JO HESS COLUMN 1 - c - ■ ' : O-T THK P fIUADEIP HI A EVENING} BPIUSTIS, FRIDAY, Deoember 21, 1866. All communications for this column must bedireeted “Chess Editor olEvknikq BuniiKTiN,” and should reach thjp office; at latest, on Thursday morning. All Problems must be accompanied by thesolution and name ot the composer. Answers to Correspondents. “J. E.”—Letter received. The problem ■will, of course, receive attention. Death op Professor Vethake.—Ano ther king of Chess has fallen before that re doutable player, to whom all must yield at last. Within a few days Professor Henry Vethake has passed away, who' was so long -known as one of the most powerful Chess players in this country, and well worthy to encounter any antagonist that the world had till then produced. When we first remember the play of Mr. Vethake, now twenty years ago, he stood in the, very front of that numerous hand, of strong players of which Philadelphia at tha* 1 time could boast; and very few there were’ indeed, to whom he was not 'accustomed to give heavy odds. In fact, it was a subject of some complaint, that the Professor clhng with too much tenacity to this mark of supe riority. and failed to yield it after the fact o superiority had become doubtful. The character of the Professor’s play was careful and deliberate, without being tin 's pleasantly slow, and his combinations so uniformly justified his reflection by their effectiveness, that no lover of the game could ■weary of his deliberation. It was our good fortune to sit and watch his contests with nearly all of those who were then known in Philadelphia as good Chess players, dr who reached that reputation later. And those who shared thbse opportunities with us Will gladly join us in recalling those old days when Mr. Vethake was in his full strength, and day after day the Chess-room of the Athenseum was the scene of vigorous and brilliant play. Mr. Vethake himself, in deed, did not play very frequently, for his academic duties afforded him little oppor tunity ; but his arrival invariably created a stir of pleasure and expectation. For ten years past and more, declining health and the pressure of duties bad caused him to abstain from his favorite recreation, so that to Chess players his loss is more a memory than a present grief. Professor .Vethake is made the subject of a very interesting sketch in Professor Allen’s admirable paper on Chess in Phila delphia, published in the “Book of the Chess Congress,”-in 1859, which we shall re-pub lish next week, together with one or more pecimens of Professor Vethake’s play. Problem No. 467. BY MR. BONE. - BLACK. WSITB. White to play and mate in six moves. Solution to No. 465. "WHITE. BLACK. .1. K to Kt s.(ch) Kt x R(ch) 2. K to R 6 KtiP 3. P x Kt R to Q Kt sq 4. Pto Kt 7 (ch) RxP 5. P Queens (ch) R to Kt sq 6. Q to B 6 (ch), and mates next move Solution to No'. 466. WHITE. BXiACK; ;1. Kt toQ'6 (ch) Q x Kt or (A) 2. Q to R 6 (ch) KxQ 3, B mates. - 1. Kto Kt sq 2. Q to Kt 8 (ch), and mates next move. Solution to Endgame No. 48. WHITE. BX.ACK. 1. Q to Kt 7 (ch) KxQ 2. P x R (ch) K to R 2 3. Px R (Kt’s) (ch) Bx Kt 4. R to B 7 (ch) and draws. CHESS IN PHILADELPHIA. Game No.-1537. ; Between Mr. J. C., Warner, giving pawn and two moves, and Mr. E. L. Bodin. (Remove.Black'a King's Bishop's Pawn.) Wh. (Mb. Bodin.) 81. (Mb. Wabner.) 1. P to K 4 2. P to Q 4 P to K 3 3. P to K B 4 P to Q B 4 4. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 5. B to Kt 5 P x P 6. BxKt KtPxß • 7. KtxP B to R 3 8. Q to R 6 (ch) P to Kt 3 9. Qtoßs Kt to B 3 101 Kt to B 3 B to K Kt 2 11. QtoK Kt 5 Castles - ■- 12. PtoKS QtoKt 3 13. K Kt to K 2 Kt to Q 4 ,14. KtxKt BPxKt 16. Q to Kt 3 Q R to B'sq 16. P to B 3 P to Q 3 - (This is the best play, and causes a disrup tion in White’s game.) 17. PxP Q to Kt 4 18. Q to K 3 P to K 4 19. PtoQR4 Qto B 5 20. P to Q Kt 4 PxP 21. Q to K 6 (ch) K to R sq 22. (P to Q 7 B x P (ch) 23. Ktxß QxKt(ch) 24. K to B 2 Q to Q 5 (ch) 25. KtoKsq Rtoß7 26. RtoQKtsq, Mate in lour moves. CHESS IN MEMPHIS, TENN. Game No. 1538. Between Mr. Jacob Elson and Mr. Littleton. (Evans’ Gambit.) Wh, (Mb. Elson.) 81. (Mb. Littleton.) L P to K 4 P to K 4 2. KKt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 3. B to B 4 B to B 4 4.PtoQKt4 BxQKtP 5. P to B 3 B to R 4 6. Castles Kt to B 3 7- Pt° Q 4 Castles 8. P to Q 6 Kt to K 2 S. Ktx P KtxKP 10. to B 3 KKtto B 3 11. BtoKKtS Kt to Kt 3 12. Kt to Kt 4 (Mr. Elson conducts the attack very well, f u Shout is highly creditable to his Chess skill.) ■ ■ * 13. Kt xKt (ch) 12 ’ PiR fHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, -FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1866.-TRIPLE SHEET ( 14. BxP QtoQ2 15. Qtoßs Q to lit 5 16. Qto R 6 . . Kt to B 5 X 17. PtoKt3 Kttoß6(ch) 18. K to Kt 2 Q to Kc 3 19. Q, to R 4 B to B 4 , 20. lit to Q 2 K Rto K sq 21. K R to Ksq B to Kt 3 22. RtoK2 RxR • S 3. B x R ' R to K sq : 24. Bto R 5 Kt to B 5 (ch) 25. Q x Kt Q x K B 26. RtoKKtsq RtoK,7 ; 27. PtoKt 4 : ' (Prettily played. The position is some what singular.) 27. BxKtP 28. K to R sq R.xP 29. Kxß (ch) K to 3 sq 30. .B to Kt 7 (ch). KtoKsq 31. Q to K 4 (ch) K to Q sq Mate in three moves. CHESS IN LONDON. Game No. 1539. game of the Steinitz-Bird match. {Ruy Lopez Knight’s Game.) Wh, (Mb. Bird.) 81. (Mr, Steinitz.) 1. PtoK4 P to K 4 2. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 3. BtoKt 5 .. KKtto B 3 4. P to Q 4 Kt x Q P 5. Kt x Kt P x Kt 6. P to 1C 5 P to B 3 7. Castles Pxß (Kt to Kt sq Is perhaps preferable; but even then Black gets a very constrained po sition.) 8. B to Kt 5 B to K 2 9. Px Kt ' BxP . 10. RtoK sq (ch) Ktoß sq 11. Bxß . Qx B 12. QtoK2 , (A deviation from the books. We pirefe Kt to R 3.) ■ 12. P to K Kt 3 13. Kt to Q 2 P to Q 3 14. QxP P to R 3 15. Q to Q 5 B to B 4 16. KttoK4 BxKt 17. B x B K to Kt 2 18. PtoKKt3 QRtoQßsq 19. R to B 4 Q to K 3 20. Q x Kt P R x P 21. R to Qsq QxP 22. P to Kt 3 R to K B sq 23. Q-toQS. Given np as drawn. ' Same So. 1540. Fifteenth game of the match, Opening.) Wh, (Mb'. Stedsitz.) 81. (Mb. Bibd.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 3 2. P to Q, 4 P to Q 4 3. QKtto B 3 K Kt to B 3 4. B to K Kt 5 B to K 2 6. PiP Px P 6. B to Q, 3 Castles 7. Kt to K B 3 B to K Kt 5 8. Castlea Q Kt to B 3 9. Kt to K 2 Kt to K 5 10. B to K 3 P to K B 4 11. PtoQB3 K to R sq 12. Kt to K B 4 Q to Q 3 13. P to K R 3 P to K Kt 4 14. KtxQP BxK Kt 15. P x B Q x Kt 16. P x Kt P x P 17. J to K 2 B to Q 3 (Black has missed an opportunity of te enring the game by 17. B to B 6.) 18. to KKt 4 QtoKB2 19. QtoK2_ Q tdK Kt 3 20. QRtoKsq RtoKKtsq 21. P to Q B 4 ‘ Q to Kt 2 22. Q R to Q sq Q R to K sq 23. P to Q B 5 B to E B 5 24. P toQS Biß 25. Px Et BxQBP 26. PxQEtP Qto E 4 27. Q to Q B 4 P to E B 4 28. B to Q B 8 Q to Et 6 (ch) i 29. Etoß sq Qto B 6 (oh) 30. E to R 2 Q to B 5 (ch) (If 30. B to Q 3 (ch). then 31. Bx B t Cash or Time pnrchaaes and salea of Stocks, Bondi Stocks carried at 8 per cent. Interest, without any CQ&IgQe lOrdera executed la New York, Bolton aid Bain more. i6S7*ssl -i———■— ■ - : . " •' • - J LRESH ADAMS COUNTY PEACHES, •In Gallon, Half Gallon and Quart -Cana. .Fresh Quinces and Tomatoes Also, 100 doz. Tomatoes In Glass. 100 doz. Green Corn. For Bale by JAMES K. WEBB; WALNUT and EIGHTH Strea FOX’S FABINA CRACKERS. : '■ Freeh Crackers of this unrlvrded Brand always o? nand and for sale In bbis. and a bbis., bv ' , ALDBIOH, YEBKES A OABY; 18,20 and 22 Letltla street, no6-3m? ~ -Bxclnslve'Agents. HONEY I HONEY >.! —V< ry beautiful White Clover Honey, In small boxes, in store and for sale by M, F, BPILLIN, N. W, cor. Arch and Eighth. JERSEY HAM.B.—Joo Ete wart’s anequaled Hams, tl for Bale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth. iftATWALB, FOB MINOE PISB-Layer and ijl. Seedless Kalslns, Leghorn Citron, New Cur rfentt, Frtah Ground Spices. Superior Crab Apple Older, Brandy, wine &e.. foreale by M. F. SPILDIN, N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth atreeta. • - \ lifitw BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT & WHITE ±V Sj?J«JS2H2 y iT ln t* 0 ™ ana for Bale at COUSTY'B Bast End Grocery, No. 118 Boath SECOND street. (D U Si^i. < ¥ J T :EB, “ 3 2 0 . saUons choice large Quaes rCTnSiJSfS’-S 1 s J < S e for 8816 by gallon or barrel, at CXUbTY’B East End Grocery, No. US South SEOoftD street. NOBTH CAROLINA _ HOMINY GBITS, NEW Hominy, pared and unpared Peaches, just re ceived and lor sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. H 8 Booth SECOND street. ■ ■ CTUFFED MANGOES AND PEPPERS,GENUINE O Chutney Sauce, Robinson's patent and Groats, always on hand at COUSTY’S East Ena Gro cery. No. 118 South SECOND street. MILLIIVEBY. fiCb) MBS. K. DIUiON, Nos. 323 and 331' SOUTH street, has a handsome assortment of MIILINERY for the HOLIDAYS. Also, SILKS, VELVETS,RIBBONS, FEATHERS,FLOWERS and FRAMES. Ladleß who make their own Bonnets sup plied with all the materials. dels I2tj JMn’yMtMMWy l ■ uQMßHmmgTLvsaisß ,B—THU f MTTITIT.M RODTJt—• sSfcSi^^?* 11^** !»“m® «* yrm in’ FhUadelphla/THIRD' gtroet, sbpve Thompson. and cornerof BERKS said AMmffrl ! " BUMMEB ARRANGEMENT, • ' i _ „ ... NINE DAILY- TBAINa - M WiiaBt4BSß,Passenger trains leavf* the Depot, Thlru streetTabeve Thompson, dally ( s P2? ay ® excepted), as follows: NjPrees for Bethlehem an* *nd Principal BtsHona on Nerth Pennsylvania Bail* at Bethlehem ■ wiuTLehlgh Valley and Mafomoy Railroad for Mahanoy Clty,JUia wUhCahawlssa BaUrpad,for Rnpert,Danville,Milton {J? . Arrive at Uanch nhwov £ u. 45 A, Bf.;*t WUkfebarre at e.iß P.'M.t at MahanoyCltyats P. M, Faasengeiaby Otis train can. take £be on Sew Jersey ttentia? Battr&d4o ' AT 10. A. SL—Accommodation, for Port Washing- Mn, stopping at all Intermediate Stations. . : At 2.33 P.M. Accommodation lor Doyleetown, ‘stem. Pine ;M;£.ll Intermediate'stations. . Passengers take stage, at Deyleatown for New Hope, i AIP 8.80-P.'Evening Express for Bethlehem anc principal Stations: on the North Pennsylvania Raf road, maklngcloee connection at. Bethlenemwlth Le> WjEb Valley Trata for Easton, reachlng.there at 6.45 P, a. . Passengers lor. Plainfield, Somerville and other polntson New, JersevOentral SB. take N. J. C. Train at Easton, widen arrives In New York at 10 P. M. Pas sengers for Bnmnoytown take stake at North Walec. and lor Nazareth ni Bethlehem and for Greenville a Snakerto.wr ■ *. . ...,., • i AT, 4.15 P. M.—Accommodation, »r‘ Doyleetown, topping at all intermediate* Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro’; and BartsvUle take stage at Abmgton: ibrLnmbervlile at Doyleatown* ,Lf*'L KIB J . K .^i _ sf l,r ongli Accommodation, for Beth iftacm ana all Stations on ;itna of Nortn Pennsyl' vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem withLehlgh Evening Train for Allentown, MAuchChunck AC. •' • • -- • -U:.~ •• r • - : .. , • i AT 8.15 P, H.—Accommodation, mr Dans dale, itot- Idug at all Intermediate Stations.,, ”” * •At 11P, H.Accommodation for Port Washington, - TRATNH TOR PITTr.AmCT,t»TTTa ‘ _Leaveßethlabmnat A.M,i§nd msM.,and(Jl *• la« 12£5 train makes direct connection with Tirtrtgft Vai ley trains from Easton,. WUkeebarre, Alaboney City Hazleton, and arrives in Philadelphia at 2.SOP.H. . : Passengers leaving 'SVUkeabarre at m P. M.,connetr at Bethlehem at 6.15P.N.,and arrive In Phlladefahh ats.4OP.UU ; .i. .■-* . . Deavo Doylestown at 5.40 A Z£. 5.15 and P. IT, i Heave Lansdsle at ( AAL • leave Port Washington at 10AO and US P. If, ' ON SUNDAYS. . Philadelphia for Bethlehem at SA, H. - Philadelphia for Doyldstdwn at ZAO P. M. ' Doyleetown. for PhUedelphla at ix> A iS, Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 4AO P. H. .Plith end Sixth Streets*Passenger Carsoonvy pafi angers te and from Berks Street Depot... : ■ «'white cars of Secxtnd and Third Streets Dine oonvtc passegners to Third Street »epot, .Tlchetsmnstbeprocnred at the Ticket Offices, TETRI street or SPSBKS street, In order to secure the lowest rates of fore. * .ELUE CUAEk, Agent. 1 Hillman's Baggage Express will call for andZeUve; Baggage at the Depot. *,. i Office. No. 1U Sooth THIRD street. myn ms reserved: frn ' MS fg; POR NEW YORK,—The UiM. Mb AND AHBOY and ptttt.a iih.i-hu ASin TRENTON BAHiBOAD COM PANY'B I.TNBS, Dorn Philadelphia to New York, ane way places, from WALNUT STREET WHARP, will leave as follows, viz: yttrs At< A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aocom,, |22t AtSA. H,, via Camden and Jersey City Kzpress, -. I « At£P,hL, via Camaen andArdhoy Express, 8(x At6.uoP.M.,via Camden and Am-lPst.c'ass, as . bey. Accom and Emigrant, jidclass Ist. iAtlO A. hi.,2 and 6.00 PALPor Monnt Holly,Ewans vllle,Pemberton Birmingham and Vlnoentown, and at t’i.H and 6 P. V. for Monnt Holly, only*. At 6 A M and SP, s£. for Freehold. Ate andloAH. 12M. 4,5,a,anoiDsoP. M.,forPlal Boose, palmyra, Riverton, Progress, Delanoo Beverly, Edgewater, Bnrllngton, Plorenoe. Borden town, Ac. The 10 A. M.anri 4 P.M.lines runs direct throngh to Trenton. LINS FBOM KENSINGTON DEPOT will laavs as follows' At u A. M., IAO, 5.45 P. M. and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey City Express.. __ m a The 6.45 P. M. Line wlu run dally. All others Sun days excepted. AtTAOand 11.00 A M.,8, ASJ,4AO,5ana 6,45 P. snf 12 Midnight, for Bristol, Trenton. Ac. At 7AO ara 1015 A.H„ 3. 4,50, Sand 12 P, M. for Schencks. At 10.15 A. IT.. 2.5 and 12 P. H. for Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15, A. M., 3,4, 5,5, ana 12 p. It to CornwellATorriidflle, Hnlmesbnrg, Tacony, Brldee burg and Prankford, and 8 P.M.for Holmesbarg and Intermediate Stations. At 1015 A.M., 8. 4,5 6.Band 12 P.*AC for Wlsslnom ing, IiiiXVIDERE DKTaAWARK RAILROAD, fti tht Delaware River VaHeyi Northers Penssyivanik mat New York! the GreaVlAkess Daily (Saadays excepted) from BofialokCoo as follows: . At 7.30 A. M. tor Niagara i'aua, .Bor ilo. Dunkirk. CanAndaigna.Rlmira, Ithaca, Owegc Rochester, Klngfaamptcm, Oswego, Syracuse, Greet: Bend, Montrose, Wilkeebazxe Scranton, Strondsbart. Water Gap. At 7.50 A. M. and P. M. for Beivldere, Sastos, Lamhertville, iled &c. Thes,3o P M. Line ccnncdo direct with tae Train leaving Raston fb: Mesrh Cbonk, ADertown, Bethlehem, Ac. At5P. M. for Lambenyme ana intermediate Statiom B9~Por New, York, and 7ay Lines leaving Ken slngton Depot, take the mon Plfth. street, shovi Walnut, half an honr before departnre. The cars nu into the Depot, anu on arrival of each Train, ran froc theDenou * ■■ * ■ ; An additional Ticket Office is located at No. 623 Cher nutatrerf. Continental Hotel, where tickets to New Icrkandail important points North and East, ma» be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at thb Office, can. by leaving orders, have their baggage checked at their teaidences. hy Graham’s Baggage Express. . Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passer ger. Passengers are prohibited aom. taking anythlsj as baggage bat their wearing Sppsxel. All baggage aver fifty pounds to bepald lbr extra: The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar pe. ponnd, and will not be liable for any amount boyoiu COO, except by special contract. . LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA - Will leave irom foot of Cortland street, at 12 M. anf i P. M.. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 1 A. M., 6 P.M. and is Night via Jersey City and Ket elusion, . : FromPler No. IN. River At 6 A, M. and 7. 4 P. M via Amboy and Camden. . TO. H. QATZMKB, Agent, SKBUUSigs PHILADELPHIA. WILKINS AND Baltimore rah. ROAI> —TIME TABLE.—Commencing MONDAY. Nov. 26th, 1866. Trains win Heave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as fbuowst .Express Train, at 4.15 A. H. (Mondays excepted), tor Baltimore and Washington,stopping at Chester, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton,Northeast, Perryvllle Aberdeen. Perryman’s, Edgewood, Msenolla Chase’s and stammer’s Run. Way-mall Train, at. BJS a, M. (Sundays ex esptea), lbr Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. <-1 nnectlng with Delaware B. B. at Wilmington for CrlEheld and Intermediate stations. (Express tralnatll.4sA.M. (Sunday* excepted)fb Baltimore and-Washington. Express Train at 6.00 P.M. (Bnndays excepted), lb- Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester Glaymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Perryvllle, Aberdeen,- Perryman’s Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stammer’* son. iNlghtExpreaa at 11 AO P.M. (dallv) lbr Baltimore and Washington.' Connects at Wilmington with Delaware B E.line (Saturday's excepted),stqpplng at Middleton, bmyrna,-Dover, Bonington, Beaford, Salisbury. Prince Anne and connecting at Crlsfiald with boat for Norfolk, Portsmouth and'the South. (Passengers by boat from-Baltimore fbr Fortresi Monroe.Norfblk, will taka theil.4s A. M. Train, i - WILMINGTON TRAINS. •topping at all stations betweenPhlladelphia and Wil mington. 'Leave Philadelphia at 12S0, 4.03, 6.00 and ILSC (dally) P. M. The COOP. M. train oonnects with the Dels ware Railroad fbr Milford and Intermediate atatlo is. The 6.00 P. M. Train runs to New Castle. i Leave Wilmington 7.15 and BAO A. M.. 3.00 and c. 38 P. M. daily. , ; Prom Baltimore to Philadelphia.—Leave Baltim ore 7(35 A. M., WayMaD.' 3.20‘A. M., Express. 1.10 P. Express. 6.8 S P. M„ Express. BASP.M., Express. Jrcmßaltlmore to Havrede-Grace and lntermcdl a*e Stations at 4 00 P.M. (Trains fbr Baltimore leave Chester at Hi and a.6t A. M-. ami 8.88 P.M. Trains for Baltimore leave WUmlngtonat 5.27, and 7.40 A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE. (Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P.M., stopping at Havre d- Grace, Perryvllle and WUnungton. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore. Through tickets to all points West,South and South west may be procured at liOKfiT OFFICE, 821 GHESTmJT 6TJREET, utder Continental Hotel. Per sods purchasing tickets at this office can hive baggage checked at their residence by Graham’s Baggage .Ex press, KEGMBStffiaU 18M. PHILADELPHIA AND fijaßßEMagaisSlßiiTE it a tt/rti atv is6A jtEisgreiituneaaverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Date Erie, It has been leased and la operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. > TIMS Oy FASSXNO2SB TSAXNB AT atoet.pttt a . I ABBIVH EASTWARD, Erie Mail Train .7.00 A. M, Erie Express Train .1.20 P. N. Elmira Mall. 5.40 P. M, J LEAVE WESTWABD. ' Erie Mall Train. *OO P. M, Brie Express Train. JAOO M. Elmira Mall 8.00 A. M. I Passenger Cars rnn throngh on the Erie Mall and Express Trains without change, both ways, between KUl*delp!ii» and Erie. ~ J . HTBW YOBK CONNECTION, leave New York at 9.00 A.M.,arrive at Erie lo oo A. M Reave New York at 5.00 P M.; arrive at Kr.e 7.15 P.M* Reave Erie at SAO P. M., arrive at New York 4.t0 P. u Reave Erie at 8.10 A. M; arrive at New fork 10.10P.M ! Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains, i lor Information respecting passenger boslnessapply at corner THIRTIETH and MARKETstreete, Phila delphia. ... . i And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: 8. B. Kingston, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J.W. Reynolds,Erie, Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. H., Baltimore. H. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia H. W. G WINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYRER, General Superintendent, Erie. • MtaviajaiigiagjipaK H, F. KENNEY. Superintendent.' ; ~y, - flOUblr atthßailnwlb^hOMi:*^ ll *. v'W'fJiWN i- V. ■'■MOBOTHO.’AOOMCODATHJRft; W ~' ,?3> tlMn. 7 ’^ 0 0r Siding *uii all. Intermediate 8t» KeadW at'6.Bo T. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 9.10 P.M. ■ i , ,• * As. M - } _ c > r ‘ liehanoiii KajtUßgia JBttsgile, pine Grove, Tam»qaa,Simbisy, Winiamt. Pp rt . Slmlra, Bochsater, Niagara Falla. BuS&lo-iOleE. i This train; oonhocto 'at: EBADiNS wiih‘ th» S Zul gsyiavlvapgi-Ballroaa;3br Allen tawn,s£t; and with ,the VaUey train fbr.-HarrlaSnr?. g=y atPOBToiJNTON with Catiwlwi’iallrcSd MckHa>7Bn,BhSSraiSfcvai HABBISBDB6; with Northern Central, Camberland I?*HHhJi n '\ Sc! i a .y lMl :and. Smcmehanna traina lot ■ ■ : AFTERNOON mrpaiffih , ...V . PffiABINO ACCOMMODATION. . ‘Uw*y,te -Tralnsfbr Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at'B.lo A. HamsDurg' accCrOntodaUdn leaves Besdlhc' U ijsa ■ A, M.ond. Haxxißbtirg at/4.10 P. if. Connecting at Beading withAlternoon Accommodattop-south at 650 P. M.Varrlvlng in Philadelphia at 9JOKM.‘ ' . ' .Market train, With a' ’PiUtfuaTlgilrCOT lhCTnw . Philadelphia, at 12,15 noon far Beading and all way stations: leaves Beading A, M.,ancfDownlngtowc K5O P. M. far Philadelphia and all way ataHonap ; All the above trains ran dally: Btmflayn excepted, 1 _Bnnday; trains leave Pottavme .at 8507 a" K„ and Phlindelphia at'P.“tt ; leave Philadelphia, for Beading at 850 A. M., retorting from Beading at «■« ‘ CHBSTBR VAT.T.TOV RATT.RnAri 1 T J.:; ’ Passengers far Nowningtown ana intermediate points take the 750 and 8.15 A.SL and 4SOP. if. tralnafrom Philadelphia, returning from Downlnrtown at 750 A, if.and 128ftSoon. - i -', , ... . SEWYOBK BXPBESSj FOEPITIRBtI RAH AND ;i*aveo NewYorkat7, BA,M.anjl s.oOF.lbpasslng steading at 1.05, UA3 Alf.,andPt3 PM. and connect at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania,. and Northern Central Baßroad EipressTralng far Plttsbarrh, Ghlcasorwn ilamsnnrt, Elmira. RftU.lmnrc., Jtm , ■ Betonlng, Express Train leave* Harrisburg oe arrival of Pennsylvania.Expreea from PttjEbnnthAt 3 and 9.05A.M.,9.15 P.M. passing Besting atf.49 and 10.52 A. H. and 1150 P. M. arriving at New York 1C A. M., and' £.15, P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains, throngb, between Jersey fflty and Pittsburgh, without change. ' ■"■* -t - ”-’ : Mall, train far New York leaves Harrisburg at 2.10 p. H. Mail train lor Harrisburg leaves New York at 15 Noon, . • SCHII7bgIILVAI,ICT It ATT.wn At» Trains leave PottsvlHe at 7,11.80 A.M. mid 7,15 P. fit. returning from .Tamaqna at 7.85 A. M., and 1.10 «"■< 9cmryucn.T. ajsd sueqczieaio£a. batleoae, ■ Trains leave Aabum at 7.50 A. M. fbr Pinesrave and ■Tarriabnrg, and at 1.50 P. M. for Plneerove and Tre moat; renaming from Uarrlabnrgat 3.2 GP. M. and frcra Tremont at 7.8 b A. H. and &SS P. M. ’ TECKETS. Through flrst-claaa tickets and.,emigrant Hoket* to all the principal polnta in the North and West and Canadas. The allowing tickets are obtainable only at the Office of 8L Bradford, Treasurer, No. 2Z7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. At Nlcolls, General Bapertntend* ent, Beading. ..COMMUTATION TICKETS. ' At S 5 percents dlsconnt between any paints desired S3r families and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good fbr SHOO mllee,between all points, at fsxno each gjr famines and Arms. . SKABON TICKETS. For three, six, nine or twelve months, dor holders only, to all points at rodooed rates. . . Bee Ming on the line of the Bead will be furnishes with cards, entitling themselves and wlvea to tickets at haEMhre. ' - ■ . EXCURSION TICKErs. From Philadelphia to principal stations, good fbr Saffirday, Bnhday and Monday, at reduced fSra, to b( had only at the Ticket Office at thirteenth and Callow hill streets. FBEIQHT. ' ;eoodsof all descriptions all tha a ban points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and WUUrw streets. • • FBEIGHT TRAINB, i Leave Philadelphia dally at &go A. M., u. 45 noon and • P. M., fbr Beading, Dehanon, Harelsbnrg, Pottsvllle Port Clinton, and all polnbi^beyond. dose at the Philadelphia Post Office for an nlacs^bs lhamad and Its hranrfice at s A sr ftjX thepiln, Kpal Stations only st 3.18 P. M. .. *“ fjjjjgpag- PBSS6YLVAMU fTRrJTR aT. —**" *~\liiviEß ARRAnaiarffirr IThe trains of.the Pennsylvania Central Ballroad leave the Depot, at Tnlrty-am and Market streets which la reached directly-by the cuaof the Market Stn el Passenger Ball way. - Those of the Chestnut and Walnnt Street hallway ran within onesqnareoflt. ■ lON SDNDATS.—The Market Street oars leave Front and Market streets 35 minutes before the de pattered each train. : MANN'6 BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at the office. So. 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention. -TRAINS ItSAViS DEPOT. VIZ.: • * v MAIL TRAIN ...™_at S.OO A H. PAOLI ACCOM., NOS. 1 & 2,10.00 A M.&1L20 P. M. FAST LINE & ERIE EXPRESS .at 12.00 M. PaBKSBUEG TRAIN , rnr &.t 1.00 P.AL H ARRIS BURG ACCOM at 2.30 P.M. LANCASTER ACCOM.., : 4JOP. M. PIXI SBUBGH & ERIE MAIL... at 900 P.M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS..., ILOO P. M : Pittsburgh & Erie Mall leaves dally, except Sato* day Philadelphia Expresa.leavea dally. All other trains dally,except Sunday. :Passengers by Mail Train goto Williamsport without change of cars, and arrive at Lock Haven at &10P. MV Pazeengeis by Maxi. Train go to Carlisle and Chambersburg without a change of cars., Sleeping Car Tickets can be bad on application at the Ticket Office, 631 Chestnut street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ : CINCINNATI Rypßßftß. , . . , ~, at 12.50 AM. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. “ 710 “ PAOLI ACCOM., Noe. 1 dfc 2....A20 A M., 7,8, 9, 10, H, 12 A.M.; 1,2, 345, 3j£, 4,6, 55L 6.10,7*6,9 10,11,12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6,7, 7k, 8. 8.20, 9, 10, 11.12.A.M.: i;2.8,4,4Xj6,«k. 7,8, 9,10,UP. -M. . T*. line 8.20 down train, and the 3k and 5k up trains will not stoponthe Geßnanfown Branch. ' 1 r ; ON SUNDAYS. - •> Leave Philadelphia—9Xs minutes A' M.; 2,7, and IokP.M. .LeaveGermantown—Bls A, W.; 1,6, and 9k P. M. CHESTNUT-HILL RAILROAD. : Leave Philadelphia—6,B,lo,l2, A. M.; 2,sk, sk, 7,9 and 11 P. M. ** ‘ - LeavetGhestnut-Hlll-7.10 minutes, 8,9.40. and 11,40 A. 1L; 1.10,3.40,5.40,6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. i ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia— minutes A.M.: 2 and 7 P. M.v A-cave Chestnut Hi 11—7.50 minutes A. M.: 12.40,5.40, and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8.35,11.05, A. M.; Ik. 3 4k, 5k, 6.15, 8.05 and Ilk P.M. } Leave N0rri5t0wn—5.40,7,7.50,9,11A M.; lk» 4k. 6k andBP.M. • •• The 5k P. M. train will stop at Falls, School Lane, Wlaaahicken, Manayunk, spring mihr andCoaaho hocken only. - ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M,; and 6.45 P, M. Leave Noirlßtown*-7 A.'M.» 5 and 8% P, A£. _ - .FOK MANAYUNK leave Philadelphia-6, 8.35, 11.05 A. M.; 11l 3,414, 6«, 6.15,8.05 ana 11% P M. leave Manynnfc—6.lo, 71£, 8.20, 911 nil A. M.; 2,5, 6J£andB%P.M. ONSUNDAYB Leave Philadelphia—s A. M.; lyi and 6.45 P. M. Leave Hanajunk— 7)3 A M.,si4and9P. M. • - W. £. WILSON, General Superintendent, no! Depot, Ninth and Green streets. rAinaWftWn .. west jersey bailboad aIBMHIF—LINES.from foot of Market street upper Jb'etlj, commencing MONDAY, September 24, ism.- - ■ - ■ ■ • ■ ■ LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem, Millville, and all Intermediate stations, at BA. M., Mall., 8.30 P. At, Passenger. For Weodbury 8 A; M., 3 30-P. M„ and 6 P. M. For CapeMayatasoP.M. . !„ RETURNING TRABSB LEAVE ' .Woodbury at 7.15 A. M„ 840 At’ M., and AM P. M. ■ p Bridgeton at 7,06 A.M. and 820P1-M. Freight 630 Salem at tf 50 A. M. and 305 P. M. Freight 5.45 P. M. Millville at .8.55 A. M. and 8.08 P, M.-Freight 810 F.M. . -• 1 - ■ . ;’ :■; - Cape May at 1145 A. M. Passenger and Freight. ...:. .FREIGHT will ,fro received at Second, Covered Wharf below 1 Walnut' street, from - AiM. until £p. M. Freight received ihefsre 9 A, ;M. will, go forward the same day. . , •... . ■■ ..... ~ ■ . . .FREIGHT DELIVERY! No. 228: SOUTH DELA-' WABE AVENUE . i . J.VANRENSSELAER, Snp’t, THE WKBT JERSEY EXPBEBS COMPANY will attend to all the nsual branches of express business. A Special Messenger accomp.nles each through train. Cilice foot of Market street, Philadelphia. se24-tD J. H. MABKLEY, General Agent. op ;gpiiu>a. v ' PITTSBURGH. OOLTTMBTIB Cincinnati railboas 'i HAH£J*EBOtrJS: WBSTWABB. OTOPg totpe nest distance sa ved'by THIS HOTJTfI carryta^ftha Bcra&eaf to tte 3Pl * n “i*b.Plfl« of the Wait-ana ANnBUT'TWO'TO ST. LOUIS; - IT 11 * :S^IB i OTB,TBA I NnfA^yAI I C® OF^f, -.Jabt line 12.10 ET. Passengers by this-train take ropp.erat 4Jtoona, can take stateroom sleepinecars. are no> subject to chstage lit Pittsburgh.ent ruD'thiorgh to t&shrfcton, affording an unbroken night’s rest,- »• • . .r. ' £?ight Express 11P. 24. Passengers can take sleeping cars through to Clncinna.ti with.but one change, this line jon have theadvantage of comfort and pleasure: particularly for Indies' travellngralone, ►nd.families 'with-ichUdren by this route between Philadelphia and aU-the principal points ,We3tapd*Soath. s iJße'sore to purchase tlckea -VIA STEDBEW. yiiihE, at «i '* PENNSYLVANIA BAUBOAD OFFICE : ~ ; : . Comer Thirtieth and Market streets. r; •■■'■. Philadelphia; ' • A ■ „ „V. s* *• ; JOHN ISt - Wjgrr utLKSTER attt> pmrit. DULPHXA RATT.miATv vta ! ' ’'WINTZE ABEAS'GtEMSKTB?: ” : ; ** «* ': u'- A WJSb'JLVOHBfciTKitTKAESB^’ ~7. ; ,r ~ * :*&r West Cheater,from.Depot Wrat Chester for Phliwlelphl*, £rom Depiit on / E^Martetstreet; uo. 8.00. ia« A. Xi‘IA&ASOP, Je juna living. Watt Chaster «t 8 00AJ4.iSul teavlSt r EMsdelphi*ft4.lsP. at. k will not stop atPen net tiffy Blfl Willetopbetoft Bio. Jnnctlon afclFalta nnlw PEHHIU/rON TRAINS. ■ I ■ Jfiß-P>aseiuten.nre allowed totafce waxing Omy MBacr&se}*nd the-Oompany-wm-nSt. W-Sww: ***** bfirMßponslbloftr an amount fnmwHng one hrm» oontracil^maae-lbrtha mngj ttttiXiiY -• aelphla, from the Depot of the West chester A Phila delphia Bailroad. comer of Thirty-first and Market S ? ee *2i ( S £ f t p^s “ 7 -50 A M„ and 4.45 P. if. Leave BMog Stm, at ejo, and Oxford at 6.35 A M.. and leave Oxford at &2S p. iL . , ' _A Market Train with Passenger Oar attached, will' mn on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Stm at 11.15 A M., Oxtord at 12.00 M., andJCennett as 1.00 P;M., connecting at West Chester Jnnetlonwith a Train for Philarid phis, on Wednesday and Satnr* days, trains leave Philadelphia at £so P. M., ran through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7a AM. con nects at Oxford with a dally line of Stages for Peach , Bottom, In Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach “hnect at Oxford with theAjiernoon Train for Philadelphia. . at 4.45 rank to rasing Passengers are allowed to take Wearing Apparel onlypas Baggage,and the Company will notmanv gjg he responsible for an amotmt exceeding one tom, dred dollars, unless a special contrast be made ftnrtha ttffig ' mhlft HENRY WOOD. flenO. fiatfa BAWTAIJ AND DErsA.WA.RB BAY BAHiKOAD CJMPANY.— yn andafierDecember 13th, ises trains will ran as follows from Camden,, opposite Vine Street Ferry, daily, Sundays excepted. Jt , 11.30 A.M. Way Freight for all stations. irreigbttbr New York. Freight boat leaves; pier 32 North Blver,New York, daily, Snntiayexcepted, at 5 P.M.. reaching Philadelphia early nextmarainsr* ' • • Freight received In Philadelphia-at the Oompauy*a w arehonse, 320 North Delaware avenne, aatfl 5 P. M..- reaching New York early'tiextmoroing. The 9 AM. train from Philadelphia and the H A.UL train firom NewJVorkare discontinued. 8. C.HUSTY,GeneraI-Freight Agent, * __ ■ Bed Bank, N.Y. WM. N. CLAYTON, Soporlntpndpnt, Rprt Rnntr, W. Y. ' _ B.H, CH2PHAN, Agent, deistf • 320 North Delaware Avenue. 131 gmi'IIII.ILIJ BABITAN AND BET, AWS-RUy jpHBHKSS&fBAY BAILBOAD.—On and after THUi'SDAV, December 13th. 1866 tip- 11 Ai M. Ex press Train . from New York, and 9 A. M. Express Train from Philadelphia, will he discontinued, dell-tff BPBLWJBSB CABDSi HEWES A BBOTHEB, PLUMBZBB AITD GAS FITTERS, KO. 413 KOHTH ETGHTBC 'BTBEKT, : (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. Beptirlng or all Mndsat abort notice. Orders throng Post Office will receive prompt attention. MST COUNTRY WORK ATTENDED T(V-gji : a & LANCASTER! ~ GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF. BSTJLBIJaiTED IK 1828. , CORN, OATS and MILL-BEEP sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Bates, ani delivered to all ■ ■ parts of the City. ge7-ly EC- KSIOHT AOO.. WKOT.ESAT.E GROCERS, S. E. Oor. WATER and CHESTNUT streets, Phil adelphia. Agents for the sale of the Products of thn Sonthwark Edgar Refinery and the Grocers’ Bnaa* Honae, of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania works.—on ter nm.!. WARE river, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. . .. £BASSx. BON A m * Engineeni and bon Boat bonders, . w Mannatctnrers of - '--'i . . • •' • - , f All Usds Of COKDEKSUSB. &ST> NOET-OOETDKNHING TfKfi Iron Vessels Of *3l descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tank*, T. BKANgY, • * ZAte of ‘ rii' !,- Bessey-Neate* 00... Penn "works, Phils. J..VADOHAH MJERRTOg. VS, H. JCERHICK ; ■ _ - -£KO.EL OOPK. “ • ” S°^S^S DaY - FIBTH WASH. ' 1 , - merbiok a soNa ■ - -, • ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. ICa^nl Boilers. Gasometers, Tania, Iron Boats, Ao. ' ■ Castings.Of aJI kinds, either iron or brass. • • „Iron Frame Boofe ihr Gas Works, Workshop* and Railroad Stations, Ac. - . Tr™ ‘ Be torts andGaa Machinery, of the latest and Improved construction. , Every description of Plantation - Machinery; and Sngar.i Saw and Grkt Mills, Vacuum PansibuejS Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping glnos, Ac. . . ’ Sole Agents fbr N. ; BUlenx’s Patent Bngarßollng Apparatus, Nesmyth’B Patent Steam. Rumruw, tws AsplnwaU A Woolley’s, .Patent,, Oeatrlfbgal Snga* Draining Machine. ■— 1 -< .. -—7-, GAB 1 FIXTUBEB.-MIHgEY, MMim.T.' A THACKABA, NO. 718-CHESTNUT streak Manufacturers ofGas Fixtures, Lamps,' ao_ Ac*! would call the attention of the public W their lares and elegant assortment Of Baa Ohandellersi Pendants, IE6K B^dl^Ta^dte l^ l£Sj»Bering and repairing Ga* pipes. AH iforkjwar. 7AHB3 A.- WBI6HT. THOKSVOK VISE. DLUtainf A i BMBOOK. THBOPOSB WBIttHJ. VBAStK £. KSASLt PETER WEIGHT A SONS, . Importersof Earthenware, ■ and • Shipping and Commission MershAnts, No. H 5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia) TJBIVY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PBGFEBTY.—Thn Xonly place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Blais, fwtad, at verylow prices, a.peyssqn, . Mannfectnrer ofPoud-ratw, ' . . Goldsmith’s Hall. Llbrars strrat a Portfolios,, : i Dressing Cases, i Bankers’ Cases, /ft?!? ffn 5 . fh fb ■ % 5 *53 writing .DESKS, toilet CASES, •JfEEDLB k*oo£a, ; Ladioo and .Gents* and TtayelUng Bags, ln aUetylea, , Byron; 600,oaseaBlack berries fe syrUp; eoodases^KS'^J^^p?^ A'l MODES MUtOED meat.— The undersigned IA are nowareceivinglnto store, the above celebrated Minced Meat, put upln Firkins of S 8 and 68 lbs., also In Darrels and Blass Jars, and are prepared to furnish it to the trade at theloweat manufacturer’s prices ■ JOS. B. BUB6IBE A CO., 108 South Delaware Avenue. Twenty-Five Barrels Prime Cranberries landing and for sale by J. B. BUSSIEB A CO„ 108 South Delft, ware Avenue. Cnov3-3moa| Sntmeer ia*CSilef, * TJ. B.KVyy. ' g e\\ "3 p p'al 3 u SV f 1| ©: Xefcdltrworkl tJ made'inifti! b{ Satchels.» g Pocket '