CLYDE it CO., 19 North and South Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON. Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE a CO., Agents at Alexandria. Vir. glnia. apll4l JAMES HAND, Agent, 104 Wall street, !sew York DAILY LIP; E FOR BAL'FIMORE, Via Chesapeake and 1)ela ware ()anal. Philadelphia. and Baltimore liuion Steam. boat Company, daily at ) o'clock P. M. The Steamers of this line are now r lying retralnly tween this port and Baltimore, Marine the eecond wharf below Arch street daily at 2 o'clock P..M. (Sunday' excepted.) • Cturyiug all description of Freight 32 low as any other Line. Freight handled with great care, delivered promptly, and MI warded to all points beyond the terminus free of COM/11133i011. Farticular 'attention paid to the transportation of all denription of Merchandise, Horses, Carriages, ac., etc. For further information, apply to JOIIN D. RUOFF, Agent, apl4.lYl No. Pi North Delaware avenue! FOR NEW YOEK—SWIFTSCRT Transportation Company—Despatch and 3wittmure Lines via Delaware and Rari tan Canal. on and after the 15th of March, leaving daily at 12 N. and a P. DI, connecting with all Northern and Last. em lice For freight, which will be ta,cen on accommo dating terms, apply to WM. N. BAIRD et CO., mhl2.ly No. 132 South Diqal73.lll avenue. . DELAWARE AND ULIESAPP ART STEAM Tow-Boat Company.-13argei towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City and intermediate point.. WM. P. CLYDE di CO_ Agente. Capt. JOHN AUGIL Supt, Office. 14 S. Wharree, Phila. apLtdelb lONSIGNEES' NOTWE.—CONSIGNEES OF MEI:. !kJ chandise per Amer. chip THOMAS HALM - ABB, Strickland, master, from Liverpool. will please send time penult- on board at Arch street wharf, or to the uflice of the undersigned. The general order will be issued on Friday. the :Nth bast., when all goods not permitted will be sent to the public stores. PETEI: WRIGHT A; SONS, Valuta. street. se2titf CONSIGNEES. NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF MEM chandise per Br. bark WAVELET., Britton, master. trom Androssan, will please send their penults on board at Pier ;. South Wharves, or to the (ace of the under signed. The general order Will be issued on the 27th inst., when all goods not permitted will be sent to public stores. WORKMAN b CO., 123 Walnut street. selti CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF .MER. chandlee per Br. brig MARY, McCullough, master, tronaLondon, will please send their permits ou board at Pier South Wharves, or to the counting-room of the undersigned. The general order will be issued . on Satur. day, 14th inst., when all goods not Permitted will be sent to public stores. WORKMAN d CO., 123 Walnut et. •sel4 STEADiSHIP SAXON, FROM 130STON.—Consignecal of merchandise per above steamer will please mid for their goods, now landing at Pine street wharf. seturt HENRY WINSOR st CO. TAR. S. SHINDLER, incceseor to JOHN 811INDLE11 a tl SONS, Sail Atakora'. No. WO North Delaware avenue. Philadelphia. All work done in the boot manner and on the lowest aid most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect ions. faction. Particular attention given to repairing. DitUGS. TOIIN C. BAKER & CO. OFFER TO THE TRIBE—. eJ C. L. Oil—New made. Just received. Alcohol.--P5 per cent., in Minute. Ipecac—Powdered, in f.t.i pound .boxes. X pound bottlo, U. S. A. Mean for Hoff's Malt Extract. Agents for the manufacturer of a ouperlor article of Rochelle *alta and ffeidlitz Mixture. - JOHN C. BAKER at CO., Jes 718 Market stoat, Philadelphia. BDEP.D.I.CDA AND GEORGIA ARROW ROOT. —THE N ew trup--..weet, pure, and of danzling whiteness; directly hen: the grower+. at +taude,rd weight, and--guaranteed in fteshneet and purity. 11.113311E1.1,, Apothecary, ra!•1041 1410 ChMtuttt street. 'DOBBS BON'S PATENT IiARL'EI.' AND GROATS, Bettathent oat meal, Bermuda Arrow "loot, Uclatin,Taylor'a Ho 131, Popathic Cocoa, Cooper's. Gelatin. sup ppm( to Retail Drogltte at loww+t pricer, itOiiEET l3licin4AKEr. & yr niimmic 1.41 - oggi - Jn. northern( corner Fourth and Race etrects ElREscii RUSE WATER.—JUST RECEIVED, AN U invoice of the Celebrated Mai triple (U stilled Rope, 'orange, Flower and Cherry Laurel Water. For eule hi cans and bottles. ROBERT SHOEMAKER az CO., Whole• pale Druggipts, northeast corner Fourth and Lace etreete. next:cub:Ts, CONFECTIONERS AND PERFUMERS 1.1 aro 4licited to examine our Mock of mworior Etiett. tial Oita, 3A SUNAIVIISOU'd Qil, Lemon aud Itergumot, M imes Oil Aluiondll, Wintor'o Oil of Cittvuolta, Oil o f peppmalut, I,avtuslor, Oritiattum, Orange etc, ete. ROBERTISHOEMAKEIt d0 , :,9•W N. E. tor. Fourth aud Race lib.,ladn. PIANOS. 1131ANO TUNING. JL The subBcriber, haring removed to Ltokon. had transferred hid busineidd into the charge of Mr. 1). F. Gaasz, who is experienced. and coninetent so a tallier and. repairer. C. E. SARGENT.' Orders still received' at 97 Cheetuut street, or 1309 Pine street, eeBb.s.vr,4o' 715 - itDWAIRVED VI.I4A.itiNDS,-4110EOSM , filiN cam 11 Tamariuds ougar, loading and for nato try J. ( 1, 1tV*5111:11. Et CO., 10 tiouth Dela, WM:O tWOLL'IO. AiI7I3TION 111. ALLEN t i B, MYERS & GU. ALICT/ONEERS, • Nos, RN and 234 MARKET street corner of BANK. LARGE. POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, • GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold aln rge eale of Foreign a nd•Dotn estic Dry Goods, by cn talogae, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT, ON 'Eli SDAY MORNING, f.te'cloCk..innbtociOgnbotitlM rackage`l.and_ Oct.:;,' i.fi:tapie and fancy .irtielcs. N. li.—Catalogue ready end goods arranged for CXIIIIII - en the morning of Ellie. LAROE PEREMPTOHY SALE OF FOREIGN AND • DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. NOTlCE—lncluded in our Sale of THURSDAY, October:;, Will be found in part the following— B DOD E STICS. ales bleached nntl brown Cottona and Drily. ' do all wool IVlilte and heavy Gray Army Blankets. do do and Cotton Flannel), Sackings. &e. do Kentucky Mixed and CoreetJentM, Padding& do Blue Checks, Stripes, Denims. Ticks, Linings. do Gingham Prints, I/claire:2, Wigans. do lacakinge. Satineto, Tweedn. Coatings Cords. LINEN 0001)8, Cayce Brown and bleached Damasks, Table Clothe, Napkins. do Linen tilwetinge, 1:1111VaN, C1'1,,111. Diaper, 'lucks, 150 PIECES Sill It PING LINENS. 154) pieces 1.4 prase. bleached Shirting Linens, superior po)de, hi all flzolitii!e. ME1:1:11ANT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces Preach and English Black and. 111 Clothe, Doeskins. do Fancy Caadineren and Coating 4. Refines, Tricots. I do EPltilll. MOFCOIVII... Whitney:l. do Pefendoong, Chi ucbillio Seapkin,, I.oi)e d . do BIL ynd Cord. Italians' and"r•atin do Chines. I oNS VELVET VESTINGS. A Intl line of iTlendid qua city extra rich and entirely n, flyies UI 1.3 ot, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestlnge, Reit landed. ItKESS GOODS, SILKS A.ND sirAwLs. I..:achinpres.lainty, Poplins. rin 111 k and Cold Alpacas, 2.lolmire. eobtirgA, 31erinocs, S i sony Ginumnin, ar, e . do Black and ( . 444 - wed Silke, Lyona Silk Velvet. liroclic, Plaid \Voolom, Stdlst and Thiliet Shawls. - AISO— Ar nv Itlonee, Hosiers - :tad Gloves. Zephyr (;00d..1, 'fravkding shirts. 31erino and Drawera, St...rendk L. C. nod Silk Mitre., Alhambra and Mar lialnioral and lion,, Skirts, White Goods, Trinlininga, CC. A full line L. U. lldkte., In all vrades of ';'; and plain and lient.ditched. A t lIJ d yatito NitilltliNALA and Victoria A full lint. Wm .111 - Allot Shirt l'ront,, t): , t TILIA.SDA coeer London Black Italian elortr.., all itradt.. taut ert Aartrian Cl othe. 1 cm,: p I:laek Silk Collar Velvet-. A lull lin.• nnporr.ol all wool Chinehillap. A toll line liur.t Ungli:b and French Meltow. LARGE POSITIVE SA I.E ON FRIDAY MORMNO. Oct. 4, td 11 ~, c lork., Iva] la; Hold. by catalogue, on Four: 310NT116' URI. 91T, about 2.tKl pi..cr,! of Ingrain, Vene tia/I, Jj , t. Brunt,. l' ,, ttng , :nitl Rag Carpeting', which may be examinil early on tho morning Lel Hate.. I.,ARGE PH1tI1 , 11"I'010( SALE OF ritExcit AND OTHER 1:1 - in:(11'1:AN DItY (100D6, ()N MoN y 0,•(.. 7. at 10 1,1• C [0,1., will )4,1(1, cata,ot,p, on FOUR ',IVONTI.I) - P UHL I )10', atio..t ;i:;110),) From , ):, India. (I).r ,11. i 61111(1, C:lll.,P.Cinl. a full ite9ortnn.nt 6; I a bry and Stapi, rt.i-le•, in :ink-, IN'ooleDe, nE and N. 11.- flood- v!romu-gi for • mthiLaiii.n and catalogiv:e 0 , 1 IY Oil MMMIM 95 carer Ene PALM LEAP FAr. , ;:3r..),.ind handles. 'IIIOMAS d SONS. Alif., - TI.I)N - LERB, 1 ,7 9, , ..L.1-1 and 11 . 1 Month P;l. l .ltyll fltreet. sm,Es OF STOCKS ANT";REAL ESTAT[i Saloe at the Philadelphia Exchange even ur.fpAY„p.; 1t o'clock. of each property tiLslled Enpxrp.V2l7. addhim to iv Pirh ice pilbh,h, on tho S:'.tarday proviono to each aale. out thomand catalogue.' in pamphlet form, ritil34; fl7ll tir.ho of all the property to bo sold on FDLLOV,"LiG TUESDAY, and n Lbt of Red Estate at Private Sale, gW Our Sale , are advertive3 in the following newepaperz: NonTn AuFr.to.arr, Pnr.ag,latnerge„ LEGAL Inrt.Lr.t:;enrn-l:, INGWIE , IL Any, EvEnitm BULLETI/L EVYNiNG TFLLERAIGL DiMOOLAT,&n. rr" Furniture SILL2O tit ttIG d.1.110101G Store EVERY TUUitSDAY ;sit/It:NINO. SALE 'OF MISUEELANEOES BOOKS FROM LIBRA RIES, STATIONERY, SIDUVL ROOKS, ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Oct. 2, at tits: ato•tion,ql):,, e0131111f!IWing at 4 o'clock. Lafg. , • Sale at Nhe.l29 and 141 South Fourth .treat. 11.1NNSO3IE: 'WALNUT FUItNITt.II:II. PIANO FOIZTE. MIRRORS, ELEGANT VELVET. nnussELs AND I MPEIHAL CA uprni_ eILANDEIALTs, FINE FEA THER BEDS. I'I.ENCH .cc., ON TIII.7I:SDAY MORNING.. At t o'clock, .at the. suiction mow, a verse \ tenAVe r assortment of Furniture, including handaome Walnut D,ltwing-rooni and Parlor Furniture, covered with Plualr, ; Broca:4:11 , . and I fair Cloth: handsome IValutit unit Maple Chainber Forniture, ,un prior liimug-room, I.ihrary ana ()Mee Furniture. lioolmemi, Conntin:!-Itou-e lloake. gitpc. ! rior Extemden Table, , , Piano Forte, Mirrors, elegant Vel- Ivet. lirm , selo, Imperial and oche- Carpets. China and Gla,warV.line Feather Bede and beddin; Chandoliere, Itefrigeratere. Cooking, (ta , Consuming and other Stover, EnkLudin.a., beingth6 entire I'm Muir, , everal fand i rem. red to Tile ,I.,re for cent% enience of sale. N TUE ORPHANS' COURT FOR. THE CITY AND I Connty of Philadelphia.—Estate of JOHN A.HOWELL; 6 deceased. The Auditor appointed by, the Court to audit. I pLettle and adjuAt the account ot ANNA MARIA 1 HOWELL, ..TOLIN A. HOWELL. CHARLES HOWELX. and WILLIAM 11. HOWELL, Adminwrators of. JOHA 1 A. fl OW ELL, nurtu and to report diAribution of thts halance in the (midi of • the accountant, will meanie waited interested for the purposo of hid appointment on NtoNDAY,.tho 14th day to: October. D 1.30, 9 4 o'clock . .: P. M., at hiA onice,Ne. 271,Svutb 1 ilthlstreet, in the city' Saktio. 1465 Icuat-Atrect. - , -" - of Philadelplda. ecw-nim . ,f,fia' syrEraort .11:RNITERE. PIANO, unANDu.i.ii:s, ! _______ 3111:110R lIIHISSELS CAEPET:i, FINE • CHINA, 'THE:IN ORIWANS , COT FOR THE CITY AND OIL PAlI. , :TINGS. we. ON FRIDAY MORNING. : lIEPIIIritN, tlecca.ed.-- rho Auditor appointed by the . Oct. 11, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1405 hocnA erect, by cata- : Court to audit, nettle and adjuat the tirA account of .IOHN logue.' the entire •fflperi n. Parlor, Hitting room and Chant. .1. SCHELLomrviviug Triuitee under the will of CHAS. I r Furniture, 1:4 - , , e , , , , - ood Piano, I Schomacker; Fine NV:41E1111.'1;N, deeett,ed, and to report (lb tribution of tho Dinner and 'lea China, Clw_. , and Plated Wa.re, ()kande- I balance in the hand 4 the accountant, will meet the lure. Oil ll:dant:iv Fine Ilrit,,elA Carpete, Cantor Mat- partic. , intere,ted ler the purpo, of hip appointment. on tine , . Fine Matr.::: , • , 4. lio&„tc, Turrith s. octoher Olin, I'o. at;/o'clock P. K., at his office. ALL), the Kitchen Furniture, Retrigerator, te. No. 054Wtthrut tdreet, in the City of Philadelphia. _ JOHN R. COLAHAN. Auditor. SALE 01' VAN - AI:LE LAW IipOKS AFTI.ALNuO.N. ()et. 4, at tla• ciannieni•rfig at 4 in cluding Stan., NVltarton. I Yeati•., Surgeittit and Patsvla , Par,-oni'e &Awl LC. • At 1, stn, I ha. . ===El lIANDSO ATE W ENET A:NT!! "ELD: PHA: AIII{P')E., 11114,:C.1 SE. l'll NDA LIELS. Il N 651:1.S .1 ND 01111,1: CM:- PETS, MAT:: E : 4 S S, 6'1% ON WED: \ ESDA :Mi. at I. o'clock. k. 4-1...df.gn , .. at No. Il.d \Val ntir, Furnitdr... ILlud,onte \ \ ,Innt and two Large :Aid Ell..;:ant 11.11 , 11 I'lat9 \\",,lnnt 11°,1:ca , 1 , 1'114 x (.11,1n1, , r Yuan:ore. (Athntlalterti, 111 , 11.11:01,1 , •;;!, eapt..n Mut: lint China and arc, Ilitelitu Ifurnittm., ilay be examined on the morning of r iiale, at 8 o'clock. TO RENT—Sever:lA Onic - el:llarroony Conrt. BY J. N. GUMMLY tk.: SONS, A I:6TIONEEP6S . _ NO [10: , I):ALS UT ytre.t. . - . Gs" Hold Reciilur Sales of _ I:EAL ESTATL. STOUP AND SECL7I:II.IES Al." 1. TIE MIEMM=MMM _ Q"`3;"of each ;qv i:sited separately. OnP tlionieind copies pulili-ired rind Irv, ted, r,,n talning full de:er;ption. of pie; ecf v to I,e Add. as. IL 1,:1111:t 1 list of property C<,ll 11l our Real Ertato Hi, • sii-deo, and ourred at private Pale. Vir - SA:6 advertked ;tli tho daily new; papery. SALE ON moNn.ky, OUT. 7, \Viii By ORDER OF Brick ,twe and four Brit.', Dlvollingm, S. 1: c,11,,r of Twenty:fourth and WahJut. - N-. ::;ti ST—Thrvo.rtory Brick I)«oiling, ;vita Lou Ow tiling,. in Bic rear, running thr.Jugh to Claim ,:troet. REB-STORY BRICK D\N - ELLING. w ith back building- and modern COW, aliened, No. 10:24 Vern,,n ,t., above tirou n GEIZNIAN'fidIVIN- B , ,iirai)l.• Building Lot, \lart•nt or IVilgilnAtrec-t and Wnodblin , DESIitAtILE, BUILDJNI LOT, coribir of Woodbine, \ illow avento . T HOMAS Itl m CII SON, A I . 4;TIONEERS AND COM 3IISSION ERCHAIS, N. , . 1110 cnusTN UT ,treat. War Entrant , 1107 fiawoni street, HOUSEHOLD I?ERNIVITE OP EVERY DESC;RIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. SALES EVER I . FRIDAY IORNI,!;G. Salty a Furniture AI Dwdliegi attvuded ti) on the most seannalde tenw. M===== ANI) 5IV)NI)11ANI) 110156E110M) FURNI 'I`II:E. FINE CA111'1 , .:13. LOI)KING IIL.IBBES, PIANO 1:01:11:6, FEEN(III C111.:)U,. cur uLAss. Ac ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at thu auction store. No. 1110 Chestnut street, will ho sold— A larg, amiort wont of Superior Parlor, Chamber, Dinil g -1.0)21k and library Furniture, from families declin ing hoot- e'r:eciing. FREN Cl I CfllNA GLASSWA I &c. Alpo, Preach China Dander and Tea Sete,.,od+ or rich Cut French China and Bohemian i,m, A liM:4l. hina iiett of line Trave, 11• , .r. Handle TM do Cudery, TOIL PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISILMENT,S. I 1 corner Atueet. • - - _ lone.y advanced on Merehandiec generally—Watcher, .44.1 c (dry, I liamond:-, Gold and Silver !late, and on all arti cle?. of for an,' tenet h of time :igrced on. • WATC.I 1 A 1 ,4 1 ; .11 ;WI:LEY AT PRI VATE SALE. 1 - inc bold Hunting Cabe. Double Bottom end Open Face Engll,l4, Atneric.in and Bwi.'e Patent Lever Watel. , ; Fine (;old 11 Ca-c. mid Open Face Lepine Watclpy; nu , Gold otter Vital:111."; JAM: Cabe and 03 , en Fare English, APlerirall and SWi,4 PAVIA L(:`:01:11nd Leeine Rile Ca , e English Quartier and other 11va telic44 •' Ladieb' raney Watche, ; Dlamund ilreabtf , h-; Finger Rings: Ear Ring:; Studs. k 4%; Fine Gold Chalu-4; Medallions: ) lraeolets ; Scarf Pins; lireastrin , , Finger Rings; Pencil Caeca, and Jewelry generally. 1011 BALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jou rim', Coq Oi 1. ' AI-Q, ILUN era! Loh- in South Camden, nith and Chebtnut btreets. PHILIP Fo ra, Aactionee'r. MoiILILLLAND Oth, SUCCESSORS TO PHILIP FORD 47. CO.. Auctioneers. ~tirlAf'.KJ ittroat. SALE OF 19CO CASES Itc•OTS, SUOES, DitoGANB. ON TIIU7t6I).A.IC October .„0 commencing at h'eloci., we will cell by catalogue. for ao,o: 1 . -Je c:cm.a..tion'a, Boys' and , Ah.o, a (le thal:h. , wkoittnene of 'Women's, Mime and Olilldroc'e wear. To which the :TeElhl att9ntion of the trade Is called. J AMES FA:LEMAN, AUGTIONEEE, No, .14 AVALNUI' atreet. tv , S..alt , No, 1:16 oi Seccnd 13.0USED:OLD e t:T S, VALPETS,IiEN ON FRIDAY MOV.NIT.CG. At 1(1 o'clock, wl.ll b teaid, kr.crdcz of thoMmicitgrator of Churic,i 3tll.itCTl, d cosr d, c.t O. r. 24.; bkrt , ,, Second Rttdet. tht/ retire Lic Ftutiltttro, Cart ati, :Kitchen Uten,ib, DWI, Lc c.fm - irinca cataloAled on the %Horning cf AYIB ILAIIVEYtAV_OITIOSE FA% (Irsto with al. Theme's A oeue)•• • • • Elva Vg,_ 421 WALtita etreet. r,ctNirtitc„.E SALES at the Store EVERYWESDAY. ' 4te --" titiO l 4,4; .RESLP,E!NOIII3 will - reactive Particular VALUABLE AIISCELLANE ENIIOUS 11001i#. '11W1:,9 DA V . EVi( At o'clock, valuablo Alinentlaueom Books, Welialhuot curebec of early Await:Au icoul a private Lt Wary. . AUCTION SALES, TZY B. SCOTT.- SCOTT'S ART GALLERY. No. lON CHESTNUT. street. Philadelphia. NTTRACTIVEAALE OF MODERN OIL 'PAINTINGS. Principally from the American Art Gallery, N. York On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, Oct. 2 and 8, at 7, 4 4 o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery. MS Chestnut street, about 185 M iJ)EIIN PAINTINGS, o --varied-end--pleasing- subjects;-ail -elegantly-ynounted fra - rich gold leaf frames. Now open for a:tarn:nation wit& descriptive catalogues. Sale without reserve. N L. ASELBRID_GE & CO., ALICTIONTE No. 505 MARKET street. slave Efftb.. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETS, dff. ON THURSDAY MORNING. Oct. 3, at 11 o'clock, on a credit of three months, we trill lull by catalogue, about 100 pieces of Ingrain, Vend. flan, Cottage and Rag Carpets, to which the attentieu oe city and country trade is called. Open early on morning of sale for inspection. . BY BABBITT & CO, AUCTIONEERS.CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET etreet, corner of BANK street. Cash advaneed , nsisorments without extra change. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TILE CITY AND J. County of Philadelphia.—Estate of HENRY GRIM, deceased.--The auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle And ad.ust the first and final account of DANIEL K. GRIM, Executor of the last will and testament of HENRY GRIM, deceased and to report distribution of the balances . the bands of tire accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the 'Melrose of his appointment, on Tuesday. October Ifeth. Itai7, at 4 o'clock I'. M., at his Mike. No. fio Noble street, in the city of Philadelphia.' oc2-w,f,ma; THOS. COCHRAN. Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR Ann CITY AN. County of Philadelphia—Estates of ANN SCHIEVELY, deceased. JOHN SCHIVELY. deceased. WILLIAM 8C HIVELY. deceased. Tnrot Estate of .JULY ANN SCH t FEW Estate of JULY ANN SCHIYELY, deceased.. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and mihrst tiers coed and final account of GEORGE _E. ,SCIIIVELIC. Administrator Ir. n, C. t. of the Estate 'of ANN 50111 VELY, deceased, the second and final se count of UEOI:GE S. SC HIVELY, Administrator d. b. n. 0. t a. of JOHN ELY, deceased: the second and final account of GEORGE S. SC lIIVELY, Adrairdstratec d. b. n. c. t. a. of the Estate of WILLIAM BCHIYELY. deceased, the second and final account of GEOR S. SCH IV ELY, ::Tru dee - of •.1 tur, ANNA,CIIIVEI4 trad . i4 ,7 ' tlftf-' , :m1114 'WILLIAM. JOHN .'and` ANN' SCIIIVFLY, deceased. and the first and" final account • of GEORGE. 8. SCHIVELY, Executor of the Notate' of JULY ANN SCHIVELY, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the necountant will meet all - the parties in interest in the above named estates for the . pr rrposes of his appoint mouty on FRIDAY, the 11th day - ot October, A. 11). 1917, at eleven o'cloek A. M., at hie office, No. 271 South Filth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOSLPH A. CLAY, sc2re.w.f,mst Auditet.' 'IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TuE CITY AND 1 County of Philadclphia.---E,tatt of :JOSEPH FISHglt. decemed. The Auditor appointed by the Cwirt to audit, settle and adjoFt the reparate account of WILLIAK E. WI , ITMAN, kaq., Eyecutor of , the laet wilt and testa ment of JOkiT:Pli F1S111:11, deceased, and to rf.port dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the nec6antant, will meet the parties lute; nted for the purpose of his ap pointment. on ,Monday. ()ember Ith. A. D. ti 67. a+ thr , ••• o'clock P. M., at hie other, No. 1.•:.!, Soutlt 6ixth :,:rtet, ha the city of Philadelphia JOHN C. RED OM:FM% Auditor. 1N THE ORPHANS' COCET aTifi AN 1 County of Philadolphlit.--E2 01%10SE GvArrz., eca,cd. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, ...title and ndjti t the fourth account of I MR. 4.(3: ISIOdES and II ENI: CRAM )NI), E . ,ecutor , of Coh filet Will awl Thiment of .10SLP I I ORATZ, wood. And to report di , tribution of the balance hi the hauls of the accountant. ce ill 1)1( . 0 the portico intere,ted for the purpoFe3 of his AT). ' , ointment. on'lLutoday, the da of octoln.r. A. D., Pril, at 12 o'clock A. di., at hi- 'Alice, No. 2:1 South. Pitts ft cot, inn the city of Philadelphia. " JOgif:P.o A. CLAY. !or. - fNTI I E: )11:T 111 , 't )31.M0N )11 'lts. and (:minty' of I:, , l'ATT:.—The Auditor ,ppt,inted hr the IL!,' tut to Audit% (-tth,t-ud j11:4 the tiin t , e.,i,nt ;10sEpit LOVER. Tra.te , - of the Iteltuonz !Ante, under .1)d4'1.14 of dvtt, , d ?lurch ::,) A.l).re. , ortied in the Recorder'.4 0111 c.• ' Plitholelph ( a, in Dl9ll Beok T. , 11. S 7•4, mat ::50. and to report dlatrit,ution of tu the hand: , .of aecountant, n Ili meet the partio:4 intere..ted. for the purpo-e4 of Ilia appoint went. on 'lut...day. the 1,3 t It day 0.-t”her, A. 1). 1 , ...+67, at 11 o( loc:i A. vt No. 3iri t+outh Third ~ t reet, in the city 0: Philadelphia. IIDiVAI:D M. I'ANSON. Auditor. IN COURT (4' COMMON PLEAS FOR THE (1111 y and County of Ph”odelphir.. —LANSDOWN TATL.---The Auditor appointed by the Court. to audit. nettle and adhl4 the tir.(t account of .lomeplt S. Lovering. Triwtee.4 the LaiHdown E,tate, mid& Deeds of Trubt, doted Nov.oub , r 91, and November • I ', A. D.1.81...1; recorded in the f(ecorder'a Office, at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. IL. N... 120, 12agom la 3 and NI, and to report diatri tuition of the bolonee in the handg of the accountant, will meet the parties int. e, , ted for the pi 1p0 ,, •4 of 111.4 APPoifitmeut 4 ,13}% tho"lsth dcv of t (, toher, 1-4;7, at 11 o'clock. A. at hi,. „nice, No.2(fd out.lL Third atr, , et, in the city of Philadelphia. EDWARD M.. PARSON, • Auditor: m wst! IN Till': 01:1'11,1-N. , run 'IIIE CITY smalty of l'hilacielphia.—Citato of ;IA(:08 - J. -Node, lierchv hivru thP.t tlru widow of :raid der-edont It.+ tiliAl in an Inven tfiry Anprobcnitut of 0.-rtonal bcopertv. of Enid E. , fa.te, to fit.. value of 25 with' her Petition ollowt i4nuc, unSur tho Act of 11.E... 0 :ab1y of 13th April. ¶.31, nt,d the Snppleinent thecoto, mid that tilt: mute will be Owl:Gun on Saturday, l'Aft UC ttbcr, LUIlt . !• e::cuptious he filed tlirroo. ma f 't' I, I ASTERN DISTRICT or IENNSYLI - A.lil—itsi BANKitui"ruy. A p pni LA 111, I I'lll A, the Wit day of St!ptismla.-1, D.„ la• d hereby give. notioe•,.l hi- appoint n•tit A-Agnee WIL LIAM . JENKS, of ttor City and County of Philadelphia, and State 01 Pounylyauia. within tcl to bio+ burn adjudged a Bankrupt upon 4.4 own petition, the Dii.triet Court oi maid Wet. 11110. SERGI:ANT, A , ..Agnee, 52.0 South Fourth street. 'I2SI:ATI: Oi' JOHN Mt:HAMM, DECEASED. ill ter-. of admini-t.•.ltlon cum to.tainento annoxo upon the ekate .1011 N EDAM IiDS. deceased, haying been granted to the nniler,isnod, all repons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims pro , llo them to ANNA E. Adminis tratrix. 451 North Eighth street, or to her Attorney TtioB. Noble stet,t. ' aula.w,6t - - - ELLEN o,C.ALLA, DECEASED.--LET -1'.4 ter= 'rekaineutarr - upon the Ekate of ELLEN , AIgt k 'ALLA, having granted to the under signed, :ill per,mn.i ind lded to said Estate will make pay nomt. and those Navin:: claims will present them to MoCALLA, E.-teemor. •itl4 Chestnut street, or hi- Attorn..y, JOIN pi Walnut et. ee24 INC ISFJ , Ni RAVING CAE is NVIGGIN, ileceae,d, all psusons indebted to tle el,lllO will make pi - meat, mid Itio.m having clams prcsent teem to AL:CdlSrus BoYD, Administrator. at the National E ., ...eiMm4 , :ten',. sell w tits iA AVE tIF GEOT:(;T: W. Sittlt I)I•NCEASED.- -E. t•ore.otti indebtod t this Estate ivfll mak.) vavmout, and the.) , e, Inwing itgaivat the same Zvill pre-:out them without dolny to SAIO.II E. STRIUK- El t, Adniinist:atra, stroet. au.4B-w6't• Ntitle, IRON, &O. PHILADELPICIA ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS.— awlEnT Wool) l;0„ IM:.ry!ft, virtirs of CAST, WWI ., iIT AND WIRE RAILINGS, • GARDEN AND ( E ET RY ADORNMENTS, FOL - N TA I NS. VASES, STATUARY &a, V E 1:1N1 SETTEES, STABLE FITTiNGS, RIDGE AVEN I :D. P HILADELPHIA, ROBERT WOOD, . _ i Lavine fitted up our Foundry with ' , pedal reference to tho Lebow elas. ex Woriz,wo lure now prepared to fill with promptllex,‘ all , Irdcra 1 , ,r Bronzo Cluiting3 of every de :,eription, to which thc ~ t il), - ,..ribent would most. 'mpact c Lilly call the ILttenti.o of th 9 eublir,as oleo to their varied end exteloivo esrornneet ot I 11:N... VMENTAI, IRON GOODS, Do. laree,t to be tound filth:: - United State, , . ROBERT ..WOOD ,t co+4,‘ ,19-110 'r. V_ L:01 MI:10111:R. WM. IL MERRICK. • - - - • 1I COPE. IWA FO 60 U N D N FIVEIf. AND WASHING . 'VON S'r RE ET PU11.'0.111.1'11(.1. • : 1 1FAZRICK S)NS. • . . , A,NI) ACI HS ISTS ; N 1 ALP t iacture I Bah and Pco.„ite c steala liuviucq. far Laud, ltiVer and Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Taulti, Iron Boat-, &c. Castings of all ~•1 tiler iron or hnt Iron Fraino Roofs for Gas Work?, Workshops and Rail road Station, , , I:ctorts and that Machinery, of the latest and most In. proved coustruer len. Ivory description of Plantation 3inclirnivy, and Sursari. Saw and Grist Mina V•tciiirin Pow, OPtill Sterna Trall34 Itriactatoru, Ellgth e ' , Sole Agents for N. liiileoV'd raiellt Sugar Bolliug'Appa ratuA, Nesioyth's ratant Hammer and iksyinarap a.: Woolsey's I 'taunt Co' tril- " "l6ll4"rDildtalig 'slacitkcie: ill B. MURRILL , k_A Thaeltarg, No 71tt Cliegtuut street; manufacturcno of 'Mut aggertuteUt Of Qua 6. I. , ixtures,l „ v ,p,. n ue., ttic.woutd. cull the attentkinot : 1 4:;, : 1 4, 1 41 1 t i • c e .. t 5 , 0 t 1 1 :(1. i,r et. u t u tr ' m ? k u etf 4e , 1 :t;e. They &hob:tin:4lkb apcs bite 11113 tklbite fili t l,gtLeutr to e teudiug, ulterlug out repairiug 6aa pipet.. All work lvarnoite4. .11 , N1) PdETAL 813EATILIN flrnzitteH l oigger r . ” 141?, Man and In of C r6 u .,l4,,V.To u , , ili n a,tgel ',Lte- by ITE M cr 171111)Elf ONT.; 13(10'1'011 AUG noel: brand, in ,etoro and for Bale in lots to bulk Ittc— E El: WRIGHT & BON% 115 Walnut ntreet. , f:II(iT.TTTII , I ti:niaZ4l TAMES & LIM lIIVITE TIIE. ATTENMON OF=t, e.P friends and others to their largo and choke alli of COATINUS. Duiroll Beavers. . Outer Beavers. . . . Chinchilta Beavers. - , ,h,e‘ quiniana heavers, , Black Doeskins, Fancy Cl . tsaimeiei. - ' , . . SAW:tette. Cot*. . Re.averteene4 At wholesale and retail, by JAMES & EE. tie. 11 North eecoua et., Shoa of the GoldetrLatub. JOAN G. JOIIN6GN. Attorney for Petitioner. TILOS. S. ROOT