Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 15, 1866, Image 9
4t«t£pSSiSSSiSem**-ariß» '. 11 I. JJIIIIJIIII II I«TT Hir- ISfilOlD EDITION; by telbgbaph. SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. Jeff’s ' Friends Deserting Him. PROM KfARRISBORO-. The Susquehanna Boom Bill The ionth funtllna letlslatnie. (To N«rw York Associated Press.] Columbia, Deo. 15.—'The Houbb has inde fioite'; postponed the resolutions expressing -sympathy ■with Jefferson Davis. The Legis lature has’ accepted the donation; to establish «n agricultural college, and appropriated the proceeds to the State University. . From Harrisburg. Hakkisbdbo, Deo. IS.‘—Governor Curtin signed what is popularly known as the '‘Susquehanna Boom” Bill, passed at the: last session of the Legislature. , Messrs. Wright and Worrell-had previously been designated Commissioners to report upon s!>© of the law, and their report was favorable. ■ Specie tor Europe. ITo H. Y. AssociatedPreM.l New Yobk, Deo. 15.—The outward bound Europeanßteamers, Bailing to-day, take the following amounts in specie • The America for Bremen, City of Paris for Liverpool, •Europe for Havre, Marine Disaster. [To the N. Y. Associate* Press.] Provincetown, Mass., Dec. 15.—The British brig James Cliff, from Aux Cayes *r Boston, went ashore on East Harbor Bar last night. She is high np, and must dlßOharge for repairs. ... New York, Dec. 5 —Steamships Ame rica, City ofParis add Europe sailed to-day, takiDg out one million seven thousand dol lars in specie. Fire at Oxford. Maine. [To the United States Associated Press ; j Pobtlamd, Me., Dec. 15.—Robinson’s Manufacturing and Woolen Mills, at Ox lord, Me., were burned last night. fill's UtiUJETIBU DESTRUCTIVE FIBE XEiE BEBMAX. TOWS. An Extensive Woolen Mill Earned. liast evening about six o’clock, a fire broke out in the extensive woolen mill of Tam pc Armstrong, located nearJDuy’s Lane Station, on the Germantown railroad in the Twenty-second Ward. The establishment covers three-quarters of an acre of ground, and comDrlaes three buildings, all connected together forming an L. There is an old mill, two stories in height, and two new structures, one four stories and the othu h e»stories. The structures are all atone, and were built in the most substau tial manner. The mills have been engaged lately in making cassimeres and balmorat originated in the picker room in one of the new buildings, and spread rapidly through the structure. There was a strong northwest breeze prevailing at the time and the flames were soon communi cated to the other buildings. The tire companies in Germantown were promptly on the ground. The bright light caused by the fire also attracted to thesceue the companies from Frankfordand several from the upDer part of the city also reached the spot. The steamers of the Fellowship and Franklin companies of Germantown, and Decatur and Washington companies of ITrankford were in service. The William Penn Hose Qompany’s steamer was present but did not go into service. The.Kesoiution Hose and Good Intent engine companies from the city were also on the ground. The only water to be obtained was from a creek adjacent to the mills. This was frozen ever, and holes had to be cut in the ice to allow the water to be drawn. The firemen ■worked energetically, but were unable to save the mills or their contents. The fire raged furiously for nearly two hours, and the sparks were wafted nearly half a mile, setting fire to some of the dry leaves in Duy’s woods. The mills were completely gutted, and the'eontenta were almost entirely destroyed. Nothing remains this morning but the bare walla and a portion of the machinery in a greatly damaged condition. The machinery in the establishment was very valuable, being almost entirely new, mm made in the modem style. It was nearly all destroyed or ruined. The total loss;is estimated at §lOO,OOO and is partly covered by insurance. About 150 hands were employed in the mills, bnt nearly all had left before the fire commenced. . • ...... As before stated, the flames originated m the picker room. One of the workmen was carrying a bundle of wool upon his shoul der. The wool was accidentally brought in .contact with a gaslight and took fire. The man thoughtlessly > cast the burning wool upon the floor,.and the whole room .was in a blaze in a fsw minutes, the flames getting beyond the control of the few per sons who were present. Two men were se verely burned—the one who was carrying the bundle and another who went to his as sistance. . .Christmas Presents.— Our advertising friends are filling the columns of the paper ■with their announcements of holiday goods •for sale. Among them we notice that Mr. S. g. Fetherston, 270 South Second street, Jias just received from auction a large va riety of Parian and Bisque groups, China tea sets, with all other kinds of tea sets. He has everything in the glass and China line imaginable. Having imported aireot from Europe, also having purchased at low rates at auction, he can sell on the most reasona ble terms. Persons looking for holiday presents-can make really great bargains at Sir. Fetberston’s establishment. " Peach Farm Land.— We call the atten tion of our readers to the advertisement bi some valuable peach farms and farm land, to be sold by Orphans’ Court sale at auction, in Dover, Delaware, on December 18. The property in question is well-known as em bracing some of the best land for peach cul ture in the oeuntry, being snrreunded by bums with hundreds of acres of trees in food condition, no disease or blight ever aving attacked the trees in that vicinity. These farms (of the estate of the late Rodney Fisher) are situated within two miles of the ©over Railroad depot. , For in formation, apply to E. Robins, No. -17 South Third atreet; to Charles G. Leland, (Press office); or to Samuel E. Harrington, trustee, Wil mington, Delaware. ' ■Violating an Ordinance.— JohnD'Neil was fined ?5. yesterday, by. Aid. Potteuger, fai dumping coal on the sidewalk at Ninth and Carpenter streets, contrary to tbe ordi nance of the city. A. New WAT to QK Custom.—lk.Blu menthal ahdM. Blumenthal were arresded ycßterday by Officer Reeder end taken be fore Alderman Tolandjapon the oharge of assault and battery on William Simpson, of Bucks county, Mr- Simpson waa the store of the defendants, on Third street below Green, yesterday and wae dragged into the establishment. A to him, but be pronounced it "shoddy.’ Tbis led to words and Mr. Simpsomdnder to k to leave, when he waa assaulted by the accused. Thelatter were held in $6OO bail >o answer. _ | Juvenile Thief. —Alderman Lutz had before him this morning Owen Farley, aged 15 years, charged with larceny. He has been In the habit of goingintoyardsof dwellings in tbe First and Twenty-sixth Wards and stealing ash kettles and anything else which he could lay his hands upon. He was com mitted. ; • r Defbauding the Bevenue.— Timothy McCarty was arrested yesterday afternoon at Second and, Edwards -streets, by the Tenth District Polioe, npon the Charge of defrauding the revenue. He had a .dray with three barrels'of whisky which did not 1 have the required government stamp npon them. He was held to await a hearing be fore..the U.B.Commissioner. Till Tapping.— A youth named Charles Brady, agedl6 years,was arrested-yester-: day afternoon ■while attempting .to. rob the money drawer of a grocery store atShacka nasion and Richmond streets. He was taken before Aid. Olonds and was held m $6OO bail for trial. i- Largest of Lead.— Charles Card and: 1 Edw. Baker Were before Alderman Toland yesterday for the larceny of two pigs of lead from the ship Pontiac, lying at Race street wharf. Card was the mate of the vessel and gave the lead to Baker to sell. Both were held in sBooball to answer at Court. The ScHtryLKiLL Frozen. —The extreme cold weather of last night has closed the Schuylkill river. This morning the surface of the water was covered with ice. As yet the ice is not of sufficient thickness to bear ■persons, although it interferes considerably with navigation. Disorderly House.— Wm. Morris, pro prietor of the saloon, at Ninth and Vine streets, was before Alderman Beitler, yes terday afternoon, npon the charge of keep ing a disorderly house, and was held in $1,200 bail for trial. Carelessness. — Lieut. Connelly this morning again reported a number of houses in bis district found open. One dwelling in Walnut street, near Tenth, had the key in the front door, and the occupants were all absent. - Selling Obscene Works. —Geo. Ander son, aged 20 years, was arrested at Thirty' first and Race streets, yesterday, for selling obscene pictures. He was taken before Al derman Williams, and was held in $5OO tail for trial at Court. Base Ball. —Among the clubs admitted to the National Base Ball Convention at New York, was the “Unity Clnb.” of Port Richmond, Philadelphia. By an accident the name of the clnb was omitted in our account of the convention. Alleged Swindle.— Francis Welden has been held in $BOO bail by Alderman Hibberd, to answer the charge of swindling. It is alleged that he and another man swin dled out of $25, the pronrietor of a lager beer saloon, near Ninth and Vinestreets. An Owner Wanted.— Lieut. Connelly of the Fifth Police District, desires an owner for two bay horses. - §300,000 - 271,000 - 446,000 - §1,017,000 Children Cutting their Teeth Hard may be considerable relieved by applying a smab portion of Bouevs Infant OrrdirU tn the finger, and rubbing the gums gently for a abort time. Bower’s Glycerine Cream for chnoped and rough akin. Depot, Sixth and Vine. 35cts,jar. Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN A BROTHER. Importers, 23 South Eighth street Female Trusses and Braces Elastic Supports. Stockings, KneaCaps. Ac., light and appro priste for female Near. For sale and adjaatmest at k ‘Ncedles\ r Twelfth street first door below Race. (Lady attendants.) Extraordinary Cure of Rheumatism —Samuel R. Adams. Nineteenth and Montrose, tried everythlrs. Cored by Dr. Filler's Remedy. Benbow’s Soaps.— Eldef Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettnce, Sonfiuwer. Musk, Rose, Ac. SNOWDEN A BROTHER. Importers. 23 Sooth Eighth street. Rheumatism Cured or no Pay Asked. —Dr. Filler's Seme<Jy cured Joseph Stevens, SG3 Owen stieei; he pever expected lo get well. It is well to get clear of a Cold the first week, but It is mnch better and s»fer to rid yourself of it the first fortnight honrs-tbe proper remedy fgr the purpose hems Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant. A Specific for Throat Diseases. — “My communication with the world is very much enlarged by the Lozrnge vlrch I now carry; always in my pocket; that trouble in my throat (for which the ‘Troches’ are a specific) having modems often a mere whisperer. N, p. WILLIS.’’ For a Cough, Cold, an Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, "Brown’s Xronchial Troche?' will often give instant relief. A Cure of Rheumatism worth Seeing. —s Kilpatrick. 17H Olive street, cured by Dr. Filler’s Remedy. Warranted no cure, no pay. The Saddest weepers are often the caveat smllera. Everybody amlles at the * sweetest thing" ever offered for the handkerchief. We refer to "Sweet Opoponax, ’ a delightfhl perfume, and fresh ai a rose in Its richest of promise. - E. T. SMITH A CO. New York. Sole Proprietors. Great Reduction in Confectionery asd FBtnts.—As everyone feels an Inclination to indulge In confectionery, fruits, etc., at this festive season, wedeemitt.f interest *o state that Messrs George Miller A Sons, No. 610 Market street, have re doceo the prices of these articles, 20 to so per cent be low the usual rates. The firm of Miller A Sous has ougbreneelebratedfortbe exc-llenceof theirmauu factures, and the'r extensive trade, with unsurpassed business facilities enables them to sell at the very lowest prices. This is a positive fact, of which any ene may be convinced by calling upon the above firm. Lace Curtains from Auction, positively sold at half thfir valu«. A beautiful assortment 1" every design and quality. Very saleable and very choice presents for Christmas bargains, and no mis take. At W. Henry Patten’s 1403 Chestnut street. 1100i)'IJSE-H)B’«2 COII 108 11300003 5-70 s ’fo CO Jj 101 V 1100 O S Teas 7 s-i* I 2000 Henna M mgt ts 97rv Notea Aug c 105 1 100 ah Read B sso MV 1000 do 105 n9h tlam & Arab R 1293, 1000 Henna 5s c WJJ CehLeblßdVß • .Sfiuudtv 6auew C«&P 993* 19 all Chc3 &\i ala ol 500 Long Island Bds 923-a PKICES OF STOCKS IN NEW YOKE. (Bv Telegraph.) American G01d....- Beading Railroad' New York Central.....;-, United States 6s ’sl United States 6s, 5-216..,. Erie... Hudson River. PlaancK* nin»*»»r* .... 15. * Tfa»e was but little life at the Stock Board this morning, and hat little activity Is anticipated until af ter the commencement of the New Year. Money ts abundant and cheep enough for all speculative pur poses, but there is great distrust as to the falnre course of the Secretary of the Treasury, and until Congress specially defines his duties, we can look for but little improvement from the present apa hetlc state of af fai 6. The finance question is a delicate oue, and any attempt at this time'to meddle with the currencvof the country cannot fail to injure our mercantile and man ufacturing interests. Government Loans were a fraction lower, doting at 111 bid for the Coupon Sixes, *81:108?* for the “policy” Bonds; 107ter the old Five-Twenties; lUs}£ for the ’*43; 105% for the ’«sj; 99% for the Ten Forties, and 1(3 for the August Seven-Thirties. State Fires sold at 9t% —no'change. City Loans were a fraction better, and the new issues sold at 99?*, Railroad shares ware weak and lower. Beading Bailroad closed at 54% Pennsyl yanla Bailroad at 58%; Lehigh Valley Bailroad at 61% Camden and Amboy Bailroad at 129%; Germantown Bailroad at 61%; North Pennsylvania Railroad at '33; Catawlssa Bailroad Preferred at 28; Philadelphia mid Wilmington Bailroad at 58; Philadelphia and Erie Baflrcad at 30% and Northern Central at 47% Canal > stocks were very flat. In Bank shares there were no changes. In Passenger fiallwayshare* fhe sale was ef Chestnut and Walnut Street at 51. I DAILY BViiNIN G BULLET IB.—PBILAPBIFHIA* SATURDAY. DE CEMBEB 15,1866. TRIPLE SHEET. COMMERCIAL. B&LKS OF STOCKS, bid 72tf bid ...» 420 bid Steady, FOURTH EDITION. BY TBLBGBAPH. LATEST CABLE NEWS.! rßrtheTJ.B.A«BoC'stedßt*«».l i ‘ KNOUHD. - ; Loßßos, Deo. 16-2 P. M.—Oonaolß are quoted at 88J for money. The following are tihequotationß for Ame rican securities: : If. S. Five-twenties, - - - niiuois Central, - - Erie Bail way Shareß, Liverpool, Deo. 15,2 P. M.—The bottom market is aotlve and firmer, with an ad*; vance of id. per pound. Toe sales to-day ,- will reach I.SOO balee; Middling Uplands are quoted at Mid. per pound. V FBAHCE. , " : ! Pabis, Dec.. 15, 1 o’clock P. M.—The, United States Government has ordered the; payment of 160,000,000 of franca into the; court as security for the-costs pending the; action to recover the money paid for build ing rebel ships In France. The counsel .for the United States stated In the cdurt that se ripus diplomacy had been employed for ob taining heavy claims against England from the building of Confederate cruffiera, and for the depredations they had committed on American commerce. [To the New York Axaacladed PKB.] Rome, Dec. 15th.—It 1b Bald that Cardinal ATitnnflili gave an evasive reply to General Ring’s demand for an explanation of the denial of his statement. It is supposed that no unpleasant relations will ensue. London, Dec. 15th, Noon.—Fenian arrests in Ireland continue to be made. Math needless alarm prevails throughout the en tire island. Pabis, Dec. 15.—1 n the case of the United States egainst Arman Fils, the French Court haß ordered the United States to pay a large sum into the Court as security for costs of the suit. The United States Consul said legal steps had been adopted in France, but there was more Berious diplomacy with England. Liverpool, Dec. 15, noon.—Cotton opened active with a probable day’s sale oi 13,000 bales. Middling Uplands 14i. London, Dec. 15, noon.—The money mar ket is firmer. Consols advanced BSi for money ex-dividend. Erie R.R., 471; 111. Central, 77i; U. S. 5-209,711. ■ „ . London, Dec. 15.— Telegrams from Frank fort, dated to-day, report rather more firm nees in United States 6-20 a, the asking rate being 751, but uo sales are reported over TSS. Indian Outre***. [By the V. S. Associated Bren, t St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 15.—Late Sante Fe papers report Indian outrages very frequent A party of one hundred and fifty attacked the town of Alamosa, and killed three men and wounded three others; and also aarrisd off large quantities of grain, and nearly all the live stock in the place. A memorial to the Washington authori ties, published at New Mexico, says: The Camanchee, Navsjoes, Arapahoes, and Utahs are constantly committing murders and robberies, which we are convinced will never cease until they are effectually pun ished and placed on reservations guard ed by troops. The memorial also asks that authority be given the Governor to organize the two regiments of New Mexican Volunteers for at least two years’ service. Tbe Colorado Legislature met at Golden City on tbe 4th Inst. Elberthold was elected speaker of tbe House, and C. J. McDevltt clerk. General Grant held a levee at the Llndeli Hotel, last night. A large number or citi zens paid their respects. -Nearly twenty prisoners escaped from the St. Joseph jail yesterday. Washington, Deo. 16. —The wife of Sena tor Fowler, of Tennessee, died here last night. Capt. Richard W. Meade, of the United States Navy, is lying ill with paralysis. The Departments are thronged with mem bers, attending to business for tbe consti tuents. \) It is not expected that Congress will pas any financial measures until after the holi days. ■ From Canada. [To the N. T. Associated Press J Ottawa, Deo. 15.— Intelligence received from England is to the effect that the lower province delegation is about to return, having come to a favorable understanding in reference to tbe Confederation, scheme. As there will be some difficulty about funds for the construction of the entire colonial railway, some discussion may arise con cerning the allowance to Prince Edwards Island, bnt it is expected that it will be sat isfactorily arranged. New Yobk, Dec. 15. 2 P. M —BreadstnOb—Pour market lt@»c. better, bales of »«w) barrels; super State, |7 Is(g)i9 60; extra State, I’O 23(361') 75; choice do. 610I5@$u 65; Boper We6tern;sT 85@|9 7b; extra Western; fs@sll; Choice. 11l ?s@fl2 50! R. H. OhlorflO iO@sU 60; irare brands, $u 7(K3)ti2 40; the mark t closing firm; fcootoem floor I* firrrni; sales 650 hols at common $lO 90@512 75, fancy and extra. $l2 sortie Coro meal is better; sold 2 200 bbls of Brandy win*- at $5 28@$5 85; Bye floor is more *teady: sales of 9So bbls. at s6@7 5". Wheat B@> cent* better; saio4 0f44 000 bOßhels at $2 10 for Inferior Mil wanfeee, anc |2 23@2 ?s for good No 2 Milwaukee, and $2 90@$3 for Amner'State. Sales of uaoo bushels Canada Pew st $155. Bye is firms'*: awes 17,000 bushels Canada East at 10*; Western at 118@12): and 132 lor State. Ba ley is dull and h*»avy for com* mon and firmer for prime lot«; sal?A of 24 coo bushel* at 90c. for Canada west, and lwrbr Canada West.free. iym. l@2 cehts better; sales of 59 007 bushel 3 ai I'3<§)ll4 for mixed Western in stores and Afloat, 114 old Sontbern. 115 for old white Southern and 114 for vellow western. Oats, are a shade better sales of 48 000 bushels at «4@«6 for Chicago and MUwankle and 70c. for State., Porklowen S'lesof s.sop barrels at s2lss@s22for new mess: $2O 87@$2i ufor old-do., cloi. Jng at $2O 87, cash, and |1?-«@|18.00 for rime. Lard lower; sales of 720 barrels at 12%<2)12%C. small sales ik Wht*sy qaUtand neavy i?r«igut* at lower to Liverpool, steam 6}£ sterling. Exchange steady. Money market st*aoy. PIES* GALL ........ IS7& bid 'SJSMUO bid .^..^.4loV a ' bid .............111% bid Satusday, X'ec is.—There Is less d»mand for Cto verserdand prices are 25 to 50 cents $ bushel low, r. Bales of 50'bushels at $9 st@9 62>£—Including, one lot on secret terms A lot of prime Timothy sold at $3 ?o. Flaxseed comes in slowly and is taken by the crashers at $2 60@3 V bushel. ' There is a steady borne consumption demand for Fleur and holders are firm at a further improvement of 25 cental barrel: with sales or 1.000 barrels in lots atsil@i2 50 $ barrel for low grade and choice XX Northwest extra family, $l2 25@13 50 fbr Penna. and Ohio do. do., farcy at sl4@ls, extras at s9@lo and superfine at ss@B 60., Bye Floor sells slowly at $7 2s. Prices of Corn Meal are nominal. The offerings of Wheat are small And there is hot dolng fo fix quotations. Bed ranges from $2 86(358 10® bushel and White from $3 15@3 80. A wmaUialeor Penna. Bye at $1 40. Corn comee for. 3:*5 O'Oloolr. From Washington. Financial and Commercial. [To the U. B. Aasocts'ed Press. 1 Philadelphia Sarhefe. wsrdalcwiyandia in fia'r request: >alea of new yel . Ipw'atCM- cents’ to tlm-dold at |l 10 to fM7. Oat» ; aje intalr demand at 68 cent*. ..■■■ r.’-.-v —t. | No charge in Barley or Malt. ■ - • „ _ ~ ._ : Whisky contimtea nnavttkd., Holderkuskril3 for J Ohio and (2 ssforFenha. bntwehear cl transactions 1 at idle TO cents below ibis figure." - ,V v lb WAimmw NALL,' yiLO* Cheßtum tsitre«4; A Fresh. Impoitation of 71i: 77$' 471 i CBOICEttCE CURTAINS, Tapestry Bordered Terrvs* BATIKS AND SATIS D».MASB, Ross, Crimson, Bluo, Gresn and| Gold all of lh* newest designs ft* ICURTAINS a* FURNITURE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES COLORS AND STYLES. NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. • Having disposed of the larger portion of theas DESIRABLE SECURITIES, We will continue to offer them Only till December QOtli, (U not previously disposed of). AT THE LOW PRICE OP 89. After that date, should any remain unsold, the price wil he advanced. DBEXEL&CO., Ho. 34 South Third Mree*, destdegp : - CCNNECiICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. CAPITAL, - • - - 813,000,000 AKBLAL INCOME, - • 0,000,000 Annual Dividend to Policy Holdens, 60 Per Cent. Persons Insuriugnaw will participate in the Dividend o* FEBRUARY, 1887. and will atso be allowed a credit of one half the premium in anticipation or the Divi dend. Applications and ezamlnat'ons foi membership daily Item 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., at the office, 404 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. WALTER H. TILDEN, Agent. dFIS-2mn>| • NATIONAL BANK OFTHE REPUBLIC 809 and 811 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital $300,000, Poll Paid Jos.T Bailey, Beni. Howland. Jr., Wa H. Rhawn. Wm. Ervlrat, BamL A. Blsphara, Nothin HUles, Edw. B. OrnOu Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hoyt, WILLIAM h. rhawn. CAB HIKE. JOSEPH P. MUMFOBD. OCflo3mrp 1865 5-20’S exchanged for 1862’5, and market difference in price allowed. 10 ffeS£?NoUe Bought and Bold. DREXEL Sc CO., 84 SOUTH THIBD BTBEET. WE OFFEB FOR SALE, $250,000 7 Per Cent. CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS • AT THESE BONDS AT THE ABOVE PRICE WIU, YIELD THE HOLDERS NEARLY 9 PER CENT PER ANMJM AND AID TWFNRY-ONE PER O NT. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT M ATURITY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO SAILER & STEVENSON, Banker*, No 131 South Third Street, deli cti 6p Opposite Girard Bank. .. fIH iuBLABUXH UAAiMU mvNUS, ■Safes 9H CHESTNUT STREET. ; irrsn oc&tf4» w. h. dutton. Beautiful fooes. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, ILLUSTRATIONS IN « IL CO'.ORS. JESUS ON EARTH, »l 75. LIT 1 LE RED CLOAK, SITS. MISS -MUT AND LITTLE HUNGRY, SI 30. BAM KRISHNA-PUNT: The Boy nf Bengal, SI 50 HINDOO LIFE. SI 25. WHOLE SET IN BOX. »7 00. deBj,tn,th,njtrp? ' 1334 Cbestnnt Street, Holiday -presents.—hkadd hesses, DRESS GAPS. Mrs. S D. WII.UTS, No. 187 North NlNTHstreet. will open on TUESDAY/Dec, 1A A largo and handsome assortment of Head Dresses and 1 Dress Caps, of the latest Impor tations. / ■ _dell Utrp» /“TANNED FRUIT; VEGETABLES, &0. -1,000 case, fresh Canned Peaches: 500 cases fresh Canned Pine Apples; 200 cases fresh Pine Apples in glass; 1.000 case, Green Cern and Green Peas; 500 cases fresh Plains, in cans; 200 cases fresh green Gages; 600 cases Gharries In Bprop; 600 cases Blackberries In syrup; 510 cases Straw berries In Byrnp; 500 cases fresh Pears in syrup; 2,O<X cases canned Too>atoestsCO cases Oysters, Lobsters and Clams; 600 cases Boast Beef. Mutton, Veal, Soups, <tc. For sale by JOSEPH JB7 BUSSLER & 00„ lOSSmtb BELA WARE avenne, oc3o ■VTFW TURKEY PRUNES. CURRANT s *, Ac is New Turkey Prunes, qua'lty very fine; New Crop Currants, Orange and Lemon Peel, New ;MalsyaLe; mons landing and lbr sale by JOS. B. BU6SIBB 4 ca, 108 South Delaware ayenne, IST ' -• .'DIBECrOBS, PRESIDENT, THIBD EDITION > 2:30 O’Olcofc. BY TELEGRAPH. MPORTANT BY THE CABtE DEATH OF THE EMPRESS CARIbTFA DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN LONDON. Latest <Zfcti.pt aticms. [To the V. S. sad Eorooean Associated Pitas] Death of tbe Empress Carlo tta, of Hexleo. tCiJDPN, Dec. 15— Noon.—The Empress Carlotta, of Mexico, died at Miramar yes terday. Heavy Fire in IjOrnlon. London, Dec. ■ 15, Nopn.T-A large fire is ragiEfc heie to-day. The loss is estimated at £500,000. The cotton market is dull. Erie R. R. shares are quoted at 462. ' London, Deo. 15, Noon.—U. S. Five twenties are quoted at 71. Consols, 88f. Cotton, sales 8,000 bales; middling, 14d. [To the New "York Associated Press.! - Livebpood, Dec. 16,1 P. M.—The Cotton . market continues, to have a dull aspect, but holders generally are steady in their de mands at the decline of yesterday. The sales will probably reach 9,000 bales. London, Dec. 16, IP. M.—Consols axe | held for higher prices, and are now quoted [ at 882 and 882. . The;.market is lower for Ene Railroad •bares, “which are offered at 481, with 47 ashed. Liverpool, Deo. 15.—A. quiet feeling pre vails in the market for Petroleum at rather easier prices. Telegrams from Antwerp advise a slight decline.. From Washington. [Special Despatch to the Bulletin,] Washington, Dec. 15, —The House Com mittee on Territories, are to-day consider ing the proposition of Mf.Btevens, providing for a civil government for North Carolina. It will probably be adopted. The Governors of several of the rebel States have issued a call for a convention of allthe Govemora to decide upon a plan of action th secure representatibn in Congress. Both the Senate and House Post Office Committees favor the proposition of con structing a Govefnment line of telegraph between Washington and New York to be under the control of the Postmaster General. Senator Sherman is preparing a bill to that end. Several leading capitalists are here to se cure legislation to enable them to lay an Atlantic cable which shall be owned exclu sively by Americans. It seems to be settled that the Waya and Means Committee will recommend some kind of legislation requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to sell gold in open market From Chicago. [To the New York Associated Press. J Chicago, Dec. 15.— There are four hun dred and three vessels laid np at this port lor the winter, including three steamers, nineteen pronellers, thirty-five tugs, forty eight barks,* eighteen brigs and twenty nine schooners. A meeting of citizens heldlasteveningap pointed a committee to memorialize the Legislature for authority to purchase or erect gas works by the city. From Sllssonrl. pro the N. Y. Associated Press.] St. Louis, Dec. 15. —A special despatch from Jefferson city says that a party of bushwhackers came intolLexington in force yesterday, under command of Pool and Clemens, Col. Montgomery demanded the surrender of Clemens, and on a refusal a fight ensued in which Clemens was killed and other bushwhackers mortally wounded. Montgomery has arrested several of the most prominent secessionists and holds them as hostages for the safety of- the loyal citizens. From New Orleans. {To the New York A«a»clated Pres»,J New Orleans, Dec, 15.—Mexican ad vices have been received to the effect that if the clergy fulfil their promises to raise a loan for the Emperor Maximilian he will remain at the head of the Government. The report prevails and is credited here that Gen. Young, of this State, has been pardoned by President Johnson. The cotton crop of the Parish of Onachita, fir the present year, will be deficient about 13,000 bales. Financial and Commercial. fßy tbe U. 8. and European Associated Pm.] Nkw Yobk, Dec. 15.—Tbe following are tbSqaota tions 01 Strcks at lttso call this morning: • ' U 8 63.1881. IUJi bid, lliil asked; 5-20s.1SS2.Kj7*. bid. 107’-'art ed; do 18-4.U537 bid. iO6 asked: do 1665, its.’; bid.'li 6 asked: t'.S. 10 10s, 9951 hId.99JJ asked; U A 7-31*. Ist series. 105 bid, 105?; asked; do 2d series Km bid its!; asked; do. rhlid series Ifs bid 10*?; asked; Pacific maU,l7o.'l bid. 172 asked; Atlantic mall, 108 bid 109 asked; taeton Comr-anv 45?; bid. 4-;;; asked; Cumberland. 65 Dld.6f3; asked: Quicksilver 45 bid 463; asked; Marlrosa 123; bid 13 asked; N. Y. Central, 11014 bid. UOJ. asked; Erie BaUroad, 72?; bid, T2U asked; -lie PTef.rred 84 bid, S 6 asked; Hudson River. 120 Md,l2o>; asked; Beading Ballroad.109?. bid, ltsif asked; Mlcbigan Centra). 11l bid. 11)11 asked; ulcbion Sontbern, 81 bid, 81?. asked; uli-ola Central. 117*; bid, 117=4 asked; Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 90 bid, M,‘; a'ked: North West. J3‘.i bid. S3;.' asked; North West (Preferred) 76W bid. 76?; asked; Cleveland and Toledo. 113 bid, 113;; asked; Rock Island. 108*; bid, li L asked: Fort Wayne. 105 bid. Its 3 ; a-ked; Toledo and Wahssh. 483; bid, 44 piked; Chicago and Allen 109 hid, lid asked; Alton and Terre Haste. 33 •id 403. stked: Ohio and Missouri certificates, 2871 bid. 29); artef ;We torn Union Telegraph Comp my, -is 7 ; bid 49 asked: Boston Water Power 287,' bid 29 asked; CMct.ge.aud alton Preferred, 111 bid. 111. I ,' asked Neiv York. Dec. 16.—Stocks are lowei; money on tall 6 ncr cent: Sterling Exchange quiet at losji: Rock island,'o4; Illinois Central, 117; Ke'ter.oo: Tittsburgh. gay; • lcvelandard Cincinnati 10?:.: North Wejtern, 53V,d0 preferred.76?»;T-lcdo,Wabash audWestern. 435 j ; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Ohicago.los; Chicago and Mhw-nkieJS; Delaware and Hndson.ls2: We*tern UrionTrlfErai>b.49; Adem»’s Express 63; American Express,77«;Canton,4sa; Boston Wft'er Power,3BV New York Cenirsl, Uo3e; Erie, 1231: Hudson. 120; ' feller,' SR ’ Sloolng'on, - ICO; Reading 10931; fiiirhigan Central, Gold opened at 13734 and cl or f da* 137=4; Illinois Cer tral Bonds. 106; Erlea third -erlea 99; tuurth do.. 88);: Michigan Ponthrrn 8. F. • onde, 1C; MUwank ie atd St. Paul preferred, 08; 5-20’s • ecisiered. 1892, IC9; do. coupons, 1071»; do. coupons. 1865-110; do. 1885. now is ue. ICE?;. 10-4 o ciuprcs 93’;; Tressury7 819’s, 105: Tennessee s’s. new. 6831; Nortn Cor* l'na o'e. 743;; Ohio and Missouri U rtificates 29 Ni.w Yobk. December 13th—cotton unchanged. Floor l£@;3c. h-lter: sales ote.ooo hbls.StateiS 73>sn 65; Wester* >t Ss@ 2 50:Ohl*> fin ?c@i2 *o:Bonther« firmer, talrs 350 bbls. at tin o. @l6 23 •ye flour flrm*r: sates if 18 ‘bbls, at J6@7 90. Wheat s@so. higher, sales of 5 000 bushels Mllwankle. $2 23(52 35. Corn l@2c better; sales of 54.00,0 bu«hets. mixed Western at 51 13© : 114. Cats lc. better, sales of 37 non bushels Chicago at 64@eo;flate. 70 Perk -asier,'sales of SOO bbl*. new n css at 512@22 25. Beei quiet.. Lard firm atl2?;@l8. Whisky quiet. R, i.TiMORE, Dec. 16.—wheat firm; sal's of Red at 23 «@t3 10; White |3r@t3S, Com. new White, at 9E@9Bc; Yellow. 98@tl. Oats closed firm ai ss@sSe Rye otiiet at)l 2i@»l 30 Proviaio-s-no .improvementin demand; new meaaP' rk at|S3@t2Bk: Bacon shoulders, li @123;: Sides, 12k ©18; Hsma 15@20. Lard, K2,«@ f; Baltin o e refined, i 6c; Bmk meats scarce ana nomi ,ul Coffee-mrices 1 nominal at 163f© B>/o In imia. Whisky, no salis. at $2 35@f2 35 Colton—holdera Aim and ro trepsactlrns of importance, j - PTo. tbe New York AssociatedPrera] . New York' Dec.-15.-The Stock market is steady; money active at 6 and 7 par thirties old issue 107 r.; Fxcbange:acllvaAt9K®9K. »t e!ght._loM - Flve.l wentles, coop mA 118;,of 18R2, -IDoJ;,. of 18*11051;. .of 1f65, 106-: Ton forties, coupons, J93ft. Sevps thirties, of all sorts, HR Mlfflonrl_Blxssi_ 9‘.i<: 'Caston Company. 4634; Boston Water Power. 29; Cumberland, «63i; Galoksllver, 46; Mariposa 112},'; Wreu-ra TJni-D Telegraph, 49: New York C«n -»#»•, tli 5.; hrle, 72V, Hudson. 1i: Reading n>9V Mi chigan Ontral, 111; Michigan STOllern, 81JS: I llnota Central, H7K: Cleveland and > iusburgh, 90; Cleveland and T< icdo. 135; Chicago and Rock I. D laDd.lo3.M; Motth vi astern, a ?«; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago 105 Siwl obk, December 16.—Cotton quiet; mtadllng npUnro, 3UIC. Floor la active at an advance of 15© .lies State. *7 85@ll 6S: Ohio, slo 501312 to; Western. 19(312 50: St ulhern; '|lo 90(316 25 Wheat active and advanced 3@sa; sales of 11,000 bushels No.' 2 ■ Miiwankie, $2 ss@2 35 - Corn active at l@2a; Western mixed. 113(3114; Southern 114@115. Oats unsettled: 35,000 bushels sold at 1C ad vance. Beef quiet. Pork dull and tower; new mess, r?2*> $22 26; eld mess, $2l 25; prime $lB. Lard steady. bliSmoee; beci 15.-, Flour a very arm, and high nades are scarce. Wheat firm; the receipt* are small. Com steady; new while 96@97; row yeUOW93@$L. Oats eoiet e t 57c, Seeds steady Provisions arm. -Pork $23 I-artl nominal. Groceries very dull. Coffee ''heavy.. Whisky .dull.. ; - Otxii «*ix.«y*rjriJB. Oakdale Pare.— rheir friends and those who have had the advantages of lessons in Bkating from Meßars. William :aad Edward Vanhook are enjoying the skating at Oak dale Parki where the good taste and judg ment of the former is displayed inbis ad mirable arrangements as, manager or the park. A beautiful basin of ice four inches thick, with no deep undercurrents of water to intimidate ladies and children, invites the lovers of skating to its most perfect enjoy ment. Whenever: tee yellow cars on tee Fourth and Eighth street lines announce skating, at Oakdale, Mr. Vanhook will b 6 thereto receive his (friends. Many season tickets have been already secured; hot only ibr the skating season but for the entire year, admitting the holders toall games"of base ball and any, exhibition teat is given in their beautiful park. See the advertise ment for details. The Fire a,t. Germantown—Addi tion ax. PABTicuiu!B3.-Tha lost In the buildings and machinery destroyed by. the fire st the.GlM>b»nk Woolen Min, near Germantown, Isst, evening.]* esti mated itflioyoo. The loss on stock and material- is e *TbefbnildLD£B and machinery sre insured for $40,000, and the stock *nd material for $16,000. .The Insurances axe in Philadelphia, New York and New England Companies. •• . * 1 MnJanus Armstrong, the prop-ietor of the mills, resided dete to the. establishment. His house was saved. Several outbuildings were also saved. Wm TonascerWbo attended the picker, was btdly burped., He was the man wbo waa carrying the bun dle of wool which took fire irom the gas light. Patrick Fitzpatrick, a spinner, in his fright rushed on to the roof of the third atory building The fiames cut off his retreat, hut be succeeded in getting back: to the third story. He thenjomped from the window t» the top of the dT.eJionse,. and. wa« seriously Injured. The other employes succeeded In getting out safely. count rs. Nisi Pbicb—Justice Thompson.—The Philadelphia and Beaoing Railroad company vs. Relff. et ah Be fore reported. Verdictdorplalatiff for $7,000. To-day the Court was occupied with the motion list. Quabtks Judge Peirce.—John Chance and John Butter, convicted of uefcarge or committing an indecent assault, were sentenced each to paya fine of ii.ooo and to underto one year’s imprisonment, and to give bill in |5,c00 to be of goodbenavior. Thejadee stated that one year was the maximum of ponisp p ent, and he regretted that a longer term of impris onment could not be Imposed upon the defendants. Personal. Amongtee officers on duty in tee Freed man’s Bureau in North' Carolina, who are E laced under arrest upon charges preferred y Generals Steadman and Fullerton last MBy, was Major Charles L Wickersham, Assistant Adjutant General. The Major is a resident or this city, and was formerly an officer in the Bth Penn. Cavalry. His friends in tee city will be glad to hear teat General Court Martial Orders, No. 216, War Depart ment Adjt Gen. Office; November 17.1866, announce his honorable acquittal by the Court The proceedings and findings have been approved by the Secretary of War,- tma stseK Beaid. bat.TO ASTK* BEBST BOABD. tT4COTJSIO-«a con c SS.SHCOshKeadB 64JC SCO UIS 6a 5-208*62 con 100 ah do bio M.L cash IC6 200 ah do 54a1-iuu TOO dO’64 C IOSHIOOSb- do „ 55ii 5000 City fa new C&P 99)< lot- ah do -da 54., 6000 Del Div Bds 3C890 100 sh do e3iwu 65 3000 .Lehigh 6a ’B4 9 2ii 29 ah Pennaß 2das4}f 200 ah M sole shade 2>i 10Q ah Hestonv’e B t>3n 14 24 ah Union Bk 63 50 ah do a 5 Hi* lales as SECOND BOARD. 14000 City 65 new C&P 99J» OOOBhSchNv pf «OO3Oi 2001) va 5-20’s ’65;coJy 108)5 !20O8h Bead B asown 65 2BhPennaS 54,‘i I 100 eh HeatonvtUeß H!* 4sb 'do ax i sh Lehigh Nv SBi FOE SALE, VALUABLE PFAQH FARMS s«.WM public auction, bar order of the Orphans Oonrt, of the State of Delaware, at the comity building, in the town of Dover, the folk wine property: Bo.)'a Farm, with tenements (nearly new), in Diver Hundred. Kent county on the road 1 rom Dover toßaalettville. contair p-g m:; 3cres of land, inelnlmg a peach orchard of SO ac.es of young trees in good cm- A F'arm. with tenements (nearly new) adjoin ing the above, and containing 160 acres of land. . 80. 3 A Farm of 31 acres, with tenements, adjoining ,1 Nr. b ° T A Farm of SO acrra, adjacent to the same pro p iSte property is not suTpasred for peach culture by any in the country, no disease ever havingattadredthe frees in this vicini'y. The farms ere susceptible or a high degree of impiovemeut, and lie within two miles of the town of Dover and the Delaware Railroad. Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and ibe residue accordiig to the conditions le ouired by the Orphans'Court. 4 These farms, of the estate of the late RODBET FISHER, are well known as including seme or the best land in Delaware. For information apply to E. ROBINS. 80. 17 8. THIRD street, or to SAMI,. M. HARRINGTON, Trustee, Wilmington, Dai. jrv___ JrxAjm. 3ns, OB theH*h at night,a low BA* MAKE,two feet whiUß. hino feet white, no halt on one hip bone, a star in front. |2o wIU be paid at the Seven Stars Hotel» Frankfort it* PHHSIBTKNT SOAP BUBBLES OF GnEA/P strength and durability. They will last for many hours, may be punctured without breaking, and can be blown to twenty inches in diameter, showing the most brilliant prismatic colons and furnishing a de lightful entertainment for adults and {children. Solu tion sold by Queen.Poner and Booth, <&c., and by the manufacturer, dfcil-rptij« TTCH,. TETTER. ALE SKIN DISEASES. sat.T RHEUM, SCALB HEAD. ALLERUPTIONS. SWAYNE’S ’’ ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.” BWATBES “ALL-HEALING OINTMENT.” SWAYNJ'S “ ALL-DEALING OINTMENT.” Cures Itch in from 1- to -IS Sours. Cures (he Most OosUnsle Cases of Tetter . HOME CERTIFICATE. HOME CERTIFICATE, J. HUTCHINSON KAY. Mayor’s Clerx, S. W. comer Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,»»?»: '* I was troubled very much with au eruption oil 'o v face; tried a great many remedies witnout- dudlug relief; finally procured fiivtrwe's Atl-Sealing OiMr.ien*. After using It a short time a perfe wcure was the resalj. 3 cheerfully recommend It as a cure fir Tetter and ell Skin Diseases, as mice was an exceedingly eos’.luate case.” SWAYNE’S OINTMENT •ITCH” “TETTER’ “ITCH” NEVER KNOWN “TETTER” “ITCH” “TETTER "ITCH” TO^IL “T^TER”. “ITCH:; ' IN CORING THIS “RCH” TORMENTING “TETTER" AatYmn’* l&l t.Mi “ITCR” COMPLAINT. This valuable Olntmenmegv rfonlg, *F No 3SO North SIXTH street,above Vlue.PhllL.ta. Bold by drag gists, aeea-vU.tn-tJrp M~VrkJ5T(} WITH INDTCLISLF INK, SmbTQlder* Ing Braidhag. stamping. *c. m tobbht< tsoa Filbert street. r’AT.TAN VERMICELLI.—IOC boxes fine qua'liy, imported and for sale by JOS. B. BUdSISR * CO.. 108 South Delaware avepue. 1 TURKEY FIGS.—3S cases new crop, various grades landing and fox sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER a CO., 108 South Delaware avenue • rtPERIAL PRUNES.—IO Oases 7S>. Canisters, high grade, French Imperial Prunes, landing and ftjr aaleby JOS. B. BUSSIER * 00.. 108 SonthDelaware avenue. ' ' CROWN. BRAND. LAYER RAISIN A-Wholes halves, and quarter boxes of. this splendid fruit, landing and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSIER «fcCO.,IGS Spurn Delaware avenue. -. ’KTEW PECANS— IO bbla new crop Texas Pecans, Av landing, ex 9. earn ah ip Star of the Union, and for sale by J. B. BUSSIER <fc CO, 108 South Delaware avenne. ■ : ~ ~ ■ ■ ' riARACAS Bags Caracas, Oocoaln »> ttore and for sale by JOHN DALLETT 4 CO., 139 Walnut street. ~. ... . - . ; , - A PPLES.-78 barrels BeUe Fleurs, and other choice A varieties, lußt arrived and for sale by J. B. BUS SIER * Cq„ ios Eoutb Delaware avenue. ut THOMAS B. LENG, JAMES T. SHINN, Broad and Spruce streets.