v ■ ■ ■' " V ” ■. "V ,u *~ S' 8 From our Fourth EdftioTi,. of.Y®?^r.fe«« •;.> From WatfblnKton; {\ ' ! li <...- , [To New TorkAtßodated PresaJ v.' -. I _peo. 20. —The colored oiti- are holding private .meetings toarrangeior^voting-rat-thenext municipal election, and to consider other matters in that connection. - cl The Republican-Association at their regu lar meeting last night.passed a resolution declaring that in its' judgment the organi zation of to, thissooiety, composed exclusively of colored persons is neither ex-j _ pedient asa matter of policy, nor consistent. ; with onr republican principles,,which make] no distinction of race or color. • , j ■ Trial of tbe Fentsius. • ] (i i ■ i-'CIo ttetj;'.S. Associated Press.}- -••- j ■ Sweetsbukg, Dec. 20.—Court met at 9.30 j - Peter Tates was sworn. He nar rated the conversation he had with; several] -■parties of Feniahs who came, to this; house,] hear. Pigeon Hill. They told him they were! . going to , fight the British Govern-] ment, whip the - red T coats;; take . the fortress, at 'up aj renegade Irishman, 'named, McGee, and] establish in, Qariada .a repubUcan. goyera-| molt.' -Thomas R. Boberta, ofthey4dDocate,‘ narrated similar conyerßations s atPigeon HiHvAlpheqs' Stephens gave information concerning the; • plundering’ofa number of houses. . j ■’/ Froth jßoffiao.' !r ■' 1 ! : - ‘\Tdthe XJ. S. Akoolpteif Preaa.l .!> ■v r, | -ic BuEFJff.o, Dec. 20.—T0-day ia the coldest: of the season. The thermometer , marking 5 degrees above zero. • | The Trade held a meeting ye3-i tqrday, to consider pie feasibility. of T apply-s system 'to sU produce.] ’ Action wjas! postponed phjttie matter till the ” hoard of ; Trades of ]qlher cities 7 could be: heard from, when itis' expected.' there will be concerbof action ontbeaubjeot. t ■ ’ strifes' of Tail Ors In^Hcston. '.’[ToiheKew ; ' , ' BosToif]-Deo. 20.— Thejburneymen tailors Vot:thiß;'Qity haye .sirufck; ’agi4nh|t!ihe efforts,' Af.the merchant to re<|uce the_pr.lces theretofore paid for. jbamey work; and: the : craft in; other cities, it it said, have offered to aid the movement. A meeting of jour " neymen has been called for this evening, for the purpose of organising resistance. r - ■; The Disaster to n>moh,sH-'ls@sl3-25;Fahoy.andEx:tra,; $l3 30'@$16 50. Rye flour is ijjfifet; sales; oil 150 barrels'at s6 ; lo@s7 40. Corn meal is dull. Wheat dull and lower at S@so.; sales -of £7,l)oobushels at $1.95@52 for No. 3 Mil waukee; s2;2sfor Common ,N0.;2-Milwau-j kee: $3 10 for Amber State. Rye is quie’;: sales 0f.,7,600 bushels West®™ at $125.; RmrlOy dull; 12,600 bushels Sold at r Si 10 for,) twd rowed State-and Canada, and $1 15* for; Canada West; free, .qnd 9,000 bushels un i sound Canada at SOcents. Ooru heavy and! 2@3 cents lower; sales of 16,000 bushels at 1 - $1 10 @ 112 for mixed Western, in a tore and; afloat, aUd $1 12J for Western yellow, in; store, Oats are lcent bushel;'sales of: 3,100 bushels at 63@651 cents for .Chicag-if - and Milwaukee, and 69i@70 cents for Statp opened decidedly lower and closed niore firmly; sales's,Boo' bbls. ac s2o@s2U 6u for New Mess, $l9 @sl9 25 for Old Mess, closing at $l9 18i cash and'sl7@sl7 50*for Prime.; Dressed Hogs are firmer; sales at 9J@lOl for Western* Lard.-; lower; sales . of - -550 ! barrels. ,at ' iU@l2l for old'and'new. ' Whisky quiet and nominal. 1 Freight -decidedly lower; to • Liverpool 21,000 bushels of corn; 31d.@4d.; to Glasgow;2l,ooo bushelsof com, Id; Bteri- ■ in fairly active at; 6@7percent./ ~l f ; ' Boston, Dec. 20.— Flour firm and inac-i tive; receipts -light. Corn—new yellow,'; $1 23@$1 24; eld mixed, $1 28; receipts, j 19,600 bushels. Beef firm. Pork. firm. 1 Lard firm: Whisky-dull and nominal. ! Buffalo, Dec; SaK-Hflour; sales of 600 barrels -at'“s9 50 for fine, $ll 50 for No. li for J spring,>slB ‘5O ’ for Amber winter; i,500i barrels of--white. Wheat' (double extra), : Western 5 sold.- Com And. Oats quiet . and; unchanged. Rye: sales of .2,500 bushels Chicago at' sl' 00. 'Peas, sl' 25. Pbrkqulet; at $2l 00. Ltrfd i3@l3ic.' Whisky, $2 38. Drpßsed HogS, 1 sB@§B 50, The market Is doll. r; av -NewToEK.Dec. firmer at Ssc. fljr mid dling Uplands. Flour declining: sales of 4,000 bbls. state- yfe 80@I18 50; Ohio. $ll @l3 23: Southern, drocFptng; 300 bbls. sold at 111 15@18 £O. Wheat lower. Oats l@2o.]ower,’ 20,000 bUihela. of Chicago sold at 60(865c. Fork lower SCO hbls. of new mess said at J20@20 so. Xardlsdoll, Sales or 200 bbls., at 12@i3c. • Whiskey qniet* r- ’ v Baltimore. Dec. 19.—Floor firm- with fair Inquiry; sales of small Hots-of: Howard Street Soperfloe at $ll 50; 300 bbls.' Chicago Extra at |l2 25<8512 50. .By? flour at $6 sa Corn meal; Ss@ss 25. Qraln active and firm; good to prime Bed Wheat at $3 15@$3 25; filr at 10.' Good to prime Wheat at $3 35@S 65; fair dn at *3 10©3 20. i New. Corn, for shipping, at $1 03(6)1 os damp do. at 95c @sl 30. Oats 60c. per oushel. Rve. $1 is@l 30. Mess Fork dnU att23. Bulk meats quiet Bacen—shoulders and sides. 12@13c. Coffee-£lo In active bnt steady; other descriptions neglected. Sug&r beavy and dolL- Whisky dull at $2 84@2 35 for city Hogs—sales of dressed at *>£(ZS9c. Bales »t Philadelphia Bteet Bwirt; BAI/SS AFTER PIBST UUajm, IEOOSnsq Canal Bds b 5 65JJ 50 ah Beh Nv pf CAP S3N 10000 CB 6-2t)’a ’65 CO Jy 500 Sh 13th a 15 til St K lON. sIO loss 100 sh Cataw pf 29 10000 Camd & Amboy 200 ah do 2>i. mtgffl 'B9 WS 200 8b do 83} 13N 40 ah Penna B 55N loa sh Beading B sSO 623, 10 sb do 55 L „ 200 ah do alO 31’, 100 ah do b3O 55? i loosh do a 5 5>N Osh Lehigh Nv sen 53 looah do 52 J , 50sh Spruce«fc Pineß 200 sh do 52 mlO t>s M lOOah do boo s:s 82 sh Western Bh . 973 j SECOND : 11000 UBO-JO’S ’65 xeg 1063{ FOO tJBSSIO-«a ct> 993 J liocoCam AAm 63 'B9 M?i HO Eh Big Mount 1 200 8h N Y & Middle coal Hi 200 sh Phll TRANSPORTATION RISKS oa Ur CHianrtUMjgT Railroads, Canals and Rtasmhnafa^ EXBB RISKS on Merchandise, Fnrnltnre and Band “®’*Anhni and TOTAL PBOFKBTUfiJ, FEB^Ert^’cHABTEB. Arthur 0. Oofiin, ,* Haiti hel W. donee, , SohnA.Brown, Charles Taylor. Ambrose whits, William Welsh, Richard D. Wood, S, Morris Warn. T. Charm ARTHUR Chsanma Piatt. Beene TJROVIDENT LITE AND TRUST COMPANY i OP PTTTT. 4 UTCT.PITT A, NO. 11l Sooth FOURTH Street. INCORPORATED 8d MONTH,Z2d, ISO. CAPITAL, 1150.000. PAID IN. . Insurance on Llvee,by Yearly Premiums; or by E, is or 20-year prem!nma. Non-forfe3tnre. Endowments, payable at a foture age. or on prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10-y ear Premiums— bothcaseeNon forfeiture. • Annolites granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children's Endowments.^ This Company, while glvlnethe Insured the security of a pald-np Capital, wlu divide the' entire Prod La ol the Life business among Its Policy holders. Moneys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorised by charter to execute Trusts, and to act, as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian and In other fiduciary capacities under appointment ol any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies polltlo or corporate. DIRECTORS. Samuel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wlstar Brown, Blchard Wood, ffm. C. Longstreth, . Charles F. Coffin. SAMUEL B. SHIPLEY. ROWLAND PARRY,q President. Actuary. THOMAS WIBTAR. MD„ J. B. TOWNSEND, od.tfi Medical Examiner. Legal Adviser• ram- FIRE ASSOCIATION, rWW Incorporated March 27. 1660. SF CW* A OPFICK. No. SI N. FIFTH street. la sure BUELDINaB, HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE and MEROHANDISEgener ally, from Loss by Fire, (lit the (Sty o iBHSHSSP Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT of the Assets of the AssociaHot January 1, 1865. Brads and Mortgages on property In the City of Philadelphia- - _pas,46S it wlsi u U. a Government 6-ai Bonds 45,000 « U. 8. Treasury Rotes..——_™.————„ 6,640 a caty Warrants. ea a n«ih m 17,423 tJ Total . ——- - <36l,ca it TBUBnXS, G3SOBQB W. TBYON, PretidenL . WM. H. HAMILTON JOSEPH B. LYNDALL JOHN BOUDKR. LEVI P. COATS, PETER A. KEYHKR, SAMUEL SPAEHAWK JOHN PHILBIN, CHARLES P. BOWER. JOHN CARBOW, JESSE LIGHTFOOT. QEORGE L YOUNG, ROBERT SHOEMAKER WM. T.BUTLEB, Secretary. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 01 IVI PUTT, a ngT.PTTT A ■ OFFICE, NO. E SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, • • ■ - 8120,523 3) CHASTER PESPETUAI. MUTUAi SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DIBECTOBS 808 IKS. Caleb Clothier, | Benjamin Malone, I Thomas Malher, T. Ell wood Chapman, Simeon Matlack, Aaron W. Gaaklll, r>T.mi CLO BEKJAMTK THOMAS MATHER. T. ELLWOOD CHAP] TRFFEBSON FIRE ERSCRANOK COMP ANY Ol iJ FgEAJ KT.PKTAOFFICE, Ha a HOBIB fifth-street, near MAEKET.BTREET. Incorporated by tire Heel filature or Pennsylvania Chabtkb PxBPROAb CAPITAL AM) ASSETS IISfcOOO. Moke Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire or Public oFPrlvate Buildings, Fornltore, Stocha Goods and Mercnand!se,pn fitvorable terms. DIRECTORS. George Erety, Frederick Doll, August C. Mlllfer, Jacob Schandler, John F. Belsterlms, Samuel Miller, Henry Trootaner, Edward F. Moyer, William McDaniel, Adam J. Glass, Christopher H. Miller, Israel Peterson, Frederick Staake, Frederick Ladner jpnaa Bowman, }_ GEORGE'ERETY, President, JOHN F. BKLSTERLING, Vloe Presidin' PHILIP E. COLEMAN. Secretary. nHaanxntßOßAißM company of phlila t DELPHIA, INCORPORATED 190*—CHABTKB FEBFBOT7A HO. 221 WALNUTStreet, opposite the Exchange. In addition to MAEIHE andJMLAMD INBURANC; this Company Inserts from leas or damage by firs on llberal terms, on bnlldlnn, merchandise, lumlturc Ac., Ibr limited periods, ana permanently on boUCir-p bydeposlt of premium. . The Company has been m active operation to m&n than SIXTY YEARS, during which all loom ts»- Been promptly ... John L. Hodge, David Lewis, Iff. £, Wahnny RAnJtonfn TCtfcfng, John T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powers, WllUam B. Grant, A. R. McHenry, Bobert W. Learning, Edmond Castillos, D, Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Lonla a Morris. JOHN H.W COHERER, FratldfXl. BAwraL Wreoox, secretary. nm INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THI J? PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY—lnoorporated isss-Charter Perpetnal—No no WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square Tha Company, Otvorahly known to the oomtantut; for over forty years, continues to insure against lea or damage by fire, on Public w Private jtnildlni* ether permanently or to a limited time. Also, 0; Fnrnltnreptocks of Goods and Merchandise renaraU? on liberal toms. Their Capital, tocether with a large BnrpmsFandt Invested In the most carefhl manner, which the cast of loss. „„ Daniel Smith, Jr., | JolmDerenozi Alexander Benson, I Tbomae Smith, leaaa TTaalehnrat, I HenrrDewls, Thomas BoMne, I„ J. GlHinihirei PHI Daniel Haddock, Jr. Jr., preside**; WIIJJAKB. CBOWJLH. A KEBIOAN lIDTUAZi rNSTJBAKCE mVAim A —Office Utomluur Banding. KO. u *yaen.u» Street. MASTNE AND INLAND mBUKANGKR- Blski token on veaels.cercees end freights to ell peitt of theTOnH, end onjpods on Intend trenspertotloncr g&gSS'oSfeeir 1 * mro “ ynjjAMCTtAie.Praadmt, ‘ , „ pkteb OTua».Vioe Pmftei BOBKBTJ.MHE.Becrettry. wmiiunoreig, Henirasaßeta, Peter CnHen, Wm.S.Lowbcr, John DsUett. Jr., J. Johnston Broom; WUltomH.lCerrlflk, Bamnel A. Bulan Beni. W. Blchsrds, Meson Hntehlns. iffifeslMUett., Henry It Elder, wnmcseirij , a Bgjbnsn Morgen; , - - ntnoi aemu. „ .. is? H»rua« »lMiepeld op CAPITAi STOCK end BOX FBUBlnTestealn soundand evsOableSecmrltl«s,oo*. turns to Insure on DweUlnn, stores, BurnltureTltes chsndlae,yeswlß in port, end thelrOeigseA end other Personel Property. AH Lasses ÜbsrsUy end prosnptif BdlnitoOi t -, i Thoms* B. Mem, B^a^SSfortim, Betrttkßredj, JabnT.Unßi . Jama B. OMaptMlfl Xdmona a. DtftHh. - ITHOlfAfln. VABTH. - JohnMaaqn,l Seoigs !>. Hmntna, Francis B. Oops. . Edward H. Train, &&Glar)ctt WTlllam flmnTHhiy t T. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. Jessop. in Henry. I. ODtnS, PrseldanJ, William P. Seeder, Joseph Chapman, Charles Evans, Edward SL Needles, Wilson M. Jenkins, tokens Webster. :tHB. President. ATI) SB, Vice President, seS3-Bm| Secretary. INSURANCE. Hanford Live Stock Insurance Co;, Incorporated by tile legislature of Connecticut, - ■ WITH.A i Otartered. Capital 6F $500,000.; ASSETS, »EC. Ist, 186:6. ‘ 125 abates Mercantile National Bank- >13,125 00 U. S. 52080nd5..™ .20.620 00: tl. S. 7-30 80n6a....i ■ 633 75; Connecticut 6 per cent, State Bonds 20,500 00 Hartford City 80nd5............;.... 5.100'00 Loans ob Heal Estate, first liens... 45,500 oo' Loanson approved 45,000 U) ; cash in band. 1.215 28 Cash in hands of Agent 5.......;..........- ...1.—.. 15-621 39 ; DBe ■ 2,551 61 : Accrued Interest SOI 67, 62 This Company la now prepared to issue policies on Live Block against Death or Theft; or both combined, at reasonable rates. e. n. Kellogg, President. : - GEOBGKD, jkWETT, Vice President. WM. 0. GOODRICH, Secretary. phuAbelphiabepebknces: Hon. Horton McMlnhael,)Hon. James Pollock. Hayof, : | Stokes, Caldwell & Co. Jay Cooke, Esq., F. & E. A. COBBIW, General Agents for Pennsylvania, 430 Walnut street, Philadelphia des-w.Mm LIVERPOOL AND LOKDOK ANDGLOBB INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total Premiums received by the Com* pany in 1865, $4,947,176. Total Loises Paid in 1865, $4,018,250. Premiums received In the IJ. 8. from January l to July 1,1866. (737,697 32. Losses In United States from January 1 to Jnly X (393,163 61. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICE, No- 6 Merchants’ Exchange, fe£/tu l th t ftl2 PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE MUTUAL BAFJETV INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1&35. Office, S. E. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES on vessels, cargo and freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES, on goods, by river, canal, lake, and land carriage, to ail 'irt of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, JTHE COUNTY 8188 IHBPBASCB COMPANT OBFICB NO. Ill) BOOTH POUBTjI STBEJG '“The Plrt Insurance Company cl the County Philadelphia.” Incorporated by the Legislature Pennsylvania In ISIS, for indemnity agalmß lose damage by ftre, explosively. dHABTEBPEKPKTOAIu This old and reliable Instltnllon, with ample ctp:. and contingent fund carefuUy invested continues to , cure buildings, fumltnre, merchandise, Ac., either pc manently or for a limited time, against lees or data.-- by fire, at the lowest rate* consistent with the sbsolab safety of Its customers. „ Lossm adjusted and gaMwnjydl potable despai Charles J. Butter, Kdwlnla Beakit, Henry Crlliy, John Horn, Bobert V. Massey, Jr,, Joseph Moore, Henry Budd, OeorgeMecke, Andrew H. Miller, James B, Stone, tTHABLKB J. BUTTKB, Prpldsr mnmimi F. Hqboelxt. Beo’v and Treasnrar. mm ibbobabcb company, £ NO, Mg CHESTNUT BTBBBT. PHILADELPHIA. 8188 AND INLAND INBUBAHt Francis N.Buck, Jno. W. Bvermaa Charlee BlcharCtoa, Bobert B, Potter Henry Lewis, Jno. Kessler, Jr,. Bamnel 'Wright. K D. Woodrufi. ; F.B. Justus. cam. Stokes, **>• w „Jpa,D.EUU. gBANCUB N. BUCK, President. CHAB. BUTHABPSOH. WwPieSMay »EFaasm«AMm.nsß>sHTw . . STOVES ABTD HEATESSfc, THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHKNKB OB JOBS EUROPEAN RANGES, lbr families, hotels Ml or public IBBtltntions in TWENTY DIFFER ENT SIZES. Also. Philadelphia‘Bulges, Be air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewholeplates, Broil ers, Cooking stoves, etc., wholesale and retail by tb< manufacturers. no2l-m,w,f,omo > SHARPE A THOMSON* No. .209 North Second street. Jk- JOB BABTLETT & 808. Aft Manufacturers of the . C_H OKLEBBATED BARTLBTT HBATEBB, Cooking Ranges, Gas Ovens, & Sheet Iron Wort of ever? description. Asmendld assortment of REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS, j and Silver’s Air tight Stoves, always on band, at No. 924 Arch Street, Philadelphia. anSO-tf Jt THOJCAB B. DIXON * SONS, LateAndrews* Dixon,' JowH HO. U9t CHESTNUT street, United States Mint, ; LOW-DOWHJ PAELOB, ■ ' ITH A^TRTttt, opphje. - 9 AndotherGK4TKß. Sta Anthracite, Kltnmlnons ana WooSjitKri Vara', i' , __ CHIMNEY-GAPS,' TOOEIHG-KANaEB, BATH-E?m.WW3, 433 > WTgQMSAiJt and ERTAXT, ■, - CARRIAGES. CffSA POE SALK.—A luge assortment of in Iffsay* and second-hand Carriages, top and no top .Boggiest Bocfcaways and Gennantowns, and Express Wagons. GEO. DODD A SONS, HO, 480 BACHir&eet, Hon, ai Wifl SS3 CROWN steeeC «am. DAVIS, Vice President, ‘tary dels to noi JFOR EXPRESSSTEANISHiP LINE Have commenced their regular OUTSIDE TRIPS, The Steamships MBFOIH, Captain Vance. ; ALEXANDRIA, Captain Allen. VfSGiftlA, Captain Stone. Leaving city,-- - * •>- . . .... TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, From first wharf below MARKET street, Philadel >hia,and Pier 14 EAST River JS.ew York. These'steamers insore at lowest rates. FREIGHT receive d DAILY* at onr asnal low rates. WM-PI CLYDE <& CO , Agents, • 14 Booth WHARVES. Philadelphia. - - JAMES HA>D. Agent, 104 WALL street, New York. 808 SAVANNAH, GA. SImJMi&L The Philadelphia and Southern UaQ bwamshlp Company's Begnlar Dlnee, second wharf below Sprnee street. . The