Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 05, 1867, Image 5
Uf« in rioiido. The following letter from a Philadelphia lady, who was disllngulahed for her patriotic devotion daring the war, will be read with interest: Brows Oaks, Mbi.i.rsviu.e, Orange County, August 2<S, 1867 .—Dr. Thomas Wistar- Dear delphia, and that we are livTng InTlorida <* Kis even so- although it still seems more like the vagaries of a dream than a reality. We sold out and came heroin April— ken being some six miles from Mcllcnvillo, on Lake Monroe, through which the St. John’s river runs. We are living in tents, in the midst of a pine forest—our nearest neighbor two miles away. This pioneering is a lfard life, but we hope'to he fully recompensed. In four or five years our orange grove will probably yield us more than a competency. We intend to raise, oranges, lemons,- bananas and pine-applet. J ne. s-eoil is excellent—ni for mi&ost anything—and the climate fine; ihe air is pure, and almost as ex hilarating as champagne. The heat of the sup would be overpowering were it not for the fine breeze which, commences about nine oMock ana generally continues all day. The nlglns, too, are cool. We have not telt or suffered from the heat as much as wo did in Philadelphia. ' We make slow progress with clearing and buildlDg—for the “ poor white trash are lazy beyond beUef, and th«ro are very lew colored people. We have great difficulty in procuring laborers; their custom is to work three or four days with the proceeds buy a sack of com, and live on that until exhausted, when they work long enough to buy another. Their gardening consists of a good-sized potato-patch, and some times a few beans or pumpkins—nothing else. We cannot buy any vegetables at any price, although my son M., who has been ill for two months with bilious fever, longs for them, and has no appetite for other Mwa. The people seem to have lost all energy (if iMSy ever had any), and make little or no effort Be yond a mere sustaining 6f life. “Preacher Powell," the father of Payne, the assassin of Lincoln, is a neighbor. Another son, a bitter rebel, is living in poverty in consequence of his . belief in the “dissolution of the government, and the general break-up ot the whole country.” He sits on his fences smoking (a pipe, and lets his form go to ruin, and his wife and children want for bread, because, aB he says, “it's no use doing anything, we may never see the crops.” Wore it not for the military rule,it is more than probable we would bo hunted off, if not shot down—think they so little of taking human life here. “The Regulators” doom men (or used to often) merely from private animosity. But this \is too beautiful a land, too favored a spot to be -- given up to such a worthless set. Emigration tends thfe way, and it is what we want. A num ber of families come to our immediate vicinity this fall and winter, from Wisconsin, Ohio, Penn sylvania, Georgia, &c., and we hope soon to have schools, churches, and civilization. With northern enterprise and energy this can be made a perfect Eden. Some colored people are taking home steads, teo, and I doubt not, we can have them work for us ere long. . We have one man and his wife, and they are sending for other relations. Bnt a school must bo estab lished if they come, for all are anxious to Jeam. I have a young friend now in Philadel phia who is anxious to come here; he is a married man, and wcU educated. Bo you think some ol' the societies would pay him a moderate salary to teach the freedmen? There are numbers or them at New Smyrna and Enterprise, in want, Who can be induced to locate here with a school in Sroßpect. The gentleman to whom I allude is H. Murkland (late of the 72d Pennsylvania Vol unteers), with Merchant & Co., 4’24 South Dela ware avenue. :J i doubt not the colored people will gladly pay half their schooling; but they are too poor to do more, anxious as they are. When I commenced writing I had no idea of making the above suggestion, but it was, I believe, a happy thought. I merely intended letting von know my whereabouts, not having time for a farewell call, though I did visit your office during your .absence. Hoping to hear from you, I remain your sincere iriend and former co-worker, Mary M. His hand. THE COURTS. Quarter Sessions Judge Ludlow.— Mary Taylor, convicted yesterday of a charge of pick ing pockets, was sentenced by Judge Peirce to two years’ imprisonment. This morning Reverend Henry Wendt pleaded guilty to two buls charging him with committing a gross outrage upon two small girls, who were the inmates of an orphan asylum of which the defendant was superintendent The details of the outrage, as given before the Recorder, were repeated in Court. When called upon for sen tence, he said he had nothing to Bay, except to commend himself to the mercy of God ana the mercy of the Court Sentenced to 15. years in The Eastern Penitentiary. Elizabeth Pollet, alias Smith, was charged with picking the pocket of Rachel Geiger. The wit ness for the Commonwealth displayed consider able reluctance to testify, but finally admitted that her pocket had been picked in a passenger car. Verdict guilty. After the verdict the District-Attorney called attention to the fact that an effort had been made towKmper with the witness for the Common wealth. From the descriptions given warrants were issued for the arrest of the parties who had called upon the witness. The defendant was sentenced to two years in the Eastern Penitentiary. CITY NOTICES. By a perusal of the pamphlets of the \\ ashlng ton Library Company, organized in aid of the Hirer-, side Institute, we eee that among the presents to he distributed among those who purchase stock in aid of this deserving charity there are nearly four hundred valued at from $5O upwards, the highest being worth the snug fortune of $40,000. The Btock, it will be re membered, is sold at one dollar per Bhare, the pur chaser taking his choice from a collection of eight steel plate engravings, all of wliicn are of the finest finish and workmanship. On the twenty-fifth of this month, when the distribution of $300,000 worth of presents takes place, each share of stock will guarantee one present; or, in other words, for every dollar invested an engraving and a present arc promised.-. -Tie plan ts a most liberal one, and as the proceeds tire for a most deserving object, none can do better than aid in helping to crpwn the afiair with more than success. Thk American Sowing Machine, which does all kinds of plain and fancy sewing,besides exquisitely working buttonholes, and accomplishing a symmetri cally beautiful over-seam stitch, stands this day. un rivalled In It* power and popularity. All othw sowing machines have, of course, had their day, they have filled their mission, and must give way to progression and American ingenuity. The Bxh|bitlon rooms, comer of Eleventh and Chestnut streets, are daily thronged with visitors and purchasers. Accomplished ladies always in attendance to display the beautiful working of the last, fast and best sewing machine— the pride of our city—the wonder of the age In which we live. FRECKLES AM) ScsmiKN.—Jared’s “EmAIL DE Paeib” removes all freshes, tan and discolorations of the skin, imparting to It softness, whiteness and brilliancy. Sold by Eugi-Jpuln, Hi South Tenth street, and by all druggists. ctc>r Moths and Freckles—The only reliable rem edy for brown dfsooloratlons called Moth and FbeoiolM, 1b Pebbx's Moth arm Fbeokl* Lotloh. Prepared by Dr. B. C. Piebt, Dermatologist. 4» Bond street. New York. ; Sold by all druggists. Good News—A Card.—Charles Stokes & Co., the eminent Clothing House under the Continental Hotel, have just received a handsome lot of vsav cine Fnr.ucu amiKnulisu Cassimeebs ani> Coatinqs, or tueie own iMro station, to which they wish to call the attention of their customers and the publl£ gene rally. All in want of new Fall Clothing are Invited to —look at these goods,and the prices of ready-made Suits, before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention given lo Customer Work. Cuaui.es Stokes & Co., First-Class Clothiers, No. siii chestuut Btreet, Under the Continental Hotel. A Cue of Coffee or Tea, such as you can get at Morse’s Saloons, 90* Arch street, is very refreshing, f especially for ladles ont shopping. Cunts' Soft Felt Hats In great variety, At reduced prices. Oakfords, flonUaeutal Hotel. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHIALDELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1867. Gents’ Soft Felt Hats In great variety, at reduced prices. Oakfords, Continental Hotel. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all .disoasoa.BpEertainlng to the utmost snccess. TesthUOiUailfl frotn the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, NO. 605 Arch street. Thqjnedical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice.' Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. Balia, parties, suppers, pic-nics, etc., fur nished with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by 8. 8. Fetherston & Co., 270 South Second street. L Glass and earthen ware of all kinds; largest and best assorted Btockln Jhe city at Fetherston & C ,’s, 270 South Second street. Samuel S. Fetherston & Co., China and GlasH Store, 270 South Second street. Jones’ Hotel, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings ior guests. House open all night. Preserving Jars, Preserving Jars, ~ Preserving Jars, Preserving Cans, Preserving Cans, Preserving Cans, Preserving Tumblers, Preserving Tumblers, PreservingTumhlors, Of every variety, on hand, ' Of every variety, on hand, Of every variety, on hand, At Fetherston’s, 270 South Second. At Fetherston’s, 270 South Second, At Fetherston’s, 270 South Socond.| Balls, parties, suppers, pic-nics, etc., fur nished with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by S. S. Fetherston & Co., 270 South Second street. John R. Downing, j John R. Downing, John R. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stntionor, 139 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street. Blank Books, Blank Books, Blank. Rooks. All the Publications, All the Publications, All the Publications. Catholic Bboks of every kind. Catholic Books of every kind. Catholic Books of every kind. Bowning’s American Cement, Downing's American Cement, Downing’s American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Housekeepers in want of China and Glass Ware should not fail to, visit the cheapest and best place oftbe kind in the city. Fetherston & Co., 270 South Second street. Chinawark of every description at lowest cash price at S. S. Fetherston &■ Co.’s, 270 S. Second street Samuel 8. Few kkston & Co., Samuel d. Fetherston & Co., Samuel 8. Fetherston & Co., Wholesale and Retail dealers In Wholesale and Retail dealers In Wholesale and Retail dealers in China, Glass and Qneensware. China, Glass and Qneensware. China, Glass and Qneensware. No. 270 South Second street. No. 270 South Second street. No. 270 South Second street Call and examine our slock. Call and examine our stock. Call and examine our stock. John R, Downing, John R. Downing, John R. Downing, Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationor, Bookseller and Stationer, 189 South Eighth street. , 189 South Eighth street. 139 South Eighth street.: All the PnblicaHons, All the Publications, All the Publications; Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing’s American Cement, Downing’s American Cement, , Downing’s American Cement. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Call at 139 South Eighth street. Coll at 139 South Eighth street. HousEKEEr.Eiia iu ..want of China and. -CM?, 8 Ware should hof nni xb visit'-thc cheapest amcnest place of the kind in the city. Fetherston & Co.,' 210 'South Second street. ■ ' Glass and earthenware of all kinds; largest andbeßt assorted stock in the.city at Fetherston & Co.’s, 270 Sonth Second street. Samuel S. Fetherston & Co., China and Glass Store. 2TO South Second street. John R. Downing, John E. Downing, ' John R. Downing, ■ - Bookseller and Stationer, " T ' . Bookseller and Stationer, Bookseller and Stationer, 139 South Eighth street 139 South Eighth street 139 Sonth Eighth street Blank Books, Blank Books, • Blank Books. All the Publications, All the Publication, All the Publications. Catholii? Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind, Catholic Books of every kind. Downing’s American Coment Downing's American Cement, Downing’s American Cement Call at 189 Sonth Eighth street Call atl39 South Eighth street Call at 189 Sonth Eighth'street Balls, parties, suppers, pic-nics, etc., fur nished with all kinds of Glass, China, and other ware, at the lowest prices, by 8. 8. Fetherston & Co., 270 Sonth Second street Glass and earthenware of all kinds; largest and best assorted stock In the city at Fethoreton & Co. ’s, 270 South Second street Samuel S. Fetherston & Co., China and Glass Store, , 270 South Second streot Chinaware of every description at lowest cash prices at S. 8. Fp&raton & Co.’s, 270 South Second street . / ' tJyrtjfiHlftE of every description at lowest cash prices atHTk Fetherston & Co.’s, 270 South Second Btrcct Gents’ Soft Felt Hats «. In great variety At redncod prices, Oakfords, Continental Hotel. ROCKHILL& Wilson, " Clothing nouse, 603 and 605 Chestuut street , - Great reduction in Summer Goods. . The balance of our stock of Summor Clothing- will be dosed ont at very low priccß,, to make room for a ,nrge assortment of fiew fall goods. Fall Slylcs now in store. Blank Books, Blank Books" Blank Books, Rookhii.i, Si Wilson, 603 and 605 Chestnut street. Rojjortcd livening Bulletin. GKANDTUKK-r-SchrA D Gilbert, Noall-CSOO bus salt A Kerr & Bro. MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Sect 6. 