STORIES ABOCrXAWTEES. Sore Passages from Mr. JTeaOireson’s Booh. -We have* ‘already given some- account of. Mf.;;Jeaffreson’s-VBook, about Law> yers,” just 'published in TEnglandpbut the following additional anecdotes are . readable: JEFFREYS AND THE FIDDLER. “Though Jeffreys delighted in music, • he does not sbem to have held ' it 3 pro fessors in higfresteem.aoln the time of Charles 11. musical artist of the humbler grades liked to be styled ‘.musitioners; ’ and on : was sitting as Recorder for the city of Lon don, George Jeffreys was greatly in censed hy-a w itnesswho, in-a- pompous voice, called himself a musitioner. With a sneer, the: interposed-^ 1 A musitioner! I thought 'you were a fid-" filer ” ‘I am a musitioner,’ the violinist answered stoutly. ‘Oh, indeed!’-croaked Jeffreys: . ‘This is very important— hijffily important—exfremely import ant!. And pray, Mr. Witness, what is the difference between a musitioner and a fiddler?’ ; With a fortunate readiness the -man- answered, ‘As much, sir, as there is between a pair of bagpipes and a recorder.’ ” , ' BARON 1 PLATT’S TRANCE. “Of eminent iawyers who were steady port, wine drinkers, Baron Piatt—the amiable and popular judge who died in 1862, aged seventy-two, years—may be; regarded as one df the last; Of him it is recorded that early manhood he was so completely prostrated by severe illness that beholders judged him to be actually dead. - Standing over-his silent- body shortly before the arrival of the under taker, two of his friends concurred id' giving utterance to'the sentiment— I 'Ah,' poor dear fellow, we shall never drink’ a glass of wine lwitb him' again;’' their momentary alarm and subsequent is still alive. The story may be told; but the great man’s name must be held secret. Many years, since ,the law yer lost an aged aiiht, whose will re quired her body to be interred in a dis tant part of the country. Like a dutiful nephew, and in a manner becoming his aunt’s .executor, the young barrister,, together with other gentlemen (closely connected - with. the deceased lady, by Wood or business), journeyed from Lon don to the place of sepulture. The hearse •containing the embalmed body had been sent forward, and the mounters folio wed it at an interval of a few days’ journey. The first day was very tedious; and as several days would'follow it ere the place of interment could be reached, the nephew, on the second morning of the dolorous expedition, proposed to his companions in grief that they should have' a rubber. He had cards in his pocket, and at the next roadside inn they could get a board that would serve them for a table. , “The suggestion was unanimously •adopted; and throughout the remainder -of the com for flesh-progress, the mourn -era played steadily with complete ‘in difference to the scenery which sur rounded them, and with. that superb de motion to ‘the game, which character-! izedwhiet players halfaeenturysince. Under the circumstances the mourners •progressed as favorably as could, be ex pected.’ Their spirits rose; much money changed hands; and when the four gen tlemen stood in theold lady’smausoleum, the two who had won were sustained by an enlivening sense Of-Worldly pros perity. and the two who hadlbst thirsted for revenge on the homeward journey. Unfortunately, however, certain local gossips of the puritanical district where the old lady was buried, -Jiad either seen the mourners at whist or heard how they amused themselves. The story passed from mouth to mouth, and reached. London almost as soon as .the melancholy whist players. Of course, in London the story lived, and year. 3 after-, wards, when the nephew had risen to eminence in politics and law,people were told at dinner-parties how the great THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, EBIDAY. DECEMBER 21 1866-TitIPLE SHEET bad taken his aunt’s body' from London to" SObtland,‘playing cardsoa sher coffin throughout ■ the entirejourn” •ney.” ■ - ■■■■* Wit and Wisdom. i Taee your wife’s firet advice, not her second. ■: i l j A woman’s heart is a hive of .sweets •and stings. ’ • "-t- ; - ; A regular diet cures more people ■than physic. ‘ L The soul goes highest when the body 'kneels lowest. •"■'■'v ■- ; i He that sells and Res, shallfind the lie ■left in his jiurse. | When are gloves unsalable? When ■they are kept on hand. ._ 1 WHENiaa woman like a watch? When she is capped and jeweled. ■ j It is sound policy to suffer all extrem ities, rather than to do a bad action, j Tea-kettlEs are decidedly ' Yankee ■in their melody—they singthrough their ■noses. i ' When you fall out of a carriage; whit most . likely-to-ifali-. against? Against your will. - ; Men are said to admire that which ■they look up to. and-to love that which ■they look down upon/ - - - i: - ! Ie mothers, as is claimed,-mould the ■human mind, how is it that woman has ■never had her “rights??’ ■ T /> y 1 iT HAS sometimes been said, and never but by an Irishman, that Ireland is a beautiful country to live out of 1 ' ; : W hy are railroad companies like laun dresses? Because they haVe ironed the whole eountry, andsometimes do alittle .mangling. , ( , ....... A man advertised for ‘ ‘competent per j sons to-undertake the sale of anew medi cine,” and adds that it will be profitable for the' undertaker. ■■ • r- ■-■■ ■ It is singular that the more jrou damp the ardor, of a- 'troublesome 'talker- by throwing colff water onhis effusions,the sooner he dries up. ...... .. . A little girl in school .being, asked what a‘ cataract or waterfall was, replied that it was hairflowing over something, she didn’t 1 know what, -•° ; “Tom, tell me the biggest lie you ever told, and I’ll a glass of beer.” ■“A lie! I never told a lie in my life.” “Draw the beer, boy.” Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it,is a blessing that must be earned be fore it can be enjoyed. Boyle’s epitaph has lately been copied by a tourist, and runs thus: “He was theJatber of chemistry, ' And brother to the Earl of Cork.’ ’ • BITIPEJfP NOTICE, rrs® PPICADELFHIA. AND READINO RAIL ROADcOMPaNY, Office 227 South Fourth fit Shiladelpaia. Dscember 18th j 1888. . - • . _ , dividend notice. B £. otaJ °{. thls Company wilt be closed 2 : mabi SAYI 18Ul anth March next after which date, the Dividend will be payable in Cash only. All orders for Dividends must be witnessed and stmnped. & BRADFORD, delftf . Treasurer. It'S 6 . DIVIDER I>.— lheDlrectora of the BUTLER COALCOMPANY have -this day declared a aivjdendfroinfte profits or _the company of.OSE DOLLAR per share clear of taxes. (It being the second dividend for same amount declared this year.) nay able on and after2lthlnst«n.t,to stockholders oLthat date. .Stockholders {raiding In New York/will he paid the dividend at the office of the Farmers' Loan and Trost Company. ___ SAMUEL DUTTON, Treasurer, „ _ No. in Chestnut street. Phitaukt.phia: Dec. 6,1868,„ decstil fTS*TREASURER'S OFFJCE.-THE PHIL V DELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTI MORE> RAILROAD COMPANY, Prari.ATivivpgTA December 13th, IS6S. .The Board ofJDireetora have declared a semi annual di\>deiid. ef FIVE PER CENT., clear of Government tax, on the Capita] Stock of this Company, payable on and after the 2d ol January. A ™ DHO xS r . W • OFFICEJDF THE LEHIGH COAL AND £ AVIGATION COMPAN Y, Pgrr-jiT^TCT.PTiTA, J7i 1866 i The Board of Managers have thlsdayd'eclared a AiSS^T^fSSJ?® I6 CENT.,or TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF PER BHARE,on the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on demand, clear of National and State taxes. SOLOMON h SH3PHEBD, nogr-tfl Treasurer. BPECIAX. MOTICIS. OFFICE OF “THE RELIANCE ANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT STREET.— Philadelphia, De cember 19,1816. . meeting of the Stockholders of'the: Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia ” held at tbelr Office on MONDAY.December 17th, 186s7tae following named genUemen wereelectedDlßECTOßS ;cr the earning year, viz.: ■ ■ , CLEM TINGLEY. MARSHALL HILL: CHARLES LELAND, THOS. H. MOORS. H. L. CARSON, SAMUEL OASTNER WILLIAM STEVENSON ALFRED ENGLISH BKNJ. W.TINGLEY. JAMES T. YOUNG? ISAAC P. BAKER. ’ _And at a meeting of the Director* held thl3 day CLEM TINGLEY, EBq., waa unanimously re-elected FroMeot.'- . THOS. C HILL, L&2tl,3ti ... ;-,; - . , -i : .Secretary. CHESTER VALLEY RAILRQAD COM dttV PANY.—The annual meetln? of the stock bothers of the “Cheater, Valley Railroad Com nan?” will be held in Room No. 16 MERCHANTS* 1 EX CHANGE, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, theHthday of January, A. D. 1867, at V&i o’clock, P, M. On the sane day.between the hours of one and two o’clock P. M , an E ectlon will b a held for a President and’ Seven Di rectors, toserveforthe ensuing year. ’ ~ „ ;WM. H. HOLSTEIN, flel4-f,lu.ljal4} . . . Secre'—y, - BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.—Thlal splendid f<£r Hair Dye is the best In the world. The only true an a Perfect ..Dye-Harmless, Reliable, Instanta neous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Namral Biaok orßrown. .Remedies the 111 efrects'of Bad Dye*. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and bennOffil. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR;. -AU others are. mere - imitations, and should be avoided. Sold .by all Druggists -and -Per fumer*. Factory 81 Barclay street, New York. WBEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT, de7,f,m,Wly ; r'3S»NOTICE.-Tbe.ThIrd’ANNUAL MEETTNG-of. ■Egy the Stockholders of the McELHKNY OIL COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company. No. 218 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, January Ist 1867, at 12 o’clock Mfor the purpose of electing a clerk and a Board of nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of snch further and other business as may properly come before them. ■ By order of the Board. _ CHAS. H. REEVES, Clerk. Philadelphia, Dec. 12th, 1866. del2w,f,m,tjall ITS* OEFIOE MOUNT. CARBON e• HML: ln the Borougli of sOXlOßD,Chester connty; 1 t. ; On MONDA-Y. January ls, 1867 f ' • JV- -At 1 o’clock Pi M.,- -/ 1 *=° -:‘- which time and place an electlomviU-be held /or a President and twelve Directors to serve for the enau iDg ygar«. r r , r . _ . - - JOSEPH HUriB&IiL; ’ i/i'. irSecretary. . deiytjaisg ; December 15,18g6., rrs* kknsinu'iour soup house, 217 adden STBEK’t, Dec. 12,1866. VV ; , . V ‘ . I -ot a meet ug of, the Managers of the Kensington Sinp Society,: held this evening, Mr, ItANIELB MlC ;£hK:wai elected the duly amhOt,lzed Agent to collect and receive 'contributions' in money, nour. meat or Vegetables for the Society,;; Donations .trill- be thank- ’ the Officers of :the Institution, t GEOEGASTOOKHAM., President, W. B.’Eleventh ArchjELl G ARBISOS.y tee Presldent.lo3l Shack amaxomst; GEO. J. HAMlLTON.Treartrrer; 1010 Marl feorough st.t OHABLES M.; LUKSNS, Secretary,lo3s Beach sheet. deis,6t« OF THE PHUiADBLPHrA' ANX -iSODTHEBN MAILSTEAMSHIP COMPANY, avenue. - ’ ; Notlcb Is hereby given that by a resoluUoh- 'bf the jBoKd, of Blrec&nf of the above-named Company. MopledAnenst29 th, 1866, the' FOUBTH flnf laatin' btattmenf 01 the Capital atoch of anULCampany: belni PEBOESTUMor SEVENTY-FI VEDCUC jpSwwgs^gaagg.'yf?” 1 ? 1 “ a ta TOXiLIAX'J. MAI/COLM, • v:^::^Tre«anian ff'S? 'CB.SEK BiII.ROAD OOM “TrY EaNY.—rtnUADKLPHIA, Dec. 17th, 1868. i uhe. annual meeting. of the: stockholders of the C*e»k Balljoad Company will be hem at the office of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Oom ?S?^^ 22T T SontllI,otni ' rH; Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 14th, 1867 r at 10 o'clock! A*M.. when an election will be held for a: President, and six -Directors to servefor the ensuing year. ! del7-ijal4 •- V WM. H. WEBB,Secretary. ■ ALLENTOWN BAtt,road company, PIIILAhET.PHiA. Dtember 17. 1866, ! The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of thb Al lenmum Kahroad Company wIU be held at the office XT f „ Lh S^ h i lad . 6 i p ySAS.i£ ea UT street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 7th lit?, between the hours of i and G o’clock p. M.. when •>u election will be held for Ten Directors, to serve for (he ensuing year, ■ d>;• Vrefenwhod,* Whit*? 1 2050. j; : j2{^o j; ", ‘ : y : ;. ,: i)KAXjER EN '•••"•'i •; ; ‘-j Lehigh, Locnßt Monn-'i !d r'l T« d, 2050 Ifarfejj Jit,, Ehiladelohiv . fro® H» moat approved BCineß, . a i’.? roat Office will *e> trqmptly,attended to. r . i.deSimjH rpHE ASHLAND COAX COMPANY, PRO ATI st. J- below Weed, are selling rthe oest ’■ v: 7- ■ • , -KAMOY COAJt, - from their own mines at prices fentlrely below regular retail Sards, and,in all cases legafwelgot, 2,240 pounds- 8 SidaSOE*'' '* ' *'• - jggfe*’ ~j aMftii jp> ! £Sjjy*Bg§Bgs*l*» P?7WK-AYKS«XIOS .7% . Sack Mountain Company's Coal,', •«,-•• . tehfehgdvlgaUoa - - 1 tocost hipukrala,- ■■> .1,,, ~. . -■ * .-alch they are.prepared to sell « tha leiw«VsPiai( ,-&sea, and to deliver lmhe best ctti<lan’f •,; 1 , ■. . Orders lelt with S. MASON .BINES, Prsnltiin lmt i:;teBonding,SEVENTH aire&ibslew Market- *t te promptly etitndssi to. . JIIISNa A SKEAiT* ; ■-•■■ f ( SHAVE* MEADOW Alii Sprlny Koanlato, Lehlyh Coal..,and Seal l*x£r aosntaln from Schuylkill, -prepared ekpreerl-7 iu ere, l>C JOt,i;.JS'. corne; EICNTH and Vi; howstreets; O®oa, No. Ul Snoih SECONDatr-et, 'jahP . ... .J. WAXiTOH a OQ. DR. J. Sr ROSE’S ALTERATIVE, ' : THB GREAT BLOOD P0BIFIK& If yoa have corrupt,(Usordere?cW“»ncflnh Tbla eyrnp havln. atood the test of many years’ ex. pertence as a remedy for lrrttaaon or Inflammation of the Inc gs, throat or bronchia, is actenowledgrd by al! to be a remedy superior to any other known com yonnd naed for the relief and care of eongha and con sumption. Price,! 1. Sola agents. D YOTT * CO. : seeAm SsfNorU Second Street OPAL -DKNTALLINA,—A snpenot article fin . £ 1 ? a Sis*. tbe .Teeth, destroying ammaimia which lnfoet them, giving tane to the gums.. and leav toy a,feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness Ac toe month. It may be used dally, end willbe fbone to strengthen weak and bleeding.gams,,while to* tomaand detertlveneas will recommend It to ever? one. IBetog composed with the .-assistance of tot Hen flat. Physicians find Mlcroscopist, It Is confidently o Cored u a RffLlaßTiK snbstl lute tor toe uncertain washes formerly In vogue. ■ Eminent Dentists, acquainted: with the constituent* of the DKHTALLIffA. advocate Its use: it comalni nothing to prevent Its • unrestrained employment Hade only by . . . . ■ JAM th T, SHINN, Apothecary, : _ ~. . _ - , , Broad and Spruce streeta •For sale by Druggists generally, and Fred. Brown, ; ID. L. Stackhouse, Hassard & Co., Robert C. Davis, ' C.R.Keeny, Geo M. Bower,. Isaac H. Kay, • Charles Shivers, C. H.lfeedles, S. M.McOoUln, T. J. Husband, a. G, Bunting, Ambrose Smith, Charles H, Eberta EdwardPairish, James N. Marks, William B. WebD, ■ S. BrlnghuratdtCo., James L.jßlspham, DyowAOo., ■ Hughes ’ TABLETS, toi the core or coughs, colds, hoarse ness, bronchitis -and, catairhof tbs head and breast Public speakers, singers and amateurs will be greatli benefited by using theeaiTshleta, Prepared only in EtAhCAßliih.A VvLILB. Pharmaceutists. N. EL Cor •hRCH and TENTH streets, Philadelphia. For sal' by Johnson, Holloway * Oowden, and .Drnggiafc generally. ' se2stl‘ ir’" yRPSIPB . ‘ '* BBOSOHIATy ATOTI 4J all Diseases of tbf mroat and Bronchial Tunes. Tbis invaluable men ration fox eveiyhonsebolcL Public Speakers, Sfnrez* ic. posseaßes a Western celebrity,"anahaabeen fcnowi o relieve tbe most obstinate and almoet bopeleat sses. It is agreeable, strength enla* and soo think. INVESTED NAHS.- Dp. J. O DAVIDSON/Chiropodist. Operator on Corns, Bunions. Inverted - Nalla >and, other diseases of-the fee% Office, CHESTNUT BtreeC Dr, Davidson wlh wai ton patients at their residences.; - ? noStfl CASTOR LXJJTHEaLTH AND. STRENGTH DBB GAPS CO.’S PATENT-GLASS CABTOB ;These wheels are designed lto Pianos, Bedsteads; 'Ac. we claim that they, give to Pianos a greatly increased feted of sound, without detracting from the harmony and melody of the Instrument, rendering every! note more distinct to the esr. This is'so apparent that they tye now belng applied by.many to these yamalile mu sical Instruments. Dr. Valentine Mott, previous to hit death;pronounced the Glass Castor Wheels an In valuable invention for bedfast invalids, who art guarded against the damp Boors'after undergoing tht process of cleaning, or where, dampness la .produced from any other cause. Aside from this; are relievedftpnrthe dread of having, their carpets cm or torn; as frequently happens from those' now In nse often caused b^a-rust, which adheres .with gluedlke .tenacity. Iso such annoyance can possibly proceed -from the Glass Castor; wheelsjlaa we: all. know? thar glass 1b non-corrosive.. -There are no rough or umin ' lehed edgesto llie Glass Wheels, such as woollen find In those of Iron, and the latter, though, smoothly Bn Sd. will soon rust, from the dampness of theatmoa re, if nothing else; producing,roughness on thesur ,or edge, while the former will always' maintain the smoothness of glass, Inst, as they are finished. • i By Bleeping upon glass wheels you retain all the elec tridty yen had la your body, on retiring, and yon gel up In the morning feeling as fresh and. active as s youngman. Glass being a non-cohductor, the elec tricity gained while In bed cannot pass oil; . Ask your Vector what he thinks of the Glass'Castor Wheels Ask him if *ll diseases, with the exception of chronic diseases, are notr caused IrOm'the want of electricity We have a man Jn our place whom the doctors pro. Pounced.past curing,. with' the Inflammatory rhea mattorn. The wheels cured, him Jn less than four weeks. He Is today detent healthy-mail. These ore c^ be .< J JSSP I> ; 0 B application at our office. No, 203 Race street, Philadelphia; hr atour Factory*!' Westville; Hew Jersey, -where.wechave-some, sixty hands employed In the manuitetare bf the Glass Caa tpr-Wheels.; .v.'ol j.> e-l; , i (ISO will be paid to any one who. will say they have not received any benefit hr relief after.usfeg'OapeweU; ACo.’sPatent Glass Castors. Asample set (+) of the Wheels sent to any part of theijnl ted* States; on re ! ceiptofsi SO. -J. B.CAPEWFLL A OO„ looagmj i 1 "■ No. mßSce street. TSTANTED.-WantedonOFFlUK AND STORAGE ;T T - ROOM-on either first brl seoond - “floor, on? Bela? ware avenue, between-.SJrch.arLd.Vtne.streets:.. Ad dress Box No, 127,' PhlladelphlaPost Office, ocmt ».^Sg^ T kegs 'ofthtes, iptendU Qj .whitegrapsaan ehs ordenUniUn* and for sais.fcf. [nir. p.. s&.ryt. vw eouhi. ,»u-. PBESEBVED TAMARINDS.-20 kegs Martinique JJl.Tmnarlndsin Bugarplandlhg and.foraale byJ.B, BUSSIER A CO.i 108 South BoJawareiavenuo, . . QHKAFESTBOOK HOWB IN THE JTOBLD.— ! : • f T. B.PETERSON i .pnhi.-vi stteeS,Phllad«aplSajFa; au - fcooksat aai;>f3fwjci*siriglei e ?l’ a t&onsand, or larger quan~ i‘ t ‘ I oS^A l? P o Hv3osi >^ T ; fi ®S d °g theif ordered to th& AND- PUBLISHING' ISPUM? °f ■£ B ‘ EETEBSON veij} favorable Wehave iasneda new and SSSS 1 T t f ß H e^, i p S te Cat^l 9* Ue ' wOilfrsWholesalef' fifty* one lmndred, ora-draft; tor one thonsand dollais, or mcfrevtofta Ida iett&v&hd RSf-SSK?* ¥ir A of bo oka jo u wish; ; *nd tDU;receipt)of r.ri^ifw^ e «he-, packed, isenfe tp. r y,ogv At express or "inali/or■ Id' way'- ll msdS*' dlrect » weU - assorted,,witn circolaTs.falioW .... T. B rUEES? ; j ■ !••) ■ BCB Chests at street ■ Philadelphia, Pa. >'i I •38Sntt ,^bi£KH?8 u HousFwUfe;;ahd;&ithbi?drth^ IteJfnSii? " 7,1 mal ? toe bestaidlnbst Pfap-j : „ V?J,P° < i fe T ,£! 1 , 01 5 f°r general sseeyer Issoedi.-Itia by. i a \kQy of who hha pro.pd everyxe frourher bwu.ktFcben.rufl THi IGST JtEMJTY; or TH K FA Tar. ERROR. A ! :fti ISdtea Lady bflthe Spanish' f^^^ttndlab Tale 4*^ Thomas. AutSori P.t Morton,” “The House-In iPieeadilly-’’' t smry?/ 0 ™ 6, • 6tC- ■ f ABoW WowiSf. ' Bv^ : ■?^Sv |ck !of “ John-HallfaivKie GhnUe’ ;• i9»?7* s r ? Stephens,- 1 *• • OP_ THE W i)RLD. By William Nortk^ spA Historical Novel, HKDF IfOVfc: or. The Afternoon of Single Ufa. • STjMABTtNTS EYJB. ißyMxs. HenS TO> 1 3! 7 ‘‘'' ; s ;? Jj&WpBTH ABB&Y. !By. Slri Bout fiworth.- -v < 1 • IHL SABL'S BECBKTr' By M|ss p&rdoeu '* ■ SKCKET3. By author of "Pami'i Pridp ,; is2&£3g&.‘ VAB7LiE’S HEIR. . By Mrs. tferry Wood ‘ S E* By Mrs Henry Wo^ 0 ' B&f2yi?OT£ , STRUGGIiEd. By Mrs, AunS, S'ODhena. THE MATCHMAKER. Beatrice Reynolds y'lT-kEGOOB. ; B y ** T DAUG H 1 ER A Love Story * COJh AHD COALOI-, By Pioffessi* Bowen- ■* BKpTHfR’SSsfcCRB.T. B? William. Godwin ! S t «I,L N LIF-Eu ' aottlor of ’'John- Drayton THEBBrDaL E VE, Bi Mrs “E D. E N; Smi'h wnrrh |p iTtSfflt: B b‘: fog™** ' Mm ■ 2 -^ £ - A ' C£ By amhoror.-ilan la Srer " JH B aBT*. a War .*Sov.'l. By He-iry Morbid r?r>iS?. I MTrry i SSl T V^ y Mra - 8- Hlepheha° QUIr,E TO KE2DLE\VOSK and Em s^3l§U®^“ >E: ' ro TBTO '-R>IjIBKBBS. PKTiBSOr.’B SEW COOi-BOOK.. . WIDDIPISLD'S SEP CCT>K HOjK. MI=S LESLIES SKW CUOIEKT BOOK, i • MBs.. HALE’S SSW. CQOK BOOK BBt ' KII>T BWk. ’’ ?T?S'. B . A -J^tl. Rf '- UE,PI ' cl FOK the mill to jt. SSfSifJs&, SIRIPT. —By Alexander r . LOVE 8 LABOR WON. Bj Muusoatbwartli or. THK FATiVOF. A ‘ THEINIIXADs Thp GrehVLbve OF.IIONTB'CHIBTO By Alexander Dumas JEW. lllustTAted. ByE.gene THE MYS'fFKCFS OF PARIS. By Euvene Stia. TEN THOUSAND A YEAH. By a awSrP? 8, THE GIPSY’S PBOPH - OY.' By Mrt PL*NIRR'S NOSIHEBN- BBIDE By FATHFB 4SD DAUQH J Eti. By FredrikaßreS?,? TttKNEIGHBORS, JBy F,ed r tka Br«n"r the FOUB BI6TEBS. By F. edilk. Burner THE B OME. By Frcdrlka Bremw. ■ FASHION AND FAMINE ByMrr.Ann ASteohena. DoEsTICBS’ LETTERS. By Q. K. P/DorattckA 3 ' HAMBLINGEXFOSM). By J H. .. OLD STONE MAH’iIOIY By Charla, J. Petemon"'' THE WATCHMAN ,By J. A. Maitland.' ; ISELOSTHKiaESS. By Mrs. E. D. KN. South- COO Kb SHIP AND MATR.MONY. By - Rjbert 'Morris. , LOVE A FTEB MARRIAGE By Mrs. a Lea Hpnm COOSINHABRY. Bv ILs. Gr-y. -L-LBaHenta. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wdkle Collins. THE CAVaLIER. By G. P. R, James. : KIND A. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Heuts. BOBFBTG RaHAM. B-Mis. Caroline Lee Efpnt* TBBOLDHOMESTEAD. By Mrs AnbAsSuhSa. THE ELEPHANT CLUB. By Q K. P DiraUcß THEGaMBL EE’S LIFE By J. H. Griem E LEaEOBU By Charles J. Peterson. DIARY OF AN OLD DOCTOR. By J. A Matt and. THE HAUNTED HOMKSI-EAD. By Mri sSItL, THE BORDER ROVER By Emerson- Bennett CLARA MORELAND By »'mers .nßenuetn THE CROSSED Path. :By Wilkie Collins. ’ ' THE LITTLE BRaCTY. Bv Mrs Grey. LOKD.MONT-AQCh’B PjGlir By G. P. 8. James. KETBIBOTION. By Mrs. E D.E.N. Soatbwortb THEBaNI-HED SON. By Mrs, CarolineLenHeits. THE HEIRESS: ' By Mrs. Arm s. Stephens ’ MA vY DERWENT. Bv Mrs. Arms.Stlpheni ' THE WITCHESOFN-'W \OKK Bv f'oeadcks. ARRI iaiVERDaLE’s Cour'shfp and Msrrlarre. HARRIS’S SPORTS t ADVESTOReSIN AFISIA. JUDGE hajiburton’B Yankeestorhsa^ THE LADY OP THE ISLF. V By. MrJ'South wSth. THE Mir SING BRIDE'., By-Mrs. sombworth. - COURTBHIPAND M ARRIAO rt. By sm. Btehts. ‘ HELEN-ANDARTHUa By. Mrs C Lee Henbe PLU-RI-BUS-TAH. By K. P DoertteS. ' THE REFORMED GASIBLBR :By J. H Green.' S>CRKT BaTJD OF BI.OTHERS. By J H. Green LIZZY GLENN. Hy.T. s. Arthur;' u t* 7 THE WANDEREa By J. A. Maitland. , ' IHE TWO BISTBJS.' By Mrs. ED.ENSonth worth THK THPKKBBA UTi lii. By Mr.«. RENA ;‘OR THE SNOW-BIRD. ’ By Mrs Henti NE *. . 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( Prlce.ofeachahoye,*lsoln.Fapei;or*2 Irt CTSth. ? .Copies of any or all.ef the above popular books/wlil - fc P‘S9< to “if °“«. ftpa:.o* postage, op recslpt ot. price. . lAddresaißll orders.' lor .any bookaal kh, tu the Pu b llßheiS|- 1. • . -jL-LL.' '• ’ i ' ■ Ti R- PETERSON & aROtHERSI ' . Send for one pf enr ppwjand fnllfcatalogpes. f jaelfcat DYOTT & 00., 2SS North Second Street. fb-SfWs TjrRKBY'JpRTTNBS,, OTOP.A.NT-', &a -; ifl New Tarltey'Prunta, qdality very fliievNew'Crop entrants, Orange and Lemonteel, New, Malaga Le mons, landing and ftr-Balehy ;JO3. B, BUaslEB * CO.iMBBOttt!»I^IBWM9»T?nRe I ; - I '.- The- Americas Unioa, HO. 1122 SIEEII^; PHILADELPHIA, ~i'i ' : , f New and Superior Books i cl;'!® v SUITABLE JOB j Holiday Clifts. '• | Also, an extensive assortment of ■ pLE&AND DEVOTIONAL BOOKS* _ * • ■ ■ ‘ " j SJ A SEWpOK BTOM j MRS, JANE ; 1344: CHESIFOT STREET. ] aes-l3t \mr.'G.pram. ... . . , ; , jtf.-v., -•- '7oB ABCHSTBEET. : - \ (formerly Fonrth and Race.) \ I&SQUcltlßg a continuance of public natronam h** SimS? 0 tothe following -1 te m = ft the smallest; ! ,md ‘ '*** SBIndSg 2123 to! “ussia;'.Turkey) ana Library ; itWßßffiE-KKXES in' great varieiy; Including*' • : JISSI, lneo >k 1 “Oj™ new. written by the mast t !lomdfbS£d° rS illustrated, and - i D SS EG of all Blz«. Avery larte stocte : beautiftil deeigna* i ■ • “. *■ Pocket Books, Parses, * ®^^Stt^teUes?^.*s*? embncing over . in endless variety, Inclndiae a very • recant : lm P°rtaUon ofthf chotoat GOLD PENS AKD HOLDERS All sizes, with a foil ef Pen and Pencil Cases gold mounted. (JUTLHR}. A. choice assortment of s English and. : American Pocket Cutlery. a great portion of which uPiBA. (siiAifiSES. A beautiful assortment, con- ' ? signed to us direct, prices of which are based on tha low gold premlnm. IMtOKTEIiPBUsTS AND HNGRAVING3. A fine collection of the most popular subjects. STATTONEBY. This department challenges compß : tiUon with any establishment In the country. Tha stock, whirls very large, comprises njtonly every thing new an a choice in Fancy Stationery bat ever? ;. article, also, in Counting-House Stationery known to the trade: also, in addition, a Blank Book Maniifac -1116 ***** book* are made to any pattern, and ruled for any business. - • • # iJiTBOGBAPBING AND PRINTING. Certificate* of Diplomas, Notes, Drafts, and Checks; Let- &c , etc, in the best style. Call and examine specimens. Ch RD EN GRAYING AND FANCY STATIONERY; Embracing all the choicest styles of French, Eae ,lbh acd Americao goods, and to which every new style wUI be added as soon as produced. • Wcddina and Vtolwg Cards engraved and printed in the best style. Monograms, Crests. Initials, Ac, designed, engraved and printed, either plain or in colors. Old sizes of Pap-T made to order, and strict attention P lv«y° the execatioa ofail work and its prompt do- Purchaser! are respectfully rcquate l to call and ex. amine uie stock, additions to whica are being made dai!y m W. «. PtiEUY. del<-6tg _62S Aren street. JJOLIDAY BOOKS- „ L „ AT WHOLESALE PRICS3. ,1 he tnbscribeis ha,T6 on hand a large assortment or the ppblication*of . TICKNOB A- FIELDS, ' In elegant bindings, suitable fer presentation, which. together with other Standard Works, In plain and aie selling- off at PHICE-S. , • .' ATjSO— MISS McKEEVEE’S POPULAR WORKS DT AyD GILT BINDING. < Harriett B. McKeever. One voL, tniCk IZD'O. - iDITH’S.MINISTRY One vol■ I°mn, OB KATE VINTON. i6mo„ cloth. ‘ ■ iHE WCO D CBIE F CHTi.hitss. With. Illustra tions. 16mo, cloth. tJ.?^M} d ? ced , eobe - a,sd WHAT IT COST:, With Frontispiece, 16mo„ cloth THE WORKS OF JOSISPHUS. An elegant Library Edition, In four volumes, lam type and various bindings : , • ‘ JUVENILE BOOKS, &c , ic., For sale at REDUCED PRICES, by . LEKDaAY&BLAKISTOH, - Publishers, Booksellers ana Importers, r • 25 South Bath street, above Chestnut. J i ttST PUBLISHED-BOOKS FOR THE BKASOSI and Great Work by the Author of ‘ Tha Schonberg/Cotta Family,” THE IIRAYTONB AND IHE LAvENAISTS. A Btory of the English Civil “«S." ° f “ The SchOAbergCot* THE FA IRE GUBPELLES, Being Passages In the liUe of Anne Asfcew. ivoj„ 16 no. *1 75. On Tinted * Mary Powell” and “Cherry • '• ALSO, - TWO GREAT HOLED *Y BOOKS FOB BOYS. TEE yotJNO HABOONEES, The Yeonff Maroorers on tne Florida Coast. By F, B. isew and enlarged edition. With twelve Engravings. 16bqo._ ' s .... “ THJTYOUNO WRECKER OF THE FLORIDA. REEF: Or* Th&Trials >nd Adventures of Fred Ran* SQzn. illustrated, lfimo. A new Holiday Catalogue now ready for free distri bution. . Bor sale by JAMEB a CLAXTON. Successor lo W. a DXOCSTT OP PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of YORKER, dec’d,—Tbe Auditor appointed b ? T t 5.?,-9S D i t „ , ,9 T ?° dlt ' se*Me and adjust the account or LLSY iS.YONKKß.Adinlnlstrator dehouis noncum, tea tarn en to annexo, or the Estate of said Daniel Tonker, deceased, and to report distribution of toe balance in the hands of the acconntant, will meet >he p -.tSiRiSSS 81 ?? for the purpore of tis appointment, on THURSDAY, January 3d 1867, at 4 o'clock, p, M., at his ofiaco. No, 411 CHESTNUT stieet, In the city of Philadelphia del9-w.-tm.stl FTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THK; CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— HARRIET B. SMALL, va. DANIEL SMALL, Jr. June ■- , 4LL MONEY andOOELEOTIOItBTISiNESS. traPbe transacted aa heretofore at 820 CHESTNUT calls entered therein previous to 5 P. M. wlllrecetvJ attention samaday, If wlthln a reasonabledlaiancaS a B e tUem6 * ; I .i ,i i jobs BmaiT*« amjt 'lw AHX»AI , M:ONI)B,~Sfeu arop Hreaobia i&*ssr«K; K£K;IS”“ JAMES LYKD. Auditor*.