steamship TCNAWANDA, Capt/W. Jennings, for SAVANNAH, will commence receiving freight on THUBSDA'S, December 20 th, and sail onSATUBi DAY, December 22d,at 10 o’clcch A. M., and every alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.: January 19, &c Thlfl_eteamer has nne state Booms and other ac commodations for naasengears. Cabin passage, |2S: Deck do.. 115. Through tickets sold to the following points—Macon, 6a, 136; columbns, Ga.. HO; Angus ta.Ga„ (32; Atlanta, Ga., 139; Albany. Ga. HO; Montgomery, Aia.vMs; Ba tatas, Ala , HO; Mobile, Ala, —; New Orleans, f6O. Freight taken at low rates. - Throngh recelpta given at through rates to .Macon, Augusta Columbus, Atlanta, Ga.; Knoxville, ehatva nooga, Nashville. Memphis. Tenn.: Canton, Miss, .. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail ing day. Agents at Savannah, Hunter & Gammell. . Por height or passage, apply to WM. Ia JAMES, General Agent, d&KSfr. FOB new ORLEANS, DIRECT!'. . thk phtt.abki.phia as» south- KKK MATT. STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S-BEGULAB TINE. The first-claaa Eteamablp JUNIATA, 1.800 tons register, P. P.Hoxle, Master, • Will commence reefelvine Height for the above port at second wharf below Spruce street, on MONDAY, December 17th, and sail on SATUBDAY, Dec. 22d, at 12 o’cloch M. ~ Returning, will leave NEW OBLE ASS an SATUR DAY, January sth« _ Tills Steamer has supvrl Ji State Booms and ©they accommodations for passengers. Cabin passage. $6O; Deck do., |3O. ' Freight taken at lowrates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail* lug day. Agents at New Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nickerson & Co., who will give careful attention to shipment oi goods to Galveston, Mobile, Vicksburg, ana Interior points. For freight or passage, apply to WM. It. JAMES. General Agent, 314 South Wharves, FOB WILMINGTON, N. C jjfflafts THE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH jgjZS MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINE, from*Second Wharf below BPBUCE street. The first-class steamship PIONEER. taptaJnJ Ben nett, lor WILMINGTON, will commence receiving freight on THURSDAY. December 27th, and call on SATURDAY, December s9th. at 10 o'clock A, M-. and every alternate Saturday thereafter—vlej January 12th, £6th, &c. Passengers will find superior accommodations and >est attendance. Cabin passage, $2O; Deck do., $lO. Freight earned at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on saQ Ing day. Agents at Wilmington, WORTH & DANIEL, who will give esnecial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the interior. For freight or passage, apply to WM.L. JAMES. General Agent, - sei2 314 tiouth Wharves for BOSTON. steamship line direct, STOs FSOfif 3ACSI>OBTEV££y J1923A 7& FROM PINE ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Crowell, will aan from Philadelphia on Saturday, Dec. 22, at xo A, M. The steamship* ROMAN, Captain Baker, wIU saU from Boston on Tuesday, Dec. 25, at 3 P.M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston la now composed of the ROMAN (new), Captain Baker, 1,483 tons burthen, SAXON, Captain Matthews. 1,250 tons burthen. NORMAN, captain Croweli. L2C3 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamships will sail punctually as advertised and freight will ce received every day, a .steamer beau always on the berth to receive cargo. Shipper* are requested to tend BUIS of Lading with their goods. Forfreightor passage having superior accommoda tions, apply to r " HENRY WINSOR & 00.. ans - SS2 South Delaware avenue THROUGH AIR-LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK ■ STEAMSHIP COMPANY, THROUGH •RRnKTPTS TO NEW BERN. Also, to all points in NORTH and SOUTH CARO LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG r VA., TENNESSEE, and the WEST, via NORFOLK, PETERSBURG AND SOUTHSIPH RAILROAD. The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it to the publhL&s the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from the first wharf above Market street ' Freight received daily. ■ , « WM. P. CLYDE & CO n selO 14 North and 14 South Wharves, HAVANA STEAMERS. SSStttt. SEtEL-MONTHiT LINH. *1 he steamships ' HENDRICK HUDSON Oapt. Howea STABS AND STRIPES Capt. Holme* These eteamerswlU leave this port &>i Havana every other SATURDAY, at 3 A. M. The steamship HENDRICK HUDSON, Howea, master, wHI sail for Havana on SATURDAY HORN* ING. December 29ih, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana ISO. No freight received after Thursday, - per MO North Delaware aventu. JSHW mrpaicaa HHE TO AL2X SBkW/? AHDBIA, Georgetown end Washington, via Caeaapeake and Belaware Canal, with connecaoia it Alexandria,'Va.,_fbrm the most direct route for liynchbnrg, Bristol, Knoxville, HaehvlUe, Daiion and lb? Southwest. steamers leave First Wharf above Market street ever; Wednesday and Saturday at B M. For apply to Sheaggts, ~ . W. P. (MS3 * CO., It North Wharves,' J, B, Bavldion, Agent at Georgetown; M. Elfirldse A So,, Agenta at Alexandria. POB NEW YOKK.—Philadelphia Steam aHMafega Propeller Company—Despatch and Swift 'lUreXmes, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leaylng dally at 12 M. and 6 ?. E cunnectlag with all Urs Northern and Eastern Unea ’ Por freight, which will t taken on accommodatlna terms, apply to mhistf WE M. BAIRD & 00., No. 132 South Delaware avenna. _ «JT a. BTRAMER FOR SAT.R—The fast .ailIT Bailing coppered and copper fastened steamer HKT.BN GETT'S (aide wheel), 408 tons O. M., 180 leetlong, 24X feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet 8 Inches; draws S feet 4 Inches water, built of live oak and red cedar. Apply to R. A. SOUDER & 00., Bel2-tf Dock Street Wharf. - alt— ~ a. NXW TOW-BOAT LINE. ■aiKKkmCijp kla wash ana ch3&afaa£s rn*TPA7Tv. - ■ BARGES towed to and from m I iiADBLP.dJAj HAVBE-DE43BACK, BALTIMORE, WASHESS) TOM. and Intermediate points, , • WH. P. CLYDE dS CO., Agents, No. 14 Sooth Wharves. Philadelphia; Captain JOHN liATJGHUN. Bnpertntendent. FOB FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The Br. bark B ALTABARA, Wllßon, master. 294 tons •S6«S register, ready to load. Also, the Br bar* CONQUEROR Sterling, master, 185 tons register For terms, apply to E. A. SOUDER & 00., Dock street wharf. de2o-6. iSb, FOR FREIGHT OB CHARTER—The fast dsn sailing eopeered brig KATE STEWART, Pad- JUa dock, master. 4 000 bbls. capacity, ready to load. Apply to E. A. SOUDER «fc CO., Dock street wharf de2o-6t Al WANTED TO PUROHABR-A centre-board Vessel, suitable for grain trade. Not over three a years old, and not over 26 feet 4 Inches beam. Apply to EDMUND A. SOUDER * CO., No. 3 Dock street. - nog ■ ri, WANTED.—A Vessel to load for Charleston, S. C„ Immediately, E. A. SOUDER OND’B BSOTON_BIBCUIT^—Bond s Boston Edits, S 3 and Mllk Blacnlt, iandlni ftomstesmer NOnnaa ACQ“ Agsnts fofi 3U South Wharves.