ffiBSQN PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME IX. —NO. 219 THE EVENING BULLETIN, PUBLISHED EVEBY EVENING, (Sunday’s excepted,) AV THE SEW BCLLSTIS BUILDING, 607 Cbestnnt Street, Philadelphia. BY THE! EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. mtoraonoßs. « wnz a goin to start for Michigan to enters college. Sw^*™? y< 2? P er Pose to send that noble youth, Elijer Pogram, to a Abli- Center a Ablishn college, to suck his knollege from a Ablishn source. Good Heavens! Frailty, thy name is woman.” [I hedn’t any ijee that this las remark was appropos, but it sounds well, and I hev notistthatit don’t make much difference wat the ootashnn is so as yoo end a remark with a cotashnn,] The Deekin remarked that it wnz pain ful, but the feet was Elijer must hev a edjocashen. He didn’t bieeve in edjuca sheD, generally speekin. The common people wnz better off without it, ez edjuca ehnn hed a tendency to unsettle their minds. He hed seen the evil' effex nv. it in niggers and poor whites. So soon ez a nigger masters the spellin book and gits into noosepapers, he becomes dis satisfied with his eondishen,and hankers af tef a better cabin and more wages. He to wunst begins to insist on ownin iandhisself and givin his children educashen, and, ez a nigger, for our purposes, aint worth a soo markee. Jes so with the poor whites. He knowed one melloncolly instance. A psor cussup toards Garritts town, named Ramsey learnt to read afore the war, and then com menst deterioratin. For two years he re loo zed to vote the Dimocratio ticket, then be blossomed out into a Abliahonist and tried to make the others nv his class discontented by tellin nv em that slavery wuz vrhat kept them down,and finally,after pashense ceased to he a yirchoo, and we tarred and fathered Mm one night for a in cendiary, he went to Injiany. That cuss cum back here dooring the late onpleasant ms, kernel of a rigiment, wich he campt on my ferm and subsisted em off it. Sum educa shen is, hoowever, neesary. I design Elijer for Congress, and he must hev it. He’s a true Pogram, and nothin will strike in wich kin hurt him. “Why not,” sez I, “that the Southern yooth may be properly trained, start a col- Jege uv our own? Why, Deekin, run risks uv hevin the minds of young men tainted with heresy?” The entire company wuz struck with the idea, and it wuz earnestly canvassed, and finally decided upon; and I wuz deppytized to start it, wicn I immejitlydid. Thename bywieh the new college is to be known is: “The Southern Ceassekxe Theolobicee and Military Institoot, Uv Confedrit X Roads, (wich is in theStait uv Kentucky.”) The college grounds is to comprise one hundred akers taken from corners uv the farms uv Deekin Pogram, Square Gavitt and Capt. McPelter, wich ground they sell the college, seein it's for that purpose, for $3OO per aker. The faculty will be, if we kin sekoor em, composed of these trooly great minds: Genril Forrest, late C. S. A., Professor uv Moral Philosophy. Kemell Mosby, late C. S. A., Professor uv "rie and Belles Dettres, Cape. McGee, late C. S. A. (in command at Salisbury), Professor of Natural Sciences. Genril Magruder, late C. S. A., Professor uv watever is understood by them ez is posted in college matters, ez Classics, wich 1 shel look up ez soon ez I hev time. This is a killin two birds with one stun. Wenot only pervide educashen wich is safe for our young men, but we pervide com fortable places for the heroes of the late un pleasantniss. In addition to these, Deekin Pogram Square Gavitt and myself each pledged our selves to endow a Professorship in the The ologikiie Department, to be known by our names, and we to hev the appintin uv the Professors. The Pogram Chair uv Biblical Theology will be offered to Rev. Henry Clay Dean, uv lowa, provided he will stipulate to wash himself wunst a quarter, and change his shirt at least twice per annum. The Gavitt Chair uv Biblical Literatoor will be offered to Rev. C. Chaunoy Burr, uv Noo York; and The Nasby Chair uv Biblical Politicks wtll be filled by Rev. Petroleum Yesoovius Nasby, whose eminent fitniss for the place is undispooted. In the Scientific and Classikle Depart ments the text books will be keerfnlly re vised and everything uv a Northern or levelin tendency will be scroopulonsly ex pergated. In the Theolojikle Department speshl attenshun will be given to the highly neasary work uy preparin the stoodents for comin out strong on the hollnis uv Sla very , and to this end the three years’ course will bedevotid thus: Ist year—To the cuss uv Noer. 2d year—Te proyin that the Afrikin nigger was reely the descendants of Ham. 3d year—Considerin the various texts wich go to show that Afrikin slavery is not only permitted by the Skripters, but es pecially enjoined. I shall myself lectur, from time to time, on Ham, Hager and Onesimus, that the bearins uv these individooals upon our sys tem may be fully understood, and also on sich subjects ez the inflooenseuv stimulatin fiooids npon the human system, the cat-o nine-tails ez a evangelizer, and sich other topics ezmay from time to timesejest them selves. The young men confided to our care will receive not only a solid collegiate educa tion, ez it is understood at the North, but careful attention will be paid to the accom plishments so neoessary to the troo Southern gentlemen. They will be taught draw poker, pitchin dollars (real Spanish dollars will be provided for the purpose), spittin at a mark, revolver and bowie-knife practice, tourna at rin e s (real injy-rubber rings will be provided; this’ll be extra), and cat o’-nine tails. The morals uv the stoodents. will be scroopulonsly looked after. No card-play in will be allowed afore service on Sunday, and none whatever with the ser vants. They will be taught to respeck themselves. ( Uv course, there i will hev to be a large outlay uv money, wich it stands to reason can’t be outlayed till it is inlayed. We therefore, formed an Executive Com mittee, whose dooty it wuz made to solissit funds for this purpose, and to inaugurate a series uv Gift Enterprises, andsioh, wloh is ez follows: Deekin Pogram—President. Elder Slathers—Vice President. Capt. MoPelter—Corresponding Secretary. F. L. FETHERSTON. PnbMfiS. THREE CENTS. Myself—Financial Secretary and Trea surer. Tb® Sigh standing nv the Board partikor- • the Secretary and Treasurer, wich h3z the handlin uv the funds, is a sufficient' guarantee that all money subscribed wilt* be faithfully applied. It wuz resolved, lm order that the Board may present that re-- specteble appearance wich their posishun demands, that the first fands received should be applied to the ptErcbfe , uv each uv em a new soot uv clothes—a step-1 am con fiaenty the friends- uv Southern educasheut ri? PF l ove uv and heartily endorse. I hev hopes ia the course uv & week to i Te Pprt progress. Every subscriberwv 82 25 and upwards will hev a Honorary Profes sorship named after him, or will be-made a Honorary Member uv the Board off Direc “*s,’ t z ? e e .^°? s , es - We regret that ww wuz too late te git Admiral Semmes to filone uv the chairs, but we pledge our friends to sekoor his fnst lostenant, or sekkond at farthest. We hev high hopes uv a- liberal support from the Dimoerisy North. They cannot bat realize the dangers uv sendin tbeir sons to sich institutions of lernin North ez must turn em out Ablishnists, or ohm* at least, the ardor uv their Dimoerisy. 10 be hoped that contributionsfor the buildm ot the mstitooshen and its proper endowment will be commenst imtnejittv. ez there is a morgage on Deekin Pograaff® farm, and I am m pressin need of a sub stasshel soot uv winter clothes. Petboleum V. Nasbt, P. m., -pa 11*1.- t (wich is Post Master). ±". S.—llth xnst, two days later, Th& su