ltitnaium In the church M England. The Commission upon the Ritual of the Church of England have agreed upon the following re <*uu or ruin. The ureal amount of filcknces prevalent among the Brazil ians may in a great measure be attributed to the use of these tents, as the Argentines, who are both ill-fed and poorly clad, but live in hut*, are fat healthier than their allies.” .fh May the government journal of Buenos MJRJtrmagh, 1 . • A. C./Lcudou, S. Oxoh, Portman. Ehury, Edward Cardwell, Win. Page Wood. Travers Twiss, John Abel Smith, J. G. Hubbard, H. Goodwin, R. Payne Smith, - W. G. Humphry, t Thomas AV alter Perry. in proposition contained therefore signed it, upon t does not exclude the Avrce had an account of the capture of a Pura gtinvnn picket of soldiers, three of whom were only thirteen, twelve and cleiicu years of age, and lliev stated that the whole force was under twelve thousand, and three battalions were made up ot 1)ovb mid one of old men, and that provisions wcic Rcaicc mid ammunition running out. The name “republic" is adopted in Paraguay, but the gov ernment of that lino country is one ol pure des potism, with an espionage extended to all classes: vet there is a real devotion to the service of Lo pez which is said on. all sides to bo beyond the powers of belief of those who have not wit nessed it. Mr. Lcttsom, reporting to Lord Stanley from Montevideo on the 29th of May, writes: “I can not but hope that ere long the voice of some strong and disinterested power will make itself heard in a manner which will at once put au end to this desolating war, and secure for the people of Paraguay more freedom than they have hitherto enjoyed, nns to which boon they have proved themselves to be fully entitled." Writing again on the 29th of June, Mr. Lcttsom says: “What the result of the war will be I do not pre tend to predict; but it seems probable that Para guay will succumb from exhaustion." TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. It is estimated that one-third of the cotton crop of Georgia has been destroyed by the recent heavy rains. . Gkn. Fit/. JoiinPoktici: had an interview with the'President yesterday. Skc uktahv Biiowmno left AA'nsUiugton yester day for the AVhitc Sulphur Sprig. •' The United States 6tcamerSwatara has arrived at Constantinople. - The bullion in the Bank of England increased ,£."110,000 during last week.- The heavy rains in South Carolina have ceased. The cotton crops have been considerably damaged. The shingle and saw-mill of Chandler, Alyord & Co., at Oswego, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday. A Nnjir.r.n of the members of tlio foreign diplo matic corps, at Washington, will witness the ceremonies at Antietam, on the 17 th inst. Great Bkitaix and France have sent a note to Greece urging the Government to maintain a strict neutrality on the Cretan cpiestiou. Ai.l vessels from the ■ United States and AA'est Indies are to be subjected to a rigorous quaran tine at Port Mahon. The Collector of AA'asbmgtnn' Territory wishes to have Alaska attached to Washington Territory for collection purposes. Skveuai. persons were injured, two ol them severely,.by a train running olf the track of the AA'iliiiiugtou and Weldon'‘Railroad, near Battle boro'. N. C., ou AA’cdnesdsy night. Guvkunoi: Oi:i:, of South Carolina, Ins par-' doned a ma dman named Smart Chisholm, con victed of murdering'his step-daughter, on condi tion that he leaves the Suite for five years. Tin: schooner Frank arrived at Buffalo, yester day,- from Chicago, making the voyage in three davs. live hours and a half, the fastest time ever made on the route by a sailing vessel. A m aii'.eu of directors of the Farmers' and Citizens' Bauk of Brooklyn have urged the Comp troller of the Currency to revoke his order ap pointing a Receiver for the National Bank of Brooklyn. The Comptroller refused the request. Is the Radical Congress in Geneva yesterday morning a sharp atUiek was n'mde upon the So cialists of the United States, which gave rise to an excited discussion. Some ill feeling -was cre ated, and before tlie close of the sessioitinany of the members withdrew from tlie Congress. W>t. A. Mii.liken, of La Grange. Tenu., was arrested some week-' -by the military for as saulting ex-lb ' - .idlers and violating his parole. A’- ■ Judge Trigg, of tlie United States C< ~.iiitod a'writ oi.hnbea* corpus in his f pon an application of Attornej’-Gen . . -', .iiktce, under the recent proclamation. In the caße of John Jenkins, a freedmau, con victed of the murder of young Brantford during the riot in Charleston, S. C.. June, LSGti, and who was three times respited by General Sickles, a notification has been served on tlie Sheri df by General Canby, that he has fully examined the ease, and that there will be no further interference by the military. '■ IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. ‘ LONDON—Brig Mary, McCulloch—3l3l pieces dye wood Grant & Son; 260 pkge mdse Powers Monthly Coaucmav* CHARLES SPENCER. ) MAKINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Sn pt, 13 ■sen Kibes, 5 47.1 Sun Sets, 6‘13 1 High Water, 155 ARRIVED YESTERDAY! Sletimer Alliance, Kelly, CD hours*, from Charleston, with cotton, &c.. tol.athbuvv, SYickorsham & Co. Steamer H C Walker, Shcrin, 1 day from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Bark Geo S Hunt, Long, 21 days .from Trinidad,with augur, molasses, &c. to S & W Welsh. Brig Mary (Br), McCulloch, 54 days from London, with mdse to Workman & Co. . Brig Malildn, Dix, 11 days from St John, NB. with lumber to I) Trump, Son & Co. Brig W II Porks, Simmons, G days from Boston, in ballast to Warren, Gregg & Morris. Schr S L Crocker, Prcsbrey, 3 days from Taunton, with mdse to Mershou &> Cloud. Schr Ida May, Ilriseo, 8 days from Eastporl, with laths and pickets to 1) Trump, Sou & Co. . Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, with grain to Jas L Bewley Co. Schr Jan L Hevcrin, Melvin, 1 day from Little Greek Landing, Del. with grain to J L Rowley & Co. Schr Vandalia, Morris, 1 day from Liopsic. Del. with grain to Jas L BeWley «SfCo.“ Schr J W Hall, Powell, 5 days from Boston. Schr F K Baird. Bernard, Portsmouth. CLEARED YESTERDA Y. Steamer F Franklin, Pierson, Baltimore, A Groves,Jr. Steamer Annie, Tuft, Baltimore, A Grover 1 , Jr. Bark bam Sheppard, Evany, Cienftiogoa, via Zaza, G C Carson A Co. Schr L &_M_Reed, Hngg, St. Marys, Ga. E A Sender &Co.‘ SehrS L Crocker, Prcsbrey, Taunton, McrsliOn&Cloufl Schr Thos Borth’n, Wriglitiugton, Fall River, Caatner, Sticknev & Wellington. Schr G Ncvinger, Smith, Boston, Pearson & Co. MEMORANDA. Stcrmer Star of the Union, Cooksey, sailed from New Orleans 7 PM 7th Inst. for this port, via Havana, with 364 hales cotton, 46 do moA, 632 bbls flour and sundries. Passengers—Mies llctlie Hamilton, J II Browne, Mr. Watson and family, J S Tatirey, and Y N Beltran. Steamer Norfolk,Vunce, hence at Richmond 9th Inst. Steamer Propontis, lligginson, from New York, ar rived at Liverpool 29th pit. and sailed 7lh inst. Tor Boston. Steamer Missouri, Palmer, cleared at New York yes tcuiav for Havana. Steamer (Sen Grant, Holmes, from New Orleans for New York, at Key West lOih insi. THE DAILY EYEMG BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1867. Accounts from Flushing of 2Sth ult. state that the report of the Advance, Crosby, from Philadelphia for Antwerp, having got ashore near Torneuse, was erro neous. Schr Mary E Yanclcaf, MeCobb, from Camden for Wilmington, NC. put into Holmes' Hole 9th instant to stop a ieake in hawc-pipe. Baric A W Singleton, Irom Liverpool for Boston, was spoken on the Mb inst. latitude, Ac. not given, leaking badly, and three men placed on board from schooner Mira Sears, at Brewster, to assist in pumping. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that the Vineyard Sound Light Vessel was replaced on her station on the 10th inst. By order of the Lighthouse Board. G S BLAKE? Lighthou.-c Inspector 2d Dish BoUon, Sept. 11, ISGT. Stciixncr Liberty, linin', from New Orleans vm Ha vana,, at Key West lllh iußt, tosni! name morning i»»r Baltimore. * Steamer. Fire Queen (Br),Williamson,cleared at New OrleaiiH Ttli inst. lor Liverpool, with 877 bales cotton. M bhdf* tobarco, OHO bblp rosin, 00 hhdri beeswax, 110 bales Sisal grass, $O2O staves, hud $113,200.02 its specie. Steamer Oriental, Snow, cleared at New Orleans 71 h inst. lor Boston. Ship Hope, Hancock, lienee via San Francisco for Liverpool, was spoken 28th July, lat 13 20N, lon IP- 1 20 W. Ship Old Colony, Grir.tilo, cleared at Now York yes terday for' Callao and Piscoe; Ship Richard Robinson, Robim-on, at Liverpool 30th till, from San Francisco, Btuk Lorcua, liichborn, hcncc at -Queensiowu soth nit/ Bark 10 Schultz,.Russell, cleared ot London 3<>ih-nU. lor Gothenburg. Bmk Monitor. Larrabee, cleared at Loudou SOtli ult. for Cardiff and Montevideo. B:.rk Si Ursula, Lot-berg, cleared at New York yes terday for Rio Janeiro. Bark Libertnd wan loading at Pensacola Clh inst. for Bueno* Ayreir. Capt UowdeD, late master of the L. died flight of Cth, Brig Pelopen (Br), Nelson, from Antwerp, at Boston 11th inut Brig Anna (Prut-), Fericks, from Rio Janeiro July 14. with coffee, at Baltimore lUh inst. Brig T A Darrell (Br), Payne, cleared at Baltimore Utli int-r. for Buenos Ayres. Brier Gilmore Meredith, Ayres, heucc at Gibraltar Slat. nit. • Brig Eaglet, Dickenson, cleared at. New York yes terday for Rio Janeiro, Schr R C Knight,Knight,cleared at N York yesterday for this pork Schr S A Hammond, Paine, cleared at Boston llth iii Ft. for this port. Schrs Cerro Gordo, Hodgdon; Vernal, Perry, and dliawatha, Newman, sailed from Newburyport loth inst. for this port. Schr Marin Jane, Jones, heuce at Richmond 9th inst. Sclirs Pathway, Ilaley, and Edwd Ewing, MeDevilt, hence at Washington, DC. lltb iust. MARINE MISCELLANY. SPECIAL NOTICES. *v*?- OK PICK OK THE BOA HI) OK REVISION of Taxti*. Ng. 11 State. House Row. ‘ I*lll I. A I -I'!.I’ll lA. Sopt.le. 1667. THU BOARD OK KEYISI tS OF TAX.KS will inert ut their•( Hi v, No. D Stum lWnse Row*, on the following d:n>. I’ciAA ,vn ti:c liiGUs ol"'J A. .V. and U P.-.M., i'i>rth iHiu-o-f (.«f lu aiitiK nr-peuP from the An.-ossori’ returns "f T:t>* - tor th«- vunr W>. a- f.-lloAvs ; EIGHTH \VARD-Tb. -day. Sent. 17, 1«67. NINTH WARD—Wcdur-dav. Sept. D. 1*67, TTRVTH \V.\ I: I * ~'f Ir.ii -day, S< jit. 11*. It*;. El KYFNTU Y ARD -Erid'uv. Sent. IXI In>7. TWLIiTII WA I: I »—Saturday. Sept. id. 1667. . THIRTEENTH WARD- Monday. Sept. 2.T-1667. E« iI'RTEENTH WAUD- Tut.-duy. Sept 24. 1?67. FII'IEENTH WARD (.east of ’Nineteenth street) W< dm-.-duv. Out. 2. FIFTEENTH WARD ove.-t of Nineteenth street* - Thu sdav. ( let. 3. 1>67. SIXTEENTH WARD- Tuesday. Oct; 1,1667. SE\ KNTKKNTH WARD- Saturday, Sept. 26, 1867. EIGHTEENTH \VA!!1»- Monday, Sept. ft). l^iT. . NINETEENTH WARD- Thursday, Oct. 10. PS7. TWENTIETH WARD o ast of Broad streeO-Kridnw (let 11. 1.-A7. < TWENTIETH WARD (west of Broad street)—Sfttitr dav. Ort. lg. W-.. Twenty first ward- Mondav,Oct.u, TV.'KNTY-SKGOND WARD -Tuesday.Oct. 15. 1667. TWENTT .THIRD WARD-Wednesday, Oct 16. 1*67.® TW'ENTT'-EOL.RTH WAItD-Tlmrsdny, Oct. 17, 1667. TWENTY-FIFTH WARD—EridRV, Oct. 1H IW. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD—Saturday, Oct 19, 1«67. TWENTY-SEVENTH Oct 21. IW7. T WKN'I Y-ElGinil WA RI >—Tuesday, Oct. 22,1867. rn.ST WAKD-Wedmtday, Oct. Si I^7. SECOND WARD—Thurrdav. Oct. 24.1667. THIRD WAltD—Friday, uct. *io, 1667. •FGERTH WARD—Saturday. Oct. 26, lv". FIFTH WALD—Monday, Oct 26,1667. SIXTH WARD-Tuesdav. Oct 29. 1667. SEVENTH WARD—Wednesday, Oct 30. 1667. THOMAS COCHRAN, WILLIAM LOUGULIK, SAMUEL HAWORTH, eolC-r.t j Board of Revision of Taxc-s. "’i>FFTfE OF TIIE Ht'NTINGrxaK AND BROAD TOl' MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY’. Pllll.\nei.i»ui Sept H, 1667. NOTICE.—'The holders of the ; bond* and acrip of the Huntingdon nnd Broad Top Mountain Railroad,and ('oal Y'oinpnriv are n-querited t>» ine>-t at Room No. Mer chant s’ Exchange, ou September IN 1667, at 11 o’clock A. M., win n a statement of the affairs of the Company will be made, and a proposition submitted to them for their consideration. Bv order of the Board. _ Ht li eti J. P. AERTSLN, secretary.. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID Hair Dye is the best in the world. The only trut and Perfect uye— Harmless. Reliable, Inatantaneoaa. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the illeffecta of 2kzd Dye* Invigorate* the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine ii ligned WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. All other* are imi tations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druegista and Peffumera. Factory 81 Barclay etreet. New York. tT“BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. deTf mwly NOTICE IS HEREBY (HVEN THAT CKtt tificatc No. 310 for ten GO) of the Capital Stock of the Amygdaloid Mining Company of Lake Su perior, in the name of J0e..,1L Trotter, Inm bven lort or mi.-laid. , / Application has lx;en made to the Company for a new certiticate. J’n m.a i ‘f.i.i’H I a, Sept. 3,1*67. P c3 Sjuti JOS. 11. TROTTER, +Gsp» THE INDUSTRIAL HOME, CORNER OF Broad street and Columbia avenue, D for the Girl* from twelve to eighteen year* of age. who are zftglected or deserted by their parent*, and wnc need the "heitor and instruction of a Christian home. If the public will auetaiu thia liißtitation. many girls may be %ept from evil, and made respectable and useful women’ Contributions may be gent to JAMES T. SHINN, Trea* jrer. Broad and ptreety.. noiQ-rptf REGISTER’S NOTICE. I>l/*JSTI.RS’ NOTICE.—To all Creditors, Legatee* and Jl niin-r !>on? inteje-ted : Nv.tH’.’ in hort-by given that the following named person? dir], on the dates aifixod to their nanirn.-file the accounts of th'dr administration to the ev:t‘it»-H of pervons »le (•••arcd. siiid Gtiardian-’ and TrusU*-’ account 4l , who*e iinriii-;- jsru undcnji'-ntioncd. iu the oh ice oi the Kegi.-.bir f-.r the Piol)nte of Will? and Granting Letter 4 of Admini*- tratii u. in and for the City and <'ounty of }*iiil.kd*dtihiA. :uid that the miiif wj]] be presented to the Orphan-i’ Court of i-:: id City and O-anty for confirmation and allowance, on the third FRIDAY in Scpn-mlier nert at M o’clock in morning, at the County Court-house in tiiid city. 1867. July *26, KUzaheth Haper uDd tNilJiain Houck, Exec’r? of MARY TFTTON. dec’d. 44 27, David Hey,Exec’rof ELIZABtriTI A. HODGSON, dec*d. “ 27, William M. McKnipJit and John Brown, Excc’rt * of ARCHIBALD Mch’LAY. dec’d. “ 31, George T. fctoke?. AdmiubPr of SARAH ANN STOKES, dec’d. Aug. 1, Srurmel nud Jacob H. Lentz, Exec’ra of WIL LIAM D. LENTZ, dec’d. “ 6, Jeremiah Starr. Exee’r of MAIiY GJBONS or on ENS, dec’d. “ &, Rachel E. Nugent, Kxen'x of I'IIOMAS F. NL GENT, dec’d. r* “ 5, J. Andrew lleiu, P.xec’r of RUDOLPH WILSON, dec’d. “ 6. Matilda Carpenter. Excc’x of JOHN CREAN, dec’d. 4 * 6, Stephefi A. Caldwell and Henry C. Rotter, Exec’r? of JOHN I’OTTER., dec’d. * “ 7, Charlr* Macah'stor, Trurteo of Mr?. E. B. LYTLE. 41 Id, William Overingtou, Trustee of SAM CEL FID 'LING, dec’d. “ 13, Henry Ilmldy. Adm’r of ISAAC EVANS, dec’d. “ 14, William EUiK.-Lxec’r of HANNAH A. ELLIS, dt-c’d. “ 14, Jacob M. I'.IJIh. Attorney in Fact for the Exec’r** of ELIZABETH PIiVSICK, dec’d. “ 18, Daniel K. Grim. Exec’r of HENRY GRIM, dec’d. “ 17, Robert W. Harper, Exec'r of SLSANNAIi HAlt- PER, dec’d. *• 17, Amo** A. Gregg and Jaine? Haul, Etec’ni of WIL LIAM MoM CLEAN, dec’d. “ 17, J. SergtMint i'rice, Adm’r of ANN 'J’AYLOlHdec’d. “ 17, J.Sergi’aiit J’riee, Adm’r of HIRAM TAYLOR, “ 17, Joseph ITict*, Exec’r of SAM CEL R. SIMMONS, dee’d. “ 17, Pntvk k Gorman. Exec’r of JAMESCABEV'.doc’d. ’* 19, William Warner, Exec’r of SARAH WARNER, dec'd. “ 2U, IlaiM-y B. tioddard. Adm’r <>{ RACIj B. GOD DARD, M. !>., dre’d. • “ 21, Elca/.erK.Waltciv, Adm’r of SIMON WALTERS, dec’(i. “ 22, William and Jamon Muhoii, Excc’p of WILLIAM MASON, dec’d. “ 21, William Miller and Jonathan H. Levering, v ExocMv? tif.GEORGE MII.IJ;j;. d«*e’d. “ Ctl, Bane C. Jjbnc*-, Jr., and Ezra EvHih. Exec’rs of MAU'IpIIA HOOTEN, rti-c’d. —“—~ r fw\Vitlin T u T i A rt frithrhFr*Evee’i ,_ bf~lIEKTEir’G~ LEWIS, dfe’d. , “ 27, Thomas barker, Jr., Adm’r of TJiOS. PARKER. Sr., dee’d. “ 27. Michael Rooney, Adm’r of MKJHAEL WELSH, der'd.. k * 27, F. Lyndall, Adm’r of MAhY LYNDALL, dec’d, “ *7, •’hvrli'fi K. I,oinlngr:r, Kxfc’rof CillUS'l’Ol'llKK bI.MON, ipt.M. “ id. Willing l.lttli- ami Kolicrt 11. Mclfi'ath, Excc'ra of ANN A. IiMI.EN, ilcrM. “ J. 11. Mitcliull. Adm’t OI AVIU.IAM H. OIiAIOU, dcr’d. ( " a, William 1,. 