GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.—NO. 140. I'HK EVENING BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING (Sundays excepted), AT THE NEW HOEtETIN HTIfEDINO, 801 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, BY THE EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. pEdriUKToas. GIBSON PEACOCK, EKNKST C. WALLACE. B,l* FETHKKBTON. THOB. J. WILLIAMSON, ABPEU SOUDER, Jr., FRANCIS WELLS. . The BuiJkrriif hi eorved to aubacribcra In tho city at 18 eentj par week, payable to the carrlere, or $8 per annum. MAItItIEU. RROCKIE—HOWELL.—On the 18th lint., by the Rev. Alexander Rood, D. D.. Widlain BrockJe to Anna P, daughter of Joseph K. Howell.- DOUGLASS—»T A NBEKRY.—In Newark. N. J., Sept. I»th, by ReV. J. K. Burr, Mr. Wm. U. Doughuw to Ml.ih il. Elma Btanbcrry, daughterof .It. Sjanberry, K« k . : DIKD. ARitOTT.—Oh Wednesday, the 18th instant, Lizzie, youngeat daughter o the late James Arrott of this city. Funeral frbm her late residence, 16P7 Poplar street on .Saturday, tiraaiatlußt.. at 10 o’clock. ** BEECHER.—On the 18th instant, Paul (»., infant son of Saniucl V. and Elizabeth Beecher. aged 15 months Funeral on Saturday morning, 2Ut iuat., at 10 o’clock, from 41*9 Gw>rgo atreet. * jILUMNEK.—On the 17th lnnt, William Clyde, aon of John C, and the late'Helens, Blumner, aged 2 voars. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, from hi* grandfather’* residence, No. 540 North Fifth atreet. • BL*LKLKY.—On the evening of tin; 16th in-t., Lizzie F„ daughter of J. Henry and Adeline A. Bulkley. -The relative* and friend* arc affectionately Invited to attend the funeral service*, at the residence of her .parent*. No. 1204 Race (street, this (Thursday; three o’clock. „ „ . *. GLKIM.--At Tipton, Mouiterm county. Mo., Sept. IJth, IW$7. Fntilev M. Gh-.itn, aged 51 year*, second sou of the late (kdom-1 C. Gleitn. , .... . IRVING.--Near (Chester, on W ednesday. the 18th in*u, J. Washington living, kii of James and Christiana Irving, in tne 24th jearof his age. . • , .. . . Hi* n lath e* and friend* are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hi* p ,rcnU, near Cheater, Delaware county, Pa., on Saturday, the 2‘at Irwt, at 2 o'clock, P. M. To proceed to Chester Rural Leme- the 18th inst. Ellen M'Calla, daughter of the late Andrew and Ellen M’Calla. . The relative* «ud friend* are rr*pect/ull> Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 5i4 i me ntreex, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. J4r . „ ‘ SOLMS.-In Washington, D. C., Sept. LtU. Joseph I . Selma. Hospital Steward- U. S. Army, aged in year* and o im-utli**. •• v. - : M'uL-KNING MOI.'riSKLINLH. U ALL AVOOJ Vnru j-nxiu-d m»r:k and Whit<- !)«• Lmoc. jxl only t£>{ ceut- BESSON k SON. Monruiup Store, Wa Chestnut Ctreet. EVRK & LANDKLU FOURTH AND AKUII, AUb opentu* for Ifu* Full Trade of Irrft— M&nrot Sn4wb«. ordered eood. u . Popiiuf. HfW color*, and Rich 1 laid - . Black Silk*, superior jrr&dei*, plain Silk*, of all/juftlitiee _ . T>T\TENTKIJ.-“paNT3 SCOURED A NO STRETUiJ KD i inch**, nt MOTTK'r.3 French »t;am iu« and ScouHdit. . M»t. • ■ «>JECiAL jer POSTPONED. THE RECEPTION f 7 0 7 UK * ItIGHT KEY. BISHOP WQOl> I* i»o*itponrd for the present, on account of hi* NUN-AKWVAL FROM EUROPE, Due notice »ill be en when the '"IsrOEPTIOXAND FESTIVAi7 ~ will take place. FRANK McLAUGILLIN, Chief Marshal. \\m. J. I*ovrr.r™ Secretary. *cl9 . AND - SOUTHERN MAIL SteamrhSp Company, OtVico No. 914 South Delaware Avenue, PhiUaelphia. September 18, IW7. , , m , WfltmbyAcknowledge the receipt of the following Binu« for the Southern \ cHow J’Vvfr Relief Fund, which have been forwarded direct to thia olfic<«, and collected by Mcwfv William C. Harris k Co., No. 125 S. Third atreet A. W'hitm v A Son? $3)O Janie* C. Hand A: Co 200 ,J#y oke A Co 2W Hood. Bonbright A: Co IUO . Jainna. Kent. Suntce A; Co 10J •Jacob Higuel k Co liA> Weatcott A' ThompfOl) 25 ■f', H. Grant Id CuJi i 1? M K. T... & ’ WILLIAM L. JAMES.’ G.-ncra! Aft'ent I*. A: S. M. S. S. ('<>. NATATOWt’M AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, BROAD, below WALNUT streets. The SWIMMING DEPARTMENT will close SATUR* DA>>', the 21ft in«t. The last Ladies Claaa will meet at 10 A. M. on < hat day. THE INSTITUTION WILL RE-OPEN For. THK WINTER SEASON, OCTOBER 14th. The find etas;* of Young Ladies for Light Gymnastics at 3 I'. M. MONDAY, October 14th. „ jt The first chute for Boys for General Gymnastics at 4 I\ML TUESDAY, October 15th. , 7 For clae.-ee in Parlor Skating, Dancing, Arc., Ac., eo lt “ Roughs,will csoapswitbbl* life, but lose his property. —"Bewarc-of divers, and strange doctrines” was the test of an anti-immcrsionlst preacher. ' -Fifty-five government employe's have die* ol yellow fever in New Orleans. . —Lord and Lady FitzwiUiam please their Irish tenants by visiting - their estates oirce*a year. -% he Quakers in England number 13,78 ff. ihe Quakeresses have 838 majority. . ; —Mrs. Lander ia drawing great houses ix& boston. "4 Mr - Stearns, committed suicide in MlnnW sota because he was afraid of being mwrdbred. —There are fifty-ebs Irish officers in tiloAmerf can navy. —The English Reformers will demand! vote by ballot next season. * —The London mint coined over thirty-five tail lion pieces last year. * —Juarez wants to model the Mexican Govern ment upon that of the United States. -A child in Fall River fell into a kettle of to matoes, spoiled the dish, and scalded itself to ceath. —The name of the representative of the Penob scot Indians in the next Maine Legislature ia Sockabesm Swassian. He will give the cleric some trouble if the yeas and nays are called often. —When Mr. Bancroft was presented to the Prussian King, he alluded to the fact that it was Goethe's birthday, which the King had forgot ten. ° —A grave friend of ours tells ns that he and his wife always go to bed quarrelling. “And yet,” said be, “with all our differences, we never fall out.” —There is an island in Niagara river where peaches are a certain crop, because the cold is neveflntense. The rapid flow of the river keops it from freezing, and the atmosphere is tempered. —The; Prince of Wales, who is with his wife at Wiesbaden, is lounging, chatting, gossiping and gambling, like other fast young Benedicts. He is well and enjoys himself. —M. Sore), a Frenchman, has Invented an elas tic building stone which he also mokes into- bil liard balls. If it is so elastic we suppose a build ing composed of this material would “settle” under a heavy snow-storm. —“Arthur Sketchloy" is a nmnde plume. The gentleman-who employs it is really named Rose. Ho is a rose by another name, and ids humor is of the fifteen pounds to the square-inch order. It is heavy. t —Miss Sewell, author of “Amy Herbert,” has just translated a collection of French. 6toriea and reviews, which contains four papers by M. Henri Taine on Pob«. Tennyson, Thackeray, and upon England and France. —A tender-hearted father, swearing the peace against his three sons thus concluded: “The only one of my children who shows me any real Altai affection is my youngest son lehabod, for he never strikes me when I'm down." —A statistician estimates that every married couple miiy calculate upon 4,101,301 descendants in about five hundred years. Let young people pause and reflect upon the dreadful consequences of matrimony. —An individual writes to the Independent: “If Andrew Johnson makes an attempt at war against the Republic, let him be tried by a court martial, and shot by twelve soldiers, in a hoffow sijnare.” Rough treatment of a “penniless boy.” —Mrs. Boetig, of Cincinnati, has hadacraving for some'months to visit the Paris Exposition. She disappeared with her son, a child, last months I and has just been heard from on the way across the Ocean. —Mr. Moses Beach of the Sun has loft the Don-' can-Mcditerrunean party and is on hla way home independent of it. The excursionists were greatly disgusted that Miss Maggie Mitchell did not go with them as she expected to do. 1 —Mr. J. A. Fronde, the historian, has returned to England from Spain, bringing with him a large amount of material for the future volumes of ms History of England, the result of his researches among the Spanish Inquisition and Government. —What have the women to say to this: “Women were born, so fate declares, To smooth our linen and our cares; And ’tis but just, for by my troth. They’re very apt to rutile both.” —An ÜBher flt an English school, seeing one of the boys with a thick lump in one of ids cheekS,' asked “Quid est hoc?” To which the lad, spat tering out a largo piece of chewing tobacco, re plied, “Hoc est quid," for which repartee the master forgave him. —lnquisitive little Miss—“Ma, where do poor people go when they die ?” Aristocratic Ma— “To heaven, I hope, my dear, the greater por tion of them.” Inquisitive little Miss—“To heaven, ma! Why where do they get their money froth to pay for the pews ?” —To learn to read the following so as to make good sense is the mystery: 1 thee rend see that me, Love is up will I’ll have But that and you have you’ll One and down and you if -Ex-Admiral Semmes has been going back ward so long that his ideas of things generally are getting rather mixed. He says In a late number of ills paper: “We regard the impeachment as highly probable, unless the Fall elections put ahi iute on the unruly rump." Bit perhaps it is too much alter ail to expect a soi faiingmun to know much about the use of a bridle.—A r . Y. Tribune. The Milwaukee Keics tells of a “drummer” in La Crosse, who was trying to sell goods. The merchant with whom he was laboring not ap proving of his prices, suggested that he could do better m another city, which he named. The trav eling man, becoming offended, replied: “I won’t say you lie, but I think voudo.” In. one second the astonished drummer found himself outside the store, with the excited merchant yelling at him, “I won’t say I have glvon you a black eye, but I think I have.” —A candidate for deacon’s orders in England, having been found scarcely qualified, was re quested by the bishop to familiarizo himsolf with Butler's Analogy. Ho promised to do so. As ho was departing, the bishop, wishing to call th#f Analogy to his mind, called out:—“Good by, Sir. ; don’t forget the Butler!” “Oh, yes, my lord,” replied Mr. , “I’ve just given him five shillings!” and, before the astonisßod prolate could offer any explanation, the omnibus had driven off. —England has a Daniel Pratt who colls hlmselC “Poet Close.” Ho has recently published a second volume, the characterof whichinay bo judged by the following excerpt: ** ‘Move on! niovo on!’ tho policeman cries, ‘Such as you must not sit down here:’ ‘Aye I’ll move on,’ quoth the poet, with a frown; •And I’ll move you, too, never fear! I’ll mako England ring with-this shameful thing, Un'il you’re a bye-word for all, No one insults poet Close and escapes scot free, He’ll make you sing very'small!’ His tcetb the poet eranchcd and in passion fairly danced." —A letter written to his mother by a little boy who Is spending his vacation on the Penobscot buy: “ Dear Mother —l am having a splendid time. Laßt Friday we went out after, hone mackerel. We got near to one, when Joe threw the harpoon at him. I struck him near the -tail, and off no started, dragging the boat after him. Man never in vented anything that could go as fast as we went them We sodn got him near the bow of the boat. We then killbd him with a lance. He was nine feet long and five round. , I had sny panta washed for six cents when I got read my Bible every night before l gqws%dpM& every morning when I gel np. , . ' , -dP,• ‘‘Your affectionate eon, u, p, w.“