Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, July 27, 1867, Image 5
CITY BULLETIN. REM ovAL.—Owing to the continued increase in his business, Mr. C. W. A. Trampler has found it necessary to remove his Music Store to a larger establishment than the one now occupied at Seventh and Chestnut streets. He is. now fitting up the fine and commodious store 1126 Chestnut street, where his patrons will have increased faci lities for selecting music, &c. He has made ar rangements that will enahle •him •to supply all parts of time United States, promptly, with all the new Dineen! publications, &c. ASSAtI,T WITII BRIM -Hugh McClintock , was arrested yesterday, and taken before Alder man pancoast, upon the charge of assault and -battery on Officer Thompson hiller. It seems that Miller made an arrest at Twenty-first and Callowhill streets; :on Sunday evening last. Mc- Clihtock came up,and threw at the officer a brick, which struck him on the head, causing a severe injury. He escaped then, but was captured yes terday. He was held in $l,OOO bail to answer tit Court. CAPE MAY.—Mark Hassler's Grand Promenade Concert and Hop takes place this evening at Con gress Hall. Hassler's combined orchestras will assist. The immense dining room will be en tirely cleared for the occasion. An extraordi narily brilliant assemblage is expected. Mark Hassler is taking everything by storm. at Cape May; his popularity is inuntlnse. His name at tached as manager of any amusement works wonders. • . - . ATLANTIC ClTY.—Among the good houses at Atlantic City, our readers should not forget the Mount Vernon Hotel. It is a comfortable and convenient house, well located and well kept. The terms are reasonable, as hotel prices go in these days, and as everybody is now on the wing for the sea-shore, it is well to know that there is a good choice of lodgings from which to select at the various watering-places. BAD BOYS.—John Nugent, aged 14 years. and Bernard McGee, aged 15 years, were arrested this morning about one o'clock, while sleeping . In the Girard avenue market. These juveniles, it is alleged, had been in the habit of robbing the money drawers of stores in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Wards. They were committed for a further hearing by Aid. Shoemaker. DEAT/i or Gitonon W. JACKSON.—Mr. George W. Jackson, who was for a long time connected with the Daily Morning 'Times and the Sunday Transcript, of this city, died at his residence on Franklin street, near PoOar, on Wednesday evening last. Mr. Jackson . was an amiable gentleman, and much esteemed by those who knew him. ALLEGED PEcouity.—John Kempert, residing at No. 1232 Sorrell street, was before Alderman Senor last evening upon the charge of perjury. The complainant was a woman, who alleges that Kempert falsely swore to statements which would greatly damage her reputation. He was held in 4,i , 600 bail for , trial. DOGS AND GOATS CAPTURRD.—During the past week 172 unmuzzled dogs were captured in the city. Of that number Vi -- -were redeemed. The remaining 20' were killed. During the same period, 40 stray goats were taken up. Four were sold at auction, and the remainder were redeemed by.their owners. RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-Hugh Hutchinson, an inspector of cars, residing at Nineteenth and Christian streets, was ruri over by a freight train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, above Market street, yesterday afternoon at five o'clock, and was seriously injured. He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. RESCUED Fno3t DHOWNING.—Thomas Hanley, residing at No. 1927 Buttonwood street, - ac cidentally fell into the Schuylkill at Chestnut street wharf, about nine o'clock .last evening. He was rescued from drowning by the Schuylkill Harbor Police. TIE!: MOYA3IENSING-lIOPE DIFFICULTY.-A s Pecial this afternoon in reterenti I.c.tat, between the - Moyamensing Hose and Hope Engine Companies. Foul, Annii T.—One-half of 'a sectional boat, loaded with sand, was found floating in the Schuylkill near South street wharf, last night. It was. taken iu charge by the Schuylkill Harbor BODY REcovEnEo.—The body of Geo. Baker, who was drowned at Pier No. 18, Port Richniond, last evening. was recovered this morning. The deceased belonged to the schooner Sophia Wil liams. SLIGHT FinE..L-An alarm of lire about half-past eight o'clock last evenin, was caused by the burning of a window curtain in a dry goods store on Sixteenth street, near Wood. Damage tri fling., THE MERCANTILE REIIISTEICIS to be managed by Mr. John 'Hasson on and after the Ist of August. I.:p to that time it will remain in charge of Mr. C. B. Steck. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. POLITIC AL.—Politicians are now preparing for the coming fall election in Camden county. Among those already named for the Legislature, Bon. G. W. N. Custis, who has ably represented the city of Camden in that body for the past two years. 'stands the most prominent. A sheriff, coroners, constables • and three members of As sembly arc to be chosen, and the Union Republi can party are determined to put their best men forward, so that when the day for holding their conventions arrives, there will be no clinically ex , perienced in the selection of candidates. The Copperheads, however, are resolved to make a desperate fight, and are counting on acees:iions to their ranks from theposition assumed by the Republicans on the "Manhood Suffrage Ques tion," supposing the people of the county are not yet ready for the adoption of the principles thus presented to them. If the Republican Union party will only be true to themselves, they can elect every man on their ticket. .—DcEiviNc: A STltEET.—Delaware avenue is, the name of the new street ordered to be opened by the Camden City Council, between the Delaware river and Front street. The work is to be com menced at once. The mud-fiats are also to be ' filled up along the street, thus reclaiming much valuable land. The street Will be of great ad vantage to the city and business men generally. TILE BOOKS for subscription to the capital stock of the Camden Horse-Car Railroad Company, have,beeu open for a few days, and the amount subscribed is highly gratifying. It is thought but few days more will elapse before sufficient will be taken to commence the work. Tian: SPECIAL. TEum.—The special term of the Court convened to give a new trial to Kelso, con victed in Camden for murder in the first degree, is still progressing. It has elicited great interest, as being the first case of that grade of crime oc curring-in' Camden county. ATLANTIC CITY.-A few slight robberies have, during the past week, occurred iu Atlantic City, but the perpetrators have not yet been discovered. There are some profesSional pickpockets there, of whom the people should beware. Burros's') ericroa.—The unknown man, who,. was found dead in a piece of woods about three mike from Camden, a few days since, it is thought, committed suicide, as no evidence of having been foully dealt with were traceable. —English critics are pitching into Dord on ac count of his Tennyson illustrations. Some of them aver, and with a show of truth—that,gms tave's innocence of the English tongue prevents him from duly appreciating the meaning of the Laureate's poems.. That scene in Elaine, where the crown rolls away from the head of the dead King, is especially brought up against the artist, who, according to one of his critics, was guilty of an absurd blunder .Inputting Arthur, who picks up the crown, on horseback. Hereupon, Noxon,.the publisher. breaks a lance with that critic. Fle.states that Don; is so accomplished a horseman tbatim can pick up an ob.:ect from the ground while putting It at full gallop. Then: fore, according to Noxon, Dord had a conception of Arthur in his heo that never was dreamed of by Tennyson. linen and Guinivere, illustrated by Dord, arc in preparation, and will be published La a form 04141.14/ to that of Xiaitie. - . CITY NOTICES. &REM'S PORT GRAPH WINE.—The mild charac ter and superior tonic properties of the Port Grape Wine over those formerly used by physicians have de servedly created for it a place in our sick rooms and hospitals. The Government now uses it. The Sanitary and Christian comit9ssion era use it; and Alr. Speer is producing so excellent a native wine is a , benefactor in his line. business is now very extensive, and what with drawing off and bottling, packing and box making, quite a force is engaged. To the remotest part of the country his cases are sent, and by means of his medicinal and Sacramental Port Grape Wine, the name of Alfred Speer has be come everywhere a familiar hous6hold word.—Pafer • San Guardian. Our druggists have some of this wine. STRAW HATS.