Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, December 06, 1866, Image 5
BECONp EDITION. BY TELEGBAPH. EUROPEAN NEWS. Latest by the Atlantic Cables, ITALY AND THE POPE. A New Envoy to Go to Rome. The Times on the President’s Message. The Alabama Claims Commercial and- Financial' Affairs, ARRIVAL OF THE ASIA INTERESTING FENIAN NEWS. Seizures of Arms; &c. The English Press on - Amsrica. HORRIBLE CRIME IN WHEELIN'G.VA. A Little Girl Murdered by her Mother. Ul£Bl NEWS BY ATUSTIC CABLE. [By tie New York Associated Press. I Southampton, Deo. 5, Evening.—The steamship Saxonia, from New York,, ar rived here late this afternoon, * Tbe Mission to Rome. FioftENCE, 'Dec. s.—Signior Vegezzi has declined the Mission to Kome. and a depu tation will he sent in his place. Assistant Secretary Fox in England. London, Dec, s.— Assistant Secretary of the United States Navy, Mr. Fox, is visiting the British navy yards. He is received every where, with a great deal of courtesy, and 'afforded' every reasonable facility to compare English navy yard management with that of the United States. The London Times, in an editorial of this morning, folly agrees with the polioy of the President of the United States,as set forth in his annnal message to Congress. It frankly' declares that the Alabama case ought to be settled promptly and amicably. It expresses deep regret that the whole scatter was not compromised, and thus disposed of at a much earlier date than the present. Commercial Intelligence. Livebpood, Dec. 5, Evening.—The ttet ton market is steady; sales to-day 10,000 hales. Middling Uplands, 14d. ' Breadstuffs markets remain without change. HANOVER. Hanover, Dec. 6.—The Ex-King of Han over, by the advice of the English Govern ment, has released his officials from their oath of allegiance. Liverpool, Dec. 5, evening.—The pro vision market is doll and declining. Tal low is inactive. Petroleum—The closing quotations are ss, 6d@€s. London, Dec. 5, evening.—Consols, closed to-day at.BBJ for money. American securities—The closing quota tions for American securities are as follows : U. S. 5-20 s, 70J; 111. Central shares, 771; Erie R.R., 471. The money market closes quiet, and con sols are still quoted at BSA, Arrival of the Asia at Halifax. [To the N. Y. Associated Press.] Halifax,Dec. 6. —The steamship Halifax, from Liverpool and Queenstown, arrived here last night. She brings dates up to the 24th and 25th. Eighteen of her passengers are for Halifax and sixty-five for Boston. The Paris correspondent of the London Horning Post writes as follows: According to French despatches, the time is rapidly approaching when the relations of Great Britain with the United States will be more than difficult. This must be known to Her Majesty’s Cabinet, if not by the public. The police at Cork seized a case on board a steamer from Liverpool, which' was found to contain-fifty new rifles with baronets attached, and bullet moulds, &c. A man named Tracy, in the employ of the firm to whom the case was addressed, was arrested'. Th'e naval; authorities at Queenstown seized 'a coal-laden schooner from Cardiff, on suspicion-that arms'' were : concealed among the cargo. She was searched, but, it is reported, that ho arms were found. Numerous arrivals from America at Queenstown attracted, considerable atten tion. At Limerick, on the 23d, ten men were arrested and a large number of pike.heads and a large quantity of bullets were seized. A rpan named John McPherson' McGul vany,-supposed to be an American Fenian agent; was arrested in Dublin on the 23d, immediately after cashing 'an . American draft for £950 on the Hibernian Bank. A revolver was found on him, but no documents. Mr. W. Durgan, an extensive Irish con tractor, has made an assignment, for the benefit of his creditors. The estimate of his liabilities run as high as one million sterling, hut it is reported that his assets are so favorable, that the estate might pay 2o shillings in the pound sterling. The Dublin 1 Police are all armed with six chambered revolvers.. It is rumored "that numerous arrest will be made at once. The Jamaica Revolt. Mr. Charles Buxton, M. P., having -pub lished two scandalous letters addressed to him by Lient. Brand,who presided over the Jamaica courts-martial, denouncing him (Mr. Buxton) for his strictures on the pro ceedings in! Jamaica, the Admiralty have ordered that copies'of the letters be sent to Commodore McClintock, in Jamaica, with instructions that if Lient. Brand is unable to deny the authenticity of the letters he is to be superseded and:; sent to Engtand, as having been guilty of conduct inconsistent with the character of an officer and gentle man. The Paris correspondent Pall Mail Gazette says; that of the vessels which will sail next nionth to bring home - the troops, twelve aj;e steam transports and eight are frigates turned into temporary transports. - * The/London Times has no doubt hut that' Maximilian ‘has. abdicate], and looks for ward,to intervention by the Government at Washington ae the next step; that in ter yen- " non will be popular‘instead of uhbdpalar v N Tfifi DAILY ; and cheap instead of costly; that the Ameri cans will enter the eonntry as friends; they will hunt its enemies and thus render civili zation possible and transform that commu nity into a civilized state. Yhey will have this advantage also, that, they will seem less like invaders than their predecessors. This will preserve the name and form of a Mexican Bepublic, and pro feebly Jeaye native Mexicans as its ostensible ruler. The weekly, greturns of the Bank of France show an increase in the cash on hand of over fourteen million francs. ThePatrie says that the visit- of the Em press Eogenie is bv no means given over. ITALY. ! Earl Russell was among ifce distinguished English diplomats at present in Italy. He is shortly expeotedat Florence, PRUSSIA; It isreported that a meeting of the North German Parliament has been fixed for Feb ruary Island that the Governments allied with Prnsssia have been notified of the fac t. A bill has been introduced into the Cham ber of Deputies regulating the Austrian and Prussian frontiers. ; (The crew of the abandoned brig E. M. Dyer was taken off the 'wreck by the .brig Meg, off Cape Hstteras, which vessel reached England and landed the second mate and two colored seamen, the only survivors of the crew, the others having died, having been ten days without feod before being rescyroV' _ Commercial. Liverpool , Nov. 24.—Cotton.*— The brokers’ circa*, lars report saleß of Cotton for the w*ek ending Friday Ttemarket has been firm and gene* unchanged., Of the above sales, spectators took w.QOOard exporters 15 000 bale*. The sales yesterday reached 15,0c0 bales the .markets closing with an ad tendency, speculators and exporters took 6.000 tales of yesterday’s sales. The following are the authorized quotations: _ , Fair, Middling* ;••••■• - J6«d. l«4«i. Mobiles lsjjd. 14yd. Uplend...; ,15yd. 14d. The stock of cotton in port is ascertained to be 617,500 pales—of which 388,000 are American. novices from Manchester are unfavorable. The markets there for goods and yarns being-very dull and nominal. Bread Stopfs—BJchardson, Spence & 00. and the usual authorities, quote flour quiet and steady. Wheatbuoyant at'l3s. 3d@l3s. 9<L per central for winter Ated. Westcn aod Souihera corn advanced one shilling and still tending upwards; mixed western 4(w. per quarter. Provisions BJgland, Athaya <& Co, and others, report beef easier. Pork flat. Bacon quiet and steady. Lard, dull and declined 6d. Batter firm. Tallow quiet Produce.— Ashes, quiet at 85@4te. for pots and pearls. Sugar firmer. Coffee quiet andsteafiy. Bice active, but ttockscarce; prices advanced 6@9d. There is a large speculative inquiry. Linseed firmer and advanced Is; Linseed Cakes ad vancing; Cod oil, no sales; Linseed oil steady at 40@465. Bosin steady at 9s.rSd.@os. 6d. for common. Spirits of tnrnAPifpG Q"iet*t4o(§ais. Petreleumdull at ls@ls. 7d. for refined. London markets London, November 24th.— Breads uffsFtllladvarcing. Floor 64@68 for Vinter red. Sugar firm. Coffee firm. Bice firmer a d ad vanced 6d. Tea dull at 11 for common Congou Iron dull at £5 £s.@£s 10s. for - rails, and £5 Sa. 9d. for bars Linseed ad v&ndng. Linfeed Cakes buoyant and advance ss.' sales at £ll IDs.@£l3 lEa. Spirits of .Turpentine quiet at 430 for American. Petroleum inactive at la.fid. x*m seed OH steady at 38s @3Bs. 3d. Sperm Oil nominal At 365. Tallow dull at 445. wtk 'Tbe bullion In the Bank of Jsmgland decreased £608,500. Shipping Intellljfeßce. Arrived firr m Philadelphia—Nov. 16,Ocean Steed, at Leghorn. Nov. 21, Bazaar, at Scheldt. Nov. 20. Iron sides and Esther Sydenham, at Antwerp. Nov. 2?, Elgin, at Deal. Arrived from Baltimore, Nov 21, Everiliaand Celes tina, at Antwerp. , Infanticide at . Wheeling, Va. tßy the U. S. Associated Press.] Wheeling, West Va., Dec. 6.—A des perate infanticide was enacted at Packer’s Hotel last evening. A married woman named Nugent from Marrietta, Ohio, mur dered her little girl’ three years of age, and afterwards attempted to commit suicide, by taking opium, Thu cause of tbe deed is Supposed to be domestic trouble. From Toronto.' . [By the New York Associated Press. J Toronto, Dec. 6.