BUSINESS UOTIOES. “ • - useful presents; USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS, USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. WE ABE SELLING, OVUBOOATS »t, *l2 00. Price last year......p« oo .. •• . is so. •• “ “ 25 00 » « 80 00, " *• ** 80 00 a V 25 00,~ ■ ' V 11 11 85 00 • « 80 00, 11 " 11 45 00 » “ 35 00. “ “ “ SO 00 BCBMESS COAIS.-..* 8 50. “ J* “ it *• . -9 00, - 11 11 ** «00 k *1 10 00. ** “ “ 16 00 i« w 11 00.- * “ **.. 11 16 00 m •» 12 00* 11 “ 18 00 m i« 14 00. M M “ 2000 u 11 16 00. “ ” K 22 00 « . k 18 00. ** " “ 25 08 Pant 4 °°« ” M “ • 6 h « 5 00. “ " “ 7 60 6 00. « “ M 8 60 m u *• 10 00 •» *1 11 12 00 « 11 «« 14 00 « M 10 00, “ “ ** 15 00 Y28T.4 2 50. ' « " " $4 00 «* « 3 00, ‘V " " 5 00 i. •• 4 00. “ “ " 6 00 it ii 6 00. “ " “ 7 00 We have fry far the largest end best assortment o : . Hen’s, Tooths' and Boys’ Clothing In Philadelphia, which Is being replenished by large dally additions, manufactured of goods purchased recently at much leu (Aon cost, and having reduced all stock on hand to proportionate prices, are offering such bargains as are above numerated. How IS TE-E TXEK TO BUY —EBICES CAN BB NO BOWES. _____ - __ HAU WAY BETWEEN V BNMNBTT* CO„ I BUFTH AND y TO WEB HALL, • •sixth STB. J SIS Mabkbt Bragg*. ALBRKCHT, StTTn wncwm £ bCTHWTDT, »»**'' Humlhcturersofßrrtg^ ETBs> —the WKEgR PIANOFORTE ngwl Ei§Sls considered by leading Mnslclans,BSSa siTsMaie finest Instrument now made. It* I * * * Islihe leading Plano In New York, and to recom mended Chiefly fbr Its immense power equality- sweet ness, brilliancy, ehotis . I OCg7-B,Sm 1102 Chestnut street. ____ MEYER'S NEWLY IMPROVED CBB3- mTr1 OENT “vStRUHGPIANOS. . Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and Highest Awards received. MKLO DEONff AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. l ß l Tif,.Bm Warerooms, 722 Arch st., below Bth. . —__ thy raring WRING TTPRIGHT—w-reJ BRamSOS possess quality of tone sndißßS HIV ‘snioant orpower next to the Grand*! ■ A* * Plano, and are particularly adapted to the Parlor, the Boudoir or the study. These beautiful Instru ments, In great variety, at the Chlckerlng Booms, 914 °*ggg t « tre6t - W. H. DUTTON. nyrmuneßTNCt PIANOS IN HUBOPH.—HANS YON BULOW, the great German Pianist, by letters Inst received from Europe, proposes to play only the DKICKERING PIANOS dnrlnghto concert toy In the United Btatsa. V. H. DUTTON, BeS4*tfB No. 014 Chestnut street. PIANOS. 1 GEO.STBCK ACC’S, cele-f PIANOS. PIANOS, vbrated Pianos, for sale only; PIANOS. PIANOS, jby J. B. GOULD, ‘ Seventh and Chestnut. • nUTfnrmirWH GRAND Ifffflff Ir’-r~* Dy Scambatl, the greatPianlsliESa Rni lolßnrope, at Plot*®as, Italy, waaHl *'■ considered superior In all respects to the Instruments of Broadwood A Erard, hitherto regarded as the best H. DUTTON ' min rarTrazmarNO grand PlANOS.—^*w^ ■BEI-The New Scale Chlckering Grandl*=s33 Ml I * 'pianos are acknowledged the best In* *" VII England, Germany and Italy. Notice the great testi monials received from Europe In August last. Mag nificent collection of these lnatromenta. • CBgCEEBING BOOMS, 914 CKESTNUT STREET. CABINET ORGANB, I These beautiful Instruments CABINET ORGANS. 3-are made only by MASON CABINET ORGANS. J HAMLIN, and for sale In Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnnt. ORGANS, MKLODEONS. ■HE@SIYLE.-The oelehrated Gem Organ. 1*3553 HI 11 limmenße assortment; verylow prices.'l till PIANO BOOMS. W. H. DUTTON, BMfrtfl No. 914 Chestnnt street. • TTry. NEW STYLE KMKB- PIANOS, seven octaves; charming tone; fntnrtgnaranteed durability; very low price. SU CHESTNUT STREET. W. H. DUTTON. EXQUISITE STYLE OF OHIOK KKIN G UPRIGHT CABINETBSksBa ItTVrlpiANO, finished In EBONY ASDMT4.II GOLD, jnat opened. Chlckering Rooms, 914 OHEST BUT Btreet. fde!s tf) W. H. DUTTON. PIANOS, >1 HAINES BRO'S. elegant instruments PIANOS, Xand moderate in price, I have dealt In for PIANOS, J fourteen years, and give a live years’ guarantee with each. J. E. GOULD, noS-tf Seventh and Chestnnt. OPTICS, SOUND AND DISEASED. It was Benjamin Franklin, we think, who told a story of a friend who had a straight leg and a crooked ditto, by means which he was accustomed to test the character and disposition of persons with whom he came in contact. He noticed that a man of a kindly and cheerful nature always ignored the warped limb, and fixing his eyes upon the other leg, took a pleasant and cheerful view of the bright side of things as he found them. Upon the other hand an ugly, dis contented, fault-finding personage, who was always on the look-out for something to grumble and snarl at, invariably fixed his optics upon the crooked limb, and seemed to take a special delight in making anybody and everybody else bb miserable as he was himself. Every observing person has expe rienced just such people as the philosophi cal-proprietor of two odd legs described in Franklin’s story. The one class genial, kindly, benevolent, considerate, and always looking at the bright side; and the other class sour, morose, fault-finding, captious, and much given to keeping a sharp look-- out for defects that a generous and benevo lent nature would overlook or make light of. We have often thought that most of the paihs and pleasures of this world come of the way that things are looked at. The bumpkin passes day after day unheedingly by scenery that would delight the eyes of the lover of nature; the narrow and the selfish can see nothing to admire in Niagara except a first class water power, while the same small souled crea ture fails to discern the exquisite crystal ization of the snow-flake in his desire to grumble at the “infernal slop.” If the reader will drop into a respectabh optical establishment, McAllister’s, for in stance, he will find there a great variety of instruments which serve to illustrate how different men with different, mental optics, look at the same object. There is the mag nifying mirror, that makes a monster .of coarseness of the fairest specimen of humanity, and like the Brobdinagian Princess in the eyes of the tiny Gulliver, makes them present pores like a colander, and hair like rope-yarn. This instrument illustrates the wide-awake, fault-finding critic, with a keen eye for de fects, but worully blind to graces and per fections. Then, there is the outre optical arrangement that puts the head of Brobdig nag upon the feet of Lillipnt; that by an outrage upon the laws of focus places the nose of a giant upon the face of a pigmy, .and makes the hand bigger than all the rest of the bOdy put together. In this we see the view that distorted and perverted na ture’s take of the world. Their own diseased optics render every thing they look at gro : tesque and unnatural, and they attribute to nature and its noblest works the fault that lies solely In their own distorted perceptions. Then there is the Claude lionridne mirror, fit type ofthe gentle sen timentalist who sees beauty in everything* THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29.1886.-TRIPLE SHEET. and who t s6ffensJlb[wH thbreMpes-of life to a tone In aooord wlth his own klndly spirit. Then there is, .-Instrument of Frenoh grieln. concerning the name of Which we are profoundly ignorant but that realizes our own conception of a true generous and cosmopolitan nature; one that sees God aim - good in every thing,' and which ’ realizes the, idea of Pope'that “All partial evil’s universal good, All discord, harmony not understood.’ 1 > This instrument is something in the Itaieldescopicline; a triangular tubeformed of mirrorß and black varnished glass,that has the peculiar feoulty of making beautlfal combinations ef patterns and designs out of every object it is turned in the direction of. Look at a window-sash through it, and the common-place straight lines of wood work are thrown into a series ef chaste combinations that would gladden the heart of a manufacturer of oil-cloths; turn it in the direction of the bleak, bare branches of a leafUess tree, and you have a design of ex quisite tracery which equals the best effort of the most artistic spider, and puts to the blush the most elaborate skill of the best imitator of “daddy-long-legs,” in thread, ef Honiton or Mechlin. Look through it at a lively pattern of wall-paper, or the piotures and frames which hang upon it, or the gas fixtufes in yonr parlor, and you have com binations of rare beauty that will'produce in an hour more exquisite patterns, and a greater variety of them, than all the Schools of Design in the world, unaided, would bring forth in a twelve-mcpth. Take, tod, the commonest and most &miliar objects; look at the carriage-way in the street, and the railway-track and cobble-stones, and the passing horses and vehicles, will be woven by the weird spirit of the instrument into patterns of arabesqne and grotesque as beautiftal and fantastical as ever the brain of designer contrived, or the pencil or burin - of artist put in shape. This instrument, which makes all the world do service as its ever changing beads and bits of glass, for its kaleidesoopio materials, illustrates the true, genuine comprehensive men and v women who take the world aßthey find It, and who, with a generous faith that God is in everything, discern beauty in the falling snow-flake, love the flowery spray for its mystery and its beauty, delight in the blossom for its own sake, and not with a selfish view to prospec tive fruit, and who, through pure love for the good and the beautiful, make all things crystalize into forms of beauty. It is a musty proverb that, “when lights are out, all cate are gray.” It may be added, that when lights are in, much depends upon the optics of the gazer, for if he is deter mined to be miserable, there is no lack of material to be wretched over; while, if be desires to be happy, he can find the sources of that sensation upon all sides. Between the enthusiast and the misanthrope there is a wide space, and it is filled in with all the nice degrees of misan thropy and enthusiasm. We are convinced that much depends upon the kind of optics with which the world is looked at. Moliere made his skeptical critic doubt whether or not he doubted. Mark Tapley, on the other hand, was bent upon being “jolly” under all circumstances. We are believers in the Tapleian theory, in preference to the cyni cal, and would qot exchange one kindly, generous, jolly look-out upon the world as we find it for all the grumblings of over sentimental Byrons, the mournings of shockingly melancholy Youngs, or the snapping and snarlings of sour Swifts. It all depends upon the moral optics and upon whether they are sound or diseased. OHI B 1 DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. A large Manufacturing Establishment Burned. This morning, about three o’clock, a fire was discovered in a large brick building lo cated at Sixth street and Columbia avenue, east side. The structure was 40 feet front by 100 in depth, and four and a half stories in height. The fire burned stubbornly, and the building was completely gntted and the contents were almost entirely destroyed. The structure was owned by Mr. Ell wood Ivins, who occupied the second story for the manufacture of fancy metallic trimmings. At the present time he was principally en gaged in the manufacture of patent hair crimpers. He had on hand considerable ma terial. and a quantity of finishedgoods ready for delivery. Mr. Ivins valued the building at §25,000, the fixed machinery at $5,000, the moving machinery at $BOO, and the stock and material at $4,000, making a total loss of $42,000. Upon this there is an insurance of $15,000 in New York and New England companies. The first-story front was occupied by 81ifer & Mattis, as the “ Columbia Corn and Feed Mill.”, The .lossjwas not ascertained; bat is supposed to be several thousand dol -1 ara, with no insurance. The rear portion of the first floor was oc-,_ enpiedby John J, Glazier, manufacturers*" of cotton stockings. His loss on material and stock is estimated at $l,BOO, with an in surance of $l,OOO in the Kensington and United Firemen’s Insurance Companies. The third floor was occupied by William Sohoalea, cotton yam spinner, His lobs is estimated at $12,000; insured for $5,000. The fourth story and attic were occupied bylsaaoand Jonathan Stead, cotton yarn spinners. Loss on machinery, $9,000; insu rance, $B,OOO. Loss on stock and material, insurance, $3,000. The insurances are in the Royal, Spring Garden and New York Companies. The .fire was first discovered by James Wilson, a private watchman at an adjoining establishment. He had perceived a strong odor of burning wool for nearly an hoar be fore he could find from whence it came. Then the flames were discovered on the first floor, near the chimney which carries off the heaWrom the boiler. There are several large glue manufac tories in the immediate vicinity, and some ofthe fences and sheds took fire, but no se rions damage was done. The storage shed attached to the estab lishment of Baeder & Adamson, on the north, was partly destroyed, and the exten sive mule , stables belonging to the same concern, took fire. There were twenty mules in the building at the time, They were all rescued, and the stable was not ma terially iDjured. A row of small tenements on Columbia avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets; were also slightly damaged by the falling sparks. The total loss by the fire will be about $75,000. Sent to Media.—John Fryer, arrested a few days ago on South street, on suspicion of the larceny of wearing apparel, was this morning sent to Media, by Lieut. Goldy. Some or the articles found on him having been identified by Mr. Pyle, of Delaware county, whose house had been broken Into and robbed. Several other places, in the same nelghborhood.are also reported to have been robbed. :; TteE HOME Fbß Little The- anniversary of the - Home forLittla Wanderers will take place at National Hall on Wednesday evening next; There will he addresses, and'musical performances by a party, of children from a similar institu tion in Boston. .The objects of the Little Wanderer’s Home will commend the insti tution to every charitable perapn, and as the inclement season will cause a heavy drain upon. the. funds of the institution; the anniversary celebration should be well at tended. \ Attempted Shooting.— Charles Clump occupied a house on the Lancaster turn pike. Yesterday his goods were set out : upon the road by a constable upon a suit by the landlord. Clump soon encountered the landlord and attempted to shoot him. For* innately the cap in his pistol only Buapped. Officer Craig; who was dose by, arrested Clnmp. The latter was held to answer by Aid. Allen. Bobbery and Assault. —John Owens, James Burk, and Thomas Bbnahue, were arrested last night by the Fifth District Po lice, on the charge of having broken into the house of Fat. Conway, No. IUO South Twentieth street, and stolen therefrom a lot of chickens and a silver watch, and having assaulted Mr. and Mrs, Conway. The prisoners were taken to the Central Station, for a hearing. Death from Exposure.— A man, sup posed to be James O’Dtftuiell. was found at one o’clock this morning;jn an unenviable condition, in Bruner’s Lumber Yard on Delaware avenue above Poplar street, He was carried to Bobbins’ rolling mill and died in a short time. His death is attri buted to exposure. The Coroner was noti fied. Fell from a Hobse.— Horace Wetzel, while riding along Frankford road, below Girard avenue, about seven o’dook last evening, fell from his horse and had his head seriously cut. He was taken to the Episcopal Hospital. His recovery is con sidered doubtfnl. The Late Shooting.— The young girl named Peterson, who was shot by her brother on Wednesday last is doing well; She says thab she has never had any diffi culty with her step-mother, and that she left home of her own free will. Without a License. —William Body was arrested at Walnut street wharf for driving a hack without a lioense. He was fined by Alderman Williams. An Owner Wanted.— A large hub be longingto a steam fire engine is at the Fif teenth ward Police Station. Children Cutting their Teeth Hard rray be considerably relieved by applying a small portion of Bower* t Infant Cordial to the finger, and robbing the gums gen tly for a short time. Bower’s Glycerine Cream for chapped and rough skin. Depot, Sixth and Vine. 85 cts. jar. Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy Goods, SNOWDEN A BROTHER, Importers, 23 BouthElghth street. Rheumatism Cubed or no Pay Asked. —Dr. Fitter's Remedy cured Joseph Stevens, 533 Owen streel; he never expected to get well. | Female Trusses and Braces, Elastic Supports, Stockings, Kne* Cape. Ac., light and appro prfate for female wear. For sale and adjustment at “Needles’," Twelfth' street lint door below Race. (Lady attendants.) Extraordinary Cure of Rheumatism. -Samuel R. Adams, Nineteenth and Montrose, tried everything. Cored by Dr. Filler’s Remedy, Benbow’s Soaps,— Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Rose, &c. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers. 23 South Eighth street. A Cure of Rheumatism worth Seeing. —B. Kilpatrick, 1744 Olive street, cured by Dr. Fitler’a Remedy. Warranted no cure, no pay. Asthma,—A spasmodic affection of the Bronchial 1 nbea, which are covered with a dry, tena cious phlegm. ‘'Jffrotcn’s Branchial Droehei'* will In some cases give immediate relief. For Coughs Colds end Throat diseases, the Troches have proved their efllca* y, "An Old Lady Friend having tried many remedies for Asthma with no benefit, found great relief from the Troches.”— Rkv. D. Letts, Frankford, HI. A Cold Seems a Small Affair.— Most people neglect It, Who mtnds li? Yet a Cold may torn tp Consumption, ard then follows almost certain death. Take a Old in time, then; that Is, take Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant,the well known standard remedy for Coughs Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Complaints, and your Cold will disappear, as well as all apprehension or danger. Frc pared only at 242 Cheemut, The name is sweet in itself—“ Sweet Opoponax,” and as charmingly attractive to the fashionable world, as the Bhy delicate blushes creeping up to the forehead of beauty. It Is a most exquisite perfhme-so purely fragrant and so lasting. One drop on a handkerchief will last fi week. It It stainless. . . E.T.BMITH A 00., New Tork, Bole Proprietors, A Merry Chribtmas and Happy New has been secured to a large number of families in ibis city, we are glad to say .by (be seasonable gift of a Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. The agents for the sale of these superior machines* MeasreTPetereon & Little, No. 704 Chestnut street, have been over* whelmed with orders for several weeks, and have ex hibited their usual promptness in filling them. We nped hardly add that, for all kinds of family use, the Wheeler & Wilson machines ara infinitely superior to any others. E. G. Whitman <fc Co.—This celebrated confectionery firm did a tremendous holiday trade at tbeir store, No. SlB Chestnut. Btreet, below Fourth. Their stock of goods was pretty well deaied out, but the facilities of tbeir establishment were equni to the drain upon them, and a fresh stock of choice dainties take the place of the stock that paid tribute to Christ mas. E. G. W. <fc Co. get up the most elegant fine bonbons, which they put up in neat boxes; they fab* ricate the most ravishing cream fruits and chocolate preparations, they turn out roasted Jordan Almonds' that make the mouth water at the thought of them; and they excel themselves In the dally production of ireth caramels ot almost endlessyariety of flavors. Our Candid Opinion.—lt is always a pleasure to patronize an accommodating artisan, one who not only possesses the ability, but the desire to pleaße his patrons. Snch a man is Mr. CHAS. itICBEL. the accomplished bootmaker, No 5M Nortn EIGHTH Btreet, above Buttonwood. His boots are modeled after the latest fashion, and are guaranteed to fit and wear well Every gentleman who desires a handsome pair ol boots at a very moderate figure would do well to call on CHARLES EIOHEL. New Jersey Matters. City Councils.—The City Council of Camden on Thursday evening passed a preamble and resolution in reference to the sudden death of Samuel McLain, Esq., a member of that body, and ordered the Council Chamber to be draped in mourning for thirty days. The members also resolved to attehd the funeral this morningin a body. Mr."'McLain retired to bed on Christmas night in' his nsual good health, and in the morning was found a comae. Home for Friendless Children.—This Home is doing excellent service in the cause of humanity.. On New Year’s night a grand concert is to be given in the Coart Bouse, the proceeds of which are to be ap plied towards a fund to enable the managers to begin the work of erecting a large build ing for the uses of that institution, which they contemplate at an early day. To be Dedicated.—The Presbyterian Chnrob, which has just been completed at Waterford, Camden county, is to be dedi-i cated on Thursday next, January 3d. It is a handsome structure, and well adapted for the accommodation of its rapidly increasing membership. 1 ROCKHILL&WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Coachmen’s Colts, Coachmen’s Coats; HUNTING COATS. HUNTING 00AT8, Kj - ' SDNs OF MAi/TA.-!-This organizatiott in Camden hasibeen revived. and is making preparations to give a grand ball at Mor gan’s new Hall, on the llth inst., for the benefit of tbeßociety. Bobbed.— Some daring thief or thieves, a night or two since, entered the Newton M; E. Church, on the Haddenfield turnpike, and robbed it of several articles. Body Snat6hebs Foiled— The Cleve land Plaindealer gives the particulars of an attempt to resurrect the body of a young woman, daughter of a wealthy resident of the Wesitern Reserve, who died about ten days since, under peculiar circumstances, and while in the enjoyment of apparently perfect health. She was an only daughter, a lovely girl of sixteen, and her death (so sudden and unaccountable,) excited the curiosity of theyoungmedteal students, who determined to raise the body on a certain night. The father got word Of the affair, ; and stationing himself behind a monument in the cemetery, with a double barreled guo, he quietly awaited the arrival of the resurrectionists. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve o’clock came, and no resurrectionists. He began to think that his credulity had got the better of him, and that, after all, his daughter would be allowed to rest in het grave, when footsteps were suddenly heard leard approaching. Crouching down closely beside the« monument, and peering cautiously out, he was horrified at seeing three men approach, and halt by the grave of bis loved one. They were provided with picks, Bhovels, a rope, and a large oil cloth sack. Their horrid object could not be mis taken, when two of them commenced to dig into the grave. The father’s blood almost froze in his veins at the sight; bnt he was firm in his determination to wreak ven geance on the would-be body-snatchers. Cocking both barrels of bis gun, and taking deliberate aim, be discharged both of them at the men who were digging, at the instant, their bodies were together. One of the men fill to the ground, bnt was quickly raised up by the others, who harried with him from the cemetery as quickly as they could —one Of them limping as though badly hurt. The three then rode away in a wagon. The father did not give chase, thinking that he had punished them enough for their con duct. The affair has caused great excite ment in the vicinity. It is not known who the would-be resurrectionists were—the utmost mystery enveloping them. SALES OF STOCKS. BEFORE ICO eh Beading Ballroad„. FIRST BOARD. S4SOOUSS-a»’6scoJy 107 X 3eh Read R S 3 .IXIO do .5 1073; 100 ah do b3O 51 Allegh Co Com 5a 76 100 ah do 05 5i 3000 Coma A Amboy 530 eh do; bio 53 mgt 6s ’B3 92 100 eh do S 3 SehFreAMeoßk 135>; 20Seh do 50ds 53 201 eb Penns R 56 soosh PhU A Erie c so 1; TlshPhilaßk 151 sshLehNv 55 PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK, CSV SNeprppA.) FIBS* CALL, American Gold. - 13« bid Reading Railroad 52;. bid New York Central uni, bid United States 6s ’SL 110*4 bid Unitedßtates6a, 6-2 CS. 10834 bid Frie ...HIM 6534 bid Hudson River. 12514 bid Strong. Ilnaace and Business—Doc. 29,15 H, There was more spirit at the Stock Board this morn lDr, in sympathy with a similar state or aflUre In New Y.rk.anda inrther rise In Gold. Beading <*r d Philadelphia and Erls Railroad were the strongest and most active an the list. The former advanced 34 riming at 53, and the latter rose 34—dosing at-ao3i. H-nnsylvanla Railroad sold at 56—a decline of 34. 12534 noa freely bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; gl for Norristown Railroad; 4734 for Northern Oentral ]. allroad; 40 for Elmira Railroad Preferred; J 9 fbr the Common stock, and 2934 fbr Oatawlssa Railroad Pre ferred. Canal stocks were held very firmly, Lehigh Navigation closing at 55 bid; Schuylkill Navigation Fieletred at 5534;' Susquehanna Canal at 14—an advance of 34; Delaware Division at 5534, and Wyoming at 54. Government Loans were better 110’4 was bid for the Coupon Sixes, 'SI; 10734 fbr the “policy" Bonds: 10534 for the Five-Twenties, ’6h 11H34 fbr the '6ls and ’6ss; 10134 fbr the Seven-Thirties, and 9934 for the Ten-Forties State Fives were firm at 96, and the War Loan at 10314! City Loans were without change. Bank, shares are mostly held out of the market. Passenger Railway sbares were but little inquired alter. Thirteenth and Fifteenth Btreeta sold at 1934,and Hestonvllle 1434@1434 Messrs. De Haven Brother, Nto 40 Booth Thlre street, make the following quotations of the ratal of exchange to-day, at IP. M.; Buying. Belling, American Gold..