OHE 88 O O 1 - '..,ZL: L,'.; HIIADEIJPHU EVESISB HTOIEm, Decern ber 7f 1866. i? Answers to Correspondents. "/• 4* c, > Sabrisbueq.”— We shaU be glad to learn your views on the subject, and ve admit that the last game was hardly ■worthyof publicity, Any statement of yours sbalrreceive attention inthepaper.' "M. M.”—At the latest advioes the score stood 6; BiriJ, 5; Drawn, 5. Problem No. 465. BY MB. JUEIT7S BBEDE. • v.'-V WHITE, Whit© to play inateln seven move3, Solutlott-to So. If4 r ,. . WHITE. ' '■ i ;' 15LACK. " ' 1. Q to.B 6:(ch) ' K.toKs 2. Rto B 3 (ch) , 3. WK 6 (ch 1 ) ‘ KtoPs 4. PtoK3(ch)' PxP . ; 5. Qtoß ; 6(chl. : KtoK 5 . 6. PtoQ3'(ch) PxP 7; Rto B4(ch) ' KttoQ 5 •* 8. RxKt(ch) . PxR, 9. Q to K 6 (ch) K to B o ' 10. KttoQ 5 (oh) P x Kt ‘ 11. BtoQ6.(ch) ;i Pxß 12. Q to B 6 (oh) K to K 5 13. RtoKt 4 (ch) : . Kt to P-3 14. PxR ■' 15. B to B 5 (ch) Pxß 16. Q to,K 5 (oh) , Px Q 17. Kt mates. ■- MB. KBUEGER’S SOLUTION. [Moves 1 to 7, as before.] WHITE. ■■■••■> • BLACK 8. Qto K 6(oh) : Kto B o 9, KttoQ 5 (ch) Px Kt 10. Bto Q 6 (oh) Pxß - 11. Q to B 6 (ch) K to K 5 12. RtoKt 4 (ch) • Kt to B 5 13. BtoBo(oh) Pxß 14. QtoKs(ch) P x Q 15. Kt mates. ........ CHESS IN PHIIiADEiiPHIA. Game No. 1533. Between Mr.Sayen, giving the Knight,,and (Memove Wkite'sQiieen’s Knight.) . .1 Gambit.). Wh. {Mb. SAyen.) Be. (MA. W—.) 1. PtpK4 ... PtoK4 2. PtoKB4 /. PxP . 3. Kt to.B 3 PtoK Kt A 4. B to B 4 P to Kt 5 5. Castles P x Kt 6. QxP Q to B 3 7. PtoKs QxP 8. P to Q 3 Q Kt to B 3 (B to R ? is better,) sv.j5 v .j • 9. B to Q 2 Q to B 4 (oh) 10. KtoK sq - -Bto R 3 11. QBxP Bxß 'l2. ,Q R.to Ksq (ch) KKttoK2 13. B x P (ch) K x B 14. Qx B (ch) , • Kto Kt 3 White mates in four moves. . .CHESS IN LONDON. '■ : Game No. 152*. Eleventh game of .the Steinitz-Bird match. i ’ (French Opening.) "Wh, (Mb. Steinitz.) , Bi,,- (Mr. Bibd.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 3 2. P to Q 4 P to Q 4 3. Kt to Q B 3 Kt to K B 3 4. B to K Kts B to K 2 5. F to K 8 K Kt to Q 2 6. Bn B Qi B ' , 7. PtoK B 4 : PtoQ R 3 8. Kt to K B 3 PtoQB4 9. P x P KtxQBP 10. QtoQ2 PtoQ&t4 11. PtoQR3 BtolQ.Kt2 12. Kt to Q, 4 Kt to'Q B 3 13. BtoK2| Q to K R 5 (ch) 14. PtoKKt3 QtoK2 15. B to KB 3 QRtoQßsq 16. Castles (K’a Bide) CastJ.es * 17. QRtoKsq KRtoQsq 18. PtoKB5 fHiis certainly must have bean, a miscal culation,ias no advantage is derived from the sacrifice of the pawn.) . 18. Kt x Kt 19. . PxP 1 ' 20. QtoQKt4 P to K Kt 3 :21,.QRt0K2 P to Q 5 22. Kt to Qsq •’ Bxß 23. K R x B Q to Q Kt 2 24. sq - ICttoK. 5 . ,25. Q to Q Kt 3 R.to K sq 26. Q.toK B 3 ' Bx KP 27. Kt to KB 2 ■ Q'RtoKsq 28. KRto K sq - r Qto K 2 29. QtoKKt2 ~ R to K 3 30. Kt to Q 3. Q to Q Kt 2 31. Kt to K B 4 K Rto K 2 32. Kt to Q 3 - P to K R 4 33. KRtoQsq Q to Q Kt 3 34. KRtoKsq K to Kt 2 , 35. PtoKR3 • QtoQ3 36. PtoK Kt 4 - K toR2 37. PtoQ Kt 4 ' PtoK R 5 38. Kt to Q B sq KttoKKt6 39. RxR RxR ■ 40- RxR (ch) 41. Qx R QtoQBS 42. P x KBP Px p (By cheeking at one© at R 8, Mr. Bird •would have expedited his road to victory.) 43. Kt to Q Kt 3 Q to Q 4 44. Kt to Q, B 5 Q to K R 8 (ch) 45. Kto B 2 , Kt to K 5 (ch) ’ 46. K to K 2 Q to Kt 7 (ch) 47. K to Q sq Q to K B 6 (oh) 48. K to Q B sq Q x Q R PW) 49. K toQsq . . QxKRP (The Illustrated London News prefers Kt to Q B 6 (ch), &o.) 50. Kt x Kt Q to K Kt 5 (ch) 61. K to Q Bsq Px Kt 52. Q to K B 2 Q to Kt 4 (ch) 63. KtoKtsq PtoKB4 54. QxQP P to K R 6 55. Qto Q R7(ch) -Kto R 3 56. Q x P (ch) Q to K Kt 3 67. Qto QB 8 KtoKR4 . 68. QtoQB3 QtoKKtB(ch) 69. K to Kt 2 P to K R 7 60. QtoK R 8 (ch) KtoKt 5 61. Q to Kt 7 (ch) K to B 6 BS.'-Q to QB 3 (oh) Qto K 6 63. Q toK R 8 , K to Kt 7 And .White resigns, ’• Game So. 1525. Messrs, Staunton and Owen consult against: -Messrs. Lo wenthal and Horwitz. .» (Scotch Gambit.) W. (Messrs. 8. <fe O.) b. (Messes. I>, & H.) 1. P'to K 4 . ptoK. 4 ' ' 3 8 Kt U) B ,3 ‘ 3; PtoQ.4 Exp 4. K Bto B ,4. . Bto K 2 (Inferior to thetheestablished move of B lO j} ) pt ; Caßtlos ' B Prefer, as n?tore.attaoking, 5. Pto Q 5. P to Q 3 e. KtxP .... KtxKt 7. QxKt , .B to B 3 . 