— The authorities have received information of an intended raid on the old jail, previous to the 13th, for the par pose of attempting a rescue' of the Fenian prisoners. Extra precautions are being adopted, and no visitors, unless well known to the authorities, are admitted. A battalion of volunteers composed en tirely of employes of the Grand Trank Rail way were mustered for drill, in full uniform, last evening, and presented a fine appear ance. They have recently been supplied with arms, Ac., and drill regularly and con stantly. Information has been received here by telegraph that the steamer Baltimore, em ployed in the Canadian flour and produce trade, between the Lower Province and Portland, has been wrecked and is full of water, at Fog harbor, near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. From Ottawa. fTo New York Associated Press.] ' Ottawa, Dec. 6.— The Ridean canal is now closed for the season. The scheme for the construction of the Murray canal is again revived. The engi neer is now surveying the locality between Presque Me, Herford, the bay of Quinte. The Ottawa SnowShoeClub was organized last night. The Ottawa garrison battery being raised to its new strength, is made efficient. From Georgia. [To the N. Y. Associated Press,] Millrdgeville, Ga., Deo.6.—TheHouse passed bills granting State aid to the Mus cogee and Air-Line Railroad. The House also passed resolutions of thanks to the citi zens of Kentucky for their donatisn of corn to the poor. I : Reception of Admiral Palmer. [To the N. Y. Associated Press. J Charleston, S. C., Dec. 6.—Admiral Palmer, commanding the North Atlantic Squadron, had a reception this morning by ihe.Mayor and military authorities. : Gov. Perry on tile Amendment. . [To the N. Y. Associated Press.] s Charleston, S. C., Dec. 6. Governor Perry publishes another letter against the Constitutional Amendment, advocating s general convention of all the States. Sliip News. [To the New York Associated Press.]: Savannah, Deo. 6.—Cleared—The ship Thomas FreemaD, for Liverpool; the brip Mark, for Boston; the schooner H. Keene, for New York, and the steamer Famine, for Baltimore, and William Tibbets, for .Bos ton, Arrived—The schooner Amos, from New York, and the brig Charles Poole, from Boston. ; Markets. [By the N. Y, Associated Press,] to York. Dec. Bth.—Cotton Is firm and in fair de mand; bales of strict middlings at 320. 6th.—Cotton is quiet,With fewsales. Middlings at 82c- Cham.eston.S.o., Dec. 6th-Cotton is steady, and in lair demand: 480 bal» s or middlings, at 32@syxc. COURTS. -Qdarteb Sebsionb Judge Brewster. William Wittemyer pleaded gnllty to a charge of larceny, and waß sentenced to six months’ Imprisonment, - 'was acquitted oi a charge of larceny. William Smi'h was convtc'ed of a charge of stealing five dr ten of eggs v Sentenced to two months. ■ DaniS Riley.was convicted of a charge of stealing Sentenred toonOyear In the ConntvPrison, -. : Jat was convicted ef a charge of assault aqd battery upon a policeman, and sentenced to three 'IDOStOfIr - ' ~ i Win. iHaiklna was hony Icted ofa charge of stealing .wearingapparel. The defendant took charge of I carpet bag containing Ciothtr g at the Baltimore de pot. : Sentenced to two j ears imprisonment. convicted of a charge of larceny ayd leittinicddjoithree months. ’, laaaoebance was convicted of a charge of lwcenv. and sentenced to one year. Lnke Sullivan waaconvicted of a charge ot larceny, and seDterced to oneyearr , ■” Lewis Baber was convicted of a Charge of ihroanv and sertenced to one year. - - ‘ .Oharles.Senibr was convicted of a charge of larceny and senior ced to six months in the’comity prison ■ ’ i Alice Wilson wa< committed of a charge of larceny and sentenred to six months. VfcNING BOtftjggU4 —PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1868. lE. WALRAVEN, viieinciiM, W9’ [diestrmt A Fresh Imputation of CHOICE LiCI CURTAINS, Tapestry Bordered Term, SATINS AND SATIN DAMASK, Host, Crimson, Bins, Green and Gold, all of the newest designs for CURTAINS FUBNITUBE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES COLORS AND STYLES. NORTHERN CENTRAL BONDS. Having disposed of the larger portion of these DESIRABLE SECURITIES, We wUlcontlnqe to offer them Only till December 30th, (if not previously disposed of), AT THE LOW PRICE OF 89. After that date, should any remain unsold, the price wil be advanced. DREXEL & CO., No- 34 Sonth Third Street, de6tdesM ; WE OF FEB FOB SALE. 1 , $250,000 7 Per Cent. CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS OP THE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUN TAIN RAILROAD AND GOAL COMPANY; AT* 79 *bovb price will YIELD THE HOLDERS NEARLY 9 PER CEVT PER ANNUM AND AID TWENRY-ONE PER CENT. TO THE PRINCIPAL AT MATURITY. SCR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO . SAILER A STEVENSON, Banker#, No 131 South. Third Street, de4-6ti sp Opposite Girard Rank. NATIONAL BANK OFTHE REPUBLIC 809 and 811 Cheitnnt Street, PHTtAO gTYPTTTA, Capital $500,000, Foil Paid: DIBECTORB, Jos. T. Bailey, BenJ. Bowland, Jr., Wm. H.Rhawn. Wm. Ervien, BamL A. Blsph&m, Nathan Hllles. Edw. B. Orne, Osgood Welsh, Fred. A. Hoyt. PRESIDENT, . WILLIAM H. SHAWM, OASgraa, JOSEPH'P. MUMTORD. ocio 3mrp 1865 5-20’S . • v EXCHANGED FOR 1862’5. and market difference id price allowed. yjys, EStfk, 188l’a. io-to’s and , Compound Interest Notes Bought and Bold, DREXEL & CO., 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET. BAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIB MANUFACTORY. The lunit and best assortment ot Wig* Long Hslr Braidi ami Water-falli, Viotorine*, Pri i cettec, Plußiva Beamtfor Lxdlaa. at prices LOWER than elsewhere. Imhlfrrp ; 909 CHESTNUT STREET. 2S3HigKB£KS» &M'rSSte l g tta WnjJAM CRAIG, President. ■ Pit'iiCß CULLEN, vice Prateftt*L SOBEBT J. imntt. Secretary. xrsaiaiEi ■sssfssg^." JOhnDaliettjJr., J. JcdSaton^wm HTikeriicn, Samnel A. Bulon, Mason HntohinsT _ I'SS&S’fgkW ; .., . Psarsmisetup. m •JUUS COUNTY FIRE INBUHANCM OOKFAHT> usjriua NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH gram • BELOW mmTSUIT, _jtbb im Insnranoe Company of the county ot PhUsdaphla. l ’ Incorporated by the Legislators oi Pennsylvanteln 1888,for Indemnity affStRS £ damage by fire, exclusively, n n _ : - CHARTER PKRFTgrnaT.- . °if 1114 teUable institution, vrith ampls oapltal Si bS?S?S^ t #JSMS* reftay invested oontmnestete SSriF: S£KSwS*" Iswsee adjusted and possible demtoh Sj^aimS 44 ®* l fawtoL. HaakU, JoeephMroi*, SSMSgft. C ALT.—SjBOO Saoks LIVKRPOOL GROUND uid /~tOTTON AND.LINEN BAIL DUCK of every wldts » f ™teOßStosix feet wide, all numbmaT Tent anf awning jfoak, Papermakers felting,. BaU Twine. Ao. JOHN W A 00., . ■ t v . Vft .lee .Tense’s ana*’ \V c ABTILE BOAP^-lOtt^oxesgennlnewh > ” iehdlhg ftom Brig Pennsylvan a »niribr sale by JOS. B.BUB&CEB AO9 les Booth Delaware avenne. TT f THIRD EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. Great Britain and the Alabama, UNSATISFACTORY DESPATCHES. THE SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Congressional Proceedings From Washlsgton, ' [Special Despatch to the Bulletin.;) Washington, Dec. fi.-fft is s tated that the last steamer from Europe brought the reply of the British Government to Seward’s des patch In regard to the Alabama. It is un derstood to-be evasive and unsatisfactory The special committee recommended by Republican canons are to be appointed at once, and most searching, investigations in stituted, A large amount of important evi dence is now in the possession of Congress Secretary Seward has comm nnlcated a fol explanation to tbe French Minister of the occupation of Matamoras by Gen. Sedgwick The Retrenchment Committee have un earthed several transactions which affec persons occupying high oflicial positions. Canadian Affairs. [By the New York Associated Press J Montreal, Dec. 6.— The Bank of Mon treal is abont to withdraw its agency a Chicago, Tbe imports at this port for November amounted to §1,730,000 r being a slight de crease from the corresponding month of last year. XSXlXtb.Congress—SecondSession. [To the New York Associated Press. J Senate.—Mr. Trnmbnll (Illinois) re ported favorably from the Judiciary Com mittee the bill of the House, to repeal the amnesty power of the President, and asked its immediate consideration. Mr. Hendricks. (N. Y.) objected, dnd it goes ever. Mr. Wade (Ohio) called np a bill of the last session, toregulatetbeselectionofgrand and petit jurors in tbe Territory of Utah, which was ordered to be printed, with amendments. y Mr. Poland (Vt) gave notice that on Mon day he would call up the Bankrupt Biß. Ordered, on motion of Mr. Grimes (Iowa), that when the Senate adjourn to-dav it be to meet on Monday next, J WUson (Mass.) gave notice that he would can up next week a joint resolution to disband and prohibit military organiza tions in the rebel States. Adjanmed. ° f “r. Washbnme (ny. the Post Office Committee was in structed to inquire into the expediency of conferring on the Post Office Department the same jurisdiction and control over the various telegraph lines now in operation or hereafter to be constructed, that is now exercised over post offices and post roads— and to report by bill or otherwise. The bill for the regulation of appointments and removals from post offices, came up and was postponed until Monday next. On motion of Mr. Pike (Me.), a select committe of three was ordered to inquire into the circumstances of the murder of three United States soldiers in Sonth Carolina in October, 1865, and of the reprieve and sub sequent pardon of those convicted thereof Mr. Dawes (Mass.) introduced a bill to fix tbe election of members for the Taesday after the first Monday in November, ISOS, and the same day in each alternate ye'll thereafter. Referred to the Committee on Elections. On motion of Mr. Elliot (Miss.), a select committee of three was appointed to proceed to New Orleans and institute an inquiry ihto the riotß there in July and August last. ■ O n motion of Mr. Wilson (Iowa), the Ju diclary committee was instructed to inquire into the necessity for farther legislation in regard to the organization of the House and the counting of the electoral votes. On motion of Mr. Kasson (lowa),thesame (Mmmittee was instructed to inquire into the propriety of directing martial law to be proclaimed in counties in the rebel States where Union men have been murdered and the.laws not enforced against the murderers. Marine Intelligence. [By the U. S. Associated Press.] Mobile, Ala., Deo. s.— Arrived, Schooner Mary J. Adams for Boston. ■ Savannah, Deo. 6.—Cleared, steamship Wm. Tibbitts, for Boston; Fannie, for Bal timore; ship Thomas Freeman Owens, for Liverpool; brig Mariposa, for Boston; schr. Alfred Keene Robinson, for New York. Arrived, brig Charles Poole Sherman, from Boston; schr. Ames R. Ames, from New York. The latest Financial News. „„„ _ ißy the V. S. Associated Press.; York. Dec. 6,—mo market ooened lower l iS§£S&- E ?, ch J ulge ’ lfl9 *C'U. s Coupons Regia) *i. S- OOD P° na ’ S’a. Regis Amotonpoiia.lOS!,'; TentPorties, Regis Coapfra, ICjD@ICO«; Seven-Thiriias. ! 95 i'J' e w 6 s, lffiJigTlOSJ,; Teuuessee's, 97; IS @WSLCaroifna'B 93?i@93; Boston Western UoionTelegraph 9® ulr *li U’ Jit * ne. TUi; Hudson. 120; ** Michigan central. Il2@ii2!g: D tto <out!,) wratoSSo“ : @s^ e . 1 “ d “ ld plttabat Sb,S-i>.'@st: NortU- Marketa. I To New York Associated Press.] Nxw Yobe Dec. 6.—Cotton quiet, batfirm, at 3% a Sr'£'.., 5 H °°ll and unchanged; sales of 7.0 0 barrels. dull and.uookanged; sates of HooobusheU Li rn dnili Bales of as 000 bushels Western at,l la Oats Pork dull. Lard dull and uo ebanged. Batter quiet. Whisky dull and unebane-d. ~ dHE, I)ec. 6. —Gbid, iS9.ts; r.terling exuhnnge lCo?.@iO9k; ateight. liojf; U.b. btvetwenies of 1862, conponsdesy: of 1861. 10- » of 1885,107;,': or 1855 new ", ,ne ;JP?k; Ten-fbnlss, loo: Seven-tweatlte. Urst se ries, 10o*i; second series, 105‘j; Missouri, es, 9>y. Money rates at i@7 per cent. Active loans excep tions 1 at 6 per ct Slocks dull and weak Canton com • any. 46E; Western Unl.n Telegraph ' '0.45;.-; Erie H. 7iy : B.adlngH R. 1U; Mlooigan-Soutbe u 80; Pittsburgh and Clevelsnd. Sl’ai'ijbtcago and Reek Island, I031j; Cumberland Pretermi t; N v.cen p'*l ill fai Hudson River 8. R, iai»j: Michigan Central, 112; Illinois Central 1171,; Toledo,112; North vesteru ? 'ji Pit'sburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago lOiy. Bos) ton Waterpower, soy, Halttmohi-: Dec. 6.—Grain is steady, with light re ce,ptt; floor Inactive chi-ogo brands very be-vy ctov.iseed eteaoy; fiaxseed.|3 10; provisions drb'p' ing; mess Poi k{22©22 50; cm meatsneg«ctedandnom ii'Bi;, grnrerles declining In sympatuy with gold; whisky dull. [By the United States Assoclatfd Press.] ~B ^iL T I I I OBE* Pp c 1 Fjour’of all grades i 3 in very limlted-demand and maiketstlildownward.partlcu larly lor spring wheat flour. Mess pork dull at J>t@ -2 5.* tor new: sales of bacon, shoald-rs and Bides are reported, at sc,y material concarsions on previous traneactlons.' Bulk meats ate scarce butno inquiry ior shonlderr or sides, ’t he cofl'ee market Is well sup ■ plltd wi'b Ri« tnd dull. In sugara some large sates have been made to reaners daring the past two days, bot prices, which are understood to be lower, have hot been: made public. Cotton—Middling Uplands are quoted at 83. winsky-uty and Western.s2 3d@2 37ii; country. 12 25@2 28 .„) A l: f- TON - D-c 6 —Cotton - Bales of 477 bales, at : Tlemarketsteady aod'bedemand fair. 1 h-VANNAH.Dee. C.—The Cotton market qui-t. thuugh there la no change in prices. But ibw trausactlons are reported. •. Honn/E, Ala.Eec.s.-Sales today 2,800 hale* M'd dlli gat 30@3l cents. Cleslr g dull. Immorality of Liverpool.— Liverpool in 11:64, though jt contained only one-forty fourth of the population; hafione seven’h o the drunken cases in all Eoglandand Wales It shows one case of drnukenness for every thirty- three of the, popnlation, while). Blr mivgbam shows only one in'every two hiin dred and thirty-two. 8:30 O’Gloak. Washington, Dec. 6.— The Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle and Sentinel says—“ The Press of Georgia and South Caro Una unite in sustaining the Associated Press, having refused the reports of the so-called United States and European News Association.” New Yoke, Dec. 'i tive to-day, and is an Tune. 10. XO.C6 10.09 10.13 1014 10.16 ’ * 10.19 1020 10 30 10.35 10.36 10.40 10.41 10.44 10.50 10.55 10.58 10.59 11.00 11,10 11.11 11. IS From Boston. [To ihe N. Y. Associated Press.] Boston, Dec. 6. —Attorney General Beal : has given an opinion that it is the duty of the Governor to give a certificate to General Bntler as a member of Congress elect from the Fifth Congressional District. He says that by the record Benjamin Butler, of Gloucester has a plurality of votes, and that the Governor has no right to go behind that record and mate inquiries as to his residence. The question was* raised by Mr. Northend, of Salem, who ran as the opposition candidate. Boston, Dec. 6. —George W. Rower, a policeman; has been held to bail, for trial, charged with burglary. It is alleged that he robbed the hat store of O. F. Sage, of several hundred dollars worth of furs. The S'ew -Yorh State Press and the Asxo z elated Press. [To the New York Associated-Press ] New York, Dec. 6th.— The following is a copy of a resolution adopted by the State Associated Press on Wednesday, Decem ber sth. Jlesolved, That the State Association will continue their present relations for news reports with the City Associated Press. A. M. Clapp, President. E. H. Roberts, Secretary. XXXI X«h COXGBESS-Second Session. [By the United State* Associated Press.] Washington, Dec. 6,1866. Senate. —A number of petitions and me morials were presented and referred to com mittees, among them one for an act author izing the Commercial Navigation Company of New York, to build a line of steamships. On motion of Mr. Morrill (Me.), a bill to provide for the defence of the northeastern noundary, was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. On motion, Mr. Anthony, a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims, was i eferred to the Judiciary Committee. On motion, Mr. Poland ,(Vt..), a bill in re gard to protecting duties, was referred. Mr. Edmunds (Vt.) presentedajointreso lution from the Vermont Legislature, re commending impartial suffrage. Laidonthe table. An act to suspend the law in regard to criminal proceedings was referred to the Judiciary,Committee. On Motion of Mr. Wade (Ohio!, the Senate to oh up a bill in relation to regulating the selection of jurors in Utah. It was read a second time. Mr. Howard .(Mich.) offered an amend ment, and ashed that it be printed with the bill. Laid on the table. The .resolution providing seats for the re porters of the New York Associated Press, and the United States and European News Association, was referred to Committee on Printing. - Mr. Poland that on Monday next he would dail up the Hoosi bill to form a uniform system of bankruptcy through out the United States. Mr. Wilson (Mass.) gave notice that.early next week he would call up a bill to dis band tbe existing militia organizations in (be so-called rebel States. On motion, the Senate adjourned at 12.30 P. M. - *• . . ■ House.— Mr. Cooper (Tenn.) moved that Mr. Thomas, who contests the seat of the sitting member from the Sixth District, Tennessee, be admitted to his seat on the Hoor,. pending the decision of the House.? Agreed to. ■: Mr. Thayer (Pa.) offered a resolution call ing on,the President to inform the, .House whether any portion of Mexiean terrlthry bas been occupied -by the. troops ,of the United. States;, andif so,bywhatanthority an d for what "purpose. The' resolution was laid over under the rules. FOUEfH EDITION. ,BY TELEGRAPH. FROM: CANADA, SUICIDE IN WASHINGTON. Latest Gold Quotation®. From Canada. [To the 19. Y; A.'jicclated Press.] Quebec, December 6tb.—The Governor General leaves Kere to-night for Montreal on his -way to England. Captain Martland, of theßoyal Engineers, fell and broke his leg while skating last evening. The British American Insurance company, which, with the exception of the : Quebec Eire Associa tion, was the heaviest loser by the fire in October, has settled all claims satisfactorily. MoNTitEAn, December 6th.—The Gazette of this morning says that Secretary Sew ard's letter respecting the’Eenianprisoners Km excited deep anger in England,and that President Johnson’s message will not allay this feeling. Suicide. [To the IT. Y. Associated Frees.] W ashikgton, Dec. 6.— George W.Bruner, of Philadelphia,formerly a clerk in the War Department and ; latterly department re porter on the Evening Star, committed sui cide "to-day by cutting his throat with a razor. Attempted Bobbery. ITo the K. Y. Associated Press.] Keenk, N, H., Dec. 6.— An unsuccessful, attempt was made last night to enter the Ashuelot National Bank, in this place. The burgiais broke into the banking-room, and attempted to enter the iron door of the vault by drilling through it two holes, bat failed to even disturb the padlocks. After exam ining the drawers in the bank-room, and finding nothing of value, they left. 1 he Associated Press. [To the N. Y. Associated Press.] Tie Sew Tort [By the U. S. At >. —Gold was very so rted as follows: Time. 1391 11.21 A.M. 139 i 1394 11.24 139 g 1391 11.28 i39i 1395 11.28 139? 1391 11.30 1391 1394 11.35 1395 139 11.37 139 J 139411.40 1394 1394 U. 58 1391 1394 12.12 P. M., 1395 1391 12 15 1394 1394 12.16 1394 139 12 30 1391 138 J 12.33 1394 139 12.37 1394 1384 12.38 1394 139 12 39 1394 1395 1250 1394 1391 1.16 1394 1394 1.30 139 g 139tr-2.00 1394 4:00 O'Oldolr. Sold Bstket. (delated Press.] Gab fixtures.—MiaßEY MTCTmrT.T. * THAOKABA. NO. 718 CHESTNUT alreet, ssanntoctsrers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ao„ Ac., - would call the attention of tbe public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers Pendants, Brackets, Ac. They Also Introduce Gas pipes Inter Dwellings and Public Enlldi ngs, and attend to extend ing. altering and repairing Gas plus. All work war ranted; ‘ ]aro TARES A.WEISHT. THORNTON FIXE. OLEHENV a BUIBCOIf, THHODOBS WBIBHT. VHANK U. BTSiI A. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, '-TV Importers of Earthenware, .. and Shipping a-d Commission Merchants, - No. 116 WALNUT Street, Fhllafl»ipti«] - PRIVY WELLa— OWNERS OF PROPERTY.— TIte A only place to get Privy Wella Cleansed and Dlsm. tooted, arvtry low prices. A. PEYSSON, Manntoctnrer of Pond-retts, - . -XnlSßmUh’a HsU Wrest ATMOBE’B MtNGKD MEAT.-The undersigned are now receiving Into store, the above celebrated- - Minced Meat, put qp in Firkins ofSB and 68 Be., also In, Barrels and Gfass jars, and are prepared to furnish It to the trade at the lowest manufacturer's’Prices ? jaw ; - B. BUSSIFB ACO, 108 South DelawareAvenuti • a" JP* Upe Cranberries landing and tor sale by J. B. BUSSIEr a CO.; lOSSouthiDefi; ■ ware. Avenue. ; boodybabs lpJo-30a!C4% ’.i ~ J ,-yf^ tetm ’ t,t^4^l w „»■ B-£W» »U>TB I. tttW »W cKIeAP & I ’,t i X QABDEK Jttd PATHQfSRT HQSS.tn^uit l . ,A* wbteb tbe t««otlcB cftSepottflc offered on Tuesday callm ou ibe Rfcrefary °f War for the n a mes o ron?rt e f n a th d drafted persons who failed to nA"4fef oper aathorlUes * was T> ißß ,L are9 ?l ntioD * caUi «is upon the Postmaster General to to the House the names of post masters that have been removed since the adjournment of last session of Congress and the reason for such removals, and if the salaries of their successors baye heen increased over the salaries, and if so, the reason for such in crease. Agreed to, and: ordered to be laid on the table. .. Mr. Taylor offered a resolution to instruct the Committee on Invalid' Pensions to in spire into the expediency Of re-organizine the Pension Bureau, which was agreed to. . The Speaker announced that Mr. Wii hams’s bill to regulate appointments to of fice which was in order for to-day, would now be taken up. Xiatiest Financial - Intelligence. [By the U. U-AsScciated Press.! New Yosk, Dec. e-2 P. Jf.-Stocks are dull and 1“ “nt. Sterling Exchange Cbleee o *«•1.103% MltwaSkee, Frarle Eatsborgh. Ft. Wayne & Chl *£*>S> Chicago and Alton, pref d, llu% SUlwaakie 1' Fscldc Mall, lest Mew York inch. Southern, Cleveland & Plttabnrgh. A'Ti Tv el ?r ll s?’£ o *HF' b s2 and Cincinnati, l'O; Chicago W., 5f% do. PrePd, ■ 76% Toledo, 112% Boston Water Power, Central American Transit com* Mawposa. prefd7M% QafckSww. 44% Adams a Express, 75;. American si oniri> i p n e 5h d /? ia <floS6d 64 Csflfernla 7s^ ld Carollos 6!. SS, 6z coupodb; XJ s. 63 188 L imtuu 108% TJ. 4 ei, Coupons; 113; 5» I08?a» 5*20 conpons. , 6s,iG7&: 5*20 coupons,new issue, igs 7 -''* Treasniies. Missouri 6s. 93. V; Ohio cirtiScates r 29 yS , Erie, 4th, 92>i;Harlem, Ist, looiELuoson, Ist, 102J£; Markets. fßy the United States and European! Associated Press. 3 NiwYoK,Dec.6.'—Cotton quiefcbnt Arm: middling Upland?, 33J$; middling Oileans, 35@>£c Breath <inltefirm lor’common of Whim. The -medium and good grades favor buyers. Sales i0,2t0 bbls. at *7 Ewaiiis ini $7 5C@llBO - for- Western, slocq}il 15 for hoop Ohio; Southern dull and drooping* sales of fhr ;or common, 7o@i6 £j£f c, .,“! d tx l n - Co™ la ami. Wheat more .Prices -without decided change- Bales of 06,ct0 bashels. Barley rather more steadv* of ♦ 27 f OO J>n*hels of Canada West at ,1@95 cents, in bond,- closing . dull. Corn low f£, 93.000 bashels atsl 14 Si lirt lp PiL g * Mixed Western in ft i3(gn 15 l^^\^ te L cIOS ai l t G slde qaotaUoSis.andit $1 15 for white western. Oats drooDinv rot-. of 36 no boshela at 61@62 c-nts for Chicago, and MU wankle CStgfo}.. cents for Etates. Pork firmer, aa'f? 2 «3 barrels, at |2O K@l2l f,.r new mesa, and *2o @j2o 50 for old, closing at 520 67 cesh for old; prime *i 3 - Iffd lower; rales 13 too barrels at ll@l2;i cents. Whisky quiet. Freights rule firm and quiet, sterling Exchange steady. Money market active at 6@7 f, cent . om UUidLETOi. Kobbebt at a Dance — This morning, before Alderman Beitler. Msgg*e Gowan, otherwise known as - Continental Msg.” was charged with the larceny of ,695 In money, a promissory note for 8530 ?“l,5 no i^.f ot . e ai* 1 - 50 ". ,be Property or Frank lewis of Frederlci, Md. Mr.Xewis was at a dance 15‘A** p. lace - and got into a difficulty with some I?, DB “s‘ Meg seized him, tore offh's clothes and itls f’Jfsed, took the money. She was arrested last.even mg, at Seventh and Pine streets, by Beeerve Officer r* l ® hearing this morning Bhe was identi 51Mohan**' lewis ' Bna waa committed In default of ■alea as pnuadi > SAXES ATJTKB Al5OO City 6s mnn CAP 99 a 500 do new 99J, 1000 do ' 2 cert S3}i 500 do CAP 99Jg 5000UH6-208 >65 CO Jy 106 2;00 Sch Nav 6s ’B2 83 3000 Bead mgt 6b 92% 7 sh Ccmm’l Bk 55S 72 sh Cam A Am sep 49 _ , SECOND »looeTlßr-30s JnlyltSK 1060 do . Jane 105 K 600 U 853 10-493 tep 100> 3 ' loco do Wgls BS look too US 6S 1881 cp nsjr 100 U.B SUB «£ Cp 107. 2tooCity 6b new cAp' wki I - - b 5 WUSInt 551^ 200 8h do ' 2ds 553 i ? | 34 Sh gtg 32 LIVES POOL—Ship .Tonawsoda, Julius—l7sB Mis ACo; M3Bbft 8 iron 98 Mis sctoU do J J & Q QUllngham; 268 bdls steel H DlsstOn: 117 P>gaethw A P Eberman; 140 cks soda ash 28 drums caustic do Yam all <fc Tilmble; 1491 bam iron S96Mls do Bobert Liggett &Cc; s cs machinery B GarsedA S°« 8 Y? tasoSaashB& W Welsh; 34cratesethwB K Wilght; £OO hxs tin plates 100 do terce do 50 bxa black plates 27 cks sine23o Ingots 50 slabs tin N&G Taylor <fr ’ u^J > £ lBh .?°P * ron 2S2bdisbar doSteever & Whit- f ker bXB i l 9 P la, es K Trotter & co; 480 Mis bar iron lQ2fo rod do 287 hoop do Wm F Potts: S4obdls hoop iron 405 do rod do Albert Potts; 5 cfca hdw Paul J Pield: 1 csk nails 84 bags do Laing & Magisnls: 2 bales webbing W P Wilitach A Co; 1 truss n cs machinery WoodAGarnett; 28 bdls steel 10 J do 51 bam and 6 cases AM E Watson; 6 cks stag waste Hioes & Co: 9 do hdw* Co; l case mdse C 8 Keyser, 1 do coarse do W H Horstmann ASddb; 7cha ethw Brown. ShiolevA Co; 3 sachs seeds 4 cks do Collins, Aideraoa«fc Co: 77 cs it acblnery 3 castings do 1 axle l wheel R D Wood: 1 $? 98 machinery2pkga do W Yates; ldodoSdodaC Beny; 13 bxs Un plaies 1 crate handles 5 ingots 1 bbl 1 hhdtmHW Buttervorth; 3S crates ethw 2 casks do Ashury <fc Young; 2600 bags salt Cope Bros: 8 crates l cask ethw Btirk «sBoar; 118 crates ethw WG Pierce lease carpeting H lugersoll; 32u bxs terne.plates 223 ?° u sjJ < i ss s feB ? oda *sh 184 pkgs ethw 253 Mia sheet uron oC9 de bar do less do hoop do 692 d o rod do 2359 bam doscs works of art €OO kegs bicarb sid&ioopigs lead order. BUBUMifISB CARJUB. 'yyiLLIAUT. HEWES & BROTHER. PLUM BEES AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, (ATOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. [nov3-3masj Repairing of aU kinds at short notice. Orders through Boat Office wm receive prompt attention. MS' COUNTRY WORK ATTENDED TO. -gg aO. LANCASTER, “ GRAIN ■STOBB, SPRUCE STREET WHARF, Bstsbt.twhbp is lass. CORN, OATS and MILL-FEED sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to aU parte of the City., asr.ly- RC. KNIGHT a CO.. TimT.lBUT.il! GBOGKB& ,S- H Cor. WATERand CHESTNUT BtrBeU,Phl£ anetphla. Agents for the sale of the Productsof th» Southwark Sugar Refinery and ,'th* Grocers' Bn*ar‘ House, of Philwlßlphla. • 1 PENNSYLVANIA WORKS.—ON THE DEL A: A WARE river, below PHXLADET.PTTT*-. UHEBTER. Delaware county. Pa. REANEY. SONAOO. Engineers and Iron Boat “ ■ ’ Manutocturers of . All kinds of CONDENSING . AND NONrCONDENSENG EN GINES, Iren Vessels of all descriptions, Bollers.Vata, Tanks, T. REANEY, W^ , KEAliBY'i*S. ABOHIBQLD, Late of lists Reaney. Neato A Co., Engineer iSchial. Penn Works, PhHa. u. a Niyy? J. VAUGHAN MEBBIQK. WM. H, MEBBIOK] ■ JNO. E. POPE tfSSlffifSSSgP®*** l !*® ‘f® WAHH - PHTLAIHIiVKU. MERHIOK A SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Aanntoctore High and Low Pressme Steam Engines tor Land,River andMarlne Service. BoUers.Gasometers,Tanks. Iron Boats, Ac, Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. W6ltD '' Workshop, site **■*»*•>* “<“* _ Every description of Plantation Machinery; and Sn*sr- g*w and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Owes Steam .Trains, Detonators, Filters, PumpSgdSn {lD6S| CtCi Sole Agentafor N. Bnieox’s Patent Sugar Bollrr Apparatus,- Nremyth’s Patent Steam Hammer anS AsplnwaU -A Woolieyts Patent Oeatrttogal Sugar Draining Machine. . phla Bteekßeanh FIRST BOARD, 20 sh Penna B S4 3 f 52 ah 13th A 15th St R 29 200 sh Reading R bfiO tofi 100 sh do boo s oft ICO sh do . 55>r 100 sh do 553£ sjshPte&Mecßk Sown 134 BOARD. 82000 Lehigh 6s 1884 93 2) sh Lehigh Nay sep 62»i 5 sh Hinehill R &B>f 100 sh Reading R *