__.._ —.-ISU4 13434 Sliver- Quarters and halves._™l27 ry>mpound Interest Notes: ” « ls . « ** July, 1854 m. mi «• M Aug. IUC. 15 « •• Oct., 1864.-, 14 ** ” Dec,, 1864 m, 13 u » May, 1665 m use i. » Aug., 9?i « " 8ept.4865m. 8* ii »* Oct.. 1565. M %% Jay Cooke A Co', quote Government secomiea.'Ae,. to-day,a* follows: Buying. Belling. Uid 6-20 Bonds.™ 103i£ New &20 Bonds, 1864 .ie«i JMH S-HO Bonds, 1865 JOB* .105* VM, July, 1868 ....U7li 10» uMO Bonds - ..... 99? f mx 7 3-10, August, ... ............ 1W. 1 4 IW$ Jane, ...... '...uiaut lw2 " July, .....104U , VH& Gold—atl2 o’clock .......183& 234* smith, B&naoiph & 00., Bankers, 15 South Third street, qo*teat 11 o’clock, as follows: QPld,i4wiMmMi'MW»<wi>u«miw<>mi,wmwwMMWWwml^/^ b’ U. 8. 1881 bid. 0,8. MO, IM2™„ ** 18M«>HMMM»>»>»IMt»«wmw miWMWIMIWm aM*@los 11 1865m—mJ.Q4?j@105 . U. 6l lMOtiwtimWM«nwitnwiiwm«Mminn>miiiii« 99S® 99?^ Cr.B, 7-Kftfr-lft " —.aw* 11 Sd 5.90, July, 1865».m. ...................... m IO7.H@IO7M Oompound*. Dec.. Philadelphia BaiKen. SATrßDAY,l)ec.29.—Trade is duller than ever, bu 0 e merchants arecoafldentofa moreactlve anden cturaglng state of affhlrs after the commencement of the New Year, 1 here is not much Cloverseed coming forward and we continue to quote at |9 to|B 60- as in quality—the latter rate for prime lots from second hands. 250 bushels Timothy sold at |3 5? bushel, Flax* seed sells at|2 so@3. There Is much firmness in the Flour market, but the demand is entirely confined to the wants of the home consumers, with small sales at|B@sB 75 for superfine, fs@lo CO for extwU fll 50@|13 for Northwest extra family, sl2@lB 50 for Penna, and Ohio do daand fancy lots at (14@16, Bye Flour is steady at $7 25. Prices of Corn Meal are nominal. There is some inquiry for prime Wheat but common quality is vary dull. Bales of 2,000 bushels good Penna. Bed at #2 75(5f3 Hi $ bushel and some California at |3 80, White ranges from |3 20@|3 40. In Bye nothing doing. Corn Is very quiet. Sales of new yellow at m c'maandoldatsi 10. Oats are steady at 57 etuis f,r Son* hern and 57@58 cents for Penna. Whisky—The trade is at a stand, as the contraband distilleries, and there is a legion or them, are supply pg the wants of the cbo«Dmets. MED. BARRETT.—At his residence, in Lower Merlon, on the evening of the 27th inst., Hugh Barrett, aged 02 years. Ihe relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, without further notice, on Monday, the 81st inst., at 12 o'clock. M. * BMITH—On the 28th lnat„ Ann Wetherby, wife of JohnK. {smith. • Tbeirieuds of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, the 3l9tinst., at two o’clock, from the residence of her husband, Trenton, New Jersey, > ROCKHILL& WILSON Fine Clothing House, 60S and 605 Chestnut Street; Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made to Order, Reasonable, Serviceable and Fashionable. SPECIAL CARD -Hav ing been interfered with in our business by the altera tions of our Store, we have an extra large stock of fine Ready-Made Clothing for Gents, Youths and Boys, which we are disposing of at prices far below the usu al rates. WAN AM AKER & BROWN, Popular Cloth ing House, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Streets. TESTAMENTS FOE EUNDAY SOHOOLB. At 10 cents. FBATSB BOOKS, 25 cents. . REWARD OAEDS, IS cents, MRS, JANE HAMILTON’S HOOK STORE, 1314 CHESTNUT STREET. THE ORIGINAL SKATE STORE. We would reepectfhlly call yonr attention to our ex tensive stock at SKATES. The assortment comprises every variety of Ladies’, Gents’, Hisses’ and Boys’ SKATES. Steel Skates, Wood-tipper Skates, Shoe Skater. We are determined now, as heretofore, to keep the largest and best assortment of Skates In the city, t-kstes by the Thousand, call aad see them. Bkate Straps, Skue Beets. Skate Plates. EkalesGround ana B ensured. Call at the Old Original Skate Store, ’ 611 MARKET STREET, J. FREDERICK SMITH, (Late Smith & Richardson). d£»St OPEN EVENINGS. ..SSO 6294-100 /"VP ERA GLASSES, VJ Fine Opera Glasses, made by M. BABDOU, oi Paris. Imported and for sale only by C. W. A. TBUMPLER, oc2o-4p t tf Berenth and Chestnut streets^ French embroidered muslin evening DRESSES,—GKO. W. VOGEL, No. 1016 CHEST NUT street, opened this morning a case of French Embroidered Muslin Evening Dresses, the patterns full, and everything necessary to make the Dress complete. de»6trp* VOU HAVE AN UN QUESTIONABLE LIKENESS X as well as a superior Picture itayour parlor if yon possess a life-size Photograph in OH, made at REI MEH'S Gallery, 624 Arch street, rtBEEPERS Ibr attachiog to your shoes toprevent \J slipping on ice or sleety_pavements. we have several Btyles of them. Truman A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. The work praises the workman, at RKIMKR’S Photographic Gallery, second street, above Green. Slx Carda or one large Photograph fh CRATERS' WOOLEN CAPS and Leather Leggings O for keeping yon warm, and a foil variety of Bkaten for sale, fekates sharpened and repaired by TRU MAN & SHAW, No. 883 (Sight Thirty-five) Market Street, below Ninth. TOU DO NOT WANT TO RUN ANY RISK; YOU want good Photographic pictures; yon therefore resort to B. F. RBIMER’a Gallery, 624 Arch street. A GIFT OF PRACTICAL VALUE to a house keeper would be a Champion Clothes Wringer, which has these peculiarities: The rolls will separate witnout the cog wheels getting ungeared; it c'amps the srofeceofihetnb, Instead of at only two points; It has one screw pressing upon three springs, making it thoroughly self-adjusting. We consider these are very great improvements. But we aiso keep otber styles tor sale for these who prefer them, TRUMAN <& BHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. TtRUGGIBTB, CONFECTIONERS AND PER XJ IUMERS are solicited to examine our stock of superior Essential Oils, as Sanderson’s Oil, Lemon and Bergamot, Allen’s Oil Almonds, winter's * il ot Cltronella, Hotchkiss’ Oil of Peppermint, Chilis’ Oil ot Lavender, Origanum. Orange, etc. etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., de23-tfj N. E. cor. Fourth and Race ats., Phllada. * ‘THE HARBISON BOILER,” set ia the very best X style, cheaper »nd quicker than any other firm In tbe city, by GaMON A HARRIS. Bricklayers, 315 WILLING’S allej and 611 South EIGHTEENTH street, Philadelphia. de29-6mrp iPOR SALK—BRICKS. BRICKS, BBIOK&-750 000 X for sale by LLO\ D, 4112 GERMANTOWN avenue. Diketowd. Salmon. Hard, Stretcher, Paving and 2g,f00 Pressed, it# ttoop skirt manufactory.—Hoop skins XL and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the best materials. Also, Skirts repaired MBS. E. BAYLEY, dt2fr-3m $l2 Vine street, above Eighth. SPARKLING ANGELICA.—The subscriber has lately received an Invoice of this Justly celebrated California Wine, to which he wishes the atten tion of connoisseurs, For pure quality and exquisite bouquet, it stands unsurpassed. It will compare f*- voiaoly with the highest grades of European wines, and can be furnished at about one half their cost. P. J, JORDAN, 230 Pear street, below Third and Wal nut st. £3“A large supply of English and Scotch Ales, Por< ter and Brown Stout, together with Jordan’s celebra ted Tonic Ale, Fine Cider, <fcc., always on hand. \TO. 733.-TEB ABCH STREET W „ DINING ROOMS Have been refitted, re-established and are now open fbr business. Thankful for past flavors we respectfally solicit a continuation ofyonr patronage. In connection with this House we have a number ot ~ furnished single rooms for gentlemen, and suites of unfurnished rooms suitable' for gentleman and with, or families, with hoard.* Good reference required. Remember the No.. 733 ARCH Bireet, oue door be low Eighth, north side. 1 ■ deSMmrp : ,-Trr-, mason & hamltn cabinet oh- from 175 upwards. Ofii? at GOULD’S. UIXTIgEVENTH and CHESTNUT; nolQ-tf;4pi ATHOBE’S MINCED MEAT.—The undersigned are now receiving into store, the above celebrated Minced Meat, put up in Firkins of 88 mid 68 Eta., also in Barrels and Glass Jars, and are prepared to famish it to the trade at the lowest manufacturer’s prices- JOS. B. BUBBLER A CO., 108 South Delaware Avenue. Twenty-Five Barrels Prime Cranberries landing and fbr sale by J. B, BUSSIEB A CO M 108 South Dela ware Avenue. COTTON AND LINEN SAIL DUCK Of every Width from one to six feet wide, all numbers. Tent an? Awning Dunk, Papermakers felting,.Sail Twlne.fto, JOHN W, HVS&MAH * 00,. Wo. ins Jonaa’a AHs*’: OLIVES FARCIES, CAPERS, Ac.—Olives Paroles \J (Stuffed Olives).Nonpareil and Bnperflne Capers and French Olives; fresh goods, landing ex Naooieor TlL,from Hayre.and fbr sale by JOS.B.BUBSIEB A 00.. 108 South Delaware avenue. NEW TURKEY PRUNES—Landing and for sale by JOS. B. BUBBLER & CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. COFFER AND YELLOW METAL BHSATHINS Brasier’sOouDer. Nans, Bolts and Inga Concert constantlyon hand and for safe by HENRY WI&SOB ATM.. mttonth Whaaw - • ROCIHILL&WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. FALL & WINTER OVERGOATS IN GREAT VARIETY: PRICE & WOOD, N. W. eor. Eighth and Filbert, HAVE JUBT OPENED, 100 dozen Lildtfe' French doth Gloves at 50i 56, 09 and 75c. pair TbO balance of an Imported atock which were so dat ?12 a dozen. Gents' Cloth Gloves, Lames’ and Misses’ White Cloth Gloves Ladles’,ano Gents’ Merino Vests and Pants. Ledleaf .Eemstitcbed Bdkfs. Ladles’ Embroidered Hdkfij. Gents’ Hemstitched and colored Border Hdkfa. Pome.tic Goods at the very lowest maiket prices. Good yard wide bleached Muflllus, 20, 23, 25 and 28c. Willlamsvllle, Wamsntta and Hew York Mills,. Beet makes nnbleached Muslins, 04, 6-4, 8 4, 9-4 and 10-9 Sheeting Muslins. Best bleached and unbleached Canton Flannels All wool and Comet Flannels. Heavy all wool Shaker Flannels. Yard wide Domet Shaker Flannels, 51 and 50 cents. Baidsome Marseilles Quilis, Lancaster Quilts; very cheap. , X?rice Sc Wood, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert sts. WO! open, on MONDAY MOENTNG, a large lot of Plaid Moslins, from 81 to 60 celts, lower prices tnaa they have been sold at fbr five years. Linen Doylies, (1 25 dozen. It USEFUL NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. The subscribers have received some choice articles ef Dry Goods, eminently suitable, frpm their useful ness and rarity, to make Acceptable Holiday Presents. Snch as EXTRA BED made. SPLENDID DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, In seta.! NAPKINB to match. FRENCH DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Union lesigns. FRINGED FRENCH TABLE CLOTHS.' FRINGED FRENCH NAPKINS AND TIOVT.Tra, SUPERIOR FRENCH DAMASK TO WEIR, with, and without Fringes. FANCY AND HUCKABACK TOWEIR French and English Colored Borders and Fringe. MARSEILLES QUILTS, extra fine. EMBROIDERED PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. Also, In our fancy stock, which can be sold at the lowest prices: LADIES’ EMBROIDERED CAMBRIC HDEFS. with Initials, CHILDRENS’ EMBROIDERED AND HEMMED with Initials. EMBROIDERED LACE AND MUSLIN SETS, In very great variety, Ac. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, 1008 Chestnut Street. del4-tf rpj POPULAR GOODS 5 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EYRE & LANDELL, FOTJBTH & ABCH STBEETS, Have reduced some fine goods to fovor the giving ot HOLIDAY PREBENTS OF VALUE LONG SHAWLS, reduced. FINE POPLINS, reduced. RICHEST GAY PLAID POPLINS. CLUNY LACE COLLARS and BETS. POCKET B DKFS., from f2O to fOcents. N. R—Merrtmac Ihst-colored Prints, of new styles. 2.000 yds. Monslln ceLaines, choice styles, i 5 and 28c. P.S.—Lot of Gentlemen’s Mauds reduced for Christ mas Presents. dels s m wtf The best Holiday Gilt lor a Lady. The most useful and lasting present that can be made a lady friend is a Florence Sewing Machine.^ It wfll please her better than a thousand dollars worth ot trinkets. Tbe objections to ether Sewing Machines are overcome in the Florence, and it is the only Machine warranted to give entire satisJhctioiu .v THE GOLD MEDAL, (highest premium awarded), to the FLORENCE t»BW7NQ MACHINE 00.. for the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHjINe. Great Fair, ftmertcan insti tute, New York. Report of Committee, REASONS: Ist. Its simplicity and great range of work, 2d. Its making lour dinerent stitches, vis the Loc3£- Knot Double Lock and Double Knot. -d. The Reversible Feed Motion, enabling the ope rator to run the work to the right or the left, and con* venlence of seif-fftstening the ends of seams. 4ib. The perfect finish and substantial manner la which tie machine is made. sth. The rapidity of its working and the quality of the work done 6th. The Belf-Adjusting Tension. At the NEW ENGLAND and VERMONT STATS FAIR, held at Brattleboro, Vt„ Sept., 1866, the Com* mittee on Sewing Machines submitted the following report; THE FLORENCE BBWIHG MAOHIHX “We consider the perfect finish and successful worke iDg of the Florence Bowing Machine deserves mor than a passing notice. This machine combines all the excellencies, out none of the delects of other Sewing Machines with which we are acquainted. The great variety oi work that can be accomplished by its four different stitches, the reversible feed motion, the self adjusting tension, the rapidity and quality of the work done by it, clearly demands of us the award of the Society’s highest premium—its silver medal.” At the NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE FAIR, held a* Nashua, Bept. 1866, the “FLoRENOifi” was awarded the highest premium given to Sewing Machines, At the MECHANICS’ ASSOCIATION FAIR, held In Boston, September, 1865, the “Florence” received Silver Medal and Diploma, together with all other Sewing Machines on exhibition. At the late STATE FAIRS of Pennsylvania, Ohio and California tbe Florence was awarded the highest premium over all competitors. The verdict orthe people is unanimously in favor of the Florence on account of its many advantages over all others. Moat be seen to be appreciated. Call at the office, 630 Chestnut Street. The Florence Sewing Maehine Co. warrant ever; Maehine sold. aeiMot ipi iHAAONATHAHB. Auctioneer and Money Broke,. . N. B. comer ol Third and Spruce streets, only urn square below the Exchange. HATHANB'B Principal Office, established (hr the last forty years, Honey to loan in large or small amonnts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Cloth]nr. and goods of every description. Office hours from A. M. till 7 P. M. damp . KMKBSON PIANOS. The sew style Cottage Square Plano, tall 111 »i 'Seven Octaves, beautimi Carved Oases, the most gcnranteed durability, W. H. DUTTON. oCs4f4p ROCKHILL& WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Sfreet, LATEST STYLE SACK & WALKINft COAT. BOYS’ OLOTHIN<I. The finest
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers