GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.—NO. 128. "THE EVENING BULLETIN . , PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING (Sundays excepted), ATMti NEW BVLtETIIV BUILDING, 60T Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, BY TIIJS EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. SP t K&,EE&§B£& EitNEST C. WALLACE, TIIOB. .1. WILLI AMSO&, «ABPEB BOUDER, Jb., FRANCIS WELLS. .The BuLunrnr u served to nutwcrlben In the city at 18 oena per week, payable to the carriers, or $8 per annum. SCHOMACKEK CO.’S CELEBRATED ■^^T*vPianoß,—Acknowledged superior in all reapocta fo any made in this country, and sold on most liberal MRU. NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS constantly on band for rent Tuning, moving and packing promptly attended to, Warerooms.llU3Che*tnnt street JelS-3m& MARRIED. CfipS WELL—VAN RENSSELAER.—At Car.enovin.en Tuesday, Sept. 8. by the Rev. Dr. Smith, Andrew Kirkpat rick CbgsweU, of New Brunswick, N.J., to Mary, daughter ot General J. Cullen Van Kensselner. STEVENSON—HITTER,-*-On Wednesday morning, 4th Inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. William Suddaras, L). D., Edward K. Stevenson mid Man'll., daughter of the late Abraham Ritter, Esq., nil of this city. * WHITTINGTON—AS Il.—Thla morning, by Hie Rev. Jos. H. Ash, brother ot the bride, Benjamin r. Whitting ton, Eeq., to Miss Mary E, Ash, both or this city. * DIEW. I>k YOUNG.—On tho morning of the 3d inst. at the resi dence of his son-in-law, Wm.W. Caldwell, Isaac it. De Young, seed 71 years. The relatives and mole friends of tho family are in vited to attend bis funeral, from No. 530 North Thirty, fourth street,West Philadelphia, tomorrow (Friday) mor ning. at 10 o’clock. It FLO RANCH.—On the 4th instant, Jacob L. Florance, In the 65U» year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from Ms late residence, 1520 Chestnut atreet, on to-morrow (Friday) morning, at 9)4 o’clock. (New Orleans paperspleasocopy.] * PASSMORE.—On Fourth-diy morning, tho 4th instant, Mary K. Passmore, In her 36th year. The relatives and friends of. the family arc Invited to attend the fuueral, from the residence of her father, Moorerion n. N. J., ou Seventh-day afternoon, the 7th Inst., at 2 o’clock. Carriages will meet the 10 A. M. train from Walnut street wharf, 4hf Riverton, *• WALKER.—On the 4th Inrt., after a lingering illness, Frank Walker, in the 37th year of his age. .... V The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral service.-, at his late residence. No. 919 Market street, on to-morrow (Friday*! morning, the 6th inrt., nt 1(* o’clock, Remains to betaken by 8 o’clock train to Mfwnchuserts for interment, * T7YHE & LANDKLL. FOURTH AND ARCII, ARE JCj opening for the Fall Trade of 1667 Margot .Shawls, ordered goods. Poplins, new colors, and Rich Plaids. Black Silks, superior grades. Plain Silks, of all qualities, Black all-wool heps, a yard. Black Velour Retn*. nil qiialitiei', Black I’opfin Biarritz. Black Kiiiitcm Cloth*. 'Black Ottoman Poplins. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, I*l% Chestnut gtn**, SJPECIAJL NOTICES. „ Mm?* UNI VEBBITY OFFENNBYLVANTA, DEPART MEM OF ABTB. „ The Trustee** of the University have authorized the Fa culty of Art* to make certain change* In the count# of *»tu g, which will offer to the student all the advantages cither of the system which formerly obtained, or of that generally regarded as the more practical. „ , While all the advantages of a thorough scientific and classical course wilt be continued, as heretofore, to thos* who desire it. the new plan provides that the student at the beginning of the junior year, may elect, in the place of advanced Greek and Latin studies and the higher branches of Mathcuiatirii and Physical Science, a more extended course In the English language and Its Litera ture, in History, Science as applied to the useful arts, and tn the French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages. The object of the Trustees in making these changes In the College connse, is to provide in the University full and com plate opportunities for acquiring an education that will either, on the one hand, satisfy those whose tastes lead them to the highest cultivation of the ancient lan guages and their literature, of physical science, and of pure mathematics; er, on the other, to meet the wishes of those who desire to be fitted, by a thorough practical education, for an earlier entrance into active business showing all the detAils of the College course-, jrxtv bo obtained after September ffth, from the Janitor, at the University Building; and additional in formation or advice in regard to the election of studies will be given by tbe Provost in his room. The tuition fees are thirty-five dollars per term, payable Tn advance, and the College year is divided Into three terms, the first beginning on MONDAY, the 16th inst. By order of the Trustees. M*«,6,?,1U,12.14.6t4 CAPWALADEK,BIDDLE, Sec-y. PAKDEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE IN LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. The next term commences THURSDAY, September fltth. Candidates for admission may be examined the day feeforo (September 11th), or on TUESDAY, July 30th, the ay before the Annual Commencement Exercises. For circulars, apply to President CATTELL, or to Prof. It B. YOL'NGMAN,. Clerk of tho Faculty. jy2o-tfs Eajttoh, Penna.. July, 1867. I ttse- FAMILIES ABOUT CHANGING TIIEIB RErfl ™ deuce or leaving the city, can receive the highest cash price for old oohke.'painphlete.'fagflretc.' 'Wrappers always on hand and for Bale by E. HUNTER, •613 Jayne atreet. Orders wtt receive prompt attention, bymail or otherwiae. ... un27 Imrpl . HOWABD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND 1530 Lombard Street .Dispensary Department—Medical treatment and medicines fnrnisned' gratuitously to the poor. ABIIiSEMENTS. The Walnut.— A Midsummer Night's Dream is still upon the stage at this theatre. It will be given this evening with the of ecencry, costumes, &c. The Arch This theatre will open on Satur ‘ 'day evening next-with TheSchoolfor Scandal. The Chestnut On Monday evening next this ”, theatre will open withwflie Florences in the . comedy of Caste. Assemui.v Building.— Burnett , will give another of his humorous entertainments at As sembly Building this evening. Mr. Burnett’s jpower as a mimic is simply wonderful. He as- Tsumes a vast number of totally -different charac- T ters in bewildering succession, and It would puzzle the most penetrating to discover any aimi; larity between them. His “Petroleum V. Nasby” ds particularly good, and is received nightly with daughter and applause. Concert Hall.— Blind Tom, the musical \ prodigy, will give anothor of his marvelous per formances at Concert Hail this evening. Blitz.— The inexplicable Blitz will bewilder the public to-night at Assembly building. Another Suicide in Cincinnati. . Cincinnati, September 4, 8 o'clock P. M Peter Baxter, a native of Denmark, aged thirty, Jbung himself last night because his inlant child, ngeasix weeks, was pronounced in a dying con dition bv a physician who was treating it for cholera infantum. The child expired this morn ;3ug_and‘ tlie father and child will be burled together. ' Vhe Freedmeu’s Bureau—(ion. How- aril Not To Bo Unmoved. [Special Despatch to the Boston Daily Advortiser.] Providence, R. 1., Sept. 8,1887. — Major-Gen. Howard, now visiting the Agricultural Fair in .this city, received a despatch from Gen. Grant this evening, Informing him that he is to retain his pdßiUon at the head of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Montgomery, Alabama, Sentinel says: “Eight years ago, if Horace Greeley had made his appearance in this State, so notorious was he that he would have received not one, but several coats of tar and feathers in evens town in Ala bama. Since his going ball for _ Jefferson Davis 310 man, perhaps, in the loyal States is more popular timn bo with the very class of people who would have degraded him eight years ago. As an instance of Greeley’s popularity', there are pot less than half a dozen boy babies in Alabama. ,ot:AKTKR.s, ICth August.— tfolWeM of the Annyaj Catalonia: Your present attitude con firms the character for fidelity which so greatly distinguishes you. Three insignificant bands, commanded by men disreputable from their ordi nary .misdeeds, are the miserable result obtained in this principality by the proceedings of the revo lutionists at home and abroad; your cbmrndes are resolutely pursuing these bands, which they will speedily destroy.. The peaceable Inhabitants ©f our beautiful city deliver themselves up, as you see, to the daily occupation of their glorious and celebrated industrial activity, with intervals of repose and amusement which only serve to stimulate their exertions. For you it is an honor that on the accomplishment of your duties repose at the same time the public tranquillity and gen confidence, The Queen and the country thank you. Their gratitude is forever engraven on their hearts. Count ok Chestk. BELGIUM. International Copyright* The Moniteur Beige publishes a Convention concluded between Belgium and Switzerland, on the 25th of April last, for the protection of inter national copyright. ' _ The Empress Charlotte • It is with much satisfaction that we hear that the unfortunate ex-Empress of Mexico has been placed under the care of that veiy able and dis tinguished physician, Dr. Bulkens. The ac-. connts which, from time to time, have been pub lished in the newspapers, and the private reports which have reached individuals, though fragmen tary and incomplete, have conveyed enough in formation about the treatment' to whicn the Empress was submitted at Miramar to arouse the greatest uneasiness in the minds of English alienist physicians. Solitude, silence, and gloom of every kind seemed to have been her surround ings; while there was too much reason to believe that an absolute system of court etiquette was permitted to Interfere with those vigorous mea sures which must be token with the melancholic insane in order to insure their being, properly supported with the sustaining nutriment that is indispensable for the reparation of the exhausted nervous svstom. The fact that a priest was one of the guardians appointed to regulate the control of the unhappy patient was ominously suggestive of those dark days of lunacy treatment which In this country are happily now only a tradition of the past—days when it was thought much more important for the attendants of the insane to have right theological and metaphysical views about the nature of the mind, than to have any special knowledge of bodily diseases. In Dr. Bulkens we are certain that the Empress will find a medical adviser whose system is the very reverse of all this. Pure fresh air, pleasant converse with friends, and other modes of employing the mind, a generous nutrition, kindly but firmly enforced —such are the remedies which we may bo sure the illustrious patient will now receive. — Lancet. ST. iMmiNGO AND HAVTI. Cabral Proclaimed by Some Huyticn* as President of mijti-Sulimve Uc ,salted Flows. - 7 - TTvYAfc.»-;'iHig. 3?.—According to a mte corfos pondcncc received, from St. Domingo, we are assured that President Cabral' was on tlio Hav tien frontiers, ivliere various towns liad risen against the Salnave government and proclaimed Cabral as President of Hayti. “IJp to this moment,” says the writer, “Cabral has not thought fit to accept the call of the insurrection ists, whose object seems to be the union of Hayti to St. Domingo, under tbe Presidency of Gen. Cabral. It is currently reported that Salnave is a fugitive.” It the above proves true, as I have little doubt, we can only exclaim, “wonders will never cease in Hayti.” FllO H SiHW VOIIK. New Yokk, Sept, o.—A final meeting of tho Southern Famine Belief Committee was held yes terday. Tho total cash recoipts have been $250,586, all of which sum has beeh expended. The number of bushels of com purchased was 175,316. A colored Spaniard, named .Crispins Cudena, killed his wife yesterday morning, it is sold, in a lit of jealousy. The murder was done in the baso ment of Ho. 15 East Eleventh street, and it is stated was witnessed by several persons. Application was made yesterday before United States Commissioner StilweU for ball in the case of Garrius C. Baker, late paying toller of the Tradesmen’s National Bank, who is changed with embezzlement. As the accused was arrested after his discharge by Justice Hogan, upon a warrant ißsuedby Commissioner Osborne, ball was re fused for the* present, and Mr. Baker was re manded to 1011. George Hammer, charged with shooting Cath arine Lyons, and thereby inflicting severe and Serhans fatal injuries, on the 26tli uIL, was rouglit up before Justice Leonard yesterday, on a writ of habeas corpus, and held to bail in the sum of $l,OOO. Tlie prisoner claims the shoot ing to have been purely accidental! but the theory on the part of the people is that Hammer was at the timein tho act of perpetrating a crime, and lienee that if the injured woman die he will be guilty of manslaughter. • American Industry. [From tho Faria “News of tho Weck.”J VICTORY OF lIKHUINg’s SAFES. Every American will feel gratified to loam that the enterprise, energy, and perseverance of Silas G. Herring have resulted msstsatisfactorily. In the trial of his third class burglar proof safe against the best safe manufactured by his com- Eetltor, Mr. Chatwood, of Bolton, but a few ours were required to settle the question. Tho American workmen without a lull supply of tools forced their way into the English burglar Sroof against till the obstacles within a few ours, whilo up to. the present moment the American safe had not been opened. The trial decides in favor of Mr. Herring, and gives him 3.000 dollars in gold to distribute to tho. three cities of London, Paris, and Washington. —A machine at Now Haven makes 100 fish hooks a minute front a coll of wire. F. I . FETHERSTON. PaWislier. PRICE THREE CENTS, FACTS AND 1 FANCIES, --Mz*9 Menken Is writing poetry. -“The Queen has gone to Scotland. —Mrs, Brown, of Jay, Me., is sweet 100. —Verdi is at a Pyrennesc watering-place . -Morrissey won *60,000 on the last prize-fight. Europe' niatard > of Tennessee, is-going tm gopeTar/^ 169 C&U 016 Amoricaa drink the “chert w-‘ Kir »p u u» U.lS;So’*£,“4r.”’' tTU, * r -“ al ''W>' u^“taiSKSiS ,1 ' u " ,, “" “*»• H “ rrte'h-sas: B&S a ß®«£ , s sSrH*«= f«4 ~ U Vo C p U roclivilvof 8 fiSeJffiSi torcigncrs is unac-connt-a-bellc. tte9e ffil" , who is only one inch ment in the suburbs of f^on.”* 1 ““ eKclte_ - «^rs».2ffii3s.&gSs;«sss upon unsuspecting countrymen. -Napoleon m. has ruled France as long as his uncle did, or wUI have by the enS of thbl year. Some think that Is long enough. 6ult civ *l rights bill—say the Democracy. — A "ew Yorker, who was thanked by aladv to whom he gave up his seat in a street cnrft «» astonished that he writes to the paper about it. •iikli a ™’ , Indla > has a Methodist college with a large endowment, which' the English Go- Lucknow.°^ er6 *° doUble - The Co Uege toiri iwKjlgS'SSSSgfe'SS^: sSiiS3tiC s ~^ r ; D - fessenden, a brother of the Senator,and formerly a member of Congress him* Dg t0 c olc l*® B * 110 House of Bepresenta- es this year from Auburn. * —A New York paper says that Chase “nsea bis ermine as a political lever.” As longw cS is such a leaver, he had better leave-ermine I)l£ that alone. (Vermin yon know.) ™ rmlne l |ke -Twenty-five years ago there was little or no ?™/i ig ? Uon npon 010 BT eat western lakes. °The trade is now enormous and. Is expected to reanh SStoe. Ban mm ° n doUars i^ourye^W —A lender of the Fenians has been found fa the person of General Charles L. Beemanofflan Francisco, who feels certain that he Is raised up by Heaven for the purpose, and promises to IprS them onto—well, wo shall see. P “ tolea “ —Ball’s statue of Edwin Forrest as Coriolanns has been privately exhibited In Boston, wherethe original has often been publicly exhibited The muscles are represented as nearly llfc-size'as the limited resources of a Carrara quarry will allow —During the/e/e on the 16th at Marseilles. Madurncßiltcvin mode a balloon ascent, but the wind suddenly veering round, she was blown out to sea, and 'only escaped by means of a vessel whiehweht on expressly after her. The balloon , Wusjiinu jured. S&asaM&M young man,- whose press ouT °f respect to bis parents, sends ns the 1 (allowing: “What medicine will enable a grower oj cereals to escape disease by the skin of hia Horn” B^para- —Sca-slde dramatics Bland Old Bachelor— Spending the summer down here, sir?” Blnflr Old Paterfamilias—“Ho, sir, not spending the summer; spondlng greenbacks, sir, at the rate of five a minute." Bland Old Bachelor (not at all rebuffed) “Summary expenditure that, cer tainly.” n w* —The Texans do not relish the prospect of an, Indian reservation In their State. One of the- Texas papers says that “there is not a tenth part game enough on the reservation to feed theses hordes of savages, and out of pure necessity the. red-skins will be forced to dine on cattle-driver*, and sup on ranchemen.” , —A law of New York compels all cars In the city limits of Brooklyn to be horse-cam, Bat on tho Coney Island Ballroad the law Is evaded bv* having a horse fastened ahead of a veritable l«co motlvo of 60 horse-power, drawing a long train of; cars. All the frisky creature has to do is to keen ahead ef tho train. When the train reaches city limits the horse Is detached and the engina Increases Its speed. —A lotter. from London says: “ You are to have two distinguished visitors, viz.-: ViscountAm borly, Earl Bbssell’s eldest son and heir, and hia amiable Viscountess. It is stated that thevwlU abandon their title during their journey, and'that they have had all their boggago marked? ‘Mr Bussell’ and ‘Mrs. BusselL" iftn will ; find'Jfr* Bussell a clever and agreeable little follow, and ble wife a charming young woman.” —The Cincinnati Methodist Conference was. startled ono day last week by a» chair. The Bev. Mr. Dustin rose to speak. Tho president recognized him as “brothea Moody.™ T, My name Is Dustin,” said the reverend on. tha floor. “I beg your pardon,” said tho president, * “I am so accustomed to. recognise- brother Moody, that I spoke without thought” ; Wfe am not tola whether Mr. Moody joined, In, the “land laughter” which followed., —ln tearing down the old Mansion Honsci in week, tho laborers came upon tha tin box deposited in the cornea-stone Among other things the box contained the fot- ! lowing letter written by Andrew Jackson “ Colonel Andrew Hinds: Mr—l have concluded* if you have a 120 gallon still ready made; to take it, on condition it will suit ydtttorecelve the nav out of the proceeds of my > present crop of St- - ton, say In the month ot March next, fplace the payment In March, should mycotton crop fell having no rain yet, that I may he able front other sources then due, to meet inis .engagement. I suppose a still of 120 or 126 wonld colt seventy five cents per gallon. Be this as It may, I am willing to give you eustomuy prices. Please write me by my boy who will hand this, as my fruit is spoiling, and if I get a stlU thtaseasonri shall want her Immediately. I am, very rosDect. servant, Ai^^jJES;