— - STRAW HAM At reduced. prices. . Oakfords, Cofftinental LIMO. , BROWN'S JAMAICA GINGER is now an indispen sable'article to one traveling. We find everywhere a difference in the water we are necustonied to in the city, and this causes an unpleasantness at the time, in fact with many, sickness. A little of Brown's Ginger soon counteracts any injurious effects from it. With children it is an invaluable remedy against the effects of green fruit, which we all know, they will indulge in. No family leaving the city should be without a good supply. THE well-known agency of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine,at No. 704 Chestnut sticet, has recently become even more popular with the ladies than heretofore. Messrs. Peterson & Little have es tablishe-.1 there an emporitim exclusively for the sale of the newest styles and best makes of Hoop skuv§: STRAW HATS.- STRAW HATS • At reduced prices. Oakfords, Continental Hotel A CAREFUL and critical examination of the, American Buttonhole and Overseaming Sewing Ma chine will satisfy any person that it will stand the test of correct judgment as the only machine for sewing that can be considerd perfect. it has no equal in the World: Call and see for' yourself - at the grand re ception roorAs, corner of Eleventh and Chestnut streets. THE Heated Term is now upon us, and if we havp upon us LhOse cool linen snits sold at Charles Stokes .Y 4 Co.'s First-class Clothing House, we need fear MI "terms," heated or otherwise. Thir "terms" here are always satisfactory. • No. 906 :MARKET STREET. All who enjoy Extremely Choice Ciinfections are rapidly learning that Haines & Leeds, No. 906 Market street, have brought the art of refining the materials of the confectioner to the utmost point of perfection. Caterers who serve parties for first-class families, and who are bound to supply the best of everything, invariably send their orders to Haines 3 Leeds. No excursion or pic-nic should go without them. GREAT Roasted Almonds, Crystal Mint Drops vnd Giuger Prow:. HENny's Patent Corder and Stitcher is adjuster to feed in the cord without the :lid of hands. Person interested in Wheeley & Wilson's or the Elliptic Sew lug Machine would do well to call and see ()lib trill mph of mechanical art ; at 920 Arch street. STRAW HATS.— tt;T RAI% HATS . At reduced,pricee. Oakfonle, Continental Hotel ATLANTIC UITY.—The surf House is nearer the Ocean than any other first-class Road at this plum The terms are only $2O per week; half price for chil dren and servants. Ample accommodations for six hundred people "Afonstes DINING SALOONS, 902 and 901 Arch Et met f9r . La clies and Gentlemen, are now the popular resort for those in search of good dinners—visit them. PQR • . •\ 4 . . yatirk,for Soda Water; also . :ito.oll.4eottriffith 6t, c 0.," N. ' ' dcguowrln streets.. JONES HOTEL, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. Moab! from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for guests. Donee open all night. A SWEET SroT. Mr. Geo. W. Jenkins is emphatically the man for the people. His store, No. 103T1SpringiGarden street, is at all times stocked with the choicest Confectionery, Foreign Fruits, Almonds, Syrups for making summer drinks, etc. Morns AND FRECKI.EB.—The only reliable rem edy for brown dfscoloratlons called Morn and FP.ECELES, is PERRY'S MOTs A.NI) FRECKLE LOTION. Prepared by Dr. B. C. PERRY, Dermatologist, 49 Bond street, New York. Sold by all druggists. DEAFNESS. BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats ,I 1 diseases appertaining to the above members with :he utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. ;19 Pme street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrete in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. HOCKIIILL ct WILSON, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing 603 and 605 Chestnut street. White Linen Duck Pants White Linen Duck Punts Genoese Linen Dusters Genoese Linen Dusters Boys' Linen Garibaldis. Boys' Linen Garibaldfs. A great variety of white and colored linen clothing. Summer Clothing of an descriptions. Alpaca Coaa Romanis. & WxLsom, Clothing House, 603 and 605 Chestnut street. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL Sales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. /17. YOE E 110AIID B. 100 811 Read It b 603,; 1 1100 eh Rend R 830 64!,; 100 rh do rGO 64 FINAT * . lOOO U S 5-20x'64 ep 109% 460 S 3-10sJy e 10714 SOO City 6e new 99% 2000 Pa It 2 mitt 6s 96 100 . 01 Big 'Mount:till 16 Medi Ift; 32 Fh Nana f Bk bswn 32 00 1...11 Ileiltonv'e It 13% PHITADELPIIIA, Saturday, July 27. There is no falling oil' in the supply of money on the street and no change from yesterday's quotations. The payments from the Sub-Treasury are very light, and the compound interest notes, now due, are — pre= 'tented very sparingly. The btinks are the principal holders of these notes, and - they reserve 'them for the. present, mainly because they enable them to make a strong legal-tender exhibit, and because there is uo available opportunity for employing profitably and safely all their resources. At the Stock Board there was a moderate business in Government Loans and other good securities at steady prices, but the specula tive shares were feverish and rather irregular. Read ing Railroad closed at 54®15.4.4'. Catawissa Railroad Preferred advanced to 30. Camden and Amboy It4il - was firm at 127; Lehigh Valley Railroad at 50; Pennsylvaniaßailroad at 533; ; Northern Central Rail road at 4434; Germantown Railroad at 64%; Little Schuylkill Railroad at 30%; Mine Rill Railroad .at 56%; Elmira Railroad Preferred at 42%, and Philadel phia and Eric Railroad at 29. Canal stocks were, without change.. passenger Railvy shares were inactive. Smith, Randolph & Co., Bankers, 16 South Third street, quote at 11 o'clock, as follows; Gold, 159;,; United States 188 i, Bonds, 1103io11()3;, ; United States 15-20'8, 1882, 111Ko111%; 1884, 1093,®109y,; 5-20's, 1665, 100; 1 ,1(4109x ; 5-20'8, July, 1866, 108 3 4 : co 108%; 5-20 s, July, 1861, 108 3(o10814 ; United States 10.40'5, 1023(1;4102n ; United States 7-80's, Ist series, 10174€4108 7-30'8,1 2d serit.s, 10No107x ; 8d series, 1.07,g1g107%; Compounds, December, 1861, 117. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government securities, dtc., to-day,as follows: United States 6 ' 8 , 1 881,1303,®110;; ; Old 5 , 20 Bonds, lligO11134; New 5-20 Bonds, 1684, 1094(00109M; 6-20 Bonds, 1885, 1 0 9 N0109,5 ; 5-20 Bondi - 441 h 280,109X0108X ;1540 /3045,188 T, 100 SO THE DAILY EVENING BUI7LETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1867. I.IAINEB S.; atms, 906 Illarket tlreet, White Linen Dnek-Vests White, Linen Duck Veetti 100 eh Read 11 - boo 54; 100 vh do stIO 01 200 sh do s3O Its 54 23 eh Penna R lots 533; 92 sh Leh Val II ha 59 100 sh Cataw pf 1)60 BO 250 eh N Cent 11 lots 44.4 500 sh Keystone Zinc lif 108%; 10-40 Bonds, 102%@102%; 78-10 August, MX @108; 7 8-10, June, 107%123107K; 7 8-10, July, 107% ®lo7y, ; Ge)ld (at 12 o'clock), 139%'4144%. Messrs. De Haven Brother, No. 40 South Third street; make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day,at 1 P.M: American Gold 189%(4140, Silver—Quarters and halves, 182%@134; Compound Interest Notes—June, 1864, 19.40; July, 1864; 19 40; August, 1864, 1971, ; Oct., 1864, 17%; Dec. 1864, 17; May, 1865, 16%; August, 1865, 16%; September, 1865; 15,11,';'Octohel, 1865,14%. Philadelphia Markets. SATCRIDAY, July 27.—Cotton is held firmly, and further sales have been reported at 26,VR27c., for Middling Upland, and 2134 c. for New Orleans. There is more inquiry for Cloverseed, with sales from second hands at $8 75R9. Timothy commands $3 150@53 711, and Flaxseed at s34gB O 5 V bushel. The Flour market continues extremely (Inlet, the denfand being exclusively confined to. the wants of the home consumers: Sales of 800 barrels good North western extra family, at $lO $OR$l2 50 V barrel; fresh ground new wheat Extra, at $ll, and extra Family and Fancy, at $12R15 There is no change in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. Small sales of the former at $8 7509. The oflerings of wheat are quite moderate, but they are fully up to the demand. Sales of 5,000 bushels fair and prime Pennsylvania and Southern Red at $2 25 @2 86, chiefly. at $2 84R 2 3031 bushel. Eye comes in slowly, and commands $1 60. Corn is scarce -and held firmly-, at the late advance; sales of 2,000 bushels yellow at $1 1701 18, and Western mixed at $1 10 @1 18X. Oats are quiet and selling at from 90 to 92c. IMPORTATIONS. Reported for thehiladetphis Evening Bulletin. ORCHILLA—Brig Caroline Eddy, Smith-4430 tons guano B F Folsom. porA two m:ill 'km Dtioloi PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JULY 2T., 11211rSee Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer F Franklin, Pearson, 13 hours from Balti more, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. • Brig Caroline Eddy, Smith, 23 days from Ord'lla, with guano to B F Folsom. Schr Sydney Price, Stephens, 3 days from Wilming ton, NC. with naval stores ' Sze. to E H Rowley. Schr Nellie D, Shelhorn,s days from Leechville t with shingles to bnptain. • Schr Mary, Wells, _4 days from Baltimore, lu ballast. to J T Justus. Schr Thos Potter. Handy; New Bedford. CLEARED THIS DAY, Steamer Diamond State, Talbot, Baltimore, J D Ruoff. Byrk Annie Ada (Br), Cann, Stockholm, E A Bonder .6t Co. Schr Mary D Ilaskill, Barber, Boston, Sawyer & Co. Schr T R Jones, Smith, Rockland, E V Glover. MEMORANDA. Ship Tonawaudy, Julius, hence at St John, NB. 24th instant. Ships L B • Gilchrist, Watts, for this port 16th, and Eugenia, Dennis, for du in a few days, were up at Li verpool 13th inst. Ship Saranak, l'nrlev, from Liverpool for this port, was spoken 9.30 AN, "20th inst. about 150 miles E of Sandy Hook. Steamer Perit, Delnnoy, from Galveston 15th inst. via Key \Vest 20th, at Neu• York yesterday. 25th, lat 3710, lon 'l4 10, signalized brig Aroostook, board N. Steamer Corniea (13r),LQ Messorier, from Nassau 22d inst. at New York yesterday.' Stnamer Liberty; Bain, from New Orleans, wfo be low Baltimore yesterday. 1412 - Minnie Miller, Anderson, cleared at St John, NB. 24th inst. for this port. Brig Haw, Hall, hence at Boston yesterday. Brig Henry C Brooks, McLean, hence at Newport 25th inst. Brig Gen Banks, Ketchum, hence at Providence 2,5 th 7ni•taiit. Schra Lady Ellen, Sway; Danl Holmes, Heywood; Restless, Baxter; S II Sharp, Webb; R II Shannon. Bilks; Snowflake, Stewart; Gov Burton, Ludlam; L S 3lershon, Ayres, and Sarah Cullen, Cullen, hence at Boston 251.11 insL Schr Millard Fillmore, Chase, cleared at Boston 24th lust. for this port. Sairs Sarah Helen and Seaport, hence for Norwich. at New London 24th inst. Schre It J Mercer, Stetson; E English, Sipple; Min nie Rhine, Parsons; J Clark, Fowler,and Brandywine, Henderson, herstric at Providence 25th inst Schr John B Myers, Elwood, hence at Wickford, RI. 24th inst. Schr Eliza 4k Rebecca, Price, sailed from Wickford 25th inst. for this port. Schr Henry May, Franklin, hence, and Evergreen, Belloste, from Fall River for this port, after going on the . manne railway, at Bristol 24th inst. Sehr 1, C Runyon, Miller, sailed from Bristol 2.4 th inst. for this port, • • Schr Virginia Bearse, hence, and - Ocean "N'Tiffer Tinker, figtxp. Pall River for thin port, at , licorpcot instant."'" Sehrs P Boice, Adams; 4) S Siner, Huntley; W G Bartlett, Connelly; S J Bright, Shaw; Kalmar, Lam bert J W Vanneman, Sharp; White Foam, Bowes: Ella Matthews, McElwee; A Trudell, Barrett; E Gardner. Steelman; J Maxfield, May; Bonny Boat, Kelley; J S Wheldeu, Brower; Wm Faison, Brown, and S B Corson. hence at Boston yesterday. Schrs Thoe Borden, Wrightington ; Buelah E Sharp, Chase, and Anthia Godfrey (new), Godfrey, hence at Fall River 25th inst. Schr Foam, hence at Norwich 25th inst. Schr Ilannah Little (three masts), Godfrey, at 'New Bedford 25th inst. from Georgetown, SD. Schr Ellem 31 Duffield, Rayner, hence for Provi dence, and Eliza J Rayner. Rayner, from Providence for New York, were In collision during a heavy squall of wind afternoon of 24th inst. off Pawtucket. The former had mainsail badly torn, gaff brokemand main boom onehipped, and the latter had foretopmaat cur ried away. FOR SA:L.E. rWASHINGTON LANE, GERMANTOWN.—The stabicriber effera for sale about 59 acres, of land. having a front on said lone of about LOW feet and being one mile east of the 'Station. The improvements consist of one Frame and two Stone Houses two Stone Barns. two Graperies. Green House. Coach house and Spring House. Water is carried in' the house by wheel. The above will be cold as one property, or iu lots to suit putchasers,•and on the most accommodating terms. • • Apply to _ _ i3S7 ed:vr AUCTION SALES. 1,1" THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, . Nos. 129 and 141 South Fourth street . STOCKS. ON TUESDAY. JULY 30, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Etchnnee -2.5 shares Baker Silver Mining Co., of Colorado. pOSTPONED SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY SUNDRY writs of Ficri Facial, to me directed. will be exposed to Public Sale, or Vendee. on TUESDAY, July 30, 1867, at 10 o'clock, A.. M., at 1903 Walnut street. Stock and Furniture of a Restaurant, consisting of wines, brandy, whisky, tables, chairs, carpets, mirrors, glass and plated ware. d., &c. Also, goodwill and unexpired term of lease of said premises. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold by jy27.2t,Pktn§ HENRY 110 WELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's MCC, May BANKING HOTTSE OF JAY C 0 0K E 4181 k.P • 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all Coveinment Securities, 7y26-3m rna - -- SHORTEST ROUTE TO THE SEA-SHORET CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD THROUGH IN TWO HOURS I. Five trains daily to Atlantic City and one on Sunday. On and after SATURDAY, June 29th. 1567, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows: ...... Ault 7.30 A. M. Freight, with paegenger.ca; attached.. ........ 8.15 A. 31. Express (through in two ileum— . 9 00 P. 31. Atlantic Accommodation. .. 4.15 P. M. RETURNING—LEAVE ATIANTIC: Special Excuraion 5.18 P. AL . 4.40 P Al' Freight • 11 40 A. 31 Express (through in two h0ura)......... • ........ 7.08 A. M. Accommodation 5:45 A. 31. Junction Accommodation to Jackson and inter. mediate stations, leaven Vino street... 5.35 P. M. Returning—leaves Jackson 6.28 A. M. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Vine street... ..........10.15 A. M. and 9.001'. M. Leaven Haddonfield....... 100 P . 31. and 1115 P. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO ATLANTIC Leaves Vine street at 7.80 A. M. and Atlantic at 9.40 P. M. Fare•to Atlantic, $2. Round trip ticketa, good only for the day and train on which they arc is, $3. Tickets for sale at the calico of the Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 625 Chestnut street, and at No. B'2B Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. The Philadelphia Local -Express Company, No. 325 Chestnut street, will call for baggage en an part of the city and suburbs, and check to Hotel or Cottage at At lantic City. D. H. MUNDY; Agent. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN- FOR CAPE MAY, commencing SUNDAY, June 28d, IBM. Tlril MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN will leave l'hiladelphia, foot of Market street, at 7-A. M. returning, will leave Cape May at 5 P. M., stopping at principal stations only. Fare, $B. Excursion Tickets, $4. Good for this day and train only. . WM. J. SEWELL, 140 to sett Superintendent. Ir i zElLdb,,." 3 " 6 ll, 100 Nowa Derma aroma JOSEPH L. CIVEN, 15 N orth inth street 6.00 A. M SUMMER RESORTS* UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., - Will Open for the Beason on Wednesday, June 26th,1867. FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS BROWN & WOELPPER, ATLANTIO OITY. joio.simg Or E 27 RICITMOND St., Philadoblds. MOUNT 'VERNON HOTEL Atlantic Avenue, • Nearly opposite the Excursion Homo Atlantic City, N. J. The most comfortable and convenient Hotel on the For info' 'nation as to Tern" Rooms, etc., apply or address, jy8....1in 8p ' ALBERT BROTHERS, Proprietor. siIERMAN 110USE---OAPFI ISLAND, NOW OPEN for reception of guest; Board from $l4 to $lB per week, according to rooms. No extras. jell-LP TllOB. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. rpllE ADLRONDACK REGION, NEW YORK STATE, Presents unusual attractions to the Lover of Hunting and Fishing. Deer end Troutfound in abundance. The Lakes can be reached from Port Kent, Lake Champlain, by stage to Saranak Lake House. The undersigned is prepared to furnish the beet boats. and most experienced guides. Also, any supplies that may be needed for a camp-life in the woods. For further information, apply by letter to THOMAS It. CARY, Long Lake P. 0., my4s,l3t• Now: York. E PHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, • LANCASTER (4t)UNTY, PA. This delightful Watering Place will' he opened for the reception of guests on June 18th, 11167. The Philadelphia visitors: will take the. Reading Rail.. road cars, Thirteenth and Callowkill streets, at 334 P. M. arriving at the Springs at 7.10 P. M. For terrns address A. S. FEATHER, tny4-s,tu.th.3lno Proprietor. MEEICAN HOUSE. CA l'E ISLAND, N. 3. BY JOSEPH E. HUGHES, (Formerly of tho Ocean Howe.) One emiare from the J)epot and the Ocean. re - Boned $3 per day, or from $lB to $lB per week. Jy26 2t f m 8t: IfitEMONT HOUSE, CAPE BLAND, IS NOW OPEN I: for 13. 0 Tame moder Ate.. IMOAD TOP . MOUNTAIN HOUSE, BROAD TOP, JOlluntingdon county, Pa.,. now open for the reception of gueets. W. T. PEARSON, 8*5.11n• Proprietor. METROPOLITAN , IIOTEL, L{ag i, B E tiytnll i p tb l. jel4-hxn Proprietors. NEW PUBLICATIONS. c 1.9 BOOKS FOR 50 CENTS. LW kinds new and perfect Bonk,. nt PITCHEIV.S (,LOSING OFT SALE, ClwetnutXreet 11. D CURIOSITY SHOP. / Seventh volume of the. Diamond Dieken ,, , publit!hed at SI ..51), we kell for PITCHER'S CLOSING OUT SALE. .. ITheetnut Rtreet. J EAN INGE.I.MWS PUI.MS. ei Two Ed Mono, Complete in two Blue - and Gold and Cabinet. ) Story of boom, by . Jean Ingdow editiorv, complete in I col.. Blue And Gold and Cabinet.. All the New Books received on day of publication, and sold retail at publishers est whets:x(o! pri ,, s. The latent :,re, A Romance of the Republic, "The t.liarles Dickeno Edition" of the Pickwick Papers, Thackeray's "Early and Late Papers," Mies Mulabach'e "Louiea" Miss lired• den's "Dievola,"llolme Lee's "W ynyardWard," Trot. lope's "Benet," Mrs. liolutea's "t., , anicron Pride"jand imany others by the beet authors. . We would call the attention of Rook•buyers lto our fine aß.ortment of lemons attthore, in fine bindings, all of which we are doming Out at lees than the regular wholesale rates; ePo,tlie finest azeortment of stereoscopes and stereo. ..copic views in the eity, at about one-half thetddpricee. Envelopes, all pricee. . Good note paper; many kindS, from $1 50 per ream up. wards. G. W PM* firett, - 1Y23-tu tae - • ben Chestnut street. pogAT T p'rELS FOR TRAVELING . A.7D Tram:dated from the Hatt Deutetch by C.l.Lervce. • f The second ieeue of the Tauchnitz eurice of Trandatione from the German.) himo. Paper _7.5 centP. RECENT TAUCHNITZ BOOKS NINA BAEXTIYA: 1W(i: - ON THE HEIGHTS. 3 vole. JOTH'4AL OF HOME LIFE. (By the (tether of Amy Herbert:) I yob!. Send for . .. RECENT PUBLICATIONS : TILE MAN WITH THE BROKEN EAR. By Ahoutill Fel FATHERS AND SONS. Front the Rue5ian......... 1 ;id CRITH :AL AND SOCIAL E55AY5........... . . . 150 CO-OPERATIVE STORES. Paper. 75 ceute :Cloth: 100 For Fide by all enterpriping Bookeellere, and cent. poet. Paid, by the publiehere, on receipt of the advertleedrice. LEYPOLD k lIOLT, No. 451 Broonte-st., New York. In. $ BOIiKS FOR FIFTY CENTS 2,00 , AND LOPS,OF OTHER ROOKS IN. cr.4 ult AND PER COVERS, AT LESS THAN I 'ALF PRICE, BY. THE BEST AUTHORS. T. B, PETERSON ez BROTHERS, 3iki CHESTNUT STREET. Baring a large Furplue aock of some Looks on hand, we have dceid4A to close them out at oncv at Retail, at the above rate,:, in plAce of rending them to auction. We are !elling SOME 52 01 BOOKS AS LOW AS 50 CENTS EACH ; SOME 51 (ii ROOKS AT 3:1 CEI's;;FS EACH; \ SOME 75 CENT BOOKS AT 25 11 , ,NTS EACH: SOME 50 CENT BOOKS AT ti CENTS EMU!: • AND SOME 25 CENT BOOKS AT a CENTS EACH ; So all persons In wont of cheap reading matter bad better call and select a lot of these books at once . Cheap Bookeelling and Publishing Ifoure of T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERA, N 0.306 Chestnut street. iii" Postage extra. No Catalogue of theme Books. All New Booke are at PETERSONS'. j .;2*/ t SPOUTING. 2 k- Diamond Beach Park, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., MONDAY, JULY .2,9,1.867. PURSE, $5OO. Mile heats; befit in five to harness. Good day and track, Horses to start at 4 o'clock P. M. ' John Turner names e. na. LIZZIE LITTLEFIELD, Charles f.2,onway names d. in. MAGGIE. lidich;ael Goodwin names g. h. BILL. Carriages will start from principal hotels at 3 o'clock P. M. for the Park. lIASSLEIt'S DOUBLE BRASS AND STRING BAND Will be in attendance, 2kPOINT BBEEZE PARK. --„MONDgY, July 29th, 1867. Match, $5OO. Good day and track. Homes to start at 4 o'clock. It. Stetson names g. s. Ironaidea. to wagon. Moses J. E. namea blk. in. Belle of Waahlngton, to har nem Omnibuses will start for the Park at 2)4 o'clock, from Library street, between Fourth and Fifth, Chestnut and Whinut streets. . The privilege of a member introducing a male friend. without pay, is suspended. bat 40 INSURANCE. • THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust And Safe Depot& Company, FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF BONDS, STOCKS and OTHER VALUABLES. CAPITAL. DIRECTORS. *** ' • *" N. B. BROWNE,,HARLESMACALESTER, CLARENCE H. CLARK, ' EDWARD W. CLAR'AE, JOHN WELSH, ALEXANDER. HENRY. J. GILLINGHAM FELL, , G B. A, IBS OCAN. LDWELL. HENRY Pr Office in the fire-proof building of the Philadelphia National Bank, 421 Chestnut street. This Company receives on deposit, and GUARANTEES Trif: SAFE KEEPING OF VALUABLES upon the follow. ing rates a year, viz: Ail per 1000 Coupon 80nd5............. .... Re tared BO - Bon d s lll.l . kieCiiiiiie;..........ho cts. per 1,0004 God Coin or Bullion S 1 25 per lmn, Silver Coin or Bullion.- - .... . - Gold orStives Plate... - . _. 52 per Looe, 4 . 1 per 100. - idAiiiiiiintEga.eniall tin belies of Bankera Braiers. Capitalists, dc., contents unknown to the Company, and liability limited, $25 a year. The Company offers for RENT SAFES INSIDE ITS VAULTS at $2O. WO. $4O, $5O and $75 a year, according to size and location.. Coupons and Interest collected for 1 per cent. Interest allowed on Money Doltslts. Trusts of every kind accepted. N. B. BROWNE, President, BoOBBET Perransou r Secretary and Treasurer. lalath.s.tu.rolY (MAKER SWEET CORN-96 BARRESAS JUST RRi 1/77 it BIV wired and tor sale by JOSEPH EMER,4II PS MAMIE/alma man, • lIIIMPIIREY HUGHES. Propriv tor j)115.3t rip§ • Olt 17 RO Pa/skies • THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF FINE OLD RYE WHISKIES' . .'• IN THE LAND • IS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. HANNIS & CO 21s and 220 spuirri FRONT STR E ET, z Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantage On s/ Terms. „ Their Stock of Bye Whiskies, IN lIOND, comprises all the faVorite braMds da. taut, and runs through the various months of 1i1db, , 86, and Of this year, up sO present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at rennsylValtia R.H. Depotiirrica. sonviLintrWharf, or at Bonded Warehouses, as parties may eject. , , , larl-to • • RETAIL DRY GOODS. RITTER & FERRIS, N. W. corner. Eleventh and Chestnut, , Entrance 36 S. Eleventtiatreet, IMPORTERS AND WHOLEIALE DEALERS White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Linens, etc., HAVE OPEN AND FOR SALE A LARGE LOT OF - SWISS AND JACONET ALICIENNES I Mushy's, AT MUCH BELOW TIIE COST OF IMPORTATION apere to th ITO 1101 CHESTNUT STH•EET. TO THE LADIES. LINEN CAMBRICS. PRINTED rot; DRESSES. WHITE FOR BODIES. Then goods are eaeential (or Summer Wear and we are now achling the b.alauce of our lm• portatiou at a Great Saeriticei E. M. NEEDLES & CO., N. W. Cor.llth and Chestnut Ste., aILLS Lll .7% Sti L AAr Fourth and Arch. .? Large Stock of Summer Quilts, 10-4 and 11-4 Lancaster Quilts. 11-4 honeycomb Quilts. Pink and Blue .Ninnwillem Quilts. • Finest White Quilts Imported. hotels supplied with Quilts, Napkins, Towels, Table Linens, /Meetings. etc., etc. Have just opened another came Silver Poplins, for Ladies' Suits. Dark Lawns, French and English. Thin Goods, full 'variety. • Summer Silks, reduced. P. S.—White Shawls, wholesale and retail. ULOTHINO. EDWARD P. KELLY, . . TAILOR - NO, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, CoMplete assortment of choice SPRING AND SUMMERPOODS, REDUCED PRICES. PATTERN COATS, AND CLOTHES NOT CALLED FOR, FOR SALE BELOW COST- BLAIR'S LIQUID TrEIVINTHi r i I FOR BLARING IN A FEW MINUTES DELICIOUS BESS= rs. HENRY C. BLAIR'S SONS. MOE AND WALNUT BEM tiki-ta VA COS ,IS', - .I"HCO Tort tWME del6m w The success of this most delicious and unrivaled coat& ment having caused many unprincipled dealers to apply the name to A S'pterioun CompoundB, the Purim° ie reape. fully and earnestly requested to see that the names Of LEA & PERRINB are upon the WRAPPER. LABEL. BTOPPER and BOTTLE. Manufactured by (Successor to Wm. F. Hughes,) FOLKS OF SECOND AND CHRISTIAN STREETS* BALED, FRESH, SALT AND PACKING HAY, BALED, WHAT, OAT AND BYE STRAW, WATCHES, JrzweLay., etc. . PEARLS, DIAMONDS P. • f , AND OTHER cik PREd][OILTS STONES. New and Fashionable Jewelry, Sterling Silverware. TEE CELEBRATED VACRERON & CONSTANTINE MC& J. T. GALLAGHER, 1300 Chestnut Street, LATE OF BAILEY & CO. je:Whaturp2 FIRST PREMIUM! PAR ft EXPOSITION. PATEK PhILIPPE & CO 'S , WATCHES • The above makers lan; e rec. Ired the FIRST GOLD MEDAL at the Paris Exposition. BAILEY•& SILO Chestnut Street, 1,4 , th5tti . :tf 8,..., ; Agent, for Pennsylvania. PICTUICES, FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES OF THE VERY BEST QUALIT. EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT' THE LOWEST F'OSSIBLEI PRICES.' JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET. Glilli.ll.li-aQiiin THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos 3 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer- Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goodt, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man- ufacture of Fine Shirts; Collars, &0., warranted to give satisfaction: 1100 P SKI irrs. 77 DDP SKIRTS AND EORSJ;Tii.—MRS. E. BAYLEY. No Elt Vint. street, Li now manufacturing - all the %a• riet le: , of 'loop Skil to. tfor:let. ke. She has nix') the Real French Corsets of new styles. noon Skirts altered ntfd repaired. ntidsitfrp LEA & PE•RRINS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED Connoisseu TO Bit "ONLY GO SAUCE' 'AND APPLICABLE EVERY VARIETY DISH. LEA & PERRINS, Worceater, JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. NEW YORK. ocl7wdusl THOMAS .NVEFSI3, SHIPPING AND CITY USE. myB a w6mrp SEEP THEM AT HANDI COMPOUND e' • CAMPHOR TROCHES; Positive Preventive of e C MI o r_e 1 7 2,' 'Amnon, Dysentery, and Cholera blorbus, do Sol '9 e 'factor, C. IL Needle, Druggist, di Raw Sta., Phils Druggis t, °PI' x. milled on PATENTED 11:ru MONTU 866. JIB 11111.801 EXTRACT a Letter.,from a 1 DICAMANL GENTLE MADRAS, to Wm Brother at maxerza, May, Igrt; & PER IM; that their IUCE is highly ea ,:tued in India, and Li, my opinion,the moat, latablo as well as the oat wholesome ,UCE that to made."