KrixETM. 'A Neat Swindle.—A family residing at No. 1228 Davis street, in Vthe'Tweaiueiii ■Ward, advertised two: second-story room ,to let. A day or two ago, a genteel dressed young man called at jiie house, looked at the-rooms and agreed to take them. 'Yester day afternoon he called again, and asked the landlady for permission to place a piano temporarily in the front parlor; She at once gave her assent. Between four and five o’clock the young man again made his appearance. This time he had a scrubbing brush and a bucket. He went, into the parlor and commenced to arrange:, things. The lady of the house, supposing that he was making room for the piano, and pafd no further attention to him. Presently the bell rang. A German with a bundle stood on the front step. The young man Went to the door. He invited the Gentian in and banded hiin a chair. The German is a tailor, doing business at No. 932 North Sec ond street, and his bundle contained Anew suit of clothes. Young man took the bundle and said that he would try on the clothing, and if it suited him would pay for it. He then left the parlor. The tailor waited. A half hour elapsed and he began to get sus picious. He hunted up the landlady and told her to tell that man to come down stairs. She replied that there was no man upstairs. The front door was then found open. The man and clothes had disappeared horn the house, and the tailor is minus $7O. 38ie swindle was very neatly performed. ; Suspicion of Arson,—A young man named Henry Kingston, aged 19 years, was arrested and taken before Alderman Stall man upon the charge of the larceny of har ness, saddle and other articles from the coach-house of Mr. Harkness, Main street and Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill. King ston admitted stealing the articles, and part of them were recovered at places where he had left them. . He was in the employ of a gentleman who had the privilege of keeping his horse In Mr. Harkness’s stable, and thus had access to the premises. On Mon day night last the coach-house of Mr. Hark ness was set bn fire, and Kingston is sus pected of beißg the incendiary. He was committed upon both charges. Petty Larcenies, —A colored man named Daniel States was arrested this morn ing, in Cross alley, on suspicion of the lar ceny of a horse-blanket which was found in his possession. Committed by Ala. Swift. James Wallace, hailing from Baltimore, was committed this morning by Alderman Toland for the larceny of two sheets. The sheets were taken from a room in theßarley Sheaf Hotel, and were found under l the bed in the room occupied by Wallace. . A negro named Robert Thomas, belong ing to Trenton, N. J., was arrested this morning for the larceny of clothing from a house at Lawrence and Brown streets,where he put up temporarily. He was sent to Moyamenslng by Alderman Toland. • Bonn Theft.—Mary Monaghan was ar rested by Officer McAfee for ;the larceny of a hat, coat and skirt from a house in Anbnrn street, between Ninth and Tenth. She walked into the place, helped herself to the articles mentioned, and decamped. The skirt she sold for 50 cents, the hat she got aidrinkfor.and she offered the coat for $l5O, when she was arrested. Aid. Tittermary c oipmitted Mary to answer at court. : < ? Alabama.—Says the Montgomery Mail: In otur, census table, to-day, we publish the footings of the returns from forty-five coun tiee,;whlch leavea only eight more to come an.' JTh'eh>tal population of those counties appears to be 840,123 against 826,962 in 1860, Showing! an increase of 13,231. Thirteen caUnties report an Increase, while in thirfcy pne there has been a decrease. Theinorease iU ,! , the. counties of r Mobile, Montgomery. Dallas, Macon and Russell was 35,331, ( *. jtpßßEp/; His Employer,—Wm. New some had a hearing before Alderman But ler'this morning. He Was charged With the toceny of *2O. The.moneywaa given to lwnby a dealer on: xheiwnarL to purchase somuartioles bht William neglected to return from his errand. He was after wards captured by a policeman at Front and.itrnion Btfeets. 'He was committed for' trial, 7 ■ ■ ■ - ■ .li. Brutal Son.—Alderman Clouds hail before him, this morning, Daniel DavlinJ npon the. charge, of threatening,’.to: KUh' : Devlin resides at Philip street and-Girard, avenue. It is said that he has been in the' habit pf, beating his mother, and yesterday,: after knocking her down stairs, ran at her with an .open knife, threatening to kilt her. 1 He was committed to prison.' V' Dishonest Domestic.—MaryMoore.alial Davis, was committed, yesterday, by Aid; Beitler, for the larceny of clothing, valued at 51,50/- the property of Geo. W. Metzgar, residing at. Eleventh street and Girard aW! nuei She was engaged on Wednesday as a domestic and left yesterday morning, taking, the clothing with her. The stolen property was recovered. - . Daboeny. of Boots.—David, Hutchinson was before Alderman Massey,' this morn ing* upon the charge Of the laroeny of boots: from the front of the storeof John Stillman, No; 812 Spring Garden street; 1 David helped himself, and; ran.- •. He' was pursued and captured with the stolen hoots in his posses-' sion;- He was committed l in default oi §l,ooo,bail for trial;, v Gbat’b Ferßyßridge.—We are glad to: learn: that n foot way is. now in progress of* erection,on the north side of Gray’B Ferry 1 Bridge. It will be completed within two Weeks. This will be a great advantage to the residen ts of the vicinity, as well as to-thd subscribers to the East wick' ShaungPark. -:r‘ . '"r V-. "SrOhE; itoBBEET.— At an early hour this momißg, ' MonteitMs dry goods store, No.< Twentieth street, was entered ’by* bpring two, holes, in the bask shutter: and 1 amoving the? bolts. Several pieces of* Ehmno,, some sewing silk, and a lot of; ribbon, me whole valued at §BOO, were* carried off. MMBkbt Stalls.—Two youths, named Ferdinand Beider and Jesse Haven, were canght last Might in endeavor* ing to unlock thO stalls'in Spring Garden market. The occupants Of the stalls have been-greatly annoyed lately by having the stalls 'opened and sobbed. The boys were below, ( - '-Fine i ARTs.—We attended the sale of paintings, last evening, at Scott’s Art Gal-: i lery, , and, .found s, large company; but the prices obtained were very low. Tbe sale will becontinuedthis evening, at 74 o’clock, when tiffany beautiful gems will be disposed of/ without reserve,, •..'{* : Babceny ofPig Ibon.—Geo. Shafer and , Cbas, Myers 1 were-: arrested yesterday at -1 Sbadkfimaxon-Streßt; wharf. They had in a skiff a lot ofpig iron, which, is supposed to have beenstolen* They were taken be fore Alderman Clouds and were held fn SSOOf bail for a? further heating; 1 Suicide.—Susan Webster, ageid SO years, residing at’Na 878 NorthEighth'street,com mitted suicide this morning by cutting her „ihroat, She had been in ill l health for some £Y: Robbery.— Stine.was fVfpSto the yard ofthf mill of J; DobßotL 1 km supposed that he ia* Hjte re- Sellera.’ court; whowaß run/ " ,on,Wednesday night, from-the effects of hlsinju-. Wr QOPi c :ouiO W \fjyp - J An Owner Wanted.