From our Fourthfdjsoii v THE DAILY ETENINQ BPLLETIK.-PHILADILPHIA, EBWAY, DECEMBER 21.3866 —TRIPLE SHEET : From‘■WasMnßton;; ' “ ” *»A*oclat6 » 25 00. “ *« “ 85 00 SO 00.’ •' " “ 4600'. to « 35 00. “ « «. 50 00 BUSINESS C0AT5.....4 8 80. V “ “ " 112 00 w « 9 00, » 14 00 « “ 10 00. *' " “ 1500 « » , m 00. “ “ “ moo « I* 1200, “ “ ” 1500 « •• 14 00. “ " “ 20 00 “ « 16 00. “ “ " 23 00 « « 18 00, M " “ 25 00 FA2f T 4 00. M “ - 11 $6 00 it « 5 (Kt 11 M '* " > 6 00. 11 *'• •• 700, « .« 8 00. 7 50 8 50 « “ “ 10 00 ii ii it 12 00 9 00, M “ M 1400 »* 10 00. " 11 M 15 00 V BB I B..!..AtHMM 2 50. “ ” 11 14 00 it ii 8 00. M 11 *• 500 « « 4 00. «' 11 " 6 00 » ii 5 00. ” ** “ 7 00 h ** 6 od. " 11 : : “ 9 We have &y far the largest and best assortment o. Hen’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing In Philadelphia, which Is being replenished by large dally additions, jnann&ctured or goods purchased recently at much lest than cost, and haying reduced all stock on hand to proportionate priceß, are offering such bargains as are above numerated. How is gems sacs to buy—fricss can bb no XOWES, HALF WAY HETWHEN ") BENNETT & Co., . FIFTH AND J- TSWEB HALL, " Bush Bsa J ns Mabkbt Stbebt. R. B. B.—RAD WAY’S BRADY BELIEF.-TO BB need on all occasions of pain or sudden sickness. Im mediate relief and conseqnent core fbr the ailments and diseases prescribed, is what the Belife guaran tees to perform. Its motto Is plain and systematic: ft-wilt surely euret There Is no other remedy, no other Liniment, no kind of Pain-killer, that will check pain so suddenly and so satisfactorily as Rah way's Beaby BsiJgr. It has been thoroughly tested In the workshop and'ls the conn ting-room and at the forge; among civilians and soldiers, In the pailor and In the hospital, throughout all the varied climes of the earth, and one general verdict has come home: ''The moment Badways Beads/ Belief it applied externally, or taken inwardly, according (a directions, fain, Aon whatever cause, ceases to exist/” Use no other kind tor Spbazks or Burns,or Scalds, or Cuts, Cramps, Beuibes, or Strains, It Is excellent for Chilblains, Mosquito-Bites, also Stings op Poi sonous Insects. It 1b unparalleled lor Bun strokes, Apoplexy, Bheumatibm, Toothache, Tic Dolou bbux. Inflammation of the Stomach. Bowels. Sidneys, &c. Good for almost everything. No family should be without it. Fellow directions and a speedy erne will be effected. Bold by Druggists. Price SO cents per bottle. no2l-w,tm-lot ■ 11 Ml STKOK * OO.'S PIANOS.—, BSBHKrhese beantlfol instruments are as||9sß> •fill 'strongly recommended by the fallow-'I" 111 lng among the leading artists in America as any Pianos made In this country or In Europe, Wm. Mason. S. B. Mills, Theo. Thomas, H. 0. Timm. Max Maretzek, Geo. W. Morgan, Carl Bergman, Carl Wolfbohn, Chas. H. JarvlAM. H., Cross, Carl Gaert- o4Thunder, J. N. Beck, Joseph Blzzo, 3, Circulars of certificates as to their durability, and the references ol one thousand purchasers In Phlik. telphla and vicinity, to be had on application. For sale In Philadelphia only, by • J. E. GOULD, lag-tfj Seventh and Chestnut. CKICKKRING PIANOS IN EUROPE.— HANS TON BULOW, the treat German Pianist, by letters I nit received from Europe, proposes to play only the CHICKEBING PIANOS during his concert tour In ths United States. w. H. DUTTON, seM-tfj No. »H Ohestnnt street. PIANOS. 1 GEO. BTECK A CO’S, cele- ( PIANOS. PIANOS. S-brated Pianos, fbr sale only-) PIANOS. PIANOS. Jby . J. E. GOULD, l PIANOS. Seventh and Chestnut. ... . ACHIOEKRING6BAND PTfITTTT ... RjMSplayed by ScambaU, the great FtanlsilESßa nUTl of Europe, at Florence, Italy, wullltll considered superior In all respects to the instruments of Sroadwood ArErard, hitherto regarded as the best lathe world. ' .. N«wBoomfl8U nilTTir- CHIOBEBING GRAND PlANQB.__j—- ■B-The New Beale Chlckerinx rinnin nr* '■ Rill I pianos are acknowledged the best lnMl All England, Germany and Italy. Notice the great teatl im;nlttta received from Europe in August last. Mag nificent collection of these Instruments. CHICKBRIHB BOOMS, Sl4 CHESTNUT STREET. OCfrtfl W. K. DUTTON. flAflthJr ORGANS. 1 These beautiful instruments CABINET ORGANS. J-are made only by ' MASON CABINET ORGANS. J HAMLIN, and for sale In Philadelphia, only by J. E. GOULD, ' Seventh and Chestnut. —I . THE (THICBBRING . r ■|Bi9PIANOS possess quality of tone and Egg Ml * I 'amotmt of power next to the Grand! it all Plano, and are particularly adapted to the Parlor, the Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful lustra ttoeetnutsfreeU y “ lety ’** Chlckerlng Booms,9U OCM-tf . W. H, DUTTON, PIANO BOOMS W. H. DUTTON, MSfrtfl No. 914 Oheetnnt street. .THE BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE EMEE ■wSBON PIANOS, seven octaveß: charming (ene; ■n *1 'guaranteed drnnmilltyj very low price, mm : w. h! dtjtton. j W-, KINDT * MAHZ’B (FORMERLY WITH BUtjYWtelnway) nnsnrpasied PIANOS, at mode ill *1 Irate prices. Marshall & Mittaner’e powerful Pianos, othersTer 1278. A, SOBLKRZEB, no2S IpiANO, finished In EBONY ABDnUI I GOLD, jost opened. Chickering Booms, 914 CHEST NUT street Tdelo tf] - ff. H. DUTTON. PIANOS. 1 HAINES BRO’S. elegant Instruments PIANOS. Sand moderate in price, I haye dealt In for PIANOS, J fourteen years, and give a five years’ guarantee with each. J. E. GOULD, noB-tf • - . Seventh and ChestnnL ©IT* BUhLETU, Fibe in the Ninth Wabd.—This morn ing, about halt-past ten o’clock, a lire broke out in a three-storied brick building, located at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Market streets. The dames origin ated in the second story, Occupied by J. B. Laughlin, photographer. Owing to the combustible material in the place, and the fact that many fire plugs in the vi cinity were frozen, the flames gained con siderable headway before the firemen could get into service. The upper part of the struoture and roof were destroyed. E very thin g in Mr. Langhlin’s establishment was burned. The first floor was occupied by Bobt. Lig. get & Co., dealers in steel and iron. The fire did not reach this apartment,but the stock was damaged by water., v The third story was J occupied as a iob printing ofice. The bnilding belonged to Bobert Liggett, and is insured. Whitman’s (Mb. Stephen Whitman’s) great confectionery establishment, No. 1210 Market street, never was so well-stocked, and never looked so brilliant as it does now, an .T , 6 throngs of purchasers of holiday articles add to its gay appearance. There is an Infinite variety of good and tempting things, and a wonderful assortment of fancy boxes for bon-bons; some of them are really artistic, and after their contents are gone, they will be preserved for their beauty and utility by those who may be fortunate enough to receive them. He has added to his establishment an extended factory for fine and table chocolates, which will super sede the necessity of our depending on the Eastern market for our supplies. Skating.—The lovers of this exhilarating sport now have another chance. The cold weather of last night has caused all the ponds and small streams in the vicinity of* the city to be frozen, and the skating parks are an in good condition. At the Arctic Nark, Eighth and Columbia avenue, there was a good attendance of skaters this morning. Mr. E. H. Hayhnrst, the Super intendent, has made every arrangement for the comfort and convenience of his visitors. Another Cold Snap.—Daring yesterday a strong northwest breeze sprang up and TG?,v,? 1 .t rcury commenced to sink. - Last eather w as very cold; the ther -80“e exposed' points about the iv? ng got as low as zero. : Aboutday nhihtSvii“B < f rll A :is t the thermometer at Ger- At nbon^o-d^ d at degreeabove zero; *$^ utßtreet - themer - Pbbsonal.- Miss Anna E. Dickinson is home in this; city this -A he Was taken ill in uMote with typhoid pnenmoniaJand a t onetime her,life was despaired of. Her manvfriends wiil be giad to learn thatr she “i mproviTO She will not be able to fill anyoThfr lecture engagements daring this season .however. ’ /■. ’ < Man Stabbed.— This mornin g about half past three o’clock, Patrick Curtin, aged 25 years, residing on Carlton street, west of Seventeenth, was stabbed by John, alias Trotter Boyle, The two men were personal friends and had been,together at a dance at Seventeenth and Callowbilll streets. Both inbibed pretty freely. On the way home, and when nearly in front of the house of Cnrtih, they quarreled, and Boyle, it is alleged, plunged a knife into the abdomen of Curtin, causing a serious wound. The as sailant was hot arrested, and the wounded • man expressed a desire not to have him captured. Dishonest Domestic.— Before Alderman Butler this morning Rebecca Brown was charged with the larceny of clothing. She had been employed as a servant at a house, No, 716 Wood street, and deoamped suddenly with several articles belonging to her employer. She was arrested at Sixth and Lombard streets with a portion of the stolen property on her and the other part under iter arm. She was sent below in de fault of $5OO bail. Stealing Furnaces.— George Fnher, white, and-John Mitchell, black, were ar* rested, last evening, while in the act o f stealing a furnace from the front of a store at Third and South streets. It is said that they have been in the habit of stealing the farnaces. About a dozen have been missed from this store. The accused were com mitted by Alderman Butler. . A Brutal Fellow.— John Hoult was before Aid. Good yesterday upon the charge of assault and battery. He lives in Ch - ten avenne in Germantown. He is said to be in the habit of drinking a pint of whis ky in the morning before breakfast. It is alleged that be attempted to assault his wife with a knife, and chased her into the street; also that he threatened some of the other tenants in the house. He was com mitted to answer. . Larceny. —Lewis Charles was held in $7OO bail this morning, by Aid. Massey, to answer the charge of the larceny of a coat, valued at $3O, and three boxes of cigars, valued atsls, from thestoreof G. Sbeppard, at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Gal lowhill streets. A Mackerel Thief,— John Maxwell was arrested yesterday afternoon, for the larceny of a barrel of mackerel, from a store at Twentieth and Green streets. This mom - ng he was arraigned before Aid. Hutchin son, and was held in $5OO bail for a farther hearing. Shoplifting.— Susan Melon was arrested yesterday for the larceny of gloves from a store at Second and Coates. She was taken before Alderman Toland and was keld in $BOO bail to answer. street . W. PL DUTTON The Schuylkill.— The river Schuylkill is now frozen over. Above Fairmount dam tbe ice is of sufficient thickness to bear people, and this morning there were quite a number of persons engaged in skating close to the shore. Children Cutting their Teeth Hard may be considerably relieved by applying a small P°dlon of Bower’s Infant OsrdicU to the finger, and robbing the gums gently for a short time. Boweb’s Glycerine Cbeam for chanued and rough akin. Depot, Sixth and Vine. 35 eta. Jm. , Dbuggists’Sundbies and Fancy Goods, SNOWDEN A BBOTHEB. Importers, 23 SouthElghth street. Bheumatism Cubed ob no Pay Asked —Dr. Filler’s Bemedy cured Joseph Stevens, 633 Owen street; he never expected to set well, j Female Tbusses and Braces, Elastic Supnorts, Stockings, Knee Caps, 4a, light and appro- P£*a for ftmale wear. For sale and adjustment at Needles’Twelfth street first door below Bace. (Lady attendants.) Extraordinary Cube of Bheumatism, -Samuel R. Adams, Nineteenth and Montrose, tried everything, Cured by Dr. Filler's Bemedy. - Brnbow’s Soaps.—Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Bose. 4a . SNOWDEN 4 B&OTHKB, Importers. 23 South Eighth street. A Cube of Bheumatism wobth Seeing. —S. Kilpatrick, 1744 Olive street, cured by Dr. Filler’s Bemedy. Warranted no cure, no pay. „ The name is sweet in itself—“ Sweet Opoponax,” and as charmingly attractive to tha rashlonable world, as the shy delicate blushes creeping up to the forehead of beauty. & ■ltls a most exquisite perftune-so purely-ftagrant and BMaa ting. One drop on a handkerchief wnflast ! It Is stainless. Christmas Comes but Once a Year.— Confectionery has been considered from time lmme morlal an aUJmportant adjnnct to the festivities of Christmas. This being the becomes necessary to know where to procure It of the choicest quality and at the most economical rates. To suchas arenot al „ eady ,.?? > S n ' z ? nt of th B fact, we would state that tha old established house of George Miller & Sons, No. 610 Market street, have reduced their prices 2S per cent mid now offer one of the most superb stocks of sweet meats to be found anj where, ibis firm have long been celebrated for the excellence of their manalac lures, and their Importations of Foreign Fruits. Al monds. Nuts, eta, attract buyers from ail parts of city and country. We cordially commend this establish ment as oneevery way worthy of the confide see and patronage of toe community. ; Chbistmas comes but' once a Yeab ROOKHILL & WILSON’S BROWN STONE CLOTH- NOS. 60S AND 605 OHBSTNUT sixth, we have with us SUITS FOR XMA9. , I YOUTH’S SUITS FOB XMAS BOY’S SUITS FOR XMAS, • MILITARY SUITS FOE XMAS. RLEOANT, TASTEFUL, COMFOKTABLE AND ECONOMICAL, FOR XifAS OR ANY OTHER DAY. • . Interesting Experiments with puts- _ ” bnrgh Guns. A Fortress Monroe correspondent writes as follows: The experiments under thie di rection of Col. T. (J. Baylor, commanding Fort Monroe Arsenal, to test the endurance of eight and twelve-inch rifled Rodman guns, pursuant to the recent recommenda tions of Secretary Btanton, have been com menced there • with determined energy to apply the proposed tests most thoroughly and to accomplish decisive results for the future guidance of the government in the use of heavy ordnance. Thus far the firing has been with the twelve-inch rifle gun, originally known as the Floyd gun, after that called the Lincoln gun, and afterwards the Union gun which name it goes by at present. This gun was cast in Pittsburgh, Pa., and is well known by the thousands who have seen it; it is a ' monster in size, weighing over twenty-six tons. The charges weigh fifty-five pounds each,and the projectiles used,known as the tiger projectile, weigh about six hun dred pounds each. Up to the present time this gun has been fired about four hundred times,’and it appears as strong as ever. It is proposed to continue the firing to' a thou sand times, unless it should explode,-or be come unserviceable before this" number of shots have been fired. In the eight-inch gun the charge weighs fifteen pounds; and ; the projectile about one hundred and fifty pounds.;The gun of this calibre to be/tested has been here several months,, and has al ready been fired some three .hundred and fifty times. It is proposed also to fire this a thousand times, if tfie gun proves equal Jo the test. The experiments will last several w eek s. These proposed tests are connected with the late iron-clad target praotice, and comprise part of a series of most interesting experiments which the government has Wisely inaugurated on the very judiciously Suspicion of.Arson,— Ayoung : man oarned Fat; O'Donald has' bees arrested oa suspicion of having fired the stable of Jacob on-Gomberiand street,Germantown, on Saturday night: last. O’Donald hac formerly been employed in the coal yard'of Mr, Tyson, and: was' 'discharged. When ibe fire was discovered, the work men went to the place where the key .of the stable was generally kept, and which was known only to those who worked in the yard, but thekey was not there. It was af-. forwards found in the stable door. The sup position, is that O’Donald took it for the pur pose of firing the stable.: He was taken be fore Aid. Good, and was held in $l,OOO bail for trial; E.T.SMITH 4 00., New York, Sole Proprietors. .’defeimlvemaxim,.“in tiine'ofpeace prebare -for-war.” * More Indian Depredations. The following letter from W. J. Hill, fer ryman at Owyhee, Oregon; to the Owyhee Avalanche, and published in that paper of t“e 17th ult., gives an interesting accountof. a fight between a party of. Indians, and an ?J e^ Bd - Bta^ e guard, Whioh took place on the Bth of November between. Humboldt. Utah, and the Ferry: s* ' ’ On the Bth inst, about 10 o’clock A. M.. the Humboldt stage; on its way tb Virginia, when within four miles of the Owyhee Fer ry, was attacked by Indians. There were six persons on board—Wash Waltermire. driver; James Mcßae; guard, tmd four pas sengers, named J. Holland, P, Case.vf D. Harrington and W. Wilcox. They did not suspect danger near, when they were fired into by a party of Indians, who lay con cealed among the rocks and behind a forti fication which they bad erected so as to com pletely screen themselves from the sight of those in the stage. Wash ;put his favorite mustangs down to their greatest speed, and would have succeeded in reaching the Ferry without more injury than what was caused by the first volley, but there was another party of Indians on horseback, further along, who kept shooting at them and striving to head them off and surround them, while the party that first fired at them were coming up behind. With steady nerve Wash ran his horses while Mcßae fought the red devils, and keeping them at bay for a distance of two miles, until one of the wheel horses was abet dead and two others badly wounded. This, of course, stopped the stage. When the first volley was fired, Wilcox; who was sitting on the front seat in side the coach, received his death wound by a bullet, which entered his breast near i he right nipple and passing out at his back, also striking Wash in the side, inflicting a slight though rather painful wound. Wil cox exdaimed, “Oh, my God, Fm killed,” and his head sank over and rested on Har rington's knee, where he breathed his last Harrington was shot in thelefthip, the bullet ranging up andpasslng out at his side going through some fix inches of muscle, produc ing a bad flesh wound, but it is not con sidered dangerous, When the horse fell dead the boys unhitched the other three,one of them getting away from them. They then started for the ferry, about two miles distant, leaving Wilcox dead in the stage, together with the mail, baggage, eta The Indians seemed determined to prevent their escape, and continued shooting at them; but Harrington, with great difficulty, hobbled along, and they reached the ferry about 12 o’clock, completely tired out. Four of ns from the station, with Sergeant Brown and eleven men, who are stationed here, immediately hastened to the scene of action, but the red devils had already completed their work and escaped. limy dragged Wilcox from the stage, stripped,scalped him and out his heart out; also taking with them the blankets, eta, belonging to the passen gers, and cutting the mall sack and scatter ing the letters, etc., among the sage brush. We took the body of Wilcox down to the ferry where it was decently interred by the river side. Harrington is-here and his wound is doing well. His fellow-passenger, Holland, is here slbo, taking care of him. It is a faot to be lamented that the pas sengers were not armed. They all concur in bestowing great praise upon the driver and guard, by whose presence of mind and unflinching bravery the remaining lives of all the party were, in all probability, saved. , The stage is running all night, and the in defatigable Charley Barnes, Beecher’s di vision agent, is here to-night with a new lot of horses and plenty of barley. He has men armed to the teeth running with the stage; so that, notwithstanding the recent trouble, passengers can consider themselves sb safe as at any time during the season. Charles Hamilton, Eugene Hamilton, alias Professor Lewis, HrldTingston and the DeForrest brothers, were arrested oh the 26 th ult., at El Paso, by detectives, on a charge of robbing the bank of Rockwell Pl IOOONFaBIOs Ils 100 ah NY A Middle Coalfield s FIRST ; 11600 City 6s new CAP sow 2000 Lehigh 68 ’B4 c 93% 2UX) Camd & Amboy rngt 68 *B3 c 92 UCOUoTeas 78-10 Notes Aug ios 30 sh Fats 4Jlec Bk 13S 4 Bh Lehigh v B 67% 200 sh Catawlss nf a3O 2.% 100 sh Phil* Erie si% 100 Bh do bSO si% PRICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK. (■By TtlegrapK) American flow , aBlooo bid New York OantraL- t,tii United States 68 ’Bl ZZZjiw Sd United Btatee 6s, e-20a. ZZjOiS'SS , 71 KM Hudson River™ ZZZZZZiis bid • Weak. , Hsute and Bihibcm .Dec. 21, iscb. The Stock Market, influenced by the unfavorable re ports horn New York, and another downward turn in Gold, was very weak to day, and prices for almost everything on the list was lower. 111% was the best bldfbr the Coupon Sixes, ’a; 106% fbr the old Five. Twenties; 105% for the ’6lb; 106% tor the ’6s>; 105 for the Seven-Thirties, and 99% for the Ten Forties, state Loans were unchanged, city Loans were held with much firmness. Reading Railroad was feverish, and fell to 61 81—a decline of %. Lehigh Valley Railroad sold at 67%; Catawissa Railroad Preferred at 29%, and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad at 31%-a decline of % 130 was bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; m for Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; 55% for Pennsyl vania Railroad; 48forNorthern Central Railroad,and 37% for North Pennsylvania Railroad. In Canal Btocka the sales were unimportant,l and prices generally Weak. 36% was the best bid for Schuylkill Navigation Preferred. Bank shares were vary quiet. The only sale was of Farmers andMechanlcs, at 185. Passenger t ailway shares were inactive, Eestonville sold at 14% —a decline. Messrs. De Haven Brother, No.. 40 Booth Third X&ra^,atlF^? aotaUo “ of ‘ hem “ 01 . „ .. : Buying. Selling, American Gold 131% I84!i Silver- Quarters and halves }23 A Compound Interest Notes: ‘ June,18M...,i6 " Ju1y,1884... ]£% ” " Aug. 1884... 15 " " Oct., 1864... 14 " ” - Dec., 1864... 13 ;; ;■ May, 1885... 11% " " Aug.,1865... 10% " “ 5ept.,1885... 10 ** 11 Oct.. 1865- 9% ROCEHILL& WILSON FINE'CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Streets FALL & WINTHB OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. [loo ah Read R 100 sh do BOARD. 100 Bh N-Y and Middle Coal Fields b 5 5 100 sh do 5 100 ah Read R b3O 52 100 sh do 85wn 61% loosh do sio >l% loesh do 830 61% ioo sh do sioilat 5i% 20tfsh do h 5 51% id) sh do 51% loosh do 2ds 5181-100 - JayCookel* Oo.qnote Government securities,*u, tojlay, as follows: „ _ ~ Baying, Beilins, u. an. iBn is mSr f-Id 6-0 J Bonds... „.M6% 107 New 5-20 Bonds, 1864....... „„ICS ■ log fsoßonda.lM 105* ios IWOEondo. 95* IoT —i IC4« iobx Gold—at IS o’clock. 184 135 Hniltb, Banaolph A Co., Bankets, is South Tout street, qn. to at 11 o'clock, as follows: Bold ■- im fj-g- gj*J BoniH. mK@Il« U.B. WO, 1862. —«.-.aO6JJ@ C6X 11 "HSWWWMMMMMSIHWWUIISIimWwIOSMQICS?? „ " lfun J055i@106% a. a 7-m-nt «*iaa ios*@ios* M joa mios* ,J? “O^ 6B - 105 @los* S-SO, Jnly, IS65_ 108 @lOS3< Componnda. Dee.. 1864. -..lia*© ■ M. Scholta A Co., No. 16 Sooth Third street, make the following; quotations of the rates of Exchange—ln Gold—per steamer City of New York: London, 60 days sight 108*0109 _ ‘ .*day5....._,...,„....„....„.„.„„__.„a09 @lo9* Paris, 60 dayp sight. £t 17*@5fc IB i “ 8 days— ,st. 15 @sf.l2* Antwerp, 60 days Ef. 17X@S£ 15 Bremen, 60 days. 78K© 79 Hamburg,6o days sa (t 1 36 H Cologne, 60 days... , 72 © 72* ?| | $ ■ m -Market steady. - «, 4 The inspections ofFloor and Meal in Philadelnnia. daring the week ending Dec. 20, 1808, were as fol lows: Barrela , ~ g qsq u Middlings,,,, “ Bye. “ Com 11 Condemned Total — — ........... 6.125 The milowlng 1b the amount of coal transported sver the Schnylfcm Canal, during the week ending Thursday, Dec. 20. 1866: From Port 0arb0n..„...„.... “ Pottßvnie. a. .... . ' l Schuylkill Haven - _ 2.228 16 " Port Clinton.-™ ... . Total for week *,701 00 Previously this year 1,292,674 14 Total. ...,. .1,25v,30<> 15 To same time last year ~,.1 iwe,7?r 09* See Marine Bulletin on Blnenth Page, „ „ arrived this bat Sehr JDMcCartto.Yonng-.from Boston. Schr B Peterson, English, from Boston. Schr Wm John, Street, from Baltimore. Schr W F Gsmson; Lloyd, from Salem. Schr a A M’Oahan, Call, from Salem, schr H Salem. PMp Pontiac. Lowell, New Orleans, iithbury, Wlck erabamAOo. B w?esiergaarf. KatS r * Ul °° rk or Falmouth, L Upplnoott,Havana, Warren,Gregg »chr Nina/Scottan. Sassafras, Christian * Co. Schr Enterprise, Wheaton, Chlnootesgue, J Conner. „ , MEMORANDA Shin Dnppel, Bemns, for this port, entered oat at Lircrpool sa last ln?h I fer W U, 1 ta B A n,BCaUOB, “ Uedfrom L,TBr POOI 6t h Ship Cromwell. Hedge, from Boston for FortLoals and Batavia, was spoken 23d Oct. Ist 51N. lon a w steamer Hunter, Rogers, hence at Providence X9th IOStADL cte»mw'HelvetUk, , Urerpool «ih Inal, for New York. steamer daymopt, Allen, hence at Richmond 19th tn>tant. Chas Gomm, Galllsoa, hence for Antwerp, at Deal sth lust, Bark Mary Baker, Scott, hence, sailed from Deal 3d Inst, ibr Hamburg. Bark Priscilla, drones, cleared at Liverpool Ist Inst, for Montevideo. J Bark Dolphin, Stamp, from Callao, was below Balti more yesterday. lo^or^Md^Su^beT^^ 11^0 - I!th OOXI Newport isth “““ 10r Bo *“ n ' Brigs Sarah A Dudman, Kimball, and Sliver Oar. Trefßy. sailed from Bremerbaven 29th ult. for Cardin’! The Silver Oar put Into Portland 3i Inst, with loss of foxesAU. Schia Owen Bearee, Parker H A Weeks. Hickman and 8 BWheeler, McGlaugblln, hence at Boston 19th instant. . A Andrews, Kelley, cleared at Boston 19th lust, itor this port. Bchr Mary D Cranmer, Cranmer. from Boston for this port, at Holmes’ Hole mhlnst. SchrsCbasE Paige, Alexander Young.Fraaoee Ed waids_B A Hammond, and Ida L Howardaslled from Holmes’ Hole 18th Inst. SchrsS A Hammond. Paine: Alex Young, Youmr El wood Doran, Jarvis- C E Paige, Frink; R W Tull’ Gs* Edwards, Weeks; tfi Atwood, Rich, aod J V Wellington. Chlpman, hence at Boston yesterday echr Volta, Hardy, from Wilmington. NC. for Bos. ton, was ashore On GalJonp’s Island, below Boston yesterday, leaking badly. ' Bchr Decatur Oakes. before reported, remains ashore on Negro Point. Hell Gate, -■ —w - HAINES BROS.’ PIANOS-Moderate In fEwßprice, and sold with five years’ guarantee, in J. E. GOULD, nolo-tUp} SEVruVTH and OHieHTivrrp, STATIONERY —liglTgßS. CAP AND NOTE O PAPKBS.ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, and ivery requisite in the Btatlonory line, selling at tha oweat flgnrea at . _ J. R. DOWNING’S Btatloiiery Store. aais-tfrpl Eighth street, two doors abovb WaKut, IQHN CRUMP, BPILDEr! J 1581 CHESTNUT STREET, and M 3 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required fbr honsebnlld ng and fitting promptly famished. Jy23-6mrp Samuel w. lklnau.ino. hi south seventh street, Philadelphia, PLUMBER; GAS and STEAM FITTER. Work done promptly aad In the best manner. Pumps, Gas fixtures, and all material used in the business furnished. ocl7-6m4pf A WABBUBTON, Jct FASHION ABIiB HATTER, 430 Cheetnnt street Next door to Post office. sel3-ly,lp} \T EWSPAFKB ADVERTISING .—JOY. COB * 00 N. E. corner of FIFTH & CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia, and TBIBUNE BUILDINGS, New fork, are a*enta ter the Btrtxjtint and tor the News papers of the whole country. jyl7-Hmrpt JOY. COE A CO. Gi ) A SKATES. QUU. LADIES AKD GENTLEMEN, ■ Call and see The best assortment and latest styles Steel Skates BOOER’S CLUPPJCRB, SHIRLEY’S SKATKB. . „ GKIPFITH & PAGE, • 600 Arch street. “ rpHE BUGGI/BS GEMS.” 1. The exhibition and sale of these charming little oil paintings, by Ruggles, will POSITIVELY CLOSE on MONDAY EVENING. December 24th. at DUE. Aflhmead & Evans, 724 CHESTNUT Street. de!3 strp* pROWN BRAND LAYER RAISINS.-Wholes \j halves, and quarter boxes of this splendid fruit, landing and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSLER “‘ U Ja “- Fare tor the roqpd trip 25. Depot, THIBTY-FIBST and MABKET Street „ „ . * HECfBY WOOD, de-e-etrp] General Superintendent. Too&Owt . 1.472 05 277,616 96 ARTISTS’ FUND SOCIETY. THE ABTISTB’ FUND SOCIETY. POSTPONED UNTIL JANUABY, IW7. P r «i«e «lay »U 1 ehortly be announced. The picture, will continue upon Free ExhiblHen, at the Booms of the fcociety. 1334 Chestnut Street, from 9A. M. till 7P. M. t natfl farther By order of the fcociety. - jdeis-6trp* ffe this HOIJB4Y hit; am diL TILEO. H M-OALLA, M 49 To „ 49 NORTH NINTH STREET/* 4t7 T i™SRSS’ andiron ware, a apes. BETTIiE TABLES and CLOTHES WRINGERS/* , HOLIDAY GOODS. no 9 3m rpj THOS w. YO3T. Aeeat. APEBA GLABSE-s "—“ Parlaf 1 ” 8 ° pera GlaSsB8 ' m»d£ by M. BARDOU.oI Imported and fiat sale only by „ C. W. A. TBUMPLER, Seventh and Chestnnt atreeta. OC2P-4p,tf Jl D- * DICKKBSOS first ato re above Chestnut, ocMr MO. 738.—TU8 AACH STRKKT £V v _ _ DINING BOOHS re-eatabllihed and are now open JJ?S^SL lbr , tlart av £? respectfully solicit * ccniinoation of your .patronage. . connection with this Rouse we have a number ot airmailed single room* for gentlemen, and suites of unmrntehed rooms suitable for centlemaa and wife, orfemliies, witb board. Good reference required. »^S , S? e S£ ert *®w N( h 723 ABOH Street, one door be low -Eighth, north side* desi-i™^ THE ATTRACTION 19 GOOD PICTURES ANO A moderate charges, at REIMER’S Photographic Gallery, hecond street, above Green. Six Cards or one large Photograph |1; Ferrotypes, 12 Car 50 cents, ijo >ANICE HOUSEKEEPER present a Clothes - or Carpet Sweeper, which bo neatly di minish the discomforts necessarily attendant noon either a "washing or sweeping day.’* Several kinds we Mid ,by TRUMAN & fi&Aw, Ho. SB (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. Life-sized photographs in oil abe an unquestionable L'kness and superior Pictures. If made at 8.-RBIMER ? S Gallery, 624 Arch street. Av^i? 1 ® ASSORTMENT of 55 styles of Skates for Misses, Gentlemen or Boys; Bkata btraps, «ee> Plates, Skaters’ Pocket Glmfeis, and Parlor Hcaiee (by which you may learn to skate Indoors). repaired. TRUMAN | street. Six Cards or one large Photograph only |l, /COUSIN DICE’S grin of delight would perhaps be \j broader and more puckered If your Christmas Gift to him was a Box of Toole, a Boy’s Work Bench, or a Boys Turning Lathe, or one of those nice Sleds *£? SleighMor sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No, 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. pHAMPAGNE.—Booche, Fils & Co., Star Green \J Seal. Jnat received, a Ireah Invoice of the above now In store, and for sale by K. p. MIDDLETON, No. sNorth Front street, sole Agents for the Doited States. de2l-8!G ROSS WATER —J a? t received ft a Invoice ® Ce '' b Si?gJL‘CJ>lnesB triple distilled ROSE, OIUUSGE, FLOWER and CHERRY LAUREL For sale In case and bottles. ROBERT SHOEMAKER £ CO. . ... [ „ ' . . WholesaleDroggisis, deil Eorthesstcor. Fourth and Race streets. R OBBIEDORK’S PATENT kart .my and _ ' GROATS, Bethtlehem oat hleal, Bermnda Arrow Boot. Cox's Sparkling Gelatin, Taylor's Homceopa'hio Cocoa, Cooper’s Gelatin, Ac,, supplied to Be tall Drag gUt at lowest prlcet. . ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. Wholesale Druggists. de-1 U| Northeast cor, fourth and Racestreet. —QEO.BTEOK to 916; also, a few samoles Muslin Mantillas, and a choice assortment Embroidered Muslin Evening Dresses, : •• del»6trp» T 'WOHUNDRED REAL BLACK THREAD LACE POINTES. • • - GEO. W. VOGEL, No 1016 CHESTNUT street, has receiver per steamer Propontis, and opened this morning. ONE CASE BLACK BEAL LACE POINTES. G. W. V. la now prepared to offer to parties wanting 3 eal Lace Pointes for Holiday and Bridal PreaentsTor for use, the cboioeof over two hundred different de signs Hie stock for extent, richness and cheapness, has no equal m this country: ihe assortment comprises fi&m th«- lowest cost Beal Pointes that are made up'to the extra fine exhibition goods, and are offered at prlceßjJelowali competition. . deis-etrp* t.OCKHILL & WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, eachmen’s Coats. Coaetimea’s Coats. HUNTING COATS. the Qplehaa bees _ W. JET. WILLCQX. Chairman of CmmliiMi „ J. E GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut. HUNTING GOATS, Tie best Holiday Gift for a Lady. a au< * present that can be mads Florence Sewing Machine. wortiPnPiSKi P 6l £? tter 'han a thousand dollars SKS?* 01 t*Hiketa. The objections to ether nawiov ma? b wiSh^ overCo^ ,n the Florence, and it la tba only Machine warranted to give entire satisfaction. THE GOLD MEDAL, to the Ft*OBENGB opHS CO ‘» for the BEST FAMILY 5SJk£2 MACHJQIE. Great Fair. American insti tute, New Yoik. Report of Committee, Ttin a 2?" '■b?JS2K llc H 7 an j5 Breat “ n B® of work. toe Loak * *& SSJSJSSifSaI^SSffisiSSSUF “S tst : ye ?‘ eDC ® 0 / selff.Btentngtbefnds“f slS and con ' which S2£ taSSIiSf 1 Sat>ataallal te the ti work‘done Pldlty “ lta wOIMa * ana «» W«f of 6th. The Self-Adjusting Tension. Atthe NEW ENGLAND and VERMONT STatob Si a ? Brattleboro, SeptiTlSM. the Co™ mutte on Bowing Machines submitted the following THE FIOREffCE BEWIffG MAGHIHB . "Y? “oohler the perfect finish and successful worke tSf« « i^ 6 Sewing Machine deserves mor notice. This machine combines all the Machines'w’lfh t SSS.h 0f 166 de,ects of other Sewing macmneB wiih which we are acquainted- Tnn otpu different at!£h^i 1 M, tc * nbB by Ita^fuor oinereDt stitches) the reversible feed znoHan tha RO i # . adjusting tension’, the raplditf and cuSun of’ure wMk done by It, clearly demands ofns tbs*2* Sodeiy’s highest premium—lta sSvermedaS” 1 ° f 1119 Tcr^,V be HAMPSHIRE STATE FAIR, held at Sept. 1886. the ‘•FLuRENOk” wia avrardSl the highest premium given to Sewing Machines!™” 1 ? 1 ln A n£.«;? l ? C ? A ? lcaf ASSOCIATION FAIR, held k Si£?ifslS t ® , *J l *"«, ,BB S. “»e “Florence” received a snd Diploma, together with all other hewing Machines on exhibition* otoer the late STATE FAIRS of Fennsvlvanfa ntt. and California the Florence was awarded the highest premium over all competitors. The verdict often people la unanimously In favor of theFloreneaon hs m ony advantages over all others. Host be seen to be appreciated. Call at the office. 630 Chestnut Street. The Floreses Sewing Machine Co.' warrMt every Machine sold. dels- lot rp{ OPERA cloaks. OPERA JACKETS. OPERA BOURNOUS. J. W. PROCTOR A CO., ~ , 920 Chestnut Street. del .14,17,18.20.21rp OTI * jyOW READY. THE GALAXY TOR JANUARY 1, 1867. • Enlarged and Improved. With this number THE GALAXY commences its third volume. The Magazine Is enlarged sixteen pages, printed on new and larger type, and provided wUh a new and beautiful Illuminated cover. A full-page Illustration by HENNESSY la. the frontispiece of the number. CONTENTS. T i^fs>eic^° ry 111 Tiree ' Parta - P4rt r - WXJSTSS WIND. By Anne M. Crane. i?2SSS. p AULT IS IT? By H.H. T Snrch JJCY op CO 1 *FISOATiON. By William C. vPfiASP I£• ® y Anna Cora Ritchie I mone ANK HcCBKA TBsGEDY. By William L. THE GUEST AT TEEFUHESAL. Rvw nr i»__ THE EXHIBITION OI SmS SMmBB hSSB®' O»“WS«WSS“' U l " 1“ Shanly. REQUEST FOB ENGLISH. By Richard Grant BYGONE JOYS. ByG.R.M. THE CLAVRRINGS By Anthony Trollona FATE FEBGUBTON. By JW. ITOUOp8 ‘ THE GALAXY »ND THE SUN. By Astra. N^^E^P^ekdiS. 61^1 ™- ByCeUaI ' 0 s“: Cont&iuißg: . Snubbing ht Congbess. The Giant Fabbagut. MB. W BITE’S IaETIEE ON S WINBUKNE. Db. Fairies b “Folk Songs.” Mb. Randolph's “Mabgabbt Bbown. *' 32? FARAD ISK. The llluatretioxis in this Bomber are from original SeaneasyandMalien. Thecoverbyßen- E i£ ry . cf J T ? lST commenced In this number, will be concluded in three Issues, and will be immedi ately succeeded by the new novel, umuoai VAimo FOB THE TEBDICr. Bt the Autbob os “Lise ns the leoh. Mills." ■ “Mabgaret Howth,” ac., ‘ With XUnsiratlons By W. J. HENXES3Y. This serial will be run rapidly thronjth THE GALAXY, and will be followed by another powerful novel by a distinguished author. yowerou The price of THE GALAXY remalna as before. *5 a year; six copies for |25. As It Is published twice as often as other magazines, It Is really the cheapen ma ? Janea ne 111 COUIIIr y, Specimen copies so cents. Address O. * F. P. OHTJBCH No. S 3 Park Bow, New York. EDDIHQ and VISITING CARDS— Elegantly executed in the latest novelty of style. MASON & CO., 907 Ohestnot street. JJOSEWOOD WRITING DESKS— TX7RITING CASES— Leather and At very low prices. Fans.— A beautiful assortment, PalntedFrench Fans, Just received direct, MASON & CO., 9O? Chestnut street. JJOUQUBT D’ORLEANS- A most delightful toilet water. MASON & CO., Sole Agents, • 907 Chestnut street. A VARIETY OF ELEGANT AND USEFUL AB TICLBS FOB THE HOLIDAYS—In carved and scotch wood mid Ivory, Pen-holders, Bookmarks, Fa -1 er Knives. Inkstands, Match Boxes Ac., Ac. - MASON A CO., de-t-lst.rp; 907 chestnut street. |7-yF-> MASON A HAMLIN CABINET OS ll.Ti jGANB. from $75 upwards. Only at GOULD’S. Ml *1 'SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. noio-tfrtpf - ■■■- OHIOKERING UPRIGHT PIANOS. hMI CHESTNUT STREET. Ml ,1 'ocs-tf4p W. H.'DUTTON. ENGLISH AND FRENCH BILK U2£- BUELL a on Paragon aad steel fiames. Nice handles. JOSEPH FUSBELL, _ 2 and 4 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. d617-6trp? KMKRSON PIANOS. iitffn The sew style Cottage Square Plano, tell til ii * Seven Octaves, beautiful Carved Cases, the most charming tone, Low Price, guaranteed dorabultr. >l4 akESTNDT Street. v OCS-tf4p W. H. DUTTON. BOCKHILL& WILSON , FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 606 Chestnut Street. LATEST STYLE SACK ft WALKING GOAT. „ BOYS’ CLOTHING. Plain and inlaid. MASON & 00., 907 Chestnut street. MASON * CO., 907 Chestnnt street.