1&~ Sec Marine Bulletin on Second JPngc. I • ’ ' ARRIVED THIS DAT. "'1 Brig W A Dresser, Hatch, 8 days from Bangor, with lumber to T P Galvin & Co. Brig Geo Harris, French, 8 days from Bangor,.with lumber to captain. Schr Seven Stars, Phillips, 4 days from Rappahan nock, with grain to Bacon, Collins & Co, gchr A H Curtis. Haskell, from Providence, in bal last to Lennox & Burgess. Sr.hr A G Gilbert, Nonll, from Grand Turk 23d tilt, with salt to Alex Kerr & Bro. Left bark Storm Bird, hence, just arr; brlgG T Ward sailed same day for Philadelphia. Schr Specie. Smith, Nanßemond River. Schr R W Godfrey, Godfrey, Saugus. , ' Schr Glcnwood, Dickinson,.Horton's'Point. Schr Nellie C Paine. Doane, Fairhavcn. Schr E L Porter, Sparks, Provincotown. , 5' Schr Mary Milncs.Burdge, Salem. Schr W W Pharo, Allen, Boaton. Schr BPM Taßker, Allen, Portsmouth. Schr 8 L Stevens, Studley, Gloucester. Schr Surprise, Beers, Providence. CLEARED THIS DAY. SchrSaruh Purvee, Jones, Richmond, L Audcnried&Co Schr Specie, Smith, Norfolk, > do Schr Sarah R Tkomas, Arnold, Fort Monroe, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Schr It W Godfrey, Godfrey, Boßton, Street & Co. Schr H G Hand, Taylor,Boston, Caldwell, Gordon&Co. Schr J Sattcrtbwaite, Long, Boston, Westmd Coal Co. Schr M V Cook, Fnlkcnberg.Boston, Day, Huddell&Co Schr R Shnnnon, Dilks, Boston, Rommel & Hunter. Schr C C Vandervoort, Baker, Fall River, do Schr S L Stevens, Studloy, N Bedford, J R Tomlinson. Schr A Woolcy, King, Salem, Audenried & Co. Schr Glenltrook, Dickerson, Newport, Dovey, Bulkley & Co. Schr N C Paine. Doane, Provincetown, captain. Schr E L Porter, Sparks, Provincetown, captain. Schr A H Curtis, Haskell, Providence, Lennox & Bar gees. Schr Seven Stars, Phillips,Rappahannock, Bacon, Col lins & C’o. Schr Damascus, Price, Princess Ann, Mi. captain. Corresflondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Sept. 3-9 PM. A ship, supposed the Autocrat, from' San Francisco for Philadelphia; passed in this morning. i The following vessels remain at the Breakwater; Bark Betsey, Simpson, with guano, waiting orders; steamer Elevajor, m two of tug C Chamborlntn, from Baltimore for New York; schrs Cyrus Fossett, for Boston; G W Rawlcy, do; Lizzie Maule, do; Wm Capes, do; Chris Looser, do; Seventy-six, do; Maud Belle, do; Marcia S Lewis, do; Morning'Light, do; Mary E Mnnkin, do, all from Philadelphia; Silver Lake, from Philadelphia for Portsmouth; A E Salford, do for Fairhavcn: N Jones, do 'or Machine; A Falken ber-', do for Providence; H Blackman, do for Saco; J G ifuljcock, do for Salem; Delaware, from Milton for Stafford, Conn; OH Falley, from Christiana; Mary Elizabeth, Reindeer, Barbnra, John Collins, and Only Daughter, from Virginia, all for New York; also, brig C Matthews, schrs White Sen, Fly and Rising Sun, with' stnno for Delaware Breakwater. Wind E. „ Yours, &c'. JOSEPH LAFETRA. MEMORANDA. Shit) Myrtle, before reported put back to Liverpool, returned in consequence of the crew refusing to per form duty; she wub to sail again for this port on the 20th ult. 'with a new captain and crew. Ship Istria, Sewuli, cleared at Liverpool 23d nit. for this port. * Ship F F Day, Durham, entered out at Liverpool 23d ult. for this port. Ship Joseph Fish, Stackpole, for this port, entered out at Liverpool 21st ult. _ Ship Chieftain, McGuire, from San Francisco, at Liverpool 21st ult. , , Bark St Fetor, Goodwin, cleared at Havre 20th ult. for Cardiff. - _ • ... Bark Jchn Good, Croweli.from London for this port, sailed from Gravesend 22d mat. and passed Deal 24th. Bark Minna, Stuukel, hence at Bremerhaven 20th ult. Brig Errichetta, Filliberti, hence at. Genoa 19th nit. Sch" M C Hart, Hart, hence at Boston 3d inst. Schrs F W Johnson, Marks, and John Price, Nick erson, cleared at Boston sth inst. for this port. Schr Ida May, Brisco, cleared at Calais 31st ult. fox this port. J . ” Schr Mary Ella, Talpey, hence at Portsmouth 30th nl Schr RS Dean, Cook, hence for Taunton,sailed from New London 2d inst. _ „ Schrs T G Smith, Lake; Goddess, Kelley, and Jane C Patterson, Corson,"hence at Boston yesterday. CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, HO, 612 CHESTNUT STEEET, Just received, a large stock oil CHOICE FALL GOODS. WILL MOVE OCTOBER Ist.TO S. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut Sts, apyMyrp LEGAL NOXIOUS. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND I cmmty of Philadelphia.—Estate of JOHN WINTER BOTTOM, docoased.—Notice is hereby given that HAN NAH S. WINTERBOTTOM, widow of said decedent has filed in said court her petition in which she elects to re tain $3OO of the porsonal estate of said decedent, in pursu ance of the Act of April 14,1851, and its supplements, and that the eatd petition will be npproved and granted by said court on Saturday, September 21, 1867. unless exceiL lions be filed thereto. (,II AH.IIAA IS, ses-2aw.4t Attorney for Petitioner. HOOP SKIRTS. OOF BESETS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY. No, 812 Vine street, 1b now manufacturing all the va rieties of Hoop Skirta, Coweta, Ac. She has ateg tho Eoal French Coraeta of new atyles. Hoop Skinaarwrecr amr repaired. mh26-tfrp WANTS. WANTED.-A HALF-GROWN GIRL, OF RESPECT YY able parents, as Child'e-nuree, in a email family, bO5 North Twenty-second street ♦ CHAMBERS & CATTELL! 32 N. THIRD STREET, □fPOBTEBS OF french and mm calf and kip skins, calf, kid And patent Leather, BED AND OAK HOLE LEATHER. aul-Bmrps • PAPER hangings. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. cor. Tenth and Walnut streets. J. C. Finn& Sons Have opened with an extensive assortment of Docoratlvs and Plain Wall Papers, embracing every quality, to suit all tastes. se3tfs INDIA RUBBER GOODS, __ No. 708 Chestnut Street. MANOFAOTDREBB AGENCY. Vulcanised Machine Belting, Steam Packing, Oar Springs. Hoee, Boots. Shoes. Vulcanite Jewelry, Druggists and Stationer's article*, and every description of Rubber Goods, Wholesale and Retail, at lowest factory prices* RICHARD DEVICK. apMmrpi BLAIR’S LIQUID RENNET FOR MAKING IN A FEW MINUTES DELICIOUS DESSEBCS. HENRY C, BLAIR’S SONS. EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS. "• mhlit-tu tli s dmgpt TBAAiC NATHANS. AUCTIONEER, N. E. CORNER A Third and Spruce streets, only one square- below the Exchange. $250,000 to loan in large or small amounts, on diamonds, sUver-plate, watches, jewelry, and all goods of value. .Officehours from.B A.M. tiU7P.M; gar'Estab lished for the last forty yearn. Advanoee made in large amounts at the lowest market retea. JaStf rp -VrUMBER ONE SCOTCH PIQ IRON—GLEN QAR As nock Vend, in store and for sale in lots to suit, by PETER WRIGHT « SONS. U 5 Walnut atreet io7 tt T 1 ISLET'S CONTINENTAL NEWS EXCHANGE . CHOICE SEATS To all places of amusement may bo had up to 6)4 o’clock any evening. . .. . , roh29tf. TYTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, "*■’ ELEVENTH ABOVE CHESTNUT. THE I'AiniLY RESORT. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2G, CARNCROSS & DIXEY’S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, . in Timm GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. Forparticulars sec future advertisements. „ J. L. CARNCItOSS, Manager,- R, F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. aulSti TVARS. JOHN DREWS ARCH STREET THEATRE. 1 OPENING NIGHT. SATURI)AY, Sent. 7, 1867. mrs.®!s^W 1 a 0 J 1 l\ g A® Z le. Concluding Cgnedictta, Miss Trice, Mrs. Thayer, Mrs. Walcot, Messrs. Craig, Hemple and \\ alcot. Door* open H past 7 ; Curtain tTbcb Uto 8. Box Office open Treasurer. ON MONDAY. JULIA DEAN. aet-Jt WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. t. CORNER 01 NINTH and WALNUT streets. Begins at 8. THIS AND EVERY EVENING, SliakcßpoftroV Fnirv Spectacle, in fivo acts, or A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, With its unrivaled Sconcry, Panorama, Ooßtumos, Accou trCmCTRIPLE TRANSFORMATION SCENE, &c. The whole OF EXCEIjLSNcE Never equaled ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. Shakuepcore’H Fairy Spectacle, in five acta, of , A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. Chairs secured aix days in advance. Assembly buildings. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Sept. 2, THE MAN OF MANY FACES, MR. ALF. BURNETT, _ ASSISTED BY MISS HELEN NASH, In their Brilliant and Humorous Entertainment. Mr. BURNETT will give Forty Phases of)ho COMIC ELEMENTS OF SOCIETY, Aa exhibited by him, for twenty years, in all the principal cities in this country and Europe. ALE. BI'RNETT AS PETKOLELM V. NASBY. Itoors open at 7: commence at 8. . Admission, 50 cents , Children, 26 cents. Secured Sents, without extra charge, at Trmnplcr’e, No. 926 Chestnut street. sc- oc fT O N C E R T il A L L. Li BLIND TOM, , . , T lie marvelous musical prodigy, fur a short season, at the above Ball, commencing MONDAY, Sept. 2d, at 81*. M. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, Sept. 4 and 7, at 2.00 P. M. . Admission, Fifty Cents. Reserved Seats, Seventy-live Cents. .... . liitlcoiiy ref’crvi'd for colored persona. Admission, 2y ct. Ticket* ut Chat*. W. A. Trumpler’* ‘Mu.-uc btore, P 26 Olifitrnt Khet’f: jilho rit the H«lt. A SSEMBLY BUILDING. TEMPU . ; 0F WONDERB . I.vREWELL SEASON—FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT. HIS RETIREMENT FROM PUBLIC LIFE AFTER fifty years of long and acti\ e labor. SHOULD OLD ACQUAINTANCE BE EORGO l. MONDAY, Sept. 2, and every EVENING »*• A. and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3. UNI-: MORE GOOD AND HABIT LAUGH with Blitz of our youlli, Blitz of our uge, Blitz of our children, Blitz of "'maGlU. C VkStML«QITSM, CANARY BIRDS and the MINSTRELS. Admission, 25 cents; Children. Id f/'iita. I.VKfrrved r*o mutt*. iiiUVl-im t riMJ L»Auvjn itsKo’ xU. Etruui’tti;andDnnring will re-open bA/11.KD\i. iStptember 14th, 1867. ftt the S. K. corner of DiIO.VD nud bI'UING GAKI>EN streets. Name* of peinona who bavo placed their children under their ctmrge: Governor Vi oom, of Now Jersey, United Btutea Mini*ter to Berlin; tlie lute Win.L. Dayton,Tniied States MinMcr to *r»nce; Hon. W. D. Kelley »nd Hon. JL«. Myew, M. C. For private ref'-renru. n‘»* ri*Tul*r»*. BLACK cluck.— uOAhi aiAyKMV of Mtinic forunleVwßh onvljpg" Bo.x ftyt P.»).' SDILVAiMA aI'AUMI oF riAZa aaio, t CHESTNUT, above TENTH. Open from 9 A. M. to 0 P. 11. Benjamin VTe«t*a great Picture of CHJUBT REJECTED gflll mi »»vblhl*fnn. JO**** HEAL ES'JTAXIi SAMjES* MOki'iiANb’ cuuiT BALt-r.aiAi'L OF PA'A rick McNally,-deceased.—James A. Freeman, Auc tioneer^—Under authority of the Orphans 1 Court for tl»« City and Couuty of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Sop ternber 25,1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de-_ scribed Real Estate, late the property of Patrick McNally, deceased-: No. I.—Three-story Prick Store and Dwelling, No. 2000 Spring Garden street (with 2 brick houses on Mc- Nally street). All that certain lot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate-on tue south side of Siring Carden street, in the Fifteenth Ward of the city, at the distance of 100 feet west of Twenty-third street; containing lu front 20 feet, and In depth along McNally street 54 feet 7 inches, to a£o feet wide street g2T On the above lot arc erected a three-story brick store and dwell ing, fronting on Spring Garden street (No. 2306), and 2 three-story brick houses fronting on McNally street Clear of all incumbrance. _ .... No. A-miotel and Dwellings, S. W. corner Twenty-third and Spring Garden streets. All that lot of ground with the buildings thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Spring Garden aud Twenty-third streets, in the 15th Ward of the city. Containing in front bn Twenty third street 18 feet, and depth along Spring Garden street 80 feet to McNally street above lot are erected a substantially built three-story pressed brick hotel and dwelling on the corner, and a three-story brick dwelling No. 2304 Spring Garden afreet # _ ' No. 3.—Bakery and Dwelling, No. 2311 Spring Garden atreot. All that certain lot of ground with Duildmgs thereon erected, situate on the north side of Spring Garden street, in the Fifteenth Ward of the city, at the distance of 1(4 feet inches west of PennsylvanlaAvenue, thence extending in front 18feet to a point, thence at right angles to Spring Garden street, northwardly 42 feet 7?i inches to a point, thcnco northeastwardly at right angles to Penn sylvania avenue 42 feet 7M inches to the southwest side of Pennsylvania avenue, thence southeasterly Along the avenue 18 feet to a point, thence sQothwcstward at right angles to said avenue 36 feet 4?* inches to a paint, thence southwardly at right angles to Spring Garden street 86 feet inches to the place of beginning. 827“ On the above lot are erected a three-story brick bakery and dwelling, with frame kitchen attached, bake oven In. cellar, and a two-story brick stable fronting-.an. vania avenue. Clear of incumbrance. 8® f “&SWtO-MEflid on each at tbc time of sale.. Al MERRICK, Clerk JaMES MURRAY, Guurdfah.' JAMES A. FJUSEMAN, Auctioneer, Store. 422 >\>Juirt«tlvot. M- JbAMjL iiU.yd &AEE. ~ LSi Al E OF JOHN isKrausz, deceuHOT.—Jaiuen A. Freeman, Auctioneer, Brick Dwelling, -No. 473 North Fourth Htreet.—Lnder authority contained in the will of the late John Krauaz, deceased, on Wednesday, September 25th, 1867. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the J'hiludelphia Exchange, the following deecrihed Heal Estate, viz.: A three-story brick messuage, with three story brick back buildings and a tv\o etory brick stable in the rear, and lot, situate on the cant side of Fourth street, between NobU and Buttonwood street*, being 16 feet front and 81 feet 4% inches, more or less, deep on the north line, and 81 feet 6,‘:i inches, more or lcss„deep on the south line, being 15 feet 5S inches wide on the rear. Subject to s2&gruund rent per annum. Q3f~ With the free use. right and privilege of the 4-feet wide alley leading into Noble street. ' : immediate pt>**e#*lft»-ttlvenT.hft purchaser.-•••• • - B3T sioo to be paid at the time of sale. i»yoruer ot CAROLINE ECKSTEIN, Executrix. JAMES A FREEMAN.- Auctioneer. 5e5.12.19 Store 422 Walnut atreet I I OALiIU— fJA.U&OA. AoOI'U Eii:] -Store, Dwelling and large Lot, No. 4532 .Main struct, •■“MJermantown.—Uu Wednesday,September 25,1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, ait the l*mla dilpliia Exchange, the-following described real citato, viz.: All that certain lot ol'ground with the three-story a tone store and dwelling thereou erected, situate on the nouthwest side of Germantown Main street, 2K5 feet4.‘V inches, i-outlieiiHt of Manhciiu street, iu the Twenty second Ward. Containing in front 88 feet 4 inched, aud extending ill depth southwest 317 feet, being 71 feet 1 iueh u ide on the rear. IT***’ ft4,UOU may reniaiu if desired by t!“» mirehnwr. Tin* store rents fors4o#. B&'$100 to be paid at the time of Hale. JAMES A. EKKEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 walnut street. jgA I'LiILIU SALK -jA.Mhb A. LKI-LM A.s, Al U- Spr tionecr. Three Lots, Orange (now Deal street), below ■Mia Krankford rond, Eigliu-cuin Warn. uu Wed nesday, September 25th, l«r>7, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, ut the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described reiki estate, viz.: A lot of ground on the southerly pjde of Orange (now Deal) street at the distance of 543 feet eastward from tik* caul side of i-'ruukford road, being 44 feet front on Pifl street, and extending that breadth southward 100 foot. ft*r\Vill be divided into threo (18 feet) lots if desired, ffi?“olearof all incumbrance. KSTViOto bo raid a he tune o -v.lo, JAMES A. FUEEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 423 Walnut street. NEW Pt/JBLICATIONS. Books full of fun an; UUMOKOI'SsAAiii With Illuminated Covers, a? Major JoneH'B Courtship. 75 Major Jones's Travels.... 75 Simon Suggs's Adven tureß aud T/aveia. 76 Major Jones's Chronicles of i’iuevilie..... 75 l’oll)' Peabloaeom'a Wed* ding 76 Widow Uugly’s llua band 76 Big Bear of Arkansas 75 Western Scenes, or Lifo on the Frairio 76 Streaks 'Squatter Life 76 Pickings from Picayune. .76 Struy Subjects, Arrested t and Bound 0ver,;...... 75 The Louisiana Swamp Doctor 76 Charcoal Sketches........ 76 Misfortunes Peter l abor.. 75 Yankee among Mcnnaids, 76 Drama in Pokorvillc. ••.. .76 Now Orleans Sketch Book 76 All books published »ro for i ore issued from tho press, at person, or send fotyna^oveH W 6 i/hestw JD ANECDOTE. EHICAN YVUKKS. iwL Beautifully I Hunt rated. TheQuorndon Houuda... 75 My Snooting Box 76 WarwickWoodluuda.. ..75 The Deer Stulkcru........ 75 Peter I'loddy 75 i Adventures of Cuiduin Farrago 76 » Major O'ilcguu'B Adven- tures 75 Sol* Smith's Theatrical Apprenticeship 75 Sol. Smith's Theatrical Journey-W0rk.*........ 75 The Quarter Race in Kentucky. .76 Mysteries of Backwoods.. 75 Ferclval Mayberry’s Ad* venturc»‘aiid Travels... 76,• Vankoo larns and Yan*' keeLetters..., ...i 76 Fudgo Furnblo 75 Aunt Patty's Scrap Bug... 75 American Joe Millor 60 Following the Drum; 60 - sale by ub the moment they t Publishers' prices. Call in books you want, to ERSON & BROTHERS, mt street, Philadelphia, Pa. Old Bye Whiskies. THE EAKGHEST AND BEST STOCK OP OLD RYE WHISKIES IN THE LAND is NOW POSSESSED BY FINE HENRY S. HANNIS & CO., ■ SIS and 330 SOUTH FRONT BTREBT, Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantageous Terms. 3 * Their Stock of Bye tout, and ruin* tliroutfh tl»c varloiu monlta of 1»66, 6S^ — V nbcralTratiact> made for lota to Depot, ErrteH ton XinetWharf, or at Bonded. WareJUouaea, aa parties may elect* - ■ • ; , .mn-toaaa .. INSDBAnCt. NOTICE. To Persona Inlcndlnt: to ellctt IiYSCRIIYCE upon tliclr LIVES, The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, - 921 Chestnut st., Philada., OfTcri* inducements equal to any other Company, and uu* 11 returnprt-nilum has averaged larger than most of ‘ l Th^inhuredhrt'i cTp ate EVERY YEAR In the division of mirplm*, white. l» .some Companies no return la ever given tor the fh-m year's premium. All the surplus belongs to„the insured, thero being no Btoekholdcrs to claim a share. „ , The security is ample. The assets are well and oafely invented, and in thn amount of liability. MKIUOAI. KXAMINKUS: EDWARD HARTfiIIOF.NE, M. I>., Walnut street EDWARD A. PAGE. M. D.. MIS Walnut strict. In attendance at UieOlhcc of the Company lioiu Ito . I M ' d ‘Ja'MEB TRAQI'AIU, President. SAML'EL E. bTOKEB, Vice Preeldent JOHN W. 110RN0R. A. V. P. and Actual?. HORATIO B..BTEPUENB,Becreiary. 13?" Active canvas Hera wanted lor Guy and ■Unto. THK i SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The’ Fidelity Insurance, Trust And Safe Deposit Company, FOR THE BAFE KEEPING OF RONDS, STOCKS Mid OTHER VALUABLES. CAPITAL, ,5500,000 niHW’TORS N B BROWNE, CHARLES MACALESTEH* SE&fiMi HENRI?. J. c B. A. s CAU;WKLU . tw~ Office in the fire-proof building of tho Philadelphia National Bank, 431 Chestnut Btreet. This Company receives on deposit, and GUAKAIS IEEiS THESAFE REEFING OF VALUABLES upon Uw follow ing rales a year, via; . . Coupon Bonds. • • *s! P® r Registered Bonds and Securities W eta. per SUBO. Gold Coin or Bullion j $1 2o per jghOOQ, Gold or Silver Plate • ♦••••.« CASH BOXES or email tin boxes of Bankers, Brokers Capitalists, Ac., contents unknown to the Company, ana o®?r?Io"'RENT SAFES INSIDE ITB VAULTS I\ $&, $3O, $4O, $5O and $76 a year, according to sizeandlodaflon. . ... , . . Coupons and Interest collected for 1 per cent. Interest allowed on Money Deposit*. Truat. of «r«7 kind accepted. BEOWNE _ p^,^. J«10-th,4,ta,rply WATCHES, JEWELKf, Ac FIRST PREMIUM! PARIS EXPOSITION. PATEK PHILIPPE &€O.’S & WATCHES. & The above makers have Received the FIRST GOLD MEDAL at the Paris Exposition. BAILEY & CO., @lO Chestnut Street, Bole Agent* for Pennsylvania. je6-£h b tu-tft REMOVAL. WM. E. HARPUK, Chronometer and Watch-makefy Respectfully informs his friends and customer* that be has removed from over Messrs. Bailey * Co.'s, 819 Cheat* nut street, to 407 Chestnut Street, Where he Intends to keep on hand a supply of first quality Watches,Chronometcrß,Clocks, Ladles* and Gent** Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, &c. Chronometers rated by Boiar and Sideriai Transits. Especial attention given to repairing Watches. . Jy23-Bmrp* GENTLEMEN’S EGBNIBHING GOODS* THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM < OF JOHN 0. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at' Moderate Prioe. Particular attention given fo the man ufacture &f Fine Shirts, Collaraj &0., warranted to give satisfaction. - ■ wm OABFsmos, &e. CARPETINGS, WHOLESALE ' AND RETAIL. “ ' \ LEEDOM&SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Street*. , We are now opening a full and complete as sortment, both Foreign and Domestic, for Fall Sales. KEEF THEM AT HANDI y*- courowa . . CAMPHOR TROCHESj^^. Jyr Positive Preventive of c h o x... ns -a. , Diarrhoea, Dynnteryiaml Cholera Morbus, 6n 8 ole Factor, 0. H. Needle., Drnggl.it, Ofg ~tu * Bu. BU., Phil, mined 4 PATENTED 11th "MONTH, 1866. M Bonth D*»W«M »TW«wa < ■ CKOCEBIEB, LIQUORS, ftC, Thompson Black’s Son & Co. f BEOAD AND CHESTNUT STS, -wC't DEALERS IN ■ ■ ■ ... FINE TEAS'" ‘'? AND CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Goode delivered iu any part of tho city, or packed se~ curt ly for the country. mh2B-th a tu-lyrpt JUST RECEIVED, 400 CASES, VINTAGE, 18G5. " r (Yin,lmrerial) Green Seal CHAMPAGNE. V . H. & A. 0. VAN BEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, 1310 CHESTNUT STREET. )yll-th.«.to.BmB - ■ SPEER’S PORT GRAPE WINK •VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. G3APE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD. Thia Juetly celebrated native Wine la made from the Juice of tin! Oporto Grape rained In thla countrv. Ita tiv valuable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPER. TIES are unaurpaaaed by any other native Wine. Being the pure Juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer** own pereonalimpcrvMon, It* purity and ganulneneaa ai« guarantied. The youngeet child may partake of it* ana* roua nualitlee, and the wcakoat invalid may nee It to ad vantego. It la particularly beneficial to the aged and de bilitated, and suited to the varloua ailmenta that amlet EM weaker aex. It la in every reepcct A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. . Sample* at the atore of ’•, - JOHNSON, HALLOWAY A CO.. No. 23N. SIXTH *treet. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND atreeL Invallda nae Speer’* Port Grape Wine. Female* u»ebpper’* Port Grape Wine. Weatlyjwraon* find a benefit by It* u*e. ■ Bpeer’* Wine* In Hoapltal* are preferred to other Winer Sold by Druggiate and Grocer*. Jy9i>.tu,tb.*,Botrp A. SPEEB, 243 Broadway, N.Y. PICTURES. PBAfIDBS, &C. LOOKING GLASSES OP THE VEBY BEST A LIT Y . every novelty in STYLE AT THE IiOWEST POSSEBUn PRICES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STBEET.' jpiRUIT JARS. PBOTECTOB FRUIT JABS. They are made Air-tight with Certainty and Eom Are Rapidly Without Injury to the Cover. Each Cover fita all the Jam. Manufacturers and Patentee*. F. & J- BODINB, No. 488 S. I'RONTStree*. anK-tuthe-tscM