—A lot of bridle fronts tue awaiting an owner at the Central Station. , ■ .. Obange and Lemon-Peel; ' ■ MITCHELL & FLETOHEB, • • > 1204 Chestnut street, _MBS.HANNAHM.P.ALLEN,of72BChe3tnut street. Philadelphia, ini her, examination before the Commissioner of Patents, testifies as follow a: Phase staie what, in your opinion, Isthe com* parsuve merit of the Grover i & Baker Mftchlne.'as compared with other machines? - . ' y ■A.. Itblnk-it far excels any other machine for dress* makipff and gemnifamily use. it is especially vain able in. dress making, on account of the elastic stitch, and the ease and rapidity with which I can pass from one ..thickness- of - material to another; - with* out changing the tension; the stitch is also more be»miful and durable than any other stitch that,lknowof,. The machine? Iv so ' sim ple In, 4ta combination of parts -aud its practical operation, that it is very difficult to get It out ot.order, and ' any operative can manage it. It Is the only na* wV I *?v Wb,ch^ aa yet. succeeded in embroidery-I also like the machine above all others for hemming, tuck ing, cording* anSI would not part with my machine tor any consideration if I could not replace it.- Staßtling Intelligence. THE FENIAN EXCITEMENT I B.OCKTn^ST^O^ DTlm PaEBIDENT! . BBOWN STONE CLOTHING HALL, elegant suits fob* Btreet - GENTLEMEN, . YOUTHS, BOYS. AND EVERY OTHER NAN. Indian Summed.—lf this is not Indian la some, solar as .warmth goes; and at Charleß Btokea & Co/s. under the Continental may be seen ready made Clothing that is come if not romcrTana ot qualities to suit ah weathers, &om "fair to mid dling ”,as the market reports have it. Prices low. Table Ornaments beautifully made bv Morse AT3o„ 902 and #C4 Arch street. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company’s diet premium lock stitch sewing machines incomna rablythebesttorfemUyuae. Highestpremium(gold medal), Fair Maryland Institute, New York and Pennsylvania state Fairs, 1864. No. 92s Chestnut street, Dr. Leon’s Electbio Hair Beneweb. —DeHghtittlly perfhmed for the toilet, Pronounced by all who have used It (As very belt preparation for the hair. Itis a positive core lor baldness immedi ately arrests failing ont of the hair, and restores gray lock sto their original color and luxuriance. One mid win satisfy you. Frames and Pictubes,—The beat place f‘fsoraogß! p M Jfeswgfl? S&g; Philadelphia. * Yarmouth Bloaters.— Just received by THOMPSON BLACK A SON, . Broad and Chestnut stresfe. O. C. Ditebich & Go., Merchant Tailors, Ninth street below Chestnut arenow dosing ont their entire stock of imported CLOTHS asS cam M EBES. MADE TO ORDER in thelateMewles. Superior French Confections made of pore loaf sugar, French Nangat, Chocolate Cara mels, Jordan Roasted Almonds. Chocolate Creams! 2££S 6 “? Brt< L by '£,- 1 * Yansant, Ninth and Ohessnat! Sweet .Amelia Grapes, Havana Oranges. Onoice Pears, Ac. Also lost received a Bnperb assortment of choice Pails Bon Bon boxes via late steamer. Selves Plated Ware.—Two hundred Tea Sets; like amount or Patent Spout Ice Pitcher, Ustunentof 10 BaiC ’ ** pmnniA/'taT T f n g estalh PEED. EKTBFBEID, 233 Sonth Fifth street. F. a MEYift, Bapt, Misses’ Hats, Children’s Hats, OAKFOBDB’ Continental Hotel. Dr. Leon’s Infant Remedy.—A mild, yet sore and speedy core for colic, cramps and windy pains. Invaluable for teething Excellent also, for chlioren of a restless and fretful habit and In »11 cases oflooeenees, griping, vomiting, or other in ward grief, It gives Immediate ease. Sold by all drug- Christmas Presents. Brldel Presents. Presents for your wife. in the style of? eß6llta IbryOQr B * aBW9r ' line Set of Pars Prom Die Stores ol GHA& OAKFORD <& SONS, • Under the Continental Hotel. Deafness. and omwm,. /.Isaacs,M.D„FroffcsseroftheEye and Ear. treats «E diseases appertaining to the above membem wttb thaotmostsnooees. Testimonials ftomihe moot re company their jatSmtt, as he '-as had no secrets In hh New Jersey Hatters. Honoring the Dead.—At the recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Jersey Railroad Company, the follow ing resolutions respecting the decease of Hon. B. F. Stockton, were unanimously adopted: J Resolved, That the Board of Directors of the West Jersey Railroad Company, by the decease of their President, Commodore Robert Field Stochton, have to deplore a bereavement, the magnitude of which words cannot adequately depict. Resolved, That the great services rendered by Commodore Stockton to West Jersey, to the State, and ■ to the country at large, can not be too highly esteemed, white to the latest posterity they will command the ad miration and respect of the people of the United States. Resolved, That while his heroio achieve ments on land and sea 'rival those of the mostvdlßtlngnlshed of his contemporaries, yet chiefly will his memory be gratefully cherished by Jerseymen for those pacific workß, the paternity of which through all time mnstbe ascribed to him. Resolved, That to the sagacity,energy and laborious devotion of the best days of Com modore Stockton, New Jersey is indebted for that great State and national improve ment; the Delaware arid Raritan CSnal, and forthat Other great work the West Jeraey Raflread, which is rapidly converting an areaof nearly'half the State froma waste wilderness into the cultivated .homes of an ' indußtridusand prosperous people. Resolved, That the members of this Board desire to present to the familyof their de->. ceased President their respectful sympathy ' and condolence for their irreparable loss' and that the' Secretary of the Company for ward to them a' copy of these proceedings, i Bold .Attempt; to 'Rob.—A dayd srnce, during the temporary absence of the family of Mr. Snyder, Third and Chestnut streets, South Camden, some daring scamps entered the bouse and commenced ransack mg bureaus, and every place where they supposed treasures could be found. But they were surprised by the return of the family, when the 'villains made their es cape- They only obtained about five dol lars in money. The thieves were about twenty years of age. , *. , * Night Schools.—On Monday evening : nextthe various night schools 1 of Camden Swill be transferred to the new public school' bouse, Sixth and Market Streets, where the iSohool Board are .preparing to accommo date the night scholars. The success of these night schools is attributable to the la dies of Camden, yrfio took thp initiative io putting the measure in exeoution. J Centre Township.—Efforts will bemade iat the next session' of the New. Jersey Le- - gislatnre to secure the .passage, of a law di ji idhig the township of Centre, in the county jof Camden. The object of thia'division has toot been made manifest, but It is thought, lor political purposes.. . . I AkUested —Two young men were ar rested by Officer Jobntry, of Camden, on Wednesday night, for drunken’ and dissr, nerlyconduct in the streets, and for assanlt mg him m his attempt to discharge hisdutv. They were ,ordered to pay the usual fine. R- D6viiiney hasbeen' Assessor, and Simon Oalyat ■ tWaf.*/ &pples;2oocases Gresh Hue lnfteaFiWcMa ' 500 owes ;fieg jSamsfil- MIMHBdB£S9WIt; nopi PER ANB YELLOW METAI. imillSronSSi- TTTF DAF.Y REFECTORY, 727 and 729 ARCH BTREET, These spacious Saloons have been elegantly flttrti BREAKFASTS, DINNERS and SUFFERS fttrniahed. WEDDING, DINNER and BUPPER PAEXLE3 sup plied at the shortest notice. French Confections of every variety. JSSSSS&SSS33T Eoonu ****■ ftr iftl&p WM. GRANGE & SON, No. 711 North Second Street, com prStng 1 6 * ame , ? IUI a choice selection or goods, nSSSL»°^LSS , AjJ Dd P“Oi»ted French, China TEA. TOILET and TETE-A-TETTCSETtI, CHINA and GLASS COLOGNE BOTTLES, CHINA, PABIAN and LAVA VASES, CHINA and CRYSTAL CARD RECEIVERS, BOHEMIAN TOILET SETS, STATUETTES, etc. CHEAP.i Antt*PAVHKKNT HOBS vwy ohmF fi rhloh ate attention cd the ■ uTtSPi.W ~F/aSSl‘wftsS?& tiAPaaa, ao.—ou v« mua STJIXE OP NINE ROOMS, Carpeted and Elegantly Famished, COMPLETE AS PARLGEB AND CHAMBEBS. BEO, J. HENKELS LACY * 00., 1301 and 1303 Chestnut Street. noio-im ipg YAIffKIBK & CO.. Wo. 913 Arch Street. MANUFACTORY AT FBAIXFOED, PHILADA. ,We_woold reepectfnily caH the attention nr on, friends ardthe pnbllc general!*, to oar Choice usd elegant assortment of GILT and BBONZanw aw DELIEBS and GAS FrXTpßKS.'oonaOmtif on all of ihem cfthe very latest an! BEST designs' Also a fine selectloa ol .PORTABLE with SANnv WihrS 0 ® 314 ® “1 oth “sHADES?*?^ 6 oFfe&^»*«r» l oSf character of oor goods! OUR PRICES ABE REASONABLE, andthe work Chuer B*®* 8 *®* *“ n “ tee<l *° glTe ““““““t to thepS old wmir I,artlCtjBr 44161111011 P* l3 *» *>ie renewing of nos tm'-rpj VANEIRK <ft 00. ama ,l Mj new FREIGHT ROUTE To the South and Southwest, VTA THE Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more and Delaware Railroad, To Crlafleld, HA, thence by Bteamers of the Great Southern Inland Navigation Company to Norfolk, Va. The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company are prepared to oiler lndncementa to shippers of tonthem and Southwestern freights which have not been afforded heretofore by any other line. Tbroughßina of fsullng given toall prominent Soath- For further information apply to CHARLES B. WILLIS, Agent, Broad and Washington Avennm CHARLES K. DELE SB, Agent, No. dll Chestnut street. CHARLES K. IDE, Master of Transportation, nolT-tfrpi P_ w. and B. R R. BLANKETS, BEDDING ASS yKATHKR WABSHOBKE. TENTH STBSSTj _ .BXLOW ABCHa Feather Beds, Bolsters, Pillows, Matrasses of all kinds; Blankets, Comfort ables, Counterpanes, SprlnirEeda, Bprlng Cota, Iryn TSedsteedt, Cnshlona, and all other articles m ■ - that line of analneas- AMOS HILLBORN, No-44 North TENTH Street, ■ Below Aorh. EL WELL’S Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Havelopened their new and commodious building, Constantly on hand, a full assortment of the best aahes of WHITE EBON STONE WAKE, nns>_ig?j BHOTWELL SWEET OIDEB. Our usual supply of this celebrated CIDER, made com Harrison Apples, Just received. Albert C. Roberts, ij Dealer l m r l'jrie Groceries, SLEFpTH and VINE STREETS FRANKUN MILLS b uq e’a.t. A new at/d very choice article. Every'family should tee It. Directions—When ready to commence bahlnr, nix the batter to the usual consistency. For sale by >ll Grocers. .. ... , aeH2t . D R«^®Blhlost,,when CoDsfynees will Dle&saattend \JO Wue—All persons are hereby cautioned atalnit any of the crew of the: Br. Bars a D tYERMSN, Raymond, master, from New Castle* tnglsnaT as no debts of their contracting wilt be rme/ ither by master or conalKneea. E. A, SOUDER » i0.,N0 8 Dock street wharf: ' dwSt S A TMOBE-S, MINCED MEAT—The Ex are now receiving Into store, the above oelehStSi Ilnced Meat, pufcnpln Firkins ofBS itAM larrels and Glass Jars, and are prepared to ftirnteh ti D the trade at the I.BUBBIEB A CO., 108 SouthDetara«>T^ne JOa Twenty-Five Barrels Prime ine hd for sale byj. B. BDSSIEB * CO.. MsJSutbiwi! rare Avenue. • i . , TBnB. gINIE ABTte "POPPING THE QUEBTION," A charming new humorous G; oup, by ! A. PTJSOHEIi, MUNICH. New Beady. ' 1 Earle’s Galleries and Looking Glass Wareioomt, 816 STBBBT, deMtrp PHILADELPHIA. “ THE GHABITY PATIENT,” BOGEES' NEWEST GBOETP, NOW BEAST. lALSO, “I'KCM SED’S SCHOOL” “TAKIJiG THE OATH.” “THE WOUNDED SCOUT.” “OSE HOKE SHOT.” “TKE BUSHWHACKER.” “raEBETraBNEB TOEESTEEB." “THE COEHTBT POST OFFICE.’’ “ISIOX REFUGEES.” ' “THE HOME GEABD.” . •15 each. Boxing, 75 cents. “MAIL. BAY.” #lO. “THE PICKET OUARD.” “SHARP SHOOTERS.” “THE TOWN PUMP.” “CHECKER PIATERS.” with the COOK ” “THE SLAVE SALE.” “VIEEAOE SCHOOLiIASTEB.’’ “THE CABI> PEAYERS.” t6each. Boring, 50 cents. JAMES S. EABLE & SONS, BOLE AGENTS, deS-WrM® 16 oheBtoutStreet * LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, with greyly increased facilities, and a largacorpaof first-class woikmep, are now maTrnftustnyifig 5 LARGE STOCK OE LOOKING- GLASSES, SX r <?5 t T e !?i h 2 BBB £ fbknch plates only ob NO SALE, end would call attention to their dally aoß mentlng ASSORTMENT as TJNEQUALKOand at* VXBY MODERATE PRICES, EARLES’GALLERIES, no:i 816 CHESTNUT STREET. GESTfe- FUByiSICING GOODS NOTICE TO GENTBEMEN WRAPPERS WRAPPERS, WRAPPERS. The largest and best stock cut beaeen at JOHN C. ARBISOITS, Nos. 1 and 3 -N, Sixth Street. pmr.tnw.wn>, 4xse, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear. And mil tie latest NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S rretn Ftlcea to suit the times. ieSQal PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. TIES, - BGABFB, VINE BHTBIS, DRESSING ROBES, BREAKFAST OOATB, SKATING JACKETS, OABBIAGE BUGS, SKATING BELTS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SCAB? BINGS, GLOVES. WINCHESTER & CO, <JT?° Chestnut St. WEW PDBUCAHOSs. — THB GALAXY—Pot December 15th. 2-THE^vraF|)lSLIN ar ß y < ? n^n^: THE DNITED ®TATE9, 6—AN OLD STORY, By F. W. H. . 7—CHRISTM AB. By Puoobe Cary. ; tte »«>«* <* 9- PIG TO POBK. -By H. L.Alden 10 - T iftb C t^a^n,. By An tbony" Trollope. l r iS®lSr- wtt “ Een:,on talnedoftbe publishers at 13 each! ’ eob With the next Lumber, THE GaLAXY will he „n. 80s, Printed on new and larger type tno provided with a new and beautiful ilutuSuaten’ SSstoto. entftßd nnmberwm b®commenced a TR.TQTA y •■TTiTvKISSSfSSSri 3 -, By Edward spencer. wm l »‘ m ““y G “SF”® Mr. will also contribute to the n<vrt lumber of THE GALA Yy two ctaftnrtPTintio H*n»' s si oountiy, bpeclmen Copies. 30 rants, ae m tne ) , SOW KEADY. „ ,Y ABOHIB liOVKLL. By Mrs. Edwards. 269 pg. Illustrated. Price $1 .' - V-V- *'^-4®OgC&-'Pi&jGhew. 39 Park BowjJtfare York, | JUSWAJU JlQXHjyj*. . t N THE OBPHANItfCOtjItr FOR THEOFTV ivn 1 COUNTY OF i PHIL * DEL PHla^-rS IHOMABJ. WHAHTON.-The AU “ot'apMmwd to the Cogrt to audit settle and ac I,lst thn Kc fBANOIS WHABTON “aid HENBY WHABTON Executors and Trusteesunder the last wM aSatSSi: Sent of IBOMaS J. WHABTONf deceased ami leport Distribution of thebalanceln o/thS ■' ' J- SERGEANTPBIOB, '■ | de7-f,iP,W-6t» , - ; , ~, Auditor! roiJHTFQßTffßfnwTwn' IOOUNTTOFVPHILADK&pmiIiSte^JB^ Thb Andltorapppjnted by ~th6 CQPrt ; tO l Mditi AQll ftdtlUlttilO ufflt nnit;' flnalaceountttf LEvIeIdRIDGEVedMIUND EL. DBlDGRand CHARLES it. VSTAGN or the_laat wlil and ■ testament of JEBE&iIAH e?e£t ?i!S'K;’r,S?J,s£ i . lre P or^ ' dlitilbwlonofjsue halauceio (bo - tbe purpose off la appointment. on^EßlDAYVDecember 21st,lss6 »t4o’cfiok-Pi® ; atblßofflce. No. 524 Walnutatieet,Boom No.», In the City of Ehlladelphla. > m-S,i n ~s , , °. !de7tf.S,wat_Wli < giDHItIJpa. jß..rAnAltor \ ■ jfcOFT COAi,—l2stot>B Gas and Steam CO AT. lust - ™* ,> Q celvedfrom Newcastle, Kagland. forsale b? E. a? ‘; . r 60UDKS & CO„ Deck Street wharf, W-5t * »LTAIL9BT J. ;E. STRAWBKIBG E 6 CO. WILL NOW SELL Great Reduction, The Entire Balance of their very Ele- scant Stock LADIES’ CLOTHS sackings. J. C. STBAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. COB. EIGHTH AND MARKET. M I L L IKI N’S LINEN STORE, 838 ARCH ST. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ladles’ Handkerchiefs, Gent’s Handkerchiefs, r ■. Children’s Handkerchiefs Wow Styles. The Lareest Stock of Linen Goods in *eS7mwffde3lip MOURNING GOODS. Having made the Mourning Department of my ettabliahment a specialty, t am or&> pared to. ftusish. at the ehortest notice, every description of Mourotn* Millinery. Particular attention is directed to my ana varied assortment of Widows’ Boa KEOGH, M mwtta^ 9MWAM ' ,fa^ TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. We have now received directly from, the manneuv tnrers,onr FALL IMPGBTATION - OF EMBROIDERED CLOTH i TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Comprising a large assortment, which we are selling At Seduced Prices. Sheppard, Van Harlingen fcArrisoa, Importers of House Furnishing Sry Goods, i No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. : oc2l wfin-tf rpj tJAMwaciaws. NOTICE. CARPETINGS, AT REDUCED PRICES. LEEDOM & SHAW. 910 ARCH ST., sel2 am rpj . Between Ninth and Tenth. SEOBOE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. STREET) Aa. lti nnmr a'mw AlAohlno Work and MUlwrlttng promptly attends* : - - ■ .xi:r’ •,' •. ..^Tyis»rp, TAKABmURirW KegaMartlnlque Sv^?JSSH*S ,I SJP sngari lanOng and tbr Sale by JVB, bbbsihb d oo„ ios sooth Delaware avenue, j WATCHES lEWSEST ELATED GOODS. JAMES, E.CALIIWELL & CO.. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 822 CHEBTNUT STREET, Deslreto call attention to their stock of EHOIISH AfiD AMERICAN ELATED WARES. Whichlhaa'been largely Increased by EMTTEKLY NEW DESIGNS from the most reliable and expert enced HannCmtofets of'this chantry aa aho of Soef. field and Birmingham, England, prepared expressly for their sales and guaranteed of SOPBBIOB QGAIp ITT in every respect. J. E.C.& GO.-refer with pride to the reputation their PLATED WARES Have longsnstalnedwherevnr Introdncwd. anfl_nir examination of their present large assortment by aU In want of FIBST-CLASS GOODS atr an honestprice. Their assortment includes, in every variety of stylo TEA SETS, SOUP TOBEEN3, GYBTEB TUBEENS, COFFEE TJBNS, TEA KETTLES.VBGETABLE DISHES."- CASTEBS, GAEE BASKETS. ICE PITCHERS, PODDING DISHES, ft TEBBAPXN DISHES, FBUIT STANDS," PBESEBVE dtrtttir, EPKBGNES, PtOWEB STANDS, njli DINNER AND DESSERT BETS Also.'averyiftill supply of POBKS, SPOONS, LA DEES, KNIVES, Ac., Ac, i In either large or .™.n quantities and at greatly noi3.wfHf educed Prices. KITCHEN & COt 9 Have oponed their New store, S. fc\ corner Tenth and Chestnut Sts,. WITH A FULL STOCK OF *W at die s 9 Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &o. Their atockbelng entirely new. snd selected with the a 1 cotffldentol being able to suit tbe teste of those who wish artic es In their line. They solicit sn Inspection of their mods, O.AZFCBM. K. BULOS, salesman. CLOTHUT6. REMOVAL J. HENRY EHRLIGHER; Tailor, Has removed item 321 North THIRD street, to HEW BUXiLETUT BUILDING, NO. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. SECOND FLOOR, FRONT. n022-lmr*{ JONES’ Old. Established ONE PRICE FINK Ready-Made Clothing Hoase, 604 MARKET STREET, above Sixth. SSS'SSKH&t 41 ” Jj£S EDWARD P. KELLY. TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FAlii. AND WINTmt rtvtvbs and a complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOOBB. _C«wraCES equal or superior to those of any other STrat-oiasa.TaUoring Fhtabllshment, at moderate (Wlcee. BattsftcHon guaranteed. Partem Clotherto mow the new and prevalent styles tor the lnspeotton of customers and public, FURS. LADIES’ FANCY FURS A.K. &F.K. WOMRATH, 417 Arch St., HAVE NOW OPEN A Full Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS I Also a great variety of FANCY Carriage and Sleigh Bobes. ocis-sm rp , wim. AYOUN« COLORED MAN WXBHEB A SPTITA. TION aa Coachman or Porter In a store. Jtat at references Apply to 1240 MiSBVINE artSt, Mow ■ MUSICAt FEW BEOUBE TUITIOtN opon the PIANO, by a Lady, whose proactentTvaj. a performer, and whoseabllity to 1 la testified to by someof thehlgbeat llvfilauthority.&S Inln^rvle^addresaMPßlO.atthis nol&.tfmeV «r l^y^ins|gsa : - SeventhaSdng&f& OT&en? 1S ° R ouvrutn • no2st]alip{
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers