NEW PUBLecAiloivs. The newpoem by Dr. J. 0. Holland, of Spring field, Mass., author of. "Bitter-Sweet," is called "Redwine : Her Life and Mine." It has been published 'in a handsome volume by Charles Scnbner Az Co., of New York, and a copy has reached us through Messrs. J. B. Lippincott ct Co. It is a narrative poem, in blank verse, with several rhymed pieces interspersed, and forming part of it. A vouth cared for by-a widowed mother, near Northampton, discovers thal his father has c omndtted'snicide, and that; his other parent has a morbid tendency to the same crime, which she afterwards commits: , Strange aspira tions aro awakened In his mind: first, a longing for study, which shall lead to fame; then a longing for a love that shall fill the void left by the loss of his mother. :This is supplied by a young woman casually encountered in a church. The growth of this love, and the influence of the pious wife upon the unreligious and imaginative poet are beautifully described. There have, indeed, been few finer and more delicately-painted pictures of conjugal love than that of Paul and Kathrina. As a poem, the work is unequal. The earlier part is most full of beauty. In the later, the writer strives to be didactic, and becomes prosy. The discussions on art are inappropriate and some times obscure. The verse is, generally well formed and Musical. But there, are occasional instances of a lack of the proper number of syllables. As in page 164 occurs this octosyllabic line: "Arc singing; work-where brains and hands." A couple of Alexandrines aldo occur. As on I ) g*C - PO : "Or stretching off Iu sweepi - Ot 'Clouted 'bilmioir. glowd;" and on page 199: "Imperative and absolute to brace myself." But these are trivial faults in a work which is ; ' ;fat of a trae artist, a sound philosopher, a pure noralist aad a good poet, though he can never he ealledfikgreat one. The prose writings of "Timothy be generally preferred to the poems tc.)fDr. Holland. But they all form sound and healthy contributions to American literalare. Among the clever works of the satirists of a past generation is "The Bulls and theJonathano,' , by the late James K. Paulding, a new edition of - which, edited by his son William I. Paulding, has just been issued by Charles Scribner & Co. The first part, called "The Diverting History of Zohn Bull and Brother Jonathan," was published in 1812 during the troubles that brought on the war. The Second part, called "John Bull in America, or the New Mwrichausen," first appeared in 1825. ' It is a capi tal burlesque upon the works of the English travelers in the United States at that period. The times have changed, and English tourists have learned to respect and admire this country and; people. But in Paulding's time they were bigoted, lying, and bitter. His bur lesque hit them off most capitally, and its re publication in its present handsome dress will he welcomed by many of the reading commu nity. A new edition of Professor Charles Dex ter Cleveland's "English Literature of the Nineteenth Century" has just been bailed by 3iessrs. J. A. Bancroft & Co., 512 Arch street. It is thoroughly remodeled from the former editions, of which over twenty thousand copies have been sold. It contains examples from the writings of all the prominent English writers of this century, 'with some account of each. Although prepared for schools. it is admirable as a book of reference in a private library. Professor Cleveland has made many changes from the former editions,one of which may be noticed. He has indicated the course taken by living English authors in regard to the rebellion in America. There is also at the end of the volume a "Supplementary List of Se.. ondary Authors." The whole is brought down 11 the pr..keut year, and there is a full and care fully prellarcd index. ' g Mesiacs. Charles Scribner & Co. have published two volumes entitled respectiVely "The Art of Corucoaltion" and "The Art of Discourse," by Benry N. Day, author of popular works on Logic and Rhetoric. They are meant for students, and there is evidence of great labor and thought in their preparation: The plan of each is original, and they abound with excellent examples as well as rules. 11 they were earcmity et iniol IT tlx. king generation. we should have less of bad writing and bad speaking in the country than we now have. The Library Edition of the Waverley Novels, published by Ticknor & Fields,deserves attention. We have received, through Mr. G. W. Pitcher copies of "Waverley"and "Guy Mannering," both beautifully printed, illustrated and bound. The edition corresponds to the Library Edition of Dickens's works, published by thesaice house. Part 19 of Cassell, Pater and Galpin's edifl2pr of the Bible,. illustrated by Gustave Dore, has been sent tons by Mr. C. J. Price. The illustra tions are among the best from the pencil of the great French artist. When completed, it will be the finest of all editions of the good book. The letter press is worthy of all praise. "13arnaby Rudge," in the Diamond 'edition of Dickens, published by Ticknor &Ids, has been sent to In by G. W. Pitcher. Itti size and neatness will recommend it to,many readers. Ta.rivELING ROYALTY.—M. Villemot writes to a Paris paper: . "In Germany I had the honor and the care of finding myself in a hotel at which a Majesty on the wing took a notion to stop. I therefore assisted at an august cetemeny,, - thereception.of , &,erow.ned: head by the head scullion. It was my break fast hour,and I had the presumption to order ti.y beefsteak. But the innkeeper thought titie approach of a great prince, by filling my ?hart with joy,should appease all the grosser petites. Further more, he gave me to un 'stand as much, a little severely. Only he nted that I might procure myself the ad vantage of standing behind the dishwasher and assisting at the entrance of the king into the ball of the hotel. .A.ll the servants were on hand, in black coats and white cravats, ranged in line, their hands filled with cornu copias and vases of flowers which, on leas solemn days, figure on the (Wile ethole." The Parisians are excusable if they do yawn and shrug their shoulders at royalty. They .see so much of it. . ‘RTA!.%:DET.L. "— In a speech delivered by Sir .John Roaring at Dundee, before the'British Association, he urged that greater attention should be paid at the public schools to read ing, writing and arithmetic. Ile stated that when he was Governor. of Hong-Kong a highly connected young . gentleman was sent out to him for public employment, bringing recommendations from very 'influential quar ters. A. report having shortly afterwards reached him of the gentleman's ignorance he sent for him and examined him as to his pro ficiency in spelling. When required to spell the word candle the highly connected young gentleman spelled it "kaudell." AN ELEPHANT tivoty.—An English journal says a performing elephant belonging to a show recently contrived to escape from the stables . of a Chichester tavern, where he was lodged for the, night, into the yard. A. fence and a bolted door then separated him from the inn, but he put his trunk over the fence, drew the bolt, .passed through the door and made his way to thc tavern kiteben. Inminct led him t a tine pantry, where he proceeded to 'help hitaself to a bag of bran; 'and while eat 'l..)g this set the sarrotmding,crookery in. mo tion. The laudlbrd Was - I.hus aroused, and Ze keeper being summoned, got the animal . Out of the house again. POLITICAL. Bepubllieran Meeting in the Third Senatorial District. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Repub licans of the Third Senatorial District was held last evening on York avenue, above Gallowhill/ street. . The following gentlemen acted as officers: / President--Samuel M. Bispham. Vice'Presidents—E. Vanderslice M. D., mi. T. Mason, W. B. Mosely, A. H. Chambe , 11. Tledernan, M.D., J. W. Blatant], 3. C. Ls dock, Capt. R. T. Knox, A. McConnell; N. gollit, J. Westcott, G. Yerkea, C. F. Elweat, J. Waller .T. Anderson, C. Conger, T. A. Iloyak' J. W. S. Delavau; T. K. Fin - letter, H. C. Kennedy, J. W. Siner, W. Wagner, W. Frenks, Sr., M. Sieden bach, Sr., F. Dallett, W. P. Cox, H. Shuster, J. S. Mason, E. B. Garrigucs, C. Bacon, and D. W. C. Mbore. Srfretaries—T. C. Parker, J: A. Righter, E. Shellmire, W. R. Belley, C. S. Grove,, C. M. Wagner, it J. C. Welker, and F. H. Haworth. Thomas M. Colman, Esq., was introduced and said : lam glad to sei so many attend an out-door meeting on a nightlike this. The meetings that have been held in Market street, on Broad street, and in other portions of the city,have encouraged the Republica's, while the / Democracy have be come proprrtiouately disheartened. 'They have been talking of holding a demonstration of their' own, but I hardly think they will do so. He referred to the fact that throughout the war they were opposed to the soldiers; they opposed the voting of supplies to the soldiers, and did all in their power to prevent them from casting a ballot. They have nominated sol diers foi l office to which they know they can never he elected. In the Fourth Ward they might be, but to city offices they cannot. It was done/ to entrap the soldiers; but we must not thivlk begtuse we support a party whose princi -064 are foubded'uPon - the prinCipl6S of the that we can carry the election without opposi tion. The right way to do is for every man to /vote : and by so doing we will roll up an old fashioned majority on Tuesday next. A. Wilson Henszey, Esq„ was next introduced. He said : I am not quite able this evening to, addresii you as I would were I well of the indisposition under which I am now laboring; but I feel tha it is my duty to advocate the glorious principle of the Republican party, and I will do so whil there is a shot in my locker. One merchant will not trust another that has repudiated his debt. It is as good a rule in politics as in commerce. The Copperheads of the South are under the lend of Jefferson Davis, while their allies are marshalled by Andrew Johnson. They are rais ing their heads and with venomous fangs strik ing at the lifeblood of . the nation. For fifty years previous to the rebellion the Democratic party ruled the country and dragged it down, step by step, until it hung upon the verge of perdition; free speech Was a mockery and liberty a byword. It was-this party that entailed on us a war unparalleled 'in the history of the world. Though we have passed through a baptism of blood the unity of the country is yet in danger, and it can only be saved by the success of the Re publican party. We must awake from our lethargy. The issues of the hour, intrusted to us by the thousands that liave falleA and sleep that last sleep that knows no waking, require firm hearts and steady hands. There is scarcely a household that does not treasure a memento of one fallen. Shall that trust be betrayed by placing it in the hands of Wm. B. Reed or that traitor Vallandigharn? No! no ! but give it to the patriots who, the old flag, to Stanton and to Sheridan—immor tal names that were not born to dic—to the army led on by Grant. Cling to these Men, and they will support you. The speaker referred in glow ing language, to the importance of the approach ing election, and said that he who would c at the ticket at the present crisis was no .patriot—no Republican: An individual is of no importance save as he represents a principle. The question is not between the candidates of the mere local Democratic and Republican tickets, but between the Republicans and Andrew Johnson. Cowell stands a loyal man to-day. By the endorsement of Johnson be could have retained a position, but he sacrificed his personal welfare for principle. Lyle, standing on the Democratic platform; loses *his individuality, and becomes a disloyal man. The Democrats would make you forget the brave men who had fallen, by the plea that they offer you a soldier'slicket. 'lt isbut of' late that they have thought of - the soldier. During the war - they were too busy aiding and abetting the rebels to think of him. ' I stand here and tell you, Sheri dan bade me tcll you, to sustain the reconstruction. acts of Congress, as they alone can give tran quillity to the South. In closing his brilliant effort the speaker said: Andrew Johnson is ar raigned before you; he stands charged with high crimes and misdemeanors; the proof is damning; you are the jurymen; how say you, guilty or not. guilty? [Cries of "Guilty!" and "Hang himr] Loud calls were made for Hon. .William B. Mann, who advanced and stated that he had been invited to address the meeting, but that he felt so chilly be thought at one tune that he would not be able to do so; he was now about to malm the shortest and most pleasing speech of the evening. It was this: If the audience would walk around to the other side of the stand Gov. Pollock would address them. The following resolutions were then read and unanimously agreed to : flessfred, That in the present critical position of our country, all good citizens should lay aside all personal feeling and preference, and vote so as to rebuke the accidental President, and the Democratic party; which supports him. 1ie,50/ecd, flint we cordially endorse the nomi nation of Joseph•A. Bonham, for State Senator for the Third District, and will use all honorable means tojusure his vleetion. 1:,,,,/ccd, 'that the State, City, County, and Representative ticket of the Republican party deserves the earnest support of every one who desires the peace; prosperity and happiness of the community. „lesofred, That the patriot who stays away from the election on Tuesday next, will, in all probability, deeply 'egret it afterwards. - lion. James Pollock then delivered an address in which he referred to the course of Andrew Johnson, and comb:II - Med it in the strongest lan guage. Be called upon God to forgive him for voting for His Accidency,and eulogized the brave soldiers who had sustained the dignity and pre served the life of the Union. He asked .where the Democratic party was to-day, and contrasted the present Democracy with the good old-fash ioned Democracy of other days. He cautioned his hearers against confounding Democrats with Copperheads, and said they were not identical. He said that he honored the. ..olth lletnocrittie. : party, - ..;.thatc „ . he, longed to it himself, and had voted with it. Seine of the Demccrats: - he asserted, had fought with valor and determination in, the Union ranks, while others had fallen from their high estate and were no longer worthy of the name of De mocrats. These renegade Democrats had con spired to destroy the Union, and had stigmatized our brave boys in blue as murderers.and robbers. The' Democratic'" Copperhead party had cried "Divide the Union," and it was damned forever in the opinion of every good and honest patriot.. lie eulogized Governor Geary, and called him a gentleman,a soldie and a patriot. I Three cheers for Gear)'. I Hon. Charles ONeill was then introduced. 130 spoke particularly about the %candidates on the Republican ticket, and said that in the coming election the Senatorial Republican nominee in the Third Senatorial District would be ele , Red. He averred that Andrew Johnson, "the blind man," was endeavoring to usurp the power of Congress, the power 01 the Supreme Court, and the power of the people; and that he took for his counsellors traitors. Rebels and Copperheads. Congress passes laws, but Andrew Johnson vetoes them. He should be Impeached and the re p resen tEdives'of the people have determined to im peach him. A success at the ensuing election for the Republican party would go far to strengthen the hearts of the representatives in their efforts to sustain the dignity of law and union. We should vow for the nominees upon the ticket, because they are all good Republicans, and honest, patriotic, loyal men: I believe every man upon the Republiean ticket will be elected, and that the loyal party in Philadelphia will give a tremendous majority nt the coming election. On the conclusion of Mr. O'Neill's remarks the meeting adjourned with three cheer's for Judge 'illiams and the whole ticket. BAD FOR THE FaxcllANTs.-,--The rage for any fanciful accessory to a toilet is not of long duration with French women; even gilt ornaments (says the Queen) are already be ginning. to be superseded by ivory ones. Dieppe is famous for its carvings in that beau tiful substance, and the fashion of wearing ivory,probably inaugurated in that town,will most certainly make it way to Pari3 by win ter. Not only are. ivory agrolcs worn on mantles, but large and small ivory beads are now mixed with jet fringes for mourning, and. with crystal for evening toilets: Very light . palm leaves dotted with gold are beginning to take the place of the gilt leaves and acorns. Mffltrrl 4l G BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, ,1867, %/VELOUR/WM[IIC SITIMMIAItr. Oregon and California line of steamships s ( been organized. Timms inches of EIIIOW fell in NCIEIOII, Now Hampshire, yesterday. Tint sunken steamer Dean Richmond has been successfully raised. Initilo reports mention favorable mining yields, and continued trouble with the Indians. Tng' Central Saw-mills, in Cincinnati, owned tq Harris & Furst, were burned on Sunday. Loss, $120,000; insurance, $52,000. JOHN J. CONCKLIN, Cashier of the First National Bank of New Milford, Conn., has disap peared, being a defaulter to the bank for $50,000. Tug failure of the National Bank of White town, New York, is announced. Its dapital was $120,000. COLONEL Nona L. JEFFRIES, of Maryland, has been appointed Register of the Treasury, to suc ceed Colby, deceased. Tin: registration lists will be reopened in Richmond, Va., for a final . revision, on the . Bth instant. ' • Truant: was much excitement at Victoria re 'eently over a supposed volcanic eruption, sixty five miles distant, in the Cascade range. THE city authorities of Nashville yesterday pe titioned for an injunction to restrain the elected Mayor and Council from being inducted into office. Jas. M. Meneny,a colored man from Nashville. was yesterday appointed a member of the . Capitol police in Washington, by the Sergeant-at-arts of the Senate. Oen Consul at Demerara,under date of Aug. 31, reports that the yellow fever has reappeared at that place. Its ravages arc confined to the sea men in the harbor. Tns: prostration of the telegraph wires in Maine and NeW Brunswick, hy.the gaII%.O§,UOILY night,:prevented the receipt of cable despatches . last night. REPICESENTATIVE SHANKS, of the Congress onti Committee to investigate the Treatment of Union Prisoners, addressed a negro meeting in Rich mond last evening. TEE commandant of the Pensacola Navy-yard reports but three new cases of yellow feVer be tween the 111th and 24th ult., and the sick at the hospital were generally doing well. Tun yellow fever deaths in New Orleans on Saturday were sixty-obe, and on Sunday sixty seven. In Mobile there were three deaths in the last two days. A Basn Bann Mann between the Atlantics of Brooklyn and Athletics of Philadelphia, for the championship, was to have come off yesterday, In New York, but the Atlantics refuses to play, alleging that three of their men were disabled. 'limm: Central Pacific Railroad Conipany are pre paring for winter by roofing in the most exposed portions of their track through the snow belt, such as the deep cuts. A large quantity of freight is now crossing the mountains. TnitEs: incendiary fires occurred at Madison,' Ind. during yesterday and Sunday night. One limber yard, two dwellings and one 'stable were totally consumed. An extensive furniture ware house was partially destroyed. A man named Wilsorabad been- arrested on - suqileion of being the incendiary. Gs.x. GRANT having . refused to issue artillery to the Maryland' militia, On the demand of Gov ernor Swann, the latter has purchased several twelve-pounder Napoleon brass guns for the bat teries in ore. The guns have been as signed to three companies, the commanders of which were till in the rebel army. GENEI:AI.PALMEI:, the Treasurer of the'Kansas Pacific Railroad, and Captain Colton, arrived at Santa Fe on the 111th ult., and were received by the Territorial authorities. The surveying par ties were examining three routes front Fort Union to the Rio Grande, iu the Albuquerque and Fort Craig country, which were favorable for the construction of the railroad. General Palmer found extensive deposits of anthracite coal, large beds of Iron - ore, and an abnndance of tim ber for cross-ties, near the proposed line of the road. THE total vote of New, Orleans falls short 2,529 votes of a majority„of the number of regis tered voters. The Reptiblicans. have received further returns from Algiers and the parishes, of St. Bernard, St. Charles and St.. James. showing -that so far 850 less than a majority of the number registered had voted on the Convention question; but the returns froM country parishes indicate that a majority iu the whole State have vcted. The vote against the Convention was.insiguiti cunt, as was also the numbei of whjto voters. The proportion of white voters is lesis.than one to ten blacks. TILE POISON PANIC IN ITALY.—Cases of poison panic, with its terrible consequences, are continually reported in Italy. A. fearful tragedy has just been enacted in the neigh borhOod, of Gerace, in Calabria.. A mob attacked the house of the captain of the National Guard, and then broke into the bar. racks of the carbineers. On being told to disperse, and refusing to do sO, a terrible strUgE4le ensued between the soldiers and the population, who use knives,' cutlasses, hatchets, anything they can lay hold of on such occasions. The captain of the National Guard and another officer of light infantry were killed, and others wounded; the rest of the small force were obliged to retreat, and the mob, no* master of the situation, set fire to of the unfortunate captain, and burned the barracks of the carbffieers. Assistance arrived when it 'Was 'too late to be of use. LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT Bonds, Naps, Certificates, Bill Beads, Circu lars, Show Cards, Cheiks, Labels, hcientific Plates. , • Draxings•if every description, amid Cliromo-Lit he OtOull4 ' ; TICE TO CONTHAUrORS.—SEALED PROPO. eats will be received for the clearing, grubbing, grad ing,, and bridging upon the line of the itiwedeOloro Rath 'rod, between Swedeobero and Wood. bury. Li loucester minty, N. .1. Distance of about 10 Bids willbe received for single sections or for the en: tire road. Nana and specitieutioas may be Keen at the (Mice of the _President, in Swedeshoro, on and after MONDAY, the 'ith lint., when any desired information will be given in person or by letter. Proposals will be re ceived for the above work at the Preoidcnt'o °lnce up to and including 1 1 ,1ohday, the 14th Met. Parties tendering for the work will receive notice in iting of the acceptance of their proposals on or• before the Dth day of October instant. J. S. TIIONISON, President. S w rm.:H.IH WO, Oct 1, 1867. ocl to ill ES it" LITHOG KAMA.) T. SIN-CIAA.M7S Removed from No. 31111IcAnut t Nos. 506 and 508 North Stroet, (Between .Alttrket awl Arch) PILOT ONA WANTS. IWANTED TO RENT.--A HOUSE: OF MODE 'lrate size, imitable for a l'ii.)tlicitin. Locality in old city Preferred. Address R. 1.. Bulletin Office. 1P r --- , , , , WANTED TO . ltk,N - f--FI:RNISIiED HOUSE,' iiil for a family of three, no children, in the waitern mita " of the city. Addreoc M. this ollim ocl-lit. r - WANTED TO FOREHASE--A HOUSE, ON iiil Green street, west of Bread, and Enid of Eigliteerddi streets. Possession April let, Address ilex trim 1, It i.twriii 0 vritm, stating price. Felt Et!' BIU - SIN - E - 88 ()AUDIS. JAYE% A. WEIGIIT, TIIOZNTON PIKE, OLEILIANT A. GB/3.20X, TUXODORE W11.1611T. PILAIIK L. MULL. PETER WRIGHT dr. SONL3, Importers of Earthenware and sideldni and leonunisalon Merchants, No. lll5 Walnut street. Phila.&lvh/116 ufri•ON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK OF EKEll* ti width Dom oue to six feet wids,all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, Paperms.kers' felting, Bail Twine, dm JOHN W. EVERMAN Os CO., No. lE9Jones's Alley PRIVY WELLS.—OWNKRE4 OF PROPERTYI—TII6 may place to get Privy Wells Cloaused and Dhsinfocted , at very low prices. A. PEYBSON, Manufacturer of Pon. 'Smith. Goldsmith's Hall .Lihrary .tract. urn.= CASTILE SCAP.-100 BOXES GENUINE TY Genoa,heat() Soap, lauding from Brig Pommylvaa from end for eale by JOB. B. 'COMER & to South I/ olawaro avenaul BEEF TEA.-11ALF AN OUNCE OF TUIB B extract will make a pint of excellent Boef Tea in a few nduattee. Always on hand and for anlo by . JOSEXIJ B. BUSIER & CO_ Ihs South Delawara avenue. IMPERIAL PRUNES.-10 CAFES MB. CANISTERS, Wish&lute, French Imperial .rruncc, landing and foe Pr /ale P JCS. B. BUBB= 4; C0.,1L11 Bouth Delnwarr avenue' BOND'S BOSTON Alsit liElasN BIBCCIIT.—THE trade aupplied With Itond , t! Butte', Cream, Milk. Oys ter and Egg Iliecult. A1e0,.. Woof. di Thera'n celebrated Trenton and Wine Biecnit, by JOB. B. BOBBIEE di CO., 8010 AFteuta.l.oB South Delaware avenue. IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! lIIAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! lIIAVEIT ! jHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! sITIA.VEIT i 1 THAVEIT IHA VEIT ! Is the name of a delightful preparation for cleaualckg, pr aerving.and beautifying the TEETH. Impart. an c:NniFite fragrance to UR:- brea II IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT ! IHAVEIT It a powder and waft, emnbined: nit that is neOconary is to bhako tho bottle, 11-lA:VIE ! lIAVEIT: TLTAVJI'TI I 2 a preparation that has long been Bought. It is not alcoholic, nor .doee it contain a eingl& ingredient that lo not beneficial to the Teeth and IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! IHAVEIT! PREPARED ONLY BY . 1L T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST, No. 59A Etroadway, :NEXT :METROPOLITAN HOTEL, AND 104 S. Tenth Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGI§TS PRICE to CENTS PER BOTTLI WEHAVEIT! wEnAvErr! WEI EAVEIT ! WEIIAYEIT ! WEITAVEIT WERAVEIT WEHAVEIT! WE HAVEIT s the name of a propo:ation that poeitively uotkea.the WV4I[4A.A 7- = r :FI Positiveli aunovas dandruff. ILIA.VIEIT.t: to ita natural col's!' WIETIA.VIE IP! IS NOT A DA. "Wehaveit: Ike application is a real pleasuze. Wehav,eit! le delightfully perfumed. WVA AVE 3L7CI in cooling and beneficial to the head. WE ITA.VEF3[I. This name was adopted from the fact that it is the only article over known to stimulate a healthy condition of the scalp, and to actually produce a new growth of flair. The as o proprietor hxperiiiiiiiited with sib the articles offered to the public for theseleaposes, and finds that they close up the pores of the scalp, and thus prevent, rather than promote, the growth of the flair. WE LE A.VE Fin to offered with he greateet confidence. ATE I-lAZVE IT! IS PREPARED ONLY BY H. T. HELMBOLD, pRUGGIS No. 594 Broadway, New York, AND 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price, u 0 cents pet bottle. Seat by express to any ad dread. det:l6.w,t,lY Lumber Merchant, Seventeenth and Spring Garden streets, A FULL STOCK OF BUILDING LUMBER AND ItARBWOODS ALWAYS ON LIAND. ut.214 tu thStu /.1.8Q7 713ELVFAIAITAIN:'11MIE.ANK, '• 4-4, 5-4. 6-1, 2, 2.11' , . 3 find 4-inch, CHOICE PANEL AND FIRST COMMON, 16 feet long, 4-4, 54. 64,.,8 and 4-Inch. MAULE, BROTHER & N 0.2500 SOUTII Street. • DING 1867: -- ENIM'AlliRIN,'a:1;a0 • • 4.4 GAIIOLINA FLOORING. • • 5.4 CAROLINA FLOORING. • 4.4 DELAWARE h LOORING. 5-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOGRI NG. WALNUT MOORING. SPRUCE MOORING, STEP BOARDS, RAIL PLANK, PLASTERING LATH, MACLE, BROTHER & CO., •No. ZOO Smith street. AND CYPRESS SHINGLES, . AND GYPRESS SHINGLES, COOPER :MINI:I,Es. Nn. 1 CEDAR ,LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CEDAR LOCH A NI) PO3Tii, TIAULK BROTHER & CO. 18( ) _.7 . LUMB ER -LUMBER FORR D UNDERTAKERS! FO UNDERTAKERS CEDAR, WALNUT, MAIIDOANY, CEDAR, WALNUT, MAIIOIIANY., MAIER, BWMIER & Co 1867. -l Atiil LUML3I.R OP ALL KINDS. SEASONED WALN,,T. DRY PUITVR N AIA I II I N'' N OD ASH. OAK PLANK HICKO R AND BOARDS. Y ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. MACRE, BROTHER..k. CO PoPllively reHtores_the Bair LUDIBEH. NIAPIUFA; . rcitEits. SPANISH CEDS,Y ,trcet 1 Qte7 -SPRU T CE JOIST -SpRECE JOIST--SPRUCE .1. JOIS. FROM 14 To a 2 YEET LONG. FROM 14 TO FEET LONG. SUPERIOR Nolt".1.)" SCANTLING. NAL - I.E, 151:OTII ER Si 1 y1:1-tf; 1‘ O. .2,50 4 1 601:T11 etrert. QIIINGLES, SHINGLES •IN GREAT VARIETY AND I) all priced; cheap Flooring and Fencing. ageorted widths. Shelving. Particular attention given to lumber for fitting up atom. CAROLINA FI,OOKING AT LOWEST CASH Pit WES. NICHOLSON'S, Eloveuth and Carpenter streate. so •2 2.14 EXCURSIONN. FARE TO WILMINGTON, 15 CTS, CIIESTNII 011 1100 K. 10 CT?. On nod after TUESDAY, Oct. lot. the stenineri AriO 3111 ' , Me:we Cline:- nu t Stret' Wharf xt 9A. M., And 3 M. Po-turning- lettveo Willningtnn nt 7 A. M., and 12.30 P. M.. Fore to Wilmington. 15 crr. ; Excursion Ticket,. 'Liar_ Fore to Chester or Hook, 10 de. w Nwp( TsTE.'im itoTA74 'IIANI !D)11% 111 th,„ eteiltnerti S. M. Fcttnn wul Ariel will rim tir , 1 , A14A,L.,,v0 th. etrelit had A. M. and 3 I'. ItAR.• I..ineton at 7A. M. and I'. N. etopiiug at Chester . Fare to Wihoington. 17c; enint,ion ticket,. per I* A. M. boat. 25 . c. Fore to Chester or 11.4:, rn f in A g i t . o L i, Y D IX ,.. C m I i RSION M TO W. Stemmer ELIZA LIANCOX will leave, on and after Tit :edit v Hit h inotimt, Second Mimi' above Arch etreet,daiiy at fu . A. M. and 4 P. M. genii - rung. leave Market street wharf, Wihnington. at 7 A. X. and 1 I'. M. Fare for the round .......................... cents. 5in g 1e............:............... .......,G1 " Chester and Marcus . . ....... " For further particulars. appir on hoard. • L. W. BURNS, Captain. UP Till: RIVER.-1)A11,Y EXCUR. eons to Burlington and Bristol—Touch ing each way at P.iverton. Torro+dalo, Andalusia and Beverly. The eplentlid Steamboat .10111 , 1 A. WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chestnut etreet wharf. at 2 and 6 o'clock P. M. Returning, leaves Bristol at 7 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. • Fare 25 eta. each way. Exeursioli, 40 eta. 1e15411 MUSICAL., QINGING LESSONS.--SIGNOIt T. NI7NO, ritorEey. 1. eor of Vocal and Conductor of Italian (Ipern. in New 'York, and all the Princitoil America, hae decided to make Philadelphia hie borne, and will give Le•ewure in Singing (Italian echool) and on the Piano. kor te•tme, L e e.. Fee Circular at the inwic et , ,reA of Andrit A: CO., Lee & Walker, and 'loner ez. Co., Clie , l'uut etreet. signor Nuno can be eeeu personally at 919 Chestnut ees DIANO, THEORY OF lirmen Allen, A. M., arti of the Leipzig Coneerva tryiurn, will ',lime hie lereong on the 'Pith inet. Apply at hie re,idence, 2927, Brandywine etrtet, or at that of Pro. George Allen, :Mb South Seventeenth et. rell.lin• PIANO AND SINGING—MISS GM:I)NET', OF B*3- ton, pupil of Mr. AI:GEST KREISSMAN. Ap ply to Proiereor George Allen, '215 South Seven. teenth etreet, or to Mr., Ileniau Dlra Brandy wine street. Bell • Mb., Elizabeth end Mipa Jolla Allen will retimo their the Pith iro•t. AtTly at the re , idenee Prvf. George Allcu, 215 Smith nth rtri et. • AA ADAmE r.SFAI.Eft WILL n:ll[at'fh::\Cli• In fug cf Singing, Ilan u 1 and the Piano Septoknber V•tn. A ppi:. at 1'230 Cni.etn.ot Af (AV iSS WILL IZETI7EN FROM .01 and re,a.ime hi,!Lei.,one by October 7th lro Addr,o, 1714, I:ace Ftrect. e,cll•tf QIIT.s.(/11. I'. It()NI)IN ELLA WILL, ItE81:1 , 11". lIIS 61Nt': Le nnronthe!•thof tieptemt}er. Addre , .. r1 , 0.1t t corner Broad lSd R. CHARLES 11. .lAIO - 13 WILL RETuit.:s; 11.1 Europe old remacw I it len,or. by October 7. Addreßh 1 , i17 Gr , er.,tret t. cell tf DALLAD ..,jr ,, L;ING AND PI.A.ND. -'I'II )'IA4 AND ...UIGEOI:GE 1:16110D, ro•-.711m• NEU? Pt ;BLit:A.l'lorib. ( - 1. NDRE A & 11f4 CHESTNUT 6"1"1".P.ET. NLalc 1/e.alere and Po unt.q i.dl 4 IRA'. in for t.upph im; :!....mintirivn and wield .g runFic. for el P.mir.atit.n wig bo etworiully ouch yuantiticn 11.4 toy may de-To, o rclail)' and juill ciou,ly Hol..etcd. Ali new music rLeeived RP 1,071 j •11111 , 11.. d. N. B. Ally piece Pot on hand pzomltly procured delivered. 1 VST PUBLISHED. KA:111E1NA; LIEL I) Ity 1.17. 11,1L,Iid, (Author THE BULLS' and thy JONATIIANth. fly J. I. Pal a. dinv. TIIE AET HE DISC4)I . I{SE. By I kiriry N. I)hy. •. . .1'111:A1a UMII'OSITII Be Ilen:y N. Day, • (;I',ACE \VW:KS VOL/ — Anna Iluer, &v. Vol. 2--Father Clement, &c. -1,licualle:1; cr, Y.:ow SS hut you .11:klgo. All the Neil Ilookik rock iced te , iron as yoklkllOted. I‘ol BS S. CLAN.Tk Sitccei2or to Wm. S. A. Marfoln, reS:3,ti Ul4 Uhettnut Street. JUST READY—HINMIAM'S LATIN GRA!pIA New Edition. -A Grammar of thu Latin Litnsuag•l• For the use of School& With exeraieec and voettOulat Jos. By William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the BEng. ham School. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that UP, new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject- • Conifi:Will . :to . Teachers and SuPerintendenti of Schools for this ••puipo4e at low rates. Price $1 .50. Publlehed by E. H. BUTLER Ac CO., En South Fourth etrrA., Philadelphia. And for sale by Bookeellere generally. nal STOVES &ND HEATEALA. REMOVAL. AlitwooLro Dab removed his Depot for the sale of FURNACES, RANGES, GRATEb s . SLATE MANTLES, from No. 1010 CHESTNUT etreet to 1305 CHESTNUT STREET. julyl3zo.vv.i,ly THOMSON'S LONDON KITC OR Ettropean Ranges. for families, hotels or public iii stitntions, In twenty different sizes. Also, Phila. delphla Ranges, llot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, • Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves. / ete., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers, 41 SHARPS & THOMSON, my27.m,W,Lemt No. 209 North Second street. sTovEs. HEATERS AND RANGES.—C. J. =a. ° TYNDALE, at 110 old established stand, 146 Smith m i Second street, Philadelphia, respectfully offers to hie numerous customers, and the public in gm - tem.!, a large assortment of Stoves, Floater,' and Ranges, et van °us styles. patterns and sizes. Aloe, Silver's celebrated Gas-burning Stoves, ingunfactured under his own sulmr vision for the loot fourteen years. Always on hand, Orr's Patent Air-tight Wood Stoves, so invaluable to invalids. and of wlflCMt he has been the only manufacturer in this city for twenty-eight years. Au atmorb aunt of the very best Cooking StoveA in the market always on hand. NAL—Rooting and Jobbing of all kinds carefully and promptly attended to. pe25.110 THOMAS S.DIXON SONS xtd . Late 1! • h DixonY 4 ., N 0.1324 Lo 1 7 .• •T IT Strad, rrniactulpaia, Opposite United Slater! Mint. Manufacturers of_ LOW DOWN, PAIL. CIIAMBEN, • OFFIUE, And other GRATER , For Anthracite, Bitutninow and Wood Fire. WARM-AIR FURNACES. For Warming Pubiie and Private 1301Idingp, • •REOISTERS. VENTILATORS, AND CIIININ EN-GAPS, COOKING lIANORS, HATHAIOILERS, WHOLESALE Itbd ETAIL. ABINI'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY. MNatatorium Hall, Broad street, below Walnut. Mr. classed will commence on monde}". October 14th, at the above ball. • Fok partietdard 1300 circulamto be had at the Academy and at ANDRE'S bindle Store, de 2611 t. • 1101 Cheetuut etrect. 7 .3-10914 ---EXCHANGED FOR ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. De Haven .Sr. 7f3r0., 40 South Third Street. C AV SPECIALTY. at SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. 'BtatiYaHig, ititt4t:tiotEßB 16 Bath Ed fit, Philadelphia, STOOKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD ON CUM ENTFILEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT/. I.:clic - BIGHT 1 1- Y. &SW 4/0. BANKERS & BROKERS, N 0.17 NEW STREET,, NEW YORK. Particular attention given to the paratiagg sad satuill aJI GOVESSMENT SECILTRITIF" KAIL.II.OAD STOCKS Et•Nno yam; Business exclusively on Conunizelon. MI orders will revolve our personal et:tent:lm at t>tip \ Stock Exchange nod (kaki Hoard 3,111.1 w leeiu.(o), iNVEM" tiOar. ••, A•1•v gag,. A . pply t A. nveyikrepr. North Sixth ntroot. 1 , 1 4 0 , 6 irt I Jr, a, 10 44 41 .110 irIL WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WINE VLYEGAR, CUB GINGER, lIISTAED SEED, SPICES, &c.. &c. All the requipitet for Prceerving and Pickling purposes,. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Grocer % Corner Eleventh and Vine Street. .SUPERIOR VINEGARS. Fr.ncli White Wine, and Pure Old Cider Vinegar. YOr tale by JAMES R. WEBB, PM WALNUT and EIGHTH ESTEE:NEL IP TEL S 'l l ENII UM AWARDED \ FOR BEST FAMILY FLOUR, At the late Inter-State Fair, to George V. Zehnder, Dealer In choke Brands Penna.. Ohio, St. Lenin and lirginla flour. Mho, Inbolted Rye and Wheat, for Earthing Boston Brown Bread, Bye tionr, Indian Neal. tvt.,At.• GEO. F. ZEfl DER, Fourth and Vine. COLGATE A: CO '8 GERMAN 'fl tak a : ck'fr ' ` 4 s ERASIV, SOAP Iryj, L manufactured from PURE Md. TERIALS, and may be ecmcldered the STANDARD OW EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocers. my2l-tutAtAii EW MESS SI ACKE REL,, PICKLED SALMON, MI 3 f 4 c l , l r ad o. ..oil at Topgps.q4 6, ! tiodA in lizltt.,!. itimt roceived tAiL 611'S En: :t-End Grocery. No. 118 South Second xtrLet. EW EST QUALITY OF CHINA. I\ and Japaue,e Telui in ptore and for COUSTY'I3 Ea-t-End Grocery, No. 119 South Secondstreet. - l• (HA) JAMAICA RUM, HOLLAND DIN ines., J. Medicinal Winer., and Itrandiee., Speere Port W and California NVinta, In store and for role at COUST.YI3 East-End Grocery, No. 1113 South Second Area. A'BITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER. TY N'inegor, Pure Suicce, MuAnrd 6ecd,tdwaya InLud att. COLSTI"S Eat End. Grocery, No. 11A South Second Ftreet. EW GREEN GINGER.-200 LBS. JEST RECEIVED. 11 in priine order. For sale at COL7STY'S East End Gro cery, I\o.llB South Second street." E.ENCI.I WINE VINEGAI L FFrench White Wino Viuessr,in—grogiL lot , ERl ato O.; 13PILLIN; • • , P.ENOBLE WALNUT - 8.-6 BALPA OP GRENOBLII 1.1 Paper Shell Walnute,and Princeae Paper Shell Al monde for sale by M. F.B - PITI , TN. N. W. Gar. Arch andlo Eighth 'Arcata. - . ik/i ACCAROI4I AND VERMICELLL-100 BO .11' or IV! choice Leghorn Maccaroni and Verinicolli,of shah** importation, In store and for Sato by M. BeiLIALN W. Cor. Arch and E • hth stream. =cm DENTALLINA.--A SCPEitIOR ARTICLE FOR. cleaning tin Teeth, destroying animalcule. which in. feet them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may he used daity,•and will be round to strengthen weak and bleeding gems, while the aroma and detersivenees will recommend it to every bne. Being composed with the assistance - of the Dentist,l'hysicinua cud irlicroseopint, it is confidently offered PS a reliable' substitute for the un certain washes formerly In Em inert DeLltititS. acquainted with the constituents of the B, ntollina, advocete Ito ere; it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T, SUINN, Apothecary, broad and bpruce erects. 'ally, and D. L. Stackhouse, Robert C. Davis, Coo. C. Bower, l hue. Shivers. S. M. McCollin, S. C. Bunting, Clips. IL Eberle, James N. Marks. F. Bringhuret & Co., • Dyott & D. C. Blair's Sone, Wyeth & Bro. For pole by Druggigta gene Fred. Brown. Mil-Hard 'di Co., C. It. Keen v, Imam; 11. C. 11. Needlep. 'F. J. Ilithbnud, Alubroie Edward Parrish, Wm. IL Webb, J:11111 . 3 L. liblrlitan, Unlined Az Cowin:, • Duo y A. Bower, - - NTIIiEIN ItI,,LIABLE—HODGSON'S 131:1)NCLIIikt. i Tablets, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarseness, bron chitis and catarrh of the head and breast. Public speak ers. ringers and amateurs will be. greatly hem:fitted by thrEe Tabh•ts. Prepared only by LANCASTEIR WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N. E. corner Arch and Tenth streets, Iphin For sal,. by Johnson. Holloway ds and Ds uggl9 t. 4 genes:llly_ ne25.11 BOAT DING. ITO LT—A DO( rrOlt'S OFFICE, El:ENNUI:I), AND L bed' oom, with hrenkfaet in a private fatuity. Apply at No. t:rritionth 'twelfth rtrect. oc - • - To LET-1 WO CI IMMUNICATING ROOMS, %Mil -1 out board, in it private family, 11l Smith Twelfth etrect . tre 13t. LA RG F. B 00M VAC AN 1r LT I BOARD; ALSO) XX. table occommodittiono for tivo , ;gentleincn, M. MO Srroco otrect: • se3o.2t* -------- - 1 ADN OM LINFURENISITED SI:0 0 N D AND TIMID I ------ AEN k i.1 1 story rrooms to tent. Apply to 12 , 221, 1 N01r 1'1E 00 . t at. , eBl3t. - ID oA ItDING FOR L . DIES AN: IE r N ..I_l;:dra, Gravenatlne% 1.19 Price at., Germantown. 802.6 60 TIE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, NO. 801 S. EIGIITII 1 street, corner of Spruce, Is now open to receive noordera ; single rooms and euiteu; private table if de. aired. fain• fritILSEIIVED .TAMAXINI)6. f o reni, MA& Unique, Tarinairindi 4 in augar, landing and g() by J. B. ousslEß 1i O. I(Y3 south Mlerviltre aVOIIIIO. I 3 Num Strad, Mew fott ANS WEIL. , Spare me, dread angel of reproof, And let the sunshine weave to-day Its gold threads in the warp and woof Of life, so poor and gray. Spare me . awhile; the dealt is weak; These lingering feet that fain would stray Among the dowers, 1,111:11 seine day seek The atraight and narrow way. _ _ Take off thy ever watchful eye— The awe of thy rebuking frown • The dullest slave at dines must sigl. T 9 fling his burdens down— To drop Ins gnl]oy's straining oar, And press, in slimmer-warmth and Calm, The lap of bome onellanbxl ahwe Of bloskonl and of balm. Grudge not my life Its hour of bloom; My heart lie taste of long &Are; This say be mine—be those to conic As duty shall requite. The deep voice answered to my own, Smiting my selfish prayers away: i "To-morrow s with (lod alone, And man bath but to-day." "Say not thy fond, vain heart within, The Father's arias shall still be wide When Irvin these pleasant ways of sin Thou turn'st at eventide." "Cast thyself down," the tempter saith, And angels shall thy feet upbear." He bids thee make a lie of fatth— A blasphemy of prayer. Though God ba good and free be ]leaven, No forcmdivine can love compel ; And, though the song of Etna forgiven May sound through lowest The sweet persuasion of His voice Respeata thy'sdnefity.of will He giveth day...-thou hag., elioke To walk in darkness sail, As one who,otnrning from the light, Watches his own gray shadow fall, Doubting, upon his path of night, If there be day ut all! No word of doom may shut thee out, Qo wind of wrath may downward whirl, No swords of fire keep watch about The open gates of pearl. A tenderer light than moon or sun, Than song of earth a sweeter hymn May Ebilie Ul t-:ound forever on, And then be deaf and dim. Forever round the Mcrcy-sett The guiding liglits of Love a hall burn ; But what if. habit7hound, thy feet Shall lack the will to turn? What if thine eye reftpie. to Re, ' Thing ear of flearen'ii free welcome fail, And thou a willing captive be. ThyEelf thine own dark jail ? 0, doom beyond the HaddeSt gUeF3, AB the long yrarrt of Cud To make thy dreary selfn.htmsts, The prison of a soul To dout,t the love that fain would break The fetterik from thy Fell-bouud limb; And dream that God can thee forsake Ali_ thou forsakes[ --Alt G. Whittier 2/z the Independent. Af[a[rK in Daccnnta - From a private letter dated Fort Phil. Kearney, AUgust, t:P4th, I st;7, we make the folloWing extraCte, in . relation . to . the condi tion of Indian affairs in the neighborhood: We have been living 'for the last month in constant dread of Indians. • The commanding -officer has reduced the garrison •to a little more than two cOmpanks of soldiers- and some citizens in the Quartermaster's Depart ment. He has two companies out in the woods guarding the wood train, and forty men out looking for hay. This renders the Post very insecure. The Indians are in large numbcrs above us, on this route. All the hostile tribOs have combined; the Sioux, the Aarapahoes,:Cheyennes, Ogaeallas; &c. (or rather they have ri 1)1(1 int coinbille'd), cud have 'been iluiug inisehi . ef everywhere. on the 3(1 of thin Inullth they :it tricked our wood train, killed one of our ollici.Ts and two sol diers' hurried up settle wagons and - drove Off tvg i o hundred and fifty oxen. Alput three thousand came down and uncle that attack. Oit that morning it SQ"-Ii12(1 un.!ertain for a while whether they would atadk,the Post,b,r not. They were all arsturid us, on the b1e.!14, and heitt just out of gunshot range, jignaling with un - - their uth!tit to the large body noyon(1 tuem. 'in Elie 1111)" OCIrIC t(lut they attacked the hay trill at Fort C. F. Smith (.:10 miles beyond us:,, and killed the oflicer in charge of it, het the men made a desperate resin met until they . .vere relieved by a force titn-the fort. its the i'llowing• day the soldieis did the same thing here, detenecii llama•i:lves in their tonal, until u ,s,_ sistacce tetietted them from this fort, who of thing left the post in a most wretchedly weakened condition. Tim Indians bad not shown them-elves up to tIL.t time for two weeks, which looke,l very suspicious. There are on the war-trail in this country more thansr,nett Indian warriors, wit.) stay chiefly in the valley between tins and Fort anith. Tilt. Crows have ell lc-t us. warning us itt' the tin( ats nnide by the hostile Judi ins to destroy these three posts. Indians hive ',won seen at night, 011 euvct:)l occasions lately. The C011111111:1ding otlicer, who but reeeatl2, - came out here, does not put tau post in any state of ck fence. 'The authoritica have appointed some more • commis.doners pc/111-Wo\ With the lull-ans . once more, at I.:atonic.. Heaven knows whether such nonsen.e is to produce another Inns,arre or not, as (inc Lon' 4U/itntri% Th e In dians never gave tech' consent to tolet - this-conntrpgwn).„ the whitntuaml , ajt , is in the heart of their famous hunting ground.;, and . yet ;-.00 men Were sent out here last sunnumer to garrison three posts and occupy the country. The Peace ConuniSsione , s at Laramie last " sum mer knew very well that the chiefs of these hostile tribes were inn there, and th a t the three of a treaty then 1.1,.:L N11.'.•,, 111:11 . 1e with :L couple 01 dozen ot lazy, liniiy,vermin-inre:ih:Li Ineian , wh,, seem e , l s mie prese.iis by the op,radon. It dot.- scut very dillicolt to mane people in the States Ft :11nLe lie c,)11- . Aihrii out here. em. Cr) perverse I know, and don't want to beit2ve anything that detracts hom the noble red man or "the poor Indian," and ttru too cowardly to risk theft' cone out into this country and see for Ihemsel that the red luau is nothing but a brutal, Minna to s tvagJ, a mix ture of tiger, human being :rni demon,- all in one; a cunning thief aed inhuman butcher at the same time. I could have showedilicm a sight here last" winter, one that, would have cured their sick= ening sentimentalism and to ispfteed sym pathy. Some soft-hear Ced individual intro duced a bill in Congress to prevtnit tlie, cxtcr ruination. of the Italians! d fir juster hill would have been one "to prevent the extermination of the w•ait QA on the plains." Now these hostilities have been going wat here f-,•;.r n, year, anti it is only the last pap.yrs - we have received th it are begiraliug to show cry interest, in the Way of doing anything to help . i.L. Now th e y begin to talk about, it an in Ike ptns. thousand Posts could have beta[ t, t h e w' i n 111CL111 linle and 110 10551511111 Ce would 11:11K: ever reached us from the States, (Item. ANlf) latact3llo.. K. NIA6I)N vl'o. oil.N INVITO ATTE.vrioN TU I their Feloek Spring lquntaln, Lthigh and Loritot Monatoin which. with,l be preparation given by 114, Wu think. eanunt. be excelled by nny other unit. r/ ithlki bnliPtte , linilding, No. lb 3onths , 9vnntb iSIN4, 1t b 1 Arch h TRAVELERS' GLADE. QUICKEST IiME ON RECORD. 26 Hours to Cincinnati Ponneykvania Railroad di Pan Handle. , 7 1-2 - 1101 ORS LESISTIME than by competing itnee. Paramgen taking 7.30 P. M., arrive Lti Cincinnati next evening at 10:00 I'. M.; 134 hours. Only ono night en outs. Thu Celebrated Palace State Room Sleeping Cars run through from Philadelphia to CLuelunati. Passimgeni taking the 12 M. And 11 P. M. trains roach Cincinnati and all pelota Went and South one train in ad. Vance of all other routes. To secure the unequaled advantages of this line be par. ticular and ask for tickets "Via Pau Handle," at Ticket Office. N. W. corner Ninth and Chestnut streets, and DePet, West Philadelphia. JNO. DURAND, General Superintendent, J. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, JNO. 11. 'MILLER. General Agent. READING ItlLilt/AD-- GREAT TRUNK LINE from Phila. dolphin. to the interior of Pennsylva ' nla, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna. - Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Canadaa, Winter Arrangement of Paamnger Trains, S. pt. 0, 15917, Leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia at the following hours: MORNINQ ACCOMMODATIONS.--At 7.30 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations. Returning, leaves Reading at 0.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. si. MORNING EXPRESS.—At 8.15 A. M., for Reading. Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, Wilkeabarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, Chambcreburg, Hagerstown. Etc. dm. Thin train connects at Reading with the East Penn. nivania Railroad trains for Allentown, dm.; and with tho Lebanon Valley tr ain for liarriaburg, dro.; at Port Clinton with Catawiesa R. it. trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, died at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cum berland Valley, find Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chambereburg, '" &e. Affirl&O(iN EXPRESS—Leaved Philadelphia at ASO P. M. for Reading, Pottsville Ilarriabuggh. dic., connect. ing,with Reading andpolumbiajtailrosid trains for Col. • ITTSTOWN ACCOMODATION.—Leaves-lcitsaWn at 6.46 A. M., stoppling at intermediate stations ; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.05 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5.55 P. M. arrives in Pottstown at 8.00 P. M. READING ACCOMMODATION--Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila. dalphia at 1u.15 A. M. Returning, leaves , Philadelphia at 6.1/0 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 7.45 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A M. and Pottsville et 8.46 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at LW P. 51. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M., and Pottsville at 245 P. M.; arriving at Philadelnhia at IL4B P. M. . - lianlebarg accommodation 143i1V60 Reading at 1.1.6 A. M. and Llarriaburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting , at Reacting with Afternoon Accommodation math at 1131 P. SE arrlctng in Philadelphia at Mu P. if. Marget !MID, With a Psrvenger car attached. leaves Philadelphia .at 12.15 noon for Pottmille and all Way Statione; leavca Pottgville at 7 A. M., for Philadelphia and all Way bitatione. All tho above train,. run catty. Su/Air-Ye excepted. Bentley traine kayo Potteve at ' , toe A. M., and Phila. delphia at 3.16 P. 51; leave Philadelphia, for Reading at Lie A. M.. returning from lteadine at 4.26 P. M. . . CIiESTER 1, Ll. .D EY RAILROA.--I'.t.i,e.w.ure for Downingtown and Intermediate pointn . take the 7.30 and 5.90 P. M. tratne from l'hilndelphia, returning from Do..vningrown at Cali A. M.. and LP.;M . - .• - NEW YOlll4. EXPH.F.Sa. FOlt ATTSBURGII AND THE Wl:ST.—Leaver. New Int k at l ti 31, 5.11.1 and an() P. M.. pakalng Heading at 1, A. M., 1.50 and 10.04 P. M. and connect at Ilarri.dberg with Penneylvanin mid North' ern Central P.r.ilroai Erprere Train.. for Pittsburgh, Chi. ca •o. Williamsport. Elmira, Baltimore. Are. Returning, Fzpreah Train leaved Harriaburg, on arrival of Pinhevlyania Eapreo from Pittalairgh, at 3 and b.. 40 A. M.,9. , ,M .raering, Iteadhig at 4.49 and 10.30 A. 51. and 4.20 Andl . l lb.P.M.arrt•ang at Now'iork. 10.10 A.r.l.,and 4.40 and birt I'. M. kiloeping Care aa.r.tunpailying tlwee frame between lerery City and Pitteburgh. without change. Bail train.for New‘Vork leaves.liarriabrirg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrii burg leaves New York at 12 Noon. BCIII:YLKILL vAI.LEV RAILHOAD.—Trains leave Pottaville at 7,A. 31., and 7.15 P. M:, returning from Tamaqua at 7.1:5 A. 1217 M:, and 1.40 and 4.15 P. M. liCllLiii.LL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILItOAI). leave. Auburn at 7.50 A. M. for Pineg - rove and Har risburg, and at L5O P. M. for Phiegrove, and Tremont; re• turnir.g from Harriaburg at 3.t4.1 P. AL and from Tremont at 7.85 A. 111. and 6.25 P. M TlCKET'.—Througheret-clase tickets and emigrant Lickete to all the principal points in tho North and Weet and Canada...! _ . E.ll,llrei , n T ikete from Philadelphia to Reading and hitt:media:4J,, tationr, good for day only are fold by Morning Accommodation, Marke. , Traits, 'Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. . . . . - FlXClA2l44l2lTicitete to Philadelphia good for day only,are 'old at Reading and Intermediate btations by Reading and r'otbto , ..m Accom ,, dation Tra.it_. at reduced rate-A. Tim following tickete are obtainable only at the Office kiradford, Treasurer. No. Ei , rath Fourth street, Philadelphia or of G. A. Nizolle, General Superintendent. liaadina. n. (;ommutatlen Tickets at ,% per cent dircautit, between any pointy desired, for fainilice and firms. Mileage Ticket.% good for 2.oGOinilem, between all pointa, at €52 5 , 1 each, for farina and firma. "extol.' Tickete, for three, cia,'nine or twelve monthe,for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergymen regiding cii the line of the road will be fur ntehed with cards entitling themselves and wives to tick. ate at half-fare. . . krenreion. from Philadelphia to principal eta. tank, rood for .iaturday. tinnitarrintirliondiry.-at-redoccd fare, to be had only at the Ticket (Mice, at Thirteenth and etreetr_. FRElGHT.—tioode of all. dercriptionr forwarded to all the above•onlnta from the Contrimy's New Vreiisi,i Depot, Fr.ight Traine leave Philadelphia daily at 5.. P: A. M., 12.4.3 norm. aril d I'. M., for Reath:lg, Lebanrin. Harriiburg„ Pert Vlinteii, and all points beyond. -Mail?. dope Lt the I.l , lladelphis Po6l-0:hoe, for all places on the road 'awl it br4o , her at SA. M., and for the prin. deal litati , ,n, only at 2.L5 P. Sl, I HALADELPHIA. WIL.M.L'GTON v s.; A)•1) ItAl;rl.ll.o'tE " Pt s, MOH d u : cU "T 61r1):::1 • • . A. q. c: - ..c.-pt,d), for Koi:t log i=t LY:lnecting for Cri,Leld had trfr 1... PU (13undaya eac , :pte ) for tirpd and Warizinat..p. ; rri,n s •7•0 0": , 20tt, 1. ir , r Bal. and 1a .ru >r Dr 110 t. 1;,3 :Lout, Wilmiu.dou.. New; dt.nton, N., ark, 172.:t0rt. U, Perryville, t., Edu,r,cood, 11.Cv (dui 7) for Baltimore and i!t..ili,tt ex. , . ~ .. . e(.;.•,,,1 , ..*. ith 1).'..:•.c:: re it. it. linr• etl.. , ping st: New C;:=[l,, !.lidii'.. t..n. Cia,s, ,in. 11.11,2 r, ilitrrii...!ton, Sipi...:,,nd iii r.. ii.q.r Prince, ..ram_ Prince,lli, „wet ~01.mtti-.0; :It C , l, , llflid w 1 ,1! b(W.t, frg .roit rert , :.%lon:Qi.l, i; cit. - lel.. t' , ..irte mouth and t•—• , fat Fortroes yid Nor alit It Cgi• the h iXi M. Train. Via will the ~) ". • C. etcy; iz4 ztll et9.1.1-11t• bet - Net:la Yhtlx(!"11•11 , Vtlmilt , t,oc• Leave l'hilau.•lpttin at I.:V, ti.tto (daily) P.,!.1. P.Y..traiu COllll. at With tilt, Dt r,./. tirti r0..,1 fa , M tit, dr. ad tut, ttucritr. etatit,ll4. The f...(t) P.M. rat, to \t•'l' ea-tle IVilrninzton, ;.ut) and B.UI A. :+l. and 4.J and :; .•Gls! NI. 11,1t.i.,0,1 e to illihidolphia.- 13 . ,Itirnore 7;35 A. NI., A. 11. , Jr. zvreee. 3.15 P. M.., Ex: SI NI.)A Y P_Us.: , kayo \!.. Ihivrd ft0.c..,; Pc rr.rwiHe oodE:1:zon and for Philt..ddipOi:‘, athi leave oin ‘Vs.dldw:torior itait.o , , ro. 1: 4t te r Ave from Wo.ehil....;ton or vd,re. ',;,.et, South And nuntliwe.t be iiioct,red h.t ot.'al -liotol, where t.ltnotna :wit Berths in Sle, i 'at (on be '.e , 71 , this )..i.:r can nay, I.l,npaga rl.e.•kcJ h', 1 1 10 Union Trainifer 1..113% - 11. T. KENNEY, Superiutendent. •"'"i..;:•;'11:1 - t. A .4 1 .) ‘, 4 yi DELPI ILA P,AI IA All., 1 Eft ARI: F.i. 4c. I P.;.4,t, I . llrly-! , r31 :tuel C'acttnelt rtivete, tm tnllo‘e - ,. letr.v, I for r\" , et Olt'. 1:t 7.16 M.. 11. A) .1. M., 1.15, 4.0, 7..K)ltsitl 1.0.3 e) I, ace V. r enoater for Philad,drlna, f rani tion‘d on E.' I:et 7.13. 7.:m and 1u.:45 A. -150 and L.,7 ' l3 g t (11tettt.r •tt 7.3tt A. M and Itt.r.vttnt I" ' d l' •t.ll .•ep it.^ 1' J , lnt•ti,d) mid tot ug, re t,. or Erma et'ai i•• , Vert ClAtt , s tet it. .!..11tt , 1121, ro..tts: I.:a,t, wit) ar'ng Vt l'ttt• rat 7.15 A. M., r..t, ill t o ke , tent tug I'l. tlaritlutta to 13, Phiiarlelphia for Media nth.:') P. M. • 1. • e Medi, tor PbilAclehohis at 6.40 P. lA. - etoppinA rtt it , g PhiLdelphia itt 7. to A. M. and Lt NI., irtA k.trins Pt A. M. and 4.r, P. M. eon. ,t..rt tt It. 'i c3lllr on the P. r.nd Uatotd and inte:looltste :+t I..lll,fielpllia at t1..00 A. M. and L. , P... 4. We , t Chcot.x 7.46 A. M. and P. M. 1 he Depot to reaule . ,l directly by tint Chestant and Wo.llr„t ,;rt I cars. l'ho: tLo Ma.rkut etreet lion MU t, bin 01 , 12 hou,“c. The c,tro of both linen connect with earnlll,lllllpoll Ito arrival. tin Si:11 , 11J s thr Market , trcer cars leave Front and it tri .I , trect , thirty.fivo minutes before each Train I, to - s the depot„ and sAll connect with eatlx,,train on arrival. to miry pav 4 eagere into City. c3y - h.:matters ..tre allowed to tAke wen t:lag apparel only aB Ita , g,qte, and the Qompany will not, in any canto, be reJpousible ior an r.otount . exceNlinf; o u t , hundred dol. latn naleim special sontraet is made for the same. I I F.:. lA r Qt tn. ( lenerai Superintendent. I)['N ANL) ATIAANTIL: LA' ter,t,",-`..;, — tt - q RA11,11.0,11) I I t FALL 'MAN( EMEN'Ift4. flu and after 'I ilt lIzDAY, 6ePtember 13th, 1867, trains vein ieave al tollo“ v : At nod i' Accowillwinrion from Vino areet n .„ ... Junction ACCi.l.l,l:!(l4:.tig..n II) .jaa..oll and Inter /1/( .. . . ~........ ............ I'. itN L^:(. ---I,EAV \ I'll:: ..... Atbull , Arrommod,tion. Freight - v ith pat , , , ,,ngcr-cur Attached Junrtioki Accoiffii.o.l:wou 10 M=BMKM=RUZIONISEt Ls Itaddcufiedti ;13.p. ,,. ..V1:1 1 , 415 T Fit VIA NORTH PEN Ai5,1..% HAIL. " - It0A1), to WilkeAbs.rre, Niulnutoy City, Mount Cu rind, nvntrall,t, A.4dl point+t On GUI/ to valley and its lo,tuchee. Itr 11014,' Orrutittentenu ' perfected thim d , iy, this road LB enublod ' to giu incronbed d.c:pittcht to uleretutudiFifi 4011. alßnad to the tl.bove named root,. (tootle dairoted at the 'fhroutiti Frei} ht Depot, S. E. cur. of PVtON'I and NUBIA?, StrtiA.t., I..tiors SP. M., will reach Wiihrobarro, Mount Cousin Moinn..oy • City - , and the other stations in bishanoy and WYNaind alloys beforeLL M., of the succeeding y ie2if ELLIS CLARK, Agent.. THE ,D Al 4; P. id. MEM 11.40 \ . 3 _10.15 .1. M. 30t1 3.0i1 13)0 I'. M P. 0.1 31G Y EVENING BEILETIN.-PHILMYELPIIIA, TUESDAY,IXTOBER 1, 1867. VELERS 4 G ------- 'y+_ pm :k FOR NE - w Y(iftI — C:—TITECAMISEN AND Ah 1110); And PLIILADELPIIIA • '• TRENTON RAILROAD COM. PANY'S LINEB, from Philadelphia to NOW York, and way placer, from Walnut !treat .wharf. 612 2 5 e. ..At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom, 61 P 2 25 At A. M.,via Camden rand Jerne.y City Express Mail, 8 00 At 2P. M. via Clunderrand Amboy Earreell, • 350 At 5.00 P. rd., via Camden and Amboy, let elms, 225 Aecom. and Emigrant, ,2d class, 1 ea At nA. 111.. 2, 5 and P. M., for Mount lolly, Ewan.stile, Pemberton Binninv,ham and Vince:stow:l. . At 6 A. M. and 2 1'. M. for Freehold At 5, 8 and 10 A. 31., and 2, 4 P. M. for Trenton. At b, 8 and 10 A. 1,2, 4,5, 6 and 11.30 P. M., for Borden. town, Burlington, Beverly and Delaneo. At 5 and 10 A. M. 1,2, 4,0, 6 and 11,20 P. hf, for Florence. 6 and 10 A. M... 1, 4,5, 6 and 11.00 I' M. for Edgewater, Rivernide, Riverton and Palmyra. At 5 and lu A. M., 1, 4.6 and 11.30 I", 31 for Fieh Hound he 1 and 11.30 P. 00. Lines will leavo from foot of blanket street, by upper ferry. Linen from Kennington Depot will leave at follows: At II A. M., 4.00 I'. 51. and 12 31. (night) via Kenninkton and Jersey City, Now York Exprees • Linen... . . ...... (63 00 At 6, 10.15an;i i;:i;:ii: ..... 12 M. for Trenton and lintel. At 8 and 10.15 A M., 2.30, 5 and 12 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullvtowu. • . • -. . At 8.00 and 10.16 A. M. .6.80, 4.00, 6 and 12P.M. for Scheneks. At 10.16 A. 8., 2.00 and 6 P. M. for Eddington. At 7.80 and 10.16 A. id.,2.30; 46,6, and 12 P.M. for Cornwells, Torreedale, Bolmesburg, Tacony, Wlesinoming Brides. burg and FrankforcL, and I'. M. for ifolmesburg and luterrnediate Ste tions. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES— from Kensington Depot. At 8.00 A. M., for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Can andaigua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingliamt , ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilke& barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. At 8.00 A. M. and 8.30 P. AL. for Belvidere, Easton, Lan bertville Flemington, dm. The 8.80 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for. Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem. &c. At 6 P. M. for Lambertville and intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail way. At 1.30 A.M. 120 and 6.30 P.M.Washington and Now York Exprere Linea, via Jersey City .$3 26 The 1.80 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. Linea run daily. AU °there. Sunday excepted. _ . For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the earn on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure The Cars on Market Street Hallway runs direct to West Philadelphia Depot. Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Carl will run to corniest with the 1.30 A. M. and 6.30P.M..1inea. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paesengera are prohibited from taking anything • as bag. Awl but thetriwearinglapp.arol... baggage. over.. fifty pounds to be paid for'eitra. The Conipany•liitilt their're,:q sponsibillty (61 baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not beliable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by cOo' Mal contract Tickets sold and Baggae 'checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Sprin gfi eld , Hartford. , Now Haven, Providence, Newport, Al bany. Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester. uffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all important Points North and East, may be procured. Persona pur chasing Tickets at this Office, can have their baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination, by UMon Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Courtland street at LM and 4.30 P.M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.11/ A. M., BP. M. and 12 night, via Jersey City and Kensington. At 8.40 A. M. and 12 H., via -Jersey City and V/. Philadelphia. From Pier No. 1, N. Haver, at 6 A. M. and 2, 4 Amboy and Camden. June 19th. 1867. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— THE MIDDLE ROUTE.--Shortest and moot direct line to Bethlehem. Allentown. Manch Chz_.s, Hazleton, White Eleven, Wilkeabarre,Mahanoy City,Mt. Carmel, Pitt ,, ton. Sams ton. and all the points In the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal region. Paeeenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Bert, and American Stream. SUMMER A RRANGEMENT—NLNE DAILY TF:AIN 8— On and after WEDNESDA Y,May 8,1867, Passenger trains wive the New Depot, corner of Berke and American Streets, daily (Sundaye excepted). as follewa: At 7.45 1. M.—Morning Expreee for Bethlehem and Prin. anal Stations on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connect ing at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allen: town, Catasampia„ Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weather ly, Jeanesvillg. Gagleton. White Haven, Wilkeaharre, Kingston, Pittston, Scranton, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also, lu connection with Lehigh and Mahan()) dsilroad. for 51shanoy City, and with Catals bra Railroad rir Rupert,Danville, Milton and Wit. lisineport. Arrive at Wauch Chunk at 12.06 A. M.; at Wilkesbarre at .3 P. M.: at Scranton at 4.05 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigralley Train, passing Bethlehem at 1L66 A. M. for Lazio and points on New Jersey Central Rail road to New Y k. At 8.45 A.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, 'topping at all tot :mediate Stations. Passengers forWlllow Grove, Hatboro' and flartaville, by this train, take Stage at Old York hued. . . At 10.1 5 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington; stopping at intermediate Stations. At LBO P.M.—Express for Bethiehem,Allentown, Manch Chunak, White Haven, Wllkesbarre Mahanoy City, Cen tralia. Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel, Pittston and Scranton, ad all ;data in 31 abo ley and Wyoming Coal Regions. a meager. for 'Green stile take this train to Quakertown. At 245 P. M.—Accomomdation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Do n ylestownown. for New Hope, and at North Wales for Sum. re At 4..00 P.M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Drove, Hathorough and Hartsville take stage at Abington; for Ltunberville, at Doylestown. At 5.;k1 P. M,—Through accommo.Pn for Bethlehem and all stations on main lino of Ncrth Pennsylvania Railroad, sonnectitos at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allentown, M,auch Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Landsale, stopping at all intermediate statiorm P:M:—Acc - omM - 4:7tintlon for Fort wftettinis - ton. TRA-.1148-ARRIVEIN PHILADELPHIA. Prom Bethlehem at 9.15 A. M.. 2.03 and 8.40 P. M. 2.06 P. M. train makes direct connection with Lehigh Valley trains from 'Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mahan° v City ►4d.ii raf,zengrre leaving Easton at 11.20 A. Mr arrive in Philadelphia at 2.00 P.M. PB2V , "l:3Rere k.actne Wilkeabarro at 140 P. M. connect At Betide:hem at 2LiP. 51., and arrive at Philadelphia at 1.40 P. 51. From lloyleetown at 6.25 A. 61..6.10 and 7.40 P. From Lansdale at 7.30 A. From Fort WaehMgtoti at SUN I) 11.50 A. M. and- 3.56 P. M. ON AYS. _ Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philatl , l7.lna for 10, - ,yleetown at L 45 P. M. Doylee town for Philadelphia 7.20 A. M. Fletldetatto ;or Philadeli.ija at 4.50 P. M. Fifth and Sixth ttrocts l'aretlieer Cara convey pareen. ere to and from the new I),Tot V.Thite Caro of Second and Third Streeta Lino and Union Line r 13 within a chart di-tane..3 of the Depot procurPJ at the Ticket orSca. in order to rocare the loweet ratce of taro _ ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Ttckete mold and Baggage checked through to principal pe.,inti, at Mann',! North Penn. Baggage I:spread Office, N0.105,5.nith Filth etreet. „ PENNSYLVANIA CENTP.AL • .Kin. , toad —Stammer Time.—'Taking effect Jane 2a. 1 , 77. 'I he train:: of the Perawylvaula Central Railroad leave the Der,, at Thi-tv.first end , lat - Izet, which ix reached directly by the care of the 2.4.arket 6C - 1.(3 PaPeenger Railway. F! , o-e of the l'h,.--thrit and Walnut Street itallwAy run within euc rgut..xo of it. ON S.:NDAYS—'l'ne Market Street Care leave Front and :dr.rket eireeta 35 minutc3 before the departure of ,e 7 (41: Tickets can he had on application at the t ()thee, .Nortinveet owner of Ninth and Chocaiut , of, the Cnion Transfer 1-:ompany will call f ..4r and de.ti,er !takgaxe at tl , „! Depot. Ozden , let; at Nn. Pei Cheet nut erect. or No. 1 South Eleventh Ftreet, will receive at _ _ TRALNS /PAVE DEPOT. VI2. PiWJ Acrov,. f Line fa Eritl PaoliAceniwo, No. :1. Ilarri.? l )lirg Lz01ca,:t.r•.,........ ..111 g Train ...... ....... Ack roil. Train. ... Krie Ptuladolphih .... Paoli Ae , ..01a. No. „.. Erie :•1 leavee daily, except Saturday. PhiladtlyrLia EXPrOtiB leaves daily. All other trains ~xce- , .1 Sunday. The NV astern Accommodation Train rune daily, except Sunday. For full particulr.r , ae to fare and accommodn. liorte, apply to FRANCIS GNIi, Agent, 137 Dock street. rnAINs ARli !VI; AT DEPOT, VIZ.: tuiucittnrti Poiladelphia Expre a.. ........... efrai- Attxua; ntheburit, Laucv..q.:r F4.-;t • L'aie and -Eri.-.lELpfe,, Paoli Arcom. No. Paoli Zircon]. No. ••.• • ...... „:LW " o - ortli.,T inform aciaL,l.o to AT,I,EN Ack:tA3ont elle.tout stroet. F; If. WALL WE., Agent Lilo Depot. renotyl.. :wit. it .11.1 - Q.C: ;.:Amivony flet. Vir for itr..,:goie, exe.T• .•oriag Apt:on:l, 311 i their r...r.al4 , bilitv to Doll tr. In val , le. till itaexiwo ,, -cr , ding toot ~mount in V(11110 b 0 at tile Atli of 1.4.1 07. nor, •• .0-cin.l , I .4 i'ArLIM 11. WII,I.1•1:116. ' General . ..i•Jurlot.altient.. Altoona, Pa. , DELPII IA • ! ) ,W . ••'; A" NIAtRT m a.v 'I" andrif t FOR GERM A NT() WN. LOA \'&11:11111tdeljollilt---li, 7, 10. 11, 12 A. VI. ; 2, 2.15, 3. 4, 5.5,u., 6.10, 7,6, 9, 10, 11, I'. AI. LOAN,' 110.11Jaut0 , ,%11-41.1, 0. , +.20. 9. 10, 11, 12 A. 7,1;1, 7, 8,9, 1,07 , 41 1. M. Thu n train, lind thu 21.1 and 5% nia train!, will mut slop (nu Ulu Genuantown IN SUNDAY'S. Leave PhilAd,•ll,, mint:ten A.M.; 2,7 and lOX Leave Germautown--. 5 3.16 k. M.. • I, tt and ;t",' P. M. CHESTNUT HILL itAILIWAit - - - Loavo Philadelellia—t;„ 8, t 2, 12 y IL ; 63t, 7, 9 and IP. rel. Loavo Ches...unt 111i1I-7.10 mink:ton, 9, 9.40 and 1.1.40 A. M. 11.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.4 U, 8.40 and 10.40 P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Leave ruinata A. M. 14174 7P. M. Leave Cltet , tnu4 miuntoy A. M.; 1:.40, 5.40 elnd mliurtee P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7X., 9, 11.55 A. Al.; LIS, 8.06 and 11.'4 M. Leave Norristown-45.10. 7. 7.50. 9.11 A.M. 6136, 3. 436. 6.18 Lad 8 34P. M. ON SUNDAYS. • Leave Philadotphia-9 A. M., 2.1 d and 7.161'. M. Leave Norrup•town-7 NI. BX, - and 8 C. - FOR IMANAYUNK. /Alive Philadelphia-6. 7,1 A. 9, 11.(f) A. M.; 136, 436, 5.3 d, 116. 8.05, .o"e' and P. M. Leave Manayunk-6.114 73A, 8.10.934, 11X A. t 2. 3 34. . IX 9 and 1014 P. NI, ON 13 tiNDA YS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.., 23.: ; and 7.15 I'. m. Leave Alanannth.-7,, , / A. M., 6 and I'. AL W. 1. WILSON, General dnpurlntundent k Depot, Ninth and Ovum etreeta. 4 .7.:..r.Z.301 WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES from foot of Market ntroot ( Furry). Commencing TIJESDAI. tientember 17th, 1847. For Bridgeton. finlem, Vinclandjilliliville and interme diate Ste done ' at 8.00 A. ill, Mai), 8.00 I'. rst. Pasnenger. For Cape May 8.80 P. M. Went Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at MOO 110011. Freight will bo received at Second Covered Wbarf be. - low Walnut street, from 7A. M. until E. P. H. Freight re. ceived before ft A.will go forward the same day. • Freight Delivery_ M. No. MS South Delaware avenue. WILLIAM J. BZWELL. Superintendent. WAL IL GATZMER, Agent ..a: 8.03 A. M. at Mal A. M. .at Ix.lo P. M. t LW F. M. .at 130 P. M. :a I .('J P. M. .at . 5.30 P. M. '.at b. 41) P. ?I. .at 7.30 P. M. .at 7.3) P. M. .at P. M. at 9.10 P. M. 1.16 A. M. " 7.19 " 7.10 ...."13.,9 P IMMO VE LIFIUS , G VIDA. -••••-..-.. PHILADELPHIA AND ' I ARIZ , MBE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL .. RAILROAD-BU6LMER TIME T A-i 1 .1. adolphia. HUE - Through and Direct Route be. , Incorporated in 1841. Charter PerpetnaL Lyman Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Willians. and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylyania.-Elegatit Bleeping Care on all Night Trains. Insures against cB' l U oss AllTS'o o . r 2lll4 da W m "M a llin go ul4p b t y str• Pl ee ß L mt. E,_ on 1 1 1 1 7:01 On and after MONDAY, April 29th, 1667, the Trains on Stores and other Buildings, limited or_ perpetual, and • the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad will run as follows: Eumiture, Goods, Wares and Morahan in town or WEST WARD bountrY. &tail Train levee lai l l i ttdelphiA.... . .... ...... 7 , ..0 8 3 P. 1 A.e r. i. )S. 9E3 PROMPTLY AD . . 7 . 3 TED AND . . P____AlD. tssus,l9s 611 " " artive '' at Eli° " mkiK' ' - • •• • • • • • • • • •:44 ::::: 4 . 04 P. M . ii;ie;:iiciiiiiie • lcllin;•iiiit ilciii.iiiet.i4z.: Ida' . 12.00 ' , loon Firnmortgage on City Pronerty well secured..3l2o,6oo 011 Erie E x, !saves Phila • d • eip ..••••••• • • •• • • • •,, • T A ' 123,000 00 , Williamsport H. 45 .e. H. Unitel States Goren:uncut ane....,. . - •••• •• • ~,s ~,,,, ‘,,, m. " arrives at Eric 10.00 A. H. Philaddphia City 6 per cent. Loa i• , ;• •-•• " *" 2'l2j qr) Elmira Mall loaves Philadelphia „.............. aOO A. H. Eenneywania ip,ooo,oop j per cent. and a second. Williamsport• .. .• .•••• • •• .. 6.16 P . rennsynu t i a Railroad bonus. Bret " " arrivei atLock Haven. ... ......'. ale P. M. Mortgages .. ....••.• • • • • • • • a 6400 00' EASTWARD. Camden awl Xiriliciir itliffie:aa bninany's a per KO Tr!inlea::_•e 10.2.5 A. M.sent Lear, .. . 6,000 00 Witlitt • n •• • • pto - ' • ri • . • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • ••• •• • 10.10 P. M. Philadelphia Wriii • lteading • ltltilitiaa • tqa • iiia;, • 3 o l • l ' " 090' Arr. at Philadet a pnia............ 700 A. M. 6 per cent. Mau— ....• .... ................. 6000 OC Erie Exp'te leaves Elie. -. ii.OU P. M. Huntingdon and Broad • Top 7 • per cent. must. " Williams Port ........ ••• •• ••••• 1.'25 A. M• 11. boy - - . . . " " arr, at ...... 1.00 P. M, ElmiraMailleavee Lock Haven.— .. ;.. ........ 7.16 A. M. ea 64 Cl Williamsppoort ........ & 16 A. M. arr. at. 6.40 P. M. Mail and Expreee connect with all traine on Warren and Franklin Railway Paciamgera leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M., arrive at irvineton at 6.40 A. M., and Oil City at 0.50 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 P. AL, arrive at Oil City at L 36 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make dome connection at Oil City with traine for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, GenernOuperintendent. PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.--Surnmer Anurigements. On and after Saturday June Is 1667 the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West Chester & Philadelphia Railroad.corner of Thirty•firet and Chestnut streets,(Weet Plillada.).at M., and 4.14 P. M. Leave Rising Sun, at 6.16 and Oxford at &06 A. M., and leave Oxford at 3.25 P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached. will run on Tuesdays and Fridaye, leaving the Rising Sun at 1115 A. M., Oxford at 12.00 M., and Kennett at LOU P.M., con. netting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Phila delphia. OnWednesdays and Saturdass trains leave Phi ladelphia at 2.30 P. M., rim through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.13 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stave for Peach Bottom. in Lancaster county. Red:train , leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Philadel phi& The Train leaving Philadelphia at 450 P. M. runs to Rising bun, Md. Passengers allowed to take Wearing rApnarel• oath as Baggagev and the Com Pan 'net in anY case be reopen tibia for an amount us one handled dollars,Ma.lewl. a special chinact be made tin the same: HENRY WOOD. Genera Sunk. ABER@RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY Railroad.— Roe timpflon of ' Bummer BRANCH. Travel to NEW YORK and LONG - - - FARE TO NEW FARE TO LONGBRANCH, t 2 00. EXCURSION TICKETS TO LONG BRANCH, good for 000 week $5 W. Througk without change of care, to Long Branch, in FOUR AIM A HALF HOURS. On and after Monday, May lath, 1507, the Express line willleave Philadelphia from Vino Street Ferry at 7.45 A. M. Returning, leave New York from Pier 32, foot of Duane street, at ILIS A. M., r.nd Long Branch at 12.55 P.M. The Saturday 4.15 P. M. train for Long Branch la dis continued. FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK. Freightleft at the Warehouee, No. 320 North Delaware avenue, Ifefore 5 o'clock P. M., will reach New York early next morning. Ratee low and quick time uniformly made. Way Freight Train leaveeCooper'e Point at 9.2().A. M. Tickets for New York and Long Branch can boprocured at the office of the Philadelphia Local Expr a Company, 626 Cheetnut street. It IL CHIPMAN, di.ent, 320 North Belem' avenue. mv9t.ff• W. EL iiNEEDEN l'fc CO., Townie INSUILANC.*4 1829 -CHARTER PERPETUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Nos. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Asteta on January 1,1887, 02,553,146 13. E A4.9lied • . ......... . ............. 1.21161,432 lb laisorrixt. cLArms. Szkin 18; Losses Paid Since 1.829 Over 055,600,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, DIRECTORS. Geo. Falos, Alfred Mere, Pres. W. Lewis. bl. D. :...Peter McCall._— Thomas Sparks. BANCIIER, President. Vim-President: . otary pro tem; fel Cbaz..N. Banker, Tobias Wagner, Oamnel Grant, .Goo. W Piahardg, Isaac Lta, ' CHARLES N. . GEO. FALES, 3.1.6 i. W. MeALLISTER, riELAWAREA%• 4 IIAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM lJ pant', Incorpora by the Legielature of Penney'. yams, UM& Office, S. E. corner Third and Walnut 'tech% Phi:Ladd. phi& MARINE EN SURANCES, on vends, cargo and freight, to all arte of the world. LAND INSU RANCS, on goods , by river , canal, lake and lan E d carriage. to all Darts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses ASSETS OF TILE COMPANY November 1. lt€t. 1100,000 United States. Five per cant. Loan, ....... ..... (21.14,000 00 000 united per . ti : An; 1(.191. . .. 12.0,600 CO Lh:itea gt5 . .1 . .4 . A 7 'l;Z.i'C'erii.. lean. • Treasury N014.!Z. . ........ . . :111.600 ' OO 125,000 City of l'hilldelphla Six lair cent, Loan (exempie) - 123,562 50 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six per cent. Low 54,700 00 46,000 State of * Pennsylvania Five per cent.. * Loan. - .. - ..... ... .... 44.(00 00 60,000. O State of New ..... Six per cent. Pennsylvania an .. ... .. . 6(1,750 00 110,000 Pennsylvania ittaisnad First Mortgage per cent Bonds. . , • 91,500 00 6,000 Pennsylvania. Railroad Second ort• Western age S per cent. Benda. - . - 24,252 00 66,1X0 Pennsylvania Itailro . ad' Six per cent. Bonds (Penna. R. EL guar. antes ) 83,750 00 0,000 State of 4C3ionoYeet; Five par cunt Loan . ... 18,(5/0 00 7,500 State of Tennessee Six percent Loan. 5,940 OU 1.6010 10() shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest Guaranteed by the city of Philadek. 7,1 N) rid entice e 7... 16,000 . I"eauy . l ,. .4xiia road Company. * ....... 8,258 25 L.,000 100 shares stock :North PelinsYlvanits Railroad Company 8,9U1 00 80,009 SO shares stock Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company.. 01,000 00 itts9oo Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, aria Sens on city property. 195,200 00 va1ue.......41.070,280 75 Cut. $1.k7.00.562 05 1.M,060 Par. Real Estate . ---• Sins Receivable for /1181m0de........... Balance due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma. tine Policies—Accrued Interest and other debts due the Company. 88,923 98 Scrip and Stork of condrilnsuraneo and other , Cempardea. $5,173. Estimated value. 2.9e0 oa Cub in ...... in Drawer 34 41.542,00 491,V1,111 EZ 'Mir helps a new initerprine, the par Ia eveimed al the market value. l'honias C. DMA. Henry Sloan, John a Davis, William G. Boulton. -.--. Edmund A. Solider, Edward Darlington, Theophilue Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, Jobe R. Penrose, Edward Lid - unread°, Jaines 'Pray tar, J acob P. Jones, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Janice B. M'Parland, J 8.1111.20 C. Hand, . Joshua P. Eyre, Win. C. Ludwig, .Spencer IP Ilvaine, .liwegli H. Seal, .Jacob Riegel, George (C. Lelper. George W. Bernadou. Bur% Craig, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh. hen D. 'l' , .vior, A. B. Berger, Pittsburgh, annul E. Stokes. D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, THOMAS C. HAND, President JOHN C. DAVIIi, Vico President. Barmy Lvngunn, Socggi,tar.Y. doll(-tuo! le - EFFERSON FIRE INBIIRANCE COMPANY OF Pm ?) iadelpida.—Oitice, No. 1i4., North 'eifth street, near Market otrect. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter Per Capital and Assets,plso,oM. Make limn ranee against Loos or Damage by 13 ire on Public or Private PuildingS, Furniture, Stocks. Goods and Merchandise, on t a:curet/le terms. DIREC'POIi.9. George Erety, '' I Frederick Doll, August C. Miller,i Jacob Schandier, John F. Bolsterling. flame' Miller, Henry Trootnnor, Edward P. Moyer. Win. McDaniel .- ' Adam J. Glass, Christopher 11. M.lller. Israel Peterson, Frederick Staab), Frederick Ladner. -..-- Josue Bowman, GEOW. I3ELE' Pattm E. ComulAN.Elecrel C.F. FREW, ProPidunt ;TE RLLN G. Vice Prenident, )terry. 14ERICAN MUTUAL PNBURANDE COMPANY.— nOthee Farquhar Building, No. Z.% Walnut street, Ma , rine and Inland Insurances. Risks taken on Vemols, Car. EOCO and Freights to all mute of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers, amni a a, railroads. and other cenvevimees Bunn alinur v ai.,.. & a te. WILLIA2d. CRAlO,_President. PETER CtiLLEN, `Vito President. ROBUST J. MEE, Socretary. William DIRECTORS. Craig. Wm. T. Lowber. Pater Cullen J. Johnson Brown. John Dallot, • - Jr., Samuel A. Rulon, William 11. Merrick. Charles Conrad. Gllliae Dallett, . . henry L. Elder, Debi. W. Richarle, Rodman Morgan, Win. M. Baird, Pearson SerrilL Henry nallett. hlO WAME INBUBANOE COMPANY, NO. 4 OFIESTNOT u Atreet. • • - . PHELADELPDIA. FIRE AND INLAND /INSURANCE. DMEOTORti.. Francis N. Buck._ , • Jona W. mermen. • Charles Rtcharanob. ' Robert B. Potter. Hews' tombs. Jac: Kezeler Jr. • Robert Pearce. . D. - w oo th a ft: P. 13. Justice • n ho stok Oco. A. 4 lfe w el," cit i N. a cg. ,Y. pro , j os: b i 4 . 0111557 CHAt3.'xieFlAßDSuN'Proof° W. I. BLAzionA3u). Secretary e° Rage Unde.. _ .. _ ...... 4,650 00 County Fire Insurance Company'n'Stock........ 1,00 00 Mechanics' Rank 5t0ck....... . .. ... 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of PoruanYlv . ania .. Stoik...... 10.000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Companra Stock 580 00 Ren k liace Insurance Company of - Philadelphia's Stoc 'l5O 00 Cash Hank 'hand 1.856 59 Worth thin date at market mice . .. .. . 8418,074 DIRECTORS. . Clem. TingleY , Benj. W. Tingley. Wm. Musser, Marshall 11~11 11 Samuel Mayhem. Charles Leland. B. L. Carvom Thomas 1.1. Moore. Isaac F. Baker, Samuel Castuer. Wm. Stevenson, Alfred English. • James. Young. CLENL TEVALEY, President. THOMAS C. BILL, Secretary. Placenta. - s °comber 1.1888. iattathAtl • • • ASSOCIATION OF PHILADEL. plain. Office, No. 94 N. Fifth street, Incor. F A porated March 27, 11NO. Insure Buildings. ett.lzw idouseh lyp ol lz d F i r ina t , ur b e y =Fired (In nfithorche City of Statement of the Assets of the Amodation published Incompliance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of Apra MX 18a. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only. ..19941,261 17 Ground Rents (in PhiladelPidaonly)........... 2o.ut Real Estate . 28.098 98 U. S. Governtnent (620) 10an.... ........ . 45, 000 07 U. 8. l innu a lx,Notes........ e 4.56918 T0ta1it1::......111,086,028 29 fietritifas: Wm. H. Hamilton. Levi P. Cods, John Bouder, Samuel Sparhawk. Peter A. Keyser. Charles P. Bower, John Fhlibin. Jesse Liffhtfoot. John Carrow, Robert shoemaker. George L Youn&_ Peter Armbruster. Joseph L.Yrua. H. TCfN, President, SAMUEL SPARHAWK. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary 1011ROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY .OF 4. Philadelphia, No. South FOURTH street, INCORPORATED. 8d MONTH MAMMA, CAPITAL. *150,000 PAID IN. Insuance on LIV 69, by Yearly Premiums; or by 6,10 or 00-year premiums, Non-forfeiture. Endovi-ments,payable at a future age,or on prior decease by Yearly Premiums. or 10-year Premiums—both Non-forfeiture. Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children's Endowments. This Company, while giving the insured the securitio a paid-up Capital, will divide the entiro Profits of the LW business among its Policy holders. - Moneys received at interest, and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Tru. eta, and to act Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, aim in other fiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. I , Samuel R. shiptey. Henry . Haines. Joshua H. Morrie, . , T. W tar Brown, Richard Wood, - Tr - Wm. C. Longatreth. LticLard Cadbury. William Hacker. . _ Charles . Coffin. SAMUELIL SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY. President. Actuary. THOMAS WIBTAR, Ex Mr D., -J. B. TOWNSEND. 0c , 1411 Medical aminer. Legal Adviser DBG INSURANCE COMPANY 'OF PHILADELI chin.. CORPORATED HoI—CHARTERPERPEUAL. 224 Walnut street, oppVto the Exchange. I In addition to Marine and Tol d Itusurance this Com pany insures from loss or damage by Fire, on liberal terms. on buildings, merchandise, furniture, dm., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have 'been Promptly adjurted and paid. DIRECTORS. Jan L. Hodge. David Lewls, - N. B. MahonT, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thos. IL Powers. William 8. Grant, A. R. McHenry Robert W. Lehman, Edmond Castilfon„ D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louis C. Norris. _ JOHN R. WUCITERER, Presidents Euturc, WELOOX. Secretary. INCOME FOR ISM $3254X1. HE COUNTY FLEE INSURANCE COMPANY.-OF. T fice, No. 110 South Fourth street, bolow Chestnut "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. delVdia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In leB9, for Indemnity against loss or damage by fire, ax. elusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable inetitutton with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested continues to insure building& furniture,merchandlee, - &c., either permanently or for a limited time, a,gaitud lose or damage by lire, at the lowest rates consistent with the abeoluto safety of its cue. tomers. LOOMS adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS. Chas. J. Sutter. . Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, James M. Stone, John Morn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr., ef,eorge Mecke, ' Mark Devine. CHARL • S J. SUTTER, Preeldent. Bruiemni F. HOECHIST, Secretary and Treasurer. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN. sylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 18211 —Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite Info. pendence Square. This' Company, favorably known to the community fer over forty years., continues to insure against lose or damage by fire, on Public or Private Puildings, either permanently or for a limited time. AlllO. on Furniture. Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large S1111)111/1 Fund, is in vested in a most careful manner, which milibles them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of . . ... _.. .. .. .. ... .... ... . .. .... ~ DIRECTORS. . Daniel Smith, Jr., JohnTeverent,! Alexander BeeLson, Thomas Smith, Isaac liazelheret, • Henry Lewis, . Thomas liebins, J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SAIITH, Jr., President. • WILLLIM O. CROWELL, Secrutarv. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, INCOR. porated 1810.—Charter perpetual. No. MO WALNUT street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in. rented in sound and available Securitiee, continue to - hi. sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels inport, and their cargoes, and other personal propert. All loeeoe liberally and E R. promptly adjusted. D Thomas March.lß CTORS. James R. Campbell. John Welsh,Edmund Cl. Dutilh, , Patrick Brady. . Charles W. Poultney. John T. Lewis. 2 Israel Monis. John P. Vetherill. THOMAS R . MARIS. President ALerirr C. L. CnAwronn. Secretary. „ . A NTIIRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY.—CHARTEIi XI PERPETUAL. Office, No. 811 WALNUTstreet, above Third; Philad'a. ' insure against Loss or^Damage by Fire, on Build. tags, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household • Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freighta. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIREC'CORS. gs 3, W 0 00 217,637 L''.3 Wm, Esher, D. Luther, Lucie Atutenried, John R. Blukteton. Davie Pearoon. WM WM. M. Burnt. Secretary pIIILADELPII IA ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS.— ROB ERT OOD & CO., M annfactuers of CAST, WROUGHT AND WIRE RAILINGS, GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, UIS TA IN S, VASES, STATUARY,Co., VELANDA tIS. SET FEES, STABLE EMINGS. 1120 RIDGE AVENUE, LADELP TA, PA. ,• ROBEILT WOOD. , • T ms. S. ROOT If aving fitted up our Foundry a ith special reference to the above. Work,we aro now prepared to till with promptuces all orders for Bronze Castings of every du reriptr ii, to which the subderibers would most respect y call the attention of the publicois also to their varied and extensive a,,0; fluent of O.4NAM FATAL IRON GOODS, the largest to tie found in the United " tclP-41n; RUBEitT WOOD Jr, CO. EMIIMIMEM OliN E. COPE. OUTHWARIC FOUNLII.Y. Fll , lll AND WASHINU -0 TON 6TLEETS, Puri.Anni.rni MERRIt!K & 'SONS. AND mActwasTs. Mao ufacture High and Lou' Prv:..od . o uu Engines, for Land; Liver and hiarine dervico. llitscanetere, Tanks, Iron &e. ' Cat:tit:on of nil kinds, either iron or li-an'. Iron Frainedtoofu for (ins Worke, Workshops and Hail roan Stations, &e. Retortm and Ulu: Machinery, of the latent and • moot im proved c. ne true! ion. • Every denriptiou of Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, Saw nod (Irist. Mille, Vacuum Pal:, Open Stem 'rratum, lb fact:, torm, Piltet Pub ping Engincs, &e. Sole Agents for N. x l :3 Patent Sugar Bulling Appa ratus, Neminytli'm Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & V ooluey's 'Patent Cent:if:lgal Sugar Draining Machine. UA S FI XTII It E ISKEY, MEIMILL • & hackara, No. 118 Chestnut street, mantitacturet of t. t ,.0 e.. wntlid call tlin attrnith_ol the public to their 'law and elegant assortment of Cluuldellera Pendantre lirneketo, &c. Theyttlao introduce gas pipes -into dIVCIIIUgri and public buildings, and attend 113 extending, altering and repairing gas piped. All work w nn n n ted. ANI) YELLO\V irkrEl'ArJ 1 i n , 7 ,1„ 0 „ copper Auita, 1301te d Ingot tiopper,eau• st - antly on hand and ter solo" by }IF:NUN.' %visaurc& CO., ;zl3 swirl Wharves. • . 4 e , U. 311171?, ON SCOTCH PIG IRON —(4Lomun nook brand, in store and for sale in lota to salt, by lit W ItIGLAT L 3ONti.lls,‘Valont Orek.t. , Jo? BAJIFILA. MARIANN() M. I EFM OW North. "" ntreet. seisim+ F . IREINONKEL—EVDRY .IntSURIPTiON ALWAYS 01i lil y d liockets, ,tioluan Candles, Patent Rockets .aM 'ott 'sticks, Lleagola ,Ligats; Stars, Globes, Colored' Fire, liatterks, Vortical' Wheels, Valley 1 Yorks of, 4 Linde, fur Rale by JOSERII S. 1311561 ER C 1' South Delaware ' Delaare avenue a . , 7. -.4. V atetee, torsi . eguevat iiriY INNUMIAICE. 4 X.Ol CO) :1 Peter Binger, J. E. Baum, Win. F. Dean, John Ketcham, Johu B. Ileyl. ESUEE President F. DEAN, Vico Prorldenti nitACH - 1141Ealt, arc. BRONZE WORK P~IiSOI'VAL." ~~' Coal or Lumlier Yards, Foundries, &o. • ' FOR SALE—A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TWENTY-SECOND AND HAMILTON STREETS; 311 feet 6 Inches front, by 260 feet deep. A. B. CARVER dcCO., C0., 5e23-10t* S. W. cor. NLNTH and FILBERT.Ste. 'lO CAPITALISTS AND THOS DES RI II z g; Water Power.—Attention fa called to the Gale of tho' " Farm of the late Richard Smethurst, which will be cold on Saturday. the 6th of 'October next at 2...41 o'clock P. St, at the Indian Queen Ho-el, in Wilmington., Del. The farm is Ellitt° about five miles northwest of Wit. • mington, on the' Lancacter , turnpike, adjoining the Brandywine Springs and Fell's spice milli. It fs Well watered, Red Clay creek running through I', on which there is a good water-power having a fall of seventeen feet. '1 ho land is first quality, with two entire sag of buildings, containing about WO acres, thirty of which ie meadow. A diagram of the water power and land will be ex. hlbited at the male. For further particulars, apply to JOHN B. SQUIRES, No. 250 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, $398,155 59 irtFOR SALD---FIRST-CLASS DWELLINGS. No. KA Franklin street. .81 1 No. 818 North Seventh street. No. 1827 Delaney place. No. 422 South Fifteenth street. No. 2310 Lombard street. Htore and dwel Mg 708 South Sond strett 2113 DeLaney place. Apply to COPPUOK dt JORRAN, 433 Walnut street. irkWEST TULPEROCKEN STREET, GERMAN town.—For Aale.—A handsome double modern residence, containing fourteen rooms, exclu sive of wash-room, pantry, store-room, and china-closet and with extra conveniences. Lot. ico feet front by 216 feet deep, beautifully improved. Loca tion most desirable. Also, superior carpets and furniture. nearly now, for sale if desired. J. M. GUMM_EY BONS, 608 Walnut street. IEWEST PHILADELPHIA.—FOII BALE--A handsome double modern residence, .containing 16 rooms, situate on Spruce street, west of Forty second, has every modern convenience and improvement, grounds well shaded and planted with choice shrubbery— also, stable and carriage-house. Lot 116 feet front by Ha feet deep. J. M. OUMMEY dt SONS, 608 Walnut street. inFOR BALE.-:NEW BROWN-STONE FRONT Holism, No. 2fftloprann ettvet, - lot-24 by I.S) feet.; No: I'o2l OrtneettlYa. lot by ISO feet, to. Rittenhouse street, 40 feet wiftainipled in thentoot elegant manner. E. D. WARREN, No. =3 Walnut etreet. At buildinge from 8 to 9 and 3 to 4. ee2frat.• inFOR SALE—A DOUBLE THREE-STORY MASTIC: Dwelling, N. W. corner. Seventeenth and Summer streets, containing 15 room!, stationary Wash amide. wash tube, and all the conveniences of flrst-clue dwelling. FETTER, KRICKBAUDI dr. P l ,M North Fialket. 112 FOR SALE.—A HANDSOME DRESSBD STOOL Residence. built and finished throughout in a s rior manner, with extra conveniences, Per painted in fresco, floors deadened, cellar laved - stones, ez.c.. dm.. and in perfect order. Militate Locust street, near St. Mark's Church. J. M. .t SONS, WA Walnut street. inFOR BALE—A THREE-STORY DWELLING,. with two-story back buildings, No. 1228 Ogden street. with a three-story dwelling in rear on Myrtle street. All modern improvements. Oita, range, hot and cold water, bath; &c. Apply to COPPUCK St JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—FOR SALE—A m ham:lame modern cottage residence, with large " lot of ground situate on Spruce 'street, near Thirty ninth, West Philadelphia, or will he exchanged for first close city property. J. M. GU3IMEY dr SONS, 508 Walnut. street. in FOR SALE.—ELEGANT NEW RESIDENCE, . NO. 20. M SPRUCE STREET; - ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. MAULE, BROTHER k CO., MOO SOUTH STREET. , • ir_WEST PHILADELPHIA—FOR SALE-A L iiRGE Double Stone Mansion suitable for a wrt bile. Institul flon,with Lot of Ground 130 feet front by 175 feet deep. Situate on the not theaet corner of Thlrty•inzith and Lo. oust etreeta. J. M. GUMMEY di SONS, 608 Walnut street, se&lmo. EFOR SALE.—THE HANDSOME MODERN "three.stofy brick residence, 22 feet front, No. 2021 Pine street, with i mined iato. possession._ Apply _to JAMES 64A01.11hE, 502 Walnut et. e3o•2t• gIFOR SALE.—HOUSE, 1020 SPRUCE STREET, 22. feet front: furnished with all modern conveniencesi and in good order. Apply at 316 CHEiTNITr street. selo tu,th;stfo FOR BALE—TWO NEW. HOUSES, WALNUT' lane, fifth arid sixth houses, west of Adams street: Germantown. Apply. to A. W. RAND,.1.24 North Sixth street. Philada. Je27411 . . rt TO RENT, For a term of yeare, on an imrrovemont Maze.' ' HOUSE 229 North NINTH Street MARY G. 8511TH, 424 Walnut street. vTO LET—UPON AN IMPROVING LEASE, THE fine property, No. 1212 Chestnut street; 25 feet front by 236 feet in depth, to Simeon; street. Apply to J. SERGEANT PRICE. No. 813 Arch street cpGERMANTOWN-41:0R RENT—A HANDSONIE: , double Eton° residence, with every city converdencok ."' situate on Chelten avenue near the railroad depot.. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 5(3 Walnut street. ETO RFNT—THE HANDSOME FURNISEHMS' " l Reel den ce,N a. 1813 Spruce etreet. Apply to LEWIS H. MEDNEII, 152 south Fourth street.. ee2B rTO RENT.—FINE LARGE AIRY SECOND AND Third story Itoonin to Rent, singly or together at 1334. Chestnut street, oppopite the U. o. 41int. oel•9t• LET.—TIIE ELEGANT SEVOND-STORY ROOM,„ 11 S. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets-now occu pied by J. E. GOULD. -- Also, from October let, the premiees non , occupied by I'. KELLEY. al (Achtnut street. Addreeer EDWARD P. KELLEY. till Chestnut street. auEl-tf TIIE COURT or CO3l MON PLEAS FOR Tl3O .I. City and County, of Philadelphia.—Sur Petition or Deeds to enter satisfaction upon the record of a certain ISAAC POTTS. praying for ...13 order on the Re.corder tom tgage made by said I s sAAC POTTS to NATHANIEL. PeTLI Nfor rive hundred d - illara,datedJune 12th, 11330,and re( MAC(' in mm tgage book A. 31, No. :l. page 284, Sze., on a ecrt,in lot of ground i h the frame buildings and tin pros-emerge thereon lq Octet!, tIIIMI.Te on the southweet. • wni dly ride of the iermantown road in the city of Phila delphia, Feventy.lixe feet nortliwestwardlv from the in-' tenectiou of said road. and Second street fortyfeet front on raid Germantown road, and c :t.ending in depth couth tt ly to St. John street on North line one hundred and lot ty feet coven and a quarter inches to St. John rr reet, and on :.oath line about one hundred and fifty nine feet fear inchos, haViogin - fr6iit on St. John street of to euty.aix feet one inch end a half. Aud now, September :k3d, 1867, on motion of G. W. DED4 'RICK, for petitioner, the Courtordered the Sheriff to gives notice once a eek, for three weeks, in one newspaper of thi, city, and in the Let al In felUgencer three times,se. (miring the legal representatives of bald NAVIANIEL ESI MN, or ether pc, Form interested. to appear in said Cone t on the 12th day of October. A. D. 1867, at 11 o'clock. A,•31., to chow cauee why the prayer of the anid petitioner Ehotild not he granted. Ily the Coat T. 0. WEIER, Pro Prothonotary. 'HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff: Sin art's O'cricr, September 24, 1867. ae24-tu,Stl IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia.—Estate of TiIoMAS PAR KER, deceased.—Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account at THOMAS• PARKER, Ju., Adminis rotor of said Estate, and to report distribution of thO balance in therhauds of the accountant, ac also of the fund analog from Hale of real eHtste of decedent, will meet the parties interested for the purpote of bin appointment. on Monday, clot 11, 1867, at o'clock, P.M., at his office, No. 623 Walnut street,ia the the city of Philadelphia. JAMES DAIIAL RODNEY, ocl, tit th ebtf, Auditor N TriE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TUE C'I'EY AND County of Philadelphia.—EHtato of GARRICSL MALLERY, deccaped.—The Auditor appointed' by_tqa Copt t to audit, gettle and adjutd the aceocnt of. lion. WIL LIAM STRONU,Adminigtratorot the lllt.tto of GALIIItiCK. dereaved, and to report dia , rihntlona of tho, balaticii-iritho..liandw orthlf-agtORI/Wtt , : l o/.., Such,Alllcv. portico h3teretted foe the Vulpue4 hi 4 apDpn.linielAtl Thuri,day, ()eta, r 10th, 1867, at 4 o'clock r. Id.. at ttf-,4' office, 10. 118 South Fifth atrect. in the city of Thin. - TIIO3IAS HART, dn., er2B.B,tu,th-fit' • Auditor. 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE erry AND 1. County of Mile& 1..bia.,---Edtele of W. L. LANE, de.- ceteed.--The Anditer appointed by the Court to audit, ety tle end niljn. , t the thud account of TAMZEN IL LANE, A druinintrattix of W. L. L doccar , ed, and to report' di,.ta,ition of the balance in thehalide. of the aceouottint, IN in meet the parties interested far the purpose of his' areriufmcnt, 011 31r uday, Ootober 7th, 1357, tat 4 o'clock. M.. at hi,. °nice. N 0.128 South than street, in the city of Ph ilmlelphin. N 'f 11 E ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 County of Philadelphia—Estate of SAMUEL PIL.. LINC. dee'd.—Tho Auditor appointed by the Court re. audit, Pattie and a djin t the final account of WILLIAA OV LiaNCTON. Trustee under the last Will and Testa- - went of SAMUEL PILLING, deed. and to report dieuihrtion of the bielance in the halide of the malcont ent. will wet the partiee interested tar the purpose of ha 11Preint went, on Wcdnesday, n M etoher t, 11167 at 11. o'clock A. M., at the °dice of CHAS. S. PANCOASL No. 416 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. mel:6,lll,s,tuf)t..• =EI IN THE ORPHANS' coula FOR TfiE OTT AND I. County of Philadelphia,— Estato of I.3,f7;•tilETll A., DOITMSON, clec'd:—The Auditor appointed by the Court • to audit. teitre and adjust tbo account of DAVID HEY,' Executor of the Mot trill and testament of IMIZABETII.. A. DODO: ON, deed., and ,o report distribution of the balance In the bands of the accountant, tt ill meet UM outlet interested for the 10110,10 of hip appointment. on Monday, Odom, 11h. 1507. at 3 o'clock. P. NI,. at his office, No. `.. 21 South Fifth, in the city of l'idadelphia. se"6.tlnt,to-50 J. (WAN VILLE: LEM:kJ, Auditor. LiFf TERs TEsTAIrENTAItY UP0i41410., ESTATE: of. ALEXANDER. D. LQUISET, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to ~,id Fotat,., ate remolded to make paymcnt, and alas havb!c..Cl/.111/ 6 againet the same, trill present them %MOW., 1, voro tr,9ll9.Nertit_Seeeduts , or his Attorney, 1. 7 11 - 6.IIAI3 ,,; rILENBANK. bl' i l it at i gai street. fi , . , 31T,Fi 7 1 -1,4, PATRICK MoPERNIO'rr, Pfeißtitto - Lotyrn tOttlitieutury . upon the estatollittatl Idol;I:liMOTT, defeated, haring been nitit , .der, , imu d, all persona indebted to 'm1,1 0 13004 Uit. iVike, payment, and those having claim* goktuatiaidlßt . - 4:: putt them to SUSAN NA. A. NturYrtrektyrr;mit , Nt'; No. 281 Lombard street, or toburittoruuraim . • , f ~, • No 11.11 walnut street. ~ , , .1 , tit _ PL ° ll 4PSSVAintii Nstx/fisitkors a oil - FAIN ES & LE'M aVraraft l ehla, tehnide t aniii ala i s s 4 Duill i gra s )Annhi iOnl.%b tut law MOON' eotpituottieaim44,an 47, 301 Autas k irmi lono vlkillitCtpdat.ol Vii*.kt a sVaii ansrf ciao t scti 9u agar:Mir Me c ; ac itha 6.%t 15voa itztfa dug - At wboleenlo And retail, by J4,' No. It North Second et” Sign of the Golden 414341 blab azeil VaRIS Chtit We-1- FOR SALE. TO RE T LEGAL NoTacEs. :LIMES W. LATTA, Auditol