BUSINESS NOTICES. WB ABB BEIiLIHB, •VXgccAie w. Piioe lest year |!0 -so n n 16 60. 2640 » •• 20 00. “ •* ■■ 90 00 n 26 00. " . 86 00 » •• 90 00. •• •• . •« 0600 m “ 35 00. ; “ " . ■' 80 00 3BBKIMEBB C0A18......1 8 60. “ » “ *l2 00’ l. ■> 9 00. “ •* HOO .. •• 10 CO. •• •• » 1500 •• •• 11 00. “ •' * 1500 « “ 12 00. “ n c» 18 00 •• <• 14 00. : “ •• “ 20 00 - '• 10 00. “ " 2100 •• " MCO, M. " M " 6 00. " " “ 7 58 " « 6 M. " " " 8 60 • • • . JOO. " “ “ I»00 " ;<•' BM. " “ 12 M ii 9 00. ■ " 1 “ M M «• ” - 10-00. 7»BT- SO. i$ , « 3 00. m “ 4 00. •i « 5 00. H » 6 00. 'We have to far tie larsest and best’assortment of Weatoi Youtirf and Boy.* Clothing In Philadelphia, Which la betas replenished to large dally additions, manufactured of goods purchased recently at much less than out, and haying reduced all stock on hand ■jo proportionate prices, are as «se above numerated. ' row 18 TBE 'THIS TO BUY—E3ICES'CAN BE NO XOWKB. . BaIiF'WAY BETWEEN Y BENNETT * CO„ FIFTH -AND }■ TOWEB Hitt. Sixth Sts. j Mg MabkEt Btebet. B. B. Bv-KsDV/AY’B BEADY BELIEF.—TO BE need on all occasions of pain or sudden Sickness, Im mediate relief and consequent cure for the ailments and dlseases> prescribed, is what the Belh\e guaran tees to perform. Its motto is plain and systematic: j t vrUl surely cure! There is no other remedy, no other Liniment. no kind of Pain-silt,kb, that will check pain so suddenly and so satisfactorily as Kai>- wav’s Beady Belief, It has been thoronghly tested mthe workshop and 1b the held, m the conn ting room and at the forge, among civilian-s and soldiers, In the jrsrlor and In the hoßpl'al, throughout all the varied elimes ol the earth, and one general verdict has come home: a she moment Badway’ t Beady Benefit applied externally, or taken inwardly, according to directions, bain, ftom whatever cause, ceases to exist.’" Use no othe r kind lor Bpkatnb or Bohns, er ScAins. or (Jots, Cbaeps, Bboises, or Stbains. It la excellent for Chhblains, Mosquito Bites, also Stings op Poi boocs Insects. It is unparalleled ror Son stbokes, Apoplexy Bheohatish, Toothache, Tic Dobou xbttx, Inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels. Bidnete, &c. Good for almost everything. Ho family ehould be wlthont It. Fellow directions and a speedy erne will be effected. Sold by Druggists. Price 60 cents per bottle. no2l-w fm?dn and vicinity, to he had on application, gor sale In Philadelphia only, hy _ M7-tfj crsicKKEme pianos in kuropiu.—hans TON BTJLOW, the great German Pianist, by letters last received from Europe, proposes to play only the gHICKERTNG PIANOS during his concert tour In She United States. w. H. DUTTON. BtS4-tf2 No, 914 Chestnut street. PIANOS, 'i GEO. BTEOK & CO’S, cete-/ PIANOS. PIANOS, Vbrated Pianos, for sale only-< pianos PIANOS. Jby J. E. GOULD, ( PIANOS. • Seventh Mid Chestnut, —A CHICKEBING GRAND PTATff). ■flggfolayed by Scambati, the great HI * I 'of Europe, at Florence, Italy, I eoraldered superior In all respects tothe Inatrnments Of Broad wood * Erard, hitherto regarded as the beat te the world. Sew Booeu 914 aeistf ■ CHICKEBING GRAND PlAtora, New Soßle Ghickecing GamdliSasfa **•«?. 'Pianosare acknowledged the beet ihITTVf I England, Germany and Italy.- Notice the great testi- Xoonlalß received from Europe In Augnat last. Mae. nmcent collection of these Instruments. . ". CBICKRRING BOONS, #l4 CHBBTNCT STREET. OOS-tfj W. H. DUTTON. . OBGANS. 1 These beautiful Instruments OSBINET ORGANS. 5-are made onx.y by KASON CABINETOBGANB. JhaMI.TN, and for sate £ Philadelphia, only by 3. E. GOULD, - ' Seventh and Chestnat —mr ■ TILE CHICK EBING TTPRTOTrr ■BH3PIANGB possess quality of tone andßjuSS «l *1 'amount or power next to the GrandllTCTl fT'ano, and ate particularly adapted to the Parlor bib Boudoir or the Study. These beautiful Instru- TOrlety ’" 016 muckering Boetns, 914 ' i» ■ ww l ■■ KINDT ■& MANZ’S Arch street. t—aaww OJEtBANB. MKLODEONB, TrWT,rr, Y -j Mra r y JSTYLEL—The oeleorated Gem Organ |TtM , 6C2C»tf j , STo. 914 Cfreetnnt street. ■a^o£?§T?3&F rIFDL NBW STYLE KSEEB arrn SOK PIANOS, seven octaves; charming tene; HI * I 'guaranteed durability; very low price. * 8H CHESTNUT BTRKET. W. H. DUTTON. ?rjNan!' BilO’B. elegant inatrumeata SffsSi - moderate m price, I hove dealt In for PIAKOB, J lonrteen years, and give a ave years’ guarantee with each. J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut BULLETIN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER?. 1866. THE GROWTH OF THE CITY. It is very clearly within the memory of citizens who are scarcely yet middle , aged, when the business portions of Phi ladelphia were in much more narrowly circumscribed bounds than they are at present. Second street was the great re tail thoroughfare, where drygoods deal ers sold their wares with the full convic tion that it would be fatal to their inte rests to go a single square further west ward.. A few adventurous mechanics and dealers, such as hatters, boot makers, tailors, stationers, &e., went as far west as Third and Fourth streets; but the portions of those streets occupied as -shops were very small. Jobbers in hard ware, dry goods, &C., occupied Market -street; but even upon this busy thorough :fare dwellings were numerous within .thirty years. Arch street reposed in a •quiet respectability that was scarcely broken by a single store. Eighth street was dull and drowsy and without a single -shop to enliven it; while dwellings even svere but thinly scattered bet ween Tenth street and the Schuylkill. All this is •changed. Second streetholds its own as a retail street, and it stretches out its almost unbroken miles of shops and stores from below the Navy Yard to Richmond, and forming, probably the longest uninterrupted line of stores in the world. Trade has overflowed into the streets running parallel with it to the westward, and there are now many busy .thoroughfares where the most ad venturous shop-keeper would not have thought of locating himself a few years ago. But Eighth street is the greatest marvel of all; for from one of the dullest j streets in the city; it has been trans- j formed into one of the busiest. Its re- j tail shops extend from Spruce street to I sidewalks are constantly I thronged. Areh street has also thrown off its old quiet, and elegant stores now I both sides of the noble thoroughfare the Delaware well on to Broad 1188 4>lso grown west v Chestnut street, and there are Mk x i«Mreß where but a very few v sat enthroned in fan? I from the innovations of | f business of the city has “ “ 15 00 “ “ "14 00 >• " " 500 “ “ « 6 00 “ “ *■ 7 B 8 " “ “ 9 00 ■ “In all of the States civil authority has superseded the coercion of arms, and the people, by their voluntary action, are main taining their governments in full activity and complete operation. The enforcement of the laws is no longer “obstructed in any State by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judi cial proceedings;” and the animosities en gendered by the war are rapidly yielding to the beneficent influences of onr free institu tions, and to the kindly effects of unre stricted social and commercial intercourse.” General Sheridan, in his report to General Grant, makes the following statement concerning the condition of the public mind in Texas: “The condition of the civil affairs in Texas was anomalous, singular and unsatis factory. I found the Provisional Governor, backed by a small portion of the population had for his standard of loyalty “abhorrence for the rebellion and glory in its defeat;” while his successor, as actual Governor, had tor his standard of loyalty “pride in rebel lion—that it was a righteous but lost cause being overpowered by the Federal forces.” Both of these representatives of the civil jaw, entertaining opposite standards for the loyalty of their subjects, I was required to support, and did it to the best of my ability but it has been embarrassing in the extreme’ Governor Hamilton, the Provisional Gover nor, was clamorous for more troops, and in several communications to me asserted that the civil law could not be carried out; that freedmen would be killed and Union men driven from the State without military sup port, which I gave whenever it was possi ble. Governor Throckmorton, the present Governor, wants all the troops moved irom the settled portions of- the State, asserting that the civil law was all'right teat justice would be done to freedmen’ Union men, and our soldiers in the courts But justice is not done. To give you an in stant of this, two soldiers were shot at Brenham, Texas, about two months ago they were unarmed, and offered no prevoca tion. The grand jury could find“no*ibiU against their would-be assassins, but found a bili against Brevet Major Smith, 17th In fantry, for burglary, because he broke into the house of some citizen in his attemDt to arrest these men. y I. B. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnnt. W. H. DUTTON “Myown opiaionis that the trial of a white man for the murder of a freedman. in Texas, would be a farce, and in makiae •this statement I make it because truth com pels me, and for no other reason* “Itls straDge that over a whitJhmn.kiUed by. Indians on an extensive frontier, the greatest excitement will take place, but over the killing of many freedmen in the settlements nothing is done. I cannot help but see this, and I cannot help but tell it to my superiors, no matter how unpleasant it may be to the authorities of Texas.” The former is the opinion of a man whose information is drawn from dis loyal sources; the latter of a man whose own eyes have seen, and his own ears heard pf the barbarism and disloyalty of a people upon whom Mr. Johnson is fully prepared to confer all the rights and privileges of loyal and patriotic eitizens. V. H. DUTTON. Yesterday, in Common Council, the ordinance providing for the better con trol of the Fire Department was referred to the Committee on Fire and Trusts. The convention of firemen, who are un willing to be subject to the control of the lawful authorities, desired to have this disposition made of the bill, so that it ! ““M thus be “laid at rest;” but the citi zens, will not be satisfied with any such smothering process. If members of Councils prefer that an irresponsible body of men should do as they please with the property of the community, rather than that they (the said members) shall risk the chance of not being re-elected, it should be known, and no smothering in committee will satisfy the public It is only fair to state that Mr. Nickels, the chairman of the Committee of Fire and Trusts, yesterday declared that the com mittee would make a report upon the bill at the next meeting of Councils. The public will expect it, and it will also ex pect such action upon the part of its official representatives as will put a very emphatic dissent upon the extraordinary assumption that any body of men shall set themselves above legal control, and do just as they please. oisownse “small bt degrees,-’ * c . There is not in history or in fiction such a lamentable instance of repudia tion as was exhibited in Congress yes terday, except, perhaps, in the case of Thomas Pepper, whose habit of lyi n « was so decided and incurable that he was kicked out of the dominions of his eatanic majesty therefor. During the discussion upon the subjectof restraining the President in his too free use of the appmnting power, Mr. Le Blond, a lead ing Democrat from Ohio, took occasion to wash the hands of his party of all share and interest in the present occu pant of the White House. He wished it to be distinctly understood that the Democracy wanted nothing to do with Johnson; they had not bene fitted by him in the late elections, and they were not going to shoulder the President. “Todo so would destroy any party in the world!" ‘ Poor Mr. Johnson! The party that TSEBAH.VEVEmNGBOLLETI N .^rHIU.DELPHr^ >RIDAT|nECEMRRH7IgRR tbas broken into the old domain of resi dences, citizens have Bought • for: homes in more distant localities, and West Philadelphia, Germantown and other . districts which our fathers would have thought entirely out of the question as dwelling' places for business men, have advanced'with Wondrous rapidity. The greatest pro gress made in any part of the city, is probably to be seen in the Fifteenth and Twentieth Wards. Where there were brick yards and open commons within a yery short time, there are now blocks of elegant mansions, and comparing the present with the recent past of the sec tions of the city named, the improve ments seem almost like the work Of magic. Philadelphia is confessedly the most comfortable and the healthiest of tbe principal American cities. It is second to but one in respect to population, and ahead of all in regard to extent. Judg ing by its past and present progress, it is not likely to lose its pre-eminence’ in this respect. JOHXSOJi VS.' SHEKIDAX. ! The President, in his message to Con-* greßs, says: THE fire bill elected him have-not left him, for he j went ontfrom among them; ait all events I they are how as far as the poles asunder. the Demooraoy taboo him, and . if .the pending bills in Congress .restr iC j; the appointing power so as to ex _ ertions to make loyalty o&briß, he will lose the only support now left him, to wit, the noble of office-holders. When this consummation is . reached, there will bejust one man in the John son party, and his name will be Andrew Johnson. Ihe Bistort Season. ; The “Medea” of Mine. Itistori, in which she makes her Philadelphia debut on Mon day evening, is by many persons considered oneof her grandest roles’ But she is so I versatile in her manner that it is hard to say in which play aheisbeat, and it is neces sary to see her in all, fully, to appreciate her extraordinary gifts. The Medea is not a play written on the severe, antique, classi cal model, though the subject is an antique legend. It was written for the modern French s f age by Legouve, the author of some of the finest modern French come, dies; Bachel declined to play in it, and it was translated into Italian by Signor Mon tanelli, for Mme. Ristori, who at once made an immense sensation in it, and has played in it, perhaps, more frequently than in any other. No one should fail to see her as “ Medea.” On Tuesday evening Mary Stuart will be performed. Seats may be secured for either of the first three nights at the Academy and at TrumpleFs Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets. French opera. This evening the company of the Opera Comiqne, of tee New York French Theatre, will appear at the Academy of Music in Herold’s beautiful and popular opera or Zampa, with Mile. Naddie and M. Armand in the principal parts. The beautiful one act opera of Le Maitre de OiapeUe, by Thomas, will also be played, Mile. Lau rentis and M. Wilhem In the principal parts. With snoh an attractive bill and very low prices, we feel assured of a full house. To-morrow afternoon Auber’s charming opera, \Les Viamans de la Oottronne, will be produced, with a most excellent Cast. Sale of Elegant Christmas Boohs. <* CO" of Ntw York, h.vesent Iri m their splendid si- ck 01 standard and Illustrated f TORN CRUMP, BUILDER. ° Ml CHESTNUT STREET. andaa LODGE BTR&ET. fra JS» WARBURTON, PABHIONABLK HATTER, «0 Cheetnnt street, selS-ly.tpj Next dOOTto PostoSce. N EWSi’APKR ADVERTISING .-JOY, OOBAOO - N. R. corner of FIFTH O preeecis; Jt takes time to makePhntn£.a3£ UK resort at once toB p RPTMWni. so Six 624 •Sispssa s a eU'th. rura1 ' JUauatV. Archttr^e'aaVor p*i> KNT GIF IS OF PKACTIOAI; U tTLTTYfn L rreferencato or fancifol device. ri ihiik create artificial wants and luxurious loneiDes f tSuSstssbHFS (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth?* 0 ' 835 »<#* ALABMB FOR THE CHAMBER~ANQ vm Traveler’s use. Jnst Imported by ■“*" FOB FARR .. ' 9« Chestnut street. de+lst.rpj [IPpsSSr kct io b&rs, tod ludlburclfi airtv rhniAA cLh°p U K W 0 “* VUgtatoSXftlSS OKO. F. ZEHNDKB, (Successorjo JOT. OOg A 00. t&s&ssssissass - MK3. K. BaYJLBY. 812 Vine atreet.abovß icigVitV Beis-amrpi 114 CABINET “OR. IN KICK liACS GOODS. No. 1016 Chfcatnntatreet. t*. JtMTCBBOK PXAHO& mTT! SS-aS OCS-tf4p — W. H. DUTTON. THK _ FAVORITE STBIMBOM n r t Ul l? ton wharf,at2P.M. Betnrntng leavia Brtatofat M btopping each way at BlVerton, TorMdlio a „ Muslaand Beverly, Fare, ; ' CC2$-tf? eery, plate. ODD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Coraer of THIRD and GASimL, BtaSS, __ Below Bombard- 1 WATCHES. JEWELRY, RBMABKABI.T IDw’S a^lml 841 AKO VERBAL BRRfiRTD ot No. K 2 Oheatnat Street J ‘ *" OA?EN ' UHIOKBRINQ SQDark pt a Bi?RB I t M? Oh ' 'OCSI»P r W. H. DPTTO\-. J'y -UUUaedtßiCl-KKs; ro7 „„„ 8. silver-plated WMe,»HBWPOLIBHISIQ powdSt? (be best ever made. Barramtrvi■ Si ' _£» bef^iS: CHIOEERING GRAND PIAWoa OH^N^TReIt. 1 ** 'ocfrtMp W. H, DTrprcYOT. NJ.W 'J'UKKJiiY PKON Hi-5, uujiitJN r.~*„ New Turkey PruDea, qua ity very fine? We’ OT ?w~ < urrants, Orange and Lemon PeelT New mono. lauding and for sale by JO3 B ? Brrs2fnT?'2! CO. 108 Fout-h Delaware avenue. ‘ * 11SSIKR cfi ROCEHILL&WILSON FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street.' FAT.T, ft UN GREAT VARIETY^ UKION LEAGUE HOUSE, PHIL ADA., Dec, 3,1861 LEAGUE HOUSE- At 8 o’clock, P.M. . GEO. H. BOKEB, SECRETARY, Elegantly executed In the Intel: novelty ofityle. Mason & uo.. aff Chestnut street. Plain and Inlaid, MASOJJ a CO., 907 Che3tpqt street. At very low prices. HASOM £ 00„ Vn Cheglnnt ptrwt A xncAl del ightfnl toilet water. *IASO« m pr ? ve { o be a valuable remedyfor Waierbraah. Eructation* £• Brown, Pllth ana Cheatnnt C. K. Keeney, sixteenth and Atch. Ambrose Smith; Broad and Chestnut, George c. Bower, Sixth and Vine. £• JtStackhouse. Eighth and Green, C. Shivers. Seventh and Spruce. Murphy B ed at f 1 bo ?‘ P n , 6 h»ir thetocos* R DutßL ANI 220 Pearatreet ' fcelow Third and Wal- . J» r « e ropply of English and Scotch Ales Por ler and Brown Stout, t nether with Jordan'iTi oIokS; led Tonic Ale, Fine Cider, &c., always on hand. I^|r A n™^ Q Sd° D sTru“ a a »oS? S on. square below the Exchange. HATHAIIwa Grace, established for the last fort* jlari, loan In large or small amounts, at tlmlowes*r2sf™ DUmonfls, saver Plate, WatcHS,, w er? ae6CI1 P u °n. Office hourefteS*’ A. iy. Mil « r. at. ' dett.tfro EUTIiisH, WEAVES a Manufacturers of .MANILA AND TASKED OOEDAGE, No. 28 North Water North Delawar H. W JZ : ' CtoggAP g« CIOTHI KB M- '£ES&EE l gjBBZ&* mK ' - 9H OHaaiNDT sibber -gsg-« p w-H. DUTTON, ROCRHILL& WILSON Fine Clotting House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. ®«eign and DflmestielWnfcsMade to (Wer, BeasonaMe* Serviceable sad Eastionable. &C.i &c. JAMES W, QUEEN & CO., 9 d?7#r^ HESTNU T STREET HATB, CAPS AND FOB GOODS, RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRIGEB, Barnes, Osterhont, Herron & Co.* Have now opened their retail Branch Btore and wills sell their extensive stock of Thwe in want of Good, .of this description CAN? ONE PBOFIT pnreluaing hereT^ NDIA CAMEL’S HAIR SHAWLS* INDIA SCARFS. No. 916 CHESTNUT ST. *5 sttCDtton of purchasers to hisri^ant India Scarfe Sve^^SStote* prices * - nou-mip ■XJjpii-TißX> STATES BUILDER'S MILL, Nob. 24,26 and 28 S FIFTEENTHS!,, PHILADELPHIA. _ FST/ER & RR< >THRTL B94CKBTB. STArw*PAr . JffSWBJj POSTS, QBNllBA!i TURNING oSrr shelving PLANED TtX < rS£SStJS e ifnreftasparrmentGf Wood Moaldln®. n this city con&tantiy on hand. nolfl 3mrp^ A IdJXTjBIAKT GKOWTh'by'toJNS 1 * o *® London Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer uoHoKi/% tt r London Hair Color Restorer- Reliable Hair London Hair Color Restorer _ . _ London Hair Color Restorer' Restorative Ever London Hair Color Restorer* _ . . London Hair Color Restorer Introduced to the london Hair Color Restore? American » i?£™ r ■ People. gg? fS?ggS;gggg: . Tor Eestoring EoadoS jffi gg Gray Hair and londSS g£ ggg §£££ Preventing gnd°oS |S && ggj*£- Baldness. gUdSS gg 'ggS ISgJ£ The Great SSffiJ gg? ggj* tSggSE Bnsnry of jSSaS BK£ iffigff. London §& SSIS gffiSff i Balr Color Restorer 2! TtSli t 0 lfcj original color, o’ tiair grow on balo heads. I' tJ 2Si restore the nataral secretions. r:ii w ffl w»ove all dandruff and Itchings. 5. It will make the hair soft, gl* ssy aadnexiblej S' preserve the original co’or to old age. n* prevent the hair from falling off. 8* It will cure all diseases 01 the scalp. _Cnly 75 cents a bottle, six bottles H Sold at Dr. SWaYNES’S, No. 330 North Sixth Street above Tine and all the leading Druggists and Dealers In TnilaL Artist*. se22s.m.wrtft^ M. A. TORKBY, ifflft PUhort rtmi ROCKHILL & WILSOH FINE OLOTHIM HOUSE; ' \ Ceaeluaen’s Coats. HUMM COATS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, OPERA GLASSES. GOLD SPECTACLE?. .. Children’s Magic Lantems. IDBAWING INSTRUMENTS, OPERA GLASSES. tiTust Received, A large and well assorted stock of I'LNJB OPERA. GLAfiSES made by M. B ABDGU, of Paris, for sale by o,w,a.tßumpleb, AOT CHESTHUT STS. FANS. • FANS. JUST BEOEIVED, A SKff AND ELEGANT A 8 i- SOBTMENT OF ' Kitchen & C 0.,, -- ■ ; \S r pF r ‘ T ent E Chestnut Ets^, 500 GALLONS OB FRENCH OLIVES AND 100 Cases of PINEAPPLE CHEESE. DAVIS & RICHARDS* GCSMO arch AND TRUTH SIRRED;. 8. B. cor. Pourth anfl Chestnut Sts., Hats, Caps and Fur Goods AT RETAIL, At Wholesale Prices. INDIA SHAWLS. GEO. FRYER, The most Coaehnei’* Coated