CITY BFfIJETm. No\ i-ltiih in Enoinbmuno, Mechanics and Tiieoubtioai, Scikxck. —At tho meeting ol the Franklin Institute last evening, tho proceedings of which are published on tho second page of to day's BcrxETiN, the principal feature was the report of the Resident Secretary, Prof. Morton, on Novelties in Engineering, Mechanics and Tlieoreticfil Scicnco. This report was, on the present occasion, Illustrated by some admirable models, and many beautiful aud instructive ex periments. We can do little more, in this place, than give the titles of some subjects mentioned. Thus, the plans of. tho Kfeat bridge over the East River, at New lorK, were mentioned, and the actual progress or tnc work was described. Plans for a bridge a cro / i the Straits of Messina, and for one acroestiie English Channel, were discussed with reference to their value ns suggestions and their featu practicability and no-elty. The tt , ' now exciting so much interest in described; so also the new Graving dodt utlfolu, a novel grading machine, an apparatus ft r bossing metal tubes,- one for drjing ton. a new tool-holder for the lathe, T ei >' on “ patent steam boiler, the improved system of car brakes invented by Mr. S. MeCambndge, which, from the strong testimonials presented, seems to be coming into very general lavor, and many other valuable novelties. Lndcr the head of scientific subjects, some beautiful experiments were shown by means of the powerful lantern which Prof. Morton has had constructed for these purposes. These experiments woro to Illustrate ‘ the clreutotlcin 'devel .pad"ln' tluids _by heat, » subject so important in connection with the con struction of steam boilers and tho ventilation of buildiDgs. This subject, so difficult to illustrate to a large audience, was here demonstrated in a manner at once perfectly clear and emi nently beautiful. The apparatus devised for this purpose by Professor Morton will be used,we understand, in some lectures to be deliv ered on “Ventilation,” by Mr. L. W. Leeds, at the Institute this wintfer. The production of ozone, bv the action of electricity, was also de monstrated before the meeting, and various expe riments, bearing upon its application to bleach ing sigar. &c., were shown. This subject has excited great attention abroad. The Receition oe Bishop Wood. —The re ception «f the Rt. Rev. James F. Wood, Bishop of Philadelphia, by the Rev. clergy and the laity, on his return from Rome, which was to have taken "place to-day on the grounds of the St. John’s Orphan Asylum, was postponed, as will be seen by the following notice, which was posted upon the bulletin board at the door of the Cathedral this morning: . , ' „ i - In consequence of the non-arrival ol the Right Rev. Bishop, the receptiou ceremonies, procession, and festival at St. Orphan Asylum, are for the present postponed. Bishop Wood arrived at New York this morn ing in the steamship Arago. Puts. This morning, about six o'clock, a fire •was discovered in the tin store oi Miles Ritteu house, No. 1215 Ridge aveuuo. Mrs. Elizabeth Megarge, who occupies the upper part of the building, perceived the odor of smoke last eve ning, before going to . bed, and this morning, upon entering the cellar, saw fire dropping through from the first floor. It seems that some ashes from a portable furnace had been emptied among some charcoal dust upon the floor. The flames smouldered all night, and had burned a hole through the floor when discovered. No other damage was done. Fkiht with Knives.—Ltißt night, about teil o'clock, three men named Edward Hicks, Harry Huekle and Edward Warner got into a fight on Main street, Germantown. All three used knives in the affray. Huekle aud Warner were badly cut about the head. Hicks had his hand severely injured. He was arrested, and had a hearing before Alderman Good, who held him for trial. Military.— Co. A, of the Weccacoe Legion, has been inspected by Brigade Inspector-General Herring, and mustered In as a militia organiza tion. An election of officers resulted in the selection of E. F. Walllngton. Captain; • Dennv First lAeutenant.and Charles H. Jahrans, Second Lieutenant. This company is intended as a nucleus of a Teglmcnt which is to be raised. Store Robbery.