Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 13, 1867, Image 1

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(Sundays excepted),
807 Cbeatnut Street, Pbiladelfblo,
Tb« Bulletin U served to Bubßcrfbers In tho city at 18
Oenta per week, payable to the carrlera. or $8 per annum.
fl^V^^Hanoc.—Acknowledged superior In all respect*
to any made In thin country* and Bold jou moat liberal
terma. ‘NEW ANI) SECOND-HAND PIANOS constantly
On hand for rent Tuning, moving and packing promptly
attended to. Warcsrooma. llOJChoetnut atrcct jelfl-3ms
ADAMS—IfAMf > 'fON.--fFri the 12tli tnst., bv H**v. Wni.
Mnddurde, J). J>.. Mr. Hamiud D. Adam* nnd'ML-;* Sophie
Hampton, both of Philadelphia. (New Vork paper* phtaHt;
< AvEII.~ LYONS.- on the 11th In-t.-mt. hy the Itev. rf.
Morni-v Edward H. \N »*il and Label K., daughter of .J. C.
Ly n«.
GIBSON.--On the 12th itW., Doru M., wife of Robert 0.
Oib-on. in tin* , r >oth year of her ue*-.
The relative* and mewl* of the family are invited
to attend the funeral; from tin: residence of h* r hii“band.
No. PO7 North Ben-nth rtnet, on Monday afternoon, Mth
Jn*t., at 4 o'clock. w **
KEENK.-ttn the loth of September, Md 7, Elleu M.,
youngest daughter of ,/ume* It. Ke- ne. deera.W. and
Pho he* Keeue, aged nineteen :]'>j year* and twentv-oue
(21) dlljr.
The relative** and friend* of tie- family are respectfully
Invited to attend the fi'ueral. from her mother** reridence.
1.V30 San*om *tr<*;, tontoriow morning, tlie llti:. at
lU o’clock. Interment at the Woodland*. *
KENT.-At \\V»t IV.-int. .New >'ork. on of
the Mth ui*t., .Manic Gray. wife of Col. «L Ford Kent. t;.
iS, Army. ....... *
Miii.'ALT.E Y.- At Cornwall, N. \.. cn the loth in.-tant,
George llftrri*. mn ..f i;ninn'inder Edward Y<-rk<* and
bw-ghire McJlvainc Met ‘aulej . aged py month**. *
MILLER. ton the l.'.rlj in-t.. Horatio Gate*, infant **'ii
of A .L and K. V. Mill r, aged 7 week* and 4 da-v*..
1h« fri'-mi- of ti.e family are rc*pectt Jlly in*, ite.l to
attend the f :neMi). *r..:n hi- parent-* :< <*i<h*nce • 1-<<U .s <rth.
Eleventh *t:<’, t*. on S inda/ afternoon, at 4 a'clo :k. *»
Ij|>A(‘K i 111 HU !<»J’U>S.- UK* VA \Xl> PK<»M IMM
J > Itrnthri* <v Co., ImMid. ow* ca*'.- ol Mark In-!) Top.
li:,-. all qualiti*;
UU-SgN c HON. M'- ’roiu * Ht -r-’.
rontru and ajxh« akj:
li opening for tL<- rullTntd** of l^T•-
AI argot B»h*a D. »ti»I«r! <•<! i^ocD.
J'opbni, new o loir. mid ti i’liiffi-.
lilatk Villo*, pnj < rior
I'Uiu Sllfc-. of allqouHtifS.
r/Mil IT ,1 AH.*? AN J f CANS; IN 0 V.V. \T'V AItICTV. AT
J? Ji A. \\TU»MAN'S,
ll*>*«m* Fnini-Un*
No. li.U Si riiip IJaMcD >tr> <-t.
M'i-.UIAI. rsOUCtN.
A Hj*cUl M-’etluj? of the
of TMladeli Ma will tit ht'M at Hi''
dvr the
sdvDttLle in relation to the pri*«< tit condition of the coun
ty ord'-r of the feoard of Director#.
wU-thn- GEORGE If. BOKER, Secretary.
WARD n ill mi -nr-
At 7 o’clock, at
To j.rwo<-d I" tin- Grand Katilication inerting at
JTeeldent Ward Executive Cou.
HUNKY HEINS. Secretory.
ment of arts.
lU»v. DANIEL K. GOODWIN, D. D., Provost, and Pro
feasor of Moral and Intellectual Philo«oj»hy.
JOHN F. FKAZ.KK. LL D.,Vice Provost, and Professor
of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry.
(JEOKfrE ALLEN, A. M„ JToft**or of the* Greek Lnn
jtuaneand Literature. ... ...
FRANCIS A. JACKSON, A. M., Professor of the Latin
Language and Literature. ' ,
F> OTIS KENDALL, A. M., Professor of Mathematics.
<‘if ARLES J- STILLE, A.M., Professor of the Engli.-h
.Language and l itemtiue. .
HENRY MORTON. Hi. D., Acting Professor of Natural
J’hilCMophy mid chomi-trv.
OSWALD SEIDENhI fCKLR, Ph. D., Profe-.-or of the
(JrriiiHU Laiyruag anrl Literature.
JOHN (J K. M’LLKOY, A. M.. .WDtuut Profe.-sor of
the Kn*li.-h Lammas-vuml Literature.
WJLI lAM A. LA.MUKKION, A. It., ArMstaut Prou-.-.-or
<jf Matlii-mnties.
JF \N It. SI E. Instructor in French.
1 FON DE LA < OVA, Jmtnictor iu Spanish.
GIUSEPPE MAZZA, Instructor in Italian.'
The ftr*t term of the Academic year will open on M< >N-
SeptemberP;th. at ten o’clock A. M. Candidate
iov admi.-i-i'-u will present themm-lve* for examination nt
I util past tou. Fcch, thirty-live dollar-* a term, uuyahi.- iu
advance. FRANCIS A. JACkSoN.
»wlt-4trp Secretary of the Faculty.
Z-2Tfaf.dee scie3j fTnu co 1 Its¥ ‘ ”
Ww IN,'
The next term commences THURSDAY, September
13th. Candidates for admission may be examiued the day
before (September tlth), or on TUESDAY, July 30th, the
•day before the Annual Commencement Exercises. t
For circular*, apply to President CATTELL, or to
Prof. 11 B. YOUNG MAN,
Clerk of tho Faculty.
.Eabton, Penna., July. 1867.
TION COMMITTEE will sit daily, on and after FRIDAY,
September ICth, at 41tJ Library street.
Chairman Naturalization Comihittee.
have this day declared u Dividend ot Five per Cent, on the
ajuuital Stock of the Company, payable, clear of taxes, ou
am a after the Ist of October next. v
The Transfer Rooks of the Company will he closed on
iho IPth Inst., and remain closed until the Ist of October.
scl;M,toc2s A. E. DOUGHERTY, Treasurer.
” gonit-ry Lodge, No. 19. A. Y. M., tin*. OiUcen§ and
Members of the Grand Lodge, aud the brethren gene
£. .Y' H® respectfully requested to meet at the Masonic
•*» xi’ CUeatmit street, on SUNDAY; 15th Inst,, at 1 o’clock
: i/ via.!? attend the funeral of their late brother, George
Jv. Childs.
selS 2t§
u a place the celebrated
the liardeHt ami purest mined, at $7 per too.
~r t. „ BINES & BIIKAFF,
t)H»ce, No. lfj South Seventh street.
<*^dMelo?il«i.^ UT i?“ AN(SNG their resi
aeucc or leitMag tho city, cun racoivi* tlm hMiDst
tiliß momlunw oi tile HMRIRFHOOK- tviii iii'
I>l ' (l ' ir - 1 [1 !!I AJ. tfAtJER, Mkfcli«l. y
JBC«“ I'OST No. 8, tIAM) ARMY OK THF Irl'm iT
lie-ComnukM will lowmblp l»r i mater tlVi£i.'i(i
DAY 8 o’clock, at Sarini(ijrali AS I .'
titnTtcoum and sprint; tiarrimvstrooiH; ~ —-*
JL Sv.M. 11. THQ.MAB, Post Coinmnnilar
■ inemborH will aPßOialih) ;it tlu- Katin,. n nn .„ ~,
3MORROVV (Saturday) AFTERNOON, apy o'clock to at"
tend tlie l'uncnil of ourlato follow-niemlinr. (leoiEaCni
lu-rtaou. flf] F, E. LEVERfwo,^Bec’V
. Lombard Stroot dispensary Department—Medical
treatment and- modicinos fnrnianed gratuitously to the
poor* "
»»« Pri«e». UAUTLETTi, 33 South Sixth Mrwt
Shove Chentnut. . - lt«
SUito liM Ikllctiu
rCorrmnondcDcc of the Phlhi. Evehiug Hull/ tin.l
Here, in the environs 'Of Neapolis—at Puteoli,
Baiie, Cunne, and the neighborin'; islunds—were
the summer retreats of the Emperors and wealthy
Homans of the decadence.
Hut, indeed, the region is hardly broad enough
to hold the crowd of associations that swarm
upon it. Trace upon trace, date ovr date,
palimpsest on palimpsest, the pago is become a
First, in the pale twilight of long ago, before
the existence of Rome,—who is this sonorous
stranger, disturbing, the AiJffk, woods- that oyer
hang.Avernus, and applying
ids nomenclature? The traveler is the soul of
Homeb, and the woodland grows tremulous
with his fears, the rocks faint with horror, .the
water hitter with weeping. “Here shall he Hell,’’
said the wizard; “this hot fountain shall be ever
burning, it shall he Phlegcthon. These winding
eaves I name Orcus. These echoes shall he more
than voices, they shall he the Cimmerians. Here,
when I will it, the Bliivering ghost of Achilles
shall rush like a storm past the warm bosom of
Ulysses. ’’ That is the way in which' genius dis
poses of the rough and crusty furniture of this
prosy world; with a little sulphur, a volcano and
some carbonic add gas, it builds its dreum-luml.
arid shakes tins world with pity- and fear.
Presently. . the course of centuries, “the rude
ages grew i hi." and the soft eves of Virgil
watched, free the porticoes of Atticu? and Me
cca;;)?. the la. -‘.scape which Homer had trans
figured with ;.n epic consecration. With that
smooth.civic verse which w as his gift lie encircled
the harsh picture without deg'-admg it. and al
lowed 1/i? f.ncas; to sec, pa.-t tin; sulphurous
turn' s or Avcimis. the white- b!o.--om.- enameling
the Klysian meadows.
I: iriuliv,' the other day only, eaihe a third great
poet, and' beheld the infernal valley, ib-turned
'd on Ore ruinsand malarious fens a blaze of genius
amt creation. He elevated the hills, ennobled
their forms, made them peculiar and intelligent
with a primeval architecture. A strange, square’
lake lay in the midst; he deepened it until it be
came unfathomable, and dazzled it with sheets <?f
the light that never was on sea or land. Against
the pole sky and the blinding sun he lifted a soli
tary tree, such a tree as never grew since Eden—
shooting like a rocket, bursting like a plume
and set a nymph hard by with a glittering
branch. The scene became Turner's “Golden
Hough." , '■
Turner, floating along the coast opposite, must
have seen ruins heaving beneath his boat to the
blue swell of the Mediterranean. They were the
ruins of the causeway bnilt by Hercules to lead
the oxen of Geryon across the marshy outlet of
lake Lucrinas. Imagination faithfully held a
thread unbroken from the extremist past, poet
answered poet, and Hesiod Justified himself to
i?o wrought the great souls; but to complete
■the tale you must listen to stories different from
anything ever spoken by those measured, mag
nificent voices. You must hear the hiss of
Juvenal and the pitiless sentence of Tacitus.
Just here by the Lu crine lake, lying in bed in her
villa, Agrippina was murdered by Xero. and the
recherche thing called matricide invented.
The evil dav-B of the world being come, the
Neapolitan region became the splendid couch
W here Home, stricken with moral death, rolled in
the long and loathsome disease of its soul. Here
came the vile emperors to fester and die. Beauty
left the world for a long season, when Caligula
broke the busts of Homer and Virgil. Religion
bowed its face in the eaves and catacombs, when
the same Caligula volunteered to be himself the
personification of religion. His impish hobby it
was to place" his colossus in gold in tilt* Holy ol
Holies of the temple at Jerusalem, and to catiße
the edifice itself to be dedicated to his divinity. ’
Let us look for a moment, us a study of the
time and while we are on the ground, at a little
interior scene which bears upon this intention.
It took place here in the sea-side villa of Mecenus.
near Puteoii. Caligula is visiting, iu his best
humor— to look upon him iu any humor
hut his best would he too revolting
tile seat of the superb Roman. The Jews
oppressed everywhere, and living iu the utmost
tenor, have sent a deputation to wait upon the
Emperor in person, and try to obtain some
assurance of clemency. The ■ little scene is
sketched vividly enough by the most considerable
of the delegates, Philou, au aged Egypfßin Jew
whom Kenan, who quotes the description, esti
mates as the most venerable of the tribe left, out
side the little Christianized hand in Palestine.' It
will serve to animate these crumbling stones we
are passing. The good rabbi depicts.the deport
ment of the emperor-god in his hour of mirth,
after his soul has been attuned to laughter by
timely sallies of the pet jester Helicon. This
creature had been inventing all sorts of buffoon
eries apropos of the Hebrews, aud the Em
peror, receiving the band with a snarling
smile that exposed his teeth,, burst out, “Ah,
you are the only people left to deny my divinity'
Meanwhile, you worship a god you do not even
know the name of!” “You would detest them
still more. Lord,” put in an Alexandrian oppo
nent, “if you .knew the unaccountable aversion
they have for your person. They alone, of all
nations, have never sacrificed for the health of
your divine body.” The Jews clamorously de
clared that this was a scaudal—they had thrice
offered for ids prosperity the most solemn obla
tions of their rite. Here the imperial ape. with
the most comical seriousness, undertook to draw
a metaphysical distinction—“ You have sacri
ficed, hut not to me; what advantage can a god
have from offerings to other gods?” Having
propounded this keen subtlety and made his
point, he turned his back, and relieved his fa
tigued brain by promenading the villa. In and
out he stalked, up stairs and down, examining
hall after hall, without intermission, and affecting
to order repairs and decorations. The unhappy
deputies (among them the venerable narrator,
aged eighty), followed hither and thither, trem
liug, out of breath, abovo, below, jeered by the
courtier, forhoding some fatal freak from the
crowned buffoon. Suddenly, turning short upon
them, —“Why do you never cat pork?” The
flatterers roared at the witty question, reproved
by the.officers, who severely reminded them that
immoderate laughter Kvas disrespectful to the
present deity. The poor Jews, taken aback,
stammered awkwardly enough, “But there are
some who never cat lamb.” “And right they are.
for,” said the Emperor with the conviction of ex
perience and the profundity of Christopher Sly,
“iamb is a perfectly tasteless meat.” In an ex
cellent hnmor after the retort, he presently
affected to take up the affair again. The mo
ment the harangue commenced, however, lie
whirled olf. and went to give orders about
another room he wished to- have gar
nished.' Then he returned, pi'etendud
attention, tempted them to procecde'-only'
that he - might take flight to a salorin,
intended ,to he incrusted with specular
stone. The poor Jews, fearing everything, still
followed liiin about, feeling that they were hear
ing their lives in their hands through the gav
villa. This cat's plqy. trifling with tho victim,
lasted for hours, until finally the freak seized the
beast, not to spring, hut to draw .in his claws.
Suddenly brushing by, as they expected death—
“ Come, come, these people," said he, “could
no-ver he so culpable as to say, I am not a god"—
irfrd let them- go." Such. ih MreySSisan test aspect,
was the stave blown by an ill wind, in the year
37, from nothingness to a throne. If this sketch,
drawn with the simplicity of Pepvs or Evelyn, is
not distinct enough, recall the Naples statue of
Caligula, and in imagination set it marching past
the Roman guide-post—“Hixc-Putbou?”—still
preserved upon the Pozzuoli road. Restore the legs
of the image, which his angry victims broke at his
death as they broke the legs rif their crucified
slaves: Crown the shoulders again with the
fallen head, become the football of the people he
wished to have had one neck, and long used hv
ft rrytnen of the Garigliauo to stay the wagon-
wbccls. ’ Repair the studied insuits which an
imbruted race, who had cringed to the diademed
iie\il in his Hie. afterwards wreaked upon the
dumb fetish. Mark the thin, tight lips now: re
gard the eye, no longer the haughty Roman
eye. round as the globe, hut the narrow, peeping
eve of malignant cowardice. .Remark the luxury
i.t the armor, enchased with ornament, and hear
ing on the breast that horse which Caligula made
Senator. Collate the villainous traits of the
cheap, gilded tiling -who was, as Victor lingo
says, “bf slave, become master: - trembling under
'iiberiuß, terrible after Tiberius,-' vomiting in
atrocity his heart-sickness of yesterday." These
traits arc the reasons of the ruin around. Be
cause feet like Caligula's have promenaded the
villa of Mccenas. the stone cannot contain,.hut
crumbles into the wreck' we see on every side.
The Roman eagle gorged itself. »nd then the
northern wolves came down and glutted their ire.
Beneath tli.e waters of the Bay of Baiie, you
see the walls of theflshpools of Hortensius. who
said he would rather lose two iinili from his car
than two mulli from his ponds. Here, too, used
to swim the finny favorite of Antonia Drusus,
with gorgeous eardrops in its gills. Here was
enacted every caprice of the antique luxury.
HithenVard rolled—as the chariot of . the last
weaUhv milord rolls along Chiaja—the sump
tuous coaches of the Cimheans, who never left
their walls, says Athemeus, but in a carriage and
pair, and who “decorated their robes with needle
work, and wore a great deal -of gold." Their
tninbr—me wealthy Necropolis of Cumie— have
enriched the museums with some of tire richest ■
jewelry knowh, with cloth of gold, gold embroi
dery, armor and vases. The mere leavings and
debris of the immense orgie would set forth hun
dreds of modern tables.
Hard by, on the Punta di Pcnnato, died Corne
lia, of the Gracchi, mother of Tiberius and Cains,
iii lonely old age and exile.
On the hills west of Lake A versus, near the
Elysium oY fable, was seated the delicious Cutmean
villa of Cicero—one of his many villas, hut not
the one at Tusculnm—to see which was the
master-passion of Mrs. Blimber. To this
retreat lied young Augustus from his school in
Macedonia, upon the outburst of the con
spiracy which overthrew the mighty Julius.
“The lad is perfectly devoted to me,” writes
Cicero to Atticus, proud of his young guest of
nineteen: but adds in his nextletter that the step
father of the youth, Lucius Philippus, who lives
in a neighboring villa, and who scrutinizes the
stripiiug with only step-fatherly indulgence,-
thinks the hoy is “not to be trusted.” This is'
the Augustus of the Vatican bust, one of the mas
terpieces of Roman sculpture, which represents
the future Emperor at about the period of this
adventure.. Always beautiful, Augustus has at
tiiis age something of the speculative, “leau-aud
huugryvCassius” look. His marble cheeks are
meagre, his fair brow knitted over the piercing
eyes. You involuntarily recall the silver statue in
the Louvre by Rochet, representing the young
Napoleon as a student at B'riennc.
We might go on forever, musing and remem
bering, among these toppling ruins of Baiie; but
it is time to get up and look around us, examin
ing the country, not by the far ideal light of his
tory and song, hut by the searching beams of the
leal Italian sun. Another day, if you please, we
will rolbthrough these tracks, not on some rusty
Roman wheel from the Museum, but in a plain
modern vettura. Pietro, my ordinary Jehu, will
he glad to drive me furiously once again. I know
what demonstratkiushc will make with his greasy
wide-awake the moment ho sees me at the door.
I know how he will rattle out of the city, saving
me by a chain of miracles from momentary
collisions. I know how the brass' mountings
on the harness, ant especially the frightful
dragon which sits, like Horror plumed, upon the
collar, will glitter with the freshest polish. I
know how he will explain everything, with his
eyebrows working all over his forehead, in a dic
tion so honorably meant fox French that it would
be cruelty to misunderstand it; and I know jqst
how much good it will do me. I know ho will !
demand fifteen francs for the aiternoon’s service,
and accept six. I know how he will pocket his
legal faro as if he was accepting Inal ruin. And
I know how ho will brighten a moment after,
and wheedlo me into an engagement for next
day, and exit singing “La Bella Sokeiitma."
Exr.yr Peuiiu.
I.eave-TiiUing at €roiista.«lC_ Rrand
Naval Matinee on Hoard tilt Frank-
lin—Oil for htveilen and Rcmiark.
(Juonstadt, August 30th, 1807.—Admiral Far
rngut leaves to-morrow with his squiljron for
Franzuud, where the Russian licet is Y> give a
series of entertainments in honor of tlm United
States flag and officers. On Tuesday W the
Mayor oi (Jronstadt gave a sumptuous bf\akfast
to the commander and officers, aud in theteven
ing Admiral Lcssoflski ottered a grand half
Beth affairs were brilliant aud marked V the
best of feeling. The Minister of Marine of ljgsia
was present at the ball. To-day Admiral FariVut
gave a flue matinee, with a dance, on hoarofho,
Franklin. It was highly successful. Admval
Krabe, of the Swedish navy, was present, ad
was saluted.- 'Ktissiun ladies aud Officers of tip
Russian, Swedish and American services wet
present in numbers. The United States squadroj
visits Stockholm and Copenhagen.
—The Suit Lake City Vedette, a Gentile paper;
speaks its mind so Very finely'about the Mor
mons, that a weakness is suggested on the part'
of the saints and their disciples. The editor
takes the bishops, apostles and' elders to
task for vice and bad teachings. A few years
ago this could not have been' done by a GenUlg in
that city.
Addressee of Will, Lloyd Garrison.
l*rince de Hroglie and Otoen.
rtroiii G.-iiignnniV Messenger, Ang. 20.]
The proceedings were resumed on Tuesday,
2<. at the Salle Hcrz, M. Laboulave in the
chair. Letters. bookß and documents for the
Conference were presented by the Secretary.
Tr W °JF tt ? rs " ere ren(l from Wendell Phillips and
. r G ow ’ Inte Minister from the United States
in Paris, expressing the liveliest sympathy in the
purposes of the meeting. Prince A. De 'Broglie
presided while M. Laboulaye 'h'i' ,, a'pivl .aii ad-
he took a tYfh.i .A
ol the whole cptestion of abolition. lie alluded
to Montesquieu in his “Esprit des Lois,” to
John Jay, the American jurisconsult, and
others, who had precededClarkson, G. Sharp and
VV ilberforee. _ In his discriminating and philoso
phical analysis of their several services and influ
ences, contrasting and illustrating each by the
other, he brought out the characteristics of Clark
son, Wilberforee, Buxton, Brougham, O'Connell
and Joseph Sturges, in England. He then passed
in review the special advocacy and influence of
Jay, Sumner ami Llovd Garrison in America, and
the great champions of emancipation in France,
giving a place to the Dnc De Broglie and others.
The speech was deservedly applauded, and will
he welcomed as a generous tribute to the advo
cates of negro ireedum, and a lucid exposition of
the principles on which the emancipation of the
slave in every land should he based.
Mr. Lloyd Garrison was then introduced as the
representative of the American ;Freedinen's
Lnion. He apologized for his inability to use
tbe I rc-ncb tongue, and expressed the hope that
the day would come when one language would
be universal. His speech was an eloquent expo
sition of the American struggle in the abolition
of Slavery, tracing the origin of the slave power
and it? usurpations and exactions throughout
the period piecedidg tile recent civil war. He
sketched the persecutions and -hostility endured
by the friends of the bondmen. He delineated the
progress of the cause, tbe triumph ol liberty, and
the-lingering antagonism of the planters, the ha
tred evinced toward the slave, and the conduct of
the present President, Mr. Johnson, whom he
represented ns the adversary of a patriot people
.and an enlightened Congress. lie fjuoted the
testimony of Mr. S. I>. Chase and his coadjutors
concerning the freedmen, who have refuted sla-
I very's accusation of idleness and incapacity, and
\ not only worked faithfully while under white
employers, but when facilities have iieen accorded
them, have proved themselves capable of inde
pendent and even self-organized labor. The au
dience listened for an hour with gratified pa
tience to the address of this world-famed cham
pion of liberty, which he closed by a grateful ac
knowledgment of the services of the French co
An episode occurred after the clobo of Mr. Gar
rison’s address: a colored man in respectable
garb asked for permission to address the. meet
ing. He avowed himself to have been a slave in
Georgia, when Sherman invaded that State, and
did not till then know of Mr. Lincoln's procla
mation. When he learned he was free, he left
the cotton plantation, went to New York,- and
thence proceeded to Providence, R, 1.,. Where he
engaged in the coal trade, and subsequently
worked in the service of the State Government.
He told his own tale to prove that slaves were
able to provide for themselves, and knew the
value of time and money. He was well received
by the meeting and produced a good impression.
The Prince N. de Broglie followed, and men
tioned the motives which had inspired the Due
de Broglie and his family with a zeal for emanci
pation and the liberty of the enslaved. The Con
ference accepted with manifest pleasure the sym
pathy of a larnily so honored in lineage.' Horn
J. Palfrey addressed the Conference in French,
and acknowledged the obligations of Americans
to their friends in France. Gen. Dubois, who had
been representative of the late Government in
Ilayti to the French Cabinet, was requested to
give some statements tending to prove the negro
race capable of self-government, and sustaining
their place amo®g the nations. It is perhaps the
first time Ilayti has had a voice in the comity of
Stutes, and she was ably represented by Gen.
Dubois. He spoke nearly an hour, and w'as re
peatedly cheered during a deliberate and manly
defence of Ilia race and country, and a candid ex
planation of difficulties to he surmounted in the
Constitutional Government of the nation which
he server
All English View of tlie Removals
! [Frou tlie London Morning Star, Angiiat :>o.] \
j If we ar? to believe a late telegram from Amer
| iea, the pilicy of President Johnson has received
| a cheek in a quarter where ho least expected it.
! One of hismost cherished schemes was to get rid
: of Gen. Hieridan from the administration of
; Louisiana ind Texas, where he was carrying out
; the reconstruction policy’ of Congress w’ith zeal
i and cllieiercy. The greater his zeal aud the more
| thorough his system of administratiou, the more
j complete would necessarily be his alienation
: irom the hesident, who desires to leave tlie
| Southern phuters iu the enjoyment of nearly’ all
the political power they possessed before the
war. The President was especially annoyed at
Sheridan’s interference with the civil officers
who had hem appointed under the old myime,
aud who weie too frequently disposed to throw
every impedknent in the way ot the legislation
of Congress, and the enjoyment by the negroes
of that equality with their white brethren which
alias been one of the marvelous results of the
war. In every American community it soon be
came known that Sheridan was the representa
tive of tlie policy which the President detested,
and that his removal would tie ike test whether
Congress had triumphed, or whether
Johnson was mad enough to throw down the
gauntlet afresh to a people little disposed to
stand insubordination or braggadocio from
their oflidal servants. The chief difficulty in the
Presidents way was Mr. Stanton, tlie Secretary
of War. He could not strike at Sheridan except
through Itanton, and tlie latter was a staunch
upholder if the policy of Congress, and therefore
the defender and panegyrist ofGeu. Sheridan.
President Johnson, therefore, determined to get
rid of Mt Stanton, and removed him from his
office in oriiosition to the whole spirit of the re
cent legislation of Congress, if not in contraven
tion of theletter of the law, which prevents the
importunlypijiec-holders being removed except
with the censent of the Senate. Gen. Grant, pro
bably regarding the request of the President that
ho should dcccpt the portfolio as equivalent to a
commaud, ntimated.to Mr. Stanton that he was
ready to take over the charge of the Department.
That gentleman accordingly resigned under pro
test, and-Gin. Grant reigned iu his stead.
The Repibliean party of the North were cer
tainly puzzed-by Grant’s acceptance. His great
popularity prevented that bitter outcry against
him which in any country where perfect free
dom of crit cism is allowed, generally follows a
false move iy a prominent public man. It was
universally. fit that Grant had done an unwise
thing, hut the dissatisfaction was muttered
rather than, openly expressed, and all parties
watched will interest the next move. The Pre
sident, .with that wonderful iaculty'for getting,
into difficu ties which • distinguishes him,/no
sooner had Jrot rid of Mr. Stanton than he re
curred to liL attempts to put an end to the ca
reer ol Sheri an. Grant, who in consequence of
his extremi taciturnity, has been a great
puzzle to I tlie American politicians, was
claimed as an ally by both parties, and
when he accepted Stanton’s appointment, and
became tbenjbv obnoxious for the'moment to the
Kupublicans.lJobuaoh fondly imagined he had se
icured him toihimself. Ho had not counted upon
an eiemont which might have been remembered
\>y any one not so completely carried away by
Wlstroug impulses. Grant is proverbially mi-
VUish nuq’grateful to £>.osc able officer? who so
gallantly* and successfully carried out hifl combi*
ualions against the Southern rebels. Amon o,
«ruMed lieutenants, Sheridan had only one f»upc
nor m the person of Sherman: but so far as the
operations under Grant’s own immediate com
mand Mere concerned, it mav fai'rlv be said
that Sheridan contributed more* than anv other
officer to the final victory. It was hfs unri
valed tactics and heroism which turned
Lee s Hank at the battle of Five Forks; it was he
who. by n rare combination of infantry and
cavalry movements not hitherto practiced in the
army of any nation, h< aded the retreating forces
oi Die Southern General, and compelled them to
fight until they were finally surrounded, and sur
rendered at discretion. For General Grnnt to
turn against Sheridan would be an act of ingrati
tilde of wlyr" >i .the least, UUeVv.
man in Amt
had entirely forgotten this very natural element
of calculation. The consequence is that when he
renews his efforts to get rid of the popular
General, expecting the new Secretary of War to
coincide with his views, he finds that ho has en
tirely mistaken bis man, and that Grant throws
his ;egis over Sheridan. ■
We cannot, of course, assume that the tele
gram which conveys this piece of information is
absolutely authentic, as these cable telegrams are
i necessarily founded on the rumors of the day
contained in the New York papers, and the jour
nals are not infallible. The story, however, ap
pears extremely probable, from Grout's known
; chivalry towards his subordinates generally, and
‘ liis special affection for Sheridan Tu particular,
i If the story be confirmed, it will prove one of
i the most interesting episodes in Mr. Johnson's
! chequered career, and will vastly increase the
popularity of Gen. Grant throughout the Northern
■States. But what will the President do next? He
cannot atlord to throw over Gen. Gfant as he has
done Mr. Stanton. .He cannot strike atShoridan
except through Grant, any inore than he could
reach him except through Stanton, and if Stanton
was aide to protect the distinguished pro-consul
lie is much safer with Gen. Grant as his imme
diate superior. All this must be gall and worm
wood to the President and his party; but if the
former could only see affairs in their true light,
the determination of Grant will really lie the
President s best defence. He is, unfortunately
tor himself and the country, a most ihlermineil
am! ptn-erst- rnh lt lie can manage to get rope
enough, there is no difficulty in foreseeing what
will be the, end of his career. No sooner was it
known throughout the country that Mr. Stanton
lied been forced to resign than the Republicans
perceived that nothing but deprivation of of
fice .would stop Johnson from dying in the face
of the policy which the majority of the people
and Congress hnd resolved upon. The impcach
ment scheme, which had languished so long as no
practical good was looked for from so extreme a
course, became popular, and it is not too much
to say that if Mr. Johnson succeeds in removing
Sheridan, the nation will remove Johnson. The
obstinacy of the President is great, but the peo
ple who fought and won the battle for freedom
nrg equally determined, and the whole history of
the straggle teaches ns that the people will beat 1
the President. They have none everything
which legislation can do to keep him within duo
bounds,but if he, during the vacation of Congress;
attempts by meje quibbles to wriggle out iff the
restraints impose'd upon him, sterner measures i
will unquestionably be adopted. If Gen. Grant,
by his acceptance of the post vacated by Seere- ,
tary Stanton can do more than the latter was
able to carry o»t the policy of Congress, and
keep the President from Upsetting the coach, he
will have once again deserved well of his coun
Tile Speech at Amiens.
Thp Emperor on his passage through Amiens
was presented with an address bv the Mavor of
that town. His Majesty, iii reply, said: '
“I have crossed France with tho Empress, from
Straeburg to Dunkirk, and our hearty and sympa
thetic reception everywhere lias' filled us with the
liveliest gratitude. Nothing, I perceive with plea
sure, can shake tho confidence which for twenty
years the French people have placed in me. They
have estimated at their real value the difficulties
I have had to surmount. Tho ill-success of our
policy across the ocean has not diminished the
piestige of our arms, since everywhere the valor
of our soldiers overcame all opposition. The
events accomplished in Germany have not caused
our country to dcpait from a calm and dignified
attitude, and it relies with justice on the main
tenance of peace. The excitement of a small
•minority has not caused us to lose the hope of
seeing more liberal institutions peaceably mtro
troduced in our public life. The temporary
stuguation iu commercial affairs has not pre
vented the industrial classes from showing me
their sympathy,'and from relying upon the efforts
of the Government to give a fresh impetus to
commerce. I have found with pleasure those
sentimetits of confidence and devotion existing at
Amicus, and in the whole Department of Somme,
which places have always shown a sincere attach
ment to me, and where a residence of six years
proved to me that misfortune is a good school to
learn to support tho burden of power and to
avoid the dangers of fortune.”
Prussian Defiance of Franco—The
Idea of aNomli German Confedera
tion Ridiculed.
[From tile llerlln Kreutz ZoltniiK.)
A South German Confederation, forsooth! with
Austria for a close ally, and tho Emperor of the
French ns a protector! Germany saved from that
disunion whiclf charitable souls in Paris so deeply
deplore by the nephew of the protector of the
Rheinbund 1 Beat quicker, German hearts—a sa
vior has arisen,and the Bhade of Barbarossa thrills
with a grateful consciousness at the tidings of tho
.friend of Germany discovered in Paris ! * * IJo!
no! Germany is hale and strong; but if she were
ill, we would not send to Paris for nostrums to
cure her. If Austria is determined to play second
fiddle to a French tunp, she will find no accom
paniment in Germany. * * * * There is in
Germany but an infinitesimal number of scoun
drels 0 which look to Paris for tho safety
of the eountry, or rather their own profit.' Wien
the times come for rewarding traitors, their ac
count will soon be settled. But there is ouo thing
they will do well to take note of at the Tuilerics.
Me have withstood flattery; we shall not be
moved by threats. We repudiate any attempt at
dictation; we shall act as we think fit, and] wo
know our own mind.
A Hitherto Unpublished Cotter to
minister Aguirre.
[From tiny London (ilulic, Ana. UO.]
The subjoined letter from Ihe late Archduke to
his Minister, Senor Aguirre, dated Queretaro,
March 2, 18(17, is now published for the first time:
jl/y Hear Minlihr— As my departure for Querc
taro to put myself at the head of the recently
formed armv may bo falsely interpreted by male
volent persons in the eountry as well as abroad,
and as my reasons cannot be known, owing to
the many calumnies which our enemies spread
about with avidity respecting the conduct ot our
Government, I tluuk it necessary to make some
slight observations which may serve as an expla
nation and a gunle in the 'present dillieutl
moments. The programme which I adopted in
Orizaba, after having heard the frank and
loyal opinion of the consultative, bodies
ol’ lilt JSUUr, ii;ia iiOi urcii iii tile iezist
ehamaai; . for my dominant idea •is to
call ”a congress, the only solution which can
form a lasting future and a basis which may ap
proximate ail the parties now causing the rum
of our nnfortuuate country. I emitted the idoa
of tho Congress, which I nurtured ever since my
arrival in the country, as soou ns I became as
sured that the representatives of the nation could
be united freo from all foreign intiuencc. As long
as the French hadtheir sway in tho central parts
of the country it was impossible to unite a Con
gress with free power to deliberate. My .journey
11.I 1 . If. FETHERSTON: Publisher,
to Orizaba hastened themarch of the troops of
| the intervention, and thus arrived thokev when
the idea of a constituent Congress could be
openly spoken of. That no- such step could be
taken before- was evidently shown by the
strenuous opposition which the extinct French
authorities made against the idea I emitted. A
Congress selected' by the nation, as a real expres
sion-of the majority, and with full power and
liberty, is the only possible means of concluding
the civil wars, and'of putting an end to-so-nrnch
bloodshed. I,ns sovereign and chief called by
the nation, with pleasure again submitted inysefr
to the expression’ of its wil7, haring the most
ardent desire thus- quickly to conclude the deso
lating struggle. I even did moro by personally
addressing myself to the diffcrentjcWefewho say
the principles of progress, so ' that ' 'Way
■R? 1 ™hmit themselves, an i am
willing to do, to the vote of the- na
tional majority. What has been- tile result' of
these negotiations? That-the men- who invoke
progress would not or dare not submit them
selves to such a judgment. They answered' me
by executing loyal and distinguished citizens, re
jecting the paternal hand, and acting as blind
partisans, who wish exclusively to govern by the
sword. Where, then, Is the notional will? On
which Side exists tlie desire of true liberty? Their
only apology Is their own Wmdness;-sadly de
monstrated by the deeds enacted under such *
banner, and which clamor loudly to heaven
tor chastisement: It is impossible for us to
count upon them, and our duty is to act with
all energy, so as to restore liberty to the people
that they may frankly express their will. Tula
is the reason why X- in all haste marched in per
son to this city, endeavoring in every way to
reestablish peace and order, and< to save Ac
country a second time from a more noxiong
toreign influence. The bayonets of the inter
vention are leaving by the east: it is therefore
necessary to arrive at the longed-for moment so
as to avoid the armed influence which, directly
or indirectly, may menace our independence and
the integrity of the- country. We arc now at
the moment when our country is being bartered.
It is necessary to search out all pos
sible remedies to put an end to so critical
a situation, and to liberate Mexico- from
all oppression from whatever side it may come.
Finally, a national Congress will settle the destiny.
of Mexico, as regards its institutions and form ef
Government, and if this assembly should not be
convened, because we who demand it should full
in the struggle, the judgment *f the country will
always admit that we were In the right, and will
declare that we were the real defenders of true
liberty, that we never sold - the territory of the
nntion, that we endeavored to save her from a
second and oppressive intervention, and that in
good faith we had used all our efforts that the
principle of the national will might triumph.
[Signed | Maximilian.
JMie Impending Conflict—Tbe Intent
lions of the President—He will Pro
rogue Congress.
[Washington Correspondence of N. Y. lliriild.l '
After carefully striving to get at the truth/ so
far as the controversy between Congress and the
President is concerned, I have arrived at the con
clusion that both Congress and- the President
mean mißchief. The Radicals Intend to press im
peachment at the next meeting of Congress, and
the President is firmly determined to resist it r*
et tirmi *, by using all the power and agents under
his control; The Radical leaders have come to
the conclusion that the President is resolved to
carry ont reconstruction'on terms least oppres
sive to. the conquered Southern people, ana least
In sympathy with the Congressional negro su
premacy plan. They believe his purpose to be
to restore the disfranchised whites in the
South to all thoir rights as citizens, and
particularly that of suffrage, of which thev are
deprived under the present system of registra
tion. They believe he will employ' the whole
power of the Executive to carry out this his
policy of saving millions of intelligent whites
lrom the domination of un inforior, ignorant and
but half-civilized class, so recently delivered from
the bonds of slavery and suddenly invested with
the rights of freemen. They see in the execu
tion oi his plan the destruction of the means by
which the great Republican partv designed to con
trol, the South and extend their own lease of
power nnd patronage, at the sacrifice of patriot
ism, justice and every right principle. Observing
all this, they are naturally eager for his
and bow clamor for impeachment with louder
voice and greater zeal than formerly.
Taking it for granted that the radical leaders
are in earnest and that all their loud threats are
not mere idle boastings, it becomes a : matter of
interest to know how tlio President will act in the
event of his attempted impeachment.
lam reliably Informed that he Will regard* the
action of Congress as revolutionary. The radi
cals having abandoned the idea of trying him for
high crimes and misdemeanors, and justifying
his impeachment merely on the gronud that he
is, in the laugungo of Butler, an “impediment" to
Reconstruction, ho will not recognizo their
proceedings as legal or constitutional, and
will pay no respect to their resolves
nnd determinations. . Should articles of im
peachment bo presented and a resolution passed
suspending Mr. Johnson and prohibiting Mm
from exercising the functions of President.should
Wade bo chdson to act as President ad interim,
and, armed with this color of right and law, com
mand Johnson to vacate the White House, and
.turn over to him all the
pertaining to the executive oftree,-1 Tftrvßifeason
to believe that Mr. Johnson will decline, and defy-
Congress to do its worst. The President’s view
of the matter is said to be this- Each of th#three
great brandies of the government is for itself the-
K of the constitutionality of a law. Congress*.
! first place, is a judge. It passes a law ac
cording to constitutional forms by the requisite
majority over the President's veto. According
to the Constitution It can only legislate on cer
tain subjects. Well, the law is passed and it
comes to the President for execution. Ho is
sworn to faithfully execute his office aad “to pre
serve, protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States.” Who is to determine for him
whether the law passed by Congress does not
conflict with the Constitution he is sworn to
defend? If he considers it clearly in violation
of the Constitution, is ho not under the most
solemn obligation to refuse to- enforce it? It is
contended by some that the ipore usual
mode is for the President to assume a law consti
tutional until otherwise declared by the Supreme
Court. This the President considors only applies
to doubtful cases i but where the contiict with the
Constitution is clear and undoubted, the Presi
dent considers It.is his duty to deelinoits enforce
ment altogether. Applying this to impoaehment,
the following is the result: Congress passes
aitlclesof impeachment, suspouds the President
and orders his arrest. The alleged offence is that
he refuses to enforce the laws which he honestly
believeß to be in antagonism with the Constitu
He takes one view of tho law, Congress
another. He holds tbut ho can only be removed- '
on “conviction of treason, bribery andvother
higli crimes and misdemeanors.” He holds that
a mere difference of opinion as to tho constiHii- '
tiouality of n law between himself and Congress
is neither treason, bribery, nor other high crime
or misdemeanor. Ho holds, therefore, tint he
cannot be impeached,suspended or removes! from
irllxOc * „ _ _
Congress Insists he can. Then, he vonsidera
Congress places itself in an attitude of revolution.
It. thus violates the constitution by attempting
to usurp tho executive power, and must be put
down. How will this be done?. The President,,
acting for tho best interests- of the country and
deeming the safety of the Republic in danger,
will issue a proclamation proroguing Congress,
calling for an election ot , now members and
revoking the aid of the people to sustain him.
This, I am assured, is the view the President take* ,
[ CoigiijiKii Of (he Hast jit:;}?. |