Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 05, 1867, Image 4
POLITICAL.. • Ooifimr G.svKsrios.-Aftm the close of our report yesterday afternoon the:ba - luting for Register of Will? was continued ae fol lows BALLOTS. Bth 9th. loth. . TiW!h .82 110 178 j. W. Fritz......•• f *" w Leech; having received a majority of U,c voice cast on the tenth and last ballot, was declared the nominee of jUc Democratic party for BoglEtcr of Wills. Tlie nomination' was then maac unanimous. , , , _ The resolutions published in the Evenin'- Ben nm-rn of yesterday were then, adopted, unwn —ThVfollQWlng is A«>?S- of ft.lottct from McCullough, which ivas read before uc Comefl^ tlo ‘Tnn u \nKi.riUA, Sept. 4, cou bccu placed in nomination bj the! C<m . vention over which you proßide for tl e Shcrm ali-y of this county, I beg leave to withdraw m. Bl "5u doihg so, I desire to join in the almost ssaswa stfwss General Peter Lyle. “Respectfully, yours, “Thomas MoCi-M.ow;n. “To'the Chairman of the County Convention. General Peter Lyle was then nominated for wasloud^caUed"for, and upon-being in- Pretend Gentlemen of the Convention: I have one request to make of you, and that is, not to ask me to make a speech, tor I cannot. I can work,.but I cannot talk: but I will say that I owe to th s Convention a debt of gratitude which I can never pav. It is the first time, I think, in rhe historv of the partv when they,have given to Seßameman an office twice by acclamation, as has been given me. Our work has, gentlemen, bat lust commenced. This is the commencement of it Let uscanvnss our precincts so that colon- SiS cm be stopped. Let the officers take care to SS their duty; let even- return judge be a ?he mecUngs which follow, the next morning. There is where all the damage is done—i place where we are in the minority. Stop that cheating, and I believe the lowest man on our ticket will have from six to eight thousand majority. I have been traveling this county over for the last three months; I have been among the people canvassing; I have con vened witi them, and I have yet to meet a man in the Democratic party who cannot pbint out from oiie to twenty in the Republican ranks who have changed their opinions since last year. Wo were not listen last year. Ido not tliirfk that we could have been beaten iairly at the pill's, on the con trarv our ticket was elected by/a handsome ma ioritv. The proper way to do iiow is to prevent the rascals from cheating agahi. I b^' vc T tl j; l ‘J was elected, hut that I was counted out. I here ■piedo-e myself to' do what I can for the success of the ticket; to leave nothing Undone. I can here do no more than thank you for the honor you b! Mr C Jos?Megaiy?the nominee of the conven tion for Clerk of tiic Orphans’ Court, was then called upon, and when lie appeared lie was sa lutcd with loud shouts for ‘ Honest Joe Cary. Mr Mcearv thanked the contention for the honor they had done him in placing hte name among such a list of nominees. He was the on y civilian on the ticket, but he would use alUn deavors to aid in electing it, and would work night aad day for its success. He had no doubt about thciinal result, as he bad cant aased the citv over, and found that many people who had ; heretofore voted the Republican ticket were ut terly disgusted with the radicals, and would now vote with the Democrats. t , Calls were made for Mr. Leech, r John Campbell apologized for the non-appear ance of that gentleman, and assured his hearers that the Democrats wero going'to elect all of their candidates. He hoped that the divisions of every Ward Would he organized, and that the Democratic inspectors of elections would wateh the Black Republicans and see that they do not heckler mode a few remarks, and the Convention adjourned sine die. / CITt BULLETIN. The Sloop ok War Brooklyn. Tcslerday the Brooklyn steam corvette, twenty guns, arrived at this port in thirty-four days from Rio rie Janeiro, after being absent from the United States nearly two years, during which time she has served as the nag-ship of the South Atlantic Squadron, bearing the flag , of Rear Admiral ** Thclist of officers of the Brooklyn is as fol lows • Captain, Thomas H. Patterson; Lieutenant <sommaE>- V. McNair,CK McKay, H. C. Tallinan; Lieutenant, C. V. Gridloy; Acting Mas ter, George F. Winslow; Acting Ensignß, J. L. Vennard, A. W. Snow; Mate. B. G. Stud.ey; Sur . geon, A. C. Gorgas; Acting Surgeon, P. Ingram; paymaster, G.Plunket;Chlef Enginer.E.S.DeLuce; /First Assistant Engineers, L. R. Greene, U. W. ,'Robie; Second Assistant Engineer, W. A. Mintzer; / Acting Third Assistant Engineers, J. D. Thomp / son, E. C. Brooks, W. A. Bowie; First Lieutenant ’ / of Marines, William B. McKean; Admiral's Clerk, / C 8. Whelen; Captain’s Clerk, R. H. Patterson; / Paymaster’s Clerk, Geoige Thompson; Boat / swain, Charles Miller; Gunner, Felix Cassidy; j Carpenter, Ebenczcr Thomson; Sailmaker, John ' J. Stanford. - . Base Bale.— The return game between the Athletic and Camden second nine! took place yesterday afternoon, on the, grounds at Seven teenth street and Columbia avenue. The follow ing is the score: ATHLETIC. ' O. R. Gaskill, 2d b., 1 11 Hayburet, c., 2 11 Oatlln, r. f., 1 11 Kahmar, 3db., 1 10 Oollom, ißt b., ‘ o Tiers, s. s., 4 < Pioblj 1. f., 4 8 Woolman, c. f., 4 7 Alexander,! 1 -, 8 1* 27 701 Total, INNINC.9. ci.ons. 1* 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. -7. 8. 9. Tot. Athletics, 8 7 9 4 7 14 lil 8 12—79 Camden, 0022280 6 9 21 Umpire—William -yoke, Monoeacy Base Ball Club,' of Bethlehem. Baix>on-kkei'Kß Beatek.—On Tuesday even ing, three Germans went into the saloon of Mr. Charles Blanius, at Wood and Levering , streets, Manayunk, and called for drinks. They got to wrangling about the payment for the same. Mr. Charles Blanius, son of the proprietor, was be hind the bar at the time. He endeavored to quiet the party, when they set upon hlmiand beat him, about the head and face with beer tglasses until he was insensible. They then left the saloon, and succeeded In making their.cscape. Mr. Blanius’s injuries are quite serious. | Acchiekt.—A lad 13 years of age, 6y of William Guth, was admitted to Lhe'-Pi vania Hospital yesterday with his head bruised and Ms arm broken by a fall from road car at Depot. The'’ boy resided at No, 1435 Fitzwatcr street. Another Victim. —Wesley Gensel, -who was go badly wounded by tbc explosion at the Brides burg arsenal on the 17th of August laßt, died at his residence, in Frankfort, yesterday afternoon. TUe Report of the Illtual com The London Times has reason to. believe that, the first report of the Ritual Commis sion, which the Archbishop of Canterbury has tmnouncedj would shortly be issued, and wbicndeals with the question of ecclesiasti cal vestments,-will be decidedly adverse to the practices which have been lately brought into vogue by a section of the clergy. The majority of the commissioners condemn these innovations as illegal or inexpedient, and advise that they should be prohibited. The first result of the labors of the Commission the Times considers to be eminently satisfactory. The Commission is a body in which every phase of churchmanship is represented, and certainly the Ritualists have no reason to complain. Thq Ritualists have had a full hearing in an CAMDEN Mullincr, s. s. Fisher, p., 4 2 Knight, r. f., 2 0 Evans, ad b., 3 Carter, c.. 1 3 Smith, 1. f., 4 2 Archer, Ist b., 0 2 Woods,-2d b., 4 2 Johns, c". f., 0 4 the name tameyl badlv a rail injured miwlon. assembly of eminent churchmen— an assem bly by no means unfavorable to them, ana probably anxious not to alienate orJ3V offend brethren’so zealous and enterpris g. Tot the majority of the Commlssiori have, supposing the Times’ information to be col lect, condemned the novel the ■parly has introduced, rejecting not historical and antiquarian arguments m which the liturgical scholars are 6° learned, but also the pretence that an ornate ritual tends to the edification of the faithful and kindles the flame of religion in breasts that would other wise be cold. ’ The 2'imes believes that the practices sup posed to be condemned by the report would, if persevered in, alienate a large proportion of the middle class from the Church of Hug land. Men of education and refinement are apl to underrate the Protestant or Puritan feelings of the English people. ‘.‘Society looks with toleration- or sympathy on Ritual ism as a rather pretty thing, and on Ritualists as a cultivated class of clericals, who if they have not much real intellectual power, are, in some cases, men of taste and a certain sort of learning. But “Society” generally takes the wrong* view. of things, and is, moreover, always powerless to protect any institution which is assailed by the muhtude below. Those who watch the movements of opinion in the country at' large are not at all disposed to echo the complacent declara tions of certain churchmen about the increas ing hold which the Church has over the masses; and if we were to have a new race of clergy parading the churches in green or violet, swinging censers, and preaching to farmers, tradespeople ana artisans doctrines which they consider unscrlptural and idola trous, we’might expect at no distant. period a very rude protest against such practices. HeportciKor^ the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. CHAELESTON—Schr Lizzie Batcheldcr.Steclman— -111,000 feet scantling 7000 do lumber order; 140 tons old cannon C Carr; 120 tons old iron H W Book; 12S bales cotton .78 do rngß H Sloan & Sons. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMEBSi TO ARRIVE. HAITI. FEOM FOB D . AT *‘ _ Atlanta London. .New York Aug. IT Worcester .Liverpool. .Baltimore Atig. zi Virginia Liverpool. .New York Aug. 21 Edinburgh Liverpool..New.York.,.:....Aug. 24 Hermans Southampton. .New York A g. 27 Malta I .Liverpool. .New York Al -; Atlantic Sftutbnfnpton. .New York .Au 27 City of Baltimore. Liverpool. .New York. Aug. 23 Alleinauia Southampton. .New York Aug. * Austrian..’ Liverpool. .Quebec Aug. 29 China Liverpool. .Boston Aug. si Cimbra ".... .Hamburg; .New York Aug. 31 City of Washiugtou.Livcrp’l..New York Aug. 31 Ifecla Liverpool. .New York...... Aug. 31 TO DEPART. Juniata Philadelphia. .New Orleans... .Sept, City of Cork New York. .Liverp001....... .Sept, 7 Tioga Philada. .New Orleans.... sepU 7 Villo tie Paris.. .New York. .Havre. Sept. 7 J IV Everman. Philadelphia. .Charleston -Sepu Pennsylvania.. ..NewYork. .Liverpool.... Sept. 7 Vuiied Kingdom. .N York. .Glasgow I City of Boßton..New York. .Liverpool...- Sept. . Germania. New York. .Hamburg Sept. 7 Corsica New York. .Nas&Havana ... .Sept. 7 Manhattan. New York. .Liverpool Sept. 11 Etna. New York. .Liverpool .Sept. 11 Aleppo Now York. .Liverpool.. .Sept. 11 Columbia New York. .Glasgow. Sept- « Starß and Stripes!. .Philada. .Havana sept, it BOARD OF TRADE. WM. C. KENT, ) ~ „ _ THOS E. ASHMEAD, Moktulv Comirrm, CHAHLES SPF.N- • ) MA hthJJ BULLETIN. I‘UHT X)F PHILADELPHIA—Skit. 5 SiiriuaEß, 6 87 | Stm Sirs. 6 2* I Hiou Watib, 6 48 ARRIVED yesterday. • Steamer S C Walker, Sherln. l day IromNew York, Chester « hours from New York, W Sch™Naußus. Jameson*7^day a from Rockland, with ID Schr°J^ >t ßarrell, Terry, 5 days from Alexandria, with «rrain to Ja& Buvratt, - . Schr Ariadne, Thomas, 1 Gay from Smyrna, Del. with irrain to *7as h Bewlcy & Co. „ ' Schr Sallie Vensic, Poster, 1 day lrom. New Castle, Dei. with grain to Jas Barratt. • * ... „ Tuff Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with ® tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. tow oi aur&s cxjsAKED YESTERDAY. Steamer E C Biddle, McCue, N York, W P Clvde&Co. Steamer H L Gaw. Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Brig Clara (Br), Morgan, Bllhoa (Spam), Merchant A Mllllken. Estes, Boston, Lennox & Burgess. SchrEß Shaw, Shaw, Wilmington, NO. Lathbury, Wickersham & Co. ~, . , _ . „ Schr Gen Banks, Hyder, Bangor, Westmd Coal Co. Schr M E Smith, Smith, Washington, D Cooper. RnViY* t"R Anfitin Davis. Boston, Sinnickson & Co. • Schr Flight, Crowell, Providence, Blakißton, Graeff Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen, for Baltimore, with a tow of barges,W P Clyde & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Alliance, Kelly, lienee at Charleston yester- d steamer City of Port an Prince,cleared at New York at New NewOrleans 30thulu fr( fheumcr George H Stout, Ford, hence at Norfolk 2d '''sVeamer Havana 20th nit. from N s7eamcr» Gen Meade. Sampson, and Monterey, Ed monds, from New York for New Orleans, were passed 2d inst. off Cape Hatteras. , Steamers Columbia, Barton, from Havana, and Mis sissippi, Ryder, from New Orleans, were below New Ship Bennington, Stover, from Calcutta I2th May, at B Ship*Enterprise, Dunbar, from Calcutta ISth May for New York, was spoken Till July, lat 34 S, ion 23 E. Ship Sabino, Mitchell, from Callao for Gibraltar, out 101 days, was spoken 29tli July, lat 25 N, lon 36 56 W. Ship Fleetford, Stayer, from New York 2d April, at San Francisco 2d inet> Ship Transit, Whitmore, from Newcastle, NSW. at Sun Francisco 2d inst. , , • _ , Ship California, Barker, sailed frem San Francisco 3d inst. for Liverpool. Sbip-Italia,-Whitmore, .from Callao for Genoa, was, spoken 2»tli July, lat 22 N, lon 30. W, ; . ‘ship Brussels, from New York (so reported), at San Fl Ship LattrensfGoff, sailed from Liverpool 3d inst. for Liverpool— so reported. The L left Baltimore March 7. We have seen ho account of her arrival at San 1 Brig Fanny Fonlke, Townsend, cleared at New York yesterday for thiß port. . Brlfj Potomac, Snow, cleared at Bangor 31st nit. S°B McShaln, Quigley; Sarah McDevitt, Mc- Devitt, and Cornelia, Carroll, hence at Georgetown, D. C 3d inet. Schr Alexander sailed from Georgetown, DC. 2d inst.'for tills port, _ . Scnr Monteveu, Conklin, hence at Alexanndna 3d instant. SchrsWm & James, Oaten; Merchnnt, Lloyd, and Mary & Frances, hence at Richmond 2d inst. • Scnr Ohas R Vickery, from.Dighton for this port, at Newport 2d inst. ScnrsCerro Gordo, Hodedon, and Vernal, Perry, hence at Newburyport Ist Inst. Schr Rending HR No 46, Fenton, from James River, at Norfolk 2d inst. and cleared for Trenton, NJ. SchP»larloß, Gage, from Boston for Georgetown, D. C wtjespoken 28th ult. lat 8940, lon 73 33. —ijtjhfe 8 Louise, West, for this port; D S Morshon, Avres and Emma Patterson, lienee for Boston; Hattie I’uiue do for Portsmouth; E B Wheaton and James Velureu do for Boston, at Holmes’ Hole PM 2d inst. Alltho vessels before reported had sailed. Schr Protector, for this port, sailed from Norfolk 2d inst. with the Eureka yacht club. MARINE MISCELLANY. Mr Hall, formerly of bark Geo C Hunt, from Pbtla dclphin. who was arrcßtcd for the murder of Mr Mur ray, mate of Br bark Ella Adelia, was still a prisoner, confined in jftil at Havana* 28th ult. and up to that date, there had been no sentence passed upon him. The bark Alex'McNeill was'sold at auction yester day by Powell & West, for $24,000 as she lies. Schr Wide World, Hildreth, at Charleston from Nor folk, reports: Aug 26th, Cape Lookout bearing West 25 miles, saw a schooner flying ensign union down, and on speaking her she proved to be the schr Breoze, 32 days trom Boston for Savannah, out of provisions which wo supplied. Her master, Capt Lynch, reported that on the 2d August encountered a heavy gale off Hatteras, dnrtng which lost foresail and .fib, sprung the main boom, stove boat and had the wator casks carried away. (The Breeze waa below Savannah 2d instant .) Schr B F Lowell, Capt Leavitt, from Now York for Wilmington, NC. with mdso. went ashore about two miles from the beach on Frying Pan Shoals, on Satur day night last, where she now lies. The tug Oldham went to her assistance on Monday morning, not could not get near her on account of tho shoals. The schr is in a very precarious, situation. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice Is hereby given that the Fog Belton Wes THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1867. •tfS*. NOTICE.—THE TRUSTEES OF THE SECOND Presbyterian Chnrch,bavlng been authorized by nu ftctof the Legislature of Pennsylvania to pell the Hurial uiGround irt Arch Rtroet, west of Fifth street, will com mence the remova lot' remains therefrom on the Ist or Oc tober next. They will be glad, meanwhile, to confer with any parties in interest, who may address oithor of the undersigned. THOMAS M. FREELAND, No. 532 Arch street. PEARSON YARD, No. 240 North Eleventh et. Quoddy Head Light Stntion, will in future be sounded in foggy wenther.instend of the Doboll Trumpet, which has been discontinued. ; By order of the Lighthouse Board; JOHN POPE, L H Inspector Ist District. Portland, Sept. 30,18 fit. ' MFJBDIAL NOTTCE». The Intercut on Laud Grant Boiidu, of the Union Pacific l{Hilwny (:ompiuiy. .EuBtcm.Divi&ion,vdue Sepr tcmbi-rlHt, 1867, will bo paid on presentation of CoupouH therefor, at Banking House of . DABNEY, MORGAN As CO., : 63 Exchnuge Place, New York, On and after that date. ISignodJ 4 au22-tli,P,tu,lots OFFJCF,’ OF THE IIAKUfSnUUO, I’OUT ■®r sjiorra. mount joy and lancastui: KAILKOAD COMI'ANV . ' Aug. 23d, 18« h. ' Tlie Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of tills Com uniiv ivill be held on 1 • FIUDA V, Soptcmborjß. 1867, at 12 o’clock M., at the comer of Third street nndml liiu'f* alley, atwhich time an election .for. Director* lvvl boUd to serve % ®“u%®j GE TABER> Secretary ft«2BMvf mst* au2<le,tu,th-14t5 ugs. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—THIS SPLENDID Hair Dyeiß the beat in the world. The only true and Perfect I>j/e—Harmless, Reliable, Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill effects of BadDyM. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful The genuine u signed William A. BATCHEIJ3R. All others are imi tations. and should bo avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumere. Factory 81 Barclay street. New York. iSTBEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. de7f m wly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CER tifleate No. 310 for ton (10) shares of tho Capital Stock of the Amygdaloid Mining Company of Lake Su perior, in the name of Jos. H. Trotter, has been lost or mislaid. . , ~ „ , Application haß been made to tho Company for a new certificate. „ „ Piiii.Aiu'i.riiiA, Sept. 3,1867. se3 30t® JOS. 11. TROT TER, MfiT- THE INDUSTRIAL HOME, CORNER OF Broad Btreet and Columbia avenue, is opoif for the admission of Girlß from twelve to eighteen years of age, who are neglected or deserted by their parents, and who need the sholter and instruction of a Christian home. If the public will BUBtain this Institution, many girls may be kept from evil, and made respectable and useful women' ‘Contributions may be sent to JAMES T. SHINN, Treas arer. Broad and Sprue® street*. noSS-rpti AMEKICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.-STOCK holders can Ret their tickets upon presentation of their certificates of stock at the oflicu of the Compnny, No. 219 South Fourth street, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 I’. M., and the payment of the insurance tax. au3l.6tr ■ MICHAEL MSBET, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK i holders of the Cotter Farm Oil Company will he bold at tlu- Oilier of tlm Company, on T 1 Il ItSI)A V, the Mil day ol September, 1867. . J. D. MEREDIIII, nn2t>.ltlt* Secretary. »IVII>ENI> NOTICES* THE PENNSYLVANIA EIRE INSURANCE Company, Si-:rn-:.M!tr.i: 2,i1867. • . .. The Direr-torn have tins (lay declared a dividend of Seven Dollars and Fifty cents per share on the stock of the Company for the last six months, which will ho paid to the stockholders or their legal representatives, after the 12th Inst. se2 to seISS WJI. G. CROWELL. Secretary RETAIL DBF GOODS* 11Q1 CHESTNUT STBfeET LADIES j | leaving for the Country or Watering Places, will Gad SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS OF Materials for White /Bodiesi Embr’d Breafcfait Set*. Linen CoUar* and jCoffi. Linen Undersleevea. Printed Linen Cainbrtt*. Plain and Printed Piques. / • E. M. NEEDLES & OO.’S, N. W. Cor. 11th and Chestnut Sts. iiaaais j,aNM3HQ to Stokes & wood. 702'Aiion btbeet, abe now opening ft full Fall etock of Black Alpacas, of evcry-gradc. , , roplin Alpacas, in desirable shade* Gay Plaid I‘opliuß. ’. Small-figured Mohair?, 50 cents. Find French Merinoes. i All-wool Do Laines, xn variety. Domeetic Goods, of every description suitable for tho season. ■’ Edwin hall & Co., 28 south second street, are now receiving their Fall and Winter importation, Fancy Stylca Poplins. Silk-faced Poplins. Plain Silk find Wool Poplins. Black ind Colored Poplin Alpacas. Bldck and Colored Delainefl. / Black and Colored Poplins. / Fancy Styles of Cloakings. 8 4 Green and Blue, Blue and White, and Scarlet and White Cloakings./ NEW PUBLICATIONS* JOHN /PENINGTON & SON, FRENCH, ENGLISH, CLASSICAL BOOKS, 127 South Seventh Street. an2l-lm§ / ANDREI & CO., 1104 CHESTNUT STHKET, MUSIC VT. Dealers and Publishers, have unequalled facilities for supplying Seminaries and teachers. 1 arties wishing music for examination will he cheerfully furnished with such quantities as they may dCßire, carefully and judi ciously selected. - . .Allnew-iuusic.rcceLYednssoon as publkhod.. . . N. B. Any piece not on hand promptly procured and delivered. ■ eefrlmoS - TTUBT REAbI- :^Att^ATIN — GRAMMA^^ *1 New iKdition.-A Grammar Of the Latin Language. Forth© use of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies. By William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bing -11 The PUblLherH take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject. Copies will tfo furnißlicd to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Pricy M 60. • Published by And for sale by Booksellers generally. LITERA- TrJAMES 8. CLAXTON, BuFcwsor to Wm.S. h A. Murticn, 1214 Chestnut street wjbOL GATHERING : By Gall Hamilton. AN BOAT JOURNEY: By Isaac L Hayes, M AJSTORY OF DOOM and OTHER JPOEMS: By Jean *?;ffiAN INGELOW'B FOEMB: Complete In Two Vols. 1 CEOTHS, CASSIIttERES, &C* TAMES & LEE ARE NOW CLOSING OUT, AT eJ greatly reduced prices, their largo and Weil-assorted Bjunmer etoclc of Goo^omj.ris^, apart •Super Black*French Cloth*. Super Colored French Cloths. • Black and Colored Habit Cloths. Black and’Colored Caehmaretts. Super Silk-mixed Coatings. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings, Tweeds, aHshadesandqualitiea, PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeekinß. Black French Caesimores.. New styles Singl&Milled Cassimere&l Striped and Mixed Casalmeres. Mixed Doeskins, all slmdos. Striped and Fancy Linen Drills. Plain and Fane/White Drills. Canvass Drillings, of every variety* White Velvet Cord. With' a large assortment of Goods for Boys* wear, to ’ vhlch we invite the attention of our friends and others. JAMES & LEE, No. 11 North Second street, 81gn of the Goldon Lamb. aVWOJEBL RESORTS* CHERMAN HOUSE—CAPE ISLAND, NOW OPEN KJ for reception of guests. Board frpm $l4 to $lB per iveck, according to rooms. No extras. . 1 Jell-tf*. THOB. CLIFFORD, Proprietor, BOARPING-CAPE IBLAND, NEAR TIIE BEACH. Address F. V. PALMER, Cane Island Post Ofllco. Box No. 6. N. B.—Sail boat for fishing or gunning furnished boarders witiumt extra charge. uu27-tu.th,B.6t*__ - DIVORCE NOTICES* CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, bs, THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO THE SHERIFF OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, GREETING: We command you, that by publication once a week for four weeks, in two daily newspapers published in your baiiiwick,you notify SARAII JANE WILSON, law.of your County, that she be and appoar in our Court of Com mon Pious for the City and County of Pliiladelphia, on the third MONDAY of September next, then and there shew cause, if any she has, why her husband, ttOBLKI WILSON, should not be divorced from the bonds or matrimony entered into with her according to the prayer of his petition, filed in said Court. At which time have you there this order, aud make your return how you have executed the same. _ • , ' . , • Witness the Honorable Joseph Allison, President of our eatd Court, at Philadelphia, the Twenty-third day of August, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred #Sd sixty-sevea. T.O.WEBB, iui24-Uw4t§. Pro FwthonoUry. ANDALUSIA COLLEGE, A Home &““■ oflom B TfEPA;n-MENr « embraces the niaf-lM* * AddriiSS, Vev. H. T. Wl'Lba, Anrtninnia, Pa, VOUNO LAI)IES-SEMINARY STREET, 1 under the charge of Miss CARE)I and Dr. LAIIHER TON. The school commences on WEDNLSDAi, cep *' TYotiSsnii■MOM THE Late Bibiioi-oe Pennhvi.vania. Ihaveknown Mr. Lnhberton lor several years, part of the {in eL t dor to one of my sons Ills attainments aro re markable. Ids power of teaching is, in some respnets, snrn Hscd and his conscientious and enthusiastic devo tion to his work most commendable. I take f tentplcwiin in expressing my full confidence in 'l'fSyJw i*oTTF'R t> «r.} ni c-nn -P * for Indite who have left school hilt are deni roup of continuing Home of tlieir studies. I* or particulars npnly at 338 South Fifteenth street, between 111 and ( 2 ti;do(?k.-- V ». WM. .J. PALMER, Treiusurcr. E. H. BUTLER & CO., 137 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. au2l mi IE MISSES DE OIIARMS’ ENGLISH AND IIA/incl, School for Young Ladles. No lblh HLDLRT ufenii will bo re-opened. on the thiid MONHAx in s>cp temfe by Miae CARRIE S. BURNHAM. The Course of Study In addition to the branches heretofore taught, wiU htiliido Latin# German, Elocution and Vocal Music. A Building. . jy 2H-m,s.ti, B KLL Slg^ E B®ES{SkTY,PA. This Institute will reopen for the receptionofr' u 'lH,on the Oth of 9th month, September. The nicntH are in charge of tlioao of experience and well native French teacher. Music, Painting particulars, addross file ITipciiyd. , [nii26-m,w.f,9(ij W. I.BbAL. FRIENDS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL‘'FOR GIRLS, COR ncr of Fourth and Green "trouts, will open.for the Fall and Winter Term, on Secondary, the 2d ot ismtii Month (Sept. 2d), 1867. Entrance from Dilwyn Btreet, west side, first door below Green. For terms and, admis sion apply to the Teacher at the school, or to silencer Roberts 1 , 421 North Sixth street; Elizahetli M. Lipplncott, 588 North Sixtii street; Louisa ,1. Roberts, 421 North Sixth street; Samuel Gillingham, 616 Poplar street, members of I the committee. se^-bt} VOUNG MEN AND BOYS.-THE ENGLISH, OLASSI -1 cal. Mathematical, and Scientific Institute, Nos. m* and 1908 Mt Vernon Btreet, will reopen, with increased facilities, September 2d. Preparations for business or col lege-French, German, Drawing, Elocution. Book-keep ing, Penmanship, Chemistry ana Philosophy by Special teachers. A department for small Rev.JAMES G. SHINN, A. M.. Principal. . auM-12t« tJINGING LESSON’S.—SIGNOR T. NUNO, PROI-ES n nor of Vocal Music, and Conductorof Italinu Opera in New York, and all the Principal Theatre? m America, has decided to make Philadelphia his home, and will gn e Lessons in Singing (Italinu school) and on the Piano.. For terms. Are., see Circular at the music stores of Audre A* Co., Lee A' Walker, and Boner A r Co., L’lmjtmit street Signor Nuno can he Been personally at 919 Ciirstnut street. SELECT HIGH SCHOOL- x? ■ . q No. 110 North Tenth street. The exercises in this Institution will ho resumed on the 16th'ol tho Ninth month (September). . .. The undersigned may he Been at the roomu ot tne School, fromlu till 12, daily. T htt [uvpt t nn24-19t* CALEB S. HALLOW ELL. MISS CARR’S BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG Ltidies, seven miles from I’hilndelphln, opposite the York Rond Station. North Pennsylvania Railroad. I lie twelfth session will commence September 2uth. Circulars may be obtained at the otlice of Jav Cooke fi to., ih South Third street, or by addressing the Principal. Shoo niakertown P. 0., Montgomery county. Pa. auiltoc.« aITaMeT CLEMENT’S FKRNOH PROTESTANT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, GERMANTOWN, I’a.—The Twenty-first Session will commence hEPTEM BEUII, 1867. French is tlio language of the family; the imrilfl being required to speak it altogether. 1 articular Attention given to tho English branches. For circulars apply to the Principal. aul7-lm} ( IATIIARI.N'E M. SHII’LEY WILL RE-OPEN lIEK C School, No. 4 South Merrick Btreet. on tlie Ninth of Ninth Month, (September,) 1867. Classes in History, the Natural Sciences, and Drawing will he formed indepen di-ntly of the regular school course; coinpeteut 1 rofesson! will attend to these branches. au22tocls /CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND SPRING L Garden streets, will re-open September 9th. Boys pre pared for college or for business. 11. G. McGl IRE, A.M., Principal. J. W. SHOEMAKER, Vice Principal and Teacher of Elocution, History, die. ___ auSo-owj milE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE J- lias been removed to the Southeast comer of Poplar nod Seventeenth streets. This is the best provided school fed* hoys and young men In America. Parents are invited to call during the morning hours. J- ENNIo, A. jl, au29-tfs . Principal. MR. JOSEPH KNECHT, LATE OF THE CaNSERVA toirc of Paris, begs leave to inform the public ’that lie will presume his duties as teacher of the Piano on September 2d. Residence, Markoe House, Cheatniitstreet, above Ninth. . au3o-|m_ fl’l IE CLASSICAL, FRENCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, 1 S. E. corner Thirteenth and Locust streets, will reopen September 9lh. For reduced tenns in English studies, etc., see circular or inquire of tho Principal, B. Kendall, AM aiiou-iat* rrilE DUTIES OF MISS J AMES’S SCHOOL WILL BE 1 resumed on the 9th of September, in the Hall of the Philadelphia 6Uy liytltutc, N. E. corner Eighteenth and Chestnut streets. Entrance on Chestnut street. Resi dence No. 831 North Tenth street , au29-12t$ milE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL OF A. B. 1 Shearer, A. M„ removed from Twelfth and Chestnut afreets to S. W. corner Broad and Walnut-street*, will reopen September 9th. Circulars at No. 1229 Cicatnul street. ‘ ft^lm rrilE ENGLISH. CLASSICAL AND MAJHEMAn -1 cal Institute.—A Select School for Boys, No. 21 South Merrick etrect (Weat Penn Square), reopens Monday, Sept. 9, with increased advantages for a limited number of pnplla. JOSEPH DAVISON. Principal. au3l2m« THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY School for Young Ladies, 1409 and 1411 Locust Btreo-, will re-open on Wednesday', September 18t!n 1' or circu* hire or admission address Mh? BE Fr CM, auBl-tfs 1409 Locust Btreet. /IEKMANTOWN SEMINARY FOR YOUNGI LADIES, V 7 GREEN Btroct, couth of WALNUT LANE, 'will, re open g au.26.tfs' ' ' PrlneipaL / IHKSTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMINARY, PlllLA dclphia.—Mins Bouncy and Mim Dilhiyc will rc-open their Boarding and Day School, at No. 1615 Chestnut street* on Wednesday, September, 18th. Particulars from Circa* l Hrgt aul2,tocL milE SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, CORNER 1 of Filbert street and Northwest l'cnn Square, will re open on v[cc President I>. P. MORRIS, Secretary and Treasurer. ai!l7-3ws TV,riSS MARY E. TIiROPP _WILL - RE-OPEN HER JJaLrEiißlii'h and French Hoarding and Day School for Wflfc Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Streoj, Philadelphia? on September 16th. For circulars apply at the school. anH-2m PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS IN THE PHILADEL. pliia City Institute, N. E. comer Chestnut and Eigh teenth Htrcets, entranco on Eighteenth street, will re-open on MONDAY, September 9th. - auWmo L. BARROWS, Principal. AdISS SANFORD’S DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG IVI ladies, No. 1123 Walnut street, will be re-opened 'TUESDAY, September 17th. Miss Sanford will bo at hfSSc, 1222 Spruce streot, on and after September 12th. RuN-w^iinJot* SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, NO. 1613 FILBERT street, will be reopened ninth month (September) 16th. MARY’ P. IJOBESON will be at homo nfler tho 9th instant.. ... .■ • 1 ec2-m.w.f. I3P H amilton institute -day and bouumn School for Young Ludles, 3810 Chestnut street, will ft open September 9tb, uuai-7ts TV/lISS M. K. ASHRUKNER WILL REOPEN HER IViecliooLatNo. 182 South Fifteenth atrcet, above Wal nut, cm uu2!M2t» MONDAY, September 9th. Mias LOUISE TAYLOR WILL RE-OPEN HER School for Children on the 16th of September, in Longmirc’s Building. No. 5029Ma1n street, l'urthor infor million can bo had at 130Tulpoliockcn street auZMaols* Thomas Baldwin’s English mathe matical and Classical Sohool for Boys,. Northeast comer of Broad and Arch streets, will re-open Septem ber 9th. au24lmo-» • .M ISBANAB ® C i»idplace a SOUTH EABT COIINER OF BROAD AND PINE Streets, will re-open September 18th. aul2-lm* rpHE ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG 1 Ladies, 1346 Arch street, will re-open on MONDAY, B TumtoJ 9th- , MissL. M. BROWN, Principal. Academy of the sacred heart, no. i 834 Walnut street—Parcntr and guardians aro respect fully notified that tlio scholastic year reopens on MON DAY, September 2d. auld-lm} MR. JAMES M. CHASE WILL RESUME HIS classes in Greek. Latin and the higher English branches, on September 16th. Address No. 737 Spruco street soJ-tu til b 12t* rriiE- MISSES STEINBRENNERS’ SCHOOL FOR -I children, 2111 West Do Lancoy Place, will reopen on Monday, September »!h. se3-tu,tb,s,6t* L? ARAH COOPER WILL REOPEN HER BCHOOL IO No 1626 Filbert street, on the 9th of Ninth month 1867. au26 m.wJ.Bt" THE MISSES JOHNSTON’S BOARDING AND DAY School, No. 1321 Spruce street will re-open (Lb V.) Sep tember 16, 1867. ■ au29-lmo} TV/TISS E. L. ELDREDGE’S SEMINARY FOR YOUNG IVJ. Ladies, N 0.468 Marshall street will re-open Monday, September 16tli ; au29tse22» George r, barker, a. w., will re-open his English and Classical School. Price street German town, on Monday. September 9th, 1 aiffitfj ISS E. T. BROWN’S ACADEMY FdR Y'OUNG Ludics, No. 1003 Spring Garden streot will re-open on MON PAY, September 9th. au24-2in 11 Annie jhurchman’S french and English Schorl for Young Ladies. 847 Franklin street willre oj en on September the 16th, 1867. au23 lint ' MISS ELIZA W. SMITH’S BOARDING AND DAY Sclnol, No. 1824 Spruce etreet, will re-open Septem ber 16th, 1867. _ au24-36t* Anna kaighn’S school for young ladies, 1819 Green street re-opens September 9th. 0u23-12t* MISS ANNIE E. LANGTON WILL RE-OPEN HER School, 142 North Tenth street, Sept. 9th. au27-lm} P GUILLEMET, FRENOn TEACHER AND FRENCH , Circulating Library; 287 S. Ninth street. auao-Un* Vi ORAVI AN COLLEGE AT BETHLEHEM, I'A. M ™»institution, under the nuspletSs of the Moravian Church, whoso schoola have enjoyod a high reputation for more than three-quarters of a century, in ocntcd at Hetlilehsm, Northampton county* I*a., tho oldest and mlncinalßeot of the Moravians in this country, Having Lcn reorganized in 1564, with tho view to n more extended sSlmro of usefulness, it now gives a thorough collegiate cSncntlon. slnillnr to that afforded brother institutions of ‘'in rOnnocHoifwith It Is a Grammar School, In which students areprepared to enter upon the course of study mifsuod'ht thc college,'nnd-whtch, at-the samotinio.otfoni. an opportunity for such ns do not design taking a Collegi- Xte «TS! to 3 liys a good foundation in those branches Lumber of students may board in the V' ,? B , o i,',i,,v nf R SnD Christmas Termuogins on tiic ele\ euth day of Sop* tembernext. m . . ... For further *fi E SCHWEIJOT^ begin T*‘F.riDiVV. September Kith. • , TIIE I f KOI ? EBSIONAL SCHOOLS IV ILL BEGIN TUESDAY. Sctiteinbet 21th. • Apply at tha College Building, 1 MARKET Street and WEST FR\N SOI AttK-- ALFRED L. KENNEIJV . M.D., f<ell43tf President of L'lieultj”. BOKRENTfAVK FEMALE COLLEGE. BORDEN. tows, N. J.—An iuptitutJnp,for. the careful and thor* ouch instruction of Voting Ladies in all the branches of a complete education. Foard and tuition in the 1 ropara* ton* and Collegiate Department* $2OB per j'ear. Warning* Ancient and Modern Immuclvch and ornamental branches, extra. Winter Session opens Bepternber mh. For catalogues nddresa Kev. JOHN H. BKAKELhi . A. M„ President. autf-tu,th,n-13t$_ i>oai:dim; and day school fop. aoi.no la- I) diet*, nnd KinScrgnrten for Children. nouUicMt cor ner Ninth nnd Spring Onrden atrcebi, will re-open Ninth Month (September) 16th. 1667. A limited number of Hoerdere ivill be received in the home pfthe l’rlmlpnl. Fur circulars apply to SLSAN No. 462 Franklin street. IVEST JEItBEY ACADEMY.-TUE NEXT TERM W will open September 4, 1867. Thcicbool ninm to im pert n tliormißh Imainea* anil Clascal inen lire prepared for anv clnt** m College. Ciiculara at No. 612 Arch irtreet/lMiUiiilclli!ila,.or aiMreiia. . «INO, { Principnlß. WJi. M’KEN/IKo 1 nnc *T7 liridgeton, N. J._ P. A. CREGAR. Principal. nu2l-w,piBt* "A CADEMY of THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL A Church. Locust mid Juniper »‘rccJ».-TJ»o Autumnal Session will open on Monday, September 2. App icatloni for ttdmipeion may be made at the Academy, v)i° preceding week, £<slNs!aVm . niil6-tli 6 tuMt} Head Muster^ F]T{T ■() .MISSES IF I'NPFKSKiNKD, Sl'<C Horn* and Tazewell, will re HQrAUJS SEMINARY for Your Merrick street. on Monday, Sept MRS. M. S. MITCHELL, MIS! Circulara may be obtained attb rpilE MIKSKS MOItDEC'AI HA\ F. ltl.MtjX hi) I I. )M 11825 Delnncev I’lrcc, to 1205 tSpnice Ftroet, where the} will orcn the Seventh Annual Scncion of then- School tor vomuc IndicHt on \Yedni*i*dny, September l>i. notion in EiiglMi, Trench nnd Drawing.' au-i-tu th * lm Miss tiuiil'Ti'TS wiuv, liKst-siKTilEnj;-nr.s <>k lier hdiool, in tin* Keoud rtorv of the bnihlim? in t' l *- mii' of the church corner of Cln dnut and litternth htreet«, September 11th- Kntruiiee on ChcHtinit street. Applicfttiouf* made at 11‘Jti hi rani fi *‘- *'j'* T ASELL FEMALE SEMINARY, at aehuknpale, mass.. Fall Term begin* SBPTEMHEUHtIk Addre« «-Wh,H.tnl2ti OIIAS. M . I I MUN'.. uELEcr «ovB’ sinidoi." AT AIHIRNDALE. MASS., Hogins SEPTEMBER lSdh. Addreee Befrtli.H,tiil2ts s CIIAS. W. (JIbHIM., UKMIXAKJES AND PRIVATE FAMILIES DESIRING. O t!i«* fcrvicCH of Music Teaclj<*m are invited to »ppb to (} aNDKK CO., Dealer* iu Foreign aud American MuhJc, 1104 Chestnut street. __ /'lONsrA.vriNE' l. carpenter; teacher" of V j Dancing, respectfully announce* that Inn enloon, No. Cis Arch Greet, hi now open for the reception ot Bcliolarr. H’3*tu ea 2t* ■ IsS STOKES’S SCHOOL, 4*f MAIN STREET, Germantown, will re-open Wednesday, Septemlier lltli. wi3Mw{ OIIiNOIt I‘. RONDINELLA WILL RE3IME 1118 SING io ini: Lereone on the 9th of September., Addreiw, Hnuth wert corner Broad and Pino street*. r, :i -z:n'^ MISS TBCHLDY HAS REMOVED HER BCIIOO] to 1717 Pine, where It will reopen \\ednerdaj, Sepl Bw liu* H~“ IGH SCHOOL FOR HOYS. NO. i?M CHESTNUT street. Sewdon begin* SeDt 9. > „ a u llB au2o-tu,th, • CIIASE & BUCKINGHAM* the BIDING # BCHCgU T£3T» Fourth .treat, above Vlne. li nowovenforthe Fall and Winter Seaaona. Ladles and Gentlemen win find every provision for comfort and lafetr, ao that a thor. ongh knowledge of thii beaptUul McompUihment may’ p« obtained by the moet timid. Saddle horeea trained In tng beet manner. Saddle hormea and vehidea to hire Amo e^ag.forfnner.M.toear^^ GRUCERIEa, UQPOBd, *b» WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AITO WIEE-FCIERAR, GEEKS GIXfiER, BUSTARD SEEP, SPICES, fa, fa AU the requisites for Prceerving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer is fine Groeeriea, Corner Eleventh end Vine Streets, SUPERIOR VINEGARS. French White Wine, and Pure Old Cider "Vinegars. For sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Jagg WALNUT and EIGHTH STREETS. g ßy COLGATE & CO.'S la manufactured from PURE MA» TER3AL3, and may be considered the STANDARD 01} EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grocer*. my2l-tu&th.ljl \T EW MESS MACKEREL, PICKLED-SALMON, MESS IN Shad, and Tongtica and Sounds in kitta, Just received and for sale at (JOUSTY’S Eaut-Eud Grocery, No. 118 South Second utrcct ' TVTEW CROPTEA 3—FINEST (DUALITY OF CHINA IN and Jopaneic Teaein store ana for Bale at COLoi Y’o F«pt-En4 Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. -OLD JAMAICA RUM, HOLLAND GIN, 1 Medicinal Wines and Brandies, Spccr’a l\.rt Wine m d California Wines, in store and for sale at COUBTY’S Fast-End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. ■VIEW GItEEN GINGER.—2OO LBS. JUST RECEIVED, JN inprime ordoK Forsalo at COUSTY’S East End Gro cery, No. 118 South Secon4 street. . WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER Vinegar, Pure Spiceß, Mustard Seed, die., always on linnd at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. ■_ TPRENCH WINE VINEGAR.- VERY SUPERIOR r French White Wine Vinegar, In store and Bor sale by M. F. BPILLIN. /TBENOBLE WALNUTS.—# BALES OF GRENOBLB VI Paper Shell Walnuts, and Princess Paper SheU Ah monds for sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N, W. Cor. Arch mi* Eighth street!. ■ ■ MACCARONI AND VEKMICELLL-100 boxes of choice Leghorn Maccaronl and Vennlcelltof the late Importation, in store and for sale by M. F. SPILUN M. W. Cor, Arch and Eighth streets. BIEDIOAI. /\PAL DENTAHiINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOB V/cleanlng the Teeth, destroying animalcula which in* fest them, pving tone to the gums, and loaving a feellnij of fragrance ana perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It' may be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersiveness will recommend it to every one. Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and MJcroscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the our certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing prevent its unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. Broad ana Spruce streets •ally, and • ID. L. Stackhouse, | Robert C. Davis, 1 Goo. C. Bower, Charles Shivers, S. M. McCollin. S. C. Bunting, , Charles H. Eborle, James N. Marks. E. Brlnghurat A Co., Dyott A Co., . W. C. Blair's Sons, Wreth &Bro., For eale by Druggists genon Fred. Brown, | Hazard & Go., I C. R. Kccny, I Isaac 11. Kay, G. H. Needles, T. J. Husband* Ambrose Smith Edward Parrish* William B. Webb, James L. Bisph&m Hughes & Combe, Henry A.'Bower, nuin* thcee Tablet*. tt £ re Vs a & °?T? r S Afch and Tenth Sfe*BSaSff«— at* WANTS* nrVF»»T'G.OOD HOUSES IN WEST Prlcofiroms&oo0 to $12,000. Also,to PURDY, ■ «| North Filth street* Thi* Coliar ft .« oeatmiro wliltoUkoiTaJjcfc full spaced I<!NEN, ivat*r4/roqfed'\iy tin entirely now procore, turned on n full curve lino, nnd mtinufucrured on now patented machinery, which imparts a beauty of ‘form and finish possessed uy no other Collar.. In Byron and .Gtirrota B,) THE WATER IiTNE COT,EAR, Tiiif* Cuirip limde under thopatoni of the No Plui* Ultra ,'olh\r(Jo.. with si NKW HUTTON-HOLE. patented Juno i9,INX3. need in no.other Cun, which enable*! the wearer to rut in or take out the ntud ?mUVtHf(f/,-withont tearing or injuring the (JulT or button-hole. Heavy pure whits HtoeU. iifl Ration of linenjwater.proofcd. We also manufac ture the**'Water Line CJttflP'heavy enameled,corresponding with the Collar of that name, w i Nti PLUS ULTRA COLLAR COMPANY, Unu>Ei onu, Mr. ■WHOLESALE AGENTS, BEAN, MKOWNSUN A CO., 58 MionmAN Avc., Chicago, 111. A r,KX ANPFR 'SnSH & CO., r WiII'RESALE AOF.NTS,. „ 314 market street, I*UHndclpbla,sPa. m>29-th b tulm —_— WAT(;HES, JKWEl.ltt, AC. - E'NO & CO., Sterling,Standard & Silver-plated Wares. An elegant and extensive stock always on band. Manu facturers of and dealers In Goo. Ezio’/* celebrated Patent ICE PITCHER, which retains the solidity of tho ico one third longer than any other, and Is by far the most econo mlcal ICE PITCHER ever invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., JKBSOUS T v opou tin* WEST 1' E Qii Ladict*, No. 5 South S&d. ;S |{. N. TOWNSEND, he fchuol. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO., Diamond Dcaleri and Jeweler*, No. 802 Chestnut Street, Philada., Would Invito the attention of purcbaiors to tholl Ur** and bandeowe assortment of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Aa. ICE PITCHERS, In great variety' J. W. SCOTT 4 CO., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men’s Furnishing Goods, 814 Chestnut Street, PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Order* for these celebrated Airis .applied promptty brief notice. !>w GENTS' PATENt-SPktNQ aND BE*: totted over Oalten, Cloth, Leather, whit; Jr-J M and brown. Linen; Children'! Cloth ana for ladle, and genta, at KIcnELDERFEmJ BAZAAa> mygdmot) OPEN IN THE EVENING. COIXABS AND CUFFS. OVER 2,000.000 A MONTH I nvery heavy euamcled, in anmo fltyloa, MANUFACTURERS OF I’hilndelphia. A large assortment of .mall STUDS for Eyelet* holeo, net received. Watche. renal rod In the hprt mannerand snsrontned- CENTS' FCKNIBHINC OOOBS. Foot doors below the “Continental,** PnnADELPIIIAi mhl-f*m.w4* Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of late Btylea in full variety* WINCHESTER & CO., *706 CHESTNUT. leS-nisWXtf LOOKINU GLASSES. A. S. ROBINSON,' 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, PAINTINGS, Engravings and Photographs. Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frame). Carved Walnut and Ebonv Frames! ' , ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER! LOOKING-GLASS AND FRAME WORKS. We are now fitted up with improved machinery, and have a large stock of mahogany, walnut and fancy framed Looking-GlaMea, ht reduced price*. QIvAKr r ot JylS-2m 73 Laurel at., bolow Frost. HARDWARE. 1321 _ jsTREET. /, STANDBRIDGE, BARE & CO„ ” IMPORTER? OF AND DEALERS IN Foreign and [Domestic Hardware, ITOOO Kegs frails, AU Sizes, ATTtEDUCED PRICES. , ROOFING, Ac. ROOFING. PATENT METAIi ROOFING. This Metal, a* aHojoflng.is NON-COKP.OBIVE. not re miiringDalnb It is iolf-soldcring, nnd, in largo shoetn re quiring ?ess than half tho time of tin in roofing or railroad cars, in lining tanka, bath-tubs, cisterns, So, any articlo rehuiring to bo air or water-tight. 100 sauare foot of roof takes about 12a foot, of shoot tin to cover it and only 108 foot of patent motaL OFFICE. 114 north 81 nth Street, Philadelphia. mv27-m w - CADIES’ TKIJiniPiSS* rand opening this day, of. the vebi choicest and rooheroho Paris Fashions,m TRIMMED PAPER PATTEJRhH, Just received. MRB. M. A. BINDER.. No. 1031 CHESTNUT Street, PUlaflelphla. Importer of LADIES* DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. Amber, Pearl, Crystal, Jet and Silk Drop and Flat Trim* mings, Btuda and Beads in all colon, Ornaments, Buttons. Guipure and Cluhy Laces, Cords, Tassels, Fringes, Velvet and Mantna Ribbons, French Corsets, Boltings, and Trim* DRESS AND CLOAK MAKINO. In all ltn varleUei. «elß.ly SAVERLY CORSETS.—JUST HECEIATED FROM Pnris, elegant AVERLY, CORSETS;filaglo anddou- . bio bonce. Also, CoractH made to order, warranted best whalebone, and mire to tit, nt Mn«. STEEL'S Chestnut street, abovo Thirteenth, and South Eleventh fitted, above Spruce. «eSdl* f mtft SIIIPPEBB’ GUIDE# For Boston—-Steamship Line Direot, BAILIN'-) FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE DAYS. THOM PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ANB LONQ WHARF, BOSTON. • ' <ngl This line la couipoeed of the first, daw Steaniahipff, KOITIAN, 1,488 tone, Captain O. Baker. . HAXOIV. 1.260 tone, CapUln 8. 11. Matthews, WO It in AN, 1,208 tone. Captain L. Crowell. The EftSMAN tom ™la. on Saturday, BepL 7, at 6 P. M. The ROMAN from Boflton on Friday, Hept. tf, at 3 P. M TheeeflteamßhiMrfiftH punctually, and Freight will be reeetved every day, a Steamer being alwayu on the berth. Freight for point* beyond Boston went with despatch, tor Freight or Pa*eage (Htiiwrior accgmmodatione), *PPfr to HENRY WINSOK ft CO., ° ; 338 South Delaware avenue. jßHliEfe MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINK • _ (SEMI-MONTHLY) „„, 4T% FOR NEW ORLEANS, LA., STAR OF THE UN'iON (1,078 toils). Capt T. N. Cookaey. ton«, Captain P. F. Hoxie. , mrn% ' 1,07$ ton|i ChPMiu J. T. Morse. nrrhflTTOCA will leayn for New -Orleans on Saturday. September rth, at H A. M., from Pier 18 (second wharf, below Spruce street.) The STAR OF TIIE UNION will leave New Orleans for this port September 7th. ■ ' Through bill* lading idgned for freight to Mobile. Gab veetou, Natchez, Vickuburg, Memphis, Nashville, Cairo, BL Louie, Louinvillu and Cincinnati Agents at New Orleans—Crecyy, Nickerson ft Co. WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 314 South Delaware avenue. fc*23 CHAB. K. DILKES. Freight Agent. TIIE ®SM£V MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S ■■ REGULAR LINE (SEMI-MONTHLY) FOR WILMINGTON, N. C. The rtearoahip PIONEER (813 ton*;, Captain J. Biunett, wilt leave for the above port on Thursday, September,sth, at 8 o'clock A. M., from Pier 18 (second wharf below Spruce rtre-et.) ~ Bills of Lading eijmed at through and reduced rate* to all principal point* in North Carolina. Agent* at Wilmington-Worth ft DanieL WM. L. JAMES. General Agent, 814 South Delaware avenue. THE PHILADELHIIA ANI> SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S i REGULAR WEEKLY LINE FOKSAVANNAILGA. TONAWANDA, 860 torn*, Capt. Win. Jennlngr. WYOMING, Bfio ton#, Captain Jacob TcaL The fteameliip WYOMING will leave for the above port on Saturday, Bei t 7, at H o’clock A. M., from Pier IS South \V httrvt#, Through psKsage ticket* gold and freight taken for tU) points in connection with the Georgia Central Railroad. Agent# at Savannah—Hunter <t G&mraeH. WM. L. JAMLS,Gcneral Agent, 814 South Delaware avenue. fe23 CIIAS. K. DIJ.KEB, Freight Agent. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, AND NOR. folk Steamship Line.. . WIMWVrHROCtfH AIR LINE TO T*E SOUTH Bteami'hJp* leave every SATURDAY, at noon, from firrt wharf above Market afreet- THROCUM RECEIPTS TO NBWBEUN. . AJto.all points! in North and South Carolina via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to Lynchburg, Va., Teun<«-iee mod the Weid. via Nonolk t Peter*-btirp, and South Side Railroad, and Richmond and Dax;vUle Railroad. The regularity, safety and cbeapn-"* of this route- com* mend it to the public a* the most desirable medium for eanylnp every description of Height. No charge for couuukrion, drayage, or any expense of tfanefer. NSteair.t-hire insure at lowest rates, m »Tei.bt n*eiv«d Du*. w;( p (;LyDE fi \ 14 North tuid South vVJiarv**. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL ii (JO.. Auem* at Norfolk. apll-tf NEW EXPRESS LINE TO AULXANDKYa 4mS£slfcl&' -Georgetown and Wu-diim:!m, l). C., via *■*«■•** and Delaware Counl,'Vvith con* D&etJone at Alexandria from ' th* it;-;rt di;vct roj'efor Ljmchberg, Erictol. KaoxviUe, Nath-ill--, Dalton, idil the Bouthw»vt. y Bvetm- :z St ave regularly fro--* t?n- i*rct wharf above Market street, every S'-.r.irday at noon, in eight received daily. . . WM. »> CLYDE & CO., M Nor!i and South Wharvef. J. If. DAVIDSON. Agent at • M.■ Ki-DRJIJGE & Ou., Agent* at Alexandria, V:« . (IniA. aplldf : FOR’.NKWIt'ORk.' VIA DELAWARB and Raritan Canal. Hxj.TCfu Steamboat Company Steam Pro* pellorK leave Daily from fim wharf below Market etreoL Through in Twenty-four hour?. Gooda forwarded to all point*. North, Eart and West, free of cornmimop. Freight* received at the lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agent*, H South wharrec. JAMES nAND, Agent, 104 Wall rtrcvt. New York. DAILY LINE FOR. BALTIMORE Via Chesapeake and Delaware CinaL «"**»“■ Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steam* boat Company, daily at 2 o'clock P. M. The Steamers of IJiJa line are now plying regularly be tween this port and Baltimore, leaving th» recond wharf below Arch rtreet daily at 2 o’clock r. M. (Sunday# excepted.) Carrying all deecrfptlon of Freight a# low ax any other rtf. Freight handled with great care, delivered promptly, and foi warded to all polnte beyond the terminus free or eommirrion. Particular attention paid to the trahrpertation of all description of Merchandise, Horse*, Carriages', &c„ &c. For lurUurixrfonn&tioivnpply to JOBS D. RUOFF.Acent, tpl&Jjg No. Iff North Delaware at-*™* ~ lIAVANXsrEAMERa. SEMI MONTHLY LTOE. The Steamship* HENDRICK HUDSON .' < STARS AND STRIPES. ...,.' ..Ca.L uulmt. The'* steamer* will leave this port for ilavuia ever? Other Tuesday, at 8 A. M. The *teai»snip STAKd AND STRIPES, IJolm *?. WfJ tail for Havana oa Tuesday momiflg. SepuMiiber 17, at 8 o’clock. _ Passage to Havana, $5O, currency. No freight received alter Saturday. For freuht or passage, apply to WATTBON & SONS, u9O 140 North Delaware avenne. FOR NEW YORK-SWlFiaint Transportation Company Despatch and Bwilteure Lines via Delaware and Rari tan Canal, on and after the 16th of March, leaving daily at U M. and 6 P. M., connecting with all Northern and East cm lines. For freight, which will be taken on dating term*, apply to WM: M. BAIRD & CO., tnhls-ly No. 136 South Delaware avenue. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE oi’r-AM Tow-Boat Company.—Barge* towed between •mMSaammm Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Agents. Capt JOHN LAUGH. UN.-Sup’t, Office, 14S. Wharves,-Phlla. at>ll«M«»tG XfOTICE.— ALL PERSONS ARE ,HEREBY CAU tinned against trusting any of the crew of the Amer.. bark 4MJE, Reed, master, from. Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid either uy the captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street ~ *«»4 NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS ARE HERESY CAu tioned against trusting aDy of the crewo*' the Pms. bark FIDELIO, Kindt, master, from LivcrpH'U as no debts of their contracting will be paid either J>y the cap tain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT ii SONS, U 5 Walnut street eel Notice-all persons are HEREBY cau tioned agaimt,trusting nay of the crew of the, Amer. . schooner ABBIE E. CAMPBELL. Wilbur, niaater, from ' Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid either by the captain or consignees. PETER WRIQHT ft SONS, 11& Walnut street. ne4 S TEA.MB OTP N OEM AN, FROM oeignees of merchandise per above steamer will please send for their goods, now landing at Pine street wharf. sM& HENRY WINSOR & CO. \ TAB. 8. SHINDLER, successor to JOHN SHINDLER ft fl SONS. Sail Makers, No. 800 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. . All work done In the beet manner and en the lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give perfect satis, faction. Pmieril«r attention given to repairing. EXCURSIONS. v FARE-TO WILMINGTON, 15 UTS. CHESTER OK HOOK, 10 CTS. fcr On and after MONDAY, July Bth, the Bteftmer Ariel will leave Chestnut Street m Wharf at 9.45 A. M.. and 3-45 P. M. Re turning—leave b Wilmington at 6.40 A. M., and 12.46 P. M. 0 Fare to Wilmiugton, 15 eta.; Excursion Ticket*, 25 eta Faro to Chester or Hook, 10 eta ec3-lms ► DAILY EXCURSIONS TO WlL ■Ej™’ mingtoil, Delaware. v _ V ! Steamer ELIZA HANCOX will leave Dock street wharf daily at 10 A. M. and 4P. JL Return. Market street wharf, Wilmington, it 7 A. M. Fare for the round trip:'.''.... Single tickets Cheater and Marcus Hqok ;. For further particularynpply on board. .D 22 L. W. BURNS, Captain. . THE RIVER-DAILY Wona to Burlington and Brlatol-Touch- Anrioi.inla o.M «„* ".“'’mW * l orreedalo, A^WARNFn d i?.J!f t fe.. T i ,e , »J/ond«a Steamboat JOHN ft'aandt? a ai te d » ol ’’. a 'Lheetuutatrcotwharf, &lock A foiSolW* leaVea Bri3tol at Fare 25 ota. each way. Eicnralnn. an <rf. paper hangings. 1033randAnS^gi^^ O |?™8 OF'JUL* Spring garden street, below Eleveuth. N 8 ? ep0 f e ili 1 £ 33 SAMPLES, MAMINESS. &'c AND WEST, C*pt Hotroa uistiuJrcE. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital and Assets, $16,271,676. Invested in United States, $1,800,000 t ' Ar,L losses promptly adjusted withou REFERENCE TO ENGLAND. ATWOOD SMITH, _ __ T/ _ _ General Agent for Pennsylvania*' OFFICE* - " No. 6 Merchants’ Exchange, PHIUDELPHU. mbli-th ■ tn-<m • fYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM L/ pany, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsyl vania, 1886. Office, S. £. comer Third and Walnut streets, PhlladeU f ■ marine Insurances, on vessels, cargo and freight, to all parts of the world* INLAND INSURANCES, on goods, by river, canal; lake and land carriage, to all pant of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on merchandise generally. ' On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November 1, 1866. SlOO,OOO United States Five per cent Low, 1871 $114,000 00 120,000 United States Six per cent Loan, 1881 * . 13A600 00 100,000 United States 7 3-10 per cent Loan, Treasury Note* 2U.600 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six per cent Loan (exempts), 12A662 60 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six per cent Loan.... 64,700 00 46,000 State of Pennsylvania Five per cent Loan. * 44,820 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six per cent L0an..... 60,760 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 20,600 00 6,000 I’ennevlvania Railroad Second Mort gage 6 per cent. Bonds 24,260 00 tt,ooo Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six per cent. Bonds (Penna. R. JL guar antee)...... , 20,760 00 0,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent Loan .. 18,000 00 7,000 State of Tennewee Six per cent Loan, 6,440 (A) 16,000 300 shares riock Germantown Gas . Company, Principal nnd interest Guaranteed D 7 the city of Phil&dei ptna 16,000 O) 7,160 14H #haree rtoek Pennsylvania RaiL ■ road Company 8,258 25 6,OOQ J lw#hßr*.-« #tock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,!hGO 00 80.CO0 H) shares rtock Philadelphia aßd Southern Mail Steamship Company.. 20.000- 126440 Leans on Bond# and .Mortgage, tint lien# on city property U6,9UQ CO 1,046,050 Par. Market value 4UGu,3bO 76 Cost $1,d?J.552 u 5 Real Estate 38,000 k Bills Receivable for iofiiruncee made 217,£47 23 Balance due at Agencies—l*retni;in)* on Ma rino Policies--Accrued Interest and other debts due the Company &®,933 S* Bcrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other CcßJi-auieo, £5,172. Eetnnatcd value 2,920 Go Goth in Lank i--. ...$41,102 36 M in Drawer 4*7 r A —: . 41,549 th $1,407,ai 5^ •Tbie being a usw enterprise. the pa: is assumed as the market vap-v, Thomas C. Hand, >K*'nry Slo^n. John C. Davi.-, 'William G. Boulton, Edmund A. Souder,- . jA.--i.vard Darlington, TboorbiJuft Paulding, ( H. Jcne* Brooke, John K. Prnrcse, . i EdwwM Lafourcade, James J.-u-.b P. Jones, Henry C. Dalli-tt, Jr., JJaTues B. M'Karland* JoeuwC. jjo huu P. Eyre. Wm. C. Ludwig, ,Spencer il’llvuine, Joseph H.SeuL ‘Jacob Kiegel, George G. Leiper, ’George W. Beraodoo, . Hugh Craig, ; John B. Semple, Pittsburgh. John D. Taylor, A B. Berger, Pittebtirgh, Samuel E. Stokies, - D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, r 1170 MAS C. HAND, President. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President ' Hxhet Lmum-t, Secretary. delS-tnol ' CE INS U iIA^CETcOMPAN YOF i * hJ£ X adeiplita. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual OtLce, No. 3 (ft Walnut street CAPITAJa S3LW.OUI). Insures against la-# or damage by FIRE, on Ilougei Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and od Furniture, Goode, Ware* and Merchandise in W'-vn a country. ‘ ’ LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTER AND PAID. Aasets $395,195 6$ Invested in the following Securities, via.: Flm Mortgage on City Property, well secured. 123,1300 U 1 United State* Government Loans 122,uw 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 60,000 U' Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan.., 21,000 or Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, firet and second Mortgagee .... 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 per cent. Loan../ 6,000 w Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’s 6 per cent Loan. 6,0000 C Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent mort gage DODde 4,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock 1,050 uJ Mechanic*’ Bank Stock 4,000 (tt Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,000 W Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock *3BO 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’! Stock Cash in Bank and on hand. Worth this date 8418,074 Clem. Tingley, Benj. W. Tingley, Wni, Muaeer, Marshall Hill, Samuel Biapham, Charles Lel&nd, H. L. Carson, Thomas 1L Moore, Isaac F. Baker, . - • Samuel Caetner, ... . Wm. Stevenson, Alfred English, James t. Young. CLEM. TJLNGLEY, President Thomas- C, Hiu-i Secretary. Philadelphia, December 1,1868 b Jal-tn,th,s,tf PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY .OF Philadelphia. • ~ No; lli South FOURTH street INCORPORATED, 3d MONTH, 22*41866. * CAPITAL, 8160,000 PAID IN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premium*; or by 6,10 or *yj ear premiums, Non-iorieiture. . Endowmenta,paykble at a future age,or on prior decease by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Premiums—both Nonforfeiture. Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children’s Endowments. This Company, while giving the insured the lecorltyo a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lift business among its Policy holders. Moneys received at interest and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and in other fiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. DIRECTORS. Samuel R Shipley, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wutar Brown. Richard Wood, Wm. C. Longstreth, Richard Cadbury,, William Hacker* < Charles \ Coffin. SAMUEL B. SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY, ■ • President Actuary, THOMAS WIBTARM. D., J. B. TOWNSEND, oc4-tfs Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser pBCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADED INCORPORATED 1804-CHARTER PERPEUAH No. 224 Walnut etreot, opposite the Exchange. . In addition to Marine ana inland Insurance this Com pany insures from loss or damage by Fire, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture. Ac., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit orpremlum. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty yean, during which all losses have been promptly ad/usteSand^dg^ John L. Hodge, David Lewis, N. B. Mahony, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thos, H. Powers, William S. Grant A- R. McHenry, Robert W. Lehman, Edmond Castillon, D.Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louis C. Norris. _ JOHN R. WUCHERER, President- Samuei* Wiloox, Secretary, . American mutual insurance company.- Office Faitjnh&r Building, No. 228 Walnut street Ma rine and Inland Insurances. Risks taken on Vessels, Car goes and Freights to all parts of the world, and on goods on inland transportation on rivers, canals, railroads, and other conveyances throughout the United States. WILLIAM CRAIG, President PETER CULLEN, Vice President ROBERT J.MEE.ggretgr^. William Craig, Wm.T. Lowber, Peter Cullen, >J. Johnson Brown, John Ballet. Jr„ Samuel A. Rulon, William H. Merrick, (fnarlca Conrad, QUllea Dallett, Horny L. Elder, Beni. W. Richard., B. Rodman Morgan, Wm. M. Baird, Peareon Serrill. Henry 6 Pallett. ■ - laid American fire insurance company, incor. porated 1810.-Chßrter perpetaah No. 810 WAENUT ftreet, ahoyoThlrd, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In. veeted In sound and available Securities, continue to in iure on dwelling., stares, furniture, merchandise, vowel, in port, and their oantoes, and other personal propert- AII losses ÜberaUv adjusted. • Thomas R. Marsh. James R. Campbell. John Weksh, Edmund O. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Charles W.Poultney, John T.Lems, „ „ ImaelMorrla, John P. VetherilL .THOMAS R. MARIS, President tom C. E Cbawtobd. Secretary. , jTAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT * - PWTT.anEI.PHTA. . FIRE AN D. D IN BORA NO B, Francis N. Buck. JohnW.'Everman, Charles Richardson. Robert B. Potter, ' ; Jno. Reader,Jr„ • §°S«rtPsarce. E. D. Woodrufl, l 0 ® s ®! Chas. Stokes, Qeo. A. West, Jos; B. Ellis. W.l < . << . r -'i THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN .—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERIB67. TRUSTEES. Wm. 11. Hamilton, Lovi P. Coata, John Bonder, Samuel Sparhawk, Peter A. Kcyeer, ■ Charles P. Rower, John Philbin, Jeeee Li»?htfoot John (Jarrow, Robert ShoeranJcei 1 , Georjre i. Young, Peter Armbruiter. Joseph K. LyndalL WH. IL HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice President, WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary rmiE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-OF- A fice. No. 110 South Fourth street* below Chestnut. ‘The Fire Insurance-Company or the County of.Phila deljphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania In ISSP. for indemnity against lose or damage by fire, ex clusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Thin old and reliable institution, with antplo capital and contingent fund carefully invested continues to iiwnre buildings, furniture,merchandise, &c., either pennauefitly or for a limited time, against loss or damage- by tiro, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute aafcty of it* cut. tomer*. Losses adjusted and paid with all-possible despatch. DIRECTORS. Cha*. J. Sutter, | Andrew H. Miller, K**nry Br.dd, | Jamas M. Stone, John Horn, \& Edv. in L. Keakirt, Joseph Moore, I Robert V. Ma« ; ey, Jr„ tSecrgo iiicke, ' J Mark Devine. CHARLES J. S UTTEIU President, BaxiAMUt F. nor>iKT.»:r. Secretary and Treasurer. IT IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—TiI E I? sylvania t ire iiuurau/e Company— Incorporated I&>s —Charter Perpetual—No. &lu Walnut street, opposite Incte pendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community fe? over ferry vean-, continue:; to inr.ire against lew* or damrmt by fire, on Vublir or Jhdvtttalhii!dicfc:,‘ejther pe/manually or for a limited thru*. Abo, on Furniture, Stocks of flood/ itid MereijiitidUe generally, on libejnl te-rnw. Their Capital together v. irh a b.rtv Surplus Fund, is in vested in a iac«-t cartful manner. which enables them to offer to the inaured an undoubted security in the caae of tow. • DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., John DeverenxJ Alexander itensc-p, ! Thcnv , < Smith, -Isaac ilazeUmiet, ( lieury Lewis, . Thomas Robin* J.Ominghatu Fell, Daniel Haddock. -Tr. DANIEL SMITH, Jr., President • Wiixixw G. Ceowtox, Secretary. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Pm . lade lphia.—Office, No. 24, North Fifth street, near Market street Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter Perpetual. Capital and A&eets, $150,000. Make Insn ranee against Lose or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Building*, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, or favorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, j Frederick Doll, August C. Miller, Jacob Schandier, John F. Belsterlmg, Samuel Miller, Henry Troemner, Edward P.-Moyer, Wm. McDacieL Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Sta&ke, Frederick Ladner. Jonas Bowman, GEORC JOHN F. BELS Philip EL Colejcln, Secrei Anthracite insurance company.—charter PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT street, above Third, Fhflhd’a. Will injure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on Build' ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DiRECTOr ~ Wm, Esher. D. Luther, Lewis Atidenried, John R. Blakiaton* Davis Pearson, 8398,196 69 THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, South west comer Fourth and Walnut street*. Paid-up Capital. $200,000 00 A, MxdLtisn^v. 28 Term and Perpetual Insurances. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, • - J. L. Erringer, Nalbro Frazier, Geo. W. Fahnestock, John M. Atwaod, James L. Claghora, Benj. T. Tredlck, William G. Boulton, George H. Charles Wheeler, John H.' Brown, T. H. Montgomery. F. RATCHFORD STARR. President. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY. Vice President tEX. W. WIBTER. Bec*rv. - mM6mi REMO YAL. W. A. ARNOLD Haa removed his Depot for the Bale of FURNACES, RANGES, GRATES, SLATE MANTLES, &a, from No. 1010 CHESTNUT streetto 1305 CHESTNUT STREET. JulylBm,w,f,ly • -■’yjhr THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHEINER. OB' European Ranges, for families, hotels or miblic in* etituftons, in twenty different sizes. Also, Phila* Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters] Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Btewhole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, eta, wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers, SHARPE & THOMSON, No. 209 North Second street. mj'27-m,w,f..8m5 THOMAS 8. DIXON * SONS, AS Late Andrews & Dixon, JkV No. 1834 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. IK Opposite United States Mint. Mannfaetnrers ol ■ HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE, WINES—The attention of the trade 1b solicited to the following very choice Winec, Brandies, Ac. For sale br DUNTON ft LUSBON, No. 215 South Front street SHERRIES—CampbeII ft Co., "Single," “Double," and ’‘Triple Grape,” “Rudolph/* AinontiUado,Tojpae, V, V. P.» Anchor and jßar, Spanish Crown and F.valiGtte*s. PORTS—Rebello, Valente ft Co. Oporto, "Vlnho VeUw Real," P. Martin, and F. Valletta’s pure juice, ftc. BRANDIES—RenauIt ft Co.—in glass aud woods Hen nessey ft Co. Otard,Dupuy ft Co., Old BUqolt—'vintage, 1630 and 1863. \ GlNS—"Meder Swan" and "Grape Leaf." CLARETS—Cruse, Ills, Frores ft Co.» high grade wines i Chateau Margaux, superior St Jullen—w pints ana quarts ? La Rose, Chateau Luminy, Ac. MUSCAT—De Frohtignan—in wood aqd glass) Ve* mouth. Absinthe, Maraschino, and glass. CHAMPAGNE—Agents for Chasj Farr, Her Majesty*! Royalßose, Burgundy, and other favorite braxtfs, pWEET OlL—L’Espinasse ft Cancel*Bordeau, WHITE CASTILE BOAP.-100 BOXES GENUINE Vv White Castile Soap, landing from Brig Pennsylvania from Geuoa, and for safe by JOS. ft, BUSSLBB ft CO., 19 Booth Delaware aveno^ INSURANCE. 182J-CHAETER FEKPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, Nob. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Assets on January 1,1867, #3,553,146 13. ; jkihooooo we,™** ..1306,483 18 INCOME FOR 18671 $826,000, Capital Accrued Surplua. .. Premium* UNSETTLED CLAIMS. *27^81 18, Losseß Paid Since 1829 Over Perpetual and Temporal? Pollele* on Liberal Termj,' DIRECTORS. I Geo, Fidea. I Alfred Filler* Fra*. W. Lewi*, M. D.| Peter McCall. Thomaa Spark*. . BANCKER, President* i, Vice-Prerident, icretary pro tem. f«1 Cbu. N. Bancker, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. GEO. KALES, JAS. W. MoALLISTEK, 6e< FIRE ASSOCIATION-. OF PffILADEL _ phia. Office, No. 34 N. Fifth street. Incor fT rWxl A porated March 27.1820. Insure Buildings, Hri'*'.-- Household Furniture and Merchandise fUgSfttf** hy Firo (in the City of ®®2£s£?®?® statement of the Assets of the Association published in compliance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of April 6th. 1842. Bonds and Mortgagee on Property in the City of Philadelphia only 8941,800 17 Around Kents (in Philadelphia 0n1y).... 20,148 SI Keal Estate 28.026 23 U. 8. Government (5-20) loan 45,000 00 U, 8. Treasury Notes * 6,W0 00 Cash in bank* 44,56368 Total 81,085,083 20 GE ERETY, President JTERLLN G. Vice President jtary. Peter Sieger, J. E. Baum, Wm, F. Dean, John Ketcham, Johnß. UeyL ESHER. President F. DEAN, Vice President j&22-iu,th,s-tf. Wm. M, Smith, Secretary. BXOVJEB AND H£AT£IIN LOW DOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE. And Other GRATES. ' For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire JtLSO, WARM-AIR FURNACES. For Wanning Public and Private Buildinxi, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS CHIMNEY-CAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILERS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. WINES, JLIQUOHS, &C. J\ IF. ID TT TsTHT O TsT, 151 800TH PBOBT 8T„ 8018 AQENT. ** -■ SuoWMorto G«o. W. Gray, y 9 . B It 33 W E It, M. 20, 28 and 80 South Sixth; St., Fhilad’a. KmOM SioASilTst-Biowii Ales, Njaggjly for g.n.ny and Medioli^Say PTBAVELEBS* ei/lOE. I?|P nMßmnn irah^Bß QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD. 26$ Hours to Cincxnnatti via Femuvlvania Railroad ft Fan Hand!B. 7 .I*2 HOfTBS LESSTIIIE than by competing line*. Passengers taking 7.30 P. M„ arrive In Cincinnati next evening at 10.06 P. M. -, %% boon. Only one night en ~opl<?v ■_ # , ,• . . The Celebrated-Palace State Room Bleeps ckiv i through from Philadelphia to Cincinnati Paeeengera taking tho 13 M- and 11 P. M. train* reach Cincinnati and all point* West and South one train in ad* vance of all other route*. $ To secure tho unequaled advantage* of thla line be par ticular and ask for ticket* “Via Pan Handle,” at Ticket Office, N. W. corner Ninth and Chestnut streets, and Depot, West Philadelphia. JKO. DURAND, General Superintendent, J. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, JNO.IL MILLER, General Agent. EKEMMMn READING 1 RAILROAD— GREAT TRUNK LING from Phlla . • delphia to the interior of Pennsylva* nia, the pchaylkil], Susquehanna, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Canadas, Sommer Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May 6, 1867, leaving the Compnny’a Depot Thirteenth and Callowhill *tare«t«* IThfladelplila at the following hours; MOKMNG ACCOMMODATIONS;—At 7.30 A. M. for . Reading and all Intermediate Stations, Returning, leaves Reading at fi.3o P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS.—At 8.16 A, M. f for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottaville, Pino Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, Williamsport, Elndra, Rochester,Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Allentown, WHkeebarre, Pittston, Tffi-k, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Hagerstown, <fcc. <fcc. This .train connects at Reading with the East Powv sylyanJa Railroad trains for Allentown, Ac.; and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg, Ac.; at Port Clinton withCatawisaaß. R. trains for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, Ac. : at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cum i>®rVin^ye“?3r» wod Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Williamsport, York, Chambersborg, Pincgrove, Ac. AFTERNOON EXPRESS-Lcaves Philadelphia at R3Q P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisbargh,. Ac., connect* Ing withi Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Col ombia, Ac. . POTTSTOWN ACCOMODATION.—Leaves Pottatown at 6.20 - A. M„ stopping at intermediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 8.4 u A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6j30 P.. A: arrives In Pottatown at 8 45 P. M READI^LACCOMMODATION—Leaves Reading at T. 30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia at 10.16 A. M. ■itetuming, leaves Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 7.45 P. M. Trains for Philadelpliia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A M., and Pottsville at 8.46 A. M„ arriving in Philadelphia at LOO r. M. Afternoon trains leavi/Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M., and PotteviUe at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia at f. 45-1. NL Hairleburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M. and Harrisburg at llu P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. 9C arriving in Philadelphia af 9.10 P. M. Market train, .with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon for Potts ville and all Way Stations; leaves Potteville at 7 A AI., for Philadelphia and ail Way Stations. AU tne above trains run aailv, Siuidaye excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottaviue' at S.UU A. M., and Phlla lelphia.at3.lo P. M„: leave Philadelphia, for Reading at 5.00 A. M.. returning from Reading at 4.25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAlLROAD.—Passengers for Dowuingtown and intermediate Points take the 7.30 A.M. and6.*jo P. M. trains from Philadelphia,-returning from D.m*nfnptov,-n at 6.10 A. M.. and 1-.00 P. >.*. NEW *i UKK- EXPRESS. FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9 A. M, 5.0) and ‘VjO ?. M., pa%-ing Reading at 1, A. M., L5O and 10.06 p, M., *nd connect at Harri.-bnrg with Pennsylvania, and North ini Cen*ral Raihond E.xj-rvts Train. 1 ) lor Pittsburgh, (Jhi •mzo, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. Returning, Express Train, leaves Harrisburg, on arrival )f Peuurfvlyfujia Express from Pittsburgh, at 3 and 8.10 A M..P. f • P M jia.T’iig Reading at 4.49 ana 10.3*1 A..M. and 4.20 r.ndl’l arriving nt New York 10.10 A.and 4.40 md 6AM P. M. Sleeping Cara accompanying these trains througn between -Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without thattge. Mail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12‘Noon. SCHUYLKILL. VALLEY RAIL ROAD.—Trains leave ?ott*ville at 7. 11,30 A. M., end 7.15 P. M., returning from Tainaqua at 7.35 A M., and 1.40 and 4.15 Jr. ML SCITf.'YLKJLL AND SUSQUEHANNA .RAILROAD.— Trains leave Auburn at 7.60 A M. for Pinegrove and Har risburg, and at 1.50 P. Id. for Pinerrove and Tvemont; res turning from H&rri/ourg at 3.20 P. M. and from Treinont at 7.36 A M. and 5.25 P. M. TICKETS.— Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal -points in the North and West and Canada: • Excursion T iketa from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediate talions, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market < Train,. Reading and Pottatown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia good for day only.are <oid at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Reading . and Pottatown Accomodation Trains at reduced rates^ The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office nt 8. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia or of. Cr. A Nicuils, General Superintendent. Reading. Commutation Tickets at 26 per cent discount between say pointa desired, for families and firme. * Mileage Tickets, good for 2,eooßuiles, between all points, at $62 50 each, for families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six. nine or twelve months,for holders only, to all points at reduced rafea. Clergymen residing on the lino of the road will be fur olabea with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tick* its at half-fare. v Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta dons, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had the Ticket Office, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. • FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 5.30 A. M., 12.45 noon, and 6 P. M., for Reading, Lebanon. Harrisburg, Potteville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Poet-Office for all places on the road and Its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M. r*Ti ■niuini iii'i NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R.R.- MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest 1,, and mostrdirect line to Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkeebarr&Mah&noy City,Mt Canned and ail the points In the Lehigh and Wyoming Coal regions. - Passenger Philadelphia, N. W. corner of Berks and American Streets. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-NINE DALLY TRAIN S- On and after WEDNESDAY.May 8,1867, Passenger trains leave the New Depot, corner of Berks and American Streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 7.45 A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Prim rfp; r Railroad, connect*' tog at Bethlehem with-«2eoignv alley Railroad for Allen* towivCataeauqua, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weather tv, Jeanesville. Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Pitts ton, and all points in Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys: alsd, in connection with Lehigh andMahanoy Railroad for Mabanov City, and withCatawissa Railroad for Rupert,Danville, Milton- and Williamsport Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12.06 A. M.: at Wilkesbarre at 3 P. M.; at Mahanoy City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take tiie Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 11.50 A M. for Easton and points on New Jersey Central Rail road to New York. . ' ‘ \ At 8.45 A* M.—Accommodation fOr Doyiestown, stopping. at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. Hatboro’and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. • At la 15 A. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, ■topping at Intermediate Stations. At LBoP.M.—Express for Bethlehem,Allentown. Mauch ChnncL White Haven* Wilkesbarre. Mahanoy City. Cen rtralia, Shenandoah, Mb Carmel and all points in Maho ney and Wyoming Goal Regions; F&saengersforGreen vffie take this train to Quakertown. . At 2.46 P. M.—Accomcmdation for Doyleeto wn, at all intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doyleetown for New Hope, and at North Wales for Bum n^lt4Loo*P.M.—Accommodation forDoylestbwn,stepping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abington; for Lumberv£lle,at Deylestowp. v - At A2O P. M.—Through accommod’n’ for Bethlehem and all stations Onmain Uno of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton. Allentown. Mauch Chunk. - At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation for Landsale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At ILBO P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington, TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9.16 A M.. 2.05 and 8.40 P. M. 2.05 P. M. train makes direct connection with Lehigh Valley , trains from Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Easton at 11.20 AM. arrive in Philadelphia at 2.05 P.M. Passengers leaving* Wilkesbarre at 1.30 P. M. connect at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. Mnand arrive at Philadelphia at 140 P.M. - From Doyleetown at 8.25 A M., 6.10 and 7.40 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.30 AM. .. From Fort 11^0 AJSLand 3.06P.M, Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.80* A M. Philadelphia for Do-ylcstown at 2.45 P. M. Doyleetown for Phlladelphihat 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for PhUadolpui&l&L3o P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Cars convey possen -6n to andfrom the new Depots^ l White Cara Of Second and-Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot Tickets must be procured at the Ticket office, In order to secure the loweßt rates of fare. . i . ■ ELLIS Agent -Tickets Bold and Baggage checked through to principal points, at Mann’s North Penn. Baggage Express Office, Ko.lOoSouthFiftlutreet. . I'i i ilium imm Philadelphia and erie ""— time ta ™” ~ ' ,™ULE.- Through and Direct Route be tween Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrißburg, WUliams- Sort and the Qreat Oil Region ol Pennsylvania.—Elegant loeping Care on all Night Trains. On and alter MONDAY, April 29th, 1861, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run aa follows WEBTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia •• “ *’ WiUiamspbrt •• " arrives at Erie .... Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11 *' " ■ Williamsport “ " arrives at Erie Eltnira Mail leaves Philadelphia " “ .Williamsport.’ " " arrives atLock Haven • EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie....... 10.26 A. M. " ' .WiUlamsport 10.10 P.M. “ arr. atPhiladelpnia ..7.00A.M. Erie Exp’ss leaves Erie. :..... . 6.00 P. M. ’* ; WiUlamsport.. 4.26 A. M, ” . “ arr.atPhiladelphia. 1.00P.M, Haven. 7.16 A. M. “ " WiUlamsport .8.66 A.M. IV ~ " wt- atPhUadelphla „. 6.40P.M. Mail.and Express connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at at Irvine ton at 6,40 A. M., and Off City at leaving Philadelphia at 7.80 P. M., arrive at Oil City at ABB'P.M. All trains on Warren and FrankUa Railway make close connections at Oil City with , trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. Baggage checked through. ALFRED E. TYLER, JeStf Cfonoral’Superintendent. ISE FOB NEW YOBBC.-THE CAMDEN MHUHOiUND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA ■P»r „ TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANY'S LINEB. from'ThilAdelpbJo to New York, and way place*. from walnut ttreet wharf. ■ At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accom. 83 as At 8 A. M.,vla Camden and Jereey City Expreea Mall, 3 00 At 3 P. M., yiaCamden and Amboy Express, 8 00 At 5.00 P. M., via Camden and Amboy.i let class, 3as ’ Accom. and Emigrant,' ( 3d close. *BO 6 andg P. M., for Monnt Holly, Ewans ‘ i,!'? I tj'berton, Blmilngham and Vincentown. At 6 A.M.and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 6,8 and 10 A. M„ and 2,4 P. M., for Trenton. &£. 8 3 n< y°£- M.. ua, 4,6,6 and 11.80 P. M., for Borden toini, Burlington. Beverly and Delanco. . At 6 and 10 A. M. 1,2,4,6,6 and 11,80 P. M. for Florence. A y^A # Ah t lf* 4 ' B 'S'S? , ? u - 30IP M - for Edgewater, • lUverjide, Riverton and Palmyra. , A tZ£%i 10 , A - 'h « “A «.ao P;-M. for Fish House. ' Mwket sS-ccVbyuiper'ferry 11108le&re (rom foo ‘ ot Atff e A. r z\Tlffl ' Kensington and JeraeyCity, New York Express Li11ie5................ <tja Tyt" At fo B ’rKP,rifris^ a3 °- tB °- "• »«• At 8 find 10. Iff A M., 180, S and 13 P. M. for Morrlsvlllo and Toltytown. At 8.00 and 10.16 A. M. t 2.80,A30.6 and 12 P.M. for Schencks. At 10.16 A. M., 2.80 and 6 P. M/ior Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15 A, M.,2.30,4,6,0 and 13 P.M. for Cornwells, Torresdale, Holmesburg, Taconv, Wiasinoming Brides burg and Frankford, and BP. AL for HolmeaDurg and intermediate Station*. . BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES from Ken ilngton Depot At 8.00 A. M., for Niagara Falla, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Can andaigua, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Bingharap ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkes* barre, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gan. At 8.00 A. M. and 3.30 P. AL, for Belvidece, Easton, Latn bertvilie, Flemlngton, &c. The 3.80 P. M.. Lino connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch -Chunk, Allentown. Bethlehem, Ac. At 6 B. M. for L&mbertville and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot, via connecting Rail wav. At 1.30 A.M, 1.30 and 6.3o^P.M.Washington and New York 'Express Lines, via Jersey City 93 25 The 1.80 A. M. and 6.80 P, M. Lines run daily. Ail others. Sunday excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour before departure. The Cara on Market Street Railway runs direct to West Philadelphia Depot. Chestnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays, the Market Street Cara will run to conneat with the 1.30 A. M. and 6.30 P. M..Unefl 4 Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything aa bag gage but their ; wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to bo paid for extra. The Company limit their re sponsibility forbaggage to One Dollar per pound, aud will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by spe cial contract. Ticket* wold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Spiingtield, Hartford, Now Haven, Providence, Newport Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falla and Suspension Bridge, An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 828 Chestnut street, where tickets to New York, and all important pointa North and East, may be procured. Persona pur chasing Tickets at this Office, cau have their baggage checked from residence or hotel to destination, by Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Courtland street at 1.00 and 4.'K) P.M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7.UQ A. M., 6P. M. and 12 night, via Jersey City and Kensington. At 8.40 A. M. and 12 M., yia Jersey City and W. Phiadelphia. From Her No. 1, N. River, at 5 A. M. and 2, 4 P. M., via Amboy nod Camden, June lbtb. r-07. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. Railroad.—Summer . Time.—Taking —effect .Juno 2d, 1867. • The train* of the Pennsylvania (Mitral Railroad leave tho Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which ie reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Hallway. Thd?o of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of it. « ON SUNDAYS—Tho Markot Street Cara leave Front and Market etreote Bo minutca before the departure of each train. Car Tickets can be had on application at the Tick.-t'Oiiicu, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut Street* Agent* of the Union Transfer Cornpany will call for and deliver at the Depot. Orders left at No. Wl Chest* nutctrSet, or No. 1 South Eleventh street, will receive at tention. Mail Train Paoli Accom. No. 1 Fast Line A; Erie Express... ' Paoli Accmmodatiou No. 3. Harrisburg Accorn Lancaster Accom Parksbuiy Train Western Accom. Train. ... Cinciiinati Express Erie Mail Philadelphia Express Paoli Accom. No. 3 Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train ruhs daily, except Sunday. For full particulars as to fare and accommoda. tions, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 137 Dock street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express at '1.15 A.M. Philadelphia Express " 7.10 “ Erie Mml “ 7.10 * 4 Paoli Accom. No. 1. " 8.20 “ Parksburg Train “ f 1.20 ** Lancaster Train * “ 12.40 P. M, Fast Line and Erie Express. 1.10 • “ Paoli Accom No. 2....: u 4.1 u .. “ Day Express •** 6.20 M Paoli Accom No. 3 .....“ 7.00 *• Harrisburg Accom “ 9.60 M For further information, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN; Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tho Depot The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any ri«k for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All B&ggago exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent Altoona, Pa. RX?CHfIfIBEK3 p FHLA D ELPHIA, GERMAN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. - f— ™?-road TIME TABLE.—On and after Wednesday, Mav 1,1867. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Phi1ade1phia—6.7.8,9.05,10,11,12 A. M.; 1,2, a 15, IX. 4.5, 6M, 6.10, 7,8, 9,10,11.13 P. M. Leave Germantown—6,7, 7X, 8, &20,9, 10,11,12 A. M.; 1, A 4,4 X. 6,6 X, 7, % 9,10,11 P. M. The 8.20 down train, and the 3X and 6X up trains, will not stop on the Germantown Branch. •** ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.ls minutes A.M.: 2,7 and 10X P.M. Leave Germantown—B.ls A. M.: 1,6 and 9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia—6,B,lo,l2 A. M.; 2,3 X. 5Xi 7,9 and IP. M. Leave Chestnut Hill—7.lo minutes, 8, 9.40 and IL4O A. M. i L 40,2.40,5.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P.M. ' • t)N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9.ls minutes'A. M.; 3 and 7P. M. Leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.60 minutes A. M.; 12.40, 6.40 and minutes P.M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-8, 7X; 9. 1105 A. M. ;IX, 8, Ufi, 8.05 and 11X P.M. ' Leave Norristown-6.40,7,7.50, 9,11 A.M. ;BX* 8,4 X, 6.15 and 8 XP. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M., 2Xand 7.16 P. M. v Leave Norristown—7 A. M.. 5M and 9P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelnhia-6,7X. 9,1106 A. M.; IX, 3,4 X, 6X. U5,8.05,9X andflXP.M. Leave Manayunk—6.lo,7Xi 8.30,9 X» UX A. M. i 2,3 X, , sv, 9 and IttK P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M., 2X and 7.15 P. M. Leave Manayunk—7X A. M.,6 and 9X P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth ana Green streets. II mil 1 WEST CHESTER AND PHILA* delphia railroad, via me. ■■ 'I JULI DIA . SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, June 24tb, 1867,. trains will leave Depot, Thirty-first <md Chestnut streets, as follows : Trains leave Philadelphia for West Ches ter. at 7.16 A. M., 1100 A.. M., 2.30,4.15,4.50,7.00 and 10.80 P. M. • Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street, 6.15,7.15,7.80 and 10.45 A. M., 155,460'and 160 P.M. y _ ' Trains leavingmest Chester at 7.30 A. M« and leaving Philadelphia at 4?50 P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and 1). C. Junction going East, will take trains leaving West Chester at 7.15 A. M., and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4150 P. M., and transfer at B. C, Junction. Leave Philadelphia for Media at 5.30 P. M. Leave Media for Philadelphia at 6.40 P. M.—stopping at all stations. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. and 4.50 P. M., and leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 450 P. M..con nect at B. C. Junction with Trains on the P, and B. 0. K. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and SLOOP. M. • , . Leave West Cheater 7,45 A. M. and 5.00 P. M. The' Depot is reached directly by* the Chestnut and Walnut street cam.- Those ofthe Market street line mu within one square. The oars of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival On Sundays the Market street cars leave Front and Market streets thirty-fivo minutes before each Train leaves the depot, and will connect with each train on arrival, to o&rry passengers into city. . - , KM" Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparol only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be responsible ror an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unless special contract is mado for tho same. HENRY WOOD. General Superintendent. EfclgPggg? SHORTEST a ROCTK TO THE |» l la LIBr 1 * CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC ' RAILROAD! On arid after MONDAY, September 2d, 1867, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows: 7.OUA.M4 Freight, with passenger-car attached .tUS A* M. Atlantic Accommodation........••••;?nr'lv’'pir.“ r * RETURNING—LEA\ E A.ILANIIC:^ p iijAik! 6.46 A.M. Mail... Freight mf* LeaTCS SUNDAY O MAIL TKAIN' 1 ! 0 ATLANTIC 5 P ’ Leaves Vino street at 7.80 A. M. and Atlnutic at 4.40 P. M. to AtlSnuS, 80. Bound trip tickets. good only for ik.Sv iTiil train on which tney are Issued, $3. Ticketsforsalo at the .oflico ofthO Philadelphia Local Erprcßß C'onipany, No; 635 Chestnut Btreet, and„atNo. 838 Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. „ „ The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No, 025 Chestnut Btreet, will call for baggage In any part of the l^fv ÜbUfb6 ’ <UldClieCk *° g^lMTAken^ 7.00 P. M. 4.30 A. M. ... 4.08 P.M. ...liOONoon. ...8.46 P. M. ~..10.00 A. M. ... 8.00 A. M. .. 6.46 P, M. ... 8.10 PiM. - WAHT FRETOHT LINK VIA QBRn^Q 1 PENNSYLVANIA* RAIL mX.SJm U*J. RO aD, to Wilkeebarre, Mahanoy City, Mount Carmel, Centralis, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches, . By new arrangements, perfected this day. ttue roaaw m&Dled to give Increased despatch to merchandise con* signed to the above named point*. . food*: deMvcredayhe Dg.o^ Before 5 P.M., wiU roach-Wilkeabarre, Mount Carmel, Mabanoy City, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoming afleye befnre 11 A. day TBU.VEUBKS’ GVIDIS. 'ENNSYLVANIA TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ. ttST“ to CteWWdiS: to«e r “• m|Sou|&«^ r fcefe mao ’‘> »'.aa,fc»3sadsS. Passengers fccFortress WonrSe ,nd 'Nor oik via BalH v,a Ph«e D an»,»: g “ *" itaU °“ Leave Philadelphia at 12.30, 2.00,4.30,6.00 and ILSQ (dallvt F.U. The 4.30 P.M.traln connect, with the Delaware Rail, road for Milford and intermediatestations. The 8.00 P.M. train rein to New Castle. Wilmington 0.30, 7.15 Aid &00 A. M., 4.00 and 6.80 r, M.,dally. T A c ., 7 .', lfi , A ; will not stop at stations between Chester and Philadelphia. . ijom Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.35 A. M., Wav Mail. 9.36 A. M., Expres.. .215 P. AL,Ex- Express. 8.66 P. St, Express, SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIkoREt leave Baltf. mo ™ P. M„ stopping at Havre do Grace. PerryvlUo and Wilmington. Also stops at North-East, EUcton and Newark to take passengere for Philadelphia, ana! leave passengere from Washington or Baltimore,! And at Lhester to leave passengere from Washington or Balti. more. ■> • Through tickets to all points West, South and Southwest K? y „ bo p^°?u K d . A. 4 Ticket-office, 828 Chestnut street,nnder Continental Hotel, where alao Stato Rooms and Berths in , Dicemng Cars .can bo secured during the day. Persona •*» tickets at* this office can ’ have baggage checked at their residence by the Union TranaferX^xm-' pany. . ■ • • r- ..... . BRANCH. FARE TO NEW YORK, 32 00. goodfor ° are ' 10 *** Br “‘ h - to M. • Returning, leave Now York from- Pier 83, foot 0 1/L Duane street, at ILIS A. M„ and Long Branch at 12.55 P.M. The Saturday 4.15 P. M. train for Long Branch is dis continued. FAST FREIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK. Freight left at the Warehouse, No. 320 North Delaware avenue, before 5 o'clock P. M., will reach New York early next morning. Rates low and quick time uniformly made. Way Freight Train leaves Cooper's Point at 13.00 M. - Ticket for New York and Long Branch can bo procured at the office of the Philadelphia Local Express Company. ©6 Chesjnutrtreet ft ~ avo' 1 * K. H. CHIPMAN, Agent, 830 North Delaware Evonne, msfttf} ' W. S. BNEEDEN & CO., Leeaeea, ESE raeamutun PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD.-SummS ” . . , —„ „ Arrangements. On and after Saturday June let, 1867. the Trams will leave Philadelphia, from the Oepet of the West Cheetordi Philadelphia Railroad,comor of Thirty.firet and Che.-tnut idreew,( West I'kiladaJ.ut 7.15 A. M., and 4.60 P. M. Leaveßising Sun, at 6.16, and Oxford at 8.06 A. M„ and leave Oxford at 3.25 P. M. A Market Train with Passenger Car attached, will ran on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Itieing Sun at 11.16 A. M., Oxford at 12.00 M., and Kennctt at 1.00 P. M„ coni nesting at West Chester Junction with a Train for Phila delphia. OnWednesdays and Saturdays trains leave Phi ladelphia at 3.30 P. M., run through to Oxford. T he Train leaviug Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. connects at Oxford with a daily line of Stages for Poach Bottom, in Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Afternoon Train for Fhiladel pluA. CENTRAL The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.60 P. M. rnns to Rising him, Md. Paa-cngcrs allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as and the Company will not in any case be reepon nble for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, a special contract be mado tor thosamo. mh!9 HENRY WOOD. Genera Sapß. ...at fc.OU A.M. .at 10.00 A. -M. .at 12.10 P. >L ..at 1.00 P. M. ..at2.30 P. M. ..atLOO P. M. ~at 6.30 P. M. . .nt 5.40 P. M. .at 7.;t0 P. M. ..at 7.30 P. M. ..at il. IoP.M. .at 9.00 P.M. R 7; ; west jersey railroad kwm& * , *y,S£g LINES from foot of Market street , Commencing TEESDAY,September 3d, 18*7. - SAjJf. Morning Mail for Bridgeton, Salem,. Mlllvflla. Vineland and intermediate point* . 3.301*. M. Bridpeton, Salem, Vineland, Milllville and intermediate station#. . ■ , 4-IXiP, M. Cape May Ppepcngera ' ' " , 6.00 I*.M. Woodbury Accommodation. * ’*'• Cape May Freight leaves Camden at 9.20 A. M. \Vebt Jersey Freight .Train leaves Camden at ILSO A. M. - . Freight will be received at Becond Covered Wharf be. low w alnut street, from 7A. M. until SP. M. Freight re ceived before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery, No. 228 South Delaware avenue. WILLIAM J. SEWELL. Superintendent, F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets. WALNUT LUMBER jylfttu th a 2mg ‘United States Builder’s Mill,” No. 24,26 and 28 S. Fifteenths*., (PHILADELPHIA. BBLER & BROTHER, MAmnrAorusxßaor .' WOOD HODLDINffI, BRACKETS. STAIR BALUSIERiffiWBIiI POSTS, GENERAL TUMBifIAMI SCROLL Wps*g, The largest assortment of Wood Mouldings In this city constantly on band. . JeS3m{ 1 OOn —BELECT WHITE PINE- ' AND PLANK, —, ' .i: ■- ,4d.Aa. fg4.iL2M. 3 and Ainch, CHOICITpANEL AND FIRST COMMON. 16 feet long HHU 9, 2M.3and4-ihch. MAULB, BROTHER A CO. ■ No. 2609 SOUTH Street 1 QA7 BUILDING 1 BUILDING! BUILDING 1 100 i LUMBER 1 LUMBER 1 LUMBER I 44 CAROLINA FLOORING. 64 CAROLINA FLOORING. 44 DELAWARE FLOORING, 64 DELAWARE FLOORING. A ASH FLOORING, WALNUT FLOORING, SPRUCE FLOORING. . STEP BOARDS, RAIL PLANK/ PLASTERING LATH. MAULE, BROTUERA CO., No. 2600 SOUTH Street I ocn -CEDAR AND CYPRESS SHINGLES, , 100 I. cedaFand CYPRESS SHINGLES; COOPER SHINGLES, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS ANDPOSTB. No. l CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. - MAULE, BROTHER A 00. ' IQC7 —LUMBER FOB UNDERTAKERS) ,■ IODI . LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! CEDAR, WALNUT, MiSHOGANY, CEDAR, WALNUT, MAHOGANY. MAULE BROTHER A Oa IQC7 -ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. 1001. ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. SEASONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. . > DRY POPLAR.CUERRY AND ASEL ; OAK PLANK ANDBOARDft HICKORY. . ■ 1 • ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. MAULE, BROTHER A 00. IQ an -CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. IOD I • CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CEDAR BOX-BOARDS. No. 2609 SOUTTH Street 1807. -SPRUCE JOIST—SPRUCE JOIST-SFRUOi ' FROM 14 TO S 3 FEET LONG FROM 14 TO 83 FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. , MAULE, BROTHER £ CO., No. 3600 SOUTH Street myiatft OHINGLES, SHINGLES~IN GREAT VARIETY AND O All prices; cheap Flooring and Fencing, assorted widths Shelving.. Particular attention given to lumber for fitting up stores. Carolina Flooring at lowest cosh .prices. ; NICHOLSON'S, Seventh and... Carpenter streets.. . . " ee-uamj, 1 EMBER.—THE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED J-i to fnrnish any description of Pitch Pins L limber, frank Bt Maly's MilLGeorgia, on favorable terms. Abo, Bpraoe Joist, Ac., from Maine; EDMUND A. SOUDER A CO.. Dock Btreet Wharf. 1 mySS-tgl OPRUOE LUMBER AFLOAT.-JIOANTLING AND p Joist of length from 14 to 23 feet lonEaesorted does, Ertto Bxl4 about 160 M. feet For sale byWORKSIAMA CO..'Nob.M» Walnut street . v *— BUSINESS CAJKJDS* Henry a Lancaster, Commission Merchant, , Spruce and Delaware Avenue, established In 18K Flour, Corn, Oats and Mill Feed, sold wholesale and retail, at lowest market rates, .and delivered to all parts of the city. .:. scpf-ly Sanaa a. wiuuirr. Tuomrton i'iKa, outvmnt a. awaaowa nrnononn wright. shank l. nuhu PETER WMGHT4 SONS, Importers of Earthenware Bhlpplng ; Awning Duck. Papermakers 1 felting, 7 'Twtae.Am JOHN W. EVERMAN Alley. FRTVY WELLR-OWNERB OF PROPERTY—THE only place to get PrtvjgWeUs geagsed and Disinfected, at very tow prices. A. of Pool drette. Goldsmith's HgU. Library-street. MRS. JOHANNE HENKE, DOCTREBS AND MID. iylulfe. No. 609 Chatharlne street Special given to the womb complaints &u2WS£* XHATELEBS' fiDIDE. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAT- Railroad.— Resumption of Summer Travel to NEW YORK and LONG LUMHER* 100,000 FEET PEKSON.Ui.