Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 15, 1866, Image 5
Horn tag of the Orleans Theatre at Hew Orleans. / [From tkaPlciyuneof Prld*y Evenlnß.Bec. 7.] miia morning, about 6 o'clock, the Orleans "Theatre, on Orleans street, between Royal and Bonrbon streets, was discovered to be on fire. The general alarm was soon afte' sounded,and our flremen,ever prompt,ware ■on hand from every partof the city. It was ;a rainy and dismal morning, and would ap pear rather an unpropitious time for fire. The fire originated on the Beoand floor in that portion of the theatre used as a dressing room,'and which fronts on St. Ann street. It waß the 'general' impression this morning, that the firing of the theatre was the work ■of incendiarism. We did not learn that any particular one had been suspected. It was stated to us, however, on good authority, that on yesterday evening there was a mis understanding between the manager and some of the aotors in regard to salaries. Some of the actors had declined to play any .more until they were paid. The matter, was finally settled, or so arranged, and the performance last night went on as usual. lie fire soon spread throughout the en tire building. That portion of the building ■which contained the theatre, was the first to He enveloped in theflamee; then came that portion in which was the famed Orleans ' Ball Roopa. It was soon one sheet of flame, «nd burning root and rafters came down with a crash. The flames .then leaped up, ’wreathing tii6iiisBlv©s about th© walls and through the windows like hissing serpents. WPe watched their billowy and writhing vo lumes aB they enveloped the entire building. 3t was a scene of fearful beauty. .After the falling in of ihe roof of that portion of the buildiDg where the. theatre 4ras, the wall fronting on Orleans street camedown with a thundering crash. The firemen having seen at ODce, when they ar rived upon the ground, that the building . could not be saved; used all their efforts to prevent an extension- of the : fire, and" they succeeded finely. , , The Orleans Theatre was one of onr oldest buildings,'having been' erected ih 1817 by a Mr. Lambert, father of Mr. J. L imbart, who i is a member of the bar of this city, and re siding on Toulouse street. The architect of the building was a Mr. Tbibaut. The build ing was constructed with some architectural taste, and though it has stood the wind and rain for nearly fifty years, it presented quite & neat and handsome appearance. It was noted as a place of amusement and pleasure and dissipation, and even crime, long years ago, when portions of the city, where now is the heart of trade, and where Htateiy edifices now stand, was a’marab and a swamp, tided with reptiles and varmints. Many a plea sant moment, many an entertaining hour has been spent in the old Orleans Theatre. In the Orleans Ball Room,-noted through out the whole country, many a moment, full of recklessness and revelr ;, has been speut by those who have tasted ot dissipation. This ball room has been the scene of orgies That would require a pen of flame to paint, its day is over, and it is now one mass of aruin. . We understand there was an insurance of §lo,oooon the theatre, which was leased by Mr. ,Debrinay. The drinking saloon Tinder the theatre was owned by Hypolite Percival, and the billiard saloon by Ernest Ttichards. The billiard saloon was insured ior $6,000. We did net learn what insurance, -M any, was on the ball-room. .We suppose * - there must have been, as it recently under weutrepair, and had been neatly finished up. The Orleans Theatre belonged to Mr. Par hinge, a gentleman of wealth, well-known in our midst for his public spirit and, espe cially ,his enterprise in providing intellectual i entertainments for our people. We sympa thize deeply with him in his great loss. The present Lessee and Manager was Lawrence Labrunie, a gentleman of energy and enter prise in his profession, who early in the season, brought out for us from Paris a very fine company, numbering some fifty artists, many of whom had been deservedly popular in the best theatres of France. He brought •out, also, at great expense, new scenery and costumes, with the desigu of reproducing here, in the sanje style, as at Paris, the most interesting of the “French Theatre Con temporain.” Excellent audiences attended all these performances, and for Sunday night next was underlined the celebrated >play “Marianne, or the Vtvandiere of the -33 d Demi Brigade,” illustrated by seven magnificent tableaux. But it was fated that it never should be produced in that building nor in that locality till another and even a more beautiful theatre shall arise, a 3 we hope will soon be the case, on its smoulder ing ruins. Facts and Fancies. THE LAST OF SIB LAUNFAL! Bing slow the bell with solemn toll, And let the gloomy echoes roll Like thunder overhead: Eor, oh, Sir Launfal, gallant knight As ever wielded brand in figut, Sir Launfal is gone dead. Say, did some paynim warrior fierce, The.gallant chieftain’s bosom pierce, With his relentless sword? Or was the hero of romance By some accursed soldau’s lance, Unpityingly bored? Ah, no—alaokaday! ah, no! No vaunting foeman laid him low, A cold ’twas—in hia bead, The Equire who him for fight prepared, Forgot to have hia helmet aired, And that’s how he’s gone dead! •London Fun, . A special ear had to be chartered to carry a huge turnip to a Western editor. It was judicious to send it by a special car, for if it bad been detained too long on the road, it .might have turned to a car-rot. A'Frenchman has invented an air-gun which he calculates is capable of killing off the inhabitants of the earth in about four teen years. Xet him try it, if he dares. A Virginia Court has decided that a wife’s clothing belongs to her husband. Possibly the Judge referred to ladies who assume the marital pantaloon. What air does the young mouse sing to • the old mouse, when biting his way through the scenery at the opera 7 “Hear me gnaw, ma.” i The following neat puff appears in the * obituary .column of a London paper: “On the 20th inst., at No. 3, Crescent, Cliftengrove, Peckham. Mrs. Jenny Vance, the dearly beloved wife of A. G. Vance, Esq., the popular comedian and vocalist, respected and esteemed by all who knew her. Her end was peace.” It is an ancient conundrum, “Why was • - Queen, Elizabeth more remarkable than =' Napoleon'Bonaparte ? Because he was a wonder, but she was a Tv.-dor.” , But. there is an improvementori it: A Norfolk farmer built himself a homestead, and instead of one “half door” in the middle, set a door in :-each wing. Being asked why he called his house “Elizabethan,” he replied, “Because, you see, it is a Tu-dor cottage.” There isan epidemic among the Southern Indiana turkeys. It will be raging here in about a weeek. The champagne cellars at Epernay sre about four miles long and.contain five mil lion bottles. It seems almost incredible that such cellars should ever be dry. t The western wool growers are in a high state of agitation at the proposed reduction ioftheduiy on wool, o They pay it will send all their sheep to the butcher. The conse- • quences will be lamb-omtabie. ■ The President of the Georgia Senate said, the other day, “it was the duty of the people to obey all the laws and cleave to the Con stitution, but that human forbearance had its limits, and the worm would turn if trod den upon.” Georgia, in her original oharac . ter of “The Worm,” will make a sensation, „ '■ We supposed tbatthelastsevere turn which she had woidd satisfy heb for a while. •vm DUfJ A BULLETIN : PHILADBLPBU, SATURDAY DECEMBER 16. 186 ft — TRIPLE SHEET. The Boston Advertiser malignant!* that “ there is a village in Pennsyl viania The ZVser - w {“ j'lewse correot the libel. liODgacoanng CM** New Jersey. A, hat worn by Napoleon at Eglaee brought 1,820 r. at a recent sale. Its princi pal value was in its peculiar Nap. A New York banker has made a wager that he will ride two horses standing, aad driving four-iu-hand around Central. Park. : His rival undertakes to do it with his two horses lying down.- . : Rogers used to relate this story: . An Englishman and a Frenchman fonghtadnel. in a darkened room.- The willing to take bis antagonist’s life, gene rously fired up the chimney, ani—brought down the Frenchman. “Whin i toil this, story in France,” pleasantly auded the re lator, “T make the Englishman go up the chimney.” ' • atAKKIKIi. BFNTLY—WI. SuN.—un ibaOlhinst., in Newark N. J. by Rev. Robert Atkinson. Mr Abram Beqtiy and MißsMMom Wil-.on. all of thati-ity. - On the 13th instant, at No. 15M North Broad atreet, by.Friends'ceremony-in the Pr•}- jraieo( mayor aicMlciael, Alnert. il. Dingee-aud: Enuna, daughter of .Aaron B.lveoa. allol tais ci.* . FAIRCHILD- PARK.EK.-oa 12th Inst., atYorte viile N. v. bt the Rev. "r. Obannc-y, assDted b» the R.v. Dr. Hoyt, Jobi E. Fairchild to Harriet L., daughter ef John C. Parker Ksq allofNew to t HOLLF.NBACK- FEKUOSON. -At N. York, Dec. 13 bj Rev. Ihon as Aimitage. D. D„ John W. Hollen back. of WUkesbatre.Pa.,to Mra.Jotep PneF rgason, daughter of John Woodward, Esq., of New York. JENKHSS-CUTuBI-R isON—On Dec 12 b, at the br'de’s residence, by Rev. J. Pibison, Mr Mora an Jenkins and Mlssßetta M. Cuthbertaon, aU of Alle- SC JOMNSON—SPAIN.-On tbe isth day of December, iae6 at the residence of the bride's father, by ine Rev. H. R. Calloway, Mr. Edmnni J. Johnson to Miss Hen rietta A., youngest daughter of Edward Spain, all or DAVIB.—At Iheresidenceof thebride a parents, on the 12ihlnst., by Key• o. W. Poo-, D. D.. Sir. I dwaid Kanouae to Miss Emma L., daughter or Aaron .aU of Newark N.J, . WHY TE—faALLKT ■O a . the 11 b Inst.. at New Votk. by the Rev. B. P. Rogers. Mr. W-h Whyte of West Pittston,Pa„ to Mrs- B. M. Hallett, of N. York. DIED. BROCK —On the 12th instant, Charles Henry Brook, in th. 27tb year of his age. . ' Hlb relatives and friends are respectlhUy invited to attend tne funeral, from the residence of his father-in law. Charles Waunemacber, 711 North P'lur sheet, on Monday afternoon, at one o’clock. Inter O t e HM3*oY^-At U New York, Dec. li. Rev. Peter 8. Chauncy, D D., Rsctnr of St James's Church,N.i orfc, 1 cHkW Cliveden. on the morning Qf Wed net day, December 12th. 1836, Henry Bannins Chew seed 68 years. „ lb* rtm*ins wll. be Interred at Gr*eumountCeaie. tery» Baltimore, on baturday, the 15th Instant, at o ° On nth inst, Winfield Scott,3on of Edmund and MaribaG.iiill aged2years. 'a he ielati v es *i>d friends are respectfully invited tf> *-Lt»t.d bis fuacrM.fjvm his parents’ r&-iicl3iic<;, h. k. corner or'tixth and Jett* sons reeu.cn M*>nday, ITta Just., at 2 •/cluck To proceed to Laurel SUi. • j V.—Cn i rida>. UJi iusi., L\on J. Levy, la the i veai of bis buo Hi- m»le relatives and Mends are invited to attend hib lunetal. in in his tu'o reside' ee. ao.Sii Lombard stitet on Mond.y alteration, t,t2 o dock. * LEVY. On the eveums ot tbn 1-Uh last. John P. the t>n y child of E L. oud Eille 1.. Levy, aged 9 mas fcli ‘ < heßelatives and Mends of the family are respect fulls lnvlt«t to attend the funeral, from the resld-nce of liia parents, South Fortieth street, ou Monday after • oon, uer, at so clock, , . ■■ ■ . .** N \Pii-R —At Jamaica 1.. I .December H, Andrew r-ani-r, ii thfcisd\earof bis age X.VIA. —-at Weeiohester, N.Y.. Dec 1... after a vhon lllhfsa, Archiuiild Ugilvie, in the Oidycaroi his At king Sing, Dec. W. suddenly, i bar <•» W. B*vß\vell. dC7 ye*r» , 11TJTfciKHI' 1 Oilb.-Ua DrC. 11, at V cUy. Heien. daughter of Janesaod Margaret V. amheriord. &2ulTU.—Dolouiowu, Pa. trid*.y, I)e3 Utti. Dr»MklSn»itb eloeßtbon of PrAncis G. oml h,of Phila* c ti'pMa m l Mlla t*Dis.ors' iUVttts aMD KICE PIV.NO COViiBS. FOH CH RIHTMAS l ine Bbawls, for Chiisnnas; fine BiU3. tor Cnrtn. oj*s- Chrisunas Deloii.es and rrlnts: ttd^ia.,Collarv Moves and & 3 _ AN dF.LL, Fourthrnd Arch KKS.IGIOUS NOTICES. A GREAT SIEF'iING IN BF.HaLF OF MISSION HOUSE OF THE PRO EES ■TYnt EPISCOPAL CaURoII OF T-i K D.iTau i ni, ~'’ will be held on SUNDAY KVE.VI.VI a : oWt'k, in the CHURCH OP HOLY TRINH Y, NINETFEN lH aud WALNUT stree.s SI'EAKEaS. Sev. H. J. Jii’MiO.'. D D„ Rev, M. A Dk W..HOWE. D.D., Rev. R B. cLAXTON, DD.. Rev. RICHARD NaWION.D.D. a ccllecUop will betaaen up. _ ltl KOB.TH.PKB.SBVTi.BiAN CHURL'S.Sixth above ft. W. H-uxy D.D.. i Kctor; 8 o’clock in tbe as rnhjr,a-tl 7*fc in the evening The lntruductloo to a eerl-»s or -ab a UEvenlDg llflcoiiKes on “Tae of oor Lord afu»r the Be uractlon,” *tU preitviel to morrow; evenibg. oubjvct- M Tte Funeral of the sa viour.” btrai&ers always welcome. ItI*- 1 *- CBTJW'HOF THE INTERCESSOR, Prott3t* ant Kplsi cpal, Soring Gordon, b<±iow Broad. t*u7day m»rn ng the Rwßor, J. W. Bonham will oreach a sermon on “ ibe mere sore w.> d of Pro becy;” and in the.evening on ‘TheTriumpaAtu Mu-stab eLd’iig Satan’s eway ” Service at 1. Sa a. XL, and 7.30 P. M. Strabgerfc welcome. It*, rt-—, FIRST REFORMED -DUTCH CHURCH, corner fcevenib and spring Harden street*, Kav jqjr (.pedant, Paa tor.—services In tie morning at 1i.4 o’c oca and iu th- evening at 74 o’clock. AU are invited, particnlarly strappers ip the city. lt» WEST AKC'ii STREETPRESBYTERIAN iLSr chnreb, corner • f * Ighteßntli street. Bev. Ed d L. ularfe, of Boston. Mass., will preach tu-mor ruw at 10‘j a. M.. and 74 P.H. strangers made we:- ccmt. CALVARY PB-bBYTaRtAN CHURCH Lsy Locust street, rbove Fifteenth.—Preaching to morrow at 10,4 A. hi. and 7,4 P. hi. by Rev. vV.U. Cat- D. D . President ot Lafayette Co lege. it* Oltvtl CttUhCH. (LcvTventy second and Mount Vernon streets.— services mot ning and night, wnere all will be wel come. ; . u " |v--=» bev william wilder will preach ILS? InOrten Hill nail, e. ~. corner ev-nteenlh ana -cptar streets, to-morrow afternoon, at 34 o'clock. - ll * mis FIBaT PKESBYTABIAIV CHUBCH, [Lr>r Washington square, Rev. Albert Barnes, Pastor, btrvicea to-morrow, 10,4 a. M., 3.4 P. il. strangers invited. _ it* ST. JUDE'S CHURCH, Franklin Bir?et above Ikfy Brown. BervJces to-mrrrew at lojx o’clock in thtmorniDg, and at 7>s o clock In iho evening, by Rev. - Kaicntr. it* ■ CHILDREN'S CHURCH.—THK NliX t' [Lg-i 1 sermon to the yr.nns on Bd»'« Jewels. at tun Chuich of the Epiphany, to-morrow afternoon, at o’clock. - EEVi W. W. NEWELL will preach at Laos [Liystroth’a Hall, Germantown, To-morrow Morn ing, at 11 ;■* o’clock, ana Evening atria- Bubjectln tic t veiiint— 1 Jean* Chi Ist.’; It* ftps OX FOBD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— U-Sr Broad ana oxford BUeets.-Kev Samuel Critten den will preach ro-morrow at ills A. H. Rev. Prank L Itohhlna at 73- P. M. Ali welcome. It* GPBMANTO-'N SECOND PRESBYTE (LivrIan Church, ’Inlpehucken and Green streeia.— Pieachlug to-morrow morning at lojr, and evening at 7 V by Rev. Mattnew Newkirk, Jr. it* THIRD REFORMED CHUnCH, TTNTH and Fhbeitstreets, i*ev. J. W.Scheuck, Paator. beTvice at lWi o’clock, morning, and Vi evening, it* ST! LUKE'S CHURCH, GERMANTOWN.— ILsS 1 Service etety Sunday Evening, at Vi o’clock. tSs aU tree. Lel^ «* 0-7=2, BY. PAUL’S CHURCH, Third street, below Walnut.—service to-morrow evening, at Vi i. ...ock. . “T- SPIIXIiAA. KOTIDESk. iy-7=2, KENSINGTON SOUP HOUSE, 217 ALLEN ILg^ STREET, Dec 12, DOG r St a meet ng of the Managers of the Kensington smptcclety, held this even ng,Mr. oiNUSUII JJCtO- Bjii waa elected the duly auiho.lsed Agtnttocjllect at d receive contributions in money, flour, meat or vegetal Its *or the society. Donations will be ihank inliy reeelvid by 1 im or the Officers of the lostliniioj. GnoftUl* STOCK 11A e, Preakt- nt, N. E. Eleventh trd ArchiELIGdRKISO o.vice President, 1031 Shacfc j n.830n at: GKO.J. b AMJ LTON Trea-urer, loiomarl borcogi at; CHARLES at. LUK-sNS. secretary, IRS iteach sheet. de 5,6t : - ir-v?» _ THE USDDSTRIAL HOME, -Corner of BROAD atreetand COLUMBI A avenue, mopen fortbe admitsloh of Girls Irom twelve to eighteen tears ofago,who are neglected or deserted by their pan nti>, and who need the ehelter and Instruction of a t hiistian homa if the public will sustain this fnati tuilt.n many girls may be kept from evil and madere «p.ctableand useful women. i 0. trlbutloua may bo sent to: James T. Shinn, Treasurer, Broad and Sproea streets. noaa-rptf *-7=2, REGALIA! A. P. A.—At a FKSTiVALand S»i>rXANCY FAIR, to be he.d at GLDRH DiSI (Opi Swedes’) CHURCH, the oldest Protestant Church In Pennsylvania, dUiant a three minutes’walk from the Philadelphia Navv Yard, during th- week, co <>- menc.ng MONDAY December I7ta. aßegalUofthe a P. A., of the costliest and richest pattern will oe voted for, and awarded to the Lodge securing the greatest ntimber 01 yotos. yotes 25 eta. each, de!3 3trp* 0-722 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND. GREEN LANK, BEST SPRING MT. LEHiGH FURNACE COAL, DELIVERED, fl 60; DO; STOVE. (8. Box No. 62 Germantown- Post Office.' _ ~ Office No. 15 South SEVENTH street, Franklin In stitute Building. BINES St SHEAFF, DO2O 2strp} North Penna, R R and Gro n Lane. KitTitotrvEva KAIB TONIC. TE2S MOST EFFECT'DAI., BEAUTIFUL, AND HIGHLY PERFUMED FBKPARATIOIS EX TASST. Jyas-»,Uj,Hi4frpJ BPEQIAE NOTICES. Metiiodiit Episcopal Boiß Nu 1018ARCH ! Street.' HYMN BOOKS,. RißLrts, HOUDAYOIFiSr 9OOKS from the Best I loose!, wholesale and retail. deUtudsefit rpi A HIGH ESDOESEJU-JfT.—'Tho .following [Lf> is one among ibe hundreds ofcommunlcauoas JVEeivOd In jifereMe to the ‘Morning novr foei>sfpld in ibis city by Mr. Johab. Clarke, £iOf bOS Marky, y, ! FHn.ADELI*HIA t OCfc277loQo. J.-8. Cl ABK, RQ..IOCB blf'iktt atr*et: i Dear cib: with great pleasure!accede to your re quest to give yoQ’ a word of eonseicndaUon of *ne “bl< mine Glory.” wbfeb you are now imrodaclh r to tbe notice of our either*. Bleasnre, became i cau»N it with sincerity, and because I ant. persuaded contribme fccmetbiug thereby; so ,tbe comfort of my fePots ' l - r j 11 know the “Mornlnr Glory;” having eeen itoriaed It ever s-lnctl'E career b=ian. , , t By-vl lue of n pleasant experience 1 ora enablea tq testifj to tee lbitowiug excellent i ruperttes oi^me /»rs'!”‘fcoros*t O nsnnSptlan of Foel.-It burrer. the rreut Idea -f which frjukeeOMWfoefcont moll; in iL-jr.i, dulf! eon too. with the fire. Nothlnfr h left erting to pi ever t thetUDp'v of such elemant-of ileumti smnu »b ote_ needed .tortJh"touKl}M" on . Hon, all that cau burn 14 burned, and nothing but real ’ e ,c“ronrf l > c“x omy t? Foil -No more c .n bnrn than aHjfflcebcvtbkfcfptbeliTeahve. aed , l ft pupi/WduiTiU Ul* needed 10 (xntlnue cpmbustu.u it require** bitlittle tuo.e than bair ibe tqa wbh.h the thorough draft, staves, requite. Bui tbij econoin/ la n < re apparent in tbe faettbat, Third. Bet bust* of Ibo thorough consumption'of toe fuel, including the gas itfnn:iBßieBgre»terpr»potti'Jn4 ol beat to ibe fuel usedthan I haveusea a great variety of stoves, and none has given *u® Sbti'facUi n lu this particular as IVrfiJt -Tb - jfr iUlt, Regularity aud Onift?rmity of Htat.--ab_ un-cess of cou bnationgoea on *rjporiioaaie ijj vigor to tbe amount or draft. Yoa.may Ji*ve a Blotnnii smouldcrora bright blazeall day and ad night as you desire; and this leads me toepeak. nAvef fifth. OfConvei lence—The “owning Glory never asba more'oiyontban yon Clear tbefire fjjcfjce ojee "J twelve and supply the. cylinder once in twent> .our h Tbave kent fire in moderate weather, uniform beat, forty eignt hours wUuont touching tbeatova. Sixth , Bnt not least, Cleanliness—an app*ratus, most simple, belongs to it. by which, parried entirely around tbe fire wcere notulugiOb* wbiS ibeasbes. whenshakf gtbe grnje; are carried ap away flrom the room; and lASJly.lt ua B< lmleed. l aii t the qualities that can constitute a “Oapl* tel” Move belong to it.ls. Fifteen years l atudy and nerience embracing many . varieties ot st »ve, is the SSiS%SSSrio fw tne decu.atioa. Wer, tu, varieties ofatoves arranged before me, and mv choice a3akift.tfieredofall beside-, I would grac dully clint tbe gift and buy the “MorningG.or> brcanse 1 value comfort and love to have as little trouble from my comiorta aa npssible. , Yonis. very snHKS oK, Pastor Third tser rmei Church, Teuthaod Fi.bsn Bireets. dccis-H} THE MANAGERS OF TUB OLDMANS lLisr RoMEwlatt toreui*n theic alucere thanks to ibeToiJowiDg persons for their donations, eaablj 'g i) tm torepair and famish ibeir tumse on >a iv “ue and Tbjrly-uiulu atr ei. West MillaaetpbU: Fer iumbet-Me*sn«. AlbD.GUUnghuans co.; Maoie, imUn*r«fcCo.; Ha.bert&lU 1*; >a. Wil iam}“ & • tok**: R A a J «!• Wiiuama, l±u 0 d »• < J twain; PeroiitPyln -ttv. us;i. & Sui^iei A- ran K. 4 i' i*. N P-fus \ urni.li .V'~ - , it“h Richards ACo; J. P Wctberlll <fc Bro; Grove it 'urthri: G D. W it C-.; C- chran * litmeli; Fee mu, Ball A SiWt-j: O riv:k A .u: ivui. »U "•'U-i- KHi iK'Joau Le«i> <fe lira. Un ka—X-v m. \\ ei>- BU-! <t nn. J>m« Harper, J Jaruea ■& '•epne*'. }i.\ d & Misstll; Ji •ii wi'.atj: 11 'airel. r.p-a and Piurabli g- r u»iUam it B '.bur. lead pip ; Alarrl_, TsUtt-r A Co: li. 1> Wood w Co: J \V. o. J. F. 1; uri Lt it Alits Tj; LnUHlicii - Fe.tbcr; l\l.-1_ . t.A Io: t.j & a; S iposi; «r. MtriM. k»* borucvo. H»:tlnu-,-K. it W v. Riddle <a Go.: n-ahmiS. T.H.i-lli: Mr. J arn-s 1 AlU'.i, i.UstTiig materials and w,.rk an»cil[i Pipe- f- r !he Bon o »-o*ell it Brother. Ourpitlos and Oil e-tih—J F it > B.Orui: ItvCa’.lniua.Of-aoe&Moa d ,v. «. Brown; It L Sm«K« t* n; Tno-um Putter. Window etui es- O. t". dural B. J " -I I owuseuil c iu - Bover it Worrell; Wai. '• McAllister Dry Goi-ds—Hbtp. ur’ Van aarlen.cn A Arn.-n: \v<o. - odw*.; J -rMulli-u: parkin-A Cu. China. Gl«>». Ac-James K.Keir. Bmed.ct.Dorsey <t..“oas. Plated L* ti 'v bird)*-: H. HlUy! iJe’lry <fc lA>.t W McAllister bull* do£°usMvpr pmie aprctacJcs cam, ilac«.fcT' ct * ook- O. C hi- rria &Co : U F. Ni*rioa_ Gash-L. tN. C£.'»L,t*u l*u; CuSb, S;U Co; c±stt. {4‘j Oif baigmg ‘ aei>u ■r-f. APrllt FOB THE BENEFIT Of TitI.VITY nlpcothl Cburcb t ?oaihw»Tk, «*ltl t>c tteld at n:lou TJURU »mauncli on Ib» Nl>a\, istn. ana to roiitluno ft f one week, /duiis.ioo K-amoTi kei; -. renir. ciLg e Mlmia.lun lOceua. Tlcketstobeuerd .he door" dgls:!t jiuVt.-. tu.- rc*»M*A». ««»• •»«> aoti inn LfV’ Lombard street, Dlspebsury Depa-tmeat. Med'- »rtreitmer.t ar,d medicines torrlaned eraniiiiiuais ths* poor. • rr'. ititRCANTiTT riBRAitY.-What better L : J Cn RIBi MAM PBF&tNT tbau a share of this smell. PrloeonlyllO. UfcmemberaniPl-li'. dUditrrt PAKSi. tKATI.'G! .-K.A 1NG1! VIST PHILADELPHIA SEATING PARK, TnIKW-FIK-l oud WaL'-UT s’rei>tJ In-smoutb u. d splendid Park open ontli 10 o’clock ~i tl-lit Fine Eand of Moslc Skates for hire. F,-iT« i, Tickets sa 00. S Dgieadmlasli .:tcents. Acct 'S In Ibe Pork i_by a few mlnntes rule) ur tbe Meifcet sireet. * lifteitmt end LVaiuu. alroet.Sernce and ime.aml bclinylkUl r?BKK SKATING-ALMS HOG -IF. MEaD IWS —A 1/ good Feiry to cross be bcuu,l&ll. boiub street nui ditott to tbe Fer/y. Ferry, _* cents. P. McGAERY & SON, Dealers In COAL AND WOOD, WeatSnd cf Chestnut St Brld#e. Also. Blftckunlths’ Goal, Hickory. Oik and Pine Woodl dena tQ.tli.2ml &AJ& LISSft’SI ORNAMENTAL HAIB MANUFACTOEY. 'sae lariest ana best assortment ol Wig*, iOUpeae, Long Hair Braids aas SerJa, Water-foils, Viotorinea, EYi settes, l ilusive Seama for Ladies, at prices LOWER than elsewhere. £mh»r» 909 OKESTHDT STEIEET. : FFF. G: FLOUR. The Best in the World. FOR SALE BY THOMPSON BLAOH & SON, Broad and Chestnut Street. delOttrp CHOiCi ALMERIA GRAFES, IN LARGE CLUSTERS, Dehesa Xayer Raisins. New Figs. Prunes, Not* of all kinds. ►eedle** Kalelus. entrants, dirt n. Swettuder Drlen Fruits, flo-vy. Betblehun Eurkwhtat, Stuart’a N. Y. Syrup. Homlaj. Shakertorn, <fcc. t &c. ROBERT BLACK, N. E. Cor. Eighteenth & Chestnut. del-s,tn,th,2mrp fiAYB, GAPS AND FDB GOODS, RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES, Baines, Osterhoat, Herron & Co., S. B. cor. Fourth and Chestnut Sis., Have now opened their retail Branch store and will ' Bell their extensive stock of Hals, Csps and Fur Goods AT RETAIL, At Wholesale Prices. Those In want of Good, of this description CAB SAVE at least ONE PROFIT by purchasing here, deltfrp! C2l O nflfl {8,000,8C,!tO, {5,000,1i,000. DESIRABLE SbIZ.UUU. City Mortgagee and Grnnrd Rents fnr «ale. B. K.JUSAT, fteisli* §22 Walnut attest- <«KTaS)», *»JKY «w«9S»e>. Save s<»b<*v «a your Ivercoats. J. % STBAWBRIDGE k OU. AES SELLISO THEIR FINEST FSEKOH OVEEOOATIM3, AT VERT LOW PR KIES. FINE CASTOB BEAVBBS. (n. b EAVY BLACK. TBICOT BKAVKRS, »3 50 iIKESsTBLACKEt-DEBDON BEAVEBb.tS 50. FINEST. BLACK FRENCH . EstiCIHAUX BEA VEBS.HSO. FINE BBOWN MOSCOW BE Vy BBS, *7. FINE BLUE MOSCOW BEAVERS, |S. FINE FBENOaCHINCHILLAS, ft. ELEGANT FBOSTED BEAVERS. »7 50. HEAVY FBOSTED BEAVE 'IS, 55 50 FINE WHITNEY BEAVERS, ti 50. An elegant aasortmentof LADIES' CLOTHS. For Skating Sacques weareeelllng Heavy Et.'Bernard'sat $3. Extra heavy St. Bernard’s at $3 50i J. C.fcTMWBRIBGE 8t CO., N. W.' OK. EIGHTH AND MAMET. ÜBEFUIOHBIBTMAB PRESESTB T.fce sobacribwa have* received some choice articles cf Li j* Good*, eminently' suitable, from their tuefal* ness bo.o rarity, to make Acceptable Christmas Presents. froth as IXrRA. BED BLANEETB. The finest rustle. M»LFNPII> DAMASK TABLECLOTHS, insert. N'aPKINSio match. I'BrJCOH TABLE OLOTH3. Union tl«Vj*nA. FLINCH'D FP.ENCO. TABLE CLOTHE. *l.lM-iErvPHEfK-rt KaPK»N> AND DOYLIES. V • } Bid; FRENCH DAMASK TOWELS. With, ; d without Fringes. . FaNCY aNU JriUCTt A BACK TOWELS. French iT«I Fnjlish CoJoie** Bord-rsaud Fringe, M AHSJ* ILLES QVILTS, extra fine. IsMBIOiDLJUjJ). PIANO ASTDTABI/E COVERS. AL*o,ln our fancy ttocfr, which.can be sold at the LADIES? HMBROIDERED CAMBRIC HDKFd w.lh Initial?. t:HiLDRHKS’ EMBROIDERED AND HEMMED ni’b Initials. EMBPA'IDIRED LACE AND MCSLIN SETS, Iu very great variety, Ac. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrlson, 1008 Chestnut Street. dcK-trrp} HOLIDAY PRESENTS EDWIN HALL & 00. 28 S. Second St., HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF deisotrp* FINE SILKS, MOIRE AJiTWim, FKESCH MEBLXOES, , To» ether with a large variety of I FANCY BOXES, WKAPPEIX CASHMERES, of b!s own Importation, From which to eelecta nice Christmas Present, distfj I CASSIMERES A>l» DELAINES. ROBES DE CHAMBRE, Christmas Presents of a useful character JOHN W. THOMAS. 405 and 407 North Second Street, Has dow 'open a toll assortment of the following Goods suitable for HOLIDAY PREdENTd: to I Li K. H . MOIRE ANT IQT7£?.PIhrBI BIS II POP LINS,DRESS GOODS in every variety. LYONS BLACK VELVETS. LACES and EMBttOIDK* RJIsK.GLOVfcS and HOSIERY. SHAWLS, and CLOAKS. • ladles’ cloaking. Cloihs, CaanmeTe*. Doeskin*, Blankets, &c., Ac.. <fcc. Together with onr large stock of Domestic G-oods All of Which will be SOXjXI At PRICES A 8 LOW AB ANYESTABLISHMENT IN THECITY. dell-tu,th,s,t<le23jpi SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM M. A. KERR, N. W. corner of TENTH and SOUTH a treats.—ln cor-seqnence of a contemplated chance in my business, 1 have determined to oiler m; entire line of Dry Goods at prlcee whlcn must leisure quick salrs; and will en able me to dlspcse of the greater part of nu stock be fore January Ist. . , Finest and widest English Merlnoes, imported this season, reduced from .1 r 5 to .1 list a, it require, out U; yards for the pattern, they mane me caeapeat and moat dialr.ble drees that can b- obtained for the mo 'ey. The following colors will be found among the assortment: Browns. Tans Slates Drabs, Bines, Uretns. Purples Maroon?, ana nearly soon yards of Black. A superior quality of Black Thibet Merino, measuring i;» ynrds in width, reduced from {1 45 to ei so, more tightly aid do ratal? than any low price goods in the market, Y ard-wide Reps, m desirable colors, reduced to 87};, worth .1 50: Double-width Al paca Plaids, reduced from G3S< to 55.-.: «lot of Ham Alpacas, slightly sailed at a bargalu: ago:d quality All-wool French Merico, reduced frornjl 25 to |t 15: bbawls, Blankets, Balmoral Skirts and Woolen Goods at wholf sale dices. Open In the evening. It} INFANTS’ EMBROIDERED ROBES POR HOLI DAY Presents. On hand a Hue of fine medium and low-priced Robes, very much better than usual ,O SNFANTB’ EMBROIDEBED WAISTS-Together with inserting end Maslln, suitable for Robes, fur these who prefer to make to suit their own LACK-TRTHMED AND HEM- Bliicbtti Linen Handkerchiefs, f r Latfles. HEM-STITCH ED HDK FH.. with Tap* Borders; i» Gentlemen’s Holiday Presents I invite e3p€,elal at tention io this very salable Hdkf Cheap by the ain- SF.T9,-Collars and Cuffs, very choice- goods at reduc'd prlcee, tor^Christmas presents, NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. NOTTINGHAM La OB TIDIES. NOTTINGHAM PILLOW CASE I.ACES.—Always on band, very lsrg, quantities of the above, much lmoerfect.at 05 rpntn r v«rd flrest coeds imported, at WOHNE 8 Embroidiry fctore. Ko. » North Eighth street. ■ ' * • ' TTOSIFRY AND GLOVES AT LOW PRICES.— H I arye lot Hosiery, Gloves and Hdkfi., of .fine qti'llty and low prices, tor Christmas Present Ladies t and Gents’ Merino Hosiery; Ladies,’ Gloves: a large assortment Ladles and Misses Merino Vests; Genu? Under-shirts and Drawers; larco lot linen Collars, from ec upwards: Suspenders. Neck tlei, Tenth Brashes, Hair Brnahea. _A splendid lot of Ladies’ WovcnShawls Sontagsand d@ls-ot| Ninth street, above Arch. IRISH POPUSS, FREACII POPUSS, BKl'Ait. I»K¥ 6000. HOLIDAY PRKSffITS Boli<i ay Pr agents HAVETJOST OPENED. Several lots of handsome Embroidered Hdkfo. JLadlea’ and Mis-ea' Hemstitch xjdkl'3. Gents’ Hemstitch Hdkft. Gents’ Colored Border Hdkfs. Boys’ Colored Border Hdkts. JUST OPENED, l.coo Parle Silk Feng of our own importation, very cheap. • ' f everat lots of ladies’. Companions, Cabas,.Glove Boxes, Pen* ii Boxes 't oilet Sets, toot Boxes. a larfe© Assortment of Ladies’ and Gents* Cloth G oves.vLiidieu’s Cloth Gloves, Ladies’ aad Gents’ Hosiery Ladies* and Gents’ Merino Vests and Pants. !.'< rnefrt'c Goods at the very lowest market prices. Mractiedaod Unb’eached Matins, Canton Flannels, Ail*wool end Lorqet Flaaneln, hoav* Suker Flannels Jkrd and Grey P ain anl vwjiied Flannels. Just opened. 6,oCt>; arda Prints, tut colors, IS2£ cts; Price & "Wood, K. W. cornsr Eighth and Filbert sts. Iff. B.—Daily receiving something new, suitable for presents.' lt£ ..a litlit % , ~' V DRY GOOD S CHEAP ENOUGH, We are selling at the very reduced price, our entire .. Mammoth Stock. STNTST yROSTKD BEAVERS. KLiGANT CHINCHILLAS. MAIMFICcNT OVKKCOATtNOS. FINEST STOCK CLOAKINGS. HGVELHIS 1H CLOAKINGS. CLOAKIsGSja-UPWoRDS. HCHK '(BIMMKDOLOAKS. BIP«ANT.SAC<iOkS.CHv--AP. HASDSi'ME 8H *WiS. CHBIP A 3 EVIK GaKNx.TANi- MOD«. t »i)l-LISS. GASKt'l' *.N n hLXJ r;JIB ■ I NOES. POPLIN ANl> Mfij.USOSTOCK. MERRIMACK UAL'tOVS. c LI, Wl»_L LEL AINAS. 51CENTS. BAI.M BaM EXTRA CHEAP. • BRISTMA- S aJ:TV. 81-SUIS ft#' EOTK. BE-T BLLuCHtD MUSLHiS.33CENTS. *"iv'L d. la-tfrp ; POPDLiftR GOODS FOR THE / holidays. BYRE A HLaNDRLL, FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, Have reduced some fine goods to Tovar the giving ot CHBIbTMAB PRESENTS OF VAI.UK. LOTTO tH AWT S reduced. HKE POPLIN'S reduced R OH KM <- * V PLaID POPLIXB. ' ILUM* LACK CO L*R**ndeKTS POCKi-T R DKFS., fro *2O to lucertn. TT. K—Merr’mac last color, d Prints, of new atyler. 20(ujds Kouarlo * eLaiee .cholce&tyle,--.saod tRc. P. 8 - Lot ofUcntlf mea's Mauds reduc'd Tor Cbri.t- Presents. deiSßfflwti WILL OFFER A. good fine a« able bed all-wool White Blanket lor une* collars sod iitty cents (f 3 per pair; better for M per p&l*:betL*r lor H to per pair; extra large size for ft&erpair; extra heavy and per pair; largest I*2-4 for *7 p*r ?*alr; extra for $s p»r oalr. Ti is buck t f pTankris is vpry slightly stained on atom them; the others are perf'Ct. They are direct from the mHu They are lass than the w• ol erst; itsa than they ware sold f >*■ before the war, and csstoda bargain as we ever told E * K. I), &W. H. PENNELL, HI 1021 atr&Pt, COS I J ECTI«ai»I. fcTEPHfcJ F. WHITMAN’S INIMITABLE AND CHOICE CONFECTIONS Now Ready For the Holiday Season, DIRECT FROM PARIS AND VIENNA. NSW AND BABB CONFECTIONS AND BON BONS, ONLY KNOWN TO THIS HOUSE. Forming at once a rich and superb assortment from which to chose For Select Presents. STEPBEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1310 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. deStfrp j. H. SUNDERMEIER, MANUFACTURER OF Plain and Fanoy Oonfeetionery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 839 Arch Streets BELOW NINTH BT, PHILADELPHIA., no 3 s tn Ih26txp J, H. BUBDSALL’S OONFEOTIONEHY, 100 Cream and Dlnlug Saloons, No. 1131 Chestnut Street. GIRARD ROW. FRUIT AND POUND CAKES of all sires, with a largeessortmentof CONFECTIONERY, Ac. for thb HOLIDAYS. L dell-lmrp TO LET—A NEW DWELLING, with three- BiS s l nry beck buildings and modem conveniences, oWJ ENTH street, below WHAIs lON. Apply to JAB G AliTj AGHEB, S, W. cor.Tenth and Wharton st. <S-S FOB SALK—S-1,700 CLEAR.-ImmedlatetK»- Bjjr session. a modern nine-roomed DWELLING, ><-. 1526 VINK street. Terms epsy. Apply to J. H. ■WEEKS, 141 South FOURTH street, or on the pre mises. dels-sVB JP?. HANDEOME MODERN DWEILING wanted mm to purchaae,on ATCh,<-bvfltnuc Walnut or Spxnco streets, west ulTwelflh. for <IB,GCO ! P l-iejOW- , lt» E. B. JO&EB, 63 WainstStreet. EMERSON PIANOS. ■' , „ SjZKgJ The new .style Oottwte Square Plano, ten Al ii'seven Octaves, beautltelCarved Oaaee. aia, most charming mee. Low Price, c. arauteed durability, 8.1 OHXSTHVT BUtgt •_ . W, H» WmiOHi lVATara?, JEWEIiBY, <BcG° HOLIDAY PRESENTS I J. TAYLOR, Jeweler, OHEiSTJVCfT^ Attention la InTlisd to our elegant stoefe of gooi/r suitable lor Christmas Preseats, COMPKIBINO Fiiie Watches, Elegant Jewelry, Diamonds, Fancy Silver Ware, AT LOW CASH PRICES. loss chestnut; CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and Silversmiths. 712 CHESTNUT STREET® Have sow ready for Sale the most complete and elegant assortment, which they have ever offered, comprising everything usually found in a.JBWJSL- &Y establishment, at the lOWEST CASH SATES. coaituth utdMrpg GREAT RELUCT lON I* PRICES. Bridal and Christinas Presents. W. B. ELTONHEAD JEWBLBH No. 1333 ChestnatSt. Fine Watchea, Jeweiry, Silver Ware FANCY GOODS, OF 1 HE LATEST STYLES, HOWARD A CO.'S and APPLETON & TRACY’S AMERICAN WATCHES, FINF PLATED GOODS. deS»<£wtce23rp g* STERLING SILVER, MaßUfactured expressly tor BBIDAJi PrcsosH NEW JEWELRY. Of all the lata Styles. WATCHES Of the most Celebrated Makers. PEARLS. DIAMONDS. and other Precious Stouaj. ✓ Wedding and Engagement Binge. Old Seta Of PEARL or DIAMOND JEWELRY » mounted In modern style. Watches and Clocks repaired and adjusted by earn petent workmen. o All goods warranted of first quality, ereclal attention given to DIAMONDS, JT.T. Oallagher, Late of BAILEY A CO., FORMERLY BAILEY & KITCHEN. 1300 OHEB I NUT STREET. ocgia tu th-tf rp - Having for many years made a SPECIALTY of Mu sical Boxes, we are enabled by our long experience to <arn!sh an article superior U RICHNESS OP TONE, DURABILITY and FINIBH to any offered, the re sult, of personal choice and arrange neni with the Manuiaciureis In Europe. The prices ranging trom $5 to SM)O, and our assortment comprises such choios melodies as “Home Bweet Home " “She Last Bote of Bummer." ■ Aula Bang Byes." “Coming Through the Bye " ••Bock Me to 81eep. Mother,” &o Together wiih beautiful selections from the various Opeias. FARR &. BROTHER, IMPORTERS, 324 CHESTNUT STREET. Below Fourth. de6-th.s.tu» SAM’L K. SMYTH. SILVER-PLATED WARE. Smyth & Adair. FRACTieAL MANUFACTURERS ' ■ ■-'» ' OF FUSE SILVER-PLATED WARE, HARD AND SOFT METAL, 1884 Chestnut Street, Opposite U. R.HPWUB. ; Factory. 3S #onth ®tmet, nol-tistutttrpt Upite Fancy Goods, EDWARD P. ADAIRI i f ‘