8. Qto Q 6 Q to Q 2 9. P to B 4 P to B 3 10. QtoQsq Kt to R 3 It- £ to B 3 Castles 12. Kttoß3 QtoK2 13. B to Q"3 P to K Kt 3 14. P to B 5 B to Kt 4 15. P to B 6 Q to K 4 t - ft to B 4 Q to Q B 4 (ch) 17. K to R sq Bxß t - QxK. - Q to K R 4 19. KtxP RtoQsq 20. Qto B 4 B to Kt S 21. B to B 4 P to Q Kt 4 22. BtoKt3 RtoQ2 Q.Rfco Qsq, ' P to.B 4 25. R to Q 5 Q to R 5 26. Kt x B P to B o (This move is beautifully played and places Black sans resource.) ■ J 27 Rx-R 26-KtxKt 27. RxR ptnOßi 28. Rxß(ch) Ktxß 29. R to K B sq Kt'to K 3 30. Q to Kt 8 (ch) K to B 2 31. _Q to Kt 7.(ch) .K.toKtsa . 32. Qto B CHESS IN PARIS. Game No. 1536. The following game is one of the last ever played by the celebrated Deschappeiles. He gives the pawn and two moves to Mr. Brooke Greville, ft .amatoor. Another game, at the same oddsr between these players, was drawn. r. •■f.’;?..:- a: {Remove Slack's King’s Bishop’s Sawn., Wh. . Bir-^DJESPHAPPELLES, 1. P to-K4 2. P to Q 4 3. Q Kt to B 3 4. KKttoß3 (A qniet fieveiopnaent of pieces, is prefera" tv® impetuous, headlong attacks prac faced by most players when 1 receiving this Odds.) ’ - r • r ■ . 4. Pto Q 4 K 5. PtoKo B to Q 2 6. P to Q R 3 PtoQR3 7. B to Q 3 P to K Kt 3 8. P to K R 4 B to R 3 9. BtoK3 Biß W. Piß r Kt to R 3 11. Q to Q 2 Q to K 2 12. Castles (QR) Castles (Q R) 13. KttoK2 K to Ktsq 14-ftttoßsq Q R to K B sq Ktto.Qsq Q Kt to B 2 17. P x P p x p 18. Kttoß4 B to K 3 , 19- Ktxß . Qx Kt 20- Qt°Kt4 Kt to Kt 5 21. R to Q 2 P to K R 3 The remainder of the game was not re corded—it was won by white. CHESS IN GERMANY. «ame No. 1527. Between Messrs, v. d. Lasa and Buckle. (PVencA Opening.) Wh. (v. d. Lasa.) 81. (Me. Buckle.) LPtoK4 P to K 3 2. P t° Q 4 P to Q 4 3. PxP • . < 4. Pto<iß4 K Kt toB 3 (Not a good move.) 6. Castles '7; B t0’8.4 , ■Ktto B 3 8: PtoQ‘RB - RtoKsq (eh) j 9- Ktoß2 BxKt qV ' 10. P x B B to K 3 11. P to B 5 Kt to K R 4 j 5 to ;!F‘ 3 *. Qtoß3 13. BxQBP QRtoßsq 14. B to Q 6 P to Q Kt 3 16. Btoß6 PxP ■ (A judicious sacrifice.) 16. 8xR.... Bxß 17. B to K 5 Ktxß * 18. P x Kt Q to R 5 (ch) 19. PtoKt3 ' K txP ’ 20. Px Kt Qx R 21. "ti to KBsq ■ ■ RxP " ' 22. Rto Kt sq— R to-K so 23. RtoKtB • 8q (A surprising error for such a player to commit.) . J 24. Q to Kt 2 25. K x Q Game So. 1528. Between the same players. (Centre Counter Gambit.) ' ' Wh. (Mr. Buckle.) 81. (v. d. T.aba.) 1- £ to K 4 P to Q 4 . K Kt to B 3 3. B to B 4 Kt x P Q Kt to B 3 5. KKtto B 3 B to Kt 5 6. B to Q Kt 5 PtoQRS . 7. Bx Kt (ch) Pxß 8. P to B 4 to Kt 3 9. P to 8.5 B x Kt 10. Q x B Kt to Q 4 ! 11. Castles Pto K 3 12. Kt to B 3 Q to Q 2 | 13. Kt xKt BP.xKt | 14. QtoK Kt 3 ; (Mr. Buckle takes admirable advantage of his adversary's confined position.) i ' '' 14. Qtoß3 15. B to B 4 R to B sq 16. K R to K sq K to Q 2 17. B to Q 2 R to Q Kt sq 18. PtoKt 3 Rtoß sq 4 19. Q to K B 3 K to K sq 20. Rto K 2 , ~B to K 2 21. QRto K sq 'B to B 3 r 22. Q to Kt 4 K to K 2 23. BtoKtS P to R 3 24. B x B (ch) Pxß - 25. Rx P (oh) : (Finely concluded.) 25. piR ■- 26. Q to Kt 7 (oh) K to Q sq ; 27. Qx R (ch) Kto Q 2 28. Qto Kt 7 (ch) K to K sq 29. Q to Kt 8 (oh) K to Q 2 30. Q to B 7 (ch) K to Q sq 31. K x P, and wins. (Although the loser in both these instances, the Prussian master won the majority of games. Another game between them, wo gave as Ko. 825.) ' FDBMTBBEMIi BJBPJPjjJSBS gUY FURNITURE OF G(OULD & no.. UNipN PBPOT. N. ttoorner NINTH and aSIBKET and.Nqs. J 7 and 88 North < SEOOND Stratt* _The largest, cheapest and beet stock of Furniture ol v er yde«crlptlonln the world. Furniture for Parlor Brewing Room, Chamber or Bed Boom.Otalng Boom’ Ji bra ? ’ K ). tc s^?’. i ? erv,ulte ’ Booms, OfflcSTSchooS Chnrcbes, Ood*Pellows, Masonic l or other ■ Societies' S°hMes, Public Bnlldlnge! Piece of^Mmtale/ onße8 ‘ *»l™. or a Singe .P/l 8 ,^ 8 ,?? 4 b 7,p? at Will be executed with despatch and with liberality anc Justness of deaUng pS2£|m a distance may remit through our Banker the p«5! mert and Mechanics’ Nat Bank, Ohestmnt atreetor the Union National Bank,Third street or by Bm,si? Check or Post Office;,order; lmmedla* atSmttan wui be given and satisfaction wmbukjh ,wui fwOBIJOa CO.. N X. corner Ninth and Market and 87and_^.N^Becondstreet.Phlla. ~ • SPRING MATRESS, BEBTQUALITYAND STYLE, * AND BEDDING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. .1. G. FBULBB, Mlw, s eSoothSEVENTH Street BQjRBIie. S. E. CORNER Private table.lfdeslrcd,, . . , nsE-liuv'; THE 7,186§. P to K 3 Q Kt to B 3 23, Qto R 7 .