Fr°m our Fourth Edition of Yesterday, From Washington. [By the U, 8. Associated Press.] Washington, Dee. 28.—Andrew John son, President of the United States, of America. To all liltfm. it may concern: An date 22d day of March, 1666, having been issued to Gerhard Jans sen, recognizing him as consul of Olden burg, for New York, and declaring him free to exercise and enjoy such functions, powers and privileges as are all’o Wed to consuls by ‘the law of nations, of by'the laws of the, United'. States and existing treaty stipulations.' between the - governments of Oldenburg and the United Statesj and the said Jamsen having refused to ap pear in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to answer in a suit there pend ing against himself and.others on, the plea that he is a consular officer of Oldenburg, thus seeking to use hiß offioial position to ; defeat the ends of justice, it is deemed that the said Gerhard Jaussen should no longer he permitted to continue in the exercise of said functions, powers - and privileges. These are, therefore, to declare that I no longer recognize the said Gerhard Jaussen as ConßUl Of Oldenburg for New York, and will not permit him to exercise or enjoy any of the functions,~fa\ters or privileges al lowed to Consuls of that nation; and I do hereby wholly revoke 1 and 1 annul the said exequatur heretofore given; and do declare the same to he absolutely ; null and void from this day forward. ; In testimony thereof 1 have caused, these letters to be made patent and the seal’of the United States of America to be/herennto affixed. Given under my hind at Washing: ton, this 26th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight l hundred and-sixty-Bix,an d of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-first. [Signed] Andrew Johnson, By the President: ■ Wm, H. Seward, Secretary of State. From Boston. : [By the XT. S. and European News Association ] • Boston, Dec. 28.— Schooner Pulaski, of Jonesport, was driven against the oounting room of the New York Commercial Line of Steamers, on India’s wharf, and the bow sprit punched a hole through a side of the building. - The steamer, with the Boston passengers of last night, destined for New York did not sail and will not leave until to-night for New York. The regu lar boat of .. the Stonington line left Stonington last night for New York, but came to anchor in the New London harbor, where she now lies. She will probably leave for New York this afternoon; The passage of the Jerry boats was inter rupted for several hobrs. The partitions of walls of two new build: ings at the comer of Chelsea and Decatur streets in East Boston was blown down. The-flag-staff in Chelsea was blown across the street, only'a moment after p horse car had passed. The roof of a building on Federal street, in this city, occupied by a fire-brick-com pany, was tkken off bodily and carried some distance, a portion of it narrowly escaping the Quincy horse CBr. ; The tin roof of a large building on Pur chase street was rolled up by the wind, and dumped in the street. Jenkins’s Glass Works, in 'South Boston were flooded, and much damage was done, The track of the Boston, Hartford and Erije Railroad was washed away in several placeß, and the evening trains were unable to run. The damage has been repaired and the trains are running again this morning. The damage to the Eastern, Old Colony and Newport Railroad was also repaired du ring the night, and the trains are running with their usual regularity to-day. Bhode Island vs. Massachusetts—Kid napping Case. [By tlie TJ. S. Associated Press. J - Boston, Deo. 28.— An interesting case was brought to the attention of Gov. Bullock yesterday, Constable Joseph H. Keyes, of Lawrence, recently proceeded to Paw tucket, R. 1., and arrested a woman named Ann Manning, for larceny, and brought her back to Massachusetts without an executive warrant. She was tried and sentenced to the House of Correction for six months. The authorities of Rhode Island served a requi sition upon the Governor of Massachusetts, for the delivery of the officer to them, upon the charge of kidnapping. A hearing took place, and the Governor decided to deliver Constable Keyes up. The penalty for the offence is fine apd im prisonment. The woman, of goes free. The Storm. [To TJ. S. Associated Press.] Springfield, Mass., Dec. 28.— There was a severe snow storm here on Thursday, with a fall of ten inches of snow, and a heavy gale blowing this evening. The railroad'and telegraph communication was badly interrupted, though they are mostly repaired to-day. No trains had arrived from Albany,or at Boston at 11 o’clock A. Mi Newport, R. 1., Deo. 28.— The regular steamer, with the Boston passengers of last evening, did not leave here for New York last night, on account of the heavy gales. : The trains from the West, due here at 8 o’clock last night, was delayed at Pittsfield till this morning on acconnt of the snow, and left there this morning with three en gines, and has not since been heard from. The northern road to Brattleboro is all right and trains making usual time. The Steamer Commodore. [By the U. 8. Associated Press.] River Bead, L. 1., Deo. 28., 3 P. M. —The freight of the Commodore is now drifting ashore. One hundred of the : passengers have already left in the mail train for New York. Others are preparing to follow. All the passengers and crew are perfectly safe River Head, L. 1., 1 o’clock, P. M. —The steamboat Commodore is a total wreck. Her passengers are all safe, and are now on their way to New York. Some of her freight and all the baggage of the passengers may be saved. From Harrisburg. [To the New York Associated Press.] Harrisburg, Dec. 28.— State Treasurer Wm. H. Kembill has directed to be pre pared at once, a list of the soldiers of 1812, entitled to pensions from the State of Penn sylvania. Separate lists for eaon county will, as soon as they are completed, be for warded by . fdr. Kembill, to the treasurers thereof, which officers will- pay the semi annual pensions, due on the Ist of Jan uary, 1857. ISE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29; IB66;—TBIPLE^SHE j ET; New Hampshire Polities. [By tbe 17. 8. Associated Press.] Concord, Dec. 28.—The Republicans of New,. Hampshire-held Conventions in the First arid Second Districts yesterday for the nomination of Congressmen; Hon. Jacob S. Ma, of Rochester, was nominated in the First Distriot, and 6eh. Aaron F. Stevens, of Nashua, in the Second District. Arrival of tbe Vova Scotian. LTo the U. 8. Associated Press. 1. Portland, Dec. 28.— The steamship Nova Scotian, from Liverpool December 13thj and Londonderry the 14th, was signaled at 12 M; She is anticipated by the Australasian- Commercial ,iid Financial. [To the U. 3. Associated ;Preaa.] Nirw YOBKj Dec. SBtb, 1 o'clock, P. M.—The Flour market i» scarcely so-actlve.-but prices are s@tocl better. Sales of 6 600bbls.; Superfine State and West ern.-$8 5C@lO 15: 'common to choice extra State. $lO 5C@1230: Ditto; Western, $9 50@513 60. Round Hoop Ohio, ?ll@l2'lo. Trade brands; *l2 25@13 60. The market closed. quiet. Southern Flour is rather more steads; sales of 7ro barrels at 111 ip@l3 30 for Common, and |l3 40@16 50 for Fane? and Fxtra, Bye Flour-la steady; sales 0f240 barrels at ,|6 sf@7 75. * Corn Meal is dull. Wheatrules very firm; sales 22,0 r o bush, at |2 40 for Chicago No. Z Milwaukee and 12 60@(2 53 for good No. 1 Chicago. Rye Is quiet and heavy; sales or sales of 7 500 bushels of Canadian in bond at about $lO3. Barley is dull and drooping, Corn rules heevey; sales of 29,000 bushels at fl 12 for mixed Westefn in store, |l ditto afloat, and and $1 08 for new, yellow and white Southern Oats are doll; Bales of 1,380 bus. at 62@B4kc* for Chi* cago and Mixed Southern. Whisky quiet. Provisions —Pork opened firmer, but dosed heavy; - sales of 5,250 bbls.atsi97s@2o 6o fornew mess; $i93t@1975 for old mess, dosing at HOSI regnlar/and f17@17 50 for prime; Beef Is heavy. Beef- haxns steady at $30@35. Bacon is dull. Cut meats* are steady: for ’hams. Dressed hogs firms; salezat ,sB@s 50 for western; and |8 25@ 875 for city. Lard la more active; saleshf 800 barrels at Il@l2kc. Butter steady, but not active. Money active and firmem for foreign exchange, quiet and steadFrejchts are dnlLy. Nsrw York,; Dec; ?28,—Stocl s irregular. Govern ment’s lower and fancies better. Money on call 6@7 per cent, - Sterling. Exchange dull at 109k;Rock Island. If3k: Wabash,42k j'Pittabargh and Fort Wayne, 106 k; MariettaanddncinnaTl. mt. preferred, 36;.MUwankee and St Paul, 49; do. preferred, 69V: Beading, 105k5 Michigan Central. .108; Illinois. Central, 117 k: Pitts burgh, 8734; Cclumbus and Cincinnati, 110; Northwest* ern,4s: do. preferred, 79k: Toledo, 124 k; Rock Island and Pocific 7’a, 94: Conton, 46; Cumberland, 76; Western Union Telegraph, 45k; Quicksilver, 44k-: Mariposa preferred, 31k; buyer 30; Atlantic Mall, 112 Geld opened at 132 k: closed at Ml k; Fort Wayne 24; 97k: ao. Sd, 88k: North Carol*** <ss, 32i do new, 51k; Missouri 6a, 92; Tennessee 6s, 69k; Pacific, 102 k; New York Central, 110; Fries, 67K; do. preferred, 82k; Pa ducah *Chien. 63; IT. S. sa, 1874,coupons, 105; do. nego tiated, 5881,103 k: U. S. Coupons. 188 1. no; 5-20 s, coupon, 1862,105 k; do. 1864,104 k; do. 1865,104%. Bales at Pblladeli SALES AFTER 1600 City6B new d bill 99k 2COQ City 6a new C&P 99k 2500 Read mgt 6s 93k 1000 Snsq Canl Bds b 5 65 3500 sh Egbert Oil k 18 sh Ches & Wala FIRST BOARD, 10 sh Read By; dbiu 10 sh d bill 527 i 200 sh / do 830 52 % 100 sh ' do 52« 600 sh do 53 100 sh do b6O 53 £43 ah Penns B 567,' 65wn 51 200shSchNav s6O 25k SECOND f2COOOUS 5-20’S ’65 coup July 107 k 10000 do 2da 107 k iooo City 6s new 99k 100 sh Egbert. Oil % 120 sh Delaw Div 56k 1560 ah BydeF&rmbswn k 80shPennaR . 66k eTauac^ju. DR, J.S, ROSE’S ALTERATIVE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. If yon have corrupt,disordered or vitiated blood yon are sick all over. It may appear as pimples, sores, or assemeactive disease, or it may only make yon feel languid or depressed; but you cannothave good health If your blood Is impure. Dr. Rose’s Alterative re moves all these impurities, and Is the remedy that will restore yon to health. It la unequaled for the cure of all diseases of the glands, scrofula, tubercular consumption, and all erup lions of the skin. Price $l. Sole agents. DYOTT & 00., 232 North Second Street, DR. DYOTT’B ITCH OINTMENT will cure every form of itch, and is superior to any other remedy for tbe cure of that disagreeable and tormenting complaint. Price, 25 eta t-ent per mail 4C cents. DYOTT & CO.. 232 North Second Street. DB. J. S. ROSE’S EXPECTORANT, For the cure of consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, spitting of blosd, bronchitis and all diseases of tbe lungs. This syrup bavins stood the test of many years’ ex perience as a remedy lor irritation or Inflammation of the large, throat or bronchia, Is acknowledged by all to be a remedy superior- to’ any other known com yonnd used for the relief and care of coagbs and con sumption. Price.} 1. Bole agents. DYOTT&CO , se4-6m 232 NortA>3 n cond Strbjt. „ _„inulate the functions of the body Into vigorous" activity* purify the system from the ohstructioßswbich make disease. A cold settles somewhere In the body and deranges Its natural fuse* lions. These, if not relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, prcducirg general aggra vation, suffering and derangement While In > hla con dition, take Ayer’s Pills, and see how directly they re store the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent In this trivial and common complaint la also true is many of the deep*seated and dangerous dis tenpers. The same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly and many of them surely cured by the same means. Itone who know the virtue of these Pill'will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure, such as Headache. Foul Stomach, Dysen* tery, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangement ol the Liver, Cosuveness, Constipation. Heartburn, Rheumatism, Dropsy, worms and Suppression, when taken in large doses. They are Sugar Coated, so that the most sensitive can take them easily, and they are surely the best pur* gativo medicine yet discovered, AYER’S AGUE CUBE, For the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent Fe ver, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical Headache or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers; indeed lor the whole claps of diseases originating In biliary derangement; caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries. This remedy has rarely-failed to cure the severest cases of Chills and Fever, ’and it has this great advaa< tage over other Ague medicines, that it subdues tht> complaint without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other deleterious substance, nor does U proouce quinism or any injurious effect whatever* Shaking brothers of the army and the west, try it, and yon willendorse these assertions. Prepared by J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mess., and sold by J. M. marir & CO„ Philadelphia, and by all Druggists. n024-B,m,w«2m ; rvpAL DENTALLTNA.—A superior article fti cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcola which infest them, giving tone to the gums, and leav ing a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the month. It may be used dally, and will he found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while 1 the <uoma and deteraiveneas will recommend It to every one. Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Micros coplst, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain .washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted constituent* oftheDENTAIiLINA. advocate Its use: it contains nothing to prevent Its unrestrained employment Made only by JAMES For sale by Druggists gei Fred. Brown, Haasard <& Co., C.B. Eeeny, Isaac H. Kay, C. H. Needles, ; - T. J. Busband, Ambrose Smith, Edward rarrishl William B. Webb, James L. Blspham, Hnghea & Coombe, Henry A. Bower, ENTIRELY RELIABLE—HODGSON’S Bronchial TABLETS, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarse* ness, bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast. Public speakers, singers and amateurs will be greatly benefited by using these Tablets. Prepared only bj LANCASTER & WILLS, Pharmaceutists; N. E. Cor. ARCH and TENTH streets, Philadelphia, For sale by Johnson, Holloway A Cowden, and Druggists generally. seastf BRUSH’S BRONCHIAL AND PULMONIC DEW DROPS, for Coughs, and all Diseases of th» Throat and Bronchial Tuoee. This invaluable preps ration for every household. Public Speakers, Singers &c., possetßes a Wee era celebrity, ana hasbeen knowr to relieve the most obstinate and almost nopelest esses It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by K. 0. BRUSH, No. 258 South Nlntt street, Philadelphia. __ je7-tf : riORNS, BUNIONS, INVERTED NAILS.- Dr. 3, \j DAVTDSON, Chiropodist, Operator on Corns, Bunions. Inverted Nalls- ana other diseases of the feet. Office, 824 CHESTNUT street. Dr. Davidson will wait on patients at their residences. no3tf2 . €OPABPEpHIPS. THE FiRM OF BROWN & SMITH IS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent . The business of the late firm will be settled by GEORGE H. BROWN at No. 34 North FOURTH s'-reet. GEORGE H. BROWN, \ ' % . PETER Y, SMITH, • General Partners. GEORGE M.ROBESO Special Partner. Philadelphia, 2B, 1836. de2s-3tf , •Ua Stock Board. BOARD. 100 sh Reading R 560 wn 525 i 100 sh do 527 i 100 sh do S3O 52H 700 Bh. do b6O 53 100 Bh do 52 94 100 sh do 52 7 ,i AYER’S PILLS.—Are you sick, feeble and com plaining? Are you out of order with , your system deranged and your feel ings uh comfortable? These symptoms are often the prelade to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon yoa, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer’s Pills, and cleanse out the disordered humors - purity i move on unobstructed in r. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets, lerally, and * DiL. Stackhouse, Robert C. Davis, Geo *O. Bower, Charles Shivers, S. M. McColUn, S. O. Bunting, Charles H. Kberie, James N, Marks, E. £ringhurst& 00., Dyott <fe Co., H. C. Blair’s Sons, Wyeth & Bro. * jcintawyicfuukss. nj;in'n»iena BBAnraa bailboap. t atm MW ■. great tbune loth mg WmLajiJliLPtttJi TO THE! HmntTQß OF PHIUM BYLVANIA]_THB SCHUYLKILL. BPBQUNHAN BTA.COMKEBLAND AND WTCOaHSTVAUaBBi THE NORTH, NORTHWEST mil the OANaOAa WINTER ARRANGEMENT OF PABBNNBHB TRAINS. Oet.-8.-lfiS«-- leaving the flnmimnyG Depot THIRTEENTH and fIAT.TAgtm.L ffliwt nUI dstehls at the following hoars: , ' MORNING ACCOMODATIONS. - ‘ - At 7.80 A. M, for Beading and all Intermediate Bta' tlona.' ... . .. , Returning, leaves Beading at 6.80 P. M„ arriving In Philadelphia at 940 P.M.. .. i .■ ■ ■ .■. : . MORNING EXPRESS, . > At 048 A. M,, 6)r l™liir Trf.hmr.nw. lTßFrllfcjirt Pottsvllie, Fine Grove, Tamaqda, Bnnbory.WUllanu. port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, BoOtlo, Allen, town, WUkeabarre, Plttston, York, Oarlltle,Ghamben. bI SI^SSS?P3rSeoS , 'at I 'EEAI)INa wlththe Bast . Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown,. Ac.: and with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrtsbnrg. Sc.: at PORT CLINTON with Oatawtaa Balhroad trams forWllllamsport.Lock Hcrem Elmlra.ftc.. at HARRTSBtrRG wlth - Northern: Central, Oomberland Valley, and Bchnyllrlll and Buscniehnnna' trains for Northumberland,willlsnisport;"York,Chamher»bnrE, HnB| ? OTo ’ Afternoon rrmnw. ■■* <- Leaves Philadelphia at 8.80 p. M. for Beading, 1 Fotts vale, 'Harrisburg, &o.„ connecting with Beading and Colombia RJEL trains for Colombia, Ac. . . . REABENG ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Reading at 9.30 A.M., stopping at all way sta tions; arrives In Philadelphia at 9.40 A.M. > - i Returning, leaves Philadelphia' at 180 P, X,; arrives In Beading at 7.85 P.M ■ ■< -- : Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at .940 A, M., and Fottiyille at 8.45 A. M.. arriving In Philadel phia at 1.00 P.M. Afternoon trains leave HArrlsbnra at 240 P.M., and'Pottsvllie atilSP. IC.; arriving si Philadelphia at 645 P.M. ; Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at T.BO A; M. and Harrlßbnig at 4.10 P.M.' Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at ABO P.M.,arrlvlng ln Philadelphia at 940 P.M. \ 1 Market train,'with a Passenger car attached, leavsb Philadelphia at 1245 noon for (Reading and all way stations;leaves Beadlng ILAQ A, M. t and Downlngtown 12A0 P.M. for Philadelphia and all Way stations. ' All the above trains ran daHy, Sundays excepted, - Sunday trains 1 leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 A. M.. and Philadelphia at<B4s P.M,; leave-Philadelphia,for Beading at 8.00 A, H., Retaining ftom Beading atlas FahE! ; - 1 ' l ' ' ' ; ' s CHESTER VALLEY HAXLEOAD. f , tiSrUjelMio •pMlfcilfllnTila- Tfttnmlwy fWim Tlnwiitnftlnm «t, I. <lo A. M. »ni) 12 80 Hood. BTOTy TjPgg.'Batgß3EH«j TOBMFTi'mmi mm AHD Leaves New York at 7, 9 A- M.and 8.00 P. M. .pasalnr Wp»iHTig at Los. ilss AM., and L« PM. and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania; and Northern Central TtaHmad Tihnprass Trains ibr Pittabnrsft. Chlcarn. TO Uamsport. Elmira, Baltitaoravtto. .. ■ ; Betnrnlnr, Bxpress Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival or Pennsylvania Express bona 3 and 0,05A.M., 9.15 P.M. passing Reading at«.« ana M. 53 A. M. and 11.30 P.M. arriving at Mew York lo A. M., and 2.(5 p. M. Sleeping cars accompanying these trains through between Jeney City and Pittsburgh, withont chance. ■ Mall train Sr New Tori leaves Harrlsbnrgat *4O F. H. Mall train far Harrisburg leaves Hew York at is Moon. . SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvilleat 7,11.30 A. M. P. M., returning from Tamaqna at 7.85 A M., andLto and SCOTYLKILL AMD SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7.50 A M. for Plnegrove and Karxlsbnrg, and at L5O F. M. tar Pineerove and Tre mont; returning non HarrisbnrE at M. and from Tramont at 7.85 A. M. and 545 P. M. TICKETS. Thronah flrsfrclass tickets and reglrrant tickets to all the principal points In the North and West and Canadas. The tbllowlng tickets are obtainable ontf at the Olllcs of S. Brsdfbrd, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nloolla, General Snperlntend ent, Bs * iUll * ) t OHMDTATIO j S j TICKETS. . At 25 per cent., discount oerwean any pointi desired for flMwiTifpw and firms. MTT.RABE TICgZTB. Good fbit-000 mUesAetween oil points, it 5M150 etch. Cor families and firms. SEASON TIUKKIH. For three, six, nine or twelve months, tot holders only.m.UpoffiMrt^^ ■Rojtrtiny on the line of the Bowl will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves end wives to tickets at hslf-fere. EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to principal stations, rood tat Saturday, Sundry and Monday, at reduced fare, to b» bad only at theTlcket Office at Thirteenth and Oallow hlll streets, FREIGHT. Goods of all deecriotlons forwarded to all ths abovs points from the Company’s Hew Freight Sopot, Broad and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia dally at 530 A. iL, 11.45 noon and S p, h., tbr Beading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Fotlsvlllt, Port minton, and all polutAbe^ond. Close at the Philadelphia Poet Office for all places on the toad and Its branches at 5 A.M., and for theprin glpalStations only at 3.15 P.M. i PHILADELPHIA, WILMINQ jglMy—ajClTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD—'TlfitE t’AßLE.—Commencing MONDAY Dec. 24th, 1866, Trains will leave Depot, corner oJ Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.15 A. M. (Mondays excepted), cor Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton,Northeast, Perryville Havre-oe-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman’s, Sdgewood, Matnolla Chase’s and Stemmer’s Bun. Way-mail Train, at 8.30 A. M, (Sondays ex oeptia), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware R. R. at Wilmington for cnsfield and Intermediate stations. Express train at 11.45 A. H. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington. ' . . Express Train at 8.00 JP, M. (Sundays excepted), far Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater, Thurlow, Linwood. daymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East- Perryville, Havrenle Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’B, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase’s and Steamer's Bun. Night Express at 13.00 P.M. (daily) for Baltimore and ■Waanmgton. Connects at Wilmington with Delaware R.R.line (Saturday’s mping at Middleton, Huyrna, Lover, Banisgton, seaford, Salisbury, Prince Anne and connecting at Crlafield with boat for Norfolk,Portsmouth and the South. Passengers ny boat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe. Norfolk, will tat* the 11.45 A. M. Train. WILMINGTON TRalNSs flopping at til stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. leave Philadelphia At 12.30, 4,00, 8.00 and 11.80 (dally) P.M. The 4.00 P. M.train connects with the Dela ware Railroad for Milford and intermediate stations. The 6.00 P. M. Train runs to Sew Castle. •.Leave Wilmington 7.15 and 8.80 A.H.,SDO and 8.30 P.M-dolly. Prom Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltimore 7.25A.M., WayMalL B.3sA.M.,Express. 1.10 P.M., Express. 05 F. H., Express. . B£s P. M., Express. Prcm Baltimore to Havre de-Grace and intermedi ate Stations at 400 P.M. _ Trains tor Baltimore' leave Chester at 4.49 and 9,12 A. M.. and os P. M. : Trains fbr Baltimore leave Wllmlngtonnt 5J3. and 10.00 A M..and 4.18 P.M. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE. Leave Baltimore at P. M., stopping at Havre d, Brace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark to take passengers lbr Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore and at Chester to leave passengers trom Washington or £■lll more. Through tickets to all points WestHouth and South west way be procured at TICKET OF PICS, 823 CHESTNUT STREET, under Continental Hotel. Per sons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by Graham's Baggage Ex> preß3 ' • H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent; i TFlil WWW 1 1868. PHILADELPHIA 'AND RAILROAD. 1888. Thus great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie od Lake Erie. It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania Bailread Company. Time ox PASsnrreEß T-RAirre at f&ixadblphu, ' ABBTVB EASTWARD. Erie Mall Train..-............,..™.,.........,.............7.00 A, E Krio Express Train 1.20 P.M, Elmira Ma 11... . -5.40 P. M, leave westwabb. Erie Mall Train. ; —......A00P. M, Erie Express Train.—— ........-...—...12.00 M, Elmira Mall— ...8.00 A. M. Passenger Cars run through on the Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways, between Philadelphia and Erie. NKW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 AM.,arrive at Erie 10.00 A. M- Leave New York at 5 OOP M.; arrive at Erie 7.15 P.M Leave Erie at 5.80 P. H., arrive at New York 4.40 P. M Leave Erie at 9.10 A. M.; arrive at New York 10J0P.M Elegant Bleeping Cars on all Night Trains. s • For Information respecting passenger business apply at corner THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, Phila delphia. ... And lor Freight business of the Company’s Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr„ corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. w. Reynolds,Erie, • Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Philadelphia. General Ticket General Superintendent, Erie. WEST CHESTER AND PHXLA- WpP»*«gll DSLPHIA RAILROAD. . VIA WINTKB ARRANGEMENTS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 15th, 1888, the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS, Leave Philadelphia fbr West Chester, born Depot Thirty-first and Market street, 7.50 A M., 11.00 A M., 180,4.45 and 6.15 P. M. Leave West Cheater for Philadelphia, from Depot on E. Market street 6.30. 8.00. 10.45 A M.. 1.65,4.50 P, M, 'Trains leaving West Chester at 8.00 AM. and leaving Philadelphia at 4.45P.M.. will not stop at Pennelton, rad will stop below B. O. Junction at Media only, PENNELTON TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia fbr Pennelton 4.15 and 11.00 P. M. Leave Pennelton for Philadelphia 8.47 A M..7.5S P.M. These Trams stop at all intermediate stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A, H, and s.OO P. M. Leave West Chester 7ES AM and 4.00 PM. Osr Spstdays— The West Philadelphia Passenger cars wtl leave Eleventh and Market streets, half-an hour before the Train leaves the depot, and wUI leave depot on the arrival of eaeh train to oonvey passengers Into the city. • Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A M. and 4.45 P, M,, and leaving West Chester at 8.00 A. M. and 4.50 P. M„ connect at 8.0. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. R, B. for Oxford and Intermediate points. JETPassensers are allowed to take wearing apparel, only as Baggage, and the Company will not, In any ■ase, he responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, unless a special contract Is made for the gamp, HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent TBAVEmre Mroi ’ KLemimum north , Pennsylvania b - a.—thb middle saoneet aud most direct line to BethleheuiiAllentown! ganchChmak, Hasletpn.WhlteHavenWHkesbam. l£fi>anay allpahita tnthe Lshlgh and Wyffi mlngOealßeglone , ... , .. ... . Passenger Depots 1b Philadelphia. THIRD street, above Thompson! and corner of rwrkb and amtcrt. CAH streets. , r ■ . .. BuMMUitt APRAltGKhiilN'f. ’ - NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and alter Monday, May ,2lst,iaBB, Passenger trains leave the Depot, Third street, abeve Thompson, dally (Snndays excepted), as follows: ’.rr.-ir’A ATWA.M.—Morning Express Ibr Bethlehem and and. Principal; Stations on Herthi Pennaylvsnla Ban- Valley Chnnfc Ha- and Wyoming . eruJMahanoyßallroad tor Uahanoy City, and ■ wlthfedawlssa Kafiroart, ibr - Bnpert, Dagyfilek Milton and WUUamsport.ArriveatMauchOhtmkrtll.eA. M,l at WUkesDarre at 2.45 at Hahanoy Olty at 1 P.M. Passedgeraby thla tmn can take the Lehigh Valley Train, passing Bethlehem at 12.00 M. Ibr Eas .toyndjffrt. on Hew Jersey Oentral Railroad to "AT A ‘fbr Doylestown, stopping at all intermediate Sta ons. - Passengers fbr Willow Grove, Hatboro 1 and B uvula, hy ms train,' take Stage- aToid York Be'-' , ' AT EA. M.—Accomm... /, rnr Port Washing, ton! stopping at all intermediate Stations. I At 230 P.ll, Accommodation for Doyleetown, stop* ping: at all Intermediate stations! Passengers tatc stage at DeyleetewnforHewHope. > ■ 1 7 i AT 338 P. M.—Evening Kxprma Ihir Bethlehem mod principal Stations,on the North Pennsylvania BaE road, making doee connection at Bethlehem with Le hlgh v alley Train fbr Easton, reaching there at 8.15 P, M 7 Passengers ffir Plainfield, BomervUle and other points on NewJereeyiCentral 8.8. takeN; J.O.Train ' at Easton, which arrlstt in New-Yerk at 10 PiM. Pas sengers for BnmneyWwn taka stage at North Wales, and lor Norarethat Bethlehem and fox Greenville a * Quakertown i . c - AT .4.15 p, MtHAocommodatton, .ran Doylestown, ■stopplng at all Intermediate Stations. Passengers for Wmow Grove, Hatboro’; andHartsvllie take* stage rt -Ablngton: fbr Lomberville at Doylestown. - I ■ AT 6,15 P, M.—TbTOOZb Anmmninjfctlftii. fiff; BeUi> : lehem andnll stations nn main line of HortkPennsyj vania Ballroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehlgc Valley Evening Train tar Allentown, Uanch Chnnck. AT 8.15 P.M.—Annummodatlon. te Tanadalai nop. pingataUlntermedlateStatlons.'. . At 11P.M. Accommodation Ibr Port Washington. ; - .TRAINS 808 ptttt.atitct.pttta ( Leave Bethlehem at tss- A. M.. audi2.2sM.,aad til 1 12.25 train makes direct connection with Lehigh Val ley trains ft om Easton; Wllkeebarre, Mahoney City, Hftv.Tfttnn, unrt ftrriypw in PhUft/iolphift At B.M P. W_ . Passengers leaving WHkesbarre at 1.15 P. sL,oonneol at Bethlehem at eo&P. M. , and arrive la PhUadelpbls at P.M. 7 " i ’ Leave Doylestown at SAO AM.AIS and CJO P, M! , ' Leave Lansdale at S AAL . Leave Port atlttMand2.lsP. M. j Philadelphia fbr Bethlehem at S A. H. - Philadelphia, fbr Doylestown at aa) P. Mi . Doyleetown. fbr Philadelphia at 7.2 a A, M. ■ Bethlehemlor Philadelphia at 130 P.M. ’ Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Cara conv y pas sngers to and from Berks Street Depot! White Cars of Second and Third Streets Line convey pacsegners to Third Street Bepot. , TiclZetn must be Brocored at tneTlcket Offices, THIRD street or BEBBS street, In order to secure the lowest rates of fere. ELLIS CLARK, Agent Hillman’s Baggage Express will caU far and dellvsr Baggage at the Depot ■ . i No. 1U Booth THIBD street MyH fgrrnMAmrfJiri FOB HEW YORK.—The CAMI ZITH AND AMBOY and PHILA DALpSIA aid) TBENTON BAXLEOAD COM PANT’S LINES, Cram Philadelphia to New York, and way placee, from WALNUT STREET WHARF, will leave as follows, via: ... Ibr*. At s A. EL, via Camden and Amboy, Aooom., |2 2 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express, sec At 2 P. ML via Camden and Amboy Express, 8t» AttCOP.M.,via Camden:and Am-llstciass. 22r bey. Accom and Emigrant, 1 M class is: At 10 A. M.,2 and 5.00 f.tLPor Mount Holly.Ewans vnieJemberton Birmingham and Vlncentown. and at 6 A. M and 6 P. M. for Mount Holly, only, stbA II all e-J P.M. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M. EM. *, 6,6, and 11.30 P. ELJbrFlsl. House, palmyra,’ Riverton, Progress, Delanco. Beverly, Rlgewater, Burlington, Florence. Borden town, Ac. The 10 A.Mjmdi PJ£. lines rnna direct through to Trenton. KENSINGTON DEPOT Will Itavi 43 foUOWB * At U A. M.I4AV 5.t5 P. M. and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express SS ot The 6.45 P. M. XJne will run dally, AH others Sun days excepted. „ At73o and II.TO A. M., 8, ISO, 138,5 and 6,45 P. M„ and 12 Midnight, for Bristol, Tientoo. Ac. At 730 aid 10.15 A.M., 3. 430, sand 12 P. M. for Br.hpppfcw. At 10.16 A M.. 3,5. and 12 P. M. for Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15, A. M., 8,4, 5,6, and 12 i*. M* fbi HtHmesbarg, Tacony, Brideo burj and Eran&ford, and 6 P. hL, tot Holmesbnrg and intermediate Stations. At iu 25 A. H., 8, 4.5 6.8 and 12 P.I H. for Wlsfilnom- • ins. n~-T.VmRR.-K DELAWARE RAILROAD, fIJI th« Delaware River Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, ue New York BtAte,and the Great Lakea. Daily (Sundays excepted! from Kensington Deoot, as follows: At 7XO A 1L lor Niagara Fills, Bui !»!o, Dunkirk. Canandalgna-Elmlra. Ithaca, Owed, Rochester, Blnghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, areal Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre Scranton, Strondsbnrg, Water Gap. A- A. M. and S.SO P. M. for Belvidere, Eastoa, LembcrtvUfe, FiercUgion, ifcc. The z,3) P M. Line connects direct with tae Train leaving Easton for Manr> chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem. «£c. At5P, M.forLambermiieaaaintefmediataStaHont AST Sot New York, and Way .Lines leaving Ken tlngton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, abov* Wain at, frnff an hoar before departure. The cars run into the Depot, anu on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 823 Ches nut street. Continental Hotel, where tickets to New ■y ork and all Important points North and Bast, may be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at. this Office, can, by leaving orders, have their baggage checked at their ) evidences, by Graham's Baggage Express. .. _ Fiity Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passes ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking Myffijß* as b&jjgsgejbnt their wearing apparel. AIL baggage overfiny pounds to be paid for extra. The Company Mmtt their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar pei noxwd, and will not be liable for any amount beyond KIR PHILADELPHIA Will leave from foot of Cortland street, at IS hi. and «/P. M.. via Jersey City nnd Camden. At 7 and If A. M., 6 p, M. and 12 Sight via Jersey City and Ken linrton. Prom Pier No. IN. 6 A, 2d. and a, 4 P.M* via Amboy and Camdon. - • V WM, H. QATOMER. Agent, ircrwHgggr l Pennsylvania central railroad. ARRANGEMENT. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Repot, at Thlrty-Urst and Market streets, which la reached directly by the care of the Market Street Passenger Railway. Those of the Chestnnt and Walnut Street i all way run within one square of It. ON SUNDAYS.—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets 35 minutes before the de parture of each train. MANN’S RAGGAGE EXPRESS wIU call for and deliver Baggage at the Repot. Orders left at the office No. 631 chestnut street, will receive attention. - ■ TRAINS LEAVE REPOT, VIZ.! MAIL TRAIN at 8.00 A. M PAOLI ACCOM., NOS. 1 A 2.10.00A.M.A1L20P. M PAST LINE* ERIE EXPRESS at 12.00 M. PARKBBURG TRAIN i —at 1.00 P. M. HARRISBURG ACCOM —. .At 2.30 P.M. LANCASTER ACCOM At 4.00 P. M PITTSBURGH* BRIE MAIL. At 9.00P.M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. —At 11.00 P. M Pittsburgh * Erie Mall leaves daily, ezoept Bator day Philadelphia ExpressUeaves dally. All other trains daily,except Sunday* . . Psssengers by Mail Train go to Williamsport without change of oars, and arrive at Lock Haven at 8.10 P. M. Passengers by Mail Teain go to Carlisle and Cbambersburg without a change of care. SleepiDgCar Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, 631 Cheetnut Btreet. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT,VIZ: CINCINNATI EXPRESS —. at 12.50 A. M, PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS “ 710 “ PA Oil ACCOM., Nos. 1 <62—.820 A. M„ & 7.10 P. M PARKBBURG TRAIN at 9.20 A, M LANCASTER TRAIN— ” 12.10 P.M FAST LINE..- - HO " DAY EXPRESS ‘ 5.00 ‘ HARRISBURG ACCOM...- ....... ... “ 9.50 “ Philadelphia Express arrives daily, except Monday. Cincinnati Express arrives daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. „ ■ Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 7.00 A. M.,and Williamsport at 8.40 A. M. .reach Philadelphia, with out change of cars, from Williamsport, by Day Ex press, at 5 50 P.M. ' „ . „ The Pennsylvania Railroad, Company will not as sume any ilsk for Baggage, except fur Wearing ADpa rel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dol lars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value, will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. , For further lr formation, apply to ■ - • JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent.63lCnestnntstreot. 6AMUELH. WALLACE., lcket Agent at the Depot. AN Emigrant Train runs dally, except Sunday. For fbU particulars as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK. 137 Dock .-treet. RECSSSSEI PITTSBURGH. COLUMBUS CINCINNATI RAILROAD OOMkANY.’ THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD. Owing to tne great dlstancasaved Dy THIS ROUTE the Government has assigned the carrying of the U. 8. matt, to the Principal Cities of the West and Southwest. • • THERE BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNATI. AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. . ____ PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE-WILL ARRIVE IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO ANB ST. LOUIS. ONE TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHJfiB Link. Fast line 12.10 M. Passengers by this train take popper at Altoona, can take stateroom aieepiugcars. Pauengere are not subject to change at ran through to Coshocton, affording an unbroken B flight Express UP, H. Passengers can take sleeping carß tbrougn to Cincinhaitl with but -one change, this line 5 on have the advantage of comfort and pleasure; particularly for l&dies traveling alone, and families with children by this route between Philadelphia aad all th& principal points West and South., Be Bure to purchase tickets “VIA. STKUBKN' VILLE,” at PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD 088108 Corner Thirtieth and " S.F. ‘ ' , Gon'l Picket Ag't, Steubenville. O, ■ JOHN H. MILLER. .Gen’l Eastern Pass. Ag’t. 526 Broadway, Now York. JOHN DURAND, Gen’l Snp’t. . feG-tf Pennsylvania Railroad Office, 631 Chestnnt street! Pnd Thirtieth an J Market streets. West Philadelphia, TBAVEMMOgiyiPB. lb£l ESSHftss&si 1 jr n 11, A DEnP-El-tA:: i.s fiBIBSESSiB» TOWN ANh* " NORBB TOWN : a.o.lLjwjadTlME TABLE.—Onand after THURS DAY, Novemberi,iB«6.untll further notice. FOB GERMANTOWN. “ „ leave Fhliadelphla-6, 7. 8,9, 10, 11.12 A. M.;l, 2, aiß, 355. 4.5, 6«: eTio, 7; s, 9. ioTii, 12 A if... Leave Germantown-6,7,7ki8; &20, 9,10, 11,12,A. M„ 1,2.3,4,454: MX. 7,8, 9,10. u?,lli ~ ihe 8.20 down, train. and the 3Xand 65J np trains will not stoponthe Germantown Branch. •.. ■ ON bUSBAYS. mlnntes A. JMC.;'2, 7, and JP« ** J Leave Germantown-815 A. 1. 6, and P. M. —gWA«JSM 1. 0, \ GHEBTKUT-HILII BAxLROAD.' leave Fllladelphla—6,B,loi 12,’ A. M.; 2,55£, 5%,7,9 andm?.M. ■ .. , - . ' leavetCheattrat-Hin-7.10 mlnntes.S, 9.40,and 11,40. A. M.;1.10,3.4q, 5.40,6.40,8,40 and 10.40 F, M. •- 1 ON BTJNDA7S. - S.lßmlnntea.'A. M.; 2 and 7 ' leave Chestnut Hi 11—7.60 minutes A. M.; 12.40,5.40 and9.2sminnlesP.M. -<, FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. 06,1105, A. It; I H, B. 4XM 6.35, 8 06 aua llji P, M.. : Iwave Norristown-5.40,7,7.50,9,11A. M; Ufc 4«, 8 * anaBP.M. - ..r ..... ~ ......... The 5% P. M. train 'will stop at’Tails, School X.ane, Wlsaahlcbon, Manayunk, Spring Mills and OonßhcH hocken snip. . .... ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphla—9 A. M.; 2>£and 6.45 P. M. 1 LeaveNorristown—7A M.,5 andaKP. M. FOBMANAYUNEu Leave Phlladelphla-6,8.35,1105 A. M.; m, 8, V)i, 5%, 6.16,8.05 anally P. Mi , \ 'V. ■ ' IgveMai^nlc^ 0 , 7£, B%4lJ< A, M.; 2,5, ’.U , • ON SUNDAYS. • . leave Philadelphia—9 A, M,; 2% and 6.45 P. M. 1 : LeaveMaownnk—7>J a M,5J4 and9P. M. ...... W,B. WILSON, GeneralSupertntendent, - -nol /- - ■ ' . - Depot, Ninth and Green streets,; ’Usku—mat«D ; ph i r.Aimt.wna' < rat.ti CfßwHgKHt MORE CENTRAL BAXLBOAD.— AND ‘AFTEB MONDAY,.OchlAlKstha Trains’will leave: Phlla , delphia, from the Depot of the .West Cheater* Phila delphia Ballroad, corner of Thlrty-flrst and Market Streets, (West Phllada-l, at 7,50 A.M., and 145 P; M. ; lasave’BMgß Ban, at 5.60, And Oxford at‘B.Bs A. M., and leave Oxford; at 825 P.M. p. oaf . lo i A Market Train with Passenger Oar attached, will rnn on Tuesdays and Prtdaysl leavmg-the Blaine Bon at 11J5 A. M>,Oxlord at 12.00 M,, andEennett at 100 P. K.,"connecting at West Chester Junction with a Train ;fqr Philadelphia.; On Wednesday and Bator days, trains leave Philadelphia at Ifcso P, M,, rnn through to Oxford. - - • ; l, • -. ’ • , The Train leaving Fhlladelphla at 7.50 A, Mcon nects at Oxford with a dally line of Stages for Peach . Bottom, In iAncaster county. Betomlng,leaves Peach . Bottom to connect at OxfUrdwlth the Afternoon Train Ter Philadelphia. • . . , i The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.15 raps to Blaln» Enn, Md. •• Passengers .greallowedto take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible fbr an amount exoeedlngonehtm died dollars, nnless a snedal contrast be made for the same mbit HENRY WOOD Gsspl Snn’fc reneggunua.i west jersey railroad ■HHBCSSBSLLINES.ftom foot of Market street upper Petty, commencing MONDAY, September 24, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: , Tor Bridgeton, Salem, Millville, and all intermediate stations, at 8 A M., MalU 3.30 P. M_ Passenger. For weodbnry 8 A M., 3 30 P. M, and 6 BM, For Cape May at 380 P.M. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A. M, 8 40 A, M, and 4A4 P.M. Bridgeton at 7,05 AM. and 3.20 p. M. Freight P. M. Salem at 850 AM. and 3.05 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. Millville at 8.55 A M.and 3.08 P. M. Frelght6Jo P. M. - Cape May at 11.45 AM. Passenger and Freight. . FREIGHT will be. received at Second Covered Wharf below Walnut street, from7A M. until 5 P. M Freight received before 8 A M. will go forward the same day. - FREIGHT DELIVERY. No. 228 SOUTH DELA wAW AvENUhi. A 27 THE WEST JEBSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the usual branches of express business. A Special Messenger accompanies each through train. Office fbot of Marketstreet, Philadelphia. se24-tf} J. H. MARK LEY, General Agent RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD COMPANY.— on and afierDecember 13th, 1866 trains will rnn as follows from Camden, opposite Vine Street Ferry, dally, Sundays excepted.- 11.30 A. M. Way Freight for all Stations. : atop. M. Through Freight for New York. RETURNING—Freight boat leaves pier 32 North Elver. New York, dally, Sunday excepted, at 5 P.M, reaching Philadelphia early next morning. Freight received In Philadelphia at the Company’s Warehouse, 320 North Delaware avenue, until 5 p. M„ reaching New V ork early next morning. The 9 A M. train from Philadelphia and the U A M. train from New 1 ork are discontinued. 8. O.HUSTY, General Freight Agent, Bed Bank, N.Y. WM. N. CLAYTON, Superintendent. Bed Bant.N. Y. B. H. CHTPMAN.-Agent. de!3tf 320 North Delaware Avenue, rSECiuiinggn raritan and Delaware fIHHSCSSr*BAY RAILROAD.—On and after TSOiiSDAY, December ISth. 1866. thR U A.iL Ex. press Train from New York, and 9 A* M, Express Train from Philadelphia, will be discontinued. dell-tQ JBUBJ3TESS G&BD&. T. HE WES & BROTHER, PLUMBEES AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. [hovS-3mosJ Repairing of all, kinds at short notice. Orders through Post Office will receive prompt attention. JS~ COUNTRY WORE ATTENDED TO. «=gt a C LANCASTER. GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHAKP. KBTXBLISHSD IK 1823. CORN, OATS and HILL-FEED sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to all parts of the City, ae7-ly T? C. KNIGHT & OO. t WHOLESALE GROCERS Iv« 8. E, Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, PhU adelpbla. Agents for the sale of the Products of thi Soatnwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sug&j House, of Philadelphia. Jal-lyr ■PENNSYLVANIA WORKS.—ON THE DKI.A jL WARE river, below ptttt.atvf.t.phta, « CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. , REANEY, SON * OO Engineers and Iron Boat builder*, Manufacturers of Alt Trtnrtifof CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING EN GINES, Iren Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Van, Tanks Propellers. Ac.. Ac. T. BEANEY, W. B. BEANEY, S. ARCHIBOLD, Late or 3ate Beaney. Neaft A Co., Engineer In Chief, Penn Works. Phlla. U. a Navy. J, VAUGHAN MERRICK. WM. H. MERRICK JNO. E. POPE . OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASH O INGTON BTRKETB. . PITTT.I TITT.'PTTT A . HERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Aanufactore High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for Land,River and Marine Service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats. *B, Castings ofall kinds, either Iron or brass. . Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops ant Railroad stations, Ac. ' . Retorts and Gas Machinery, of ths latest and mau Improved construction, 1 ::: ; , i Every description of plantation Machinery; and Sugar. Saw ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opes Steam Trains, Defficatots, Filters, Pumping En gines,Ac. Sole Agents for N. BlUenx’s Patent Sugar Bolins Apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer ant Asplnwall. A Wools ey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugai Draining Machine. ■ . ] GAH . Fix'i'mtßS,"-llissliiii Missßffih 31 THACKARA, NO. 713 CHBBTNUT street; MsnnStctnrers. of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac,, Ac.: ivonld caP the attention of the public to their hast and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Ac, They also Introduce Gas pipes into Dwellings and Pnblla Buildings, and attend to extend ing, altering and repairing Gas pipes. All work war ranted lata : lAICB3 A. WBIBHT. THORNTON PERK. CUHMBNT i eniaoon. - thbodorb wbiqht. xramk n, NXAIA, PETER WRIGHT A SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping aad Commission Merchants, No. 115 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia! j FRTVY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PEOPERTY.-Tht only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Dials footed, at T«y low prices. A. PEYSSON. Hannßtctnrer of Poudretis, : Goldsmith’s Hall. Library strati: CLOTHS, CAS»IME»EB, «feO. CLOTHS- OASBIMEBES AND VESTINGb. JAMES A LEE Invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted stock ol Goods, adapted to men’s and boys’ wear, comprising In part Black French Cloths, _ Bine French Cloths, Colored French Cloths. OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers, Black Esquimaux Beavers, Colored Esquimaux Beavers, , Blue and Black Pilots, Bine and Black Paletots. PANTALOON STUFFS, Black French Casslmeres, Black French Doeskins, Fancy Casslmeres, Mixed and Striped Casslmeres, . : Plaid and silk Mixed Casslmeres, Satinets, all qualities,- , , - Cords, Beaverteena.Ao., , ’ . Vestings, all grades. At wholesale and retail, by JAMES A LEE, No. 11 North Second at.. Sign of the Golden Lamb. MILIOEBT. JIBS. B. DILLON, Nos. 32a and 331 SOUTH street, liaa a handsome' assortment of MIXLJNERYIfor the HOLIDAYS. Also,; SILKS, Vi L VETS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS aid framer, LadieswhomaSetbelxowmßonnetasnp delBl2t| plied with all the material!. jwiyfuw POHiME’Vf YORK. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE | Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE TRIPS. The Steamships NORFOLK, Captain Vance. ALEXANDRIA, Captain Allen, VIRGINIA, Captain Stone, . Leaving from each city, ‘ TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, From first wharf below MARKET street, Philadel phia, and Pier 14 EAST River, New York. These steamers insure at lowest rates. ’ FREIGHT received DAILY, at onrnsnal low rates, WM F. CLYDE & CO . Agents, 14 South WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, del7 . 104 WALL street, New York. i ’ |^. r •• a FOB SAVANNAH, GA. SfinStK The Philadelphia and Southern Han Steamship Company’s Regular Lines, second wharl helow Sprnee street. .■ . . .. - , ' The ateamwhlp TOSrAWAFTDA,Capt.W.Jennings, for SAVANNAH, win- commence receiving freight on THTJBBBAP, January sd, and sail onSATDBt BAT, January eth. at 9 o'clock A.' M., and every altercate Saturday thereafter—viz.: January 19, Febru ary,2d,l6.h,4c.; ! . Thlasteamer has fine State Booms and other ac commodations for passengers. Cabinpaasage, $25: Beckdo.. 115. . ' :< ' i Through ticEeiaeold to the following points—Macon, Ga.,434; Columbus, GA. ♦MtAngHsta.Ga., 132; Atlanta, Ga., |39: Albany. Ga., flO; Montgomery, Ala.,*tff; Eu fanla, Ala., t«:Moblle, Ala., —;NetyOrleans, *6O, ' „ Freight taken at low rates,. Through receipts given at through rates to.Habon, Augusta. Columbus, Atlanta-Ga.; Knoxville, Chatta nooga, Nashville, Memphis, Tenn.: Canton; Mlsa.i Nofrelght received or bllls of lading signed on sail*” Agents at Savannah, Hnnter & Gammell. For frelghror passage, applyto — - - WMiL. JaMBS, General Agent,-; - ... ausouth Wharves. _FOB HEW ORT.EANB, DTE BOX'. aHMSaa£ the p htt. t a iahd south- MArLRTItAMHTTTPfinMPATTY’a REOITT.AR RtAATwatitp - - ST AB OF tHB UNION, 1200 tons register; T. N. Cooksey, , ’Wni commeoce receiving freight for the above tort at , second; wharfbelow. Spruce street, to MONDAY, December 81st,' and sail to SATtJBDAY, Jam sth; at 9'o’clock. 'A«'Hi" <1 Be turning, trill leave pw OBLEAISs <m SATUR DAY,; January 190fc' 1 - . . . - This Bteamwr baa (mpudin state Booms and ether accommodations for passengers. ■ Cabin passage, {6O; Deck do., $3O. ; Freighttekenatlowratea. . t .> i : Ztoftelght recelved or bills of ; lading signed on, sail* ~lngday. • , Agents at Hew Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nlckeraon <fi Co., who will give carerol attention' ur shipment oi goods to Galveston,, Mobile, yicksbnrg, and interior ?or flrdght or paasagei apply to . o '.y WM. L. JaMES. General Agent, ; EBfrtf ;,* ; , • •« 814 South Wharves. V«as EOS~WTLMTNQTON, S. C .THE PHILADELPHIA A2JD BOOTH KKN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINE, fromt Second Wharf beIowSPBUGB street; The first-cues steamship PIONEER, captainJ Ben nett, for WILMINGTON, will commence receiving freight op THURSDAY, Decepi bar 27th, and sail on SATURDAY,, December 29th'. at 9 o’clock A. M., and every alternate Bator day thereafter—vis.: January 12th, 26th, Ac. Passengers will find superior accommodations and best attendance. Cabin passage, f29j Beck do., $lO. Frel gat carried at low rates. . 2So freight received or bills of lading signed on sail lug day. . , Agents ai Wilmington, WORTH <£ DANIEL, who will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior. For freight or passage, apply to WH.L JAMES. General Agent, 314 South Wharves BOB BOSTON, SSSsi'A . steamship lima debuot, fiZ?BLV6 FSOM MACS POST XVjZBY sjvbbayo, FE.OH PINE ST. WHABF, v'TnT.ATHCT.TTTTA, AND LONG WHASP, BOSTON. The steamship BOMAN, Captain Baker, wDI sail fiom ihlj&delphla on TburEflav, Jan. 'J, at 10 A. AT, The steamship SAXON, Captain Matthews, will sail from Boston on Wednesday. Jan. 2, at 3 P. M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston u now composed of the .< SOMAN (new). Captain Baker, 1,458 toss burthen, SAXON, Captain Matthewi, I£so ton* bnrthen. , HOBMAN, Captain Crowell, 133 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised and freight will be received every day, a steamer being always on the berth to receive cargo. _ Shippers are requested to send Bins of lading with their goods. Bor freight or passage having superior accommoda tions, apply to EENBIWIKBOkaoa, ans SS2 Sooth Delaware avenue. THROUGH AIR-UNE TO THE SOUTH <§£££&£. AND WEST. ?wTTrrmCT,PTTTA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP COMPANY, THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW TERN. Also, to all points in NORTH and SOUTH CARO LINA, via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and co LYNCHBURG, VAvTENNESSKE, and the WEST. viaNORFOLK,PETERSBURG AND SOUTHBEDB RAILROAD. The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description offreight.- Ne charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. • Steamships insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above Market street. Freight received daily, - • - . WM. P. CLYDE & CO., BelO ' 14 North and 14 South Wharves. HAVANA STEAMBBfa. SEMIMONTHLY LINE. The feteam&hlpi HENDRICK HUDSON.™..™^..... M .».’.Capt.Howea STABS AND STBTPES . Capt. Holmes These steamers will leave this port for Havana every other SATURDAY, at 8 A H. The steamship HENDRICK HuDSON, Howes, master, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY. HORN • XNO, December 29th, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana |5O. No freight received after Thursday, u For freight or passage, applyto . THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, 140 North Delaware avenus. f< hiEW HiATiictm TO ATiitx» 3£afcA.~c AKDRIA, Georgetown and Washington, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connection* at Alexandria, Va., form the moat direct rente for X,ynchbnrg, Bristol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave Kit Wharf above 2£arket atreti every Wednesday and Saturday at UM, Kor Ccelsht apply to the azenta, W. P. CLYDE * 00., It North Wharves. J. B. Davidson, Agent at Geortetown; K, ffldridge A Co., Agents at Alexandria. .. 808 NEW YQBK.—Philadelphia Steam JMwe;'. Propeller Company-Despatch and Swift* sure Lines, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaving daily at 12 M. and 5 P. M. connecting, with all the Northern and Eastern Linen '■> For freight, which will e taken on aooommodattns terms, apply to WH, M. BAIRD A 00., No. 182 South Dataware avenue. ■LWddJh STEAMER FOR SALK.—The fast sailing coppered and copper listened SiSrmBNGETTY (sidewheel), 40Stons O. M., iso JeetlGßg, 24>t feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet 6 inches;draws6feet4lnches water, built of live-oak and red cedar. Apply to E. A. SOULES & CO., ; eelS-tf-: ' - • Dock Street Whart - - fa. NEW TOW-BOAT LINK. JggBE&£B£PXLAWAB£ and GH3&IPJ9LASS WfcBQAT COZCPASY, BARGES towed to and from PHILADELPHIA? HAVRB-PE-GRAOE. BALTIMORE. WASHING TON, and intermediate rebate. - WM, P. (XLYDS & CO., Agent*.. No. 14 South Wharves. Philadelphia. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. jQat. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A centre-board <££» Vessel, suitable lor grain trade. Not over three JfissKyears old. and not over 26 feet 4 inches beam. Apply to EDMUND A. SOUDRR & OO. t No. 3 Dock street. • •' • • - no 3 BR. BABE ARBUTUS, Knowltou, master, from Liverpool, la now discharging under general order at South street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & •SONS, 115 walnut Btreet. de29tf NOTICE.— All persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Br. bark AR BUTUS, from Liverpool as no debts of their contract* in? will be paid by captain or consignees. PETER WRIGHT <fc SONS, ID Walnut street. , de27-tf CONSIGNEES of 25 tons Copper Ore per ship Her* rimac.frrm Liverpool, (wrecked on Townsend’s Inlet. New Jersey,) will please forward their address immediately to the undersigned. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street. del9.f Steamship roman, from boston.—con signees of merchandise per above steamer, wQI , please seßd for their goods, now landing at Pine street wharf. (de2B 3t) HENRY WINSOR & CO. JAB. 8. BHlNDLKRtSnocesaor to JOHN SHINDLE3 & SONS, Ball Makers, No, 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. AU work done In the best manner and on thelowest and xnostfevorable terms, and warranted to give per fect satisfaction. . ; Particular attention given to repairing. EBIJ©A.T£;©J!§i T7VBNTNG CLASSES IN LATIN, FRENCH, £i MATHEMATICS AND HISTORY* For circulars! appJy atthe school rooms, lSlBCheatDut street., ae2o-th,B.w,st;. ■ PHASER BPCKISOSAMr. ' T»R. BABBERTON. CKASBICAE AND MATHS : jJMATTOAi:»ncAfnTuwi has returned firomEurope and can be .at his residence, 838 Sonth FIF TEEENTH Street; will resumehis-private lessons -on December 81st* 1838, andLhis lectures onhistpryjsnd physical geOgraphyonJanaary ?tb, 1867.' delo 18a TtTPiNGSCHOOL. will fikd *veryptovtalon (l)r oomtoit aßd'fefetyi .a horses trained in the best manner.. Saddle horses, horses and vehicles to hire. Also, carriages for ftao*, I^l2S& Cat °' &C ’ THOMAS CBAISB * SOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers