mom#wvnom BY TELEGRAPH; LATE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THE VISIT OF GENERAL McCOOK. THE INDIAN OUTRAGES. Measures to Protect the Citizens. The Burning of a Catholic Church, By the Atlantic Cable. [To the New York Asa eclated Frees.] London, Deo. 21, Noon.—U. 8. Five twenties of 1862, are qnoted thie morning at 71|@72. The new issue is quoted at 70|. g London, Dec. 21, Noon,—Consols opened at 90. for money. Brie Railroad shares, Illinois Central, - Liverpool, Dec. 21, Noon.—The’ cotton market opened steady at 14i@14j for Mid dling Uplands/ The sales will probably: reach 12,000 bales. Bacon is quiet at a decline of 2s. Lard is Od. lower. From; San Francisco. pro the New York Associated Press,] San Francisco, Dec. 17.— The Honolulu Commercial Advertiser states that the prin cipal object of General McCook’s visit to Ban Francisco is to communicate with the government by telegraph, and to ask leave !of absence so that he may visit Washing ton to communicate with the Cabinet re specting a reciprocity treaty with the Sand wich Islands, or a liberal revision of the treaty now in force. He has become con vinced that the American interests will be greatly. served by the reciprocity treaty, The project is warmly supported by Ameri can residents on the Islandjand by the busi ness men of San Franoiseo. The demand of exchange and bullion for the next steamer opened quietly. Bankers quote coin drafts at two per cent, and two and a quarter per cent. Telegraph trans fers at two and a half per cent, The total demandsof coin for duties since January Ist, 1866, was $6,964,000. The British bark Sharpshooter, from Liv erpool, and the French bark General Atha line, from Boideaux, have arrived. The Russian bark Hercules, from Austra lia, arrived to-day. Extra Family flour, $6 50;, superfine, $6; .choice wheat $1 90 per hundred pounds; Eastern butter, 30@34 cents. Mining Stocks—Savage. $2,000; Yellow Jacket, $1,130; Crown Point, $100; G6uld & Curry, $713; Imperial, $140; Chollar Potosi, $219; Legal Tenders, $72. San Francisco, Dec. 18.— Gen. James F. Ruling, Inspector and Quartermaster of this department, arrived in this city on the 15th inst. from Washington, by way of Salt Lake, Columbia river, and Portland, Ore gon, inspecting various posts on his route. He goes from here to Fort Yuma and Ari zona. Hon. R. C. McCormick, acting Go vernor of Arizona, has also arrived by steamer from the south. . The Humboldt Register , reoently a strong supporter of James W. Nye, Senator from Nevada, comes out in a lengthy article against him. The Billingham Bay Coal Company of Washington Territory, failing to suppress the fires in their mines, were compelled to turn tide water in upon them which had the desired effect. Heavy storms have been prevailing in the northern portion of the State, and five feet of snow reported to have fallen on Scott Mountain, stopping all travel. The Hale and Norcross Mining Company yesterday declared ,an extra dividend of $2OO per foot. San Francisco, December 19th.—The United States District Judge, Hoffman, to day order the condemnation of a quantity of spirits seized for violation of the Revenue laws. . Nothing doing in wheat, the prices rang ing from $1 70@1 90 per hundred pounds. , Mining stooks—Savage, $2,000 Yellow Jacket, $1,220; Gould & Curry, $606; Ophir, $185; Belcher, $122; Empire Mill, $195, Imperial, *sl36; Legal tenders, $72. San Francisco, Dec. 20.—Governor R. C. McCormiok, of Arizona, visits San Fran cisco at the request of the citizens-of Central Arizona, to confer with Generals McDowell and Halleck, concerning the measures to proteot the people of that section from the continued murderous outrages by the In dians, and to keep open the posts and mili tary roadß to that territory. The Arizona Gazette of Dec. 6 th, says that Colonel McGurry and Doctor McCormick had arrived at Port Yuma. The Territorial Legislature had memori alized Congress to repeal the law giving ter ritory in the Pah Utah county to the State of Yeyada. . ’■ ' : Colonel Carter, the new Secretary of the Territory, appears to give universal satis faction. -From California. ITo'the TJ, 8. Associated Press.] -San Francisco, Dec. 20.—Brig.-General James F. Rusling, U. S. A., Inspector of the Quartermaster’s Department, arrived on Saturday, from Washington, by way of Salt take city and. Columbia river. While on his way he inspected Forts Boise and Van Conner, and various posts on the plains, and will inspect all the forts on the Pacifio Coast. ' Leading bankers quote coin draftd on At lantic cities 2J per cent; currency drafts 32 per cent, premium on gold; telegraphio transfers, 2i per cent.;' 'English Exchange, "481 pence. Eastern butter quoted at 34 0, The bark Sharp Shooter, Madison, from Liverpool, arrived to-day. . An Idaho letter Bays the business of coun terfeiting gold dust is carried on to a serious . extent, and the authorities of the Territory have been called on to suppress it. Mining stocks generally closed weak Uon!d & Curry, at $730; Savage, 1,975!; Imperial, $140; Yellow Jacket, $1,165; Choi- - Oar Potosi, $216; Legal Tenders, 72/ t To the complaint of the United States vs i John Avery, who - refused to surrender the office of United States Assessor to the ap pointee of President Johnson. The defen dant set up a depiurrer in the U. S. Court to-day, which Judge Hoffman overruled THE DAILY EVENING BULLETiN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDA with leave for the defendant to answer ini six days.. •' The Hale and Noreross Mining Companyi declared a dividend of $2OO per foot in addi-; tion to a former one, making a total dlvi ' dend of $3OO per share for the last month, ! San Francisco, Deo. , 18th.—Governor.' McCormick, of Arizona, who came here at! the request of the citizens of that Territory ! to add addition aid. for the suppression of the Indian troubles,. has been consulting with Generals Haileck and McDowell to-: day, and entertains hope of the sncoessfuli termination of his mission. Bnrnlnj? of a Catholic mrarcb. [BytheN.T. Associated Press.] New York, Dec. 21.—St. Peter’s Catholic Church, in Jersey City, an elegant structure just completed, took fire at midnight last night, from some unknown cause, and be fore the flames could be snbdded, was badly damaged. - The magnificent organ in pro cess of construction, was nearly destroyed by fire and water. . The loss will probably amount to $20,000. . ; Marine Intelligence. .. [By toe U. S. and Etiropcan Associated Press.] _ Scituate, Mass., Deo. 2i.—The brig Ju buee, reported ashore here, remains tight. She will get off after discharging her hull. Boston, Dec. 2L—The schooner Volta, ■ from Wilmington for Boston, with naval: stores, remains on Gallapoa Island, partly foil of water. ; Provtnoetown, Dec. 21.—There is an un known schooner ashore on Race Point.' I Arrival of the Steamship City of Hew ..Fork. ■ [By the United States Associated Press.] New York, Dec. 21. —The steamship City of York, from Liverpool, December 5, has arrived,at this port. Her advices have been anticipated. ■ ; Gold Market. TBy the IT. a AseocUtedPresa.] NicW Yoke, Dec. 21,—Gold is quoted to day as follows: Time. Price. Time. 10 opened, 134111.30 10.30, 13411215 P.M., 10.42, 133 J 12.45, 11.00, 1341 1.10, Personal. \ A hunting party of distinguished foreign ers arrived at Wyandotte, Kansas, on the 10th inst., from the plaiHS. Among them were Prince Nicholas Onroussoff.of Russia Count Montaigne,of France, F. H. Evans oi England, and B. R. Digby.of Ireland. The officers of the frontier posts were instructed to furnish everything within their means which the hunting party might need to pro mote their comfort and success. They rep resent their buffalo hunt as having been a very pleasant and successful one. Prince Nicholas having killed thirty buffalo him self, and the whole Darty aboutonehundred and fifty of our noble American bison. The Norwich (Ct.) Bulletin says that Ed wm Booth, the tragedian, has purchased of William Stuart, proprietor of Winter Gar den. New York, a few acres of land below the Pequot House, adjoining Mr. Stuart’s residence. Mr. Booth will erect a hand some house on the land during the winter, and make the place his summer residence Alexander H. H. Stuart, Colonel T. S Flournoy, Major W. T. Sntherlin, ex-Gov ©ruor Letcher and others h&76 been sng-» geated by their respective admirers as men who would make good governors or Vir ginia;” Mr. George B, Woods, of the Boston Daily Advertiser, is named as the successor of Mr Clapp as editor of the Saturday Evening Gazette, y General Basil Duke, the comrade of the guerilla John Morgan, is named as a candi date for Governor of Kentucky. Sad Incident to a Sleigh Ride,—lt again becomes our duty to place on record an occurrence which will probably result in the death of a young man and the arrest of another on the charge of murder. Monday afternoon James 8. Stewart, of the coal firm of Dickson, Stewart & Co., Lloyd Jamison and Wm. Dodds, left the city in a sleigh, and proceeded’ont the Greensburg turnpike to the tavern of George Weiss, three miles beyond Turtle Creek, where they stopped, and whilst warming and refreshing them selves, James Gwin, a resident in the neigh borhood, came in and accused Dodds of having, some time previous, stolen a dog from him. Dodds, who also lives in the vi cinity, denied the accusation, and an alterca tion ensued. Gwin ran out of the tavern and across the road to a blacksmith shop where he procured a coal digger's pick (a new one),with’which he returned, Meetine Dodds at the door of the tavern, he struok him with the piok in the left side, the point penetrating through to the back. Gwin then fled, and Dodds,, bleeding profusely was taken into the tavern. The neighbor hood physician was called in, and Mr. Dick son, of this city, sent for. At the latest ac counts last evening Dodds was sinking rapidly, and his death expected. His occu pation was that of hauling coal by contract and his character in the vicinity that of a peaceable, quiet young, man. Gwin for merly resided at Mount Pleasant; West moreland county. The police are after him, and it is hoped they will succeed in appre hending him.— Pittsburgh Gazette. Ladies’ Dresses and their Cost. A lady correspondent, of a San Francisco pa per writes; “ One lady of mv acquaintance, of refined and cultivated tastes, and noted for her tasteful wardrobe for home as well street costumes, expends qpon it $lO per month. Of course, her own graceful handi work is apparent in a large proportion of her apparel. Another, less 'circumscribed, dresses very handsomely on $l5 per month; and still another, whose genteel outfit at tracts many an observant eye upon Mont gomery street, succeeds in keeping her ex penditures within s3oper month. These are not suppositional cases, nor isolated ones; theirname is ‘legion,’ ’-’ Commenting upon this item, the editor remarks: “ Wesuggest to the ladies in question that they can make a good thing of it, by opening a school in this eity for the purpose of teaohing women how to- drSst| with taste and econo my, If they can teach women how to get themselves up in good shape at an lexpease of from $l2O to $240 per annum, wq venture to say they can realize more than the teachers of any other art in existence.” An Incident op the Election. The Newburyport Herald says one the intelli gent and independent voters, on Monday last, with a brick in his hat, was given a dollar to vote a certain ticket. He reached the ballot-box safely, but was a little con fused in mind, and through his. watering eyes all thiDgs appeared dim, like the fag end of dissolving views, when with a sud den jerk he thrust the greenback into the bollor-box and put the ballot in his pocket ands arted for home. Some of the boys tried to tell him that it was not a religious meeting, and the box where he had depo sited hfc money, wasnotacontribution box; but be hurried hqmeneither wiser nor richer from his day’s work. Suicide in Lawrencevillb.— Yesterday afternoon Coroner Clawson held an inq nest ? a , 1116 body of john Russell, who commit ted suicide, oh Wednesday, by hanging lnmself. The deceased resided on Butler street, Lawrenceville. Pa., and was sixty five years of age.. He had been sick for losopposed that he com mitted the deed while laboring under a ie Honorary aberration of mind. He leaves a wife-and six children; A verdict of death by suicide was rendered by the jury. THIKD EDITION. BY TEIifeGRAPH. LATEST CABLE NEWS. BANQUET TO MB. BIGELOW. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON Our Interests Abroad Commissioners to Attend to Them, SHERMAN’S MEXICAN MISSION. It is Reported, a Failure. SHERMAN DISGUSTED The Wool Growers and the Tariff. Additional Cable News. LTo tbs XT, a Associated Press.] London, Friday, Dec. 21, noon.—The opening priceß of consols is 90 for money. The following are the quotations of Ame rican securities. Illinois Central shares, 78}, Erie Railroad, 481. United States Five-twenties, 72. London. Deo. 21, noon.—Linseed oil 1b quoted at la lower. Price. - 134| 1341 134 J 134 i Livebpool, Friday, Dec. 21.— The cstton market is steady. The sales to-day are es timated at 12,000 bales. Middling Uplands opened at 14f. Liverpool, Friday, Dec. 21, noon.—The Provision market is dnlL Lard has declined 6d. Bacon 2a lower. London, Dea 21, noon,—The London and Antwerp Petroleum market is unchanged. Pabis, Dec. 21, 1 P. M.—At the grand banquet given in this city, yesterday, in honor of Mr. Bigelow, ex-Minister of the United States, nothing of political import ance transpired. Mr. Bigelow returned his thanks in elo quent words for the brilliant compliment paid him on his taking his farewell leave of the French people. Mr. Kellogg, who was present, said that the new Minister, General Dix, would find no thorny questions left to settla Liverpool, Friday, iDec. 2i, 1 [P. M Cotton—The business circular reports sales of the week at 110,000 bales. The market closes at 14Jd. per pound for Middling Up lands. Sales to-day will reach 10,000 bales. The maaket ruling mere quiet at the above quotations. London, Friday, Dec. 21.—Consols are firm at...-the opening quotations, at 90 for moagy. London, Dec. 21. i p. M.-The quotations of American stocks are as follows: United States 5-20’s, 72}; Illinois Central, 79 ; Erie Railroad shares, 49. Liverpool, December 21st, ;i866. The case of Pierolean was before the court to-day, Minister Adams wonld not sanc tion thejrecent argument made with Consul Morse relative to the disposal of the vessels seized as Confederate property and the pay ment cfone hunded and 'fifty thousand pounds claimed by Frazer, Trenholm A Co., of Charleston, as due to them from the late Southern Confederacy. An extension of time was given to the United States to continue the case. The sureties for the steamer Bat were discharged. From Washington. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.! Washington, Dec. 21.—Isaac F. Redfield, of Boston, has been appointed, and has ac cepted a position abroad to look after the interests of the United States pending In the English and French Courts, involving nearly twenty millions of dollars. General Sherman’s mission to Mexico has proved a total failure.- Heissaidtobe greatly disgusted with the whole matter. A deputation of wooigro were are in con ference to-day with the Finance Committee on the tariff Secretary McCulloch will not send thenew tariff bill, prepared by Mr. Wells, to the Committee until next week. Jeff Davis’s counsel are again here trying to get some action so as to secure his speedy trial. .5 [By the U. 8, Associated Press,! Washington, Dec. 21,— Most of the mem bers of Congress have already left here for their homes, and on the excursion to New Orleans, and the city is already very dull and quiet. The Cabinet meeting is in session at the White House, as usual, to-day, and nothing of interest has transpired at the Executive Mansion this morning; It is understood that , upon the further investigation of the facts connected with the disposition of the United States troops In Missouri, the Congressional delegation from that State are satisfied, and will withdraw their opposition to the policy pursued by General Grant In reference to the difficulties in that State. From Canada. ITaJheN. Y. Associated Press.] Quebec, 'December 21st,—A subscription has been started in this city forthe sufferer 8 by the late terrible colliery explosions In England. t The amount given by the Canadian Gov ernment to the Quebec relief fund will amount to £50,000. .Another installment ot £2,000 was received through the cable yes terday, from London, making £21,000 from that city. ■; ;•; Sir N. F. Bellan arrived here yesterday. The New [Orleans RlOts. - J-Oy t hCILS. and JEuropean News Association 1 NBwOKMi4Ns,pep»2o.-—The Investigating Committee appointed by Congress, has in structed their Secretary to obtain from Mayor Monroe the names of; the parties holding official position in New Orleans by popular eleotipß-or by appointment of the Mayor, in July and August last, and the names of the then acting police force of said city, both regular and extra. And the Mayor is respectfully requested by the committee to give such aid in the premises as will enable tbem-to obtain" the informa tion required. »:3Q O'ClMk. j fßr the United Stetes-Aiweiktea Press.] ■ ! Boston,. Deo. 21.— The Common .Council held a long and important session last even-! ing. The Committee on the South Boston! flats, after seven months’ consideration oil the subject; presented avoluminous report,; favoring the filling up of the large area of flals between the city proper, South. Bos ton and Castle Bland. The city would be thus increased one-third or so in and an immense amount of taxable property! added, including hundreds of wharves. It is thought that the United States will also 1 occupy some portion for Navy Yard pur poses. The peninsula of Boston would thus lose its present shape and portions of it beoome almost the heart of the city. It is estimated that the coat of the improvements will be seven millions of dollars. Orders to take preliminary action ■ in. the premises were read once. The committee of inquiry on the purchase of a school house site in ~Hawkins street made a report exonerating the Committee, on Public Instruction from all charges of< oorrnptien. . An order was passed to inquire whether the city has a right to place a soldiers’ mo nument on the Commons. The Board of Aldermen have concurred in referring the whole matter of the monument back to the committee, sind a hearing of the disaffected takes place to-day. The weather is cold and clear this morn ing. The thermometer was at 3 degrees below zero early this morning, and at 9 o’clock it was 3 degrees above. Marine; Disaster. [TotheNY. Associated Press.; - Boston, Dec. 21.—The schooner Nellie Potter, from Boston, of, and for, Philadel phia, ran.ashore on Cape Cod, near Pro vincetown. The crew were saved, and the vessel landed high upon the beaoh, and not much injured. The British brig James Clift, from Aux Cayes for Boston, recently ashore at Pro vincetown, drifted ont of that harbor last night. The British brig Jubilee, ashore at Scituate, remains tight, bat will probably get off after discharging her, cargo. Gm Works Exploiioi* [To the New York Associated Press, j New Yobk, Dec* 21*—The gas works at Astoria, opposite the upper section of the city, exploded early this morning. Fortu nately no one wak hurt. The Weather at Bnfllilo. Buffalo, Dec. 21. —The mercury at 9 o’ clock was 4i above zero. The sleighing is magnificent, and the weather is clear. Financial and Commercial. [To the New York Associated Press, j . NewYobk, Dec. 21.—Gold quoted at 134 w*lt has Exchange, at aifcJat, lio/Suo 1 ., - Go vernment stock very weak; flve-twentieso/ isia <£q pom, 106&; Of 1884.1050 f 1865,105‘i, Teu-fortieß coS. poos, Wj; levec-tbtitles, first series. 105@i05;? sS£nd Michigan Central, li7;i,ex-diTidend Michigan South’ CTn,Bo#;. PiUebargh a Cleveland 85&; Weveland Toledo, 124.&; < hicago and Bock Island, North- WMt, 48; p xet t 7Sii; Pittsburgh Fort Waome AXeSSJ^, Nrw. Yobx, Dec, 21.— Cotton quiet; Dnlandfl ase. *os declined 10@15c; sales of 6 GOO barrels ?8 So@ll 70; Ohio, $ll(a)l3 86; Western, ts 25/a J 3 60; fcomhem, til io@u 50. Wheat dnU and ids? A Grand Complimentary Ball wilTb« given to the Jefferson Cornet Band this evening, at Musical Fnnd Hall, by their friends, and, judging from the gentlemei having it in charge, a pleasant'time may be expected. J New York, Dec. 21.—At a regular meet ing of the Board of Health, heldyesterday, Dr. Dalton, Sanitary Superintendent, re ported in reference to the recent burning of the ferryboat Idaho. The reporftsets forth that the appliances on boara the boat for extinguishing fire were insufficient, and also that the number of. hands on board were not equal to Bnch an emergency. The Board passed a resolution directing that suits be commenced against the ferry com ply lor the neglect which endangered life. The inquest in the case of -Dr. Massey’s death from wounds received during an as sault upon him on the 4th Inst., bytwo un known men, was concluded yesterday, at Bellevue Hospital. No important-evidence was adduced, so the jury were compelled to render a verdict in accordance with such facts as had been elicited, and recommended thattheMayor offer a reward for the arrest of the murderers; . Coroner'Goyer yesterday committed Geo. A. Sheahan, the barkeeper, charged with" arson in the Thirty-first street fire, to the Tombs, to aw;alt the aotion of the Grand Jury, refusing to acoept bail. John Kane, tbe_ proprietor, was held as an accessory, admitted to bail ih theshm of $5,000. Thu alleged yyhisky fraud examination wrs contlnned yesterday morningin Brook lyn, at 10.30 o’clock, before Commissioner Newton. A decision was rendered in the Burning-fluid’! oase, and the examination of the Devlin, Tilton and Levan case was Contlnned. . • ' ■■ •; Mr. John Devlin-rone of the parties con nected with Messrs. Tilton and Levan, no w on examination before' United States Com missioned Newton, at Brooklyn, on the charge of defrauding the Government by branding whisky where no license had been y PECEMfiEB 21, 1866.-rTjRIPLE SHEET , t J Farther News from California. _ ' [By the U. 8. Associated Preas.] i San FBANCisc»,Dedi 18.—No transactions in wheat; extreme quotations are'sl 90 per 100 lbs. ; Mining stock closed at Savage, 811990; OphiiytW; Belcher; $126; Empire Mill, $195; Imperial, $136; Yellow Jacket,' $1,203; Gould and Carry, $690; Legal tenders -unchanged.-: • j The.surveyor’s and engineer’s reports! brought here recently for the projected; railroad between Guadalajara and Lake Chapela, Mexico, a distance of fohrteen leagues, is under the charter derived from Maximilian lastyear. It is thought the: Imperial Government will sanction the en terprise. , :■ The receipts of from the in terior during the present month is $3.- 000,000. -. ; j ’ The money market grows easier. First class'paper is disoounted at*one per cent per month.- - One. thousand, .barrels of superior floor will be sent by the way of Panama to New ,by the next two steamers. The Burlington Bay Coal Mine has been; flooded from the sea, to extingbteh It will be opened at another point, and; yield a supply two months henoe. ' The hew gold diggings near Randolph, Cal,, be extensive;’. Some : olaiihs pay $lOO per day to a hand. Arrived;; bark Gen.: Athalin Chivet, for Bordeaux. From Boston. tflTl BUIJLETJUB. FROM NEW YORK. paid—was yesterday arrested ena civil pro-1 oesaatthe instance, of the United 1 States. "islrici l . Attorney, 1 to recover.the earn of, *400,000, as fines and. penaltlps-incurred by . violating thelnternalßevennelaws; Dev-! lin was brotight before the Court, and held i to answer ini default of *200,000 bail. ' The trial of ITrantisco .Vlele Sagaro, the! alleged accomplice in the, Otero murder,! .was; continued yesterday, before Judge . Dott, In the Court of .Oyer and Terminer In Brooklyn. The evidence for the prosecu tion and defence is all in, and, the Bumming up will take place this morning. ' . , The inquest in the Compton House dia ®ster was closed yesterday by Coroner Gamble, when a verdict of accidental deaths was rendered bythe Jury in the absence of any direct evidence of how the fire ori ginated. ■ . Balea at Philadelphia stecH Board. ; —BUEBAiTEBUBaiBaun), , t.j lß3>< 52sh Cam &Amß ISO UtOOßelvid&Balßds 100 Bh NPa K b3O S 3 1 K.k ,„4w • a«lB 853< 100 Bh Bead B . - b30.5i% wnSn wvo'SS'SlrM.n 88 100811 .*> - 5181-100 VOO Bh N Y and Middle 100 Bh do *' S3O 518 OMjKelds_.b3° S j looah ’ do 060 52 do six • SKOOND ‘ 112000 Catyn new d billo9Xl 100 8h Penns B bsx msh do 155x1: 25ah Chea&~Wala ’-si |j liAient IAU, TIO? CThestxrat BtrMt, A Fresh Importation of CHOICE LACE CUNTAINS, Tapestry Bordered Term.! SATINS AND , SATIN DAMASK, Hob#, Crimson, and Hold ■ll of the newest designs fcr CXJR.T-A.INS FDEHITDKE COVEBINOS, WINDOW SHADES a COLOBB AND BYYZiBS. NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. v Having CUsposed of the large; portion of these DESIRABLE SECUBTtfrES, We will continue to offer them Only till December SOth, (U not previously disposed of). AT THE LOW PBICE OF 89. After that date, should any remain unsold, the price wfl he advanced. DREXEL & CO., Wo. 34 South Third Street," dettaaoi . NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC -809 and 811 Gheitnnt Street, PniLATIICT.PTTTA, Capital 9300,000. Paid.' . rDIEECTOBS, JOS.T Bailey, BeoJ. Rowland, JK, Wm. H.Hhawn, Wn. Ervten, BamL A. Blspham, Nathan HUlee, Edw. B. Orne, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A, Hoyt, ; PRESIDENT, WILLIAM H. RHAWN. CASHIER, JOSEPH P. MUMFORD. ocSDSmrpß WE OFFER FOR SALE, $250,000 7 Per Cent. CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS "™S2^B?s3BSffiftBEsB!S!®- AT 79 at the above pbicewtll YIELDTH-E HOLDERS NEARLY 9 PER CENT. PERAKNUM AND ADD TWKNRT-ONE PBS CUNT. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT MATURITY. FOB FURTHER INFORMATION APPLYTO SAILER &STEVENBON. Bankers, N'o 131 South. Third Street, deir-etj Bp Opposite Olraid Bank. GOLD COUPONS, Due January Ist, WANTED , , BY DBEXEL & GO., 84 SOUTH THIRD STBEET, deistjas MAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. Thelairestandbestassortmentol *sp; e, ',?i9 n B^? rcm^nm antldpadon of the Dlvi- Applications and examinations tot memberahlp dally from 9 A. 11. to 5 P. SL, at the office, 404 Walnut Street, PbiUdslpbta. WALTER H. TILDEN, Agent. deis-fl,w,2mrpB FOR FAMTI.THH AND THE TRADE, 1310 Chestnuts Street. H.fc A.C. yanbeil: FINE OLD 3HERRYWINES FOB FAMILIES AND THE TRADE. - 1310, Chestuut Street. 1310 CHESTNUT STREET. 1310 Chess nut Street. WISE MERCHABTS,