(ch) QxQ,(ch) B toR6 (ch), and wins. MMBEB. R H. WILLIAMS, L UMB E E, Seventeenth Garden Streets ’ B4of Market Street. AMlaesoitment'er" 1 ‘ 1 ‘ Buildinglkuiiherr , A sopetlor lot of thpropghly BPasone<i v. ' 1 -' - 1 ■ ■ cHESTstiußaApaiv ' CAROLINA ABILIN A. BTEP- . W, 6 4.7-t B.4and3InchMIOHTGXNPLANK.' Choice lot of masoned HICKORY, Bultanlalo'r car. rlagetlakeia. ' ; ’ .;> deo-lmj CHAK,JDiEiS ; .ESTCJEj LUMBER. Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. PHILADELPHIA. oc3i-3m ,■; r. i .1 .? j 1 add —SELECT white pine -lOQO. lOABDS AND JPLANK, CHOICE RANGEL feet lone. ■WHirS-Ensli j?aS§l' ?pa!tcern flank. * - large and superior stock on hand. 1866.•Ru’Sffl' -.W™?! BUILDING LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! 4 4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 6-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. . 6-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. WHITE PINK FLOORING, ASH FLOORING. • WALNUT FLOORING,' . SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP SOaIV k. RAIL PLA*OJ. flasteru?o lath. 1 £££ —CEDAR ANT OPPRESS SHINGLES. J.COO, LONG CEDAR . SHORT OEDAB SHINGLE, • -COOPER SHINGLES,... PINE ASSORTMENT, FOBBALE LOW. No. -1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS? 1 Qfid -LUMBER FOR UNOERTAKEB3I IOOU. LUMBER FOB UNDERTAKERS! BED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. BED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE.' 1 AAfi —ALBANY LUMBER OF AT.r. KINDS. AODDi ALBANY LUMBER OR ALL KINDS. . BE.' SQNED WALNUT. _ . „BEASONEHWALNUT. . DRY POPLAR. CHERRY AND *HTT. OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. - MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VENEERS. • 1 ft Aft —CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. IODD. CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURE «H. SPANISH CIGAR BOX-BO ARDS. joist - - i BPBUGE JOIBT FROM' 14TO S 2 FEET LONG, FROM 14 TO S 3 FEET LONQ. SUPERIORNORWAY SCANTLING.. HAULE, BROTHER <£ Oa, No. ssor Booth Street OPBUCE X.TTMBEB AFLOAT.-ScantUncand Joist O length fr-im 14 to 23 teet lone, assorted sizes, 3x4 to 3x14, abont leo M. feet. For sale oy WORKMAN A CO.. £,0.123 Walnutßtreet. r | OMBKR.—Hie anaetslxnea are prepared to reeetv Aj orders for Bt. Mary’s. Georgia, Lumber, of any de sgrh-tlon, which war bepromptly execntedTiED MTTND A. SOUDKB A 00. Sock Bt. Wharf, [anlstf OO&iU COAL COAL. COAL JACKSON a TEMPLETON’S Family Coal Yard. First Yard on Ninth St.,beL Jefferson* Lehigh, Schuylkill, Eagle Vein, Greenwood. White Ash and other brands at ihalowest market prices.cen stantly on band and prepared expresslyiox Jamilyas©. no3o lml ■ 2050. J. ALCORN, 2050 DEALER IN LehJgb, Bieenwood and Locust Moun tain / COAL, Ybj d, 2050 Slaiket Bt., PhllidelpMa, , jar Selected froai Gbexuost approved Mines. Oideis through the Post Office will be promptly attendm to. - f des imj EDWIN SOHALL, BUCCESSOR TO JOS. EVANS, CO AL YAID, H. E. car. Broad and Filbert Sts, • ' • PHILADELPHIA. Lehirfi, SchuyfeUl and Blacksmiths* Coal always on of the best qualities and lowest prices. _no2B»wj.m2m> 1 • COAL. | E; 33. ASHTON’S VERY SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. COMMUNITY’S DEPOT. - nos-mw.M2t| ■ BROAD AJ7D WOOD STREEPS, 8» KAflOßf BIUJCBi lOH9 i. atrem INVTTII ATTENTIONTf Buck Mountain ? Company 1 * bo&l* 1 I«cm?MooSaln, nOompany ’ , Coal, ana, jrhJch they are prepared to eeU at the lowest thrk. nto, and to ddfyer In the best condition, f Order* left with B.MABON BINES, Franklin Ins* Btrect, below Market, wlr to nrcmpUy attended to. BmBB ASHROTV j»6S,tf AgchB^>Wtiart;Behnyl£Bl, OOg-h.r-suaAß.i.oAr, bkaver meadow abb \J Spring Monntaln,. Lehigh Coal, and best Locuti Mountain from Schuylkill, prepared expressly l fgi corner EIGHTH andTO LOW streets. Office, No. ns South SECOND street. ””” - T- WALTON A on XADIEh’TBIMMfiyfIS; rjBAND OTENING.-MB 8 ; M. A. BINDER, if* . NO. 1031 (ffieetauf street, Philadelphia, -■■ ■ Importer of Ladles’. Dress and Cloak Trimmings of I “Ported Paper Patterns,to rrSJlfc v»?2r ChUtireii’B Dress. Parisian l Dress'and Making mMI lta varieties. Ladles flirnlshlnt Ki^in^<S^ c ? M l?. , P a . tBr,alßma y rely on being ar R . n . he4r work finished In the moat e p 182. pt i£?££ , ?£ 1 S llt rcancer, at the- lowest posalblt rloee, In twenty-four honrs’ notice. Cutting and bast jg» .Patterns In sets, or by thb single piece .for xnsr chants and dressmakers now ready! ' * selWy The Grace Model PAPER COLLARS - ARE THE BEST. " 1 TO BE HAD EVERYWHERE VAN' DEtiSEN, BOEHM AN & GO., 627 Cbesthut Btnet, 'Agents for Philadelphia; , now-imj ;-a — %[ .... $l. W SPECIALTY. ■ t SMITE, RAKBOLPH fc GO BANKERS ANDBROKERJ, I. Thin, M., i a aiman atnoa, PbUadelpbla. I flfew Y«wfc " STOCKS AND QOLIJ WUBET AHD BOIH-na .nmtamaimp AILOWKD ON B BANKING HOUSE JAICOOEI &oa, iIS and. 114 s. Third St., Philada. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLDS§O’sWANTED IN EXCBASGfi FOR NEW. A LLBEEALDIFyEREHCIS ALLOWS! Cemponnd Interest Notes Wauled. EBTEBEBT ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT. Collections made; Stocks Bonsht and Sold on remy mission. hnsiness «-30’8 s r 8-io»s, 1881»s 9 10-40*8, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. BOUGHT ANDROID. DE HAVEN & BKO„ 40 SOUTH THffiDSTREfT. ... / \ ' . ■ i . .i NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK CAPITA! $300,000, FULL PAID, Ha? Removed To Its. New Banking House, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnnt Street A. BOYD, President ®O. W. GILBOOQH, Cashier. . no7U STOCK BROKER, GEO. HENDERSON. JB. NO. 223 DOCK STREET. bnslnaaa, I am prepared to make tosh or Time purchases and sales of stocks, Bonds' extreSm^ 84 ** 8 P® cent, hrterew, trithont any Orders executed in New York, Boston and Baiu. more. aaK^m. aaftiioite. PLEASANT TALLEY WINE CO 8 pAikling and Still Wines. O. W. MIDDLETON. Sole Agent, no3( W» Street, PtuindetpWa. •** * Sueceasoj t* G«o. W. Gray, J' B R EWE R, 24. 26, 28 and 30 Boutb Sixtn Bt, Fhilad’a. Fine OH Bt«i 4 M-Bnwa iia, B _> for Pamir* and Medldna^S^y HER MAJESTY j CHAMPAGNE, 1 J. ST IDTJIN'TOISr, | 161 9M%T »T<k,'B<&B AOKST. XirrNES.—The aUentlon of the trade Is solicited to obolce Wlges, Ac., far sale by No. IHSouth FRONT street, MADELRAS—OId island,-8 years old. . BHIRRUS-Campbell A 00., single, double and triple Grape, E. Crusoe A Sons, Rudolph, Topas, Rlex, r Danish, Crown and F. Vallette. „£®®' I “r"yeß6rl®,Vlnho Velho Beal, Danton and BebelloVWenteA Co., Vintages Mas to M 56. troaft^ny -^1886 ™ Wtetteands «- Cha- G. Jonrdan, Brlve A 00. MUSCAT—deFrontignan. ' W~ ■ CHAMPAGNES—Brneet Irrony, ‘‘Golden Star,” MaJescyandßoyal Cabinet and other f\IJ) WHISKIES.— 6OO Cases Pore Old Wheat, Bys W Bourbon and Monongahela Whiskies, for sale by , -1 E. P. MIDDLETON; ■ s North Front street} MASONIC MARKS. . A .tohBTIN LEANS, NO. «B GHESTNUI "" wl'ltEaXV-- ---- ----- - First Premium awarded by Franklin Instl. J%TX thteto MARTIN LEANS. Manutoiturer o! /Y\ _ MASONIC MAKES, : ’ « PINS, EMBLEMS, AO;, Aft New and original deslgna .of Masotalo Marks,: Tern £.“* Medals. Army Medals and Corps Badges rt ■very dwiriDtteD coMw.thXa^mi JAB J 3. JHUMDLHR,snccesaor to JOHN HHINDIiER * SONS, Ball Makers, No. 300 NortirDKIiAWARB .avenue, Philadelphia. , ' All work doneln thabest manner and onttie lowest fectaaUa/ “jj orable terms, and warranted to give per- Paitlcnituf attention given to repairing. SpJF ! v ;r -‘ e : BICHABPSON, Kendall, master, la now o_4UcharBlDg an(ier genera) order at Bo>ith street wiiftn,' (Consignees will please attend-to the reception of their . goods.: FErBB WRIGHT BON3, 115 Walnut street. .t: no24tf • * OK WEW YORK. . fria Delawareand E-iritan. Canal. The and I|ew .'- :a Company* ftfe ■ Steam leave DAILY from Sjtaw^iwiis Thla Line eonne&a with »li Sortiern »nd .. , weightreceived at^weßt rataL :iii ;-; •* >'■■ . _gOB bavatoah. ga. , irae .PhllftaaiJhla. anil Bonthem Man »S*4f 8 “ uaar Uierialter-Tlz.: DecamlSiSjS?. ' Cabin pt(s£aj:e,»'s : Decl:ilo., *l6. GB.vt3»i Albany; ek. «orrfomloiery7AK7 «??hs' dS«a IS?Hi a l? a^.* nnall > Htu *ter & GammeU. . ' For freight or passage, apply to • - '.. ‘ ‘ WM. L. JaMES. General Agent. 8612 • ■ - 1 SHSontfa Wharvea. SjClfiSfcTHE, PHTT.ATTIiLLPgIA AND SOUTH EKtiAIAn,BTKAMHHTP. COMPANY’S JCTMTTT.AH ' The first-dam Steamship . *• • • •: , ■ ; JUNIATA. w.,T _ 1,200 tonfl “Rl*ter. P F. Hoxie, Mister, i: XS I r,?2hsS l^, lec ? vtaß ,rei S ht for too above port at below bprttce -streekon. WEDNESDAY. E«dM i|,llt “ a on SATdBDAY,Dec. 151b,at will leave NEW OBLEiNSon BATUB DATi December SSthi This Steamer bas suj.rl „ State Booms, ana o'tbei accommodations for ' ■- ttbln passage Beck do., 130, Jrelght taken at low rates. 1 , No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail lug day. c . "t*" .t-** g^?.?sii?e iL9 rreanß A? lfsalS ' Orevy, Nickerson A to., who will give careful attention to. shipment oi poi < nta. t 0 t,a^ Veatoa ‘ * lo * l *l e * Vicksburg, and Interim t For fielgbt orpassage, apply to • 1 " - - WbL L. JAMES. General Agent,* * 814 Sontb Wharves. FOB WILMINGTON, N. C. . SHyiMS TKE PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTH BTEAMRH H* COMPANY’S REGULAR IJNX. from Seoosd Wharf below SPRUCE street. The BrsPclsss steamship PIONEER, captain J Ben nett, lor WILMINGTON, wUI on THDRSDAY December WthTaidSiuS bATGBDAY .Deceember 15th. at 10‘o’clock A. M.. and otot alternate Satorday thereafter-visn December 23th, January mh. 4c, ■ bestattendance! 1 fln<l enperlor ■octnnjnbditabiia and passage, *2O; .Deck dd*, *lO. Freight earned at low rates Nofrelght received ox bills-of lading signed on sail reserved fin sea Agents al Wilmington, WORTH & DANIEL, who wfil give especial attention to forwarding goods ad. dressed to thelpcare to and from the Interior. For freight or passage, apply to ' „ . WM.L. JAMES. General Agent, ee!2 ■ - ' - ’•- 314 booth Wnarsyas ~~ ~T~ 'KsBM& STEAMHHB? LINE DIRECT. tbom macs post xrfisr fipjidais FROM PINE BT. WHARF, pmr.ADieT.wnTa /AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON, The steamshlp NORMAN, Captain Crowell,'will sail Horn 1 bllAdelphla on Satorday, Dec. 8-h, at 10 A. M. .Ther steamship ROMAN, Captain-Baker, will sail Horn Boston on Monday. Dec, inthi at s T» u The Une between PhlladelphU and Boston Is now composed of the ■ BpMAN (new), Captain Baker, MBB tonsbnrthan. BARON, Captain Matthews, uso tons earthen. - HORMANTOaptaIn Crowell, Iso3 tons bortham These snbetanual and well appointed steamihlßs will sail pnnctoallyAa advertised and freight will be bShtorSS^^e 1 * * te ““ r *** «IWM» « »he Shippers are reqnestsd to send BOM of lading with their goods. ■ • Forftelghtorpsgssge'having snperlgr aecommoda tions, apply to HENRY WINBOK A CO,, ans SB Booth Delaware av«mna THROUGH AXR-LLNE POTHE SOUTH XWatCr-.'. - ; A wn W iKI I . ; AND KOEFOtLB THROUGH RECEIPTS TOg?EW > BERN. ■ Also, man points In NORTH 3d SOUTH CARO LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNCHBURG, VA., TENNESSEE, and tha WR3T PETERSBURG AND SOUTHB2DB The regularity, safety and shortness of this rente, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend'it to the public as the most desirable medium for carry ing every description of freight. No Charge for «waTP fagjfrn t dm l yiftyft J 97 gffly CTpoynsfc of transfer. Steamships Insure at lowest rates, and leave rests laxly from the first wharf above Market street' Freight received daily. ' WM.P.CLYIMBdsOO., selO . , 14 North mid H South : j£gS&jL' i HAVAHA STEAMERS. : Tijiflitfl BKMI-MONTHI.YLINH. •me steamships HENDRICK MUDfIOW... . ~ : Kowa STABS AND STRIPES . , Oapt. Holme! These gteamerawlll-leave.thls port lor Havas* every other SATURDAY, at 8 A M. The BteamShlp STARS AND STRIPES, Holmes master, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY HORS ING, December 18’h, at 8 o’clock. Passage to Havana (80. No freight received after Thursday, ■ for freight or passage, apply to " ’THOMAS WATTSON & BOSS, ana) no North Delaware avenus b(±sv» EXPRESS USE TO ALEX aBBSH.AimRIA, Georgetown and Washington via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connection) at Alexandria, Vo., arm the meat direct rente fin Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, NtahvJUe, Dalton ant the Southwest, Steamers leave Hiss Wharf above Market iire» every Wednesday and Saturday at U M. Por freight apply to the agents, W. P. CLYDE a CTO., _ . „ It North Wharves, o^-.A^SS 1 2iS5i Geoip! * awn: *■““*«* i FOR HEWBKRN. N. ft. VT* W.T.'Vt. WjMmfff BETH GITY, EDEN TON AND PLY MOUTH, N. C. . The steamer HANNAH SOPHIA, Tetf, master. wtU commence loading on MONDAY next loth lost., and having) early all ter cargo engaged, will be promptly despatched. . For freight, apply to m UNION EX PRESS BIN E TOB ALTI MORE, via,, CHESAPEAKE AND Ux LAWARE CANAIj, Philadelphia ar d Baltimore Union Express Steam* boat Company will leave thesecond wharf below Arch street every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 P. M. Freight taken at low rates. For Height or passage, apply to ‘ . JOHN D/RUOFF. No. 116 North Delaware avenue. FOB NEW YORK..-Pntuaeiphl» atom 9A(b£ Profiler Company—Despatch ana Swift sure Uses, via Delaware and Raritan Canal—Leavlm dally at 12 M. and 5 P. M. cunnectiAg'with all On Northern and Eastern Lines For will v e takes on aocommodatlin w ajdKTT ia STEAMER FOR SALE.—The last sailing coppered -and copper, fastened Steamer HELEN GKTT Y (side wheel), 408 tonsO. St. 180 reetlong, 24E feet beam; depth of hold 8 feet e Inches; draws 5 feet 4 inches water: bnilt of live oak and red cedar. Apply to. E. A. SOUDBR A OO. r sal2-tf' Pock Street Whart IK h NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. and' OSX3APMd£ entail HOW-BOAT COMPANY. EAROIiS towed to and from putt, a fmT.wyrr. HAVBE-DEJ3BAOE, BALTIMORE wabGTw; TON,and intermediatepoint*. ;. . WH. P. CLYDE A Oa.AKena, No. 14 Sonth Wharves. PhnaflalnMn , Captain JOHN LAUQHLIN. Sntrerintendmt. FOR LAGUAYRA' AND PUERTO OA «B8i BELLO.—The Br. bark WHITE W£«G, Pike. master, will sail SATURDAY,ISth Inst., for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN DALLETT d CO, lrB Walnnt street. de7 ig&t FOR . .ANTWERP. —Petroleum.—The first dTvtyv class ship UNCLE JOK, Captain Sewall, will have immeaiate despatch for the above port. Forfi eight or passage, apply to WORKMAN AOO., 123 WALNUT Btreet. . nos ’ Jg*. -FOR. ANTWERP.—The A 1 bark ESTHER wK Captain Prince, Is now loading for the above ~~ pert. Forfrelght or passage, apply to WORK MAN A CQ., 123 Walnut street. ae 24 ; jSfc WANTED TO PURCHASE.—A centre-board Vessel, snitable lor grain trade. Not over three old, and not over 26 feet 4 inches beam Apply to EDMUND A.SOUDEBA CO., No, 3 DoS street, : ~ .. ~ ...... ■ ......... no 3 CoHCONER, TWO SISTEBS* from; wreck of ship to Merrimac; will commence discharging under general order, on Wednesday Decemberlthfat IPM.’ Consignees will please attendtd the reception of their goods. PETER. WRIGHT A.SONS, vlls Walnnt SCHOONER' FAREWELL;- from -wreck’ of ship’ Merrlmac, wm commence ..discharging . nnder general o der.. on Thursday, December 6th at 7 A. M. Lods gnees wlllpUase attend to ihe reception of their goods, PETER WRIGHT: & BONB. liS Walnut street.-...... ■ des-tf SCHOONER A. BOBER'PSON, Merritt, master, from wreck of ship Merrlmac, will commence dtacharg mg. under general orders at Sbippen street wbarl on Satnrday; December. Ist,, at I P.-M. Oonalgneos wlil Yedeptiondf their goods., FETTER WBIQHT A80N9,115 Walnotstreet., . 1 del-tf ATOTICE,—AH persona are hereby cautioned against i v l Lusting any ofthe crew of the Br bark B3.LTA SABA, Wilson, master from New Castle, England.'as po debts of their contracting will be paid either by master or consignees. B a. BOUDER A GO.- N 0.3 Deck street. • • deast BISHOP, BON AGO., No, 105 Arch street. WM, H. BAIRD* 00„ No. 182 Bonth Delaware avenns. MBAt SOTiOtS. Ki^^aTciTHimNE^VES^ate“a^iwdo b w of raid decedent.haa filed 1b saldffinrt VPflementa, and thatfhe fewer feftt I^FDCOra^^ 1 EH?SaDELPrfII-Eatei l airf JOSHUABEOWN.^eceaied.. by the Court to audit, settle and adjust thea'cconnirSf WILLI AMBCOTTsnd CL-.YTON tors of the last will of JOSHUA BBoWaTdeceSSSt atw to report distilbotlon of the balance InthtfhaniTj of the accountant, will meetthe parties interested!™- the pnrtioae of bn appointment, on' IUEoDAY the Wb of December, A. 1X1866, at 3 o’cloca, pfSH atS» Offlw. 134 South. 61X1H street ■' in the city arpniK WULM^BCISv?^ i ,deS;W.f,tn,st« . .. Auditor, ■ ■ TllJli OEPHAJSS’ COURT FOK JHE.Cray . CODSTY_OP PHI LADELPHIA.—Estate KEWIIiIJ,. deceased,—The Auditor appointed by.the'Conmo audit; settl eland adjust; the ?^t n^ < ?. UL ?SS ENT B - to the Estate of WALTER S. M WHAe£ 'deceased, asp to report distribution oft; e Balance In tbe bands or the accountant, will meettbe parties Interested for on HOaDAf.'.lli * D.P.BBO^.da^,, des wfm.otj Y, Administrator ofthe.eg- HEIL(G;”S?anSS^S report tilrtribnilon of tbe balance in the hands nr the Bcconi tant, will me- 1 the parties IntSeltS? Tot SS pnrppee ofhlB appoints eat, oa TOKSnAY gtfgetjr in tlie city uf PiiJ ! ad Q lphia. - THOS.H.SP E&BiUX&tp Auditor. • des-wAm-st« - ORPHANS CODST F(»R- THE CITY >OBEHt'bttrtmn )F HW-—Estate of .F,® - Tie Auditor appointed by me wlsn RTliTrfw 16 *^ d i a^? st . tta recount-, of E*. <mT^srsF? T S 1, ‘ 4dm)nlsttator of KOBEKT BUB rfP°n distribotion of the balance j SO /v. t^e beconftLarit, will meet the' parties inaeateo orbiaappoionaaent onifoN ?,£?• ■R5 c ™?L tr 17in ) 18 “ al fur o’clock P. M, at his tont “ elreet, intbecityof CLEMENT B.*PEDROS Ej . aea:wjm-6t» . . . : . - Auditor. TN i - 4ToV?,rvviTS^4sS s is ot,BT ' l,oll the city Th^^\s < TA f vfn8 t 4ESi lI 'mP ELPHIA -TE st *teot K»-.i*r® TATLOK, dfec*d.—The Auditor appointed bylbfi{ OQlt tO.&Qdlt,BAttl6Uii) sdjost thfi ftiwinnf hr JbOBEBT McKfiIGRT anA WIZiJAM BSKrBr,£ f Bxecatorsof THOMaB TAYLOB, deceL^uSa^Sl 1 repon distribution of tbe balance In the hanaaoftne Accountant, will nceettbe parties interested for the porpoaes of bis appointment, on M* JSTDa Y, 17th Ime,, atJo’c3pdr,at7Ss WAUiPT iftreet: in tte cUvfoi a a. nuTuHussoSL des-w/ t m-st* -• ~ • -•- • -Auditor. IK THE ORPnAMt-’ COURT. TTITt TtTK; nw AND COUKTY OF PHILADELPHIA.-Estate of 1 AVIS, Deceased—The Auoltoraopouited by.the Conrt to andJt, settle and adjust theHrgt A<> I, ?, E , as 8 lB Executor of.ahd IS 3 ?* Dnder v,tbe last will of ThomaaDavls; deceased? J e - ort distribution of the balanceJmthe hands XfJi£i!S? >I,n fti£ p - wU - 1 meel l be parties Interested'for the purposes ol his appointment on TtfDK'DAy Do? S“ te t <=!“?*. A.M., at iheoffle^of reon, A. V. PABSONB, No. 260 South PlETflt street,. In the City of Philadelphia. 'noSo fxn.wStJ - court for-the city. OF jPHIXiABELPHIAJ—Estate(rf , I ¥i' TOHRiR, deceased. The Auditor polnied by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ae» oopot of LEWIS "YORKER: Administrator of Sf SS? add to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested" ibr'tfie" appointment, onXDESDAY,'Decem * o’clock P. M,. aVhls office. No. 411 CHESTKtfI* street; in the cityof Philadelphia. ••- ' i- JAMBS LYND. > . . Auditor, 1 IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA'-jgtote’s' CEimpß TAYLOB. deceased. The; Auditor .apL pointtdby the Court to audit. Bettis and adjoatthe second account of QBQBQB B. TAYLOB. tor of the B state of GKOKGE TAY LO&,deceased/ radforeport.distribution of the balance in the hSeS of the accountant, will.meet the-parties Interested. Jbr the purpose of hla appointment, On'THUBSDAY 1 2 ec fS b SJ>. I fJIS& et o’clock. P. M., at his office! WALNUT street. Boom No. 20. in the cjty oi- Philadelphia. • HENBY PHliiSps; Jt£"" nos&-fro,w,st« - ■ - -SnAg^r- OBPHAHS’-COOBT, FOK IHB.CEEYV ASD.OOONTY OF PHIDADixPHIi;- Es&te, s B UIiUB, Deceased.—The A-Udltorappoln t-‘ ed by theConrt to audit. settle and adjust the Second : Aa»nnt of JOHNHUiME and WIDIIAM HSSBYj of, and Trosteea under the iwit will of Th omas Halm* deceased and dfetri- 1 bntfonrf the balance In the hands of th<> will meet the parlies. Interested f-oi the parpoaeoiwit appointment, on MONDAY', December lOtm-lfcA at 11' p ' THEOBPHaNR’ COURT BOR THE CITY ANI> COUKTY Ot' PBILADKLPHiA. *— £stat6 of SABAHA.EMBRY,dec’II. TheAuditorappointedby to audittSettle. and adjust.the acconnt,_of JOSEPH H. COMJLY, idmlnlstrator, de bools non. *c.» of estate of Sarah A, Emery late of too Twenty third Ward of the dty of PhiUdelphTa, and to report distribution of thebalanceln the hands of the accountant, will meet the parttmlnterested tor the purpose of hla appointment, on THURSDAY. the tthTteenOi day of December, 1866, at 11 o’clock: A. M., at his office, No. 507 RACE street, In the city of Phil*, deipbla. JOS. ABRAMB^ no2B , Auditor* T N .,TIFS„£ E EF AI;s ’ ooust fob thecity OOUCiTYtpjF PHXL&IJEUHIA.-Eatitei £ABaH MEbABT, deceased. .-..., „ „ T . he^ uo . lt £ r appointed by the Court to audit. settle: and sdjustthe account of JOHN G POSTER Exer.nv torof .Be t eaiateof SARAH HEOsRY, dec’n. aniT'to report distribution of the balance in ■be bands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the 1 purprseqf his appointment, on MONBAY, Dece-n -,at 3 ° P. M., at bi» office No ns, South FIPTH street, in the City of de3m,w.f,st» 'TO L. DENNIS, Auditor. IN THE OBPRAKS’ COTTBT FOB THE CTEY ANI) COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA*—Estate of dec*d —The auditor appointed , i d TW l l? ! 4^ BI f fl t a^ast - account oT AUSE Administrator of said Estate, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of txe accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pnrpos* of hjs appointment, cn MONDAY. Dec. ¥** atlli3 Office, No. H 3 South FIFTH street, In the city of Philadelphia. WM, L. DENNIS, Auditor. no2B-w,f,m-st« F? THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR Twin nrfy AND COUNTY OFPHILADELPHIA.-EatoWof ALFRED c. BURR, dec’d.—The petition of 3£areare& Burr, widow of said decedent, with appraisement of property elected to be retained under Act of April 14. 1851. has been filed and will be approved by: the Conrt on SA^Ppi>AY, Decend>er 8, 1866, poles* exceptions* «f®Wfd thereto, GEO. M. CON AS ROE, -Bo2B*w,tin*3t* Attorney for Widow, F i'N THE OBPHANB’ COURT POR THE CITY A AND OOUATT OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of aAC MYERS, deceased.—The petition of SaRAH MYERS,widow of said decedent,with appraisement of ?Sr„°A?!j' r A ope^t ?i,?! ec ' e ? to be retained by her under act of 14th April, 1851, and supplements, has been filed, and will beapproved by the Conit on SATURDAY! December Bth, 1866, unless exceptions be filed thereto. J. -H EDWARDS, . _ Attorney for Widow L-.nRS TEST Alt'’ to th» no27*tn.f,4t* , ETTEBS TESTAMENTARY having been granted i_4 to toe subscriber upon the Estate or VITO VITL deceased, unpersons Indefcttd to the iune will make ES? n ISP!s, tul “ those having claims preaent them to FRANCIS A. VITI, 149 South FRONT street, or to' SAMUIL CASTNXR, SO2 South DELAtSARS avenue. • noj|«» TV STATE OF JOHN W. ODIOR.VE, dec’d.-Lettera Aj oJAdmlnistrationnponsaid. Estate hvrinebeea THISDaY granted to the undersigned, all persona In debted are requested to make payment, arid those ■ having o alms or demands are requested to make the ,BOtoe known to ANJSIE I. ODIORSE, Admlnistral tr'x. 80. 832 N. BROAD street, or to her Attora®v JAMES VV. XiATTArNo. 123 S IXTH sl n°e f S COP^ErapSBDDPS. iTVIt-SOLFTION OE COPaRTN ERSH £P.-The co- M. MESIKB REESE, i W. HENRY REESH, _ JACOBS.'REESE. Phtladelphia, Dec. 1, 1886. . NOTICE.—The nnderaignea ; L'fi 6m3{| l vw ‘ “Qder the Firm name p/ ®¥-9BQR B REBsk to SONS, and •will continue CHBMJvDT Street Commiasion businesi, at No. 325 M. KESTEB REESE, • W HENRY REESE, ’ _- ■'■' JACOB B. REESE. Phila.,Dcc. Ist, ISSS. <Jell2tl THE' ~ CO- PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing trader the rame ot HAHVJSY * PARIS lsTthla oay dissolved bv,mutual The buatneea will hereafter bo conducted by B. FEasK p aßis " M. L ‘ «A=tVJSY. : X>ec. A 1866. ldes 3t*J B FRANK PARIS.* 1 OST OB MIMAID, T OST OB MIHLAEdT - : JLj SCRIP Issued by the Penn Mutual Ufa InsurancE Company as follows; . no. 798, issued 1852,. for 410 00. ; “ *B4, ' “ 1854, “ 20 00. “ 913, 11 1855, “ 10 00. „ ‘ 1856, , •• 10 00. . “ 988, .■« 1857, “ 20 00. • 188, •• 1858 •• 20 OOT : : . " 963, •• 1859; •• 30 oo: 1,081, “ 1859, extra 70 00. ’'v - -■ 1 _ ■ 921' . •* —.1860,5' *• '’3o 00 "'" , Theiibder will be suitably rewarded bv rpt’.-.-.j •. them to the Penn Mutual lift Insurance OEftli p nut sboye Ninth street, orat No, SDoclustreeSi Phiuskuhia, Nov. 1.1866. ' : i ,0^ Preston Steam/£AtJ§|bi^ ! WASHING, STARCHING, , AND CLEANSING; IN ALLvITS!i*St: _ b *BT work at lowest '' v Office, 1309 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers