Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 07, 1866, Image 5
BE CO N D BDIXIO-N. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM ALABAMA A GLEAM OF COMMON SENSE. THE AMENDMENT RECOMMENDED. ACTION OF THE LEGISLATURE. FATAL . SHIPWRECK Loss of the , Bteamor. Suwanae-'' Fifteen. Lives Lost. FROM CANADA. THE ARREST OF SURRATT. Alleged* Complicity of Jeff. Davis. : The Alabama legislature. [To .the New York Associated Press.] Mobile, Dec. 6.—A special despatch ;tb tbs Advertiser and Register, from Montgo |nery, dated.to-day, says: “The Governor sent a message to both Houses of the Legislature to-day,' stating that events Of the most vital character are now transpiring with reference to our rela tions in the Union, and he expresses the apprehension that the stability of onr affairs jnay be suddenly broken np. The Radicals are determined, at all hazards, to enforce their terms of restoration, and threaten to reverse onr progress towards tranquillity. The cardinal principle of ..restoration seems to' he favorable action oh the Constitutional Amendment. He thinks its ratification ne cessary, and suggests that onr foil restora tion may follow*.” The Senate referred the message to the Committee on Federal Relations, bat the House adjourned pending its consideration. The contents of the message caused much excitement, as the majority of both Houses is opposed to the ratification. Judge Bnsteed has decided that payments of debts in Confederate money are void. The Wreck of the Steamer Sn wanee. [To the N. Y. Associated Press.] , Wilmington, N. C.,.Dec. 7.— Thesteamer Suwanee, from New York, bound to Brazos de.Santiago, with a cargo of arms and am munition for the Republic of Mexico, foun dered at sea off Frying Pan Shoals, -on fhe morning of the 4th inst. The captain, passengers and' crew took to. the ; life boats ■ a few minutes before' the ship went down. The following persons' were saved: J. W. Catharine, Captain, wife, and two children; A. P. Smith, Second As sistant Engineer; James N. White, First Steward; W. N. Brooks and John Smith, Seamen; James Gill and James Morphy, firemen,- James Shay, coal passer, and another of the crew, name unknown; Dr, Hadden, of Jersey City, Joseph Farrier, Mexican merchant, and Frank Badger, passengers. The following are missing: Robert Pickens, Jr., first officer; Charles F, Fry, second officer; Henry Naples, first en gineer; W-. H.-Crawford, first assistant engineer; Henry Barstow, second steward; Wm. Brown, and John Norman, seamen; George Kirk, oiler; Theo, Martin, coal passer; Hngh Simpson, fireman; F. R. Shultz, supercargo; two cooks and two sea men, names unknown.-- The Sowanee was owned by’Messrpi Simons & Corry, of Phi ladelphia,and Elijah Cat tell, of New Jersey, —The steamship C. W. Lord encountered the same gale on the moraingof the 4th, and lay in a dangerous position for some time when, repairing her sails and steering gear she reached port without material damage From Canada. [To New York Associated Press,] Ottawa, Dee. 7. —Hod. Messrs. Campbell, Cockburn and Chapin left for Montreal last evening. The Executive Council will meet in that city, and it is understood that the Governor-General will be present at the meeting. •All of our steamersare going into winter quarters. About ten tonß of specimens from the Geological Department are to be sent to the Paris Exhibition this week, Drs. Hunter and Richardson are in charge. Sir William Eogan will attend the Exhibition. Great efforts are being made to procure the best specimens of minerals, : &c., that Canada can produce. The Bank of Montreal, upon closing its Chicago agency, is to make arrangements to afford the necessary facilities for the transaction of Canadian business there. The Herald of this city publishes extracts from letters written by a citizen of Mon. treal, who served in the American army and afterwards was in the Papal service. When in the South he became acquainted with John H. Surratt, whom he identified, in Italy, serving in the Zouaves. This person informed the Ame rican Ambassador at Rome, who sent for instructions to Seward. In conversation, Surratt is reported to have said that the assassination of President Lincoln was planned at Richmond and with the assent of Jeff Davis. This informant against Surratt is now on his way to Washington. The Mexican Troubles. [By tlie U. S. Associated Press.! New Orleans, Dec. 6.