11,rat ami Siunn-l l)ol,. «’ Oiiacu, Sr.. Exiadr of <:rUTIB OGDP.N, ilec’d. • iilinii-la\v'4ll FltHir.ltH K M AIIAMS, Hi’dlati-r. COI’AKJM’HSII J VTOTICE. IS IlKlilillV GIVES THAT THE I'AItT JL\ ni-wlnp la’tivia’n (IKO. VAI.'X. (Ji-.ESSON. GEO. ff. lllHlilAllH and SCOTT A. B.MIT'il \va. dissolved bv mil* tual coiKC’Ut, oil tbe bucoml day of Scidomljar, A. D. 18n7. d GEO. VAUX CIUCSSON, Gl'.O. W. HITIIIAIU), Tlii' afTairsof tlicbiiid I’artuiM-bliip will‘im HOtticd and the hlibiiK'Bb continued by the imderaißned, at Eighteenth and Hamilton etrecte, under the tirm of CKESSON & SMITH. GEO. YAi:.N CItHiSO.N, in'* SIiOTT A. SJUi'H. Aiaci»t:iu£n'rn. CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCHANGE. CHOICE SEATS To nil plncefl of nmueement may b&had up to 6)4 o'clock any evening- ___ VTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. THE FAIIUr.Y BUKHtr. OPEN FOK THE SEASON, MONDAY J'3V«NJW«, AIUUCTST CARNCBOSS t DIXEV\S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE 01' THE WOULD, in Tlit:ni GICAIVO ETIUOI’IAN SOUtEES. For in" Itcnl.irs boo ftitnru mlvorfiromontH. J. h. DAUNGKOSS, Mnnaßcr. R. F. Troiißiircr. - * (! ADK M V <>F Jl I'Sll!. ,1. F.. J1.:L«)N01'<»1I THE PROMISE EULEILI.KD! IMMENSE SUCCESS! GORGEOUS SENSATIONAL SPECTACLE ■the hlack clock." ■THE HI,AUK CROOK." HOUSE CIIOWDEDFUOM PARQUET TO DOME,! THE AUDIENCE-DELIGHTED! THE AUDIENCE DELIGHTED: "THE HLACK CROOK," IN ALL ITS MAGNIFICENCE. EVERY EVENING, 1 SATURDAY AFTERNOON. ADMISSION Parquet. Parquet Circle and Balcony IT niilv Circle; Amphitheatre No extra charge fur .-eeured DeaD, which e;ui Ik*, pro cured at LEE it WALKEU’S .Mu.-ic Stoic.- 722. CHES TNUT Street, and at tlie ACADEMY OP MUSIC. from I'J oYh ek until 4 each day for twelve nicht.* in advance. SATURDAY. AT !> first ‘t.lack crook- matinee. V’P-W UiLSTNET STREET THEATRE. Hrcin.- at so’- L-ck. ' Friday Evening. s»*pt i:j, pst, Gi.GKIULS SI GGKSS. IBil SES -CROWDED BY THE l- LITE OF THE CITY THE NEW'.(.*« IMEDY A HIT. . .-c... . Fmcm.-eim-nt of- MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE. FIITnMGIIT I)(the three-act t ’omedv entitled CASTE. 11 . JJr.ll. George d’Alrv. Mr. N'. J. Ki.oRENCI p.dJv i -ele- ./.Mr.-. W. J. Fl.r-RFNCP SViLRDAV AKTERNODN, PA Mil A MATINEE. coMEDY-'l HE ROAD TO RUIN. U’AENUT STREET THEATRE, N.- E. CORNER OK >1 NJNTII nnd WALNUT ritre-*-. Begiiu at THIS AND EVERY EVENING. ShakefU'cnreV Pairv Spectacle, in five nrt. j , of A MIDSUMMFi; NIGHT’S DREAM, With it- unrivaled Sceneiy, Panorama, Cudumeif, Accoa tU *' ll 'l lhrLE TRANSFORMATION SCENE, &c. The \\ hole con-ditutinß a UNIFORMITY OF EXCELLENCE Never euitakd in tin- production of thD Play. SECOND GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. Sliak,-?pertreV Fain* Spectacle, in live act.-*, of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. Chairs twcured fcix days in advance. Mrs’ johtTdrewkTAißjTi stri:ft ti i r:atke. Beirin.- 4 L to 6 o’clock. BENEFIT OF JULIA DEAN. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 13th, 1567, Tlie great Play entitled THE WOMAN IN WHITE. JULIA DEAN Ann Cathonc,* Waiter Hurtvvright...l Mr. F. LAWLOR Peicival Glyde Mr. A. Everlv fount Fo?co Mr. C. aicot, Jr ,I.;eob Mr. R. Craig Marion MUw Lizzie Price .Viter which THE DUMB BELLE. Characters bv th<* Company. GREAT POUR* E BILL ()X SATURDAY. \ i.F. riEfOM) WEEK. A LARGE U A*wL ASS EM ELY HUILDFNGS. AN ENTIRE CHANGE THIS WEEK. HALL CROWDED NIGHTLY. THE OLI) AND YOI’NG, THE GRAVE AND GAY KEPT ROARING WITH LAI GUTKU At the Odd, Qliter. Comical aind Ht-nh-d ev.-iy night BY MR. ALF. BUKSEIT IN HIS OLIO OF ODDITIES. Miss HELEN NASH will recite tome of the beat selec tions from onr modern Poet. - . C<-mmenc»- at H o’clock. -Tir kcti', 50 c« utr.. Children, 25 cents. seT-fitJ. 0 N ' C £j. r r }I A LL* V_; DLIND TOM, The marvelous musical prodigy, for a short season, at the above llall, coimnencing '• .MONDAY, Sept. 2d, at H P. M. MATINEES WEDNESDAY- AND SATURDAY SepC 4 arid 7, at 2.1 W >\ M. Adir.teion, Fifty Onto Kr.-KNNhYLVANIA ACAIhEMY or finisAKTB, K CHESTNUT, above TENTH. Open from 9 A. M. to ri P. M. Benjamin West’s great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED ■‘till on exhibition. je4tf lIAItmVAHL. iQV 1321 I°° K°) %£=y STREET. BTANDBRIDGE, BARR & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, BALDWIN'S BUTTS. SCREWS, PULLEYS, BOLTS) SPEAR & .JACKSON’S HAND AND ; PANEL-SAWS; lIUTOIIER’S PLANE IRONS AND CHISELS,BII UTTER AND REVEAL HINGES, *o., &a. 1,000 Kogs Wails. All Sizes, , - . AT REDUCED PRICES, L _ v < tnh saf m w dm CLOTHING. !H(;7. FALL AND WINTER. 18G7. An elegant selected stock of the newest fa brics, by ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBMUCK, MERCHANT TAILORS. 915 Chestnut Street. HcC-th a tu Dni§ F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. 100,000 WALNUT LUMBER jylti-tu th e 2ms IMMENSE SUCCESS'. Miserable People Rcpre* FEET noi ST.H E. M. NEEDLES & GO’S, N.W.Cor. 11th an*S Chestnut Sts. Ilotise Fiirniiliim; Dry Goo-is, Hone lit at the«rei:rnt dfii»iv*hed i rice*, Shirting. Snivting, PJllna* and Table Linen*, Table • hdhx am! Napkins* t > mut-h. WJm* • doth, Pnyliea, To>veH and Toweling. Mniveide-' Ouilt* and Toilet Cover-*, B.anket*. ihiiu’V Comb, Lsmear-ter. Allendale, rlaccjt’i.'iicl, aud oilier Spread*. Domra it- Muslin* and Sheeting*, •* In all (jualitk'H and m idth*, ' AT Till: LOWEST BATES. M/.'JM'M.I.S .I.ilN.l.sT'ffJ to it / \l’t NING! OPENING] -WE OPEN TODAV A inrge b**oitnieut of 1 ri*-l» Popline. in Browna, HI him and StwdH. Pluck nnd Mode BhirrP/, vgry Guy pjkid All-wool I'ojjlinn, a chidei) H-lectlon. Figured Algae**. neat myln*. fio emit*. Lupin** r.oncrh Mi-rlnooM, all *hitde»« and omiliticd. A ria line Pur-' Mol.xi'X in Plaid* and Stripea. All-Wool Poplin*. Figured. Spotted und Plain. Silk Warp Kavelin. Neapolitan Silky Hh nvl-*, Ml grad^H. SIOKES & WO( >D etivoL iiiwiN Tiau7& c<> .. si soi-Tii se('os : d"Btl:k¥t\ are imw receiving their Fall ami Winter importation. Fancy Style* Poplin*. Silk-Btccd Poplin*. ; Plain Silk and AN 00l Poplins*. Pluck and .Colored Poplin Alpaca*. Black iiiid Colored Delaine*. Black and Colored Poplin*. Fancy Styles of Chmkiucs. M Green and Blue, Blue and White, ami Scarlet and Whit* 1 Cloakings'. * FINANCIAL NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS or Tin: LOANS OF THE (.’(BIMONWEAI/TB (;F PENNSYLVANIA, Due After July 2d 1860. ; Holders of the following LOANS OF TOE COMMON WEALTH OF FENNSYLVANLN are replicated to pre ent them for payment (Principal and Interest) at The Farmers’ and MeohaniOß’ Ha- tional Bank of Philadelphia. Loan of March L 1333, due April 10. 1863. M April 5,1834. due July L I*3. M April 13,1839 due July L 1363. M February 9, 1639, due July 1, 1364. •' March 16,1839, doe July 1, l)v>i '* v June 27,1839, due June 27,1361. M January 23,1340, due J&uu&ryL 1366, All of the a boro LOANS will cease to draw intorei after September 30.1507 i JOHN W. GEABY, GOVERNOR JOHN F. HABTEANFT, AUDITOR-GENERAL. WILLIAM H. KEMBLB, aulS-f m w tlne3orp STATE TREASURER. 1 * 7 3-lO’ft? EXCHANGED FOR 5-20’S, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. I) e Haven Sc Bro., 40 South Third Street. ■ a ' A . W SPECIALTY. JH SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS 16 Bontb Third St,, 3 Nassau Strut, Philadelphia, Kew York. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. BANKERS & BROKERS, Mo. 17 MEW STREET, MEW YORK. • Particnlar attention given to the pnrohfaa anfl »a!oo* idl BOVUKWJHKOT' SECURITIES, KA ll' K °%Sltl> go*.. BneineM qxcltulvely on Comraiaaion. . AU orders will receive our personal attention at tot Block Exchange and Gold Hoar A aell-Ua ci‘«> ran wanted on mortgage, on good City property. Inteivat and principal punc tually paid. AddiWw.TAUK, ollico. Hell-Jty U‘l fC AAA $9,000, $5,000, 153,000 TO LOAN ON SMO.UIJU. Mortgage ol’ lmi>roved city property. J. M. (iUMMF.Y A: 8QI?B. 603 Walnut wtieet. __ nrHiTP fiARTILE SOAP.” 100 BOXES GENUINE W WhitecimeSoap, landing from Genoa, and for Safe by JOS. B. BU9SIER dc CO.* 10 South Delawaro avenneH : TMPEMAiTRUNES : ,”i6‘CASES 7LB. CANISTERS, 1 high grade. French Imperial Pruned, landing and for rnle Siy JOS? I). BUSSIEP. A C0..1W South Bolawara avenue «m WINE VINEU.M, CUKES ClMitll, HBSTAKD SKFJi, gPliJffi. si. &, All Urn KMiuOltei 1 for I’re»rrv]»K anrj Pickllm; piiriiow. ALBERT a ROBERTS, Dealer in Tina Grscerics, Corner Eleventh and Vine Street*, sui*i:irion viNiso-Aits. Fivik 5 !! Whit.s Wine, and )*uro Ohi (jldor [.- Qr (*aie ny .JAMES K. WEBB, WALNUT - an* KMUTH STREETS, V /WW\ BAGS BBj CDPi'KII, lie To Ik Gold) ~ UllD Xvru hag* idd Gov*t Java. f.,nu hall elu i-f. Y. Hymn, Giuipuu der. Imperial 1! vson. Black and I v. anl.ex 'JVar. * K< »f< n<’, hia Sugar JB.iire (»roei*r'H Moliu-He-; portn Biro, Trinid>.d, Mu*eovada and Cuba Molft*T iUX'EJVKU, i.N in pi itne order. I'oi>ale at(.\jl S'l 'i 'S End Gro i.( r> , 7' o. IP courli Second .-i, ♦•■•t. W'.lim: PBESEB VINO BflANBj . pn;E CIDLIt » I Vili'-glu. P’.le Spice*. .'.i'-i.'Jfl S. .d, Ac.'. :•! '• t y 4 f,ri hand at ijol'n’i VS Ea-t End Gr-.m-ia, N,.. -lj*, HotiJh S*'f , {lee?. WINK VINEGAR. - VEI'Y SEPKKIoa F J'rencli White Wine Vim iwr. in Gore uid \( r -r **•.:© by M. FvaPILUN. /■'P.KNOBI.K WAI.-NI.Td h BA’.KS OF GitPNOHLB V.T Paper Shed V* tin..* . '«•«■? 1 ape* .Shell AJ« u.oui,' !•'.’• *als; by M. E. W. (-or. Arch Et-hfn ...... VI AUJABON7 AND VKk.MM.h .I.L-i v Pa.'XES Off iVI rfuurv Mai'r^' i .r; *.m\ V.e-micrlli. a? thft.lj.'.® irrporiHtici:. in Got’* for .-ah* hy M F. Sf'lLLlN N. W. ( Ar' h Knd E:yb*'» '■*' *• 1 • * ■ iwuni«,’jj;vi ki.kv, &«. .ijcu ri.uv. At Mowin'ui. l'*i r *; l; END & CO., WANLTACTIT.ERS Oi* Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Wares. An elegant and extenilvo rtock hßray*! on hind. M&ao» factureri* cf aua dcnleni iu Geo. Eno'ii celebrated Pttaai ICE PJTCHEB, which retain* th« H;lidity of thd Ice oo* tliird longer tlmn any other, and B by far the xncMt ecooo micai ICE IMTCUEK ever invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., J»-r LEWIS LADOMUS & CO., Diamond Dealers and Jeweler*, No. 802 Chestnut Street, Philada., Would Invite the attention of purchaser? to thair largt and bandeomc a^ortmeutof DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE dka. ICE PITCHEItS, In (treat variety A large ueortment of .mail BTUD3 for Eyelet-hofea. Juat received. Watche. repaired In the beet inaun o7 an 1 guaranteed. GUSTS’ FUKNISItINO GOODS. J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men’s Furnishing Goods, 814 Chestnut Btreet* Four doors below the "Continental.” PHILADELPHIA. mhlf,m,w.U i; PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Order* for these celebrated Shirts Supplied promptly brief notice, Gentlemen’s Furnisliing Goods, Of Info styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 700 CHESTNUT, Je3-m,v,*,f,tf _ _ _ _ GENTS* PATENTSP KING ANI) BUT. .4? toned over Gaiter*, Cloth, Leather, wnitfl d and brown Linen; (JhildronV Cloth ana *74 Velvet Legging jnlso made to order A Hr GENTS’ kUKNJSiriNO ’?? of every de?cription, very low, ChertnOt street, comer of Ninth. The beutKld Glov* id gents, at RI( , nKLDRHFER . s bAZAAB. mys-amntl OPEN IN Tilt; I'.VKMNG LOOKING CJf.AN.SIiN. A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, PAINTIN GrS, Engravings and Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Carved Walnut and Ebony Frames. ON HAND Olt MADE TO ORDERS LOOKING-GLASS AND FRAME WORKS. —>Ve - ftro"now~ftttcd up witiriraprorod-nrochtneryrand have a InrKO t>tock of mahogany, waluutaud faucy framed Lookiug-Ulured, at reduced prices. GKAEFF&CO., 73 Laurel «t„ belo-.v Front. UOOFSHGf Ac* ROOFING.- PATENT METAL ROOFING. This Metal, as a Roofing, is NON-CORROSIVE- not re. quiring paint. Itia uud iu largo unaeM* re* quirlug i*.'Hb than hall' thotimaoi tin »u rui/ims ixuiuiugs or railroad cars, iu lining tanka, batlntubd. clHtei-ns,®c.« &c., or any aiticlo requiring to be air or WO square feet of roof takes about lp3 fett. of ehoet tin to cover it, and ouly 108 feet of patent metal* OFFICE, 114 florth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. mv27-m w • » * • - BOND'S BOSTON BISCUIT.-BOND'S BOSTON BOT tor and Milk Biscuit, landing trom steamer Norman and for Bale by JOS. 11. BUSBILR & CO.. Agents for Bond 108 Smith Delaware Avenne, . BORDEN'B BEEF TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE OF THIS extract will make a pint of excellent lleef Tea In a few minutes.” Always oil hand and tor sale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIEU dt CO., 108 South IX'lav.'uro aveuuo. mr'JJtwf m S7t Ori E S S COLUMN or TIIK V EVKNISO BCUETII«> FItIDAY, September 18, 1867. communications for tills column must lie direoted “Chess Editor of Evkn-in'o Bur.utTm,” and should reach the office, at latest, on Thurs day morning. All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and name of the composer. AiiMwcr** to ('orrcMpotitlr. nts* ‘H. C. J.m-kmon.”— There is some mistake in your position. For your second move you say Kl to KKt :j, but a pawn stands on,that square. “11. S., Emu.anii."—Have corrected the direc tion, and hope there will be no more irregularity. .“ J- It.”—Have received'your note, and shall inquire into the matter. Problem No, .);{o# ppp '.'/''A' 'e.. ee _ii|, iM 1M Si Wfaty V'./ % WfW', wy/fy/t $.4 m m hi "vm"'"*' IkJ -ta IL.1» Wk n ¥M ' itu w . 'A--'/'#. mWi fel 7-#; | * P'lf - .mk , fi«l PP- M,... fcs? tbl Hi White to j»lav an.l matt; in th-< moved. Solution to ,\o. oi£7* HI. A i'K. wiim:. 1. I’ lo 1! d d. Q to H •; :t. K to Kt a 1. 15 to 1! 1 h to tjd t;. it to u x Mate in two moves Solution to ,\o. .ViS. a an I. r:f. o s' Is Kt to !,{ ■ li to l; o C. It to K d fob) 11 s. It d. Kl to Kt.; mate. CHESS IN - PI.IIJ.ADKi.t'HIA. it.tnie !Vo. 17 10. ’fayed K,.-t week, between Mr. llek-hhelm and . .Mr. Jacob Klson. . (l V- h < tjl' l, ) Wn: (.M.':. Hi n oi Hi.. 'Mu. i. i’ lo K"l ' i> to K d ■l. Pto ti I . i’ to li I. 1* V j* II tv O :| K Kt to t :i•• i!ts i: 7. Ki t< ; T. :s l,» i! to Ki 0 H iii K Ki o P to li' O to O 2 Ii K If. I’ v ii (> K t to it 11. K to K ~i| Q hi it s' 17'. P. to K Ki f'i Ki to K ■! (If Pl.iik Hay.- ii x II I'. Wulto rcpii.o with Ii to Kt 7 :, ’ll to H h.'i l.'J. Kt to K 2 , M. II to K ti I If). HxPMI) (Kvideutiv an uije.viie -t.-.l move to Black-) - 10. Kl v II If. Q to It <; KttoKßl 17. 11 >; Kt Kt to Kt 18. H t,O Kt 4 Q to K 1 111. (i 11 to K Kt o) K to 11 1 20. 1J to K i; (The to'iji tie grace.) :i, I* :: !> ■l. H to Q K Kt to n 21. Rio Kt U 22. B x R 2j. 1! to Kt 7, and wins. •lame IVo. 17-Mi. Between the same players? /V.o„/„ 3. Kt to Kt 3 Kt to B 3 • fi. B to K 2 Ci»'t!eg 7. Castles B to K 3 B, P to K B 1 P to K ;> y. Kt to It 5 Kt x Kt 10. B x Kt P to B 1 11. Kl to B 3 Kt to K a 12. Kt to Kt 5 P to B 3 13. Kt x B Q x Kt 14. K to R stj B to B 2 15. B x B (ch) K x B 10. R to K Kt P to K R 3 . 17, Pto K Kt 4 • K to It 2 10. P x P Kt x P I<<. gt6R5 P to K Kt :i (In the event of Q R to K B, White would have replied with Q x Kt (ch.) 20. Q to It 3 Q to K 2 21. R to Kt 4 K to K Kt so 22. Q K to K Kt sq I’ to K R 4 23. K to Kt 5 Kt to It 3 21. Q to Kt 3 g to K 3 25. P to Q It 1 K to B 4 26. B to Q 1 P to R 3 27. B to Kt 2 It x It 2*. P X It Kt to B 4 2!*. g to B 7 (ch) Q to K 2 . 30. gto B 1 It to KB so 31. B to B 6 Q to K 3 32. Q to B 7 (ch) R to B 2 33. g to Kt 3 Kt to Kt 2 Abandoned as drawn. CIIESS IN NEWCASTLE, ENG (tnmc No. 1747. Thu following frame was recently played be tween the Rijjht Hon. Lord Ravcnsworth and Mr. Uoyd, one ol the leading players of Newcastle. (t'rrnch Opening.') Wh. (Mill Li.ovn.) Bi.. (Lor.n Ravkx.swoiitii.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 3 2. P to Q 4 P to Q 4 &3.Px P Q x P 4. Kt to K B 3 P to K B 8 5. Kt to Q B 3 B to Q Kt 5 6. B to Q 2 B .v Kt 7. B x B Kt to K R 3 8. P to K R 8 Castles 9. B to K 2 B to Q 2 l(i. Castles I! to B 3 11. R to K sq Kt to Q 2 12. P to Q Kt 3 (Threatening to win K P by B to Q B 4.) 12. Kt to Q Kt 3 13. P to Q It 4 Q to Q sq 14. P to tiKa Kt to Q 4" 15. B to Q 2 Kt to K B 2 Mi. P to Q B 1 Kt to K 2 17. B lo Q 8 Kt to K Kt 8 18. li to C 2 B 3 Kt to K B 5 19. B to K 4 B \- B 20. Rxß P to K 4 Vliieie wad some miscalculation hero, as this move loses a pawn, ami the game ultimate!v. ) 21. Pxl* O x Q 22. Q R x Q y x P KtxKt O-' M o Kt . KRto K sq io.QRiuQ, Kt to K R 4 V luu1 uu game is past recovery If let to K 8 R to' M X lxt P > au(l "'hen Kt x B, moves Kt °£ P t t^ , r B iußcnßUy - ) ORto0 27. PtoKKtl Kt to K i ; 1 -r 2.H--1S x-Kt I’ Vtt 113 29. R x It (ell) * j, 30. It x Q B 1> f. > O .. 31. RxQKtP R x^kSl'p ;i'j. K to kt ti 'u' w v’nitV' p to K It ;i il-i. K x Q K I H x 0 Kt p 31. Jt to Q Ki 7 It to O It a . 3U. rtoQlt 7, and Black resigned. CHESS IN PARIS. <»uiuc No. 174 H. Tourney -awe, between Mosers. Neumann and Winawere. uu {Huy Knight's flrnm.) Wn. (Mit. Nkl'ma.nn.) !Bi,. (Hit. Winwjsrk "» 1. PtoK-l P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 Kt to Q B 3 a B to Q Kt o Kt to K B 3 4. Castles . - Kt xl£ P • r >. PtoQ J. Px P «. KtoK Wi ; PtoK B 1 ]’ to Kt 3 <2 to K Kt so P to K t. I' to Kt 0 I' to Kt 7 )' (im.-i.-iH I’ to B :t K to U s,, ■ID. P to K 1$ 3 K to Q B (5 T UMBER.-TTIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARE! jf-i to furulah any description of Pitch Pine Lumber, froir ot. Maty’a Mil!, Georgia, on favorable tonne. Also, Spruct Jotat, &C.. from Maine. EDMUND A. SOUDER 4 CQ., Dock Street Wharf, myjKt-tfP- OPRUCEI LUMBER AFLOAT.--SCANTLING , AND Kj * o1 5” l e p£th from 14 to 2S feet long, assorted slzci, ttKlgg For tale bywORKMAN t N D n PIG IRON-GLENGAR ut n e ie^ to,Ul ]j7^ 7 - Kt-v I” Kt xKt ' . . «. Qx Kt . Bto K 2 !». QxKKtP .B to K B 3 3«. QtoKKti q to K 2 31. Kt to qb 8 p urq it :i ■ 32. Q li tp K B 1 (Ingcnions, and at the same time finite sound.) ' 32. Bx Kt (It is jilain enough that White would have heen I'tiiiit-d, horse and loot, if ho had. captured the K'» Hit hop.) 3ti. I'xß PtoQi 31. JJtoKd li to K 3 3.7. ii to K it 5 (eh) K to (.> 2 ■ ID. P to K. B 3 Kt to ti 11 1 17. B to it 0 "" K It to K Kt sij 18. B to Q -I P’to ti Kt 3 t lit. B x Kt p \- B 20. K10K.7 till to KB so 21. ]t to -'-ft- KtoKt2 It to KB 7, .31. PtoK R 3 1' o 32. K to Kt 3 / R to K 7, - ~ ;!:t - *' l" Q H I R to K 0 (ell) 33. K to K R ] R to q BO Q x P Ii to Q B 7) taking P On. QtoKKtx’ it to Q li 0 3-. K to Kt .3 }} to Q 1 38. qtoK it 2 (eh) K, to K 3 " •'ii'. q to K 2 (q,) B x f'i 01. ti to (, J: l, ten) K to q ]i ti 02. X ii. {..-line \«, 1 7 111. Air. Kolheh aites the queen's Knight to M. Sul’ourujj', !J: Wn. (Mi:. Kmi.h ,1.) ru.. (M. •s, 1. J' to K I p to K 1 K b . o, ■ i;. ( 7: !' x !’ ■ w. i; t*. k .-.j’ ■ v. Kim K i: : (It White t:.k. 5 tie- Bi-hv;;, ehecke at (J B!. rexami:,,; plc-c-e. j 1". I’ t‘< ]l. i>; 2 P Qli 12. Kt t‘> K Kt <; ("\ *:i v it "•■iiloti.-r' Black r-ier.nt. take the without the (Jiic.rn Be (J R -n K !j j , 12. KtxQ'P Kt x I: QBto-K.3 ! I. P 1.. »rg, H r? gerriovn, A-cv-kc. ' - •• • ■ • ThD train connects at Reading with the En-fPonn aylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, i. AfKmoen trains leave Harrisbiue at ilu P. M iud Pottrviile at 2.43 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia i I4f' P. M. iiarrwLnrg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M. «id at U'J P. M. - Connecting' at Reading ■vitn Afterno-n Acrornmodp-tion douth at 6.30 P ’>£. arriving in Philadelphia at s>.lo p. M. .^, Ar ’ <' ; v ’ > 1: K j 1' i J - i' !■ ;; ■ ; b K Ii«; K ;■ i'i K ’ i. fiK V»'K:':T,-New York iii y A. Si, ".»)nnd ?\ /\ M., y-'uAntf at 1, A. 3!., i.&i-Hiid 1 .v-j M •■'Ud com;* ct at tairg ith Prune vlvam:-., J '.nd N'oi 1: •,rs CenirM i-iui.’M.d T.»-;/*.-=-• Train.-* for (Jin ifuo. W iUi.iO. ; orKlmira, Lf.ltiiuore, ;P. M. Care accompanying t.'jeji? trairv ihrotifrb between Jersey City and Pittrbarjch, vririioi:- thenpe. ** Mail trail: for New York leavea Harrisburg at2.l*l P. M. ifaU train Jor HHiiLnure leave* New York at 12 Noon. SOIiUYI.KILL VALLEY ■•KAILKCiAD.— Train- leave at 7, 11,3; A. M., and 7.M P. M., returning from Tatt'KOiia at 7.05 A. M., and 1.40 and 4.1’) P, *.f. SCHUYLKILL AND SISOLLIIANNA iIAILROAD.- TraiiL- leave Auburn at 7.5 u A. M. for Pinepro v; und Haj- and at l.&j P. M. for Pinegrove and Tremont; re* turning from Harrisburg at 2.2) P. AL and from Trurnoat 4t_7.35_A. M. and 6.25 P. M. TlCKETS.—'Through firet-claae tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West and Canada* Excursion T :ketsfrom Philadelphia to Reading aud Intermediate, tations, good for only, mo sold by Morning Accommodation, Market'-Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Ticket* to Philadelphia good for day only.are •old at Heading and Intermediate Stations by Reading and Pottutown Accomodation Trains at reduced rate*. The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, 'Treasurer, No. 237 South Fourth street, Philadelphia or of G. A. Nicolls, General Superintendent, Reading. Commutation Tickets at 25 per cent discount between my points desired, for families and firms. ... Mileage for 2,outtmiles, between all points, at st>2 buth Fifth street HER At CO. RT iitMi PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE TIME TA —®®-“IJLE.-Through and Direct Route be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams jort and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant Sleeping Cara on all N ight Trains. On and after MONDAY, April 29th, 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows -WESTWARD Mail Train leaves Philadelphia... ** ** '* Williamsport ** “ arrives at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.... '* “ ** Williamsport * '* arrives at Erie Elmira Mail leaves Philndelpliia ** 14 M Williamsport.' arrivcsatLock llaven EASTWARD. Mail Trainleaves Erie -. 10.26 A. M. ‘ “ Williamsport 10.10 P.M. " „ arr. at Philadelphia 7.00 A.M. Erie leaves Erie 6.00 P. M. „ *- “ Williamsport 4.25 A. M, * . ‘ at Philadelphia ~.U»OP.M, LmikaMaUleavesLock Haven... 7.15 A. M. „ „ .Williamsport 8.35 A.M. " . . ,? rr - Philadelphia .....5.40 P. M. «Express connect with ail trains on Warren and la s?*jr leaving Philadelphia at MOA ftt • Ervllloton at 6.40 A.M., and Oil City at *B6P V m' K rhiladel[lhla 7.80 P. M., arrive at OU 5 City at andFranklln Hallway mako closo connections at Oil City with trains for franklin and Petroleum centre. Baggage chocked through. ... „ ALFRED £ TYLER. J»Mr General Superintendent I f? T| ■ • in- QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. 2Gi Hours to Cincinnati rt» FcmurylvfinJs Railroad & Pan Handle. ‘ 7 1-2 HOURS UESSTI.TIE 'than by competing Hues, Passengers taking 7.30 P.M.. arrivo In Cincinnati next evening at iu.Uti I*. M.; hours. Only ouo night en onte. The Celebrated Palace State Hoorn Sleeping Care mo through from Philadelphia to Cincinnati. Passengers taking the 12 M- aud 11 P. M. trail* reach Cincinnati and all points West aud .South one train in ad vance of all other routes. w r r rauS°hu Y«k. c «!i way places, from Walnut street wharf. a 4* JJ" v }*s*ni}en and Amboy. Accom. jga 25 SJp Mlrt 11 »nd Jersey City Express Mail, 3UO Af knn p’\r A f'Mpden and Amboy Express, 3 00 Ac fold'd Emfel Cn,md A “H &?“■ ifi nW* R , M - for Mount Holly, EwmS l V\ 4J a ?/'* JJ M i Wjd 2 ’ 4 I*. M.,for Trenton. > '■ M v, 1 * 2 > c -« ftorf 11-30 P. M., for Bordet , /ffr «.« iSn•W°* ,1, A ever, J r n,ld hmco. J * nd ] f M-1. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 11,So P. M. for Florence. 'V- [ "b ■*’ 5 » I nnd PM. for Edgewater, Kivuivide. Riverton and Palmyra. lu . A - 4. 6 aud 11.30 P. M for Fish House. ; Vet by ~ppcrferrj!, Jl,b “ wiU lca ™ frora f °° l r ’ { Kvth'iiiKUi n Depot will leave as follows: kt JL&.:: U 4 *S* t f> * **• ,™ d 13 M. (night) via ; Kensington and .Jersey City, Now York Express i ijii.ew .. r^) tJ 1 -! ?"‘ ! 'H’W’ 1 -! -•i'lViKl,'ii'j'.'M.' and 12 SI. for lieuton and SnHfol. .■ ® !tud 1- F. M. for Morrieville and AtB. A. M. and 3.30 P. M., ft bcrtvilh*. Plc-mirgton. Ac. The direct with the train leaving ' Aden town, Bethlehem, Ac. At 5 P. M. for and intermediate Station*, tiom Wett Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Hail way. At 1.30 A.M, 1.30 and ti.'.j P.M,Wft*Mngton and New York • Lxj'ri'HH Lmi-i?, via .Jersey City *3 1:5 The l.««0 A. M. and P,iL Lines ruu dally. —Sunday cxcKWi-ed. •• I- °r Dines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cara on Third or h nth street*, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure, ihe Cara on Market Street Railway runs dir/'C*. *° ” e? hiladelphia Depot. Chestnut and walnut within one yqunre. On Suudayc, the Market Street. Cara w r!ir ni^ toco i J,,e ,«£ with thu A. M. and tx3OP. M.,line«, fifty I ound* of Baggage only allowed each Paaaenger. PaMi-ngora arc prohibited from taking anything aa bag. gage but their iwearing apparel. Ail baggage over tifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their re iponrihilitv for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will aov be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by ape* cial.contract * y Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to BoHt«.n, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, Newport Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Home, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falla and aiispenriou Bridge. Au additional Ticket Officoislocated at No. S2S Chestnut *!ii 0 tickets to Now York, find all important pointd North and may bo procured. Pereona pur c£a£fu*\ Tickets at thi* Cilice, can have their ba*H.'i> n a r/n mo kb ra i lkoa d ““ TJ.MK TABLE.—Commencing Mon. day, .July »*Ji. ISS7. Trains will leave comer oi Br»ad sirt-cr. and Washington avenue, as follows: \\ ay-n.ail Train, at “30 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for ~‘‘l , .‘‘ 1J T ,c r e * at all regular stations. Connecting vritlj Dtlu« are Krulrcad at Wilmington ior Ori-iield and Intermediate station^. Express fr tin at 11.50 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Bal timore and Washington. Exprt’ce Train at P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal. timore and Vv r a. j hington, stopping at Chester, Thurhnv, Lin wood, Claymont, Wilnutifcfou, New port, dtauton, jtewark, Elktou, .North-East, Charhv.ion, Perr/viPe, Havrc-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’c?, Edgowocd, Magnolia, Chust-’u and Stemmer’< Knn. Nigiit KxpresH at 11. w I*. M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington. Connects at -Wilmington (Saturdays* ex cepted) with Delaware It. R. line, stopping at* New Castle, middlefon, Clayton, Dover, Harrington, Senford.- SaiC.bury, Prince** Anue and connecting at Oigficln vritli uos.t for For'trees Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth and the South. , - Passeiicer/? for rortresf Mciiree *nd Nor oik via Balti more ill ti'ne the 11.5<> A. M. Train. Via Criatfield will take the !1 «Ay P. M. train. Wilmington Train* stopping at' all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington * Leave Philadelphia at 12.30, 2.00,4.30,6.00 and 11.30 (daily) P-M. The 4.'p P.M.train connects with the Delaware Kail, road for Mihord and intermediate stations. The 6.03 P.M. train runs to New assengers from Washington or Baltimore,t and at Chester to leave paseengers from Washington or Balti more. TTirongh tickets to all points West, South and Southwest may be procured at Ticket-office, 828 Chestnut etreet,under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Bertha in L.w- oin be tf<*cured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can havo baggage checked at their residence by the Union Transfer Com pany. RXsCBBBSBBd PHILADELPHIA, OEK&3R IfIMSIEPQBIpTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ““7ROAD TIME TABLE.—On and after Wednesday, Mav 1. 1867. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-* 7. 8,9.05, 10, 11,13 A. M. 5 1,2,3.16, l«, 4, 6, 6M, 6.10, 7, 8, 9,10,11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown— 6, 7,7 M, 8,8.30,9, 10, 11, 13 A. M.; L A 4, 6,6M, 7, 8, 9,10,11 £it The 8.20 down train, and the 3% and 6X np trains, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. , . ON BUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia—ais minutes A.U.; 2,7 and 10* P.M. Leave Germantown—B.l6 A. M.: 1,6 and 9X P. M. , • CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leavu) Philadelphia—B,B,lo,l2 A. M.; 2,3\', 6V. 7.9 and Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes, 8.. 9.40 and 11.40 A. M.; L4O, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.16 minutes A. M.; 3 and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.60 minutes A. M.; 12.40, 6.40 and minutes P. M. FOR CONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. . Le»yo p Wladelr,hia-6, 7*. 9,11.05 A. M.; I*S, 3, 4*. 6«, 4.16,8.U6 and 1134 P. M. LeaveNorrMown—6.4o,7,7.6o, 9,11 A,M. && a, 434, 6.16 and 8 34P. it. ON SUNDAYS. > Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M., and 7.15 P. M. ' - Leave Norristown—7 A. M. t 634 and 9P. M. ■ > FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia-k 734, 9,1L06 A, M.; 134,3, 434,634, 115, aO5, 934 and 1134 P/M. Leave 734, a 20,034, 1134 A. M. \ 2.334, , f 34, 0 and 1Q& P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; 334 and 7.16 P. M. Leave Mansvnnk—734 A. M., 6 and 934 P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth ana Green streets. SUOKTI Tea-1S- to tue ' w CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC , , RAILROAD! Ou and after MONDAY, September 2d, 1867, traind will leave > me Street Ferry aa followe: Mall .7.30 A. M, Freight, with paeaenger-car attached 9.16 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 P M RETURNING—LEAVE ATLANTIC: . 4)40 P. M.. ,11.40 A, M; 5.45 A.M. Mail*.. - freight. Accommodation Junction Accommodation to Jackson and inter mediate ejtations, leave* Vine street... . .a;.. 6.30 P. M. Returning-t-leaves Jackson 6.38 A. AL HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ’ Leaves Vinb street ~..10.15 A. M. and3.Uo P. Af, Leaves Haddonfield.. LOOP. M. and.a 15P- AL SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO ATLANTIC Leaves V ine street at 7.30 A- M. and Atlantic at 4.40 P. M • Fare to Atlantic, 32. Round trip tickets, good only for the day and train on which they are issued, $3. Tickets fbr sale at the office of the Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 626 Chestnut street, ana at No. 838 Chestnut street. Continental Hotel. The Philadelphia Local Express Company, 'No, 025 Chestnut street, will call for baggage in anypart of the city and suburbs, and check to Hotel or Cottage at At lantic City. D. H. MUNDY, Agent , , ,TT__ Arrangements. On and after Saturday Juno lfit, lW7,the Trains wttlleave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West Cheater A Philadelphia Railroad.comer of Thirty-first and Chestnut itreeteJWeet Philada.),at7.U A- M.. and 4.60 P. M. Leave Rising Bun, at 6.16, and Oxford at tod A. M., and leave Oxford at R 26 P. M. A Market Trainwith Passenger Car attached, wUI ran on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Sim at 11.16 A. M„ Oxford at 12.00 M., and Kennott at 1.00 P M., con. necting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Phila delphia. On Wednesdays and Saturdays trains leave Phi ladelphia at 2.30 P. M., run through to Oxford. The Train leaving PhUadelphia at 7.16 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Lancaster comity. Returning, leaves Poach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for PhUadel phia. Tho Train leaving PhUadelphia at 4.60 P. 1L runs to Rising bun, Md. PaasengereaUowod to.take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company wiU notin any case be respon sible for an amount exceeding ono hundred doUars, unless ■ special contract be made for the same. mhlS HENRY WOOD. Centra Supt r WEST jersey; railroad foot-of-Markot-atrcot (rpj)er Ferry). Commendnc TUESDAY, September 3d, I8*!7. r BA. M. -MormugMiul for Bridcetou, Salem, Millville, Vinelnnd and intermediate points. . &3UP. M. Bridgeton,. Salem, Vineland, MUUvillo and intermediate stations. 4.00 I*. M. Cape May Passenger. 6.00 P.M. Woodbury Accommodation. Cape May I rcieht loaves Camden at 9.20 A. M. Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at 11.50 Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be low Walnut street, from 7A. M. until SP. M. Freight re coivcd before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery, No. 228 South Delaware avenue. WILLIAM J. SEVVELL, Superintendent . 7.00 P. M. . 4.30 A. M. . 4.08 IJ.l J . M, .12.00 Noon. . 8.45 P. M. .10.00 A. M. . 8.00 A. M. . 6.45 P. M. . 8.10 P. M. , 'FABT FREIGHT LINE, VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAH, _.. „ ~, Wllkaabarre, Mahanoy CSty, Mount Carmel, ContraUa, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By now arrangements, perfected this day, this road is enabled to give increased despatch to merchandise con signed to the above named points. Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, r r v 8- E - cor. of FRONT and NOBLE Streets, Before SP. M., will reach Wllkesbarro, Mount CarmeL Mahanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoming alleys before UA. M., of the succeeding day leas ELLIH CLARK, Agent, WM. IT. GATZMER. Agent H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent BSMMUJ CENTRAL -Summer Tlme.-TakJni *7ri> . effect .Juno 2d, 1867. The trains of th« Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot at Thirty-first and Market streets, which is reached directly py the care of the Market Street Passenger Hallway. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of it ON SUNDAYS—Tho Market Btrect Caw leave Front and Market streets 36 mlnutce beforo the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets cau be had on application at the Ticket Oiuce, Northwest comer of Ninth and Chestnut Streets. - Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call Utr and deliver Baggage at the Depot Orders left at No. 901 Client ° r • Eleventh street, will roceivo at- TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ. ; Mall Train > Faolj Accom. No. 1...., • Fast Line & Erie Express... Faoli Accmmodation No. 2 Hamsmirg Accom ; Lancaster Accora > Parksburg Train , Western l Accom. Train. !*.' Cincinnati Express..... . Erie Mail Philadelphia Express .Paoli Accom. No. 3 daily ' e«opi' SatiiVdav. •flgggftSS" ,e4v « dsU * trala. Cincinnati Exotca* .... at'lKA m Paoli Accom. No. 1 **»» .. ParksburgTrain [.""*** »• goo »» Train p M Fart Lino and Erie Express Tin “ Paoli Accom. No. 2 “ ,i’io •* Day Express » «on »» Paoli Accom. No. 3 ,k 7 ijo •• Harrisburg Accom *“ y’gy »• For further information, apply to JDI J N C. ALLKN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. SAMLEL U. WALLACE. 'locket Agent at the Depot. ; ibe.vmnK\:Lvania UsviAroad-Company will not assume 'any; risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and E JI A their responsibility to One Hundred Dollar* in valuo. All Baggage exceeding that amount in valuo will he at the rwfc of the owner, unless-taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent Altoona, Pa. Eu CSBSBB9HSEI WEST CHESTER AND PIIILA DELPHIA RAILROAD. VIA ME. tHA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On anti after MONDAY, June 24th, 1807, train* will leave Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, aa follows: Trains leave Philadelphia for West Clies ph*\fM 7.15 A. M„ ILOO A. 11., R3O, 4.16, 4.50, 7.0 U and 10.30 -.Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. MarheUtreet, 15.16, 7.16, 7.30 and 10.45 A. M., 1.66,4.50 and IVains leaving West Clieeter at 7.30 A.M. and ioavinn Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M„ wiU stop at B. C. Junction aiyi Media only. Pansengera to or from etatione betivmi West Ouster Junctjon KofngEimt, "’ill take train* leaving V. eet Chester at 7 .15 A. if., and going Went will take train h aving Pmindelphia at 4.60 P. M., and transfer at B. C •Junction. : Le,nve Philadelphia for Media at SJkJ P. M. Leave Media for Philadelphia nttuiu P. M.—stopping at ail station?. Prams leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.60 P. M , and leaving Wed (jheutor at T.?Ai A. M. and 4.50 P. M..con nect at It. C. Junction with Trains on tho R and 13. C. IC. R. lor Uxiord and intermediate point/*. ON SL'NDaV3—Leave Philadelphia at aoo A. AL and Leave We-t Cheater 7.45 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. The Derot id reached directly by the Chestnut and vv aiuiit btreet cart*. 'J nosu of the .Market street Him run witn.n one &quan\ The cars of both lines connect wit/; each tram upon it* arrival. On rftiLday* the .Market street-cars leave Front ami Maraet streets thirty-live .minutes before each Train ieav4.-- the depot, and will connect with each traiuon %mviti. to cm ry piv-u ug*o s into city-. V&~ Pwviw. u are allowed to take wearing apparel miy a* Hcggacc, and the Company will not, in »nv he ru/ponnble ior an amount exceeding one hundred dol lar*. iinJei-E special contract h* mode for the anme. HENRY WOOD, (ieueral Superintendent. fSHMjJgBgj RAKIWIN ASDOELAWARB hay ffiCMfSlSlr Wir 1 * Tr avei to NKW yoKK°and LON'S BRANCH. PARE TO NEW YORK. S 3 00. FAKE TO LONG BRANCH, *2 DO EXCI. RSIO.N TICKETS TO LONG BRANCH, Rood for ODe week, $3 00. «»"• to Loos Branch, in FOLK AM) A HALF HUL KS. .. On Hiid after Monday, May 13th, 18t57, the Express lin* wiDleuvo rhiladolphia from Vino Street Ferry at 7.45 A it. Returning. leave New York from Pier 33, foot of street, at 11.15 A. M., and Long Branch atliSS P.M. 11m- Saturday 1.151’. il. train for Lung Branch i.n din coutJiined. FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK. Freight left at the Warehouse, No. 32U North Delaware •venue, before 6 O’clock P. AL, will reach Now York early next morning. Rates low and quick time uniformly raado. Way Freight Train leaves Cooper's Point at 12.C0 M. Tickets for Ne w York and Long Branch can bo procured at the office of the Philadelphia Local Express Company, <35 Chestnut street, R- H. CHXPMAN, Agent, 320 North Delaware avenuo, mywtf} W, g, BNEEDEN ft CO., Loaseeiy EXCURSIONS. FARE TO WILMINGTON 15 CTS. I’HIOTEB Oil HOOK, 10 CTS. Ifc On and after MONDAY, July Bth, the steamer Ariel will leave Chestnut Street 7““™“"" Wharf at 9.45 A. M., and a 45 I*. M. Re turning-leave b Wilmington at b\4o A. M„ and 12.45 P. M. Fare to }\ ilmmgtop, 15 eta.; Excursion Tickets, 25 cts. Fare to Chester or Hook, 10 eta. eeif-lmj DAILY EXCURSIONS TO WlL mragtou, Delaware. Steamer ELIZA HANCOX will loave. on and after luesduy, loth instant, Seeond Wharf above Arch sfreet,daiiy atlo A. M. and 4P. M. Returning, leave' Market street wharf. Wilmington, at 7 A. M. and l P. AI. Fare for the round trip 5u cents. Single tickets .30 ** Chesterand Marcus Hook ’.jaj " For further particulars, apply on board. JJ22 L, W. BURNS, Captain. tatUP THE RIVER.—DAILY EXCUR. eions to Burlington and Bristol—Touch. . . , . a JuK each way at Riverton, Torresdalc, Beverly, The splendid Steamboat JOHN A. WARNER leaves Philadelphia, Chestnutatreet wharf,« at 2 and b o’clock P. AI. Returning, leaves Bristol at ti.6o o’clock A. M. and 4 o’clock P. M. Fare £l6 eta. each way;* Excursion, 40 cts. jel6-tff WINES, EIQUOIIS, AC* HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, ■T- X'. I>XT N'T'OUST, 151 B'OPfH FROST BT.,BQLK AOEKT.. WINES—The attention of the trade unsolicited to ttVe follo.'vtaf!. very choice Wines, Brandies, • OtardiDupuyi Co., OJd Biscuit-vintage, u»o ana loSo. * v , GlNS—“Meder Bwan M and "Grape Leaf.t* ; (JLAIUETB— Crn-e, Fils, Frerea A Co., high grade wine* i Chateau- Margaux, superior St Julian—& pint* and quarts; La Rose, Chateau Luminy, Ac. MUSCAT —Do wood and glass i YtT> mouth. Absinthe, Maraschino, and' Cordiahs—in glow. •' •> CJHAM'PAGNE—Agentrfor (Jfaaa. Farr. Her MajetM Royal Roso, Burgundy, and other favorite brand*, .. SWfifiT OlL—L*EapliiMgfl.& Cnncei-Bordenmr. * w/ ** Succesior Co Geo, W. Gray, , 9 \f B R E W 0E Mi If 24. 26, 28 and 30 South Sixth' St., Fhilad'a. Fine Old Stock 4Sat-BjownAlcB, ' e . for Family and Medi JTAmiSEKV, 11IOK, *o. T. VAUGHAN H. MERRICK STONRTRERrS?™ WASHING! ' ,■' PnruAHEi,rinA. . •. ’ ’ MERRICK & SONS, „ ' , .ENGINEERS; AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine*, for Land, River ana Marino Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, »r every five days. FROM I-INE STREET', PHILADELPHIA, AND JUONU WHARF, BOSTON. JPI*’ 1 *’ Rno fa composed of tfio flrst-clas, Stcamshms, . fivlA 51 ’, t’ 488 tons,-Captain O. Balter. Captain S. H. Matthews, rho tons ' Cnptn'n L. Crowell. •Phn Pl !l ,a - °n Friday, Sept 13, at BP. .If. "BJ . Gup., rfor >, . • -838 South Delaware avenue. 