—' The drug store of Ambrose Smith, at the northeast corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, was entered through a side ■window, which opened on an alley. The thieves carried off brushes to the value of one hundred dollars. Larceny.— Delia Marks was before Aldermau Hibberd yesterday upon the charge of the larceny of a watch belonging to a colored man, em ployed at De Haven's saloon, at Ninth and Arch streets. She was held to answer. Stealing Roi>k.— Charles Higgins was arrested last night at pier No. 12, Port Richmond, far the larceny of a quantity of fbpo and a jib. He -was committed by Alderman Senix. amusements. The Walkct.— A Midsummer Sight's Dream will ■be performed again this evening. Tin: Chestnut.— Mr. and Mrs. Florence and Miss Joeio Orton will appear to-night in the brilliant little comedy of Caste. The Aeou.— Julia Dean will appear this evening as “Gahrielle,” in the drama of The Duke's lid jer. Shu will he supported by Mr. Frank Lnwlor. Academy or Mvsio.—The Black Crook will be per formed this evening with all the brilliant accessories of scenery, costume, transformations and ballet. The;" inußlc is under the able direction of Dr. Cuuniugton. Concert Hill— Blind Tom, the musical prodigy, will give another performance this evening. Tue American.— Fox's combination troupe appear this evening in a varied entertainment. Pnn.AnEi.rniA Oi*f.ra Ilorsi:.—This new place of amusement opened last night to a crowded house. The performance was an excellent oue in every respect, and the audience testified to their appreciation of it In frequent applause. The company is a large une null contains a number of performers with whose merits the public are already well acquainted. We predict a rnoßt successful season for Mr. Sanford and for the worthy proprietors. Eleventh Street Opera llorsK, —Messrs, Carn croes & Dixey offer a most attractive bill for this evening at their charming opera huttse. One of the most novel features fs the "Trip Around the World," ■with humorous illustrations by the entire, company. This with songs, dances, burlesques, speeches and choral singing form an unusually pleasant entertain ment. At.v, Buunett.— I The public should bear in tnilid that Saturday terminates this great mimic’s stay in our city. On Saturday at 3 o'clock lie gives a farewell matinee, and on Saturday night make 1 ; liis farewell appearance at Assembly Bniidlug, after three weeks of euccees,’ _ Blitz.— The wierd, mysterious Signor will practice the Black Art at Assembly Building to-night. llouTioimcßAL llai.i.,— The annual exhibition of the Society will begin on the 24th Inst. CITY NOTICES. Only a few days will elapse before the great ■distribution pf s3W,oooworth of presents among,those who have purchased stock in aid ul the River tide Institute, will take place. Those who have not yet subsetibod to ihiß noll e object should do so At once. For one dollar you not only receivo a share •of stock, but also obtain a betjulilul steel-plate en graving and a present besides. Each shure guaran tees, one present, dud ub mifoy of the pre-cut- arc •quite valuable—the first on the list being valued at 3.40,000- the investment to the lucky ones will prove moßt profitable indeed. The principal office, No. 1225 Chestnut street, is now thronged day and night by those who have w ithbeld purchasing until the eleventh hour. Dress-making Department. Ladies' Dresses made to measure in twenty-four novas. Traveling Dresses ready made. Walking he its ready-made; 1 ■' Blade Lyons, foe DbF.SSVA. in A 1.1, OVALITIES, From $2 to $lO feb yabd. i -y-X {vojn bond, lire reported at .fl i."/1.u.- er price for very choke —and Wrh.\:tfw~ Purs Rye at Si) ct-nf-. MARINE BULLETIN. PORTJDF PHILADELPHIA—Sun 1 i. |l rHec Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page, AERIVKDTIUSIJAY. Steamer M Jlawy, Smith, 1M hours from N. York, with milte to W M liuiril Co, StenmerJ S Shrivcr, Dennis, 13 hours from Balti more, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. Schr Mary Patten, Cummings, 8 days from Bangor, with lumber to J K Bazley & Co. Schr J M Vance, Bnrdge, Boston. Schr Lady Ellen, Sony, Boston. Schr Louisa Frazer, Steelman, Boston. Schr Jesse L Leach, Eudicolt, Portsmouth, NIL Schr W Bement, Penny, Caiiihridgeiiort. Schr E W Perry, Itleley, Somerset. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Industrie,- Bischoft', Leghorn, L Westergnard&Co Schr Yeoman, Cannon, Concord,Del. Moorc&Whcntly. SclirWm Flint, Poßt, Georgetown, SC. Mershou i.ilf f-i Bishop Hughes iif.jTrain on the Fenian* 25 Lite of (ieoeral Sutler 2V x t tit Marpn-tV Trouble/, by Cho*. Dickens’ Daughter.. 2o V*sdi*or;V Exposition of Odd Fellowship. : 25 Know'bon*/ Complete Farrier, or Horne Doctor 2» K . ov: bon’* CoinplfitoCow or Cattle Doctor 25 'i ;•;*• Complete Kitchen and Fruit Gardener 25 Tn • Complete Florift and Flower Gardener 25 All Uok* i-nblbhed are for rale bv ns the moment they ■>:(■(! it orn the tire'*, at Fubfi.-hcrri’ prices. Call in r- r-on. or tend for whatever bonk* vou want, to 1 T. if. I'KTKRSON & BROTHERS. , wa Clitvtnut street Philadelphia, Pa. LF.CUL IVO IKIUN. Tb TH K ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND- 1 I C y.rt dijftrihntion of the balance in the hand# of tlip 'o«vr.nJT.f.'»iSJ zneot the r»artle» interested for the purpose on Monday, September 80, 1887, at 4 •iV.c'ar. K.W., at hi/ office. No. 128 south Sixth ntreet, in of CHiadclphia. JAMES W. LATI’A. ' Jr- tr, * t-:/.?» Auditor. FOR SAI.K. f"'. HAi/E—A HANDSOME BItOWNbSTONH s H r,n.t+. North Broad street, above Thotnpiion. K any ou doooait. And.GUARANTEES THE SAFE KEEPING OF VALUABLES npon tho follow ing rate, a year, via : ! mi nnr *1 ouo Restored BondVaiid Securities »por f IJJMO, a c;ASH S BOXESOTmiailtin boi«'of ll'aniore, Brokora Caihlaliptu, Ac., contcntfl unknown to tho Company, ana U Th' i^o. l ";»nyofeioT'RENT SAFES INSIDE TM VA UIjTS ft $3O, $3O, $4O, $5O and $75 a year, according to '’coupon? collected for 1 por cent. Interest allowed on Money Depositfl, Trust, of every kind BROWNEi ROBKBT PATTXBeON, Sncretarv and Treasurer. PICTURES, FHAIHES. &C. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VEBY BEST QUAL.IT Y EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE EOWEST POSSIBXJB t,/^PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 810 CHESTEFT STBEET, REAL ESTATE SAI,KS. xfrffi, ORPHANS’ (’UrU'l SALE.--R.STAIE Ol; JOHN f1s;: Wright, ih-ceimcd. Jumc=» A. FreenmmAuntioneer.- A&U* Vnder mithoritv.of theOrrlmm*' Court tor the .ut> and Colmtv ( f Phili’wUdpliia, on Wednendi»y, October PJi. IKI7, ;it 12 o’clock, noon, will be t- f hl «t nubile nub*, at tin: Hiili.ilclpbin Exchange, the following di-inbed real »**• tote, late the- property ~t John \\ riirht, deoeuHed: No, I. '1 nvern Stand. No. Ml South front r-troet All tint ~'*r fain tliri-c■f'tory brick men-mige and lot of ground,on the dint Hide of l*'ront HUeot, at the distance of IT feet (> uielien north of South street. Containing in trout 10 feet 11 inches, and in depth running through the partition walls between tbiMind the adjoining ineHHmcci*.on the north and soutli (excepting such part of the privy well /belonging to the adjoining property on the north ho much ns the name in ay o\t nd over this line, if nnv there should he), 511 teet 4 inches, inert* or less to a 3 feet alley leading Into south street. Clear of all incumbrance. ■ Vo-2 —Three-story Frame Dwelling. No. 437 rrankhn street.—All that certHirithreo-ptory frame raeaauage and lot «>f’ground Kitmtte on the eaut sice of Franklm street (No. 4i>7). at the distance of 15 feet aouth of Noble street; containing in front 16 feet and in depth on the north Hue rtM feet 2 l i inches, and on the south line r>B feet 3,‘i inches. rjr Subject to $27 ground rent per annum. No, 3.—Three-stow Brick Dwelling, No. 1.161 S.’ I welfth street. All that certain lot of ground with the threo-jtnry brick mesMiagc thereon ererted. situate on the oaR Hide of Twelfth street at the distance of 1* feet 4 indie* south of Ellsworth street, in tin 36th Ward of the city; contain irg in front on Twelfth street 16 feet 2 inches and extend ing ot that breadth in depth on the north line Olivet 5 inches, and on the south line 63 feet 9 loojies to a 3 feet itllev leading into Ellsworth street. Of Subject to $6l ground rent per annum.-. .. No. 4 —Three-s‘orv Brick House, No. 921 Ellsworth street.-All that certain lot of ground with the thre*.»torv brick mesenage thereon erected, situati on the north aide of Ellsworth street at\ihe distance o' IPO feet west of Ninth street. Containing in front 18 feet, and in depth about 82 feet, m -re or less. , - . . , Subject to the payment of a certain mortgag : debt of $1 cw, with intirtbt. _ . . No; 5.— Three-story Brick Dwelling, 1235 South Fifth street.—The one fourth part of and in-oil that certain lot of ground, with the three-story thereon erected, situate on 'he cast side of Fifth street, at the dis tance of 15 feet southwird of MclUwain Btreet; contain ing in front 14 feet, Hnd in depth 39 foet6 inches to a 3-feet fl inch wide dllcv. Clear of all incumbrance. r*"slW) to be paid on each at the time of sale. - By the Court, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. O. MARY WRIGHT, Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. 5e19.26.0c3 Store. 422 Walnut street. M EXECUTOR'S ABSOLUTE SALE.— ESTATE OF Thomas Ashton, deceased. James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Under authority coutnined in the will of the lute'Thomas'Ashton. deceased, on Wednesday, (Jetoher 9th. 1867, nt 12 o’clock, noon, will be Hold at public hhU\ without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Ileal Estate. No. 1.--2 vuluable tructs of Und, 15 acres. Nicetown Lane (25th Ward). All that certain lot of ground situate in the 25th Ward of the city of Philadelphia. Beginning nt a point on the south erly side of N icetowu L«ne,H short distance iveet of where the Paine will he crossed by E ptreet when the same shall be opined-; thenee along Nicetown Lane S. 86 degrees 01 E. 15.62.1$ pen-hep; thence southeasterly about 75.22 hj perchesthence 8. t. 2.- All that lot ol ground with the improvement*, adioining the above, on the east fronting on Nicetown I.:iIK- if,.r'29. perches; thence S. 49 d»‘g. 48 min., E. 07 pen hep ; thence 8 60 deg. 1 min.. E. 29.97 perches; thence aln! f perches to the place of beginning. Contain ing 7K- abre- of land, more or less, fi *f~ On the above are eivr-ted a two-story stone house, frame barn und a frame tenant home. ubove tracts of-land are near Harrowgate Lane, a short distance from l raukford. They an* sup p.OM-d to contain a large quantity of brick clay. They will be intersected by Luzerne and Kike avenues east and v erf. ami bv E. F and G streets Tunning north aud Hontb, all laid don’n ou tho plan of the city. C r>‘“ Plan at the aiu-tionstore ■ They will be sold without uuy reservation what- C I’oppession w ith the deed. CV - " Terms cash. C>: " s£(.>o to be paid on each at the tuneof sale. Hy order of Executor. JAMES A. EKE EM AN, Auctioneer. pe1P.26.0c8 Store, 422 Walnut Street. Mi EXECUTORS’ SALE-ESTATE OF REBKCCA H. ; Lowell, deceased.- -James A. Freeman, Auctioneer.— 1 Desirable small Farm, \'A) Acres, bpjer Darby, 4 % n-ile.-from Market Street lbidge.—Under authority con taim d in tin will of the late Rebecca H. Powell. deceased, on 'J hursday afternoon, October 10, 1867, at 3*4? o’clock pierbely, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, the follow ing described real estate, viz.; All that desirable /mall farm of :iu acres.'with the Improvements, situate oil the Garretford turnpike road, in Upper Darby, Delaware county, 4k miles fnun the Market street bridge, and half a n ile from the West Cheater turnpike. Hounded by lands of Abraham L. Pennock and David Sellers, and within u short distance of the Hurd.Asylum. Tho loca tion is verv fine for improvement, being just beyond (be citvline. 'The situation is high and commanding. The buildings are a frame house, commodious barn, and spring bouse Well watered and t need. It Is leased till April h* IH6B. It may be examined at any time, C;-'~'lerina cash. s2(kl to be paid avjien tho property Is struck oil". By order of Executors. JAMES A. FUEEMAN, Auctioneer, . Store, 422 Walnut street. '•ty,2(ioc3 mx, ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.-ESTATE OF ts;;r Abraham Wyker, deceased.—Jnmea A. Freeman. Auctioneer. Valua. le Property’, Coal Yard and Mill. Richmond, below Norris street, Eighteenth Ward. (181 by 254 feet.) Under authority of the Orpham’ Court fort* e City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, October 9, 1867, at 12 o-’elock, noon, will be sold nt public sale, at thir-Phlladelphia Exchange, the following di> scribed real eotate, late the property of Abraham Wyker. deceased. The undivided half part in and to all that lot of ground, with the buildingfi and improvement thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly eide of Richmond street, at the distance of 427 feet 3 'A inchesjßOUthwiustwnrd from Norris street; containing in front on Richmond street 131 feet, and extending in depth of that width on the northeastwardly side 254 feet PH inches, and on the south w eetwardly side 223 feet 7,H inches tothemiddlo of Gun ner’s Run. The property rents for $J,600 por annum. The w hole subject to $636 ground rent per annum. I3T“ $lOO to be paid nt the time of sale. By tho Court. E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. JOtelAll KUFE. I Administrators WILLIAM F. WYKER. f Administrators. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. selP-26,0c3 ; Store. 422 Walnut street. TRUSTEE’S SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN. Bltr Auctioneer.—Genteel Residence, No. 292 8. Ihiru street. Ou Wednesday, October 9,1867. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public mile, at the 1 hiludelphla Ex change, the following described real estate, viz.: All that genteel three-story brick residence and lot of ground thereto belonging, ou the went side of Third street, above Spruce. No. 292, hi the Fifth Ward, 18 feet 3 inches front, ami 80 feet ddep (the properties here arc set back 10 iect), to a 3-fcet alley leading into Spruco Htreet, of which it hus of tnciunbrnncea. BTT - Key at the aifctlon store. Will rout for $BOO readily. Occupancy with tbe deed. $5,000 may’ remain If do sloo to bo paid at tho time of sale. By order of Tru “j°£^ ES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, e019,g6,0c3 Store 423 Walnutetroot. WHJJAH B. CARIiILE* OARLILE db JOY, Home and llgn Painter* and Glazier*, No. 437 Arch Street, Philadelphia. OUring an* Jobbing attended to with proxnptnea an *moatcli. Given, a call. mydtMpj ETON-. iviUUr AMOI),. Sr 8, JEW “ OLD OFFICE, torMrof Third and OasklUftreeti. M. BI—DIAMONDA*E&WJeIe§?*JEWB tuu REMARKABLE DOW WOEa! MCWM FINE HENRY S. HANNIS & CO. SIS and 220 SOUTH FRONT STREET, Who offer the same TO THI TRADE, in Lots, on very advantage!) tut Tbelr Stock ©« Rye WblaUlea, IS BOND, compirUoj alltbe favorite brand* «. taut, and rails tbrougb ttio various monthi of 186fi,’86, and of tbia year, up to l.’ibcral contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania R.R, Depot, Enitsl son f.ino IVborf. or at Hondcd Warehouses, as parties may eleeb WATCHES, JEWELIII, dec. CLARK & BIDDLE, tallYth.«.tu,rply Monday* Sept. 33d, SILVERWARE Which Ihoy hare ever offered, indoding new-aid ddnhle pattens, never before sold in Hiiiadelpliia, ndT-tu th «-3m rpj Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, I'jitentee of the Ball nnd Cube pattern*, manufacture* ewrv description of fine STERLING SILVERWARE, and offern for sale, whob-HnU* and retail, a choice aa*ort .ment of rich and beautiful good* of new style* at low pric< b. J. M. SHARD. , A. ROBERTS. e«*l.-3iu rpj REMOVAL. v. M. E. HARPUR, Chronometer and Watch-maker, Reapcetfully Informs hi* friend* and euftoraer* that he ha* removed from over Meters. Bailey & Co.**, 813 Cheat nut Btreet, to 407 Chestnut Street, Where he intend* to keep on hand a snpply of ftrtt quality W*t«hefl,Chronometcrs,Clo«ki*, Genta* Gold Chains, Scalt, Keys, Ac. Chronometer rated hy Solar and SideriM Transits. Eepedal attention given to repairing Watches. Jy»3m rp* ESTABLISHES IN 1836—The Great Tea Mart and Fine Family Gro cery Store of Thompson Black’s Son &Co.,N.W. cor. Broad and Chestnut streets, who have now in Store some choice brands of Black and Green Teas pf very fine flavor, which have been se lected with the greatest of oare and especial reference to the tastes of their customers. A fair trial is all that is necessary to convince the most skeptical that their goods are as represented, and that their prices are as low as the lowest. THOMPSON ‘BLACK’S SON & CO. mhii-th a tu-lyrp4 SPEER’S PORT GRAPE WINE, „ FOUR YEARS OLD. ' Thla Juatly colebrnted native Wine la made from the Juice or the Oporto Grape ralaed in this country Its to* valuable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPER TIES are unaurpassed by any other native Wine. Beta* the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Spoors own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness axe guarantied. The youngest child may partake of its gepo* roua qualities, ana tho weakest invalid may use it to aa« vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and de bilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict tM weaker sex. It is in evenr respect ___ A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Samples at the store of JOHNSON, HALLOWAY St CO., No. 33 N. SIXTH atroet. FRENCH, RICHARDS St CO. DYOTT St CO., No. 232 North BECOND street. Invalids use Speer’s Port Grape Wine. Females use Bpeor’sPort Grape Wine. Wealdy persons find a benefit by SfA A»h«r Wines' Speer’s Wines in Hospitals are prefefredtootMrwmes Sold by Druggists and Grocers. jyBo-tuvuwuu:y A. SPEER, 243 Broadway, N.Y. A. & H- LEJAMBRE Have removedtlielr [Furniture andlpbolatering Wareroom* TO . .. iio3 Chestnut Street, JNO * A (up atatra.) Be7-Bmrps MAURICE JOT AN BO tttHJN V R KIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. nivU KoJH Vine atroet, la now manutactur- JwXJwJieae. of Hoop Sktrta, Cornett Sic. She haa Comet. Qf new .tylee, HoopSUrto Altered anifepelwd* u»2d-trrf Oldßye Whiskies. LARGEST THE OLD •IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY 712 Chestnut Street, Will Open on with tlic- asaortmont of GROCERIES, JLIQI OK.N, &C. SPEER’S PORT GRAPE WMB VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. FUBHITUB^ &c - HO OP SKIRTS. AND BES.T STOCK OF RYE WHISKIES Terms. 460 MILES UNION PACIFIC KAILROAD, I:IMI.\G WEST FROM OMAHA ACROSS THE COXTPfM, me now completed, and it ie expected that the remaining 67 jnibv, to carry the track to the ban* of the Rocky Moon tain*, will be finished early in October. Contract* havo already been made for rock-cutting* beyond, to bo done during the winter. The work is being ptubed forward witli equal energy outlie California end of the route, uu di*r the direction of the Central Pacific Company, com mi ncing at Sacramento, end it 1* confidently expected that the two rend* will meet In 1870, time completing the mri'e grand line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific o< rmiH, on which THIRTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in each have already been expended. From the liberal Government nid.tho wealth nnd energy of the atoekhold i-ri*. end th»* ready market for the First Mortgage Bond/, there in no want of fundi l forth', rnontn Igoroun prosecution i;X FAItMIMiX OF THE FNOOH PACIFIC HAiLBOAD. . During the quarter eriding July 31/1 of the current yo%r mi average of 325 Cullen of the Union Pacific 'Railroad wu in operation. The Superintendent’** report shows the fol h ■v. jug PaH/onger* $16u.536 92 Freight -619.672 39 T;:b graph 1.416 23 Mniln , 12 140 Co Tr:irt ]*'.rt.*i.ion, OiMr-ictor’i Materials.. >453,906 44 M *• .Men. 26,077 P 7 Fuel *.... Repair of Track •*" ** Engines, Cam, Shop/, A;c Office* and Station* Conductor*,.Engineer*, Train* Nit Eakmm.b to balance From the relative high charge*, the operating expeaaos of the road are but S 2. 7 i per cent, of tiro earnings, and the - ratio would be much lee* if the were hot done at half rates. Throwing outchbiffe* to contrac tors for transportation of material* and men (£479,383 41), pnd deducted from the aggregate of all ope ratio* ca* eu*» 92; 23T-* per e«o«. cj proportion chargeable on the work done for contractor*, which- wa* Urn than actual cent, because of the half price charged for it, and we have the net operating expense* on the com mercial brndnee/ for the quarter, &237.9»36 60. The account for the commercial Ottsine** gtand* m follows: Earning* for May, June, and July $723,755 64 Expense* V‘ M 237,P66 60 Net profit of operating 825 tullce of road three month* . ..... The amount of Bonds the Company can issue on 335 niih:«s at sld,Uoos*cr mile, is BSAW,OM. Interest in gold, three month?, at 6 jkt cent., on this sum, la &7>J.000; add4o percent, premium, to correspond with currency earnings, it- slW»,xui, -showing that the net earnings for this quarter were 7/