— The Galveston Bulletin of the 4th inst, says “it has private information that Escobedo and, Canales met as friends; that Escobedo now commands the city of Matamoras, and that the Ameri can forces were subsequently withdrawn from the city.” This, however, is doubtful, as the Cincinnati Commercials despatch of the 30th of November makes no mention •fit. A Washington letter of the 3d, published in Matamoras, says instructions to Minister Campbell contain the following points; -FTrsf—Thatthe United States doeanotre cognize, neither will it recognize any gov ernment in Mexico other than that of the constitutional IPresidency of Mr. Juarez} and that they do , not purpose, neither do they wish to acquire any' part of' Mexican territory; that they do not recognize in any manner the claims of France; and they are willing to extend to Mexico any aid with the object to quell local disorders whenever required by the constitutional government of Mexico, or her authorities, without pro posing to interfere in -any manner in the domestic squabbles of the country. From' Alabama. [To the New York Associated Press.] Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 6.— The papers of this State generally oppose the recent position taken by Judge-Busteed in favor of the adoption of the Congressional amend ment, and charge him with having aban doned the true interests of the people whom he professes to represent, i - - Accident to the Steamer Kalahdin. [By the U. S. Associated Press.] Boston, Dec. . 7.—The steamship Kalah din, from Bangor, has arrived here and re ports that she strnbk a rock' near Camden, last evening, and knooked a hole in her bot tom, She is leaking badly. From Georgia. ** . [To the N. Y, AssociatedJPrass.] . Savannah, Ga., Dec. 6.—The accounts from the cotton crop, from-this State, are less favorable, although some of the plant ers are widely at variance in their state ments. The majority, however,' express great disappointment at the result of the yield, which-.turned out far less than they anticipated before the picking. From klorlda. [To the N, Y. Assodattd Press.]. Tallahassee, Deo. 6. — The r. House of Representatives of this State have taken up the report of the Committee to whom the Constitutional Amendment was referred, and by unanimous vote agreed to that re port. The report, it will be remembered, recom mended the rejection of the amendment. German Reformed Cbnreb, [BytheN. Y. Associated Press.] ' Dayton, Ohio.Dec. 7. —The General Synod of the German Reformed Church adjourned sine die last evening. The question upon the adoption of the majority report recommend ing the optional use of the revised liturgy was carried in the affirmative .by a vote of 64 to 58. Consecration of aßlsbop. ITo New T ork Associated Prtss.] Detboit, Tec.7.—Rev. E. W. Armitage, of this city, was to-day consecrated the As sistant Bishop of Wisconsin,at the Episcopal Church, with imposing ceremonies. Tnere were in attendance twelve bishops and se venty clergymen. The Steamer Africa. [By the U. S. Associated Press.] Halifax, Dec. 7.— The steamship Africa, from Boston, arrived at B.SO last evening, and sailed again at 10.15 for Liverpool. Bblp News. [To the New York Associated Press.] New- York,- Deo. 7.— Arrived, steamer Europe, from Havre, with dates to the"22d ultimo. Gold. . rßy.theU.S. AssodatedPress.] . New York, Dec. 7.—Gold opened atlSg. ■ Financial intelligence, . ■ _■ [By the United States Assodattd Press.] i Niw_Yobk, Dec. 7.—-The following-are-the qnota tiOßS of Btc<&'fit 10,30 o'clock, thlsmornlne pah. flcmall, l’DJbia, l'l3i asked: Atlantic) ma11,103)4 bld t 104 'asked; Canton, 43 bid, 46 asked; Com-eriand. «8 bid,l7o asked; Quicksilver, « .bid, 44K asked: Mariposa, VX234 b'd, - )8 asked; ■ NeS York Central, noil bid: Erie Ballrotd, 71 bid; Hodson Blver Railroad, 120)4 bid, 121 asked: Beading Jb*Wd.ui* asked; iilinots Central, 117* Wd“u?i aaktd; Weatein Union Telegraph,46)4 bid; Boston Wa ter Power, mi bid, sojf asked; - Cleveland and Pitts burs-h. mi bid, mi asked; Botk Island, lv3J[ bid, 103% _ „ UNITED STATES SECURITIES. Unite* Ftates Sixes 1881, 112 bid, US A.ked- s-so’s asked: 1864* bid, 106)4 asked; 1865 107 bid. 107J4 asked; unit, d states lO4o’s, luO bid, liOJs asked; United States 7 80 a, first serlea. 105)4 bid, bld - 105?1 “ ked: ' Markets. New Yobk. Dee. 7th.-G01d,138’4; Exchange, 9?,' at Bight. 10)4; 6 2G’s, 1882, coupons. los)i; do 1884.1081,': do 1868.107].: new Issue, i08)4; KMo’s. coupons, lift 7 20’s first Is* ue. 105J4; second and third, 103)4. stocks Call and lower. Money at 6@7 per cent; Rxcep tional Joars 6; Missouri Vs, s£ Ohio and Mlssltslppl Certificates, 28U; Boston Water Power 3i?4: Cumberland Preferred, .68;. California Q*icksl>vtr Mines. 44; Western Union Telegraph Co . 46)4; N Y. Central. 110)4; Erie. 71; Hudson River, 120)4; Reading, UOX: Michigan Central, 11-; Michigan South ern, 79; Illinois Central, 117)4: Cleveland and Pitta brrgh. Cleveland and Toledo. 11!: Rock Island 102)4 Northwestern, 81)4; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1C4)4, CITY BVXJUBXra. Larceny of a , Watch. —Henry Robin son has been committed, in default of $l,OOO bail, to answer the charge of the larceny of a watch from a house on Tiega street. The Great Remedy of the Age for teethlDg, pains, cramps, flatulency sleeplessness. See. in children, is Bowm’s Enfant Cokotal. No lamily should be without it. “Liebig’s Food,” for infants and invalids. Bower, Sixth and Vine Btreets. Price 11 00. Druggists’ Sundries and Fancy Goods, SNOWDEN dk BROTHEB. Importers, . 23 South Eighth street. Benbow’s: Soaps.— Elder Flower, Turtle Oil, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower. Mnsk, Rose, Sec. _ SNOWDEN & BROTHER, Importers. 23 South Eighth street. Ladies’ Trusses, Braces, and Me chanitai Suprorts adjusted by competent females at •Resales’,” Twelfth street, first door below Race. Ca a^Dl^.^?s”^^^ ndaeeJ ' stockings, Knee Dr. Fitler advises gratis, rfom 10 to 1, at his office, 29 Son h Fourth street. The only man living who can permanently erne Rheumatism, Neuralgia! Gout, Asthma. Cure warranted or no charge, Elastic Supporting Bandages for Ladies’and Infanta* use. These Incomparable Bands lor sale at 'fNeedles* Truss and Brace Store,” Twelfth street, first door below Baca . (Conducted by Ladies Mujaviro is the name, (nrobahly .Rus sian.) of the most delfcions Perfume that ever came in contact with onr olfactory nerves. We recommend every one to try it. For sale by aU the prlnclpal Draegiits,— Boston Daily Traveller. The name is sweet m itself—“ Sweet Opoponax,” and as charmingly attractive to the fashionable world, as Hie shy delicate blushes creeping op to the forehead of beauty ■ It 1b a most exquisite perfume-rso purely fragrant and so lasting. One drop on a handkerchief will last a week. ■ It Is stainless. £. T.SMITH & CO., New .York, Bole Proprietors. City Railways in New Orleans.—A letter from New Orleans, says: Perhaps no city in the world has a more complete chain of railroads than we have at this time, or will have when the roads now in progress of construction are completed. A stranger visiting New Orleans can ride over all the main streets, and can see, at a very small coßt, all the curiosities of the Crescent City. There have been greatimprovements in this respect within the past two weeks. General Beauregard is having the Baronne street track cleared to-day, and I presume the new cars will he running in a few more days. Dangers of Unslaked Lime.—A fire was caused in a singular manner near Loughton, England, on the 12th ultimo. During the heavy rain, at the bleaoh mill belonging to Mr. Pickering, an outhouse, with its contents, a cart, ploughs, &c., were all destroyed by the rain communicating wi h some unslaked lime coatained iu the building, which soon Ignited. , £ Long Sleep.— A case of prolonged lethargy has occurred near Tvetot, in France. A young man aged twenty has now been, sleeping for about three weeks Grueb and a email quantity of wine are passed down his throat’ every day. His resniration and pulse are regular. He is said to have lain in a similar state for 'afort night three years back. , •, THE DAILY EVENING BILSgf'IN.—PfiIEADELPHIA. FEIDiY. DEGEMBER 7, 1866. WE OFFER FOR SALE, $250,000 7 Per Cent, CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS OF THEHUNTJNGDON A ND BROAD TOPMOUN TAIN RATT.ROAD AND GOAL COMPANY! ATTO. THESE BONDS AT THE A BOVH PBIOE WILL YTELD THE HOLDERS NEARLY. » PEB CENT. PER ANNUM- AND AID TWKNBY-ONK PEB C> NT. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT MATURITY. FOB FURTHER INFOBMATTON APPLY TO SAILER & STEVENSON, Bankers, No l»i South Third Street -de4-6tTSp ; Opposite Slrsrd Bank.’- NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC Jos, T Bailey, Ben). Rowland, Jr., Wm. H-Rhawn, Wm. Ervlen, SamL A. Blspham, Nathan HllleA Edw. B. Orne,: Osgood Welsh, Fred. A, Hoyt, 1865 5-20’S . EXCHANGED FOR ms, and market difference in price allowed. 7.80’5, 5.20>5, 1881’fl, lMtfa and Oompoond interest Efotes Bought and Bold* DREXEL Sc CO., 84 SOUTH THIRD BTBEET. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. The largest and beat assortment of Wig*. Tonpee*. Long Hair Braid* and Onrlß, Water-fall*, Victorina*, Fri letteg, Illusive Beam* for Ladies. At prices LOWEB Hum elsewhere, (mh»-r» 909 OHESTHUT STREET, JHE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. r'^?<,°£,F E * ,liB YLVANlA.—Philadelphia, Dea 8,-ltf6. The annual election for DIRECTORS of this tovbtiav eti 1 ‘he Banking Home, oo WED, , 9t £ ? a ? ° f January, 1867. between the JsootsoT 10 0 clock. A. ll.,and 2o’clock. P. M. de7 fr,to,tja9} 8. 0. PALMIER. Cashier. A merman mutual insurance company, SthS &£ Tfiiilaio On!g, SIRBO ‘PfiUrtft Peter Cullen, J. Johnston Brows), B»mnel A. Bolen, M»son Hntohln*, “I’JUt OOUNTY USB IWBUKAKCB WEIGH NO. UP BOOTH FOURTH tWPMM —1 - BMOwYIIUMBW uV. Inipnncft Oomnoy of tht donsty ot •SSSSTIon or • •■•• CHAKTEB PHBPKTITAI^ *W? I SLSt?T, l Map!* owfltoJ 55!* ??,n t i? fent n fall n e * Jnvestea oentlraaiMla- LoMMMVaitedM^ iiffl ponffllt dMPSHk guirieoJ. Hotter, I Bdwinik BrnOdl, ®°*2* | Joseph Koari, 2»£‘W, ISSS&gSk ptPKBIAL RSUKESh-10 Oases Tffi; Ganlflten; blfto •venue. . E&WXLGAVEN, M**oxii:xan; TlOHCLestmit Btra«t, A Fresh Imputation of CHOICE LACE CURTAIN?, Tapestry Bordered Term* SATINS AND SATIN DAMASK, Rob*, Crimson, Blua, Oreen and. Gold. all of the newest designs fbr CURTAINS FURNITURE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES COLORS AND STYLES. NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. Having disposed of the larger portion of these DESIRABLE SECURITIES, We will continue to offer them Only till December 30th, (If not preYlously disposed of), AT THE LOW PRICE OP. 80. After that date, should any remain unsold, the price wil be advanced. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, deftfdewJ • 809 and 811 fibeitnut Street, PTTTT.A'mCT.PTTTA, Capital 9500,000. Full Paid: DIRECTORS, PRESIDENT, WILLIAM H. EHAWN, CARTTHTR, JO6SFH P. WILLIAM CRAIG, President, _ PETER-CULLKN,VICaPUSIuBI, ROBKBT J, MEE, Secretary, wraiiaas, THU® EDITION. THE LATEST FOREIGN SEWS. By tine -Atlantic Cable ADVICES UP TO NOON TO-DAY. THE FENIAN EXCITEMENT. Corea Blockaded by the French. Commercial and Financial Affairs, PROM WASHINGTON. A Note from Sir Frederick Bruce, FIRE IN NEW HAVEN. [To the U. S. and European Telegraphic News Asso ciation.] v The feqlans. London, Dec. 7, Noon.—The Post, in a strong editorial, this morning, urges that a strict inquiry be made in regard to the ex tent of the Fenian organization in England, and in what manner the depots of arms in Liverpool and elsewhere are guarded. Berlin, Dec. 7, Noon.—The Crown Prince of Denmark visited the King of. Prussia to-day. ’ ‘ Paris, Dec. 7. Noon.—The French vessels of war have blockaded Corea. Rome, Dec. 7.—The French officers who have so long been oh duty In this city; took a farewell leave of the Pope this morning. Commercial Intelligence. Liverpool, Die. 7, noon.—Cotton—The Brokers’ circular to-day reports the Of cotton for the week at 66,000 bales. The market shows a decline of id. per pound on the week. Middling Uplands being quoted at 13J. The sales to-day will reach 10,000 bales, and the market at this hour is somewhat firmer than at the opening, though quota tions remain without change. Liverpool, Dec. 7, Noon.—Breadstuff's— There is no change, to report in the Bread stuffis market Dec. 7, ‘Noon.—Provisions are without change. : London, Dec. -7, Noon."—Consols—the opening price of consols is SBi for., money. The following are, the opening prices of American securities: U. 8. 5-20’s, 71; Illi nois Central Railway scares, '77l;"Erie Railway shares, 47i. Washington, Dec. 7.—Several members of the Finance Committees' or both Houses are in conference with Secretary McCulloch to-doy. A new financial bill is being ma tured. Tbe Republican Senators are in caucus to. day, to hear the arguments of the Senators from Colorado and Nebraska .relative .to their admission into the Union as States. Napoleon has not only backed out of Mexican matters, but has notified Seward in reply to his cable despatch, that he is ready to co-operate in restoring tranquillity and also in securing the election of a new President for Mexico, I. Oc3o3mrp The President is very much exercised at the action of Congress in raising special committees to inquire into his conduct rela tive to New Orleans and other matters. {To the N. Y. Associated Press.] Washikgton, Dec. 7. —The following friendly note from Sir Frederick Bruce, on the subject of the Fenian prisoners,ha 3 been received at the State Department: Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yonr note or the 27th ultimo, re lating to the sentences of death passed on J. lynch and J. McMahon, in Canada and stating the views entertained by the Government of the United States in the vnrious considerations of law, polioy and humanity which might be expected to arise ia the course of the trials of the individuals concerned in the raid committed on Canada last spring. Immediately on the receipt of that note I transmitted a copy of it to Her Majesty’s Government, and I await their instructions on the several interesting sub jects contained in it. The course pursued by the Canadian government in bringing these causes before the regular tribunals of justice, thus curing to the prisoners the full protection the law affords to the accused, and the readiness shown by them to communicate all Bnch documents to the Consul of the United States as may throw light on the justice of the sentences and the regu larity of the. proceedings, will, I trust, satisfy the government of the United States, that, while vindicating the majesty of the law, the authorities do not conduct the pro secutions iaany vindictive or harsh spirit. I am, moreover, authorized to state that the whole question of the disposal of such of the prisoners as may be convicted, has been referred frnr decision to Her Majesty’s Government, who will certainly be animated by the de sire so to deal with it as to secure peaceand harmony between populations living in such immediate proximity, and so easily traversed., I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient hum blo servant, Frederick W. A. Bruce. To the Hon. Wm. H. Seward, &c., Ac, {By the United States Associated Press.] Fire at New llavcn. New Haven, Dec. 7.— About 3 o’clock this morning a fire broke out in the esta blishment ef the Plant’s Manufacturing Company,on Grand street. The main build ing, a large wooden struoture, was entirely 'consumed with several small: buildings atr tached, . The upper story was.occupied as.a pistol manufactory. Seventy hands have been thrown cut of employment The loss with an insurance of $lOO,OOO by ho following agents—Blasklee & North, New Haven, $2,200; Lester «fc Webb, New 8:30 O’Olcok., BY TELEGRAPH. Kingly Courtesies. • American Stocks. From Washington. [Bpedsl Despatch to the Bulletin,] Haven, /fHjSOO; Seely & Parsons, New York about 180,000. All In New York com panies. The origin of> the fire was acciden tal* Message of the Governor of Sew York. [By .the TJ. 8, associated Press,] „ - - New Yobk, Dec. 7.—The Governor sent in bis message to- the Legislature of this State to-day, and its reading created a great deal of excitement in both Houses. The Governor says, that events; of a most vital character are transpiring with reference to our relations to the Union, that wear any thing but a pleasant look. He sadly fears that the stability of affairs may be broken up by the Radicals, in their efforts at all costs, to overthrow every attempt towards the restoration of tranquillity, peace and good-will. He concludes by urging the ra tification of the Constitutional Amend ment, hoping that it may lead to a full re storation of the state of the Union. As soon as the reading of the message was concluded in the House, that body ad journed. ; From auiledgevflle. [From the United States Associated Press.] Milledgevilee, Ga., Dec. 7.—The Senate passed thej! House bill, extending the Stay law—the first third of the debts to be paid on January, 1868. J • The State granted aid to the Air Line Railroad. . Markets. - fTo New York Associated Press.] ’ wai '~*a NEwYoßK.Dec.7.—Colton very dull—upland*33c. l r ewOr.eanß, 30@37. Flour 10@15c. lower, State t 7 4o@ 11; f’hlo IC@l3: Western »7 4li@il 76; Southern |ll@l6. wheat doll and declining. Corn doll and 3@4c. lower; western mixed fi 07@l os. Oats declined l@2c, iseef qniet Port j Lard and Whisky dull Baltimobe, Xpc. 7.—Flour dull; sales of Chicago Fxtra av $ll 75. ‘Wheat steady. Corn firm and the demand for ah pment active. Oats quiet at 53@55ct0. freeda steady. Groceries duiL Defining Sugars, 9&@ iP>4* Provisions axe neglected. Mess for*, Whisky . The latest financial News. Nfw Yobk,Dec. 7. 130 P. M.-Stock« are dull and heavy; Money on call, f@7 per cenL; Sterling quiet. Chicago and Bock Island. 103%: Beading IlUi-oia Central, 111; Michigan Bouihero, 79, Cleve land and Pittsburgh 8S?4; Illinois Central, 109: Chicago and Northwestern,sl?i; Cleveland and Toledo, 112&; Pliuborjh, For. Wayne ana Chicago,lo*«: Alton ana 0 eire ijßQte 37>£; Milwaukee and &L Pool nrefeired. F 8: Chicago and G.eat Eastern. 85: Canton 48; Western Union Telegraph. <6*s, Quicksilver, 43*1; Adames Express, 75; Mariposa. >2#; ditto pruerred, 30j£; A»anticSteamsMpCo..lf3;Boaton Water P**wer 17. K: frew Yi rk Central, in >rie 71; Ne«rprvrt and New Haven* U. B 6’s, lbBl, Coupons, 113; U S. S'®, 1874, Ccnpr n, U 4; Five-twenty Conptn 6’B.n«w issue Five-twenty Crupons.lB64 106&; Treasury 7 3 Io*s 105*1 Tennesae* 6’s. 70; hew North Osrnlina 6’a, 55; Coupon do ni w 55: Missouri 6*b, 93; Ohio and Mississippi Cer- Michigan. Southern, second, 9fc Toledo and Wabash, secona, 75. Coal Statement. The following Is the amount of coal transported over the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending ihoxbday, Dtc. 6, 1866; Tona.Cwt. grom Fort Oarbon ....... — 6 863 08 “ . POttsvflle. : - 57 (y> “ 11,374 00 “ Port Clinton „ OO Total for week 19,70110 Previously this year „ 1461,114 17 Total.. ........ . . 14U416 07 To same time last year 1 nni 710 Qg Bales at Fimaifleii BABES AFTER 12000 Snsq Canal Bds 68 I 100 eh Ocean Oil 4)4 11 eh Mlnehlll-B ESisl lah do 6£|)i 1 Eh Penna B 5434 - 3Sb do 54)4 4ah Wyoming V 54)4 400 ah Cataw pt 2834 110 ah do 2da 28)5 100 ah do -aSO 28)4 100 ah Feeder Dam 34 400 ah HeatonvUle B c 1434 600 Bh do 7160 1434 SECOND |l5OO U 8 7-303 Aug 1(534 600 do 106)4 1000 V B 6*» *B2 cp 107 500D56-20’a’64 CD 107 800 City 6a new cap 9034 1000 do mnn 9934 1000 Dehigh 6a 1884 9134 500 Bel a. Del bds 8134 3 Cam a Am R 13SX j BBBBIBSB DABBS. M T. HE WES & BROTHER, PLTJMBEBS AND GAS FITTERS, , NO. 413 NOBTH EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. (nov3-3xnos| Bep.lrtng of-*ll kinds at short notlca. Orders through Poet Office will receive prompt attention. JOS- COUNTRY WORK ATTENDED TO. ad LANOABTER, ~ ~ GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF, Ektabushsb IK 1828. CORN, OATS and MILL-FEED epid Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to all parte of the City. edMy {? a KNIGHT A 00.. WHOT.tCRAT.V! OTtnfTPrpa, ma Cor. WATER and CHESTNUT tdelphla. Agents for the sale of the Prodnctaof tht Sputhwark gngar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugar Hqpsb, of Philadelphia. jaMyr PENNSYLVANIA WORKS.—ON THE Tiler.* I WARE river, below PHTLAdet.pttta . - CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. Engineers and Iron Boat bonders, * Hanu&ctureis of CONDENSING AND N ON-CONDENSING? °EN- Iren Vrasela of all Boners, Vats, Tanka T. REANEY, wfa I ?^NKY’,*S. i .ARCiHIEOLD, B gSs\fe*-ggi J» VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. TT. MTramnri JNO. E. COPE. B<S®l§tff8 < S®l§tffi I>BT - FniTH "» WAHH MTgRRKTg £ SONS, ENGINEERS AND HAOHZNI9TS. Janufectore High and Low Pressure Steam tbr Land. JUver and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanka, Iron Boats, Ac, Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Rooftror Gas Works, Workshops ana railroad Stations, Ac.. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and mosi up roved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery; and logsr. Saw and Grist Mills, Vacnom Pans, Opes 'team Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping En tities, dp. Sole Agents tor N. RUlenx’s Patent Sugar Bolin, apparatus, Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer an? Vsplnwall & Woolsay’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar braining Machine, . ■ OAB FIXTURES.—MISKEY. MERRILL A Ur THAOKARA, NO. 718 CHESTNUT street ttanntoctnrers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac,, Ac. uould call the attention of the public to their lam uid elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers, PeudanEi Slack eta, Ac, They also introduce Gas pipes Into Dwellings and Publlo Buildings, and attedd'to extend "t. titering and repairing G*= pipes. All work war. ranted. . ■ ]e»q ujceb a. wnisHT, Taoßstrosr rutn. ouskuku j OBISOOK. THEODOBE WBI9HT. VBANE h, STXAIS, PETER WRIGHT A SONS, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping aad Commission Merchant,. No. 115 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia! DRIVY WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—ThI l only place to get Privy Wells Cleanned and Data (SBtcd, at very low prices. A. PEYSSON. Manufaciurer of Pondretts, Goldsmith 1 , Hall. Librar. prut QALT.—LSOO sacks LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT O »ao soosacka Fine Balt, afloat, and tar uli b> WORKMAN ,m.mw>lnnl WJ HITE CASTILE SOAP,—loetooxea genuine wh s il Casdle Soap, landing ftom Brig Pennaylvan a from Genoa, and fbr sale by JOS. B.BUBSIER * OO 108 South Delaware avenue. /TELAION, TAPIOCA AND SAGO-COX'S Scotch VJ Gelatin, Rio Tapioca and East India Peart Sago landing and fbr sale to J. B. bussueb coo ‘traiß Delaware-A venn, woo /YBOWN BRAND LAYER RAISIN A- Wholes vy halves, and quarter boxes of this spleodia fruit, landing and for sale by JOS. B. BUSSLEH & CO„108 South Delaware avenue. TKTEW PECANS.—IO bbls new. crop Texas Pecans, AT landing, n'eamablp Star of the Union, and tor sale by J. R. BTJBBIER & 00, 108 South Delaware avenue, , , Rostoo Butt. ■&£S£S3BgSgF&r^ COCOA,—I24 Bags Caracas Cocoa In l > ftora and for sale by JOHN DALLKTT A 00„ -128 Walnut street. ; ... * rpPBKST? FIGS.*—2S cases new crop, various grades. 1 tending and for sale by JOS. B. BUSS!KB * 00,. 108 BontfrDelaware .avaxne - - JVJPKBJAL FBKSCH PBUNBB.-W cases in tU J. camteteri andflutgr boxes, imported and for calf by JOS. BtßHttttiKß * €O4 108 BQOtlft Delaware ftfCOpfli Mila Ntoeu Baant, FIRST BOARD. 200 sh Maple Shade ‘ 234 EahDenlgliNv 55)4 |IOOsh. do. : blO 2834 tlO ah Ches a Wain 5434 IXOshScbNvpf S3O 3434 SCO Sh do S 4 WOSbßeadß ElO 6534 So sh do 5534 lOOSh" do 5531-100 100 ah .do b3O 5534 lot Bh do 2ds 5534 100 ah do 6534 100 ah do 1 b3O 55)4 BOARD. 100 ah Sch Nav prf as 8334 i 100 ah do - 830 34 7 ah Penna B 5434 Bah do 5434 : 100 ah Reading B b 5 5534 ; 10C ah do as 55 31s I SO ah 13th <fc 15th St E 19% r lOOah Catawissa Pfslo 28 1100 sh do 28 roiwaane suing; Ij-CUggaagan RjAnrKKTKtrT.B...,. Jmat TBirerg lot nor wranffi^HHAKo^^® ll the cahadab. toadS? PAsasjjaKK dticblsatthefoHnwtaaboina: M-U “ "“•■■• ™**» HOBSIN6 AOOOHODAUDHh tlras.^’ 20 tOl Beading and ail Intermediate St*l pa&asj' *?•»*-*. arriving MOSHIHB EXPRESS, _AI BJ6 A,lL,_for Beading, Lebanon, Hlnttne gottevllle t Pine Grove, Ttouwab, SmumiV. egmSSSB! train oonnecta’at HBADIErs with the »—» Pennsylvania BaOroad trains for Allentown. Jbv- Md with the Lebanon Valley train for HarrSbnre Ac.; at POST OUSTON with Catawlraa tndna for WUllamsport, Lock Ha>ren. Elmira. An.. it HABBISBUBG with Northern Central, Oamberliuta Vaßey, and Schnylkfll and Susquehanna trains fox York, Qumbeabnrc, Plnegrove, Ac. . ■ AJn®RNOON EZFBBSSBe _Xeaves Philadelphia atgJOP.lH.for Beading, Potts. ** _ EKABUSG ACCOMMODATION. P. ** Phnadeiphla leave Harrlsbnrf at 900 AJ K., and Potteyille at 8,45 A. M.. orriyin* to PhUadS- Pl'Jb at 1.00 P, M. Afternoon trains leave Harrlsbnrc nBffi^RSSS? 6 .* *■“ R *■« .™53 Beadlngwith Afternoon Accommodation southat&so P. H.» arriving In Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Market train, with a Passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45 noon &r Tipping and aQ war A, M.TandDownlngtown ■ IkjO pTm. for FhilndPiVftite. and all All the above trains rtm daHy. Snndays excepted, Smtoteaina. ieave Pottsvme 8.00 a. M.. and Philadelphia at &lfi P. K ; leave Philadelphia, for Beading at M., returning from n—iiiwg P» £Lt " ; • • • • OHJaxjm VAUxET HAn.mun Bowjunpown ana lntercedlatepoinla SSS? “ d JJB AM. and A 39 p. M. trains ftym PhUndOohlm.retailing ftom Downingtown at 7.00 A. M» 180 22 30 fIOQB. ■ NETW YORK TgypßTOHj iwre pi'i»mi«TPaTr-atm - • xnnl wmt. leavea New York at 7, SAJLand 8.00 P. SL,passing Reading at 1.05.11A3 AU.. and 1.48 pm, and flonnffrt an Harrlsbnnrwlth Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago. WO llamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. • ' " ■ Retailing. Express Train leaves Harrisburg an arrival of Pennsylvania Express from PlttaburglLat 3 and 8.05A.M.,9.15 P.M. passing Reading at 4.40 and HIES A. M. and U;3OP.M. arriving at New York in a . nr Mid 2.15 P. M. Bleeping Oars accompanying these trains through between Jersey CltyandPltobnrKh. without change. Mail train lor New York leaves Harrisburg at 2JOP. K. Mall train far Harrisburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. ■ • VALLEY Trains leave PottavlUe at 7, 1U39 A M. and 7J5 p. ar., returning from Tamaqna at 7.35 A M., and 1.10 and 1.15 P. M. ■ BUHUY UrTT.T. AND SUBQ UKHANNA RArtVßfun Traits* leave Anbnm at 7.50 A M. for Plnegrove and Harrisburg, and at IAO P. M. tbr Plnegrove and Tre mont; re to ruing from Harrisburg at iL. and trim Tremontat 7.BSA.Hr. and SJSP.M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and nmtpant hbm. to all the principal points In the North and West Qanadas. The followlne tickets are obtainable only at the OfHoo of S. Bradford, Treesnrer. No, 227 Sooth Fourth street, FhUadelghia, or of G. A. Nlcolls, General Bnpertatend; ’ COMMUTATION TKKETB. Detween any pointsdeslrad Mrr.gigß TICKETIS, all pleach. SEASON TICKETS, - - For three, stz, nine or twelve rnrmoti tat holders roily, to all points at redneed rates, Crr.iCßflYWing Bteldln t on the line of the Bosd Win be tarnished with cardi, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half-Sue. EXCURSION TICIKJffiS. 1 From Philadelphia to principal stations, rood-fin Saturday,Sundayand Monday ,_atrednced fire, toba had only at the Ticket Offlcaaf Thlrtafmth and Osnow hm streets. • . r FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the abort points from the Oompany'sNetw ’Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. • FREIGHT TRAINS.: leave Philadelphia dally at 550 A. SC, 12.45 noon and *P. M.,fbrßeaain*, Lebanon, Hartabars.Pottsvins, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. , doee at the Philadelphia Post Office fbr an places on the road and Its. branches at SA. IC, and fin the print Slpal Btaaons only at 3,15 P, SC - , ... SHW:eSS) LVAI,IA CENTBAI WImEB ARRANGEMENT. The traißß of the Pennsylvania Central leave the Depot; at Thirty first and Market streets, which la reached directly by the cars of the Bmet Passenger Bailway Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway ran within one square of it. ON BON DAT? S.—The Market Street Cars 'leave Front and Market streets 35 minutes before the de parture of each train. • MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver Passage at the Depot, orders left at the office, No. 631 Chestnut street, will receive attention. * TBAPJ3 LEAYg DEPOT, VIZ.: MAID _.at 8 00 A.M. PAOLI ACCOM., Nos. 1 A 2, 10.C0 A. M.&1L20 P. M. FAfcT LINE & ERIE EXPRESS at 12.00 SL PABKSBtJRG TRaIN . LOOP.M. HARRISBURG ACCOM at 2.30 P. &L LANCASTER ACCOM .at LOOP. M. PinSBURGH* iBIR MAIL at 900P.51 PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. at U.OO P. M Pittsburgh & Erie Mail leaves dally, except Satur day Philadelphia Expressgleaves daily. All other trains dally,except Sunday. Passengers by is ail Tbatn go to WllUamsnort without change of cars, and arrive at Dock Haven at B.IOP. M. Passengers by Hah. Trajn go to Carlisle and Chambersburg without a change of cars. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, 631 Chestnut street. TRAINS aBRIVB AT DEPOT, VIZ : CINCINNATI EXPRESS ....... ..... at 12.50 A. M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS * “ 710 " PA Oil ACCOM., Nos. 1 & 2..MW&20A. M„<&7 10 P. M, PABKSBUBG TRAIN .... ™.„at 9 20A.51 LANCASTER TRAIN “ 12.40 P §! FAST LINE ; ... no DAY “ 5.50 “ HARRISBURG AtXOM .......... “ v 8.50 •* Philadelphia Expires arrives daily, except Monday. Cincinnati Express arrives daily. All other trying daily except Sunday, Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 7.00 A. M., and Williamsport at 8.40 A. M. reach Philadelphia, with* om change of cars ; from 'Williamsport, by Day Ex press, at 5.50 P. M. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume ariy risk for Baggage, except for Wearing rel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dol lars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. For further information, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent 631Cbestuut street,’ SAM PELH. WALLACE, i leket Agent at the Depot. an Emigrant Train runs dally, except Sunday. Fbr full particulars as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, 137 Dock otreetT^ E5iC!8£32355R Philadelphia, german AND NORBIStOWN* RalLj- OAD TIME TABLE.—On and after THURS DAY , November 1, 1566, until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11,12 A. M.:l. 2* 3.15,335. 4,5, 6.10,7,6,9 10,11.12P.M. Leave Germantown-6.7,7>5, 8 8^0,9,10,11,12A.M.; 1,2.8,4,434,6, 6H. 7,8.9,10.11P.M. f »bea2udown train, and the 3K and ££ up trains will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9Js minutes A M.; 2,7, and IOJfP. M. Leave Germantown—Bls A. M.; 1, 6, and 9J£ p. M. CHESTNUT-HILL RAILROAD. Leave 6,8,10,12, A. M.; 2, 33£, 5J£, 7,» Xeave|Chestnnt-HIH-7.10 minntee.B,9.4o,and U.4(h A. M.: 1.40,8.40, 5.40, 6.40,8.40 and 10.40 P. M. • On SUNDAYS Philadelphia—9.ls minutes A. M.; 2 and 7 j.eave Chestnut Hi 11—7.50 minutes A M.; 12.40.5.i0t and 9.25 minutes P.M. FOR CONSROHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6,8.55,1105, A. M.: lK t 3 6.15, 8 05 and iiH P, M. . **' o? ** Leave N0rri5t0wn—5.40,7,7.50,9,11 A. 11; 1%. 4)4. and 8 P. M. x The 5h P. H. train will stop at Falls, School Lane* Wissahickon, Manaynnk, spring Miii« andOonaho hcckeaonly. ON STJFDAYS, Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M.; and 645 P. M. Leave Koirlstown- 7 A. M„ 5 and 8« p. M. „ FOB MANAYDNK. Leave Philadeiphta-6, a. H.; Hi, 3, 4 X, s ii, 6.15,8.05 and II.K P M. leave Manynnk—6lo, Vi, 8.20, 'Vi, UJa A. it.; 2.5, 6&andB>4P.M. 1 ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia—9 A. M. ; 234 and 646 P. M. Leave lianas ou*-.734 A M., s>s and 9 PM. 'W. 8. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot. Ninth and Green streets; fglPßßßrHhttU WEST JEB9EY RAILROAD LINES, from foot of Market street upper Jj'tjtrj, commencing MONDAY, September 24. 1866, . • LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWS; For Bridgeton; Salem, Millville. and all intermediate stations, at BA. &£., Mail. 3.30 P. M.. Passenger. For Woodbury 8 A. M. f 330 P. M., and 6 P.M. For Cape May at 380 P, M. , ' . • ; BKTtTRNIKG TBAHS 8 LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A.M., 840 A. AMP. M. - Brideeton at7.C5 A.M. and &20P. M. Preig!it6.3d P» M. * someday. »v .virwtj- ~ «j 4 w®m^ y ‘ ho *»? . nteae^L P < Office foot of Market street, £h lladeloMaar. la t \ $■ JQ ■' - 1 ■ •