8.00 A.M. .at 10.00 A. M. .at 12.101*. M. .at 1.00 P. M. .at 2.30 P. M. 4.00 P. M. .at 5.30 P. M. .at 5.40 P. M. .at 7.30 P. M. .at 7.30 P. M. .at 11.15 P. M. .at 9.WF.M. mat • LSEMI.MOXiniLY) FOR NEW ORLEANS, LA STAR OF ra^VW,?. 0 ’ 07 **^ eZvLT. N. Cooksey JLNJATA, 1,215 tony, Captain P F Hoxia oKacy ■ , TIOGA, 1,075 tons, Wain ,f. f. ilojm The .TINJA'TA will leevo for New Orlenns on Satur. "vliarvo?*" 1 ' lur ’ ftt aA - M ” fr ™ Pier « South The TIOGA will leave Now Orleans for this port Sep- M'lnhor 21st. Through bills lading signed for freight to Mobile. GaL seston, Natchez, Vicksburg, Memphis, Nashville, Cairo, at. Lotus, Louisville and Cincinnati. Agents at Now Orleans—Creevy, Nickerson * Co. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, , „„ 314 South Delaware avenue. _fcH_ CIIAS. E. DILKK3, Frolglit Agent THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN fg mJB&' MAH, STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S *®*“* te! »* REGULAR WEEKLY LINE mo xt . . JOB 3AVANNAH, GA. T cl >• Avv A N IJ.A, Sot) tons, Cnpt. Wm. Jennlngr, WA CM IN G, 650 tons. Captain Jacob TeaL The steamship lONAWA.NDA will ieavo for the above ?, I .'i. fa ?.n‘ rd * y ’ Sel,t - 1C at 8 o'clock A. M„ from Pier fa South \v halves. Through passage tickets sold and freight taken for sill POinto in connection, Rio. Georgia Central Railroad. Agents at ouvunntiil iVOntei' * ClammelL “ WALL. JAMES, General Agent, f . 314 South Delaware avenue. fc - 3 CIIAS. L. DII.KE3, Freight Agent. ABffrlXw. THE PinLADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN ( &?Wt' MAIL STEAMBHD* COMPANY’S REGULAR LINE (SEMI-MONTHLY) FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. Jm*™??!!? 1 . p PIONEER (Slatons}, Captain J. Bennett,’ 7( 0 nvwi 0 A th M RbO f VO1 ’ 0r , t ,, 0n Thursday,September lstliT run. i/r a- - M " fr 9 m , ier 18 South Wharves. »ii j Pl pied at through and reduced rate* to ill principal points in North Carolina. ABenU at Wilmington-Worth * Daniel. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, r-t. 1 0 8M South Delaware avenue. CIIA3. E. DILKES, Freight Agent fT^Shl n i^ Kimom ’ N0B *“-«*>'rHROUaH AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH ' , AND WEST. Steamship. leave every SATURDAY, at noon, from first wharf above Market street THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEWBERN. AlfcO,till points in North -aud Sotith Carolina via Bcahoarfl 4nd LoanuKC Rai.road, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee. the West, via Norfolk.Peteraburg. and South Side Rai.road,, p.nd Richmond ana Danville Railroad. i ihr; regularity, safety and cheapness of thl*i route com cnond < it to the public ae the moet desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of traveler. . Steamships insure at lowest rates. c 'reiflit received Daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., r . . 14 North and South Wlmrvee. W.r.l OKTER, Agent at.Richmoud and City Point. T. P. CROWELL 4: (JO., Agent* at Norfolk. N'KVV EXJ’UKSB LINK TO ALEXANDRIA jflffivfl./T'yy Georgetown ahd- WashiiiKkin, D. 0., via * 3tf ~*= £rtQ * Cheeareako aiuj Deluwaro Canal, with con a-Hitinne at Alexandria from the most direct route for 'tfurhbijr*, Bristol, XuoxviUe, Niuhvillo, Dalton, and tho 3opibv.i:*t. Steamer.- 1 leave re/tilarly from thofirat wharf abovO Market stiect, every Saturday atnoon- FVeif ut reoeivod daily. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., . , „ , H North aud South Wharves’. J. B. DA V I DSdN, at Georgetown. M. EJLe/UIDGE a GO., Amenta at AJexandria, Vir« apll-tf FOR NEW YOKE. VIA DELAWARE a &d Karit-m Canal. 42te»uuttGn Express Steamboat Company Steam Pro pellor? lenvo Daily from first wharf below Market rtroot Through m Twenty.four hours. Goods forwarded to all joint?. North, East and Weet, free of commission. Freights received at the lowest ratca. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Aecnta, ~ 14 South Wbarve#. JAMES HAND, Agent lu4 Wall street. New York. DAILY LINE FOR BALTIMORE, QESaLRg' Vis Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam* boat Company, daily at 2 o’clock P.M. The Steamers of this line are now plying regularly be tween this port and Baltimore, leaving the second wharf below Arch street daily at a o’clock P. M. (Sundays accepted.) „ Carrying all description of height as low as any other line. Freieht handled with groat care, delivered promptly, and foi warded to all points beyond the terminus free of eommusiun. -•-Particular -attention-Paid to the transportation of all description of Merchandise, Hones, Carriages, Ac., Ac. For further information, apply to . JOHN D. RUOFF, Agent, tpKvlyS No. 18 North Delaware avenue* HAVANA STEAMERS. - •«. ««SSg? Transportation Company —Despatch and Swiftsure Line, via Delaware aud Rari tan Canal, on and after the 15th of March, leaving daily at 12 M. and o P. M„ connecting with all Northern and East ern lines. For freight, which will he taken on accommo. dating terms, apply to WM. M. BAIRD * CO rahlxiy No. 182 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM UMIdW Tow-Boat CompurV;—Barge, towed between PhUadelphta. Baltimore, - Havro-de-Grace. Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE b CO., Agents. Capt JOHN LAUGH. UN, Bnp*t, Office, 14 B. vfrharves, Phlla. apll-tdeU /CONSIGNEES* NOTICE.—CONSIGNEES OF MER- Vychandiee FLORENCE, liathburn, master, from LLvcrpool, will please send their permits on board! at Shipjpen street wharf, or to the counting bouse of tha ondemgned. The general order will bo issued on Wed nesday, the 11th inst., when nil goods not permitted will be sent to public stores. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street se9tt} consignees; noticb.-tue brig roslyn. \J Tuthili, matter, from Bordeaux, will commence dis charging at Almond street wharf, under general order* on r riday afternoon, 13th imt., when all goods not permitted will he sent to tlie public stores. Consignees will pleaao attend to the rccepuon of their goods. ALPHONSE STEPHANIE CO., 137 and 139 South Front street. VrO'IiCE.— ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU iA tinned against tniHting the crow of the brig ROSLYN, • I iithillj inaeter, from Bordeaux, as debts of their contract ing %vill not be paid by captain or cousigueeH. 1 ALPIIONSE BTEPIIANI «fc CO., EelLdtfi ' v 137 and 139 South Front street. PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU XV tioned aguiiust trusting or harboring any of the crew oi the Bn brig MARY, McCullough, master, a* no debts of their contracting will be paid by captain or consignee. WORKMAN & CO., 123 Walnut etrect. eol3-R§ ■VTOTICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU- Xi tloned.against treating any of the crew of the Prue. bark FIDELIX),, Kindt, master, from Liverpool, as no debta of their contracting will be paid either by ihe cap tain or Consignees, PETER WRIGHT 4i SONS, 116 Walnut street, v eot JAS.S. SHINDLER, snccessor to JOHN SIHNDLER & SONS. Sail Makers, No. BUI North Delaware avenue* Philadelphia. , • All work.dono in the beet manner and en the lowest aad most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfecti&tia -1 Particular attention given to repairing. LADIES*. TRIMMINGS. 1 riRAND OPENING THIS DAY, OP THE VERY {JTchoiceft and recherche Paris Fashions, in TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS, joat received, MRS. M. A. BINDER. No. 1031 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. . LADIES’ DRfesS aM) CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Amber, Pearl, Crystal. Jet and Silk Drop and Flat Trim mings, Studs and Beads in all colors, Ora&moute, Buttons. Quipuro and Cluny Laces, Cordis Tassols. Fringes, Velvet and Mantua Ribbons, French Corsets, Beltings, and Trim mings generally. PARISIAN DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING, In all its varieties. selS-ly TOIIN-C. BAKER & CO'. OFFER TO THE TRADE— tI C. L. Oil-Now made. Juet reccivod. x Alcohol;—So per cent, In barrel/?. Ipecac.—Powdered, in 25 pouud bozo?. “ “ “ ip pound bottled, U. S, A, ' Agents for HofTs Malt Extract l Agenfa tor tlio manufacturer of a superior article of Rochelle Salts and Seidlitz Mixture. >; JOHNO. BAKER